Spring 2012


Spring 2012
Spring 2012
RVIA Gears Up for Committee Week
RVIA members will convene in Washington, D.C. from June 10 – 14 for Committee Week 2012 to
plan the association’s agenda for the upcoming fiscal year. The Board of Directors (pictured above
meeting last year, including from right to left, Andy Baer, Doug Gaeddert, Jeff Hanemaayer, and
Bob Parish) will review the recommendations developed by the association’s standing committees.
Further details about Committee Week and a schedule of activities begins on page 3.
Go RVing’s “AWAY” Campaign
Starts Strong
Go RVing’s all new “AWAY” campaign
is off to a strong start with the national
advertising effort attracting more buyer
prospects for the industry and helping boost
RV interest and demand during the busy
spring and summer RV travel season.
Through early May, leads generated by
the campaign have surged by 55%, rising
from 50,491 in 2011 to 78,410 in 2012.
Total visits to GoRVing.com by interested
consumers have jumped by 15% with
unique web visitors increasing by 16% and
total page views up 31%.
Go RVing’s new mobile site launched
this year in conjunction with the new
“AWAY” campaign is proving to be effective in relaying RVing information to interested consumers. Key elements from the
GoRVing.com web site are featured on the
mobile site, allowing visitors to easily find
a dealer or campground or be introduced
to the web site’s full array of information.
Nearly 80,000 have visited the site from
their mobile device, including 11% who
have accessed through a QR code, featured
in Go RVing’s print advertisments.
“AWAY” is Go RVing’s first all-new
advertising campaign since 2005. Built
upon the evocative invitation to “find your
AWAY,” the new emotion-driven ads
reflect consumer research indicating
people buy RVs to get away with those
Continued on page 6
RV Shipments Up
In First Quarter
The RV market strengthened in the first
quarter of 2012 with total RV wholesale shipments reaching 71,400 units through March,
an increase of nearly 10% over the 65,100
units shipped during the same time frame in
2011, according to RVIA’s March 2012 survey of manufacturers.
After beginning the year with an encouraging
5.1% gain in January, wholesale shipments have
jumped in the past two months, posting a 15.2%
gain in February and a 9.7% gain in March.
This strong performance marked the best
first quarter shipment total since 2008.
On a seasonally adjusted basis, shipments
in March were at an annualized rate of nearly
270,000 units, which is on target with the
269,700 unit projection for 2012 shipments
by Dr. Richard Curtin in the Summer 2012
issue of RV Roadsigns.
“These shipment figures are a reflection
of the strong consumer interest in RV ownership and the confidence of RV dealers in the
prospects for the retail RV market as we move
into the spring and summer selling season,”
said RVIA President Richard Coon. “With the
economy gaining some steam, we should be able
to continue to gain momentum.”
RVIA’s survey indicates that the towable
categories are responsible for most of the RV
market’s improvement. Those vehicle categories have grown from 58,200 units in the first
quarter of 2011 to 64,500 units through the
first quarter of 2012, an increase of 10.8%.
Motorhome shipments have remained even
with 6,900 units shipped in the first three
months of both 2011 and 2012.
RVIA Chairman Fore’s Column..........p. 2
Sweepstakes Boost Go RVing...............p. 6
GE Economist To Speak at RV
World Conference...............................p. 9
RVs in the News................................p. 10
Park Trailers Can Join RVIA............p. 12
U.S., Canada Work to Harmonize
Standards.........................................p. 14
Rebounding Industry, Committee Week
Make Spring a Busy Time
by Gregg Fore, RVIA Chairman of the Board
Summer is nearly here and the RV season is in full swing!
Our customers are out in force across North America using their
vehicles, enjoying the lifestyle, making new friends, and living life
to the fullest.
Meanwhile, the RV industry steadily continues to gain ground
with shipments up nearly ten percent through the first quarter of
2011. Buoyed by this momentum, our manufacturing members are
in the process of introducing their new model year line-ups; our
dealer partners are trying to manage the process of selling down
inventories and restocking with new models; and, suppliers are
seeing their new products being used in new model year vehicles
and working to maintain volumes.
As we approach mid-year, RVIA is readying for this year’s
Committee Week to be held at the Willard InterContinental Hotel
in Washington D. C. from June 10–14. Without question, Committee Week is one of the most important weeks on the RVIA calendar
every year. The association’s committees meet to review information, set agendas, and begin preparations for the next fiscal year so
that budgets and priorities can be reviewed and approved. This one
event includes more member personnel working on industry issues
that any other RVIA event except the National RV Trade Show.
While the activity level is always intense at Committee Week, it
promises to be especially busy this year as we have newly-formed
committees and added issues to contend with at the event.
Formed last year, the Canadian Coalition Committee continues its work toward a more unified North American RV industry
by finding ways to ease the export/import of RVs to our Canadian
counterparts. From transportation, import and standards issues,
this has proved to be a complex problem requiring attention from
both U.S. and Canadian members and associations.
With RVIA’s ongoing interest in developing the Chinese RV
market and the recent announcement that the association plans to
open an office in China, it will be important that our involved committees and members give careful consideration to this issue during
Committee Week to insure that this landmark venture gets off to a
solid start.
The recent addition of park trailer manufacturers to RVIA’s
membership will result in a new focus by the entire association
on a myriad of issues important to this manufacturing segment,
including destination camping initiatives. This includes the formation of the Park Trailer Committee and Destination Camping
Committee to help guide these activities. Additionally, Matt Wald
was recently appointed park trailer executive director and will be
instrumental in leading our efforts in this area.
While on the topic of park trailers, I want to welcome all park
trailer manufactures who have chosen to join RVIA. Over recent
years both the traditional RV and the park trailer industries have
changed as has the market for our combined products. For the
health of all vehicle manufacturers and dealers, it only makes
sense today that we are all working together under one umbrella to
further strengthen our businesses.
Lastly I want to comment on the
2nd World RV Conference, being
hosted by RVIA in conjunction
with the Florida RV SuperShow
from January 17 -20 in Tampa,
FL. With the RV industry continuing to become much more globally
focused, this will be a significant
event that is important not only
for U.S. based companies, but for
RV manufacturers and suppliers
across the world.
In late April, RVIA started
taking electronic registration for
the World RV Conference. I encourage you to be on hand for
this valuable event and to complete your registration as soon as
As always, I want to thank all of you who continue to volunteer your time and the time of your staff to work with others in the
association. Your involvement is what makes RVIA successful and
what helps make our industry strong.
I hope to see you at Committee Week! Feel free to contact me at
any time if I can be of any assistance relative to RVIA matters.
President— Richard Coon
Vice President, Public Relations & Advertising—James Ashurst
Sr. Director, Publications & Communications— Bill Baker
Chairman— Gregg Fore, Dicor Corporation
First Vice Chairman— Doug Gaeddert, Forest River, Inc.
Second Vice Chairman— Robert Olson, Winnebago Industries, Inc.
Secretary— John Regan, Fabric Services
Treasurer— Derald Bontrager, Jayco, Inc.
Chairman Ex Officio— Jim Sheldon, Monaco RV, LLC
RVIA Today is published 4 times a year, and is distributed
industry wide. For information on advertising, please contact
Bill Baker at (703) 620-6003, ext. 331 or bbaker@rvia.org.
©2012 Recreation Vehicle Industry Association
1896 Preston White Drive
P.O. Box 2999
Reston, VA 20191
(703) 620-6003
Spring 2012
RVIA Members Ready for Committee Week 2012
RVIA members will gather at the Willard InterContinental
Hotel in Washington, D.C. from June 10–14 at Committee Week
2012 to set the association agenda for the upcoming fiscal year.
RVIA standing committees, the Go RVing Coalition and the RV
Service Training Council will meet June 10 – 12 to develop recommendations for consideration by the RVIA Executive Committee on June 13.
The week-long event concludes with the Board of Directors meeting on
June 14 to review the recommendations of the Executive Committee.
“Committee Week is one of the most important dates on the association calendar. The work done there sets the course of the association for the coming year and beyond,” said RVIA President Richard
Coon. “We are very appreciative to have committee members who
volunteer their valuable time to take part in this event and share
their business expertise in developing plans and program proposals.”
In addition to the full slate of committee meetings, other popular
events taking place during Committee Week include:
• Joint Committee Luncheons – Committee members will gather
for these luncheons on Monday, June 11, to hear Dr. Richard
Curtin discuss current market conditions and on Tuesday, June
12 for a discussion on the pending Supreme Court decisions on
health care reform. (see page 4 for more information).
• Monday Evening Reception – Following Monday’s meetings, Committee Week participants will gather in the Presidents
Gallery at Madame Tussauds. The Presidents Gallery is a brand
new $2 million exhibit that displays every US President in an
exciting educational and interactive environment. Comprised
of fourteen highly themed immersive rooms, it is the only place
in the world where people can see, interact and take photographs
with every president’s likenesses in 3D while also learning about
some of the most historic moments that shaped American history.
RVIA’s standing committees, including the Public & Legislative
Affairs Committee chaired by Walt Bennett (standing) pictured above,
will meet to review existing programs and plan new strategies and
initiatives for the upcoming fiscal year.
• Capitol Hill Advocacy Day – RVIA members will descend
on Capitol Hill for Advocacy Day on Wednesday, June 13,
to promote important industry issues. (see page 5 for more
The historic Willard InterContinental Hotel is once again the host
property for Committee Week. It is located just two blocks from the
White House in the heart of Washington, D.C.’s business district.
For more information about Committee Week, contact Doreen
Cashion in the Meetings and Shows department at (703) 620-6003
(ext. 324) or dcashion@rvia.org
Committee Week 2012 Schedule
Sunday, June 10
3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 12
Canadian Coalition Committee
Monday, June 11
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Destination Camping Committee
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Market Information Committee
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon RVST Council/Industry Education
10:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Recreation Park Trailer Committee
12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. Joint Committee Luncheon
Featured Speaker: Dr. Richard Curtin,
University of Michigan
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Annual Meeting Committee
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Go RVing Coalition
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Industry Education Committee
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Lawyers’ Committee
5:30 p.m.
Reception Madame Tussauds
Presidents Gallery
7:00 a.m – 3:00 p.m. Registration 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Public Relations Committee
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. National Show Committee
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Public & Leg. Affairs Committee
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Standards Steering Committee
12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m. Joint Committee Luncheon
Featured Speakers: Bruce Fried,
Mark Weller, SNR Denton
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Financial Services Committee
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Supplier Committee
Wednesday, June 13
7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Executive Committee
Pre-Advocacy Day Briefing
Capitol Hill Advocacy Day
Board of Directors & Advocacy Day Reception
Thursday, June 14
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Board of Directors
A S S O C I A T I O N 3
Speakers Will Examine RV Market, Health Care Law
Committee Week attendees
will hear about the outlook for
the RV market and the impact
of the pending Supreme Court
decisions on health care reform
in two presentations taking
place during the Joint Committee Luncheons on Monday,
June 11, and Tuesday, June 12.
nificant impact on the small
and medium-sized companies
doing business in the RV
industry. At the Joint Committee
Luncheon, taking place from
12 noon – 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12, health care law
and policy expert Bruce Merlin Fried will brief attendees
Dr. Richard Curtin
Bruce Merlin Fried
Mark Weller
RV Market Outlook
on the business ramifications
Dr. Richard Curtin, director of the Consumer Research Center at
of a decision that upholds the law as well as on one that overturns
the University of Michigan, will provide his outlook for RV wholesale
it fully or partially. Fried is a partner in SNR Denton’s Health Care
shipments during remarks at Monday’s Joint Committee Luncheon,
practice in Washington, DC. He has been recognized by Chambers
taking place from 12 noon – 1:30 p.m. This will include projections
USA and ExpertGuides as one of the nation’s leading health care
for the year-end 2012 total as well as his first estimate for shipment
numbers in 2013. He will also take questions about the RV market
In addition, Mark Weller will lead a secondary discussion on
and general economic climate. Curtin authors RVIA’s RV Roadsigns,
the provision that exempts people opposed to buying health covthe association’s quarterly forecasting newsletter and has directed
erage for religious reasons, including the Amish. Weller, who
RVIA’s RV consumer demographic research since 1980.
serves as RVIA’s federal lobbyist, has more than 25 years of public
affairs and advocacy experience, much of it focusing on health
What Will the Supreme Court Decision on Health
care issues. He is a partner in SNR Denton’s Public Policy and
Care Law Mean to Your Business?
Regulation practice and he heads the firm’s Strategic CommunicaThe Supreme Court decisions on the health care reform
tions team.
case, which will be announced by the end of June, will have a sig-
RVIA Honors Industry Leaders with Awards
During RVIA’s Annual Meeting in Palm Springs, CA earlier this
spring, RVIA honored industry leaders who exhibited outstanding
contributions to the association and the RV industry this past year.
Distinguished Service to the RV Industry Award – Recognized as the Industry’s highest honor, this award recognizes
an individual within the RV Industry who sets themselves apart
through outstanding service. This year’s recipient was Jeff Hanemaayer, chairman of Roadtrek Motorhomes,
“Through his leadership roles with RVIA, the Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (CRVA), Go RVing and Go RVing
Canada, he has served as an ambassador helping to unite the RV
markets in Canada and the United States to create a true North
American RV industry,” said Fore.
Special Award – Sid Johnson, director of marketing at Jayco,
Inc., was honored with the Special Award. As a 12-year member of
RVIA’s Market Information Committee, including service as chairman from 2006 – 20011, Johnson has helped guide the transition
of industry shipment data into the electronic age.
“Through his leadership, RVIA has advanced the accuracy, relevance and timeliness of industry shipment data and market research that
members rely upon to make critical business decisions,” said Fore.
Distinguished Achievement in RV Standards – This award,
recognizing an individual making outstanding contributions toward
the advance of RV standards, was presented to Dave Mihalick,
standards compliance manager at Thor Industries
“In his service as a member of RVIA’s Standards Steering Committee and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, Dave is
leading the charge in addressing critical standards and harmonization
issues related to the import and export of RV products,” said Fore.
Award recipients honored at RVIA’s Annual Meeting were (from l to r)
Thor Industries’ David Mihalick –Distinguished Achievement in RV
Standards; Roadtrek Motorhomes’ Jeff Hanemaayer – Distinguished
Service to the RV Industry; and Jayco’s Sid Johnson – RVIA’s Special
Award. The association will recognize other honorees at Committee Week.
RVIA also announced the following honorees will be recognized at
Committee Week since they were not able to attend the Annual Meeting.
David J. Humphreys RV Industry Unity Award – Lance Wilson, Florida RV Trade Association
National Scholastic Award – Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
National Education Service Award – Steve Evenson, Winnebago
Distinguished Achievement in RV Journalism – HGTV
National Legislative Award – Ray Beebe, Winnebago Industries
Spring 2012
RVIA’s Capitol Hill Advocacy Day Set for June 13
RVIA members will visit members of Congress and their key
legislative staff during the association’s Capitol Hill Advocacy Day,
scheduled for Wednesday, June 13, during Committee Week.
“Advocacy Day is one of the highlights of
Committee Week for attendees and a vitally
important element in RVIA’s efforts to increase RVIA Advocacy
awareness of the industry and our issues at the Day participants
meet with Sen. Dan
federal level,” said Matt Wald, RVIA’s direcCoats (R-IN) at his
tor of government affairs. “These visits and
meetings help strengthen relationships between office last year.
RVIA members and the members of Congress
who represent their states and districts.”
RVIA Government Affairs staff schedule
appointments with elected officials, provide
briefing materials and accompany members
Proven Difference.
on visits. The program also gives participants
the opportunity to have photos taken with
Independent lab testing verifies our newly enhanced rooftop air conditioners
Congressmen and Senators.
now have 10% more cooling capacity when tested to ARI standards.
Advocacy Day begins with a morning meeting during which RVIA members are briefed
What does this mean to you? With Advent Air you gain more BTU
on the issues they will be discussing with
output per unit. On average, our 13.5K now produces 15K BTU and the
Congressional members and their staff. The
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briefing includes rehearsal exercises that help
RVIA members practice discussing key issues
in today’s RV market by exceeding the existing industry standards.
before they set out to meet elected officials.
Other leading features include attractive aerodynamically designed
For more information on RVIA’s Capitol
shrouds, an optimized pressure system and an increased
Hill Advocacy Day, please contact Monika
Geraci at mgeraci@rvia.org or (703) 620-6003
coolant charge for maximum cooling performance.
(ext. 318).
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Advocacy Day participants help inform and
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important to the RV industry.
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A S S O C I A T I O N 5/8/2012 9:15:36 AM
RV Sweepstakes Boost Exposure and Leads for Go RVing
Go RVing’s first ever national RV giveaways conducted in
partnership with Great American Country Network (GAC) and
Outdoor Channel this spring generated significant consumer
interest while also providing impressive results for the national
advertising campaign. The two sweepstakes combined to draw more than 811,000
entries and yielded 46,329 leads for the Go RVing effort from
entrants who opted into receiving information from participating
Go RVing dealers, manufacturers and campgrounds.
“The Ultimate Country Music RV Giveaway” sweepstakes
with GAC offered entrants the chance to win a 2012 Lance
Campers Ultralight 1685 travel trailer as the grand prize along
with two VIP tickets and backstage access to the CMA Festival
in Nashville in June. Running from March 1 – April 16, it drew
646,714 entrants, of which 122,376 were unique entries, and
generated 23,156 opt-in leads. According to GAC, these results
represent “a huge success for a custom sweepstakes.”
As part of the GAC partnership, two 60-second vignettes
featuring country music artist Chuck Wicks enjoying RV getaways in the prize model Lance travel trailer aired on GAC. Go
RVing also has a branded “On-The-Road-Guide to Summer
Hot Spots” special section in the June People Country magazine
(available on newsstand now). Featuring a country-music theme,
the six-page custom section promoted the sweepstakes and RV
travel. Details about the sweepstakes, Go RVing interactive banner ads, information on RVing, and the Chuck Wicks vignettes
were featured on GACTV.com.
Go RVing’s “Spring Fever” sweepstakes with the Outdoor
Channel attracted 165,000 total entrants, of which 31,217 were
unique entries, and accounted for 23,173 opt-in leads. This contest ran through April and featured a Columbia Northwest 2012
Somerset OR12SD off-road folding camping trailer as the grand
The promotion included four custom RVing vignettes featuring Outdoor Channel talent Pat Reeve and Nicole Jones, host of
the hunting show Driven, and Mark Zona, host of Zona’s Awesome
Fishing Show. Outdoor Channel also promoted the sweepstakes
and the benefits of RV travel to audiences through outdoorchannel.com, their social media outlets, and targeted emails.
“We were very pleased with the success of our first national
RV giveaway sweepstakes,” said RVIA Vice President of Public
Relations and Advertising James Ashurst. “These two promotions were popular with the public and helped spread our key
messages about RVing with receptive audiences. The amount of
leads created by the sweepstakes was particularly encouraging.”
Lance Campers and Columbia Northwest were selected to provide the grand prize RVs through a lottery in January of RVIA
members who offered a unit for the two sweepstakes.
Go RVing’s “AWAY” Campaign Starts Strong
continued from page 1
who matter most and do what they love to do,
more often and affordably.
The campaign is drawing praise from industry members. “It’s a very well done campaign
that captures the essence of the RV experience.
These ads are very motivating and will drive
RV purchase intent,” said Russell Chick, vice
president of marketing for Spartan Motors.
“The new Go RVing campaign has my
phone ringing off the hook. I’ve had more calls
and rentals in the last month than I did all of
last year,” added Dick East of Classic RVs, an
RV dealership in Pass Christian, MS.
The “AWAY” campaign features three
30-second TV spots featuring Tom Selleck as
the voiceover talent, four print ads, and four
web banner ads. It is backed by a $10.3 million
dollar media plan designed to generate an estimated 2.9 billion consumer impressions.
This includes a $4.8 million television
investment that provides air time for Go RVing
commercials and custom programming to
appear on SPEED Channel, Great American
Country Network (GAC), National Geographic
Channel, National Geographic Wild, Outdoor
Channel, MLB Network, NFL Network, and
CBS Sports. The TV plan also includes direct
Go RVing’s new mobile site is helping
interested consumers easily access
information about RV ownership
through their mobile devices.
response advertising on approximately 40 cable
networks through September. Among these
networks are Travel Channel, Discovery, TBS,
TLC, USA, HGTV, and ABC Family Channel.
All of these have a good record of airing Go
RVing commercials at optimum times of day
and delivering strong leads response.
The $2.6 million print buy for 2012
includes 20 magazines offering a good editorial
environment and targeted audiences for the
ads, including Better Homes & Gardens, Good
Housekeeping, National Geographic Traveler,
Family Circle, Reader’s Digest, Southern Living
and Budget Travel.
There are also interactive ads running on
dozens of websites and search engines through
the $2.6 million Internet buy. Consumers are
able to click directly to GoRVing.com from
these ads, running on popular, leads-generating
powerhouses like Google, Facebook, and Bing.
The media plan is also being bolstered
with several added-value elements, including
national RV sweepstakes with GAC and Outdoor Channel and custom RV travel vignettes
airing on SPEED, GAC, Cooking Channel,
Outdoor Channel, National Geographic,
National Geographic Wild, the NFL Network
and CBS Sports.
Spring 2012
Go RVing Tie-In Program Localizes “AWAY” Campaign
In addition to all new creative materials promoting RV ownership at the national level, Go RVing has created new resources
for local RV businesses to capitalize on the “AWAY” campaign
through the Go RVing Industry Tie-In Program.
Developed for RV dealers, show promoters, campground owners
and their agencies, the updated Go RVing Industry Tie-In Program
offers online access to campaign collateral, tools and consumer
leads to use in incorporating the national advertising messages into
their local marketing efforts.
Key elements of the program include:
• Go RVing’s Leads-Plus Program –
Leads are ranked according to the
consumer’s likelihood of purchasing – highly likely, moderately, likely
or interested – using a sophisticated
mathematical model to analyze confidential credit bureau data.
• Go RVing Image Library – All-new
high-resolution images from Go RVing
photo shoots of consumers enjoying
a variety of RV products are now
available for download in the Industry
Only section of GoRVing.com. These
images are ideal for use in advertising,
websites, and other promotional
• Go RVing B-Roll – Footage shot
during the Go RVing “AWAY” television production shoots is available
to download from the GoRVing.com
Industry Only section for use in producing local television commercials.
The nine-minute video features footage
of motorhomes, travel trailers, fifthwheel travel trailers and truck campers
driving along scenic roads. In addition
to the new download option, highdefinition HDCAM tapes and standard
definition BETA tapes of the footage
are also available.
• Taggable “AWAY” TV Spots –
The three “AWAY” 30-second television spots are available to download
and tag with company-specific information in the final five seconds of the
• Go RVing Posters – Participants in
the Go RVing Industry Tie-In Program
will receive a set of new posters featuring the “AWAY” theme. These are
perfect for displaying in a dealership or
at special events or shows.
RV dealers interested in learning more or registering for the
Go RVing Industry Tie-In program should contact Chuck Boyd at
RVDA at (703) 591-7130, ext. 113 or cboyd@rvda.org. The program cost for dealers is only $225.
Campground operators should contact ARVC’s Barb Youmans
at (303) 681-0401 or byoumans@arvc.org for registration and
pricing information for the program. Other industry members
can contact RVIA’s Margie Spence at (703) 620-6003, ext. 357 or
mspence@rvia.org for more information.
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A S S O C I A T I O N 7
California RV Show Improvements Aim to Boost
Exhibitor Experience
With space now available to companies interested in exhibiting
at RVIA’s 60th California RV Show, taking place Oct. 12 -21 at
the Fairplex in Pomona, CA, RVIA has announced a number
of enhancements to improve the show experience for exhibiting
New Pricing Structure – RVIA is now offering a tiered pricing
structure for RV manufacturers to make it more cost effective for
those companies opting to move in and arrange their units themselves. A new discounted rate of $2.50 per square foot rate does
not include electricity or move-in assistance. The $3.90 per square
foot rate includes one 20-amp electrical service per unit and assistance from an RVIA crew for move-in and vehicle arrangement.
New Show Layout – A new floorplan will be unveiled this
year that features one attendee entry point rather than four. A new
mock campground and exhibitor tent will greet attendees upon
entrance before they move onto the main show floor where more
than 1,000 RVs will be on display across 500,000 square feet of
exhibit space.
Buy and Drive – Those attendees purchasing an RV at the
show will be able to pick it up the very next day rather than needing to wait for a later delivery date.
California RV Show App – In addition to the show website
at www.TheBestRVShow.com, a new app for Apple and Android
devices is being developed to provide a new level of show interactivity. Available through a QR code on the show brochure, the
app will provide an interactive map, seminar reminders and a show
scavenger hunt to win prizes.
New Show Hours and Admission Pricing – Show hours will
be extended by two hours on Fridays and Saturdays with the show
open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Show hours will continue to be 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. on Sunday – Thursday. The daily show admission will
remain at $10. Attendees can also purchase a wristband for $15
RVIA’s California RV Show features more than 1,000 RVs on display
across more the 500,000 square feet of exhibit space.
that provides admission throughout the 10-day show. Military personnel will be admitted at no charge.
In addition to these new show components, several popular elements introduced last year will be continued. This includes:
The RV Factory Showcase – Different RV product types will be
showcased in this popular area with RV manufacturer representatives
on hand to give product demonstrations and show how RVs work.
Free RV Parking – Anyone driving their RV to the show can
park for free. This helps insure that trade-ins are on-site so dealers
can complete the deal.
Entertainment and Seminars – The show will once again feature of number of entertainment options to keep attendees amused
and informed.
For more information about the California RV Show, contact Western Show Director Tom Gaither at (818) 248-6605 or
Go RVing, MLB Network “Home and Away Tour” is a Hit
The Go RVing and MLB Network “Home and Away Tour” was
on the road in May with a specially-wrapped Jayco motorhome
serving as a touring studio broadcasting features on MLB programs from ballparks across the nation.
Through this special promotion negotiated as a value-added
element to Go RVing’s 2012 media buy with MLB Network, there
were on-air reports and interviews with players conducted both
inside and outside the motorhome on the popular On Deck Circle,
the networks signature show featuring major league baseball
highlights and analysis. There were also teasers and promotional
mentions of Go RVing and the “Home and Away Tour” on The
Run Down and the MLB Network Game of the Week.
Jayco was selected through a member-lottery to provide the Seneca
37RB type C motorhome that served as the “Home and Away Tour”
vehicle. It was wrapped with visuals from the new Go RVing “AWAY”
national advertising campaign as well as logos for Go RVing.com,
MLB Network and Jayco. The tour broadcast from games in New
York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Atlanta and Dallas.
One of the stops for the Go RVing and MLB Network “Home and
Away Tour” motorhome – a Jayco Seneca – was Rangers Ballpark in
Arlington, TX. The motorhome provided a great visual backdrop for
features broadcast on MLB Network programming.
Spring 2012
GE Economist Annunziata Set for 2nd World RV Conference
RVIA has announced that Marco Annunziata, chief economist and executive director of
Global Market Insight at General Electric Co.,
will be one of the featured speakers at the 2nd
World RV Conference being held January 17
– 20, 2013 at the Marriott Waterside Hotel &
Marina in Tampa, FL.
Annunziata will examine how the increasingly complex global economy impacts business trends and markets during luncheon
remarks on Friday, January 18. “We are
extremely fortunate to have Marco Annunziata
speak at the 2nd World RV Conference,” said
RVIA President Richard Coon. “As an internationally respected economist and business analyst, he will help us gain a deeper understanding of the role global
economic conditions have in shaping our business.”
Annunziata is responsible for global economic, financial and
market analysis to support GE’s business strategy. He is a member
of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) Shadow Council and of the
European Council of Economists. He joined GE in January 2011
after serving as Chief Economist at UniCredit Group and Chief
Economist for the Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region
at Deutsche Bank. He holds a PhD in Economics from Princeton University and a BA in
Economics from the University of Bologna.
Hosted by RVIA, the 2nd World RV Conference will draw RV industry executives and
leaders from around the world to Tampa in
January 2013. The event will feature an informative conference agenda that will provide
attendees the opportunity to share market
information and statistics, discuss technical
issues and standards, and explore how RV
companies can work together in an interconnected world market.
In addition to compelling keynote speakers
and insightful general and breakout conference sessions, the 2nd World RV Conference will also include
trips to the Florida RV SuperShow and Lazydays RV Super Center,
the world’s largest RV dealership.
Online registration materials and full program information for
the event is available by clicking on the “2nd World RV Conference” tab at www.rvia.org for updates. To make hotel reservations,
contact the Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina at (888) 7893090 and ask for the “2nd World RV Conference Room Block.”
2nd World RV Conference Schedule
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Friday, 18 January 2013 (continued) All Day
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Arrival and Registration
Welcome Reception
Dinner Cruise through Tampa
Bay Harbor
Friday, 18 January 2013 Saturday 19 January 2013 9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. RVing and Caravanning Around
the World Plenary Sessions
9:30 – 10:15 Europe – Stéphane Cordeille – Thetford Corp.
10:15 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:30 Japan
11:30 – 11:45 Break
11:45 – 12:30 Australia – Stuart Lamont, CRVIA
12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lunch and Keynote Address
Marco Annunziata, GE Chief
Economist & Executive Director
of Global Market Insight
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshops
World Product Standards
Advertising and Promotions
World Campground Standards
RV/Caravan Rental Business
RV/Caravan CEO-Chairman Panel Discussion
(Participants will choose 3 sessions, which
run 45 minutes and start every hour)
8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Canadian Breakfast
9:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. RVing and Caravanning Around
the World Plenary Sessions
9:45 – 10:30 China
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:30 South Africa – Keith Laing, Jurgens-Ci
11:30 – 11:45 Break
11:45 – 12:30 North America –
Richard Coon, RVIA
12:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Tour of Lazydays RV Dealership
(Optional tour with lunch courtesy of
3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Florida RV SuperShow
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Bar-B-Que Dinner & Party at the
SuperShow (courtesy of the Florida RV
Trade Association)
Sunday, 20 January 2013 No formal program providing guests free time to enjoy Florida
A S S O C I A T I O N 9
RV Industry Rebound is Focus of Spring Media Coverage
RVs have had a strong presence in the media this spring as
RVIA continues its aggressive media relations outreach. Media
reports reflect messages promoted by RVIA about the benefits of
RVing and the RV industry’s recovery.
RVIA President Richard Coon appeared in a live interview on Fox
Business on May 25 to discuss the resurgence of RV sales. Coon attributed the industry’s recovery to consumers responding to
innovative new products being offered by RV manufacturers.
The previous day, May 24, two Massachusetts
television stations aired live reports on the RV travel
market ahead of the Memorial Day weekend. The Fox
Morning Show on Fox 25 Boston toured
a Coachmen type C motorhome and interviewed Brian Sullivan with Campers Inn
Raynham about the benefits of RV travel. The “Dan and Kim in
the Morning” show on WGGB Springfield interviewed Marc LeBrecque of Diamond RV in-studio about why now is a great time to
RV and how to get started.
An April 11 broadcast of the PBS Newshour also examined
the RV industry’s comeback despite the nation’s economic uncer-
Herzogs Media Tour
Delivers Strong Family
RVing Messages
RVIA spokespersons Brad and Amy Herzog will be on the
road promoting the RV lifestyle in local media markets for a 13th
straight year. This year’s two-month itinerary has the Herzogs traveling to cities in the Midwest and Southwest.
The RV industry’s “Explore America Family” will be traveling
in a fuel-efficient Winnebago Via, which features the type of amenities that appeal to consumers and are helping improve industry
sales this year.
The Herzogs provide an accessible example of an RVing family. At each stop, they will deliver messages of family togetherness,
health and wellness benefits of RV travel, and the freedom, fun and
flexibility offered by RV travel.
The 60-day tour launches June 7 in Chicago. The tour includes
stops in Des Moines, Omaha, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Phoenix,
Oklahoma City, Memphis, St. Louis and Minneapolis.
tainty. PBS reported on Elkhart’s drop in unemployment due to RV
industry hiring.
The Wall Street Journal published a story on March 27 about
the rising popularity of RVing in China. RVIA recently announced
plans to open an office in China to assist with the association’s
efforts to reduce barriers to American RV companies entering the
growing Chinese market.
National Public Radio, which reaches a sizeable and affluent audience, broadcasted a story on
March 6 about the economic recovery in Elkhart.
The report attributed that recovery, which includes
a dramatic reduction in unemployment, to
the increase in RV shipments and the subsequent boom in RV hiring.
On February 28, the Rachael Ray Show aired a program
congratulating the people of Oklahoma City for collectively losing
one million pounds. The episode featured a motorhome provided by
Fleetwood, which was used for interviews and to transport guests to
the airport for a trip to New York. The Rachael Ray Show reaches
approximately two million viewers daily.
Stay Current on Coverage
with RVIA’s MediaBuzz
Industry members can keep up to date with the many positive media stories about RVing by subscribing to MediaBuzz, a
monthly e-newsletter published by RVIA.
MediaBuzz delivers the previous month’s top RV news stories
from the national and local media, like the coverage detailed in
the article above, straight to subscribers’ email inboxes. To receive
MediaBuzz, visit www.rvia.org, follow the RVIA Today Express
link at the top of the home page and enter your email address.
In addition to MediaBuzz, subscribers also receive RVIA
Today Express, the association’s bi-weekly e-newsletter that
provides association and industry news in between issues of
the printed RVIA Today newsletter.
To keep up with RV media coverage in between issues of
MediaBuzz, visit the Newsroom on rvia.org or subscribe to
receive e-mail alerts via RVIA’s RSS feed by following the
instructions at www.rvia.org/rss/.
Spring 2012
RVIA’s Trouble Shooter Clinic Draws Strong Attendance
Ninety RV service technicians took part in RVIA’s Trouble
Shooter Clinic, held earlier this year in South Bend, Ind., to build
their skills through the new track-focused format that features more
hands-on diagnostic training on the major RV systems.
The Foundation/Plumbing Track was filled to capacity with 45
registrants. Meanwhile, there were 22 registrants for the Power
Sources Track; 14 for the Appliances Track; and five for the Chassis Track.
“We were very encouraged by the strong
participation in our last Trouble Shooter Clinic,
which was the second one with the new format
change,” said Bruce Hopkins, RVIA’s vice
president of Standards and Education. “The
GE Capital
reaction to the track-based curriculum from the
industry has been very positive, and particiCommercial Distribution Finance
pants are very appreciative of the smaller class
sizes and the opportunity to have more hands-on
Under the new approach, Trouble Shooter
Clinics now offer tracks covering Foundation,
Chassis, Power Sources and Appliances. Tracks
are offered independently, providing technicians the ability to receive training suited to
their individual needs and job focus. Attendance in the Chassis, Power Sources and Appliances tracks requires technicians to be certified
or have previously attended the Foundation
The Foundation Track is open to all technicians and covers basic RV knowledge, includAt GE Capital, we’re not just bankers, we’re builders. We bring
ing propane, electrical, plumbing, pre-delivery
GE’s real-world expertise to the RV industry and apply insights
inspection, preventative maintenance, and fire,
like no other bank. From wholesale inventory finance to industry
life and safety topics.
experts who can help you manage your business better, we’ll
RVIA reorganized the Trouble Shooter Clinics to align the popular training sessions with
make sure you have more than just working capital. You’ll have
the new RV Technician Career Ladder that was
the intellectual capital you need to take your business where you
introduced last fall to provide technicians with
want to go.
two paths to technician certification. The new
track format is more customizable to a techniStop just banking. And start building.
cian’s specific needs, limits the time needed to
participate in the training, and offers more class
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time and smaller class sizes. In addition, technicians can earn continuing education credits
toward recertification while limiting the time
away from the shop. The sessions focus on general and product-specific troubleshooting procedures to improve diagnostic and repair skills.
While participation in the clinics can assist a
technician in certification efforts, the program
does not cover all the knowledge needed to pass
the certification tests.
RVIA’s Industry Education Committee will
© 2012 General Electric Capital Corporation. All rights reserved.
set the schedule for upcoming Trouble Shooter
All transactions subject to credit approval.
Clinics at their meeting in June at RVIA’s Com12RV042
mittee Week.
12RV042 RVIAToday Ad 1
A S S O C I A T I O N 11
2/7/12 12:34 PM
RVIA Offers Membership to Park Trailer Manufacturers
RVIA is now offering recreation park trailer manufacturers the
ability to join the association as members as a result of an agreement reached with the Recreational Park Trailer Industry Association in March.
“We are very happy to welcome park trailer manufacturers as
RVIA members,” said RVIA President Richard Coon. “We look
forward to representing them and firmly believe that we can leverage our association services and programs to help these companies
achieve their goals.”
“This is something the members of RPTIA have been talking
about for a long time. We feel this is the best time to move forward,
and we are excited to be working with RVIA to better the park
trailer and destination camping industry,” said Dick Grymonprez,
chairman of RPTIA and vice president of sales and marketing for
Athens Park Homes.
As conditions of park trailer manufacturers joining RVIA:
• Park trailer members will have two representatives on the
RVIA Board of Directors.
• RVIA will form a Park Trailer Committee as one of the association’s standing committees.
• RVIA will continue the Destination Camping Committee and
its efforts to study and recommend initiatives to grow this
market segment.
• RVIA hired Matt Wald as a full-time senior level staff person who will be responsible for providing guidance, managing information, serving as a spokesperson, and representing
park trailer manufacturers’ best interests. (see related story
• ANSI A119.5 will be recognized and accepted as a park
trailer standard and will be maintained by RVIA’s Standards
Steering Committee. RVIA inspectors will conduct unannounced inspections at a minimum eight-week frequency.
• RVIA will continue efforts to have HUD accept the A119.5
as an exception to the Construction Code.
• RVIA’s Government Affairs Department will represent the
legislative interests of recreation park trailer manufacturers
at both the state and federal levels.
• Park trailer members will be treated the same in terms of
participation of the National RV Trade Show, with the understanding that there are size restrictions.
The agreement for RVIA to represent park trailer manufacturers
reached with RPTIA calls for a two-year trial period. RPTIA will
“safe harbor” or “mothball” their association for these two years,
pending an agreement of both parties to continue having RVIA
represent park trailer manufacturers.
RVIA’s Matt Wald Named Park Trailer Executive Director
RVIA’s Matt Wald (left in photo) has been named to the newly
created position of Park Trailer Executive Director for the association.
In this role, Wald will be responsible for promoting and protecting the interests of park trailer manufacturer members. By
leveraging the activities of the existing RVIA committee and
departmental structure, he will serve the park trailer industry
by monitoring and acting on federal, state and local legislative
issues; preparing, analyzing and distributing market data and
demographics; managing the ongoing process of creating and
updating the ANSI A119.5 national safety standard for park
trailers; serving as the liaison between RVIA and the media to
promote the recreation park trailer industry as well as acting as
an industry spokesperson with government agencies, industry
trade groups and at industry trade shows. He will serve as staff
liaison and manage the affairs of RVIA’s newly-formed Recreational Park Trailer Standing Committee.
Wald has worked as RVIA’s director of government affairs
since 2003 with the responsibility of lobbying state and federal
governments on issues impacting the RV industry. Before joining
RVIA, Wald served as director of federal and state government
programs at the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association. He also was director of government affairs for both the
American Subcontractors Association and the National Burglar
and Fire Alarm Association. Prior to that, he spent several years
as an aide on Capitol Hill.
RVIA and the Recreational Park Trailer Industry Association
(RPTIA) recently reached an agreement for park trailer manufacturers to join RVIA as members. One of the conditions of that
agreement was the creation of the Park Trailer Executive Director position within RVIA to guide association efforts for this
membership segment on a daily basis. (see story above)
RVIA began soliciting and accepting companies as park
trailer members in April. Wald will officially assume the executive director position on July 2, spending the interim time transitioning from his current role as government affairs director.
“I’m excited to welcome Matt to this new role representing
park trailer manufacturers,” said RVIA President Richard Coon.
“With his strong government relations and public affairs background, he is uniquely qualified to serve the interests of the park
trailer industry both within RVIA, but also more importantly to
the world.”
Spring 2012
Board of Directors Election Ballot Being Prepared
RVIA has received confirmations from a number of candidates
from the association’s membership who will be running in this
year’s Board of Directors election. The candidates will be introduced in a pre-ballot publication provided by RVIA in July.
There are eight positions up for election this year including seats
for five Manufacturer, two At-Large and one Supplier representatives.
The RVIA Board has the highest level of authority in the association’s
organizational structure. It is responsible for association affairs on a broad
policy basis. The Board meets three times per year: in March, during Committee Week in mid-June, and in mid-September.
“We are encouraged so many association
members have expressed an interest in working on the key issues facing the RV industry by
agreeing to run for a seat on the RVIA Board,”
said RVIA President Richard Coon. “The
Gregg Fore, Doug
Gaeddert Visit RVIA
Board plays an integral role in guiding the work of the association
and shaping the future of the RV industry.”
Each RVIA manufacturer and supplier member company is
afforded a single vote in the association elections, scheduled to
take place electronically in August. Newly elected Board members
will begin serving their terms on October 1, 2012.
RVIA’s Nominating Committee, which includes Chairman Matt Miller,
Newmar Corporation; Norm Jacobson, Lance Camper; and Doug Whyte,
Dometic Corporation, selects the candidates and sets the election ballot.
on more than just car insurance.
RVIA Chairman of the Board Gregg Fore
(center in photo), president of Dicor Corp., and
First Vice Chairman Doug Gaeddert (right in
photo), general manager of Forest River, Inc.,
visited RVIA headquarters in Reston, VA on
May 10–11 to discuss the association’s activities with RVIA President Richard Coon (left in
photo) and staff ahead of Committee Week.
The three met with vice presidents and senior
staff of each RVIA department over the course
of two days to review current programs and discuss possible future initiatives.
“I always enjoy my time at RVIA’s offices,” said
Fore. “The association staff is focused on doing all
they can on many fronts, including RV standards,
education, government affairs, public relations and
advertising, industry events, and market information and data, to advance the RV industry and help
member companies be successful.”
“It was a pleasure for me to spend time with
the staff and to see how enthusiastic and positive they are. It’s evident that they enjoy working
for the RV industry,” added Gaeddert, who is
expected to succeed Fore as RVIA Chairman
in October.
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A S S O C I A T I O N 13
U.S., Canadian RV Standards Harmonization Progresses
Substantial progress is being made in the effort to harmonize
United States’ and Canadian RV safety standards into one single
North American standard with key meetings taking place this
spring where the focus was on what code change proposals were
needed to attain this goal.
The CSA Z240 Technical Committee, which governs Canada’s
RV standards program, met April 30 – May 1 in Toronto, Canada
A joint Ad Hoc Committee consisting of members from the CSA Z240
Technical Committee and the NFPA Technical Committee on RVs met
in March to identify code change proposals that would be needed to
harmonize the U.S. and Canadian RV standards.
to review approximately 50 code change proposals to the Z240
program. That session was followed by a meeting of the NFPA
Technical Committee on RVs from May 22 – 24 in Seattle,
WA where over 100 suggested code changes to the NFPA 1192
standard were discussed.
The two groups are working toward publishing harmonized
requirements in the 2014 editions of both the CSA Z240 and ANSI
1192 standards with a single CSA/NFPA document with both designations potentially published in the 2017 cycle.
The code change proposals considered at these meetings were
developed by a joint Ad Hoc Committee, composed of members
of the CSA Z240 Technical Committee and the NFPA Technical
Committee on RVs, during a meeting in March. The development of the Ad Hoc Committee followed an RVIAinitiated meeting in Boston last October between CSA and NFPA
to begin harmonization discussions. Both organizations indicated
that the development of a single set of requirements that would
apply to all North American RVs could be beneficial to the North
American RV industry. “None of the progress made on this important initiative would
be possible without the input and participation of our members in
this effort,” said RVIA Vice President of Standards and Education
Bruce Hopkins. “RVIA would like to thank Jeff Christner, Forest
River, Inc.; Terry Elias, Triple E RV; Peter Gildenstem, Intertek; Jerome Hoover, Monaco RV LLC; and David Mihalick, Thor
Industries for their willingness to participate and provide their vital
expertise throughout the process.”
Inspector Team Gathers at RVIA for Bi-Annual Meeting
RVIA’s team of inspectors met with staff from the
association’s Standards and Education department from
May 7 - 9 at RVIA headquarters in Reston, VA.
The meetings are held regularly to help maintain
and improve the consistency in the standards inspection
The primary focus at this session was to educate staff
on the ANSI A119.5 Recreational Park Trailer Standard
(2009 edition) requirements with park trailer manufacturers now able to join RVIA as members.
While many of the park trailer requirements are very
similar to the RV requirements of NFPA 1192, John
Proteau, RVIA’s standards administrator/chief inspector
developed a park trailer deviation database to identify
additional criteria, in the areas of construction, structural
and thermal, that the inspection staff reviewed to become
familiar with in order to conduct park trailer inspections.
During the meeting, the group also reviewed RV-related code
changes and other technical issues that may have arisen since
the group last met in December during the RVIA National RV
Trade Show in Louisville, KY.
Those meeting at RVIA were (l to r in photo) John Proteau,
standards administrator/chief inspector; Curt Richardson,
senior inspector; Greg Wischmeyer, inspector/certified technician; Gatie Gore, standards administrative assistant; Sharonne
Lee, director, technical information; Nancy Jo Bell-London,
inspection services coordinator; Kent Perkins, director of RV
standards; Mick Sass, inspector/media coordinator; and Bruce
Hopkins, vice president, standards and education.
Spring 2012
A Small Adjustment Can Make ALL the Difference
Empower your workforce and your business with the revamped
RV Technician Certification Program.
Maintaining status quo doesn’t grow a
business. Progress requires skill and innovation. And that’s just what the new RV
Technician Certification Program delivers. Designed to adapt to today’s changing marketplace – as well as the demands
of a fast-paced business environment –
this program also makes certification
more convenient and accessible than
ever before.
• Improved, restructured program, featuring a Career Ladder that allows candidates to pursue advanced technical
• Timesaving online testing options.
• Updated materials, textbooks, and online test-prep resources that reflect
changing needs and industry trends.
• RVIA Trouble Shooter Clinics that
track seamlessly with the specialty areas of the Career Ladder.
And the new RV Technician Certification
Program will boost your bottom line. In a
recent survey of more than 600 dealers…
• 72% believe certified technicians create more satisfied customers.
• 75% report certified technicians perform better quality work than non-certified counterparts.
• 80% confirm certified technicians
make them more money than non-certified counterparts.
It’s time to make your next move. The certification process is just a click away. Visit
www.rvtechnician.com to learn more.
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RVers Will Hit the Road This Spring and Summer
RV owners expect to hit the road in big numbers this spring and summer and plan to adjust to higher fuel prices by enjoying frequent weekend
getaways and staying closer to home, according to a new survey.
Despite rising fuel prices, the latest Campfire Canvass survey of
RV owners, conducted by RVIA, reveals that 64% of RV owners
intend to use their RVs more this spring/summer than they did last
year, and 24% say they’ll use theirs the same amount. Seven percent
indicated they’ll use their RV less.
The survey of 424 RV owners was conducted by RVIA and Cvent
from March 14 through March 27 and has a margin of error of 4.5%.
The top reasons for using their RVs more include enjoying
outdoor activity, taking mini-vacations, spending quality time with
family, and escaping from the stress and pressure of everyday life.
More than half (58%) said that fuel prices will affect their RV
travel plans. Respondents indicated they will still travel by RV,
but will adjust their plans by traveling to destinations closer to
home (74%) and driving fewer miles in their RVs (68%).
One reason so many RVers will be on the road is the built-in
cost savings of RV travel. A 2011 study by travel industry experts
PKF Consulting found that a family of four can save 23-to-59%
when they travel in their RV, even when factoring in purchase
price, maintenance costs, and rising gas prices. RV owners agree
— 74% of Campfire Canvass respondents said RV vacations cost
less than other forms of travel even when fuel prices rise.
“Almost nine million Americans own RVs because of the unmatched
freedom and flexibility they provide when traveling,” said RVIA President Richard Coon. “When fuel prices rise they can adjust their plans to
reduce driving but still spend quality time outdoors with loved ones.”
Emerging Trends in RV Usage
Approximately 18% of RV owners are engaging in “seasonal” or
“destination” camping, according to the survey. Destination campers leave their RV parked at one location for the entire spring/summer (or longer) and travel back and forth to it using a family car.
Many families are taking shorter, more frequent getaways in their
RVs to accommodate busy schedules. According to the survey, 70% of
RVers plan to take more 1-4 day mini-vacations this spring/summer.
RV owners appreciate the control RVs offer in today’s travel
climate. Unlike air travelers, RVers can bring anything they want
on vacation — including pets. According to the survey, 54% of RV
owners bring pets along on trips. Most RVers traveling with pets
bring dogs (92%) and cats (14%). Others bring along other pets
such as birds, ferrets, snakes and horses.
Health Benefits
RVing is a great way to stay active while on vacation, according
to RV owners. More than 71% said they’re more physically active
on an RV trip — 76% said their children are more active. RVers
cite the flexibility to enjoy outdoor activities (79%), and escape
everyday stress and pressure (70%) as primary benefits of RV
travel versus other types of vacations.
RVers Plan to Visit State and National Parks
America’s state and national park systems are popular destinations for RV trips this spring/summer, according to the survey.
Seventy two percent of RVers plan to visit a national park this year;
74% say they’ll visit a state park. Two-thirds plan to visit historic
site this spring/summer.
June 10 – 14
RVIA Committee Week – Washington, D.C.
Oct. 12 – 21
60th California RV Show – Pomona, CA
Nov. 27 – 29
50th National RV Trade Show – Louisville, KY
January 17 – 20 2nd World RV Conference – Tampa, FL

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