1 - Support Services - University of the Free State
1 - Support Services - University of the Free State
UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE UNIVERSITEIT VAN DIE VRYSTAAT YUNIVESITHI YA FREISTATA RESEARCH REPORT NAVORSINGSVERSLAG VOLUME 2 2002 P.O. Box 339 BLOEMFONTEIN 9300 SOUTH AFRICA +27-(0)51-401-9111 http://www.uovs.ac.za Compiled by the Directorate Research Development Saamgestel deur die Direktoraat Navorsingsontwikkeling This report can also be found on the UFS webpage. Die verslag is beskikbaar op die UV se tuisblad. ISBN 0-86886-679-2 1 LIST OF CONTENTS INHOUDSOPGAWE TOP MANAGEMENT TOPBESTUUR Academic Planning Akademiese Beplanning Directorate: Centre for Higher Education Studies and Development Direktoraat: Sentrum vir Hoëronderwysstudies en –Ontwikkeling Academic Operations Akademiese Bedryf Directorate: Research Development Direktoraat: Navorsingsontwikkeling Chief Directorate Hoofdirektoraat Community Services Hoofdirektoraat: Samelewingsdiens FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES FAKULTEIT EKONOMIESE EN BESTUURSWETENSKAPPE Business Management Ondernemingsbestuur Centre for Accounting Sentrum vir Rekeningkunde Centre for Development Support Sentrum vir Ontwikkelingsteun Economics Ekonomie Industrial Psychology Bedryfsielkunde Public Management Openbare Bestuur 2 FACULTY OF THE HUMANITIES FAKULTEIT GEESTESWETENSKAPPE Dean’s Office Dekaanskantoor Afrikaans and Dutch, and Modern European Languages Afrikaans en Nederlands en Moderne Europese Tale Anthropology Antropologie Centre for Health Systems Research and Development Sentrum vir Gesondheidsisteemnavorsing en -Ontwikkeling Centre for Higher Education Studies and Development Sentrum vir Hoëronderwysstudie en -Ontwikkeling Communication and Information Studies Kommunikasie en Inligtingstudie Comparative Education and Education Management Vergelykende Opvoedkunde en Onderwysbestuur Curriculum Studies Kurrikulumstudie Drama and Theatre Drama- en Toneelkunde English and Classical Culture Engels en Klassieke Kultuur Fine Arts Beeldende Kunste History Geskiedenis History of Art Kunsgeskiedenis Human Movement Science Menslike Bewegingskunde Music Musiek Near Eastern Studies Nabye-Oosterse Studie 3 Philosophy Wysbegeerte Philosophy and Policy Studies in Education Filosofie en Beleidstudie in die Opvoedkunde Political Science Politieke Wetenskap Psychology Sielkunde Psychology of Education Psigo-opvoedkunde Social Work Maatskaplike Werk Sociology Sosiologie Unit for Language Facilitation and Empowerment Eenheid vir Taalfasilitering en -bemagtiging FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES FAKULTEIT GESONDHEIDSWETENSKAPPE Dean’s Office Dekaanskantoor Division/Afdeling: Education Development Onderwysontwikkeling Student Learning Development Ontwikkeling van Studenteleer Anaesthesiology Anestesiologie Anatomical Pathology Anatomiese Patologie Basic Medical Sciences Basiese Mediese Wetenskappe Division/Afdeling: Anatomy Anatomie Physiology Fisiologie Biostatistics Biostatistiek Cardiothoracic Surgery Kardiotorakschirurgie Chemical Pathology Chemiese Patologie Clinical Skills Unit Kliniese Vaardigheideenheid Community Health Gemeenskapsgesondheid Diagnostic Radiology 4 Diagnostiese Radiologie Family Medicine Huisartskunde Forensic Medicine Geregtelike Geneeskunde Haematology and Cell Biology Hematologie en Selbiologie Human Nutrition Menslike Voeding Internal Medicine Interne Geneeskunde Medical Microbiology Mediese Mikrobiologie Medical Physics Geneeskundige Fisika Nuclear Medicine Kerngeneeskunde Obstetrics and Gynaecology Obstetrie en Ginekologie Occupational Therapy Arbeidsterapie Oncotherapy Onkoterapie 5 Ophthalmology Oftalmologie Paediatrics and Child Health Pediatrie en Kindergesondheid Pharmacology Farmakologie Physiotherapy Fisioterapie Psychiatry Psigiatrie School of Nursing Skool vir Verpleegkunde Farmovs-Paraxel FACULTY OF LAW FAKULTEIT REGSGELEERDHEID Dean’s Office Dekaanskantoor Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law Staatsreg en Regsfilosofie Criminal and Medical Law Straf- en Geneeskundige Reg Mercantile Law Handelsreg Private Law Privaatreg Procedural Law and Law of Evidence Proses- en Bewysleer Roman Law, Legal History and Comparative Law Romeinse Reg, Regsgeskiedenis en Regsvergelyking 6 FACULTY OF NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES FAKULTEIT NATUUR- EN LANDBOUWETENSKAPPE Agricultural Economics Landbou-ekonomie Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences Vee-, Wild- en Weidingkunde Architecture Argitektuur Centre for Environmental Management Sentrum vir Omgewingsbestuur Chemistry Chemie Computer Science and Informatics Rekenaarwetenskap en Informatika Geography Geografie Geology Geologie Institute for Groundwater Studies Instituut vir Grondwaterstudies Mathematical Statistics Wiskundige Statistiek Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Wiskunde en Toegepaste Wiskunde Microbiology, Biochemistry and Food Science Mikrobiologie, Biochemie en Voedselwetenskap Physics Fisika Plant Sciences Plantwetenskappe Quantity Surveying and Construction Management Bourekenkunde en Konstruksiebestuur Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences Grond-, Gewas- en Klimaatwetenskappe Urban and Regional Planning Stads- en Streekbeplanning Zoology and Entomology Dierkunde en Entomologie 7 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY FAKULTEIT TEOLOGIE Dean’s Office Dekaanskantoor Biblical and Religious Studie Bybel- en Godsdienskunde Ecclesiology Ekklesiologie Missiology Sendingwetenskap New Testament Nuwe Testament Old Testament Ou Testament Practical Theology Praktiese Teologie Systematic Theology Dogmatologie QWAQWA CAMPUS QWAQWA KAMPUS Faculty of Education Faculty of Management and Human Sciences Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences 8 OFFICE OF THE RECTOR KANTOOR VAN DIE REKTOR Rector/Rektor: Prof. F.C. v N. Fourie +27-(0)51-401-2114 +27-(0)51-444-0740 fouriefc.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za ACADEMIC PLANNING AKADEMIESE BEPLANNING DIRECTORATE: CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION STUDIES AND DEVELOPMENT DIREKTORAAT: SENTRUM VIR HOËRONDERWYSSTUDIES EN –ONTWIKKELING Director of Centre/Direkteur van Sentrum: Prof. M. Fourie +27-(0)51-401-3773 +27-(0)51-430-6714 fouriem.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Centre/Outeurs verbonde aan die Sentrum: Alt, H. Dr. Fourie, M. Prof. Hay, H.R. Prof. Holtzhausen, S.M. Dr. Janse van Rensburg, L. Dr. Kleynhans, A. Ms/Me. Maharasoa, M. Ms/Me. Mapesela, M. Ms/Me. Strydom, A.H. Prof. Van der Westhuizen, L.J. Dr. Wilkinson, A. Dr. Books /Boeke GRIESEL, H., STRYDOM, A.H., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. Quality assurance in a transforming university system: lessons and challenges. 2002 Bloemfontein: CLF Printers. ISBN 0-86886-670-9. KLEYNHANS, A., CLARYSSE, E., AMIRA, H. Develop and improve your mathematical literacy. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State, Xerox Printers 2002. ISBN 0868866504. MAHARASOA, M., STRYDOM, A.H., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. The way forward through cooperative programmes: research and development perspectives. Bloemfontein: CLF Printers. ISBN 0-86886-667-9. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke ALT, H. Results of the questionnaire survey on cooperative academic programmes. Maharasoa, M., Strydom, A.H. & Van der Westhuizen, L.J. (Eds) The Way forward through Cooperative programmes. Bloemfontein. Chapter 3:2002:84-145. ISBN 0-86886-667-9. 9 ALT, H. Strategic “ethical” management as an important corner-stone for promoting ethical behaviour and work culture. Lategan, L. & Le Roux, P. (Eds). Business Ethics. Chapter 3:2002:51-61. FOURIE, M., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. National policies on cooperative academic programmes. Maharasoa, M., Strydom, A.H. & Van der Westhuizen, L.J. (Eds). The Way forward through Cooperative Programmes. Bloemfontein. 2002: Chapter 2:34-83. HAY, H.R. Applying the theory of collaboration: higher education studies as a cooperative programme. In Maharasoa, M., Strydom, A.H. & Van der Westhuizen, L.J. (Eds). The Way forward through Cooperative Programmes. Bloemfontein, 2002: Chapter 7:240-257. HOLTZHAUSEN, S.M. A reflective focus on ethics in higher education: do graduates fit in, get on or work with employers? Lategan, L. & Le Roux, P. (Ed). Business Ethics. 2002: Chapter 12:138-147. STRYDOM, A.H. Globalisation, regional responsiveness and a developing South African higher education system. Enders, J. & Fulton, O. (Eds). Higher Education in a Globalising World. International Trends and Mutual Observations. Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2002:159-172. STRYDOM, A.H. Critical perspectives on phasing in differentiation and diversification in the higher education system of South Africa. Buthelezi, S. & Roux, E. South Africa since 1994. Lessons and Prospects. Pretoria, 2002:291-322. STRYDOM, A.H. Quality assurance policy perspectives and issues as background to this developmental research project. H. Griesel, A.H. Strydom & L.J. van der Westhuizen. (Eds). Quality Assurance in a Transforming University System: Lessons and Challenges. Bloemfontein, 2002: Chapter 2:37-73. STRYDOM, A.H., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. Institutional quality management (IQM) based on national policies and global pressures: The University of the Free State, 1989 – 1999. H. Griesel, A.H. Strydom & L.J. van der Westhuizen. (Eds). Quality Assurance in a Transforming University System: Lessons and challenges. Bloemfontein, 2002: Chapter 4:116-142. STRYDOM, A.H. A model for programme differentiation: thinking and acting globally and locally (regional responsiveness). Maharasoa, M., Strydom, A.H. & Van der Westhuizen, L.J. (Eds). The Way forward through Cooperative Programmes. Bloemfontein. 2002: Chapter 8:262-320. STRYDOM, A.H., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. A model for programme differentiation: from a coarse to a fine sieve. Maharasoa, M., Strydom, A.H. & Van der Westhuizen, L.J. (Eds). The Way forward through Cooperative Programmes. Bloemfontein. 2002: Chapter 9:321-365. MAPESELA, M.L.E. International perspectives on cooperative academic programmes. M. Maharasoa, A.H. Strydom & L.J. van der Westhuizen (Eds). The Way forward through Cooperative Programmes, Bloemfontein, 2002: Chapter 1:1-33. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J., FOURIE, M. 10 Quality assurance in international, African and Southern African context. H. Griesel, A.H. Strydom & L.J. van der Westhuizen. (Eds). Quality Assurance in a Transforming University System: Lessons and Challenges. Bloemfontein, 2002: Chapter 1:74-112. WILKINSON, A. Quality assurance in the South African context: lessons and challenges. H. Griesel, A.H. Strydom & L.J. van der Westhuizen. (Eds). Quality Assurance in a Transforming University System: Lessons and Challenges. Bloemfontein, 2002: Chapter 3:74-112. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ALT, H. The role of benchmarking in institutional change. Joint SAARDHE/SAAIR Conference, Cape Town, 8 July-10 July 2002 ALT, H. Current developments in quality assessment at a South African higher education institution. Fourteenth International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Vienna, Austria, 22 July – 24 July 2002. HAY, H.R. The art and nature of postgraduate supervision. Paper presented at Pretoria Technikon, 20 March 2002. HAY, H.R Research universities: thriving or diving? Conference on Higher Educational Models, Technikon Free State, Graduate School, Bloemfontein, 14-15 March 2002. HAY, H.R. Finding your way in academic writing. Prestige research day at the Faculty of Engineering at the Technikon Free State, Graduate School, 18 October 2002. HOLTZHAUSEN, S.M. The chameleon-like characteristics and aspects of learning. Conference on Higher Educational Models, Technikon Free State, Graduate School, Bloemfontein, 14-15 March 2002. HOLTZHAUSEN, S.M. Hurdles in the research process. Conference on Postgraduate Research at the Technikon Free State, Bloemfontein, 24 October 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG, L. Juggling legislative spheres of influence in the management of learning programmes. 4th World Conference of the International Consortium for Educational Development in Higher Education (ICED), Perth, Australia, 7-10 July 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG, L. The potential effect of regulatory qualifications frameworks as part of quality assurance on academic freedom. Conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Perth, Australia, 4-6 July 2002. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. Change management to achieve financial sustainability: a case study. Annual Conference of the South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (SAARDHE), Peninsula Technikon, Cape Town, July 2002. 11 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. Benchmarking and performance indicators in research. SAUVCA Quality Assurance Forum, Johannesburg: 16 August 2002. WILKINSON, A. Perspectives on indicators of good practice in South African higher education. Annual Conference of the South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (SAARDHE), Peninsula Technikon, Cape Town, July 2002. WILKINSON, A. The impact of national transformation imperatives and quality monitoring on programme self-evaluation at a South African university: lessons learned. 7th Quality in Higher Education (QHE) Seminar held at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia on 30-31 October 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte HAY, H.R., HERSELMAN, M.E. Quality assurance in the foundation phase in the Eastern Cape Province: a case study. South African Journal of Education 2002:22(3):239–245. HAY, H.R., FOURIE, M. Preparing the way for mergers in South African higher and further education institutions: an investigation into staff perceptions. Higher Education 2002:44:115-131. HOLTZHAUSEN, S.M. Globalised and contextualised knowledge: allies or adversaries? South African Journal of Higher Education 2002;16(1):48-52. MAPESELA, M.L.E. Is the proliferation of private colleges spelling doom for South African higher education? South African Journal of Higher Education 2002;6(2):56-62. PRETORIUS, E., NIEMANN, R., DE VILLIERS HUMAN, E.S., KLINCK, E., ALT H. Fighting from within: gender equity at the University of the Free State. Gender, Society and Theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002(1):1-38. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. External and internal influences as driving forces and/or stumbling blocks in the development of the South African quality assurance system nationally as well as institutionally. South African Journal for Higher Education 2002;16(2)69-74. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae ALT, H. UFS Strategic Priorities 2002 – Perception Audit 3, Bloemfontein. ALT, H., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J. Emersion of the PMP Ke Nako Group Discussions, 13 – 17 May 2002. Unit for Quality Assurance and Management, UFS. HAY, H.R. The development of codes of good practices for staff development in South African higher education. Focus Area 4 of the HEQC’s Project on Improving Teaching and Learning. Pretoria: CHE. HAY, H.R. The ABC of mentoring. Research conducted for the Free State Provincial Department. 12 HAY, H.R. A training manual for principals and deputy principals in the Northern Cape Province and Free State. Johannesburg: Khulisa Management Services. HAY, H.R. Establishing ways to become an effective governing body. Management Services. Johannesburg: Khulisa HAY, H.R Strategic planning for principals and deputy principals. Johannesburg: Khulisa Management Services. LETUKA, J., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J., ALT, H. UFS student registration 2002: Report on the evaluation of the student registration process for first-year students and senior-year students. 2002:68. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L.J., FOURIE, M., STRYDOM, A.H. Research report on institutional audit in higher education: comparative analysis and contextualisation. WILKINSON, A. Development of the proposed framework for programme self-evaluation at the University of the Free State. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel COLLETT, Philip Godfrey DEVELOPING THE ACADEMIC LITERACY OF UNDERGRADUATES STUDYING BY DISTANCE EDUCATION IN SOUTH AFRICA. Promoter: Prof. H.R. Hay DU TOIT, Lilette QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF AN INSTRUCTIONAL OFFERING PROCESS: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN THE B.TECH. PROGRAMME IN TECHNIKONS: A SYSTEMS APPROACH. Promoter: Prof. H.R. Hay MONNAPULA-MAPESELA, Liteboho Ednah STAFF SATISFACTION IN A SOUTH AFRICAN UNIVERSITY UNDERGOING TRANSFORMATION. Promoter: Prof. H.R. Hay Co-promoter: Prof. M. Fourie ACADEMIC OPERATIONS AKADEMIESE BEDRYF DIRECTORATE: RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT DIREKTORAAT: NAVORSINGSONTWIKKELING Director/Direkteur: Prof. F.J.C. Swanepoel +27-051-401-3047 +27-051-401-2591 swanepf.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Directorate/Outeurs verbonde aan die Direktoraat: Stroebel, A. Mr/Mnr. Swanepoel, F.J.C. Prof. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte 13 SWANEPOEL, F.J.C. Vooruitskouing van Landbounavorsing in Suid-Afrika. Landbouweekblad, 23 December 2002. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae SWANEPOEL, F.J.C., STROEBEL, A. Evaluation of the first phase of development support by Lux Development to agricultural high schools in the Eastern Cape. Lux Development. November 2002. Prestigious fellowship and grants/Prestige navorsingsgenootskappe en toekennings STROEBEL, A. Awarded the Ronald P Lynch Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences Fellowship by Cornell University, Ithaca, USA for a PhD Programme, 2002/ 2003 academic year. SWANEPOEL, F.J.C. Awarded a R250 000 tender from the National Department of Agriculture, to evaluate empowerment policies, strategies and performance within the agricultural sector of South Africa. November 2002. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings SWANEPOEL, F.J.C. Council Member and Vice Chairperson: Agricultural Research Council (ARC) Advisory Board Member: Centre of Rural Development, Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing, China CHIEF DIRECTORATE: COMMUNITY SERVICE HOOFDIREKTORAAT: SAMELEWINGSDIENS Chief Director / Hoofdirekteur: Rev./Ds. C.D. Jaftha +27 051 401-2474 +27 051 444-0740 jafthacd.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Directorate/Outeurs verbonde aan die Direktoraat: Jaftha, C.D. Rev./Ds. Wessels, S.J. Prof. Erasmus, M.A. Dr. Mokoena, B. Mr/Mnr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ERASMUS, M.A., JAFTHA, C.D. The role of community service learning in sustainable development programmes. Conference theme: The Role of Higher Education in Sustainable Development. EMSU 2002 in Africa. Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities. International Conference (Linked to the World Summit on Sustainable Development). Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 11-13 September 2002. JAFTHA, C.D., ERASMUS, M.A. Die uitdaging om geïntegreerde Samelewingsdiens by Suid-Afrikaanse tersiêre instellings te vestig. [The challenge of establishing integrated community service at tertiary institutions in 14 South Africa.] Simposium/Symposium 2002: Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Interdissiplinêre wetenskapkongres. Die krag van diversiteit in SuidAfrika/Interdisciplinary science congress. The power of diversity in South Africa, Stellenbosch, 20 & 21 Junie/June 2002. WESSELS, S.J., MOKOENA, B. The Mangaung-University of the Free State Partnership Programme (MUCPP): a world-class model in sustainable partnership development. Conference theme: The Role of Higher Education in Sustainable Development. EMSU 2002 in Africa. Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities. International Conference (Linked to the World Summit on Sustainable Development). Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 11-13 September 2002. WESSELS, S.J., BENDILE, T.M. The Mangaung-University of the Free State Partnership Programme (MUCPP). Conference theme: South Africa and action against rural poverty. Lessons and insights from developments in public policy and social experiments. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Robben Island. 1 October 2002. Highlights from research findings / Glanspunte in navorsingsbevindinge ERASMUS, M.A., JAFTHA, C.D. THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY SERVICE LEARNING IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES. The scope, range and number of development initiatives at a traditionally ‘white’ university, such as the University of the Free State (UFS), are evident from a recent survey. This ‘proliferation of projects’ has increased since cuts in government subsidies to higher education (HE) institutions necessitated the obtaining of additional funding for research and other academic activities. The corporate sector, donor organisations and countries are responding to this development thrust in projects through their corporate social investment (CSI) and other aid programmes. However, sustainability has always been an issue in development initiatives and the quest for ways to achieve this objective continues. In the research that was undertaken during the development of a policy for integrated community service at the UFS, the following stance was taken on sustainability: The UFS and its partners believe that the integration of development projects with community service learning and research programmes in a partnership model, increases the sustainability of such projects by procuring the sustained involvement and accountability of all stakeholders. Our research findings thus far confirm the validity of this point of departure. Contact Numbers/Kontakbesonderhede: Jaftha, C.D. +27-(0)51-401-2474 jafthacd.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings Erasmus, M.A. Executive Board Member: The Critical Link (international association for the advancement of community interpreting as a profession). 15 16 FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES FAKULTEIT EKONOMIESE EN BESTUURSWETENSKAPPE Dean/Dekaan: Prof. M.J. Crous +27-(0)51 - 401-2310 +27-(0)51 - 448-3941 crousmj.ekw@mail.uovs.ac.za DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DEPARTEMENT ONDERNEMINGSBESTUUR Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. W.J.C. van der Merwe +27-(0)51-401-2406 +27-(0)51-448-3066 vdmerwew.ekw@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement Du Plessis, I.P. Dr. Lazenby, J.A.A. Dr. Nel, J. Mr/Mnr. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge KGARARE, J.M., DU PLESSIS, I.P. Reasons why newly first-year students enrolled at Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Proceedings of 2002 Institute of Marketing Management (IMM) Educators Conference, 26 – 27 September 2002, pp 1-12. LAZENBY, K. Managerial challenges facing South African organisations – a practical and philosophical debate. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the South African Institute for Management Scientists held at Sun City from 29 September 2002 – 1 October 2002. NEL, J., HUMAN, G.J.P. Improved contact efficiency of websites through value creation: South African empirical findings of developing value strategy to improve contact efficiency of web sites: survey among marketing managers in South Africa. 4th Annual WWW2002 Conference and Exhibition 4 – 6 September 2002, Stellenbosch, pp 118. NEL, J., HUMAN, G.J.P. Improved contact efficiency of websites through value creation: South African empirical findings of developing value strategy to improve contact efficiency of web sites: survey among marketing managers in South Africa. Proceeding of the Association of Management (AoM) and the International Association of Management (IAoM) in Quebec, Canada, July 2002, pp 1-18. MOSEBI, N., DU PLESSIS, I.P. Identifying the awareness, behaviour and media impact of HIV/AIDS amongst a group of African students. Proceedings of 2002 Institute of Marketing Management (IMM) Educators Conference, 26 – 27 September 2002, pp 1-7. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte VAN ZYL, E.S., LAZENBY, J. The relation between ethical behaviour and work stress amongst a group of managers working in affirmative positions. Journal of Business Ethic 2002;40:111-119. 16 17 Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel VAN BUUREN, Rudolph Barend REAL-TIME STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION IN THE ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY. Promoter: Prof. M.J. Crous Co-Promoter: Prof. J.D. Nortje. CENTRE FOR ACCOUNTING SENTRUM VIR REKENINGKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.A. van Wyk +27-(0)51-401-2333 +27-(0)51-448-3046 vanwykha.ekw@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Lubbe, D.S. Prof. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke LUBBE, D.S. Some perspectives on environmental education in accounting and other economic disciplines. Business Ethics. Tekskor ISBN 0-86886-665-2. 2002:121-137. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte LUBBE, D.S., KOEKEMOER, A.D., VAN HEERDEN, F. Kerkfinansies: inleiding en empiriese bevindings aangaande gemeentes van die Gereformeerde Kerke in die Vrystaat [Church finance: introduction and empirical findings regarding congregations of the Reformed Churches in the Free State]. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(1&2):155-169. LUBBE, D.S., ROSSOUW, J., PRINSLOO F. Kerkfinansies: inleiding en empiriese bevindings aangaande gemeentes van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerke in die Vrystaat [Church finance: introduction and empirical findings regarding congregations of the Dutch Reformed Churches in the Free State]. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(3&4)143-162. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte LUBBE, D.S. Onafhanklikheid van ouditeure nie sonder ‘n prys [Independence of auditors is not without a price]. SakeBeeld. 27 Maart 2002:10. LUBBE, D.S. Is ouditeure ooit ten volle onafhanklik? [Can auditors ever be completely independent?]. Sake-Burger. 16 Maart 2002:14. LUBBE, D.S. Onafhanklikheid van ouditeure nie sonder ‘n prys [Independence of auditors is not without a price]. SakeVolksblad. 16 Maart 2002:9. Research awards and achievements/Acknowledgement of Outstanding contributions/Navorsingstoekennings en prestasie/Erkenning van uitstaande bydrae research LUBBE, D.S. Receive the Ernst & Young Outstanding Research Award of the Southern African Accounting Association for substantial and consistent national and international accounting research over a long period/Ontvang die Ernst & Young Outstanding Research Award van die Southern African Accounting Association vir wesenlike en volhoubare nasionale sowel as internasionale rekeningkundige navorsing oor ‘n lang tydperk. 17 18 CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SENTRUM VIR ONTWIKKELINGSTEUN Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. L.J.S. Botes +27-051-401-2423 +27-051-401-3424 boteslj.ekw@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Botes, L.J.S. Prof. Grieshaber, D. Ms/Me. Marais, J.G.L. Mr/Mnr. Sigenu, K. Ms/Me. Books / Boeke DONALDSON, R., MARAIS, L. Transforming rural and urban spaces in South Africa during the 1990s. Reform, Restitution, Restructuring. Pretoria, Africa Institute of South Africa. 2002. ISBN 0798301511. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke DONALDSON, R., MARAIS, L. Preface: Transforming rural and urban spaces. R. Donaldson, L. Marais (Eds.). Transforming rural and urban spaces in South Africa during the 1990s. Reform, Restitution, Restructuring. Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 2002:1-8. DONALDSON, R., MARAIS, L., RAMBALLI, K., MAHARAJ, B., BOB, U., KWAW, I. Land restitution and land tenure: an introduction. R. Donaldson, L. Marais (Eds.). Transforming rural and urban spaces in South Africa during the 1990s. Reform, Restitution, Restructuring. Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 2002:11-27. DONALDSON, R., MARAIS, L. Urban policy for urban change during transition: an introduction. R. Donaldson, L. Marais (Eds.). Transforming rural and urban spaces in South Africa during the 1990s. Reform, Restitution, Restructuring. Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 2002:179-202. MARAIS, L., BARNES, L., SCHOEMAN, J. A provincial comparison of post-apartheid housing policy and delivery: the Free State and Northern Cape as case studies. R. Donaldson, L. Marais (Eds.). Transforming rural and urban spaces in South Africa during the 1990s. Reform, Restitution, Restructuring. Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 2002:381-405. MARAIS, L., DONALDSON, R. Conclusion: towards the future. R. Donaldson, L. Marais (Eds.). Transforming Rural and Urban Spaces in South Africa during the 1990s. Reform, Restitution, Restructuring. Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 2002:407-412. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ARNTZ, T., BOTES, L., BEKKER K. Indigent policy support as a poverty alleviation strategy in urban settlements in South Africa. XV World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia. 2002. JURGENS, U., MARAIS, L. Socio-economic transformation in the Bloemfontein’s inner city area after the abolishment of apartheid regulations. Regional Conference of the International Geographical Union, Durban, S.A., 2002. 18 19 MARAIS, L. An assessment of post-apartheid housing policy in the Free State province of South Africa, 1994-2001. Regional Conference of the International Geographical Union, Durban, S.A., 2002. MARAIS, L. Generating income from design: some experience from the Free State. Annual conference of the Design Educators Forum of Southern Africa, Clarens, S.A., 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte MARAIS, L. Issues of gender and housing: assessing the housing problem and housing delivery in the Free State since 1994. Acta Academica (Supplementum) 2002(1):147-166. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BOTES, L., PELSER, A. Service delivery by the Department of Labour in the Free State province: findings of a survey assessment. 2002. BOTES, L., PELSER, A. Diensevalueringopname aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. For the Top Management of the University of the Free State. 2002. PELSER, A.J., BOTES, L. Service delivery by the Free State Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport: findings of a survey assessment. 2002. ARNTZ, T., BEKKER, K., BOTES, L. Indigent policy project. Funded by USAID. Administered by Joint Centre and Political Studies and USAID. 2002. MARAIS, L., VAN ZYL, M., NTLANGULA, T. A capacity needs assessment of housing officials in the Northern Cape province. For Department of Housing and Local Government in the Northern Cape. 2002. MARAIS, L., BOTES, L. Bloemfontein as first choice for economic investment. For Central Business Incorporated. 2002. MARAIS, L., BOTES, L., MOSOTHOANE, S. An evaluation of local economic development projects in the Free State. For the Department of Local Government and Housing in the Free State. 2002. MARAIS, L., SIGENU, K., GRIESHABER, D., MEYER, K., ENGELBRECHT, M., DLAMINI, G., MORE, S., MAGOERA, L., BOTES, L. An environmental scan of youth affairs in the Free State. For the Free State Youth Commission. 2002. MARAIS, L. Report on the Annual Housing Lekgotla. For the Department of Local Government and Housing in the Free State. 2002. PELSER, A.J., BOTES, L. A social analysis and risk assessment of consumer behaviour and household expenditures to inform the implementation of a customer encouragement payment programme for Eskom. For Eskom TSI Enterprises. 2002. PELSER, A.J., BOTES, L. 19 20 Language needs and preferences in the Mangaung local municipal area: findings of a survey assessment. For the Mangaung Local Municipality. 2002. MARAIS, L., BOTES, L., MEYER, K., STEYN, F., ADENDORF, E., JORDAAN, A., MOEHE, D., JAFTHA, K., MOKWENA, B. Support to poverty relief programmes. For the Department of Social Development. 2002. PRETORIUS, A., LE ROUX, I., MARAIS, L., KUZAMBIZA, M., BOTES, L., WESSELS, J. Strategic project identification for local economic development: towards a replicable framework. For the United Nations Office for Project Services: Small Enterprise and Human Development. 2002. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS DEPARTEMENT EKONOMIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Dr. P Burger +27-(0)51-401-2626 +27-(0)51-447-8274 burgerp.ekw@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Booysen, F. le R. Dr. Burger, P. Dr. Pretorius, A.M. Ms/Me. Wessels, G.M Prof. Conference proceedings/Konferensiehandelinge BOOYSEN, F. LE R., SUMMERTON, J. HIV/AIDS, Poverty and inequality: evidence from the South African Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). Paper presented at Conference on 'Language, Literature and the Discourse of HIV/AIDS in Africa', 24-28 June 2002, University of Botswana, Gabarone, Botswana. BOOYSEN, F. LE R., SUMMERTON, J. HIV/AIDS, gender and poverty: evidence from the South African Demographic and Health Survey. Paper presented at the Conference on Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 1-4 September 2002, Pretoria. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte BOOYSEN, F. LE R., BACHMANN, M. HIV/AIDS, Poverty and growth: evidence from a household impact study conducted in the Free State Province, South Africa. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) on 'Understanding Poverty and Growth in Sub- Saharan Africa', 18-19 March, St. Catharine's College, Oxford, UK, 2002. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. HIV/AIDS and poverty: evidence from a household impact study conducted in the Free State Province, South Africa. Paper presented at the Conference on Labour Markets and Poverty in South Africa, 22-24 October, Glenburn Lodge, Johannesburg, 2002. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. "Adding insult to injury": poverty and injury in South Africa. Paper presented at the Conference on Labour Markets and Poverty in South Africa, 22-24 October, Glenburn Lodge, Johannesburg, 2002. CROUS, M.J., VAN ZYL, H. Breaking boundaries for e-Learning in Africa, 19-21 June, 9th Annual Edineb International Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2002. PRETORIUS, A.M., VAN ZYL, H. 20 21 Globalisation and income distribution: the South African experience. CSGR's 5th Annual Conference on Globalisation, Growth and (In)equality, University of Warwick, March 2002. PRETORIUS, A.M., DE BEER, J.A. Financial contagion in Africa: South Africa and a troubled neighbour, Zimbabwe. 7th Annual Conference on Econometric Modelling for Africa, Kruger National Park, July 2002. PRETORIUS, A.M., DE BEER, J.A. Can some of the recent exchange rate volatility be attributed to contagion? Johannesburg, September 2002. TIPS Forum 2002, PRETORIUS, A.M. How does globalisation affect income distribution in South Africa? TIPS Forum 2002, Johannesburg, September 2002. PRETORIUS, A.M. The impact of globalisation on the labour market in South Africa: evidence from the manufacturing sector. FES/DPRU Second Annual Conference on Labour Markets and Poverty in South Africa, 22 – 24 October 2002, Glenburn Lodge, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, October 2002. WESSELS, G.M. Central bank independence before and after the democratisation of South Africa. Paper delivered at the 31st Conference of Economists, Adelaide, Australia, 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals/Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BOOYSEN, F. LE R. An overview and evaluation of composite indices of development. Social Indicators Research 2002;59:115151. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. Using demographic and health surveys to measure poverty: an application to South Africa. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics 2002;26(3):53-70. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. Poverty and health in southern Africa: evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). South African Journal of Economics 2002;70(2):391-415. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. Provincial inequalities in maternal and child health care in South Africa. Acta Academica 2002;34(3):53-80. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. Financial responses of households in the Free State province to hiv/aids-related morbidity and mortality. South African Journal of Economics 2002;70(7):1193-1215. BOOYSEN, F. LE R., ARNTZ, T. Children of the storm: HIV/AIDS and children in South Africa. Social Dynamics 2002;28(1):170-192. BOOYSEN, F. LE R., MOLELEKOA, J. The benefits of HIV/AIDS intervention in the workplace: a case study. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2002;5(1):180-202. WESSELS, G.M. Comparing the involving independence of the European Central Bank and the South African Reserve Bank. South African Journal of Economics 2002;70(6):955. Research articles published in other journals/Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte BOOYSEN, F. LE R. 21 22 The extent and explanations for international disparities in human security. Journal of Human Development 2002;3(2):273-300. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. Poverty, risky sexual behaviour, and vulnerability to HIV Infection: Evidence from South Africa. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 2002;20(4):285-288. WESSELS, G.M. Comparing the evolving independence of the European Central Bank and the South African Reserve Bank. South African Journal of Economics, 2002;70(6). Unpublished research reports/Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BOOYSEN, F., BURGER, P., PELSER, A., PRETORIUS, A. The Impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the revenue of Mangaung local municipality. Centre for Health Systems Research and the Department of Economics, UFS. 2002. BOOYSEN, F. LE R. Urban-rural inequalities in health: evidence from the South African Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). Background paper prepared for the Foundation for Advanced Studies in International Development (FASID) for a country report on 'Globalization and Poverty: The Role of Rural Institutions'. 2002. BOOYSEN, F. LE R., VAN RENSBURG, H.C.J., BACHMANN, M., ENGELBRECHT, M., STEYN, F. The socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on households in South Africa: pilot study in Welkom and Qwaqwa, Free State Province. Final report for USAID on Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. 2002. Editorships/co-editorships/Redakteurs/mederedakteurs BOOYSEN, F. LE R. Guest editor of The South African Economic Journal 2002;70(7). BURGER, P. Member of the editorial board: Acta Academica. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel DE BEER, Jesse Ada THE IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED NEW CAPITAL ADEQUACY FRAMEWORK ON CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OF SOUTH AFRICAN BANKS. Promoter: Prof. H. van Zyl. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTEMENT BEDRYFSIELKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. M. Kotzé +27-(0)51-401-2152 +27-(0)51-448-3941 kotzem.ekw@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in die Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: De Foglio, E.C. Mrs/Mev. Heslop, K. Mr/Mnr. Massyn, L. Mrs/Mev. Van Zyl, E.S. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte MASSYN, L. 22 23 Open learning with success: practical implementations for facilitators and learners in rural areas PanCommonwealth Forum on Open Learning: Durban, 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte Van Zyl, E.S. The role of the human resource management function in the implementation of business ethics. Acta Criminologica 2002;15(2):19-25. Van Zyl, E.S. The measurement of stress within the South African organizational context: a luxury or necessity? Journal of Industrial Psychology 2002;28(3):26-31. VAN ZYL, E.S., LAZENBY, J. The relation between ethical behaviour and work stress amongst a group of managers working in affirmative positions. Journal of Business Ethic 2002;40:111-119. Unpublished research reports/ Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae VAN ZYL, E.S., HESLOP, K., DE FOGLIO, E.C. The effect of biographical variables on the career anchors of a group of white employees. Bloemfontein: UFS, 2002. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT DEPARTEMENT OPENBARE BESTUUR Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.J. Kroukamp +27-(0)51-401-3454 +27-(0)51-448-3066 kroukhj.ekw@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Bekker, J.C.O. Prof. Du Plessis, L.M. Mr/Mnr. Kroukamp, H.J. Prof. Luvuno, L.L. Mr/Mnr. Sindane, A.M. Mr/Mnr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BEKKER, J.C.O. What went wrong with Local economic development? Paper delivered at the annual IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 17 to 20 June 2002. BEKKER, J.C.O. Understanding local economic development: challenges for regional integration. Paper delivered at the annual South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM) Conference, Pretoria, RSA, from 27 to 28 November 2002. DU PLESSIS, L.M. Local economic development: challenges for South African local authorities. Paper delivered at the annual IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 17 to 20 June 2002. KROUKAMP, H.J. 23 24 Partnering with the private sector: the solution for improving service delivery? Paper delivered at the annual IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 17 to 20 June 2002. KROUKAMP, H.J. Capacity building in government to enhance the general welfare: a University of the Free State perspective. Paper delivered at the First International Conference on Higher Education and Economic Regeneration held in Cape Town, RSA, from 30 October to 1 November 2002. KROUKAMP, H.J. Network management to strengthen local management and governance in a NEPAD environment. Paper delivered at the annual South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM) Conference, Pretoria, RSA, from 27 to 28 November 2002. LUVUNO, L.L. Public service administrative culture: a contextual analysis. Paper delivered at the annual IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 17 to 20 June 2002. LUVUNO, L.L. Productivity improvement and practice in the South African public sector: a golden opportunity or golden misery? Paper delivered at the International Economics and Management Sciences Conference in Vanderbijlpark, RSA, from 16 to 18 September 2002. SINDANE, A.M. Establishing administrative culture in South Africa. Paper delivered at the annual IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 17 to 20 June 2002. SINDANE, A.M. The essence of accountability in ensuring quality. Paper delivered at the International Economics and Management Sciences Conference in Vanderbijlpark, RSA, from 16 to 18 September 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte KROUKAMP, H.J. Citizen participation in governance: fact or fallacy? Administratio Publica 2002;11(1):39-62. KROUKAMP, H.J. Skills training: a prerequisite for the changing position and status of public servants in South Africa. Journal of Public Administration-SAIPA 2002;37(4):453-474. Editorship/co-editorship / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs BEKKER, J.C.O. Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Public Administration. BEKKER, J.C.O. Member of Editorial Board: Administratio Publica. KROUKAMP, H.J. Member of Editorial Committee: Journal of Public Administration. KROUKAMP, H.J. Member of Editorial Committee: International Review of Administrative Sciences. 24 25 Prestigious fellowship and grants / Prestige navorsingsgenootskappe en toekennings NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION ISL GRANT Kroukamp, H.J. Public Management/Openbare Bestuur International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration, 17 to 20 June 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel LUVUNO, Londoloza Leo APPLICATION OF SELECTED PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE SERVICE DELIVERY. Promoter: Prof. J.C.O. Bekker VAN ROOYEN, Renier THE ADMINISTRATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN A CHANGING SOUTH AFRICA. Promoter: Prof. F.P. van Straaten 25 FACULTY OF THE HUMANITIES FAKULTEIT GEESTESWETENSKAPPE Dean/Dekaan: Prof. G.W. de Klerk +27-(0)51 401-2240 +27-(0)51-448-3942 deklerkg.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Office/Outeurs verbonde aan die Kantoor De Klerk, G.W. Prof. Strauss, D.F.M. Prof. Office of the Dean Kantoor van die Dekaan STRAUSS, D.F.M. Reformerend die millennium in Wetenskap [Reforming the millennium in Sciences]. In: Reformerend die millennium in: Ons Calvinistiese Erfenis en Roeping/Reforming the millennium in: Our Calvinistic Heritage and Calling, 1652-2002, Van Niekerk, E.J., Hayes, H.J. (reds/eds). 2002:209-224. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte ACKERMAN, L., DE KLERK, G. Social factors that make South African women vulnerable to HIV infection. Health Care for Women International 2002;23:163-172. STRAUSS, D.F.M. Filosofiese onderstrominge in die kontemporêre teologiese debat – van “Ewige Waarhede” tot “Gekontekstualiseerde Metafore” [Philosophical undercurrents in the contemporary theological debate – from “Eternal Truths” to “Contextualized Metaphors”]. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(3&4):111-132. STRAUSS, D.F.M. Historical and systematic considerations relevant to an assessment of the position of the university. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap (Spesiale Uitgawe/Special Edition) 2002;38:1-12. STRAUSS, D.F.M. Reason: its kaleidoscopic ideological interface. Uitgawe/Special Edition) 2002;38:1-12. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap (Spesiale STRAUSS, D.F.M. Is it possible to do theology without philosophical presuppositions. Acta Theologica 2002;22;(1):146-164. STRAUSS, D.F.M. Philosophical reflections on continuity. Acta Academica 2002;34(2):1-32. STRAUSS, D.F.M. The opposition of ‘facts’ and ‘values. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(1&2):1-12. STRAUSS, D.F.M. Is it meaningful to juxtapose “individual” and “society”? Society in Transition 2002;33(1):96-115. STRAUSS, D.F.M. The uniqueness of cultures, universality and normativity – with special reference to the normative meaning of differentiation. Koers 2002;67(2):1-22. STRAUSS, D.F.M. The scope and limitations of Von Bertalanffy’s systems theory. South African Journal of Philosophy 2002;21(3):163-179. 26 STRAUSS, D.F.M. Voorvrae rondom die geloofwaardigheid van die Bybel in ‘n “postmoderne tyd” [Fundamental questions regarding the trustworthiness of the Bible in a “postmodern”era]. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 2002;43(3&4);570-592. STRAUSS, D.F.M. Understanding in the humanities: Gadamer’s thought at the intersection of rationality, historicity and linguisticality. South African Journal of Philosophy 2002;4:291-305. STRAUSS, D.F.M. The contemporary challenge to Christian scholarship. 2002;38(3&4):217-231. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap DEPARTMENT OF AFRIKAANS AND DUTCH, GERMAN AND FRENCH DEPARTEMENT AFRIKAANS EN NEDERLANDS, DUITS EN FRANS Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.P. van Coller +27-(0)51-401-2816 +27-(0)51-401-3942 vcollerh.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: De Wet, A.S. Dr. Hugo, D. Dr. Jenkinson, A.G. Dr. Koch, J. Dr. Koch, J.J. Dr. Loock, I. Miss/Mej. Morgan, N. Prof. Odendaal, B.J. Dr. Steyn, J.C. Prof. Van Coller, H.P. Prof. Van Jaarsveld, A. Dr. Van Jaarsveld, G.J. Prof. Van Niekerk, A. Dr. Venter, L.S. Prof. Visagie, E.M. Dr. Von Delft, K.U.T. Prof. Weideman, G. Dr. Boeke / Books KOCH, J. Outsider onder de zijnen: vormen van xenofanie in de Afrikaanse roman. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego: Wroclaw, 2002. ISBN 83-229-2250-7. ISSN 0239-6661. STEYN, J.C. Penvegter [Pen-fighter]. Piet Cillié van Die Burger. Tafelberg, Kaapstad. 2002 ISBN 0 624 039439. VAN COLLER, H.P. Die bloemleser as kanoniseerder [The anthologist as canonizer]. D.J. Opperman-gedenklesing. Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch. 2002. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke KOCH, J. Over kaas, klompen en tulpen niet gesproken: Nederland en de beleving van het vreemde. In: Wat is Nederlands nog in dit land? De Geus, Amsterdam, 2002:139-156. 27 KOCH, J. Gadal Bur do obrazu…Portrety w powiesci Karela Schoemana “Na die geliefde land”, 1972. [Portraits in Karel Schoeman’s Novel “Promised Land”, 1972]. In: The portrait – The Nude – The Still Life: In the Ordinary Life, in the Culture/the Language and the Art/the Literature, Studia Litteraria Polono-Slavica 7, Slawistyczny Osrodek Wydawniczy: Warsaw, 2002:251-278. KOCH, J. Bontekoe in Wroclaw? 170 jaar Neerlandistiek in Silezi_, Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wroclawskie Wydawnietwo Oswiatowe: Wroclaw, 2002: 119-125. VAN COLLER, H.P. ‘n Eietydse Afrikaanse prosaterugblik op die grensoorlog [A current Afrikaans prose reflection on the border war]. In: De helende Kracht van Literatuur, 2002;2:131-162. ISBN 90 6265 512. VAN COLLER, H.P., VAN NIEKERK, A. Vertelstrategieë in Verliesfontein [Narrative strategies in Verliesfontein]. In: Burger, W. en Van Vuuren, H. (reds.), Sluiswagter by die Dam van Stemme. Beskouinge oor die Werk van Karel Schoeman. 2002:249271. VON DELFT, K.U.T. Hans Grimms afrikanische Erzählungen – neu gelesen. In: Koopmann, H. und Misch, M. (reds.) Grenzgänge. Studien zur Literatur der Moderne. Festschrift für H-J. Knobloch. Paderborn: Mentis, 2002:203-221. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge VON DELFT, K.U.T. “Vertreibungsliteratur – germanistischer Nachholbedarf. Am Beispiel Arno Surminski”. In: Akten des X. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Wien 2000. “Zeitenwende – Die Germanistik auf dem Weg vom 20. Ins 21. Jahrhundert” Herausgegeben von Peter Wiesinger unter Mitarbeit von Hans Derkits. Bern: Peter Lang, 2002:101-106. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte JENKINSON, A.G. Natuurlike taalverandering, taalbeïnvloeding en taalversteuring, maar wat van metalinguistiese manipulasie? [Natural language change, language influence and language interference, but what about metalinguistic manipulation?]. Lesing tydens die jaarkongres van die Linguistevereniging van Suider-Afrika/Lecture at the annual congress of the Linguistic Society of Southern Africa, Pietermaritzburg. Julie 2002. KOCH, J. Het gezicht van de oorlog – het gezicht van de ander : epifanie van het gelaat in ‘Die son struikel’ van Dolf van Niekerk. Lesing tydens die kongres ‘Once there was a War’. Conference on the South African War in Fiction. Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, Pretoria/Lecture at the congress held at the University of South Africa, Pretoria. 27-29 Mei 2002. MORGAN, N. Charlotte Salomon: la vie ou le théâtre? [Charlotte Salomon: life or theatre?]. Seventeenth Conference of the Association for French Studies in Southern Africa, University of Natal, Durban, 25-28 September 2002. ODENDAAL, B.J. Peilings van die poësie van C.M. van den Heever [Assessments of the poetry of C.M. van den Heever]. C.M. van den Heever-seminaar, Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkundige Museum en Navorsingsentrum, Bloemfontein, 11 Julie 2002/C.M. van den Heever Seminar, National Afrikaans Literature Museum and Research Centre, Bloemfontein, 11 July 2002. ODENDAAL, B.J., VAN COLLER, H P Kleur kom nooit alleen nie (Antjie Krog) en Die burg van hertog Bloubaard (H.J. Pieterse): ‘n poëtikale vergelyking [Kleur kom nooit alleen nie (Antjie Krog) and Die burg van hertog Bloubaard (H.J. Pieterse): a comparison in poetical practice]. Deel 2 van ‘n dubbelreferaat gelewer tydens die tiende tweejaarlikse hoofkongres van die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, Dikhololo-natuurreservaat, 30 September – 3 28 Oktober 2002/Part 2 of a double presentation delivered during the tenth biennial main conference of the Afrikaans Literature Society, Dikhololo Nature Reserve, 30 September – 3 October 2002. VAN COLLER, H.P. The Medium of Instruction of South African Universities: The Case study of Afrikaans. Paper read at the XXII FILLM-congress, Bangkok, 18-23 August, 2002. VAN COLLER, H.P. Die bloemleser as kanoniseerder en die poësie van Antjie Krog en Henning Pieterse: ‘n poëtikale beskouing [The anthologist as canoniser and the poetry of Antjie Krog and Henning Pieterse: a poetic view]. Lesing gelewer by die Rijksuniversiteit van Groningen/Lecture given at the Rijksuniversiteit van Groningen. 6 November, 2002. VAN COLLER, H.P. Die gesprek in Donkermaan [The conversation in Donkermaan]. Referaat tydens die Brink-seminaar, Volksblad-kunstefees/Paper read at the Brink seminar, Volksblad Arts Festival, Bloemfontein. Julie 2002. VAN COLLER, H.P. Die gesprek tussen C.M. van den Heever se werk en enkele moderne Suid-Afrikaanse romans [The discursive relation between C.M. van den Heever’s work and several modern South African novels]. C.M. van den Heever-seminaar, Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkundige Museum en Navorsingsentrum, Bloemfontein/C.M. van den Heever Seminar, National Afrikaans Literature Museum and Research Centre, Bloemfontein. 11 Julie 2002. VAN JAARSVELD, A. Die Drama-oeuvre van André P.Brink – 1956-1997. Referaat tydens die Brink-seminaar, Volksbladkunstefees, Bloemfontein/Paper read at the Brink seminar, Volksblad Art Festival, Bloemfontein. Julie 2002. VAN NIEKERK, A. Die onderskeidende morfologiese aard van nuutskeppinge, geleentheidskeppings en nomenklatuur in Afrikaans en Engels [The distinctive morphological character of neologisms, occasional compounds and nomenclature in Afrikaans and English]. Linguiste Vereniging van Suider-Afrika-kongres, Pietermaritzburg/Linguistic Society of Southern Africa Conference, Pietermaritzburg. 2002. VAN NIEKERK, A. Nomenklatuur – naamgewing in die besigheidswêreld [Nomenclature – naming practices in the business world]. Naamkundevereniging van Suid-Afrika - kongres, Bloemfontein/Names Society of South Africa Conference, Bloemfontein. 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte HUGO, D. Epiloog by ‘n “drama” in drie bedrywe: Eybers, Warren, Kannemeyer [Epilogue to three-act drama: Eybers, Warren, Kannemeyer]. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans 2002;9(2):119-125. KOCH, J., WYSOCKA, J. Op weg na Welgevonden met emblematische uitrusting: “Sewe dae by die Silbersteins” gelezen in het kader van het embleem-onderzoek. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans. 2002;9(2):126-149. KOCH, J. Rondom de ander in “Na die geliefde land” van Karel Schoeman. Stilet 2002;XIV(2):144-164. VAN COLLER, H.P. Die saamstel van bloemlesings as kanoniserende handeling deel I [The compilation of anthologies as an act of canonization, Part I]. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(1):66-78. VAN COLLER, H.P. Teksverwysing en outorisering: oor “Foute” in Die man met die swaar been (Jan Rabie) [Textual reference and authorization: on “Mistakes” in Die man met die swaar been (Jan Rabie)]. Stilet 2002;XIV(1):208-219. 29 VAN COLLER, H.P. Eenders en anders: die diskursiewe netwerk in Donkermaan (André P. Brink) [Similar and different: the discursive network in Donkermaan (André P. Brink)]. Stilet 2002;XIV(1):50-71 VAN COLLER, H.P. Die saamstel van bloemlesings as kanoniserende handeling - deel II [The compilation of anthologies as an act of canonization - part II]. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(2):117-127. VAN COLLER, H.P. Antjie Krog se vertaling van Henk van Woerden se roman Een mond vol glas [Antjie Krog’s translation of Henk van Woerden’s novel Een mond vol glas]. Literator 2002,23(2):129-163. VAN COLLER, H.P. Prosakroniek – 1998-2000: skrywers op die tweesprong [Prose chronicle-1998-2000: authors at the crossroads]. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(2):304-320. VAN COLLER, H.P. Die gesprek in Donkermaan (A.P. Brink) [The conversation in Donkermaan (A.P. Brink)]. Stilet 2002;XIV(2):17-36. VAN JAARSVELD, A. Die sentrale tematiek in die drama-oeuvre van André P. Brink – 1956 [The central thematics in the drama oeuvre of André P. Brink – 1956]. Stilet 2002;XIV(2):133-141. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte KOCH, J. Multatuli lost, regained, revised. Acta Neerlandica 2002;(2):45-56. KOCH, J. Regained, revised: van diagnose naar prognose. Acta Neerlandica. Bijdragen tot de Neerlandistiek. Debreceni egyetem Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadoja: Debrecen, Hongarye 2002;(2):45-57. KOCH, J. Multatuli in spagaat: voorbeschouwing bij een nieuwe biografie. Hollands Maandblad 2002;8/9:26-31 Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies MORGAN, N. Maansiek. Gerda Taljaard. Volksblad, 5/8/2002. ODENDAAL, B.J. Brunch met twee. Clinton V. du Plessis & Peter Snyders. Volksblad, 4/2/2002 Forgotten city & other poems. Gerrit Komrij (translated from the Dutch into English by John Irons). Volksblad, 25/2/2002. Hessie Kwedet. Dagga-, dop-, dryf en verwante ryme. Saamgestel deur/Compiled by Pieter W. Grobbelaar. Volksblad, 25/3/2002 Aves. Johann Lodewyk Marais. Volksblad, 1/4/2002. Goedsmoeds. Piet van Rooyen. Volksblad, 8/42002. Lady One (CD). Breyten Breytenbach. Volksblad, 29/4/2002. Met woorde soos met kerse. Saamgestel en vertaal deur/Compiled and translated by Antjie Krog. Volksblad, 10/6/2002. Terrestrial things. Ingrid de Kok. Volksblad, 8/7/2002. If I could sing. Keorapetse Kgositsile. Volksblad, 19/8/2002. Versreise. Saamgestel deur/Compiled by Adinda Vermaak et al. Volksblad, 26/8/2002. My lied van die niet. Fransi Philips. Volksblad, 2/9/2002. Syspoor. Tom Gouws. Volksblad, 14/10/2002. Boegoe vannie liefde. Hans du Plessis. Volksblad, 11/11/2002. VAN COLLER, H.P. Die Goue Seun: die lewe en werk van Uys Krige (J.C. Kannemeyer) Volksblad, 17/6/2002. Die Naamlose Muse (J.C. Kannemeyer). Volksblad, 24/6/2002. 30 Uys Krige – Uit die skatkis van die goue seun (J.C. Kannemeyer) Volksblad, 24/6/2002. Eilande (Dan Sleigh). Volksblad, 19/8/2002. Anderkant die Stilet (André P. Brink). Volksblad, 4/11/2002. WEIDEMAN, G. Skrywer wil iets van sy mene se stem behou. Burger, 21/1/2002. n Land word deur al sy inwoners geskryf. Burger, 4/3/2002. Afrika se storiekaros. Insig, Julie 2002. Oemkomtoe van die nasie. P.J. Haasbroek. Insig, Maart 2002. Uitroep. Trienke Laurie. Taalgenoot, Maart 2002. Innie skylte vannie Jirre. Hans du Plessis. Taalgenoot, Maart 2002. Jy kan skoenlappers sien aankom. Wessel Pretorius. Taalgenoot, 2002. Sê Maria. Erika Murray-Theron. Taalgenoot, April 2002. Tydskrif . Daniel Hugo (samest.). Taalgenoot. April 2002. Troetelgedrog. Jaco Jacobes. Taalgenoot, Mei 2002. Tande. Jaco Jacobs. Taalgenoot, Mei 2002. Goëlfabriek. Leon van Nierop. Taalgenoot, Mei 2002. Wat doen jy Daniël? Leon de Villiers. Taalgenoot, Junie 2002. Die bybelse omgewing. Smith en Botha. Taalgenoot, Junie 2002. Sukses na 50. Muller. Taalgenoot, Junie 2002. Ja vir Jesus, nee vir die kerk. J. Botha (samest.). Taalgenoot, Augustus, 2002. Suid-Afrikaanse tuinvoëls. Oberprieler. Taalgenoot, Augustus, 2002. ‘n Popo vir my darling. Jeanne Goosen. Taalgenoot, September 2002. Straat-af. Jeanne Goosen. Taalgenoot, September, 2002. Die Stoutsterte. Marianne Brandt. Taalgenoot, Oktober 2002. Moord. In ‘n Net. Cariena Diecericks-Hugo. Taalgenoot, Oktober 2002. Die koei stort ‘n traan. Florius Brown. Taalgenoot, November 2002. Die huisapteek. Barend Toerien. Taalgenoot, November 2002. Die swart papawer. Patricia Witz. Taalgenoot, November 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel TEISE, Victor Nico ‘N EDISIETEGNIESE VOORSTEL VIR DIE SAMESTELLING VAN ‘N HISTORIES-KRITIESE UITGAWE VAN DIE EERSTE LEWE VAN COLET (ETIENNE LEROUX) [AN EDITION TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FOR THE COMPILATION OF A HISTORICAL-CRITICAL EDITION OF DIE EERSTE LEWE VAN COLET (ETIENNE LE ROUX]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. H.P. van Coller VENTER, Christél ‘N SISTEEMTEORETIESE PERSPEKTIEF OP DIE VERTALING VAN SUID-AFRIKAANSE LITERATUUR IN NEDERLANDS [A SYSTEMS-THEORETICAL APPROACH TO THE TRANSLATION OF SOUTH AFRICAN LITERATURE INTO DUTCH]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. H.P. van Coller DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTEMENT ANTROPOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. P.A. Erasmus +27 051 401-2363 +27 051 401-2363 erasmusp.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Erasmus, P.A. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte ERASMUS, P.A. White Afrikaners’ search for new identities. Acta Academica 2002;34(2):89-108. 31 Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BAUCHINGER, Iris-Maria THE ROLE OF CULTURE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EATING DISORDERS WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND BULIMIA NERVOSA. Supervisor: Dr P. Esterhuyse CENTRE FOR HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SENTRUM VIR GESONDHEIDSISTEEMNAVORSING EN -ONTWIKKELING Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.C.J. van Rensburg +27-(0)51-401-2181 +27-(0)51-448-0370 vrensh.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Booysen, F. Le R. Dr. Heunis, C. Mr/Mnr. Janse van Rensburg-Bonthuyzen, E. Ms/Me Matebesi, S.Z. Mr/Mnr. Ngwena, C. Prof. Steyn, F. Mr/Mnr. Van Rensburg, H.C.J. Prof. Books / Boeke VAN RENSBURG, D., FRIEDMAN, I., NGWENA, C., PELSER, A.J., STEYN, F., BOOYSEN, F., ADENDORFF, E. Strengthening local government and civic responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Bloemfontein: CHSR&D. 2002. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke NGWENA, C. HIV/AIDS in schools: human rights lessons for educators and learners. Educator Conference, Beyond Advocacy. Bloemfontein: Free State Department of Education: 2002:122-137. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BOOYSEN, F.LE R. ‘Adding insult to injury’: poverty and injury in South Africa. Conference on Labour Markets and Poverty in South Africa, Glenburn Lodge, Johannesburg, 22-24 October 2002. BOOYSEN, F.LE R. HIV/AIDS and poverty: evidence from a household impact study conducted in the Free State province, South Africa. Conference on Labour Markets and Poverty in South Africa, Glenburn Lodge, Johannesburg, 22-24 October 2002. BOOYSEN, F.LE R. Why do South African economists differ? Department of Economics Seminar Series, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 8 August 2002. BOOYSEN, F.LE R. Using demographic and health surveys to measure poverty: an application to South Africa. Seminar Series of Statistics South Africa, Pretoria, 6 May 2002. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., BACHMANN, M. HIV/AIDS, poverty and growth: evidence from a household impact study conducted in the Free State province, South Africa. 5th Annual Conference of the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) 32 on Understanding Poverty and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, St Catharine's College, Oxford, UK, 18-19 March 2002. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., MEYER, K. The economics of tuberculosis. TB Research Project Feedback Workshops. Sasolburg, Bethlehem, Welkom, Harrismith, Bloemfontein, Trompsburg: Free State Department of Health, 22-30 May 2002. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., SUMMERTON, J.V. HIV/AIDS, poverty and inequality: evidence from the South African Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). International Conference on Language, Literature and the Discourse of HIV/AIDS in Africa, University of Botswana, Gabarone, Botswana, 24-28 June 2002. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., SUMMERTON, J.V. HIV/AIDS, gender and poverty: evidence from the South African Demographic and Health Survey. Conference on Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, Pretoria, 1-4 September 2002. HEUNIS, J.C. Hospitalisation of TB patients. Department of Community Health Seminar, UFS, Bloemfontein, 2 August 2002. HEUNIS, J.C. Hospitalisation for tuberculosis in the Free State: focus on the patient experience. TB Research Project Feedback Workshops. Sasolburg, Bethlehem, Welkom, Harrismith, Bloemfontein, Trompsburg: Free State Department of Health, 22-30 May 2002. HEUNIS, J.C. The hospitalisation of TB patients in the Free State: preliminary findings of a hospital patient survey – OctNov 2000. Tuberculosis Strategic Planning DC 17. Pelonomi Hospital, Bloemfontein, 22 January 2002. HEUNIS, J.C. Hospitalisation for tuberculosis in the Free State, South Africa: health systems policy and practice and the patient experience. Third European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 8-11 September 2002. HEUNIS, J.C. Hospitalisation for tuberculosis: reflections on policy, poverty and the patient. Seminar on Tuberculosis in the Free State, South Africa, UFSIA, Antwerpen, Belgium, 3 September 2002. HEUNIS, J.C. Tuberculosis control at Free State hospitals: policy and practice. Biennial International Congress of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology on Health and Society in Europe, Gronigen, Netherlands, 28-31 August 2002. HEUNIS, J.C., JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. Preliminary findings of the Free State Tuberculosis Research Project. Medium Term Development Plan Meeting. Bloemfontein: Free State Department of Health, 18 February 2002. HEUNIS, J.C., JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E., MATEBESI, Z. Applied multi-disciplinary research, proposal development and funding. Research & Consultation Unit Annual Planning Workshop. School of Nursing. Faculty of Health Sciences. UFS, Bloemfontein, 27 August 2002. HEUNIS, J.C., MATEBESI, Z. The life circumstances and experiences of tuberculosis patients in the Free State, South Africa. Third European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 8-11 September 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. The application of the South African Tuberculosis Control Programme in nine Free State clinics. Seminar on Tuberculosis in the Free State, South Africa, UFSIA, Antwerpen, Belgium, 3 September 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. 33 The implementation of DOTS in PHC clinics. Department of Community Health Seminar, UFS, Bloemfontein, 2 August 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. The implementation of the DOTS strategy in Free State PHC clinics. 14th Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD), African Region, Durban, 11-14 June 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. Past and present public health strategies to deal with tuberculosis in South Africa: a critical study. 4th World Congress on Tuberculosis. Marriot Wardman Park Hotel, Washington DC, USA, 3-5 June 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. Preliminary findings of a study to assess quality of DOTS- implementation in nine Free State clinics. Tuberculosis Strategic Planning DC 17, Pelonomi Hospital, Bloemfontein, 22 January 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. Quality of DOTS- implementation in nine Free State clinics. TB Research Project Feedback Workshops. Sasolburg, Bethlehem, Welkom, Harrismith, Bloemfontein, Trompsburg, Free State Department of Health, 22-30 May 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. Tuberculosis control at Free State clinics: policy and practice. Biennial International Congress of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology on Health and Society in Europe, Gronigen, Netherlands, 28-31 August 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG-BONTHUYZEN, E. Socio-economic factors impacting on TB control in the Free State. Seminar on Tuberculosis in the Free State, South Africa, UFSIA, Antwerpen, Belgium, 3 September 2002. MATEBESI, Z. The human dimension in tuberculosis control. 14th Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD), African Region, Durban, 11-14 June 2002. MATEBESI, Z. Poverty and the career of the tuberculosis patient in the Free State. TB Research Project Feedback Workshops. Sasolburg, Bethlehem, Welkom, Harrismith, Bloemfontein, Trompsburg: Free State Department of Health, 22-30 May 2002. MATEBESI, Z. Poverty and the TB patient career – a sociological approach. 4th World Congress on Tuberculosis, Marriot Wardman Park Hotel, Washington DC, USA, 3-5 June 2002. MATEBESI, Z. Poverty and the tuberculosis patient career: a sociological perspective. Biennial International Congress of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology on Health and Society in Europe, Gronigen, Netherlands, 28-31 August 2002. MATEBESI, Z. Living with tuberculosis: a reflection on poverty and gender issues. Seminar on Tuberculosis in the Free State, South Africa, UFSIA, Antwerpen, Belgium, 3 September 2002. MATEBESI, Z. Qualitative evidence on the experiences of HIV/AIDS orphans and funeral practices. UFS, Bloemfontein, 19 November 2002. MOKHETHI, S.Z., BACHMANN, M., VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A. A review of geographical and tuberculosis data from three clinics in the Thaba Nchu area, Free State. Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, Bloemfontein, 29-30 August 2002. 34 MOKHETHI, S.Z., BACHMANN, M., VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A. A review of tuberculosis (TB) data from clinics in an area that is representative of the Free State. 14th Conference of the IUATLD (International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease), Durban, 11-14 June 2002. NGWENA, C. Access to health care services as a human right: an appraisal of Treatment Campaign & Others v Minister of Health and Others. University of the North Law Week, University of the North, 6-10 May 2002. NGWENA, C. Becoming a successful academic. Mellon Fellows, Bureau of Academic Support, UFS, Bloemfontein, 29 August 2002. NGWENA, C. The Constitution and gender: the intersection of race, disability and HIV/AIDS. Gender Management Leadership School, Protea Hotel, Bloemfontein, 20 August 2002. NGWENA, C. HIV/AIDS and human rights: discrimination in higher education. Colloquium on Human rights and transformation in Higher Education, Technikon Free State, Bloemfontein, 15 November 2002. NGWENA, C. HIV/AIDS in schools: human rights lessons for educators and learners. Educator Conference, Free State Department of Education, Callie Human Centre, UFS, 25-27 March 2002. NGWENA, C. HIV testing in the workplace: an update on policy, practice and the law.15th Annual Labour Law Conference, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, 3-5 July 2002. NGWENA, C. Responses to AIDS and constitutionalism in South Africa. Vista Law Conference, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 11-12 November 2002. STEYN, F., ENGELBRECHT, M. The writing of a research proposal - content and layout. Research Committee: Faculty of the Humanities (UFS), Bloemfontein, 14 November 2002. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., KONCO, K., RIGOUTS, L. An investigation of tuberculosis (TB) data as part of a DNA-fingerprinting study documenting the outcome of Direct Observed Treatment Strategies (DOTS) in the Free State. 14th Conference of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Africa Region, Durban, 11-14 June 2002. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., KONCO, K., RIGOUTS, L. A retrospective study of TB prevalence and demographic profiles of patients in three districts in the Free State, South Africa. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., KONCO, K., RIGOUTS, L. Sputum fingerprinting of drug resistant tuberculosis patients. TB Research Project Feedback Workshops, Sasolburg, Bethlehem, Welkom, Harrismith, Bloemfontein, Trompsburg: Free State Department of Health, 22-30 May 2002. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., RIGOUTS, L. A retrospective study of TB prevalence and demographic profiles of patients in three districts in the Free State, South Africa. Local Faculty Forum of UFS, Bloemfontein, 30 August 2002. VAN RENSBURG, H.C.J., MEULEMANS, H. Social research as intervention tool in tuberculosis control. Biennial International Congress of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology on Health and Society in Europe, Gronigen, Netherlands, 28-31 August 2002. 35 Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BOOYSEN, F.LE R., MOLELEKOA, J. Benefits of HIV/AIDS intervention in the workplace: a case study. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2002;5(1):180-202. BOOYSEN, F.LE R. An overview and evaluation of composite indices of development. Social Indicators Research 2002;59:115151. BOOYSEN, F.LE R. Using demographic and health surveys to measure poverty: an application to South Africa. Studies in Economics and Econometrics 2002;26(3):53-70. BOOYSEN, F.LE R. Poverty and health in Southern Africa: evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). South African Journal of Economics 2002;70(2):391-415. BOOYSEN, F.LE R. The extent and explanations for international disparities in human security. Journal of Human Development 2002;3(2):273-300. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte BOOYSEN, F.LE R., MOLELEKOA, J. The benefit to business of extending the working lives of HIV-positive employees: social responsibility makes economic sense. AIDS Bulletin 2002;10(2):28-33. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., VAN RENSBURG, H., ENGELBRECHT, M., STEYN, F. HIV/AIDS and orphaned children: a household impact study. AIDS Analysis Africa 2002;12(5): 8-10. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., VAN RENSBURG, H.C.J., BACHMANN, M., ENGELBRECHT, M., STEYN, F. The socio-economic impact on households in South Africa: pilot study in Welkom and Qwaqwa, Free State province. AIDS Bulletin 2002;11(1):11-13. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BOOYSEN, F.LE R. Urban-rural inequalities in health: evidence from the South African Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). Background paper prepared for Foundation for Advanced Studies in International Development (FASID) for country report on globalization and poverty: the role of rural institutions. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., VAN RENSBURG, H.C.J., BACHMANN, M., ENGELBRECHT, M., STEYN, F., MEYER, K. The socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on households in South Africa: pilot study in Welkom and Qwaqwa, Free State province. Final report for USAID on economic impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Bloemfontein: CHSR&D. BOOYSEN, F.LE R., BURGER, P., PELSER, A.J., PRETORIUS, A. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the revenue of Mangaung Local Municipality. Bloemfontein: CHSR&D. HEUNIS, J.C., SUMMERTON, J.V. Eastern Cape primary health care survey: quality control report. Bloemfontein: CHSR&D. NGWENA, C., STRAUSS, J., MAIMANE, J., ENGELBRECHT, M., STEYN, F., MEYER, K. A report on the interim monitoring and evaluation of the Life Skills and HIV/AIDS Education Programme in primary and secondary public schools in the Free State. Bloemfontein: CHSR&D. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION STUDIES DEPARTEMENT KOMMUNIKASIE EN INLIGTINGSTUDIE 36 Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. F.H. Terblanche +27-(0)51-401-2867 +27-(0)51-430-4287 terblafh.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement Breytenbach, H.J. Dr. Coetzee, M. De Wet, J.C. Prof. Mulder, D. Ms/Me Pepler, E.M. Ms/Me Schutte, C. Ms/Me. Terblanche, F.H. Prof. Terblanche, L.L. Miss/Mej. Van Deventer, A. Dr. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte BREYTENBACH, H.J. The impact of a customer care satisfaction survey on service delivery. Congress of the Bloemfontein Provincial Learning Network, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. DE WET, J.C. A structural analysis of Time magazine’s coverage of the September 11 attacks on America. Annual Congress of the Southern African Communication Association, Potchefstroom, S.A. 2002. MULDER, D. The evolution of marketing communication: from selling to integration. National Communication Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. MULDER, D., MSINDWANA, A. The use of SMS as communication technique in IMC. National Communication Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. PEPLER, E.M. The role of media literacy in integrated communication. National Communication Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. PEPLER, E.M. Medical communication training for physicians. Medical Year Day, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. PEPLER, E.M., MARAIS, W. The role of feedback in internet communication. National Communication Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. VAN DEVENTER, A. Corporate communication: an integrated approach to conceptualisation and training. National Communication Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. VAN DEVENTER, A. The management of media relations: the need for an integrated approach. National Communication Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. VAN DEVENTER, A., BREYTENBACH, H.J. Media monitoring as a research methodology tool. National Communication Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A. 2002. Research articles published in other journals/Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte DE WET, J.C., TERBLANCHE, L. 37 Pleasantville: An existential communication journey. Communitas 2002;7 (ISSN: 1023-0556) MULDER, D., MSINDWANA, A. The use of SMS as communication technique in integrated marketing communication. Communitas 2002;7 (ISSN: 1023-0556) PEPLER, E.M. Medical communication training for physicians: a qualitative study among UFS medical students. Communitas 2002;7. (ISSN: 1023-0556) TERBLANCHE, F.H. Aspects of the communication reality in South Africa. Communitas 2002;7. (ISSN: 1023-0556) Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BREYTENBACH, H.J. Customer perceptions of and satisfaction with the Free State health services: the case of Pelonomi hospital. Department of Communication and Information Studies, UFS. DE WET, J.C. Persuasive communication practices in South Africa. Department of Communication and Information Studies, UFS. MULDER, D., DE WET, J.C. Integrated marketing communication: a model for a multicultural society. Department of Communication and Information Studies, UFS. PEPLER, E.M. Approaches to media literacy. Department of Communication and Information Studies, UFS. SÕDERLUND, I., MULDER, D. Integrated marketing at play: a comparative communication study of MTN and Vocadom in Bloemfontein. Department of Communication and Information Studies, UFS. TERBLANCE, F.H. Quintilian’s rhetoric: contemporary applications. Department of Communication and Information Studies, UFS. Editorships / Co-Editorships / Redakteurs / Mederedakeurs DE WET, J.C. Editor: Communitas, Journal for Community Communication and Information Impact, Unit for Community Communication, University of the Free State. ISSN:1023-0556. Artistic presentations / Artistieke werke VAN DEVENTER, A. Producer and script writer for several marketing videos for the Free State and Northern Cape governments. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings BREYTENBACH, H.J. Member/Lid: Southern African Communication Association COETZEE, M. Member/Lid: Southern African Communication Association DE WET, J.C. Member/Lid: Southern African Communication Association MULDER, D. 38 Member/Lid: Southern African Communication Association PEPLER, E.M. Member/Lid: Southern African Communication Association SCHUTTE, C. Member/Lid: Southern African Communication Association VAN DEVENTER, A. Member/Lid: Southern African Communication Association Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel MARAIS, Wilhelmina DIE ROL VAN TERUGVOERING IN INTERNET-JOERNALISTIEK [THE ROLE OF FEEDBACK IN INTERNET JOURNALISM]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. H.J. Breytenbach Medestudieleier/Cosupervisor: Me./Ms E.M. Pepler DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE EDUCATION AND EDUCATION MANAGEMENT DEPARTEMENT VERGELYKENDE OPVOEDKUNDE EN ONDERWYSBESTUUR Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. R.R. Brazelle +27-(0)51-401-3419 +27-(0)51-401-2243 brazr.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement Brazelle, R.R. Prof. Brynard, S.T. Dr. De Wet, N.C. Prof. Heyns, M.G. Prof. Masitsa, M.G. Dr. Niemann, G.S. Prof. Niemann, S.M. Prof. Palm-Forster, T.I. Dr. Van Staden, J.G. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte DE WET, N.C. Onderwysersvakbonde - die sleutel tot materiële en/of professionele bemagtiging [Teachers' unions - the key to economic and/or professional empowerment]. Opvoedkunde Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Konferensie/Education Association of South Africa Conference, Universiteit van Pretoria/University of Pretoria, RSA, 16-18 Januarie/January 2002. DE WET, N.C. Navorsingsmetodologiese diversiteit in Vergelykende Opvoedkunde [Diversity in research methodology in Comparative Education]. Opvoedkunde Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Konferensie/Education Association of South Africa Conference, Universiteit van Pretoria/ University of Pretoria, RSA, 16-18 Januarie/January 2002. NIEMANN, S.M. Gender equity: managing redress and empowerment for school improvement in South Africa. Education Management Association of South Africa (EMASA) Conference, Wellington (RSA), Paper, 15-17 May 2002. PALM-FORSTER, THERZA, I. Educational leadership and management of a primary school within the context of outcomes based education. South African Education Association Conference, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, RSA. 16-18 January 2002. 39 PALM-FORSTER, THERZA, I. Critical factors that impact on early childhood education: a South African Perspective. International Conference, University of Warwick, England, 18 March 2002. PALM-FORSTER, THERZA, I. A needs analysis on managing an OBE school in South Africa. Primary school principals’ perspectives. Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven, Belgium, March 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DE WET, N.C. Factors influencing the choice of English as language of learning and teaching (LoLT) - a South African perspective. South African Journal of Education 2002(2):119-124. DE WET, N.C. Sieninge van 'n groep swart opvoeders oor onderwysersunielidmaatskap en -doelstellinge [A group of black educators' views on membership and objectives of teachers' unions]. South-African Journal of Education/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Opvoedkunde 2002;22(3):230-238. DE WET, N.C. Racial violence in South African schools: a media analysis. Acta Academica 2002;34(3):129-153. NIEMANN, R. Redress and empowerment for gender equity in South African education. Gender, society and theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002;1:167-195. PRETORIUS, E., NIEMANN, R., DE VILLIERS HUMAN, E.S., KLINCK, E., ALT H. Fighting from within: gender equity at the University of the Free State. Gender, society and theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002(1):1-38. NIEMANN, G.S., BRAZELLE, R.R., DE WET, N.C., HEYNS, M.G., NIEMANN, S.M., VAN STADEN, J.G., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, P.C. Management development in education: fact or fiction – some preliminary findings. South African Journal of Education 2002;22(2):132-135. Published research reports/ gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae VAN DER MERWE, F., LOUW, F., PALM-FORSTER, T., MBUNYUZA, M., BRAZELLE, R., PAINE, D. Outcomes-based school leadership and management: an in-service training programme for school principals in South Africa. Project 7: Free State Province. A joint project of the Free State University, Vista University and the Katolieke Universiteit Leuven. Sponsored by the Ministry of the Flemish Government, Department of Education. 2002. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/ Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings VAN STADEN, J.G. Vice-chairperson/Ondervoorsitter: South African Education Association/Suid-Afrikaanse Opvoedkunde Vereniging Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel ALSTON, Kenningale Stewart THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: AN EXPLORATION OF ITS RELEVANCE TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOL COMMUNITY. Promoter: Prof. J.G. van Staden Co-promoter: Prof. J.L. Pretorius DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM STUDIES 40 DEPARTEMENT KURRIKULUMSTUDIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. G.F. du Toit +27-(0)51-401-2523 +27-(0)51-448-0363 dutoitgf.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Department: Du Toit, G.F. Prof. Korff, W.P. Mr/Mnr. Kotzé, G.S. Dr. Louw, L.P. Dr. Van Wyk, A.J.C. Mr/Mnr. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge LOUW, L.P., VAN WYK, A.J.C. The development of an in-service training course for outcomes-based education (OBE) for South African teachers. Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development (SLO), Enschede, Nederland. 5-8 November 2002. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte LOUW, L.P., PALM-FORSTER, T., VAN DER MERWE, R., MBUNYUZA, M. Critical factors that impact on early childhood education: A South African Perspective. 18 March 2002, University of Warwick, Engeland. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte KOTZE, G.S. The duality of coding assessment information – grading or portraying? Paper delivered at the EASA Conference. University of Pretoria, 15– 8 January 2002. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae LOUW, L.P., PALM-FORSTER, T., VAN DER MERWE, R., MBUNYUZA, M., ROSSEEL, P., VAN WYK, A.P. Outcomes Based school leadership: Function, description and performance evaluation within the framework of Curriculum 2005. An in-service training for school principals. Verslag: Oktober 2002. (Verslag van samewerkingsprojek met die Kaholieke Universiteite van Leuven, Antwerpen (België) en Utrech (Nederland). Projek befonds deur die Flaamse Minister van Onderwys). Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings MESSERSCHMIDT, J.J.E. Lid/Member: Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel PAINE, Donald Menelaus INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP REGARDING CURRICULUM 2005. Promoter: Prof. R. van der Merwe Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel DE VRIES, Leon Chapman DIE BESKIKBAARHEID, VOORSIENING EN BENUTTING VAN SKOOLBIBLIOTEEKFASILITEITE BINNE 'N UITKOMSGEBASEERDE ONDERWYSBEDELING IN DIE NOORD-KAAP PROVINSIE. [THE AVAILABILITY, PROVISION AND UTILISATION OF SCHOOL LIBRARY FACILITIES IN AN 41 OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATIONAL DISPENSATION IN THE NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE]. Cum Laude. Studieleier/Supervisor: Prof. R. van der Merwe Medestudieleier/Co-supervisor: Prof. J.A. Kruger DEPARTMENT OF DRAMA AND THEATRE ARTS DEPARTEMENT DRAMA- EN TONEELKUNDE Head of the Department/Departementshoof: Prof. N.J. Luwes. +27-(0)51-401-2815 +27-(0)51-448-3942 luweshum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Bosman, M. Ms/Me. Brink, R.S. Ms/Me. Kamper, G.H.S. Mr/Mnr. Luwes, N.J. Prof. Moshounyane, K. Mr/Mnr. Stone, W. Ms/Me. Van Niekerk, N. Mr/Mnr. Venter, P.A. Mr/Mnr. Watson, M Ms/Me. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte WATSON, M. A discussion on key issues in the implementation of the Arts and Culture Programme. South African Theatre Journal 2002;16:192-197. Artistic presentations / Artistieke werke/aanbiedings BRINK, R.S. Rollespel van een rol in ‘n simulasiedrama met improvisasies van ontvoerings vir Group 4 Securitas te Mangaung-maksimumsekuriteitgevangenis van 6–14 November 2002 [Performance of one role in the simulation of a improvised highjack drama for Group 4 Securitas at Mangaung Maximum Security Prison from 6–14 November 2002]. BRINK, R.S. “’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Spel in ’n vollengte komedie in drie bedrywe deur P.G. du Plessis van 13– 6 Maart en tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Acting in a full-length comedy in three acts by P.G. du Plessis from 13–16 March 2002 and during the Volksblad Festival from 10–14 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. BRINK, R.S. Aanbieder van vier werkwinkels in Drama in die Onderwys aan onderwysers tydens die ATKV Winterskool in die Scaenateater, op 8-12 Julie 2002. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe UV [Presenter of a theatre-sport workshop for learners in Drama in Education during the ATKV Winter School at the Scaena Theatre on 812 July 2002. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. BRINK, R.S. Aanbieder van ‘n Teatersport werkwinkel aan leerders tydens die ATKV Winterskool in die Scaenateater, op 8-12 Julie 2002. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [Presenter of the four workshops in Drama in Education during the ATKV Winter School at the Scaena Theatre on 8-12 July 2002. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. BRINK, R.S. Regie van ‘n vollengte kindertoneelstuk, Die Musikante van Bremer, deur Gerben Kamper in die Wynand Moutonteater. UV van 14-18 Mei 2002 en op 28 Mei 2002 te Hartswater sowel as op 30 Julie in die Ernst 42 Oppenheimerteater in Welkom. Fakuteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [Directing of “Musikante van Bremer”, a full-length children’s play by Gerben Kamper in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, UV, 14-18 May 2002 and on 28 May 2002 at Hartswater as well as on the 30th July in the Ernst Oppenheimer Theatre, Welkom. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. BRINK, R.S. Regie van ‘n vollengte poppeteaterproduksie, “Die drie varkies en ander kinderstories”, by Jim Fouche Primêre skool, Bloemfontein op die 6 September 2002. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV. (Directing a full-length puppet theatre production, “Die drie varkies en ander kinder stories”, at Jim Fouche Primary School, Bloemfontein on the 6 September 2002. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. BRINK, R.S. “Die Koeksuster Divas”. Regie van ‘n vollengte toneelstuk in drie tonele deur Karin van Vuuren tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in Vishuis UV, Bloemfontein, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“Die Koeksuster Divas”. Directing of a full-length play in three scenes by Karin van Vuuren, during the Volksblad Festival, 10–14 July 2002 in Vishuis,Bloemfontein Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. KAMPER, G.H.J. “Skroot”. Regie van ’n vollengte drama deur N.J. Luwes in sewe tonele van 22–25 Mei 2002 en tydens die Volksbladfees, 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“’Skroot”. Directing of a full-length drama in seven scenes by N. J. Luwes. 22–25 May 2002 and during the Volksblad Festival from 10–14 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. KAMPER, G.H.J. Aanbieder van spesialiskursus in toneelspel tydens die ATKV Winterskool vanaf 8 Julie 2002 tot 12 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe UV [Presenter of the specialist course in acting during the ATKV Winter School from 8 July 2002-12 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. KAMPER, G.H.J. Rollespel van twee rolle in die simulasiedramas improvisasies van ontvoerings vir Group 4 Securitas te Mangaung-maksimumsekuriteitgevangenis van 6–14 November 2002 [Performance of two roles in the simulation of improvised high-jack dramas for Group 4 Securitas at Mangaung Maximum Security Prison from 6–14 November 2002]. KAMPER, G.H.J. “’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Speel van hoofrol in ’n vollengte komedie in drie bedrywe deur P.G du Plessis. 13 – 16 Maart en tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“’n Seder val in Waterkloof” Acting of a main role in a full-length comedy in three acts by P.G du Plessis. 13–16 March and during the Volksblad Festival from 10–14 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. KAMPER, G.H.J. “Die Musikante van Bremer”. Die skryf en verwerking van die Duitse fabel tot ‘n vollengte kinderteater-teks vir opvoering vanaf 14 – 18 Mei 2002 en tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“Die Musikante van Bremer”. The writing and adaptation of the German fable into a full-length children’s theatre script for performance from 14 – 18 May 2002 and during the Volksblad festival from 10–14 July 2002 at the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. KAMPER, G.H.J. “Shards”. Medeskrywer en verwerker van ‘n vollengte kabaret in die Wynand Moutonteater 30– 31 Mei 2002 en vir die Grahamstad Kunstefees 3–6 Julie en tydens die Macufefees 6–14 Oktober in Studio 2, Pacofs, Bloemfontein [“Shards”. Co-writer and adaptator of a full-length cabaret at the Wynand Mouton Theatre 30–31 May 2002 and for the Grahamstown Festival of the Arts 3-6 July and during the Macufe Festival 6–14 Oct. in Studio 2, Pacofs, Bloemfontein]. KAMPER, G.H.J. “Shards”. Regie van ’n vollengte kabaret deur G. Kamper en studente aan die UV. 30–31 Mei 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater en tydens die Grahamstad Kunstefees 3-6 Julie 2002 en die Macufefees 6–14 Oktober in Studie 2, PACOFS, Bloemfontein.[“Shards”. Directing of a full-length cabaret by G. Kamper and students at the UFS 30-31 May 2002 at the Wynand Mouton Theatre and during the Grahamstad 43 Festival of the Arts from 3-6 July 2002 and the Macufe festival 6–14 October at Studio 2, PACOFS, Bloemfontein]. KAMPER, G.H.J. “Brakanjan”. Regie van ‘n vollengte kindertoneelstuk deur Alyzzander Fourie in die Albert Wessels Ouditorium, UV, op 20–24 Augustus 2002 en tydens die Aardklop Kunstefees 24–28 September 2002 in die Tegniese Kollegesaal, Potchefstroom, asook tydens die Macufefees 6–14 Oktober 2002 in die Stadskouburg, PACOFS, Bloemfontein [“Brakanjan”. Directing the full length children’s play by Alyzzander Fourie at the Albert Wessels Auditorium. UFS on 20–24 August 2002 and during the Aardklop Festival of the Arts on 24–28 September 2002 at the Technical College Hall, Potchefstroom as well as during the Macufe Festival 6–14 October 2002 at the Civic Theatre, PACOFS, Bloemfontein]. KAMPER, G.H.J. “Boesman en Lena”. Regie van ‘n vollengte toneelstuk in 2 bedrywe deur Athol Fugard tydens die Macufe Kunstefees 6–14 Oktober 2002 in die Norman Doubellsaal, Heidedal en Studio 2, PACOFS, Bloemfontein. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV. [“Boesman en Lena”. Directing the full-length drama in two acts by Athol Fugard during the Macufe Festival of the Arts 6–14 October 2002 at the Norman Doubell Hall, Heatherdale and Studio 2, PACOFS, Bloemfontein. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. LUWES, N.J. “n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Regie van ’n vollengte komedie in drie bedrywe deur P.G. du Plessis. 13–16 Maart en tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Directing of a full-length comedy in three acts by P.G. du Plessis. 13–16 March and during the Volksblad Festival from 10–14 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. LUWES, N.J. “’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Speel van hoofrol in ’n vollengte komedie in drie bedrywe deur P.G. du Plessis. 13–16 Maart en tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Acting of the main role in a full-length comedy in three acts by P.G. du Plessis. 13–16 March and during the Volksblad Festival from 10–14 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. LUWES, N.J. “Skroot”. Speel van hoofrol in ’n vollengte drama deur N.J. Luwes in sewe tonele. 22–25 Mei 2002 en tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“’Skroot”. Acting of main role in a full-length drama in seven scenes by N. J. Luwes on 22–25 May 2002 and during the Volksblad Festival from 10–14 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. LUWES, N.J. “Die wind sal nooit weer ophou waai nie”. Regie van ‘n vollengte toneelstuk in twee tonele deur Maretha Maartens tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Stadskouburg, Bloemfontein en tydens die Macufefees 6–14 Oktober 2002 in Studio 1. Pacofs, Bloemfontein [“Die wind sal nooit weer ophou waai nie”. Directing of a full-length play in two scenes by Maretha Maartens during the Volksblad Festival, 10–14 July 2002 in the Civic Theatre, Bloemfontein and during the Macufe Festival 6–14 October 2002 in Studio 1. Pacofs, Bloemfontein]. LUWES, N.J. Rollespel van twee rolle in simulasiedramas met improvisasies van ontvoerings vir Groep 4 Securitas te Mangaung-maksimumsekuriteitgevangenis van 6–14 Novmber 2002 [Performance of two roles in the simulation of improvised high-jack dramas for Group 4 Securitas at Mangaung Maximum Security Prison from 6– 4 November 2002]. LUWES, N.J. “Voordragprogram”. Samestelling en regie van ‘n voordragprogram vir ‘n internasionale narkotiseurskongres in die Burgersentrum, Bloemfontein op 15 Mei 2002 [“Poetry and prose program” Compilation and directing of a poetry and prose program for an international congress for anaeshetists in the Civic Centre, Bloemfontein on 15 May 2002]. LUWES, N.J. 44 “Acting with style”. Aanbied van ‘n werkswinkel oor toneelspeltegnieke op 24 Julie 2002 te St Andrews Skool, Welkom. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“Acting with style”. Presentation of a workshop on acting techniques on 24 July 2002 at St. Andrews School, Welkom. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. LUWES, N.J. “Industrial Theatre”. Lesing voorgedra aan besoekende akademiese Amerikaanse delegasie oor die doel, metodes en gebruike van industriële teater vir die verandering van gedrag in die gemeenskap in die Teologiesaal op 18 Augustus. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“Industrial Theatre”. Lecture to visiting American academic delegation on the aims, methods and uses of industrial theatre for behavioral chance in society on 18 August, Theology Hall. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. MOSHOENYANE, K. “Phetetso”. Regie van ‘n oorspronklike vertelling met musiek, geskryf deur Anton Welman by die Macufefees van 4–14 Oktober 2002 in die Werkswinkelteater, Pacofs, Bloemfontein [“Phetetso”. Directing of an original narrative with music, written by Anton Welman from 4–14 Octber 2002 at the Macufe Festival in the Workshop Theatre, Pacofs, Bloemfontein]. STONE, W. “Cat on a hot tin roof”. Regie van ’n toneelstuk deur Tennessee Williams in drie bedrywe in die Albert Wessels Ouditorium, 30, 31 Augustus 2002. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“Cat on a hot tin roof.” Directing of a play by Tennessee Williams in three acts in the Albert Wessels Auditorium, 30, 31, August, 2002. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. VAN NIEKERK, N. “ Fiddler on the roof”. Regie van die musiekspel in drie bedrywe deur Stein, Bock en Harnick van 4–12 Oktober 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“Fiddler on the roof”. Directing of the musical in three acts, by Stein, Bock and Harnick from 4–12 October 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. VENTER, P. Rollespel van twee rolle in simulasiedramas met improvisasies van ontvoerings vir Group 4 Securitas te Mangaung-maksimumsekuriteitgevangenis van 6–14 November 2002 [Performance of two roles in the simulation of improvised high-jack dramas for Group 4 Securitas at Mangaung Maximum Security Prison from 6– 4 November 2002]. VENTER, P. “’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Spel in ’n vollengte komedie deur P.G. du Plessis in drie bedrywe. 13–16 Maart 2002 en tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Wynand Moutonteater, Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“’n Seder val in Waterkloof”. Acting in a full-length comedy in three acts by P.G. du Plessis. 13–16 March 2002 and during the Volksblad Festival from 10–14 July 2002 in the Wynand Mouton Theatre, Faculty of Humanities, UFS]. VENTER, P. “Heidi”. Regie van ’n kinderstuk deur Johanna Spyri, 4–9 Maart 2002, Civic-teater, PACOFS, Bloemfontein. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [“Heidi”. Directing of a children’s play by Johanna Spyri, 4-9 March 2002, Civic Theatre, PACOFS, Bloemfontein. Faculty of the Humanities. UFS]. VENTER, P. “Die wind sal nooit weer ophou waai nie”. Spel in ‘n vollengte toneelstuk in twee tonele deur Maretha Maartens tydens die Volksbladfees 10–14 Julie 2002 in die Stadskouburg, Bloemfontein en tydens die Macufefees 6–14 Oktober in Studio 1, Pacofs, Bloemfontein [“Die wind sal nooit weer ophou waai nie”. Acting in a full-length play in two scenes by Maretha Maartens during the Volksblad Festival, 10–14 July in the Civic Theatre, Bloemfontein and during the Macufe Festival 6–14 October in Studio 1, Pacofs, Bloemfontein]. VENTER, P. Aanbieder van vier werkwinkels in tegniese aspekte tydens die ATKV Winterskool in die Scaenateater, op 8-12 Julie 2002. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [Presenter of the four workshops on technical aspects during the ATKV Winter School at the Scaena Theatre on 8-12 July 2002, Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. VENTER, P. 45 Aanbieder van grimeringswerkwinkels tydens die 1820’s Schools Festival in die Wynand Moutonteater, 1617 Julie 2002. Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, UV [Presenter of make-up workshops during the1820s Schools Festival at the Wynand Mouton Theatre, 16-17 July 2002. Faculty of the Humanities, UFS]. VENTER, P. “Openingsvertoning SASA-kongres”. Samestelling en regie van program vir ‘n internasionale narkotiseurskongres in die Burgersentrum, Bloemfontein op 26 Mei 2002 [“Opening show SASA-congress”. Compilation and directing programme for an international congress for anaeshetists in the Civic Centre, Bloemfontein on 26 May 2002]. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL CULTURE DEPARTEMENT ENGELS EN KLASSIEKE KULTUUR Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. W.J. Greyling +27 (0)51-401-2275 greywj.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the department/Outeurs in die departement Brokensha, S.I. Dr. Cilliers, L. Prof. Greyling, W.J. Prof. Raftery, M.M. Prof. Retief, F.P. Prof. Ullyatt, A.G. Prof. Van Wyk, A.L. Dr. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke RAFTERY, M.M. Sin and salvation; Time and eternity: The play of Masscheroen in "Mariken van Nieumeghen". Quests for humanity: The Middle Ages and the Millennium, (ed.) Estelle A. Maré. 2002:240-277 UNISA Press. ISBN: 1-86888-238-1 Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte CILLIERS, L. The textual transmission of Vindicianus' Gynaecia', Paper read at the 'Tagung Alte Medizin'', Congress in Mainz, Duitsland. 2002. RAFTERY, M.M. Esther and Judith - Female heroes 'othered' and erased. English Academy of Southern Africa (University of Pretoria) 2002. RAFTERY, M.M. Names and renaming as disguise : vices in rhetoricians' drama. Names Society of Southern Africa 2002. RAFTERY, M.M. Vicious games: recreation as evil in the medieval morality play MANKIND. Southern African Society for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (UNISA) 2002. ULLYATT, A.G. Valuing and revaluing the humanities. Conference presented by Potchefstroom University for CHE, September 2002. UWAH, C.M. Pioneering the theatre of social criticism in South Africa: an examination of Zakes Mda’s plays. International Conference of African Literature (Versions & Subversions), held at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, 1-4 May 2002. UWAH, C.M. 46 The theme of betrayal in the plays of Zakes Mda. International Conference on Theatre, held at Wurzburg, Germany, hosted by the Contemporary Drama in English Society (CDE), from 9-12 May 2002. VAN WYK, A.L A university open learning course focusing on academic reading and writing. The paper was read at the PanCommonwealth Forum on Open Learning. 29 July-2 August 2002. International Convention Centre, Durban. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BROKENSHA, S.I. South African news interview talk: the interviewer’s maintenance of a position of neutrality. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2002;20:13-23. ISSN 1607-3614. BROKENSHA, S.I. The sequential organisation of South African business-news interview openings. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2002;20:13-23. ISSN 1607-3614. CILLIERS, L. Naming practices in ancient Greece and Rome as reflection on the social status of women. Nomina Africana 2002;15(1&2):192-203. CILLIERS, L., RETIEF, F.P. The evolution of the hospitals from antiquity to the end of the middle ages. Curationis 2002;25(4):60-66. CILLIERS, L., RETIEF, F.P. Begrafnisgebruike, die hiernamaals en doodsbesoedeling in antieke Griekeland [Funerary practices, the hereafter and death pollution in ancient Greece]. Akroterion 2002;47:17-26. CILLIERS, L., RETIEF, F.P. Begrafnisgebruike en doodsbesoedeling in antieke Rome: prosedures en paradokse [Funerary practices and death pollution in ancient Rome: procedures and paradoxes]. Akroterion 2002;47:27-37. RAFTERY, M.M. Medieval images of womanhood: the construction of Mary of Nemmegen. Acta Academica Supplementum 1 2002:63-90. RAFTERY, M.M. A Trio con brio, or an Unholy Trinity? : naming and numbering the vices in the medieval morality play Mankind. Nomina Africana 2002;16(1&2):204-221. RETIEF, F.P., CILLIERS, L. Snake and staff symbolism and healing. S.A. Medical Journal 2002;92(7):553-556. RETIEF, F.P., CILLIERS, J.F.G. Die eunug in die klassieke mitologie en samelewing [The eunuch in the classical mythology and society]. SA Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 2002;21(4):121-128. RETIEF, F.P., CILLIERS, J.F.G., RIEKERT, S.P.J.K. Eunugs in die Bybel [Eunuchs in the Bible]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):114-125. ULLYATT, T. The challenges of change. Review 2002:29-32. VAN WYK, A.L. A university open learning course focusing on academic reading and writing. Journal for Language Teaching (SAVTO) 2002;36(3&4):220-232. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte RAFTERY, M.M. 47 Mankind for Africa. Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama : With a Medieval Supplement (ed. Peter H. Greenfield). 2002;XLI:168-198. University of Puget Sound Press. ISSN 0098- 647X. RAFTERY, M.M. Medieval woman as child of God and instrument of the Devil : from image to identity (and back?). Dutch Crossing (ed. Theo Hermans). 2002;26(1):127-142. University College, London, Press. RAFTERY, M.M. Esther and Judith: female heroes 'othered' and 'erased'. Proceedings of the 2002 Congress of the English Academy of Southern Africa. Editorship/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs RAFTERY, M.M. Deputy editor - Acta Academica. RAFTERY, M.M. Editor - TEXTURES (the 15th issue). DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS DEPARTEMENT BEELDENDE KUNSTE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Mr/Mnr. B. Botma +27 051 401-2282 +27 051 448-3942 botmab.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Allen-Spies, J. Mrs/Mev. Botma, B. Mr/Mnr. Stroud, C. Mrs/Mev. Artistieke werke/aanbiedings/Artistic presentations UITSTALLINGS/KOMPETISIES: EXHIBITIONS/COMPETITIONS: ALLEN-SPIES, J. Absa Atelier Nasionale Uitstalling/Kompetisie, Absa Galery, Johannesburg, Julie 2002/Absa Atelier National Exhibition/Competition, Absa Gallery, Johannesburg, July 2002. ALLEN-SPIES, J. Solo-uitstalling, Volksblad Kunstefees, UV, Bloemfontein, Junie/Julie 2002/Solo Exhibition, Volksblad Arts Festival, UFS, Bloemfontein, June/July 2002. ALLEN-SPIES, J. Grafiese Drukkuns Uitruilportefeulje tussen SA Universiteite en Technikons, Volksblad Kunstefees en Johannes Stegmann-Kunsgalery, UV, Bloemfontein, Junie/Julie 2002/Print Exchange Portfolio between SA Universities and Technicons, Volksblad Arts Festival and Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery, UFS, Bloemfontein, June/July 2002. ALLEN-SPIES, J. Grafinnova, (Internasionale uitstalling van grafiese drukkuns en tekeninge), Ostrobithnian Museum, Vaasa, Finland, 3 Oktober-Desember 2002/Grafinnova, (International exhibition of printmaking and drawings), Ostrobithnian Museum, Vaasa, Finland, 3 October – December 2002. BOTMA, B. Nasionale Grafiese Uitruilportefeulje, Versprei aan alle universiteite en technikons in SA en uitgestal by Volksblad Kunstefees en Johannes Stegmann-Kunsgalery, UV, Bloemfontein, Julie 2002/National Print 48 Exchange between all universities and technikons in SA, exhibited at the Volksblad Arts Festival and Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery, UFS, Bloemfontein, July 2002. STROUD, C. ABSA Atelier Nasionale Kompetisie, Johannesburg, 24 Julie-September 2002/ABSA Atelier National Competition, Johannesburg, 24 July – September 2002. STROUD, C. XVIIIth Biennale Internationale de Ceramique d’art, Vallauris, Golfe-Juan, France, 1 July – October 2002 STROUD, C. APSA National African Earth Exhibition, Museum AfricA, Johannesburg, 17 August – 24 September 2002. STROUD, C. FNB Vita Crafts Now Exhibition, Museum AfricA, Johannesburg. 17 August - 24 September 2002. STROUD, C. 6de Internasionale Keramiekkuns-kompetisie, Mino, Japan, 12 Oktober - 4 November 2002/6th International Ceramics Competition, Mino, Japan, 12 October - 4 November 2002. STROUD, C. Keramiekkuns van die Vrystaat, Oliewenhuis Kunsmuseum, Bloemfontein, 19 November- 22 Desember 2002. Me. Stroud was die kurator van die pioniers-uitstalling/Free State Ceramic Exhibition, Oliewenhuis Art Museum, Bloemfontein, 19 November- 22 December 2002. Ms Stroud was curator of this pioneering exhibition. TOEKENNINGS/AWARDS: ALLEN-SPIES, J. Laureate van die Unesco/Ashberg beurse vir kunstenaarsprogram. Besoek Sacatar Stigting in Brasilië 8 weke vir navorsingswerk, Itaparica, Bahia, 28 Oktober – 22 Desember 2002/Laureate of the Unesco/Ashberg Bursary for Artists Programme. Visited Sacatar Foundation in Brazil 8 weeks for research work, Itaparica, Bahia, 28 October – 22 December 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel OFORI-ASARE, Samuel Kwasi THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN IN-SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR ARTS AND CRAFTS TEACHERS IN LESOTHO. Supervisor: Mrs J Allen-Spies DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY DEPARTEMENT GESKIEDENIS Head of Department / Departementshoof: Prof. S.L. Barnard +27-(0)51-401-2330 +27-(0)51-448-3942 barnards.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Barnard, S.L. Prof. Coetzer, P.W. Prof. Evaldsson, A-K. Ms/Me. Kapp, P.H. Prof. Rademeyer, J.S. Mr/Mnr. Stemmet, J-A. Mr/Mnr. Steyn, M.S. Ms/Me. Strauss, A.C.P. Dr. Wessels, A. Prof. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke 49 WESSELS, A. De Wet, Christiaan Rudolph (1854-1922). Ground Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, Volume One, A-G, Sandler, S. (ed.) 2002;234-235. WESSELS, A. Hamilton, General Ian Standish Monteith (1853-1947). Ground Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, Volume Two, H-Q . Sandler, S. (ed.) 2002;357-358. WESSELS, A. Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul Emil von (1870-1964). Ground Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, Volume Two, H-Q . Sandler, S. (ed.) 2002;498-499. WESSELS, A. Lobengula (a.k.a. Lopenule, Nobengulu, or Ulopengulu) (c.1830-1894). Ground Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, Volume Two, H-Q . Sandler, S. (ed.) 2002;507-508. WESSELS, A. South Africa/Namibia (1960-2000). Ground Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, Volume Three, R-Z . Sandler, S. (ed.) 2002;825-826. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BARNARD, S.L. Die Afrikaner en die naweë van die Anglo-Boereoorlog: oorwonne of oorwinnaar? [The Afrikaner and the aftermath of the Anglo-Boer War: defeated of victorious?] Anglo-Boer War Centennial Conference, Bloemfontein, 25 May 2002. KAPP, P.H. Identiteitsbewussyne aan die Kaap teen die einde van die VOC-tydperk [Identity consciousness at the Cape at the end of the VOC period]. International VOC Conference, Stellenbosch, 3-5 April 2002. KAPP, P.H. The historical meaning of the French Huguenots. Third International Huguenot Conference, Stellenbosch, 24-26 September 2002. KAPP, P.H. Afrikaans as onderrigtaal in hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika [Afrikaans as language of instruction in higher education in South Africa]. FAK Kongres/Congress, Belville, 28 September 2002. STEYN, M.S. History and the politics of natural resource exploitation in developing countries. Historical Association of South Africa Congress, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, 24-26 June 2002. STEYN, M.S. Culture, history and the politics of multinational oil exploitation in the developing world. Culture Studies Seminar, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 18 June 2002. WESSELS, A. Yesterday's history for today and tomorrow. Paper delivered at a South African history project workshop, Bloemfontein, 8 May 2002 and Kimberley, 10 May 2002. WESSELS, A. Die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) en die Afrikaanse letterkunde: 'n herwaardering [The Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) and the Afrikaans literature: a reappraisal]. Anglo-Boer War Centennial Conference re Literature, Pretoria, 28 May 2002. WESSELS, A., EVALDSSON, A-K. The Anglo-Boer War centennial: a critical evaluation. Anglo-Boer War Centennial Conference, Bloemfontein, 25 May 2002. 50 Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BARNARD, S.L. Life on the border. A socio/historic study of the members of the South Africa Air Force during the "Bush War", 1966-1989. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(1):35-47. BARNARD, S.L. Die Afrikaner en die naweë van die Anglo-Boereoorlog: oorwonne of oorwinnaar? [The Afrikaner and the aftermath of the Anglo-Boer War: defeated or victorious?]. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(2):126-136. BARNARD, S.L., RADEMEYER, C. The role of the English rebel cricket tour to South Africa, 1989/1990, as a factor in the dismantling of apartheid in South African sport. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis, 2002;27(3):154-164. COETZER, P.W. Rape against the background of violent crimes in contemporary South Africa. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(1):101-118. COETZER, P.W. Die Afrikaner-Broederbond en die algemene verkiesing van 1948 [The Afrikaner Broederbond and the general election of 1948]. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(3):145-153. EVALDSSON, A-K., WESSELS, A. The Anglo-Boer War centennial: a critical evaluation. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(3):125-144. KAPP, P.H. Suid-Afrika se eerste waarheidskommissie? [South Africa's first truth commission?]. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(1):54-65. KAPP, P.H. Die leeuhart van die lammetjie. Die kulturele bydrae van W.J. du P. Erlank (Eitemal) 1901-1985 [The lion heart of the lamb. The cultural contribution of W.J. Erlank (Eitemal), 1901-1985]. South African Journal for Cultural History/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis 2002;16(1):73-108. KAPP, P.H. Die VOC-tydperk en die ontwikkeling van identiteitsbewussyne aan die Kaap [The VOC period and the development of identity consciousness at the Cape]. Historia 2002;47(2):709-738 KAPP, P.H. Twee vredes. Twee visies. Een toekoms. (Oor die betekenis van die ABO in die lig van die politieke skikking van 1994) [Two peace treaties. Two visions. One future. (The importance of the Anglo-Boer War in the light of the political settlement of 1994)]. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(4):273-281. KAPP, P.H. How important are the Huguenots to History? Studia Historiae Ecclesiaticae 2002;28(2):75-90. PELSER, A., STEYN, M.S. An age of thirsty people: exploratory notes on future water-scarcity and water conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(1):81-100. STEMMET J-A., BARNARD, S.L. PW Botha's Rubicon speech of 15 August 1985: a river too wide and a bridge too far. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(1):119-135. STEYN, M.S. Popular environmental struggles in South Africa, 1972-1992. Historia 2002;47(1):125-158. 51 STEYN, M.S. Global environmental management: an exploration of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(3):1-13. STRAUSS, A.C.P. Die 2002/2003 begroting van Trevor Manuel en kommentaar daarop [The 2002/2003 budget of Trevor Mauel and commentary on it]. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(1):182-199. WESSELS, A. Militêre strategie tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n herwaardering na verloop van 100 jaar [Military strategy during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a reappraisal after 100 years]. Historia 2002;47(1):9-32. WESSELS, A. An assessment of the British military strategy during the Anglo-Boer War up to 'Black Week', December 1899. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(2):1-21. WESSELS, A. Lord Roberts en die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n kritiese evaluering van sy opperbevelhebberskap na verloop van honderd jaar [Lord Roberts and the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a critical evaluation of his supreme command after a hundred years]. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(2):45-67. WESSELS, A. Onwaarskynlike ambassadeurs: vlagvertoonvaarte deur Suid-Afrikaanse oorlogskepe, 1922-2002 [Unlikely ambassadors: flag-showing cruises by South African warships, 1922-2002]. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(2):54-81. WOHLBERG, A., WESSELS, A. Religion and recreation in the Merebank Concentration Camp. South African Journal for Cultural History/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis 2002;16(2):46-65. Research articles in other jounals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte KAPP, P.H. Identiteit en nationaal belang [Identity and national interest]. Zuid-Afrika 2002;79(7/8). KAPP, P.H. Die betekenis van die VOC vir die Suid-Afrikaanse verlede [The importance of the VOC for South Africa's past]. Zuid-Afrika 2002;79(4/5). KAPP, P.H. Die vrede van Vereeniging (1902) en die politieke skikking van 1994 - 'n voorlopige vergelyking [The peace of Vereeniging (1902) and the political settlement of 1994 - a preliminary comparison]. Zuid-Afrika, 2002;79(11/12). Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies KAPP, P.H. Die wilde haf [The wild haff]. R. Hiemstra. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2001;41(34):308. KAPP, P.H. Penvegter - Piet Cillie van die Burger [Penfighter - Piet Cillie of the Burger]. J.C. Steyn. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(2):53-54 and also in Zuid-Afrika 2002;79(9/10). KAPP, P.H. Stranding van die São João [The shipwreck of the São João]. O.J.O. Ferreira. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(2):155. STEYN, M.S. 52 Wildlife and warfare: the life of James Stevenson-Hamilton. J. Carruthers. South African Historical Journal 2002;46:315-317. STEYN, M.S. Environmental security in Southern Africa. D. Tevera and S. Moyo (eds). H-Safrica. H-Net Reviews. July 2002; URL: htpp://www.h-net.msu.edu/reviews/showrev.cgi? path=87181030249470. WESSELS, A. Buccaneer: a biography of Sir Joseph Benjamin Robinson, 1st Baronet. J. Lawrence. Die Volksblad, 4 February 2002. WESSELS, A. 1899-1902: slagvelde, gedenktekens en grafte van die Anglo-Boereoorlog in Bloemfontein en omgewing/battlefields, monuments and graves of the Anglo-Boer War in Bloemfontein and vicinity. D. van der Bank. Die Volksblad, 4 March 2002. WESSELS, A. Interlude in Switzerland: the story of the South African refugee-soldiers in the Alps during the Second World War. P. Schamberger. Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis 2002;27(1):200-201. WESSELS, A. To fight for the Empire: an illustrated history of New Zealand and the South African War, 1899-1902. J. Crawford (with E. Ellis). Historia 2002;47(1):385-387. WESSELS, A. Diplomasie en politiek: die pers, die Boererepublieke en Duitsland tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog [Diplomacy and politics: the press, the Boer republics and Germany during the Anglo-Boer War]. Die Volksblad, 29 July 2002. WESSELS, A. A warrior's gateway: Durban and the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902. J. Wasserman and B. Kearney (eds). Die Volksblad, 4 November 2002 and also in Knapsak 2002; 14(3):49-51. WESSELS, A. The Griqua captaincy of Philippolis, 1826-1861. K. Schoeman. Die Volksblad, 25 November 2002. WESSELS, A. Montanha in Zoutpansberg: 'n Portugese handelsending van Inhambane se besoek aan Schoemansdal, 18551856 [Montanha in Zoutpansberg: the visit of a Portuguese trade mission from Inhambane to Schoemansdal, 1855-1856]. O.J.O. Ferreira. Die Volksblad, 18 November 2002. WESSELS, A. The British Army in Cape Colony: soldiers’ letters and diaries, 1806-58. P.B. Boyden (ed.). South African Journal of Cultural History/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis 2002; 16(2):132-134. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs BARNARD, S.L. Editor-in–chief: Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History. BARNARD, S.L. Member of editorial committee: Scientia Militaria. BARNARD, S.L. Member of editorial committee: Christiaan de Wet-annale. WESSELS, A. Deputy editor: Journal for Contemporary History/Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis. WESSELS, A. Member of editorial committee: Christiaan de Wet-annnale. 53 WESSELS, A. Nominated member of editorial staff: Historia. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations / Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings. BARNARD, S.L. President: South African Historical Society. Vice-chairman: Historical Association of South Africa. Committee member: Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Chairman: History Committee, Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Honorary President: South African Military History Commission. Member: South African Society for Cultural History. KAPP, P.H. Member: Historical Association of South Africa. Member: South African Society for Cultural History. Member: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Volkskunde en Volkstaal. Member: Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Member: The Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson. Member: International Center for Scholars, Washington Internationale. Member: Gesellschaft für Geschichtdidaktik, Augsburg. Member: Kaapstad Hugenote Vereniging van Suid-Afrika, Franschhoek. RADEMEYER, J.S. Member: Australian Society for Sports Historians. Member: South African Historical Society. STEMMET, J-A. Council Member: South African Historical Society. STEYN, M.S. Council Member: South African Historical Society. Member: African Studies Association (USA). Member: American Society for Environmental History. Member: European Society for Environmental History. Member: Historical Association of South Africa. WESSELS, A. Life Member: South African Military History Society. Life Member: South African Society for Cultural History. Council Member: Historical Association of South Africa. Member: South African Historical Society. Member: Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Member: Army Records Society (England). Member: Simon's Town Historical Society. Member: Old Pretoria Society. Member: Simon van der Stel Foundation. Member: Naval Heritage Trust. Member: Genootskap Nederland-Suid-Afrika. Member: Nederlandsch-Zuid-Afrikaansche Vereniging (The Netherlands). Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel LIGTHELM, Johan Hendrik GENL. J.C.J. KEMP, 1914-1946: REBEL OF POLITIEKE LEIER? [GEN. J.C.J. KEMP, 1914-1946: REBEL OR POLITICAL LEADER?] Promotor/Promoter: Prof. S.L. Barnard RADEMEYER, Jacobus Scheepers DIE ROL VAN SPORTISOLASIE AS FAKTOR IN DIE DAARSTELLING VAN 'N NUWE POLITIEKE BEDELING IN SUID-AFRIKA, 1980-1992. [THE ROLE OF SPORT ISOLATION IN THE 54 ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW POLITICAL DISPENSATION IN SOUTH AFRICA 1980-1992]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. S.L. Barnard STEMMET, Jan-Adriaan APARTHEID UNDER SIEGE, 1984-1988: ACTIONS AND REACTIONS. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. S.L. Barnard DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF ART DEPARTEMENT KUNSGESKIEDENIS Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. D.J. van den Berg +27 051 401-2315 +27 051 448-2315 vdbergd.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Human, E.S. Dr. Van den Berg, D.J. Prof. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke VAN DEN BERG, D.J. My family and other animals. Crampton, S. & Hundt, S. (eds). Jacques Fuller sculptor. Catalogue of touring exhibition. Belville: Sanlam Art Collection, 2001:5-12. ISBN 0-620-26377-7 Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge VAN DEN BERG, D.J. Surveying urban crowds: being one of the multitude. Marschall, S. (ed). Reception/perception. Proceedings of the 17th annual conference of the South African Association of Art Historians (SAAAH) at Durban, University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg), University of Durban-Westville, Technikon Natal, 2001. Durban: SAAAH, 2002: 173-180. ISBN 0-947445-50-1 HUMAN, E.S. Reception, deception, illusion and magic. Marschall, S. (ed). Reception/perception. Proceedings of the 17th annual conference of the South African Association of Art Historians (SAAAH) at Durban, University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg), University of Durban-Westville, Technikon Natal, 2001. Durban: SAAAH, 2002: 59-65. ISBN 0-947445-50-1 Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte VAN DEN BERG, D.J. Terra incognita as anti-Leviathan emblem: dialectical intervals between power and powerlessness. Current issues in art, art history and architectural history in South Africa. 18th annual conference of the South African Association of Art Historians, Department of Visual Arts, University of Pretoria, 12-13 July 2002: Session 1. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte PRETORIUS, E., NIEMANN, R., DE VILLIERS HUMAN, E.S., KLINCK, E., ALT H. Fighting from within: gender equity at the University of the Free State. Gender, Society and Theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002(1): 1-38. DE VILLIERS HUMAN, E.S., VISAGIE, P.J. Reception, deception, illusion, magic: feminism and theoretical practice. Gender, Society and Theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002(1):91-112. VAN DEN BERG, D.J. 55 Imagining yourself one of a multitude: ideology critique of urban crowd depictions. Acta Academica 2002;34(2):1-36. VAN DEN BERG, D.J. My people and other animals: Jacques Fuller’s pictureresque sculpture. South African Journal of Art History 2002;17:181-188. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte HUMAN, E.S. Gender, ideology and display. Image[&]Narrative, Online magazine of the visual narrative, Institute for Cultural Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium, General editor: Jan Baetens, 2002:4, Gender issue (guest editor: Heike Jüngst). http://millennium.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/narrative/articles.cfm Highlights from research findings / Glanspunte in navorsingsbevindings D.J. van den Berg specialises in typiconic research. City images and the visual representation of urban environments is a focus area in his research project on the rhetoric of image power. It was found that the rhetoric of urban crowd images in the visual arts and in the mass media affects spectators in diverse ways according to separate typiconic traditions. Thus they may be urged to adapt to the integrative patterns of urban complexity; they may be painted into a corner as elected to or excluded from ideal communal harmony; they may find themselves provoked into revolutionary action and violence, trapped in insurrectionary tumult or swept along in anarchy. These alternative positions in Western typiconic traditions are all present in contemporary South African politics. D.J. van den Berg spesialiseer in tipikoniese navorsing. Stadsbeelde en visuele voorstellings van stedelike omgewings is een fokusarea in sy navorsingsprojek oor die retoriek van beeldmag. Daar is bevind dat die voorstellingsretoriek van stedelike massas in die visuele kunste en in die massamedia toeskouers op verskillende wyses kan affekteer, volgens verskillende voorstellingstradisies. Hulle kan byvoorbeeld gelei word om aan te pas by die integrerende patrone van stedelike kompleksiteit; vasgevang wees in die posisie van in- of uitgeslotenes van ’n ideale gemeenskapsharmonie; propagandisties opgesweep word tot revolusionêre aksie en geweld, betrap word in oproerige weerstand of meegesleur word in stedelike anargie. Hierdie alternatiewe posisies vervat in Westerse voorstellingstradisies is almal aanwesig in die hedendaagse Suid-Afrikaanse politiek. Contact details/Kontakbesonderhede: Prof. D.J. van den Berg vdbergd@hum.uovs.ac.za +27-051-401-2315 E.S. Human doen navorsing oor humoristies-subversiewe visuele kultuur uit die perspektief van die ideologiekritiek en die feminisme. ’n Visuele argument word gevoer deur middel van die assosiasie van motiewe wat verband hou met die beeld van die Dwaas en die metaforiese betekenisse daarvan –– soos vele spieëls wat in mekaar reflekteer. Hierdie metode om ’n argument op te bou deur die intuïtiewe assosiasie van visuele voorstellings eerder as om weg te spring met teoretiese debatvoering, dra daartoe by om die mag van voorstellings oor navorsers van visuele materiaal te konfronteer. Die analitiese strategie om onderliggende betekenisse op speelse wyse in visuele materiaal na te speur, uit te lig en te onthul, boots die opsetlike en ondeunde strategieë wat in die geselekteerde visuele materiaal gebruik word na. Dit is ’n doelbewuste pikareske hermeneutiese handeling, omdat dit ten doel het om verskeie ideologiese vooroordele aan die kaak te stel. Deur hierdie proses word erken dat kunshistorici nie net interpretasiemetodes na visuele voorstellings bring nie, maar dat voorstellings retoriese interpretasiemoontlikhede suggereer; dat voorstellings mag het oor die navorsers wat dit selekteer en ondersoek. Hierdie strategieë van ideologiesensitiewe kuns en ontleding rig die aandag daarop dat om te kyk na kulturele voorstellings ’n daad van getuienis is. Dit is nie passiewe resepsie nie, maar ’n handeling van visuele getuienislewering. E.S. Human conducts research on humorously subversive visual culture from a perspective of ideology critique and feminism. A visual argument is put forward by means of the association of motifs related to the image of the Fool and its metaphorical meanings, like many mirrors reflecting into one another. This method of shaping and argument by intuitively associating visual images, rather than commencing with theoretical debate, aids in confronting the power of images over scholars of visual culture. The analytical strategy to hunt down, tease out and uncover underlying meanings in visual material is modelled upon the example of the wilful and mischievous strategies favoured in the humorously subversive visual examples selected. This 56 is a deliberately picaresque hermeneutic act, because it transgressively aims at exposing various ideological prejudices. This process acknowledges that art historians do not only bring modes of interpretation to works of art, but that objects of art suggest rhetorical possibilities for their interpretation; that images have power over scholars selecting and analysing them. These strategies of ideology sensitive art and analysis alert to the fact that the act of looking at cultural images is an act of witnessing. It is not a passive reception but an act of bearing witness through sight. Contact details/Kontakbesonderhede: Dr E.S. Human humane@hum.uovs.ac.za +27-051-401-2281 Membership of professional and scientific associations / Lidmaatskap van professionele en wetenskaplike verenigings VAN DEN BERG, D.J. Council Member: South African Association of Art Historians (SAAAH) Raadslid: Kunshistoriese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika (KWSA)/Art Historical Workgroup of South Africa] Lid/Member: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Algemene Literatuurwetenskap (SAVAL)/[South African Society for General Literary Studies] Lid/Member: Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel MARÉ, Estelle Alma “EL GRECO’S ACHIEVEMENT OF HIS PERSONAL MANIERÁ” Promoter: Prof D.J. van den Berg DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE DEPARTEMENT MENSLIKE BEWEGINGSKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Professor N.A.J. Coetzee +27-(0)51-401-2323 +27-(0)51-448-2397 coetzeen.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Coetzee, F.F. Dr. Coetzee, N.A.J. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte COETZEE, F.F., MC DONALD, T., KILIAN, J.F. A comparison of maximal torque levels of the different planes of movement of the shoulder-girdle complex for different types of sports. S.A. Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation 2002;24(1):17-27. COETZEE, N.A.J. Die dissiplinêre samestelling en geledinge van leerinhoude in menslike bewegingskunde [Defining the discipline and articulating the learning content of human movement studies]. Acta Academica 2002;34(1):190-210. Highlights from research findings/Glanspunte in navorsings bevindinge COETZEE, F.F., MCDONALD, T., KILIAN, J.F. A comparison of maximal torque levels of the different planes of movement of the shoulder-girdle complex for different types of sports. The purpose of this study was to establish whether there were significant differences in the maximal torque levels of the different planes of movement of the shoulder-girdle complex for different types of sport. It was found that no difference existed for all planes of movement between cricket players and the non-athletic population. These two groups, however, differed significantly from the rugby players. 57 COETZEE, N.A.J. Defining the discipline and articulating the learning content of human movement studies. For decades the teaching of human movement studies at universities has been a subject of debate. In this study, a critical analysis was performed in order to determine which components of the subject have remained constant over the years. In conclusion a possible guideline for the future positioning of human movement studies at universities is provided, namely as a science of health and situated in a faculty of health sciences. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings COETZEE, F.F. S.A. Vereniging vir Biokinetika. Vereniging vir Sportgeneeskunde. COETZEE, N.A.J. Federasie vir Menslike Bewegingskunde. VCHO. S.A. Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. S.A. Vereniging vir Biokinetika. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BOTES, Suzanne-Louise VROEË SPESIALISASIE BY MEISIES TYDENS DEELNAME AAN ARTISTIESE GIMNASTIEK, SWEM EN TENNIS: ‘N BEWEGINGSOPVOEDKUNDIGE PERSPEKTIEF. [EARLY SPECIALISATION BY GIRLS DURING PARTICIPATION IN ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS, SWIMMING AND TENNIS]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. N.A.J. Coetzee DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC DEPARTEMENT MUSIEK Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. G.P. Lamprecht +27-(0)51-401-2810 +27-(0)51-448-4402 lampregp.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Armer, H.C. Mr/Mnr. Cilliers, D.J. Mr/Mnr. De Wet, A.J.R. Mr/Mnr. Erasmus, A. Ms/Me. Haller, M.J. Mr/Mnr. Lamprecht, G.P. Prof. Muller, S.J.v.Z. Dr. Muñoz, J.L. Mr/Mnr. Stockton, N.D. Mr/Mnr. Van Niekerk, J.S. Ms/Me. Van Schalkwyk, A.A. Prof. Viljoen, M. Ms/Me. Viljoen, N.G.J. Dr. Wille, J.G.B. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte MULLER, S.J.V.Z. ‘Un-disciplining’ South African music. Paper presented at the First Conference on Music in South Africa, University of Pretoria, 17 May 2002. Published on http://www.puk.ac.za/music/isam/discourse/papers.html. 58 MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Musicological research methods. Lecture delivered at the Research Methods Workshop of the Travelling Institute of Music Research, College of Music, University of Cape Town, 29 May 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Kanoniese variasies: enigmatiese spekulasies op enkele cantus firmi [Canonic variations: enigmatic speculations on some cantus firmi]. Paper presented at the annual meeting and symposium of the SuidAfrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 21 June 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Music, madness and the creative imagination. A paper presented in homage to the eightieth birthdays of South African composers Stefans Grové and Hubert du Plessis as part of the New Music Indaba programme, Grahamstown National Arts Festival, 2 July 2002. VILJOEN, M. Inciting contexts: black spirituality and perspectives on 'Going Home'. 29th Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa, UNISA, Pretoria, 29 and 30 August 2002. VILJOEN, N.G.J. The Elegy from Hubert du Plessis's Four Piano Pieces, Op. 1. 29th Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa, UNISA, Pretoria, 29 and 30 August 2002. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Interview with Michael Blake, Musicus 2002;30:1:119-126. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Interview with Étienne Barry van Rensburg. Fragmente 2002;9:88-118. Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Friedman se musiek is “kuns in suiwerste vorm” [Friedman’s music is “art in purest form”]. Die Burger, 4 February 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Musikale verbintenis herstel [Musical alliance restored]. Die Burger, 18 March 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Stanford 'n top-musiekonderwyser [Stanford a top music teacher]. Die Burger, 29 April 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Mense wat nie skep nie, gaan so maklik deur die lewe [People who do not create, go through life so easily]. Die Burger, 7 June 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Wit S.A. musici het nie altyd room afgeskep [White S.A. musicians did not always skim the cream off]. Die Burger, 10 June 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Interview with Stanley Glasser, NewMusicSA: Bulletin of the International Society for Contemporary Music – South African Section, First Issue, 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Inheemse tradisies in kollig op musiek-indaba [Indigenous traditions in the spotlight on music indaba]. Die Burger (Eastern Cape), 5 July 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Musiekindaba had vele hoogtepunte [Music indaba had several highlights]. Die Burger, 8 July 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. 59 Uhadi laat Afrika sing [Uhadi makes Africa sing]. Die Burger, 22 July 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. “Pa se beste” wen toe ook die Steyn-prys [“Father’s best” then also won the Steyn-Prize]. Die Volksblad, 21 August 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Temmingh op die kruin [Temmingh on the crest]. Die Burger, 12 August 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Hans Roosenschoon kyk nostalgies terug [Hans Roosenschoon looks back nostalgically]. Die Burger, 31 August 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Immelman en Suk is saam dubbel-goud [Immelman and Suk are double gold together]. Die Burger, 2 September 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Hofmeyr dans vlot tussen verfyning en verval [Hofmeyr dances smoothly between refinement and decay]. Die Burger, 14 October 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Taal en stem bots in Kerkorrel se musiek [Language and voice collide in Kerkorrel’s music]. Die Burger, 21 November 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Zondagh se erfenis steeds voortgesit [Zondagh’s heritage still continued]. Die Burger, 25 November 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Book review: Suid-Afrikaanse Musiekwoordeboek [South African Music Dictionary], forthcoming in Fontes Artes Musicae, 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Score review: Boyd McDonald, Borderlines, forthcoming in South African Journal of Musicology 22, 2002. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. New Music Indaba 2001, forthcoming in South African Journal of Musicology 22, 2002. VILJOEN, M. Waardevolle geleentheid in Odeion [Worthwhile opportunity in Odeion]. Thomas Spring (cello) and Albie van Schalkwyk (piano), Odeion. Die Volksblad, 26 March 2002. VILJOEN, M. Vrae oor dié Goldberg Variasies [Questions about these Goldberg Variations]. Anneke Lamont (piano), Odeion. Die Volksblad, 12 April 2002. VILJOEN, M. Uitstaande kamermusiek in Odeion [Outstanding chamber music in Odeion]. Albie van Schalkwyk (piano), Piet Koornhof (violin) and Human Coetzee (cello), Odeion. Die Volksblad, 13 April 2002. VILJOEN, M. Odeion Sinfonia. Chamber Orchestra conducted by Derek Ochse, Odeion. Die Volksblad, 17 April 2002. VILJOEN, M. Besondere Orrelprogram [Special Organ Programme]. Wim Viljoen (organ), Odeion. Die Volksblad, 5 October 2002. VILJOEN, M. Uitvoering vir die fynproewer [Performance for the connoisseur]. Ars Nova Consort, Odeion. Die Volksblad, 21 October 2002. VILJOEN, M. 60 Alumyan betower [Alumyan enchanted]. Grigory Alumyan (cello) and Rinko Hama (piano), Odeion. Die Volksblad, 31 October 2002. Artistic presentations / Artistieke werke/aanbiedings ARMER, H.C. Performance of the art song, Der Hirt auf dem Felsen, D965 by F. Schubert (with Caroline Jacobs soprano and Albie van Schalkwyk piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 1 September 2002. CILLIERS, D.J. Performance of the Wanderer Fantasia, D760 by F. Schubert (with the Free State Symphony Orchestra). Sand du Plessis Theatre, Bloemfontein, 30 August 2002. CILLIERS, D.J. Performance of the Sonatina in G minor, D408 by F. Schubert (with François Henkins violin). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 3 September 2002. CILLIERS, D.J. Performance of the Piano Trio in B flat major, D898 by F. Schubert (with François Henkins violin and Tilla Henkins cello). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 3 September 2002. CILLIERS, D.J. Performance of the Fantasy in C minor for piano duet, D48 by F. Schubert (with Katerina Linardos piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 10 September 2002. CILLIERS, D.J. Performance of the Introduction and Variations in E minor, D802 by F. Schubert (with Theo Venter flute). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 10 September 2002. CILLIERS, D.J. Accompaniment of the cycle, Sommerabend auf dem Lande, D365 for choir and piano with the Alumni Chamber Choir and Deon Lamprecht conductor. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 15 September 2002. CILLIERS, D.J. Performance of the Piano Quintet in E minor, Opus 5 by C. Sinding and the Piano Quintet in C minor, Opus 1 by E. von Dohnányi (with François Henkins violin, Tilla Henkins cello and Andrea Erasmus viola). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 7 October 2002. DE WET, A.J.R. Performance of the Rondo Brillant in B minor, D895 by F. Schubert (with Nicol Viljoen piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 10 September 2002. ERASMUS, A. Performance of the Five Novelettes, Opus 15 by A. Glazunov and the Piano Quintet in G minor, Opus 57 by D. Shostakovich (with Elma Muñoz violin, Isabella Bonnet violin, Arend Brink cello and Albie van Schalkwyk piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, 22 March 2002. ERASMUS, A. Performance of the String Trio in B flat major, D471 by F. Schubert (with Elma Muñoz violin and Frederick Fourie cello). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 10 September 2002. ERASMUS, A. Performance of the Piano Quintet in E minor, Opus 5 by C. Sinding and the Piano Quintet in C minor, Opus 1 by E. von Dohnányi (with François Henkins violin, Tilla Henkins cello and Dana Cilliers piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 7 October 2002. HALLER, M.J. Performance of the String Quintet in C major, D956 by F. Schubert (with the Rosamunde String Quartet). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 9 September 2002. HALLER, M.J. 61 Performance of three piano trios: No. 2 in G major by Haydn, D minor by Arensky and E minor, Opus 90 by Dvo_ák (with Dalene Britz piano and Juan Muñoz violin). Museum, George, 26 September 2002 and Maritime Museum, Mossel Bay, 28 September 2002. LAMPRECHT, G.P. Organ recital with solo works by D. Buxtehude, G. Böhm and J.S. Bach and works for organ and string orchestra by T. Albinoni and G.F. Handel. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 14 August 2002. LAMPRECHT, G.P. Performance of the cycle, Sommerabend auf dem Lande, D365 for choir and piano with the Alumni Chamber Choir and Dana Cilliers piano. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 15 September 2002. LAMPRECHT, G.P. Performance of the Mass in G, D167 by F. Schubert (with the Alumni Chamber Choir, string orchestra and three soloists). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 15 September 2002. LAMPRECHT, G.P. Organ recital with works by S. Karg-Elert, A. Guilmant, J. Rheinberger and C-M. Widor. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 25 October 2002. LAMPRECHT, G.P. Performance as conductor with the Alumni Chamber Choir, with works by G.F. Telemann, W.A. Mozart, F. Schubert, H. Darke, J. Rutter and J.S. Bach. Odeion, University of the Free State, 2 November 2002. LAMPRECHT, G.P. Two performances of The Messiah by G.F. Handel with the Alumni Chamber Choir, four soloists and orchestra. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 22 and 23 November 2002. MUÑOZ, J.L. Performance of the Sonata for violin and piano in F major, Opus 8 by E. Grieg and the Suite for two violins and piano in G minor, Opus 70 by M. Moszkowski (with Nicol Viljoen piano and Elma Muñoz violin). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 23 May 2002. MUÑOZ, J.L. Performance of the Duo Sonata in A, D574 by F. Schubert (with Christo van Rensburg piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 12 September 2002. MUÑOZ, J.L. Performance of three piano trios: No. 2 in G major by Haydn, D minor by Arensky and E minor, Opus 90 by Dvo_ák (with Dalene Britz piano and Michael Haller cello). Museum, George, 26 September 2002 and Maritime Museum, Mossel Bay, 28 September 2002. STOCKTON, N.D. Noel Stockton and Friends: Jazz combos perform various works (with Jimmy Reinders and Darryl Walters clarinet and students from the Universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch). Endler Hall, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 11 April 2002 (two concerts). STOCKTON, N.D. Conductor of the Noel Stockton Big Band: Various works performed by a 17 piece big band comprised of musicians from Bloemfontein and Kroonstad. André Huguenet Theatre, Bloemfontein, 20 April 2002. STOCKTON, N.D. Conductor of the Noel Stockton Big Band: Various works performed by a 17 piece big band comprised of musicians from Bloemfontein and Kroonstad. André Huguenet Theatre, Macufe Indoor Jazz Week, Bloemfontein, 10 October 2002. STOCKTON, N.D. Rector’s Concert: Various works (with Chats Devroop saxophone and students from the University of Pretoria). Musaion, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 10 and 11 October 2002. 62 STOCKTON, N.D. Noel Stockton and Friends: Jazz combo performs various works (with Marc Duby bass, Lulu Gontsana drums and Mike Rossi saxophones). Rose Garden, Macufe Main Festival, Bloemfontein, 12 October 2002. VAN NIEKERK, J.S. Performance of the Italian Song Book by H. Wolf (with Brad Liebl baritone and Albie van Schalkwyk piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, 19 February 2002. VAN NIEKERK, J.S. Performance of Telemann’s Cantata for soprano, violin and continuo: “Schmückt das frohe Fest mit Maien” (with Derek Ochse violin, Leonore Kloppers harpsichord and Arend Brink cello). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 22 February 2002. VAN NIEKERK, J.S. Performance of art songs by A. Mahler, G. Mahler, A. Berg, A. Schoenberg and Zemlinsky (with Hanneli Rupert mezzo soprano and Albie van Schalkwyk piano). Nassau Centre, Newlands, Cape Town, 17 March 2002. VAN NIEKERK, J.S. Performance of art songs by F. Schubert (with Albie van Schalkwyk piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 1 September 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Accompaniment of the Italian Song Book by H. Wolf (with Hanna van Niekerk soprano and Brad Liebl baritone). Odeion, University of the Free State, 19 February 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of art songs by A. Mahler, G. Mahler, A. Berg, A. Schoenberg and Zemlinsky (with Hanna van Niekerk soprano and Hanneli Rupert mezzo soprano). Nassau Centre, Newlands, Cape Town, 17 March 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of the Piano Quintet in G minor, Opus 57 by D. Shostakovich (with Elma Muñoz violin, Isabella Bonnet violin, Andrea Erasmus viola and Arend Brink cello). Odeion, University of the Free State, 22 March 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of the Seven Variations by L. van Beethoven, the Sonata in C major, Opus 119 by S. Prokofieff, and the Sonata for cello and piano in F major, Opus 99 by J. Brahms (with Thomas Spring cello). Odeion, University of the Free State, 23 March 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of the Sonata for cello and piano by S. Prokofieff, the Sonata in A major by C. Franck, and “Song of Juanita Pereira” by Hendrik Hofmeyr (with Berthine van Schoor cello). Musaion, University of Pretoria, 3 April 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of the Piano Trio in C major, Opus 87 by J. Brahms, Episodi e Canto by P. Vasks, and the Trio for violin, cello and piano in A major by M. Ravel (with Piet Koornhof violin and Human Coetzee cello). Odeion, University of the Free State, 10 April 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of art songs by F. Schubert, V. Williams, H. Pfitzner, S. Barber and Pieter der Villiers (with Ernst Buscagne baritone). UNISA Hall, Pretoria, 28 April 2002, Endler Hall, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 2 May 2002, and Conservatoire Hall, PU for CHE. Potchefstroom, 7 May 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of the Arpeggione Sonate by F. Schubert, the cello sonata by D. Shostakovich and Le grand Tango by Piazzolla (with Peter Martens cello). La Motte Estate, Franschhoek, 25 May 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. 63 Performance of the Trio for flute, cello and piano by Weber and the Piano Trio in C minor by Mendelssohn (with Hansgeorg Schmeiser flute, Heidi Litschauer cello, Peter Schuhmayer violin and Othmar Müller cello). Dormitorium, Neuberg, Austria, 19 July 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Accompanist in a performance of art songs by F. Schubert (with Hanna van Niekerk soprano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 1 September 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Accompanist in a performance of the song cycle, Schwanengesang by F. Schubert (with Brad Liebl baritone). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 13 September 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Performance of the Fantasy in F minor for piano duet, D940 by F. Schubert (with Bernarda Vorster piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 12 September 2002. VILJOEN, N.G.J. Performance of the Sonata for violin and piano in F major, Opus 8 by E. Grieg, the Sonata for violin and piano in A major, Opus 100 by J. Brahms, and the Suite for two violins and piano in G minor, Opus 70 by M. Moszkowski (with Juan Muñoz and Elma Muñoz violins). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 23 May 2002. VILJOEN, N.G.J. Performance of the Elegy in F sharp major (from Opus 1) by Hubert du Plessis. Endler Hall, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 7 June 2002. VILJOEN, N.G.J. Performance of the Rondo Brillant in B minor, D895 by F. Schubert (with Abrie de Wet violin). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 10 September 2002. VILJOEN, N.G.J. Performance of the Arpeggione Sonata in A minor, D821 by F. Schubert and the Sonata for viola and piano in E flat major, Opus 120 by J. Brahms (with John Wille viola). Dutch Reformed Church, Worcester, 4 October 2002. WILLE, J.G.B. Performance of the String Trio in B flat, D581 by F. Schubert (with Derek Ochse violin and Arend Brink cello). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 12 September 2002. WILLE, J.G.B. Performance of the Arpeggione Sonata in A minor, D821 by F. Schubert and the Sonata for viola and piano in E flat major, Opus 120 by J. Brahms (with Nicol Viljoen piano). Dutch Reformed Church, Worcester, 4 October 2002. PERFORMANCES BY THE ODEION STRING QUARTET De Wet, A.J.R. Mr/Mnr. Haller, M.J. Mr/Mnr. Muñoz, J.L. Mr/Mnr. Wille, J.G.B. Prof. Three string quartets: D major, K575 by W.A. Mozart, F major, Opus 92 No. 2 by S. Prokofiev and E flat major, Opus 44 No. 3 by F. Mendelssohn. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 28 February 2002, Baxter Theatre, Cape Town Concert Club, Cape Town, 9 March 2002 and Northwards, Johannesburg, 21 April 2002. Three string quartets: D major, K575) by W.A. Mozart, D major, Opus 18 No. 3 by L. van Beethoven and E flat major, Opus 44 No. 3 by F. Mendelssohn. Jewish Guild Hall, Durban Friends of Music, Durban, 12 March 2002. 64 String Quintet in C major, K515) by W.A. Mozart and the String Sextet in G major, Opus 36 by J. Brahms (with Marina Louw viola and Barbara Kennedy cello). Mountain Manor, Franschoek Chamber Music Workshop, Franschoek, 1-6 April 2002 and Beau Soleil, Cape Town, 11 June 2002. String Quintet in C major, K515) by W.A. Mozart (with Martia Malherbe viola), String Quartet in E flat major, Opus 12 by F. Mendelssohn and String Quartet in F major by M. Ravel. Sandton City Hotel, Sandton City, 5 May 2002. World premières of three South African works: Movimenti by Paul Loeb van Zuilenburg, Hotel 35 by Mathijs van Dijk (with Niel van Niekerk reader) and String Quartet No. 3 by Allan Stephenson. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 16 May 2002. String Quintet in C major, K515) by W.A. Mozart, String Quartet in F major, Opus 92 No. 2 by S. Prokofiev and String Sextet in G major, Opus 36 by J. Brahms (with Marina Louw viola and Barbara Kennedy cello). Endler Hall, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 12 June 2002 and Gallery, Muizenberg, 13 June 2002. String Quartet in G major, K80) by W.A. Mozart, Hotel 35 by Mathijs van Dijk, String Quartet in F major by M. Ravel and String Sextet in G major, Opus 36 by J. Brahms (with Marina Louw viola and Barbara Kennedy cello). Old Town House, Cape Town, 14 June 2002. World première: Stasies (Stations – South African version) by Isak Roux (with Isak Roux piano, Vuyani Mlinde bass, Ian Roos percussion, Maritsa Barlow marimba and Johann P. Boshoff speaker). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 23 August 2002. String Quartet in D minor, D810 by F. Schubert. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 31 August 2002. Octet in F major, D803 by F. Schubert (with Jenny Brand clarinet, Brahm Henkins bassoon, Alois Haindl horn and Peter Guy double bass). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 31 August 2002. String Quartet in E flat major, D87 by F. Schubert. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 11 September 2002. String Quartet in D, D94 by F. Schubert. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 11 September 2002. String Quartet in G, D887 by F. Schubert. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 11 September 2002. Three string quartets: G major, K80 by W.A. Mozart, G major, Opus 18 No. 2 by L. van Beethoven and E flat major, Opus 12 by F. Mendelssohn. Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 6 October 2002. Three string quartets: G major, K80 by W.A. Mozart, G major, Opus 18 No. 2 by L. van Beethoven and G major, Opus 161 by F. Schubert. Mount Grace, Magaliesberg, 19 October 2002. Three string quartets: G major, K80 by W.A. Mozart, E flat major, Opus 12 by F. Mendelssohn and G minor, Opus 13) by Nielsen. Lucid Candles, Pretoria, 1 November 2002. String Quartet in G minor, Opus 13 by Nielsen and Quintet for Piano and String Quartet in G minor by Granados (with Christo Janse van Rensburg piano). Odeion, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 7 November 2002. CD RECORDINGS BY THE ODEION STRING QUARTET 1NEW ODEION STRING QUARTET CD recording: Pushing Classics Two. Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major (BWV 1068) by J.S. Bach Adagio from String Quartet in G major (Opus 18 No. 2) by Beethoven Minuet from String Quintet in E major (Opus 13 No. 5) by Boccherini Slavonic Dance Opus 46 No. 6 and Humoreske (Opus 101 No. 7) by Dvo_ák Adagio from String Quartet in E flat major (Opus 44 No. 3) by Mendelssohn 65 Allegro from String Quartet in G major (KV 80) by Mozart Allegretto from String Quartet in D major (KV 575) by Mozart Ein Bettelmusikant (Opus 31), Die Spieldose (Opus 37) and Katzenstandchen (Opus 22) by Razek Largo from Violin Concerto in F minor (RV 297 “Winter”) by Vivaldi Recorded at Popham Road Studios, Cape Town, 2002 Digital editing and mastering: CDXpress, Cape Town Copyright: 2002 New Odeion SQ ODEION STRING QUARTET CD recording: String Quartet in G major (Opus 18 No. 2) by Beethoven String Quartet in E flat major (Opus 12) by Mendelssohn String Quartet in G major (K. 80) by Mozart Recorded at Popham Road Studios, Cape Town, 2002 Digital editing and mastering: CDXpress, Cape Town Copyright: 2002 New Odeion SQ Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations / Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings ARMER, H.C. Member: The South African Music Teacher. BECK, K.B. Member: The South African Music Teacher. CILLIERS, D.J. Member: The South African Music Teacher. LAMPRECHT, G.P. Member: Musicological Society of Southern Africa. Member: The South African Music Teacher. MULLER, S.J.V.Z. Member: Musicological Society of Southern Africa. Member: NewMusicSA (South African branch of the International Society for Contemporary Music) STOCKTON, N.D. Member: The South African Music Teacher. VAN NIEKERK, J.S. Member: The South African Music Teacher. VAN SCHALKWYK, A.A. Member: The South African Music Teacher. VILJOEN, M. Member: Musicological Society of Southern Africa. Member: SSARN International Research Team. Member: The South African Music Teacher. VILJOEN, N.G.J. Member: Musicological Society of Southern Africa. Member: The South African Music Teacher. DEPARTMENT OF NEAR EASTERN STUDIES DEPARTEMENT NABYE OOSTERSE STUDIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. P.J. Nel 66 +27 051 401-2470 +27 051 448-3942 nelpj.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the department/Outeurs verbonde aan die departement Naudé, J.A. Prof. Nel, P.J. Prof. Nord, C. Prof. Schmidt, N.F. Ds. Snyman, F.P.J. Mr/Mnr. Chapters in books / hoofstukke in boeke NAUDÉ, J.A. The third person pronoun in tripartite verbless clauses of Qumran Hebrew. Simon, H. J. & Wiese, H. Pronouns: Representation and Grammar. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2002. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge BOTHA, S., NAUDÉ, J.A. An instrument for the quality assessment of local government translations. SAALA/LSSA, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 8-10 July 2002. NAUDÉ, J.A. The consonantal root in Semitic languages. SAALA/LSSA, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 8-10 July 2002. NAUDÉ, J.A Words in a cultural context. The case of Biblical Hebrew Lexicography. SASNES conference, Stellenbosch, 9-10 September 2002. SNYMAN, F.P.J. Sentence and constituent negation in Biblical Hebrew. SASNES conference, Stellenbosch, 9-10 September 2002 SCHMIDT, N.F. Theophany as type-scene in the Hebrew Bible. SASNES Conference, Stellenbosch, 9-10 September 2002. NEL, P.J. The rhetorics of Wisdom’s ethics. OTWSA/Congress, Stellenbosch, 11- 13 September 2002 NEL, P.J. Die Bybel: teks en ondermyning. Fenshamgedenklesing [The Bible: text and subversion. Fensham Memorial Lecture]. Stellenbosch Universiteit/University, 8 Oktober/October 2002 Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BOTHA, S., NAUDÉ, J.A. An instrument for the quality assessment of local government translations. SAALA/LSSA, Universiteit van Natal/University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 8-10 Julie/July 2002. NAUDÉ, J.A. The consonantal root in Semitic languages. SAALA/LSSA, Universiteit van Natal/University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 8-10 Julie/July 2002. NAUDÉ, J.A Culture, words and meaning. Explorations in lexicography. Quranic Workshop, RAU, Johannesburg, 10 January 2002. NAUDÉ, J.A. 67 Die kulturele wending, rehabilitasie, subversie en weerstand in Suid-Afrikaanse vertalings [The cultural turn, rehabilitation, subversion and resistance in South African narratives]. Kultuurstudie-seminaar/Culture Study Seminar, Bloemfontein, 17 Junie/June 2002. NAUDÉ, J.A. Korpusgebaseerde vertaalkunde: ’n nuwe navorsingsparadigma [Sorpus-based translation science: a new research paradigm]. Seminaarreeks in Linguistiek/Seminar series in Linguistics, Bloemfontein, 19 Augustus/August 2002. NAUDÉ, J.A Words in a cultural context. The case of Biblical Hebrew Lexicography. SASNES conference, Stellenbosch, 9-10 September 2002. SNYMAN, F.P.J. Sentence and Constituent negation in Biblical Hebrew. SASNES conference, Stellenbosch, 9-10 September 2002. SCHMIDT, N.F. Theophany as type-scene in the Hebrew Bible. SASNES Conference, Stellenbosch, 9-10 September 2002. NEL, P.J. The rhetorics of Wisdom’s ethics. OTWSA Congress Stellenbosch, 11- 13 September 2002 NEL, P.J. Die Bybel: teks en ondermyning. Fenshamgedenklesing. Stellenbosch Universiteit/University, 8 Oktober/October 2002 NEL, P.J. Semiotic structuralism and Hebrew poetry: Ps 119. Postgraduate seminar address. University of Stellenbosch, 7 October 2002. NEL, P.J. Lament as de-humanization: Ps 22. Post graduate seminar address. Stellenbosch University, 9 October 2002 NEL, P J. Indigenous knowledge systems and development, Forum report. IKS Conference. KARA Heritage Institute, UNISA, Pretoria, 1-3 November 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte NAUDÉ, J.A Verbless clauses containing a personal pronoun as subject in Qumran Hebrew. Journal for Semitics 2002;11(1):126-168. NAUDÉ, J.A An overview of recent developments in translation studies with special reference to the implications for Bible translation. Acta Theologica Supplementum 2002;2:44-69. NAUDÉ, J.A., VAN DER MERWE C.H.J. Contemporary translation studies and Bible translation. Acta Theologica Supplementum 2002;2:1-5. NAUDÉ, J.A Words in a cultural context. The case of Biblical Hebrew Lexicography. 2002;15(2)417-434. Old Testament Essays NORD, C. Bridging the cultural gap: Bible translation as a case in point. Acta Theologica 2002; 2(1):98-116. NEL, P.J. 68 Does changing the metaphor liberate? On the “Fatherhood” of God. Old Testament Essays 2002;15(1):113148. NEL, P.J. The rhetoric of Wisdom’s ethics. Old Testament Essays 2002;15(2):435-452. NEL, P.J. The sexual politics of the head. The legal history of the veil. Acta Academica Supplementum, 2002:39-63. SCHMIDT, N.F., NEL, P.J. Theophany as type-scene in the Hebrew Bible. Journal for Semitics 2002;11(2):256-281. Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies NAUDÉ, J.A. Review of Barker, E. 1999. The balance of the NIV. What makes a good translation. Grand Rapids, Mi: Baker Books. Review of Biblical Literature [http://www.bookreviews.org]. NAUDÉ, J.A. Review of Metzger, Bruce, M. 2001. The Bible in translation. Ancient and English versions. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. Old Testament Essays 2002;15(1):296-298. NAUDÉ, J.A. Review of VanderKam, James, C. 2001. An introduction to early Judaism. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. Old Testament Essays 2002;15(1):298-300. NAUDÉ, J.A. Review of Collins, John, J. & Kugler, Robert, A. (eds). 2000. Religion in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. Old Testament Essays 2002;15(2). NAUDÉ, J.A. Review of Polak, Frank & Marquis, Galen 2002. A classified index of the minuses of the Septuagint. Part 1: Introduction. Part II: The Pentateuch. (CATTS Basic Tools 4). Stellenbosch: CATTS Project. Old Testament Essays 2002;15(2). NAUDÉ, J.A. Review of Ross, Allen, P. 2001. Introducing Biblical Hebrew. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. Old Testament Essays 2002;15(3). NEL, P.J. Review of Fokkelman, J.P. 1999. Reading Biblical narrative. Old Testament Essays 2002:15/2. Editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs NAUDÉ, J.A. Guest editor: Acta Theologica NEL, P.J. Assistant editor: Acta Academica NEL, P.J. Member of Editorial Board of Journal of North West Semitic Languages Awards/Prizes at National Conferences/Toekennings/Pryse ontvang by Nasionale Konferensies SNYMAN, F.P.J. South African Society of Near Eastern Studies Ontvang toekenning vir beste M.A.-verhandeling in Semitistiek in Suider-Afrika vir 2001/Award for the best M.A. Thesis at the SAVNOS –kongres/SAANES, Stellenbosch, September 2002. ???? Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings 69 NAUDÉ, J.A Bestuurslid: Linguistic Society of Southern Africa Member/Lid: SGB of Translation, Interpreting and Editing of SAQA, NSB04 Member/Lid: Kerklike Advieskommissie van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (Algemene Sinode) vir Bybelvertaling, Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika/ Member/Lid: Society of Biblical Literature Member/Lid: SASNES Member/Lid: AFRILEX Member/Lid: OTSSA NEL, P. J. Member/Lid: SASNES Member/Lid: OTWSA Member/Lid: Africa Institute Member/Lid: South African Academy of Religion Member/Lid: International Academic for The History of Religions Member/Lid: Society for Biblical Literature Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel SCHMIDT, Nicolaas Fryer THEOPHANY AND THE DIVINE DISCOURSES OF JOB. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. P.J. Nel DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTEMENT FILOSOFIE +27-(0)51-401-2237 +27-(0)51-448-3942 vboschjj.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Van der Merwe, J.C. Mr/Mnr. Visagie, P.J. Prof. Chapters in books/Hoofstukke in boeke VAN DER MERWE, J.C. “Making ethics work” in “Business Ethics” L. Lategan en P. le Roux (editors) 2002: 16-23. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte VISAGIE, P.J. Modernity and Postmodernity. Departement Argitektuur/Department of Architecture, UVS/UFS, Bloemfontein, 22 Februarie/February en 1 Maart/March 2002. VISAGIE, P.J. Grondstrukture: Postmodernism [Groundstructures: Postmodernism]. Departement Teologie/Department of Theology, UV/UFS, Bloemfontein, 25 Februarie/February 2002. VISAGIE, P.J. Ideology, Posthumanism, Multiculturalism, Africa. Cultural Studies Seminar, Bloemfontein, 8 June 2002. VISAGIE, P.J. Conceptual analysis of innovative entrepreneurship in higher education. Technikon, Bloemfontein, 14 June 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Deurlopende opleidingsessies vir aromaterapie en refleksiologie/Continuous training session for aromatherapy and reflexology, Health Hive, Bloemfontein, 25 en 28 Januarie/January, 15 Maart/March, 16 April, 24 en 28 Mei/May, 22 26 Julie/July 17 September, 4 Oktober/October 2002. 70 VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Ja vir Jesus, nee vir die kerk [Yes for Jesus, no for the Church]. NG Kerk, Universitas, Bloemfontein. 30 April 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Worldview and religion. Voortrekkerkommando, UV/UFS, Bloemfontein, 5 Junie/June 2002 VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Philosophy in Africa. Cultural Studies Seminar, Bloemfontein, 8 Junie/June 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.C. What is in a name? Occupational herapy defined. National Congress of Occupational Therapists in South Africa, Bloemfontein, 25-26 September 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Ethical decision making. Department of Occupational Therapy, UFS, Bloemfontein, 4 September 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Philosophical consultation. SAPCA Workshop, Bloemfontein, 2 November 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte RICHARD, W.J. Westerse kultuurkante in die greep van ‘n geradikaliseerde eietydse vryheidsbenadering – ‘n kritiese normatief-wysgerige aftasting [Cultural constituents in the West the clutches of a radicalised contemporary view concerning freedom - a critical analysis from a normative-philosophical viewpoint]. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(3&4)49-80. DE VILLIERS HUMAN, E.S., VISAGIE, P.J. Reception, deception, illusion, magic: feminism and theoretical practice. Gender, Society and Theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002(1):91-112. Unpublished research reports/Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae VISAGIE, P.J. Ideology, Posthumanism, Multiculturalism, Africa. VISAGIE, P.J., HUMAN, S. Feministiese interpretasie in skilderkuns/Feministic interpretation in the art of painting]. VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Die uitdaging van kulturele diversiteit vir die doseer van Filosofie [The challenge of cultural diversity to lecturing in Philosophy]. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. VAN DER MERWE, J.C. A model for ethical decision making. Artistic presentations/Artistieke werke/aanbiedings VAN DER MERWE, J.C. ET. AL. Co-author of script and actor in “Circus of life” a drama to sound and music, devised and directed by Niel van Niekerk during Outshoorn (KKNK) Festival, 30 and 31 March 2002. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings VAN DER MERWE, J.C. Secretary: Southern African Philosophers Consultants Association. 71 Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel VILJOEN, Martina GOSPEL, RAP AND IDEOLOGY: EXPLORING NEW PATHS IN CRITICAL MUSICOLOGY. Promoter: Prof. P.J. Visagie Co-Promoter: Prof. D.J. van den Berg DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND POLICY STUDIES IN EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT FILOSOFIE EN BELEIDSTUDIE IN DIE OPVOEDKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. D. Coetzee +27(0)51-401-2295 +27(0)51-401-2148 coetzeed.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs in die Departement: Harvie, E. Dr. Henning, O.A. Prof. Schoeman, P.G. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte LE ROUX, A., LOUW, J.M. Nation and globalisation: the education dilemma. Nasionale Kongres van die Opvoedkunde Vereniging van Suid-Afrika/National Conference of the Education Association of South Africa. Pretoria: Januarie/January 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte SCHOEMAN, P.G. On scientific merit, unbiased criticism and criteria of truth ventures into the hinterland of critical judgement and “open discussion”. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(3&4)81-111. SCHOEMAN, P.G. South African education 1948–2002 – five and a half decades of ideological agendas, stratagems and manoeuvres. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap – Spesiale uitgawe/Special edition 2002:13-54. HENNING, O.A., HARVIE, E. Grondbeginsels vir ortopedagogiese hulpverlening aan leerders met leerprobleme hetsy in ‘n gedifferensieerde of inklusiewe onderwysstelsel met verwysing na sosialiteit, ewewigtige belangebehartiging en opvoedingsharmonie [The basic principles of sociality, balance and harmony for ortho-pedagogical education, concerning learners with special educational needs]. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(3&4):173-196. HENNING, O.A., HARVIE, E. Betekenis en noodsaaklikheid van remediërende onderwys met verwysing na grondbegingsels vir ortopedagogiese hulpverlening ten opsigte van die logiese-analitiese, kultuur-historiese en linguale bestaanswyses van die leerder en leerprobleme [The meaning and necessity of remedial education with special reference to ortho-pedagogical education concerning the logical, cultural and lingual aspects of the learner and learning problems]. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap, 2002;38(1&2)69-90. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTEMENT POLITIEKE WETENSKAP Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. D.P. Wessels +27-(0)51-401-2650 +27-(0)51-448-3942 wesselsd.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za 72 Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Combrink, N.L. Mr/Mnr. Harsant, A.M. Ms/Me Hudson, H. Dr. Wessels, D.W. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte COMBRINK, N.L. Political culture and political socialisation in South Africa: An assessment. Seminaar van die Program in Kultuurstudie: Die Aard van Politieke Kultuur en Sosialisering in Suid-Afrika, Bloemfontein, 18 Junie 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte NOVEMBER, N.D., WESSELS, D.P. The political status of traditional leadership in South Africa’s new constitutional dispensation. A local government perspective. Journal for Contemporary History 2002;27(1):136-158. HUDSON, H. Globalisation and security in the developing world: towards a framework for analysis. Journal for Contemporary History 2002;27(1):159-181. HUDSON, H. Fractious holism: the complex relationship between women and war. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002;2002(1):113-146. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae HARSANT, A.M. The nature and extent of racism within the Free State with specific focus on service delivery. Study conducted in conjunction with the Office of the Premier. Thabo Mofitsanyane District. 2001-2002; Harrismith - Malutu a Phofung District Council. Julie 2001-2002. HARSANT, A.M. The nature and extent of racism within the Free State Province Government with specific focus on service delivery. Study conducted in conjunction with the Office of the Premier. Bloemfontein Motheo District. November 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel CROUCAMP, Petrus Abraham THE SOCIAL RELATIONS OF THE TAXI INDUSTRY IN SOUTH AFRICA: CONTENDING THEORIES OF CORPORATISM, PLURALISM AND SYSTEMATIC PATRONAGE Promoter: Prof. H.J. Kotzé Co-promoters: Prof. P. du Toit Dr. H. Hudson DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTEMENT SIELKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. D.A. Louw +27-(0)51-401-2444 +27-(0)51-447-5719 louwda.hum.@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Beukes, R.B.I. Dr. Esterhuyse, K.G.F. Dr. Grobler, A.A. Dr. Grobler, A.C. Ms/Me. Heyns, P.M. Prof. 73 Huysamen, G.K. Prof Le Roux, A. Prof. Louw, A.E. Dr. Louw, D.A. Prof. Mollentze, W. Prof. Naudé, L. Ms/Me. Peens, B. Dr. Potgieter, J.C. Mr/Mnr. Reinach, L Scherrer, R. Ms/Me. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke NAUDÉ, L. HEYNS, P.M., WESSELS, S.J. Mental health systems in South Africa. E. van Niekerk & A. Prins (Eds.). Counselling in Southern Africa. Heinemann Publishers. Sandown, 2002:111-137. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte HEYNS, P.M., POTGIETER, J.C. The psychological strengths of caregivers. 18th International Conference: Alzheimer's Disease International, Barcelona, Spanje, 24-27 October 2002. NAUDÉ, L. Building communities by learning in communities – an experience in service learning. 22nd Annual AHEA/ACE Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 9-12 October 2002. SHARP, A.A. Towards the integration of content and competencies in a bridging and access programme. Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, Durban, South Africa, 29 July - 3 August 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte ESTERHUYSE, K.G.F., BEUKES, R.B.I., HEYNS, P.M. Psigometriese eienskappe van die ESSI-lees- en speltoets [Psychometric characteristics of the ESSI reading and spelling test]. South African Journal of Education 2002;22(2):149-153. ESTERHUYSE, K.G.F., BEUKES, R.B.I., HEYNS, P.M. Die ontwikkeling van die ESSI-lees- en speltoets [The development of the ESSI reading and spelling test]. South African Journal of Education 2002;22(2):144-148. FOUCHÉ, J.B., LOUW, D.A. A profile of academics, non-academics and graduate students in South African psychology. Journal of Psychology in Africa 2002;12(1):23-39. GROBLER, A.C., GROBLER, A.A., ESTERHUYSE, K.G.F. Some predictors of mathematics achievement among black secondary school learners. South African Journal of Psychology 2001;31(4):48-54. HUYSAMEN, G.K. errigtingsassessering: potensiële achilleshiel van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys [Performance assessment: Potential Achilles’ heel of outcomes based education]. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;41(2):81-93. HUYSAMEN, G.K. Die prestasievooruitsigte in verskillende universitêre vakrigtings: ‘n internasionaal vergelykende ondersoek [The achievement prospects in different disciplines at university: An internationally comparative study]. South African Journal of Higher Education 2002;16(3):139-147. HUYSAMEN, G.K. The relevance of the new APA standards for educational and psychological testing for employment testing in South Africa. South African Journal of Psychology 2002;32(2):26-32. 74 HUYSAMEN, G.K. Mark non-comparability and the predictability of post-first-year performance. Acta Academica 2002;34(3):111-128. LE ROUX, A. The Christian faith as predictor of loneliness. Scripturia 2002;79:320-335. LOUW, A.E., RAMKISSON, S. The suitability of the Roberts Apperception Test for children (RATC), the House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) and Draw-A-Person (D-A-P) Scales in the identification of child sexual abuse in die Indian community: an exploratory study. Southern African Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2002;14 (2):91-106. LOUW, D.A., FOUCHÉ, J.B. Writing a thesis in article format: a way to promote a publishing culture? South African Journal of Higher Education 2002;16(3):65-72. MOLLENTZE, W., LOUW, D.A. Using computerised diagnosis to determine the prevalence and incidence of psychopathology in a prison population. Acta Criminologica 2002;15(3):87-110. MOLLENTZE, W., LOUW, D.A. The utilisation of computerised diagnostic data for supplementary epidemiological analysis in a prison population. Acta Criminologica 2002;15(3):152-179. REINACH, L., LOUW, D.A. The relationship between anxiety and polygraph results. Acta Criminologica 2002;15(3):56-67. SCHERRER, R., LOUW, D.A., MÓLLER, A.T. Ethical complaints and disciplinary action against South African psychologists. South African Journal of Psychology 2002;32(1):54-64. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BOSHOFF, Louisa DIE VERBAND TUSSEN HUMORSIN EN PSIGOLOGIESE WELSTAND BY ADOLESSENTE. [THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SENSE OF HUMOUR AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING IN ADOLESCENTS]. Promotor/Promoter: Dr. R.B. Beukes CARSTENS, Magdaleen Petronella 'N EVALUASIE VAN FILIALTERAPIE. [AN EVALUATION OF FILIAL THERAPY]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. P. M. Heyns HATTINGH, Johannes Gerhardus DIE GEBRUIK VAN FANTASIE OM KREATIWITEIT BY KLEUTERS TE BEVORDER: ‘N BEGELEIDINGSPROGRAM VIR MOEDERS. [THE USE OF FANTASY TO PROMOTE CREATIVITY IN PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN: A GUIDANCE PROGRAMME FOR MOTHERS]. Promotor/Promoter: Dr. R.B.I. Beukes OBERHOLZER, Hester Hendrina ‘N PROGRAM VIR DIE ONTWIKKELING VAN INTERPERSOONLIKE VAARDIGHEDE BY VYFEN SESJARIGES MET DIE OOG OP RESULTAAT GERIGTE ONDERWYS. [A PROGRAMME FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERPERSONAL SKILLS IN FIVE- AND SIX-YEAR-OLDS WITH A VIEW TO OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION]. Promotor/Promoter: Dr. R.B.I. Beukes PIENAAR, Ida DIE VERBAND TUSSEN HOOP EN PSIGOLOGIESE WELSTAND BY ADOLESSENTE. [THE LINK BETWEEN HOPE AND EMOTIONAL WELLBEING IN ADOLESCENTS]. Promotor/Promoter: Dr. R.B.I. Beukes PIENAAR, Johannes Mackenzie 75 DIE VERBAND TUSSEN KONSERWATISME EN PSIGOLOGIESE WELSTAND BY ADOLESSENTE. [THE LINK BETWEEN CONSERVATISM AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING IN ADOLESCENTS]. Promotor/Promoter: Dr. R.B.I. Beukes RAUBENHEIMER, Jacques Eugene STRUCTURAL MODELLING OF THE INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CHRISTIAN FAITH, RELIGIOUS ORIENTATION AND LOVE STYLES Promoter: Prof. G.K. Huysamen Co-Promoter: Prof. A . Le Roux SCHERRER, Renate DIE EVALUERING VAN DIE GESINSADVOKAATSTELSEL AAN DIE HAND VAN DIE PERSEPSIE EN BELEWENIS VAN DIE ROLSPELERS. [THE EVALUATION OF THE FAMILY ADVOCATE SYSTEM ON THE BASIS OF THE PERCEPTION AND EXPERIENCE OF ROLE PLAYERS]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. D.A. Louw SCHOLTEMEYER, Jacobus Schalk DIE VERBAND TUSSEN ‘N GESLAGSHORMOON-WANVERHOUDING EN DEPRESSIE BY VROUE. [THE LINK BETWEEN A SEX HORMONE DISPROPORTION AND DEPRESSION IN WOMEN]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. J.A. Venter Medepromotor/Co-promoter: Dr. L. Olivier VILJOEN, Urshula Susanna THE USE OF METAPHOR IN CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPY: THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED MODEL. Promoters: Dr. E.M. Luttig Co-Promoter: Dr. M.C. Fourie WALKER, Stephen Peter THE COURT FOR SEXUAL OFFENCES: PERCEPTIONS OF THE PARTIES INVOLVED. Promoter: Prof. D.A. Louw Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BORCHERDS, Dawn DIE ROL VAN GESLAG IN DIE VERBAND TUSSEN LEES- EN SPELVERMOË VAN GRAAD 7LEERDERS EN HUL MATRIEKPRESTASIE. [THE ROLE OF GENDER IN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN READING AND SPELLING ABILITY OF GRADE 7 LEARNERS AND THEIR MATRIC RESULTS]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. K.G.F. Esterhuyse Medestudieleier/Co-supervisor: Dr R.B.I Beukes COETZEE, Justin THE PERCEPTIONS OF MORALITY OF SECONDARY SCHOOL LEARNERS: A CROSSCULTURAL STUDY. Supervisor: Dr. J.C. Jooste Co-supervisor: Prof. D.A. Louw ELLIOTT, Deborah Patricia THE PREDICTION OF BODY IMAGE SATISFACTION AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Mr D.C. Odendaal Co-Supervisors: Prof. G.K. Huysamen Prof. C.P. Szabo FLEMIX, Sunell ‘N KRUISKULTURELE ONDERSOEK NA JONG VOLWASSENES SE VERWAGTING VAN EMOSIONELE INTIMITEIT IN ‘N TOEKOMSTIGE HUWELIK. [A CROSS-CULTURAL INVESTIGATION OF YOUNG ADULTS’ EXPECTATIONS REGARDING INTIMACY IN A FUTURE MARRIAGE]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. A. Le Roux Medestudieleier: Dr. A.M.E. Slabbert GREEFF, Sandri Annette DIE VERBAND TUSSEN KONSERWATISME EN KOGNITIEWE BUIGSAAMHEID BY ADOLESSENTE. [THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CONSERVATISM AND COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY IN ADOLESCENTS]. Cum Laude. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. R.B.I. Beukes KRITZAS, Natasha THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEIVED PARENTING STYLES AND RESILIENCE DURING ADOLESCENCE. Supervisor: Dr. A.A. Grobler MOODALEY, Reveni René 76 THE ROLE OF STUDY ORIENTATION AND CAUSAL ATTRIBUTION IN MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. A.A. Grobler Co-Supervisor: Prof. W. Lens MUDIE, Mia Melinda JONG VOLWASSENES SE PERSEPSIES VAN GESONDE GESINSFUNKSIONERING. [YOUNG ADULTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF HEALTHY FAMILY FUNCTIONING]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Prof. C.A. Venter Medestudieleier/Co-supervisor: Dr. R.B.I. Beukes OOSTHUIZEN, Elanie DIE DOELTREFFENDE KOMMUNIKASIE VAN BESERINGS AAN SPORTLUI DEUR MEDICI. [THE EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION OF INJURIES TO SPORTSPEOPLE BY DOCTORS]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. P. De V. Nel Medestudieleier/Co-supervisor: Prof. P.M. Heyns OTTO, Jonaria DIE VERBAND TUSSEN TOEKOMSTYDSPERSPEKTIEF EN GESONDHEIDSPRAKTYKE TYDENS VROEË VOLWASSENHEID. [THE CONNECTION BETWEEN FUTURE-TIME PERSPECTIVES AND HEALTH PRACTICES DURING EARLY ADULTHOOD]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. A.A. Grobler Medestudieleier/Co-supervisor: Prof. W. Lens PRETORIUS, Charmaine PSYCHOSOCIAL PREDICTORS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE AMONG ADOLESCENTS. Supervisor: Dr. H.S. Van Den Berg Co-supervisor: Prof. D.A. Louw SCHOEMAN, Renata THE USE OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF CEREBRAL LESIONS. Supervisor: Prof. D.A. Louw SMIT, Ilse DIE VERBAND TUSSEN MOEDERS SE BEROEPSBETROKKENHEID EN DIE PSIGOLOGIESE WELSTAND VAN HUL KINDERS. [THE CONNECTION BETWEEN MOTHERS’ CAREER INVOLVEMENT AND THE PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING OF THEIR CHILDREN]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. H.S. van den Berg TAYLOR, Henry William DIE VERBAND TUSSEN FORTIGENE FAKTORE EN PSIGOLOGIESE WELSTAND BY SAPD-LEDE IN HOËRISIKO-EENHEDE. [THE CONNECTION BETWEEN FORTIGENIC FACTORS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING IN SAPS MEMBERS IN HIGH-RISK UNITS]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. H.S. van den Berg Medestudieleier/Co-Supervisor: Supt. R. Louw VAN DYK, Beatrix Gezina ‘N ONDERSOEK NA DIE VERBAND TUSSEN PERSOONLIKHEIDSTIPE EN EETVERSTEURINGS BY VROUENS. [AN INVESTIGATION OF THE LINK BETWEEN PERSONALITY TYPE AND EATING DISORDERS IN WOMEN]. Studieleier: Dr. H.S. Van den Berg, VAN ROOYEN, Hylma `N KRUISKULTURELE ONDERSOEK NA VOORSPELLERS VAN JONG VOLWASSE STUDENTE SE HOUDINGS TEENOOR DIE HUWELIK. [A CROSS-CULTURAL INVESTIGATION INTO PREDICTORS OF YOUNG ADULT STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS MARRIAGE]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. A. Le Roux DEPARTMENT OF PSYCOLOGY OF EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT PSIGO-OPVOEDKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. C.J. Kotzé +27-(0)51-401-2243 +27-(0)51-448-0363 kotzecj.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Badenhorst, M.G. Dr. 77 Du Plooy, J. Prof. Ferreira, A.E. Mev. Kotzé, C.J. Prof. Swanepoel, Z.I. Dr. Van Zyl, E. Dr. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke KOTZE, C.J. Study and Learning Skills. In Lifeskills and Career Counselling, Kobus Maree and Liesel Ebersöhn (Eds.) Heinemann, Sandown, 2002:262-276. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BADENHORTS, M.G. Substance abuse. Part of a panel of experts on the specific topic. 13 March 2002. BADENHORTS, M.G. Die gebruik van humor in psigoterapie [The use of humour in psychotherapy]. PSYSSA-simposium, Bloemfonten. 14 Maart/March 2002. BADENHORTS, M.G. Die rol van die sielkundige in ‘n multidissiplinêre span ten opsigte van die ondersteuning van adolessente met chroniese siektes [The role of the psychologist in a multi-disciplinary team regarding the support of adolescents with chronic diseases]. Multiprofessionele werkswinkel/Multiprofessional workshop, Mediclinic, Bloemfontein 10 Mei/May 2002. BADENHORTS, M.G. Die hantering van gedragsmoeilike kinders en die rol van kindersorgskole [Dealing with children with behaviour problems and the role of child care-schools]. Multidissiplinêre simposium/Multidisciplinary symposium, EPOG, UV/UFS, Bloemfontein. 14 Junie/June 2002. FERREIRA, A.E. Inclusive education: new perspectives in South African Education. International Conference: Health Professionals Education (HPE), UFS, Bloemfontein, 7 October 2002. KOTZÉ, C.J. The realities of inclusive education in South Africa. OVSA Congress UP, Pretoria, 16-18 January 2002 KOTZÉ, C.J. Substance abuse. Workshop of the Free State Department of Education, Bloemfontein, Part of a panel of experts on the specific topic. 2002. SWANEPOEL, Z.I. Bewaring en Toesig: ‘n Multi-dissiplinêre oorsig [Custody and supervision: a multi-disciplinary overview]. Regseminaar oor Bewaring en Toesig/A seminar in law on custody and supervision, Bloemfontein, 18 Februarie/February 2002. SWANEPOEL, Z.I. Die sakevrou se emosionele en seksuele behoeftes [The emotional and sexual needs of the business woman]. Nasionale Sakevroue-kongres/National Business woman Congress, 1 Maart/March 2002. SWANEPOEL, Z.I. Psigologiese voorbereiding vir die proses van aftrede [Psychological preparation for the process of retirement]. Aftredeseminaar/Retirement Seminar, Bloemfontein, 25 Mei/May 2002 SWANEPOEL, Z.I. Seksuele probleme onder professionele persone. [Sexual problems among professional people]. Internasionale Ortopediese Kongres/International Orthopaedics Congress, Bloemfontein, 2 September 2002. SWANEPOEL, Z.I. 78 Professionele vroue se hantering van probleme in die proses van verandering [Professional women’s dealing with problems in the process of change]. Nasionale Kongres/National Congress, Medi-clinic, Thaba Nchu, 8 September 2002 SWANEPOEL, Z.I. Die proses van bewaring en toesig van kinders uit egskeiding [The process of custody and supervision of children with divorced parents]. EPOG opleidingseminaar/EPOG Training Seminar, UV/UFS, Bloemfontein, 25 Oktober/October 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel HLALELE, Dipane Joseph THE EFFECTS OF THE TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY ON BLACK ADOLESCENT SCHOOLGIRLS IN THE EASTERN FREE STATE. Promoter: Prof. C.J. Kotzé Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel MULLETT, Charmaine `N KRUISKULTURELE ONDERSOEK NA DIE VERBAND TUSSEN INDIVIDUALISMEKOLLEKTIVISME EN EENSAAMHEID BY ADOLESSENTE. [A CROSS-CULTURAL INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATION BETWEEN INDIVIDUALISM-COLLECTIVISM AND LONELINESS IN ADOLESCENTS]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Dr. A. Le Roux Medestudieleier/Cosupervisor: Dr. Z.I. Swanepoel DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK DEPARTEMENT MAATSKAPLIKE WERK Head of Department/Departementshoof: Dr. H.P. Schoeman +27-(0)51-401-2325 +27-(0)51-401-3581 schoemhp.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Blom, B. Dr. De Jager, H.J. Dr. Du Plessis, M.J.M. Dr. Ferreira, S.B. Dr. Reyneke, R.P. Dr. Schoeman, H.P. Dr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte REYNEKE, R.P. The use of problem-solving initiatives to develop leadership and self-reliance in income generating projects - a case study. International EQ Conference, Durban, S.A., 19-21 June 2002. DE JAGER, H.J. A social work project for schools. Conference of the Department of Education: Subdirectorate Inclusive Education, Bloemfontein, S.A., 13 March 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DU PLESSIS, M.J.M. The narrative approach and community development: a practical illustration. Africanus: Journal of Development Studies 2002;32(2):76-92. FERREIRA, S.B., DU PLESSIS, M.J.M. Narratiewe werkswyse en maatskaplike werk. [Narrative working method and social work]. Tydskrif vir die Geesteswetenskappe 2002;42(1):27-43. 79 SCHOEMAN, H.P., FERREIRA, S.B. Vroulike slagoffers van verhoudingsgeweld se belewenisse van sosio-kulturele beïnvloedingsfaktore. [The experiences of socio-cultural influencing factor of femal victims of domestic violence]. Maatskaplikewerknavorserpraktisyn/Social Work Practitioner Researcher 2002;4(3):30-57. SCHOEMAN, H.P., FERREIRA, S.B. ‘n Multigeneratiewe perspektief op geweld teenoor vroue in saamwoon- en huweliksverhoudings. [A multigenerational perspective on violence against women in cohabiting and marital relationships]. Maatskaplikewerk-navorserpraktisyn/Social Work Practitioner Researcher 2002;14(2):13-43. SCHOEMAN, H.P., FERREIRA, S.B. Vroulike slagoffers van verhoudingsgeweld se belewenisse van dienslewerende professies en instansies. Maatskaplike Werk/Social Work 2002;38(1):45-61. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel CAWOOD, Therésa Susanna Hendrina BEMARKINGSTRATEGIEË VIR MAATSKAPLIKE WERK. [MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL WORK]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. G.E. Mouton Medepromotor/Co-Promoter: Dr. S.B. Ferreira DEVENISH, Kenith DIE AANWENDING VAN TOLKE IN MAATSKAPLIKE WERK. [THE USE OF INTERPRETERS IN SOCIAL WORK]. Promotor/Promoter: Dr. H.J. de Jager Mede-promotor/Co-Promoter: Dr. M.A. Erasmus DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY DEPARTEMENT SOSIOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. E. Pretorius +27-(0)51-401-2590 +27-(0)51-401-3518 pretore.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Ackermann, L. Ms/Me. De Wet, M. Ms/Me. Pelser, A.J. Prof. Pretorius, E. Prof. Redelinghuys, N. Ms/Me. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte ACKERMANN, L., DE KLERK, G.W. Social factors that make South African women vulnerable to HIV infection. Health Care for Women International 2002;23(2):163-172. DE WET, M., ACKERMANN, L., CRIGHTON, A. Incorrect condom programming in the primary health setting: “a prescription for disaster”. Curationis 2002;25(2):4-13. PELSER, A.J., STEYN, P. An age of thirsty people: exploratory notes on future water-scarcity and water conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal for Contemporary History 2002;27(1):81-100. PRETORIUS, E., NIEMANN, R., DE VILLIERS HUMAN, E.S., KLINCK, E., ALT H. Fighting from within: gender equity at the University of the Free State. Gender, Society and Theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002(1):1-38. REDELINGHUYS, N., PELSER, A.J. 80 Forced environmental migration in Southern Africa: working towards a proposed strategy for action. South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 2002;9(1):1-19. REDELINGHUYS, N., PELSER, A.J. Environmental migration in Southern Africa: towards a proposed strategy for action. Contemporary History 2002;27(2):33-53. Journal for Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel ACKERMANN, Leáne AN EXPLORATION OF THE UNDERLYING SOCIAL DYNAMICS THAT MAKE WOMEN VULNERABLE TO HIV INFECTION. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. G.W. De Klerk UNIT FOR LANGUAGE FACILITATION AND EMPOWERMENT EENHEID VIR TAALFASILITERING EN -TAALBEMAGTIGING Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. L.T. du Plessis +27-(0)51-401-2405 +27-(0)51-448-3976 fgtlw.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement Akach, P.A.O. Mr/Mnr. De Foglio, F. Mr/Mnr. Du Plessis, L.T. Prof. Erasmus, M. Dr. Lotriet, A. Dr. Lubbe, H.J. Prof. Mwaniki, M.M. Mr/Mnr. Snyman, F.P.J. Mr/Mnr. Truter, E.J.J. Dr. Vassiliou, C. Mrs/Mev. Wiegand, C. Mr/Mnr. Chapters in books/Hoofstukke in boeke AKACH, P.A.O., AARONS, D. South African sign language – one language or many? In Mesthrie, R. (Ed.) Language and Social History. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, Great Britain, 2002:127-147. DU PLESSIS, T. Bilingual education in South Africa. ‘Tweetalig onderwijs in Zuid-Afrika’. In: Leman, J. & Top, L. (red.), Intercultureel en meertalig onderwijs, burgerschaps- en vredesopvoeding. Antwerpen: Garant, 2002:63-76. LOTRIET, A. Can short interpreter training be effective? The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission experience. In Hung, E. (Ed.), Building Bridges: Teaching Translation and Interpreting. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Translation Library), 2002:83-98. Category/Kategorie 3.1 Conference proceedings/Konferensiehandelinge ERASMUS, M.E. ‘n Wêreld sonder grense (Strachan) tot Into the Heart of Darkness (Paauw): heling verg méér. In C.N. van der Merwe en R.W. Wolfswinkel (reds). De helende Kracht van Literatuur: Over Nederlands en SuidAfrikaans Oorlogsproza. Uitgewer: In de knipsceer, Nederland (Amsterdam), 2002:185-202. ERASMUS, M.E. 81 Making multilingualism work in South Africa: The establishment of translation and interpreting services for local government. In Hung, Eva (Ed.), Teaching Translation and Interpreting 4. Building Bridges. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Translation Library), 2002:197-210. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte BOTHA, S. An instrument for the quality assessment of local government translations. A paper presented at the annual Conference of the Linguistics Society of Southern Africa, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, July 2002. BOTHA, S. Telephone interpreting as a mechanism for facilitating bilingual/multilingual service delivery in state departments in South Africa. A case study of TISSA. Paper presented at 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Arizona State University, USA, May 2003. DU PLESSIS, T. Die politiek van pleknaamsverandering. Die Free State vraagstuk [The politics of naming. The Free State issue]. Paper delivered at the 12th International Conference of the Names Society of Southern Africa, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, May 2002 DU PLESSIS, T. Die taalpolitiek van die Vrystaatse regering. Die nommerplaatkwessie [Language politics in the Free State. The number plate issue]. Paper delivered at the annual Conference of the Linguistics Society of Southern Africa, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, July 2002. DU PLESSIS, T. Overview of the Wednesday and Thursday proceedings. What are the issues? Paper presented at the Conference on African languages and the Renaissance, University of Pretoria, Hammanskraal, July 2002. LUBBE, H.J. Van heilige tot ikon - die geskiedenis van die naamgewing van een Bloemfonteinse straat. [From saint to icon – the history of the name-giving of one street in Bloemfontein]. Twelfth International Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa. Bloemfontein, May 2002. MUNENE MWANIKI, M. Towards a model for the development and management of language policies in the SADC region. A Paper presented at the second session of the UNESCO/MOST – ISSC International Summer School held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 20–30 June 2002. MUNENE MWANIKI, M. Globalisation, development, ICTs and the language question in sub-Saharan Africa. A Paper presented at the second session of the UNESCO/MOST – ISSC International Summer School held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 20–30 June 2002. MUNENE MWANIKI, M. Information communication technologies (ICTs) and the language question in sub-Saharan Africa: the dilemma, crisis and opportunities. A paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on African Languages, held at Hammanskraal Campus – University of Pretoria, 3–5 July 2002. MUNENE MWANIKI, M. An evaluation of the language policy development processes at the third tier of government in the Free State – Republic of South Africa. A Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on African Languages, held at Hammanskraal Campus – University of Pretoria, 3 – 5 July 2002. TRUTER, E.J.J. Ontleding van die reaksie van die Afrikaanssprekendes op die taalbesluite van die SAUK vir die periode 1994-1996. [An analysis of the responses to the language decisions of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) (1994-1996) in the media]. Referaat gelewer tydens die ETFB-seminaarreeks in Linguistiek, Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Bloemfontein 14 November 2001. VASSILIOU, C.P. 82 The role of language in the development of identity within the Free State educational context. South African Association for Language Teachers (SAALT). 30th Annual Conference, University of Natal, Durban, 04-072002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte AKACH, P.A.O., AARONS, D. Inclusion and the deaf child in South Africa. Perspective in Education Journal 2002;29(1):153-170. DE FOGLIO, F., LUBBE, H.J. 'n Praktiese benadering tot die samestelling van 'n tweerigtingvakwoordeboek met Afrikaans en Italiaans as taalpaar [A practical approach to the compilation of a bidirectional technical dictionary with Afrikaans and Italian as language pair]. Lexikos 2002;12:117-132. LUBBE, H.J. Akronieme met eienaamstatus. Nomina Africana 2002;16(1&2):180-191. LUBBE, H.J. Die aard van bydraes van Taalfasette en Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Taalkunde, 1965 tot en met Desember 1999 [The nature of contributions in Taalfasette and Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Taalkunde, 1965 to December 1999]. South African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2002;20:65-90. LUBBE, H.J., TRUTER, E.J.J. Die polemiek in die oorgangstyd (1994-1996) rondom die taalbesluite van die South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) rakende Afrikaans [The controversy in the interim period (1994-1996) regarding the language decisions of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) affecting Afrikaans]. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 2002;(42)3:197-214. TRUTER, E.J.J. Ontleding van die reaksies van die Afrikaanssprekende op taalmiskenning in die Vrystaat vir die periode 1994-1998 [Analysis of the reaction of Afrikaans speakers to language policy in the Free State 1994-1998]. SA Journal of Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2002;20:283-302. Editorships/co-editorships/Redakteurs/mederedakteurs DU PLESSIS, T. Redaksionele medewerker/Editorial contributor: Fragmente. Tydskrif vir Filosofie en Kultuurkritiek [Fragments. Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Criticism] DU PLESSIS, T. Mederedakteur/Co-editor: Studies in language policy in South Africa, Van Schaik Publishers. DU PLESSIS, T. Redaksionele medewerker/Editorial contributor: Multilingualism and Linguistic Diversity, Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers. Highlights from research findings/Glanspunte in navorsingsbevindinge Die ETFB het gedurende 2002 weer sy navorsingsaktiwiteite op sy vier fokusareaterreine voortgesit, te wete Gebaretaal, Taalbestuur, Taaltegnologie en Tolking. Op die terrein van Gebaretaal is die NRF-projek, The use of South African Sign Language as a medium of instructing in a school for the deaf, suksesvol voortgesit. Hierdie projek word uitgevoer by die Skool vir Dowes in die Vrystaat. Ofskoon die finale resultate van die projek eers oor twee jaar beskikbaar sal wees, het ons gedurende die jaar kon vasstel dat die proefgroep kinders wat in Gebaretaal onderrig word betekenisvol beter presteer op alle terreine as die kontrolegroepe wat nie in Gebaretaal onderrig word nie. Op die terrein van Taalbestuur is ondersoek ingestel na die belang van taalsigbaarheid by die implementering van ‘n meertalige beleid. Daar is bevind dat ofskoon taalsigbaarheid op die oog af meer onmiddelike direkte kostes meebring, byvoorbeeld die aanbring van meertalige aanwysings, naamborde, tekens ensovoorts, die aanbring daarvan op die lang termyn wel koste-effektiwiteit in die hand werk. Ook 83 het die ETFB gedurende die tydperk ‘n manuskrip voltooi rondom verskillende aspekte van taalbeplanning en taalbestuur wat as ‘n Acta Supplementum voorgelê is, asook ’n manuskrip oor die taalbeleid van die Unieregering, wat ook as Acta Supplementum voorgelê sal word. Op die terrein van Taaltegnologie het die werksaamhede aan die ontwikkeling van ‘n outomatiese vertaalsisteem voortgegaan en is veral ondersoek gedoen na vertaalakuraatheid by hierdie program wat ontwikkel word. ‘n Instrument is ontwikkel ingevolge waarvan vertaalakuraatheid met betrekking tot die preservering van betekenis en grammatikale korrektheid gemeet kan word. Dit blyk dat die instrument suksesvol werk om akuraatheid te meet en die leemtes wat deur hierdie meting blootgelê word, dra by tot die verbetering van die vertaalkapasiteit van die masjienvertalingsprogram wat ontwikkel word. Op die terrein van Tolking is die werksaamhede van die internasionale projek, An analysis of interpreting at selected amnesty hearings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) for the period of 1996 to 1999, voortgesit. ‘n Suksesvolle symposium, wat ook as ‘n interim verslaggeleentheid rondom die projek gedien het, het aan die UVS plaasgevind. Hiertydens is gekyk na verskillende temas, onder meer vanuit die hoek van tekslinguistiek, kritiese diskoersanalise, sosiolinguistiek, taalstatistiek en tolking. Veral wat betref Tolking is aan die hand van die data wat ondersoek is ‘n metingsinstrument ontwikkel vir die beoordeling van tolkakuraatheid, ‘n terrein wat tot dusver in literatuur agterweë gebly het. Hierdie instrument is suksesvol getoets en word nou verder verfyn vir breër toepassing. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel FERREIRA, Dina Maria TERMINOLOGIEBESTUUR IN SUID-AFRIKA MET SPESIFIEKE VERWYSING NA DIE POSISIE VAN HISTORIES INGEKORTE TALE. [TERMINOLOGY MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO THE POSITION OF HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED LANGUAGES]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. L.T. du Plessis Medepromotor/Co-promoter: Prof. H.J. Lubbe /gw02 84 FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES FAKULTEIT GESONDHEIDSWETENSKAPPE DEAN’S OFFICE/DEKAANSKANTOOR Dean/Dekaan: Acting Dean/Waarnemende Dekaan Prof. C.J.C. Nel (diseased/oorlede) Prof. L.M.V. Moja EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION AFDELING ONDERWYSONTWIKKELING Head of Division/Hoof van die afdeling: Prof. M.M. Nel +27-051-405-3092 +27-051-444-3505 gndkmmn.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the department/Outeurs verbonde aan die departement: Bezuidenhout, M.J. Mrs/Mev. Nel, M.M. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BEZUIDENHOUT, M.J. Quality assurance in undergraduate medical education and training: A study to develop standards for accreditation. Congress of Southern Africa Society for Anaesthesiology, Bloemfontein, S.A., 13 May 2002. BEZUIDENHOUT, M.J., NEL, C.J.C., NEL, M.M. Quality assurance in undergraduate medical education and training: A study to develop standards for accreditation. Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, Bloemfontein, S.A., August 2002. BEZUIDENHOUT, M.J., NEL, C.J.C., NEL, M.M. Quality assurance in undergraduate medical education and training: Standards for accreditation. International Health Professions Education Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A., 10 October 2002. Highlights from research findings/Glanspunte in navorsingsbevindinge Bezuidenhout, M.J. Educational Development of Division Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS QUALITY ASSURANCE IN UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING: A STUDY TO DEVELOP STANDARDS FOR ACCREDITATION The study was aimed at developing a set of national standards for the accreditation of undergraduate medical education and training in South Africa. The problem defined was that there was a lack of defined standards to serve as a basis for accreditation decisions in the accreditation process of the regulatory body of medical education and training in South Africa. To resolve the problem a research study was initiated, with the goal of making a contribution to quality assurance in medical education by developing standards that can be used to enhance quality in medical education programmes. These standards can be applied in internal self-evaluations of medical schools in preparation for accreditation, and can also be used in the external evaluation for accreditation. The set of standards is composed of propositions for absolute standards and standards aimed at encouraging development with a view to enhancing quality in the medical education and training programme. As the final set of standards contains 110 items, it is not possible to summarise the final outcome of the study here; however, the areas addressed in the standards can be related. They are: The aim, purpose and outcomes of 85 the programme; Curriculum design, content and organisation; Student and staff resources; Teaching, training, learning and assessment; Student progression and achievement; Student support, development and guidance; Staff development and training; Human and physical resources; Governance and organisation; and Quality assurance and enhancement. In South Africa accreditation of medical education is already taking place, but national standards for the process have not been spelt out yet. It is envisaged that this study will facilitate the accreditation process as quality assurance measure by providing a set of scientifically researched standards. The Undergraduate Education and Training Committee of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) requested a set of the standards to be submitted to the accreditation committee, with a view to possible use of the standards in the accreditation processes of the HPCSA. GEHALTEVERSEKERING IN VOORGRAADSE MEDIESE ONDERWYS EN OPLEIDING: STUDIE OM STANDAARDE VIR AKKREDITASIE TE ONTWIKKEL ‘n Die doel van die studie was die ontwikkeling van ‘n stel nasionale standaarde vir die akkreditering van voorgraadse mediese onderwys en opleiding in Suid-Afrika. Die probleem wat gedefinieer is, is ‘n gebrek aan standaarde wat die grondslag kon vorm vir die akkrediteringsbesluite van die regulerende liggaam van mediese onderwys en opleiding in Suid-Afrika. Om ‘n oplossing vir die probleem te vind, is ‘n studie onderneem wat daarop gerig was om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot gehalteversekering in mediese onderwys deur standaarde te ontwikkel wat aangewend kan word om die gehalte van mediese onderwysprogramme te verbeter. Hierdie standaarde kan in die interne gehalteversekerings van mediese skole ter voorbereiding vir akkreditering gebruik word, en dit kan ook tydens die eksterne evaluering met die oog op akkreditering gebruik word. Die stel standaarde bestaan uit voorstelle vir absolute standaarde, en standaarde wat daarop gemik is om ontwikkeling met die oog op die uitbouing van gehalte in mediese onderwysprogramme.te bevorder Aangesien die finale stel standaarde 110 items behels, is dit nie moontlik om die finale uitkoms van die studie hier op te som nie; die terreine wat in die standaarde aangespreek word, word egter gegee, naamlik Die doelstelling, doel en uitkomste van die program; Kurrikulumontwerp, -inhoud en -organisasie; Studente en personeel as hulpbronne; Onderrig, leer, opleiding en assessering; Studentevordering en –prestasies; Studenteondersteuning, -ontwikkeling en –leiding; Personeelontwikkeling en –opleiding; Menslike en fisiese hulpbronne; Bestuur en organisasie; en Gehalteversekering en –verbetering. In Suid-Afrika vind die akkreditering van mediese onderwys reeds plaas, maar nasionale standaarde vir die proses was nie uitgespel nie. Dit word voorsien dat hierdie studie die akkrediteringsproses as gehalteversekeringsmeganisme sal bevorder deurdat ‘n stel wetenskaplik nagevorsde standaarde nou saamgestel is. Die Komitee vir Voorgraadse Onderwys en Opleiding van die Gesondheidsberoeperaad van Suid-Afrika (GBRSA) het versoek dat die stel standaarde aan die akkrediteringskomitee voorgelê word, met die oog daarop om dit in die akkrediteringsprosesse van die GBRSA te gebruik. Contact details/Kontak besonderhede: Name.Naam: M.J. Bezuidenhout +27-(0)51-405-3095 gndkmjb.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Research awards and achievements/Acknowledgement of Outstanding contributions/Navorsingstoekennings en prestasie/Erkenning van uitstaande bydrae research Bezuidenhout M.J. Educational Development, Faculty of Health Sciences Onderwysontwikkeling, Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe Die Dekaansmedalje vir die beste onderwysreferaat gelewer tydens die jaarlikse Fakulteitsforum, Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe, UV/The Dean’s Medal for the best education paper read at the annual Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, 2002. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings 86 Bezuidenhout, M.J. Medical Education Development Corresponding member/Korrespondensie lid: The Network – Community Partnership for Health through innovative Education, Service and Research. Member/Lid: South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education/SuidAfrikaanse Vereniging vir Navorsing en Ontwikkeling in Hoër Onderwys. STUDENT LEARNING DEVELOPMENT DIVISION AFDELING ONTWIKKELING VAN STUDENTELEER Head of Division/Hoof van Afdeling: Dr. A.A. Beylefeld +27-(0)51-405-3395 +27-(0)51-444-3505 gndkaab.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Division/Outeurs verbonde aan die Afdeling Beylefeld, A.A. Ms/Me. Jama, M.P. Ms/Me. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte JAMA, M.P., BEYLEFELD, A.A. Using a portfolio as an innovative tool for the development and assessment of critical cross-field skills. Joint Conference of the SAARDHE and SAIR on Research and Development in Higher Education: Meeting challenges through technology and innovation. Peninsula Technikon, Bellville, South Africa, 8-10 July 2002. BEYLEFELD, A.A., DE KLERK, B., JAMA, M.P., JOUBERT, G. Sharing the responsibility of assessment with students and community members: experience gained through assessment of project-based poster presentations. 10th Ottawa Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 13-16 July 2002. JAMA, M.P., BEYLEFELD, A.A. Authentic assessment of the General Skills Module by means of a portfolio. 34th Annual Forum of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, Bloemfontein, 29-30 August 2002. BEYLEFELD, A.A., JAMA, M.P. Assessment of general skills. Health Professions Education International Conference. Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, Bloemfontein, 7-10 October 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BEYLEFELD, A.A., JAMA, M.P. Incorporating transferable skills in an undergraduate medical curriculum: learning from experience. South African Journal of Higher Education 2002;16(1):113-121. Other, e.g. Workshops presentations / course presentations / seminar presentations Ander, bv. Aanbieding tydens werkswinkels / kursusse / seminare JAMA, M.P. General Skills Module. Module leaders' bosberaad of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein, 25-26 July 2002. JAMA, M.P. 87 Mentoring Programme in the UFS, Faculty of Health Sciences. MESAB Mentoring Programme Workshop. Stellenbosch, Cape Town, 6-8 September 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BEYLEFELD, Adriana Albertus INTEGRATION AND ASSESSMENT OF CRITICAL OUTCOMES IN A LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR FIRST-YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS. Promoter: Prof. E.M. Bitzer Co-promoters: Prof. H.R. Hay, Prof. H.J. van der Spuy DEPARTMENT OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY DEPARTEMENT ANESTESIOLOGIE Departementshoof / Head of Department: Prof. B.J.S. Diedericks +27-51-405 3307 +27-51-443 3414 gnanjd.med@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement Diedericks, J. Prof. Kruger, P. Mrs/Mev. Odendaal, C.L. Prof. Taljaard, A.J. Dr. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge DOWIE, J.G. Difficult airway management. SASA 2002 Congress Proceedings, 242-6. ODENDAAL, C.L. Pain - Acute to Chronic. SASA 2002 Congress Proceedings, 38-46. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BROWNING, D.P., STRAUSS, S.E., ODENDAAL, C.L. Patient Perceptions of the Efficacy of the Multi-disciplinary Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome at the Pain Control Unit of Universitas Hospital, Bloemfontein, Four Months After the Patients Have Been Discharged. Student Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences UFS, Bloemfontein, 27 August 2002. MEYER, J.S., MARAIS, E., DIEDERICKS, B.J.S., JOUBERT, G. The effect of ketamine hydrochloride in the prevention of bupivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. 34th Faculty Forum 2002, Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, Bloemfontein, 30 August 2002. MEYER, J.S., MARAIS, E., DIEDERICKS, B.J.S., JOUBERT, G. The effect of ketamine hydrochloride in the prevention of bupivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity in rats, SASA 2002 Congress, Bloemfontein, 12-16 May 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte FAGBUYI, M.A., JOUBERT, G., DIEDERICKS, B.J.S., VAN VUUREN, M.V.J. Patients’ knowledge and beliefs regarding anesthetic management. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(4):288-289 TALJAARD, A., DIEDERICKS, J., VENTER, L., KRUGER, P., JOUBERT, G. 88 Premedication from a patient perspective: morphine, midazolam, hyroxyzine and placebo compared. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(9):711-712. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs DIEDERICKS, J. Mederedakteur/Editorial board: The South African Journal of Anaesthesiology and Analgesia DIEDERICKS, J. Mederedakteur/Editorial board: The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology ODENDAAL, C.L. Mederedakteur/Assistant editor: The South African Journal of Anaesthesiology and Analgesia Highlights from research / Hoogtepunte van navorsingsbevindinge Bupivakaïen het ‘n wye dosis respons en ketamien beskerm nie teen die toksisiteit daarvan nie/Bupivacaine has a wide dose-response range and ketamine does not protect against its toxicity. Kontakbesonderhede/Contact details Diedericks, J. Prof. +27-(0)51-405-3307 gnanjd.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Awards / Prizes of national conferences / Toekennings / Pryse ontvang by nasionale konferensies MEYER, J.S. Anestesiologie/Anaesthesiology Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe Fakulteitforum 2002. Prys vir die beste voordrag in die nie-kliniese afdeling/Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty Forum 2002. Prize for best paper in the non-clinical section. MEYER, J.S. Anestesiologie/Anaesthesiology Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging van Anestesioloë (SASA). Prys vir die beste navorsingsvoordrag deur ‘n kliniese assistant op die 2002 kongres/South African Society of Anaesthesiologists. Prize for best research paper by a clinical assistant. Membership of professional and scientific associations / Lidmaatskap van professionele en wetenskaplike verenigings DIEDERICKS, J. Immediate past president: South African Society of Anaesthesiologists ODENDAAL, C.L. President: Pain Management Society of Southern Africa DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMICAL PATHOLOGY DEPARTEMENT ANATOMIESE PATOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. B.D Middlecote +27-(0)51-405-3058 +27-(0)51-447-3222 gnapbdmc.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Cooper, S.S. Mrs/Mev. 89 Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte COOPER, S., GOEDHALS, J., BEUKES, C.A. Malignant melanoma showing smooth muscle differentiation. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, Julie 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., THERON, M.M., BARRY, R., COOPER, S.S., NECSULESCU, V., TERBLANCHE, D. Association of Chlamydia pneumoniae with atherocslerotic disease in patients from the Free State. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, July 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DE MEYER, G.R.Y., DE CLEEN, D.M.M., COOPER, S. Platelet phagocytosis and processing of beta-amyloid precursor protein as a mechanism of macrophage activation in atherosclerosis. Circulation Research 2002;90:1197-1204. NEETHLING, W.M.L., COOPER, S. Evaluation of kangaroo pericardium as an alternative substitute for reconstructive cardiac surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;43(3):301-306. DEPARTMENT BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES DEPARTEMENT BASIESE MEDIESE WETENSKAPPE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. G.J. van Zyl +27 051 405-3555 +27 051 444-1198 vanzylgj.md@mail.uovs.ac.za ANATOMY DIVISION AFDELING ANATOMIE Head of Division/Hoof van Afdeling: Prof. L. Louw +27 051 405-3555 +27 051 444-1198 gnanll.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Division/Outeurs verbonde aan die Afdeling Louw, L. de K. Prof. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte LOUW, L. DE K. Essential Fatty Acids Then and Now. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids in Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. The Role of Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency in a Stated Hypothesis for Cervical Carcinogenesis. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids in Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. Laryngeal Cancer Part I. Tissue Fatty Acid Profiles for Patients with Laryngeal Squamous Epithelial Carcinoma. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids in Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. 90 LOUW, L. DE K., SLABBER, M. Laryngeal Cancer Part II. Dietary Fatty Acid and Micronutrient Intakes. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids in Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. An evaluation of ex vivo vs. in vitro Keloid Fibroblast Growth based on Essential Fatty Acids. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids in Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K., SLABBER, M. A Tumour Preventative and Proactive Micronutrient that decreases the recurrence of Cervical Cancer. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids in Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. The Keloid Story: Essential Fatty Acids Then and Now. Plenary Lecture: 30th Annual Congress of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K, CROUS, A. New from old at the Department of Basic Medical Sciences. 30th Annual Congress of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K., HUGO, A.P., MEIJERINK, R., WAHL, G. Heart Defects and Anatomical Compensations during Blood Flows in Infants. Invited Symposium Lecture: XVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. Keloids: I, Overview on the Interaction between the Transforming Growth Factor β and Essential Fatty Acids. XVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. Keloids: II, Overview on Inclination in Darker Pigmented Persons. XVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. Keloids: III, Overview on Treatment Modalities. XVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. Keloids: IV, Histopathology Based on an Essential Fatty Acid Theory. XVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, 2002. LOUW, L. DE K., HUGO, A.P., GEYER, H.J. Simplifying Content Management in a Dedicated Histology CAL programme: A Multi-tier Web-based Approach. XVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Timisoara, Romania, 2002. GERBER, A.M., CROUS, A., OOSTHUIZEN, G.M. A link between melatonin levels, stress and coronary heart disease. Health Professions Education International Conference, Bloemfontein, S.A., 2002. LOUW, L. DE K. Series of Invitation Lectures on the Keloid Phenomenon. Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2002. PHYSIOLOGY DIVISION AFDELING FISIOLOGIE Head of Division/Afdelingshoof: Prof. A. Crous 91 +27-(0)51-401-3133 +27-(0)51-444-3843 gnbsgj.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Division/ Outeurs verbonde aan die Afdeling Crous, A. Prof. Gerber, A.M. Dr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte LOUW, L. DE K., CROUS, A. New from old at the Department of Basic Medical Sciences. 30th Annual Congress of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte GERBER, A.M., OOSTHUIZEN, G.M., CROUS, A. A possible link between melatonin levels, stress and coronary heart disease. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(10):794-795. DEPARTMENT OF BIOSTATISTICS DEPARTEMENT BIOSTATISTIEK Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. G. Joubert +27-(0)51-401-3117 +27-(0)51-401-2939 gnbsgj.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement Bester, C.J. Mrs/Mev. Joubert, G. Prof Nel, M. Ms/Me. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte AGBEJULE, O.A., JOUBERT, G., BOTHA, J.B., VAN VUUREN, M.V. Gunshot-injured patients at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, Durban -- profile and outcome (letter). South African Medical Journal 2002;92(3):212. DAVIES, W.R., HEPBURN, D.P., COETZEE, M.J., BADENHORST, P.N., GOEDHALS, L., NEL, M. Patient satisfaction at haematology and oncology clinics in the Free State and Northern Cape. Curationis 2002;25(2):63-68. DE BRUYN, L., JOUBERT, G. The perceptions of female university students regarding STDs and HIV. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(3):202-203. ENGELBRECHT, C.J., FOLMER, J., STEYN, W.C., JOUBERT, G., FOURIE, N. Die toksikologiese telefoniese konsultasies gerig aan die Departement Farmakologie van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat gedurende 1998 [The toxicology telephonic consultations directed to the Department of Pharmacology of the University of the Free State during 1998]. SA Family Practise 2002;25(5):11-13. FAGBUYI, M.A., JOUBERT, G., DIEDERICKS, B.J.S., VAN VUUREN, M.V.J. 92 Patients' knowledge and beliefs regarding anaesthetic management (letter). South Afrrican Medical Journal 2002;92(4):288-289. JOUBERT, A., VILJOEN, M.J., VENTER , J.A., BESTER, C.J. Evaluation of the effect of a computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) on knowledge, problem-solving and learning approach. Health SA Gesondheid 2002;7(4):80-97. JUTE, S., JOUBERT, G., CALITZ, F.J.W. Die prevalensie van depressie in algemene praktyk [The prevalence of depression on private practice]. Geneeskunde 2002;44(3):11-14. NEL, M., SCHALL, R., NEL, D.G., JOUBERT, G. A comparison of approximate confidence interval methods for the difference between two independent binomial proportions. SA Statistical Journal 2002;36:77-95. SLABBER, M., WALSH, C.M., OOSTHUIZEN, A.P., NORTJE, J.D., WESSELS, P.H., NEL, M. The association between fat distribution and ovulation. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(11):885886. TALJAARD, A., DIEDERICKS, J., VENTER, L., KRUGER, P., JOUBERT, G. Premedication from a patient perspective--morphine, midazolam, hydroxyzine and placebo compared (letter). South African Medical Journal 2002;92(9):711-712. VAN HEERDEN, R., JOUBERT, G. The effect of physical activity on the activity participation of psychotic patients. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2002;32(1):2-5. YIGA, S.I.N., JOUBERT, G., HIEMSTRA, L.A. Practices of primary caretakers of children aged 1-5 years before attending peri-urban and urban clinics in ThabaNchu. SA Family Practise 2002;25(1):9-13. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., KONING, M., MEYER, M., JOUBERT, G., MOLLENTZE, W. GAD65Ab and primary hypothyroidism in Type 1 and 2 diabetic subjects. JEMDSA 2002;7(1):6-8. MARAIS, A.L., CALITZ, F.J.W., RATAEMANE, L.U.Z., JOUBERT, G. Alcohol use among sixth-year medical students at the University of the Free State. SA Journal of Psychiatry 2002;8(3):79-84. MERCER, M.J., VAN DER LINDE, G.P., JOUBERT, G. Rhinitis (allergic and non-allergic) in an atopic referral population in the grasslands of inland South Africa. Annals Allergy Asthma Immunology 2002;89(5):503-512. PRINSLOO, S., PRETORIUS, P.J., RATAEMANE, S.T., JOUBERT, G. Relationship between menarche and onset of schizophrenia in women. SA Journal of Psychiatry 2002;8(2):44-48. WALSH, C.M., DANNHAUSER, A., JOUBERT, G. The impact of a nutrition education programme on the anthropometric nutritional status of low-income children in South Africa. Public Health Nutrition 2002;5(1):3-9. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel Chikobvu, Perpetual RANDOMISED PLACEBO-CONTROLLED TRIAL TO EVALUATE THE EFFECT OF VITAMIN A ON MOTHER-TO-CHILD TRANSMISSION OF HIV –1 BLOEMFONTEIN. Promoter: Prof. G. Joubert Co-promoters: Dr. E. van der Ryst, Dr. R. Schall 93 DEPARTMENT OF CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY DEPARTEMENT KARDIOTORAKSCHIRURGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Acting Head/Waarnemende hoof: Dr. J. Hough (Oorlede/Deceased) Dr. W.J. de Vries +27-(0)51-405-3398 +27-(0)51-444-3440 gnktwdv.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: De Vries, W.J. Dr Hough, J. Dr van den Heever, J.J. Mr/Mnr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte JORDAAN, C.J., DE VRIES, W.J. Spontane pneumotoraks – die Bloemfontein ondervinding [Spontaneous pneumothorax – the Bloemfontein experience]. Fakulteitsforum/Faculty Forum, 29-30 Augustus/August 2002. MUNIR, H., DE VRIES, W.J. Emphysema in a tertiary hospital. Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. DE VRIES, W.J., LONG, M., HOUGH, J. Diabetes mellitus as ‘n risikofaktor in kardiale chirurgie/Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor in cardiac surgery Fakulteitsforum/Faculty Forum, 29-30 Augustus/August 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte NEETHLING, W.M.L., COOPER, S., VAN DEN HEEVER, J.J., HOUGH, J., HODGE, A.J. Evaluation of kangaroo pericardium as an alternative substitute for reconstructive cardiac surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;43:301-306. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY DEPARTEMENT CHEMIESE PATOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J.M. Kuyl +27-(0)-51 405-3023 +27-(0)-51 447-8615 gncpjmk.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Pool, J.M. Mrs/Mev. Van Jaarsveld, H. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte GREYLING, J.P.C., VAN DER NEST, M., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J., MULLER, T. Superovulation and embryo transfer in South African Boer and Indigenous feral goats. Small Ruminant Research 2002;43(1):45-51 VAN JAARSVELD, H., POOL G.F. 94 Beneficial effects of blood donation on high density lipoprotein concentration and the oxidative potential of low density lipoprotein. Atherosclerosis 2002;161:395-402. CLINICAL SKILLS UNIT KLINIESE VAARDIGHEIDSEENHEID Head of Unit/Hoof van die Eenheid: Dr. L. de Bruyn +27-(0)51-401-3104 gndkldb.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Unit/Outeurs verbonde aan die Eenheid: De Bruyn, L. Dr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte DE BRUYN, L., DE JAGER, G.J., VAN ZYL, G.J., GEYER, H. The effect of a 50Hz magnetic field on the Immune Status of the Mouse, Mus musculus. PIERS Congress 15 July 2002, Boston, USA. DE JAGER, L., VAN ZYL, G.J. GEYER, H.J., DE BRUYN, L. The effect of a 50Hz magnetic field on the Immune Status of the Mouse, Mus musculus.: Long and short term exposure. 24th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Quebec City, Canada, June 23-27, 2002 Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte DE JAGER, L., DE BRUYN, L. The effect of long-term exposure to a randomly varied power frequency magnetic field on the fertility of the mouse. Interim 2002;1(1):11-20. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT GEMEENTSKAPSGESONDHEID Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. W.H. Kruger +27-(0)51-405-3136 +27-(0)51-448-9278 gngmwhk.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Bachmann, M.O. Prof. Louwagie, G.M.C. Dr. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BACHMANN, M.O., ALDERSON, D., EDWARDS, D., WOTTON, S., BEDFORD, C., PETERS, T.J., HARVEY, I.M. Cohort study in South and West England of the influence of specialization on the management and outcome of patients with oesophageal and gastric cancers. British Journal of Surgery 2002;89:914-922. MILLS, N., CAMPBELL, R., BACHMANN, M.O. Professional and organizational obstacles to establishing a new specialist service in primary care: case study of an epilepsy specialist nurse. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2002;37:43-51. MOODLEY, P., BACHMANN, M.O. 95 Inequity in occupational health services for government hospital workers in South Africa. Occupational Medicine 2002;52(7):393-399. THOMAS, C.L., JAMES, A.C., BACHMANN, M.O. Eating attitudes in English secondary school students: influences of ethnicity, gender, mood and social class. International Journal of Eating Disorders 2002;31(1):92-96. LOUWAGIE, G., BACHMANN, M.O., REID, M. Formal clinical primary healthcare training. Does it make a difference? Curationis 2002;25(4):32-37. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte BACHMANN, M.O. Costs and concentration of cancer care: evidence for pancreatic, oesophageal and gastric cancers in National Health Service hospitals. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2002. MEMEL, D., LANGLEY, C., WATKINS, C., LAUE, B., BIRCHALL, M., BACHMANN, M.O. Effectiveness of ear syringing in general practice: a randomised controlled trial and patients’ experiences. British Journal of General Practice 2002;52:906-911. MILLS, N., CAMPBELL, R., BACHMANN, M.O. What do patients want and get from a primary care epilepsy specialist nurse service? 2002;11(3):176-183. Seizure DEPARTMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY DEPARTEMENT DIAGNOSTIESE RADIOLOGIE Head of Department / Departementshoof: Prof. C.S. de Vries +27-(0)51-4053471 +27-(0)51-444-3248 gndrcdv.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Bartlett, J.H. Dr. Bruna, J. Dr. De Vries, C.S. Prof. Fourie, J.J. Dr. Kritzinger, H.G. Dr. Laubscher, R.J. Dr. Loggenberg, E. Dr. Marais, M.J. Dr. Otto, S.F. Dr. Potgieter, H.F Dr. Potgieter, P.H. Dr. Spies, W. Dr. Stassen, L.W. Dr. Van der Merwe, J.P. Dr. Van der Ness, M.N. Dr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. (Poster in English). ENDO 2002, San Francisco. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Pituitary gland volume assessment by magnetic resonance imaging. SEMDSA, Cape Town - Somerset West, 2002. 96 BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure - magnetic resonance findings (Poster in English). 17th Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Paris, 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas (Poster in English). 17th Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Paris, 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. The pituitary gland volume assessment in primary pituitary dwarfism by magnetic resonance imaging (Poster in English). ENEA 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure - magnetic resonance findings (Poster in English). ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas. (Poster in English) ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. (Poster in English). ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy. SEMDSA, Cape Town - Somerset West, 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., KONING, M., JOUBERT, G., Growth hormone deficiency and risk for atherosclerosis in adult hypopituitary patients (Poster in English). ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M., MOLLENTZE, W. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy (Poster and Oral). Faculty of Health Sciences Forum, Bloemfontein 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Hypothyroidism and weight gain. (poster) The Endocrine Society's 84th meeting, ENDO 2002, San Francisco, 2002. MARAIS, M.J., DE VRIES, C.S., LOGGENBERG, E. Audit of the results of percutaneous biliary stent. Interventional Radiology Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. MARAIS, M.J., DE VRIES, C.S., LOGGENBERG, E. Palliative biliary stenting. An audit at Universitas Hospital. Sages Congress, Sun City 2001. OTTO, S.F. Consent in interventional Radiology. Interventional Radiology Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.P., DE VRIES, C.S., LOGGENBERG, E. Our experience in percutaneous kidney stone removal. Interventional Radiology Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BRUNA, J., MILLER, A.J., BENINSON, J. The clinical grading and simple classification of Lymphedema. Lymphology 2002;35(Supplement)1:160162. 97 BRUNA, J. The radiology in differential diagnosis of swollen extremity. Lymphology 2002;35 (Supplement):241-246. BRUNOVA, J. BRUNA, J., STONES, D.K. Radiologic morphology of infradiaphragmatic lymphomas. Lymphology 2002;35 (Supplement)1:748-750. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., STONES, D.K. Abdominal Burkitt and Hodgkin lymphoma. Lymphology 2002;35 (Supplement)1:751-754. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte BARTLETT, J.H., LOGGENBERG, E., DE VRIES, C.S. Placement of tunnelled silicone haemodialysis catheters in a radiology intervention unit. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2) BRUNA, J. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in neurocysticercosis. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2)4-13. BRUNA, J. Neurocysticercosis. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6:4-12. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. Book of Abstracts ENDO 2002, p.638, San Francisco 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Pituitary gland volume assessment by magnetic resonance imaging. JEMSDA 2002;7:33-34. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure- magnetic resonance findings. Abstract in Journal of Neuroradiology Aug 2002:1S169. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas. Abstracts in Journal of Neuroradiology Masson 2002:1S169. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. The pituitary gland volume assessment in primary pituitary dwarfism by magnetic resonance imaging. ENEA 2002 Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure - magnetic resonance findings. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M., MOLLENTZE, W. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy. Book of Abstracts, Faculty of Health Sciences Forum, Bloemfontein 2002 . BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy. JEMDSA 2002;7:34. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., KONING, M., JOUBERT, G. 98 Growth hormone deficiency and risk for atherosclerosis in adult hypopituitary patients. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Hypothyroidism and weight gain. ENDO 2002, Book of Abstracts, p.288, San Francisco, 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., KONING, M., MEYER, M., JOUBERT, G., MOLLENTZE, W. GAD65Ab and primary hypothyroidism in type 1 and 2 diabetic subjects. Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism and Diabetes in South Africa 2002;7(1):6-8. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J. Congress Report: 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, 8-17 June 2001. Endocrinology Metabolism and Diabetes in South Africa 2002;7(2):74-76. Journal of FOURIE, J.J., LAUBSCHER, R.J. Integration of the MEDITEC system in the Radiology Department of the University of the Free State. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). KRITZINGER, H.G. Neurofibromatosis type 2 – a case study. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). MARAIS, M.J., DE VRIES, C.S. An audit of percutaneous biliary stenting for the palliation of pancreatic cancer – results, post-procedural survival period, and comparison of plastic and metal stents. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). OTTO, S.F. Consent to treatment. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). POTGIETER, P.H., LOGGENBERG, E. Gradenigo’s syndrome. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). POTGIETER, H.F., DE VRIES, C.S. Technical success rate of uterine artery embolisation for treatment of uterine leiomyomas at the University of the Free State. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). SPIES, W., DE VRIES, C.S. Malignant GIST tumour of the stomach. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). VAN DER MERWE, J.P., DE VRIES, C.S. Percutaneous kidney stone removal – history, anatomy and statistical analysis of a group of patients. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). VAN DER NESS, M.N., STASSEN, L.W. Dysphagia aortica – dual aortic impressions on barium swallow. South African Journal of Radiology 2002;6(2). DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE DEPARTEMENT HUISARTSKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. E.A.M. Prinsloo +27 051 4013307 +27 051 4013312 gndkeamp.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Agbejule, O.A. Dr. Dawadi, B.R. Dr. 99 Fagbuyi, M.A. Dr. Hiemstra, L.A. Prof. Jansen van Vuuren, M.V. Prof. Jute, S. Dr. Prinsloo, E.A.M. Prof. Ramonate, N. Dr. Venter, J.F. Dr. Yiga, S.I.N. Dr. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte FAGBUYI, M.A. JOUBERT, G., DIEDERICKS, B.J.S., VAN VUUREN, M.V.J. Patient’s knowledge and beliefs regarding anaesthetic management. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(4):288-289. AGBEJULE, O.A., JOUBERT, G., BOTHA, J.B.C., VAN VUUREN, M.V.J. Gunshot-injured patients at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, Durban – Profile and outcome. South African Medical Journal March 2002;92(3):212. YIGA, S.I.N., JOUBERT, G., HIEMSTRA, L.A.H. Practices of Primary Caretakers of Children aged 1-5 years before attending Peri-Urban and Urban Clinics in ThabaNchu. SA Family Practice 2002;25(1):9-12. JUTE, S., JOUBERT, G., CALITZ, F.J.W. Die prevalensie van depressie in algemene praktyke. [The prevalence of depression in general practice]. Geneeskunde 2002;44(3):11-14. DEPARTMENT OF FORENSIC MEDICINE DEPARTEMENT GEREGTELIKE GENEESKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J.B.C. Botha +27-(0)51-405-3132 +27-(0)51-430-3826 gnggmjb.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Department: Botha, J.B.C. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte AGBEJULE, O.A., JOUBERT, G., BOTHA, J.B.C., VAN VUUREN M.V.J. Gunshot-injured patients at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, Durban – Profile and outcome. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(3):212. DEPARTMENT OF HAEMATOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY DEPARTEMENT HEMATOLOGIE EN SELBIOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. P.N. Badenhorst +27-(0)51-405-3043 gnhmpn.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Badenhorst, P.N. Prof. 100 Coetzee, M.J. Dr. Coetzee, L. Dr. Meiring, S.M. Dr. Conference proceedings / Konferensieverhandelinge BADENHORST, P.N., MEIRING, S.M., PRETORIUS, G.H.J. A Novel Thrombin-inhibiting peptide selected by phage display technology. The 29th World Congress of the International Society of Haematology 24 to 28 August 2002, Seoul, Korea. Oral presentation. PIETERS, H., ROODT, J.P., BADENHORST, P.N. Estimation of reference ranges from patient data by mathematical analysis. The 29th World Congress of the International Society of Haematology 24 to 28 August 2002, Seoul, Korea. Poster presentation. COETZEE, A.J.W., BOOYENS, A.J.W. Haemophilia Treatment Centre, Universitas Hospital, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Haemophilia in central South Africa: present and future. 25th International Congress of the World Federation of Haemophilia, Seville, Spain, 19-24 May 2002. BOOYENS, A.J.W., COETZEE, M.J. Haemophilia Treatment Centre, Universitas Hospital, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Bloemfontein Haemophilia Treatment Centre: the first two years. 25th International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Seville, Spain, 19-24 May 2002 , Poster presentation. COETZEE, M.J., MEIRING, S.M. Selection and characterisation of tissue factor-binding peptides. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1 July - 4 July 2002. Poster presentation. BOOYENS, A.J.W., COETZEE, M.J. The First Two Years. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1 July - 4 July 2002. Poster presentation. COETZEE, M.J., MEIRING, S.M. Selection and characterisation of tissue factor-binding peptides. Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. COETZEE, M.J., BOOYENS, A.J.W. Haemophilia in central South Africa: present and future. Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. BOOYENS, A.J.W., COETZEE, M.J. The First Two Years Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. DE KOCK, A., KEBEDE, E. Sequence characterisation of variant alleles found at the FGA STR locus in the human genome. Faculty Forum , Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. MOTLOI, N.C., KOTZÉ, H.F., PRETORIUS, G.H.J., MEIRING, S.M. Characterisation of factor XI-inhibiting peptides selected by phage display technology. Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. MEIRING, S.M., LITTAUER, D. Enzyme kinetics of the thrombin inhibiting peptide (TIP). Faculty Forum 2002. Oral presentation. ROETS, C.E., MEIRING, S.M. Characterisation of a factor VIIa inhibitory peptide. Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. 101 DE BRUIN, K., PRETORIUS, G.H.J., MEIRING, S.M. Characterisation of an antithrombotic protein isolated from the horsefly (Hippobosca Rufipes). Faculty Forum 2002. DE KOCK, A., KEBEDE, E., PRETORIUS, G.H.J. Sequence characterisation of variant alleles found at the FGA STR locus in the human genome. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1 July - 4 July 2002. ROETS, C.E., MEIRING, S.M. Characterisation of a FVIIa inhibitory peptide. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1 July - 4 July 2002 MEIRING, S.M., LITTAUER, D. Enzyme kinetics of a thrombin-inhibiting peptide, TIP. The 42nd annual congress of the federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, July 2002. MOTLOI, N.C., KOTZÉ, H.F., PRETORIUS, G.H.J., MEIRING, S.M. Characterization of factor XI inhibiting peptides selected by phage display technology. The 42nd annual congress of the federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, July 2002. DE BRUIN, K, PRETORIUS, G.H.J., MEIRING, S.M. Characterization of an antithrombotic protein isolated from the louse fly (HIPPOBOSCA rufipes). The 42nd annual congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, July 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte PEREIRA, J., SOTO, M., PALOMO, I., OCQUETEAU, M., COETZEE, L-M., ASTUDILLO, S., ARANDA, E., MEZZANO, D. Platelet aging in vivo is associated with activation of apoptotic pathways: Studies in a model of suppressed Thrombopoiesis in Dogs. Thrombosis Haemostasis 2002;87:905-909 DAVIES, W.R., HEPBURN, D.P., COETZEE, M.J., BADENHORST, P.N., GOEDHALS, L., NEL, M. Patient satisfaction at haematology and oncology clinics in the Free State and Northern Cape. Curationis 2002;25(2):63-68. MEIRING, M.S., LITTHAUER, D., HÁRSFALVI, J., VAN WYK, V., BADENHORST, P.N., KOTZÉ, H.F. In vitro effect of a thrombin inhibition peptide selected by phage display technology. Thrombosis Research 2002;107:365-371. WU, D., MEIRING, S.M., KOTZÉ, H.F., DECKMYN, H., CAUWENBERGHS, N. Inhibition of platelet glycoprotein Ib, Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, or both by monoclonal antibodies prevents arterial thrombosis in baboons. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2002;22(2):323-328. WU, D., VANHOORELBEK, E, K., CAUWENBERGHS, N., MEIRING, S.M., DEPRAETERE, H., KOTZÉ, HF., DECKMYN, H. Inhibition of the von Willebrand (vWF) – collagen interaction by an antihuman vWF monoclonal antibody results in abolition of in vivo arterial platelet thrombus formation in baboons. Blood 2002;99(10):36233628. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte PRETORIUS, G.H.J. Whose genome is it anyway? A look at the human genome project and its fallout. The Specialist Forum, June 2002. 102 Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae COETZEE, M.J., BOOYENS, A.J.W. Haemophilia in central South Africa: present and future. Haemophilia 2002;8:517 BOOYENS, A.J.W., COETZEE, M.J. Haemophilia care in the Orange Free State, South Africa. Haemophilia 2002;8:550 Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae COETZEE, M.J.C., BADENHORST, P.N. Career paths for clinical haematologists: a Free State & Northern Cape perspective, Department of Haematology & Cell Biology, UFS, Bloemfontein, Report for SASH, April 2002 COETZEE, M.J.C. Perspectives on the subspecialty of Clinical Haematology, (Report on behalf of the Council of the SA Society for Haematology), March 2002 for the SASH website (www.sash.org.za) Highlights from research findings/Glanspunte in navorsings bevindinge An anti-thrombotic drug, “Thrombin Inhibitory Peptide” (TIP) has been developed by Dr. Muriel Meiring and her team. It has the potential to be further developed as a pharmaceutical drug in the fight against thrombosis. Thrombosis is an abnormal process of blood clotting that can lead to obstruction of blood flow in arteries and veins, such as occurs in deep venous thrombosis in the legs, heart attacks and even strokes. Some of these conditions are leading causes of death in Westerners but is also increasing in frequency amongst the African population. Better anti-thrombotics are being researched worldwide because the standard therapeutic drugs (heparin and warfarin) are not always ideal. A further highlight has been the development of a “library” of a large number of peptides from the louse-fly, a blood-sucking insect. These peptides may also provide insights and uses in the development of anti-thrombotic drugs. Dr Muriel Meiring en haar span het ‘n anti-stolmiddel “Trombien inhiberende peptide (TIP)” ontwikkel. Hierdie antistolmiddel kan verder as ‘n farmaseutiese middel ontwikkel word om trombose te bestry. Trombosie is ‘n abnormale proses van bloedstolling wat obstruksie van bloedvloei in arteries en vene veroorsaak. Dit lei dan tot diep veneuse trombose, hartaanvalle en selfs beroertes. Sommige van hierdie toestande is hoofoorsake van mortaliteit in Westerse populasies, maar kom ook al meer voor in Afrikane. Daar word wêreld-wyd nagevors na beter antistolmiddels, want die standard terapeutiese middles (heparien en warfarin) is nie altyd ideal nie. ‘n Verdere hoogtepunt was die ontwikkeling van ‘n “biblioteek” van peptiede afkomstig van die perdevlieg, ‘n bloedsuiende insek. Hierdie peptiede kan ook verdere gebruike en inligting oor antistolmiddels tot gevolg hê. Contact Details/Kontakbesonderhede: Name/Naam: Dr. S.M. Meiring +27-(0)51-405-3593 gnhmsmm.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Research awards and achievements/Acknowledgement of Outstanding contributions/Navorsingstoekennings en prestasie/Erkenning van uitstaande bydrae research Department of Haematology and Cell biology Faculty Forum 2002: Trophy for the most presentations during the Faculty Forum. MOTLOI, N. Winner: Best Junior Poster; Faculty Forum 2002. Wenner: Best Junior Plakaat, Faculty Forum 2002. MEIRING, S.M. Awarded: Medical Scientist of the Year Trophy, 2002 (Medical Scientists Society, Free State Branch) 103 Toekenning: Mediese Wetenskaplike van die Jaar Trofee 2002 (Mediese Wetenskaplike Vereniging, Vrystaat-tak) Awards/Prizes of International Conferences/Toekenning/Pryse ontvang by Internasionale Konferensies BADENHORST, P.N., PIETERS, H. Haematology and Cell Biology/Hematologie en Selbiologie Awarded Travel Grants at the 29th World Congress of the International Society of HaematologySeoul, Korea August 2002. Prestigious fellowship and grants/Prestige navorsingsgenootskappe en toekennings Flemish / South African Agreements PIETERS, H. Department of Haematology and Cell Biology Grant for the next two years for collaborative research effort between Catholic University, Louvain,, Belgium and University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Project: “Preclinical evaluation in non-human primates of a novel type of antithrombotic agent: antifactor-FVIII monoclonal antibodies”. Belgium / South African Agreements Belgiese / Suid-Afrikaanse Samewerkingsooreenkomste MEIRING, S.M. Awarded R140 000 for 2 years for a collaborative research effort between Catholic University Louvain (KULAK), Belgium and University of the Free State,, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Projects: “New antithrombotics: role in platelet aggregation, coagulation and restenosis” R140 000 is toegeken vir 2 jaar vir ‘n navorsingsamewerkingsooreenkoms tussen die Katoliee Universiteit van Leuven (KULAK), België en die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Suid-Afrika. Projekte: “Nuwe antistolmiddels: Rol in plaatjieaggregasie, stolling en restenose”. Hungary / South African Agreements Hongaarse / Suid-Afrikaanse Samewerkingsooreenkomste MEIRING, S.M. Awarded R120 000 for 2 years for a collaborative research effort between the University of Debrecen, Hungary and University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Projects: “New antithrombotics: role in platelet adhesion and coagulation”. R120 000 is toegeken vir 2 jaar vir ‘n navorsingsamewerkingsooreenkoms tussen die Universiteit van Debrecen, Hongarye en die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Suid-Afrika. Projekte: “Nuwe antistolmiddels: Rol in plaatjie-klewing en stolling”. WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA (WFH) COETZEE, M.J. Awarded a fellowship for training at an International Haemophilia Training Centre during February 2003 in the treatment of haemophilia and other bleeding diseases at the WFH Van Creveld Clinic and Thrombosis and Haemostasis Laboratory, Academic Hospital, Utrecht, Netherlands. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings Badenhorst, P.N. Haematology and Cell Biology Inaugurated as President: Federation of South African Pathology Societies during the PathoGenomics Congress, Bloemfontein, 2002. Pretorius, G.H.J.P. Prof. Haematology and Cell Biology Chairman and Organiser: PathoGenomics Congress, Bloemfontein, July 2002. The theme of the congress was the state-of-the-art and application of molecular biological techniques in pathology laboratory practice. 104 Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel ROETS, Catharina Elizabeth PHAGE DISPLAY SELECTION OF PEPTIDE INHIBITORS OF FVLLA AND THEIR FUNTIONAL CHARACTERISATION. Promotor: Dr. S.M. Meiring. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN NUTRITION DEPARTEMENT MENSLIKE VOEDING Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. A. Dannhauser +27-(0)51-401-2894 +27-(0)51-401-2869 gnmvad@med.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Dannhauser, A. Prof. Du Toit, E. Dr. Slabber, M. Prof. Walsh, C. Ms/Me. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge DANNHAUSER, A., JOUBERT, G., VAN STADEN, M., BARNARD, C.H., MARAIS, N., ERASMUS, E., VAN DER RYST, E., ATTWOOD, E.M., LE ROUX, G.D. Dietary profile of HIV-1 seropositive patients in the Free State Province. Proceedings of the Nutrition in Adults living with HIV/AIDS Symposium and Workshop, 26-27 February 2002, CSIR, Pretoria. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;15(3) Supplement 2:S7. DANNHAUSER, A., KRUGER, S., SLABBER, M., DU TOIT, E., BADENHORST, AM., BESTER, I. Effect of a nutrition intervention programme on the anthropometric status and dietary intake of preschool children in Mangaung, Free State. Proceedings of the Nutrition Congress 2002, 5-9 November 2002, Potchefstroom. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;15(3) Supplement 2: S13. DANNHAUSER, A., KRUGER, S., SLABBER, M., DU TOIT, E., BADENHORST, AM., BESTER, I. Impact of a nutrition intervention programme on the anthropometric status of preschool children in Mangaung, South Africa. 9th World Congress of Clinical Nutrition, 24-26 June, 2002, London, UK, Book of Abstracts, p.156. DANNHAUSER, A., NEL, M. Feeding practices and environmental chracteristics of stunted and non-stunted children (< 24 months) in Mangaung. 9th World Congress of Clinical Nutrition, 24-26 June, 2002, London, UK, Book of Abstracts, p.155. HATTINGH, Z., WALSH, C., VELDMAN, F.J., BESTER, C.J. Insulin sensitivity, body mass index and triglyceride levels of women (25-44 years) in Mangaung. Proceedings of the Nutrition Congress 2002, 5-9 November 2002, Potchefstroom. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;15(3) Supplement 2:S1-S44. LOUW, L. DE K., SLABBER, M. Laryngeal Cancer, Part II, Dietary Fatty Acid and Micronutrient Intakes. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and eicosanoids in Tapei, (Taiwan) from 29 August to 2 September 2002. LOUW, L. DE K., SLABBER, M. A Tumour Preventative and Protective micronutrient that decreases the recurrence of cervical cancer. 5th International Congress on Essential Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids in Tapei, (Taiwan) from 29 August to 2 September 2002. 105 WALSH, C., BESTER, I., VELDMAN, D. Anthropometric nutritional status of HIV-positive women (25-44 years) in Mangaung. Proceedings of the Nutrition in Adults living with HIV/AIDS Symposium and Workshop, 26-27 February 2002, CSIR, Pretoria. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;15(3) Supplement 2:S7. WALSH, C., BESTER, I., VELDMAN, D. Dietary intake of HIV-positive women (25-44 years) in Mangaung. Proceedings of the Nutrition in Adults living with HIV/AIDS Symposium and Workshop, 26-27 February 2002, CSIR, Pretoria. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;15(3) Supplement 2:10. WALSH, C., BESTER, C.J., VELDMAN, F.J. Nutritional status of women (25-44 years) in Mangaung. Proceedings of the Nutrition Congress 2002, 5-9 November 2002, Potchefstroom. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;15(3) Supplement 2: S1S44. WALSH, C.M., BESTER, I., VELDMAN, D., DANNHAUSER, A. Anthropometric status and dietary intake of HIV+ women in Mangaung. 9th World Congress of Clinical Nutrition, 24-26 June, 2002, London, UK, Book of Abstracts, p.154. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte SLABBER, M., WALSH, C.M, OOSTHUIZEN, A.P., NORTJÉ, J.D., WESSELS, P.H., NEL, M. The association between fat distribution and ovulation. Scientific letter. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(11):885-886. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte WALSH, C.M., DANNHAUSER, A., JOUBERT, G. The impact of a nutrition education programme on the anthropometric nutritional status of low-income children in South Africa. Public Health Nutrition 2002;5(1):3-9. Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel LUSARDI, Liz-Mare EFFECTS OF A LOW-INSULIN-RESPONSE, ENERGY-RESTRICTED DIET ON WEIGHT LOSS AND ENDOCRINOLOGICAL PARAMETER IN OBESE, ANOVULATORY WOMEN IN THEIR REPRODUCTIVE YEARS. Supervisor: Prof. M. Slabber VAN ONSELEN, Annette THE EFFECT OF A COMBINATION OF SHORT-CHAIN FATTY ACIDS ON GLYCOMETABOLIC CONTROL IN MALES. Supervisor: Prof. A Dannhauser, Co-Supervisor: Dr. F.J. Veldman DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE DEPARTEMENT INTERNE GENEESKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. W.F. Mollentze +27-(0)51-405-3154 +27-(0)51-448-1284 gninwm.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Brunova, J. Dr. Oosthuizen, G.M. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte 106 BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. (Poster in English). ENDO 2002, San Francisco. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Pituitary gland volume assessment by magnetic resonance imaging. SEMDSA, Cape Town - Somerset West, 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure - magnetic resonance findings (Poster in English). 17th Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Paris, 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas (Poster in English). 17th Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Paris, 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. The pituitary gland volume assessment in primary pituitary dwarfism by magnetic resonance imaging (Poster in English). ENEA 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure - magnetic resonance findings (Poster in English). ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas. (Poster in English) ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. (Poster in English). ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy. SEMDSA, Cape Town - Somerset West, 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., KONING, M., JOUBERT, G. Growth hormone deficiency and risk for atherosclerosis in adult hypopituitary patients (Poster in English). ENEA 2002, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M., MOLLENTZE, W. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy (Poster and Oral). Faculty of Health Sciences Forum, Bloemfontein 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Hypothyroidism and weight gain. (poster) The Endocrine Society's 84th meeting, ENDO 2002, San Francisco, 2002. MARAIS, M.J., DE VRIES, C.S., LOGGENBERG, E. Audit of the results of percutaneous biliary stent. Interventional Radiology Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. MARAIS, M.J., DE VRIES, C.S., LOGGENBERG, E. Palliative biliary stenting. An audit at Universitas Hospital. Sages Congress, Sun City 2001. OTTO, S.F. Consent in interventional Radiology. Interventional Radiology Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.P., DE VRIES, C.S., LOGGENBERG, E. Our experience in percutaneous kidney stone removal. Interventional Radiology Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. 107 Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., STONES, D.K. Radiologic morphology of infradiaphragmatic lymphomas. Lymphology 2002;35(Supplement)1:748-750. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., STONES, D.K. Abdominal Burkitt and Hodgkin lymphoma. Lymphology 2002;35(Supplement)1:751-754. GERBER, A.M., OOSTHUIZEN, G.M., CROUS, A. A possible link between melatonin levels, stress and coronary heart disease. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(10):794-795. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. Book of Abstracts ENDO 2002, p.638, San Francisco 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Pituitary gland volume assessment by magnetic resonance imaging. JEMSDA 2002;7:33-34. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. The pituitary gland volume assessment in primary pituitary dwarfism by magnetic resonance imaging. ENEA 2002 Book of Abstracts Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure- magnetic resonance findings. Abstract in Journal of Neuroradiology Aug 2002:1S169. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas. Abstracts in Journal of Neuroradiology Masson 2002:1S169. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., JAQUEAMARD, R., ALBERTYN, J. Growth failure - magnetic resonance findings. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., LUDVIKOVA, D., STEYN, J., ALBERTYN, J. Magnetic resonance imaging of different pituitary adenomas. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy. JEMDSA 2002;7:34. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., KONING, M., JOUBERT, G. Growth hormone deficiency and risk for atherosclerosis in adult hypopituitary patients. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M., MOLLENTZE, W. Weight gain in patients after hyperthyroidism therapy. Book of Abstracts, Faculty of Health Sciences Forum, Bloemfontein 2002 . BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J. Magnetic resonance findings in pituitary deficiency. ENEA 2002, Book of Abstracts, Munich 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., JOUBERT, G., KONING, M. Hypothyroidism and weight gain. ENDO 2002, Book of Abstracts, p.288, San Francisco, 2002. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., KONING, M., MEYER, M., JOUBERT, G., MOLLENTZE, W. 108 GAD65Ab and primary hypothyroidism in type 1 and 2 diabetic subjects. Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism and Diabetes in South Africa 2002;7(1):6-8. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J. Congress Report: 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, 8-17 June 2001. Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism and Diabetes in South Africa 2002;7(2):74-76. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY DEPARTEMENT MEDIESE MIKROBIOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof : Prof. M.N. Janse van Rensburg +27-(0)51-405-3076 +27-(0)51-444-3437 gnmbmmp.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Janse van Rensburg, M.N. Prof. Pretorius, A-M. Mrs./Mev. Struwig, M.C. Me/Ms Theron, M.M. Dr. Van der Spoel van Dijk, A. Mrs/Mev. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., THERON, M.M., BARRY, R., COOPER, S. Association of Chlamydia pneumoniae with atherosclerotic disease in patients from the Free State. 10th International Congress on Infectious Disease in Singapore from 11-14 March 2002. JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., THERON, M.M., BARRY, R., COOPER, S. Association of Chlamydia pneumoniae with atherosclerotic disease in patients from the Free State. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology in Bloemfontein from 1-4 July 2002. MOKHETHI, S.Z., BACHMANN, M., VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A. A review of geographical and tuberculosis (TB) data from three clinics in the Thaba Nchu area, Free State. Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 29 – 30 August 2002. MOKHETHI, S.Z., BACHMANN, M., VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A. A review of tuberculosis (TB) data from clinics in an area that is representative of the Free State. 14th Conference of the IUATLD (International Union against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease), Durban, 11 – 14 June 2002. PRETORIUS, A-M., JENSENIUS, M., CLARKE, F., RINGERTZ, S.H. Repellent efficacy of DEET and KBR 3023 against nymphal Amblyomma hebraeum. Poster presented at the International conference on rickettsiae and rickettsial diseases joint meeting with ASR conference 2002 at Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4th - 7th September 2002. STRUWIG, M.C., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., NEL, M.M. Learning through play: an innovative approach to master medical microbiology facts and general skills. Health Professions Education International Conference, Bloemfontein, 7–10 October 2002. STRUWIG, M.C., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., NEL, M.M. Learning through play: introduction of a concept and visual aspects of a board game designed to master medical microbiology facts and general skills. Health Professions Education International Conference, Bloemfontein, 7–10 October 2002. 109 THERON, M.M., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., CHALKLEY, L.J. Prevalence of nim genes in Peptostreptococcus spp. isolated in South Africa. 10th International Congress on Infectious Disease in Singapore from 11-14 March 2002. THERON, M.M., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., CHALKLEY, L.J. Prevalence of nim genes in Peptostreptococcus spp. isolated in South Africa. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology in Bloemfontein from 1-4 July 2002. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., KONCO, K., RIGOUTS, L. An investigation of tuberculosis (TB) data as part of a DNA-fingerprinting study documenting the outcome of Direct Observed Treatment Strategies (DOTS) in the Free State. 14th Conference of the IUATLD (International Union against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease), Durban, 11 – 14 June 2002. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., KONCO, K., RIGOUTS, L. A retrospective study of TB prevalence and demographic profiles of patients in three districts in the Free State, South Africa. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Bloemfontein, 3 – 4 July 2002. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., RIGOUTS, L. A retrospective study of TB prevalence and demographic profiles of patients in three districts in the Free State, Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 29 – 30 August 2002. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte PRETORIUS, A-M., BIRTLES, R.J. Rickettsia aeschlimannii, a new pathogenic spotted fever group rickettsia, South Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2002;8(8):874. Highlights from research findings/Glanspunte in navorsingsbevindinge In a study done on antibiotic resistance in anaerobic bacteria, the metronidazole resistance gene, the nim gene, has been found in 5 genera in addition to those described in the rest of the world. Another finding was that alterations in penicillin-binding proteins in Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria are implicated in resistance development to the ß-lactam piperacillin and the carbapenem imipenem. In association with the Departments of Surgery and Anatomical Pathology, it was found that the organism Chlamydia pneumoniae may be associated with atherosclerotic disease. This is the first time that the organism has been demonstrated in South Africa by the polymerase chain reaction. In 'n studie gedoen op antibiotikum bestandheid in anaerobiese bakterieë, is die metronidasool bestandheids geen, die nim geen, gevind in 5 genera addisioneel tot die beskryf in die res van die wêreld Nog 'n bevinding was dat veranderinge in penisillien-bindende proteïene in Gram-negatiewe anaerobiese bakterieë betrokke is by bestandheids ontwikkeling teen die ß-laktam piperasillien en die karbapenem imipenem. In samewerking met die Departmente Chirurgie en Anatomiese Patologie, is gevind dat die organisme Chlamydia pneumoniae betrokke mag wees by aterosklerose. Dit is die eerste keer dat die organisme in Suid-Afrika aangetoon is deur die polimerase ketting reaksie Tuberculosis research is done by a team of researchers and students in the department under the leadership of A. van der Spoel van Dijk. The following people are part of the team: Work is done in collaboration with the following Departments and Institutions: Prof. Dingie van Rensburg and his team, CHSR&D, UFS Prof. F. Portaels and Dr. L.Rigouts, Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium. Prof Max Bachmann, Department of Community Health, UFS 110 Dr. K. Weyer PhD, MRC, Unit for Tuberculosis Operational Research and Policy, Pretoria Dr. R. Chapman MBChB FFCH, Director: Primary care programmes, Free State Department of Health Two studies are part of the tuberculosis research that mainly implements DNA-fingerprinting techniques to investigate strain diversity among M. tuberculosis strains in the Free State. DNA-fingerprinting techniques are employed to investigate the movement of strains and provide information concerning the transmission dynamics of the disease, re-infection and re-activation rates in the Free State. This year an access database was developed that was designed by Dr. J Buys of the Health Sciences Computer Services, UFS. All the patient data collected from patient files and consent forms as well as all the laboratory results for tuberculosis studies conducted by the Department Medical Microbiology were entered into the database and will be kept up to date. Information from 614 tuberculosis patients in the Free State was recorded after consent was obtained from patients. Records will be used to trace index cases for genotypic clones identified by fingerprinting M. tuberculosis strains. The Department of Medical Microbiology was donated a GelCompar 4.1 software program for the analysis of fingerprint data through collaboration with the Mycobacteriology Unit, Institute of Tropical Research in Antwerp, Belgium and the Centre of Health Systems Research and Development, University of the Free State in a multidisciplinary study. This program has been mastered and all the fingerprinting results were analysed with this program. INH resistant strains received from the National Tuberculosis Research Programme, Medical Research Council (MRC) national survey of tuberculosis drug resistance for fingerprint analysis all had different fingerprinting patterns which add to previous findings that INH resistance in the Free State is due to nonadherence rather than transmission of resistant strains. Fingerprint analyses from strains of Thaba ’Nchu (although too few to draw definite conclusions) suggest that transmission (patients infecting other patients) in this area is high. Contact Details/Kontakbesonderhede: Naam: A van der Spoel van Dijk +27-(0)51-405-3462 gnmbavds.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Research awards and achievements of outstanding research contributions/Navorsingstoekennings en prestasie/erkenning van uitstaande bydrae. PRETORIUS, A-M. Awarded STUDENT GRANT by Dr Miroslav Petrovec, Student grant committee, for presentation at the “International Conference on Rickettsiae and Rickettsial Diseases”: in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4th – 7th September 2002. Allocation from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universtiy of the Free State. PRETORIUS, A-M. Medical Microbiology/Mediese Mikrobiologie Funds of R20 000 from UFS as Group leader of the research group entitled: “Epidemiology of arthropodborne bacteria of medical and veterinary importance in South Africa” THERON, M.M. Best laboratory poster Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 29 – 30 August 2002/Beste laboratoriumplakkaat Fakulteitsforum, Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe, Universiteit Vrystaat, 29 – 30 Augustus 2002 THERON, M.M., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, M.N., CHALKLEY, L.J. Prevalence of nim genes in Peptostreptococcus spp. isolated in South Africa. 42nd Annual Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology in Bloemfontein from 1-4 July 2002/42st Jaarlikse 111 Kongres van die Federasie vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging van Patologie in Bloemfontein vanaf 1-4 Julie 2002 Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings THERON, M.M. Chairperson/Voorsitter: Association for Medical Scientists, Free State Branch/Vereniging van Mediese Wetenskaplikes, Tak van die Vrystaat. Member/Lid: Infectious Disease Society of South Africa. Member/Lid: Health Professions Council of South Africa. VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A. Member: Health Professions Council of South Africa Member: International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI) Member : Federation of South African Societies of Pathologists (FSASP). Member: Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern Africa. Committee Member: Association for Medical Scientists Free State Branch. VAN DER MERWE, J.J. Member: Health Professions Council of South Africa. Member: South African Society of Microbiology. Member: Microbiology and Biochemistry Student Society, UFS, Bloemfontein. Member: South African Society of Plant Pathology. PRETORIUS, A-M. Member/Lid: Association for Medical Scientists of the Free State/Vereniging vir Mediese Wetenskappe van die Vrystaat Member: SA Society for Microbiology Member: Federation of South African Societies of Pathology (FSASP) Vice-chairperson: African Association of Rickettsiology Biologists Member: European Working Group of Rickettsia, Coxiella, Ehrlichia and Bartonella (EUWOG) Member: American Society for Rickettsiology (ASR) Associate Member: Integrated Control Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases (ICTTD) – Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands Other, e.g. workshops presentations/course presentations/seminar presentations Ander, bv. Aanbiedinge tydens werkswinkels/kursusse/seminare VAN DER SPOEL VAN DIJK, A., VAN DER MERWE, J.J., KONCO, K. Sputum fingerprinting of drug resistant TB patients. Presentation at the Research findings dissemination workshops: Joint Research Project on TB in the Free State: From infection to cure. April/May 2002 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PHYSICS DEPARTEMENT GENEESKUNDIGE FISIKA Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. M.G. Lötter +27-(0)51-405-3156 +27-(0)51-444-3822 gnbimgl.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Du Plessis, F.C.P. Mr/Mnr. Herbst, C.P. Prof. Lötter, M.G. Prof. Marais, J. Mr/Mnr. 112 Van Staden, J. Mr/Mnr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ACHO, S., HERBST, C.P., MASELESELE, V., MOLEME, P., LÖTTER, M.G., VAN RENSBURG, A., DE VRIES, C. Comparison of entrance exposure for similar radiological examinations on different x-ray units. 42nd SAAPMB congress and Mount Amanzi Winter school, Pretoria, 2002. LÖTTER, M.G. Regulations relating to the registration of medical physicists and medical biological scientists (Radiation Biology). 42nd SAAPMB congress and Mount Amanzi Winter school, Pretoria, 2002. MARAIS, J., LÖTTER, M.G., VAN STADEN, J.A., HERBST, C.P. 3-d Feature detection of the left ventricle to be used in image registration. 42nd SAAPMB congress and Mount Amanzi Winter school, Pretoria, 2002. MUGABE, K.V., DU RAAN, H., LÖTTER, M.G. Development of a software phantom for the evalution of gated cardiac blood pool studies. 42nd SAAPMB congress and Mount Amanzi Winter school, Pretoria, 2002. MOLEME, P.A., HERBST, C.P., LÖTTER, M.G. The effect of lossy JPEG compression on chest x-ray images. 42nd SAAPMB congress and Mount Amanzi Winter school, Pretoria, 2002. MASELESELE, H.V., WILLEMSE, C.W., PEPENE, R.D., MONGANE, S.M. Commissioning of diode detectors for in vivo dosimetry. 42nd SAAPMB congress and Mount Amanzi Winter school, Pretoria, 2002. SHAW, W., DU PLESSIS, F. Evaluation of shielding calculations at National Hospital. 42nd SAAPMB congress and Mount Amanzi Winter school, Pretoria, 2002. DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE DEPARTEMENT KERNGENEESKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. A.C. Otto +27-(0)51)-405-3488 +27-(0)51)-444-3822 gnknaco.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Ddepartement/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Dunn, M. Mrs/Mev. Nel, M.G. Dr. Otto, A.C. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte (posters / plakkate) HORN, J., VAN STADEN, J., OTTO, A.C., THERON, H., VAN ROOYEN, C. Accuracy of the automated assessment of left ventricular function with gated perfusion SPECT: Correlation with contrast ventriculography and echocardiography. 10th Congress of the South African Society of Nuclear Medicine, Music Conservatoire, Stellenbosch, 4-7 December 2002. OTTO, A.C., VAN STADEN, J., DUNN, M., VAN DER MERWE, B., JOUBERT, G., OOSTHUIZEN, S. Hypertensive heart failure: Retrospective analysis with gated bloodpool scintigraphy. 10th Congress of the South African Society of Nuclear Medicine, Music Conservatoire, Stellenbosch, 4-7 December 2002. 113 OTTO, A.C., VAN STADEN, J., VAN AARDT, P.A., VAN ASWEGEN, E., JOUBERT, G., ENGELBRECHT, G.H.J., SNYMAN, U. Evaluation of exercise-induced stunning using myocardial perfusion imaging. 10th Congress of the South African Society of Nuclear Medicine, Music Conservatoire, Stellenbosch, 4-7 December 2002. DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY DEPARTEMENT OBSTETRIE EN GINEKOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. P.H. Wessels +27 051 405-3272 +27 051 444-2660 gnogphw@med.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Beyer, E. Ms/Me. Cilliers, J.B.F. Dr. Cooreman, B.F. Dr Cronjé, H.S. Prof. Nel, J.T. Prof. Nortjé, J.D. Dr. Prollius, A. Dr. Schoon, M.G. Dr. Urbani, G. Dr. Wessels, P.H. Prof. Books/Boeke CRONJÉ, H.S., DE CONING, E.C. Obstetric Protocol. University of the Free State Press, Bloemfontein 2002. Chapters in books/Hoofstukke in boeke CRONJÉ, H.S. Embryology. Odendaal, H.J., Schaetzing, A.E., Kruger, F.T. Clinical Gynaecology, Third edition. Cape Town: Juta, 2002. CRONJÉ, H.S. Special treatment in Gynaecology. Odendaal, H.J., Schaetzing, A.E., Kruger, F.T. Clinical Gynaecology, Third edition. Cape Town: Juta, 2002. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte CRONJÉ, H.S., BEYER, E. Surgical Management of grade 2 and 3 genital prolapse in females. XXXIV Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. DE GROOT, M.R., CORPORAAL, L.J., CRONJÉ, H.S., JOUBERT, G. The effect of human immunodeficiency virus infection on critically ill obstetric patients. XXXIV Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. KAPSENBERG, L.C., CRONJÉ, H.S., VAN JAARSVELD, H., JOUBERT, G., SCHOON, M.G., MEYER, G.M. Serum protein electrophoresis in HIV seropositive and seronegative pregnant women. XXXIV Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. KRIEK, N., PRETORIUS, G.H.J., CRONJÉ, H.S., BRAGG, R.R. 114 The oncolytic ability of two Newcastle disease virus strains. XXXIV Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. PROLLIUS, A., DE VRIES, C., DU PLESSIS, A., WESSELS, P.H., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, D., NEL, M. Uterine artery embolisation – Outcome of patients with a uterus size greater than 24 weeks. XXXIV Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. PROLLIUS, A., DE VRIES, C., DU PLESSIS, A., WESSELS, P.H., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, D., NEL, M. Uterine artery embolisation for symptomatic fibroids – The effect of HIV on outcome. XXXIV Faculty Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals/Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte FONN, S., BLOCH, B., MABINA, M., CARPENTER, S., CRONJÉ, H., MAISE, C., BENNUN, M., DU TOIT, G., DE JONGE, I., MANANA, I., LINDEQUE, G. Prevalence of pre-cancerous lesions and cervical cancer in South Africa – a multicentre study. South African Medical Journal 2002;92:148-156. PROLLIUS, A., WESSELS, P.H. Depressie in Swangerskap . Geneeskunde/The Medisine Journal 2002:20-22. PROLLIUS, A., WESSELS, P.H. Postpartum Depressie. Geneeskunde. The Medicine Journal 2002:41-42. SLABBER, M., WALSH, C.M., OOSTHUIZEN, A.P., NORTJE, J.D., WESSELS, P.H., NEL, M. The association between fat distribution and ovulation. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(11):885886. Research awards and achievements/Acknowledgement of Outstanding research contributions/Navorsingstoekennings en prestasie/Erkenning van uitstaande bydrae URBANI, G., DE VRIES, M.M.J., CRONJÉ, H.S., NIEMAND, I., BAM, R.H., BEYER, E. John van der Riet-medalje: Beste kliniese navorsings artikel 2001/John van der Riet Medal: Best Clinical research article 2001. Complications associated with caesarean section in HIV-infected patients. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2001;74:9-15. Awards/Prizes International Conferences/Toekenning/Pyse ontvang by Internasionale Konferensies CRONJÉ, H.S., COOREMAN, B.F., BEYER, E., BAM, R.H., MIDDLECOTE, B.D., DIVALL, P.D.J. IJGO Prize Paper Award for an article in an international journal. Screening for cervical neoplasia in a developing country utilizing cytology, cervicography and the acetic acid test. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2001;74:9-15. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings CILLIERS, J.B.F. Assessor/Assessor: Moederlike sterftes in die Vrystaat/Mother deaths in the Free State Member: MCWH Komitee COOREMAN, B.F. Member/Lid: Mediese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika/Medical Association of South Africa 115 Member/Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Verloskundiges en Ginekoloë/South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologistst Member/Lid: Kollege vir Obstetrie en Ginekologie/College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology CRONJÉ, H.S. Member: WGO Komitee vir Servikale Sifting in Ontwikkelende Lande/??? Member: International Gynecological Oncology Society Secretary/Sekretaris: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Verloskundiges en Ginekoloë/South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Member/Lid: Mediese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika/Medical Association of South Africa Member/Lid: Epidemiological Society of South-Africa/Epidemiologiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Member/Lid: Ginekologiese Onkologievereniging Member: Board of Raad van Diens vir Barmhartigheid se Aannemingskomitee (OVS) Council member/Raadslid: Kollege vir Obstetrie en Ginekologie/College of Obstetricts and Gynaecology Member/Lid: The Ministerial Committee Confidential about the Annoucement of Mother Deaths in South Africa/Die Ministeriële Komitee oor die Konfidensiële aanmelding van Moederlike Sterftes in Suid-Afrika President: Die Christen Geneeskundige Bond van Suid-Afrika NEL, J.T. Member: Deputy Governor van die American Biographical Research Association Member: Deputy Director General of the International Biographical Centre for Africa Member: New York Academy of Science Member: European Society of Gynaecologic Oncology Member: Fallopius International Society Member: International Urogynecological Association Member: International Society for Gynaecologic Endoscopy Lid: Raad van Diens vir Barmhartigheid se Aannemingskomitee (OVS) Lid: Suider-Afrikaanse Uroginekologie Vereniging Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Mikrochirurgie Vereniging Lid: Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging van Reproduktiewe Bioloë Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Verloskundiges en Ginekoloë Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Anatomiese Vereniging Lid: Elektronmikroskopiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Member/Lid: Medical Associagtion of South Africa/Mediese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Lid: SA Embriogroep Lid: Kollege van Obstetrici en Ginekoloë van Suid Afrika Lid: Komitee vir Obstetrie en Ginekologie van die Kollege vir Geneeskunde van SuidAfrika Lid: Nationale Adviespaneel oor Urinêre Inkontinensie NORTJÉ, J.D. Member: Society for Endocrinology Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa SCHOON, M.G. Member: Nasionale Monitor span: Terminasies van swangerskappe Member: Moederlike-Fetale Medisyne Vereniging van Suid-Afrika WESSELS, P.H. Member: American Fertility Society Member: American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists Member: European Society of Reproduction and Embryology Lid: Medical Association of Sout Africa/Mediese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Verloskundiges en Ginekoloë Lid: SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Lid: SA Embriogroep 116 DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY DEPARTEMENT ARBEIDSTERAPIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Mr/Mnr. A.J. Murray +27-(0)51-401-2829 +27-(0)51-401-3288 gnatajm.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Van Heerden, R. Ms/Me. Research articles in accredited research journals Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte VAN HEERDEN, R., JOUBERT, G. The effect of physical activity on the activity participation of psychotic patients. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy 2002;32(1):2-5. DEPARTMENT OF ONCOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT ONKOTERAPIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. L. Goedhals +27-(0)51-405-2646 gnotlg.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Goedhals, L. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DAVIES, W.R., HEPBURG, D.P., COETZEE, M.J., BADENHORST, P.N., GOEDHALDS, L., NEL, M. Patient satisfaction at haematology and oncology clinics in the Free State and Northern Cape. Curationis 2002;25(2):63-68. DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY DEPARTEMENT OFTALMOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. A. Stulting +27-(0)51-405-2151 +27-(0)51-430-2225 gnoftaas.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Stulting, A. Prof. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte STULTING, A. Painful eyes as related to ocular injuries. A comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and management of eye injuries for the family practitioner. CME: South Africa’s Continuing Medical Education 2002;20(6):344-364. DEPARTMENT OF PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 117 DEPARTEMENT PEDIATRIE EN KINDERGESONDHEID Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. A. Venter (051)-405-3293 (051)-448-2125 gndpav.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the department/Outeurs verbonde in die departement: Berry, R. Dr. Brown, S.C. Dr. Bruwer, A.D. Dr. Claassens, A. Mrs/Mev. Cronje, J.C. Dr Grobler, J.M. Dr. Hallbauer, U. Dr. Hoek, B.B. Prof. Kriel, J. Dr. McGill, N.A. Dr. Mercer, M. Dr. Nel, K. Me/Ms/Me. Pienaar, M. Ms/Me. Pretorius, S.R. Mr/Mnr. Russell-Du Toit, D.C. Ms/Me. Schoeman, C.J. Prof. Stones, D.K. Dr. Van der Linde, G.P. Dr. Venter, A. Prof. Venter, E. Mrs/Mev. Weydeman, G. Ms/Me. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte STONES, D.K. Infection control in Paediatric Oncology. International Infection Control Congress, Bloemfontein, April 2002. BERRY, R., STONES, D.K. Profile and outcome of patients with hepatic tumours treated at the Bloemfontein Hospital Complex (paper). Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bloemfontein. August 2002. STONES, D.K., McGILL, N., GOEDHALS, L., BUYS, J. Profile and outcome of patients with Hodgkins Lymphoma seen at the Bloemfontein Hosptial Complex (paper). 25th Biennial Congress of the Paediatric Association and South African Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Wild Coast Sun, Durban, October 2002. STONES, D.K., McGILL, N., GOEDHALS, L., BUYS, J. Profile and outcome of patients with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma seen at the Bloemfontein Hosptial Complex (paper). 25th Biennial Congress of the Paediatric Association and South African Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Wild Coast Sun, Durban, October 2002. JOUBERT, G., SCHOEMAN, C.J., BESTER, C.J. Validation of a new clinical case definition for HIV in children (paper). Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bloemfontein , August 2002. SCHOEMAN, C.J., JOUBERT, G., VAN ROOYEN, C.F., HILBERINK, N.M., FABER, V.J. 118 The profile of children hospitalized with fever (paper). Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bloemfontein , August 2002. RUSSELL, D.C., KRIEL, H. The effect of positioning in prone on the motor development of babies. Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bloemfontein, August 2002. RUSSELL, D.C., KRIEL, H. Does the modern mother recognize prone still as part of development in babies (paper). Pathways 29th Otasa National Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. RUSSELL, D.C., KRIEL, H. Is prone still part of development in babies? (paper). 25th Biennial Congress of the Paediatric Association and South African Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Wild Coast Sun, Durban, October 2002. VENTER, A., SCHIRM, N. An audit of cerebral palsy in an academic outpatient department in the Free State (poster). Forum, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bloemfontein, August 2002. SCHOEMAN, C.J., JOUBERT, G., HAADSMA, M., VAN GEND, C. Proposed new clinical case definition of AIDS and validation thereof (paper). 25th Biennial Congress of the Paediatric Association and South African Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Wild Coast Sun, Durban, October 2002. VENTER, A., SCHIRM, N. An audit of cerebral palsy in an academic outpatient department in the Free State (poster). 25th Biennial Congress of the Paediatric Association and South African Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Wild Coast Sun, Durban, October 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte HALLBAUER, U., GROBLER, J.M., NIEMAND, I. Factors influencing a mother’s choice of feeding after discharge of her baby from a neonatal unit. South African Medical Journal 2002;92(8):634-637. BRUNOVA, J., BRUNA, J., STONES, D.K. Radiologic morphology of infradiaphragmatic lymphomas. Lymphology 2002;35(Supplement)1:748-750. BRUNA, J., BRUNOVA, J., STONES, D.K. Abdominal Burkitt and Hodgkin lymphoma. Lymphology 2002;35(Supplement)1:751-754. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY DEPARTEMENT FARMAKOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. A. Walubo +27-(0)51-401-3111 waluboa.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Engelbrecht, C.J. Dr. Folmer, J. Dr. Fourie, N. Ms/Me. Steyn, W.C. Dr. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte 119 ENGELBRECHT, C.J., FOLMER, J., STEYN, W.C., JOUBERT, G., FOURIE, N. Die toksikologiese telefoniese konsultasies gerig aan die Departement Farmakologie van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat gedurende 1998 [The toxicology telephonic consultations directed to the Department of Pharmacology of the University of the Free State during 1998]. South African Family Practice 2002;25(5):11-13. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTEMENT FISIOTERAPIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. M.W. Krause +27-(0)51-405-3289 +27-(0)51-4013304 gnftmwk@med.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Krause, M.W. Prof. Kriel, H. Ms/Me. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte KRAUSE, M.W. An outcomes-based education and training programme for Physiotherapists. 5 th Wonca World Conference on Rural Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2002. KRAUSE, M.W. The education and training programme for Physiotherapists. Health Professions Education International Conference, Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, 9 October 2002. KRAUSE, M.W. Physiotherapy for Torture Survivors, Forum Faculty of Health Sciences, August 2002. KRAUSE, M.W. Physiotherapy for Torture Survivors, Poster. 34th Faculty Forum of Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 29 – 30 August 2002. KRAUSE, M.W. Outcomes-based Education and Training Programme for Physiotherapists, 34th Faculty Forum of Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 29–30 August 2002. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte RUSSELL, D.C., KRIEL, H., JOUBERT, G. The effect of positioning in prone on the motor development of babies. 34th Faculty Forum of Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 29-30 August 2002. JANSE VAN VUUREN, E.J.C., KRIEL, H. Die prevalensie van DCD en evaluering van voorskoolse omgewingsinvloede op DCD by graad 1 - leerlinge in Bloemfontein [THe prevalence of DCD and evaluation of pre-school environmental influences on DCD in Grade I pupils in Bloemfontein. 34th Faculty Forum of Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 29-30 August 2002. RUSSELL, D.C., KRIEL, H., JOUBERT, G. Does the modern mother recognize prone still as part of development in babies. 29th OTASA National Congress (Occupational Therapy). Bloemfontein, 25-17 September 2002. RUSSELL, D.C., KRIEL, H., JOUBERT, G. 120 Is prone still part of development in babies? 25th Biennial Congress of the South African Paediatric Association of Paediatric Surgeons. Wild Coast Sun: 20–24 October 2002. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY DEPARTEMENT PSIGIATRIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. W. Kruger +27-(0)51-405-3135 gntmwk.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Department: Calitz, F.J.W. Dr Rataemane, R.T. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte JUTE, S., JOUBERT, G., CALITZ, F.J.W. Die prevalensie van depressie in algemene praktyk [The prevalence of depression on private practice]. Geneeskunde 2002;44(3):11-14. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte MARAIS, A.L., CALITZ, F.J.W., RATAEMANE, L.U.Z., JOUBERT, G. Alcohol use among sixth-year medical students at the University of the Free State. SA Journal of Psychiatry 2002;8(3):79-84. PRINSLOO, S., PRETORIUS, P.J., RATAEMANE, S.T., JOUBERT, G. Relationship between menarche and onset of schizophrenia in women. SA Journal of Psychiatry 2002;8(2):44-48. SCHOOL OF NURSING SKOOL VIR VERPLEEGKUNDE Head of School/Hoof van Skool: Prof. M.J. Viljoen +27-(0)51-401-2246 +27-(0)51-448-0108 gnvkss.md@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the School/Outeurs verbonde aan die Skool Aucamp, M.C. Ms/Me. Bekker, E.E. Ms/Me. Bothma, H.L. Ms/Me. Botma, Y. Prof Crichton, A. Mr/Mnr. De Beer, H. Ms/Me. Du Rand, P.P. Dr. Joubert, A. Dr. MacKenzie, J. Mrs/Mev. Mulder, M. Prof. Niemand, M. Ms/Me. Roets, L. Dr. Small, N. Mr/Mnr. Viljoen, M.J. Prof. 121 Chapters in books/ Hoofstukke in boeke BOTMA, Y. Lower leg ulcers; Diabetic feet. Basic Principles of Wound Care. 2002. ISBN:1868911365 MACKENZIE, J. The anatomy and physiology of the skin; The physiology of wound healing; Hand hygiene in the healthcare setting; Putting on and removing sterile gloves; Putting on and removing a sterile gown and sterile gloves; Assessing patients with traumatic wounds and suturing wounds; Suture removal; The removal of skin clips and staples; Wound swab. Basic Principles of Wound Care. 2002. ISBN:1868911365 MULDER, M. Performing basic wound care; Drainage tubes; Irrigating and plugging a wound; Application of ointment or cream; Managing a patient with burns; Wound complications; Fungating wounds. Basic Principles of Wound Care. 2002. ISBN:1868911365 SMALL, N. Assessment of a patient with a wound; Basic wound care; Pressure sores; Basic Principles of Wound Care. 2002. ISBN:1868911365 VILJOEN, M. Nursing and midwifery professional regulatory framework. East, Central and Southern African College of Nursing. 2002. ISBN 9966897267 Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte BEKKER, E.E. The use of inhalation analgesic for intrapartum pain relief. Perinatal Priorities. Vish Rivier Sun, South Africa, March 2002. BOTHMA, H.L., BOTHA, H. Pharmacological competencies of the critical care nurse. COPICON congress (Combined cardiothoracic and critical care congress), Sun City, South Africa, July 2002. BOTHMA, H. Haemodialysis in poisoning. Nephrology Congress, Bloemfontein, September 2002. BOTMA Y., CRICHTON, A. Incorporating the integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) strategy into a pre-service setting. HPE International congress, Bloemfontein, South Africa, October 2002. CRICHTON, A. Using Technology for Distance Learning in Infection Control. Infection Control Conference, April, Bloemfontein. South Africa, 2002. CRICHTON, A., BOTMA, Y. Achieving better learning - a success story in computer mediated instruction. HPE International Congress, Bloemfontein. South Africa, October 2002. DU RAND, P.P. Development and support of black first year nursing students based on VSI. Reflecting on Reflective Practice. 7th International Conference, the Netherlands, Amsterdam, June 2002. DU RAND, P.P. Occupational Health Nursing qualification. Poster presentation. International congress. Occupational Health Nurses, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 2002. DU RAND, P.P. 122 Support programme for nursing students. 2nd International Conference Supplementary Instruction, University of Missouri, Kansas City, America, June 2002. JOUBERT, A. The effect of a computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) on knowledge, problem-solving and learning approach. HPE International Congress, Bloemfontein, October 2002. ROETS, L. Advances in qualitative methods (international conference) presented by International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Sun City, South Africa, January 2002. VAN RHYN, W.J.C., MCINERNEY, P. The comparative outcomes of community-orientated, problem-based nursing programmes in the Ssouth African context. Second International Conference of the African Honour Society for Nurses. Swaziland, September 2002. Research articles published in accredited journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DE WET, M., ACKERMAN, L., CRICHTON, A. Incorrect condom programming in the primary health setting: “A prescription for a disaster?” Curationis 2002;25(2):4-13. DU RAND, P., VILJOEN, M.J. Assessment of a post-basic nursing education programme. Curationis 2002; 25(2):14-21. JOUBERT, A., VILJOEN, M.J., VENTER, J. A computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) developed for student nurses in an oncology clinical setting. Health SA Gesondheid 2002;7(4):70-79. JOUBERT, A., VILJOEN, M.J., VENTER, J., BESTER, C.J. Evaluation of the effect of a computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) on knowledge, problem-solving and learning approach. Health SA Gesondheid 2002;7(4):80-97. JOUBERT, A., VILJOEN, M.J., VENTER, J.A. Evaluation of a computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) developed for student nurses in an oncology clinical setting. Health SA Gesondheid 2002;7(4):98-107. ROETS, L., AUCAMP, M.C., DE BEER, H., NIEMAND, M. Keeping record of the postoperative nursing care of patients. Curationis 2002;25(4);38-37. SMALL, N., MULDER, M., MACKENZIE, J., NEL, M. A comparative analysis of pressure sore treatment modalities in community settings. Curationis 2002;25(1):74-82. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations / Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings DU RAND, P.P. South African Society of Occupational Health Nurse Practitioners (SASOHN) VAN RHYN, W.J.C. The South African Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (National) VAN RHYN, W.J.C. Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research (International) VAN RHYN, W.J.C. 123 African Honour Society for Nurses (International) Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel LEKALAKALA-MOKGELE, Eicebiois A MODEL FOR FACILITATION IN NURSING EDUCATION Promoter: Dr. P.P. du Rand Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel FRANSMAN, Violet QUALITY ASSURANCE OF ANTENATAL CARE IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE SETTINGS. Supervisor: Ms E.C. Roos Co-supervisor: Dr. R.H. van den Berg NDABA, Baliwe Semly THE NEEDS OF HIV-POSITIVE PATIENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES. Supervisor: Dr. P. Basson Cosupervisor: Mrs S. Honiball THUNTSI, Kesekwaemang Mary MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF PROFESSIONAL NURSE MANAGERS IN THE PROVINCIAL HEALTH CENTRES IN THE NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE. Supervisor: Dr. P.P. du Rand FARMOVS-PAREXEL CLINICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Head of FARMOVS-PAREXEL: Dr. H.E. Scholtz +27-(0)51-401-3056 +27-(0)51-444-0975 herman.scholtz@farmovs-parexel.com Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Groenewoud, G. Dr. Hundt, H.K.L. Prof. Jordaan, P.J. Dr. Potgieter, G.E. Dr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte WESSELS, D.H., GRAY, F., KOCH, A., JORDAAN, P.J., POTGIETER, M.A., LAMBERT, J. Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring is important in the Evaluation of new Chemical Entities.. 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Washington. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte POTGIETER, G.E., GROENEWOUD, G., JORDAAN, P.J., HUNDT, H.K.L., SCHALL, R., KUMMER, M., SEWARTE-ROSS, G. Pharmacokinetics of Pipamperone from Three Different Tablet Formulations. Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug research 2002;52(6):430-434. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte JORDAAN, P.J. Endothelium: Enemy or Ally? The Cardiology Forum 2, 3, 4, August 2002. JORDAAN, P.J. The Endothelium: Watching over health and disease. The Cardiology Forum 2, 3, 8-11, August 2002. 124 JORDAAN, P.J. Measuring endothelial function and dysfunction. The Cardiology Forum 2, 3, 32-33, August 2002. BIOANALYTICAL SERVICES DIVISION BIOANALITIESE AFDELING Head of division/Hoof van afdeling: Prof. H.K.L.Hundt +27-(0)51-401-3149 +27-(0)51-444-3841 hans.hundt@farmovs-parexel.com Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Badenhorst, D. Mr/Mnr. De Jager, A.D. Mr/Mnr. de Kock, N.J. Mr/Mnr. Els, J. Ms/Me Herbst, L. Ms/Me Hundt, A.F. Mr/Mnr. Hundt, H.K.L. Prof. Kruger, E. Ms/Me Scanes, T. Ms/Me Smit, M.J. Mr/Mnr. Sutherland, F.C.W. Mr/Mnr. Swart, K.J. Dr. van Essen, G. Mr/Mnr. Van Rooyen, G.F. Mr/Mnr. Wiesner, J.L. Mr/Mnr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte DE KOCK, N.J., KRUGER, E., PIETERSE, J.W., SWART, K.J., DE JAGER, A.D., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., ELS, J., HUNDT, A.F. Challenges in the development and validation of sensitive, quantitative methods for the analysis of steroids in biological fluids. UFS School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. (Oral presentation) DE KOCK, N.J., KRUGER, E., DE JAGER, A.D., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, H.K.L., ELS, J., HUNDT, A.F. A highly sensitive method for the determination of progesterone in human serum by GC-MS with NICI. ANALITIKA 2000, International Conference, Stellenbosch, 9-11 December 2002. (Poster presentation). DE KOCK, N.J., KRUGER, E., PIETERSE, J.W., SWART, K.J., DE JAGER, A.D., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., ELS, J., HUNDT, A.F. Challenges in the development and validation of sensitive, quantitative methods for the analysis of steroids in biological fluids. ANALITIKA 2000, International Conference, Stellenbosch, 9-11 December 2002. (Oral presentation). KRUGER, E., DE KOCK, N.J., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., HUNDT, A.F. A sensitive method for the determination of cortisol and its 6-beta hydroxycortisol metabolite in urine using GC-MS with EI. ANALITIKA 2000, International Conference, Stellenbosch, 9-11 December 2002. (Poster presentation). KRUGER, E., DE KOCK, N.J., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., HUNDT, A.F. A sensitive method for the determination of cortisol and its 6-beta hydroxycortisol metabolite in urine using GC-MS with EI. UFS School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. (Poster presentation) 125 KRUGER, E., SWART, K.J., DE JAGER, A.D., HUNDT, H.K.L., ELS, J., HUNDT, A.F. A highly specific and sensitive method for the determination of tibolone in human plasma using GC-MS with NICI. UFS School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. (Poster presentation) SWART, K.J., PIETERSE, J., DE JAGER, A., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., HUNDT, A.F. The determination of ambroxol and pseudo-ambroxol in plasma after administration of bromhexine in humans, using a sensitive tandem LC-MS/MS method. 26th International symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniques. Montreal, Canada, 2-7 June 2002. (Poster presentation). SWART, K.J., PIETERSE, J.W., DE JAGER, A.D., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN G.H., HUNDT, A.F. The use and LC-MS/MS determination of ambroxol and pseudo-ambroxol, a possible new metabolite of bromhexine, as indicator for bioequivalence. UFS School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. (Oral presentation) SWART, K.J., PIETERSE, J.W., DE JAGER, A.D., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., HUNDT, A.F. The determination of ambroxol and pseudo-ambroxol in plasma after administration of bromhexine in humans, using a sensitive LC-MS/MS method. UFS School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. (Poster presentation). SWART, K.J., PIETERSE, J.W., DE JAGER, A.D., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., HUNDT, A.F. A highly sensitive method for the determination of progesterone in human serum by GC-MS with NICI. UFS School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. (Poster presentation) SWART, K.J., PIETERSE, J., DE JAGER, A., HUNDT, H.K.L., VAN ESSEN, G.H., HUNDT, A.F. The determination of ambroxol and pseudo-ambroxol in plasma after administration of bromhexine in humans, using a sensitive tandem LC-MS/MS method. ANALITIKA 2000, International Conference, Stellenbosch, 9-11 December 2002 (Poster presentation). WIESNER, J.L., DE JAGER, A.D., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, H.K.L., ELS J., HUNDT, A.F. A sensitive and rapid liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of meloxicam in human plasma. UFS School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Forum, 29-30 August 2002. (Poster presentation). WIESNER, J.L., DE JAGER, A.D., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, H.K.L., ELS J., HUNDT, A.F. A sensitive and rapid liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of meloxicam in human plasma. ANALITIKA 2000, International Conference, Stellenbosch, 9-11 December 2002. (Poster presentation). Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DE JAGER, A.D., HUNDT, H.K.L., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, A.F., ELS, J. Extractionless and sensitive method for high-throughput quantitation of cetirizine in human plasma samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 2002;773:113-118. SMIT, M.J., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., HUNDT, H.K.L., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, A.F., ELS, J. Rapid and sensitive liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the quantitation of domperidone in human plasma. Journal of Chromatography A, 2002;949:65-70. SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., SMIT, M.J., HERBST, L., ELS, J., HUNDT, H.K.L., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, A.F. 126 Highly specific and sensitive liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of 3desmethylthiocolchicine in human plasma as analyte for the assessment of bioequivalence after oral administration of thiocolchicoside. Journal of Chromatography A 2002;949:71-77. VAN ROOYEN, G., BADENHORST, D., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, H.K.L., SCANES, T., HUNDT, A.F. Determination of carbamazepine and carbamazepine 10, 11-epoxide in human plasma by tandem liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization. Journal of Chromatography B 2002;769:1-7. VAN ROOYEN, G., SMIT, M.J., DE JAGER, A.D., HUNDT, H.K.L., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, A.F. Sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of clarithromycin in human plasma. Journal of Chromatography B, 2002;768:223-229. WIESNER, L., SUTHERLAND, F.C.W., SMIT, M.J., VAN ESSEN, G., HUNDT, H.K.L., SWART, K.J., HUNDT, A.F. Sensitive and rapid liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of stavudine in human plasma. Journal of Chromatography B, 2002;773:129-134. /gesondheidswet02 127 FACULTY OF LAW FAKULTEIT REGSGELEERDHEID DEAN’S OFFICE/DEKAANSKANTOOR Dean/Dekaan: Prof J.J. Henning +27 051 401-2319 +27 051 430-8901 henningj.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Office/Outeurs verbonde aan die Kantoor Henning, J.J. Prof. Reyneke, J.M. Adv. Books / Boeke HENNING, J.J. ET AL Telecommunication in the law of South Africa, First reissue, Volume 27, Butterworths, Durban, 2002. (ISBN 0 409 00448 0). HENNING, J.J. Close corporations service, Issue 20, Butterworths Durban, 2002. SNYMAN, E., HENNING, J.J. Combating economic crime, 33 Transactions of the Centre for Business Law, Bloemfontein, 2002 (ISBN 0868866423). Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte HENNING, J.J. Reform of the Law of Partnership in the United Kingdom. Conference of the Society of University Law Teachers, Rhodes University, Grahamstad, 22 January 2002. HENNING, J.J. Harmonisation of business law in the SADC with reference to the OHADA experience. Conference on the Development of a Regulatory Framework for Economic Co-operation and Integration within the SADC, Johannesburg International Airport Holiday Inn, Johannesburg, 31 May 2002. HENNING, J.J. Enkele opmerkings oor die privilegia militum voor, tydens en na afloop van die Anglo-Boereoorlog (18991902) [A few remarks on the privilegea militum before, during and after the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902]. Dagseminaar oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog, Oorlogsmuseum/Day seminar on the Anglo Boer War, War museum, Bloemfontein, 25 Mei/May 2002. HENNING, J.J. The Company Law review. 21st Century Practices for In-House Legal Council, Marcus Evans. The Erinvale Estate, Somerset Wes, 19 August 2002. HENNING, J.J. An analysis of the legal systems of the Commonwealth. Dickenson Law School London Programme, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 10 April 2002. HENNING, J.J. Reform of the Limited Partnership Act 1907. Conference on Partnership Law Reform, Centre for Corporate and Partnership Law, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 11 April 2002. HENNING, J.J. The regulation of the raising of capital. Old Issues, New Challenges: Regulating the Financial Sector of the New Millennium, Conference arranged by the Malta Financial Services Centre, Hilton Malta, St Julian, Malta, 19 June 2002. 128 HENNING, J.J. The reform of United Kingdom partnership legislation and corporate law. Old Issues. New Challenges: Regulating the Financial Sector of the New Millennium, Conference arranged by the Malta Financial Services Centre, Hilton Malta, St Julian, Malta, 19 June 2002. HENNING, J.J. Small and large investors. take-overs, mergers and minority protection. Old Issues, New Challenges: Regulating the Financial Sector of the New Millennium, Conference arranged by the Malta Financial Services Centre, Hilton Malta, St Julian, Malta, 20 June 2002. HENNING, J.J. Company law, insolvency and decriminilisation. Old Issues, New Challenges: Regulating the Financial Sector of the New Millennium, Conference arranged by the Malta Financial Services Centre, Hilton Malta, St Julian, Malta, 20 June 2002. HENNING, J.J. The regulation of financial services. A comparative study of Malta and South Africa. Old Issues, New Challenges: Regulating the Financial Sector of the New Millennium, Conference arranged by the Malta Financial Services Centre, Hilton Malta, St Julian, Malta, 21 June 2002. HENNING, J.J. Private companies, partnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships, new wine in old bottles? IALS Company Lawyer Lecture, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Russell Square, London, 4 July 2002. HENNING, J.J. Corporate and securities laws: weapons in the war against terror. Twentieth International Symposium on Economic Crime, Jesus College, Cambridge, 12 September 2002. HENNING, J.J. The exposure of banks and financial intermediaries to allegations of money laundering. Twentieth International Symposium on Economic Crime, Jesus College, Cambridge, 14 September 2002. HENNING, J.J. A historical and comparative perspectives on private companies. Conference on Company Law Reform organised by the Centre for Corporate and Partnership Law, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, London, 4 October 2002. HENNING, J.J. Business law and economic justice: the modern South African experience. Annual National Order of the Coif Lecture, College of Law, University of Kentucky, Lexington, 22 October 2002. REYNEKE, J.M. The Lawjaw facilitation programme, The Congress of the Society of University Teachers of Law, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 23rd January 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte SNYMAN, E., HENNING, J.J. Developments in the Anglo-American law of partnership: The limited liability partnership as a new form of enterprise. Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg/Journal for South African Law 2002:29-139. HENNING, J.J., DE BRUIN, J.H. Enkele opmerkings oor die privilegia militum voor, tydens en na afloop van die Anglo-Boereoorlog. [The privilegia militum before, during and after the Anglo Boer War]. Journal for Contemporary History (A special edition) 2002;27(2):167-183. HENNING, J.J. The limited partnership review. Historical and comparative perspectives on the revival of the limited partnership in the United Kingdom. Journal for Juridical Science 2002;27(2):1-14. Research articles in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte 129 HENNING, J.J. The sequestration of unincorporated joint ventures with corporate partners. International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 2002;425-447. HENNING, J.J. Risks to the South African Financial Markets – Part 2. Journal of International Banking Regulation 2002;348-363. HENNING, J.J. Reappraisal of the ‘Commercial Mongrel’. International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 2002;4(1):2-13. HENNING, J.J. Limited partnerships under review. The Company Lawyer 2002;165-171. HENNING, J.J. The prevention and detection of corruption and bribery in South Africa. 33 Transactions of the Centre for Business Law, Bloemfontein, 2002 (ISBN 0868866423). HENNING, J.J. Insider trading, money laundering and computer crime. 33 Transactions of the Centre for Business Law, Bloemfontein, 2002 (ISBN 0868866423). HENNING, J.J. Company law – Is this what’s coming? Without Prejudice. February 2002:11-14. HENNING, J.J. Getting to grips with partnerships. Without Prejudice July 2002:12-15. HENNING, J.J. Joint ventures as partnerships: Issues in insolvency. Tydskrif vir Boedelsbeplanningsreg 2002(1):46-80. Editorships/Co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs HENNING, J.J. Editor of Transactions of the Centre for Business Law/Mededelings van die Sentrum vir Ondernemingsreg. HENNING, J.J. Editor of Corporate Law Development Series. HENNING, J.J. Editor of Close Corporations Service/Beslote korporasiesdiens. HENNING, J.J. Co-editor of the Journal for Juridical Science/Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap HENNING, J.J. Editorial committee of the Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law/Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins- Hollandse Reg. HENNING, J.J. Editor of The Company Lawyer (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Co-Editor of the International Comparative and Corporate Law Journal (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial board and editor (Southern Africa) of the International Corporate Law Bulletin (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editor (Southern Africa) of Insolvency Law and Practice Journal (United Kingdom). 130 HENNING, J.J. Editor (Southern Africa) of The Journal of Financial Crime (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial board of Insolvency Lawyer (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editor (Southern Africa) of Amicus Curiae (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial advisory committee of the South African Journal for Mercantile Law. HENNING, J.J. Editorial board of the Journal of International Banking Regulation (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial committee of the International Journal of Disclosure and Governance (United Kingdom). Research Awards and Achievements / Navorsingstoekennings en -prestasie HENNING, J.J. Erelidmaatskap (Honorary Member) van die Order of the Coif van die Verenigde State van Amerika, 22 Oktober 2002. (Die Order of the Coif is die enigste prestigevereniging van regsgraduandi in die VSA wat bestaan uit die top 10% graduandi van die meer as 250 regsfakulteite landswyd. Hoogstens een erelidmaatskap per jaar word deur die Coif toegeken/Honorary member of die Order of the Coif of the United States of America. 22 October 2002.(The Order of the Coif is the only prestige association of law graduates in the USA consists of the top 10 % of graduates of the more than 250 law faculties countrywide. The Coif only awards one honorary membership per year. DEPARTMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND PHILOSOPHY OF LAW DEPARTEMENT STAATSREG EN REGSFILOSOFIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J.L. Pretorius +27-(0)51-401-2821 +27-(0)51-430-2433 pretorjl.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: De Freitas, S.A. Mr/Mnr. Klinck, M.E. Ms/Me Ngwena, C.G. Prof. Pretorius, J.L. Prof. Raath, A.W.G. Prof. Strydom, H.A. Prof. Books / Boeke PRETORIUS,J.L., KLINCK, M.E., NGWENA, C.G. Employment equity law: REVISION SERVICE 1 (2002) Butterworths. Durban. RAATH, A.W.G. Sieraad van die Sandveld: die geskiedenis van Viljoenskroon, 1921-2001 (200) Rapportryers Viljoenskroon. RAATH, A.W.G. Die Boerevroue 1899-1902. Deel 1, 2002. Vrouegedenkkomitee Pretoria/Bloemfontein. RAATH, A.W.G. Die konsentrasiekamp te Bethulie gedurende die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 1899-1902. Konsentrasiekampgedenkreeks, 2de Uitgawe, Priska Uitgewers, Bloemfontein, 2002. Deel 1 van die RAATH, A.W.G. 131 Vroueleed: die vroue buite die kampe. Deel 4 van die Konsentrasiekampgedenkreeks, 2de uitgawe, 2002, Priska Uitgewers, Bloemfontein. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte NGWENA, C.G. HIV/AIDS in schools: human rights lessons for educators and learners. Educator Conference, Beyond Advocacy. Bloemfontein: Free State Department of Education: 2002:122-137. NGWENA, C.G. Current status of sexuality rights in Southern Africa. Global meeting of the Reproductive Health Affinity Group, Cape Town, 18 January 2002. NGWENA, C.G. HIV/AIDS in schools: human rights lessons for educators and learners. Educator Conference, Free State Department of Education, Callie Human Centre, University of the Free State, 25-27 March 2002. NGWENA, C.G., STEYN, F. AIDS and rape: situating access to emergency contraception and antiretroviral in primary health care. First South African Gender-based Violence and Health Conference, Muldersdrift, 17-19 April 2002. NGWENA, C.G. Access to health care services as a human right: an appraisal of Treatment Campaign & Others v Minister of Health and Others. University of the North Law Week, University of the North, 6-10 May 2002. NGWENA, C.G. HIV testing in the workplace: an update on policy, practice and the law. 15th Annual Labour Law Conference, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, 3-5 July 2002. NGWENA, C.G. Disability and social security. Course in Social Security law, Department of Labour Law, RAU and Faculty of Law, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 12-16 August 2002. NGWENA, C.G. The Constitution and gender: the intersection of race, disability and HIV/AIDS. Gender Management Leadership School, Protea Hotel, Bloemfontein, 20 August 2002. NGWENA, C.G. Becoming a successful academic. Mellon Fellows, Bureau of Academic Support, University of the Free State, 29 August 2002. NGWENA, C.G. Disability, HIV/AIDS and discrimination. Workshop on the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 27/28 September 2002, Department of Justice and Centre for Human Rights Studies, University of the Free State. NGWENA, C.G. Background to the Equality Act. Workshop on the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, Kimberley, Department of Justice and Centre for Human Rights Studies, University of the Free State, 18 October 2002. NGWENA, C.G. Responses to AIDS and constitutionalism in South Africa. Vista Law Conference, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 11-12 November 2002. NGWENA, C.G. HIV/AIDS and human rights: discrimination in higher education. Colloquium on Human Rights and Transformation in Higher Education, Technikon Free State, Bloemfontein, 15 November 2002. NGWENA, C.G. Adjudicating socio-economic rights – transforming South African Society? A response to Linda Jansen van Rensburg's paper. Colloquium on politics, socio-economic issues and culture in constitutional adjudication Rosebank Hotel, Johannesburg, 16 November 2002. 132 PRETORIUS, J.L. Equality Act: proof of discrimination. Workshop on the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 27/28 September 2002, Department of Justice and Centre for Human Rights Studies, UFS. PRETORIUS, J.L. Constitutional framework for social security. Workshop in Social Security Law. Department of Labour Law, RAU and Faculty of Law, UFS, Bloemfontein, 12-16 August 2002. PRETORIUS, J.L. Equality Act: proof of discrimination. Workshop on the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 18 October 2002, Kimberley, Department of Justice and Centre for Human Rights Studies, UFS. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DE FREITAS, S.A. A historical overview of the imposition of the death penalty in South Africa from a juridical perspective. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(3&4):29-48. DE FREITAS, S.A., RAATH, A.W.G. Church tribunals, doctrinal sanction and the South African Constitution. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 2002;43(1&2):276-284. DE FREITAS, S.A., RAATH, A.W.G. Calling and resistance: Huldrych Zwingli’s (1484-1531) political theory and his legacy of resistance to tyranny. Koers 2002;66(1):45-76. NGWENA, C.G. Sexuality rights in Southern Africa with a particular reference to South Africa. SA Public Law 2002;15(1):1-21. PRETORIUS, E., NIEMANN, R., DE VILLIERS HUMAN, E.S., KLINCK, E., ALT, H. Fighting from within: gender equity at the University of the Free State. Gender, society and theory: the University of the Free State. Acta Academica Supplementum 2002(1): 1-38. RAATH, A.W.G. Doodstraf en reformasie: die vergete tradisie van Zurich. 2002;38(1&2):31-50. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap RAATH, A.W.G. The origins of defensive natural law in Huldrych Zwingli’s theology. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(3&4):1-28. RAATH, A.W.G. Covenant and Christian community: Bullinger and the relationship between church and magistry in the early Cape settlement (1652-1708). Sixteenth Century Journal 2002;33(4):1003-1024. RAATH, A.W.G. The Dutch second reformation on the frontier: Wilhelmus a Brakel (1635-1711) and the relationship between church and political authorities in the Transvaal settlements in South Africa (1845- 1860). Studiae Historia Ecclesiasticae 2002;18(1):77-119. Research articles published in other journals/ Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte RAATH, A.W.G. Ons geestelike erfenis, 1652-2002: Ons Begrafniskultuur Konteks 2002;13(11);34-35. RAATH, A.W.G. Ons geestelike erfenis, 1652-2002: Ons Boerderyerfenis Konteks 2002;13(12):34-35. 133 RAATH, A.W.G. Die doodstraf: ‘n reformatories beskouing. Die Esraverslag: Die Doodstraf 2002;10(50). RAATH, A.W.G. The Marian exiles and the Zurich reformation. Project Albion research article in electronic format on international website in France (http://puratinism.online.fr) (red. Lauric Henneton) 2002. RAATH, A.W.G. Heinrich Bullinger and the Zurich reformation. Project Albion research article in electronic format on international website in France (http://puratinism.online.fr) (red. Lauric Henneton) 2002. RAATH, A.W.G. Huldrych Zwingli and defensive natural law. Project Albion research article in electronic format on international website in France (http://puratinism.online.fr) (red. Lauric Henneton) 2002. Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae NGWENA, C.G., VAN RENSBURG, H.C.J., PELSER, A., STEYN, F., BOOYSEN, F., FRIEDMAN, I., ADERNDORFF, E. Strengthening local government and civic responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa. A study commissioned by the Ford Foundation to inform its Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme for South Africa. Bloemfontein: Centre for Health Systems Research & Development, University of the Free State: 2002:231. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs NGWENA, C.G. Section editor of Developing World Ethics. NGWENA, C.G. Advisory editor of Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. NGWENA, C.G. Member of editorial board of Medical Law International NGWENA, C.G. Editorial associate of Acta Academica PRETORIUS, J.L. Lid van die redaksionele adviesraad/Member of the editorial board: Potchefstroom Elektroniese Regsblad. RAATH, A.W.G. Lid van die redaksie/Member of the editorial board: Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap. RAATH, A.W.G. Lid van die redaksie/Member of the editorial board: Roeping en Riglyne. RAATH, A.W.G. Lid van die redaksionele adviesraad/Member of the editorial advisory board: Transkei Law Journal. RAATH, A.W.G. Lid van die redaksionele adviesraad/Member of the editorial board: Koers. RAATH, A.W.G. Lid van die redaksionele adviesraad/Member of the editorial advisory board: Transkei Law Journal. RAATH, A.W.G. Lid van die redaksionele adviesraad/Member of the editorial advisory board: Koers. STRYDOM, H.A. Editor: Journal for Juridical Science. STRYDOM, H.A. 134 Member of the editorial board: South African Yearbook of International Law. DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL AND MEDICAL LAW DEPARTEMENT STRAF- EN GENEESKUNDIGE REG Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H. Oosthuizen +27-(0)51-401-2619 +27-(0)51-448-0381 oosthuh.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Kruger, B. Adv. Oosthuizen, H. Prof. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge KRUGER, B. Victims’ Rights: Domestic Violence – A practical approach in Bloemfontein. Congress of the Society of University Teachers of Law, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 23 January 2002. OOSTHUIZEN, H. Euthanasia: legal status and ethical implications in South Africa. Congress of the South African Society of Anaesthetics , 11-16 May 2002, Sand Du Plessis Teater, Bloemfontein. OOSTHUIZEN, H. Informed consent for medical treatment, Symposium – Medical Potpourie, Wilmedpark Private Hospital, Klerksdorp, 18 March, 2002. OOSTHUIZEN, H. Relationship of trust between medical practitioner and patient. Symposium, Curomed Medi-Clinic Hospital, Flamingo Casino, Kimberley, 18 May 2002. OOSTHUIZEN, H. Legal and ethical aspects of donor sperm and insemination. Symposium, Infertility Clinic, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, 8 March 2002. OOSTHUIZEN, H. Informed consent and medical research. 42ND Congress of the Federation of South African Societies of Pathology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Free State, 1-4 July 2002. OOSTHUIZEN, H. Doctors can kill: 14TH World Congress on Medical Law, MECC, 11-15 August 2002, Maastricht, Holland. Research articles in accredited research journals/ Navorsingsartrikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte OOSTHUIZEN, H., VERSCHOOR, T. The Healthcare Worker’s urgent need for HIV/AIDS ethical guidelines. Part 1. The Medicine Journal/Geneeskunde 2002;(8):36-40. OOSTHUIZEN, H., VERSCHOOR, T. The healthcare worker’s urgent need for HIV/AIDS ethical guidelines. Part 2. The Medicine Journal/Geneeskunde 2002;44(9):11-14. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs OOSTHUIZEN, H. Co-editor: Journal for Juridical Science. Prestigious fellowship and grants/Prestige navorsingsgenootskappe en toekennings 135 OOSTHUIZEN, H. Fellowship of the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, London, August-September 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel SLABBERT, Magdalena HANDELDRYF MET MENSLIKE ORGANE EN WEEFSEL VIR OORPLANTINGSDOELEINDES [TRADE IN HUMAN ORGANS AND TISSUE FOR TRANSPLANTATION PURPOSES]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. H. Oosthuizen. DEPARTMENT OF MERCANTILE LAW DEPARTEMENT HANDELSREG Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J.V. du Plessis +27 051 401-2409 +27 051 4308901 dplessjv.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Du Plessis, J.V. Prof. Snyman-Van Deventer, E. Prof. Books / Boeke DU PLESSIS, J.V. (ET AL.) Telecommunication in the law of South Africa, First Reissue, Volume 27, Butterworths, Durban, 2002. (ISBN 0 409 00448 0). SNYMAN, E., HENNING, J.J. (ET AL.) Combating economic crime, 33 Transactions of the Centre for Business Law, Bloemfontein, 2002 (ISBN 0868866423). DU PLESSIS, J.V (ET AL) Practical guide to labour law. 5th edition, Butterworths, Durban, 2002. (ISBN 0409028436). Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ELLIS, A.J. Baby rape – does the law really protect them? International Society of Family Law, 11th International Conference, Copenhagen/Oslo, 2-7 August 2002. SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. The business trust and partnership: Goodricke & Sons v Registrar of Deeds, Natal revisited, Conference of Society of University Law Teachers, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 22 January 2002. SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. Aspects of international investments, Conference of Society of University Law Teachers, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 22 January 2002. SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. Dispute resolution in NAFTA and the WTO: guide for SADC, Conference on the Development of a Regulatory Framework for Economic Co-operation and Integration within SADC, Johannesburg International Airport Holiday Inn, Johannesburg, 31 May 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte SNYMAN, E., HENNING, J.J. 136 Developments in the Anglo-American law of partnership: the limited liability partnership as a new form of enterprise. Journal for South African Law/Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 2002;1:129-139. FICK, C.V.D.M., SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. Inkwisatoriese en akkusatoriese elemente in die Amerikaanse pleitonderhandelingsproses: rigtingwyser of waarskuwingsteken? [Inquisitorial and accusatorial elements in the American plea-bargaining process: direction indicator or sign for caution?]. Journal for Juridical Science 2002:27(1);101-113. SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E., DE BRUIN, J. Sexual harassment in South African and American law. Acta Academica 2002(1):196-221. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. Deputy editor: Transactions of the Centre for Business Law. SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. Assistant editor: Corporate Law Development Series. SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. Co-editor: Journal for Juridical Science. SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E. Editor: Journal for Estate Planning Law. ELLIS, A.J. Assistant editor: Transactions of the Centre for Business Law. KELLING, A.S. Assistant editor: Transactions of the Centre for Business Law. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel EBERSÖHN, Gerhardus Johannes COPYRIGHT AND TRADE MARK INFRINGEMENTS: THE DIGITAL EVOLUTION. Promoter: The Honourable Mr Justice S.P.B. Hancke Co-Promoter: Prof. T. Verschoor. DEPARTMENT OF PRIVATE LAW DEPARTEMENT PRIVAATREG Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J.H. van Schalkwyk +27-(0)51-401-2266 +27-(0)51-448-0381 vschaljh@rs.uovs.ac.za Author in the Department/Outeur verbonde aan die Departement: Jansen, R-M. Adv. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte JANSEN, R-M. The recognition of Customary Marriages Act: many woman still left out in the cold”. International Society of Family Law, 11th International Conference, Copenhagen/Oslo, 2-7 August 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte JANSEN, R-M. The recognition of Customary Marriages Act: many woman still left out in the cold. Journal for Juridical Science 2002;27(2):115-127. 137 DEPARTMENT OF PROCEDURAL LAW AND LAW OF EVIDENCE DEPARTEMENT PROSES- EN BEWYSLEER Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. C.P.v.d.M. Fick +27-(0)51-401-2350 +27-(0)51-401-2350 fickcp@rd.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Fick, C.P. vd M. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte FICK, C.P.VD.M. Inkwisatoriese en akkusatoriese elemente in die Amerikaanse pleitonderhandelingsproses: rigtingwyser of waarskuwingsteken? [Inquisitorial and accusatorial elements in the American plea-bargaining process: direction indicator or sign for caution?]. Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap/Journal for Juridical Science 2002;27(1):101-113. DEPARTMENT OF ROMAN LAW LEGAL HISTORY AND COMPARATIVE LAW DEPARTMENT ROMEINSE REG, REGSGESKIEDENIS EN REGSVERGELYKING Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof J J Henning +27 051 401-2319 +27 051 4308901 henningj.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: De Bruin, J.H. Adv. Bobbert, M.C.J. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte HENNING J J, DE BRUIN, J.H. Enkele opmerkings oor die privilegia militum voor, tydens en na afloop van die Anglo-Boereoorlog. [A few remarks on the the privilegia militum before, during and after the Anglo Boer War]. Referaat gelewer deur Henning J.J. by die Dag Seminaar oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog/Paper delivered by Henning, J.J. on a Day Seminar at the Anglo Boer War, Bloemfontein. 25 Mei/May 2002. DE BRUIN, J.H. Gender related violence and the family. Paper delivered at the Provincial Gender Indaba, Bloemfontein, 25 November 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BOBBERT, M.C.J. Kennisleer word bevestig [Epistemology confirmed]. Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap/Journal for Juridical Science 2002:27(1):117-122. HENNING, J.J., DE BRUIN, J.H. Enkele opmerkings oor die privilegia militum voor, tydens en na afloop van die Anglo Boereoorlog. [A few remarks on the the privilegia militum before, during and after the Anglo Boer War] Journal for Contemporary History (A special edition) 2002;27(2):167-183. DE BRUIN, J.H. Permanent Secretary, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape and another v Ngxuza and others – Hofreëls vir die voer van ‘n groepsgeding/Rules of court for a class action. Journal for Juridical Science/Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap 2002;27(1):123-130. 138 SNYMAN-VAN DEVENTER, E., DE BRUIN, J. Sexual harassment in South African and American law. Acta Academica (Supplementum 1) 2002:196-221. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte BOBBERT, M.C.J. Omkoopgeskenke en korrupsie [Bribery and corruption]. De Rebus 2002;6-7. BOBBERT, M.C.J. 'n Oorsig van die nuwe beswaar en appèlprosedures [ An overview of the new objection and appeal procedures]. De Rebus 2002;27-29. BOBBERT, M.C.J. Die transportbesorger se onafhanklikheid [The independence of the conveyancer]. De Rebus 2002;3-14. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs HENNING, J.J. Editor of Transactions of the Centre for Business Law/Mededelings van die Sentrum vir Ondernemingsreg. HENNING, J.J. Editor of Corporate Law Development Series. HENNING, J.J. Editor of Close Corporations Service/Beslote Korporasiesdiens. HENNING, J.J. Co-editor of the Journal for Juridical Science/Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap. HENNING, J.J. Editorial committee of the Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law/Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins- Hollandse Reg. HENNING, J.J. Editor of the Company Lawyer (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Co-Editor of the International Comparative and Corporate Law Journal (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial board and editor (Southern Africa) of the International Corporate Law Bulletin (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editor (Southern Africa) of Insolvency Law and Practice Journal (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editor (Southern Africa) of The Journal of Financial Crime (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial Board of Insolvency Lawyer (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editor (Southern Africa) of Amicus Curiae (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial advisory committee of the South African Journal for Mercantile Law. HENNING, J.J. Editorial board of the Journal of International Banking Regulation (United Kingdom). HENNING, J.J. Editorial committee of the International Journal of Disclosure and Governance (United Kingdom). 139 /regte02 140 FACULTY OF NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE FAKULTEIT NATUUR- EN LANDBOUWETENSKAPPE Dean/Dekaan: Prof. G.N. van Wyk +27-(0)51-401-2535 +27-(0)51-447-7980 dean.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS DEPARTEMENT LANDBOU-EKONOMIE Head of the Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.D. van Schalkwyk +27-(0)51-401-2824 +27-(0)51-401-3473 vschalhd.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die departement Annandale, J.G. Mr/Mnr. Armour, R.J. Mr/Mnr. Balyamujura, H.N. Dr Benade, N. Mr/Mnr. Botha, P.W. Mr/Mnr. Britz, W. Dr Brussow, M. Mej/Miss Carstens, J. Mr/Mnr. Claassen, J.H.D. Mr/Mnr. Crous, C.I. Mrs/Mev. Dennis, J. Mr/Mnr. Dempers, C. Miss/Mej. De Villiers, G. du T. Mr/Mnr. Grové, B. Mr/Mnr. Gudeta, Z. Mr/Mnr. Idsardi, E.F. Mr/Mnr. Jooste, A. Dr. Jordaan, A J. Mr/Mnr. Jovanovic. N.Z. Mr/Mnr. Kotze, F. Mr/Mnr. Kruger, E. Mr/Mnr. Le Roux, J. Mr/Mnr. Louw, D.B. Dr. Makula, M. Mr/Mnr. Matela, N. Miss/Mej. Meiring, J.A. Dr. Meyer, N. Dr. Mhlanga, M.L. Mr/Mnr. Moachloli, C. Mr/Mnr. Nell, W. Dr. Oosthuizen L.K. Prof. Serage, K.L. Mr/Mnr. Schwalbach, L.M.J. Dr. Smith, W. Mr/Mnr. Taljaard, P.R. Mr/Mnr. Tolmay, J.P.C. Mr/Mnr. Van Schalkwyk, H.D. Prof. Viljoen, M.F. Prof. 141 Conference presentation / Konferensievoordragte GUDETA, Z., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Ethiopian Agriculture: A leading or passive sector. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economic Association of South Africa, 2002. GROVÉ, B., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K. A Target-MOTAD approach to quantifying economic and environmental trade-offs of in stream flow requirements under stochastic water supply and demand. The 40th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa. President Hotel, Bloemfontein, September 2002. JOOSTE, A. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. RRO/NERPO Joint Session as Federation of Red Meat Producers of South Africa. Port Elizabeth, 22 July 2002. JOOSTE, A. The competitiveness of the red meat industry in South Africa. Eastern Cape Red Meat Producers' Organisation Congress. Grahamstown, 27 March 2002. JOOSTE, A. The international environment and the competitiveness of the red meat industry. Northern Cape Red Meat Producers' Organisation Congress. Kimberley, 17 April 2002. JOOSTE, A., IDSARDI, E.F. Optimalisation of efficiency in the South African pork industry. Symposium and General Annual Meeting of the Transvaal Pork Producers Association. Roodevallei Country Lodge, 14 August 2002. JOOSTE, A. Marketing of beef in Namibia: Future perspectives. Livestock Producers Organisation Congress, Windhoek, Namibia, 16 September 2002. LE ROUX, J., JOOSTE, A. Practical implications of implementing hygiene, traceability and quality assurance systems for the EU market. 3rd Annual Food & Beverage Safety Compliance Conference. Rosebank Hotel, Johannesburg, 25 April 2002. LOUW, D.B., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D., BRITZ, W. Positive mathematical programming as calibration tool in regional optimisation models: The Berg River water allocation model case study. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economic Association of South Africa. LOUW, D.B., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Efficiency of water allocation in South Africa: Water markets as an alternative. Irrigation Water Policies: Micro and Macro Considerations Conference, Agadir, Morocco, 15-17 June 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D., JOOSTE, A. Ability of young commercial farmers to compete globally. Bloemfontein, South Africa, 12 February 2002. World Congress of Young Farmers, VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress. Annual Conference of AEASA, 18-20 September at the President Hotel, Bloemfontein, South Africa. NELL, W.T., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J. Adoption of veterinary technologies amongst sheep and goat farmers in Qwaqwa, South Africa. International Farm Management Congress, the Netherlands, July 2002. 142 SERAGE, K.L., NELL, W.T., MAKULA, M., TOLMAY, J.P.C. Possible predictors determining the adoption of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) into a wheat- (Triticum aestivum) based cropping system in Mokhotlong, Lesotho. International Farm Management Congress, the Netherlands, July 2002. DENNIS, J., NELL, W.T. Precision irrigation in South Africa. International Farm Management Congress in the Netherlands, July 2002. MATELA, N., NELL, W.T. The status of precision agriculture. Poster approved for the International Farm Management Congress, the Netherlands, July 2002. NELL, W.T. Strategic approach to success in agricultural management. International Young Farmer Congress, February 2002. Popular Scientific Presentations / Populêr Wetenskaplike Voordragte JOOSTE, A. Modern marketing of red meat in South Africa. Farmers’ Day, Brandfort, 20 June 2002. JOOSTE, A. International agricultural economic trends. Lanvokon hosted by Agrimark Trends and Standard Bank, Mount Amanzi, 11 September 2002. JOOSTE, A. Livestock Outlook. Lanvokon hosted by Standard Bank, Agri-Eastern Cape and PE Technicon. Port Elizabeth, 13 September 2002. JOOSTE, A. Future perspectives: Red meat. Lanvokon hosted by Standard Bank, Kimberley, 1 October 2002. JORDAAN, A.J. Production finance and insurance for emerging farmers. Bethlehem, October 2002. JORDAAN, A.J. Wheat production costs in the Eastern Free State. Qwaqwa Farmers’ Association. June 2002 VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D., TALJAARD, P.R. Farming for a Profit. AMT & Standard Bank. Agricultural Outlook, Mount Amanzi, Hartebeespoort, Pretoria, 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Ekonomiese Vooruitskouing/Economic outlook. Upington, Mei/May 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. The potential of alternative production and the beneficiation thereof in Matjhabeng. Matjhabeng Economic Revival Summit, Welkom, July 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D., TALJAARD, P.R. Farming for Profit in the Future. Reitz Farmers’ Union, 9 September 2002. TALJAARD, P.R. Macro economic, red meat and wool outlook. Smithfield Farmers’ Union, 29 November 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte 143 ARMOUR, R.J., VILJOEN, M.F. The Leaching Paradox and Return Flow Management Options for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture. SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif vir Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe/South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2002;5(2):430-451. CLAASSEN, J.H.D., DE VILLIERS, G. DU T., VILJOEN, M.F. Emerging farmers: reaping what you sow. Africa Insight 2002;32(2):53-58. DU PLESSIS, L.A. A review of effective flood forecasting, warning and response system for application in South Africa. Water SA 2002;28(2):1. ALEMU, Z.G., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Agricultural Development Policies of Ethiopia since 1957. South African Journal of Economic History 2002;17;1-24. NWONWU, F.O.C. Empowering women through education. Africa Insight 2002;32(1):50-57. VILJOEN, M.F. Too much or too little water: Research dedication and lessons for new generation agricultural economists. The 2002 FR Tomlinson Memorial Lecture on 24 May 2002 at Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. Agrekon 2002;41(3):212-224. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte. GROVÉ, B., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K. An economic analysis of Alternative Water Use Strategies at Catchment Level Taking in Account an Instream Flow Requirement. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 2002;38(2):385-395. GUDETA, Z. How successful the Agricultural Development Led Industrialization Strategy (ADLI) will be by leaving the Existing landholding system intact? Economic focus: Journal of Ethiopian Economic Association 2002;4(4). JOOSTE, A. Trade in red meat products: Sheep Meat. SA Meat/Vleis 2002;5(4):22-23. JOOSTE, A. Focus on the Southern African Customs Unions international beef trade. SA Meat/Vleis 2002;5(5):16-18. JOOSTE, A. Focus on the Southern African Customs Unions international pork trade. SA Meat/Vleis 2002;5(6):18-19. JOOSTE, A. Vergeet van subsidies: Soek markte. [Forget about subsidies: Look for markets]. Landbouweekblad 21 Junie 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Goeie Leiers 'n Vereiste vir 'n Beter Landboutoekoms. Ons Eie Februarie 2002. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Regte Leiers sal Landbou op wenpad hou. Landbouweekblad Desember 2002. Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BENADÉ, N., ANNANDALE, J.G., JOVANOVIC, N.Z., MEIRING, J.A., CROUS, C.I. 144 The development of an integrated information system for irrigation water management using the WAS, SWB and RISKMAN computer models. Report to the Water Research Commission, Bloemfontein, ISBN 1 86845 930 6. MEIRING, J.A., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K., CROUS, C.I., BOTHA, P.W. Irricost user's guide. Report to the Water Research Commission. Bloemfontein. MEIRING, J.A., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K., CROUS, C.I., BOTHA, P.W. FARMS user's guide. Report to the Water Research Commission. Bloemfontein. MEIRING, J.A., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K., CROUS, C.I., BOTHA, P.W. Riskman user's guide. Report to the Water Research Commission. Bloemfontein. MEIRING, J.A., OOSTHUIZEN, L.K., CROUS, C.I., BOTHA, P.W. The implementation of the FARMS system for management decision-making in irrigation farming: summary report. Report to the Water Research Commission. Bloemfontein. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BALYAMUJURA, H.N., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Emalahleni development Project. ARC, Pretoria. JOOSTE, A., SMITH, W. Rapid market appraisal for selected products for exports to South Africa by Mozambique. External Market Task Force, Mozambique. JOOSTE, A., KRUGER, E., KOTZE, F. Bridging the standards divide: Challenges for improving Africa's international market access with specific reference to South Africa. World Bank, Washington DC. JOOSTE, A., LE ROUX, J. Management plan for the South African Pork Producers Organisation. South African Pork Producer Organisation. Pretoria. JOOSTE, A., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Application for the reduction of import tariffs on agricultural chemicals. Syngenta, Johannesburg. JORDAAN, A.J., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Impact of the potato industry on the South African economy. Potato South Africa, Pretoria. JORDAAN, A.J., MOACHLOLI, C. Revitalizing of food security in the Free State Province. Poverty Relief Programme. Department of Social Development, Free State Province, Bloemfontein. JORDAAN, A.J. Preliminary report: Situation analysis of the Diyatalawa apple project (Maluti a Phofung). Independent Development Trust, Bloemfontein. LE ROUX, J., JOOSTE, A., DEMPERS, C. Pork export feasibility study: Phase 1. South African Pork Producers Organisation. Pretoria. MEYER, N., JOOSTE, A., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. The possible impact of the EU-SA Free Trade Agreement. NEDLAC - Fridge, Johannesburg. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Karoo LED Framework. Orientation and socio-economic perspective. LED office, Northern Cape Province, Kimberley. 145 VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. KOSH Corridor Development. Orientation and socio-economic perspective. LED office, North-West Province, Mafikeng. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D., MHLANGA, M.L., JOOSTE, A. The enhancement of Rural Marketing in Lesotho. Ministry of Industry, Trade and Marketing. Maseru, Lesotho. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D., CARSTENS, J., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J. Nacala Development Corridor (DSI) Perspective. DBSA, Midrand. VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Financial Analysis: Makhoba Land Restitution Project. ARC, Pretoria. TALJAARD, P.R., VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D., BRÜSSOW, M. Production estimates of the South African wool industry. Cape Wools SA, Port Elizabeth. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings BOTHA, P.W. Member: The Agricultural Economics Workgroup of the Free State (LEWOVS). BOTHA, P.W. Member: The Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) GROVÉ, B. Member: The Agricultural Economics Workgroup of the Free State (LEWOVS). GROVÉ, B. Member: The Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) VAN SCHALKWYK, H.D. Member: Food and Monitoring Price Committee (FMPC). Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel ARMOUR, Robert Jack THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF POOR AND FLUCTUATING IRRIGATION WATER SALINITY LEVELS IN THE LOWER VAAL AND RIET RIVERS. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. M.F. Viljoen BASHI, Molao John RABBIT PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN SOUTH AFRICA. Balyamujura Co-Supervisor: Prof. H.D. van Schalkwyk Supervisor: Dr. H.N. GAKPO, Emmanuel Foster Yao ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TOWARDS OPTIMAL WATER ALLOCATION. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. L.A. du Plessis Co-Supervisor: Prof. M.F. Viljoen MAHLAHA, Jacinta Mamaleke OPTIMAL ALLOCATION OF WATER RESOURCES IN IRRIGATED FARMING AT THE RAMAH CANAL VANDERKLOOF DAM. Supervisor: Prof. F.O.C. Nwonwu Co-supervisor: Prof. M.F. Viljoen DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL, WILDLIFE AND GRASSLAND SCIENCES DEPARTEMENT VEE-, WILD- EN WEIDINGKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J.P.C. Greyling 146 +27-(0)51 401-2211 +27-(0)51 401-2608 lindehm.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Abegaz, S. Mr/Mnr. Almeida, A.M. Dr. Combrinck, W.J. Mr/Mnr. De Waal, H.O. Prof. Du Toit, J.E.J. Prof. Erasmus, G.J. Prof. Fair, M.D. Mr/Mnr. Greyling, J.P.C. Prof. Janse van Rensburg, G. Mr/Mnr. Loskutoff, N.M. Prof. Motlomelo, K.C. Ms/Me. Neser, F.W.C. Prof. Oosthuizen, I.B. Mr/Mnr. Scholtz, G.D.J. Mr/Mnr. Schwalbach, L.M.J. Dr. Smit, G.N. Prof. Snyman, H.A. Prof. Stander-Breedt, H. Ms/Me. Van der Merwe, H.J. Prof. Van der Nest, R. Mrs/Mev. Van Dyk, R. Mr/Mnr. Van Wyk, J.B. Prof. Vorster, L.F. Mr/Mnr. Chapters in books/Hoofstukke in boeke GREYLING, J.P.C. Goat Biology. 3.1 Breeding and Reproduction. 3.1.1 Applied Reproductive Technology. In: Goats in Kwazulu Natal. Guidelines for Agricultural Production in Kwazulu-Natal. Kwazulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs. GREYLING, J.P.C. Management of Reproduction in sheep – oestrus and the oestrous cycle and artificial control of oestrus and ovulation. In: Animal Health and Production Compendium, 2002 Edition, Wallingford, UK: CAB International, CD-ROM communication, ISBN:0 85199 624 8. Conference proceedings/Konferensiehandelinge ABEGAZ, S., VAN WYK, J.B. Genetic parameter estimates of survival, productivity and derived biological efficiency traits in Horro sheep of Ethiopia. Proceedings 7th World Congress Genetic Applied Livestock Production, CD-ROM communication 02-36, Montpellier, France, 19-23 August 2002. ABEGAZ, S., VAN WYK, J.B., ERASMUS, G.J. Genetic parameter estimates for productivy and biological efficiency in a flock of Horro sheep. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 1316 May 2002 :28. ALMEIDA, A.M., SCHWALBACH, L.M., DE WAAL, H.O., GREYLING, J.P.C., CARDOSO, L.A. Influencia de la subnutricíon sobre los niveles de cálcio y nitrogéno en las canales de cabritos Boer. Proceedings of the XXVII Jornadas científicas internacionales de la Sociedad Española de la ovinotecnia y caprinotecnia, Valência, Spain, 19-21 September 2002:213-217. 147 DEMEKE, S., NESER, F.W.C., SCHOEMAN, S.J. Evaluation of different genetic models for estimation of crossbreeding parameters using weight traits for Bos taurus x Bos indicus crosses in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:30. DEMEKE, S., NESER, F.W.C., SCHOEMAN, S.J. Estimation of individual additive and non-additive effects on early growth traits of Bos taurus x Bos indicus crosses in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:31. DE WAAL, H.O., COMBRINCK, W.J., BORSTLAP, D., BARNES, D., PIETERSE, M., THERON, E. Repeatability of morphometric measurements taken from a sub-adult male African lion (Panthera leo). Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the African Lion Working Group, Willem Pretorius Game Reserve, South Africa, 9-10 May 2002. FAIR, M.D., VAN WYK, J.B., ERASMUS, G.J. Genetic parameters using GIBBS and REML. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002. GREYLING, J.P.C., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J. Seasonal changes in goat semen collected by electroejaculation and artificial vagina. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spermatology, Cape Town, South Africa, 6-11 October 2002:90. LABUSCHAGNÉ, H.S., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J., TAYLOR, G.J., WEBB, E. Reproductive and productive characteristics of young Bonsmara Bulls fed two dietary energy levels. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:153. LABUSCHAGNÉ, H.S., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J., TAYLOR, G.J., WEBB, E. The effect of age on reproductive and productive characteristics of young Bonsmara Bulls fed a high-energy diet. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:154. LAMBRECHTS, H., CLOETE, S.W.P., SWART, D., GREYLING, J.P.C. Preliminary results on teasing and flushing practices for breeding ostriches. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:107. LAMBRECHTS, H., CLOETE, S.W.P., SWART, D., VAN SCHALKWYK, S.J., GREYLING, J.P.C. Egg production and fertility of ostriches as influenced by stocking density and male:female ratio. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:106. LEHLOENYA, K.C., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J., CARLISLE, G., BAILEY, P., LOSKUTOFF, N.M. A novel protocol for cryopreserving semen from the South African Cheetah (acininyx jubatus). Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spermatology, Cape Town, South Africa, 6-11 October 2002:75. MEYER, T.C., RICHTER, C.G.F., SMIT, G.N. The implications of vegetation dynamics in the Kalahari Thornveld on game ranching. Proceedings of the 5th International Wildlife Ranching Symposium 2001. Sustainable utilisation – conservation in practice. Ebedes, H., Reilly, B., van Hoven, W., Penzhorn, B. (eds.) 2002;52-59. MOTLOMELO, K.C., GREYLING, J.P.C., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J. Effect of strategic supplementation on the reproductive performance of indigenous goats subject to oestrous synchronization. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:191. NESER, F.W.C. 148 A preliminary investigation into the use of cluster analyses in genotype x environment interaction studies in beef cattle. Proceedings 7th World Congress on Genetic Applied Livestock Production, CD-ROM communication no 02-36, Montpellier, France, 19-23 August 2002. NESER, F.W.C., VAN WYK, J.B., ERASMUS, G.J. Performance of Simmentaler cattle in Southern Africa: a scientific review. Simmentaler World Congress, Pretoria, South Africa 2002. SCHOLTZ, G.D.J., VAN DER MERWE, H.J., DE WAAL, H.O., FAIR, M.D., SCHEEPERS, J., COMBRINCK, W.J. Evaluation of different models for lucerne hay quality grading. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002. SCHOLTZ, G.D.J., VAN DER MERWE, H.J., DE WAAL, H.O., FAIR, M.D., SCHEEPERS, J., COMBRINCK, W.J. The nutritive value of South African lucern hay (Medi-cago sativa). Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002. SCHWALBACH, L.M.J., LABUSCHAGNÉ, H.S., TAYLOR, G.J., GREYLING, J.P.C. High level of nutrition in cattle – Implications on spermatogenesis? Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spermatology, Cape Town, South Africa, 6-11 October 2002:91. STANDER-BREEDT, H., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J., GREYLING, J.P.C., LOSKUTOFF, N.M. Effect of different cryodiluents and thawing methods on the motility and heterologous fertilizing capacity of African Lion (Panthera leo) spermatozoa. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spermatology, Cape Town, South Africa, 6-11 October 2002:74. VAN DER WAAL, C., SMIT, G.N. Relations between kudu mortalities and woody browse availability in a semi-arid savanna. Proceedings of the 5th International Wildlife Ranching Symposium 2001. Sustainable utilisation – conservation in practice. Ebedes, H., Reilly, B., van Hoven, W., Penzhorn, B. (eds.) 2002;38-43. VAN RENSBURG, G., SNYMAN, H.A., KELLNER, K. Impact of degradation on soil seedband sustainability. Proceedings of the 37th Grassland Society of Southern Africa Congress, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:252. VAN WYK, J.B., FAIR, M.D., ERASMUS, G.J. An update of inbreeding in the Elsenburg Dormer stud. Proceedings of the 39th National Congress of the South African Society of Animal Science, Christiana, South Africa, 13-16 May 2002:29. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BRÖNN, A.V.Z., SMIT, G.N. The effect of long-term fire regime on the structure of the Colophospermum mopane shrubveld in the Kruger National Park. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002. EBRO, A.G., SNYMAN, H.A., SMIT, G.N. Study on range livestock management practices of pastoralists in the Awash valley of Ethiopia. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002. GEDDA, A.E., SNYMAN, H.A., SMIT, G.N. The potential and limitations of wildlife development in the middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia. Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Middelburg, K.P., 27-30 August 2002. GIZACHEW, L., SMIT, G.N. 149 Influence of management and season on crude protein and mineral content of forages growing on vertisols of Central Ethiopia. Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Middelburg, Eastern Cape., 27-30 August 2002. GIZACHEW, L., SMIT, G.N. Evaluation of farming systems on pellic vertisols, central Ethiopia. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002. GIZACHEW, L., FOSSEY, A., SMIT, G.N. Undersowing of forages in maize. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002. OOSTHUIZEN, I.B., SNYMAN, H.A. Response of Themeda triandra to water stress and defoliation. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002. OOSTHUIZEN, I.B., SNYMAN, H.A. Response of Themeda triandra roots to water stress and defoliation. Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Middelburg, K.P., 27-30 August 2002:41-42. SMIT, G.N. The importance of Salvadora australis in preserving perennial grasses in degraded Mopani veld. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002. SMIT, G.N. Management of bush encroachment in southern Africa. Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Middelburg, Eastern Cape, 27-30 August 2002. SMIT, G.N. The role of Salvadora australis communities in restoring the herbaceous layer in encroached Mopani veld. Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Middelburg, K.P., 27-30 August 2002:18-19. SMIT, G.N. Game management in Southern Africa. World congress of young farmers, Bloemfontein, 11-14 February 2002. SMIT, G.N. The importance of ecosystem dynamics in the management of bush encroachment in southern Africa. Inaugural lecture, University of the Free State, 22 May 2002. SNYMAN, H.A. Sustainability of the grassland ecosystem in a semi-arid climate. Workshop on the sustainability of revegetated man made features, Potchefstroom, 6 September 2002. SNYMAN, H.A. Mechanical techniques and species evaluation for restoration of bare patches in a semi-arid grassland. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002:87. TEFERA, S., SNYMAN, H.A., SMIT, G.N. Seed bank characteristics of Borana communal rangeland, Ethiopia. Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Middelburg, Eastern Cape, 27-30 August 2002:24-25. TEFERA, S., SNYMAN, H.A., SMIT, G.N. Right and its implication for the use and management of Borana pastural rangeland system in Ethiopia. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002:20. 150 VAN DER WAAL, C., SMIT, G.N. Towards calculating the Kudu carrying capacity of a semi-arid Savanna. Joint congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa and the South African Society for Animal Science, Christiana, 13-16 May 2002. VAN RENSBURG, G., SNYMAN, H.A., KELLNER, K. Water infiltration evaluation along a degradation gradient in a semi-arid grassland. Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Middelburg, Eastern Cape,, 27-30 August 2002:40-41. Research articles in navorsingstydskrifte accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde ALMEIDA, A.M., SCHWALBACH, L.M., DE WAAL, H.O., GREYLING, J.P., CARDOSO, L.A. Plasma insulin concentrations and thyroid hormone in fed and underfed boer goat bucks. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2002;57(4):1-5. FERREIRA, A.V., VAN DER MERWE, H.J., FAIR, M.D. Nitrogen retention response to the abomasal infusion of amino acids in South African Mutton Merino lambs. South African Journal of Animal Science;32(2):106-112. FOURIE, P.J., NESER, F.W.C., OLIVIER, J.J., VAN DER WESHUIZEN, C. Relationship between production performance, visual appraisal and body measurements of young Dorper rams. South African Journal of Animal Science 2002;32(4):256-262. GIZACHEW, L., HIRPHA, A., JALATA F., SMIT, G.N. Mineral element status of soil, native pasture and cattle blood serum in the mid-altitude of western Ethiopia. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2002;19:147-155. GREYLING, J.P.C., VAN DER NEST, M., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J., MULLER, T. Superovulation and embryo transfer in South African Boer and Indigenous feral goats. Small Ruminant Research;43(1):45-51. LAMBRECHTS, W., CLOETE, S.W.P., SWART, D., GREYLING, J.P.C. Preliminary results on the use of diagnostic ultrasonography as a management tool to quantify egg production potential in breeding ostrich (Struthio camelus australis) females. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 2002;73(2):48-52. MAIWASHE, A.N., BRADFIELD, M.J. THERON, H.E., VAN WYK, J.B. Genetic parameter estimates for body measurements and growth traits in Bonsmara cattle. Livestock Production Science 2002;75:293-300. MOTLOMELO, K.C., GREYLING, J.P.C., SCHWALBACH, L.M.J. Synchronisation of oestrus in goats: the use of different progestagen treatments. Small Ruminant Research 2002;45(1):45-49. SNYMAN, H.A. Short-term response of rangeland botanical composition and productivity to fertilization (N and P) in a semiarid climate of South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 2002;50:167-183. SNYMAN, H.A. Fire and the dynamics of a semi-arid grassland: influence of soil characteristics. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2002;19:137-145. THERON, J.F., VAN RENSBURG, W.L.J., SNYMAN, H.A. The influence of nitrogen and defoliation on the nitrogen content of Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2002;19:167-173. VAN DYK, R., NESER, F.W.C., KANFER, F.H. 151 A comparison between single and composite milk samples for the genetic evaluation of milk composition in dairy cattle. South African Journal of Animal Science 2002;32(1):44-49. Research articles published in other journals/Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte EBANGI, A.L., ERASMUS, G.J., MBAH, D.A., TAWAH, C.L., MESSINE, O. Genetic parameter estimates for growth traits in purebred gudali and two-breed synthetic wakwa beef cattle in a tropical environment. Journal Cameroon Academy of Sciences 2002;(2):86-93. EBANGI, A.L., ERASMUS, G.J., TAWAH, C.L., MBAH, D.A., MESSINE, O. Prediction of maternal performance from pre-weaning weight traits in Gudali beef cattle in a tropical environment. Revista Portuguesa de Zootecnia 2002;(2):33-43. SMIT, G.N. Navorsing om luiperd te red [Research to protect the Leopard]. Landbouweekblad, 12 Julie 2002:14-16. SMIT, G.N. Wildboerdery en die bepaling van optimale wildgetalle vir wildplase [Game farming and the estimation of optimal numbers for a game farm]. Ons Eie 2002:25-28. SMIT, G.N. Keuse van wildspesies vir wildboerdery [Choice of game species for a game farm]. Ons Eie 2002:34-37. SNYMAN, H.A. Dink mooi oor bemesting van natuurlike weiveld [Think scientifically on fertilization of natural veld]. Landbouweekblad, 22 February 2002:30-31. SNYMAN, H.A. Mensgemaakte droogtes op weiveld [Man-made droughts on grassland]. SA Co-op 2002;18(4):10-11. SNYMAN, H.A. Sorg vir jou weiding [Look after your veld]. Bonsmara Bulletin 2002;4:24-25. SNYMAN, H.A. Winterbeplanning [Winter planning]. Wool Farmer, March 2002:2. SNYMAN, H.A. Veeboer en die komende winter [Stock farmer and the coming winter]. Ons Eie, April 2002;37:32-33. SNYMAN, H.A. Bestuur jou risiko’s: die impak van ongeluksvure moet nie onderskat word nie [Manage your risks: do not under-estimate fire]. Ons Eie, April 2002;37:50-54. SNYMAN, H.A. Brand van weiveld: Ja of Nee? [Burning of veld: Yes or No?] Landbouweekblad, 3 Mei 2002:18-21. SNYMAN, H.A. Ongeluksvure en weiveldbestuur in die droër dele [Unplanned fires and veld management in the drier areas]. SA Co-op 2002;18(7):5-7. SNYMAN, H.A. Suurder en minder smaaklike bulte kan verander word [Sour and unpalatable areas can be changed]. SA Co-op 2002;18(7):22-24. SNYMAN, H.A. The burning question? Farmer’s Weekly, 17 May 2002:16-17. SNYMAN, H.A. 152 The shocking facts of veld burning. Farmer’s Weekly 24 May 2002:20-22. SNYMAN, H.A. Hou elke druppel water op jou plaas [Hold each drop of water on your farm]. Wool Farmer, July 2002;6(7):10-11. SNYMAN, H.A. Risikobestuur met ongeluksvure in droë weivelddele opgelos [Risk management with unplanned fires solved]. Ons Eie 2002;37(3):62-63. SNYMAN, H.A. Better soil-moisture management in the dry regions. Farmer’s Weekly 30 August 2002:16-17. VAN DER WAAL, C., SMIT, G.N. Ten tips for kudi ranchers. Farmer’s Weekly, 11 October 2002:30-31. VORSTER, L.F. Rotational grazing for game. Farmer’s Weekly, 8 February 2002:40-42. Unpublished research reports/Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae DU PLESSIS, H., SMIT, G.N. The development and final testing of an electrified leopard proof game fence on the farm Masequa. DU TOIT, J.E.J. Critical path analysis for the implementation of a Biomass production facility in South Africa. Bio-Tech Africa (Pty.) Ltd. SMIT, G.N. Clearing of road verges in the Kruger National Park - observations on current practices and recommendations for improvements. VAN DER MERWE, T.G., SMIT, G.N. Ecological planning of the farm Masequa with the emphases on a sustainable game production with the leopard (Panthera pardus) as carnivore. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs GREYLING, J.P.C. Associate Editor: (Physiology) Small Ruminant Research Journal. GREYLING, J.P.C. Sub-Editor: (Physiology) South African Journal of Animal Science. GREYLING, J.P.C. Member: Editorial Committee South African Journal of Animal Science. NESER, F.W.C. Sub-Editor (Animal Breeding) South African Journal of Animal Science. NESER, F.W.C. Member: Editorial Committee South African Journal of Animal Science. SMIT, G.N. Advising Editor: African Journal of Range and Forage Science. SMIT, G.N. Advising Editor: Journal of Arid Environments. 153 SMIT, G.N. Advising Editor: South African Journal of Wildlife Research. SNYMAN, H.A. Advising Editor: African Journal of Range and Forage Science. SNYMAN, H.A. Advising Editor: Journal of Applied Ecology. SNYMAN, H.A. Advising Editor: Journal of Arid Environments. SNYMAN, H.A. Advising Editor: Journal of Plant Ecology. VAN DER MERWE, H.J. Sub-Editor: South African Journal of Animal Science. Awards/Prizes at National Conferences/Toekennings/Pryse ontvang by Nasionale Konferensies SCHOLTZ, G.D.J., VAN DER MERWE, H.J., SCHEEPERS, S., FAIR, M.D. Best student poster at the GSSA/SASAS Joint Congress, Christiana. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings DE WAAL, H.O. Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. DU TOIT, J.E.J. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. ERASMUS, G.J. Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. FAIR, M.D. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. GREYLING, J.P.C. Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. Council Member: South African Society of Animal Science. MOTLOMELO, K.C. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. NESER, F.W.C. Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. SCHWALBACH, L.M.J. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. SMIT, G.N. Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. 154 VAN DER MERWE, H.J. Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. VAN WYK, J.B. Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. Member: South African Society of Animal Science. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel CLOETE, Schalk Willem Petrus van der Merwe STUDIES ON THE BEHAVIOURAL AND GENETIC ASPECTS OF EWE REARING ABILITY AND LAMB SURVIVAL IN SOUTH AFRICAN SHEEP FLOCKS. Promoter: Prof. G.J. Erasmus Copromoters: Prof. J.B. van Wyk, Prof. S.J. Schoeman DAVIDI, Matayo THE CONTROL OF CERTAIN GOAT ECTOPARASITES IN TANZANIA USING NEEM SEED OIL EXTRACT. Promoter: Prof.J.P.C. Greyling Co-promoter: Dr. L.M.J. Schwalbach DEMEKE MULUGETA, Sendros GENETIC FACTORS AFFECTING MILK PRODUCTION, GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION TRAITS IN BOS INDICUS X BOS TAURUS CROSSES IN ETHIOPIA. Promoter: Prof. S.J. Schoeman CoPromoter: Prof. F.W.C. Neser EBRO GEDDA, Abule RANGELAND EVALUATION IN RELATION TO PASTORALISTS PERCEPTIONS IN THE MIDDLE AWASH VALLEY OF ETHIOPIA. Promoter: Prof. H.A. Snyman Co-promoter: Prof. G.N. Smit KEBEDE, Solomon Abegaz GENETIC EVALUATION OF PRODUCTION, REPRODUCTION AND SURVIVAL IN A FLOCK OF ETHIOPIAN HORRO SHEEP. Promoter: Prof J.B. Van Wyk Co-Promoter: Dr. J.J. Olivier S/GEBREAL, Lemma Gizachew CRUDE PROTEIN AND MINERAL STATUS OF FORAGES GROWN ON PELLIC VERTISOL OF GINCHI, CENTRAL HIGHLANDS OF ETHIOPIA. Promotor: Prof. G.N. Smit Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BORSTLAP, Dirk Gerber INTAKE AND DIGESTIBILITY STUDIES WITH CAPTIVE AFRICAN LIONS (PANTHERA LEO), LEOPARDS (PANTHERA PARDUS) AND CHE ETAHS (ACINONYX JUBATUS). Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. H.O. De Waal Co-Supervisor: Dr L.M.J. Schwalbach. FAIR, Michael Denis GENETIC PARAMETER ESTIMATION OF PRODUCTION AND REPRODUCTION TRAITS OF THE ELSENBURG DORMER STUD. Supervisor: Prof. J.B. Van Wyk Co-Supervisor: Prof. G.J. Erasmus TESFA, Kal’ab Negash THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MILK PRICING SCHEMES ON A SELECTION INDEX FOR SOUTH AFRICAN HOLSTEIN CATTLE. Supervisor: Prof. J.B. Van Wyk Co-Supervisor: Prof. F.W.C. Neser VAN GRAAN, Arno C THE GENETIC BASIS OF GESTATION LENGTH IN BONSMARA CATTLE. Supervisor: Prof F.W.C. Neser Co-Supervisor: Dr. J. van der Westhuizen Dr. H.E. Theron ZEMUY, Eyob Ghebrehiwet 155 GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF PRODUCTION AND WOOL TRAITS IN THE ELSENBURG MUTTON MERINO FLOCK. Supervisor: Prof. J.B. Van Wyk Co-Supervisors: Prof. F.W.C. Neser Mr S.W.P. Cloete DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE DEPARTEMENT ARGITEKTUUR Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. O. Joubert +27 051 401 2332 +27 051 448 1720 gunterme.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the department/Outeurs verbonde aan die departement Bosman, G. Mr. Du Preez, J.L. Mr/Mnr. Joubert, O. Prof. Kotze, C.P. Prof. Laubscher, J. Mr/Mnr. Ras, J. W. Mr./Mnr. Smit. J. D. Prof. Jooste-Smit, P. Ms/Me. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte KOTZE, C.P. The role of water in South African urban form: an historical overview. Paper presented at Landscapes of Water conference. Hosted by Bari Polytechnic at Monopoli, Italy. 26 – 29 September 2002. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte JOUBERT, O. House Smit, Bloemfontein, Leading Architecture & Design, September/October 2002:52-53. JOUBERT, O. The democratisation of campus architecture: new student centre, University of the Free State, Leading Architecture & Design, September/October 2002:43-45. JOUBERT, O. Moscow in winter, KZ-NIA Journal (Durban), 2002;27(3):16-17. LAUBSCHER, J. Habitat for Humanity, Leading Architecture & Design, September/October 2002:18. LAUBSCHER, J. JCWP-Africa 2002: The 'blitz build', KZ-NIA Journal, 2002;27(2):15. LAUBSCHER, J. Gravitas (rethinking the architecture-label relationship), Architecture South Africa (Cape Town) May/June 2002:18. LAUBSCHER, J. VS-span help bou met 100 huise in 5 dae vir armes. [Free State team assists with building of 100 houses in 5 days for the poor]. Die Volksblad (Bloemfontein), 11 June 2002. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae 156 LAUBSCHER, J. Lesinglokaalopname: Universiteit van die Vrystaat [Survey of lecture halls: University of the Free State]. Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies KOTZE, C.P. The Sophia Gray Memorial Lectures and Exhibitions. Acta Structilia 2002;8(1). KOTZE, C.P. Review: Blueprints in black and white: the built environment professions in South Africa – an outline history. Acta Structilia 2002;9(2). KOTZE, C.P. Cologne Re Building: Idyllic recreation of nature in midst of busy city life links past, present and future. Sunday Independent. 2002.03.24. LAUBSCHER, J. Review of "Urban future 21: A global agenda for twenty-first century cities", by Halland, P. & Pfeiffer, U., London: E & FN Spon., published in Acta Structilia (University. of the Free State) 2002;9 (1):109-111. SWART, G.P. Review of Companion to architectural thought, edited by Farmer, B. & Louw, H., Routledge: London & New York, 1993. Published as "An architect's civilized concubine", Architecture South Africa, Jan/Feb 2002:54-55. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs KOTZE, C.P. Member: Editorial Board of Leading Architecture Primedia Publishing, Johannesburg. KOTZE, C.P. Member: Editorial Board of Acta Structillia, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. KOTZE, C.P. Editor: Acta Varia Architecturae _ series of occasional papers on architecture published by the UFS. JOUBERT, O. Oorsig / Review 01. A publication initiated and financed by the Department of Architecture, University. of the Free State. RAS, J.W. Monthly president’s report in Architecture South Africa, Journal of the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) Artistic works/presentations / Artistieke werke/aanbiedings JOUBERT, O. Curator of exhibition "Walter Battiss _ 20 years on", Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery, Bloemfontein, 17 July 2002. JOUBERT, O. Participant: "Art by architects", Exhibition, Free State Institute of Architects, Fichardt House, 15 June 2002. SMIT, J.D. Participant: "Art by architects", Exhibition, Free State Institute of Architects, Fichardt House, 15 June 2002. 157 Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs KOTZE, C.P. Member: Editorial Board of Leading Architecture Primedia Publishing, Johannesburg. KOTZE, C.P. Member: Editorial Board of Acta Structillia, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. KOTZE, C.P. Editor: Acta Varia Architecturae Series of occasional papers on architecture published by the UFS. Artistic works/presentations / Artistieke werke/aanbiedings JOUBERT, O. Curator of exhibition "Walter Battiss - 20 years on", Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery, Bloemfontein, 17 July 2002. JOUBERT, O. Participant: Art by architects, Exhibition, Free State Institute of Architects, Fichardt House, 15 June 2002. SMIT, J.D. Participant: Art by architects, Exhibition, Free State Institute of Architects, Fichardt House, 15 June 2002. Awards/Prizes at National Conferences/Toekennings/Pryse ontvang by Nasionale Konferensies JOUBERT, O. Finalist, 2002 Dulux Colour Award: "House Tzaneen". SMIT, J.D., JOOSTE-SMIT. P Finalist, 2002 Dulux Colour Award: "House Smit". SMIT, J.D., JOOSTE-SMIT, P. Finalist, 2002 Dulux Colour Award: "House Morgan". Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings DU PREEZ, J.L. Member: South African Institute of Architects. Member: Free State Institute of Architects. Member: South African Council of the Architecture Profession. JOUBERT, O. Member: South African Institute of Architects [SAIA]. Member: Free State Institute of Architects [FIA]. Member: South African Council of the Architecture Profession [SACAP]. LAUBSCHER, J. Member: South African Institute of Architects. Elected council member: Free State Institute of Architects. Member: South African Council of the Architecture Profession. JOOSTE-SMIT, P. Member: South African Council of the Architecture Profession. RAS, J.W. 158 National President: South African Institute of Architects (SAIA). Member: South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP). CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SENTRUM VIR OMGEWINGSBESTUUR Director of Centre/Direkteur van Sentrum: Prof. M.T. Seaman +27-(0)51-401-2863 +27-(0)51-4 seamanmt@sci.uovs.ac.za Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BOTHMA, Josephine THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LIMITED BASED ON THE ISO 14001 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STANDARD. Promotor: Prof. J.A.A. Lazenby WALMSLEY, Justine Jane Isabel DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS FOR CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Promoter: Mr M.T. Seaman Co-Promoter: Dr R.D. Walmsley DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY DEPARTEMENT CHEMIE Departmental Chairman /Departementele Voorsitter: Prof. S.S. Basson +27-(0)51-401-2348 +27-(0)51-4307805 bassonss@sci.uovs.ac.za Authors in the department/ Outeurs verbonde aan die departement Basson, S.S. Prof. Bekker, M. Mrs/Mev. Bennie, L. Miss/Mej. Brandt, E.V. Prof. Coetzee, J. Dr. Conradie, J. Dr. Davis, W.L Mr/Mnr. Dennis, C.R. Dr. Du Plessis, W.C. Mr/Mnr. Fourie, E. Howell, H Kamara, B.I. Lamprecht, G.J. Prof. Langner, E.H.G. Mr/Mnr. Malan, E. Prof. Meij, A.M.M. Muller, A.J. Mr/Mnr. Mzamane, S.N. Miss/Mej. Nel, E. Otto, S. Dr. Purcell, W. Prof. Roodt, A. Prof. Shago, R.F. Miss/Mej. Steyl, G. Mr/Mnr. 159 Swarts, J.C. Prof. Van der Westhuizen, H.J. Visser, H.G. Dr. Vosloo,T.G. Mr/Mnr. Chapters in Books / Hoofstukke in Boeke OTTO, S., MZAMANE, S.N., ROODT, A. Tuning rhodium(I) metal centre accessibility in iodomethane oxidative addition to Vaska-type complexes by interchanging tertiary phosphine for arsine and stibine. N. Winterton and G. Leigh (Eds). Legacy of Joseph Chatt, Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge UK, 2001, 675-683. SWARTS, J.C. Syntheses, electrochemistry and cytotoxicity of ferrocene-containing polyaspartamides as water-soluble polymeric drug carrier/drug conjugates. K. Levon and A Guiseppi-Elie (Eds.) Macromolecular Symposia: Macromolecule-Metal Complexes (MMC-9), WILEY-VCH Verlag, Germany, 2002, 123-128. Conference Proceedings / Konferensievoordragte AQUINO, M.A.S., VAN RENSBURG, C.E.J., KREFT, E., SWARTS, J.C., DALRYMPLE, S.R., MACDONALD, D.M., COOKE, M.W., CAMERON, T.S., VAMVOUNIS, G. Cytotoxicity of a series of water-soluble mixed-valent diruthenium tetracarboxylates. 35th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Heidelberg, 21-26 July 2002. BRANDT, E.V. Configuration and the Conformational Behaviour of Oligomeric Flavonoids. XXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Marrakech-Morocco, 9-12 September 2002. BRAND, J., KAMARA, B.I., BRANDT, E.V. Computer Generated Conformations of Selected Phenolic Metabolites from the Herbal Teas Cyclopia intermadia and Cyclopia subternata. 36th Convention of the South African Chemical Institute, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1-5 July 2002. DENNIS, C.R., POTGIETER, I.M., BASSON, S.S. The reduction of octacyanomolybdate(v) parentheses by hydroxide ions, 36th Convension of SACI, Port Elizabeth July 2002. KAMARA, B.I., BRAND, J., BRANDT, E.V. Diversity in Structure of Phenolic content from South African Herbal Teas (Cyclopia intermedia and Cyclopia subternata). 36th Convention of the South African Chemical Institute, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1-5 July 2002. MALAN, E., BRANDT, E.V., BRAND, J. The Novel 6-(3-Hydroxy-5,6-Dimethoxybenzo[6]Dihydrofuran-2-Yl-Methyl)Epioritin-4β-Ol Isolated From Acacia Hereroensis. XXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Marrakech, Morocco, 9-12 September 2002. MALAN, E., HOWELL, H., STEENKAMP, J.A., BRANDT, E.V., BRAND, J. The Synthesis and Structure of Three New Promelacacinidin Dimers from Acacia Nigrescence. XXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Marrakech, Morocco, 9-12 September 2002. MALAN, E., FOURIE, E., STEENKAMP, J.A., BRANDT, E.V., BRAND, J. Structure and Synthesis of a C4(F)-C6(G), C3(F)-O-C4(C)-Linked Triteracacinidin from Acacia Hereroensis. XXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Marrakech, Morocco, 9-12 September 2002. MULLER A., ROODT, A., OTTO, S., MULLER, A., MEIJ, A, STEYL, G, OSKARSSON, _. 160 Pseudo Vaska-type complexes: Solid State and Solution Behaviour as Model Homogeneous Catalysts. XIX Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, Geneva, Switzerland, August 2002. MEIJ, A., OTTO; S., ROODT, A. Protonation and Substitution Reactions in Water Soluble 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane Complexes of Palladium(II). Annual Meeting of the SA Crystallographic Society, Stellenbosch. April 2002. MULLER, A., ROODT, A., OTTO, S., OSKARSSON, _. Statistical Packing Disorder in Vaska-type Complexes of Rhodium(I). Annual Meeting of the SA Crystallographic Society, Stellenbosch. April 2002. ROODT, A. ‘Why X-Ray Crystallography?’ Opening Keynote lecture. Annual Meeting of the SA Crystallographic Society, Stellenbosch. April 2002. ROODT, A., OTTO, S., MULLER, A., MEIJ, A., STEYL, G. Solution and solid state behaviour of pseudo Vaska-type complexes: Model Homogeneous Catalysts. 35th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, The University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2002. STEYL, G., ROODT, A. Tropolonato ‘Pseudo’ Vaska-Type Complexes of Rhodium(I). Annual Meeting of the SA Crystallographic Society, Stellenbosch. April 2002. SWARTS, J.C., CONRADIE, J. Cyclic Voltammetric studies on ferrocene-containing betadiketones and [Rh(FcCOCHCOR)(CO)2] complexes. Metal-containing Molecules: 2nd Chianti Electrochemistry Meeting (MM-2nd ChEM), Siena, Italy, 13-18 July 2002. SWARTS, J.C., CONRADIE, J., VAN RENSBURG, C.E.J., KREFT, E., DU PLESSIS, W.C. Synthesis, substitution kinetics, electrochemistry, and cytotoxicity of ferrocene-containing rhoidium(I)cyclooctadiene complexes. 35th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Heidelberg, Germany, 21-26 July 2002. SWARTS, J.C. LANGNER, E.H.G., SHAGO, R.F., DAVIS, W.L., COOK, M.J. Synthesis electrochemistry and thin film properties of liquid crystalline ferrocene-containing phthalocyanines. 2nd International confererence on porphyrines and phthalocyanines (ICPP-2), Kyoto, Japan, 30 June – 5 July 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BEKKER, M., MALAN, E., STEENKAMP, J.A., BRANDT, E.V. An Isoflavanoid-neoflavonoid and an O-methylated Isoflavone from the Heartwood of Dalbergia nitidula. Phytochemistry 2002;59:415-418. BENNIE, L., COETZEE, J., MALAN, E., FERREIRA, D. Structure and Stereochemistry of Dimeric Proteracacinidins possessing the rare C-4(C) → C-5(D) Interflavanyl Linkage. Phytochemistry 2002;59:673-678. BENNIE, L., COETZEE, J., MALAN, E., FERREIRA, D. (4→ 6)-Coupled Proteracacinidins and Promelacacinidins from Acacia galpinii and Acacia caffra. Phytochemistry 2002;60:521-532. COOKE, M.W., CAMERON, T.S., ROBERTSON, K.N., SWARTS, J.C., AQUINO, M.A.S. 161 Structure and electrochemistry of various diruthenium(II,III) Tetrametallocenecarboxylates, Organometallics 2002;21:5962-5971. CONRADIE, J., LAMPRECHT, G.J., OTTO, S., SWARTS, J.C. Syntheses and characterisation of ferrocene-containing β-diketonato complexes of rhodium(I) and rhodium(III). Inorganica Chimica Acta 2002;60:191-203. HILLIE, K.T., BASSON, S.S., SWART, H.C. Effect of a CdO coating on the degradation of a ZnS thin film phosphor material. Applied Surface Science 2002;187:137-144. HOWELL, H., MALAN, E., STEENKAMP, J.A., BRANDT, E.V., BRAND, J. Identification of Two Novel Promelacacinidin Dimers from Acacia nigrescens. Journal of Natural Products 2002;65:769-771. MEIJ, M.M., OTTO, S., ROODT, A. trans-Dibromobi(1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane-κP)palladium(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E 2002;E58:m66-6646 LIU, A., LEESE, D.N., SWARTS, J.C., SYKES, A.G. Reduction of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) subunit R2 with eight water-soluble ferrocene derivatives. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2002;337:83-90. OTTO, S., ROODT, A. Equilibrium, solid state behaviour and reactions of four and five co-ordinate carbonyl stibine complexes of rhodium. Crystal Structure of trans[Rh(Cl)(CO)(SbPh3)2], trans-[Rh(Cl)(CO)(SbPh3)3] and t r a n s[Rh(I)2(CH3)(CO)(SbPh3)2]. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2002;331:199-207. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, H.J., PURCELL, W., BASSON, S.S. The photolytic reaction between [ReN(H2O)(CN)4]2- and 1,2-ethanediamine. The crystal structure of tetraphenylphosphonium µ-1,2-ethanediamine-N,N'-bis[tetracyanonitridorhenate(V)] tetrahydrate. Transition Metal Chemistry 2002, 27:506-511 VAN RENSBURG, C.E.J., KREFT, E., SWARTS, J.C., DALRYMPLE, S.R., MACDONALD, D.M., COOKE, M.W., AQUINO, M.A.S. Cytotoxicity of a series of water-soluble mixed valent diruthenium tetracarboxylates, Anticancer Research 2002;21:889-892. VISSER, H.G., PURCELL, W., BASSON, S.S. Kinetic study of the protonations and substitutions of different cobalt(III)-nta complexes. Transition Metal Chemistry 2002;27:461-468. VOSLOO, T.G., DU PLESSIS, W.C., SWARTS, J.C. Kinetics of substitution of ferrocenyl-containing β-diketonato ligands by 1,10-phenantroline acetonato from (βdiketonato) (1,5-cyclo-octadiene)rhodium(I) complexes, Inorganica Chimica Acta 2002;31:188-193. VOSLOO, T.G., SWARTS, J.C. Kinetics of ferrocenoylacetonato substitution from (1,5-cyclo-octadiene)(ferrocenoylacetonato)rhodium(I) with 2,2/dipyridyl and derivatives of 1,10-phenantroline. Transition Metal Chemistry 2002;27:411-415. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BRANDT, E.V., KAMARA, I., BRAND, J. Phenolic Compounds from Cyclopia subternata 1. ARC Nietvoorbij, Stellenbosch, April 2002. BRANDT, E.V., KAMARA, I., BRAND, J. Phenolic Compounds from Cyclopia subternata 2. ARC Nietvoorbij, Stellenbosch; September 2002. 162 SWARTS, J.C. Purification of Wastewater with Crown Ethers and other macrocycles bound to water-soluble and/or elatomeric polymers. WRC Progress Report, Pretoria; October 2002. STEENKAMP, J.A., NEL, E. Investigation towards Economically Viable Synthetic Routes to Commercial Surfactants 1. Sasol R&D, Sasolburg; March 2002. STEENKAMP, J.A., NEL, E. Investigation towards Economically Viable Synthetic Routes to Commercial Surfactants 2. Sasol R&D, Sasolburg; July 2002. Reseach awards, achievements, acknowledgements of outstanding research contributions / Navorsingstoekennings, prestasies, erkennings vir navorsingsbydraes BRANDT, E.V. Invited plenary speaker at the XXI International Conference on Polyphenols (JIEP2002), Morocco, September 2002. SWARTS, J.C. Invited speaker at the 2nd Chianti Electrochemistry Meeting (MM-2nd ChEM), Siena, Italy, 13-18 July 2002. SWARTS, J.C. Invited speaker at the 35th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Heidelberg, Germany, 21-26 July 2002, also chaired session 6 on Metals in Medicine at this conference. Membership of professional and scientific associations/Lidmaatskap van professionele en wetenskaplike verenigings BASSON, S.S. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) BRANDT, E.V. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) Member: S.A. Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Member: Phytochemical Society of North America CONRADIE, J. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) OTTO, S. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) PURCELL, W. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) ROODT, A. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) 163 STEENKAMP, J.A. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) SWARTS, J.C. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) Member: New York Academy of Science VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, H.J. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) VISSER, H.G. Chemistry Member: South African Chemical Society (SACI) Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BEKKER, Madelyn STRUCTURE AND SYNTHESIS OF SELECTED METABOLITES FROM GUIBOURTIA COLEOSPERMA. Promoter: Dr. R. Bekker Co-Promoter: Prof. E.V. Brandt MARAIS, Johannes Petrus Joubert THE PHENOLIC PROFILE OF SOUTH AFRICAN RED WINE: STRUCTURE AND SYNTHESIS OF CONSTITUENT FLAVONOIDS. Promoter: Prof. E.V. Brandt Co-promoters: Dr. D. Ferreira Dr. H. van Rensburg Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BLIGNAUT, Gert Benjamin STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION OF THE PHENOLIC METABOLITES FROM COMMERCIAL WATTLE (ACACIA MEARNSII) BARK EXTRACT. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. E.V. Brandt CoSupervisor: Prof. J.A. Steenkamp BRAND, Dirk Jacobus STRUCTURE AND SYNTHESIS OF POLYPHENOLS FROM CYCLOPIA SUBTERNATA. Supervisor: Prof. E.V. Brandt Co-Supervisor: Dr. B.I. Kamara FOURIE, Eleanor THE STRUCTURE AND SYNTHESIS OF TRIMERIC- AND RELATED PROTERACACINIDINS FROM ACACIA HEREROENSIS. Supervisor: Prof. E. Malan DIMERIC FOURIE, Gerald COMPONENTS FROM SOUTH AFRICAN APPLE CIDER: STRUCTURE AND SYNTHESIS. Supervisor: Prof. E.V. Brandt Co-Supervisor: Dr. J. Coetzee KLAAS, Palesa SYNTHESIS, ELECTROCHEMICAL, KINETIC AND THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF NEW FERROCENE-CONTAINING BETADIKETONATO RH ODIUM (I) COMPLEXES WITH BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS. Supervisor: Prof. J.C. Swarts Co-Supervisor: Dr. J. Conradie SAM, Zolisa Agnes AQUEOUS SUBSTITUTION BEHAVIOUR OF THE CHLOROTRIS(1,3,5-TRIAZA-7PHOSPHAADAMANTANE) PLATINUM(II) ION. Supervisor: Prof. A. Roodt Co-Supervisor: Dr. S. Otto 164 SHAGO, Rebotsamang Florence SYNTHETIC, SPECTROSCOPIC, THERMODYNAMIC AND ELECTROCHEMICAL STUDIES ON MULTI-TETRADECYLATED PHTHALOCYANINE - F ERROCENYLBUTOXIDE CONJUGATES WITH LIQUID CRYSTALLINE PROPERTIES. Supervisor: Prof. J.C. Swarts DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATICS DEPARTEMENT REKENAARWETENSKAP EN INFORMATIKA Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.J. Messerschmidt +27-051-401-2605 +27-051-401-3728 hans@wwg3.uovs.ac.za Authors in the department/Outeurs verbonde aan die department: Blignaut, P.J. Dr. Burger, A. Mr/Mnr. De Wet, L. Dr. McDonald, T. Prof. Tolmie, C.J. Prof. Chapters in Books / Hoofstukke in boeke BLIGNAUT, P.J., MCDONALD, T., TOLMIE, C.J. The Influence of Experience, Culture and Spatial Visualization Ability on Users’ Attitudes and Anxiety towards Computer Use. Edward J. Szewczak, Coral R. Snodgrass. Human Factors in Information Systems. ISBN 1-931777-31-4. IRM Press, 2002:269-280. Conference proceedings/Konferensiehandelinge POTGIETER, P.H., BLIGNAUT, P.J. An instrument to Evaluate Computerized Question Paper Generators. International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2002. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte DE WET, L., BLIGNAUT, P.J., BURGER, A. Comprehension and Usability Variances among Multicultural Web Users in South Africa. CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA from 20-25 April 2002. POTGIETER, P.H., BLIGNAUT, P.J. An Instrument to Evaluate Computerized Question Paper Generators. International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) in Auckland, New Zealand from 3-6 December 2002. Research articles in navorsingstydskrifte accredited research journals/Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde COETZEE, F.F., McDONALD, T., KILIAN, J.F. A Comparison of Maximal Torque Levels of the Different Planes of Movement of the Shoulder-girdle Complex for Different Types of Sports. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation 2002;24(1):17-27. Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae POTGIETER, P.H., BLIGNAUT, P.J. 165 Required Functionalities for a computerised Question Paper Generator. Interim, Interdisciplinary Journal of the Technikon Free State 2002(1):129-138. ISSN: 1684-4498X POTGIETER, P.H., BLIGNAUT, P.J. An Instrument to evaluate Computerised Question Paper Generators. Interim, Interdisciplinary Journal of the Technikon Free State 2002(1):141-148. ISSN: 1684-4498X Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BLIGNAUT, P.J., HUMAN, H.J. Breinskool – ‘n Geheue-ontwikkelingsprogram vir kinders van 6-11 jaar [Brain School – a memory development program for children from 6-11 years]. 2002. DE WET, L., MOLUPE, J.M. Procurement Management System. 2002. MESSERSCHMIDT, H.J., HILL, T.N. Dungeon Master Assistant “Project Generator”. 2002. BLIGNAUT, P.J., NEL, G. Ekklesia Biblion 1.0 – Gemeente administrasiestelsel [Congregational administration system]. 2002. MCDONALD, T., ROSSOUW, P. Picking system. 2002. MCDONALD, T., BEELDERS, T.R. Stock Control System. 2002. Editorships/co-editorships/Redakteurs/mederedakteurs DE WET, L. Member of editorial committee: Journal of End User Computing. Research awards and achievements/Acknowledgement of Outstanding contributions/Navorsingstoekennings en prestasie/Erkenning van uitstaande bydrae research BLIGNAUT, P.J., MCDONALD T., TOLMIE, C.J. Computer Science and Informatics Acknowledgment for one of the best papters chosen out of a number published in the Proceedings of an Information Resources Management Association International Conference which Dr. Blignaut attended in Alaska in May 2000, which has been published as a chapter in the book entitled Human Factors in Information Systems. DE WET, L., BLIGNAUT, P.J., BURGER, A. Computer Science and Informatics Acknowledgment for one of the five best papers presented delivered at a Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI) in Pretoria, S.A. in September 2001 which led to the invitation for Dr. de Wet to present this article at a similar conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA in April 2002. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings BLIGNAUT, P.J. Member: Special Interest Group Computer Human Interfaces (SIG-CHI), Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Member: S.A. Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) DEDNAM, E.H. 166 Member: S.A. Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) Member: The Computer Society of S.A. DE WET, L. Member: S.A. Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) MCDONALD, T. Member: The Computer Society of S.A. Member: S.A. Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) MESSERSCHMIDT, H.J. Member: S.A. Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) Member: The Computer Society of S.A. Member: S.A. Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns TOLMIE, C.J. Member: S.A. Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) VAN ASWEGEN, W.A. Member: S.A. Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) VAN BILJON, A. Member: S.A. Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) Member: Association for Mathematics Education in S.A. (AMESA) VAN ROOYEN, J.C. Member: S.A. Lecturers’ Association (SACLA) DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY DEPARTEMENT GEOGRAFIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. G. du T. de Villiers +27-(0)51-401-2255 +27-(0)51-401-3816 dvillig.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: De Villiers, G. du T. Prof. Barker, C.H. Dr. Kotze, N.J. Dr. Visser, G.E. Dr. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge KOTZE, N.J. Small town development in the Northern Cape, South Africa: The Orania case study. In Holland, P., Stephenson, F. & Wearing, A. (Eds.): 2001 Geography a Spatial Odyssey, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the New Zealand Geography Society and the Institute of Australian Geographers, Dunedin, NZ, 28 January – 2 February 2001. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BARKER, C.H. A Geomorphological Model of the Modder River Catchment. Paper read at the joint SAIE & ES and SASAqS Conference, University of the Free State, 2002. 167 BARKER, C.H. Modelling a Semi-arid Drainage Basin with the aid of GIS. Paper read at the Regional Conference of the International Geographical Union, Durban 2002. KOTZE, N.J. The consequences of road development in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa: Paradise lost? IGU 2002 Regional Conference, Durban, 2002. VISSER, G. Gay men, tourism and urban space: notes from Africa’s gay capital. International Geographical Union Conference, Durban, August 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte MASHININI, I.V., DE VILLIERS, G. DU T. Non-governmental organisations and sustainable rural development in Lesotho. Acta Academica 2002;34(1):137-157. CLAASSEN, J.H.D., DE VILLIERS, G. DU T., VILJOEN, M.F. Emerging farmers: reaping what you sow. Africa Insight 2002;32(2):53-58. PRETORIUS, E., DE VILLIERS, G. DU T. The impact of Informal Living conditions on Water Quality in the Bloemfontein Municipality. South African Geographical Journal 2002;85(2):47-55. RETIEF, F.P., BARKER, C.H. Local Government Development Priorities in Developing Regions: Implications for Environmental Management – Case Studies in the Free State Province, South Africa. Town and Regional Planning 2002;45:30-40. VISSER, G. Gentrification and South African cities: towards a research agenda. Cities 2002;19(6):419-423. VISSER, G. Social justice and geography: towards a South African geographical research agenda. Acta Academica 2002;34(1):68–87. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte KOTZE, N.J. The consequences of road development in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa: Paradise Lost? World Leisure Journal 2002;44(3):54-60. Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BARKER, C.H. Geomorphology(In) Seaman, M.T. et al State of the Modder River, First Quarter 2002 – a biomonitoring report. Report to Bloemwater. Bloemfontein: Centre for Environmental Management (UFS), 2002. BARKER, C.H. Geomorphology(In) Seaman, M.T. et al State of the Modder River, Second Quarter 2002 – a biomonitoring report. Report to Bloemwater. Bloemfontein: Centre for Environmental Management (UFS), 2002. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BARKER, C.H. 168 A Morphometric study of landscape development in the central Free State. An application with the aid of a GIS. [`n Morfometriese Ondersoek na Landskapontwikkeling in die Sentraal-Vrystaat. ‘n Toepassing met behulp van `n Geografiese Inligtingstelsel]. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Bloemfontein, UV/UFS, 2002. VISSER, G. Craft production, tourism and the creative disadvantaged of Johannesburg: Development prospects for The Orchards Project, Report for The Orchards Project, Johannesburg, March 2002, 25pp. Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies VISSER, G. Review of Inglis: The Delicious History of the Holiday, South African Geographical Journal 2002;84 (2). Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs VISSER, G. Assistant-editor: Urban Forum Highlights from research findings / Glanspunte in navorsingsbevindinge A project entitled "A Morphometric Investigation to Landscape Development in the central Free State. An Application with the aid of a GIS" by dr. C.H. Barker is an outstanding contribution to the quantitative morphometric analysis of drainage basins as an instrument in the study of landscape development on a regional scale. The study was done with the aid of the latest computer methods. The study succeeded in creating an appropriate methodology for the analysis of digital drainage systems and river development and is practical and useful in the management of catchment areas and by implication, the scarce water resources of South Africa. `n Projek getiteld `n Morfometriese Ondersoek na Landskapontwikkeling in die Sentraal-Vrystaat. `n Toepassing met behulp van `n Geografiese Inligtingstelsel deur dr C.H. Barker, is 'n uitstaande poging om met die nuutste rekenaarmetodologie 'n oorspronklike bydrae te lewer tot kwantitatiewe morfometriese dreineringsbekkenanalise as middel in die studie van landskapontwikkeling op regionale skaal. Met die studie as geheel is daarin geslaag om 'n toepaslike metodologie vir die ontleding van digitale dreineringsisteme en rivierontwikkeling te skep met praktiese bruikbaarheid by die bestuur van opvanggebiede, en dus by implikasie, van Suid-Afrika se skaars waterbronne. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations / Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings BARKER, C.H. South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (category: Geographical Scientist) Member: Society of South African Geographers Member: Botanical Society of South Africa Member: Dendrological Society of South Africa Member: South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education Member: South African Institute for Ecologists and Environmental Scientists Member: South African Association of Geomorphologists Council member: South African Association of Geomorphologists Member: National Geographic Society, (USA) Member: GeoInformation Society of South Africa Member: Free State Association of GIS Users DE VILLIERS, G. DU T. Member: Society of South African Geographers Member: International Association of Hydrological Sciences 169 KOTZE, N.J. Member: Council Member: Society of South African Geographers KRUGER, E. Member: Society of South African Geographers VISSER, G.E. Member: Society of South African Geographers Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BARKER, Charles Henry ‘N MORFOMETRIESE ONDERSOEK NA LANDSKAP-ONTWIKKELING IN DIE SENTRAALVRYSTAAT. [A MORPHOMETRIC INVESTIGATION INTO LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT IN THE CENTRAL FREE STATE]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. G. du T. de Villiers PRETORIUS, Elizabeth THE IMPACT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND HUMAN BEHAVIOURAL FACTORS ON THE WATER OF THE FONTEIN SPRUIT CATCHMENT – A WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL STUDY IN A DEVELOPING COMMUNITY. Promoter: Prof. G. du T. de Villiers Co-Promoter: Prof. M.F. Viljoen DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY DEPARTEMENT GEOLOGIE Departmental Chairman/Departementele Voorsitter: Prof W.A. van der Westhuizen +27-(0)51-401-2515 +27-(0)51-447-8501 vdwestwa@sci.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Colliston, W.P. Dr. Loock, J.C. Mr/Mnr. Schoch, A.E. Prof. Van der Westhuizen, W.A. Prof. Chapters in book / Hoofstukke in boek JACOBSON, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. The chemical composition of the Schroda clay figurines. Sculptured In Clay: Iron Age Figurines From Schroda, Limpopo Province, South Africa, Van Schalkwyk, J.A., Hanisch, E.O.M. (eds.). 2002:41-45 Conference proceedings / Konferensieverhandelinge ARNESEN, M., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W. Addressing the root causes of deviations in reconciliation and value tracking. Value Tracking Symposium, 7-8 October 2002, Brisbane, Queensland, 2002:57-62. COLLISTON, W.P., SCHOCH A.E. The Aggeneys Hills, Namaqua Mobile Belt: Mid-Proterozoic Duplex Structures Affecting Strata-Bound Base Metal Deposits. 11th Quadrennial Iagod Symposium and Geocongress, 22 - 26 July 2002, Windhoek. Geological survey of Namibia. JACOBSON, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A., OOSTHUYSEN, J. SARM 69 Ceramic-1: A new pottery certified reference material for inter- and intra-laboratory calibration. Archaeometry 98 – Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Budapest, April 26- May 2 1998, Volume Ii, Jerem, E., Biró, K.T. (eds.). 2002:585-586. 170 JACOBSON, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A., MORRIS, D. XRF Analysis of type R pottery from the Riet River area, Northern Cape, South Africa, Archaeometry 98 – Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Budapest, April 26- May 2 1998, Volume I, Jerem, E., Biró, K.T. (eds.). 2002;581-583. JACOBSON, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. XRF Analysis of pottery from sites along the south western Cape coast from Ysterfontein to the Cape Peninsula. Southern African Association of Archaeologists, Biennial Meeting, 7th – 10th July 2002, Cape Town. JACOBSON, L., FISH, W.S., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. XRF analysis of pottery from Motokolwe, a Khami settlement from the Soutpansberg mountains, South Africa. Southern African Association of Archaeologists, Biennial Meeting , 7-10 July 2002, Cape Town. JACOBSON, L. DE BRUIYN, H., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. Point or bulk analysis? A comparison between microprobe and XRF analyses on potsherd. Southern African Association of Archaeologists, Biennial Meeting, 7-10 July 2002, Cape Town. JACOBSON, L., LOOCK, J.C., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A., HUFFMAN, T.N., DREYER, J.J.B. Report on further occurrences of vitrified dung. Southern African Association of Archaeologists, Biennial Meeting, 7-10 July 2002, Cape Town. WINTER, H. DE LA R., CHENEY, E.S., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. Sequence chronostratigraphic analysis of the Kaapvaal Province, Southern Africa : responses to 3-2 Ga plate tectonics and magnetism. 11th Quadrennial Iagod Symposium and Geocongress, 22-26 July 2002, Windhoek. Geological survey of Namibia. 2002:1-3. WINTER, H. DE LA R., CHENEY, E.S., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. Sequence chronostratigraphic analysis of the Kaapvaal Province, Southern Africa : responses to 3-2 Ga plate tectonics and magnetism. Sedimentological Congress, July 2002, RAU, Johannesburg. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte COLLISTON, W.P., SCHOCH, A.E. The structural development of the Aggeneys Hills, Namaqua Metamorphic Complex. South African Journal of Geology 2002;105(4):301-324. COLLISTON, W.P., SCHOCH, A.E. Mid-proterozoic tectonic evolution along the Orange River on the border between South Africa and Namibia. Communications of the Geological survey of Namibia 2000;12:53-62. DE BRUIYN, H., SCHOCH, A.E., WHITELAW, H.T., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. Alteration of the Allanridge formation of the Ventersdorp supergroup near Douglas, Northern Cape Province. South African Journal of Geology 2002;105:75-92. JACOBSON, L., DE BRUIYN, H., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A. Comments on: ‘Precolonial exchange between the eastern Free State and KwaZulu-Natal: the evidence from Rose Cottage Cave ceramics’. South African Journal of Science 2002;98:102. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte ERIKSSON, P.G., CONDIE, K.C., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, W.A., VAN DER MERWE, R., DE BRUIYN, H., NELSON, D.R., ALTERMANN, W., CATUNEANU, O., BUMBY, A.J., LINDSY, J., CUNNINGHAM, M.J. Late Archaean superplume events: a Kaapvaal-Pilbara perspective. Journal Geodynamics 2002;34(2):207247. 171 INSTITUTE FOR GROUNDWATER STUDIES INSTITUUT VIR GRONDWATERSTUDIE Director of Institute/Direkteur van Instituut: Prof. F.D.I. Hodgson +27-(0)51-401-2175 +27-(0)51-447-3541 hodgsonf.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Doctor’s degree completed / Doktersgraad afgehandel BARDENHAGEN, Ingo Bernd AQUIFER TEST INTERPRETATION WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE DRAWDOWN EVALUATION FOR WELLS WITHIN FRACTURE NETWORKS SMALLER THAN THE REPRESENTATIVE ELEMENTARY VOLUME (REV). Promoter: Prof. G.J. van Tonder KOTZE, Johanita Christelle HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE TABLE MOUNTAIN SANDSTONE AQUIFER – KLEIN KAROO. Promoter: Prof. G.J. van Tonder Co-Promoter: Prof. B.T.H. Verhagen MURRAY, Eric Charles THE FEASIBILITY OF ARTIFICIALLY RECHARGING THE WINDHOEK AQUIFER. Promoter: Prof. G.J. van Tonder RIEMANN, Kornelius AQUIFER PARAMETER ESTIMATION IN FRACTURED-ROCK AQUIFERS USING A COMBINATION OF HYDRAULIC AND TRACER TESTS. Promoter: Prof. G.J. van Tonder ZELEKE, Ketema Tilahun TRACING WATER AND NITRATE MOVEMENT THROUGH SOIL WITH BROMIDE. Promoter: Prof. J.F. Botha Co-Promoter: Prof. A.T.P. Bennie Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel HAVENGA, Adrie QUANTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT OF INTERMINE FLOW IN THE WESTERN WITBANK COALFIELD: IMPLICATION FOR MINE WATER VOLUMES AND QUALITY. Supervisor: Mr B.H. Usher Co-Supervisor: Prof. F.D.I. Hodgson HOUGH, Jacobus Johannes Hendrik EVALUATION OF MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR INTERMINE FLOW AND ASSOCIATED IMPACTS IN THE CENTRAL WITBANK COALFIELD. Supervisor: Mr B.H. Usher DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS DEPARTEMENT WISKUNDIGE STATISTIEK Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. D.J. de Waal +27 051 401-2311 +27 051 447-4573 wwdw@wwg3.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Chikobvu, D. Mr/Mnr. De Waal, D.J. Prof. Finkelstein, M.S. Prof. Garisch, I. Dr. 172 Groenewald, P.C.N. Prof. Lombaard, C.S. Ms/Me. Naudè, A.M. Mr/Mnr. Pretorius, A.L. Dr. Steyn, P.W. Dr. Van der Merwe, A.J. Prof. Van der Merwe, L. Mrs/Mev. Van Zyl, J.M. Dr. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge BEIRLANT, J., DE WAAL, D.J., TEUGELS, J.L. The generalized Burr–gamma family of distributions with applications in extreme value analysis. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics of the J. Bolyai Soc. 2002;1:113-132. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. A model of aging and the shape of the observed hazard rate. In : 3-rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, 241-245, Trondheim, Norway, 2002. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. Stochastic approach for safety at sea assessment. In: Modeling and Analysis of safety and Risk in Complex systems, 101-106. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2-5 July 2002. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte CHIKOBVU, D., VAN DER MERWE, A.J. Bayesian Estimation of Capability Index Cpk with Reference Priors. Seventh Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, 1-6 June 2002 Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On reliability based models of human aging. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany, 28 October to 1 November 2002. GROENEWALD, P.C.N. The Estimation of Switchpoints in Multipath Linear Regression. Seventh Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, 1-6 June 2002 Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On proportional hazards in bivariate models. SASA Conference, Sunnyside Campus, Unisa, 6–8 November 2002. HUGO, J., VAN DER MERWE, A.J., LITVINE, I.N. The Bayesian approach to measurement systems assessment using variance component estimation. SASA Conference, Sunnyside Campus, Unisa, 6–8 November 2002. PRETORIUS, A.L., VAN DER MERWE, A.J. On non–parametric estimators in credibility theory. SASA Conference, Sunnyside Campus, Unisa, 6–8 November 2002. PRETORIUS, A.L., VAN DER MERWE, A.J. Bayesian Estimation in Animal Breeding using Dirichlet Process Prior for Correlated Random Effects. Seventh Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, 1-6 June 2002, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. VAN DER MERWE, A.J., PRETORIUS, A.L. An Application of the Dirichlet Process Prior in Estimating the Changes over Time of Packed Cell Volume. Seventh Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, 1-6 June 2002 Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. 173 Research articles in navorsingstydskrifte accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On some optimal switching strategies. ORiON: South African Journal of Operations Research 2002;17:(1/2)1–11. FINKELSTEIN, M.S., ZARUDNIJ, V.I. Laplace transform methods and fast repair approximations for multiple availability and its generalizations. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2002;51(2):168-177. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. Modeling lifetimes with unknown initial age. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 2002;76:75-80. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On the reversed hazard rate. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 2002;78:71-75 HOLTZHAUSEN, L.J., SCHWELLNUS, M.P., JAKOET, I., PRETORIUS, A.L. Pre-season assessments of South African players in the 1999 rugby Super 12 competition. Sports Medicine 2002:15-21. PRETORIUS, A.L., VAN DER MERWE, A.J. Reference and Probability-matching Priors in Bayesian Analysis of Mixed Linear Models. Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie/Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 2002;119:311–324. VAN DER MERWE, A.J., PRETORIUS, A.L. Theory and Methods – A Bayesian Non-parametric Approach to the Mixed Linear Model with an Application to Animal Breeding. South African Statistical Journal 2002;36:1–39. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On the shape of the mean residual life function. Applied Stochastic Models in business and industry 2002;18:135-146. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae DE WAAL, D.J., DE WAAL, A. Bayes estimation of parameters in a Burr-Pareto-Logistic copula mixture. Technical Report No. 318, November 2002. DELPORT, D., DE WAAL, D.J., PRETORIUS, A.L. Home and Away Game Performance of Currie Cup Rugby Tournaments. Technical Report No. 315, July 2002. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On proportional Hazards in Bivariate Models. Technical Report No. 317, October 2002. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On Some Reliability Approaches to Human Aging. Technical Report No. 310, April 2002. FINKELSTEIN, M.S. On the Reversed Hazard Rate. Technical Report No. 311, April 2002. GROENEWALD, P.C.N., SCHOEMAN, A.C. Bayesian detection and analysis of changing transition matrices of stationary Markov chains. Technical Report No. 306, January 2002. 174 GROENEWALD, P.C.N. Change-point analysis of the CD4 cell count in HIV-positive patients prior to diagnosis of AIDS. Technical Report No. 316, September 2002. GROENEWALD, P.C.N., MOKGATLHE, L. Bayesian Analysis of Bivariate Interval Censored Survival Data. Technical Report No. 313, June 2002. MSIMANGO, J., VAN DER MERWE, A.J., VAN DER MERWE, L. Estimation of Common Parameters in a Linear Model using Bayesian Analysis and Risk Unbiased Procedures. Technical Report No. 314, July 2002. MOKGATLHE, L., GROENEWALD, P.C.N. A proportional hazards model for interval censored survival data with multiple failure types : A Bayesian Approach. Technical Report No. 308, February 2002. VAN DER MERWE, A.J., CHIKOBVU, D. Bayesian Estimation of the Process Capability Index Cpk. Technical Report 302, July 2002. VAN DER MERWE, A.J., PRETORIUS, A.L. Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation in a Sire Model with known Genetic Covariance Matrix. Technical Report 307, June 2002. VAN ZYL, J.M. A Normal approximation of the t–distribution based on relative entropy. Technical Report No. 309, February 2002. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel MARÉ, Eben ANALYSIS OF NUMERICAL APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS USING A DISCRETE MULTIPLE SCALES TECHNIQUE. Promoter: Prof. S.W. Schoombie DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS DEPARTEMENT WISKUNDE EN TOEGEPASTE WISKUNDE Chairman of the Department/Departementele Voorsitter: Prof. D.M. Murray +27-(0)51-401-2912 +27-(0)51-401-3805 murraym.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Dorfling, S. Dr. Meyer, J.H. Prof. Schoombie, S.W. Prof. Conference presentations/Konferensievoordragte MEYER, J.H. Characterising two-sided ideals in group near-rings. International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, China, August 2002. MEYER, J.H. Forcing Linearity: A Survey. 45th Annual SAMS Conference, University of Stellenbosch, November 2002. 175 Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte MAXSON, C.J., MEYER, J.H. Forcing Linearity Numbers for Modules over Simple Domains. Results in Mathematics 2002;42:114121. DORFLING, M.J., DORFLING, S. Generalized edge-chromatic numbers and additive hereditary properties of graphs. Mathematicae Graph Theory 2002;22(2):349-359 Discussiones SCHOOMBIE, S.W. Die evolusiespel: ‘n Eenvoudige algoritme vir die bepaling van ‘n revolusionêr stabiele strategie. SA Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 2002;21(4)149-156. DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIAL, BIOCHEMICAL & FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY DEPARTEMENT MIKROBIESE, BIOCHEMIESE & VOEDSELBIOTEGNOLOGIE Departmental Chairman/Departementele Voorsitter: Prof. D. Litthauer Prof. J.C.du Preez +27 051 401-2396 +27 051 444-3219 litthad.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za dpreezjc.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Albertyn, J. Dr. Botes, A.L. Dr. Bothma, C. Mrs/Mev. Bragg, R.R. Dr. Christov, L.P. Prof. Du Preez, J.C. Prof. Hugo, A. Dr. Hugo, C.J. Dr. Kilian, S.G. Prof. Kock, J.L.F. Prof. Litthauer, D. Prof. Myburgh, J. Dr. Nthangeni, B. Dr. Osthoff, G. Prof. Smit, M.S. Prof. Steyn, M.S. Mrs/Mev. Van Heerden, E. Dr. Van Tonder, A. Dr. Viljoen, B.C. Prof. Wolfaardt, J.F. Dr. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke BISSOON, S., SINGH, S., CHRISTOV, L. Evaluation of the bleach-enhancing effect of xylanases on bagasse pulp. In: Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industr. L. Viikari and R. Lantto (Ed.). Progress in Biotechnology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002:247254. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge 176 BISSOON, S., SINGH, S., CHRISTOV, L. Synergistic interactions of purified xylanases on bagasse pulp hemicellulose. 11th TAPPSA Biennial International Pulp and Paper Conference, Durban, 7-11 October 2002. CHIPETA, Z.A., DU PREEZ, J.C., CHRISTOV, L. Use of industrial waste water for xylanase production by two Aspergillus strains. Proceedings, 11th TAPPSA Biennial International Pulp and Paper Conference, Durban, 7-1 October 2002. COLEMAN, K.M., NOLAN, J.R., DAVIS, K.L., PHELPS, T.J., KIEFT, T.L., VAN HEERDEN, E., LITTHAUER, D., PFIFFNER, S.M. U.S. South African Undergraduate Education and Research Workshops. AGU meeting - 2002 Fall Meeting, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California, USA, 6-10 December 2002. KANDIOLLER, G., CHRISTOV, L. Catalyst potential of laccase-mediator systems and transition metal polyoxometalates in oxygen bleaching of pulp. 11th TAPPSA Biennial International Pulp and Paper Conference, Durban, 7-11 October 2002. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ANELICH, L.C.M.E., KOCK, J.L.F., BOTHA, A., ROUX-VAN DER MERWE, M.P. The biotransformation of overused frying fats by indigenous isolates of mucoralean fungi. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, April 2002. BAREETSENG, A.S., KOCK, J.L.F., POHL, C.H., VAN WYK, P.W.J. Ascospore morphology and lipid turnover in the yeast Nadsonia fulvescens. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 2-5 April 2002. BISSOON, S., SINGH, S., SZAKACS, G., CHRISTOV, L. Production of xylanases by solid substrate fermentation and their evaluation in pulp bleaching. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2-5 April 2002. BRAGG, R.R. Continuous disinfection results in improved productivity and improved control of infectious coryza. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress, Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. BRAGG, R.R. Continuous disinfection results in improved productivity and lower mortalities in broilers. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. BRAGG, R.R. Bacterial and Viral diseases of parrots and other hook-billed birds. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress, Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. BRAGG, R.R. Continuous disinfection results in improved productivity and improved control of infectious coryza. Annual Conference of the South African Parrot Breeders Society, Potchefstroom, April 2002. BRAGG, R.R. Bacterial and Viral diseases of parrots and other hook-billed birds. Annual Conference of the South African Parrot Breeders Society, Potchefstroom, January 2002. BRAGG, R.R., PAULSER, E.W., VAN HEERDEN, E., ALBERTYN, J. Further evidence of the need for local vaccines for the control of infectious coryza. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress, Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. 177 CASALEGGIO, C.J.W., KILIAN, S.G., ALBERTYN, J., PRIOR, B.A. Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of the osmotolerant yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. CASALEGGIO, C.J.W., KILIAN, S.G., ALBERTYN, J., PRIOR, B.A. Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of the osmotolerant yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, 12th Biennial congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. CHIPETA, Z.A., DU PREEZ, J.C., CHRISTOV, L. Use of industrial waste water for xylanase production by two Aspergillus strains. Proceedings, 11th TAPPSA Biennial International Pulp and Paper Conference, Durban, 7-11 October 2002. CHIPETA, Z.A., DU PREEZ, J.C., CHRISTOV, L. Xylanase production by Aspergillus oryzae NRRL 3485 and A. phoenicis ATCC 13157 on pulp mill th effluents. 12 Biennial Congress of the SA Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, 2– 5 April 2002. CHRISTOV, L., BISSOON, S., SINGH, S. Effects of purified xylanolytic enzymes of Aspergillus niger on isolated and fiber-bound hemicellulose of bagasse pulp. ACS National Meeting, 1st International Symposium on Xylans, Mannans and Other Hemicelluloses: Biology, Chemistry and Technology, Orlando, FL, 7-11 April 2002. CHRISTOV, L., CHIPETA, Z.A., SZAKACS, G., DU PREEZ, J.C. Use of industrial effluents for enzyme production. 43rd Annual Conference of the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), Hisar, India, 11-13 December 2002. JAGER, P.H., VILJOEN, B.C. The development of yeasts during the manufacture and ripening of blue-cheese. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. DE SMIDT, O., ALBERTYN, J., BRAGG, R.R. Cloning and characterization of the capsular transport gene locus of Haemophilus paragallinarum. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. DE SMIDT, O., BRAGG, R.R., VAN HEERDEN, E., ALBERTYN, J. Cloning and characterization of the capsule transport gene region of Haemophilus paragallinarum. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. DE WIT, M., OSTHOFF, G., VILJOEN, B.C., HUGO, A. Comparison of lypolysis in Cheddar cheese and three different yeast-inoculated Cheddar cheeses. 34th Dairy Technology Symposium, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 4-6 March 2002. DEFLAUN, M.F., BALKWILL, D., STACKEBRANDT, E., ONSTOTT, T.C., STREGER, S., DONG, H., PFIFFNER, S., VAN HEERDEN, E., FREDRICKSON, J.K. A Novel Geobacillus thermoleovorans strain Isolated from an Ultra-deep Goldmine in South Africa. International Subsurface Microbiology Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-13 September 2002. FERREIRA, A.D., VILJOEN, B.C., LAUBSCHER, P.J. Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica as potential starter cultures in the making of matured Cheddar cheese. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 35 April 2002. FERREIRA, A.D., VILJOEN, B.C., LAUBSCHER, P.J. Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica as potential starter cultures in the making of matured Cheddar cheese. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. 178 FLEET, G.H., VILJOEN, B.C. The microbial interactions of yeasts in food and beverage ecosystems. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, P.J.A., VAN HEERDEN, E., ALBERTYN, J., BRAGG, R.R. Development of a transport medium for Haemophilus paragallinarum. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. JANSEN VAN VUUREN, H., WOLFAARDT, F. Evaluation of starch hydrolyzing enzymes to improve drainage of recycled pulp. African Pulp and Paper Week, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 October 2002. JOSEPH, M., KOCK, J.L.F. Fungal biotransformation in the edible oil industry. Managing Fats and Oil supplies for Human needs, Strasbourg, France, November 2002. JOSEPH, M., TARR, S., PELESANE, T.R., KOCK, J.L.F., POHL, C.H., VILJOEN, B.C. Fungal biotransformation in the edible oil industry. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, April 2002. KALORIZAS, M., KOCK, J.L.F., POHL, C.H. The influence of the environment on the lipid content of the yeast genus Kluyveromyces and its taxonomic implications. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, April 2002. KANDIOLLER, G., CHRISTOV, L. Efficiency of Trametes versicolor laccase in combination with various mediators in pulp delignification and bleaching. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2-5 April 2002. KAYINGO, G., KILIAN, S.G., PRIOR, B.A. Conservation and release of osmolytes by yeasts during hypo-osmotic stress. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. KHOURY, R., VILJOEN, B.C., LOURENS-HATTINGH, A. The seasonal diversity of yeasts associated with white-surface mould-ripened cheeses. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. KHOURY, R., VILJOEN, B.C., LOURENS-HATTINGH, A. The seasonal diversity of yeasts associated with white-surface mould-ripened cheeses. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. KILIAN, S.G., BUTLER, M., MAKHELE, N.L., VAN TONDER, A., DU PREEZ, J.C. The occurrence of activity against β-glucosides in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. KILIAN, S.G., KRITZINGER, M.S., MBOBO, N.S., DU PREEZ, J.C. The occurrence and location in Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous (Phaffia rhodozyma) of the transfructosylating activity for neokestose production. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. KILIAN, S.G., KRITZINGER, S.M., RYCROFT, C.E., GIBSON, G.R., DU PREEZ, J.C. 179 th The effects of the novel bifidogenic trisaccharide, neokestose, on the human colonic microbiota. 12 Biennial Congress of the SA Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, 2–5 April 2002. KNOX, A., DU PREEZ, J.C., KILIAN, S.G., ALBERTYN, J. A comparative evaluation of starch fermentation by strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformed with amylase genes. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25– 8 March 2002. KOCK, J.L.F., STRAUSS, C., SMITH, D.P., POHL, C.H., VAN WYK, P.W.J., NIGAM, S. The distribution of 3-hydroxy oxylipins in fungi: an overview. International Symposium on recent Biomedical Advances in Eicosanoid Research, Berlin, 22-24 August 2002. KOCK, J.L.F., STRAUSS, C.J., SMITH, D.P., POHL, C.H., NIGAM, S. Lipids and fungal taxonomy. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. KOCK, J.L.F., STRAUSS, C.J., VENTER, P., SMITH, D.P., VAN WYK, P.W.J., BOTES, P.J., POHL, C.H., NIGAM, S. The presence of oxylipins in yeast flocculation. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 3-5 April 2002. LABUSCHAGNE, M., ALBERTYN, J., BOTES, A.L. Towards unraveling the structure-function relationships of Epoxide Hydrolases, 12th Biennial congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. LIN, L., HALL, J., MISLOWAC, B., PRAY, T.J., DEVLIN, S., ONSTOTT, T.C., PFIFFNER, S., PEACOCK, A., WHITE, D.C., DAVIS, K., PHELPS, T., MOSER, D., FREDRICKSON, J., GIHRING, T., BROCKMAN, F., KIEFT, T., MCCUDDY, S., BOONE, D., BONIN, A., PRATT, L., BOICE, E., FONG, J., SHERWOOD, L.B., WARD, J., SLATER, G., LIPPMANN, J., STUTE, M., SCHLOESSER, P., SOUTHAM, G., LENGKE, M., BALKWILL, D., TRIMARCO, E., LITTHAUER, D., VAN HEERDEN, E., DAVIDSON, M., REYE, C. The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Group. Drilling Active Faults in South Africa Mines (aka. DAFSAM). Does crustal seismicity enhance subsurface microbial activity and growth? Conference on International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, Parys, South Africa, 23-26 September 2002. LÖTTER, J., BOTES, A.L., VAN DYK, M.S., BREYTENBACH, J.C. Non-conventional whole-cell biocatalysis for the production of enantiomerically enriched drug intermediates. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. LOURENS-HATTINGH, A., VILJOEN, B.C. Survival of dairy associated yeasts in yoghurt and yoghurt-related products. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. LOURENS-HATTINGH, A., VILJOEN, B.C. Enhancement of Bifidiobacteria by neokestose in bio-yoghurt. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. LOURENS-HATTINGH, A., VILJOEN, B.C. Survival of dairy associated yeasts in yoghurt and yoghurt-related products. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. LOURENS-HATTINGH, A., VILJOEN, B.C. The effect of Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica on the viability of probiotic bacteria in bioyoghurt. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. 180 MASHOPE, B.K., ALBERTYN, J., NICAUD, J-M., SMIT, M.S. Characterisation of the alkane pore of Yarrowia lipolytica, 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. MATATIELE, P.R., SMIT, M.S., NICAUD, J.M., ALBERTYN, J. Fatty alcohol oxidase, long-chain alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase of the alkane degrading yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. MOKGORO, M.M., SMIT, M.S., DU PREEZ, J.C., NICAUD, J.-M. A method for monitoring growth of alkane-degrading yeasts on n-alkanes. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. MORAKILE, G., POHL, C.H., KOCK, J.L.F., VAN ZYL, W.B., VILJOEN, B.C. Differentiation of brewing and related yeasts based on PCR amplification and restriction fragment length polymorphism of ribosomal DNA. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. MORAKILE, G., PRETORIUS, E.E., POHL, C.H., KOCK, J.L.F. Comparison of preservation methods in the maintenance of brewing yeast. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. MPOFU, A., BVOCHORA, J.M., PRETORIUS, E.E., POHL, C., NYAKUDYA, E., ZVAUYA, R., KOCK, J.L.F. Identification and characterization of yeasts isolated from doro and mukumbi, two Zimbabwean traditional alcoholic beverages. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25– 8 March 2002. MYBURGH, J. Kovsies and Dairy standard agency takes hands. Dairy Expo, Bloemfontein, 9-11 September 2002. MYBURGH, J., MEYER, R.P. Beta-galactosidase treatment of milk. Dairy Symposium 2002, Bloemfontein, 4-6 March 2002. NEL, S., VAN HEERDEN, E., ALBERTYN, J., BRAGG, R.R. Cloning, expression and characterization of a xylanase to improve the feed conversion in chickens. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. NEL, S., VAN HEERDEN, E., BRAGG, R.R., ALBERTYN, J. Cloning of the XynA gene of Thermomyces lanuginosus and expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25-28 March 2002. NEL, S., VAN HEERDEN, E., BRAGG, R.R., ALBERTYN, J. Cloning of the XynA gene of Thermomyces lanuginosus and expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. ONSTOTT, T.C., LIN, L., HALL, J., MISLOWAC, B., BORSCIK, M., PFIFFNER, S., WHITE, D.C., PEACOCK, A., FREDRICKSON, J.K., BROCKMAN, F., MOSER, D.P., GIHRING, T.M., PHELPS, T.J., KIEFT, T., MCCUDDY, S., SHERWOOD-LOLLAR, B., WARD, J., SLATER, G., PRATT, L.M., BOICE, E., FONG, J., LIPPMANN, J., STUTE, M., SCHLOESER, P., BOONE, D., BONIN, A., SOUTHAM, G., LENGKE, M., BALKWILL, D., TRIMARCO, E., MACKO, S., GILHOOLY, B., BAKER, B., VAN HEERDEN, E., LITTHAUER, D., KNOESSEN, S., REY, C., DAVIDSON, M., MUTHRAPARSAD, N. 181 The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars. American Geophysical Union Meeting – 2002, Fall Meeting, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California, USA, 6-10 December 2002. POHL, C.H., BOTHA, A., KOCK, J.L.F., COETZEE, D.J., BOTES, P.J., NIGAM, S. Lipid turnover during growth and development of Mucor genevensis. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, April 2002. SHININGAVAMWE, A.N., ALBERTYN, J., VAN DYK, M.S., NICAUD, J-M. Molecular cloning and expression of Rhodotorula cytochrome P450 genes in Yarrowia lipolytica. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5April 2002. SHININGAVAMWE, A.N., ALBERTYN, J., VAN DYK, M.S., NICAUD, J-M. Molecular cloning and expression of Rhodotorula cytochrome P450 genes in Yarrowia lipolytica. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25-28 March 2002. SMIT, W.A., WOLFAARDT, F., SMIT, L. Mushroom biotechnology: The development of nutraceuticals and dietary supplements. Cape Biotech, Somerset West, South Africa, 2002. SMITH, D.P., KOCK, J.L.F., VAN WYK, P.W.J., POHL, C.H., NIGAM, S. 3-Hydroxy oxylipins in yeasts. 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses, Pilanesberg, South Africa, 25–28 March 2002. SMITH, D.P., KOCK, J.L.F., VAN WYK, P.W.J., POHL, C.H., NIGAM, S. Immunocytochemical detection of 3-hydroxy oxylipins in ascomycetous yeasts. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, April 2002. SZAKACS, G., BOGAR, B., SZENDEFY, J., CHRISTOV, L., TENGERDY, R.P. Production of alpha-amylase and xylanase by solid substrate fermentation. AMI Symposium on Microbial Biotechnology, Association of Microbiologists of India, Trivandrum Chapter, Trivandrum, India, 16 January 2002. SZENDEFY, J., SZAKACS, G., CHRISTOV, L. In-situ solid-state fermentation and utilization of xylanase in pulp bleaching. ACS National Meeting Anselme Payen Award Symposium Honoring Liisa Viikari: Application of Enzymes to Lignocellulosics, Orlando, FL, 7-11 April 2002. SZENDEFY, J., SZAKACS, G., CHRISTOV, L. Production of xylanase by solid substrate fermentation. 2nd Hungarian Mycological Conference, Szeged, Hungary, 29-31 May 2002. TAOLE, M., VAN HEERDEN, E., ALBERTYN, J., BRAGG, R.R. Virulence of NAD independent Haemophilus paragallinarum. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress, Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. VAN DER MERWE, D., RIEDEL, K-H.J., WOLFAARDT, F. Analysis of signature lipid biomarkers and substrate utilization profiles for the improvement of microbial control in a paper mill water system. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. VAN DER MERWE, J.J., WOLFAARDT, J.F., DU PREEZ, J.C. th Production of laccase during batch cultivations with Pycnoporus sanguineus (SC 108). 12 Biennial Congress of the SA Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, 2–5 April 2002. 182 VAN DER MERWE, J.J., WOLFAARDT, J.F., DU PREEZ, J.C. Production of laccase during batch cultivations with Pycnoporus sanguineus (SCC 108). 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. VAN LOGGERENBERG, M., OSTHOFF, G., PRETORIUS, A. Comparison of an abrasive decortication and roller mill techniques in sorghum meal production. Joint congress in plant production, 14-18 January 2002. VAN RENSBURG, E., DU PREEZ, J.C., KILIAN, S.G. Evaluation of the viability of Mannheimia haemolytica at different storage temperatures. 10th International Congress of Bacteriology & Applied Microbiology (Joint Meeting of the three divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies), Paris, 27 July–1 August 2002. VAN RENSBURG, E., DU PREEZ, J.C., KILIAN, S.G. th Factors affecting the viability and enumeration of Mannheimia haemolytica during long-term storage. 12 Biennial Congress of the SA Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, 2–5 April 2002. VAN WYK, P.W.J., KOCK, J.L.F., NIGAM, S. Ultrastructure of oxylipins involved in yeast cell flocculation. International Conference on Electron Microscopy (ICM), Durban, September 2002. VAN ZYL, A.E., ALBERTYN, J., BRAGG, R.R., VAN HEERDEN, E. Isolation and characterization of a plasmid conferring NAD independence in Haemophilus paragallinarum. World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress Cairo, Egypt, January 2002. VENTER, A., KOCK, J.L.F., POHL, C.H. Recycling: giving back to the community. Ibuya Congress: ICC Durban, South Africa, 22 March 2002. VENTER, A., KOCK, J.L.F., POHL, C.H. The development of an educational program to address the distribution of potentially hazardous cooking oils to the informal sector. Environmental Health Conference, ICC, Durban, 19 November 2002. VILJOEN, B.C., LOURENS-HATTINGH, A. The effect of UV on the microbial and chemical composition of milk. SASDT- 35th SASDT Annual General Meeting and Symposium, Bloemfontein, 2002. WOLFAARDT, F., COETZEE, B., JANSEN VAN VUUREN, M., VAN DER MERWE, J., SMIT, W.A. Laccases from wood-decay fungi and their application. Cape Biotech, Somerset West, South Africa, 2002. WOLFAARDT, F., VAN DER MERWE, D. Comparison of structural diversity of macrocarpic fungi and functional diversity of soil microbes for the assessment of ecosystem health in plantations. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 3-5 April 2002. Research articles in navorsingstydskrifte accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde BISSOON, S., CHRISTOV, L., SINGH, S. Bleach boosting effects of purified xylanase from Thermomyces lanuginosus SSBP on bagasse pulp. Process Biochemistry 2002;36(7):567-572. BOTES, A.L., HARVIG, D., VAN DYK, M.S., SARVARY, I., FREJD, D., KATZ, M., HAHNHÄGERDAL, B., GORWA-GRAUSLUND, M.F. Screening of yeast species for the stereo-selective reduction of bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-2,6-dione. Perkin Transactions 2002;(8):1111-1114. 183 BRAGG, R.R. Isolation of serovar C-3 Haemophilus paragallinarum from Zimbabwe: A further indication of the need for the production of vaccines against infectious coryza containing local strains of H. paragallinarum. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;(69):129-132. BRAGG, R.R. Virulence of South African isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum: Part 2: Naturally occurring NADindependent field isolates. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;(69):171-175. BRAGG, R.R. Virulence of South African isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum: Part 1: NAD dependent field isolates. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;(69):163-169 DUNN, C., WOLFAARDT, F., WINGFIELD, M.J. Pathogenicity of Ophiostoma piliferum compared with that of other South African sap-staining fungi. South African Journal of Science 2002;98(7/8):401-403. KANDIOLLER, G., CHRISTOV, L. Evaluation of the delignification and bleaching abilities of selected laccases with HBT on different pulps. ACM Symposium Series (Oxidative Delignification Chemistry Fundamentals and Catalysis) 785:427-443. KILIAN, S.G., KRITZINGER, S.M., RYCROFT, C., GIBSON, G.R., DU PREEZ, J.C. The effects of the novel bifidogenic trisaccharide, neokestose, on the human colonic microbiota. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2002;(18):637-644. KOCK, J.L.F., POHL, C.H., VENTER, A. Super-oxidized soups and the health risks to poor South Africans. South African Journal of Science 2002;(98):413-414. LITTHAUER, D., GINSTER, A., SKEIN, E. VE. Pseudomonas luteola lipase: a new Member: 320-residue Pseudomonas lipase family. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2002;(30):209-215. LOURENS-HATTINGH, A., VILJOEN, B.C. Survival of dairy-associated yeasts in yoghurt and yoghurt-related products. Food Microbiology 2002; 19(6):597-604. LOURENS-HATTINGH, A., VILJOEN, B.C. Survival of probiotic bacteria in South African commercial bio-yoghurt. South African Journal of Science 2002;(98):298-301. MEIRING, M.S., LITTHAUER, D., HÁRSFALVI, J., VAN WYK, V., BADENHORST, P.N., KOTZÉ, H.F. In vitro effect of a thrombin inhibition peptide selected by phage display technology. Thrombosis Research 2002;107:365-371. MORAKILE, G., KOCK, J.L.F., BOTES, P.J. The use of fatty acid and sterol analyses as quality control methods in the brewing industry. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 2002;108(2):160-163. MORAKILE, G., KOCK, J.L.F., VAN ZYL, W., POHL, C.H., VILJOEN, B.C. Differentiation of brewing and related yeasts based on PCR amplification and restriction fragment length polymorphism of ribosomal DNA. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 2002;108(2):164-168. MORAKILE, G., PRETORIUS, E.E., POHL, C.H., KOCK, J.L.F. Comparison of preservation methods for the maintenance of brewing yeast. South African Journal of Science 2002;(98):23–24 . 184 SMITH, H., COUTINHO, T.A., WOLFAARDT, F., WINGFIELD, M.J. Relative susceptibility of northern provenances of Pinus greggii to infection by Sphaeropsis sapinea. Forest Ecology and Management 2002;(166):331-336. TAOLE, M., ALBERTYN, J., VAN HEERDEN, E., BRAGG, R.R. Virulence of South African isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum: Part 3: experimentally produced NADindependent isolates. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;(69):189-196. VAN DER MERWE, T., RIEDEL, K-H., WOLFAARDT, F. Analysis of the structural diversity of the microbial community in a paper-mill water system. Water S.A. 2002;(28):407-411. VAN DRIESSEL, B., CHRISTOV, L. Adsorption of colour from a bleach plant effluent using biomass and cell wall fractions from Rhizomucor pusillus. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology A-Chemical Technology 2002;(77):155-158. VAN HEERDEN. E., LITTHAUER, D., VERGER, R. Biochemical characterisation and kinetic properties of the pure lipase from Aspergillus niger in bulk phase and monomolecular films. Enzyme Microbial Technology 2002;30(7);902-909. WOLFAARDT, F., VAN DER MERWE, D. Comparison of two techniques to assess diversity in plantation ecosystems. South African Journal of Science 2002;(98):509-514. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte HUGO, A., ROODT, E. Fat quality of baconer pigs in South Africa. Porcus 2002:20-25. KOCK, J.L.F., JOSEPH, M., HUGO, A., VENTER, A., GROENEWALD, P., POHL, C.H. Are the current South African food regulations sufficient to combat edible oil and fat abuse? South African Grain 2002;58-61. OSTHOFF, G., HUGO, A., VENTER, H. Study of the changes in protein fractions and amino acids of an unfermented South African dried sausage. Journal of Food Technology Africa 2002;(7):138-143. THANH, V.N., VAN DYK, M.S., WINGFIELD, M.J. Debaryomyces mycophilus sp. nov., a mold-dependent yeast isolated from wood-lice. FEMS Yeast Research 2002;(2):415-427. WOLFAARDT, F. Applications of biotechnology in the forest products industry. Tappsa Journal 2002; March: 27-29. Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae HUGO, A., ROODT, E. Fat quality of pigs in South Africa: A survey. Final Research Report to the Red Meat Research and Development Trust. 2002. ISBN 0-86886-666-0. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs DU PREEZ, J.C. Member: Editorial Board: FEMS Yeast Research DU PREEZ, J.C. Member: Editorial Board: World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 185 VAN TONDER, A. Member: Editorial Board: Journal of Visual Literacy Patents registered / Patente geregistreer CHRISTOV, L., DU PREEZ, J.C., SZAKACS, G. SA Patent No. 2002/4532. Process for producing enzymes for treating lignocellulosic material, 2002. CHRISTOV, L., SZAKACS, G., TENGERDY, R. SA Patent No. 2002/3513. Biobleaching of ligno-cellulose pulp, 2002. Research awards and achievements/Acknowledgement of Outstanding contributions/Navorsingstoekennings en prestasie/Erkenning van uitstaande bydrae research BRAGG, R.R. Invited to be on the Biotechnology Roadmapping working group on Animal Health and Production of the Department of Science and Technology. KOCK J.L.F. The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) MIRCEN AWARD 2002. Prestigious fellowship and grants/Prestige navorsingsgenootskappe en toekennings VAN HEERDEN, E. American Association for the Advancement of Science Women in International Scientific Cooperation (WISC) travel award. Fellowship for the period 2002 at the Environgen in the USA Membership of Professional Wetenskaplike Verenigings and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en ALBERTYN, J. Vice President and secretary: South African Society for Microbiology. BRAGG R.R. Council member: South African Society for Microbiology. CHRISTOV, L. Member: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (Tappi). Member: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry of Southern Africa (Tappsa). Member: American Chemical Society (ACS). DU PREEZ, J.C. President: South African Society for Microbiology. Commissioner: International Commission for Yeasts. Member: Society for Industrial Microbiology. Member: American Society for Microbiology. HUGO, A. Professional member: South African Society for Food Science and Technology. Member: South African Society of Meat Processors. HUGO, C.J. 186 Member: South African Society of Dairy Technology. Member: South African Society of Microbiology. Member: International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes. Subcommittee on the taxonomy of Flavobacterium and Cytophagalike bacteria. KILIAN, S.G. Council member: South African Society for Microbiology. Member: The European Fructan Society. KOCK, J.L.F. Member of Council: South African Society for Microbiology. LITTHAUER, D. Member: South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Member: South African Society for Microbiology. OSTHOFF, G. Professional member: South African Society for Food Science and Technology. Member: South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Member: South African Society of Dairy Technology. STEYN, M.S. Professional member: South African Society for Food Science and Technology. VAN HEERDEN, E. Member: South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Member: South African Society for Microbiology. VAN TONDER, A. Member: South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Member of Board of Directors: International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA) VILJOEN, B.C. Member: International Commission on Food Mycology. Member: Group 47 of the International Dairy Federation on yeasts. Member: South African Society of Dairy Technology. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel SEYOUM WORKNEH, Tilahun THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SHELF LIFE OF VEGETABLES THROUGH PRE- AND POSTHARVEST TREATMENTS. Promoter: Prof. G. Osthoff Co-Promoter: Mrs M.S. Steyn SMITH, Dandré Petro 3-HYDROXY OXYLIPINS IN THE YEAST FAMILIES LIPOMYCETACEAE AND DIPODASCACEAE. Promoter: Prof. J.L.F. Kock Co-Promoters: Dr. P.W.J. van Wyk Dr. E. van Heerden Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel DUNN, Carin APPLICATION OF FUNGI IN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES FOR THE PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. J.F. Wolfaardt KNOX, Alison Margaret THE GROWTH KINETIC CHARACTERISATION OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE STRAINS TRANSFORMED WITH AMYLASE GENES. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. J.C. Du Preez CoSupervisor: Prof. S.G. Kilian 187 REDDY, Shavani EVALUATION OF THE PROCESS CONSTRAINTS ARISING FROM THE STEREOSELECTIVE TRANSESTERIFICATION OF ISOMERIC MENTHOL USING LIPASE. Supervisor: Prof. D. Litthauer Co-Supervisor: Dr. R.K. Mitra VAN DER MERWE, Johannes Jacobus PRODUCTION OF LACCASE BY THE WHITE-ROT FUNGUS PYCNOPORUS SANGUINEUS Supervisor: Dr J.F. Wolfaardt Co-Supervisor: Prof.J.C. Du Preez VAN SCHALKWYK, Francois IMPROVEMENT OF SUBCUTANEOUS FAT QUALITY OF PIGS BY MEANS OF DIETARY MANIPULATION. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. A. Hugo DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS DEPARTEMENT FISIKA Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.C. Swart +27 051 401-2926 +27 051 401-3507 swarthc.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Calitz, J.J. Mr/Mnr. Berning, G.L.P. Prof. Conradie, R. Miss/Mej. Greeff, A.P. Dr. Hillie, K.T. Dr. Hoffman, M.J.H. Dr. Meintjes, P.J. Dr. Ntwaeaborwa, O.M. Mr/Mnr. Roos, W.D. Prof. Swart, H.C. Prof. Terblans, J.J. Dr Van Wyk, G.N. Prof. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge FALEPIN, A., BERNING, G.L.P., VANTOMME, A. Elastic strain in epitaxial films of Gd and Er silicides on Si (111). Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-21) Malmö, Sweden, 24-28 June 2002. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ASANTE, J.K.O., ROOS W.D., TERBLANS, J.J. A reliable method for finding the equilibrium segregation parameters in a ternary system. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. CALITZ, J.J., MEINTJES, P.J. Spica: An integrated image capturing system for the UFS-Boyden 1.52 m telescope. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. CALITZ, J.J., MEINTJES, P.J. Non-thermal and thermal flares mechanisms in binary systems: UFS-Boyden and Hess collaboration. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. CHEN, S.H., GREEFF, A.P., SWART, H.C. 188 The effect of electron beam parameters on cathodoluminescence intensity during ZnS-based phosphor degradation: a Monte Carlo study. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. CLAASSENS, C.H., HOFFMAN, M.J.H. ‘n Fiktiewe elektron dinamika metode vir die berekening van elektroniese struktuur [A Fictitious electron dynamics method for calculating electronic structure]. Simposium van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns/Symposium of the Suid-Afrikaanse Akadmie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Potchefstroom, 1 November 2002. CLAASSENS, C.H., HOFFMAN, M.J.H., GREEFF, A.P. Evaluating a new fictitious electron dynamics method for the calculation of electronic structure: Application to the Si(100) surface. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. CLAASSENS, C.H., HOFFMAN, M.J.H., GREEFF, A.P. Implementing a fictitious electron dynamics method for the calculation of electronic structure. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. CONRADIE, R., ROOS, W.D., GREYLING, C.J., SWART, H.C. Phosphated Electrogalvanised Steel: Investigating White Spotting. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. FALEPIN, A., BERNING, G.L.P., VANTOMME, A. Elastic strain in epitaxial films of Gd and Er silicides on Si (111). European Conference on Surface Science, ECOSS-21, Malmö, Sweden, 24-28 June 2002. GREEFF, A.P., SWART, H.C. Monte Carlo simulation on the cathodoluminescence generated in ZnS phosphor powder with nonluminescent Zn coatings: a comparison with experimental data. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. HOFFMAN, M.J.H., CLAASSENS, C.H. A fictitious electron dynamics method for calculating electronic structure. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. HOFFMAN, M.J.H., MEINTJES, P.J., CALITZ, J.J. Establishing a new Science Education Centre at Boyden Observatory. 5th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Science and Technology Centres (SAASTEC), Cape Town, RSA, 9–11 December 2002. HOFFMAN, M.J.H., MEINTJES, P.J., CALITZ, J.J., BENNETT, D., COOK, K. On the UFS-Boyden microlens follow-up program. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. JONKER, A.J., CLAASSENS, C.H., CHEN, R., VENTER, L.A., RAMOSHEBE, P., WURTH, E., TERBLANS, J.J., ROOS, W.D., SWART, H.C. AES-study on TiC thin films to determine Interdiffusion Parameters. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. MEINTJES, P.J., CALITZ, J.J., HOFFMAN, M.J.H., BENNETT, D., COOK, K. The possible detection of a planet around a distant star using the microlens technique. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. MEINTJES, P.J. Magnetic braking in AE Aquarii: estimating the magnetic field of the secondary star. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. MEINTJES, P.J. 189 On the evolution of the nova-like variable AE Aquarii. IAU Colloquium 190 on magnetic cataclysmic variables, Cape Town, S.A., 2002. MEINTJES, P.J. On the evolution of the nova-like variable AE Aquarii. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. NTWAEABORWA, O.M. Topic: underground measurement of concentration of radon and that of its progeny. International Conference On Mining, Gabarone, Botswana,19–21 November 2002. First Botswana NTWAEABORWA, O.M., VAN WYK, G.N., ROOS, W.D., TERBLANS, J.J., GREEFF, A.P., SWART, H.C. All systems go at Kovsies. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. SWART, H.C., HILLIE, K.T. Low temperature effect on the electron beam induced degradation of ZnS:Cu,Al,Au. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. TERBLANS, J.J. Calculating the bulk vacancy formation energy (Ev) for a Schottky defect in a perfect Cu(111), Cu(100) and a Cu(110) single crystal. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. VENTER, L.A., MEINTJES, P.J. ’n Model vir die nie-termiese radio uitbarstings van AE Akwarius [A model for the non-thermal radio outbursts of AE Aquarii]. Simposium van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns/Symposium of the Suid-Afrikaanse Akadmie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Potchefstroom, 1 November 2002. VENTER, L.A., MEINTJES, P.J. A detailed study of the non-thermal radio outbursts of AE Aqr and the modeling of the source. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. VENTER, L.A., MEINTJES, P.J. Modeling the radio outbursts in AE Aquarii. IAU Colloquium 190 on magnetic cataclysmic variables, Cape Town, 2002. WURTH, E., GREYLING, C.J., TERBLANS, J.J., SWART, H.C. Impurity segregation during batch annealing of industrial steel coils. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte CONRADIE, R., ROOS, W.D., SWART, H.C. The room temperature oxidation of Fe(100), Fe(100)-3.5wt % Mo-N and segregated MoN: A mathematical analysis. Surface. Interface Analysis 2002;33(8):704-719. GREEFF, A.P., SWART, H.C. Modeling the effect of a thin ZnO layer on the cathodoluminescence generated in ZnS phosphor powders. Thin Solid Films 2002;408:260-269. GREEFF, A.P., SWART, H.C. Quantifying the cathodoluminescence generated in ZnS-based phosphor powders, Surface Interface Analysis 2002;34:593-596. 190 HILLIE, K.T., BASSON, S.S., SWART, H.C. Effect of a CdO coating on the degradation of a ZnS thin film material. Applied Surface Science 2002; 187 (1-2):139-146. HILLIE, K.T., SWART, H.C. Low temperature effect on the electron beam induced degradation of ZnS:Cu,Al,Au. Applied. Surface Science 2002;193 (1-4):77-82. MEINTJES, P.J. On the evolution of the nova-like variable AE Aquarii. Monthly Notices Royal Astronomy Society 2002;336(1):265-275. TERBLANS, J.J. Calculating the bulk vacancy formation energy (Ev) for a Schottky defect in a perfect Cu(111), Cu(100) and a Cu(110) single crystal. Surface and Interface Analysis 2002;33(9):767-770. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte CALITZ, J.J., MEINTJES, P.J. Binary Evolution: Spin-up, spin-down and non-thermal emission from compact objects. African Skies 2002;7:2 -4. MEINTJES, P.J. AE Aquarii, the millisecond pulsar of the cataclysmic variables. African Skies 2002;7:5–8. NTWAEABORWA, O.M. Underground measurement of concentration of radon and that of its progeny. Proceedings of the first Botswana International Conference on Mining 2002, Gabarone, Botswana. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae TERBLANS, J.J., ROOS, W.D., SWART, H.C. Elemental measurements on battery specimens with Auger electron spectroscopy, Delta EMD South Africa (Pty) Ltd. SWART, H.C., TERBLANS, J.J, ROOS, W.D. Study on the heating effect of pure Titanium due to oxidation, SOMCHEM (Pty) Ltd. Awards/Prizes at National Conferences/Toekennings/Pryse ontvang by Nasionale Konferensies GREEFF, A.P. SSPMS Award for the best publication in Solid State Physics/Material Science emanating from a Ph.D. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, S.A., 2002. Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel CLAASSENS, Christina Hester IMPLEMEMTING AND EVALUATING A FICTITIOUS ELECTRON DYNAMICS METHOD FOR THE CALCULATION OF ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. M.J.H. Hoffman Co-Supervisor: Dr A.P. Greeff DEPARTMENT OF PLANT SCIENCES DEPARTEMENT PLANTWETENSKAPPE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. Z.A. Pretorius +27-(0)51-401-2466 191 +27-(0)51-448-0692 pretorza.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Angelueva, V. Dr. Bender, C.M. Ms/Me. Blodgettt, J.T. Burger, T.H. Ms/Me. Dingaan, M. Ms/Me. Du Preez, J.L. Mr/Mnr. Du Preez, P.J. Dr. Dunhin, B.J. Mr/Mnr. Grobbelaar, J.U. Prof. Holder, F. Ms/Me. Jacoby, A. Ms/Me. Koen, E. Ms/Me. Kriel, W.M. Ms/Me. Labuschagne, M.T. Prof. Maartens, H. Dr. Malan, A.F. Mr/Mnr. Mohase, L. Ms/Me. Potgieter, G.P. Dr. Potgieter, N. Ms/Me. Pretorius, Z.A. Prof. Roodt, R. Ms/Me. Rossouw, L. Mr/Mnr. Scott, L. Prof. Shimelis, H. Mr/Mnr. Spies, J.J. Prof. Swart, V.R. Mr/Mnr. Swart, W.J. Prof. Tesfaendrias, M.T. Mr/Mnr. Van den Heever, J.A. Mr/Mnr. Van der Post, F. Mr/Mnr. Van der Westhuizen, A.J. Prof. Van Deventer, C.S. Prof. Van Dyk, M.M. Ms/Me. Van Huyssteen, S. Ms/Me. Van Rooyen, P. Ms/Me. Van Wyk, P.W.J. Dr. Van Wyk, S.M.C. Ms/Me. Venter, A.M. Dr. Venter, H.J.T. Prof. Verhoeven, R.L. Prof. Viljoen, C.D. Dr. Visser, B. Mr/Mnr. Wilding, M. Mr/Mnr. Conference proceedings/Konferensiehandelinge LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., KOEN, E., GROBBELAAR, B. The influence of eyespot and leafrust resistance genes on breadmaking quality. ICC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 26-29 May 2002. VAN WYK, P.W.J., VENTER, P., KOCK, J.L.F., NIGAM, S. Ultrastructure of oxylipins involved in yeast cell flocculation. Proceedings 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy. 2002;15(1):797-798. Durban, South Africa. 192 Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte ADUGNA, W., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T. Assessment of genotype, environment and their interaction for linseed (Linus usitatissimum L.) performance in Ethiopia. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium, Gordon’s Bay, 11-14 March 2002. ASSEFA, A., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., VILJOEN, C.D., MAARTENS, H. Genetic variability in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from North Shewa in Ethiopia as measured by AFLP and SDS-PAGE. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium, Gordon’s Bay, 11-14 March 2002. BAREETSENG, A.S., KOCK, J.L.F., POHL, C.H., VAN WYK, P.W.J. Ascospore morphology and lipid turnover in the yeast Nadsonia fulvescens. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, 2002. BERNER, J.M., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J. The involvement of wheat lipoxygenase and lipophilic compounds in the Russian wheat aphid resistance mechanism. Annual conference of the South African Association of Botanists, Grahamstown. 2002. BOTHA, G.M., VILJOEN, C.D., WENTZEL, W.W. A study of dwarfism genes in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Plant Breeding Symposium, Gordon’s Bay, South Africa, 2002. DE WET, L., WALKER, S., PRETORIUS, Z.A. Development of an index for wheat stripe rust infection. 40th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology, Dikhololo. 2002. DU PREEZ, P.J. State of the riparian vegetation of the Modder River, Free State. Joint conference of the South African Association of Aquatic Sciences and the South African Institute of Ecologists and Environmental Scientists, Bloemfontein, S.A., 2002. DU TOIT, A., POTGIETER, G.P. A comparison between different systems in cultivating Lettuce hydroponically. Annual Postgraduate Symposium. Department of Botany, Rand Afrikaans University. 2001. DUNHIN, B.J., KLOPPERS, F.J., PRETORIUS, Z.A. Chemical control of Puccinia sorghi on maize in South Africa. 40th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology, Dikhololo. 2002. FLETT, B.C., PRETORIUS, Z.A., KLOPPERS, F.J., FATO, P. Pathotypes of and resistance to common maize rust. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordon’s Bay, 2002. GENET, T., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T. Genetic variability for oil content and fatty acid composition in Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata). 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, March 2002. GROBBELAAR, J.U. Algal biotechnology for the bioremediation of CO2 emissions. Fossil Fuel Foundation Conference, Johannesburg, 2002. GROBBELAAR, J.U. Quality Control and Assurance: Crucial for the sustainability of the applied phycology industry. International Association of Applied Phychology Congress, Almeria, Spain, 2002. 193 GROBBELAAR, J.U., MOHN, F. Ozone stress in rust resistant and susceptible Helianthus cultivars as measured with chlorophyll fluorescence. South African Association of Botanists, 27th Annual Congress, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 2002. GROBBELAAR, J.U., KURANO, N. A novel and new photobioreactor for high yields. International Association of Applied Psychology Congress, Almeria, Spain, 2002. JACOBY, A., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., VILJOEN, C.D. Genetic relationship between Solanum nigrum L. and related species measured by morphological and AFLP markers. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, 2002. KLOPPERS, F.J., PRETORIUS, Z.A., FREDERICK, R.D. Confirmation of Phakopsora pachyrhizi s the causal organism of soybean rust in South Africa. 40th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology, Dikhololo. 2002. KOCK, J.L.F., STRAUSS, C.J., VENTER, P., SMITH, D.P., VAN WYK, P.W.J., POHL, C.H., NIGAM, S. The presence of oxylipins in yeast flocculation. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 2002. KOEN, E., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., VILJOEN, C.D. Molecular markers for and quality assessment of near isogenic Palmiet and SST66 wheat lines for Pseudocercosporella herpitrichoides (eyespot) resistance. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, 2002. LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., DU PREEZ, A., MAARTENS, H. The expression and inheritance of low molecular weight glutenin subunits in the F3 progeny of eight Tugela crosses. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, March 2002. LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., KOEN, E., DU PREEZ, A. The use of LMW-GS as a predictor of grain quality in South Africa. 2nd International conference for grain, flour and bread quality, Moscow, Russia, May 2002. LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., KOEN, E., GROBBELAAR, B. The influence of eyespot and leaf rust resistance genes on breadmaking quality. ICC conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2002. LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., KOEN, E., MAARTENS, H. Quality characteristics of SST66 BC10 near isogenic wheat lines differing in low molecular weight glutenin subunit composition. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, 2002. LIEBENBERG, M.M., MIENIE, C.M.S., VILJOEN, C.D., PRETORIUS, Z.A. The use of existing molecular markers for rust resistance genes in South African common bean breeding lines. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordons Bay, 2002. LOCHER, T.C., VILJOEN, C.D., PRETORIUS, Z.A., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T. The identification and effect of the YrSp gene on stripe rust in wheat. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordon’s Bay, 2002. LOUW, S.V.D.M., SWART, W.J. The Green Valley Nuts-INCroP-NCPP Co-operative agreement: Prospects for nut development in South Africa. Third Symposium of the Southern African New Crop Research Association, 25-28 June 2002, Lowveld Agricultural College, Nelspruit. MOHASE, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J., PRETORIUS, Z.A. 194 Upstream defense related events in sunflower-rust interaction. Annual conference of the South African Association of Botanists, Grahamstown. 2002. MOHASE, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J., PRETORIUS, Z.A. Resistance mechanisms in sunflower induced by rust infection and benzothiadiazole. Postgraduate symposium, R.A.U., Johannesburg. 2002. NEMERA, G.S., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., VILJOEN, C.D. Genetic diversity among eastern Ethiopian highland accessions of sorghum [Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench] as revealed by AFLP and SSR markers. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, 2002. POTGIETER, G.P., SCHAAF, M. Comparison of different growth media in cultivating Latuca sativa hydroponically. Annual Congress, S.A. Association of Botanists, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 2002. POTGIETER, G.P., DU TOIT, A. Hydroponic cultivation of Lettuce: A comparison of two different systems. Annual Congress, S.A. Association of Botanists, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 2002. POTGIETER, G.P., PRETORIUS, J.C. Control of lipid mobilization in Cucumis sativus L. Seeds: (I) Effect of the axis and testa on cotyledonary enzyme activities and metabolite levels. Annual Congress, S.A. Association of Botanists, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 2002. POTGIETER, G.P., PRETORIUS, J.C. Control of lipid mobilization in Cucumis sativus L. Seeds: (II) Effect of the axis and testa on cotyledonary protein metabolism. Annual Congress, S.A. Association of Botanists, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 2002. PRETORIUS, Z.A. Challenges in breeding for durable resistance in plants. Van der Plank Lecture, 40th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology, Dikhololo. 2002. PRETORIUS, Z.A. Low reaction of resistance genes effective to a wheat stem rust pathotype virulent to Sr31. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordons Bay, 2002. PRETORIUS, Z.A., KLOPPERS, F.J., BENDER, C.M. Australian wheat cultivars as sources of resistance to stripe rust in South Africa. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordons Bay, 2002. PRINS, R., PRETORIUS, Z.A., BOSHOFF, W.H.P., BOYD, L.A. Wheat stripe rust resistance gene Yr16: The South African story. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordons Bay, 2002. PRINS, R., PRETORIUS, Z.A., BOYD, L.A., BOSHOFF, W.H.P., LOUW, J.H. Analysis of adult plant resistance to stripe rust in the wheat cultivar Kariega using F1 doubled haploid lines. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordons Bay, 2002. RAMBURAN, V.P., BOYD, L.A., PRETORIUS, Z.A., LOUW, J.H., SMITH, P.H., BOSHOFF, W.H.P., PRINS, R. Molecular mapping of adult plant genes for stripe rust resistance in the South African wheat cultivar Kariega. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordons Bay, 2002. ROSSOUW, L. Early Middle Pleistocene grassland ecology at Cornelia-Uitzoek, based on fossil grass leaf phytoliths. 12th Biennial Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa, Bloemfontein, 2002. 195 ROSSOUW, L. Fossil grass phytoliths from two Pleistocene fossil Land Mammal Age type localities in the Free State Province, South Africa. Paleo-Grassland Research. A conference on the reconstruction and modeling of grass-dominated biomes. St. Cloud, Minnesota USA. 2002. ROSSOUW, L. Phytolith evidence from two Pleistocene localities in central Southern Africa. Southern African Association of Archaeologists Biennial Meeting. Cape Town. 2002. SCOTT, L. Palynology of the spring sequence at Florisbad and palaeoenvironmental implications for the South African interior region. 12th Biennial Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa, Bloemfontein, 2002. SCOTT, L., HOLMGREN, K. Wonderkrater pollen record compared with T8 speleothem record. Reconstruction of long-term, high resolution records of summer rainfall and its variability in South Africa from cave speleothems. Water Research Commission Workshop. Polokwane, 2002. SHIMELIS, H.A., SPIES, J.J., PRETORIUS, Z.A., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T. Monosomic analysis for chromosomal locations of genes that confer leaf rust resistance in tetraploiud wheats. 4th Congress of the Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association, Gordons Bay, 2002. SMITH, D.P., KOCK, J.L.F., VAN WYK, P.W.J., POHL, C.H., NIGAM, S. Immunocytochemical detection of 3-hydroxy oxylipins in ascomycetous yeasts. 12th Biennial Congress of the South African Society for Microbiology, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 2002. SMITH, D.P., KOCK, J.L.F., VAN WYK, P.W.J., POHL, C.H., NIGAM, S. 3-hydroxy oxylipins in yeasts. 22nd International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts. Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. 2002. SOLOMON, K.F., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., BENNIE, A.T.P. Responses of Ethiopian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum L.) genotypes to drought stress. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, 2002. SPIES, J.J., SPIES, P. Species groups in Lachenalia. Second Lachenalia Workshop, Roodeplaat. 2002. STANSBURY, C.D., PRETORIUS, Z.A. Climatic suitability of South African wheat growing regions for Karnal bunt occurrence. 40th Annual Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology, Dikhololo. 2002. SWART, W.J. The History and Current Status of the New Crop Pathology Program. Third Symposium of the Southern African New Crop Research Association, 25-28 June, Lowveld Agricultural College, Nelspruit, 2002. SWART, V.R., LOUW, S.V.D.M., SWART, W.J., KRIEL, W-M. Insect-fungal associations with three new crops in South Africa. Third Symposium of the Southern African New Crop Research Association, 25-28 June, Lowveld Agricultural College, Nelspruit, 2002. TAREKEGNE, A., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., BENNIE, A.T.P. Evaluating bread wheat genotypes for waterlogging tolerance. 4th Plant Breeding Symposium. Gordon’s Bay, 2002. TESFAENDRIAS, M.T., SWART, W.J. Potentially important diseases of kenaf in South Africa. Third Symposium of the Southern African New Crop Research Association, Lowveld Agricultural College, Nelspruit, 2002. 196 VAN DER POST, F., VILJOEN, C.D. Real-Time PCR Detection of Genetically Modified Maize and Soya. Plant Breeding Symposium, Gordons Bay, South Africa, 2002. VAN HUYSSTEEN, S., GROBBELAAR, J.U., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J. The impact of ozone stress on selected crop plants. South African Association of Botanists, 27th Annual Congress, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 2002. VAN WYK, P.W.J., VENTER, P. KOCK, J.L.F., NIGAM, S. Ultrastructure of oxylipins involved in yeast cell flocculation. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy. Durban, South Africa. 2002. VILJOEN, C.D. GMO testing: A pre-requisite to modern crop management. Plant Breeding Symposium, Gordon’s Bay, South Africa, 2002. VILJOEN, C.D. The global and national impact of genetically modified organisms. National Intelligence Agency. Bloemfontein, 2002. VILJOEN, C.D. The impact of GM crops in Africa. National Zambian fact finding mission. Support for Economic Growth Analysis – Mandela Economics Scholars Programme. Pretoria, 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte ADUGNA, W., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T. G x E interactions and phenotypic stability analyses of linseed (linum usitatissimum l.) in Ethiopia. Plant breeding 2002;21(1):66-72. ANGUELOVA-MERHAR, V., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J., PRETORIUS, Z.A. Intercellular chitinase and peroxidase activities associated with resistance conferred by Lr35 to leaf rust of wheat. Journal of Plant Physiology 2002;159:1259-1261. BARNARD, A.D., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., VAN NIEKERK, H.A. Heritability estimates of bread wheat quality traits in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Euphytica 2002;127(1):115-122. BLODGETT, J.T., SWART, W.J. Infection, colonization, and disease of Amaranthus hybridus leaves caused by the Alternaria tenuissima group. Plant Disease 2002;86:1199-1205. BOSHOFF, W.H.P., PRETORIUS, Z.A., VAN NIEKERK, B.D. Resistance in South African and foreign wheat cultivars to pathotypes 6E16A- and 6E22A- of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2002;19(1):27-36. BOSHOFF, W.H.P., PRETORIUS, Z.A., VAN NIEKERK, B.D. Establishment, distribution and pathogenicity of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in South Africa. Plant Disease 2002;86:485-492. BOSHOFF, W.H.P., PRETORIUS, Z.A., VAN NIEKERK, B.D. Impact of leaf rust on spring wheat in the winter rainfall region of South South Africa. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2002;19:84-88. 197 BOSHOFF, W.H.P., PRETORIUS, Z.A., VAN NIEKERK, B.D., KOMEN, J.S. First report of virulence in Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici to wheat stem rust resistance genes Sr8B and Sr38 in South Africa. Plant Disease 2002;86:922. CHEN, W. Q., SWART, W.J. The in vitro phytotoxicity of culture filtrates of Fusarium Oxysporum to five genotypes of Amaranthus hybridus. Euphytica 2002;127:61-67. CILLIERS, A.J., PRETORIUS, Z.A., VAN WYK, P.S. Mycelial compatibility groups of Sclerotium rolfsii in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 2002;68(3):389-392. DINGAAN, M.N.V., DU PREEZ, P.J. The phytosociology of the succulent dwarf shrub communities that occur in the “Valley of Seven Dams” area, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Bloemfontein 2002;18(3):34-48. DOYLE, J.H., VERHOEVEN, R.L., BESTER, C., WINGFIELD, B.D., BOTHA, A-M. Germ-furrow morphology and storage conditions determine the degree of viability of Pinus caribaea pollen. South African Journal of Botany 2002:68(4):457-463. DU PREEZ, J.L., SPIES, J.J., KLEYNHANS, R. A preliminary study of interspecific hybrids in Lachenalia (Hyacinthaceae). Acta Horticulturae 2002;570:319-325. JACOBY, A., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J., BOTHA, A-M. Establishment of embryonic suspension cultures of Pinus radiata Don. South African Forestry Journal 2002;194:53-57. GROBBELAAR, J.U., MOHN, F.H. Ozone stress in rust resistant and susceptible Helianthus annuus cultivars as measured with chlorophyll fluorescence. South African Journal of Botany 2002;68(4):469-474. GROBBELAAR, J.U., VAN DER HEEVER, J.A. Variations in toxicity and growth characteristics of different Microcystis strains. Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (Verhandeling. Internat. Verein. Limnol.) 2002;28:717-720. KOCH, S.H., GHEBREMARIAM, D.S., SWART, W.J. Susceptibility of lupin cultivars to South African isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides associated with lupin anthracnose. African Plant Protection 2002;8(1&2):52-56. KOEN, E., LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., VILJOEN, C.D. The influence of eyespot resistance genes on baking quality and yield in wheat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2002;82(13):1537-1540. LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., MAMUYA, I.N., KOEKEMOER, F.P. Canonical variate analysis of breadmaking quality characteristics in irrigated spring wheat (Triticum aestivum). Cereal Research Communications 2002;30(1-2):195-201. LABUSCHAGNE, M.T., PRETORIUS, Z.A., GROBBELAAR, B. The influence of leaf rust resistance genes Lr29, Lr34, Lr35 and Lr37 on breadmaking quality in wheat. Euphytica 2002;124(1):65-70. LOUW, S.V.D.M., SWART, W.J., HONIBALL, S.J., CHEN, W. Weevil-fungus interaction on Amaranthus hybridus (Amaranthaceae) in South Africa. African Entomology 2002;10(2):361-364. MOHASE, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J. 198 Salicylic acid is involved in resistance responses in the Russian wheat aphid-wheat interaction. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2002;159:585-590. MOHASE, L., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J. Glycoproteins from Russian wheat aphid infested wheat induce defence responses. Zeitscrift fur Naturforschung 2002;57:867-873. MALLICK, N., MOHN, F.H., SOEDER, C.J., GROBBELAAR, J.U. Ameliorative role of nitric oxide (NO) on H2O2 toxicity to a chlorophycean alga Scenedesmus obliquus. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 2002;48:1-7. NYAKALE, M., SCOTT, L. Interpretation of Late Holocene pollen in channel fills in the eastern Free State, South Africa, in terms of local conditions and sediment reworking. South African Journal of Botany 2002;68(4):464-468. ROODT, R., SPIES, J.J. Poaceae: Chromosome studies on African plants. 18. The subfamily Chloridoideae. 2002;31(2):240-249. Bothalia ROODT, R., SPIES, J.J., BURGER, T.H. Preliminary DNA fingerprinting of the turf grass Cynodon dactylon (Poaceae: Chloridoideae). Bothalia 2002;32:17-122. ROODT, R., SPIES, J.J., POTGIETER, N. Molecular sleuthing: The invader Cynodon case. Euphytica 2002;128:409-415. ROODT, R., SPIES, J.J. Poaceae: Chromosome studies on African plants. 17. The subfamilies Arundinoideae and Danthonioideae. Bothalia 2002;31(2):233-240. ROSSOUW, J.C., VAN RENSBURG, J.B.J., VAN DEVENTER, C.S. Breeding for resistance to ear rot of maize, caused by Stenocarpella maydis (Berk) Sutton. 1. Evaluation of selection criteria. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2002;19(4):182-187. ROSSOUW, J.C., VAN RENSBURG, J.B.J., VAN DEVENTER, C.S. Breeding for resistance to ear rot of maize, caused by Stenocarpella maydis (Berk) Sutton. 2. Inheritance of resistance. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2002;19(4):188-194. SCOTT, L. Grassland development under glacial and interglacial conditions in Southern Africa: review of pollen, phytolith and isotope evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoeclimatology, Palaeoecology 2002;177:47-57. SCOTT, L. Microscopic charcoal in sediments and Late Quaternary fire history of the grassland and savanna regions in Southern Africa. Journal of Quaternary Science 2002;17(1):77-86. SCOTT, L., NYAKALE, M. Pollen indications of Holocene palaeoenvironments at Florisbad in the central Free State, South Africa. Holocene 2002;12(4):497-503. SNYMAN, L., PRETORIUS, Z.A., KLOPPERS, F.J., BENDER, C.M. Partial resistance to Puccinia triticina in certain Triticum species. South African Journal for Plant and Soil 2002;19:127-132. SPIES, J.J., VAN DYK, M.M., VAN WYK, S.M.C. Poaceae: Chromosome studies on African plants. 16. Polyploidy in the genus Ehrharta. Bothalia 2002;32(1):123-126. 199 SPIES, J.J., VAN ROOYEN, P., KLEYNHANS, R. The subgeneric delimitation of Lachenalia (Hyacinthaceae). Acta Horticulturae 2002;570:225-231. SWART, W.J., KRIEL, W-M. Pathogens Associated with Necrosis of Cactus Pear Cladodes in South Africa. Plant Disease 2002;86:693. SWART, W.J., SWART, V.R. The Current Status of Research on Diseases of Opuntia ficus-indica in South Africa. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, A. Nefzaoui and P. Inglese (eds). Acta Horticulturae 2002;581:239-245 SWART, W.J., TESFAENDRIAS, M.T., BOTHA, W. First Report of Basal Stem Rot caused by Pythium G-group on Kenaf in South Africa. Plant Disease 2002;86:698. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J., QIAN, X-M., WILDING, M., BOTHA, A-M. Purification and immunocytochemical localisation of a wheat β-1,3-glucanase induced by Russian wheat aphid infestation. South African Journal of Science. 2002; 98:197-202. VAN ROOYEN, P., SPIES, J.J., KLEYNHANS, R. The species delimitation of Lachenalia unifolia and L. hirta. Acta Hortuculturae 2002;570:395-401. VERHOEVEN, R.L., VENTER, H.J.T. Pollinium structure in Epistemma: Periplocoideae (Apocynaceae). South African Journal of Botany 2002;68(3):401-403. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte VILJOEN, C.D. Tailoring GMOs to African needs. Farmers Weekly 14 September 2001. Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae VILJOEN, C.D. (ET AL.) Safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified microorganisms. World Health Organization, Geneva. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae GROBBELAAR, J.U., BOTES, E., VAN DEN HEEVER, J.A. Scope and dynamics of toxins produced by cyanobacteria. WRC, 93:2002. MOHASE, L., PRETORIUS, Z.A., VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J. Biochemical mechanisms of rust resistance in sunflower. Oil Seed Advisory Committee, 2002. SCOTT, L. Assessment of the Bedford-Chatsworth wetland deposits. Partridge, Maud and Associates, (for ESKOM). 2002. SCOTT, L., LEE-THORPE, J., BAMFORD, J. Promoting Quaternary Sciences: an exciting but neglected field of study in Southern Africa. SA National Committee for the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 2002. SWART, W.J. Kenaf production in South Africa (phase 2). Sustainable Projects Development Group Limited, United Kingdom, 2002. SWART, W.J. 200 Biomonitoring of pistachio orchards for fungi. Green Valley Nuts (Industrial Development Corporation) Prieska 2002. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J. Biochemistry of resistance in wheat to the Russian wheat aphid, Winter Serial Trust. 2002. VILJOEN, C.D., PRETORIUS, Z.A. Septoria resistance in sunflower. Oil Seed Advisory Committee, 2002. VILJOEN, C.D. PRETORIUS, Z.A., LOCHNER, T.C. Identification of molecular markers for the YrSp resistance gene in wheat. Winter Grain Research Trust, 2002. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs GROBBELAAR, J.U. Member: editorial board: Hydrobiologia Member: editorial board: Journal for Applied Phycology Member: editorial board: South African Journal of Botany SCOTT, L. Editorial Board: Palaeoecology of Africa Editorial Board: Palaeontologia Africana PRETORIUS, Z.A. Member of editorial committee: South African Journal of Plant and Soil. Patents registered / Patente geregistreer GROBBELAAR, J.U. MOHN, FH Patent #: 102 22 214.2 Photobioreaktor sowie Verfahren zur Produktion von Biomassa. München, Germany 2002. Highlights from research findings/Glanspunte in navorsings bevindinge LABUSCHAGNE, M.L. Prof. +27-(0)51-401-2715 labuscm.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za For the first time in South Africa, SE-HPLC (size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography) has been used to determine bread-making quality in South African wheat cultivars. Breakthroughs have also been made in stress research in wheat, especially freezing stress which annually causes huge losses in the wheat industry. GROBBELAAR, J.U. +27-(0)51-401-2263 grobbeju.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za A novel and new photobioreactor was developed in which the highest known area yields of algal biomass have been achieved. This has important application potential, especially in bioremediation of especially CO2 point source pollution and eutrophication. PRETORIUS, Z.A. +27-(0)51-401-2466 pretorza.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za In collaboration with students and co-workers from the Agricultural Research Council a new method has been developed to repeatedly and accurately quantify resistance against yellow rust, as caused by the mould Puccinia striiformis. The process included phenotype and molecular research of genetical resistance. Awards/Prizes of International Conferences/Toekenning/Pryse ontvang by Internasionale Konferensies 201 GROBBELAAR, J.U., KURANO, N. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Paper that advanced the science of applied phycology since the previous conference: “A novel and new photobioreactor for high yields” at the International Association of Applied Phycology Congress, Almeria, Spain. Awards/Prizes at National Conferences/Toekennings/Pryse ontvang by Nasionale Konferensies POTGIETER, G.G. Plantwetenskappe Van Zinderen Bakker Prize for the best postgraduate dissertation/thesis (Ph.D) in Botany in the Department of Plant Sciences, UFS; Annual Prize-giving of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, March 2002 Prestigious fellowship and grants/Prestige navorsingsgenootskappe en toekennings EXCHANGE PROGRAMME BETWEEN GERMANY MINISTERIUM FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND SOUTH AFRICA (DACT). Grobbelaar, J.U. Plant Sciences/Plantwetenskappe Award for “Ozone stress of crop plants”. German counterpart, Dr. F.H. Mohn, ICG-III, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE (IFS) LABUSCHAGNE, M.T. Plant Sciences/Plantwetenskappe Award at the IFS, Sweden for the period September 2002 – September 2003/Toekenning by die IFS vir die tydperk September 2002 - September 2003. STERKFONTEIN RESEARCH UNIT, WITS UNIVERSITY (DIRECTOR: PV TOBIAS). SCOTT. L. Plant Science Honorary Research Associate Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings DU PREEZ, J. P. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Professional Member: S.A. Institute of Ecologists & Environment. Scientists Member: International Association of Impact Assessments – SA Member: Institute of Waste Management Member: International Association of Vegetation Science Member: South African Association of Botanists Member: Grassland Society of Southern Africa. GROBBELAAR, J.U. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: South African Association of Botanists Member: South African Society for Aquatic Sciences South African Representative: Societas Internationalis Limnologiae President: International Society for Applied Phycology LABUSCHAGNE, M.T. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences President: Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association. Member: South African Genetics Society 202 Member: South African Society for Crop Production MAARTENS, H. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association PRETORIUS, Z.A. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: Southern African Society for Plant Pathology Member: Southern African Plant Breeders' Association Member: American Phytopathological Society Member: Australasian Plant Pathology Society SCOTT, L. Member: South African Society for Quaternary Research Member: Trans !Garib Branch of the South African Archaeological Society Member: Suid-Afrikaanse Genootskap van Plantkundiges Member: Association pour l'etude Taxonomique de la Flore D'Afrique Tropicale SPIES, J.J. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Vice-President: South African Genetics Society Member: American Society of Plant Taxonomists Member: Association pour l'etude Taxonomique de la Flore D'Afrique Tropicale Member: Botanical Society of America Member: Genetics Society of Canada Member: International Association for Plant Taxonomy International Bulb Society Member: Southern African Society for Systematic Biology Member: Suid-Afrikaanse Genootskap van Plantkundiges SWART, W.J. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: American Phytopathological Society Member: Southern African Society for Plant Pathology President: Southern African New Crop Research Association Member: Advisory Board of the Southern African Cactus Pear Network Member: Advisory Board of the South African Hemp Council Sub-Saharan representative of the FAO International Network for Technical Cooperation on cactus pear VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, A.J. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: South African Association of Botanists Member: Scandinavian Society for Plant Physiology Member: Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology Member: International Association for Plant Tissue Culture VAN DEVENTER C.S. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Members of Southern African Plant Breeders’ Association VAN WYK, P.W.J. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: South African Association of Botanists Member: Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Member: Southern African Society for Plant Pathology 203 VENTER, A.M. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: International Association for Plant Taxonomy Member: Association for the taxonomic study of the Flora of Tropical Africa Member: South African Association of Botanists VENTER, H.J.T. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: Linnean Society of London Member: International Association for Plant Taxonomy Member: Association for the taxonomic study of the Flora of Tropical Africa Member: South African Association of Botanists VERHOEVEN, R.L. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions Member: South African Association of Botanists Member: Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Member: The Botanical Society of South Africa Member: Linnean Society Palynology Specialist Group Member: International Association of African Palynology Member: Association for the taxonomic study of the Flora of Tropical Africa Viljoen, C.D. Plant Sciences/Plant Sciences Member: Southern African Society for Plant Pathology Member: Southern African Plant Breeders' Association Member: South African Association of Botanists Member: African Society of Genetic Profiling VISSER, B. Plantwetenskappe/Plant Sciences Member: South African Association of Botanists Member: South African Genetic Society Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BARNARD, Annelie GENETIC VARIABILITY AND ANALYSIS OF SCREENING PROCEDURES FOR PREHARVEST SPROUTING IN SOUTH AFRICAN WINTER WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM) CULTIVARS. Promoter: Prof. C.S. van Deventer Co-promoter: Dr. H. Maartens GEMELAL, Adugna Wakjira GENETIC DIVERSITY ANALYSIS OF LINSEED (LINUS USITATISSIMUM L.) IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. Promoter: Prof. M.T. Labuschagne Co-Promoter: Dr. C.D. Viljoen KASSA, Tsige Genet GENETIC DIVERSITY ANALYSIS AND GENOTYPE X ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION IN ETHIOPIAN MUSTARD (BRASSICA CARINATA A. BRAUN). Promoter: Prof. M.T. Labuschagne Co-Promoter: Dr. C.D. Viljoen MALAN, André Francois PHYLOGENY OF THE GENERA KARROOCHLOA, MERXMUELLERA AND SCHISMUS (POACEAE). Promoter: Prof. J.J. Spies Co-promoter: Prof. H.J.T. Venter TEREFE, Tarekegn Geleta 204 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF GRAIN MOULD OF SORGHUM IN SOUTH AFRICA AND ETHIOPIA. Promoter: Prof. W.J. Swart Co-Promoter: Dr. N.W. McLaren WOLDESEMAET, Eshetu Mulatu SEED SYSTEMS AND SMALL-SCALE FARMERS: A CASE STUDY OF ETHIOPIA AND SOUTH AFRICA. Promoter: Prof. M.T. Labuschagne Co-Promoter: Dr. J.L. Purchase Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BENESI, Ibrahim Robeni Matete NATIVE STARCH EVALUATION AND GENETIC DISTANCE ANALYSIS USING AFLP OF ELITE CASSAVA (MANIHOT ESCULENTA CRANTZ) GENOTYPES FROM MALAWI. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. M.T. Labuschagne Co-Supervisor: Dr. C.D. Viljoen BOTHA, Anna Magrietha A PLANT ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF KAREEFONTEIN PRIVATE NATURE RESERVE, FREE STATE PROVINCE Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. P.J. du Preez Co-supervisor: Prof. G.N. Smit BOTHA, Gertruida Martha MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF MOLECULAR MARKERS FOR DWARFISM GENES IN SORGHUM BICOLOR (L.[MOENCH]) Supervisor: Dr. C.D. Viljoen Cosupervisor: Dr. W.G. Wenzel BOWER, Juan-Marié WHEAT LEAF RUST RESISTANCE IN SELECTED Triticum turgidum ACCESSIONS.Supervisor: Prof. Z.A. Pretorius Co-Supervisor: Dr. C.D. Viljoen CRAVEN, Maryke THE IMPROVEMENT OF LEAF RUST RESISTANCE IN SELECTED BREAD WHEAT LINES. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. Z.A. Pretorius Co-Supervisor: Prof. M.T. Labuschagne Dr. R. Prins DU PLESSIS, Suzanne AN ALLELE DATABASE FOR CATTLE AS AN AID TO FORENSIC INVESTIGATION AND PARENTAGE VERIFICATION. Supervisor: Mr B. Visser Co-Supervisor: Mr J.P. van Zyl JANECKE, Beanélri Benène VEGETATION ECOLOGY OF SOETDORING NATURE RESERVE: PAN, GRASSLAND AND KARROID COMMUNITIES. Supervsior: Dr. P.J. Du Preez Co-Supervisor: Prof. H.J.T. Venter MOLOI, Makoena Joyce THE INVOLVEMENT OF REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES IN THE RESISTANCE RESPONSE OF WHEAT TO THE RUSSIAN WHEAT APHID. Supervisor: Prof. A.J. van der Westhuizen OELOFSE, Rachel Mercia CHARACTERIZATION OF OPUNTIA FICUS - INDICA CULTIVARS IN SOUTH AFRICA Supervisor: Prof. M.T. Labuschagne Co-Supervisors: Prof. W.J. Swart; Dr. C.D. Viljoen MÜLLER, Marthie Elizabeth THE PHYTOSOCIOLOGY OF THE CENTRAL FREE STATE. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. P.J. du Preez Co-Supervisor: Prof. H.J.T. Venter SWANEPOEL, Jacobus Francois GENETIC VARIABILITY FOR YIELD AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS IN SOUTH AFRICAN PUMPKIN (CUCURBITA MAXIMA DUCH). Supervisor: Dr. H. Maartens TESFAENDRIAS, Michael Tecle CHARACTERIZATION OF DISEASES OF KENAF (HIBISCUS CANABINUS) IN SOUTH AFRICA. Supervisor: Prof. W.J. Swart Co-supervisor: Prof. J.C. Pretorius 205 VAN DER MERWE, Karien AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE POSSIBLE CAUSES OF DECLINE IN THE ACACIA ERIOLOBA POPULATION OF THE KATHU AREA. Cum Laude. Supervisor: Dr. P.J. Du Preez Co-Supervisor: Dr. G.P. Potgieter VAN DEVENTER, Janine THE USE OF AMPLIFIED FRAGMENT LENGTH POLYMORPHISM (AFLP) AND MORPHOLOGICAL DATA TO DETERMINE HETEROTIC GROUPS IN SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annuus). Supervisor: Dr. H. Maartens Co-Supervisor: Prof. M.T. Labuschagne VOS, Adriana Tascha LIMNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF LOCH LOGAN, AN URBAN IMPOUNDMENT Supervisor: Dr. J.C. Roos DEPARTMENT OF QUANTITY SURVEYING AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT DEPARTEMENT BOUREKENKUNDE EN KONSTRUKSIEBESTUUR Head of the Department: Prof. J.J.P. Verster +27-051-401-2248 +27-051-401-3324 versterj.sci@uovs.ac.za Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte VERSTER, J.J.P. Melbourne: Property Development and the Environment: Managing Cost, Risk and Environmental Impact, April 2002. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte VERSTER, J.J.P. Property development: in search of an environmental sensitive development model. Acta Structilia 2002;9(1):59-78. Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies BERRY, F.H. Goodbye MBA: a paradigm shift towards project management - P. Oosthuizen, M. Köster & P. de la Rey, Acta Structilia 2001:8(1):93-94. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs VERSTER, J.J.P. Editor: Acta Structilia BERRY, J.H. Editor: Bouvaria Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel SMITH, Willem Petrus LIGGING AS BESLUITNEMINGSFAKTOR IN DIE GANGBAARHEIDSANALISE VAN INKOMSTE GENERENDE EIENDOM SOOS UITGEVOER IN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE BOUREKENAARSPRAKTYK [LOCATION AS DECISION-MAKING FACTOR IN THE FEASIBILITY 206 ANALYSIS OF INCOME-GENERATING PROPERTY AS CONDUCTED IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN QUANTITY SURVEYING PRACTICE]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. J.J.P. Verster DEPARTMENT OF SOIL, CROP AND CLIMATE SCIENCES DEPARTEMENT GROND-, GEWAS- EN KLIMAATWETENSKAPPE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. C.C. du Preez +27 51 401-2212 +27 51 401-2212 dpreezcc.sci@uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Bennie, A.T.P. Prof. Bothma-Schmidt, A. Ms/Me. Du Preez, C.C. Prof. Eksteen, D. Ms/Me. Hensley, M. Dr. Kotzé, E. Ms/Me. Le Roux, P.A.L. Dr. Ogindo, H.O. Mr/Mnr. Pretorius, J.C. Prof. Tsubo, M. Mr/Mnr. Van der Watt, E. Ms/Me. Van Huyssteen, C.W. Mr/Mnr. van Rensburg, L.D. Dr. Venter, J.C. Dr. Walker, S. Prof. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke BENNIE, A.T.P. Die herstel van volhoubare graanproduksie. Volume IV. Die produksie-omgewing [The restoration of sustainable grain production. Volume IV. The production environment]. Graan Suid-Afrika/Grain South Africa, Bothaville, South Africa, 2001:10-15. BENNIE, A.T.P. Grondbewerking en bewerkingsriglyne [Soil tillage and tillage guidelines]. G.C.H. Venter (Red./Ed.). Bemestingshandleiding [Fertilizer handbook]. Misstofvereniging van Suid-Afrika/Fertilizer Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 2002:60-70. DU PREEZ, C.C. Organiese materiaal in gronde [Organic matter in soil]. G.C.H. Venter (Red./Ed.). Bemestingshandleiding [Fertilizer handbook]. Misstofvereniging van Suid-Afrika / Fertilizer Society of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 2002:28-36. Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge DU PREEZ, C.C. Agricultural land use and change of soil organic matter in arid to semi-arid South Africa. Transactions of 17th World Congress of Soil Science: Confronting new realities in 21st century. Bangkok, Thailand, 2002:287-1 to 287-9 KOTZÉ, E., DU PREEZ, C.C., BENNIE, A.T.P. Soil degradation and crop production in Africa. K.O. Adeniji (Ed.). Soil management and sustainable agriculture in the new millennium. Proceedings of the African Experts Meeting on Soil Management of the 207 Scientific, Technical and Research Commission of the Organization of African Unity, Accra, Ghana, 2001:37–55. WALKER, S. Role of education and training in agricultural meteorology to reduce vulnerability to climate variability. M.V.K. Svakumur (Ed.). International Workshop on Reducing Vulnerability of Agriculture and Forestry to Climate Variability and Climate Change in Ljubljana, Slovenia. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 2002: CD. WALKER, S., OGINDO, H.O. The water budget of rainfed maize and bean intercrop. N. Madulu (ed.). Integrating water supply and water demand for sustainable use of water resources. 3rd Waternet/Warfsa symposium proceedings, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2002:111-124. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BOTHMA-SCHMIDT, A., REINHARDT, C.F., ROBBERTSE, P.J., HUSSEIN, A.A. Allelopathic potential of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.). Combined Congress of the South African Society for Crop Production and Southern African Society of Horticultural Sciences, Cedara, South Africa, 2002. BOTHMA-SCHMIDT, A., REINHARDT, C.F., ROBBERTSE, P.J., HUSSEIN, A.A. Does silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.) have allelopathic potential? Weed Science Society of America 56th Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, United States of America, 2002. LOBE, I., SCHMITT, J., DU PREEZ, C.C., BOL, R., AMELUNG, W. Substance-spesific isotope analyses of lignin: a hint for rejuvenation of organic matter caused by erosion? Workshop on Stable Isotopes in Soil Science, German Soil Science Society, Göttingen, Germany, 2002. OGINDO, H.O., TSUBO, M., WALKER, S. The application of crop specific coefficients to evaluate water use in a maize-bean intercropping system. Combined Congress of the South African Society for Crop Production and Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences, Cedara, South Africa, 2002. PRETORIUS, J.C. Can crude plant extracts be applied as cheaper alternatives to synthetic fungicides? Combined Congress of the South African Society for Crop Production and Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences, Cedara, South Africa, 2002. PRETORIUS, J.C. Natural compounds from plants: its potential as biocatalytic agents and natural fungicides. Research Symposium of Stark Ayres, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2002. TSUBO, M., WALKER, S. The application of a stochastic model of rainfall intensity to estimate runoff. South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences and African Meteorological Society Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2002. VENTER, J.C. Karoo plant growth modelling based on evolutionary forcing by rainfall variability. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Middelburg, South Africa, 2002. WALKER, S. Contribution of seasonal climate forecast in food security. Climate information and prediction products dissemination capacity building workshop for media organs in Maseru, Lesotho, arranged by Southern Africa Drought Monitoring Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2002. WALKER, S. 208 The use of climate information by small-scale farmers. Sixth Southern Africa Climate Outlook Forum, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte AMELUNG, W., LOBE, I., DU PREEZ, C.C. Fate of microbial residues in sandy soils of the South African Highveld as influenced by prolonged arable cropping. European Journal of Soil Science 2002;53:29-35. JOVANOVIC, N.Z., ANNANDALE, J.G., BENNIE, A.T.P. Calibration and validation of the SWB irrigation scheduling model for soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr., indeterminate cv. Wayne]. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2002;19:65-172. LOBE, I., DU PREEZ, C.C., AMELUNG, W. Influence of prolonged arable cropping on lignin compounds in sandy soils of the South African Highveld. European Journal of Soil Science 2002;53:553-562. PRETORIUS, J.C., ZIETSMAN, P.C., EKSTEEN, D. Fungitoxic properties of selected South African plant species against plant pathogens of economic importance in agriculture. Annals of Applied Biology 2002;141:117-124. PRETORIUS, J.C., CRAVEN, P., VAN DER WATT, E. In vivo control of Mycophaerella pinodes on pea leaves by a crude bulb extract of Eucomis autumnalis. Annals of Applied Biology 2002;41:125-131. PRETORIUS, J.C., KEMP. K., SMALL, J.G.C. Glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathway activity of Erythrina caffra seeds during anaerobic germination. South African Journal of Botany 2002;68:163-170. TSUBO, M., WALKER, S. A model of radiation interception and use by a maize-bean intercrop canopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2002;110:203-215. VENTER, J.C. A drought assessment model for Karoo rangeland. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2002;19:93-98. Published research reports / Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae VAN DEVENTER, P.W., BENNIE, A.T.P., HATTINGH, J.M. Hydraulic properties of stony soils. WRC Report No. 725/1/02, Pretoria, South Africa, 2002. Unpublished research reports / Ongepubliseerde navorsingsverslae BOTHA, J.J., ANDERSON, J.J., VAN STADEN, P.P., VAN RENSBURG, L.D., BEUKES, D.J., HENSLEY, M. Quantifying and modelling the influence of different mulches on evaporation from the soil surface. Report No. GW/A/2001/5 of ARC-ISCW to OSWU consortium of CGIAR, Pretoria, South Africa, 2002. LE ROUX, P.A.L., VAN HUYSSTEEN, C.W. Grondopnameverslag van die plase Middelwater 750, Oppermansdrift 389, Oppermansdrift-Suid 810 Port Arlington enNelsley 1309, Distrik Hoopstad [Soil survey report of the farms Middelwater 750, Oppermansdrift 389, Oppermansdrift-Suid 810 Port Arlington and Nelsley 1309, Hoopstad District.] University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2002. PRETORIUS, J.C. Report on the effect of ComCat® (CCP) and new liquid fertilizer formulations from Italy on seed germination and early seedling growth of one flower and one vegetable crop. Agraforum, Germany, 2002. 209 PRETORIUS, J.C. Report on the effect of ComCat® (CCP) and new liquid fertilizer formulations from Italy, applied in combination, on the vegetative growth and yield of four vegetable crops. Agraforum, Germany, 2002. PRETORIUS, J.C. Report on the effect of ComCat® (CCP) and new liquid fertilizer formulations from Italy, applied in combination, on the vegetative growth and yield of six vegetable crops. Agraforum, Germany, 2002. PRETORIUS, J.C. Report on the effect of ComCat® (CCP) and new liquid fertilizer formulations from Italy on seed germination and early seedling growth of five different vegetable crops. Agraforum, Germany, 2002. PRETORIUS, J.C. Report on the effect of ComCat® (CCP) and new liquid fertilizer formulations from Italy, applied in combination, on flower bud formation in five different flowering plants. Agraforum, Germany, 2002. VAN HUYSSTEEN, C.W., HENSLEY, M., LE ROUX, P.A.L. Correlating soil hydrology with soil morphology for improved technology transfer. WRC report on project No K8/419, Pretoria, South Africa, 2002. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs DU PREEZ, C.C. Member: editorial committee: African Soils. Awards/Prizes at National Conferences / Toekenings/Pryse ontvang by Nasionale Konferensies PRETORIUS, J.C. Council floating trophy for the best paper presented at the 2002 congress of the South African Society of Crop Production/Raadswisseltrofee vir die beste referaat gelewer tydens die 2002kongres van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging van Gewasproduksie. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations / Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings BENNIE, A.T.P. Soil Science Society of South Africa. International Union of Soil Science. CERONIO, G.M. Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Onkruidwetenskap. South African Society for Crop Production/Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Gewasproduksie. DU PREEZ, C.C. Soil Science Society of South Africa. International Union of Soil Science. ENGELBRECHT, G.M. Vereniging vir groente onder beskerming. Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Tuinbouwetenskappe. KOTZé, E. Soil Science Society of South Africa. International Union of Soil Science. LE ROUX, P.A.L. Soil Science Society of South Africa. 210 International Union of Soil Science. PRETORIUS, J.C. South African Association of Botanists New York Academy of Sciences The International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis South African Society for Crop Production South African New Crops Research Association VAN HUYSSTEEN, C.W. Soil Science Society of South Africa. International Union of Soil Science. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel TSEHAI, Kibebew Kibret ESTIMATING WATER RETENTION FOR MAJOR SOILS IN THE HARARGHE REGION, EASTERN ETHIOPIA. Promoter: Prof. A.T.P. Bennie WOYESSA, Yali Edessa THE EFFECT OF TILLAGE AND RESIDUE COVER ON RUNOFF AND SOIL LOSS FROM TWO LAND UNITS. Promoter: Prof. A.T.P. Bennie Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BIRRU, Tilahun Chibsa ORGANIC MATTER RESTORATION BY CONVERSION OF CULTIVATED LAND TO PERENNIAL PASTURE ON THREE AGRO-ECOSYSTEMS IN THE FREE STATE. Supervisor: Prof. C.C. du Preez Co-Supervisor: Dr. M. Hensley DU PLESSIS, Helena Aletta BIOKATALITIESE KOMPONENTE IN SADE VAN ENKELE SPESIES UIT DIE FAMILIES FABACEAE EN CARYOPHYLLACEAE. [BIOCATALYTIC COMPONENTS IN SEEDS OF A FEW SPECIES FROM THE FAMILIES FABACEAE AND CARYOPHYLLACEAE]. Studieleier/Supervisor: Prof. J.C. Pretorius Medestudieleier/Co-supervisor: Mnr./Mr G.P. Potgieter GIMA ALI, Ibrahim A COMPARISON OF THE WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF IRRIGATED MAIZE (ZEA MAYS L) WITH DIFFERENT GROWING SEASON LENGTHS. Supervisor: Prof. A.T.P. Bennie Co-Supervisor: Prof. J.P. Pretorius JORDAAN, Jacques IMPROVEMENT OF THE NITROGEN CONTENT OF GRAPE MUST WITH FERTILISATION. Supervisor: Mrs G. Engelbrecht Co-Supervisor: Prof. C.C. du Preez MASSINGUE, Felicidade Isabel THE EFFECT OF CROP RESIDUE COVER AND SOIL TEXTURE ON CRUSTING Supervisor: Prof. A.T.P. Bennie OQBIT WELDEYOHANNES, Amanuel A LABORATORY CHARACERIZATION OF THE UPWARD FLUX OF NITRATE FROM A SHALLOW WATER TABLE IN A SANDY LOAM SOIL Supervisor: Prof. A.T.P. Bennie REDA, Nega Mekonnen EFFECT OF IN-FIELD WATER HARVESTING WITH DIFFERENT MULCHING PRACTICES ON CROP RESPONSE. Supervisor: Mr G.M. Ceronio Co-Supervisor: Mr J.J. Botha SCHOLTZ, Diederick Arnoldis 211 WATER AND NUTRIENT DISTRIBUTION DURING TRICKLE IRRIGATION ON THREE SOILS Cum Laude. Supervisor: Prof. A.T.P. Bennie DEPARTMENT URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING DEPARTEMENT STAD EN STREEKBEPLANNING Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J.J.Steÿn +27-(0)51-401-2486 +27-(0)51-447-3929 steenkgm.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Botha, W.J. van H. Prof. Campbell, M.M. Dr. De Ridder, E. Miss/Mej. Steenkamp, G.M. Mrs/Mev. Steÿn, J.J. Prof. Tsotetsi, A.M. Conference proceedings/ Konferensiehandelinge CAMPBELL, M.M. Dr. Regional development strategies: Aegean region development project. 24 and 25 April 2002. Izmir Turkey. STEŸN, J.J. A Place in the Sun for South African Identities in an Age of Globalisation. 18th September 2002 at the Planning Africa Conference in Durban. STEŸN, J.J. Universities and the Entrepreneurial agenda. Regional Studies Association Conference on Building Entrepreneurial Capacity in the Regions, 22nd November 2002 in London. DE RIDDER, E. Town and regional planners need the Humanities. Humanities Conference – Potchefstroom University of CHE, 12-14 September 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals/ Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DE RIDDER, E. ‘n Matriks vir die meting van die verandering in die invloed van toerisme-ontwikkeling op die bestemming: 'n gevallestudie van die Groter Phalaborwa [A matrix for the measurement of change in the impact of tourism development on the destination: a case study of the Greater Phalaborwa] Stads- en Streekbeplanning/Town and Regional Planning 2002;45:41-51. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte. TSOTETSI, A.M., STEENKAMP, G.M., VAN ZYL, W.F., BOTHA, W.J.V.H. The contribution of tourism planning to local development at Harrismith, Phuthditjhaba and Clarens [Die bydrae van toerismebeplanning tot die ontwikkeling van Harrismith, Phuthaditjhaba en Clarens]. Acta Stuctilia 2002:9(1):39-58. Editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs STEŸN, J.J. 212 Redakteur/Editor: Stads- en Streekbeplanning/Town and Regional Planning/Meralo Ya Ditoropo Le Mabatowa. STEŸN, J.J. Adjunkredakteur/Deputy Editor: Acta Stuctilia Tydskrif vir ontwikkelingswetenskappe/Journal for the physical and development sciences. die fisiese en die STEENKAMP, G.M. Redakteur/Editor: Stads- en Streekbeplanning/Town and Regional Planning/Meralo Ya Ditoropo Le Mabatowa. Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel MAINE, Teboho Abel THE JANUS FACE OF THE PLANNING PROFESSION IN SOUTH AFRICA: THE CASE OF THE FREE STATE. Supervisor: Prof. W.J.V.H. Botha Co-Supervisor: Prof. J.J. Steÿn DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY DEPARTEMENT DIERKUNDE EN ENTOMOLOGIE Head of Department / Departementshoof: Prof. J.G. van As. +27-(0)51-401-2427 +27-(0)51-448-8711 vanasjg.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs in die Departement: Basson, L. Prof. Fourie, L.J. Prof. Grobler, N.J. Mr/Mnr. Haddad, C.R. Mr/Mnr. Honiball, S.J. Horak, I.G. Prof. Kok, A.C. Dr. Kok, D.J. Prof. Kok, O.B. Prof. Louw, S. Prof. Meintjes, T. Ms/Me. Reed, C.C. Ms/Me. Smit, N.J. Dr. Swart, V. Mr/Mnr. Van As, J.G. Prof. Van As, L.L. Dr. Van der Linde, T.C. Prof. Van Zyl, W. Mr/Mnr. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BASSON, L., VAN AS, J.G. Trichodinid ectoparasites (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) of freshwater fishes of the family Anabantidae from the Okavango River and Delta (Botswana). Folia Parasitologica 2002;49:169-181. FOURIE, L.J., HORAK, I.G., KOK, D.J., VAN ZYL, W. Hosts, seasonal occurrence and life cycle of Rhipicentor nuttalli (Acari: Ixodidae). Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;69:177-187. GROBLER, N.J., VAN AS, J.G., OLIVIER, P.A.S. 213 Description of the previously unknown male of Caligus mortis Kensley, 1970 (Copepoda: Caligidae), parasite of intertidal fish from South Africa. Folia Parasitologica 2002;49:131-136. HADDAD, C.R., DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. The influence of mound structure on the diversity of spiders (Arachneae) inhabiting the abandoned mounds of the snouted harvester termite Trinervitermes trinervoides. The Journal of Arachnology 2002;30:403-408. HORAK, I.G., FOURIE, L.J., HEYNE, H., WALKER, J.B., NEEDHAM, G.R. Ixodid ticks feeding on humans in South Africa: with notes on preferred hosts, geographic distribution, seasonal occurrence and transmission of pathogens. Experimental and Applied Acarology 2002;27:113-136. KOK, A.C., KOK, O.B. Dieetsamestelling van voëlsoorte op ‘n binnelandse lughawe in Suid-Afrika [Dietary composition of bird species at an inland airport in South Africa]. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 2002;21(1):4-15. KOK, A.C., KOK, O.B., VAN DER LINDE, T.C. Prooibeskikbaarheid vir avifauna in relatief onversteurde grasveld op die Bloemfontein-lughawe [Prey availability for avifauna in relatively undisturbed grassland at the Bloemfontein airport]. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Bloemfontein 2002;18(6):97-123. KOK, O.B., KOK, A.C. Diet of three courser species in an open grassland habitat, central South Africa. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 2002;32(1):39-42. KOK, A.C., KOK, O.B. Prooimanipulasie in a grasveldgemeenskap op ‘n binnelandse lughawe in Suid-Afrika [Prey manupulaion in a grassland community at an inland airport in South Africa]. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 2002;21:129-139. KOK, A.C., KOK, O.B. Avifauna in grasveldgemeenskappe op enkele binnelandse lughawens in Suid-Afrika [Avifauna in grassland communities at some inland airports in South Africa]. Suid- Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 2002;21:140-148. LOUW, S.V.D.M., SWART, W.J., HONIBALL, S.J., CHEN, W. Weevil-fungus interaction on Amaranthus hybridus (Amaranthaceae) in South Africa. African Entomology 2002;10(2):361-364. MEINTJES, T., FOURIE, L.J., HORAK, I.G. Host preference of the sheep scab mite, Psoroptes ovis. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 2002;73(3):135-136. MEINTJES, T., FOURIE, L.J., HORAK, I.G. The rate of spread of sheep scab within small groups of Merino and Dorper sheep. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 2002;73(3):137-138. MEINTJES, T., FOURIE, L.J., HORAK, I.G. Effects of the scab mite Psoroptes ovis on the haematology and live mass of Merino and Dorper sheep. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;69:285-293. MEKONNEN, S., BRYSON, N.R., FOURIE, L.J., PETER, R.J., SPICKETT, A.M., TAYLOR, R.J., STRYDOM, T., HORAK, I.G. Acaricide resistance profiles of single- and multi-host ticks from communal and commercial farming areas in the Eastern Cape and North-West Provinces of South Africa. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;69:99-105. MINNAAR, W.N., KRECEK, R.C., FOURIE, L.J. 214 Helminths in dogs from a peri-urban resource-limited community in Free State Province, South Africa. Veterinary Parasitology 2002;107:343-349. MORAVEC, F., VAN AS, J.G., DYKOVA, I. Proleptus obtusus Dujardin, 1845 (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) from the pufadder shyshark Haploblepharus edwardsii (Scyliorhinidae) from off South Africa. Systematic Parasitology 2002;53:169-173. REED, C.C., BASSON, L., VAN AS, L.L. Myxobolus species (Myxozoa), parasites of fishes in the Okavango River and Delta, Botswana, including descriptions of two new species. Folia Parasitologica 2002;49:81-88. SMIT, N.J., BASSON, L. Gnathia pantherina sp. n. (Crustacea: Isopoda: Gnathiidae), a temporary ectoparasite of some elasmobranch species from southern Africa. Folia Parasitologica 2002;49:137-151. SMIT, N.J., VAN AS, J.G., BASSON, L. Redescription of the female of Gnathia africana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Gnathiidae) from southern Africa. Folia Parasitologica 2002;49:67-72. SWART, W.J., SWART, V.R. The current status of research on diseases of Opuntia ficus-indica in South Africa. Acta Horticulturae 2002; 581:239-245. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel AHMED, Kemal Ali AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO PEST MANAGEMENT INFIELD PEA, PISUM SATIVUM (L.), WITH EMPHASIS ON PEA APHID, ACYRTHOSIPHON PISUM (HARRIS). Promoter: Prof. S.vd.M. Louw Co-Promoter: Prof. W.J. Swart CHRISTISON, Kevin William BRANCHIAL MONOGENEAN PARASITES (MONOGENEA: DACTYLOGRYRIDAE) OF FISHES FROM THE OKOVANGO RIVER AND DELTA, BOTSWANA. Promoter: Prof. J.G. Van As Copromoter: Prof. L. Basson PETERS, Helene REPRODUCTIVE PROCESSES OF SCYPHIDIID PERITRICHS ASSOCIATED WITH LIMPET AND HALIOTID HOSTS ALONG THE COAST OF SOUTH AFRICA. Promoter: Prof. L. Basson Copromoter: Dr. L.L. van As Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel PHALATSI, Moeketsi Solomon THE BIO-ECOLOGY OF THE BLUE TICK (BOOPHILUS DECOLORATUS) IN THE CENTRAL FREE STATE. Supervisor: Prof. L.J. Fourie Co-Supervisor: Prof. D.J. Kok SWART, Vaughn Richmond INSECT-FUNGAL ECOLOGY ON SELECTED NEW CROPS IN SOUTH AFRICA Supervisor: Prof. S.V.D.M. Louw Co-Supervisor: Prof. W. J. Swart VAN DEN HEEVER, Catharina Helena THE INFLUENCE OF FEEDING ON APIS MELLIFERA SCUTELLATA QUEEN REARING AND BROOD PRODUCTION. Supervisor: Mr M.F. Johannsmeier Co-Supervisor: Dr. T.C.D.K. van der Linde VENTER, Jonathan ECTOPARASITES OF FISHES FROM SOETDORING NATURE RESERVE Supervisor: Prof. J.G. van As Co-Supervisor: Dr. L. van As 215 /Natuur en Landbouwet02A 216 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY FAKULTEIT TEOLOGIE Dean/Dekaan: Prof. P.C. Potgieter +27-(0)51-401-2667 +27-(0)51-448-9203 pcp.stg@mail.uovs.ac.za DEAN’S OFFICE DEKAANSKANTOOR Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke POTGIETER, P.C. 'n Tyd, tye en 'n halwe tyd – en nou? [A time, two times and half a time - and now]. In: 350 Jaar Gereformeerd 1652-2002. Coertzen, P., (red/ed.). 2002:348-356. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte POTGIETER, P.C. Transformasieteologie of Skrifteologie? Kerklike verskuiwings ten opsigte van volkereverhoudings. [Transformation theology or Biblical theology? Ecclesiastical shifts with regard to race relations]. In die Skriflig 2002;36(2):227-242. POTGIETER, P.C. Calvyn oor God se gebruik van middele in sy voorsienigheidshandelinge [Calvin on the use of media in God’s acts of providence]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):101-113. DEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES DEPARTEMENT BYBEL- EN GODSDIENSKUNDE Head of Department/Departementshoof : Prof. S.J.P.K. Riekert +27-(0)51-401-2617 riekerts.rd@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Riekert, S.J.P.K. Prof. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte RIEKERT, S.J.P.K. Should the translator of the Old Testament distinguishes between Judean and Jew? An attempt to cultural and theological clarification. Conference of South African Society for Near Eastern Studies SASNES, 9-10 September 2002, University of Stellenbosch. RIEKERT, S.J.P.K. Ancient Egyptian Cosmogonical Ideas and the Idea of Creation. Conference of the Association for the study of Religion in Southern Africa. Durban 20-21 June 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte RETIEF, F.P., RIEKERT, S.J.P.K., CILLIERS, J.F.G. Eunugs in die Bybel [Eunuchs in the Bible]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):114-125. Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings 217 RIEKERT, S.J.P.K., Member/Lid: Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika/Classical Association of South Africa. Member/Lid: Ou-Testamentiese Werksgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika/Old Testament Society of South Africa. Member/Lid: Nuwe Testamentiese Werksgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika/New Testament Society of South Africa. Member/Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Patristiese en Bisantynse studies/South African Association for Patristic and Byzantine Studies. Member/Lid: Linguistiese vereniging van Suider-Afrika/Liguistic Society of Southern Africa. Member/Lid: Suider-Afrikaanse Bybel- en Godsdienskunde-vereniging/Southern African Biblical and Religious Studies Society of South Africa. Member/Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Member/Lid: Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Nabye Oosterse Studie/South African Society for Near Eastern Studies. Member/Lid: Association for the Study of Religion in South Africa DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH HISTORY AND POLITY DEPARTEMENT EKKLESIOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. P.J. Strauss +27-051-401-2671 +27-051-447-2273 straussp.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs in die Departement: Britz, R.M. Prof. Strauss, P.J. Prof. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke STRAUSS, P.J. Die N.G. Kerk en sy ekumeniese bande – isolasie deurbreek [The DR Church and it’s ecumenical ties – the end of it’s isolation]. In: Du Toit, P.R. et al: Moeisame pad na vernuwing – Die NG Kerk se pad van isolasie en die soeke na ‘n nuwe relevansie 1974-2002/The DR Church's isolation and its search for a new relevance 1974-2002, Bloemfontein: Barnabas, 2002:183-241. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte BRITZ, R.M. Die Tweetoring kerk as een van die N.G.-gemeentes van Bloemfontein gedurende die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 [The Dutch Reformed congregation of Bloemfontein during the Anglo-Boer war. Acta Theologica 2002;22(1);1-21. BRITZ, R.M. Waaihoek se N.G. Sendinggemeente in Bloemfontein: 1891-1903. [The Dutch Reformed Mission Church Waaihoek in Bloemfontein]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2);1-18. BRITZ, R.M. ‘n Bet-el Kerk in die veld: Die (NG) gemeente van vlugtelinge in Springfontein, Mei 1901 – Januarie 1903 [A ‘Bethel church’ in the veld: The (Dutch Reformed) congregation of refugees at Springfontein, May 1901 to January 1903]. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 2002;XXVII(1):235-275. BRITZ, R.M. Die twee standpunte oor die Skrif ... en ‘n dilemma vir die NG Kerk [Two views on Scripture .. and a dilemma for the Dutch Reformed Church]. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 2002;43(3&4):354-368. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte STRAUSS, P.J. 218 Church and state and apartheid in South Africa. A perspective of the Dutch Reformed Church (1962-1998). European Journal for Church and State Research 2001;8:327-346. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel SAAYMAN, Chris DIE TOEËIENING VAN DIE HEIL BY DIE NEDERDUITSE GEREFORMEERDE KERK 1652-1860. 'N KERKHISTORIESE ONDERSOEK [THE APPROPRIATION OF SALVATION IN THE DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH 1652-1860. A CHURCH-HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. R.M. Britz DEPARTMENT OF MISSIOLOGY DEPARTEMENT SENDINGWETENSKAP Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. P. Verster 051-401-2972 051-448-9203 versterp.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs in die Departement: Verster, P. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geak-krediteerde navorsingstydskrifte VERSTER, P. Conversion as primary aim of mission? Missionalia 2002;30(1):39-45. Discussion with Willem Saayman on reformed missiology. VERSTER, P. Gedeelde kontekstuele kennis in die brief aan die Romeine [Mutual contextual beliefs in the Letter to the Romans]. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap 2002;38(1&2):121-133. VERSTER, P. Jesus is ons versoening. Die implikasies van die versoening vir die sending [Jesus is our reconciliation. The implications of reconciliation for mission]. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 2002;43(3&4):634-340. VERSTER, P. Die bemagtiging van die armes in informele behuisingsgemeenskappe in Mangaung [The empowerment of the poor in informal housing units in Mangaung]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):262-274. KRITZINGER, J.J., SCHOEMAN, L., VERSTER, P. Die wit kerk en swart nood: is daar nog sout in die soutpot oor? Opmerkings oor die betrokkenheid van die wit kerk by die MIV/Vigs-pandemie in Suid-Afrika [The white church and black needs: is there still salt left in the salt cellar? Remarks on the involvement of the white church with the HIV/Aids pandemic in South Africa]. Verbum et Ecclessia. 2002;23(2):468-480. Artistic works/presentations/ Artistieke werke/aanbiedinge VERSTER, P. Gedigte Ramallah, Diamantslyper, Die mense rondom Jesus, Elegieë, Bloemfontein, Somer, Winter, Litnet http://www.mweb.co.za/litnet/poësie. VERSTER, P. My president? Literator 2002;23(1):125. 219 Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel AFEKE, Bright LEADERSHIP IN AFRICAN CONTEXT: A MISSIOLOGICAL APPROACH. Promoter: Prof. P. Verster DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT DEPARTEMENT NUWE TESTAMENT Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. H.C. van Zyl +27 051 401-2667 +27 051 448-9203 vanzyl.stg@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs in die Departement: Tolmie, D.F. Prof Van Zyl, H.C. Prof. De Villiers, P.G.R. Prof. Ito, H. Dr. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte VAN ZYL, H.C. Die Nuwe Testament en seksualiteit [The New Testament and sexuality]. Teologiese Dag van die Fakulteit Teologie/Theological Day of the Faculty of Theology. Bloemfontein, 19 Februarie/February 2002. VAN ZYL, H.C. The soteriologial meaning of Jesus' death in Luke-Acts. A survey of possibilities. Nuwe-Testamentiese Werksgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika/New Testament Society of South Africa. Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 9-12 April 2002. VAN ZYL, H.C. The soteriology of Acts. Congress on the soteriology of the New Testament. University of Pretoria, 30-31 May 2002. TOLMIE, D.F. Die vertaling van die onoma-uitdrukkings in die Nuwe Testament [The translation of onoma-expressions in the New Testament]. Nuwe-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika/New Testament Society of South Africa. Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 9-12 April 2002. TOLMIE, D.F. Redemption-metaphors in the Pauline Literature. Congress on the soteriology of the New Testament. University of Pretoria, 30-31 May 2002. DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. Symbolism in Revelation. New Testament Society of South Africa. Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 9-12 April 2002. DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. Geskiedenis, geloof en die Evangelies. Perspektiewe op die verhouding tussen geskiedenis en teologie in die Bybelwetenskappe [History, faith and the Gospels. Perspectives on the relationship between history and theology in the Bible sciences]. Fakulteit Teologie/Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch, 20 Mei/May 2002. DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. Revelation and the Early Church. Teasing and complexifying. South African Society for Patristic and Byzantine Studies. Kemptonpark, 29 November 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. 220 Renaissance and religion: the Bible in a time of radical change. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):19-46. DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. Persecution in the Book of Revelation. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):47-70. DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. Geskiedenis, geloof en die Evangelies. Perspektiewe op die verhouding tussen geskiedenis en teologie in die Bybelwetenskappe [History, faith and the gospels. Perspectives on the relationship between history and theology in Biblical studies]. Scriptura 2002;80:161-172. DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. The composition of Revelation 17 and its place in the book as a whole. Acta Patristica et Byzantina 2002;13:96-117. DE VILLIERS, P.G.R. Rome in the historical interpretation of Revelation. Acta Patristica et Byzantina 2002;13:118-140. ITO, H. Johannine irony demonstrated in John 9: Part 1. Neotestamentica 2000;34(2):361-371. ITO, H. Johannine irony demonstrated in John 9: Part 2. Neotestamentica 2000;34(2):373-387. TOLMIE, D.F. Paulus se retoriese strategie in Galasiërs 3:1-14. [Paul's rhetorical strategy in Galatians 3:1-14]. Verbum et Ecclesia 2002;23(1):209-225. TOLMIE, D.F. Die vertaling van onoma-uitdrukkings in die Nuwe Testament [The translation of onoma-expressions in the New Testament]. Hervormde Teologiese Studies 2002;58(3):901-918 TOLMIE, D.F. Allegorie as argument: Galasiërs 4:21-5:1 in retoriese perspektief [Allegory as argument: Galatians 4:21-5:1 in rhetorical perspective]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):163-178. TOLMIE, D.F. Paul's rhetorical strategy in Galatians 4:1-11. Ekklesiastikos Pharos 2002;84(1&2) VAN ZYL, H.C. Die Nuwe Testament en seksualiteit [The New Testament and sexuality]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):234261. VAN ZYL, H.C. The soteriologial meaning of Jesus' death in Luke-Acts. A survey of possibilities. Verbum et Ecclesia 2002;23(2):533-557. Book and other reviews / Boek- en ander resensies TOLMIE, D.F. T. E. van Spanje. Inconsistency in Paul. A critique of the work of Heikki Räisänen. (WUNT 2.110. 1999. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck). Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):275-279. TOLMIE, D.F. L. Thurén. Derhetorizing Paul. A dynamic perspective on Pauline theology and the law. (WUNT 124. 2000. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck). Acta Theologica 2002;22(2),279-280. Editorships/co-editorships / Redakteurs/mederedakteurs 221 VAN ZYL, H.C. Lid van die redaksionele komitee van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika met die oog op die Afrikaanse vertaling van die Bybel vir dowes/Member of the editorial committee of the Bible Society of South Africa with a view to the Afrikaans translation of the Bible for the deaf. VAN ZYL, H.C. Lid van die redaksie- en keurkomitee/Member of the editorial and referee committee: Verbum et Ecclesia VAN ZYL, H.C. Mede-redakteur/Associate editor: Neotestamentica TOLMIE, D.F. Lid van die redaksionele komitee van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika met die oog op die Afrikaanse vertaling van die Bybel vir dowes/Member of the editorial committee of the Bible Society of South Africa with a view to the Afrikaans translation of the Bible for the deaf. TOLMIE, D.F. Redakteur/Editor: Acta Theologica. TOLMIE, D.F. Mede-redakteur/Associate editor: Neotestamentica Membership of Professional and Scientific Associations/Lidmaatskap van Professionele en Wetenskaplike Verenigings VAN ZYL, H.C. Lid/Member: Nuwe-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika/New Testament Society of South Africa. Member/Member: Society of Biblical Literature Lid/Member: Nuwe-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika/New Testament Society of South Africa. Member/Lid: Society of Biblical Literature Member/Lid: Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas DEPARTMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT DEPARTEMENT OU TESTAMENT Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. S.D. Snyman +27-(0)51-401-2787 +27-(0)51-448-9203 snymansd.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Snyman, S.D. Prof. Fisher, S. Dr Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte SNYMAN, S.D. Die verstaan en funksie van die Ou Testament in die kerk (of: kan die kerk klaarkom sonder die Ou Testament?) Deel I [The understanding and function of the Old Testament in the church (or can the church do without the Old Testament?) Part 1]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):126-146. SNYMAN, S.D. Die verstaan en funksie van die Ou Testament in die kerk (of: kan die kerk klaarkom sonder die Ou Testament?) Deel II [The understanding and function of the Old Testament in the church (or can the church do without the Old Testament?) Part II]. Acta Teologica 2002;22(2):147-162. SNYMAN, S.D. 222 A Structural-historical investigation of hamas wasod in Jeremiah 6:1-8. Hervormde Teologiese Studies 2002;58(4):1593-1603. DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL THEOLOGY DEPARTEMENT PRAKTIESE TEOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof. J. Janse v Rensburg +27-(0)51-401-2672 +27-(0)51-448-9203 jvrensj.hum@mail.uovs.ac.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs verbonde aan die Departement: Janse van Rensburg, J. Prof. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte JANSE VAN RENSBURG, J. Die postmoderne mens aan wie die evangelie verkondig moet word [Postmodern man as object of preaching]. Praktiese Teologie in SA/Practical Theology in SA 2002;17(2):39-60. CASALEGIO, E., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, J. Die onderwerp van ‘n terapeutiese model vir die pastorale seksuologie [The design of a therapeutic model for a pastoral sexology]. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 2002;43(3&4):368-375. JANSE VAN RENSBURG, J. Narrative preaching – yet another perspective. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):219-233. VAN JAARSVELD, F.J., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, J. Godskonsepte tydens pastorale gesprekvoering [Concepts of God within pastoral care]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):179-197. VAN JAARSVELD, F.J., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, J. ‘n Tegniek vir die identifisering van mense se konsepte van God [A technique for identifying people’s concepts of God]. Acta Theologica 2002;22(2):198-218. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel BERGH, Stephanus Jacobus GESINSBEDIENING AS ‘N GEÏNTEGREERDE DEEL VAN DIE OPBOU VAN DIE GEMEENTE. [FAMILY MINISTRY AS AN INTEGRATED PART OF THE UPBUILDING OF THE CONGREGATION]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. J.S. Kellerman Medepromotor/Co-promoter: Prof. J. Janse van Rensburg HOFFMAN, Lyzette ‘N VERBOND-GEFUNDEERDE PARADIGMA VIR DIE PASTORALE BEGELEIDING VAN DIE EGPAAR MET FERTILITEITSUITDAGINGS. [A COVENANT-BASED PARADIGM FOR THE PASTORAL GUIDANCE OF A MARRIED COUPLE WITH FERTILITY CHALLENGES]. Promotor Promoter: Prof. J. Janse van Rensburg Medepromotor Co-promoter:: Prof. D.C. Groenewald KLEYNHANS, Daniël Jacobus Bruwer GEESTELIKE GROEI AS KOMMUNIKASIEPROSES TUSSEN DIE LEWENSVERHAAL VAN ‘N GELOWIGE EN GOD SE VERHAAL MET DIE GELOWIGE. [SPIRITUAL GROWTH AS COMMUNICATION PROCESS BETWEEN THE LIFE NARRATIVE OF A BELIEVER AND GOD’S NARRATIVE WITH THE BELIEVER]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. J.S. Kellerman Medepromotor/Copromoter: Prof. J. Janse van Rensburg SCHOEMAN, Willem Jacobus 223 ‘N PRAKTIES-TEOLOGIESE BASISTEORIE VIR GEMEENTE-ANALISE. [A PRACTICAL THEORETICAL BASIS THEORY FOR CONGREGATION ANALYSIS]. Promotor/ Promoter: Prof. J.S. Kellerman Medepromotor/Co-promoter: Prof. J. Janse van Rensburg VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Johannes Dawid DEKONSTRUERING VAN DIE VERHOUDINGS-WANBALANS TUSSEN ADOLESSENTE EN OUERS: ‘N PASTORAAL-NARRATIEWE BENADERING. [DECONSTRUCTION OF THE RELATIONAL IMBALANCE BETWEEN ADOLESCENTS AND PARENTS: A PASTORALNARRATIVE APPROACH]. Promotor/Promoter: Prof. J. Janse van Rensburg DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY DEPARTEMENT DOGMATOLOGIE Head of Department/Departementshoof: Prof, S.A. Strauss +27 051 401-2788 +27 051 448-9203 herselh.hum@mail.uovs.co.za Authors in the Department/Outeurs in die Departement: Doubell, F.B. Dr Nel, C. Ds./Rev. Strauss, S.A. Prof. Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke STRAUSS, S.A. Reformerend die millennium in: kerklik [Reforming the millennium in: ecclesiastical]. Ons Calvinistiese Erfenis en Roeping/Our Calvinistic Heritage and Calling, 1652-2002, Van Niekerk, E.J., Hayes, H.J. (reds/eds) 2002;87-107. Conference proceedings / Konferensieverhandelinge STRAUSS, S.A. From Bloemfontÿn to Nairobi : reformed theology in Africa. In: Faith and Ethnicity, Volume 1, Van der Borght, A.J.G., Van Keulen, D., Brinkman, M.E. (eds.), Neinema, Zoetermeer, 2002:244-255. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte DOUBELL, F.B. Voorsienigheid, persoonlikheid en spiritualiteit – vierkantige voorsienigheidsleer [Providence, personality and spirituality – a four-sided doctrine of providence]. Acta Theologica Supplementum 3, 2002:48-65. NEL, C., STRAUSS, S.A. 'n Teologies-kritiese beoordeling van die verhouding tussen die objektiewe en die subjektiewe aspekte in die heilstoeëiening by P.F. Theron. [A theological-critical evaluation of the relationship between the objectivistic and subjectivistic aspects in the appropriation of salvation in the work of P.F. Theron]. Acta Theologica 22(2):90-100. STRAUSS, S.A. Die verhouding tussen dogmatiek en etiek in die teologie van J.A. Heyns [The relationship between dogmatics and ethics in the theology of J.A. Heyns]. In die Skriflig 36(2):169-183. STRAUSS, S.A. Pieter Potgieter as mens en teoloog: essensieel en eietyds [Pieter Potgieter, his personality and theology : essential and contemporary]. Acta Theologica Supplementum 3, 2002:1-16. /teologie02 224 UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE CAMPUS - QWAQWA - KAMPUS Head of Campus/Hoof van Kampus: Prof. P.A. Mbati +27-(0)51-401-7185000 mbatipa@uniqwa.ac.za FACULTY OF EDUCATION Dean/Dekaan: Mr T.V. Lebeta +27-(0)51-401-7185000 lebetav@uniqwa.ac.za Conference proceedings / Konferensiehandelinge BOJUWOYE, O. Small group teaching. Teach you very best. Proceedings of a regional conference for staff from tertiary institutions from SADC Countries held from 1-3 October 2001 at Hotel Safari, Safari Court and Conference Centre, Windhoek, Namibia, edited by Otaala, B. and Opali, M.A. 2002:139-148. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte BOJUWOYE, O. Attitude of high school students in the eastern Free State to Science and Mathematics, SSCSA Conference, Royal Swazi Convention Centre, Swaziland, 28-31 October 2002. BOJUWOYE, O. Traditional African cultural psychotherapeutic practices, First Panafrican Conference of Mental Health, Dakar, Senegal, 18-20 March 2002. Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte SEITISHO, B. Lamenting Shakespeare: the missing literary link in South Africa’s outcomes-based education system (OBE). Perspectives in Education 2002;20(3):133-139 Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte BOJUWOYE, O. Stressful experiences of first-year undergraduate students of selected universities in South Africa. Counseling Psychology Quarterly 2002;15(3):277-290. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel MOODLEY, ANSUYAHDEVI THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL IN THE PROVISION OF SCHOOL-FOCUSSED IN-SERVICE EDUCATION AND TRAINING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN KWAZULUNATAL. Promoter: Prof. D.R. Bagwandeen, Co-promoter: Mr K.S. Mlondzo Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BUTHELEZI, Penelope Zamashenye Gugulethu EFFECT OF CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AND MOTION ORIENTED INSTRUCTIONALPROGRAMMES ON TOTAL DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS IN SEMI-RURAL SCHOOLS. Supervisor: Prof. J.M. Benedict. 225 HONGWANE, Vussy Albany A CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES IN THE ESTCOURT DISTRICT OF KWAZULUNATAL. Supervisor: Prof. P.A. Mbati. MBATI, Lydia Sophia DISTANCE EDUCATION AND OPEN LEARNING: THE DELIVERY OF COMPUTER BASED EDUCATION IN SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTIONS. Supervisor: Prof. J.N. Benedict. 226 FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN SCIENCES Dean Prof. A.S. Wamala Chapters in books / Hoofstukke in boeke MENSAH, S. Labour markets migration and Lesotho’s economy. Migration and Development in Southern Africa, K Matlosa (ed.). 2002, Chapter 7:211-250. Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte CLAASSEN, J.H.D. Business management profile of emerging farmers in the Qwaqwa area – a geographical survey. VI International Symposium, Birobidzhan, Russia, 30 September - 2 October 2002. DLADLA, M.A. The current status of African languages in South Africa, ALASA National Conference, Durban, 4-5 July 2002. GROENEWALD, G.H., VAN NIEKERK, E.M.J., VAN ZYL, W.F. The potential of high-tech tourism venture versus existing low impact tourism activities in the Drakensberg, South Africa, IGU Conference, Durban, 4-7 August 2002. GROENEWALD, G.H., VAN ZYL, W.F. Environmental impact assessment – fact or fiction, IGU Conference, Durban, 4-7 August 2002. MALETE, E.N. Subject negation in Sesotho subordinate clauses, ALASA National Conference, Umtata, 4-5 July 2002. NAIDOO, V. Has affirmative action reached South African women? Women World Congress, Kampala, Uganda, 21-26 July 2002. SCHOEMAN, P.A. Globalization and the “Clash of Civilization”, Justice & Globalisation Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 13-15 June 2002. SEMELA, M.S. Sticks against bullets: stories of a great battle from the voices of experience, XIIth International Oral History Conference, Pietermaritzburg, 24-27 June 2002. VAN NIEKERK, E.M.J. The empowerment of hill slope farmers through EIA capacity building and “Community based empowerment strategies for sustainable settlement South Africa”, IAIA02 Conference, Den Haag, Netherlands, 15-21 June 2002. VAN ZYL, A. Globalisation and governance – the impact of globalisation upon the sovereignty of the nation state, Justice and Globalisation Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 13-15 June 2002 Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte CLAASSEN, J.H.D., DE VILLIERS, G.D.T., VILJOEN, M.F. Emerging farmers: you reap what you sow. A study of emerging farmers in South Africa’s Qwaqwa region. Africa Insight 2002;32(2):53-58. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte ADJEI, A. Sustainability and the future. Koetsa 2002;1(1):137-141. 227 BOTHA, J.V.H., TSOTETSI, A.M., VAN ZYL, W.F. Contribution of tourism planning in the local development of Harrismith, Phuthaditjhaba and Clarens. Acta Geography 2002 RUHIIGA, T.M. Optimizing profitability of urban hawking. Koetsa 2002;1(1)34-40. Master’s degree completed / Magistergraad afgehandel BENEDICT, OLUMIDE HENRIE EFFECTIVE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AS A TOOL TOWARDS GOODS MANAGEMENT IN S A PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Supervisor: Prof. C.R. Snyman Co-Supervisor: Mr I.A. Mohan MOFOKENG, George Lazarus UBUNTU PRACTICE IN SOUTH AFRICA : CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS FOR TRANSFORMATION IN POST-APARTHEID ERA. Supervisor: Dr. M.A. Masoga. MORAR, Mokesh Kantilal RETHINKING LIBERATION THEOLOGIES: THE CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE COMMUNIST PARTY (INDIA) IN KERALA: A THEOLOGICAL, ETHICAL EVALUATION AND UNDERPINNINGS FOR SOUTH AFRICA. Supervisor: Dr. M.A. Masoga. 228 FACULTY OF NATURAL & APPLIED SCIENCES Dean Prof. P.C. Keulder +27-(0)51-401-7185000 keulderpc@qwa.uovs.ac.za Books / Boeke RODWELL, J.S., SCHANINEE, J.H.J., MUCINA, L., PIGNATTI, S., DRING, J., MOSS, D. The diversity of European vegetation: an overview of phytosociological alliances and their relationships to EUNIS habitats, National Centre for Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, Wageningen. Conference proceedings / Konferensieverhandelinge MUCINA, L., GELDENHUYS, C.J. How to classify South African indigenous forests: approach, methods, problems, perspectives.. proceedings of the Multiple Use Management of Natural Forests and Savanna Woodlands : Policy Refinements and Scientific Progress, Seydack, A.H.W., Vorster, T., Vermeulen, W.J., van der Merwe, I.J. (eds.) Conference presentations / Konferensievoordragte DANIELS, S.R., HEIDEMAN, N.J.L., HENDRICKS, M.G.J. A molecular phylogeny of the South African limbless lizard fauna of the subfamily Acontinae (Sauria: Scincidae) with special emphasis on relationships within the genus Acontias. Third Annual Conference of the Southern African Society of Systemic Biology, Grahamstown, 16-18 January 2002. HLANGOTHI, S.P., LUYT, A.S., KRUPA, I., DJOKOVIC, V. Investigation of thermal and mechanical properties of cross-linked and uncross-linked LLDPE / wax blends, 36th Convention of the South African Chemical Institute, Port Elizabeth, 1-5 July 2002. HLATSHWAYO, M., SZABO, M.J.P., BECHARA, G.H., MBATI, P.A. Cross-reactivity between antigens of Amblyomma cajennense and Amblyomma hebraeum ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). 31st Annual Conference of the Parasitological Society of Southern Africa, Golden Gate, 7-11 October 2002. HOARE, D., MUCINA, L. VAN DER MERWE, D.B., PALMER, T. Classification and digital mapping of grasslands of the Eastern Cape. 28th Annual Conference of South African Association of Botanists, Grahamstown, 13-16 January 2002. MAKONI, F.S., NDAMBA, J., MBATI, P.A., MANASE, G. Excreta and waste disposal practices, the health implication on the poor urban community of Epworth, Zimbabwe. 31st Annual Conference of the Parasitological Society of South Africa, Golden Gate, 7-11 October 2002. MBATI, P.A., HLATSHWAYO, M., MTSHALI, M.S., MOKGASWANE, K.R., DE WAAL, D.T., DIPEOLU, O.O. Ticks and tick-borne diseases of livestock belonging to resource-poor farmers in the Eastern Free State – South Africa. 4th International Conference on Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 21-26 July 2002. MCPHERSON, M. Measures of relaxation-likeness in irradiated silicon diodes. 47th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Potchefstroom, 25-27 September 2002. MOKOENA, M., DJOKOVIC, V., LUYT, A.S. The effects of cross linking on the mechanical properties of sisal fibre – polyethylene composites. UNESCO School & IUPAC Conference on Macromolecules & Materials Science, Stellenbosch, 23-28 March 2002, MTSHALI, T.N., DJOKOVIC, V., LUYT, A.S. The influence of wax content on the physical properties of low-density polyethylene - wax blends. 7th European Symposium on Polymer Blends, Lyon, France, 27-29 May 2002. 229 MTSHALI, T.N., LUYT, A.S., VAN SITTERT, C.G.C.E., DJOKOVIC, V. PE/wax blends: influence of oxygen groups and mode of preparation on blend properties. UNESCO School & IUPAC Conference on Macromolecules & Materials Science, Stellenbosch, 23-28 March 2002. MUCINA, L. Meta-analysis in vegetation science: problems and perspectives. 28th Annual Conference of South African Association of Botanists, Grahamstown, 13-16 January 2002. MUCINA, L. Descriptive vegetation science. Where do we stand? Where do we go? Keynote lecture at the 11th International Symposium of European Vegetation Survey (IAVS), Rome, Italy, 4-9 September 2002 NHLAPO, N.S., VOSLOO, H.C.M., DU PLESSIS, J.A.K. Alkyne polymerization using metallocene catalysts. CATSA Conference, Sea Point, Cape Town, 10-13 November 2002. NYAILE, F. THEKISOE, O., BISSCHOP, S., MBATI, P.A. Disease causing agents in free-ranging poultry from the Qwaqwa district of the Free State province, South Africa. 31st Annual Conference of the Parasitological Society of South Africa, Golden Gate, 7-11 October 2002. SCHRÖDER, J. Eine dichte und disjunkte Packung des Hilbertwürfels. Mathematical Colloquium of the Free University, Berlin Germany, 10 January 2002. SCHRÖDER, J. Packing boxes densely and disjointly. North-West German Category Seminar, Wuppertal, Germany, 9 March 2002. SCHRÖDER, J. Filling boxes densely and disjointly. Stellenbosch, 7 November 2002. 45th Annual meeting of the South African Mathematical Society, THEKISOE, M.M.O., BISSCHOP, S., MBATI, P.A. Investigation of a strategy to vaccinate free-ranging village chickens in Qwaqwa, South Africa. 31st Annual Conference of the Parasitological Society of South Africa, Golden Gate, 7-11 October 2002 Research articles in accredited research journals / Navorsingsartikels in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskrifte HEIDEMAN, N.J.L. A comparison of the breeding and non-breeding season diets of Agama aculeate and Agama planiceps planiceps (Reptilia: Agamidae) in Windhoek, Namibia. Journal of Herpetology 2002;36(3) 515-520. HLATSHWAYO, M., MBATI, P.A., DIPEOLU, O. Seasonal abundance of adult ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) on cattle belonging to resource-poor farmers in the north-eastern Free State Province. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;69:1-6. KRUPA., I., LUYT, A.S. Cross-linking of LDPE/wax blends in the presence of dicumyl peroxide. South African Journal of Chemistry 2002;55:52-60. MCPHERSON, M. Capacitive effects in neutron-irradiated silicon diodes. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 2002;488:100-109. WIKBERG, S., MUCINA, L. Spatial variation in vegetation and abiotic factors related to the occurrence of a ring forming sedge. Journal of Vegetation Science 2002;13:677-684. Research articles published in other journals / Navorsingsartikels in ander tydskrifte 230 DANIELS, S.R., HEIDEMAN, N.J.L., HENDRICKS, M.G.J., WILSON, B.A. A molecular phylogeny for the South African limbless lizard fauna of the subfamily Acontinae (Sauria: Scincidae) with special emphasis on relationships with the genus Acontias. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2002;24(2):314-322. HEIDEMAN, N.J.L. Raillietiella namibiensi (Pentastomida: Cephalobaenida) infection of Agama aculeate aculeate and Agama planiceps planiceps (Reptilia: Agamidae), in Windhoek, Namibia. The British Herpetological Journal 2002;12;37-38. MCPHERSON, M. Emission and capture processes in radiation-damaged silicon semiconductor diodes. Current Applied Physics 2002;2:359-363. Doctor’s degree completed / Doktorsgraad afgehandel THEKISOE, MATLAHAHANE MOLIFI ORIEL AN INVESTIGATION OF A STRATEGY FOR THE VACCINATION OF FREE RANGING CHICKENS AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN QWAQWA, SOUTH AFRICA. Supervisor: Prof. P.A. Mbati. 231
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