Arti Penting Jurnal Ilmiah_kopertis4


Arti Penting Jurnal Ilmiah_kopertis4
Arti Penting dan Tantangan
Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah
Budi H. Bisowarno
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
Bandung, 18 Mei 2016
1. Introduction
Scientific Knowledge
Indonesia publication (Scopus)
2. Quality of publication and publisher
Science Citation Index (SCI)
Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)
Akreditasi Jurnal (Indonesia)
Predatory Journal?
3. Arti penting (online) journal
Perkembangan jurnal di Indonesia
Scientific Knowledge
The object of research is to extend human knowledge
beyond what is already known.
But an individual’s knowledge enters the domain of science
only after it is presented to others in such a fashion that
they can independently judge its validity
“Science is a shared knowledge based on a common
understanding of some aspect of the physical or social
National Academic Press, “On Being a Scientist” 1995
Why Publish?
“A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data
and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. If your
research does not generate papers, it might just as well not
have been done” (G. Whitesides, Adv. Mater., 2004, 16,
Research results are privileged until they are published.
Motivasi publikasi - perkembangan yang Seiring:
 Pengetahuan
 Karir dan Kepuasan Penulisnya
 Reputasi Institusi
Tingkat Asia --- Nomor 11
Tingkat Dunia --- Nomor 63
Tingkat Asia --- Nomor 11
Tingkat Dunia --- Nomor 63 Indonesia, 2 May 2013; per 15 Mei 2916
Comparison: Documents 15 Mei 2016
Comparison: Cites per Document 15 Mei 2016
Indonesia Journals?
 published in a very limited numbers (many only 300
copies per edition)
 circulated only locally (and often privately)
 not subscribed by major libraries (not even in
 written in Indonesian (only recently being provided with
English abstracts)
 not being used by university lecturers as source of
teaching material
 haphazardly produced, managed, and edited
 ignored by the scientific world
Mien Rifai, 2008
Indonesia Journal di Scopus Mei 2013 Mei 2016
Thailand: 26 journals
Malaysia: 79 journals
Prof Hendra
Unpar di Science Direct –
What are journal impact factors?
The impact of a journal depends on how often articles in that journal
are cited by other academic publications. The more that journal is
cited, the greater it's impact.
Journal impact factors are calculated from data held on the ISI
Citation Indices (which you may know as the Web of Science
database). These are published by the Institute of Scientific
Information (ISI).
Over a two year period, the number of citations to a particular
journal is divided by the number of articles published in that journal.
For example, for 1997 impact factors the following formula was
What is Science Citation Index?
 The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a citation index
originally produced by the Institute for Scientific
Information (ISI) in 1960, which is now owned by
Thomson Reuters.
 The larger version (Science Citation Index
Expanded) covers 6,400 of the world's leading journals
of science and technology
Journal searching
List of journals
Things to remember
when using impact factors
A large number of citations does not automatically
mean that a work is of high quality. A work may be
heavily cited because lots of other authors are refuting
the research findings it contains.
Beware of citation bias. People may cite their own
work or work from the journals in which they publish.
An impact factor is a measure of average citation
impact, not individual author citation impact.
Therefore an impact factor cannot be used to measure
the performance of an author.
Time needs to elapse before a meaningful citation
analysis can be made, so new journals tend to fare
Things to remember
when using impact factors
Not all research work is published and cited in the
citation indices. For example conference proceedings
are often poorly covered.
There is a bias towards English language material.
Different fields of research publish at different rates.
There is generally a much stronger culture of
publishing in journals and citing the work of peers in
Biomedicine than in Engineering.
Where to publish:
1. Potential impact of the article
 Journal Reputation
 Journal Visibility and Potential Article Impact
2. Likelihood of timely acceptance
 Likelihood of Manuscript Acceptance
 Likelihood of Timely Publication
3. Philosophical and Ethical Issues
 Open Access
 Library issues
 Intellectual property / copyright issues
Linda V. Knight and Theresa A. Steinbach, 2008, International Journal of Doctoral
Studies, 3, 59-
Journal Reputation
Linda V. Knight and Theresa A. Steinbach, 2008, International Journal of Doctoral
Studies, 3, 59-
Where to Publish?
Where to Publish?
Criteria for Determining
Predatory Journals
1. Publish papers already published in other venues
2. Publish papers that contain plagiarism
3. Copy ‘authors guidelines’ verbatim (or with minor editing)
from other publishers
4. List false or insufficient contact information, including contact
information that does not clearly state the headquarters
location or misrepresents the headquarters location
(e.g.through the use of addresses that are actually mail
5. Publish journals that are excessively broad (e.g., Journal of
Education) in order to attract more articles and gain more
revenue from author fees
6. Publish journals that combine two or more fields not normally
treated together (e.g. International Journal of Business,
Humanities and Technology)
Enlist members of editorial boards that are not experts in the
field; have an insufficient number of board members; have
made-up editorial boards (made up names); include scholars
on an editorial board without their knowledge or permission;
have board members who are prominent researchers but
exempt them from any contributions to the journal except the
use of their names and photographs; provide insufficient
contact/affiliation information about board members (e.g., M.
Khan, Pakistan) […] K. Use language claiming to be a ‘leading
publisher’ even though the publisher is a startup or no one
has ever heard of it before. […]
Use spam email to solicit manuscripts or editorial board
9. Demonstrate a lack of transparency in its operations […]
10. Set up shop in a first-world country chiefly for the purpose of
functioning as a vanity press for scholars in a developing
11. Begin operations with a large fleet of journals, often using a
template to quickly create each journal’s home page.
Where to Publish?
Philosophical and Ethical Issues
Each author must decide for himself or herself what
philosophical or ethical concerns are of significance to them.
Regardless of whether these include Open Access, intellectual
property, copyright, library, or other issues, these
considerations form an umbrella over the entire decision
Open Access (OA) journals are journals whose contents are
freely available to scholars through the Internet. It is digital,
online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing
One list of Open Access journals is available online at dan
Linda V. Knight and Theresa A. Steinbach, 2008, International Journal of Doctoral
Studies, 3, 59-
May 2016: Indonesia (85 - total 329); Malaysia (47)
May 16, 2016
Akreditasi Jurnal - Indonesia
 Ketentuan Jurnal ilmiah:
Permendiknas no. 22 Tahun 2011: Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah
SK Dirjen Dikti no. 49/Dikti/Kep/2011: Pedoman Akreditasi
Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah
Surat Edaran Direktur P2M no. 1313/E5.4/LL/2011: Pedoman
Akreditasi Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah
 Akreditasi terbitan berkala ilmiah dilakukan berdasarkan
penilaian terpenuhinya persyaratan mutu minimum yang
ditentukan untuk dimensi substansi, fisik, penampilan,
dan pengelolaan sesuai dengan Pedoman Akreditasi
Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah.
Kebijakan Publikasi Nasional
 Peningkatan makalah ilmiah yang dipublikasikan pada
Journal yang diindex secara internasional
 Peningkatan jurnal nasional yang dapat diindex secara
internasional (Thomsons/Scopus/DOAJ)
 Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional secara online (Arjuna)
Publikasi dan Akreditasi Jurnal:
Dari Nasional Menuju Internasional
Untuk Diskusi
Pengelolaan Jurnal (Kasus Unpar)
 Jurnal harus dikelola secara online dengan Open Journal
System (OJS)
 Semua jurnal harus dikelola secara online
 perlu proses pendaftaran issn online (e-issn)
 manajemen (penerimaan s/d publikasi secara online)
 kebijakan universitas dalam penerbitan jurnal online –
pengelolaan OJS (misalnya user level) dan maintenance
 Semua jurnal harus mengarah untuk proses akreditasi?
 prasyarat harus online, sudah dilakukan via OJS
 mencermati ketentuan akreditasi jurnal online
Untuk Diskusi
Pengelolaan Jurnal (Kasus Unpar)
 (Semua) jurnal mengarah ke kualifikasi jurnal internasional
– benefit utk angka kredit dosen? Institusi?
 harus akreditasi nasional
 memenuhi kriteria (index, citation, access/hit)
 Jurnal online diindex secara internasional (Scholar google 
DOAJ  Scopus?)
 Pengelolaan karya ilmiah dosen dalam bentuk repository
sedang dikerjakan oleh perpustakaan.