FAIR HOffS~G NEWS - Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit
FAIR HOffS~G NEWS - Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit
o FAIR HOffS~G NEWS I . I \ ! , ~n ' Newsletter ojthe'Fait Housing Cent'eroj Metropolitan Detroit a ./ l ct.: ' Silite 1020 \ 220 Bagley -Detroit, Nnchig~h:4$226 (313)963-1274 ! Fax (313) 963-4817 fhcdet@mail.com I Volume 30, No.1 March, 2008 FAIR HOUSING "TESTING" TO BE FOCUS OF APRIL 3, 2008 FAIR HOUSING CONFERENCE The Honorable Avern Cohn, Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. Fair Housing TESTING. How is it done? How has it been used?When is it utilized? How effective is it in court actions? How has it helped produce, since 1990, in excess of $130,000,000 in financial payments to plaintiffs in fair housing litigations? How can I become a tester? These and many other questions about testing will form the subject matter for discussion at the Wayne State University Law School's FAIR HOUSING TESTING CONFERENCE on April 3, 2008. The day long conference (from 8:15 AM - 4:15 PM) will be held in the Law School's Spencer M. Patrich Auditorium at 471 West Palmer Street in Detroit. Wayne State Law School Professor Emeritus, Otto Hetzel, who is the Co-Director of the Law Schools' Fair Housing Education Program, wi II serve as the Conference Moderator for the conference. Currently a practicing attorney in Washington, D.C., in 1968 Professor Hetzel, prior to coming to the Wayne State Law School, served as Associate General Counsel to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where he was responsible for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and, in that role was a principal drafter of the 1968 Fair Housing Act. Given that this April the nation will be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act, Professor Hetzel will share some of his experiences in the development of the legislation and the actions taken to achieve its passageone week after the assassinationof Dr. Martin Luther King. The Conference will include special comments from . Wayne State Law School Professor John Mogk, who is the Cor">.Director, along with Professor Hetzel, of the Law School's Fair Housing Education Program. The Honorable Avern Cohn, Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, who has presided over a number of housing discrimination lawsuits, will be the Luncheon Speaker, and The Honorable Victoria A. Roberts, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, will make the concluding remarks in The Honorable Victoria A. Roberts, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. the afternoon. A group of national experts associated with local fair housing centers will share their thoughts about the practice and use of testing, including: Fred Freiberg, Field Service Director, Fair Housing Justice Center of HELP USA, New York, N.Y.; Ann Marquart, Executive Director, Project Sentinel, Palo Alto, California; Vince larkins, President and CEO, Fair Housing Center of the Greater Palm Beaches, Florida; Pamela Kisch, Executive Director of the Fair Housing Center of Southeast Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Adding to the program will be presentations by several attorneys who have utilized testing evidence in housing discrimination lawsuits, including: P.Rivka Schochet and Michelle Crockett from the law firm of Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, PLC; Judith levy, Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan; liam J. Garland, Director of Litigation, Housing Rights, Center, LosAngeles, California; Stephen Tomkowiak, Attorney located in Southfield, Michigan and an Instructor for the National Fair Housing Training Academy; John Obee, Senior Partner, Wood Kull Herschfus Obee and Kull; Angelique Strong, Vice President and Corporate Counsel, The Handleman Company, Inc.; and Jeffrey Taren, Partner, Kinoy, Taren and Geraghty, Chicago, Illinois. FHC-Detroit Board Chairperson and Attorney, Noel Saleh, and FHC Executive Director, Cliff Schrupp, will also be part of the presentation team. Assisting Professor Hetzel and Wayne State Law Sch001in the development and coordination of the Conference has been FHC Legal Services Coordinator, Michael Olshan. There is no charge to attend the conference. However, the noon box lunches and the attendee packets for the conference will be limited to those who have pre-registered for the conference by March 20,2008. Interested persons can pre-register by contacting Mic'hael Olshan at the FHC office (313-9631274 or fhcdet@mail.com). Fair Housing News Page2 FHC CASE UPDATES The Fair Housing Center extends its thanks and appreciation to the plaintiffs, testers, witnesses and attorneys who have assisted the cause of fair housing by participating in the following litigations. It is understood that in all cases reported in this newsletter the defendant, unless noted otherwise, denies the allegations of discrimination made by the plaintiff and, in "settled" cases,the parties have agreed to resolve the case without a final determination by a jury or court. Some of the tests and investigations conducted by FHC were paid for with funds made available from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. CLOSED CASE Brennan v Waldman Management et al Honorable Lawrence P.Zatkoff, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, has dismissed, with prejudice, a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by Lydia R. Brennan against Waldman Management and Galpin Apartments. In 2003 Ms. Brennan, an African American person, attempted to rent an apartment at the Galpin Apartments in Royal Oak, Michigan. She viewed an available unit but was told that the unit needed repair work and she was not provided with a date on which the unit would be ready for occupancy. After several attempts to gain more information about an occupancy date Ms. Brennan, suspecting racial discrimination, declined the unit. Two years later Ms. Brennan learned of the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit and informed FHC-Detroit staff of the treatment she received. FHC-Detroit conduct racial discrimination tests of the apartment complex, prompting a referral of the complaint to FHC-Detroit Cooperating Attorney Mark Magidson. A housing discrimination complaint was filed in U.S. District Court that was assigned to Judge Zatkoff. The defendants filed a Motion to Dismiss and for Summary Judgment that was granted by Judge Zatkoff. Noting the evidence from statements made to Ms. Brennan by the Galpin Apartments agent and reviewing the FHC-Detroit test results, Judge Zatkoff concluded that " ...no reasonable jury would find that these statements establish a discriminatory intent on the part of the Defendants. The Center's findings do not advance the Plaintiff's cause in this matter." The plaintiff has chosen not to appeal the ruling by Judge Zatkoff. CASE IN PROCESS FHC & U.S.A. v General Properties The last issue of Fair Housing News (Vol. 29, No.3) announced the $725,000 settlement of a racial discrimination lawsuit brought by the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit and the United States against the General Properties Company and its principal owner, Elliott C. Schubiner. The plaintiffs had charged that the defendants, owners of the Whispering Woods Apartments (now called Apple Ridge Apartments) in Livonia, Michigan had engaged in a pattern and practice of discrimination against African American persons. The defendants denied the allegations but agreed, in a Consent Decree signed by Honorable Gerald E. Rosen, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, to the $725,000 payment and to a number of provisions, including, in Paragraph 50f the Decree, to hire a rental management company that would " be responsible for all aspects of the rental process, including showing and renting units, collecting rents, and determining whom to rent to and/or evict." The Fair Housing News article, after describing the major terms of the Consent (continued on page 3) James Stevenson, FHC Coordinator of Mortgage Investigations. WELCOME TO JAMES STEVENSON FHC-DETROIT COORDINATOR OF MORTGAGE INVESTIGATIONS On January 7, 2008 FHC-Detroit began work on a 12 month Fair Housing Enforcement Project that has been funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under its Fair Housing Initiative Program, Privater\ Enforcement Initiative (FHIP/PEI).This marks the 13th time that-, FHC-Detroit has been funded under HUD's FHIP/PEIprogram, but the first time that the grant has included funds for a parttime Coordinator of Mortgage Investigations. FHC-Detroit is pleased to announce that Mr. James Stevenson has agreed to serve as the Coordinator of Mortgage Investigations for this project. Readers of this newsletter may recall that Mr. Stevenson was the successful plaintiff in a 1995 racial discrimination, mortgage lending lawsuit brought against the Towne Mortgage Company (see F.H. News Vol. 17, No.4). A Federal jury awarded $130,000 in damages to Mr. Stevenson after finding that Towne Mortgage had refused to approve his mortgage application for a home in Detroit because of Mr. Stevenson's race (African American). Mr. Stevenson, worked closely with his FHC-Detroit Cooperating Attorneys, Stephen R.Tomkowiak and Pramada Reddy, to develop, evaluate and then convince the jury of the strength of the evidence of unlawful discrimination in this case. Following the resolution of his case Mr. Stevenson began volunteer work with FHC-Detroit, primarily assisting FHCDetroit investigate and assist in the resolution of other complaints of unlawful mortgage lending discrimination. Over the year,she has developed a remarkable knowledge of mortgage lending laws and procedures and a unique ability to work with complainants to help resolve mortgage issuesthat potentially involve violations of state or federal fair housing and/or fair(~ lending laws. The HUD FHIP/PEI grant makes it possible for FHC-Detroit to improve its ability to investigate and help resolve complaints of ,unlawful mortgage lending discrimination. Mr. Stevenson is married and he and his wife, Lisa, live in Detroit with their three children. Fair Housing News Page3 SAVE THESE DATES: April 24, 2008 and September 24, 2008 Friends of fair housing and of the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit may wish to mark the evenings of Thursday, April 24, 2004 for the Inaugural Fair Housing Attorney Appreciation Awards Reception and Wednesday, September24, 2008 for the 11th Annual Fair Housing Leadership Awards Reception. The April 24 Reception will inaugurate FHC-Detroit's much over-due public appreciation of attorneys and judges who have made significant contributions to the cause of fair and equal housing opportunities. FHC-Detroit will be honored to present the first awards to: Hon. Damon J. Keith, SeniorJudge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; the law firm of Miller Canfield Paddock and Stone; and Mr. Saul A. Green, Senior Counsel of the Miller Canfield Paddock and Stone law firm. The September 24 Reception will recognize people in the housing industry who have also made significant contributions to the cause of fair and equal housing opportunities. Nominations for the housing industry award recipients can be submitted to FHC-Detroit by May 31, 2008. Additional information about each Reception will be provided in the next issue of Fair Housing News. FHC Case Updates (continued from page 3) . Decree, concluded that: "FHC-Detroit is hopeful, but not at II optimistic, that the defendants will abide by the terms of the Decree." Lessthan six months after Judge Rosen signed the Consent Decree, the U.S.A, with the concurrence of FHC-Detroit, has fi led a motion with Judge Rosen to enforce Paragraph 5 of the Decree because the " ...Defendants have failed to ensure that a management company is handling 'all aspects of the rental process' and have instead continued to manage the process directly themselves." The plaintiffs had insisted on including in the Decree the hiring of an independent management company because the plaintiffs were not at all confident that Mr. Schubiner could be involved in the process without unlawfully denying African American persons housing because of their race. In affidavits attached to the U.S.A. Motion, a rental agent hired by the new management company stated she had resigned after three weeks of employment due to Mr. Schubiner's " ...interference with my abi Iity to perform the duties of the job." She further stated that when she " ... had shown some units to new prospects, he asked whether they were 'his kind of people"', and, on another occasion, instructed her to accept an Indian couple who had failed to meet the management company's criteria because "Indians pay their rent..." Also attached to the Motion is a letter from Assistant U.s. Attorney, Judith Levy, to Mr. Schubiner reminding him that in a phone conversation with Ms. Levy, Mr. Schubiner had stated that he was "solely" in charge of deciding whether to evict a tenant, and further charged that he had recently encountered two African Arner0can applicants who "weren't qualified to be a dog-catcher" and were "utterly and completely ignorant." The U.S.A. Motion requests that Judge Rosen enter an Order to enforce Paragraph 5 of the Consent Decree, require additional reporting of the names of applicants to the U.S., and provide any other relief that the Court deems in the interest of the public. Maryellen lewis, Principle Investigator for the MSHDA Fair Housing Needs Analysis. MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPROVES "ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS" CONTRACT WITH FHC-DETROIT AND THE MICHIGAN FAIR HOUSING CENTERS In 1998 FHC-Detroit and the other private, non-profit fair housing Centers in Michigan completed the first "Analysis of Impediments to the Exercise of Fair Housing Choice" for the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). The "Analysis" is periodically required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development of statesor local units of government that receive Federal Funding under the Community Development Block Grant Program or several other housing related federal programs. In October, 2007 the MSHDA sent a "Request for Proposal" to conduct an update of the "1998 Analysis" and FHC-Detroit and the other Michigan Fair Housing Centers: FHC of Southeast Michigan (Ann Arbor); FHC of Southwest Michigan (Kalamazoo); and FHC of Western Michigan (Grand Rapids); submitted a proposal that was selected and approved for funding by the MSHDA Board of Directors on February 27,2008. Fortunately, for this second "Analysis", the Michigan FHCs will have the assistance of Maryellen Lewis to guide the Centers through this fairly mammoth data review and research project. Ms. Lewis, a Board member of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and a private consultant on global financing, mortgage lending, housing, community, and organizational development issues, may be familiar to many people in Michigan from her work as the founding Executive Director of the Michigan Nonprofit Association. With a Bachelor's Degree from Stanford University, a Master's Degree from Columbia, and currently completing her Ph.D. Thesis at Michigan State University, Ms. Lewis brings an impressive educational and community service background to this project. The "Analysis" will seek to identify any "impediments" to the exercise of fair housing choice for persons, or groups of persons, protected under the Federal Fair Housing Act or other applicable federal and state fair housing laws. It is expected that the "Analysis" will examine the housing and mortgage lending discrimination complaint and complaint resolution activities of the various Centers; it will examine zoning and land use pol icies and practices; it wi II attempt to see how'effective MSHDA's housing assistanceprograms have been in helping to affirmatively further fair housing in Michigan; and it will examine other local and state housing related policies and practices to help assure that the State is working to effectively reduce and eliminate any "impediments" to the exercise of fair housing choice. Staff from each of the four Michigan FHCs will be closely involved in the project, especially helping to gather information about housing discrimination complaint activity throughout Michigan. Page4 Fair Housing News "THANK YOU" FROM FHC-DETROIT TO YEAR 2007 CONTRIBUTORS AND CONTRACTORS The Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit is pleased to express thanks and appreciation to the many individuals(\ organizations, foundations, businesses, housing providers, financial institutions and government agencies that made contributions to, and/or entered into contracts to purchase services from, FHC during 2007. FHC does not publish, in the Fair Housing News, the names of the 250+ individuallfamily contributors to the Center (those names are listed in FHC's Thirty-first Annual Report), but gratefully acknowledges the contributions received from those supporters in 2007. Listed below, with much appreciation, are the names of the many organizations that contributed to FHC, including those groups that contributed to FHC's Tenth Annual Fair Housing Leadership Awards Reception. Also listed below are donations from estates and trusts, matching gifts or gifts that have been made in honor of specific persons, in addition to a listing of groups and organizations that have contracted with FHC for fair housing services during 2007. ORGANIZATIONAL AAA of Michigan ACLU of Michigan ACCESS American Jewish Committee Associated Management Company Beard & Associates Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Margaret L.M. Brown, PLC Century 21 - Town & Country Chase Bank CMS Energy Coalition On Temporary Shelter (COTS) Cooperative Services, Inc. Dearborn Federal Savings Bank City of Dearborn Heights Detroit Alliance for Fair Banking Detroit Board of Realtors Detroit Branch - NAACP Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association Detroit Urban League Downriver Association of Realtors DSR Properties DTE Energy Foundation City of Farmington Hills Marcia Femrite Law Office Fidelity Bank Fifth Third Bank First State Bank of East Detroit Flagstar Bank The Fourmidable Group Franklin Bank Full House Marketing Green Hill Apartments Grosse Pointe Board of Realtors Group Five Management Hannett, Wilson & Whitehouse Hartford Memorial Baptist Church Huntington Banks of Michigan Independent Management Services LR Management Services LaSalle Bank Lautrec LTD Law Office of Lee and Associates IN HONOR Attorney Joan Blair in Honor of Attorney George Wirth Bernard & Judith Cantor in Honor of Joyce Mittenthal Elaine Donaldson in Honor of Karen J. Moore MEMBERS/CONTRIBUTORS League of Women Voters of Metro Detroit City of Livonia Livonia Housing Commission Macomb County Management Systems, Inc. MAS CO Corporation Mark Magidson Law Office McDonald Management McKinley Associates, Inc. Metropolitan Consolidated Association of Realtors Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council Michigan Association of Realtors Michigan Department of Civil Rights Michigan Heritage Bank Michigan State Housing Development Authority Midwest Management Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone, PLC National City Bank Nette & Associates OF ... New Detroit, Inc. North Oakland County Board of Realtors City of Northville Housing Commission Pearl & Associates Pfizer Foundation Premier Property Management Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Real Estate One, Inc. Remerica - Hometown One River Bend Apartments Rosen Sugarman, P.c. City of Royal Oak St. Martin's Cooperative Sterling Bank and Trust Steve Tomkowiak Law Office Village Green Companies Village Green Management Warren Bank Western Wayne Oakland County Association of Realtors Wilson White Company Wood KuII Herschfuss Obee & Ku II MEMORIALS Dr. Lowell Schrupp and Cliff Schrupp in Memory of Kirjah Franz Lee & Larry Weber in Memory of Marvin Thomas CONTRACTORS AND PURCHASERS OF FHC SERVICES Benchmark - Fairway Trails Associates City of Dearborn City of Dearborn Heights Flagstar Bank Huntington Management Independent Management Services City of Livonia L.R. Management Management Systems, Inc. Michigan Association of Realtors Michigan Department of Civil Rights Premier Management City of St. Clair Shores City of Southfield City of Taylor U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S. Department of Justice Village Green Management Waterford Township Wayne County City of Westland A special THANK YOU is extended to some very special FHC friends (john and Janice Obee, Dr. Lowell Schrupp, and Christa Schrupp) whose contributions and major financial loans to FHC helped the Center survive through 2007 until it received a payment from the Defendant following the settlement in FHC v General Properties. THANK YOU also to the law firm of Miller Canfield Paddock and Stone, PLC, whose extremely generous contribution of the major portion of the legal services for the FHC v General Properties lawsuit made it possible for FHC to actually receive a substantial portion of the settlement. Attorney Saul A. Green led the outstanding Miller Canfield team that included P. Rivka Schochet, Michelle Crockett, Freeman Farrow, Nicole S. Kaseta, Barbara Sinicki, George Mesritz and Kathleen Neher. Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit ROOM 1020 220 BAGLEY DETROIT, MI 48226 Return Service Requested ®~33 Non-Profit Org. u.s. Postage PAID Detroit, MI Permit No. 1341
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