WeLCoMe N - Lumberton Chamber of Commerce
WeLCoMe N - Lumberton Chamber of Commerce
L umberto N WeLCoMe NeW BoARD MeMBeRS NORTH CAROLINA Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce A PublicAtion of the lumberton AreA chAmber of commerce News & Bulletin March September 2015 2016 Robert Britt Debbie Branyon Abe Marshall Jennifer Hickman Buddy Bodiford Angela Sumner Lee Grissom Patricia Fields Lumberton Christmas Parade The Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome our new board members. Each board member is an asset to the Chamber and brings unique and positive qualities to the Board. of the Budget Committee for Sandy Grove Baptist Church and serves on the Board for Communities in Schools. Abe has also served as President of the Robeson County Community Foundation and Chair of the Communities in Schools Board of Directors. He and his late wife Edwinna have 2 children and three grandchildren. Gerald (Buddy) Bodiford is a Lumberton native and retired from Lowes Home The Holiday Season We will have it all including TV Channel 6 and will Center.with He isthe a member of Chestnut StreetClaus Methodist Church Angela Sumner is employed by Robeson Community College with the BOOST Grant. She begins Lumberton Santa as well as where he be aired Thanksgiving is past member of Board of Trustees and the Finance committee graduated Columbia College. She has been the Education Chair for the Lumberton Christmas Parade. This Mrs. Claus! The Shriners and past morning and manyfrom times President theheld Methodist He is also onisthe Lumberton Christian Area Chamber of Commerce for the past several years. She is also Board Chair for year it willofbe on Men’s Club. Fall Ceremony taking throughout the holidays. Care Center Board, past19th, president of Carolina Shaggers Shag Saturday, November place is Lumberton the Club, a Master “We areCommunities very excited In Schools, a member of Chestnut Street Methodist Church where she serves Mason withatthe St. Albans Lodgeweekend #114 andso anwe honorary of theon beginning 9:30 AM. Masonicsame are member about parade. I amCommittee. Angela is Past Chair of the Academic Booster Club at Lumberton the Finance The paradeCounty will usher to He have be School, as enjoyable the Robeson Homebuildersdelighted Association. is abetween past Chamber sure Boardit will High PTO and PTA at Carroll Middle. She and her husband David have two children inmember the holiday season withGolf Tournament 30-40 Shrine Units the to Martie and festive as always” and past Chamber Chair. He isinmarried Hailey and Joshua. marching bands, beautiful Parade which will make this said Cindy S. Kern, the and they have a God child Kayleigh. commercial floats, original a Parade to remember. Chamber’s Executive Chamber Presents Leadership Award Debbie Branyon is Branch Manager atThe Firstparade Bank onwill Elm begin Street in and inventive homemade Director. “Our sponsors, Lumberton. She is akings, member of Godwin Heights Baptist Church. She entries, and volunteers Linda Branch, Chamber Chair, presented Jeff floats, queens and in historic downtown Neelon the Leadership award for all of his carolers, antique vehicles Lumberton, going up Elm She are invaluable in assisting enjoys sewing, painting and spending time with her grandchildren. leadership in so many events in Lumberton and choirs, fire Street to Biggs Park Mall. has tractors, been a Lumberton Chamber Ambassador for 15 years. Debbie andthe herChamber prepare and and Robeson County at a recent Board trucks, rescue vehicles and a daughter The parade organize the Lumberton husband Greg have 2 children, Ashlyncommentators and a son Jordan and 2 meeting. Jeff was responsible for the Love ofgrandchildren course our dignitaries. Christmas parade. Berkley and Harper.will be Joe Butler, and Living in Lumberton video which he raised So join us and let us put Rebekah Lowry. The For an application or the Lumberton Chamber our deadline this year is the money for, wrote the script and completed Robert Brittholiday is employed at K.M. Biggs, Inc. is andfilmed Century the Real Estate you in the spirit. parade by21WNCPother information call at 739-4750. Don’t wait, Friday November the 4th. Center. He is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a B.S. Business Management/Finance degree. He is the son of Elizabeth and Teddy Britt, has 1 brother Ted, a sister-in -law Jerri Ann Britt and a nephew Jackson. Robert member of Kiwanis, Southeastern Advocates, Rountree THEis aLUMBERTON AREA Health CHAMBER OF Hunt Club and NCSU Wolfpack Club. COMMERCE 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS the entire project himself. He successfully did two projects to raise money for the Robeson County Public Library which both raised well over 100k each. He also led the charge for Lumberton becoming the First Certified Community in The State of North Carolina. These are just a few of his successes. Jeff has a volunteer’s spirit and is a Leader at heart. Thank you Jeff for all you have done for our City and County. The Leadership Class of 2016 Patricia Fields is Executive Director of Givens Performing Arts Center at UNC Pembroke. She graduated from Robeson Community College and The • Brad Martin, Chairman, Re/Max Attorneys at Law University of North Carolina at Pembroke. She•also received her Masters Real Estate Exchange Myra Norton, GreenState degree from UNC Pembroke. She and her husband Richard have (4) • Linda Branch, Past Chairman, Landscaping fourlegged Solutions, children Diamond, She is aLowry, memberRobeson of Storage Inc. Rio, Roo and •Red. Rebekah the Ambassador, Lumberton Rotary Club,College Pembroke • AlLumberton Locklear,Chamber Chair Elect, Lumber Community Foundation THE LUMBERTON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, North Carolina Presenters Lumberton River Trading Company/True • Jan Tedder-Rogers, Linda Branch- ChairmanMark Morse- Chick-Fil-A Jan Tedder- Rogers-RCCCC Value and International Assn of AssemblyABC Consortium Managers. Storage Solutions, Inc. Susan Walker- Candy Sue’s Home Store • Suzanne Abbott, Vice-Chair, • Jennifer Hickman, Girlees & Scott McLean- Immediate Past Downtown Jennifer Hickman- Girlees & LeeAbbott GrissomInsurance is employed by S. Preston Douglas & Associates, LLP. He is the Services, LLC Brothers Too Chairman - Lumberton Bowling Stephen McIntyreBrothers Too son of John Grissom and Marie McLean Caldwell. He received Undergrad • Patty Dean, Treasurer, Floyd • Robert Britt,his K.M. Biggs, Inc./ Center Musselwhite, Musselwhite, Robert Britt- K.M. Biggs, Inc., andMortuary Masters in&Accounting from North Carolina State University. is Estate Center Crematory, Inc. Century 21 TheHe Real Brad Martin –Chair Elect- Re/ Branch & Grantham Attorneys Century 21 The Real Estate at Law Center involved with NCACPAs Members Connection•Committee. • Lee Grissom, At Large, S. Preston Tanner Smith, First South Bank Max Real Estate Exchange Al Locklear-Vice ChairmanRuby Jackson- Pinecrest Debbie Branyon- First Bank Douglas & Associates, LLP • Debbie Branyon, First Bank Jennifer Hickman is owner of Girlees & Brothers Too! She received her Trading Company/ Country Club Angela Sumner- Robeson • Jay Britt, At Large, Robeson • Mickey Gregory, Canal Wood Lumber River True Value Myra Norton- GreenState Community College business degree North Carolina State University and her MBA from County Farmfrom Bureau • Ann McLean, Southeastern Patty Dean- Treasurer-Floyd Landscaping Patricia Fields- UNC Pembroke Campbell University. Jennifer is on the United Way of Robeson County • Cheryl Page, BB&T Health Mortuary & Crematory, Inc. Jay Britt- Robeson County Farm Givens Performing Arts Center Board of Directors and Retired also the Lumberton Racquet Club Board. She and her Sara Collins-BB&T Bureau Lee Grissom- S. Preston • Buddy Bodiford, • Maureen Metzger, Southeastern The Leadership Class of 2016 received their certificates at a recent Chamber husband Ed have 4Bob’s children, Madison, and Hayden Hickman. Buddy Bodiford-Retired Johnny Lee- Lee’s Auto Sales Douglas & Associates, LLP • Greg Phelps, Jewel Shop Zack , Lennon Health Board of Directors meeting. Pictured l to r are Brad Martin, Chamber Greg PhelpsBob’s Jewel Shop & Detailing Abe MarshallRetired • Ruby Jackson, Southeastern • Patricia Fields, UNC Pembroke Abe Marshall is retired from J.C. Penney and currently is employed Chairman, Mary BethRebekah Locklear, Paula Cummings, Michael Anderson, Arine Steve RunklePier 41 Seafood LowryRobeson Dermatology, P.A. Schools of Robeson County Givens Lowery, Stephaine Locklear, part-time with the Public as aPerforming Business andArts Center Restaurant CommunityJamie CollegeFlanagan, Foundation Jeff Fipps and Merle Summers, • StephenLiason McIntyre-Musselwhite, • Abe Retired Class Facilitator. Community for Lumberton High School. He isMarshall, the Past Chairman for Musselwhite, The LumbertonBranch Chamber&ofGrantham Commerce, he serves as Trustee and Chair NEWS & BULLETIN 2 September 2016 Celebrating the Fair’s 70th Anniversary Family Fun is synonymous with the Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair, and this year, we all have a lot to celebrate. “It is a milestone to have a county fair survive 70 years, much less grow like ours has,” said Allen Faircloth, President of the fair. “It is a testament to the volunteers and their families who sacrifice their time, talents, and dedication over the years. It is a testament to our patrons who come out and enjoy the rides, entertainment, and exhibits that we offer. We could not do it without the farmers, bakers, and talented folks who enter their exhibits looking to be the blue ribbon winner. It takes a lot of folks to make a successful fair, so we have a lot of folks we want to celebrate with.” The celebration will begin shortly after the gates open on Thursday, September 29, at 4:30 p.m. with the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. “It’s been several years since we have had an official ribbon cutting at the fair, but we thought something as special as our 70th anniversary was time to bring it back,” said Coble Wilson, Past President of the fair. Anyone who is anyone will be attending the event with Steve Troxler, the State Commissioner of Agriculture; Cherrie Berry, the State Labor Secretary; and representatives, senators, city councilmen, and county commissioners scheduled to be in attendance. Faircloth said, “It should be an opening to be remembered.” In addition to the ribbon cutting, the fair has brought in new acts and some familiar faces to help celebrate. Returning this year is comedy hypnotist Alan Sands, the Hansen’s Spectacular Family Circus, and Rockit the Robot. New this year will be Dakota and friends, a dinosaur act; Agri-Puppets, a fantastic family friendly show; and the Chickin’ Pickin’ Contest. “There is a little something for everyone in this year’s entertainment lineup,” said Wilson. “From educational to silly, everything will strike a chord of family fun for our patrons which is what we want.” Faircloth said Wade Shows will be back for the 6th year, along with Big Rock Amusements to offer rides and carnival games. “We could not ask for a better partner with our fair and are pleased with the quality of this carnival and the rides and experience they offer our patrons,” said Faircloth. The fair will also be offering special family pricing on line and have a variety of ticket options for fair goers listed in their fair book. “We don’t want anyone to miss this year’s fair,” said Faircloth. The Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair will open September 29 and run thru October 8. For a full schedule of events, competitions, and entertainment, check out their website at www. robesoncountyfair.com. Richard Monroe, President of Rediscover Downtown Lumberton (RDL) is shown here at the last meeting sharing with the group the exciting things going on in downtown. Carolina Shaggers Shag Club presents The 14th Annual Carolina Shaggers Charity Golf Classic October 1, 2016 at Pinecrest Country Club Supporting Southeastern Hospice Patricia Fields is awarded The Order of the Long Leaf Pine at her retirement ceremony at Givens Performing Arts Center last month. LUMBERToN AREA CHAMBER oF CoMMERCE GRAND OPENING RIBBON CUTTING Pictured l to r are Councilman Leroy Rising, co-owners Sherry Byrd and Renee Perry, along with Ann McLean, former chairman of the Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce and Mayor Bruce Davis cut the ribbon at the new Agency Realty and Property Management. Sherry Byrd and Renee Perry, co-owners of Agency Realty and Property Management, celebrated their business’s grand opening with a ribbon cutting sponsored by The Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce. Agency Realty and Property Management deals with commercial and residential properties from around the greater Lumberton and surrounding areas, handling the daily business surrounding properties. The company handles leasing agreements and marketing properties as well as background and credit checks. The agency is located at 1502 Godwin Avenue and can be reached at 910-7332045. NEWS & BULLETIN LUMBERToN AREA CHAMBER oF CoMMERCE September 2016 Robeson County Church and Community Center, Inc. Presents A Taste of Robeson Small Business Center Course SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 SBC3603 Seminar Title THE HOW TO START A NON-PROFIT SERIES How to Start a Non-Profit Organization by Sam Gore How to Complete the 501(c)3 IRS Application by Sam Gore THE GRANT WRITING BASIC SERIES Grant Writing 101 by Sam Gore How and Where to Find Grant Money by Sam Gore THE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION SERIES How to Develop a Budget for a Non-Profit by Sam Gore Fundamentals of Fundraising by Sam Gore Volunteers – How to Get Them and Keep Them by Sam Gore How to Restore or Develop a Non-Profit Board by Sam Gore Grant Writing 101 by Sam Gore How and Where to Find Grant Money by Sam Gore THE MANAGEMENT SERIES Social Media Marketing Strategy by Todd Lyden It’s All About Time-Managing Your Time Properly by Thomas Patrick Traits of Successful Business Owners by Tim Dannelly Managing and Supervising a Growing Business by Tim Dannelly Using Google Tools to Get Your Business Online by Todd Lyden Making the Workplace Magical by John Formica How to Find, Interview and Hire Magical PeopleSecrets That Will Absolutely Prevent You From Ever Having a Bad Hire Again by John Formica Online Tools and Mobile Apps for Small Businesses by Todd Lyden How to Protect Your Name, Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights by Sam Gore Parliamentary Procedure Made Easy by Sam Gore Why do People Act Crazy at Work by Mike Collins ADDITIONAL SMALL BUSINESS SEMINARS Selling Cars for Fun and Profit by Tim Dannelly Starting and Operating a Home-Based Business by Tim Dannelly How to Start a Group Home by Sam Gore The Best Small Business to Start Right Now by Mike Collins A little taste of various Robeson County restaurants’ favorite menu items Location Date Time Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. Completed Completed S 8:30-10:30am S 10:4512:45pm Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 10/01/16 10/01/16 S 8:30-10:30am S 10:4512:45pm Workforce Development Ctr. 09/20/16 T 10:00-Noon Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 09/27/16 10/04/16 T 10:00-Noon T 10:00-Noon Workforce Development Ctr. 10/11/16 T 10:00-Noon Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 10/18/16 10/25/16 T 10:00-Noon T 10:00-Noon Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 09/12/16 09/14/16 M 6:30-8:30pm W 3:00-5:00pm Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 09/26/16 10/10/16 M 6:30-8:30pm M 6:30-8:30pm Workforce Development Ctr. 10/17/16 M 6:30-8:30pm Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 10/19/16 11/09/16 W 3:00-5:00pm W 3:00-5:00pm Workforce Development Ctr. 11/10/16 TH 6:30-8:30pm Workforce Development Ctr. 11/21/16 M 6:30-8:30pm Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 12/05/16 12/07/16 M 6:30-8:30pm W 10:00-Noon Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 09/06/16 10/03/16 T 6:30-8:30pm M 6:30-8:30pm Workforce Development Ctr. Workforce Development Ctr. 11/07/16 11/29/16 M 6:30-8:30pm T 6:30-8:30pm Monday & Tuesday October 17 & 18, 2016 5:00pm - 8:00pm Bill Sapp Recreation Center Corner of Cedar Street & Elizabethtown Road Lumberton, NC 28358 Tickets Adults $10.00 Children 12 & under $5.00 Children under 3 FREE Tickets available at 600 West 5th Street, Lumberton Proceeds benefit—Robeson County Church and Community Center, Inc. Food Pantry and Emergency Assistance programs Questions about sponsorship, contributions & vendors please call: 910.738.5204 Flyers Sponsored by: Transform a Life, Transform a Community Become a Tournament Sponsor Save the Date! September 29, 2016 Contact: Rebekah Lowry, Director Foundation & Development Phone: (910) 272-3235 Fax: (910) 272-3237 E-mail: relowry@robeson.edu All proceeds support the Robeson Community College Foundation, Inc. Bringing You BETTER HEALTHCARE Transform a Life, Transform a Community Become a Tournament Sponsor One Neighbor At a Time. With new technologies, expanded services, and our dedicated staff’s continued commitment to providing our community with the best healthcare right here in Lumberton and Robeson County, SRMC is one of North Carolina’s finest and largest healthcare providers. Neighbors Caring for Neighbors th WEST 27TH STREET • LUMBERTON, NC 300 West 27300 Street • Lumberton, NC • (910) 671-5000 • srmc.org (910) 671-5000 • www.srmc.org 32nd Shotgun: 12:30 p.m. Rain Date: October 6, 2016 Carolina Plantation Golf Club 3811 Martin Luther King Drive Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 31 st Save the Date! September 17, 2015 Contact: Rebekah Lowry, Director Foundation & Development Phone: (910) 272-3235 Fax: (910) 272-3237 E-mail: relowry@robeson.edu All proceeds support the Robeson Community College Foundation, Inc. Shotgun: 12:30 p.m. Rain Date: September 24, 2015 Carolina Plantation Golf Club 3811 Martin Luther King Drive Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 3 NEW MEMBERS Methodist Home For Children 210 Legend Road Lumberton, NC 28358 Brittany Strong Phone 910-618-0210 Fax 910-618-0403 Bdstrong06@gmail.com Non-Profit organizations Agency Realty & Property Management Group 1502 Godwin Avenue Lumberton, NC 28358 910-733-2046 Renee Perry & Sherry Byrd Reneebperry71@yahoo.com Real Estate Amanda Mili Consulting 2914 North Elm Street #115 Lumberton, NC 28358 Amanda Mili 910-374-2078 Amanda@amandamili.com Website Development Lumberton Children’s Clinic Children’s Health of Carolina, PA 400 Liberty Hill Road Lumberton, NC 28358 910-738-8060 Fax 910-671-3600 Caitlin Buffkin, Director of Marketing cbuffkin@carolinakids.org Hosuing Authority of The City of Lumberton 613 King Street Lumberton, NC 28358 910-671-8200 fax 910-671-7210 Larry Russell execdir@hac1014.com 4 September 2016 NEWS & BULLETIN lumberton area chamber of commerce
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