PROPERTY CATASTROPHE – USA REINSURANCE Our aim is to understand the reinsurance needs of our clients, help create solutions that work for them and ensure that we deliver excellent service throughout the process. Novae has a long-established presence in the Lloyd’s property reinsurance market, having written the class since the company was founded. The present portfolio has been developed through a network of strong relationships between the underwriting team, their clients and US/London brokers. The book is well-balanced, with clients ranging from small single-state mutuals through to some of the world’s largest insurance companies. The unit also writes a complementary book of Canadian property reinsurance business. The Account Contact With an account built up over 30 years, and tested by real catastrophes, our underwriters have developed a client-base of more than 250 US companies. Our expertise is centred on providing catastrophe XOL cover. Please contact an underwriter or email your enquiry to We also offer aggregate, stop loss and other products addressing sideways loss exposure, as well as writing some selective risk XOL. We offer multi-year contracts, and whilst our main focus is the US market, we also reinsure Canadian and UK companies. Jonathan Gray Unit Head Tel: +44 (0) 20 7050 9453 Service Commitment Relationship to us means meeting clients not only in London, but also at conferences and in their home offices. It means responding quickly to requests, providing constructive feedback and creative solutions. Vicky Baxter Deputy Unit Head Tel: +44 (0) 20 7050 9452 Above all, it means that when things do go wrong we are there to pay claims in a timely and efficient way. Whilst the numbers are important, we understand that from customer to reinsurer, insurance still remains a people-business. Lucy Forcey Class Underwriter Tel: +44 (0) 20 7050 9454 Phoebe Abdy Collins Assistant Underwriter Tel: +44 (0) 20 7050 9451 About Novae Novae is a diversified property and casualty (re)insurance business operating through Syndicate 2007 at Lloyd’s. The Group is based in London and has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 1998. Our aim is to be an innovative specialty insurer, delivering excellence in product and service. We seek to achieve this through the combination of expert underwriting, consistent performance and dynamic capital management, which are the three pillars of our strategy. Lloyd’s Ratings Novae Group plc 21 Lombard Street, London EC3V 9AH Tel: +44 (0) 20 7050 9000 As part of the Lloyd’s market, Syndicate 2007 enjoys the overall A (A.M. Best), AA- (Fitch) and A+ (Standard & Poor’s) Lloyd’s ratings. 2014 Gross Written Premium Property Reinsurance Casualty Reinsurance 43% 10% PROPERTY CASUALTY £259.2m £153.0m GWP 57% Property Insurance 37% General Liability & Motor Specialty Liability Aviation Reinsurance 10% MAP 29% 53% GWP £226.3m GWP Credit & Political 61% Marine & Energy Novae Syndicates Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Property Catastrophe – USA Reinsurance – December 2015