Lumberton Chamber of Commerce Newsletter: August
Lumberton Chamber of Commerce Newsletter: August
the Chamber NOW and be BoARD listed in the Business Directory! L umberto N Join WeLCoMe NeW MeMBeRS What Can My Chamber Do For Me? NORTH CAROLINA Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce • City and County Maps: This is a question asked when The Chamber publishes and a business joins any Chamber. distributes a map of the Robeson Actually you receive many direct and indirect benefits as a result of County and Lumberton area. your Chamber membership. This North Carolina State maps are also available. publication outlines just a few of • Monthly Newsletter: New those benefits. chamber members are automatiIt’s fair to say that YOUR Robert Britt Debbie Branyon Abelisted Marshall Jennifer newsHickman Buddy Bodiford Angela Sumner Lee Grissom Patricia Fields cally in the chamber Chamber does not “cost” but The Lumberton AreaEvery Chamber Commerceletter would which like to welcome our new is published by theof the Budget Committee for Sandy Grove Baptist Church and serves on the Board rather it “pays.” dayofthe board members. Each board member is an asset to the Chamber brings for Communities in Schools. Abe has also served as President of the Robeson County Robesonian once aand month. Chamber is working to make uniquebusiness and positive qualities to the Board. • Demographic Information:Community Foundation and Chair of the Communities in Schools Board of Directors. He your a success. and his late wife Edwinna have 2 children and three grandchildren. The Chamber houses Here(Buddy) are a few features of the native Gerald Bodiford is a Lumberton and retired from LowesdemographHome volunteers play an integral part are mailed at no charge. ic information Lumberton Chamber of Street Methodist Center. He is aArea member of Chestnut Church including where he censusAngela and Sumner is employed by Robeson Community College with the BOOST Grant. She in im-proving the quality of life in • Industry List: A listing of figures and statistics. Commerce. is past member of Board of Trustees and the Finance committee and past graduated from Columbia College. She has been the Education Chair for the Lumberton our community. industrial corporations that call President of the Methodist Men’s Club. He is also on the Lumberton Christian Area Chamber of Commerce for the past several years. She is also Board Chair for Robeson County home. SERVICES DIRECTORIES AND LISTINGS Care Center Board, past president of Carolina Shaggers Shag Club, a Master Communities In Schools, a member of Chestnut Street Methodist Church where she serves NETWORKING EDUCATION • Business Referrals: The Lodge #114•and Membership Directory: Mason with the St. Albans Masonic an honorary member of This on the Finance Committee. Angela is Past Chair of the Academic Booster Club at Lumberton • Business After Hours: Enjoy • Lumberton Area Chamber its members make is the mainBoard source High School, the Robesonand County Homebuilders Association. He Chamber’s is a past Chamber PTO and PTA at Carroll Middle. She and her husband David haveLeadertwo children an evening ship Institute: A community frequent referrals for products referrals whichtomembers member and past Chamber Golf TournamentofChair. He isin married Martie Hailey and Joshua. mixer hosted by a Chamber business. A Business leadership development program and services ONLY Chamber receive a free listing both alphaand they have aofGod child Kayleigh. After Hours event isPresents an excellentLeadership specifically designed Chamber Award for Robeson member firms. betically and by category. This is Debbie Branyon is Branch Manager at First Bank on Elm Street in opportunity to network with area County’s emerging leaders. • Web Page Listing the only directory of its type in Lumberton. She is a member of Godwin Heights Baptist Church. She Linda Branch, Chamber Chair, presented Jeff business owners and industry • Seminars and Workshops • Ribbon Cutting/Ground the area. Neelon the Leadership award for all of his enjoys sewing, painting and spending time with her grandchildren. She leaders. Training of Breaking • 15 Organizational Listings: leadership in soPrograms: many eventsAinvariety Lumberton has been a Lumberton Chamber Ambassador for years. Debbie and her The • Committees and Task Forces: seminars and workshops are held and Robeson County at a recent Board Chamber maintains a current list husband Greg have 2 children, a daughter Ashlyn and a son Jordan and 2 Jeff was the responsible the Love Cham-ber members are welcome meeting. throughout year toforenhance of the area’s Principle civic orgaRESOURCE grandchildrenPUBLICATIONS Berkley and Harper. Living in Lumberton video which he raised to volunteer some of their time, leadership, management, and nizations. • Community Profile: The the money for, wrote the script and completed Robert Britt is employed at K.M. Biggs, Inc. and Century 21 the Real Estate experience, ideas and suggestions customer service skills. This pro• Relocation Packages: PackChamber distributes a commuthe entire project himself. He successfully did Center. He is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a B.S. with any of the Chamber’s com- twogram nity profile to area newcomers to ages are available to interested projectsistoco-sponsored raise money for by theRobeson Robeson Business Management/Finance degree. He is the son of Elizabeth and Teddy mittees and task forces. Chamber County Community College. individuals moving to the area market our community. Public Library which both raised Britt, has 1 brother Ted, a sister-in -law Jerri Ann Britt and a nephew Jackson. well over 100k each. He also led the charge Robert is a member of Kiwanis, Southeastern Health Advocates, Rountree for Lumberton becoming the First Certified Hunt Club and NCSU Wolfpack Club. Community in The State of North Carolina. Mark your calendars for 2016 Lumberton Christmas These are just a few of his successes. Jeff has Patricia Fields is Executive Director of Givens Performing Arts Center at UNC THE LUMBERTON AREA CHAMBER OF Parade Saturday, November 19th at 10am beginning in a volunteer’s spirit and is a Leader at heart. Pembroke. She graduated from Robeson Community College and The Historic Downtown Lumberton. The parade is organized ThankDIRECTORS you Jeff for all you have done for our COMMERCE 2016 BOARD OF UniversitybyofThe NorthLumberton Carolina at Pembroke. She alsoof received her Masters Area Chamber Commerce. City and County. degree from UNC Pembroke. She and her husband Richard have (4) • Brad Martin, Chairman, Re/Max Musselwhite, Branch & Grantham four- legged children Diamond, Rio, Roo and Red. She is a member of Real Estate Exchange Attorneys at Law the Lumberton Chamber Ambassador, Lumberton Rotary Club, Pembroke THEBranch, LUMBERTON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Linda Past Chairman, • Myra Norton, GreenState Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, North Carolina Presenters Chamber Updating database for Storage Solutions, Inc. Landscaping Linda Branch- ChairmanMark Morse- Chick-Fil-A Jan Tedder- Rogers-RCCCC Consortium and International Assn of Assembly Managers. • Al Locklear, Chair • Rebekah Lowry, Robeson Storage Solutions, Inc.Elect, Lumber Susan Walker- Candy Sue’s Home Store Chamber Business Directory RiverMcLeanTrading Company/True ValueDowntown CommunityJennifer CollegeHickmanFoundation Scott Immediate Past Girlees & Lee The Grissom is employed byChamber S. Preston Douglas & Associates, LLP. He is the Lumberton Area of Commerce in conjunction Chairman - Lumberton Bowling Stephen McIntyreBrothers Too • Suzanne Abbott, Vice-Chair, Abbott • Jan Tedder-Rogers, Lumberton ABC theGrissom Robesonian is preparing the 2017-2018 Chamber son with of John and Marie McLean Caldwell. He received his Undergrad Center Musselwhite, Musselwhite, Robert BrittK.M. Biggs, Inc., Insurance Services, LLC • Jennifer Hickman, Girlees & every two years andBusiness Masters inDirectory. AccountingThe frombook Northproduced Carolina State University. Heand is Brad Martin –Chair Elect- Re/ Branch & Grantham Attorneys The Real Estate • Patty Dean, Treasurer, Floyd Brothers TooCentury 21Center it contains information on Chamber Max Real Estate Exchange at Law involved with NCACPAs Members Connectionmembers, Committee.Board of Mortuary & Crematory, Robert Britt,Debbie K.M.BranyonBiggs, Inc./ Al Locklear-Vice Chairman- Inc. Ruby Jackson-•Pinecrest First Bank Directors, Committee Chairs and Statistics on Lumberton Jennifer Hickman isCounty. owner ofThis Girlees Brothers tool Too! for Shethe received her • Lee Grissom, Large, S. PrestonCountry ClubCentury 21 The Real EstateRobeson Center Lumber River TradingAtCompany/ Angela Sumnerand Robeson is a&valuable Chamber Value Community College DouglasTrue & Associates, LLP Myra Norton- GreenState • Tanner Smith, First South Bank business degreevisitors from North State University and her MBA from members, andCarolina the community. Patty Dean-At Treasurer-Floyd Landscaping Patricia FieldsUNC Pembroke • Jay Britt, Large, Robeson County • Debbie Branyon, First Bank Campbell the United Way of Robeson If yourUniversity. businessJennifer has hadisaon change in address, contactCounty person Mortuary & Crematory, Inc. Jay Britt- Robeson•County Farm Gregory, Givens Performing Arts Center Farm Bureau Mickey Canal Wood Board Directors andwould also the Racquet Club Board. She and her or of email or you likeLumberton to join the membership of our Sara Collins-BB&T Bureau Lee Grissom- S. Preston • Cheryl BB&T AnnSales McLean,Douglas Southeastern husband Ed have 4 children, Madison, Zack andat Hayden Hickman. BuddyPage, Bodiford-Retired Johnny Lee- Lee’s• Auto & Associates,Health LLP vital organization please contact the, Lennon Chamber 739-4750. • Buddy Bodiford, Retired • Maureen Metzger, Southeastern Greg PhelpsBob’s Jewel Shop & Detailing Abe MarshallRetired would be delighted discuss AbeIMarshall is retired fromtoJ.C. Penneythe andbenefits currentlyofis membership employed Steve RunklePierBob’s 41 Seafood Rebekah Lowry- Robeson • Greg Phelps, Jewel Shop Health with you. part-time with the Public Schools of Robeson County as a Business and Restaurant Southeastern Community College• Foundation • Ruby Jackson, Patricia Fields, UNC Pembroke Cindy S. Kern Community Liason for Lumberton High School. He is the Past Chairman Dermatology, P.A. Givens Performing Arts Center Executive Director for The Lumberton Chamber of Commerce, he serves as Trustee and Chair • Stephen McIntyre-Musselwhite, • Abe Marshall, Retired A PublicAtion of the lumberton AreA chAmber of commerce News & Bulletin March August 2015 2016 2 August 2016 NEWS & BULLETIN lumberton area chamber of commerce Seven Reasons to Join The Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce 1. MAKE NEW BUSINESS CONTACTS Networking at the Chamber events helps you meet potential customers, clients and vendors. Business After Hours provides great opportunities to get to know new people-and expand your prospect base. 2. MARKET YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Take advantage of the Chamber’s no-cost and low cost marketing opportunities such as the Chamber News and Bulletin, and the Chamber website. You’ll reach numerous business owners, executives, and county residents anxious to learn more about your products and services. Also, the Chamber receives countless calls every month asking about businesses in Robeson County and the staff will only recommend a Chamber member’s business. 3. INVEST IN A HEALTHY ECONOMY When the Chamber assists companies that are relocating here or expanding their businesses, it means more jobs-and more customers for you. Your investment in the Chamber helps to market Lumberton and promote quality growth. 4. GAIN A VOICE IN GOVERNMENT The Chamber speaks on behalf of business to elected and appointed officials and government staff members at the local, state and national levels. Your voice will be heard on important regulatory, legislative and educational issues that directly affect your business. 5. INCREASE YOUR ACCESS TO INFORMATION Locate new prospects in our directories of major employers, manufacturers, and businesses. Use our demographic and economic profiles to plan marketing strategy. The Chamber has the type of information you need to help your business grow. 6. HEIGHTEN YOUR COMPANY’S VISIBILITY Announce your respect for your customers by displaying your Chamber membership plaque. Your investment in the Chamber gives your business credibility, visibility and marketability. 7. GET INVOLVED There’s nothing more rewarding than volunteering your time and talent to make the community where you live and work a better place. As a member of the Chamber, you will help sustain and improve the quality of life that you, your family and your employees enjoy. Membership in the Chamber pays and is an investment in your business future. Call the Chamber at 910-739-4750 to find out about how the Chamber can help your business grow. CAROLINA CIVIC CENTER HISTORIC THEATER FALL SCHEDULE The Carolina Civic Center Main Stage Series Historic Theater is a beautifully-restored 1928 treasure listed on the National Register of Historic Places that offers visitors a unique and visually stunning experience. The theater is located at 315 North Chestnut Street in the heart of downtown Lumberton. First opened as a vaudeville and silent film house, the theater offers a wide array of programming including live touring performances, original productions, art exhibits, films, special events and rentals. The Carolina Civic Center Historic Theater is located in historic downtown Lumberton at Fourth and Chestnut streets, just one block north of the downtown plaza. There is plenty of parking around the theater. For a full schedule and to sign up for our e-newsletter visit our web site at: www.carolinaciviccenter. com E-mail: Telephone: 910-738-4339 Facebook: “Carolina Civic” and “Carolina Civic Center Historic Theater” Download the free Carolina Civic Center mobile app from the iTunes or Google Play App store today. MAINSTAGE SERIES 7pm Friday September 16 The Drifters - Rock & Roll Hall of Famers SPECIAL EVENT 7pm Thursday October 6 Bluegrass on the Blackwater Featuring The Parsons MAINSTAGE SERIES 7pm Friday October 14 The Doo Wop Project MAINSTAGE SERIES 7pm Thursday October 27 Mark Andersen Presents “Phantom of the Opera” 7pm November 10 The Great Operas Concert Film Series “Aida” Total running time2h 30min (150 min) Sung in: Italian MAINSTAGE SERIES Annual “A Robeson County Christmas” Show 10AM and 12:30PM Thursday December 8 (school shows) 10AM Friday December 9 (school show) 7pm Friday December 9 and 10 3pm Sunday December 11 The Great Operas Concert Film Series “Tosca” lumberton area chamber of commerce NEWS & BULLETIN August 2016 Do a Business Idea?Idea? DoYou YouHave Have a Business The Small Business Center Can Assist You! The Small Business Center Can Assist You! REGISTER for about Smallowning Business Center seminars online,your follow these Tohave If you been thinking and operating a small business, first stop should be the Small To REGISTER for Small Business Center seminars online, follow these directions: Business Center at Robeson Community College. The Small Business Center is designed to meet the training directions: needs of small business owners as well as entrepreneurial training for those wishing to “become their own boss.” 1. Go to 1.2. Go to offered Training sessions are as seminars, and for short-term courses. Themenu Small Business Center Move your cursor to theworkshops, tab “Services Business.” A new your cursor to the tab “Services for Business.” Aowners newand menu typically2. offersMove 65-75 FREE training events each year which are presented by business professional will appear will appear speakers. Many of these speakers appear before Fortune 500 companies and demand and receive thousands 3. Click on “Small Business Center” of dollars3.for keynote presentations. The Small Business Center also offers confidential business counseling at Click on “Small Business Center” 4. Click on “SBC Classes” no charge individuals wishing to start a new business or expand an existing business. The Center also assist Click on “SBC Classes” 5. Select “Register” for the seminar(s) you would like to attend and existing businesses in finding solutions to their Appointments are scheduled times convenient to 5. Select “Register” for the problems. seminar(s) you would like to at attend and follow the instructions. the client. To schedule a counseling session, call Bob Moore at 910-272-3631 or email We follow the instructions. REGISTER for you Small Business your Center if ownership you cannot the lookToforward to assisting in achieving goalseminars of business andaccess success. To internet, REGISTER for Bob Small Business Center seminars if you cannot access the please call Moore at 910-272-3631. internet, please call Bob Moore at 910-272-3631. _________________________________________________________________ **NEW** **NEW** **NEW** _________________________________________________________________ **NEW** **NEW** The**NEW** Management Series “Social Media Marketing Strategy” **NEW** **NEW** **NEW** Prepping Your Deck (FREE-See M ............ 6:30 pmSlide – 8:30 pmPresentation-$199 09/12/16 .................... WDC Below) ................................................................... Todd Lyden Prepping Your Slide Presentation-$199 (FREE-SeeCenter Below) Todd Lyden THAll6:00 pm-9:00 pm 05/12/16 Workforce Development “It’s About Time –Deck Managing Your Time Properly” TH 6:00 pm-9:00 pm 05/12/16 Workforce Development Center Todd Lyden W ............ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm 09/14/16 .................... WDC ............................................................ Thomas Patrick How to Start a Business for Retirees, Baby Boomers and Everyone Else -$199 “Traits of Successful Business Owners” How Start a–Business Retirees, BabyPatterson Boomers and Everyone ElseLyden -$199 T to6:00 pmpm 8:00 pmpmfor 05/31/16 Gilbert Maxton Todd M ............ 6:30 – 8:30 09/26/16 ................... WDC ..Library, .............................................................. Tim Dannelly TM ............ 6:006:30 pm pm – 8:00 pm 05/31/16 Gilbert Patterson Library, Maxton Todd Lyden – 8:30 pm 10/10/16..................... WDC................................................................... Tim Dannel How to Start a Non-Profit Business -$199 (FREE-See Below) Why do People Act Crazy at Work? How Start Business -$199 Below) T to6:00 pma–Non-Profit 8:00 pm 06/07/16 Gilbert(FREE-See Patterson Library, Maxton Sam Gore pm 08/22/16 TM ............ 6:006:30 pmpm-8:30 – 8:00 pm 06/07/16 Gilbert Patterson Library, Maxton Sam Gore “How to Start a Procedure Business”Made Easy– $199 (FREE-See Below) Parliamentary Parliamentary Made Easy– $199Patterson (FREE-See Below) T ............. 6:30 pm-8:30 pm 08/23/16 T 6:00 pm –Procedure 8:00 pm 06/14/16 Gilbert Library, Maxton Sam Gore T“How6:00 pm –a 8:00 pm Plan 06/14/16 Gilbert Patterson Library, Maxton Sam Gore to Write Business So You THINK You Want to Start a Business-$199 (FREE-See BelowW 6:00pmW ............ 6:30 pm-8:30 pm 08/24/16 So You THINK You Want Start Center, a Business-$199 (FREE-See 6:00pm9:00pm 06/01/16 R. to E. Hooks St. Pauls Bob Moore BelowW “Marketing Your Business” 9:00pm 06/01/16 E. Hooks Center, St. Pauls Bob Moore TH .......... 6:30 pm-8:30 pmR. 08/25/16 “How totoFind Customers” How StartYour a Business for Retirees, Baby Boomers and Everyone Else -$199 (FREE) How to Start a Business for Retirees, Baby Boomers Everyone M............ 6:30 pm-8:30 pm 08/29/16 6:00pm-8:00pm 06/08/16 R. E. Hooks Center, St. PaulsandDennis WattsElse -$199 (FREE) 6:00pm-8:00pm 06/08/16 R. E. Hooks Center, St. Pauls Dennis Watts “Basics of Bookkeeping” How to6:30 Write an Effective Business Plan-$199 (FREE-See BelowW 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm T ............. pm-8:30 pm 08/30/16 How to Write an Hooks Effective Business Plan-$199 (FREE-See BelowW 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm 06/22/16 R.E. Comm. Ctr., St. Pauls Dennis Watts “Your Small Business Taxes” 06/22/16 R.E. Hooks Comm. Ctr., St. Pauls Dennis Watts W ............ 6:30 pm-8:30 pm 08/31/16 A-Z GrantYour Writing 101 and 102 Series-$499 (FREE-See “Financing Small Business” The How to StartBelow) a Non-Profit Series A-Z Grant Writing 101am and 102 Series-$499 (FREE-See Below) M 6:00 pm-9:00 pm 05/02/16 Workforce Development Center Murdaugh S ............ 8:30 am-10:30 08/27/16 M pm-9:00 pm 05/02/16 Workforce Development M6:00 6:00 pm-9:00 pm 05/09/16 Workforce Development Center Center Murdaugh Murdaugh “How to Start a Non-Profit Organization” M 6:00 10:45 pm-9:00 pm pm05/09/16 S............. am-12:45 08/27/16 Workforce Development Center Murdaugh Starting and Operating a Home-Based Business-$199 “How to Complete the 501(c)3 Paperwork” Selling(FREE-See Cars forBelow) Fun and Profit; Trust Me – I’m A Car Starting and Operating a Home-Based Business-$199 (FREE-See T 6:00 pm-9:00pm 05/10/16 Workforce Development Center TimBelow) Dannelly Salesman! TT ............. 6:00 pm-9:00pm 05/10/16 Workforce Development Center Tim DannellyTim Dannelly 6:30 pm-8:30 pm 09/06/16 ...................... WDC................................................................. Amanda Mili Consulting opens in Lumberton Amanda Mili Consulting brings professional website design and development services to Robeson County. A Lumberton native, Amanda also offers social media management and blogging services; email marketing setup and management; and the design and production of collateral marketing materials. To learn more about Amanda Mili Consulting and to arrange a complimentary consultation for your business, visit her website at Bringing You BETTER HEALTHCARE One Neighbor At a Time. With new technologies, expanded services, and our dedicated staff’s continued commitment to providing our community with the best healthcare right here in Lumberton and Robeson County, SRMC is one of North Carolina’s finest and largest healthcare providers. Neighbors Caring for Neighbors th WEST 27TH STREET • LUMBERTON, NC 300 West 27300 Street • Lumberton, NC • (910) 671-5000 • (910) 671-5000 • 3 NEWS & BULLETIN 4 August 2016 Givens 2016 Fall Performing Arts Season Announced 2016-17 giVens performing arts season Slate presents Unelectable You Created by The Second City Thursday, September 29, 7:30 p.m. Shanghai Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China presents “Shanghai Nights” Tuesday, October 18, 7:30 p.m. RIBBON CUTTING AT TRUCARE FAMILY PRACTICE A ribbon cutting was held recently at TruCare Family Practice located at 4314 Ludgate Street Suite B in Lumberton. The businesss is owned by Dr. Charlene Locklear and Dr. Andrea Simmons. This is a medical family practice and for appointments please call 671-8766. Pictured is Dr. Simmons and Dr. Locklear cutting the ribbon along with Jill West, Office Manager, other staff and Brad Martin Chamber Chair. Purple Xperience Friday, October 21, 8 p.m. Transform a Life, Transform a Community Become a Tournament Sponsor Annie, the musical Thursday, November 17 – 7:30 p.m. All proceeds support the Robeson Community College Foundation, Inc. The Russian National Ballet Theatre presents Swan Lake Monday, March 27, 7:30 p.m. on stage for yoUth series Odd Squad Monday, November 22, 10 a.m. N.C. Youth Tap Ensemble Thursday, January 19, 10 a.m. Ellis, Island of Dreams Monday, April 4, 10 a.m. September 29, 2016 Shotgun: 12:30 p.m. Rain Date: October 6, 2016 Carolina Plantation Golf Club 3811 Martin Luther King Drive Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 .Membership Application-Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce, Lumberton, North Carolina Company Name:________________________________________________________________ Transform a Life, Transform a Community 31 st Become a Tournament Sponsor Mailing Address:_______________________________ City___________________ State______ Street Address:________________________________ City___________________ State______ Principle Representative:_________________________________________________________ Business Classification (as indexed in Yellow Pages):____________________________________ Save the Date! Telephone Number:____________Fax Number:_________________ September 17, 2015 Email Address:__________________________________________________________________ (w lum Contact: Rebekah Lowry, Director Foundation & Development Phone: (910) 272-3235 Shotgun: 12:30 p.m. Rain Date: September 24, 2015 ——————————————————— RECOGNITION stomp Tuesday, March 21, 7:30 p.m. *Identification as a Leader In Business: All members are given a plaque announcing their affiliation with the chamber. Members are encouraged to display this plaque at their place of business. Chamber membership conveys both trust and credibility to your customers. 42nd Street Thursday, January 26, 7:30 p.m. *Membership Listings: Your membership will be represented in our Membership Directory. Contact: Rebekah Lowry, Director Foundation & Development Phone: (910) 272-3235 Fax: (910) 272-3237 E-mail: Save the Date! ——————————————————— *Total Expense: The total amount you pay for membership dues is tax deductible as a business expense and not a charitable donation. N.C. Youth Tap Ensemble Thursday, January 19, 7:30 p.m. 32nd ——————————————————— *Other Benefits Of Chamber Membership: -Numerous advertising opportunities. -Opportunities to meet civic and social leaders. -Use of Chamber meeting rooms and equipment. -Contributing to improving our local quality of life through active support of education and economic development. -Collective strength of Chamber members to monitor and influence legislation. 8th Annual Holiday Extravaganza Friday, December 2, 8 p.m. Pippin Friday, April 7, 8 p.m. LUMBERToN AREA CHAMBER oF CoMMERCE
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