The East Side Voice - East Side Lutheran Church
The East Side Voice - East Side Lutheran Church
The East Side Voice February 2014 Volume 15, Issue 2 Pastor Bob Chell to preach February 16th! St Dymas Lutheran Church, our congregation behind the walls of the South Dakota Penitentiary, has a new Pastor. Pastor Bob Chell began his ministry their this past October, succeeding East Side member Pastor Marlin Wangsness who retired. Pastor Chell will be preaching at East Side on Sunday, February 16 th. He will also be presenting our congregation with a beautiful plaque in appreciation of our support of this important ministry. The plaque was crafted by inmates at the penitentiary. Efforts to organize the first St. Dysmas of South Dakota congregation began in Spring 1988. Pastor Ed Nesselhuf, who spent three years as the founding pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) first "congregation behind bars" in Jessup, Maryland, came to South Dakota in 1987 as pastor of the University of South Dakota's Lutheran Center in Vermillion and assisted with establishing the same model in South Dakota. Penitentiary officials were receptive to the idea and then Warden, Herman Solem, took part in the first meeting regarding St. Dysmas of South Dakota in November 1988 at Grace Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls. The more than 50 people who attended the meeting expressed enough interest to create a New Ministry Profile. That document served as a guideline for the ELCA Division for Outreach in approving the creation of this unique ministry. Throughout 1989 groundwork was laid and the ministry received final approval from the Department of Corrections in Fall 1989. That same year, the South Dakota Synod of the ELCA began the process of searching for a developing pastor and forming a steering committee made up of members of the inmate population. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit and with much prayer and discussion, the process led to calling Pastor Leroy Iseminger to start the congregation within the walls of the South Dakota State Penitentiary (SDSP). He served the congregation up to October 1999, remaining as interim pastor until April 2000. On Ascension Day, May 24, 1990, the first worship service was held at the Sioux Falls SDSP. On April 22, 1991, members of the prison congregation selected the name St. Dysmas of South Dakota. It was chosen because Dysmas is believed to be the name of the thief who, as he hung on the cross beside Jesus, asked to be remembered. It was hoped that, when people heard the name, they would remember those in prison who often feel forgotten and abandoned. Allison’s Dance Academy will perform a liturgical dance at the beginning of all three morning worship services on Sunday, February 2nd. East Side member Kristin Ziegler is a dancer with the group! East Side Men are invited to a special breakfast on Friday, January 31st at 7:00 pm. Chef Ted Dempsey will be cooking a meal for us! If possible, let the church office know if you can attend so our chef has an idea of how much food to prepare! VOLU ME 15, IS S U E 2 THE EAST SIDE VOICE PAGE 2 Valentine’s High Tea WELCA Fellowship February 10th at 2:00 pm Galilea Isabel Prieto, daughter of José and Ashley Prieto, who was baptized on January 5th. A presentation on the history of tea, given by Judy Cook. Nevaeh Rae Mamboleo, daughter of Omari and Becky Mamboleo, who was baptized on January 12th. Hats and Gloves optional. Reece & Emily (Miller) Chambers who were married January 4th at East Side. Elias James Myott, infant son of Cassandra Vanderwerf and Austin Myott. Graveside services were held on January 2nd at Hills of Rest Memorial Park. Gary Herll, whose funeral service was held January 28th at East Side. St. Dysmas Lutheran Church is currently seeking office help for 2025 hours per week. Basic computer skills are required in MS Word and Excel. Please send resume to St. Dysmas, East Side Lutheran 1300 E. 10th St. Sioux Falls, SD or via email to St. Dysmas serves the men in the SD State Penitentiary. Our office is located at East Side Lutheran in Sioux Falls. College Scholarship Forms for the year of 20142015 are available for pick up in the church office for those seniors graduating this May. All church member students in college are eligible for a scholarship if they are attending a 4 year credited college. If attending Augustana please let Gigi know as soon as possible, so you are allowed matching funds from Augie. These scholarship are provided by income from East Side’s Endowment Fund. VOLU ME 15, IS S U E 2 THE EAST SIDE VOICE (given by friends and relatives unless otherwise noted as of January 27th) PAGE 3 The Voice is the monthly newsletter of East Side Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It is sent to all members of the parish, and others upon request. It can also be downloaded from our website. East Side Lutheran Church 1300 East 10th Street, Sioux Falls SD 57103-1796 (605) 336-3597 Fax: (605) 336-8660 Staff Rev. Dr. Olaf Roynesdal . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Lon Kvanli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor Rev. Kermit Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Visitation Pastor Rev. Dr. Carroll Marohl . . . . . . . .. .Education Pastor Gigi Rieder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Manager Katie Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . Receptionist/Secretary Linda Hoeck . . . . . . . . . . . . .Membership Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator Jennie Hoefer . . . . Children/Youth Ministry Director Properties Michael Rieder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Custodian Mark Weber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Custodian Music Ministries Paul R. Griffith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organist Glenyta Hanson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Choir Director Linda Hoeck . . . . . . . . . Celebration Ringers Director Deborah Passick . . . . . . . . . . . King’s Choir Director Worship Services Sundays 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Radio Broadcast: Sundays, 11:00 a.m. (KSOO 1140 AM) The audio broadcast is also available on our website on Monday afternoon — VOLU ME 15, IS S U E 2 THE EAST SIDE VOICE PAGE 4 Linda Hoeck joins East Side staff ... We welcome Linda Hoeck as East Side’s New Member/Volunteer Coordinator! She replaces Kay Dammer, who recently retired from that position. Linda is a life-long member of East Side Lutheran Church. She recently retired from the City of Sioux Falls Finance Office. Prior to working for the City she worked at the Great Plains Zoo/Delbridge Museum as Volunteer Coordinator and Gift Shop Manager. Gospel Mission Lamplighters will meet at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church on February 21 st. The Love Gift is Noodles. All are welcome to the meeting! In 2013 the Mission served 85,000 meals, 27,500 nights of lodging, 115 Christmas presents for children, and over 600 Christmas dinners. What a great way to end the year! Sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards and kind wishes, the ladies in the kitchen who made my 90th birthday so special. East Side Lutheran has been my church home since 1943. My membership from Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Hills, MN, was transferred to East Side in April 1949. My family and I will always cherish these memories which are priceless. God’s blessings to all, Selma Rich East Side member Heather Peterson has been battling cancer for quite some time. She had a double mastectomy in December 2012; she then suffered third degree burns from subsequent radiation treatments. This past December it was discovered that she has 4 tumors on her spine. She has been seeking treatment at the Cancer Center of America in Chicago. East Side, together with some close friends of Heather’s, would like to help her in any way we can. We plan to: Host a Bake Sale for her on Sunday, February 9th during the morning worship times. Provide a meal for her and her family (three people) at least once/week. Obviously cash donations to help her and her family with expenses are always welcome. If you can provide any baked goods for the sale or if you (and perhaps a team) can provide a meal, please signup in the church office. Monetary donations can also be given there. Thank you. Please keep Heather and her family in your prayers. (Heather’s son, Payton Sudenga, was confirmed last October). VOLU ME 15, IS S U E 2 THE EAST SIDE VOICE PAGE 5 Listed below are the members of Service Team 1 they will be serving in March. If you would like to volunteer to be a lector or to help with communion, please call Evelyn Weidenbach at 338-0716. If you are able to volunteer in any other capacity, please call Linda Hoeck at 332-7506. Thank you for serving! Arlin & Jean Abbas Scott & Melissia Albert Shawn & Dawn Badger Roger Berggren George & Faye Boom Beverly Bradfield Paul Brown Paul & Mary Brude Beverly Daggitt John & Kay Dammer Kary Dammer Jeanette Foster Shirley Gaffney David Hagen Lesli Hendricks Tom & Lori Hendricks Junice Herschberger Norm & Barb Hines Lyle & Ingrid Hoff Jerry & Bobbi Jacobs Arlene Jaqua Renee Jones Ronald & Charlotte Kearney Debra Kluesner Darlene Lambert Daniel & Ella Lambertz James Lee Jim & Gayle Lee Roger & Nita Lien Butch & Sally Linton Nancy McMunigal Don & Janet Messner Larry Moe Amanda Oakland Lonnie & Nancy Peterson Shane & Nancy Peterson Michele Rasmussen Jerald & Christie Sauby Lynne Stack Virgil & Pat Stensland Dennis & Carol Warwick Larissa Wynthein Melanie Wynthein Dan & Barbara Young Larry & Cory Ziegler Linda Ziegler Annual Book Fair at East Side February 2nd and 9th 9:00 am - Noon The Book Nook gives 20% of sales to our Church Library. Service Team 1 East Side Lutheran will be serving supper at The Banquet on Monday, February 3rd. If you would like to help, please contact the Church Office to sign up. Volunteers are needed at 5:15 pm to serve. Join us for the opportunity to help serve others in our community. Food to You - Food of the Month: Pasta, any kind…………...…Prior to February 13, 2014 Hearty soup……………....…….Prior to March 13, 2014 Cereal………………………...…...Prior to April 10, 2014 Peanut Butter………………...…….Prior to May 8, 2014 Tuna & Tuna Helper………..…...Prior to June 12, 2014 Macaroni & Cheese……….……...Prior to July 10, 2014 Pasta, any kind………….…...….Prior to August 7, 2014 Hearty Soup…………….....Prior to September 11, 2014 Cereal………….………..…..…..Prior to October 9, 2014 Peanut Butter……….….…..Prior to November 13, 2014 Tuna & Tuna Helper……….Prior to December 12, 2014 *Toilet Paper is always needed* VOLU ME 15, IS S U E 2 THE EAST SIDE VOICE PAGE 6 2014 WELCA Board Each week we publish as list of people for whom prayer is requested. You can pick one up in the narthex or the church office. The list is also sent to many people via e-mail. If you would like to receive the list electronically please send your request to How blessed we are to have another year to give Service to our Lord and Savior. We have installed new officers for 2014 and all welcome any questions you may have about WELCA or about the works of the Circles. All the women of East Side are members of WELCA (Women of Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and are encouraged to participate. This year we are excited to have Pastor Carroll Marohl as WELCA Ministerial Advisor. The newly installed officers are: President – Janet Wilcox, Co-Vice Presidents- Karel Amend & Donna Murphy, Secretary – Carol Riswold, Treasurer – Irene Nesheim, Co-Secretaries of Growth (Education) – Nancy Renner and Cheri DeYoung, Secretary of Missions (Action) – Pat Stensland, Secretary of Community – Colleen Birkeland, Secretary of Publicity – Barbara Anderson. Circle Chairpersons – Elizabeth – Laurie McKnelly, Naomi – Judy Niemann, Rachel – Donna Rieder, Mary Ruth – Bev Fix, Lydia – Jennie Hoefer. Funerals – Chairman – Kay Fritz We really need someone to be co-chair for Kay Fritz serving Funerals. It’s a wonderful way to give support and concern to families and friends when they attend a funeral at our church. Please prayerfully consider and contact me or any board member to volunteer or ask questions. We now have a new Circle (Lydia) that meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. If you aren’t able to attend a Circle that meets weekday mornings, afternoons or nights, please consider joining this fun group of young ladies. Their Bible study is Beth Moore’s LIVING BEYOND THE SPIRIT. We had a wonderful program at our WELCA Fellowship in January. Pastor Kermit Rye took a trip back to his ancestral homeland in Norway. It was very interesting to hear him talk about his trip and see the wonderful pictures he captured while he visited some of his Norwegian relatives. Our next WELCA Fellowship will be February 10th at 2:00 p.m. You are invited to a Valentine’s High Tea. (or maybe we could find some coffee if you’re not into tea). You can dress for High Tea and wear your hat and gloves. Be prepared to eat fancy sandwiches and desserts. It’ll be so much fun and we’ll learn all about Tea. We are in need of soup spoons in our kitchen. We use many when we serve Soup & Pie Supper and we can’t keep up washing them as needed. If you have some you’d like to donate, please leave them in the church office or the kitchen. May God Bless us in our service, Janet W VOLU ME 15, IS S U E 2 THE EAST SIDE VOICE St. John American Lutheran Church and the Children’s Inn are offering a Domestic Violence workshop on Saturday, April 5th . Registration and breakfast at 7:30 AM, workshop will end by 12:30 PM. The workshop will be held at St. John American Lutheran Church at 1912 W. 13th St. in Sioux Falls. Please RSVP to Lois DeVries at either 605-759-6544 or by March 28th . PAGE 7 DSS Strong Families - South Dakota’s Foundation and Our Future All across South Dakota there are children in need of a loving and safe foster home. They need someone to open their hearts and their homes to them. Will you be the one? Please take a moment to commit to learn more about becoming a foster parent. Visit or call your local DSS office at 1-855-830-5062. Massage Therapist Have you considered the benefit of having a therapeutic light touch massage? The last Wednesday morning of the month we have a very capable licensed Massage Therapist here in our library. Massage can help you relax, release tension and pain. Carol Ann has 15minute time periods scheduled for $12. She supplies the special table and you are comfortably positioned with your clothes on for the massage and it feels so good! Appointments can be made by calling the Church Office at 336-3597. RADIO SPONSORSHIP Many people benefit from the broadcast of our worship service each week, which is aired in five states! Sponsorships ($200/service) are welcome. Each Sunday we broadcast our 9:30 am worship service over KSOO Radio (1140 AM) at 11:00 am The service is also available on our website, normally by Sunday afternoon January 5th broadcast was in loving memory of Judy Laue, given by her husband, Harry Laue. January 12th broadcast was in loving memory of Elmer & Virginia Albrecht, given by their family. January 19th broadcast was given by Paul and Michelle Griffith in memory of Paul’s mother, Bonnie Griffith (whose birthday would be January 13th) and in memory of Michelle’s mother, Maxine Morgan (whose birthday would be January 26th). January 26th broadcast was in loving memory of Clarence Black, Charlie Black and loved ones, given by their family. February 2nd broadcast is in loving memory of Guy Sylliaasen, given by Alice Sylliaasen, and Nona and Dave Bixler. February 9th broadcast is in honor of Dorothy Black, given by her children. February 16th broadcast is in honor of Evelyn Weidenbach’s 85th birthday, which was January 22nd, given by Roger & Joyce, Brian & Laurie, Dave & Roxy, Jeff & Jill, and Jill Weidenbach. Upcoming Youth Events: February 2nd: We are making cookies!! Restocking the Church Freezer!! Please meet me from 1-3:30pm in the church kitchen! Bring 2 tubes of your favorite cookie dough with you. Youth News East Side Lutheran youth has a facebook page!!! Come check out the latest youth news on Become a friend on Facebook for the page, and you can put your name in for a drawing for a gift card! Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together. -Verna M. Kelly- Dates to Remember: February 9th: Guatemala Mission Group visiting the Sunday School Classes Education News February 16th: No Sunday School (President’s Break from school) What’s new in Sunday School/ Church School? We are enjoying our brand new curriculum that we started this school year!! We are exploring the Old Testament. Variety of texts, from Adam and Eve to Noah’s Ark! The kids are discovering that you can learn a lot through a Bible story then just reading it out of the Bible. They are creating crafts, learning new games, and trivia. Here are a few pictures of some of the classes working hard! Enjoy!! April 20th: No Sunday School (Easter) May 11th: Last Day of Sunday School June 23rd-26th: Shetek Lutheran Ministries will be here hosting Day Camp!! Registrations to come soon! Children’s/Youth Ministry: Jennie Hoefer Director of Education Pastor Carroll Marohl East Side Lutheran Church Capital Campaign (and other) News Volume 13, Issue 2 February 2014 News and Updates Train Up a Child … We begin a new year supporting students in our sister Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon. The total received in January: $ 120 (Jar—$ 50; Sunday School offerings - $ 70) In one month we have provided a year’s tuition at church elementary schools for 8 children! The church schools have a much smaller student/teacher ratio (public school 120:1; church school 60:1) and do not discriminate against girls or the physically handicapped! These schools are obviously making an impact in the lives of their students … and in the future of their country. Thank you for your faithful support! Aaah … it is winter in South Dakota (in case you hadn’t noticed) … and no where is that more evident than in our monthly “scorebox” ... Heat Bill $ 3,693… Snow removal $ 3,403! Looking ahead. We are pleased to announce that the Augustana College Choir will be singing at East Side on Sunday, April 27th! More exact details will be announced in the April edition of the Voice. The Annual Meeting was held January 26th, preceded by a wonderful pot-luck dinner and fellowship time. The highlight (“low”-light) of the meeting was the correction to the Endowment Fund report (p. 15 of the Annual Report). The Original Endowment does not have $184,684,977.74; the correct amount is $184,977.74 (a very slight difference!). On the positive side, a motion to disband the congregation and divide the endowment Fund amongst the members present at the Annual Meeting was never made! Please note: there is no evening worship on February 2nd. Experience has taught us that some other event that day seems to take precedence. Our thanks to everyone who serves so faithfully on their Service Teams. All the various tasks performed by the teams are of much benefit to all who come to worship at East Side! Building Fund Gifts for January Building Fund Total Gifts 2014 $ 9,567 $ 9,567 Interest Paid Principal Paid Add’l Principal Loan Balance Payment, October 15, 2013 $8,810 $6,918 $1,500 $1,830,442 Payment, November 15, 2013 $8,771 $6,957 Payment, December 15, 2013 $6,838 $7,112 $2,000 $1,814,373 Payment, January 15, 2014 $6,838 $7,146 $1,000 $1,806,227 $1,823,485 The East Side Building Project Page 2 In the neighborhood for God! A few years ago I visited Peace Lutheran Church in Tacoma, WA as part of a research team from Luther Seminary. One of the members of Peace that we met was also staff at the community center housed within their congregation. When asked what stewardship looked like in his life, the man said that he chooses to give the resource that is hardest for him to give, and at that point in his life, it was time. At the dawn of a new year, I find myself harkening back to that statement and wondering, “What is the hardest resource for me to give? What would it look like to give that first? What resource is most difficult for me to steward?” As I have reflected on these questions, I have the same answer as the man I met in Tacoma. The hardest resource for me to give and to steward is time. Don’t get me wrong, I volunteer for various organizations, including the church. But I still have this underlying belief that my time is mine to keep, to use, to organize or even to waste. There is a dichotomy between the time that I give away, or give to God, and the time that I have for myself. Yet, doesn’t God care about how I use all of my time, not just the small percentage that I give away to worship, fellowship, spiritual practices and volunteering? Like money, time is one of the many resources that God has entrusted to my care to serve both God and my neighbor. In 2014, I do not want to focus solely on the ways that God is calling me to give my time away to the church, but how God is calling me to use all of my time to share God’s love and grace with the world. What is God calling me to do with all of my time on earth? How is God calling me to use my time to live into my many vocations: leader, fiancée, daughter, friend, Christian, neighbor, etc.? I am continually struck by the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke chapter 10. I am convinced that this story is one of the best examples of what stewardship of your whole life looks like. What I find most striking about the story is that the Samaritan stops his journey, on a long, dangerous road, for the sake of his neighbor. He doesn’t consider the time, his destination or his to-do list. Instead, he comes near the beaten and robbed man, sees him and is moved with compassion. This compassion alters the course of his entire day. He gives away his day to a stranger in need out of love and compassion. As a person who organizes almost every day on a post-it note, this is a shockingly high-calling. What does it look like to be available to love your neighbor even when it isn’t convenient? What does it look like to live my life by the small tugs of the Holy Spirit rather than my clearly written to-do list? I resolve this year to listen closely to the ways that God is teaching me how to be a better steward of all of my time and helps me living into my Christian calling at all hours of the week, not just Sundays. Grace Duddy, Assistant Director of the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. Score Box! Snow Removal December (2012) January (2013) February March April May June July August September October November December January (2014) $ 1,389 $ 1,606 $ 1,113 $ 3,403 Gas Electricity $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,840 2,823 2,753 2,411 1,765 782 89 86 88 85 118 1,330 2,440 3,693 $ 1,742 $ 2,136 $ 2,840 $ 2,486 $ 2,573 $ 2,174 $ 1,365 $ 1,932 $ 2,206 $ 2,130 $ 2,498 $ 1,971 $ 1,777 $ 2,557 General Fund Income 2014 Received Needed Difference $ 6,344 $ 11,644 - $ 5,300 $ 13,377 $ 11,644 + $ 1,733 $ 8,688 $ 11,644 - $ 2,956 $ 14,949 $ 11,644 + $ 3,305 Totals $ 43,358 $ 46,576 - $ 3,218 2013 YTD $ 43,358 $ 46,576 - $ 3,218 East Side Lutheran Church 1300 East 10th Street Sioux Falls, SD 57103-1796 Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Permit No. 1041 Sioux Falls, SD Address Service Requested February 2014 Game Night at East Side Whether you are 6 or 96, all are welcome! Sunday, February 16th 6:00 - 8:00 pm Bring a favorite game and join us for fellowship. Popcorn will be popping and fun will be had by all!
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The East Side Voice - East Side Lutheran Church
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