sacred heart catholic church and school and saint gerard mission
sacred heart catholic church and school and saint gerard mission
Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time August 2, 2015 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL AND SAINT GERARD MISSION Redemptorists Serving our Parish: Fr. Thomas Burke, C.Ss.R. Fr. Edward Gray, C.Ss.R. Fr. Francis Nelson, C.Ss.R. Fr. George Rosario, C.Ss.R. Deacon Darrell Cevasco, C.Ss.R. Redemptorist Permanent Missionary Residing S.H. Rectory Fr. Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R. Permanent Deacons Serving Sacred Heart Parish: Deacon Steve Cooley, Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday: 7, 9 & 11:30am Weekdays: 7 & 11am Saturdays: 7:00am Holy Day Vigil: 7:00pm Holy Day: 7:00 & 11:00am Rosary: Mon.-Fri. at 10:30am Mon.-Sat after 7 am Mass Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00—3:45 pm Thursday before 1st Fri. 4—5 pm Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Friday 7:30am -4:00 pm Divine Mercy Devotions Friday 4:00 pm St. Gerard Mission Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Sunday: 10:00am Wednesdays: 9:00am Holy Days: 9:00am Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Marian Prayer Priest Prayers: Mondays -9:30am Reconciliation half hr. before Mass Sacred Heart School: Principal:Mrs. Leigh Svajko Phone:386-428-4732 We Welcome Fr. Thomas Burke, C.Ss.R., our new pastor, this weekend to Sacred Heart and St. Gerard . Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Phone, 386-428-6426 / Location, 998 Fr. Donlan Dr., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Please visit our website: for Information on Redemptorists & Our Parish History Email: St. Gerard Mission: Phone: 386-426-0930 / website: / Location, 3171 S. Ridgewood Ave. Edgewater, FL 32141 August 2, 2015 Dear Friends, WEEKLY REFLECTIONS FROM OUR PASTOR Tuesday night the office staff treated me to a very tasty farewell dinner at the Garlic Restaurant in New Smyrna Beach. I’m not sure if it was the garlic or the mojito cocktail I tried, but in any event, I woke up in the middle of the night with the following thought running through my mind, this weekend I will not be at Sacred Heart Parish saying Mass! As I sat in the darkness, I wondered what it would be like this weekend standing in front of a new family of parishioners at Our Lady of the Hills in South Carolina, then I fell asleep. As you read this letter, I am at my new assignment in Columbia, South Carolina, and your new Pastor, Fr. Tom Burke, CSs.R. is with you now. However, as outgoing Pastor I would like to welcome Fr. Tom to Sacred Heart Parish. Fr. Tom is coming to us from St. Ann’s Parish in Sumter, South Carolina. I am confident that Fr. Tom will have a fruitful and enjoyable stay here as your new Pastor. I am sure that you will open your hearts to Fr. Tom just as you did with me for many years. I pray that the Holy Spirit grant your new Pastor, Fr. Tom Burke, C.Ss.R. all the strength and fortitude he will need to guide and shepherd the parish of Sacred Heart. And I pray that Mary our Mother of Perpetual Help watch over and protect all the parishioners of Sacred Heart. Sacred Heart Parish will always be in my prayers, especially when I celebrate the Eucharist. Your brother in Christ, Father John Francis Murray, C.Ss.R. God’s Plan for Giving Week of July 26, 2015 Stewardship Income Last Week ................... $8,601.00 Online Giving this Week ................................... $295.00 Income (2015)Total Offertory ....................... $8,896.00 Offertory Income Same Week last yr............ $8,599.00 Online Giving Same Week last yr. ................... $291.00 Total Ofertory Same Week (2014) ................. $8,890.00 Total Stewardship Income Increase/Decrease .................... $6.00 Total Offertory Same Week (2013) ................ $8,282.00 Prior to Offertory Enhancement Initiative) Attendance This Week: ........................................... 927 Attendance Same Week Last Year: ........................ 778 Stewardship Quote: “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” —Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Special Collection Today: Aug. 2, 2015 Latin America & Catholic University Our Catholic Appeal - 2015 Thank you for your generosity. Sacred Heart Community Total Registered Households 975 Target Pledged Amount Paid to Date $128,735.00 $92,059.50 $75,140.85 Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission __________________________________________________________ 2 News from Pope Francis Forty-five thousand sign up for WYD only a few hours after Pope Francis - Meeting on the field of mercy Today’s Scripture Reflection Is there anything in this life that can truly satisfy our deepest hunger and longing? Many sought Jesus out because he offered them something no one else could give - bread from heaven from the very hand of God himself. When Jesus had performed the miracle of multiplying five loaves of bread and two fish to provide a refreshing and satisfying meal for more than 5000 people (see John 6:1-15), they wanted to make him their king - no doubt because they wanted more. When Jesus withdrew from the crowd and quietly returned to Capernaum to be with his twelve disciples, they ran to seek him there (John 6:24-25). Jesus met them with a probing question - are you looking for physical food that perishes or food that gives eternal life? Saint Alphonsus de Liguori August 1 At the University of Naples he received, at the age of 16, a doctorate in both canon and civil law by acclamation, but he soon gave up the practice of law for apostolic activity. He was ordained a priest and concentrated his pastoral efforts on popular (parish) missions, hearing confessions, forming Christian groups. He founded the Redemptorist congregation in 1732. It was an association of priests and brothers living a common life, dedicated to the imitation of Christ, and working mainly in popular missions for peasants in rural areas. Almost as an omen of what was to come later, he found himself deserted, after a while, by all his original companions except one lay brother. But the congregation managed to survive and was formally approved 17 years later, though its troubles were not over. Alphonsus’ great pastoral reforms were in the pulpit and confessional—replacing the pompous oratory of the time with simplicity, and the rigorism of Jansenism with kindness. His great fame as a writer has somewhat eclipsed the fact that for 26 years he traveled up and down the Kingdom of Naples, preaching popular missions. He was made bishop (after trying to reject the honor) at 66 and at once instituted a thorough reform of his diocese. His greatest sorrow came toward the end of his life. The Redemptorists, precariously continuing after the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, had difficulty in getting their Rule approved by the Kingdom of Naples. Alphonsus acceded to the condition that they possess no property in common, but a royal official, with the connivance of a high Redemptorist official, changed the Rule substantially. Alphonsus, old, crippled and with very bad sight, signed the document, unaware that he had been betrayed. The Redemptorists in the Papal States then put themselves under the pope, who withdrew those in Naples from the jurisdiction of Alphonsus. It was only after his death that the branches were united. At 71 he was afflicted with rheumatic pains which left incurable bending of his neck; until it was straightened a little, the pressure of his chin caused a raw wound on his chest. He suffered a final 18 months of “dark night” scruples, fears, temptations against every article of faith and every virtue, interspersed with intervals of light and relief, when ecstasies were frequent. Alphonsus is best known for his moral theology, but he also wrote well in the field of spiritual and dogmatic theology. His Glories of Mary is one of the great works on that subject, and his book Visits to the Blessed Sacrament went through 40 editions in his lifetime, greatly influencing the practice of this devotion in the Church. Comment: St. Alphonsus was known above all as a practical man who dealt in the concrete rather than the abstract. His life is indeed a “practical” model for the everyday Christian who has difficulty recognizing the dignity of Christian life amid the swirl of problems, pain, misunderstanding and failure. Alphonsus suffered all these things. He is a saint because he was able to maintain an intimate sense of the presence of the suffering Christ through it all. Quote: Someone once remarked, after a sermon by Alphonsus, "It is a pleasure to listen to your sermons; you forget yourself and preach Jesus Christ." Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ______________________________________________________ BELIEFS AND TEACHINGS Less than 24 hours after registration opened for next year's World Youth Day (WYD), 45,000 people had already signed up. The first to register was Pope Francis himself who had previously announced that the theme of the meeting would revolve around mercy. According to the website's managers, thus far there are 250 “macrogroups” and 300 volunteers signed up. The countdown to the event is already surrounded by great enthusiasm. In exactly one year — from 26 to 31 July 2016 — young people will meet in Krakow for the 31st WYD. Twenty five years after its start, WYD will return to Poland, the land of the Pontiff who created it. Even if Pope Wojtyła loved to say that “it was the young people themselves who invented WYD”. In 1991 in Częstochowa, a strong wind of faith was announced to the young people and from them the faith blew beyond the iron curtain. The young Christians of eastern and western Europe experienced the first large -scale encounter after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Pope Wojtyła returned to his homeland for WYD which saw the participation of more than one million people. A true jubilee of young people will be celebrated on a global level. Pope Francis recalled this at the Angelus and Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, also underlined it in a message published on the dicastery's website. The theme of WYD is “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” is part of the extraordinary holy year which will begin on 8 December. WYD in Krakow will complete a three part series of themes dedicated to the Beatitudes. The theme in Rio in 2014 was “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. This year's theme for the 30th WYD on the diocesan level is “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God”. Saint of the Week 3 Mission Statement We, the Eucharistic communities of Sacred Heart and St. Gerard, being faithful to the Mission of the Church as expressed by the Redemptorist way of life, seek and invite others into an ever deepening relationship with Jesus and with one another. Seeking to build up the Kingdom of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, nourished by the Sacraments and Prayer, we commit to reaching out to everyone through evangelization, especially to those most in need. Sacred Heart Girl’s Vocation Club Meetings Our meetings will resume on Monday September 14th, 2015 We will meet 2nd Monday of each month in the Knight’s Hall at 3:00pm. All girls are warmly invited to join us! Sister Josephine Marie will be joining us again this year FF FFOORRRM A TTIIO N FAAAIIITTTH H M H FO MA A T IO ON N FAITH FORMATION If you would like to request a Prayer Shawl for someone sick or to participate in making shawls please contact Helen Prentiss at 427-5432. Calling all Married Couples Please consider a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to enhance better communication. For more information or to register for the Oct 9 @ 730pm (through Oct 11th@4pm) please contact... Bob/Sheila Baker at 407-647-4289 or WWME.Org. You will glad you did! Fr Murray’s new parish, as of August 1, 2015 Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church 120 Marydale Lane, Columbia, SC 29210 | | 803.772.7400 The Religious Articles Store is open after weekend Masses. The store has lovely things such as Crosses, Rosaries, Statues and Medals for yourself or as gifts. Please come by after Mass today or call the parish office 428-6426 during the week. The Centering Prayer Group meets from 6:30 – 8:00 pm on Tuesday evenings in the Parish Library Located In the Knights Hall Building. We invite you to join us in 20 minutes of meditation followed by a teaching of Fr. Thomas Keating and others associated with Contemplative Outreach of Central Florida. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) has been completed for this year with the welcoming of five new WELCOME Catholics into our church community. If any non-Catholic adult is interested in learning what the Church professes, new inquiry sessions will begin on Sept. 10, 2015, in the Knight’s Hall from 7:00pm until 8:30pm. Please register by calling the church office at 428-6426. No commitment is expected by inquiring. Please consider selecting a week to make an offering of $50.00 for flowers. Your generosity will help defray the cost to the parish, and our Worship Space will be greatly enhanced. Please consider selecting a week to make an offering of $15.00 for The Sanctuary Light to burn for the week as a reminder of the Lord’s Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist in Thanksgiving for a Loved One. Note from Pastoral Council: Please remember, we are eager to hear any comments you have related to our parish. Please place our comments in the suggestion box in the church vestibule. Please consider selecting a week to make an offering of $25.00 for altar bread and altar wine. What a wonderful way to remember a love one! During the week, and at all the weekend Masses, as the bread & wine become the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ, the entire worshipping community will be aware of your intention. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ______________________________________________________ 4 The first day back to School is August 12, 2015 Our Mission The mission of Sacred Heart Catholic School is to integrate Catholic faith and values with learning and life, treating each student as a unique child of God in a safe, supportive, and challenging academic environment. What Sets Us Apart At Sacred Heart we believe that…. G Every human life, created in God’s image, is worthy of respect and dignity. G Catholic education is an essential part of the Church’s mission to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus, to build faith communities, to celebrate through worship and to serve others without distinction. G The Gospel values of our faith are an integral part of our daily life as Catholic Christians. G A learning environment that promotes academic excellence empowers students to grow toward their God-given potential. G Sacred Heart Catholic School is the shared responsibility of the pastor, principal, teachers and staff, students parents, parish and community members. As responsible citizens, our students have the potential to transform the world. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission _________________________________________________________ 5 SACRED HEART Fr. Downey Council #4934 Grand Knight: Fran McGrath call 314-6480 Meetings are on 3rd Monday each month— We’re Catholic men dedicated to God, church, & community. 2014-15: Donated $11k to our church & school, and 3 high schools We serve lunch for the homeless & ran 9 church dinners We always need new members — call or talk to any Knight! We Would like to Thank everyone for joining us and contributing $6,500.00 The Knights of Columbus AROUND THE PARISH 1st Annual Scholarship Fund Each week for 10 weeks the winner of $25.00 will be chosen and this week’s lucky winner is David Cevasco! Five Larger Prizes on or around Oct. 3 which is the date of the Knights Rummage Sale (watch the bulletin for more winners weekly and for more news about the Knights Rummage Sale!) Sacred Heart/St. Gerard Council of Catholic Women The CCW Craft Group would like to request a donation of wine corks to use for the Craft Bazaar. The container for collection of corks will be on the table in the front lobby of the church. Thank you to everyone for your donation to help us with supplies needed. Father Murray Celebrated His Last Mass as our Pastor Sat., July 25th What a blessing to witness such a happy celebration with so many families and friends of Father Murray. Following the Mass refreshments were served in the Social Hall and people took this opportunity to express their heartfelt thanks of appreciation and love to Father Among the 600 parishioners attending this mass and celebration were the Vocations Director, Sr. Kathleen Powers, SSJ and Sr. Josephine Melican, SSJ from the Orlando Diocese. They belong to the Sisters of St. Joseph Community. This was an unexpected and happy surprise for Father Murray. They will be speaking at all masses both at Sacred Heart and St. Gerard on the weekend of August 29-30 and will continue to lead the Girls Vocation Club. Legion of Mary FOCUS STATEMENT: Our Identity: We are an Apostolic Group of Laity, inspired by our founder Frank Duff, who had a profound insight into the nature of the Church and the Role of Mary. Our Spirituality: T0 be like Mary, the Perfect Disciple of Jesus, who was over powered by the Holy Spirit. Our Apostolate: We reach out to all people to help them, through our works of loving concern, to grow in their experience of God’s liberating love. The Legion of Mary meets on Tuesdays at 9:00am in the Knights Hall. All men and women who want to deepen their Catholic Faith and find meaningful ways to express this in our community are invited to attend. We also have an Auxiliary that help us with their daily prayers. For more information, call Melanie at 402-4434. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ________________________________________________________ 6 Mass Intentions SATURDAY VIGIL, August 1 4:00pm Intentions of Ann Kish (on her 90th birthday) / Children EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Sunday, August 2 7:00am † Irene Kujawa / Daughter, Terri 9:00am † Agnes Walter / Husband, Tom 11:30am † Robert Labiak / Sister, Donna MONDAY, August 3 7:00am † Antoinette Oliveto / Lori & Frank Oliveto 11:00am † Mary Helen Chupka / Husband, Andrew TUESDAY, August 4, St. John Vianney 7:00am † Most Abandoned Souls in Purgatory / Dave & Jan Nixon 11:00am Intentions of the Sick & Dying / Carlos & Maria Costa WEDNESDAY, August 5 Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major 7:00am † Leo Comeau / Wife, Helen 11:00am † Mike Zdanis / Wife, Mary Ruth THURSDAY, August 6, Transfiguration of the Lord 7:00am † Most Abondoned Souls in Purgarory / Dave & Jan Nixon 11:00am † Roland Gendron / Bereavement Ministry FIRST FRIDAY, August 7 St. Sixtus II & Companions; St. Cajetan 7:00am Intentions of David & Lorraine Cevasco 11:00am † Roland Gendron / Esprer & Frank Radosta FIRST SATURDAY, August 8 St. Dominic; Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00am † Joan Clerkin / Robert Davidge 4:00pm † Donna Svoboda / Husband, Bob NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Sunday, August 9 7:00am † Margaret Schramm / Eucharistic Ministers 9:00am † Norbert Lack / Brother, Robert 11:30am † Stella & Frank Radosta / Grandson, Frank Radosta Readings of the Week Monday: Tuesday: Events Calendar Saturday, August 1 Memorial of St. Alphonsus Liguori Sunday, August 2 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, August 3 Tuesday, August 4 9:00am Senior Exercise / Social Hall 9:00am Legion of Mary / Knights Hall 6:30pm Centering Prayer / Knights Hall Wednesday, August 5 12:00pm CCW / Social Hall 3:00pm Jr. Legion of Mary / Social Hall Thursday, August 6 9:00am Senior Exercise / Social Hall 4:00pm Reconciliation / Church (continued above next column) First Friday, August 7 7:30—5pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 4:45pm Benediction 3:00pm Cursillo / Knights Hall 4:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Chapel First Saturday, August 8 11:00am Jr. Legion Curia / Social Hall Sunday, August 9 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Altar Bread & Wine In Memory of Charles Bourgeois Requested by Charles & Mary Wilson The Sanctuary Light Sanctuary In Honor of JudyCandles Novak In Memory of Bill Finnick Requested by Helen Tyo Requested by the Finnicks Please Pray For Our Deceased Marie Renner + Jerry Moretti + Connie Cubbedge + Don McGann, Jr. + Lisa M. Ponichtera + Marlene Lyman And Our Sick Shirley Conniff, Riley Burch, Don Bryd, Richard Gluck, Margaret Hughes, Alice Pomfret, Lee Freeman, Carolyn Caputo, Peggy Gillespie, Christen Weigel & baby, Annie Elizabeth, Trudie Lomma, Caroline Pray, Mila Lundgren, Pat McReynolds, Melissa Seay, Sandra Wilson, Sandra Szurka, Eugene Grimm, Elizabeth Smith & Baby, Stuart Emerson, Norma Frost, Wilmer Morin, Barbara Cramb, Elizabeth & Alfred Cretella, Judith Lee, Clint McHenry, Joel Rivera, Joseph Rogoish, Bob Lackas, Luisa Eugenia Gallegos-Riquelme, Mary Keane, Henry Wheeler & family, Carol Carmello, Marleene Limen, Joanne Sullivan, Rose & Matty Locascio, Stephen Sall, Mary Hall, Ray Lambert, Connie Fanning, Teresa Wilchester, Dr. Theodore Grabiak, Phyllis Foote, Don Mann, Tracey DiNicola, Tim Meade, Corrine Koehler, Joann Holderby, Abigail Means, Marylee Hall-Clennan, Chol Iorio, Rebecca Jackson, Delina Dubose, Kenneth Dougherty, Christine Feit, Jane Woods, Fr. Karl Aschmann, C.Ss.R., Fr. William Gieger, C.Ss.R., Theresa Kunda, Richard Dougherty, Stuart Emerson, Wayne Cormier, David Wright, Rose Marie Nazarak, Gail & Samuel Flowers, Nilene & John Tromley, Corlett-Bocher Family, Bala, Tony Petrocci, Robert A. Vendrasco, Lois Kelly, Joe Hochdoerfe, Alfred Cretella, Lian Maschke, Elizabeth Wolfe, Charlotte Busse, Irene Wasilawski, Ed & Bianca Love, Kevin McGann, Bernadette Plourde, Thomas Sellers, Jr., Angela Camara, Marvel Richards, Greg and Frances Rolander, Patrick Finnick, Rebecca Jackson, Delina Dubose, Darla Ward, Lou Head, Jane Sherry, Paul Michael Hyboreck, Roger Hegewald, Roland Robidoux, Barbara Newschafer, Karen Uyttewaal, Ricky Glant, Christine Popolizio, Henry Dreher, Andrew Chonko, Christa Morgan, Anthony Costanza Jr., James Adkins, Mary Mandell, Gloria Dougherty, Mary & Ed Wilson, Linda Garrito, Cheryl Hoppe, Abby Flanigan, Jim & Peg Willison, Michael Swortwood, Peter Burhard, James Speyers, C. J. Allen, Amanda Tomazin, Annabella Story, George Goodwin, Paula Rice Nemchek, Sandy Szuka, Buddy Norton, Michelle E., Dee Morton, Dorothy Rickman, John Selzer, Andrew Brophy, James Leby, June Urbanski, Lindsay Carr, Shelsey Polito, Tammy and Pam, Jeanne Meehan, Bobby Norton, Gene Slayton, Bert Lindley, Steve Lamb, Angela Espy, Jean Chavaree, Doris & Jim Fabyan, Lisa Ponichtera, Chris Hodgkins, Ronin Assiante, Zachary Troxell, Tom Lorenzen, Al Amalfitano, Bennie Ligeri, Bob Douglas, Irene Connell, Tom Schneider, James Elliott, Rose Marie Ross, Christine Beck, Mary McKey, Frank Berube, Marie Berger, Trish Kinshella, Rita Westberry, Mary Seney, Patricia Goodwin, Mary Ellen Banks, Estella Harelik, Rita McSweeney, Denise Tranfaglia, Dorothy Russ, Monica Valentino, Bobbi Montesano, Lil Lustig, Tony Talovchik, John Kilsheimer, Darlene Moncheno, Doris Magrich, Linda Gett, Rosemarie Brandriff, Jeffrey Melasseca, Sr. Michaelyn, Curtis Dunlap, Kristie Bishop-Longacre, Kenny Tomaszewski, Laura Santos & Joclynn, Linda Barringer, Linda Muessig, John Waters, Bob Morton, Joe Morton, Ulo Uibopuu, Ed Forte. Please call the parish office to place or to keep someone's name on the prayer list- after several weeks the names will be placed on the Redemptorist Chapel Prayer List. Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81:12-17; Mt 14:13-21 Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51:3-7, 12-13; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25 - 14:1,26-29a, 34-35; Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 And Our Military Friday: Dt 4:32-40; Ps 77:12-16, 21; Father, We could never thank our military men and women enough for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people. Show us ways in our Mt 16:24-28 communities, churches, and families to thank and love them better. Keep and protect Saturday: Dt 6:4-13; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; these heroes and their families, in the powerful name of Jesus we pray. Amen Mt 17:14-20 Ryan Carter, Navy, Col. John Connif, Army, M/Sgt. Austen Conniff, Air Force, SP4 Addison Conniff, Army, SN Collin Maneen, 1st Class, SFC Daniel M. Carr, Army, A1C Ashley T. Cooke, Air Force, A1C Corey Harrell, Air Force, PFC Patrick H. Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34:2-9; Smith, Marines, MSgt. James D. Eaton, USMC, Matthew Stallings, Air Force, 1st Lt. Sean Knight, Army, Chris McFall, Military, Lt. Eph 4:30 — 5:2; Jn 6:41-51 “With Him There Is Plentiful Redeemption” Gen. Robert L. Caslen, Jr., Capt. Jeffry Caslen, Lt. Col. Michael Arnold, Army, Corey Harrell, Air Force, Bryan Hollederer, Air Force, Josh Obertanze, Army, Maj. John J. Goodwin, Army-retired, Patrick H. Smith, Marine, Sgt. Nathan Benischek, Marines, Joseph Keegan, Air Force, Sgt. Timothy Dean, Marines, SGT John O'Brien, Army , Lt. Catherine O’Brien, Army, SPC Christopher O'Brien, Army, Capt. James Prial, Marines, Capt. Megan Priam, Lt. Terence Prial, Army, Lt. Daniel Prial, Army, LC Damian A. Pardy, Marine, SSG Justin Nixon, Army, Major Peter Stambersky, SFC Marlene Harshman, Army, M.Sgt. Michelle Young, Air Force, Capt. Chris Loschiavo, Army, AFC Warren Lanier, Sgt. Timothy Ingoldsby, Major Shannon Stambersky, Lt. Conor O’Donnell, Navy, Lt. Marguerite DeHaven, Navy Pilot , Lt.JG. Rory O’Donnell, Navy, Lt. Brian O’Donnell, Navy, Sgt. FC Dominic Rymarczyk, Army, Capt. Chris Loschiavo, Army, Nick Staats, Marine, Jake Cash, Army, Sgt. Al Miller, Marine, Sgt Benjamin Ligeri, Army, Tec. Sgt. Tanya S. Wolf, Army, Tec. Sgt. Tammy L. Joseph, Army, Tec. Sgt. Kathy N. Zelaya, Army, Tec. Sgt. Edwin Joseph, Army, Capt. Anthony Wolf, Army, Master Sgt. Jase L. Zelaya, Army, Sgt. 1st Class August B. Alombro. To add active-duty family members to the prayer list, please call 428-6426. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission 7 SACRED HEART PARISH OFFICE CHURCH AND SCHOOL: Mail: ....... P.O. Box 729, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170 Phone: ....................................................... 386-428-6426 Fax: ............................................................ 386-423-4088 Emergency Sick: ............................................... 428-9899 Web: LITURGICAL MINISTRIES AT SACRED HEART LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Altar Servers, Sylvia McCormick ..................... 424-9922 Eucharistic Ministers & Readers, Tom Meyer .. 427-3859 Music/Choirs, Parish Director, Don Roy ........... 428-6426 Ushers, Fran McGrath ...................................... 314-6480 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Baptismal Instruction, Augustina Conroy.......... 423-1939 First Communion & Confirmation .................... 428-6426 RCIA-Inquiry ..................................................... 428-6426 PRAYER MINISTRIES: Cursillo, Cathy Losch ........................................ 423-3604 Elijah Cup-Vocation Prayers............................. 428-6426 Legion of Mary, Melanie Barnickle ................... 402-4434 Junior Legion of Mary, Geeta Hyjek ................. 427-7855 Prayer Line, Eileen Neri .................................... 427-5780 Respect Life, Carol Hummel ............................ 427-8456 Traveling Mother of Divine Mercy Prayer Group STUDY GROUPS: Esper Radosta 386-848-1787 Small Church Community Sacred Heart, Gita-Hyjek ................................. 427-7855 Bible Study Evening, Dina Giordano .............. 428-6426 Bible Study Morning, Martha Grimes............... 427-1259 OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION:428-6426 First Reconciliation, First Communion & Confirmation, Maria Bilodeau ........................... 428-6426 Religious Education, Agustina Conroy ............. 428-6426 Young Adult Ministry, Fr. Murray ...................... 428-6426 Vocations Ministry, Fr. Murray ......................... 428-6426 PARISH OUTREACH: Bereavement Ministry, Marna Ward ................. 428-0951 Coffee & Donuts, Gisela & Art Klobucar ........... 322-0882 Habitat for Humanity, Bob Perry ....................... 426-0393 Community Lunch Program, Jeanne Gayson .. 428-2584 Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Jim Bourne ...... 426-0882 Ministers to the Sick, Loretta Wells .................. 402-4816 Parish Nurse, Dianne Barr ................................ 428-7005 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Helen Prentiss ............. 427-5432 Stewardship Committee, Lou Bartos ................ 423-5323 Welcoming Ministry, Fran McGrath ................. 314-6480 Social & Events Ministry, Luz Rodriquez ......... 689-0573 PARISH MEN & WOMEN ORGANIZATIONS: Council of Catholic Women, Barbara Grimm .. 402-8665 Knights of Columbus, Fr. Downey Council, Sacred Heart, Grand Knight Fran McGrath ...... 314-6480 PARISH MAINTENANCE MINISTRY: Gardening Angels & Dream Team Catherine Krzeminski ....................................... 428-6426 MUSIC: Parish Director, Don Roy .............. 428-6426 St. Gerard’s, Darryl Greeley ............................. 428-6426 and Ellen Graf ................................................... 345-0097 RELIGIOUS ARTICLE STORE: Call the Parish Office for Inquiries .................... 428-6426 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents & Godparents are required to attend a Sacramental Preparation Class. Please call the Parish Office at 428-6426 to register. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples wanting to be married at Sacred Heart Parish must be registered and practicing members of this parish. An appointment must be made with one of the parish priests at least 6 months in advance of the wedding. The Diocese of Orlando requires a marriage preparation program for all couples. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE / RECONCILIATION: At Sacred Heart Church the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Saturday afternoon from 3:00 to 3:45pm and on the Thursday before First Friday from 4:00 to 5:00pm or by appointment at 428-6426. At Saint Gerard Mission confessions are heard a half-hour before Mass ANOINTING of the SICK: If you have a loved one who would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick please call the parish office, 428-6426. Or for an Emergency Sick Call, please call 428-9899. COMMUNION for Shut-Ins: Call the Parish Office- 428-6426 to arrange a Friday visit. MINISTRY to the SICK/Homebound: If there is anyone at home who cannot get to Mass to celebrate the Sacraments because of illness or age, please call the parish office, 428-6426 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Friday—7:30 am to 5 pm Sacred Heart Chapel “Spend an Hour with Jesus’ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sign up to spend an hour with Jesus. Sign-up sheets are in the Main foyer of the Church Divine Mercy Chaplet 4:00pm Accompanied by Music & Song Followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4:45pm The Holy Rosary Monday - Saturday after the 7am Mass Monday - Friday before 11am Mass at 10:30am Please try our new Parish Website Friday - 10 days before Bulletin Date Please contact Bulletin Editor, Susan Hall at or fill out a form at the parish office BULLETIN DEADLINE - Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission ________________________________________________________ 8 "THERE'S ALWAYS TIME TO BE A KNIGHT" "The standard catch-all answer from prospective members is, "I don't have enough time." I try to help them realize that just being a member is valuable. We're all at different stages in our lives, and everyone has their own niche, their own comfort level. If you can set aside time to do one thing a year, that's no less important than the person who is involved day in and day out. You give what you can give." Kenneth A. McCoy, Council #16027 This quote appeared in the July 2015 issue of Columbia magazine and is reprinted with permission of the Knights of Columbus, New Haven, Conn. Our Catholic Appeal - 2015 St. Vincent de Paul Meeting St. Gerard Mission Church A St. Vincent de Paul general meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 4 at 6:30 pm at St. Gerard. All parishioners of Sacred Heart and St. Gerard’s are welcome to attend. Thank you for your generosity. Total Registered Households 382 Target $24,311.00 Pledged Amount $25,419.00 Paid to Date $20,132.35 S T. G ERARD MISSION C HURCH Reflections of Father Murray’s last mass with us at St. Gerard’s Mission Church on Wednesday, July 22. After mass the people met in the Gathering Place to say their personal good byes as we wished him much thanks for his contributions to our community. We pray God’s blessing over him as he was on his new post in Columbia, South Carolina. God’s Plan for Giving Week of July 26, 2015 Stewardship Income Last Week .................................. $2,442.00 Online Giving this Week ................................................... $15.00 Total Offertory Income (2015) ...................................... $2,457.00 Offertory Income Same Week last yr. ......................... $2,470.00 Online Giving Same Week last yr. ................................... $10.00 Tot. Offertory Same Week last yr.(2014) ..................... $2,480.00 Total Stewardship Income Increase/Decrease ............... -$23.00 Total Offertory Same Week (2013) .............................. $2,732.00 (Prior to Offertory Enhancement Initiative) Attendance This Week: ......................................................... 293 Attendance Same Week Last Year:(2014) ............................ 329 Special Collection Today: Aug. 2, 2015 Latin America & Catholic University The St. Vincent de Paul office has a chair waiting for you to fill. Please consider joining us one day a week for 4 hours answering phone calls. Hands on training provided. Call Barb Hortsing 4024352 with questions. Other volunteer opportunities are data entry, picking up meats and groceries, stacking and bagging of goods and deliveries to homes. Contact Jim Bourne 451-1203. Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School and St. Gerard Mission _________________________________________________________ 9 WWW.ORLANDODIOCESE.ORG OUR COMMUNITY