April, 2012 - Ontario Jaguar Owners Association Online
April, 2012 - Ontario Jaguar Owners Association Online
April, 2012 Volume 23, Number 2 OJOA EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT JohnTaglione 83 Collingsbrook Blvd Toronto,ON, M1WM14 Phone: 416-494-4551 taglione@sympatico.ca VICE PRESIDENT John Ogden 12 Nottingham Dr. Etobicoke,ON, M9A2W5 Phone: 416-207-1808 jogden@rogers.com The Ontario JAGUAR Volume 23, Number 2 - April 2012 Copyright © 2012 by the Ontario Jaguar Owners’ Association The Ontario Jaguar is published six times a year. Opinions and views expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Ontario Jaguar Owners’ Association (OJOA), its executive members, or affiliated bodies such as Jaguar Cars or the Jaguar Clubs of North America. OJOA grants the Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA) and affiliated clubs a nonexclusive,non-transferable, royalty free licence to reproduce articles and photographs contained herein unaltered, one time in the affiliated club’s newsletter, provided credit is given to the OJOA and the author of the reproduced material. JCNA clubs may contact OJOA to obtain further permison as required OJOA and its executive members and legal representatives accept no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy or efficacy of, or any claim for, any product,service or recommendation made herein. The Ontario Jaguar Owners' Association (OJOA) SECRETARY Duane Grady 5863 Leslie St. Suite 613 Toronto, ON,M2H 1J8 Phone: 416-471-6375 durielly@yahoo.com The Ontario Jaguar Owners Association was formed in December 1959 as an automobile club whose purpose was to stimulate and encourage interest in the reservation,Ownership and operation of Jaguar automobiles. Over the years the OJOA has grown toprovide a means for exchange of information, technical and otherwise, to encourage interest in automobile sport andcompetitive events in Ontario, to provide social occasions for its members, and to foster interest in theJaguar and Daimler automobiles. The OJOA is an affiliate club of the Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA). MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR / TREASURER Bob Barrett 6 Crossburn Drive Don Mills, ON, M3B 2Z2 Phone: 416-445-7867 Fax: 416-383-0862 ojoamembership@sympatico.ca Membership Benefits ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR John Tysall 18 Owen Boulevard, North York, ON Phone: 416-226-2127 jtysall@rogers.com PAST PRESIDENT Fred Hill 134 Edgewater Dr., Stoney Creek, ON, L8E 4Z3 Phone: 289-649-0575 jksjag@gmail.com APPOINTED POSITIONS ADVERTISING MANAGER Brian Compson 299 Hollyberry Trail Willowdale, ON M2H 2P3 Phone: 416-492-1635 brian.compson@gmail.com Membership includes a subscription to the OJOA newsletter,The Ontario JAGUAR; free classified ads in the newsletter and on the website http://www.ojoa.org, the OJOA referral service; membership in the JCNA; a subscription to the JCNA's Jaguar Journal magazine; eligibility to enter JCNA sanctioned Concours d’Elégance and events; all OJOA monthly meetings andevents;and an opportunity to share a common interest with other Jaguar enthusiasts. Meetings Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (except in July, August and December) at 8:00pm. They are held in the lower level of Montgomery's Inn, located on the south-east corner of Dundas St.and Islington Ave. in Toronto. Membership, Address Changes, Renewals Membership in the OJOA costs $65 for one year (January thru December). Ownership of a Jaguar or Daimler is not a prerequisite. Send all membership applications, address changes, and renewalsto the Membership Director. An application form appears on the last page of the newsletter. Merchandise The OJOA has regalia for sale at all monthly meetings and events: Windshield Decal - $1 Cloth Jacket Patch - $5 Lapel Pin - $5 Contact John Taglione, 416-494-4551, to order any or all of these items. Advertising The Ontario Jaguar welcomes commercial advertising. The current rates are: Size of Ad Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page 2 Issues $40 $55 $80 $115 6 Issues (1 Year) $75 $115 $170 $275 Contact Brian Compson for information on placing ads. Phone: 416-492-1635 Email: brian.compson@gmail.com Additional Contacts Editor/Webmaster John Taglione 83Collingsbrook Blvd Toronto, ON M1W 1M4 Phone: 416-494-4551 taglione@sympatico.ca Web Site: WWW.OJOA.ORG 2 Concours Chairman Chief Concours Judge Spring Blossom Run Organizer Slalom Chairman Fall Regularity Run Organizer Merchandise/Regalia Sales Jaguar Archives JCNA Regional Directors (North Central Region) John Ogden John Taglione Fred Hill John Taglione 416-207-1808 416-494-4551 289-649-0575 416-494-4551 201-818-8144 D.Bryan Williams 412-751-2355 Gary Kincel 724-744-6180 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 Upcoming Events OJOA Events: Wednesday May 6th Spring Blossom Run and Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Tour Wednesday May 9th OJOA Meeting : 8:00pm Regular Meeting Montgomery Inn, Etobicoke New and Returning Members Brian Allen D'Arcy Black Dr. David Collins Ted Cymbaly Lee Jukes Walter McCormick Dr. Lorna Minz Fred Pettit Martin Reid Mark Rodger Dietmar Sommerfeld Dave Tegtmeyer Ciprian Ungureanu London Waterloo Orillia Toronto Kitchener Toronto Toronto Fonthill Toronto Toronto Waterloo Whitby Toronto Other Events: Wednesday June 13th Sunday June 10th OJOA Meeting : 8:00pm Regular Meeting EuroCar Day 2012 Rose Garden Resturant Grove 2753 Wehrle Dr. Williamsville, NY Montgomery Inn, Etobicoke Sunday June 17th OJOA Concours d'Elegance Ontario Science Center 770 Don Mill Rd Sunday July 15th Brits in the Park Lindsay City of Kawarth Lakes, Ont Cover Illustration : Ted Sander's E-Type under the Jaguar Tent at Mosport by John Taglione Members are encouraged to submit articles or photographs to the newsletter editor for possible inclusion in subsequent issues. Submissions should be in the following format to guarantee the best results: The format requirements for the newsletter are basic ... the rule is "Please keep it simple" ... Text is preferred in plain text - MS Word or similar submissions will be passed through Notepad to strip any formatting before importing it to the desk top publishing software, though we'll try to reproduce your layout if it is important to you - experience has shown that documents created in MS Publisher cause considerable grief Images are preferred in .png or .gif or .jpg format - W e will reduce images to 300dpi and 800x600 maximum before inserting them into the newsletter to keep the file size down on the on-line version. Deadlines - Any articles, notices or advertisements for inclusion in the OJOA newsletter must be received by the editor no later than the fifteenth day of the month preceding publication. The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 3 Ontario Jaguar Archives On Line Update We would like to ask the members,if they have an issue which is not currently on the website , if you would please make it available to the club so that it may be added. We would only need the original for a short time to scan it and it will be returned. If you have a copy of following issues: Dec 1996 Sept 1984 (no 50) Sept 1977 (no 2) Please let us know. Any issues or flyers pre-1977 would be appreciated. If you can help, please contact John Taglione at 416 494-4551 or Email to taglione@sympatico.ca Request for Articles The Jaguar Newsletter is a great opportunity for you to see your musings in print. We are looking for articles, which are car (Jaguar) related. In the past years, we have had Car Museum tours, visits to out of town events, and technical articles. If there are some experience you have had with your Jag and this is the chance to share it with the other club members. Road trips, restorations, a technical solution for the problem you spent under the bare bulb in the garage solving are all welcome. The editor wishes to extend a thank you to those who have contributed to this current issue : Glen Weaver . Why not plan to attend an upcoming OJOA meeting? As you can see from above, there’s a lot of useful information to be had in addition to the camaraderie ... and the coffee, tea and biscuits! 4 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 SPRING BLOSSOM RUN OJOA Annual Spring Blossom Run Plus Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Tour Sunday May 06, 2012 Meet at : 10:00 am - Cars Away : 10:30 am Meeting Place Tim Hortons/Wendy's Mud Street and Upper Centennial QEW to Centennial Parkway Stoney Creek Follow up to the hill to stop light at Mud Street Turn left then right into parking lot. Welcome to the first event on the OJOA events calendar. This year, the Spring Blossom Run, after a drive through the Niagara Escarpment , will include a tour of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton. The lunch will be at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum which will be followed by a 2 hour guided tour through the Museum. It is a great opportunity to get the sleeping cats out of the garage and back on the road with a drive through the countryside and see a part our our history. Museum Admission - Adults $10 ($2 discount) Children $8 Light Lunch of Soup & Sandwich with Coffee or Tea - $6.85 The Museum Admission will be collected at Tim Hortons by the club treasurer. Please let us know by May 2nd so the Museum can organize the tour for us. Everyone is welcome. Just come and enjoy Please contact Fred Hill 134 Edgewater Dr., Stoney Creek, ON,L8E 4Z3 Phone: 289-649-0575 E-mail : jksjag@gmail.com Photo by Raul Rincon The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 5 On The Joy Of Restoring A Jaguar XK Part II By Glen Weaver OJOA The XK Story Begins My wife views a car as only the means to get from A to B safely and reliably. Why do you need another sport car? Extensive persuasion and a few bribes were necessary and the promise it would not be started until I retired from my full time job. I decided the next car would be an XK and this time it would compete in the JCNA Class. Research started on the XK models produced through 1949 - 1960. I settled on the XK140 an its classic styling, along with its mechanical and driving advantages over the XK120. The roadster had elegant curved cut down doors and protective chrome bumpers. The XK150 bonnet line was higher and it did not have the cut down door on the roadster, though it have other advantages such as windup windows. Searching for the right car started in late 1981 limited to Ontario and the south-east USA for minimizing rust. I set the following flexible criteria: - solid, un-rusted Chassis, Engine and Gearbox. Oil leaks on the XK help out here. - Complete car, i.e. no missing parts. - no modifications from original. - wire wheels and more powerful "C" Type cylinder heads. - low cost, drivable, overdrive was not necessary. - some rust at the bottom of the "A" and "B" posts, in the sills and the spare tire well was acceptable as new parts were available from England. I used "Hemmings Motor News" mostly and after 8 months of searching found one for sale in the condition and price I was after. The XK had been purchased 12 years previously by the Virginia owner who had intensions of a full restoral only to be thwarted by a growing young family and the associated responsibilities. So the deal was made, I fastened the front bumper on the car to a tow bar and then to my trusty 1970 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon, connected the necessary tail and signal lights and started north rather late in the afternoon. Unhappily, I hit the evening rush hour in full swing on the Washington Beltway. I didn't need to worry. The other drivers took note of the old Ford and a disreputable, dirty looking, top flapping XK140 and gave us (my wife was with me) a wide berth. The trip ended uneventfully at our daughter and son-in-law's home in southern New Jersey. They had a 2 car garage and only one car, so we persuaded them to loan one space to us as I had no room at home. 6 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 On The Joy Of Restoring A Jaguar XK Part II By Glen Weaver OJOA One and a half years later, in April 1984, I signed on for a 4 year engineering contract in Saudia Arabia. My son-in-law said he needed the garage space so my son and I towed it home with the Ford wagon. We hit the border at about 2:00 am and declared the car $4600 US. The female customs officer comment was succinct and demoralizing - "you were robbed!" She was obviously not a classic car enthusiast. By the time the car was registered, all the taxes paid, all expenses, etc and in my Don Mills garage, the total bill was $5,800 CDN. I was a happy man. The next 4 years were spent overseas, but each summer on my vacation I returned via London and spent a few days sourcing never-on-service (N.O.S.) parts and bringing them into Canada duty free as regular baggage. Some of the parts suppliers were in very undesirable areas of London. I could hardly believe the working conditions for the mechanics. Cars jacked up, often with no roof or a partial covering overhead, rain falling and the mechanics working on a piece of cardboard with mud everywhere. But the N.O.S. parts were available and wonderful to get. While some danger was involved, I seized the opportunity. When I retired in 1991, restoration began in earnest. Systematically, I stripped the car, taking off everything removable. I sketched each unit prior to removal including bolt size and type, paint colour and many other details and packaged separately. I noted any parts or units requiring replacement or skilled work beyond my capability. I painstakingly removed all the undercoating on all 4 fenders and checked for thin or porous metal. I worked with a low heat propane torch on the undercoat, scarping it off and then washing off the residual mess with Varsol. Lo and behold there was mostly original paint underneath with very few rust spots. Prior to removing the body from the chassis, it as necessary to install a steel brace across the top of each of the "A" and "B" posts. This was necessary to keep the body from breaking in half when lifted. I made a bracket to fasten to the 2 large bolts supporting the windshield frame and connected this by bolts ton 1.25" by 1.25" steel angle (used at one time for a bed frame) fastened at the back to the sturdy hold down bolt for the convertible top. I then calculated the remaining body weight to 270 lbs +/-. With 5 friends we lifted the body off the chassis and tied it to the garage rafters. Now with chassis, suspension and drive train all exposed, I jacked the chassis up to a nice working height. I removed the engine block from underneath, along to everything else to the bare chassis. The chassis was sand blasted where necessary, cleaned, hand sanded and repainted with standard oil based black paint as original. It is worth noting that much of the chassis had the original black paint intact due to the oil spray from the typical rear crankshaft oil leak. Yes, there are side benefits to oil leaks. The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 7 On The Joy Of Restoring A Jaguar XK Part II By Glen Weaver OJOA Then some key decisions resulted in : 1. Body work including "A" post repair, new sills, "B" post replacement, dent removal on the aluminum doors and synthetic paint application all done by professionals. 2. Engine, gearbox, and differential were done professionally by Gus Sandusky at "Ken Browne Motors". Gus said the gearbox would always leak due to its design and it does. I had the crankshaft modified to fit a standard rope seal to stop leaks and it worked. 3. The chrome on bumpers and windshield was very good but not good enough for JCNA. All had to be re-chromed and this was expensive. On a time scale: 1992/1993/1994 - Disassembly along with a lot of parts restored to perfection May 1993 - Body off chassis and hung up on garage rafters Oct 1994 - Body repaired and painted Left on dolly Nov 1994 - Rear axle assembly installed Sept 1996 - Engine and gearbox installed March 1997 - New cable harness wired up Oct 1997 - License safety check May 1998 - Installed seats and convertible top July 1998 - OJOA Concours with 99.75 points with 0.15 for cleanliness. Success! In conclusion, I can safely say that spacing the work out over several years made the job therapeutic and enjoyable. The house is my wife's but the garage in mine. I kept track of my time spent being a total of 2,720 hours or 1.3 years @ 40 hours/ week. I had many technical discussions, made new friends and learned a great deal. I discovered the cost ratio in money and labour for a top Concours competitor vs. Driven Class for an old classic car is perhaps 3:1 which is a significant difference. Would I restore another Concours competitor such as my XK140 at my age? NO! Photos by Glen Weaver 8 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 Ancaster British Car Flea Market Sunday, April 22, 2012 The weather was cold and windy at this Sunday's Ancaster British Car Flea Market which seems to be the tradition for the event except it did not snow as it had last year. The Flea Market was again held at Marritt Hall with all the ususal suspects present. It was good to be indoors as opposed to being out with those who were selling parts outdoors. Most of the local British Car Clubs were reperesented and the venders covered the full range from food and clothing to new and old parts to restoration services and everything in between. This year, we touted out some of the memobelia we had received from Jaguar Canada when they moved and we able to put a few dollars towards the cost of the show. If you put the price low enough, you will be suprised at what will sell. We got the oppertunity to met some of our more distant members who normally cannot make our monthly meeting. A number of them choose Ancaster to renew thier membership and we had a few new members sign up on the spot. Photos by John Taglione The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 9 OJOA Club Class Is Back After an absence of many years, we will be bring back the OJOA Club Class to this year's Concours d’Elégance. Club Class was very popular in the past as it was a low stress entry into Concours. The philosophy was to give your daily driver Jaguar a wash and bring it to the Concours. The emphasis differed from the JCNA classes in that we like to give you points rather than take them away. Having the club badge sticker on your windscreen is worth a point, having an owner's manual is worth a point, having a factory shop manual or part catalogue is worth a point. It is much more important to find a Jaguar engine under the hood than every last item is as it left the factory. In the old days, that was not always a good thing. Yes, some things have improved over the years. This will give us the opportunity to bring the Phil Dyson Memorial Trophy out of retirement. Phil Dyson, for those of you who did not know Phil, was the activities director for the club in the late 80's who had a fondness for older Jaguar saloons. He passed away at a young age. The trophy will awarded to the highest score for early saloons in club class. Past winners have included Geoff and Nicky Cramb's 3.4 Mark II also known affectionately as Rosie. Club Cass will continue from where it left off when it was last held in 2001. There will be 5 classes and a first ,seconds and thirds will be awarded in each class without a minimum scored required. Class Class Class Class Class 1 2 3 4 5 - Sport Cars Pre E Type Sport Cars All E Type Early Saloons - pre XJ Sedans - All XJ (including XJ, XF, X-Type and S-Type) Sports Sedans XJS, XK8 and XK The judging will include the boot and engine but the car will be judged in situ. The judges will come to you to judge the car. If you are unsure of going into JCNA , give OJOA Club Class a try. See you at the Concours. Photos by John Taglione 10 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 Ontario Jaguar Owners’ Association Concours d'Elégance Sunday, June 17, 2012 Ontario Science Center 770 Don Mills Road Toronto Ontario Concours Regulations - Registration will open at 8:30 am and close at 11:00 am. NO REGISTRATIONS BEFORE! Judging commences at noon. Only Jaguar and Daimler vehicles can be entered, as per JCNA regulations. Entrants do not have to be members of OJOA. This event is conducted under JCNA regulations for Concours d’Elégance competition. Their owners or an immediate family member must present all vehicles submitted for judging. A Display Area will be available for the parking of Jaguars (or other British makes) that is not being judged. “FOR SALE” signs will only be allowed on cars in this display area. Entry Fees, MEMBERS – (non-members add $10 + $5 Insurance in each case) Pre-registrations accepted with postmarks up to and including June 8th Class Pre-registered Day of Event or after June 8th JCNA Championship $50.00 $55.00 JCNA Driven $45.00 $50.00 OJOA Club $30.00 $35.00 Display $20.00 $20.00 Pre-registration Pre-registration will speed up the entry process. Also, numbers for the buffet dinner must be committed in advance. Please indicate clearly on the entry form whether you wish to participate in JCNA Championship or Driven Classes and indicate the number of tickets required for the Buffet. Spectators Spectators are most welcome at the Concours. Admission for the general public will be $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for children 12 and under. Indoor Buffet Dinner Dinner will be served around 5:30 PM in the dining hall at the grounds, followed by presentation of awards. A cash bar will be available. Buffet tickets will be sold prior to the Concours. Cutoff date for ordering buffet tickets is June 15th. The number of meals must be committed before the event so please order in advance. Tickets ordered on the attached entry form will be available for pick-up at the entry desk on June 17th or at OJOA club meeting of June 13th. Awards First, Second and Third places will be awarded JCNA Awards in the Championship and Driven classes First, Second and Third places will be awarded OJOA Awards in the Club classes The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 11 OJOA Concours d'Elegance Vendors An area will be set aside for the operation of a flea market. Anyone interested in operating a stand should contact John Ogden prior to the Concours date. Vendor fee is $35.00 (including admission). Vendors must complete a vendor's application. Further Information John Ogden 12 Nottingham Dr. Toronto, ON, M9A2W5 Phone: 416-207-1808 jogden@rogers.com Direction to the Ontario Science Center From downtown Toronto, take the Don Valley Parkway north until Don Mills Road north and then follow the signs. From somewhere else, take Highway 401 or 404 until you reach the Don Valley Parkway south. Continue south until Wynford Drive, then head west and follow the signs. GPS Longitude West 79° 20' 18,7745" Latitude North 43° 43' 0,5061” 12 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 OJOA Concours d'Elegance JCNA Classes Championship Driven C1A C1B C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D5 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15A C15B C16A C16B C17 C18 C19A C19B C20 C21 D6 D6 D7 D7 D10 D8A D8B D9A D9B D11 D11 Classics (Pre-XK engine) Tourer and OTS: Swallow, SS & SS Jaguar (1927-51) Classics (Pre-XK engine) DHC and Saloons: Swallow, SS & SS Jaguar (1927-51) XK 120 (1948-54) XK 140 (1955-57) XK 150 (1957-61) E-Types, Series 1 (1961-67) E-Types, Series 1.5 (1968) and Series 2 E-Types (1968-71) E-types, Series 3 (1971-75) Early Large Saloons: MK VII, MK VIII, MK IX, MK 10, 420G, (1950-70) Early Small Saloons: MK 1 (2.4 & 3.4), MK 2 Series (2.4, 3.4, 3.8 liter, Daimler V8), 240, 340 S-Type 3.4S, 3.8S, & Jaguar and Daimler 420 (1955-69) XJ6/12 Series 1 Saloons (1968-73) XJ6/12 Series 2 Saloons and Coupes (1973-79) Series III XJ6, XJ6 Sovereign and XJ6 VDP (1979-87); Series III V12 and V12 VDP (1979-92) XJ6 (XJ40) Sedans (1987-94), XJ12 (XJ40) (1993-94); XJ6/12/R, (X300) (1995-97) XJ8/R Sedans (X308) (1998-2003), XJ8/R Sedans (X350 Alloy) (2004-On) XJ-S/SC (1976 - 1991 Pre-Facelift) Coupe, Cabriolet, H&E Convertible,Convertible, XJR-S Le Mans, XJR-S Jaguar Sport. XJS (1991 - 1996 Facelift) Coupe, Convertible, XJR-S Jaguar Sport. XK8 Coupe and Conv. (1996-2006), XKR (1999-2006) New XK and XKR Coupe and Conv (2007-On) S-TYPE Sedans (1999-2008) X-TYPE Sedans and Estate Wagon (2002-2008) Preservation Class (more than 35 years old) Preservation Class ( 20 to 35 years old) XF Sedan (2008 – On) XJ Sedan (2010 [as 2011 model year] – On) D12 D13 Special Division S1. Factory-production and prepared competition Jaguars, Factory sponsored competition and limited production Jaguars. S2. Production Jaguars privately prepared and modified for competition. S3. Modified. S4. Replica (non-production. Jaguar powered) Guidelines and Rules for JCNA Classes Majestic, Daimler, Daimler Double Six, Daimler Sovereign and Daimler Majestic models are eligible for Championship Division Classes 10, 11, 12 and 13 according to their years, engines and body style. Preservation Class is for unrestored or near original entries over 20 years old, well prepared, and in good to excellent condition. Class entry is to be the Entrant’s choice. In order to validate a Preservation Class Entry's original exterior and interior colours, plus other unique equipage or configuration, the Entrant is required to present the judges a copy of the vehicle Archive Report/Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust (JDHT) Certificate. Club Classes Class 1 - Sport Cars Pre E Type Class 2 - Sport Cars All E Type Class 3 - Early Saloons - pre XJ Class 4 - Sedans - All XJ (including XJ, XF,X and S Type) Class 5 - Sports Sedans XJS, XK8 and XK The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 13 OJOA Concours d'Elegance Ontario Jaguar Owners’ Association Concours d'Elégance Entry Form Sunday June 17, 2012 Registration Information Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ City/Prov. _______________________ Postal Code: ____________________ Phone: _________________________ Club Affiliation: ___________________ E-mail: __________________________ Vehicle Information Model ______________________ Style ________________ Year ________ License _____________________ Colour _______________ Registration Fees for Members (Non-Members add $10 + $5 Insurance in all cases) JCNA Concours JCNA Driven Club Class Display - $50.00 pre-registered ($55.00 after June 8) $45.00 pre-registered ($50.00 after June 8) $30.00 pre-registered ($35.00 after June 8) $20.00 _____ Buffet tickets @ $40.00 $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ Total amount enclosed $ _________ Release Statement JCNA EVENT PARTICIPATION: It is an Entrant's privilege to participate in any JCNA sanctioned event held by any JCNA affiliate upon executing proper registration forms and paying published entrance fees. Each affiliate shall be solely responsible for granting entry privileges to each Entrant on an individual basis. I agree to insure my vehicle against loss, and liability. I agree to assume the risk of any damage or injury, and to indemnify and hold harmless the Ontario Jaguar Owners Association and its Concours committee and agents, the Jaguar Clubs of North America, Inc. its officers, and directors or agents for any act of omission which may result in the theft, damage, or destruction of my property or injury to me or others occurring during or as a consequence of this meet including but not limited to: storage, and all other places associated with this event, wherever located. Entrant’s signature: ________________________________ Date: __________ 14 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 6 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/APRIL, 2010 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 15 16 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 17 18 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 Classifieds: Parts Jaguar Parts [06] Many used parts for the following Jaguars. Jaguar XK-140 OTS Parts Wanted [02-12] I need a front bumper and windshield side pillar, but would be interested in any parts that are for sale. XJ6 Ser. III, 1980-1987, Ser. IV XJ40 1987½ - 1994, XJ6 1995-1996, XJ8 Coupe 1998, XJS 6/12 1980-94, XJ8/XJR/VDP 1998-2003, S-Type 3.0/4.0 L 2000-2003, X-Type 2.5/3.0 L 2002-2003. Contact William (Rick) O'Connor Call 519-623-3442 , Cell 519-654-8866 Truck driver so not home much, may take awhile before I answer. Contact: birkshiremotors@rogers.com for availability of parts you need. Email : williedf@sympatico.ca Club members and other interested parties may advertise personal cars, parts and services for sale or wanted in the newsletter and on the website. Ads should be no longer than 50 words and may be edited for space considerations. All classified ads run for a minimum of two consecutive issues and can be renewed if requested. Members of OJOA and other JCNA affiliated clubs offering reciprocal free advertising may advertise at no charge, the fee for others is $25 for 2 issues / $60 for 6 issues. Contact the Advertising Manager to place or cancel ads. The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 19 Classifieds: Cars 1990 Jaguar VDP XJ12 [04-10] British Racing Green exterior, tan leather interior, with only 86000kms. Excellent condition. stored indoors in winter. Runs well, certified and e-tested. $11,500. O.B.O. Collectors car Call John 519-271-2923 or email charwitt2000@yahoo.com 1997 Jaguar XJR [05-11] 6 cyl. supercharged Colours: Black on Black Good condition and running. Odometer: 90,000 Miles Estate Liquidation Location: Peterborough, Ontario Contact: Art Meens 519-759-7450 E-Mail:artnsheila@hotmail.com 1994 XJS Coupe 6L V12 [03-11] For Sale The Best Of The Best Black Carmel Interior, Stored Winters October To April, As New, Must Be Seen Multiple 1st Place Concours Winner - 6 Time JCNA Divisional Winner Open To Reasonable Offers Contact Fred- Phone: (289) 649-0575 or E mail:jksjag@gmail.com Its Show Time Take Home A Winner. 1986 JAGUAR SOVEREIGN XJ6 [01-12] 143,700 original kilometers Current owner since 1992, winter stored, service history and all documentation since new. Alpine Green color with good body, clean panels that line up properly,solid car with original metal. New battery in 2008 and interior liner in 2009 Appraised at $5,900.00 , asking best offer. Call (416) 489-6533 Jaguar XK Convertible Special Edition [03-12] In indigo blue, first licensed March 2008. The car is in brand new condition has covered 2,600 km only and has $20,000 plus of extras. Asking price $68,000 with a two year Jaguar warranty. You are looking at a top of the range Jaguar for the price of an XF basic car. Contact Mark Hatton (Oakville) 905 469 8147. Email mhatton@pmc1968.com 20 1958 XK150 ROADSTER Complete Chassis Restoration 3.4 Engine Rebuilt to Jag. Specs. Bodywork by Leaping Cats of Coventry Interior Kit by Suffolk & Turley. Flawlish Appraisal. Concourse Quality. Price: $100,000, over $140,000 invested. Telephone: 905 331-6057 E-Mail: jdocherty1@cogeco.ca. The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 [10-11] Classifieds: Cars 1990 Jaguar Vanden Plas V12 1973 E-Type Series III Roadster [04-12] [03-12] Regency Red with Caramel Interior, Black Rag Top V-12, 4 Speed, 4 Stromberg Carburetors Jaguar "Wire Spinner Wheels" also called "Knock Offs" Custom Jaguar Steering Wheel Only 45846 Miles New, Top in 2007, New Paint in 2008 OJOA 1st Place Winner in Driven Class Only 3 Owners in 39 years ! Bought Cottage and Motivated to Sell ! $57,500 obo Please call Ryan 416-230-4850 (serious inquiries only please) Charcoal exterior, grey leather interior, with 171,000 kms. Stored indoors all the time. Runs well, certified and emissions tested. Original Jaguar manual and shop manual included. Asking $6,000 as is, O.B.O. Call Darmo: 905-270-5625 or email pcdsugeng@hotmail.com Seen at this year's Ancaster Flea Market, an Alfa-Romeo 4 cylinder boxer engine in a British vehicle. Can you identify the car? Reg Beer Coachbuilders Corp. Providing quality service & restoration to classic & vintage automobiles for over 35 years. 12944 Albion Vaughn Rd. Bolton, ON L7E 4C6 The Ontario JAGUAR - March/April,2012 Tel/Fax (905) 857-3210 Email: cmcmog@idirect.ca 21 ONTARIO JAGUAR OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION Year 2012 Membership Application New Renewal Date: Name: Address: Telephone – Home: ( ) Work: ( ) E-Mail: (VERY IMPORTANT) Jaguar status No change from last year In market for Jaguar(s) Just enjoy Jaguars Own/Lease Jaguar model(s) described below Model Year Colour Plate # Condition Usage 1 [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Excellent Good Fair Poor Parts Car [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Daily Driver Pleasure Driving Rarely Driven Under Restoration Don’t Ask 2 [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Excellent Good Fair Poor Parts Car [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Daily Driver Pleasure Driving Rarely Driven Under Restoration Don’t Ask 3 [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Excellent Good Fair Poor Parts Car [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Daily Driver Pleasure Driving Rarely Driven Under Restoration Don’t Ask Annual Membership Fee : $65.00 Mail this form along with payment to: Newsletter Delivery: Ontario Jaguar Owners’ Association, Bob Barrett 6 Crossburn Drive, Don Mills (Toronto), ON M3B 2Z2 E-mail : ojoamembership@sympatico.ca [ ] Electronic (email/download) [ ] Canada Post For Family Membership information contact Bob Barrett Membership Director. Have you ever been terminated, banned, requested to resign/step down or your membership was not renewed or was modified in any way, in any club, association, social organization or similar organized activity? No Yes If you answered yes, please use a separate page to provide details. Waiver of Liability: I hereby release the Ontario Jaguar Owners Association (hereinafter "OJOA"), its Executives, Officers, Directors, Event Chairpersons, Sponsors, Members and/or Non-Member guests and the aforesaid parties' agents, assigns and heirs from any and all liability whatsoever purported to arise from any of the said party's act(s) or omission(s) that may arise from my participation, or my presence at, any event or activity of the OJOA including, but not imited to, death, injury, damage or loss of any kind or nature whatsoever. Membership requires completion of this form. Signed by (Member) __________________________________ Date__________ (family Member) ____________________________________