Mar 18, 2012 -


Mar 18, 2012 -
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 18, 2012
Mass Times:
Saturday - 5:00pm Vigil
Sunday – 8:00am & 10:30am
Monday thru Friday - 8:30am
Holy days ~as announced
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday - 3:30 to 4:30pm or by appointment
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
767 Elliott Road, Paradise, CA 95969
Fax 530.877.5633
Travel to the Holy Land with Fr. Mitch
Fr. Mitch will be the chaplain on the Holy Land tour May 14-27, 2012.
Destinations: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee, Capernaum, Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Assisi, and Venice.
Cost: $4,690 Includes Air Fare
Contact: Anthony E. Nachef, PhD
(Theology) 508.340.9370 or Toll Free
1.877.994.8259 or Email:
Reserve your spot today!
Readings for the Week
2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22;
Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a
Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16
Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30
Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47
Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53
Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130; Rom 8:8-11;
Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
K O C “40 cans for Lent”
The S.T.M Council of the Knights of
Columbus is inviting you to join us along
with all the Knights Councils in Ca. to
participate in the “40 cans for lent” program. All cans collected will go directly
to “Table of Plenty” food program.
Many of you are participating in the
“Simple Gesture” (green bag) program
and we want you to continue. For those
of you who are not participating in the
“Simple Gesture” program, here is an
opportunity to help our food program. If
you feel you can participate in both during lent, your sacrifice will be received
as a blessing for those in need. Please
drop your cans off in the food baskets in
the parish vestibule.
May God Bless you abundantly, Greg DeCristofaro
Thank you to all St. Thomas More parishioners using their club cards for e
Last year a total of $975.72 was contributed to our church!
Grief Support Ministry
There will be a meeting on Tuesday, March
20, 2012 from 6-8
pm in the meeting room of the
old rectory.
The topic of the
meeting will
be planning the
funeral mass.
Anyone who would like to find out more is
welcome to come. For more information
Missal Reading for
March 18, 2012 is
located on page 86.
Weekly Offering
Weekly Calendar
March 10-11, 2012
Sunday, March 18
Fourth Sunday of Lent
8:00am RCIA Inquiry, Church Conf. Room, by appointment, call
church office at 877.4501
11:00am Legion of Mary, Achieve Mulit-purpose Room
Monday, March 19
Regular Donation
Table of Plenty
Youth Ministry
Building Fund
St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12:00pm Methodist Church Hot lunch, Methodist Church
1:00pm Breath of the Spirit, Holy Spirit House of Prayer
$ 4,495.50
Thank you for your continued
Tuesday, March 20
Spring Begins
6:00pm Grief Support, Funeral Planning, Old
Jesus in Disguise
Wednesday, March 21
9:15am Mothers and Others, Garage
12:00pm Wednesday Hot Lunch Program, Methodist Church
1:00pm 50+ Singles Group, Methodist Church
7:00pm Joyful Noise Choir Practice, Church Conf. Room
Thursday, March 22
7:00pm Adult Faith Formation, Achieve Multipurpose Room
Friday, March 23
9:15am Legion of Mary, Church Conf. Room
10:30am Table of Plenty Food Distribution, Garage
5:00pm Stations of the Cross, church
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and
you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me: (Mt
25: 35). Today, we are reminded of Jesus’ call to see
him in all those we encounter.
The Catholic Relief Services
Collection sees Jesus in displaced families, those who
seek to change unjust laws,
and those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. How will you help Jesus in disguise? Please be generous in today’s Collection
Saturday, March 24
3:30pm Confessions
5:00pm Vigil Mass
Table of Plenty
By Butchie Griffin
Sunday, March 25
Thank you for your generous donations of non-perishable
food and thank you to those of you actively involved in
the “40 Cans for 40 Days of Lent” program. All of your
food and cash donations are so gratefully received to help
us feed the hungry families on the ridge. We can still use
donations of large paper grocery bags. God’s blessings on
you and your families
8:00am RCIA Inquiry, Church Conf. Room, by
appointment, call church office at 877.4501
10:30am Third Scrutiny at Mass
Rest in Peace Bill Read
Please come say the rosary on Monday March
19th at 7:00pm in memory of our brother Bill.
His funeral Mass will be Tuesday March 20th
at 10:00am.
May he find eternal rest in the arms of our
Matthew 25:35, 40
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and
you gave me drink...
I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me.”
Care Net Ultrasound Initiative
Fridays at 5PM During Lent:
Stations ~ Sustenance ~ Soup
The St. Thomas More Knights of Columbus, is beginning a campaign to collect the funds to purchase
an ULTRASOUND MACHINE for our local Pregnancy Care Center
We are called during Lent to fast, pray, and give alms.
We are grateful for the continued availability of Stations
of the Cross through our ministries during the Season of
Lent! This year Stations will begin at 5pm in the Church
and will be followed in Achieve Charter School’s Multipurpose Room by a notable (and brief) teaching and
delicious homemade soup.
50% of the cost of
the machine will be
provided by the
Knights of Columbus
Supreme Council in
New Haven, CT after
our local Council has
raised the first 50%
of the machines cost.
The overall cost is
projected to be
The dates are:
Friday, 23 March &Friday, 30 March
*Please also consider attending our Holy Week Adult
Faith Formation Session with Dr. Jim McManus on
Tuesday, 3 April . We’ll be looking at the art/literature
of the True Cross.
Please make arrangements to include Stations, Sustenance, and Soup as part of your Lenten Journey this
This Pro Life Ultrasound Machine Program will
require the financial contributions of all members of
the St. Thomas More Catholic Church as well as all
Pro Life supporters throughout the Paradise, California community.
Reports indicate that up to 90 percent of all women
considering an abortion choose to have their baby
after seeing an ultrasound image. They hear their
baby’s heartbeat, they see their baby’s head, arms
and fingers. They know it is a child, not a “choice”.
Please make your tax deductible check to the
“Knights of Columbus” and note in the memo – Ultrasound Machine.
Streaming Workshops
The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the
largest event of its kind in the U.S., drawing over
40,000 people, is now streaming workshops, liturgies
and other events live on the internet at
LIVE. Live streaming begins on Youth Day, Thursday,
March 22 at 8:30 AM and continues throughout the
weekend. If you have never attended this wonderful
event this is a great opportunity to experience the outpouring of grace and enthusiasm generated by the Congress. If you watch anything, watch the opening rite
(Friday morning) and the liturgies….awesome.
A Child is Born
We will be in front of the Church after every Sunday Mass until the funds are obtained.
If you have any questions, contact Chuck Thibault,
Grand Knight at 873-1850.
GOD BLESS and save the children.
One of the Outreach Programs of Mothers and Others is
to provide meals for the family when a new mother arrives home with her newborn baby. Mothers and Others
would like to announce and welcome this new arrival
by placing a rose on the piano for the congregation to
see. If you are expecting a child and would like us to
announce the arrival in this way, please contact Norma
Degmetich at 873-4913
Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love.
Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.
~St. John Kanty
STM Countdown
To Sacraments:
Scrutiny #2 = 0 days!
Issue 2
Scrutiny #3 = 7 Days!
Next 1st Reconciliation =
10 Days!
Next Baptism = 20 Days!
ROCK At-A-Glance
Check out these websites:
Saturday, 17 March
4:30pm — Elect arrives Church
ALSO 4:30pm — BTS Serving
Team arrives to Senior Center
5:00pm — Vigil Mass (Scrutiny)
6:00pm — K of C Dinner at
Senior Center
Sunday, 18 March
4th Week of Lent
8 & 10:30am — Mass
Monday, 19 March
6:30-8:30pm THE ROCK
Youth Ministry Grades 7-12
Meet in church!
Wednesday, 21 March
Faith Formation K-5/RCIA/SS
3:00pm — Playground
3:30pm — Faith Formation
4:45pm — Dismissal
NO FF Grades 6-9
(We resume next week...please
report directly to CHURCH for
Reconciliation Service unless
you have already gone at 3:45!)
Thursday, 22 March
7pm — Adult Faith Formation
Friday, 23 March
Abstinence (from meat)
5:00pm — Stations of/Cross
5:45pm — Brief Teaching from
Catholicism in ACS MPR
6:00pm — Soup in ACS MPR
Sunday, 25 March
5th Sunday of Lent
8am — Mass
10am ELECT arrives to church
10:30am — Mass/3rd Scrutiny
Pray 4 Chris, Bryce, Nancy, & John!
To All Catholic Peeps Big and Small — Don’t forget! It’s SO
VERY important to always know an Act of Contrition so that:
1.) I can pray it before I go to bed each night so that I learn to
examine my conscience every day. If I say my Act of Contrition
with my whole heart — it causes me to really look at my actions,
my thoughts, and my behavior towards other people, myself, and
God on a daily basis — instead of trying to examine my conscience just before going to confession.
2.) Knowing my sins makes going to confession easier as well as
truly an answer to a call from God to be better...instead of
something I fear...or see as an obligation! Our sacrament of
confession is SUCH a gift of our Catholic Church — and really
from Jesus himself! NOBODY gets to do what we get to do or
feel the spirit of forgiveness in Reconciliation! How much does
Act of Contrition:
O God, I am sorry for anything I have done
to hurt you or any person.
I know I should show my love for You
in the way I treat the people and things You have given me.
Help me to do penance and avoid things that lead me to sin.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who suffered for us all,
Have mercy on me. Amen.
We are called to fast, pray, and give alms during Lent.
Kevin Staszkow is the Director of Evangelization & Catechesis
AND Youth and Young Adult Ministry for our Diocese of Sacramento. Some of you know him as SuperKevin. His wife Paula is a
Parish Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. Their
daughters are 5-year old twins Sarah and Rachel.
The Staszkow Family has kicked it to the next level!!! This
year in addition to choosing 1 night per week during Lent
when the entire family makes a commitment to:
-fast from meetings or practices after school and work
-fast from electricity/appliances/computers/cell phones
-use one room’s worth of heat for the evening
-fast from extra food at dinner (simple soup supper)
-cook & eat that simple soup supper as a family
-do homework and other activities by candlelight
-pray/talk as a family (Question of Week) on that night
-do at least 1 project that serves/gives dignity to the poor.
AND the Staszkows will not be buying anything for 40 Days that
is not absolutely necessary (food, staples, etc.). WOW. What
do you think? Can we do it? How can we welcome the poor?!
Bishop Soto has also challenged us to fast from these things
that take us away from true personal contact for 6 Fridays:
-social networks -text messaging
-portable sound devices
Team Staszkow is again challenging our STM families and
others to do the same for the 6 weeks of Lent! Talk as a
family and choose your day of the week! It’s Lent. Come ON.
It’s supposed to be a sacrifice! BE MORE! Good Luck!
Congratulations to our children who made
their First Eucharist Retreat last Saturday!
Angel Hernandez
Destiny Muniz
Jose Reyes
Rachael Brennan
Jose Vazquez
*Isabella Vazquez
*Daniel Rivera
*Martin Rivera
*Sonny Johnston
*Mary Johnston
& *Edward Resendiz
*children scheduled for 1st Reconciliation 3/28
We’re also grateful for all the parents, siblings,
madrinas/padrinas, our team: Elaine Helmick,
Dee Cox, Deon Mangan, Tim Muniz, Dan & Dana
Hegenbart, Carolina Vazquez & Fr. Mitch!
So we’re entering into Week #4 of Lent. How is
your prayer, fasting, and almsgiving going?
Looking for MORE? Here are some apps for
your cell phone, tablet, or other device to help
you do all 3!!! All of them are sound in teaching!
Check ‘em out! Below are the icons for each
app(lication), along with a brief description,
availability, and average price! LAETARE!!!
Confession App: Droid, iPhone,
Kindle; Walks you through confession, includes format, prayers,
examen, and multiple-user passwords. $1.99
Laudate App (also Catholic One):
Droid, iPhone, Kindle; Daily Readings, Liturgy of the Hours, Rosary, Stations, Prayers, Roman
Missal Changes, and more! FREE!
iMissal App: Droid, iPhone, Blackberry, Kindle; Missal, Daily Readings, Calendar, Saints, Catholic
News, Prayers, and more! $4.99
Catholic Catechism App: Droid,
iPhone, Kindle; NOT actual CCC!
Flash cards, quizzes, dictionary
terms all from CCC! $0.99
Magnificat App: iPhone only! Actual Magnificat! Includes the
artwork. $19.99/year
(compare to reg. sub. =$46/year!)
iBreviary App: Droid, iPhone,
Blackberry, Kindle; the actual
Breviary. YES. The WHOLE
Got questions about Faith Formation or Youth Ministry at St. Thomas More? Call/text Colleen at 831-917-5731 OR email
Mass Intentions
March 17-25, 2012
Josefina Dominguez 
Guy Saiani 
Cliff Hoffman 
People of STM
Bill Read 
Gertrude Valentine 
Michelle Degmetich 
Intentions of Mark & Lillian De
Duca 65th wedding anniversary
People of STM
Sister Madre Maria de Los Angeles
Denotes deceased
Lenten Challenge for all!
Did you know that the little “cup candles” we use at Easter
Vigil are actually meant to recall our own baptism — and
thus symbolize our original baptismal candle?! So really —
if everyone had their original baptismal
candle — we wouldn’t need vigil candles!
This is probably how vigil candles began
— too many of the faithful lost track of
their original baptismal candle — so —
Fr. Mitch is issuing us a challenge! Call/
look around — and try to find your original baptismal candle! We want you to
bring it to Easter Vigil this year! If you
cannot find it — Fr. Mitch will dedicate
“new” candles for everyone this year! You may buy one on
your own — or we will have some options available for purchase! We will continue forming you so you can really participate in this challenge! Let’s really do MORE and be
MORE this Lenten Season!
This week’s highlighted bulletin sponsor is:
Fullers Flowers
Please let the supporters of our bulletin know you appreciate them!
Please pray for our Brothers
& Sisters in Christ:
Patrick Benedict
Michael Bennett
Anthony Borg
David J. Brown
Nick Brown
Shirley Bruse
Annie Crawford
Joelle Curcuru
Irma Douglas
Margaret Estrada
Mark & Lillian Ferguson
Mark Finn
Bonnie Fromm
Carol Haynes
Maurine Hohenthaner
Crystal Kelly
Janet Kruse
Agnes Lynch
Pat Mc Carthy
Rosella Mittag
Amber Moore
Leo Murphy
Tycen Pacheco
Scotty Parker
Donald Pergande
Iris Powers
Frank Pugel
Loretta Read
Peter Sales
Lucy Sandoval
Loraine Shipston
Gary Shipton
Kathy Taylor
John Tenet
Debbie Upton
Tina Walebrock Philbrook
Brooke Boisse Bridge & Baby
Baby Cameron
Please pray for the recently deceased:
Bill Read
Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks.
Question of the Week
Fourth Sunday of Lent ~ March 18, 2012
First Reading: 2 Chronicles 36: 14-17, 19-29
Second Reading: Ephesians 2: 4-10
John 3: 14-21
Theme: We believe.
Question for Children: Who is one person in your life
who supports your faith and helps it to grow?
Question for Young People: The Gospel speaks of following God as coming toward the light. How can you
move towards the light in your own life? What is the
darkness that needs Jesus' healing in your life?
Question for Adults: When is it difficult for you to believe? What particular line in this reading helps your
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Contact Information
Office Hours: Monday-Friday from 11am-4pm
Father Mieczyslaw “ Mitch” Maleszyk
Parish Plant Manager: Greg Kidder Cell 228-6163
Faith Formation & Youth Ministry:
Colleen O’Dowd 514-3892 (call) OR 831-917-5731 (text/call) or
Music Director: Zooba Zwicker Office - 877-4501
Vocation Committee: Lou Donnelly 872-1212
Catholics Come Home: Cathy Gunter 877-3919
Mothers and Others: Norma Degmetich 873-4913
RCIA: Parish Office 877-4501
Table of Plenty: Office 877-1485
Infant Baptism Coordinator (Pre-Kindergarten/younger):
Elaine Helmick 872-7341
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Office 872-4687
Knights of Columbus: Charles Thibault 873-1850
Ladies Guild: Pat Wallila Home 876-9185
Bulletin: Deadline-Tuesday, 4pm, e-mail:
Bulletin Ads: Joe DiDuca - 877-6842
Master Calendar:
Grief Support Ministry: Lois Gervais 872.0278
Funeral Planning: Barbara Wright 570.0449
Eucharistic Home Visits: Lani McManus 877.6997
Parish Registration forms are located in church vestibule.
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church in Paradise, California (on Facebook)
@stmparadise (on Twitter)
STM Paradise (register for updates and this bulletin for FREE on flockNote)
Please call Joe Di Duca @ 877-6842 if you want information about ads in our bulletin.