Metzler Elementary
Metzler Elementary
+ February Newsletter Metzler Elementary 8500 West Rayford Road Spring, TX 77389 T: 832.484.7900 Dear Metzler Parents, The Metzler faculty and staff are committed to academic excellence for all students. We will do whatever it takes to help each child reach academic success. As our partner, we value your commitment in achieving our school-wide reading and attendance goals. No matter the age, all children benefit from hearing fluent readers. This exposes your child to quality literature that he/she may not be able to read and provides a special bonding time for you and your child. Just 20 minutes a night can make a world of difference! Huskies, Making a Difference! Did you know that February is the International Friendship Month? Let’s make it extraordinary! Let’s show unity in our diversity by sharing peace, love, and understanding by participating in the following activities. Pennies for Patients School-wide penny drive in efforts to help “make leukemia disappear”. Bookmarks, Pillow Cases, Placemats, and Blankets Our PTO organized a community project in which students will make bookmarks, cards, pillowcases, placemats, and blankets. These items will be taken to Texas Children’s Hospital and other local medical facilities to be given to children who are ill. This is a very heart-warming experience to be shared by both Huskies and children in local hospitals. Paint the Community with Peace Metzler will join other Klein campuses as we paint the community with peace. Please see the attached document with Metzler dress-up days and campus activities. Making Tracks 2014-15 Calendar of Events February 1-5 Counselor Appreciation Week We appreciate you, Mrs. Baker! February 1 Fourth Grade Field Trip to Wunderlich Farm Mims, Fitch, Ragsdale, Price, & Monterrey February 2 Fourth Grade Field Trip to Wunderlich Farm Chan, Diggins, Reidy, & Watt February 5 PTO “Souper” Bowl Luncheon for teachers February 8-12 Paint the Community with Peace Week February 11 Decades Sock Hop during specials February 12 PTO Valentine’s Day Give Back Activity in lieu of traditional party. February 23 Team Trace Volunteer Tuesday 8:30-10:30 AM Page 1 of 4 PTO Valentine’s Day Give Back Students will participate in a “give back” activity in lieu of a traditional Valentine’s Day party. Please know that you may send Valentine’s Day cards and goodie bags with things such as; stickers, pencils, spirit sticks, and erasers, but no candy or food items. All candy and/or food items sent to school will be returned. th 45 Annual German Festival Tickets for the 45th annual Klein German Festival, scheduled for February 26, 2016, at Klein Forest High School, will go on sale at every school in the Klein district, Klein administration buildings, and at Trinity Lutheran Church, starting Monday, February 8, 2016. The price of tickets is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children in grades 5 and under. There is no charge for preschool children accompanied by their parent or guardian. Dinner will be served from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. All tickets will be handled by advance sales only. Tickets will not be available at the door. An evening of German food, with German music and exhibition dances performed by students from Klenk Elementary School and Trinity Lutheran Church School, as well as professional performances by The Henry Tannenberger German Band will be featured. The Klein Forest High School Men’s Choir will also perform. Bus Transportation Reminder Just a reminder that Pre-K students will be brought back to Metzler if a parent or designated adult is not at the bus stop to receive them. Please know that Kindergarten – Fifth Grade students will be dropped off at their designated bus stop even if a parent is not present. As always, please be sure to inform the office of any special circumstances or transportation changes. Thank you in advance for helping to ensure the safety of all students. Carpool Reminders Everyone’s efforts in making drop-off and pick-up times safe and smooth are much appreciated. As always, please use extreme caution when entering and exiting the school zone. Modeling courtesy and compliance with school procedures help everyone start and end their day in a positive manner. Remember, our kiddos are watching and will model the character we exhibit. Parental Responsibility - Custody Please assist us in the handling of custody-related issues. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the registrar a certified copy of the court order affecting any other person’s right to their children. Making Tracks 2014-15 UPCOMING EVENTS February 26 Klein ISD German Festival at Klein Forest March 3 Dr. Cain’s Community Dinner March 4 PTO Sweetheart Dance 7:00-9:00 pm March 8 Team Trace Volunteer Tuesday March 14-18 Spring Break March 22 Team Trace Volunteer Tuesday 8:30 – 10:30 AM March 25 Easter Break March 28 Report Cards Issued March 29 STAAR Writing (4th grade) STAAR Math (5th grade) March 30 STAAR Reading (5th grade) April 1 Field Day Page 2 of 4 Spelling Bee Winners 1st Place – Ben Nguyen 2nd Place – Aalim Momin 3rd Place – Madison Baca Metzler Geography Bee Winners 1st Place – Kayden Lalor 2nd Place – Kiara Lopez 3rd Place – Leo Bucher Husky thanks to third grade teacher, Mrs. Wideman, for her organization of and dedication to this exciting annual event. KISD RODEO ART SHOW We would like to congratulate the following students whose art work was chosen to represent Metzler Elementary this year at the Klein ISD Rodeo Art Show and who received ribbons for their hard work: Hiro Bunnelle Zoe Holmes Shay Bartlett Daisy Martinez Logan Caufield Ian Martinez Faith Faherty Kaydence Peralez Kaia Fields Liam Thorsen Elysia Garcia Trinity Wheeler Congratulations to these students and thanks to Mrs. Mackey for her excellence in instruction. DESTINATION IMAGINATION The Huskies are cheering on their peers as they prepare for the Destination Imagination Regional Tournament which is scheduled for Saturday, February 27th. We invite everyone to support our students as they perform at Klein High School. Husky cheers to the following: Clever-tastic DInamite Chipmunkthe Final Act Faith Faherty Riley Greenhouse Gabriel Hill Riley Greenhouse Emma Hoffman Kate Twardowski Team Managers Mrs. Mackey Ms. Milkie Making Tracks 2014-15 Intermediate School #10 You might have noticed that Metzler’s looking a little different! Preparation for intermediate school ten has started. The intermediate school is projected to open for the 2018-19 school year. Please know that we’ll keep you updated in regards to district meetings related to the opening of the school. Be sure to take traffic delays into consideration for morning drop-off via the car rider line. You may want to leave a little earlier in the morning to make sure your child arrives on time. As always, students may arrive as early as 7:50 a.m. February is Dental Health Month Oral health is a vital component of a child’s overall health. By providing a healthy diet, minimizing the consumption of sweets, cleaning a child’ s teeth twice a day, and getting early dental examinations, a child can have a happy, healthy smile. Some great websites to check out are: February is Healthy Heart Month Cardiac health is an important issue all year long, but with February designated as “Heart Month”, we have listed some great websites filled with healthy tips: Page 3 of 4 We’ll continue to collect Box Tops for our classroom and grade level competitions. Prizes will be awarded to the top participating classrooms! Keep saving those Box Tops and Labels for Education!!! . Our PTO would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting the spirit nights this year. Our January event was at McDonalds. February 10th will be at Spring Creek Barbeque from 5 - 8 p.m. Because of the support that our Husky families have shown, we have raised over $2,300.00 in spirit night funds. This money will go towards the many events the PTO helps fund throughout the year. Good attendance is of prime importance for the educational development of each student. Please be mindful to send either a doctor or parent note within five days of an absence. The date(s) of the student’s absences should be included in the signed parent excuse. Please note that parental phone calls cannot take the place of a note. Please see the 2015-16 KISD Elementary Student Handbook for more information about attendance. Making Tracks 2014-15 NEWS FROM THE LIBRARY….. Husky Book Club Students at Metzler have the opportunity to become members of the Husky Book Club in the library. Parents, family and friends may celebrate and honor a student by choosing a book from the “Husky Books” to be added to the Metzler library for all to enjoy. A bookplate with the child’s name and the special occasion will be placed in the book, and a presentation will be made in the child’s class. The cost for a “Husky Book” is $15.00. Checks can be made to Metzler Elementary. Please contact Pat Mohalley at 832484-7952 or to arrange a presentation. This is a wonderful way to celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, good grades, a new sibling, or an award while adding to our Metzler library collection! The newest member of the Husky Book Club is: Katelyn Havemann Birthday Books Community Dinner March 3rd Parents of Klein ISD students are invited to attend a community dinner hosted by Superintendent Jim Cain on March 3rd. A pizza and salad dinner will be provided free to parents beginning at 6:30 p.m. A district informational update and a question and answer session will follow. After 35 years in the Klein ISD and 47 years in public education, Superintendent Dr. Jim Cain announced his plans to retire. Klein ISD will provide timely updates related to the search for a new superintendent. Please visit the following to stay updated throughout the process: rd.2016supersearch Page 4 of 4 Thank you to the Watch D.O.G.S who volunteered their time in January. We welcome our Watch D.O.G.S. on campus as often as possible. As “Heroes of the Hallways,” they participate as mentors, classroom helpers, and an extra set of eyes and ears. You can make a HUGE difference on our campus just by your willingness to serve! Fathers and father-figures, this is an awesome opportunity to get involved at Metzler. Attached to this newsletter you will find a flyer with more information regarding registration and school contacts. Visit to learn more about this awesome, national program. Don’t miss our Husky super Stars! Order your 2015-16 Metzler Memory Book Now! We have a limited number of books available for pre-order at $20 each. Please fill out the bottom part of this form and send it to your student’s teacher. Orders must be received by February 19. Checks can be made out to Metzler Elementary PTO. Student’s Name __________________________________________________ Grade _____________ Homeroom Teacher________________________________ Number of books _________________________ Cash ____ Check_____ (Please check one) Help Kroger help Metzler! Did you know that every time you swipe your rewards card at Kroger, you could be sending money to our school? Please go to the website now and register your card in the Community Rewards Program to help Metzler. For our school to continue to benefit, you must re-register your card each year. Simply log on to your account at: