Garage Rockers Pack AD @ Amigos, P6
Garage Rockers Pack AD @ Amigos, P6
Dakota Dunes Revamp, P2 Verb Saskatoon Sep 3-9, ‘10 Movies P10 The American George Clooney turns in a superb performance as a redemptionseeking hitman in his new thriller Garage Rockers Pack A.D. @ Amigos, P6 Photo: Courtesy of the artist Sports P4 Huskies Third A new Football Reporters of Canada national poll ranks the 2010 UofS Huskies third in the CIS Offbeat P5 Kid Hitler An elementary school is forced to apologize after awarding a prize to a child dressed as Adolf Hitler 2 Local - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Roughriders Loonie Unveiled DARRELL NOAKES a closely guarded secret, even as the mint announced the unveiling SASKATOON, SK — The Saskatch- last week. ewan Roughriders have unveiled a “The Mint is delighted to give the new dollar coin produced by the many supporters of Rider Nation a Royal Canadian Mint to commemo- unique means of celebrating their rate the team’s 100th anniversary. team’s Centennial and the great The Riders oftraditions of Caficially unveiled “…the Mint is proud to nadian football,” the new coin — a commemorate Canadian says a Roughridstandard Loonie sports history…“ ers’ news release. with the Queen Approximate-Ian Bennett ly three million on one side and the Roughriders logo and a stylized coins are set to go into circulation. “100” framed by the dates 1910 and “The Roughriders and their leg2010 engraved on the reverse — at endary fan base have been part of a ceremony in Regina. Saskatchewan culture for a cenThe federal cabinet approved tury and the Royal Canadian Mint the creation of the coin in June, is proud to commemorate their although rumours of its coming special place in Canadian sports production have been circulating history,” says Ian Bennett, president since April. The coin’s design was and CEO of the mint. Please Remember To Recycle Dakota Dunes Revamp Casino Plans $25 Million Hotel, Spa Expansion DARRELL NOAKES SASKATOON, SK — Dakota Dunes golf course and casino is set to embark on the third phase of its destination resort plan with the addition of a $25-million hotel and spa complex, expected to begin construction next spring. The destination-style hotel and spa will be added to the north end of the casino - attached by an indoor walkway - and will include 161 rooms, full restaurant, food and lounge services, meeting space, a pool, a water slide and a spa. “We think as a destination resort and a destination hotel, we have the opportunity to do more than just a day spa, which we find mostly in Saskatchewan,” says Darrell Balkwill, CEO of the Whitecap Development Corporation and director of economic development for the Whitecap Dakota First Nation. Currently, the hotel plans include a small spa, but the development corporation is awaiting a market analysis on the feasibility of one as large as 15,000 square feet. Construction is estimated to take about 21 months, says Balkwill. “There’s two years worth of construction jobs there, and then probably 100 ongoing operational jobs associated with the hotel and the spa,” he says. An artist’s conception of the new Dakota Dunes complex Photo: Courtesy Dakota Dunes SASKATOON, SK — The Saskatchewan branch of the Canadian Lung Association says it hopes the province will accept a recommendation to pay for anti-smoking therapies. A recent Canadian Medical Association Journal editorial called on the provinces, territories and third-party insurers to fund therapies proven to help tobacco users quit, noting that the cost of most aids limits their widespread use. “Cessation aids are not only health effective but cost effective,” says Jill Hubick, a registered nurse and Saskatchewan Lung Association health education coordinator. “Tobacco is a powerful addiction and we need to begin treating it as an addiction. We need to follow the lead of other countries and make cessation aids available to all individuals,” says Hubick. Australia and the United Kingdom cover the costs of all stop smoking prescription therapies. The only Canadian province that currently funds quitting aids is Quebec, though the Yukon and P.E.I. cover some anti-tobacco products. Saskachewan Health Minister Don McMorris says the provincial government will consider the idea, though the costs are not yet known. Recently, the province has tried curb tobacco use with legislative restrictions, such as banning smoking on school grounds and in cars carrying children. UK Weight Loss Surgeries See Tenfold Increase DAVID GOODHUE Insomnia Lethal Lack Of Sleep Deadly To Men WASHINGTON, DC — New research shows that insomnia can be deadly to men, especially to men who suffer from chronic insomnia and sleep less than six hours a night. Men with insomnia are nearly five times more likely to die than men considered “good sleepers,” say the researchers. When compounded with hypertension or diabetes, men with insomnia are seven times as likely to die as those who get a good night’s sleep. “We were expecting to find something, but we were surprised by the magnitude of the findings,” says lead investigator Dr. Alexandros N. Vgontzas of the Penn State College of Medicine. For reasons not yet understood, chronic insomnia did not have the same effect on women. The 14-year study followed 1,000 women and 741 men. Of the men who did not have insomnia, 9 percent died. Of those who reported having insomnia and slept more than six hours a night, 13 percent died, and of those who had Global At A Glance SKECHERS SUED — Shoemaker Skech- ers has been served with a class action lawsuit over the company’s Shape-Ups toning shoe line. The suit alleges the company’s claimed health benefits from wearing the $100, curved-sole shoe, including weight loss and increased muscle toning, are fraudulent. The company is fighting the allegations and views the suit as an attempt to extort money out of the company. AHN© TOXIC RECEIPTS — Bisphenol-A (BPA) has been found on cash register receipts in Canada. Recent tests show that even touching a receipt for 5 seconds causes 23 micrograms of the chemical toxin to rub off on the skin, heightening the risk of ingestion. In a 2009 study, BPA injected into in mice caused long-term carcinogenic and adverse reproductive effects. BPA has also been linked to obesity and diabetes, among other illnesses. AHN© 3 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Global HANSEN SINCLAIR Government May Pay For Anti-Smoking Aids MEAGEN THOMAS Please Remember To Recycle insomnia and slept fewer than six hours, 51 percent died. AHN© LONDON, ENGLAND — According to a new study, the United Kingdom has seen a tenfold increase in the number of people undergoing weight loss surgery since 2000. Researchers with London’s Imperial College say the main reason for the increase in procedures is a heightened public awareness of surgical options to combat obesity, though they note that public awareness of the associated long-term complications has not kept pace. “I don’t think people understand what a large commitment is involved — people have to change their behaviour for life,” the British Obesity Surgery Patients Association’s Chrissie Palmer tells the BBC. Weight loss surgeries typically involve dividing the stomach into large and small chambers, then attaching part of the small intestine to the smaller chamber. As a result, patients feel full after consuming only small amounts of food. The researchers say 2,543 people underwent weight loss surgery in 2007, up from 238 in 2000. AHN© Top Plastic Surgeries ($2,300) • 1)2) Liposuction Rhinoplasty ($3,500) • 3) Breast Augmentation ($3,400) • 4) Eyelid Surgery ($2,500) • 5) Tummy Tuck ($4,400) • 6) Face Lift ($4,500) • 7) Breast Lift ($3,600) • 8) Dermabrasion ($875) • 4 Sports - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Huskies Ranked Third In CIS BONNIE ZINK school season with an appearance in the provincial semifinals last fall. SASKATOON, SK — Though the Finishing ahead of the Huskies University of Saskatchewan Huskies’ in second place in the FRC poll is 2009 football season ended with a Laval’s Rouge et Or, who finished heartbreaking Hardy Cup final loss their last year with a 9–2 record and to the Calgary Dinos, this year’s have already secured a staggering team has received an early vote of 76–0 preseason victory over York. confidence from The Calgar y the Football Re- FRC Ranks Continued Dinos topped the porters of Cana- 4) Saint Mary’s reporters’ rankda, who recently 5) Ottawa ings — their first ranked the Dogs 6) Wilfred Laurier number one finthird in the Cana- 7) Montreal ish in the FRC poll dian Interuniver- 8) Queen’s in 17 years — a nosity League. table feat coming 9) Western The 2010 Hus- 10) McMaster as it does a mere kies owe their nine months after well-deserved third place finish the team reached the Vanier Cup to a solid lineup of returning play- final for the first time since 1995. ers and a number of new recruits The Dinos went 7–1 during the ready to help strengthen the team. 2009 regular season, ending with This year sees starting quarter- a 10–2 record overall. back Laurence Nixon play out his The Football Reporters of Canafinal year of eligibility, along with da – University Division represents talented additions such as rookie journalists and broadcasters in evquarterback Jahlani Gilber-Knorren, ery region of the country covering who capped a perfect 5–0 high CIS Football. • • • • • • • Please Remember To Recycle High Stakes Banjo Bowl Please Remember To Recycle Offbeat Fake Crisis Terrifies Passengers LINDA YOUNG Bombers Looking To Avenge Humiliating Loss LONDON, ENGLAND — Passengers aboard a British Airways flight from London to Hong Kong got the scare of a lifetime when the pilot accidentally played an emergency message warning passengers the plane was about to crash. The pre-recorded message that played over the Boeing 747’s loudspeakers told passengers to prepare for an emergency water landing, sparking a panic inside the aircraft and leading flight attendants to BONNIE ZINK SASKATOON, SK — The most anticipated Labour Day rematch in the Canadian Football League, the Manitoba Lotteries Banjo Bowl, celebrates its 7th anniversary on September 12th, when the Winnipeg Blue Bombers welcome the Roughriders to Winnipeg’s Canad Inns Stadium. The annual Winnipeg rematch was dubbed the Banjo Bowl in 2004 by Blue Bomber board member David Asper, after then Bombers place kicker Troy Westwood referred to Regina residents as “a bunch of banjo-pickin’ inbreds.” Since then, the name and the game itself have become part of prairie tradition, with fans of both teams travelling between the two cities en masse to cheer on their Lil’ Hitler Victory Kid Nazi Wins Costume Contest LAWRENCE MIJARES respective teams. To date Winnipeg and Saskatchewan have won three Banjo Bowls apiece, ensuring that this year’s winner will be entitled to extra bragging rights. The Bombers will likely be looking to avenge their 55–10 loss to the Riders at last year’s Banjo Bowl, a result running back Wes Cates called “a good old-fashion whipping” in a post-game interview with the Canadian Press. Manitoba Lotteries, the official sponsor of this year’s Banjo Bowl, Photo: Saskatchewan Roughriders promises a weekend of familyfriendly activity for both hometown fans and those travelling from Saskatchewan. Blue Bomber players will be available for autographs in the Upperdeck Sports Bar at McPhillips Station Casino on September 10 th, while Family Day at Canad Inns Stadium on the 12th includes a public BBQ, dunk tank and mascots to entertain the entire family. Doors open at 11:00 AM prior to the game’s noon kickoff. PERTH, AUSTRALIA — A Catholic primary school in Perth, Australia has issued a public apology for awarding first prize in a costume contest to a student dressed as Adolf Hitler. Teachers asked the class of grade school-aged children to dress up as famous people, and ultimately named a boy dressed as the Nazi leader as the winner as his classmates voiced their approval by chanting, “Hitler! Hitler!” The school has since assured parents that future activities will be restricted to characters “appropriate for primary school-aged students” and that children will be taught to 5 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 understand the “sensitivities” that surround certain historical figures. Despite the apology, the school’s principal defends the event. “[Hitler] was a fairly famous person,” he told the West Australian. “Some people got upset because kids called out ‘Hitler!’, [but] to me it’s [making] a mountain out of a molehill.” AHN© Tiger Found In Man’s Suitcase HANSEN SINCLAIR BANGKOK, THAILAND — Workers at Bangkok’s International Airport alerted authorities after a baggage scan revealed a sedated two-month-old tiger cub mixed in with stuffed animals in a passenger’s suitcase. Officials are trying to determine the cub’s origin before deciding whether to lay charges against the man, who was bound for Iran. AHN© rush up and down the aisles in an attempt to calm terrified travellers. “We all thought we were going to die,” passenger Michelle Lord, 32, told Britain’s The Sun. British Airways officials have since issued an apology, saying the pilot hit the wrong button. AHN© Offbeat At A Glance HI-TECH TOILET — A Japanese company has unveiled a $5,900 high-tech toilet that gives users an instant health checkup. The company, Toto, says the toilet instantly analyzes users’ urine, temperature, blood pressure and weight, and displays a report on an included wall-mounted screen. AHN© 6 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Arts & Culture 5 Q’s: Rock Duo The Pack A.D. MEAGEN THOMAS While gearing up for their upcoming gig at Amigos on September 11th, garage-rock duo The Pack A.D.’s Becky Black and Maya Miller spoke with Meagen Thomas about things both new — like new music videos and a new fan contest — and old, such as their longstanding affection for all things low-tech. Meagen Thomas: How did you two come together to form the band? Black: We where in a four-piece band that came together on a whim, but it didn’t work out so we took off and continued playing, just the two of us. We played first our show in spring 2007. MT: Your latest release is titled We Kill Computers. Are you anti-tech? B: Yes and no. We use technology to our advantage, but the overuse of it and how important it has become just weirds me out. There’s no privacy anymore. Facebook and Twitter, no one is a person anymore, it’s just all digital. We don’t hate tech; we’re untrusting of it. Miller: [Our previous albums] Tintype, Funeral Mixtape and We Kill Computers all show our fondness for old tech. We do social networking sites, but it doesn’t mean we have to love it while doing it. MB: Are your feelings about new technology the reason behind releasing your albums on vinyl? B: Not necessarily. We did vinyl for our last two albums. Personally I just prefer it. It’s bigger and more substantial than a CD. MB: What’s up with the fan art contest? M: We like things that are old school [or] un-modern, [so] we’ve asked fans to draw us any way they like so long as they do it by hand. They could do it in crayon, it doesn’t matter. We’ll send a postcard to everyone who sends an entry [and] their address. We’ll write from wherever we are. It’s nice to get something other than bills in the mail and postcards and letters are pretty old-fashioned. MB: What’s next for the band? M: We just filmed two videos: “Crazy” and “Cobra Matte”, which is Japanese for “wait”. We’re touring from Edmonton to Halifax in September, then into the US in October, then Vancouver, then we’re off to the UK and Europe supporting No Means No. It’s a hell of schedule but that’s what you gotta do. Please Remember To Recycle Chali 2na Live At Louis’ Please Remember To Recycle - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Arts & Culture Broadway Street Fair Celebrates Local Artists MEAGEN THOMAS Former Jurassic 5 Rapper To Play UofS Campus MEAGEN THOMAS SASKATOON, SK — With his unmistakable baritone and uncompromising style, Chali 2na — who plays Louis’ on September 16th — has established himself as one of hip hop’s most distinctive and charismatic personalities. A former member of Jurassic 5, the seminal hip hop sextet that imploded in 2007, Chali has reeled in a haul of kudos from his solo ef- Chali grew up Chicago’s tough south-side. After a meteoric rise in Los Angeles’s burgeoning hip hop scene, he evolved into an artist in every sense of the word. Though best known for his rapid-fire lyrics and an uncompromising dedication to the genre’s pioneers, the rapper is also a poet, actor and painter. ”My biggest thing show-wise is I love for people in the crowd in the back that, if they can’t see it clear, to be like ‘yo, he was killing it; this sound is amazing’,” says 2na. “Music is going to be here when you’re gone. I’m hoping that I’ve made something that can stand the test of time.” Denyse Thomasos’ work Arc -Chali 2na forts Fish Market (2004), Fish Outta Water (2009) and, most recently, Fish Market Part 2 (2010). “[With Part 2] I tried to make an album that reflected who I was as a person, in all of these different facets: artist, parent, everything,” says 2na. “I tried to encompass a life story though a bunch of cool songs that have a common thread.” His 22-track whopper of a release has some terrific beats and, of course, outstanding turntable work. 2na’s rhyming is particularly effortless on “Hood Up” and “Step Yo Game Up”, a basketball song evocative of Jurassic 5’s “The Game”. The tone is up until the rapper uncorks some serious thoughts in the final track, “Save The People”, a straight-up critique of social ills. Photo: Courtesy The Artist New Landscapes “I love for people in the crowd to be like ‘yo, he was killing it; this sound is amazing’,“ SASKATOON, SK — On September 11th, the Broadway Business Improvement District will proudly host the 27th annual Broadway Street Fair. In addition to the famous sidewalk sale and silent auction, this year the fair will celebrate the sights and sounds of Saskatoon’s talented arts community. From 10 AM to 5 PM, live musical entertainment, dance performances, art and fine craft displays and a variety of unique entertainers will turn Broadway Avenue into a fun-filled feast for the senses. “This year we will feature three stages; a main stage and a smaller stage featuring musical entertainment as well as a dance stage featuring dance troupes all day long,” “This year we will feature three stages… featuring musical entertainment as moment, when things tend to be more fluid than solid,” McCabe well as dance…” Exhibit Explores Urban Change MEAGEN THOMAS Hip hop artist Chali 2na Photo: Courtesy The Artist 7 SASKATOON, SK - Artists’ takes on urban geography and landscapes will be on display at the Kenderdine Gallery in the upcoming exhibition Formerly Exit Five – Portable Monuments to Recent History. “The exhibition is about landscape transformation [and] particularly urban change: how quickly our surroundings alter and what happens to memory in the process,” says curator Dr. Shauna McCabe. “It includes the work of ten artists responding to these ideas from a range of Canadian and international locations, creating forms of monuments that explore how to record place and the past at this Event Info The Pack A.D. Where: Amigos Cantina When: Sep 11 Cost: $8 (652-4912) Chali 2na Where: Louis’ Pub When: Sep 16, 8PM Cost: $18.50 (Ticketmaster) Formerly Exit Five Where: Kenderdine Gallery When: Sep 17-Dec 18 Cost: Free! Street Fair Where: Broadway Ave. When: Sep 11, 10AM-5PM Cost: Free! Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email layout@ ASAP! explains. For his piece, artist Craig Leonard chose an iconic aspect of prairie life: bricks. Clays have been used for structural products since long before Saskatchewan was a province; homesteaders mixed raw clay with straw to make bricks and stucco and at one time Saskatchewan was home to many brick factories. Leonard collected clay from seven former brick factories and used the resulting compound to create a single brick, his monument to the material found in nearly all urban landscapes. “The reaction I imagine people may have to this innocuous looking brick is wondering what it is and why it is there, and spending time with the description learning about all the places it is from,” Leonard says. -Tammy Thompson says Tammy Thompson, executive director of the Broadway Street Fair. There will also be a roaming magician entertaining kids and adults as well as a clown. There will be more to see, buy and enjoy this year, too, with a record 40-plus retail and food vendors selling merchandise and food. This year also sees two new sponsors — PotashCorp and Dakota Dunes Casino and Golf Links — support the long-running and well-loved event. Count on a return of all your Street Fair favourites including a chance to cool off a local celebrity in the Celebrity Dunk Tank, while youngsters will delight in Kid’s Kingdom, with face painting, clowns, a petting zoo and a bouncy castle, among other delights. Photo: Broadway Street Fair 8 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Rapper T.I., Wife Arrested Newlyweds Charged For Possession Of Meth ANNE LU LOS ANGELES, CA — Newl y w e d s T. I . a n d Ta m e k a “Tiny”Cottle have been arrested for alleged possession of methamphetamine. The superstar rapper — who just finished a ten-month stint in custody on federal weapons charges — was driving down Sunset Boulevard with his wife in his luxury Maybach automobile when police pulled him over for making an illegal U-turn. Deputies searched the vehicle after smelling marijuana and found “pills resembling Ecstasy,” says L.A. County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman Nicole Nishida. T.I., 29, and Tameka, 35, were married in a secret ceremony in Miami Beach on July 30th. They have been dating since 2001, and have two sons together. The duo have since been released from jail after each posting $10,000 bail, and are soon due to appear in court. AHN© T.I.’s previous mug shot Celebrity Gossip Lohan: ‘I Was Irresponsible’ ANNE LU Jen In Topless Sex Scene Aniston’s Next Film To Include Lesbian Threesome ANNE LU LOS ANGELES, CA — Lindsay Lohan has opened up about her recent troubles in a new interview with Vanity Fair. “These were my college years… but they were in the public eye,” says Lohan, though she notes that she is “not making excuses.” “I was irresponsible. I was experimenting,” Lohan says, adding that she plans to refocus on acting. “I want my career back,” Lohan says. “I know that I’m a damn good actress, and it’s been my passion since I was a child. I know that when I care about something, I put 100 percent and more into it.” Lohan also claims she’s a “completely different person now,” though the publication notes that she said the same thing in 2008. LOS ANGELES, CA — After her most recent film The Switch was panned by critics and audiences alike, Jennifer Aniston has decided to shed her sweet image by appearing topless in her next film. The 41-year-old actress is set to star in Wanderlust as a married woman that indulges in drug use, sex with numerous male partners and a lesbian threesome after ending up in a hippie commune. The Judd Apatow-produced comedy will also star Paul Rudd. AHN© AHN© Photo: Sharon Graphics Actress Jennifer Aniston Snooki’s BF Proposes In Magazine Anne Lu LOS ANGELES, CA — Jersey Shore star Snooki’s Iraq veteran boyfriend has proposed to her on a magazine cover. A buff, tanned and shirtless Jeff Miranda appears down on one knee accompanied by the headline: “Will You Marry Me?” on the cover of Steppin’ Out magazine. Miranda says: “I want [Snooki and I] to be together forever. I have very strong feelings for her.” This would be Miranda’s first marriage. His last relationship ended poorly, with ex-girlfriend Rebecca Hansen obtaining a restraining order after he threatened to burn down her house while she slept. AHN© 9 Paris Arrested Jackson Kids Finally In School With Cocaine ANNE LU ANTHONY JONES LOS ANGELES, CA — Paris Hilton is facing up to four years in jail after being charged with felony cocaine possession in Los Angeles. Police stopped alongside the Cadillac Escalade containing Hilton and her boyfriend Cy Waits detected a “strong odor of marijuana”, and while officers detained the starlet a bag of cocaine fell out of her purse. Hilton says the purse and drugs are not hers, though she previously tweeted a photo of an identical purse and admits that its contents — including credit cards, $1,300 cash, rolling papers and prescription medication — belong to her. AHN© LOS ANGELES, CA — Michael Jackson’s kids, 13-year-old Prince and 12-year-old Paris, have started attending San Fernando Valley’s prestigious The Buckley School after years of homeschooling. Sources close to the Jackson family say the late King of Pop’s eldest son wanted to go to an exclusive private school to have “a social experience,” and that Paris was initially reluctant but soon changed her mind. Eight-year-old Blanket will continue homeschooling, as grandmother Katherine Jackson feels he is still too young to spend much time away from home. Some of the school’s famous graduates include Matthew Perry, Alyssa Milano, Nicole Richie, Nicollette Sheridan, Laura Dern, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. AHN© 10 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Movies Please Remember To Recycle LOS ANGELES, CA — Shia LaBeouf offers film studios the best return on their investment, according to Forbes’ magazine. Owing chiefly to the first two Transformers films and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the 24-year-old actor has topped the publication’s Best Actors for the Buck list for the second year in a row, with studios earning an average of $81 for every dollar of LaBeouf’s salary. Anne Hathaway comes in at second place, bringing in $64 for every dollar she is paid. Much of her total stems from Alice in Wonderland, which earned $1 billion globally, though 2009’s Bride Wars also earned $115 on a budget of $30 million. Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe ranks third, with a $61 return for every dollar he has earned for the $5.4 billion franchise. AHN© The Rest Of The Best Movies - Week of September 3-10, 2010 11 Barrymore, Long Enjoy Going The Distance LaBeouf Best For Studios’ Buck ANNE LU Please Remember To Recycle Lead Couple’s Natural Chemistry, Witty Supporting Cast Drive Smart Romcom Going The Distance Runtime: 102 Minutes Rated: 14A BILL WINE American A Slow Thriller Photo: Focus Features Clooney Superb As Redemption-Seeking Hitman Downey Jr. - $33 in box of•fice4) Robert earnings for every dollar of salary The American Cate Blanchett - $27 / dollar • 5)6) Jennifer Aniston - $21 / dollar • 6) Meryl Streep Runtime: 106 Minutes / dollar • 8) Johnny Depp--$21 $18 / dollar Rated: 14A • 9) Nicolas Cage - $17 • 9) Sarah Jessica Parker/ dollar - $17 / dollar • BILL WINE Will Americans respond to The American? Despite its title, this star vehicle for George Clooney is so European in its locations and its rhythm and so stubbornly unwilling to fulfill generic expectations that it may leave much of its audience feeling disenfranchised. And that’s a shame, because as difficult as it may be to love, the film is easy to admire. The American may look and a lover rather than a client. sound like an action thriller, but Sustaining the mood rather than it’s not, even though it’s about a hit- pumping up the action or rushman and there’s plenty of violence ing the narrative, Dutch director and a number of action scenes. Anton Corbijn (Control), a noted The “hit man on one last job” still photographer and music video premise has been tired for years, producer, turns out a visually strikbut somehow the film — equal ing, confidently controlled, surprisparts quiet, contemplative drama, ingly static portrait of a guilt-ridden often-still psychological suspense gunslinger (it’s no coincidence that thriller and character study — makes we catch a glimpse of a clip from a it seem freshly observed. Sergio Leone western). Part of the reason the film works The screenplay by Rowan Joffe, so well, of course, is Clooney, whose based on Martin Booth’s 1990 novel effortless star power is as com- A Very Private Gentleman, has a few manding as ever. holes and refuses Clooney stars “The pleasures offered to explain everyas Jack, a mas- here are in the observant thing, but proter assassin and details, the sense of place ceeds surehandarms expert who edly nonetheless, makes weapons and the crisp execution.” taking a paced ap-Bill Wine proach to the mafor others when he’s not on murderous assign- terial that rewards patient viewing. ments. But he wants out of the life, The pleasures offered here are in desiring something less dangerous the observant details, the sense of and paranoid, especially when a place and the crisp execution. Acjob in Sweden ends harshly. So he tion junkies be forewarned: yearnretreats to a small town in moun- ings for loud, explosive thrills will tainous central Italy on what he calls go unfulfilled. a “working vacation,” where he can Clooney, coming off a stellar think about who might have orga- comedy year (Up in the Air, The Men nized and executed the ambush Who Stare at Goats, and Fantastic from which he just escaped. Mr. Fox), packs away his charm and There he signs on for what he humour and instead reminds us of decides will be his last assignment, the dramatic chops that won him which involves constructing a an Oscar for Syriana with a consumweapon for a mysterious contact mately understated and restrained named Mathilde (Thekla Reuten). performance. His cold, driven, retiAfter agreeing to the final job, he cent, haunted protagonist is a maris befriended by Father Benedetto vel of tiny gestures that seem to (Paolo Bonacelli), a local priest who be letting us see into the soul of a offers him the forgiveness he seems man resigned to his unhappy fate. to seek, and — acting with uncharThe American is a minimalist draacteristic abandon — begins an ma about regret and redemption unexpected romantic relationship that is too subdued to be exciting, with Clara, a prostitute played by but is still scenic, handsome, intriguViolante Placido who considers him ing and arresting. AHN© If it doesn’t quite go the distance, it at least gets close enough to make us glad that it made the attempt and happy that we made the trip. Going the Distance is a lighthearted, R-rated romantic comedy — replete with cheery, audience-friendly profanities — that explores the loneliness that results from one long-distance lover being thousands of miles away from their significant other. In a case of art imitating life, thirty-something co-stars Drew Barrymore and Justin Long play an on-again/off-again/on-again couple, much as they have in reality for the last two years. Barrymore plays Erin, a journalism graduate student undertaking a six-week summer internship with a New York City newspaper before returning to the left coast to complete her master’s degree at Stanford. Long is Garrett, a junior executive for a record company who’s just been dumped and is thus commitment-shy, to say the least. The pair begins a summer fling that eventuates into a full-blown romance and then turns into a difficult long-distance relationship when Erin must return to San Francisco. And the various modern communication devices at their disposal can’t mask the lack of actual contact, sexual or otherwise, for which both of them are constantly longing. Christina Applegate plays Erin’s married, protective sister, with the deadpan Jim Gaffigan as her husband, while Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day as Garrett’s wiseacre buddies round out the cohesive supporting cast of smart comic actors who earn their laughs without stealing the spotlight. The screenplay by Geoff LaTulippe — his first feature film — doesn’t necessarily follow through on every subtheme or subplot it concocts, nor does it provide definitive an- in handy in keeping the somewhat swers to the questions it raises or contrived script grounded in vagueunearth discoveries connected to ly recognizable reality. the themes it explores. But it’s conThe characters have their movie fident enough about its characters, moments, but in general the focal its dialogue and couple’s probits romantic ge- “[The film] is confident lems at least seem ometry to keep about its characters, like they could the generic narra- dialogue and romantic exist in the real tive contrivances world. and convolutions geometry…” The film is a -Bill Wine s we etly raun to a minimum. Barrymore and Long have natu- chy, winningly modest bicoastal ral and appropriate chemistry, both romcom about the tyranny of discomic and romantic. And the back- tance. With the appealing duo of ground of director Nanette Burstein Barrymore and Long leading the in reality-embracing documenta- way, Going the Distance justifies ries (American Teen, The Kid Stays its existence by overcoming our in the Picture, On the Ropes) comes resistance. AHN© Photo: Courtesy New Line Cinema Sat, Mon, Wed, Thu: 21:00 Sun, Tue: 19:00 Centre Dinner for Schmucks Fri, Tue - Thu: 19:10, 21:50 Sat - Mon: 13:20, 16:10, 19:10, 21:50 The Expendables Fri, Tue - Thu: 19:30, 22:10 Sat - Mon: 14:00, 16:50, 19:30, 22:10 Nanny McPhee Returns Sat - Mon: 13:00, 15:50 The Other Guys Salt Fri, Tue - Thu: 19:20, 22:00 Sat - Mon: 13:50, 16:40, 19:20, 22:00 Fri - Thu: 18:50, 21:20 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Fri, Tue, Wed: 18:40, 21:30 Sat - Mon: 13:10, 16:00, 18:40, 21:30 The Switch Fri, Tue - Thu: 19:00, 21:40 Sat - Mon: 13:40, 16:30, 19:00, 21:40 Vampires Suck Fri, Tue - Thu: 18:30, 21:10 Sat - Mon: 13:30, 16:20, 18:30, 21:10 Galaxy The American Fri: 15:10, 19:00, 21:50 Sat - Mon: 12:30, 15:10, 19:00, 21:50 Tue - Thu: 19:00, 21:50 Despicable Me (in 3-D) Takers Eat Pray Love Rainbow Wed: 19:00 Fri: 14:50, 18:30 Sat - Mon: 12:20, 14:50, 18:30 Tue, Thu: 18:30 Fri: 15:30, 18:50, 22:10 Sat - Mon: 12:10, 15:30, 18:50, 22:10 Tue - Thu: 18:50, 22:10 The Expendables Fri - Thu: 21:30 Fri: 15:00, 18:45, 21:40 Sat - Mon: 12:15, 15:00, 18:45, 21:40 Tue - Thu: 18:45, 21:40 Horoscopes Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19) Charlie St. Cloud You may face challenges with politics in your family this week. While you may feel it is important to step in and address an inequality, remember that doing so might land you in the crosshairs. AHN© Grown Ups Taurus (Apr 20–May 20) Fri - Thu: 13:10, 19:30 Fri - Thu: 13:50, 16:20, 19:10, 21:50 Fri: 16:15, 19:20, 22:15 Sat - Mon: 13:00, 16:15, 19:20, 22:15 Tue - Thu: 19:20, 22:15 How to Train Your Dragon (in 3-D) Fri: 15:40, 19:10, 22:20 Sat - Mon: 12:40, 15:40, 19:10, 22:20 Tue - Thu: 19:10, 22:20 For parents with babies: Wed: 13:00 Knight and Day You may just want to kick back have a good time this week, but circumstances may not allow for much relaxation. On the bright side, however, your recent hard work could soon pay dividends. AHN© The Last Airbender (in 3-D) Gemini (May 21–Jun 20) Going the Distance Inception Fri: 15:20, 18:40, 22:00 Sat - Mon: 12:00, 15:20, 18:40, 22:00 Tue - Thu: 18:40, 22:00 The Last Exorcism Fri: 15:50, 19:40, 22:35 Sat - Mon: 13:10, 15:50, 19:40, 22:35 Tue - Thu: 19:40, 22:35 Machete Fri: 16:15, 19:30, 22:30 Sat - Mon: 12:50, 16:15, 19:30, 22:30 Tue - Thu: 19:30, 22:30 The Other Guys Fri: 15:45, 19:15, 22:15 Sat - Mon: 12:45, 15:45, 19:15, 22:15 Tue, Thu: 19:15, 22:15 Fri - Thu: 13:40, 19:25 The Karate Kid Fri - Thu: 13:00, 15:45, 18:40, 21:30 Fri - Thu: 15:40, 21:45 Fri - Thu: 16:00, 22:00 Predators Fri - Thu: 21:25 Ramona and Beezus Fri - Thu: 14:00, 16:20, 18:50 Shrek Forever After (in 3-D) Fri - Thu: 13:20, 15:50, 19:15, 21:20 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Fri - Thu: 13:45, 16:30, 19:20, 21:55 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Fri - Wed: 13:30, 16:10, 19:00, 21:40 Thu: 16:10, 19:00, 21:40 Roxy The Girl Who Played with Fire Fri - Thu: 21:00 The Kids Are All Right Fri: 21:20 Sat - Mon: 15:00, 21:20 Tue - Thu: 21:20 Mr. Nobody Fri: 18:50 Sat - Mon: 14:00, 18:50 Tue - Thu: 18:50 Solitary Man Fri: 19:00 Sat - Mon: 13:00, 19:00 Tue - Thu: 19:00 Sundown Drive-in Dinner For Schmucks / Inception Fri - Thu: 21:00 The Expendables / Kick Ass Fri - Thu: 21:00 You may feel kind of stuck right now, either because you have reached your limits or because someone else has imposed theirs upon you. Be patient. A clear course of action will soon show itself. AHN© 6 2 8 9 4 3 1 7 5 7 4 9 1 2 5 3 6 8 This is an excellent week for long-term financial planning, though it may prove challenging if you are feeling impulsive. Try to focus on structure, stability and security, and avoid snap decisions. AHN© 1 3 5 6 7 8 2 9 4 Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22) 9 5 1 7 6 2 4 8 3 4 6 2 3 8 9 5 1 7 3 8 7 5 1 4 6 2 9 2 9 4 8 3 1 7 5 6 5 1 6 4 9 7 8 3 2 8 7 3 2 5 6 9 4 1 Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23) There may be some interesting insights floating around in your head this week. Re-evaluating certain beliefs because of new information can seem disruptive, but may prove very beneficial. AHN© Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21) You may soon discover that recent agreements need to be revisited, and that you need to change some terms in order to get what you want. Be patient and thorough and you will prevail. AHN© Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22) Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19) Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22) Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19) Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22) Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20) You may find that some old issues arise in a challenging manner this week. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you — this can be an empowering moment if you face things head-on. AHN© Your beliefs about the intentions of another may not be accurate, as you may be seeing things from a biased perspective. Avoid making assumptions and you will be able to see things as they are. AHN© You may have a friend who is suffering from feelings of stagnation. You can help by pointing out that things change in due time, and that sometimes a little downtime can be highly beneficial. AHN© This is not the best week to let a cranky friend know that they are communicating poorly, no matter how you phrase your comments. Let them have the last word and be a good listener. AHN© Your home situation may seem challenging right now, and it will be a struggle to enact positive change. You may be better off to get organized and wait for a better chance to improve your lot. AHN© This is a good week to try to mend fences or deal with hot-button topics with members of your family. Others are unusually receptive to your ideas right now, so take advantage of it. AHN© Sudoku Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. Solution: 1 7 5 3 6 8 2 9 4 Fri: 19:00 This Movie its Broken Casablanca Fri: 16:10, 19:45, 22:40 Sat - Mon: 13:15, 16:10, 19:45, 22:40 Tue - Thu: 19:45, 22:40 9 4 3 1 2 5 6 7 8 The Last Steamship Step Up (in 3-D) Fri: 16:00, 20:00 Sat - Mon: 12:15, 16:00, 20:00 Tue - Thu: 20:00 6 2 8 7 4 9 1 3 5 Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu: 21:00 Sat, Mon, Wed: 19:00 Wed: 22:15 Piranha 3D (in 3-D) 4 8 3 5 1 7 6 2 9 Sat: 13:00 Get Low For parents with babies: Wed: 13:00 Avatar (in 3-D) 7 6 2 3 8 9 5 1 4 Billy Elliot Time Out 13 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 9 5 1 4 6 2 3 8 7 Broadway Please Remember To Recycle 7 5 6 8 3 2 9 4 1 Movie Times Please Remember To Recycle 8 3 1 4 9 7 2 5 6 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 2 9 4 5 1 6 8 7 3 12 14 Nightlife - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Monday @ The Fox The Scene Venue Fox & Hounds Pub & Brewery on Monday, August 23rd Playing on Arrival Please Remember To Recycle Please Remember To Recycle - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Live Music Friday 3 Funk, Soul & Lounge @ 6Twelve Filthy Gutter Life w/ Guests @ Amigos Hung Jury @ Buds on Broadway Obvious Complete Destruction w/ Untimely Demise & Wrathed @ The Fez on Broadway The Deep Dark Woods @ Louis’ Ash Jones CD Release @ The Odeon Baby Yu @ Scratch Red Blaze @ Stan’s Place Dueling Pianos @ Staqatto Devils Pair-A-Dice @ Walkers (NEXT WEEK) YOUNG RIVAL @ AMIGOS — Gritty indie rockers Young Rival open for Vancouver garage punk duo The Pack A.D. at Amigos on September 11th, as a lead up to local radio station CFCR’s annual fundraiser FM-Phasis. After playing for five years and recording two albums as The Ride Theory, the Photo: Courtesy of the artist Hamilton, Ontario quartet renamed the group and revamped their sound to include an indie variation of the Beatles’ jangling simplicity, Beach Boys-like harmonies and a new wave energy; the result is something like a rawer version of Weezer. The show starts at 10, cover is $8. -Chris Dobson “Ava Adore” by The Smashing Pumpkins Saturday 4 Deep and Soulful House DJs @ 6Twelve Daniel, Fred and Julie w/ Daniel Romano @ Amigos Riff Raff @ Buds on Broadway Electrohash w/ Myth @ The Fez on Broadway Moka Only, Def3 & Magnum K.I. @ Louis’ Paul Square @ Lydia’s Red Blaze @ Stan’s Place Music Vibe Sunday 5 Feature Deal Tuesday 7 Sunday Jam @ Vangelis Rock, contemporary hits $4.50 paralyzers, $4/pound boneless ribs Gorgeous Blue Dogs @ Buds on Broadway Open Stage presented by Verb @ Lydia’s Live Jazz @ Staqatto Popular Drink Schooners of Bridge City Brown (house brew) Wednesday 8 Food of Choice Wings, ribs or the large, fullyloaded nacho platters Wing Notes 25 cents each, 24 flavours; Cajun & lemon pepper are big sellers Photos taken by Robby Davis ( (NEXT WEEK) BLACK MASTIFF @ AMIGOS — Edmonton rockers Black Mastiff make their Saskatoon debut at Amigos on September 16th. The band — which includes Choke’s Clay Shay and Allan Harding from Passenger Action — recently released a self-titled EP that demonstrates their slow jam, stoner Photo: Scott Jenning intensity, sounding like an early garage rock version of Soundgarden plus Black Sabbath’s driving riffs and trance-y vocals. Opening the show is Regina duo Molten Lava, whose fuzzed-out guitar rock gems have an early Inbreds/90’s grunge vibe. Cover is $8, the show starts at 10. -Chris Dobson Bend Sinister w/ Cinema L’amour & The Reason @ Amigos Wide Mouth Mason @ Buds on Broadway Open Mic presented by Verb and Mother’s Music @ The Fez on Broadway Fred Penner @ Louis’ DJ Dr. J Souled Out @ Lydia’s Dueling Pianos @ Staqatto Thursday 9 Wide Mouth Mason @ Buds on Broadway Topher Mils @ Crackers Dueling Pianos @ Staqatto Want your show listed? Email! CHECK OUT ALL OF VERB’S PAST NIGHTLIFE PHOTOS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE 15 (COMING UP) LIGHTS @ THE ODEON — Keytar-wearing, comic book-reading synthpopper Lights plays the Odeon on October 16th. Though fresh off a tour opening for Hedley and a summer of Lilith Fair dates, Lights managed to find time to release a follow-up to her highly successful debut The Listening in Photo: Courtesy of the artist July. Titled Lights.Acoustic, the five-song EP is a stripped-down affair that trades her usual Auto-Tune and electrobeats for a simple microphone and acoustic guitar, allowing her to demonstrate her true musical talents unobscured. Tickets are $28.75 (Ticketmaster), doors are at 7:30. -Chris Dobson 16 - Week of September 3-10, 2010 Please Remember To Recycle
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