13-07-2016 10:53 Pagina 1 2016-2017 Regina Medeiros - wall Panels - Domingos Totora - Aart - Paola Abiko cover.regina16.17 2016 - 2017 Regina Medeiros - Wall Panels - Domingos Tótora Aart - Paola Abiko boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 1 Wall Panels Introduction p. 2 Regina Medeiros p. 4 Wall Panels p. 76 Domingos Tótora p. 82 Aart p. 86 Paola Abiko p. 90 Contact p. 104 1 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 2 Welcome to Gardeco The company was founded in September 1999 with only one objective: bringing affordable pieces of art to a broader public. Gardeco is a Belgian-based company, offering handcrafted pieces from around the world, selling in stores throughout the world. Our goal is to introduce well-talented designers to a broader audience via exclusive shops, design stores, museum shops, art galleries… It is part of our mission to expand our collections with new ranges and work of new designers on a very regular basis. At the moment, Gardeco showcases the talent of a number of European and South American artists. From the pure line of ceramic sculptures, to the sophisticated bronze sculptures, without forgetting the exquisite glass work, the environmentally conscious paper art and the door stops in felt. Every piece is unique and handcrafted with care and dedication. We invite you to visit us at the international trade fairs where the Gardeco collections are presented. Private requests are always directed to the nearest dealer 2 3 boekje.regina16.17 4 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 4 5 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 6 Regina Medeiros Striking handmade pieces in glass. Regina Medeiros is a Brazilian glass artist living in Belo Horizonte in Brazil. After working as a ceramist and art teacher for 15 years, she started experimenting with glass. Over the years she has mastered glass casting and painting techniques and she has introduced the use of local oxides and gold components to create unique effects in glass. Regina Medeiros has participated in various art, design and home decoration exhibitions in Brazil, the United States and Europe. Regina Medeiros products are coloured by using oxides and gold components. Slight colour changes can occur, constituing the unique charm of hand- crafted products. Regina Medeiros products are strictly for indoor use. 6 7 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 8 Basket Mapa prata fosca topo platina D: 30 cm - RM-MAPRA30 D: 40 cm - RM-MAPRA40 D: 50 cm - RM-MAPRA50 D: 65 cm - RM-MAPRA65 8 Basket Mapa ouro fosca topo bronze D: 30 cm - RM-MAOUR30 D: 40 cm - RM-MAOUR40 D: 50 cm - RM-MAOUR50 D: 65 cm - RM-MAOUR65 9 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 10 Basket Mapa preto topo bronze D: 30 cm - RM-MAPRE30 D: 40 cm - RM-MAPRE40 D: 50 cm - RM-MAPRE50 D: 65 cm - RM-MAPRE65 10 11 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 D: D: D: D: 12 Pagina 12 Basket Mapa bronze 30 cm - RM-MABR30 40 cm - RM-MABR40 50 cm - RM-MABR50 65 cm - RM-MABR65 13 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 14 D: D: D: D: 14 30 40 50 65 Basket Mapa ouro ambar cm - MAOURAM30 cm - MAOURAM40 cm - MAOURAM50 cm - MAOURAM65 Basket Mapa carmin D: 30 cm - RM-MACAR30 D: 40 cm - RM-MACAR40 D: 50 cm - RM-MACAR50 D: 65 cm - RM-MACAR65 15 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 16 Fruteira Sara bronze L.W.H: 75 / 50 / 13 cm - RM-SARABRONZE 16 Fruteira Sara preta topo bronze L.W.H: 75 / 50 / 13 cm - RM-SARAPRETA 17 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 18 SABONETEIRA Saboneteira ambar - RM-SABAM Saboneteira ouro fosco - RM-SABOUR Saboneteira perola - RM-SABPER Saboneteira prata fosca - RM-SABPRA L.W: 23 / 17 cm 18 19 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 20 Ameba P Bronze - RM-AMEPBRONZE Preta topo bronze - RM-AMEPPRETA Ouro fosca - RM-AMEPOURO Also available: Platina - RM-AMEPPLATINA L.W: 15 / 30 cm 20 21 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:11 Pagina 22 Ameba G Bronze - RM-AMEGBRONZE Preta topo bronze - RM-AMEGPRETA L.W.H: 40 / 60 / 8 cm 22 23 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 24 MURANO Murano ambar - RM-MURAM Murano ouro fosco - RM-MUROUR Murano perola - RM-MURPER Murano prata fosca - RM-MURPRA Murano preta - RM-MURPRE L.W: 17 / 40 cm 24 25 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 26 Ameba GG Bronze - RM-AMEGGBRONZE L.W.H: 31 / 80 / 8 cm 26 27 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 28 Bowl Azul Azul-P D: 20 cm - RM-BOWLAZP Azul-M D: 30 cm - RM-BOWLAZM Bowl Riscado oxidos Azul-P prata D: 20 cm - RM-BRISOAZPRAP Azul-M prata D: 30 cm - RM-BRISOAZPRAM Bowl Riscado oxidos Azul-P bronze D: 20 cm - RM-BRISOAZP Azul-M bronze D: 30 cm - RM-BRISOAZM 28 29 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Bowl Ovo Bronze para cima D: 41 cm - RM-OVOCIMA Pagina 30 Bowl Ovo Bronze para baixo D: 41 cm - RM-OVOBAIXO Also available: Ouro fosco D: 41 cm - RM-OVOOUR 30 Bowl-P D: 17,5 cm - RM-BOWLP Bowl-M D: 20 cm - RM-BOWLM 31 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Bowl Estampa Ouro fosca vidro extra clear-P D: 20 cm - RM-BEOUVECP Pagina 32 Bowl Ouro fosca vidro incolor-P D: 20 cm - RM-BOURVINP extra clear-M D: 30 cm - RM-BEOUVECM 32 33 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 34 Bowl Carimbo Ouro fosco para cima D: 30 cm - RM-BCOUOUCM 34 35 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 36 Bowl Marmora D: 20 cm - RM-BOWLMARM 36 37 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 38 Quiabo Preto topo bronze - RM-QUIABOPRE Preto - RM-QUIABOPR Bronze - RM-QUIABO Also available: Platina - RM-QUIABOPL L.W: 148 / 25 cm 38 39 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 40 Quiabo Preto - RM-QUIABOPR L.W: 148 / 25 cm 40 41 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 42 Gamela Prata fosca topo platina - RM-GAMELA Ouro fosca - RM-GAMOUR Bronze - RM-GAMBR120 L.W: 120 / 18 cm Bronze - RM-GAMBR150 L.W: 150 / 18 cm 42 43 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 44 Ouricuri Bronze - RM-OUBR Prata fosca - RM-OUPRA Ouro fosca - RM-OUOUR L.W: 150 / 23 cm 44 45 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 46 Purunga Ouro fosca - RM-PURUNGA OUR Also available: Bronze - RM-PURUNGA BR L.W: 100 / 26 cm 46 47 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 48 TUCUM Ouro fosco topo ouro L.W: 81 / 29 cm - RM-TUCUMOUR 48 49 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 50 Folha de bananeira Bronze - RM-BANBR L.W: 120 / 25 cm 50 51 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 52 Gondola Prata fosca G L: 150 cm - RM-GONDPRAG Prata fosca P L: 100 cm - RM-GONDPRAP 52 Gondola Ouro fosca G L: 150 cm - RM-GONDOURG Ouro fosca P L: 100 cm - RM-GONDOURP 53 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 54 Pena Mesa Vermelha preta L.W: 30 / 120 cm - RM-PENAMES2 54 55 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 56 Gamela Rasa Ouro fosca topo bronze L.W: 85 / 23 cm - RM-GAMRMOUR 56 57 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 58 Amendoa Ambar - RM-ADOAAM Bronze - RM-ADOABR Marmora - RM-ADOAMAR L.W: 80 / 30 cm 58 59 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 60 Amendoim Ouro fosca - RM-ADOIMOUR Bronze - RM-ADOIMBR Marmora - RM-ADOIMMAR L.W: 80 / 30 cm 60 61 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 62 Bateia Fileltes bronze D: 50 cm - RM-BATEIAFIBR 62 63 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 64 Folha Folha bronze - RM-FOLHABR L.W.H: 51 / 67 / 15 cm 64 65 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 66 Spike Spike ouro fosco D: 70 cm - RM-SPIKEOUR 66 67 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 68 Fruteira Oval Fruteira Oval bronze - RM-FRUTOVALBR L.W.H: 48 / 60 / 10 cm 68 69 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 70 Bowl Lirio Pérola topo bronze D: 40 cm - RM-BOLIRIOMPER 70 71 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 72 Disque Concavo oxidos con barro bronze D: 88 cm - RM-PTPA88OXIBA 72 Bandeja D: 38 cm - RM-BANDEJAOXIP D: 50 cm - RM-BANDEJAOXIG 73 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 74 Disque Prata - D: 90 cm - RM-PT90 74 Disque Preta - D: 90 cm - RM-PT90BKGD 75 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 76 Gardeco introduces 4 different wooden wall panels. These wall panels are handcrafted in order to create it’s mosaics. All the products are manufactured with a great respect for the environment. The panels are made of certified teak wood from a plantation in Brazil (according to FSC Standards). The wood used is also treated for moisture and termites. It has outstanding acoustic and thermal control properties besides its beauty. We opted to add these wall panels to our collection because it fits perfectly in our vision of beauty through simplicity and the idea of what affordable art should be. The diagonal playfulness of the angles and orientation, light and shadow show a constant movement, that enhances the light points and the contemporary and natural wood aspect. Chocolate L.W.H: 90 / 3 / 90 cm OCBRA-DO22CCE Teca Natural L.W.H: 90 / 3 / 90 cm OCBRA-DO24TNE 76 77 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 78 Palha L.W.H: 90 / 3 / 90 cm OCBRA-DO21IVE 78 79 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 80 Ebano L.W.H: 90 / 3 / 90 cm OCBRA-DO22NGE 80 81 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 82 Tótora is an unusual visual artist who lives and works in the interior of Brazil (Maria da Fé-MG). He produces artworks* based on recycled paper kraft. Nature is the inspiration and commitment of his work. Domingos Tótora’s creations embody sustainable ideals with natural materials and reflects organic processes and cycles within a fresh, contemporary context. Driven by a passion for preservation, Tótora draws inspiration from natural landscapes to create a collection of home decoration pieces and furniture from natural fibers and pigments. Each design is a reflection of the shapes, forms, textures and hues of nature’s landscapes. Circular patterns, earth tone finishes mixed with a master craftsman’s hand, these inspiring designs are shown in such unpredictable combinations that they give the status of art to simple pieces for everyday life. In 1998, Domingos brought local artisans together into a cooperative that manufactures his pieces. Trough this cooperative, he has helped transform the struggling agrarian based economy into one that thrives on the craftsmanship and skill of local artisans. *Domingos Tótora products are strictly for indoor use. 82 83 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:12 Pagina 84 Disque friso DOM-DPF22 - D.H: 122 / 4 cm DOM-DPF40 - D.H: 140 / 4 cm 84 85 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 86 Biography Marijke Vijfhuizen Born in a little village in The Netherlands in 1952, Marijke Vijfhuizen moved to Amsterdam when she was 18 years old. There she became a geographer, a mother and learned to draw, paint and etch at the Gerrit Rietveld Acadamy. Her artwork is all about people: about us, men, women, and about how we deal with our experiences in life. People are her mirror and our vulnerability is always the underlying idea. Intrigued as she is by what can be seen on faces or bodies, her figures mostly don’t act, they stand still and hold their hands beside their bodies or in their pockets. Her goal is to depict our moods and feelings. Furthermore she is experimenting with different materials to find the right one that matches her intentions: paper, cardboard, fabric, linen, wool, plastic, steel etc. Marijke Vijfhuizen has made both individual and group exhibitions. Her work appears in private, company en public collections. 86 87 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 88 Figure in stainless steel - Aart small: L.W.H: 19,5 / 0,2 / 50 cm - Aart medium: L.W.H: 27 / 0,2 / 70 cm - Aart large: L.W.H: 34,5 / 0,2 / 90 cm Colour: Pure white - Oyster white - Light grey Pebble grey - Silver grey - Slate grey - Anthracite grey 88 89 boekje.regina16.17 90 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 90 91 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 92 Paola Abiko 92 Foto: Prostoria Paola Abiko takes felt to a new level by using it to make decoration items. This Brazilian artist started developing a passion for felt when she started an internship in a felt making company. For so long, the material was only used in the hat manufacturing industry but Paola Abiko started using the material for other purposes and succeeded in discovering the multiple possibilities to use the felt. The core of the brand is to design pieces that will not be bypassed. The intention is to create a dialogue between people and objects, to invoke feelings and perceptions. She is also very concerned about the environment, the felt she works with is 100% natural sheep wool and all the material that is waste of one product is used to create another. She began as a small artisan creating accessories in 2006; still testing how felt would react as a material to all those new shapes and forms but eventually outgrew to a company taking felt to a whole new level designing houses and having her work recognized around the country. 93 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 94 Dachshund / door stop L.W.H: 45 / 10 / 36 cm white: black: grey: red: green: 94 PAOLA-0380-01 PAOLA-0380-02 PAOLA-0380-03 PAOLA-0380-04 PAOLA-0380-05 95 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 96 Little dog / door stop L.W.H: 29 / 8 / 30 cm white: black: grey: red: green: 96 PAOLA-0071-01 PAOLA-0071-02 PAOLA-0071-03 PAOLA-0071-04 PAOLA-0071-05 97 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 98 Labrador / door stop L.W.H: 50 / 18 / 60 cm white: black: grey: red: green: 98 PAOLA-0100-01 PAOLA-0100-02 PAOLA-0100-03 PAOLA-0100-04 PAOLA-0100-05 99 boekje.regina16.17 100 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 100 Rino / door stop L.W.H: 72 / 25 / 39 cm Little Rino / door stop L.W.H: 35 / 10 / 18 cm white: black: grey: red: green: white: black: grey: red: green: PAOLA-0560-01 PAOLA-0560-02 PAOLA-0560-03 PAOLA-0560-04 PAOLA-0560-05 PAOLA-0570-01 PAOLA-0570-02 PAOLA-0570-03 PAOLA-0570-04 PAOLA-0570-05 101 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 102 Little cat / door stop L.W.H: 22 / 9 / 31 cm white: black: grey: red: green: PAOLA-0070-01 PAOLA-0070-02 PAOLA-0070-03 PAOLA-0070-04 PAOLA-0070-05 Mother cat / door stop L.W.H: 37 / 15 / 43 cm white: black: grey: red: green: 102 PAOLA-0320-01 PAOLA-0320-02 PAOLA-0320-03 PAOLA-0320-04 PAOLA-0320-05 103 boekje.regina16.17 13-07-2016 11:13 Pagina 104 GARDECO bvba Molendamstraat 12, 8210 Zedelgem-Belgium tel. +32 50 82 77 62 - fax +32 50 82 77 63 We like to thank all our relatives and friends for using their premises for the photoshootings. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of “Gardeco”. 104 13-07-2016 10:53 Pagina 1 2016-2017 Regina Medeiros - wall Panels - Domingos Totora - Aart - Paola Abiko cover.regina16.17 2016 - 2017 Regina Medeiros - Wall Panels - Domingos Tótora Aart - Paola Abiko