Brochure - Metro Security Express


Brochure - Metro Security Express
English Version
Metro Security Express s.r.l.
Via Andrea Ferrara, 20
00165 Roma
Tel. 0666512625 Fax 0666410503
WHY WE ARE: MISSION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
WHAT WE WANT TO BE: VISION........................................................................................................................ 3
OUR VALUES: ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. COMPANY ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................................................. 4
2. SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. FIXED WATCHING AND ANTI-ROBBERY .................................................................................................................. 6
2.2. PATROLLING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE .............................................................................................................. 6
2.3. FIDUCIARY SERVICES .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.4. CONTROL OF ENTERTAINMENT AND SHOW BUSINESS............................................................................................... 8
2.5. V.I.P. ASSISTANCE AND BODY GUARDS ................................................................................................................. 9
2.6. ANTI-PIRACY MARITIME ......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.7. PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICE ................................................................................................................... 10
2.8. PLANNING, INSTALLATION AND ASSISTANCE SERVICE OF SECURITY SYSTEMS ....................................................... 11
3. TRAINING ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.1. CRITERIA OF SELECTION AND TRAINING OF THE STAFF........................................................................................... 12
3.2. UPDATING AND SPECIALIZATION ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.3. ANTI-PIRACY TRAINING COURSES ........................................................................................................................ 13
4. PRINCIPAL CLIENTS LIST .............................................................................................................................. 16
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Why we are: Mission
To provide the best market conditions, through highly qualified personnel and applied
technologies, efficient and effective integrated security services for private and
What we want to be: Vision
To be recognized as a growing company, consisting of a close, serious and reliable
group of persons at the service of the clients, transforming their knowledge and
experience in added value for people and their business.
Our values:
Client: to be considered as the centre of attention, always and without exception;
Confidence: to gain with the professionalism, the respect and the personal
Quality: to achieve with the precision, the commitment and the reliability;
Integrity: to obtain with fairness, transparency and the respect of ethics;
Respect: to get with the availability and the attention toward those we interact;
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1. Company Organization
Metro Security Express (MSE)
began to operate in Rome and
surroundings in 1979 as a
Limited Liability Company and
has always represented a
Institutions in Rome for its
transport and safe valuables
services, due to its armoured
vault, recognized at the time,
as the most modern, safe and
functional of the 80’s.
abandoned the transport and
safe valuables services, thanks to the strong corporate structure and its highly
qualified staff MSE increased its reputation in the area of security, fiduciary services
and the control of entertainment and show activities to such an extent that it numbers
among its clients important public and private companies, as well as a large number
of traders.
Due to the high and specific professionalism of its management, MSE has recently
obtained an extension of its license to operate with its-own security guards on board
of merchant vessels flying the Italian flag transiting in international waters at piracy
risk employing qualified and professionally trained staff, that has served in the
"special forces" of the Italian army and has been in command on mission abroad in
hostile areas for long periods.
Thanks to the work done over the years with the utmost seriousness and
professionalism, the Company received a great number of letters of commendation
from both clients and Police Authorities. Furthermore thanks to the close attention
paid to its duties, the Company has achieved the quality certifications released by
the LLOID 'S REGISTER QUALITY ASSURANCE, in compliance with the UNI EN
ISO 9001:2008 and UNI 10891:2000, the last one is specific for the Security
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These international awards are connected to the completion of a process aimed at
obtaining the maximum customer satisfaction as a proof of the high quality standards
required for the activity .
The Institute has a staff of approx. 40 armed security guards provided of fire arms
licence and decree, these include non-commissioned officers and security guards,
executing the security services, and approx. 15 unarmed security operational units
assigned to the fiduciary services. In order to develop its activities in the most
appropriate way the Company created an operational structure permitting a rational
completion of the local services such as occasional or scheduled inspections and
care of keys, offering at the same time the guarantee of a steady support to the fixed
watching services.
The coordination of all
activities is ensured by
connected with the
Operations Centre of
the State Police and
operating 24 hours a
day all year around
managed by operators skilled in computer media.
The Operating Room is responsible for all radio communications with the security
guards on outdoor duty.
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2. Services
Metro Security Service provides a wide range of security services.
2.1. Fixed Watching and Anti-Robbery
The fixed guarding and anti-robbery service is
mainly addressed to public, commercial and
industrial companies. It is executed by armed
security guards in uniform, equipped with a
portable radio and a bullet-proof vest, for the
anti-robbery services.
The service is protecting and controlling
sensitive targets with anti-theft purposes, entry controls both inside or outside the
building. It can be fixed or dynamic, establishing therefore the surveillance of multiple
targets at risk, and is available 24 hours a day all year around, scheduled as required
by the client.
The security guards employed are adequately trained, prepared to operate by using
safety and control systems adopted by the client. They can fulfill those functions as
per D.Lgs.81/2008 - the health and safety work law - such as emergency firefighting,
quick response in the event of failure of the lifts, first aid techniques, realization of
evacuation plans of the building in case of alarm.
2.2. Patrolling and Emergency Response
The patrol is carried out by armed security
guards with a car with MSE logo connected by
radio with the operations centre in order to
perform the necessary checks for the
prevention at a settled area or building. It is
organizations, and any other business having
the need of constant checks. It consists of
day/night inspections as specified in the intervention plan agreed with the Client .
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In order to ensure to the Client the proper application of the service, the transits are
documented by releasing notes or by punching the electronic control devices. While
patrolling inside the production units, it is also possible to control the operation of the
machinery for checking the maintenance of the temperatures values, voltages etc. in
order to guarantee the business continuity .
The service may also manage
the keys that will be stored in
special vaults at the Institute
and will be available upon
request of the customer to meet
specific needs.
emergency provides the intervention of a patrol after the reception of an alarm signal
activated by a telephone or a radio transmitter, or by the customer himself. The
security guard is always connected via radio with our Control Room, checks on place
that there are not any anomalies and verifies the reasons why the alarm signal went
on. If necessary, the operator will activate other patrols in the area and the public
authorities responsible for emergency such as the State Police, the Carabinieri, the
Fire Brigades, the Red Cross , etc., whose Operations Centers are permanently
connected with our Radio Centre.
2.3. Fiduciary Services
This service is carried out by officers in uniform not armed with a personal
identification badge. Their duties are monitoring, checking, receptionists, and more
generally all outsourcing activities requiring the use of trusted and qualified
During their services, our staff
will follow all the instructions
received, they will be perfectly
on time respecting the office
hours as per the signed
contract ensuring the extension
of the service, if requested.
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Every employee will attend specific training and update courses in order to optimize
and improve his/her professional qualification and the quality of services he/she must
The courses cover with the different kinds of services, the operating process and
techniques and finish with theoretical and practical exercises regarding the
procedures of firefighting and first aid.
2.4. Control of entertainment and show business
The service is done by unarmed officers, registered in the list of the Prefecture , it
includes a summary observation of the areas in order to check the presence of any
illegal substances or prohibited items, as well as any other material that could be
improperly used jeopardizing people’s safety and health, with the obligation of
immediate reporting to the police and other public authorities in charge.
The staff will step in to
avoid any obstacle to
the accessibility of the
ways of escape and to
ensure anyhow the
smooth execution of
Outside the building,
they will supervise the entrance by controlling the public flow, respecting the
instructions of admittance;
Inside the building, the operators will ensure the observance of the rules of conduct
and will watch closely in order to verify the presence of any illegal substance or
prohibited item. They also contribute in the procedures of first aid intervention to
prevent or interrupt any behaviour or situation that are potentially dangerous for the
people’s safety and health.
In carrying out their activities , the control officers are not provided with any weapons,
objects able to damage or any other instrument of physical duress.
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2.5. V.I.P. Assistance and Body Guards
These are specific services of
prevention carried out by
belonging to a selected
"special unit".
They provide, with competence
and tact, assistance and
company for the security of
goods and sensitive documents in possession of businessmen, entertainment people
and top managers etc..
2.6. Anti-Piracy Maritime
The activity foresees the
use of security guards,
registered with specific
authorization to perform
this type of service,
embarked on merchant
vessels flying the Italian
waters at piracy risk,
with the task of protection and security. They are all qualified and professionally
prepared, they served in the "special forces" of the Italian army and has been in
command on mission abroad in hostile areas for long periods.
In order to guarantee the quality of this service, the operational responsibility of the
protection team has been assigned to a professional manager of the company, with
special training in the maritime security field, former officer of the Carabinieri
paratroopers, with command experience in missions abroad who served in the Italian
security and anti-terrorism teams for more than ten years.
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This service includes the supply of specialized teams composed by 4 security guards
that will be coordinated by a Team Leader, with experience of military command,
which, starting from the boarding, will manage together with the Ship Commander all
security precautionary activities including: preparation of means of passive defense,
control of physical protection systems , description of the procedures in case of
emergency etc.
The Team Leader has the
tactical command of the team
and has the total responsibility
and supervision of it, he will
therefore assign to each
guard the tasks and positions
to be taken during the
different operational periods. In the event of a supposed or real threat, upcoming or
ongoing, he will examine and give all the instructions for the security of the ship and
the crew, in agreement with the Ship Commander, with which he will keep a close
and continuous contact.
If necessary, after having requested and obtained the permission of the Ship
Commander, he will open the armoured cabinets containing the weapons that will be
distributed to the security team and will get ready for the action.
2.7. Professional consulting service
The security consulting service is expressly
designed for Companies and is carried out by
the staff director of the Institute, who has
thirty years experience in the security
industry, assisted - when necessary - by
external professionals.
A risks assessment plan will be edited
analyzing the course of actions where efficient
and effective security plans in partnership with the Client are settled in order to
optimize the resources and to reduce the costs, to maximize the investments.
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2.8. Planning, installation and assistance service of security systems
It is a technical service provided by companies specialized in plant design and
integration of security systems. This includes planning, execution and after sales
service of burglar alarm systems, fire detection, video surveillance, access control
and remote control technology.
The systems are
made using the
most modern and
efficient equipment
available on the
market, provided
required by the "rule of art." A Compliance Certificate is released after the testing
procedures of the plant together with the final draft of the relevant technical projects,
in compliance with the current laws.
Pagina 11
3. Training
Metro Express Security pays great attention to the training of its staff
3.1. Criteria of selection and training of the staff
For the security and fiduciary services Metro Express Security only employs
uniform and, in the
security guards, they
have a decree of
Security Guard and
a fire-arms license.
The staff, male or female, is selected so that it has the following minimum
requirements :
• good looking;
• High School Diploma;
• computer and software applications skills;
• knowledge of English/French and/or other languages preferred
One of the primary goals of the company is to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of
their resources. This aim is pursued by the development of awareness of the role
and the commitment to continuous professional improvement.
To achieve this objective, all aspects of the selection are particularly ensured, such
as training, realization of value and growth of the staff plans and continuous
monitoring of the "company spirit".
The organization structure has been identified and adjusted in order to better satisfy
the market requirements, to manage more closely the staff and its professional
growth and to operate with greater efficiency and effectiveness.
Before employing its personnel in the security services, guard/reception, human
resources pre-emptively train them in order to select and evaluate their specific
capability and, after having passed an exam, they will be hired.
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3.2. Updating and Specialization
Adjournment courses of the staff are periodically added to the basic training courses
such as:
 Shooting gallery with provided arms;
 Updating on legal standards, procedures of the Institute, service instructions
agreed with the clients, Quality System procedures;
 techniques of self-defense and fight ;
 language courses.
The professional training of security guards and unarmed guards is completed by
specialized courses, planned on the basis
of the technical and legal development in
the security field and by specific requests
of the clients.
All staff can also perform those functions
envisaged by Legislative Decree no.
81/2008 regarding the workplace Hygiene
and Safety, such as:
 emergency in case of fire;
 first aid;
 emergency action in case of technical failure of the elevators;
 execution of the evacuation plans in case of alarm,
The staff will get the necessary qualifications with relevant certificates issued by
qualified Education Institutes at the end of the course.
3.3. Anti-Piracy Training Courses
Given that for the purpose in the maritime antipiracy business, only qualified staff are
selected; they are professionally trained, have served in the "special forces" of the
Italian army and participated in missions abroad for long periods with control
functions, in hostile territories, the Institute completes this knowledge with a specific
training for security operators in the maritime environment.
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The anti-piracy security guards receive therefore, an appropriate preparation in order
to get acquainted with the environment wherein they will operate. These courses will
be held at specialized centers of education and training of seafarers, recognized by
the Ministry of the Infrastructure and Transports.
In particular, all security guards are awarded by the certificate IMO/STCW 95, as per
Regulation VI/I of the annex to the International Convention IMO/STCW '95 that
according to the law includes the following topics:
 first aid;
 personal and social responsibility (PSSR);
 survival and rescue;
 fire control.
In order to complete their preparation, the above certification is integrated by a
certificate of attendance at the "Maritime Security Familiarization Course", issued by
a training center authorized by SAMI (Security Association for the Maritime Industry )
to operate in high-risk areas and to carry out specific training for those employed in
the security services in those areas.
The course is held by qualified
recommendations included in Circular 1
IMO MSC / Circ . 1405 of 16.09.2011
which envisage, as a requirement for all
staff of armed protection on board
vessels, a maritime training relevant to
the specific operational area wherein
they will operate.
The course is divided into two phases.
a) Theoretical phase in the classroom in which the following matters are developed:
 Social and historical overview of piracy, tasks and roles of the Security Team;
 Individual and Team Equipment , preparation and outfitting of the facilities;
 Organization of the service, planning and intelligence, defense plans;
 Techniques for recognition and identification operational procedures of reaction
and defense;
 Procedures for pre/post contact and identification alarm codes;
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 Specifications of the navy unit, immanent risks, life on board, management of
the relationships with the crew;
 Knowledge of first aid in the operating area, safety equipment;
 Basic chartwork, use of radar and control equipment,
b) Practical phase at a shooting gallery, during which the following exercises are
carried out:
 Use and handling of long guns;
 Operating procedures of reaction and
 Team operating skills;
 First aid exercises on the ground.
Due to the high risk involved in these operations, only those who, at the end of the
course will pass the exam, will be included in the Security Team on board.
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4. Principal Clients List
Below is the list of major clients, refer to the last three years:
 Panorama Gruppo PAM
 Gecom
 Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
 Luppolo – Warner Village
 Immobiliare Ausonia
 Oltin Yo’l GLT
 Europcar
 Tecnoclima
 R.I.G. Service
 MetroItaliaNetWork
 Angelini Farmaceutica Holding
 Hotel Princess
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