Jurnal lttlanaiemen |(eperatruatan
Jurnal lttlanaiemen |(eperatruatan
a rssN 2338-2031 Jurnal lttlanaiemen |(eperatrua Persatuan perlwat Nasio.rlal Indonesia r SHIFTKERJA DAN BEBAN KERJABERPENGARUH TERHADAP TERJADINYAKELELAHANKERJA PERAWATDI RUANG RAWAT DI RUMAHSAKIT PEMERINTAH Rusdi,BambangEdi Warsito I HUBUNGANKEPEMIMPINAN DAN SUPERVISIDENGANKINERJA PERAWATPELAKSANADALAM PENDOKUMENTASIAN ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN MursidahDewi, RiskaZestin I PENGARUHLOYALITASDAN KEPUASANTERHADAPKINERJA PERAWATDALAM ASUHAN KEPERAWATANPASIEN RAWAT INAP RUMAH SAKIT SWASTADIYOGYAKARTA LWayanSudarta,Edi Dharmana,AgusSanfoso I PENGALAMANPERAWATPELAKSANADALAM MENERAPKAN KESELAMATANPASTEN Nur Mahya lsnaini,Muhamad Rofii I uerooe JrcsAw sEBAGATupAyA MENTNGKATKAN HASILBELAJAR DITINJAUDARI KEMAPUANMETAKOGNITIF DewiWulandari SOFTSKILLPERAWATMELALUIKEPEMIMPINAN I PENINGKATAN TRANSFORMASIONAL KEPALARUANGDI RSISULTANAGUNG SEMARANG Tri Hartiti I PENGARUHPROGRAMMENTORING TERHADAPPENERAPAN BUDAYAKESELAMATANPASIEN Devi Nurmalia,Hanny Handiyani,Hening pujasari I nne THEREANY DIFFERENcEsoF LEARNINGoRIENTATIoN BETWEENLEVEL 1 AND LEVEL4 NURSINGSTUDENTS Fatikhu YatuniAsmara DiterbitkanOleh Tim PengembangJurnal PersatuanPerawatNasionalIndonesia EDITORIAL SUSUNAI\ REDAKSI JURNAL MANAJEMEN KEPERAWATAI\ Pembina: H. Edy WuryantoS.Kp.,M.Kep Penasehat: H. Edy Soesanto, S.Kp.,M.Kes. Arwani, S.KM, MN. PimpinanUmum: Ns. KurniaYuliastuti,M.Kep. PimpinanRedaksi: Ns. MuhammadRofii, M.Kep. Sekretaris: Ns. DeviNurmalia,M.Kep. Bendahara: Budiasih,S.Kp lllitra Bestari: Ns. WastuAdi Mulyono,M. Kep. Ns. JebulSurosaM. Kep. Ns. Mazly Astuti,M.Kep. Alamat Redaksi: PPNI JawaTengah Jl Yos Sudarso47 - 49 Ungaran Telp.02476913574 Email: Jurman.kep@gmail.com PENGAIYTAR REDAKSI Jurnal Keperawatan PPNI Provinsi Jawa Tengah (JKPPNI-Jateng) merupakan salah satu publikasi ilmiah yang memiliki reputasi secara nasional bagi kalangan perawat di Indonesia. JKPPNI-Jateng saat ini telah terbit yang ke 3 yangpada edisi ini memuat artikelpeneliti-peneliti artikel terbaru dari keperawatandi Indonesia. Hasil penelitian pada edisi ini merupakan perkembangan ilmu yang uplo-date sehingga sangat mendukung terhadap perkembangan pengetahuan yang ilmu ketahui kita berkembang secara militan dan pesat. Hasil penelitian pada artikel ini memiliki beberapa terobosanyang perlu di cermati oleh berbagai pihak sehingga akan mendukung program pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia dalam rangka " pencapaian target Millenium Development Goals pada tahun 2015. Semoga hasil-hasil penelitian yang disajikan pada edisi JKPPNI-Jateng kali ini akan dapat senantiasa menambah perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keperawatan di Indonesia. Kami mengharapkan masukan, saran dari pihak berbagai untuk kesempurnaan penerbitan pada JKPPNI-Jateng yang akan datang. Salam Redaksi DAFTAR ISI I. IIAL SHIFT KERJA DAN BEBAN KERJA BERPENGARUHTERHADAPTERJADINVA KELELAHAN KERJA PERAWATDI RUANG RAWAT DI RUMAH SAKIT PEMERINTAH Rusdi.BemhangEdi Warsito l-12 2. HUBUNGAN KEPEMIMPINAN DAN SUPERVISIDENGAN KINERJA PERAWATPELAKSANA DALAM PENDOKUMENTASIAN ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN MursidahDewi, RiskaZestin t3-21 3. PENGARUH LOYALI'TAS DAN KEPUASAN TERI{ADAPKINERJA PERAWAT DALAM ASUHAN KEPERAWATANPASIEN RAWAT INAP RUMAH SAKIT SWASTADtrYOGYAKARTA I.ll"altanSudarta.Edi Dharmana,AgusSantoso ZZ-29 4. PENGALAilIAN PERAWATPELAKSANA DALAM MENERAPKAN KESELAMATAN PASIEN Nur MalryaIsneini,lt{uhamadRofii 30-37 5. METODE JIGSAW SEBAGAI UPAYAMENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR DITINJAU DARI KEMAPUAN METAKOGNITIF Devti lvulandari 38-46 6. PENINGKATAN SOFTSKILL PERAWATMELALUI KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL KEPALA RUANG DI RSI SULTAN AGUNG SEMARANG Tti Hartiti 47-54 1. PENGARUH PROGRAM MENTORING TERHADAP PENERAPAN BUDAYA KESELAMATAN PASIEN Devi Nurmalia, Hanny Handq,ani, Hening pujasari 55-63 8. ARE THERE ANY DIFFERENCES OF LEARNING ORIENTATION BETWEEN LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 4 IIURSING STUDENTS FatikhuYatuniAsmara 64-68 ARE THERE ANY DIF'FERENCESOF LEARFIING ORIENTATION BETWEEN LEVE 1 AND LEVEL 4I\I]RSING STUDENTS FatikhuYatuni Asmara* *Staf pengajarJurusanKeperawatanFakultasKedokteranUniversitasDiponegoro ABSTRACT Purpose:The aim of this researchis to identifi fhe differencesof learning orientationbetweel level I and tevet + mrsing students. Method: Data were collected using Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) questionerswhich involved two studentsas respondents,level I and level 4 nursing students.The data were calculatedbased on scoring key in each sub component,and were comparedwith standardof psychology students.Result: Thi result showed that there were differences of leaming orientation betweenlevel 1 and levei 4 mysing studentsparticularly in componentspersonallyinterqsted,certificate directed,vocationdirected,and ambivalent.One of reasonsbehind of this is level I nursing studentsget transition from senior high school into college wtrile level 4 mrrsing studentsare settler, and can adapt with learningprocessin iollege. Conclusion:It will be be$er if every studenthas changeto screentheir leaming orielriation by compl-etingILS questioners,so it will help studentsto focus on their learning process-onthe otherhand, studenti' leaming oriertation will help teacherto facilitate studentsachieving the competencies. Keywords: learning orientatioq nursing students Jurnal ManagemenKeperawatan. Volume2, No.l, Mei2014; 64.68 INTRODUCTION Orientationand motivationseemto be two words that very importantfor everyone whenthey do someactivities.Accordingto Oxford learner'spocket dictionary(2008), the meaningof orientationis '"the type of aims or interests that a person or an organization has" while motivation is definedas "the reasonwhy somebodydoes somethingor behavesin a particularway''. Based on that, both orientation and motivation can be affected by inner and outer factorsor are known by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Furthermore, Omrod (2009) defined motivation as "an internal statethat arousessomeoneto action,pushes someonein particulardirections,and keeps someoneengagedin certainactivities". Hencg motivation is needed for students when they joined education especiallyin highereducation.Sincein this place students will be prepared with theories,new ideas,innovativetechnologies and critical thinking in order to help them to be professionalsand entrepreneursso later they will be able to work and earn money for their live. Thus they have to know w'hataretheir purposesjoining higher education.Is there any reasonrather than passthe exam or gain the skills? Or they only follow the rule from their parentsthat they must continue their study in higher education? The reasons or motivation behindthe student'sjoining in educationis called learning orientation (Ras, et.al, 2002). Every student has their own learning orientation; it dependson intrinsic and extrinsic factor affecting them. For instance: a study conducted by Jeffrey (2009) statedthat there were at least three students'learningorientationswhich most of studentschooseindustriouspragmatistas their learning orientationwhile cognitive voyaging and multimedia collaboration were o4 the second and third place respectively.Studentswho haveindustrious pragmatistmustlearnskills as manyasthey can since skillful studentswill be more occupiedthan studentwith minimumskills. They could be more result orientedthan students with cognitive voyaging origntationwho more conc€rnon process. Accordingly, to know students' learning orientation is very important for teachersince it can direct them to facilitate their studentsto reachtheir destinationor to lead their student when they have wrong learning orientation.Not only for teachers but also studentscan get many advantages when they reziltzetheir learningorientation, for instance:join the learningprocesswith no doubt becausethey know exactly what their objectivesare.That is Vermunt(1998) who developedILS which hasfour learning components: processing strategies, regulation sfrategies, learning orientation, and mentalmodelof learning;eachlearning componentwhich has sub componentsis representedby severalquestionsfrom total 120 questions.This is very useful for studentsto find their learningstylesin order to help them more productive in their learningproc€ss. Therefore,this study usesILS as a tool to investigatostudents'leaqningorientation since the aim of this study iss to know the differencesof, learning orientation between level I attdi, lcvel 4 nursing student. Differenceir",onfffi. cart give effect for previous study learning,or-iorrJatior.lsincqirl' resultedthaFolder:studentsprefer to have industriouS pragnbtist as theii learning orientation while younger students more comfort to have multimedia collaboration. (Jeffrey, 2009). Ifowever, this study focusedon learning orientation on ILS by Vermunt which has five sub components: personally interested, certificate directed, self-test directed vocation directed, and ambivalent. METHOD Data were collected using ILS questionerswhich involved two studentsas subjects who have different level. Both studentswere female which one student in level I while another in level 4; both subjects were chosen randomly in their class and have sarnepreferencein nursing science. Fur,thermore,level 1 student is student in first semesterwho graduated from senior hi,ghschool and does not have any enperiencasabout learning in higher cducation,while level 4 student is student in in swenth semesterwho hasexperiences Are ThereAny Differences BetweenLevel 1 and Level4 NursingSludenfs Fttlkhu YatuniAsmara teaching learning process in higher educationat leastthreeyears;shealso has experiencesjoining internship stage in hospitalfor severalsubjects. Before filling the questioners,both subjectsgot explanationthat the data were given would be analyzedto identiff the differencesof learningorientationbetween level 1 and level 4 nursing student,and personal identity would be kept or anonymous.During the process,subjects can come to ask for help or explanation relatedto the questioners. After agreement, the questionerswere filled and returned without seriousdifficulties. Next, data were calculatedbasedon scoring key in each sub componentby Vermunt,andwerecomparedwith standard of psychologystudents.This standardwas chosensincepsychologyis more similar in sciencewith nursingthansocialscience. RESULT Both two subjects have , several differences,not only in level but also in age and experiencesin learningprocess.Table 1 will serve basic information about subjects Table I Characteristicsof subiects Respondent1 18years Age Female Sex Level Level l/lst semester (graduated from senior high school) Experience No experience in learning (mostlyteacher process centerin senior high school) Respondent2 2l years Female Level4/7th semester 3 year with student centered leaming Scores of the two subjects were variative, and it is focused in learning orientationsincethe aim of this study is to know the differencesof learningorientation betweenlevel I and level 4 students.Table 2 gives information about ILS scoring of in detail. two respondents Table 2 Result of the ILS Level1 Components/ student subcomponents Score Level Processing strategies a. Deepprocessing 373495 39540s b. Stepwise Processing l0 c. Concrete processing ., Regulation strategies 4 31 a. Self-regulation 475 b. Extemal regulation 24 c. Lack of regulation 3. Learning orientation t3 a. Personally interested t0 b. Cgrtificate directed 22 c. Self-test directed 20 d. Vocation directed l6 e. Ambivalent 4. Mental modelsof learning 22 a. Constuctionof knowledge 28 b. Intakeof knowledge 34 Useof knowledge 32 d. Stimulating education l6 Cooperation Level4 student Score Level I l. 25 52 4l t4 t9 l8 l8 24 l3 37 37 18 33 Score is score of subjects in each basedon scoringkey 'of the subcomponent ILS, and level is comparingthe score of subjectswith psycholory studentswhich is servedin the ILS standard.Level I means low or less than lSYo of sum score of psychologystudentsand level5 meanshigh or more than 50% of sum score of psychologystudents(Vermunt,I 998). It can be seen from learning orientation component with its sub componentsthat most of sub components are different in level except self-directed test.For instance,personallyinterestedand Jurnal ManagemenKeperawatan. Volume2oNo, 1, Mei 2Af"4;64{,8 5 5 j certificate directed of level 4 student is higher than level I student;it is four and one respectively.On the other hand, the rangeof level in vocationdirectedbetween level 4 and level 1 studentsis not too wide, only two point. In contrast,level I student moreambivalentthan level 4 studentwhich is shown by level five and one, respectively. DISCUSSION In fact, result showedthat there were differencesof learningorientationbetween level 1 and level 4 nursing students particularly in sub cornponentspersonally interest'-d, certifieate directed, vocation directed,andambivalent.Oneof arguments underthis finding is level 1 studentis in the transition era betweensenior high school anduniversityincludinglearningprocess.It could be big differences in learning environmentand the way of learning in universityratherthan in seniorhigh school; it is shockedher so it effectsher learning orientation.Other reasonsare student in level I does not have clear aim why she joined nursingas her choiceor what her life couldbe if shejoined in nursingprogramso is biggerthan no wonderif her ambivalence le'.'el4student. Base.don study conductedby Jeffrey (2009), older students had industrious orientation instead younger students who choose multimedia collaborationas their learning orientation.It was becauseolder students or students in higher level orientatedtheir study for working world. They were looking for the way how to get job as quick as possibfe,how to be competent employeesby applying their skill and theory which were got in college sincea competentemployeewould gethigh salary. On the other hand, Younger studentswere enjoying their roles as a collegestudentsinsteadseniorhigh school studentssince in collegethey faced many differentthings including learningprocess. For instance:in senior high school they were more passivein learningprocess,and most of their activities were listening to their teacherwhile in collegeor university they must be active to achieve their informationtechnology0T) competencies; startedto be favoritein this time sincemost of their teachersused IT to deliver their topic or encouragedthem to find the referencesin obook or e-journalby using internet.Thus,it wasnot amazedif younger students prefer to pick rnultimedia collaborationastheir learningorientation. Even though difference in learning orientation is normal condition for every student but it must be an agreement between students and teachers that the learningorientationin higher educationis in all subjects; to achievethe competencies will be competent that students it means graduates when all competencies are achieved.In orderto gainthat,teachermust be creative to createa motivating learning and teaching process, to develoP a conduciveenvironmentfor studentsso they will comfortandenjoythe learningprocess. Accordingto Omrod (2009), in productive classroom,studentscan tune in and study more effective especially when they are motivated to know their intrinsic motivation in learningthan exhinsic. It is said that there are many'weys to build a productive classroom, for example: by using instructionaltechniquewhich attracts studentsto join learningprocessor giving feedbackfor students'achievementin order to encouragestudentsto do the same or betterthing in the future. Furthermore,the sameideacamefrom Ten Cate (2004) which statedthat teacher must help studentsto pass the transition from external guidance (guidance from teachers)throughsharedguidance(together betweenstudentsand teachers)to internal In other guidance(by studentsthemselves). to responsibility have wordso teachers by facilitate studentsto be competence creatinga goodmethodwhich help students to have internal guidance or learn by themselveseven when they graduatefrom university,or it is calledlong life learning. However, the result of this studY cannotbe generalizedsincethe numberof subjectswas limited. For that reason,it is better to conduct further research by involving more subjects. Besides the numberof subjects,the suggestionsfor next researchare conductingcohort researchto Are ThereAny DifferencesOf LearningOrientationBetweenLevel 1 and Level4 NursingSfudenfs FatikhuYatuniAsmara investigatethat do experiencesin learning prooess in higher education affect the learning orientationor not by conducting seriesof observationto studentswhenthey arein level I until thevarein level4. CONCLUSION All in all, learning orientation is important for each studentto help them focus on learning process; teachers as facilitators also must know the students' learning orientationin order to help them achievetheir objectivesin learningprocess. Basedon the result of this study,thereare differencesof learningorientationbetween studentlevel 1 and studentlevel 4. Thus it is important for teachers to create a motivatinglearningprocessto help students achieve their competencies and be competentgraduates. REFERENCES Jeffrey, L.M. (2009). Learning orientation diversity in higher education. Learning and Individual Dffirences, r 9 ( 2) .195-208 Omrod,J.E. (2009).Humanlearning.Fifth edition. New Jersev: Pearson Education,Inc. Oxford leorner'spocketdictionary.(2008). Fourth edition. New York: Oxford UniversityPress. Ras, P.J., Olivier, N., Tiivikua, T., Grundling, J.P. (2002). Learning orientationsof studentsin an African Developing Country: ImPlications for knowledge transfer. Retrieve from October, 12nd 2011, edu.nalbitstream/ hup://ir.polytechnic. ji iet,Yo20T | 0 628I | 83I 1lFtas,Yo20Oliv vikua,Yo20Grundling.%o20Leatning%o 2Oorientationso/o}}oP/o20students.." p df Ten Cate, O., Snell, L., Mann, K'' & Vermunt, J. (2004). Orienting teachingtoward the learningprocess. AcademicMedicine,79, 219-228Vermunt,J. D. (1998).The regulationof constructive learning Processes. British Journal of Educational Psycholog,t,68, 149-17| Jurnaf ManagemenKeperawatan. Volume2, No. 1, Mei 2014; 64'68