september 2015 - Carer Wellness Centre
september 2015 - Carer Wellness Centre
A delaide Hills & Alexandrina Areas JEFF HOFFMANS SPEECH AT THE SEPTEMBER 2015 Woodside Office 39 Onkaparinga Valley Road Woodside 5244 TEL: 8389 7383 FAX: 8389 7437 Email: Strathalbyn Office Open: Tues, Wed, Thu. 7 Catherine Street Strathalbyn 5255 TEL: 8549 1299 Carer Wellness Centre OP Shop has its own Facebook page. Anyone can view this page, you don't need a FB account to see what’s happening at The Centre! FREE BBQ For registered Carers Second Friday every Month 12-2pm In our Courtyard 20TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS FROM LITTLE THINGS BIG THINGS GROW LITTLE THINGS: In the early 1990s three women in the Barossa were working in 3 organisations, CHAP, Tanunda Lutheran Homes and Disability SA (was Options Coordination). These ladies Karen Tyler, Kathryn Fuller and Henriette Norde were employed to provide services to people who were aged or disabled. They all noticed that their Carers too need support, and so each of them established their own support groups for Carers. In actual fact they were not employed to do so, however they knew Carers needed it and ‘went out of their way’ to provide the support, this was just ‘a little thing’. It was a round this time an organization in Adelaide called “Carer Support” had been government funded to support Carers in the city. This prompted Karen and Kathryn, with the support of other service providers to apply for funds for Carer Support services in the Barossa. Country Home Advocacy Project (CHAP) managed by Karen was the auspice. The application was successful for an ongoing grant of $130,000 per year. After this, Karen was appointed as the first Coordinator (Manager) and established a Carer Advisory Committee to guide the new organization, Carers’ Link. Our first day of operation was on the 4th September 1995. The Advisory Committee, made up of mainly Carers eventually became the Carers’ Link Board that directed Karen Fuller to stay focused on providing services that “Carers want”. Under Kathryn’s guidance the Objectives of Carers’ Link were documented in the Constitution. Following that, the local Carer Support Model was developed that embraced Carer needs, and spawned more Carer Support Groups, Carer Days out, Carer Respite and Retreats, Carer Education and community information sessions all flowing from the Carer Centre established at Schild House on the St Petri Lutheran Church’s premises in Nuriootpa. Continued page 2…. Continued from front page…… Carers’ Link worked closely with other services to ensure the ‘cared for’ also had services and in late 1998 won Respite Services for Carers of people with Dementia and soon after Respite for Employed Carers. A few years later services to people with disabilities began and more Independent Contractors were engaged to deliver these services. Many of those Contractors are still engaged today to care for “our people”. NOW FOR THE BIG THINGS: Since then we have developed Carer Support services on the Yorke Peninsula in Kadina and Yorketown in 1999, and in 2010 in Woodside and Strathalbyn. Our income for 2014/15 is now over $4 million dollars, a significant increase over 20 years! We have 41 staff who really understand the value of “listening to Carers” and following through on what Carers want or request. We now own our own Carer Centre in Nuriootpa that provides facilities for Carers to meet and receive counselling, education and information. Some need assistance with understanding Aged Care Packages, or for younger families, information on the new National Disability Scheme. Young Carers too have activities and education times provided. Throughout the last 20 years our values remain the same, “putting Carers and their families first”. Our ‘motto’ from 20 years ago still rings true: We now have over 1,700 Carers registered with us across 3 rural regions, run over 40 Carer Support Groups, 3 Op Shops, and are assisted by hundreds of Volunteers. Each week we provide over 600 hours of Carer Support and over 1,000 hours of in home support, personal care and respite for people who are frail aged or have a disability. These services could not happen without the help of over 120 Independent Contractors who work in people’s homes and in the community. “The role of Carers’ Link is to support Carers individually and collectively to balance their caring role equally between their own needs and those of the person they care for” I would like to thank all past Board Members whose names are listed in the 20th Birthday Celebration Booklet, the hundreds of Volunteers who have served tirelessly over the years. Carers and their families who have supported us and the staff who have served Carers with compassion and understanding. Jeffrey Hoffman Chairperson THANK YOU! The 5C’s raise money by collecting Recyclable 10c containers! This Community Group has not only raised funds for the Centre, but is continually helping to really raise the profile of Carers in the Community. FORGET ME KNOTS GROUP AT MONARTO ZOO Thank you SO much 5Cs! 2 Carer Pamper Day Woodside Memorial Hall Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside 11am—4pm Wednesday 14th October 2015 Nurture yourself with good food, good company and good experiences There will be many therapies to choose from see enclosed booking sheet BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL. PROGRAM AND PERSONAL BOOKING FORM INLCUDED WITH THIS NEWSLETTER The Hut Carer Support Group Join us at the Hut for an afternoon of fun activities while enjoying the company of other Carers and volunteers. The Hut Carer Support group is run in partnership with the Carer Wellness Centre and is a great place to relax, laugh, eat delicious food and chat with others. Date: 4th Wednesday of every month Time: 1.30 -3.30pm Address: 1 Euston Road, Aldgate, 5154 For more information contact Fiona on 8389 7383 or The Hut on 8339 4400 3 Carer’s Mystery Indulgence Day Monday 12th October 2015 RSVP by Monday 21st September via signed form and payment Mount Barker District Council in association with the Carer Wellness Centre Adelaide Hills, Strathalbyn and Districts, is pleased to invite you to our annual Carer’s Week Celebration. Destination unknown, come along and enjoy the day and the company of other Carers. Relax and enjoy the Spring weather. Depart: 9.00am From Mount Barker Home Maker Centre, 6 Dutton Road Bus leaves from car park adjacent BCF (Unlimited parking in centre rows of car park) Returning: 3.30pm approx. 1 person per registration form. Available from Carer Wellness Centre Woodside and Mount Barker Council Cost of $20.00 payable by 21st September 2015 4 Reclink Fishing Day! For any Carers who may be interested in a day out fishing! Reclink have a day trip planned for Tuesday 1st December. Cost is $5.00 for transport, lunch is included. Destination will be decided closer to the date depending on weather forecast etc. Bookings are essential. Call Andy on 0408 808 533 Join us on the next LIGHTNING GROUP OUTING Wednesday 16th September for a browse around the lovely gardens of Carrick Hill and morning tea in the café. We will tour the house and then lunch at the Torrens Arms Hotel in Mitcham. Come and enjoy the company of other Carers and Carees. Contact the office on 8389 7383 to book. Our Mission The Carer Wellness Centre, is auspiced by Carers’ Link, Barossa and Districts Incorporated. The Mission Statement for Carers’ Link is: Scrappin’ Good Company in partnership with Carer Wellness Centre invites you to “Tomorrow’s Treasures” - Woodside Scrapbooking workshop Second Tuesday of the month 10am—1pm Tue 13th Oct and Tue 10th Nov OR Third Monday of the month 12 noon—3pm. Mon 19th Oct and Mon 16th Nov $10 for 3 hours just bring along your album and your photos. The role of Carers’ Link is to support Carers individually and collectively, to balance their caring role equally between their own needs and those of the person they care for. ‘Carers’ Link Barossa and districts Inc. has successfully achieved accreditation at Certificate Level of the Service Excellence Program’ To book call 8389 7383 Address supplied on booking 5 MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP THURSDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER Lutheran Church Hall THURSDAY 15TH OCTOBER Guided tour of Carrick Hill House & Garden followed by lunch at Burnside Library and a look around Burnside Shopping Centre. Cost $5 Departing Woodside at 10.00am. Please phone Lynda to book on 8389 7383. THURSDAY 19TH NOVEMBER Lutheran Church Hall- Afternoon tea and photos from Meggs and Peter’s trip overseas. THURSDAY 17TH DECEMBER Christmas lunch – Charleston Hotel It is so nice to see the blossoms on the trees bursting open. Spring is upon us and I am sure we all cannot wait until we feel the warmth of the sun. Winter seems to have been long and very cold and has taken its toll on people’s mental health and wellbeing. Hopefully we can dust off those cob webs and get into some activities. The mental health support group has been down on numbers and we have missed many of you who have not been able to attend. It has not been particularly inviting to come out in the cold. The Wallis cinema day with lunch was nice and a great time to be inside in the warmth. We enjoyed a lovely lunch at Auchendarroch House followed by a very light hearted, somewhat teenage movie, and then coffee and cake to follow. A few Carers tried their hand at some art therapy and discovered some hidden talents and shared parts of their caring journey story. These stories were extremely moving and portrayed many of the difficulties and adversity faced by Carers of people with mental illness. At the last group get together Judy Hardy from the Private Mental Health Consumer Carer Network Australia, came to consult with our carers to gain insight into carers experiences of services, to assist in the development of a new resource” A practical Guide for Working with Carers of People with a Mental Illness. Our Carers had many experiences to share and hopefully we will see these reflected in the resource in the future. Together with Uniting Communities we are looking to develop a mental health carer support group in Mount Barker. If you would be interested in this please phone and let us know. We are pleased to announce that Neami Partners in Recovery staff will be providing in-reach services at our Woodside office on alternate Wednesdays from 1.00 to 5.00 and also on our barbecue days which is the 2nd Friday of each month. If you would like to come and talk about services that may be helpful to the person you care for please feel free to drop in. Staff will also be available at other times to be announced. Please phone Lynda on 8389 7383 for details. 6 KALEIDOSCOPE GROUP—AUG We had Jill and Lia join us in August with Sand Play / therapy. Sand Play is a therapy to reflect on past experiences as well as present emotions and behaviour. Understanding the past often allows us to move forward and plan for the future. It was a relaxing morning and we enjoyed lunch afterwards at Our Place Café In Mount Barker. KALEIDOSCOPE GROUP SEPTEMBER: A very relaxing morning where we enjoyed some Foot Reflexology with Anne and massage with Nayda. Thanks to Anne and Nayda for this session. Everyone left feeling extremely relaxed and pampered! We had a delicious lunch afterwards at Our Place Cafe. OCTOBER: No formal group meeting due to our Carer Pamper Day on Wednesday 14th October NOVEMBER 3rd : Melbourne Cup morning tea/Lunch—more details later. 7 1-11 September 2015 Best kept secret in the Hills! 10am-4pm Monday-Friday (Espresso Coffee Thurs & Fri’s) 39 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside The Courtyard was once again transformed into a winter wonderland for the whole family at Christmas in July. There was a great line up of hits performed by the legendary Barry Hall, with Janelle Robinson, Dave Verral and India Gautier, along with fabulous prizes, bargains, face painting, and scrumptious goodies for all. New this year; the Rotary Club of Mt Barker, was a huge crowd pleaser, with hot donuts. A HUGE THANKYOU to all the volunteers who helped make the day another success for Carers. 8 CARING & SHARING—2ND SEPTEMBER COMEDY CAPERS Fun and laughter was the order of the day for Carers at September Caring and Sharing group. Everybody had fun watching classic comedy acts like Mr Bean, The Two Ronnies, Dave Allen, Dara O’Brien and Adam Hills. There were also some fun games which gave much amusement at Jacqui and Jenny’s expense! We also had a couple of team activities which involved members showing off their dressing and modelling skills. As you can see from the photo these skills are pretty good. COMING EVENTS: GADABOUTS OCTOBER—No outing this month due to Carer Pamper Day Wednesday 14th October. NOVEMBER—Tour of Sacred Gardens, St Paul’s Monastery and visit to Carrick Hill Garden (not the house). Successful Ageing Seminar Unisa City West Campus Friday 25th September 2-4pm Final seminar for the year Topic: Indigenous Medicines from traditional Medicinal Plants and Complimentary medicine. Includes discussion on Anti Cancer medicines from plants. Please join us and enjoy the company of other Carers, while gaining knowledge about the First Australians. Contact the office to book your place on 8389 7383 This is a free event, afternoon tea included. Bus leaves the Woodside office at 12.30pm Let justice prevail!! A group of Carers and volunteers having fun in the Old Willunga Courthouse after morning tea at Bracegirdles in McLaren Vale and a delicious lunch at the Old Bush Inn . Go Day Trippers! 9 MOUNT BARKER LIONS COMMUNITY ASSIST GROUP Our group is an independent group backed by the Lions Club of Mount Barker and was started in 2013. For the past 2 years we have made Carolyn’s Chemo Caps for the Royal Adelaide, Calvary and Flinders Private Hospitals oncology wards. Our aim at present is helping children in crisis. We knit or crochet trauma teddies and make quillows (looks like a pillow but unfolds to be used as a rug). The trauma teddies and quillows are donated to the Adelaide Children’s Hospital, Families SA and Anglicare Star Bear group (who assist children between the ages of 5-12 who are grieving the death of a parent, sibling or other significant person). We have people attending our group who are interested in sewing, knitting or crocheting or just willing to help pack the finished articles. Most IMPORTANTLY we have FUN and enjoy a good chat and morning tea while we work for people in crisis. We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month 9am—11.30am in the meeting room of the Nairne Railway Station and welcome anyone who would like to help. If you would like to assist but are unable to attend our monthly workshop we can organise someone to pick up what you have made. We can supply wool, pattern etc. If you would like to know more about the group contact: Colleen on 8391 2325 or 0428 604 274 Yvonne on 8391 3808 Pattern also available from Carer Wellness Woodside Centre FORGET ME KNOTS MONARTO ZOO—AUGUST I must say the weather was pretty good to us this day. It rained on the way there and on the way back, but it didn’t rain while at the zoo (must have been Eileen’s sun dance that did the trick before we left!). Monarto Zoo is a fantastic place to visit, comfortable buses with knowledgeable tour guides, wild animals in their natural setting, lunch amongst friends—what more could you want for a day out? Merv’s new best friend! Upcoming Events for “Forget Me Knots” - September/October/November September 24th—We are having a tour of the beautiful St. Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide, followed by lunch at the Cathedral hotel and a quick visit to the Cathedral Op Shop! October 22nd—We are lucky enough to have a private tour of the open garden scheme “Pine Park” in Mount Torrens which includes morning tea and lunch in Birdwood afterwards. November 26th—Ever wanted to go on a mystery shopping trip? Well now is your chance. This trip is on a few Carers wish list and will entail numerous stops across the hills to find those this knick-knacks and gifts for Christmas or something just for yourself. 10
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