fly paper - Wenatchee Valley Fly Fishers
fly paper - Wenatchee Valley Fly Fishers
Wenatchee Valley Flyfishers FLY PAPER — March 2006 Page 1 FLY PAPER An Affiliate of the Federation of Fly Fishers March 2007 Volume 20 Looking Upstream Richard DeLorenzo Flyfishing Argentina March 15 General Meeting “Below the Applewood Grill” March 17 Lake Lenore with Gary Bates April 5 Board Meeting April 14-15 Lake Lenice April 19 General Meeting April 28-29 Blue Lake/Chopaka Wet Fly 6:00 Dinner 7:00 Program 8:00 No. 90 Methow Valley Fly Fishers club member Richard DeLorenzo will be giving a presentation on fishing in Argentina. Richard has lived and fished in Alaska since the 1970’s. He has worked in the field of education during the winter, but explored most of the Alaskan Wilderness during his 30 years there. He has experience as a wilderness river guide, fly fishing guide, and pilot. When not flying in Alaska, he takes advantage of exploring new countries including the Bahamas, Belize, Elutheria, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, and his favorite, Argentina. Richard has spent 3 months exploring the Northern Patagonia regions and will share with us some of his favorite places and techniques. He now lives with his family in Carlton along the Methow River. This promises to be a fun and interesting evening. Hope to see you there! GENERAL MEETINGS AT THE APPLEWOOD GRILL Third Thursday of the month, September through June. 2006 OFFICERS AND BOARD President — Steve DeJong 1006 Grenz St. Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 662-6194 Secretary — Dick Nicklas 23111 Saddle Leavenworth, WA 98826 (509) 763-4327 1st Vice President — Don Bolstad 303 Hilltop Pl. Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 663-0472 Treasurer — Gordi Northrup 1212 Malaga Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 662-0769 2nd Vice President — OPEN Ghille — Gil Biles 1701 N. Western Wenatchee, W 98801 5(09) 663-2325 Program — Gary Anderson 149 NE 26th East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 884-6886 Newsletter Editor — Nancy Howard 1509 Woodhaven Place Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 663-1063 Outings — John Murio 618 Daniels Street East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 884-0204 Membership — Eric Rainbolt 38 N. Jennings Wenatchee WA 98801 (509) 662-2314 Conservation Chair — Joe Roy 2410 First St. NE E. Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 884-2874 The “FLYPAPER” is published monthly by Wenatchee Valley Fly Fishers — P. O. Box 3687, Wenatchee, WA 98807-3687 Telephone (509) 663-1063 ! email ! Editor Nancy Howard DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF MATERIAL IS THE FIRST OF THE MONTH OF PUBLICATION. Page 2 WVFF Board Meeting Minutes, March 1, 2007 FlyPaper March 2007 that position for quite a few years now. It makes the progression to President a three-year commitment. And we seem to have slogged along fine with a president and first Vice President. President DeJong adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM Board Members Present: Steve DeJong, Joe Roy, John Murio, Al Smith, Gil Biles, Gary Anderson, Nancy Howard, Don Bolstad. Guests: Bob Mitchell, Ralph Jordan, Larry McCracken, Fred Kunzmann President Steve called the meeting to order at about 7:10 PM Due to some members’ schedules, we rearranged the agenda. All Smith gave the treasurers report. He has created a new electronic accounting file for us and will have a printed budget summary each month. He also suggested that since our savings earns little interest, that we put some of our funds into a 6-month CD. Nancy Howard moved and Gary Anderson seconded that we place $8,000 in a 6 month CD. Discussion included whether we are to grow our account or use the money. We can withdraw the money any time we need it and even the penalty will not eat up more than our greater earnings over leaving the money to sit. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Al Smith will set it up. Joe Roy then listed the members of our newly formed Conservation Committee: Tom Whiteside, Craig Garver, Ralph Jordan, Bob Mitchell, Don Bolstad, Irv Conner. Discussion revolved around the goals and purpose of the conservation committee and the Bill Barnet Conservation Fund (which now stands at $2665.00). We decided that the club and committee should try for three kinds of activities each year. 1) Monetary gifts to organizations. 2) Gifts of work parties (bodies doing work). 3) Adding our funds and “sweat equity” as partners with agencies and other groups to enhance large scale projects. Our choices for this year’s activities are: 1) (the funds) We propose to send up to $1,000 to the Big Twin aerator project (see article on page 7) 2) We propose to set up monthly or twice monthly cleanup crews for Black Lake and to work with the Water district on signage in English, Spanish and Russian. And 3) we propose to gather people and river-worthy powerboats for the River Keeper water analysis project this August. In other business, we had reports from several members. Gil Biles, the Ghille, will include a column in each FlyPaper with overdue and missing books, videos and DVDs. He will also be sending a post card to the last known member to have possession of library materials. Please be looking in those piles in the corner! Gary Anderson announced that our speaker for March is a Methow Valley Fly Fisher club member, Richard DeLorenzo who will offer us a presentation on fishing Argentina. April’s program will be Jack Mitchell of the Evening Hatch in Ellensburg. And May’s presentation will be a very special event. Gary has convinced Dave Hughes, renowned fly fisher, fly tyer, and author to present for our General Meeting on May 17th and then to present an all-day, threepart seminar on Saturday, May 19, culminating with a casting clinic. Gary suggested, and the board agreed that we invite the Methow Valley Fly Fishers to join us for this great event. Originally, John Murio had scheduled our May outing to Dry Falls for May 19, but board consensus moved the outing to the previous Saturday, May 12. That still misses Apple Blossom, but is the Saturday before Mother’s day, so perhaps Mom might like a fly fishing outing? In other business, we agreed to purchase The Fly Fishing Instructor Handbook available for $50 from the FFF. We will also be bringing to the March General meeting a request to change the By Laws by removing the position of 2nd Vice President. We have not had any member willing to serve in Respectfully submitted for the world-traveling Dick Nicklas by Nancy Howard. WVFF General Meeting Minutes, February 16, 2006 In Dick Nicklas’ absence, (He and Pam and on their world tour) no one at the General Meeting in February took notes, so we have no minutes. Over Due Books from the WVFF Library As of March 1, 2007 Dear Members, Below are over due books and videos that you have checked out from our library. Please return them at the next meeting or to me at 1701 N. Western Ave Wenatchee so others can use them. Thanks, The Ghille Gil Biles Books Washington Best Lakes In The Fishes Eye The Gilly Essential Trout Flies Emerges Clark Fork Montana What the Guide Said The Custom Graphite Rod Caddisflies Blue Upright Solving Fly Casting Problems Smallmouth Strategies for the Fly Rod Trout and Beyond Fly Fishing the High Country The Montana Angling Guide Continued on Page 3 Member Stephen Wancho Chuck Peven Tom Whiteside G. Anderson Allen Smith Gary Bates Vladimir Steblina Tom Rowe Joe Roy Gary Bates Eric Rainbolt Bruce Merighi Steve Aguilu Phil Conner Chuck Moser Page 3 FlyPaper March 2007 Videos Fly Fishing for Trout Fishing Lessons Tying & Fishing Effective Trout Flies Mastering the Midge Tying Flies for Spring Creeks & Tail Waters Fly Fishing Made Easy Introduction to Fly Fishing Fly Fishing for Bass Tying Fresh Water Streamers Fly Tying Basics Beyond The Basics Fly Tying Basics Member VIDEOS Jeremy Kendall Walt Wittgow Beyond The Basics Just Fly Tying from Ice Off to Ice On Tying Western Trout Flies Fly Tying Basics Fly tying Basics Vladimir Steblina Walt Tribley Tim Witter Jeremy Kendall Walt Tribley Tim Witter Jeremy Kendall Walt Tribley Steve Aguilu Fred Kunzmann Bill Marts M. Bradley Jack Dennis Al Betty Jack Dennis When you return these books, please let me know so I can remove from the missing list. It is important to return them as others would like to read them. Thanks, The Ghille, Gil Big Twin Aerator WVFF Club Books Missing Dear Members below is a list of books and Videos missing from our library if you have them please return them at the next meeting or to me, Gil Biles, at: 1701 N. Western Ave. Wenatchee. BOOKS Fly Fishing Encyclopedia Beattie A&G The Essence of Fly Casting Mel Krieger Floating White Water Rivers R.W. Miskimins Fly Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout Denny Rickards Fishing the Flats with Mark Sosin Lefty Kreh Fishing the Big Three Ted Williams Freshwater Wilderness Yellowstone & Their World w/Paul Schullery John Varley Fly Fishing Only Gene Trump Introduction to Fly Fishing Dave Whitlock Modern Fly Tying Methods D. Martin The Montana Angling Guide Chuck Fothergill Strategies for Still Waters Tying Dry Flies To Hell with Fishing Tying Trout Flies Trout the Size of Foot Balls Upland Stream The Dry Fly & Bob Sterling Dave Hughes Kaufmann Webster/ Zern Gray Borger Richard Anderson W.D. Wetherell LaFontane Don Bronson, of the Methow Valley Fly Fishers, sent our first Vice President, Don Bolstad, this update on the Big Twin Aerator project. “Don, thanks very much for your interest. We have raised $4000 hard money from various fly clubs towards the $7000 deficit. Some other clubs are considering funding at this time. If they contribute as indicated, we will have a $2000 deficit remaining. A total of eight clubs as well as two individuals have or will have contributed. Thanks for the offer on labor but we have a lot of good backs from MVFF who have volunteered. We hope to break ground with the power excavation in April. We sincerely appreciate the help from your club. Duncan Bronson” At the March General Meeting, your Board will be asking you to OK a donation of $1,000 to the Big Twin Aerator. Thank You!!! I’d like to express my gratitude for the gift presented me at the WVFF February meeting. I’m STILL walking on sunshine! What a surprise. We’re looking forward to seeing all of you at this year’s outing August 10-12th. I hope some of our new members will make it up there too. Thank you, Pat Herd Page 4 FlyPaper March 2007 Rocky Ford February Outing Dedicated—but cold—Fly Fishers The closest some came to the fish! Page 5 FlyPaper March 2007 WORK IS FOR PEOPLE WHO DO NOT FISH’ Daiwa bumper sticker In case you missed the February General Meeting, here is Jeff Korth’s information: After hearing Jeff Korth and Bob Jateff of the WDFW give their assessments of 2007 fishing prospects, the Daiwa sticker came to mind—so many places (lakes/ponds) to visit. All those ponds with bird names like Quail, Chukar, Pheasant, Wigeon, etc. I must confess that I lost my concentration after hearing of the water that had a trout size class of +30”. Not many fish, but 30” fish are something special. March 1 Opener 2007 Prospects Back to the Daiwa sticker, the Club is considering starting weekday outings to supplement our scheduled weekend outings. We have Club members who work shifts (including our esteemed Club President Steve DeJong), have weekend obligations, and others like me that are retired. These members could be available for a weekday outing. One thing I learned when I retired in SE Louisiana, was that the number of weekday fishermen was low compared to weekends. Plus, you can be more selective in picking the day to fish due to the weather conditions. If you are interested in participating in a weekday outing let us know. There are no rules of when or where. This may turn out to be nothing more than a list of weekday available fly fishers with email addresses and/or phone numbers. John Murio will help us get organized. I’d suggest that we might pick a few lakes that the people want to fish. I’m inclined toward the Pothole lakes with big fish and short walk-ins. We also request volunteers to be the leaders to the lakes. The area maps are not always accurate (on purpose I suspect). Nothing beats local knowledge that has been there before and knows the local roads, etc. You do not have to be retired or on AARP’s mailing list to take part in the weekday outings. The weekend outings are still the primary Club outings. All the outings are open to all Club members and guests. The planned weekend outing details are found in the monthly Club newsletter. If you are interested in participating in weekday outings, please contact Gil Biles or Don Bolstad. Or, plan to talk to us at the next regular meeting. Gil Biles 663-2325 Don Bolstad 663-0472 Updated February 20, 2007 - J. Korth District 5 Fisheries Biologist Warm temperatures, a little rain and a lot of wind have worked wonders on the ice. Most lakes currently are open or at least have some open water. The forecast for the rest of February is for warm temperatures, so all waters should be ice free on the opener. See below for details. Updates will be provided if major changes occur. Check with the Region 2 office in Ephrata (509) 754-4624. Summary: Most of the waters constituting the March 1 Opener should sport fair fisheries, at least to start the season. Quincy and Burke were rehabbed two years ago, so this is the year for great fishing. Martha and Caliche have problems, but a few added catchables should pull ‘em through. Dusty and Lenore are in great shape, but the Beverly quality lakes are past their prime. Lenice and Nunnally should still provide fair angling this spring, and more large rainbow will be added in April 2007. Quincy and Burke Lakes: BEST BET. Burke and Quincy lakes are the largest of the Mach 1 trout waters. Both were rehabilitated fall 2005, so the 2007 fishery will be the first based on stocked fingerling rainbow. Surveys last fall revealed very good survival and growth of trout in both lakes. This should be a great year!!! We anticipate limits of 10-12 inch rainbow as soon as the ice is gone. Currently, Burke has open water at the launch, but Quincy is still completely iced. However, the ice is rotten, and both lakes should be ice free by the opener. The fishery in these waters should be good through at least mid-April. Rainbow fingerling plants for 2006: Burke Lake - 35,084; Quincy Lake 22,017. Upper, Lower, and West Caliche: The Caliche Lakes were very poor last year, and the presence of yellow perch has been confirmed. Competition with the perch probably spells the demise of the fingerlings stocked last spring, so larger fall fingerlings were also stocked in Upper Caliche. These rainbows should make about 9 inch yearlings by the opener. If available, we will also stock up to 5,000 catchables (12 inch rainbows) into Upper Caliche. Currently, all the Caliche lakes are ice free. Rainbow fingerling plants for 2006: Upper Caliche 9,500; Lower Caliche - 5,000; West Caliche - 500. Page 6 Martha Lake: GOOD BET. Martha Lake suffers the ravages of cormorant predation, most notably in 2003 when ~100 cormorants pretty much wiped the lake clean of trout. In addition, it has been four years since the last rehabilitation, and the numbers of sunfish have been increasing steadily. Last year was poor, and fingerling survival this year was probably not any better. The north half of Martha Lake has open water, and the lake is expected to be ice free by the opener. Up to 5,000 catchables (12 inch rainbows) will be stocked before opening day. Martha Lake was also stocked with 11,200 rainbow fingerlings last spring 2006. Quincy WMA Walk-In Lakes: These small waters on the west side of the Wildlife Area offer anglers a chance to explore the scabland and get a little exercise. Success rates vary lake-to-lake and season-to-season. Yearlings range from 9-12" and carryovers can be found from 14-18". Crystal, Cup and Spring Lks have been the most consistent. Currently, at least Crystal Lake was ice free, and the rest should also shed their skin by the opener. Fingerlings stocked as follows: Cascade -100 rainbows; Cliff - 300 rainbows; Crystal - 400 rainbows; Cup - 300 rainbows; Dot - 500 rainbows; Scout - 100 rainbows; Spring, Upper 200 rainbows; Lower - 300 rainbows. Quality Waters: Dusty Lake: Dusty Lake was rehabilitated in fall 2003 to rid the water of speckled dace and goldfish. Fingerling survival has been good, and recruitment to carryovers very good. Dusty Lake has many 16-20 inch rainbows, and there should also be some real whoppers remaining from the 2004 stocking of 1.5 lb triploid rainbow. Tiger trout have also been stocked since 2004, so 1620 inch trout of this species should also be present. Brown trout have only been stocked recently and probably won’t be much larger than 12-14 inches. For 2006, Dusty was stocked with 8,304 rainbow fingerings, 1,500 brown trout fingerlings, and 801 tiger trout fingerlings. Early spring fishing has been a little slow, primarily because the fish remain suspended fairly deep and are more difficult to find. Because this lake is very deep (120+ ft), it holds its temperature well and provides some summer rainbow fishing, too. Dusty Lake is open through November and has hosted a very good fall fishery FlyPaper March 2007 to boot. Anglers should remember that the regulations changed in 2004, and Dusty Lake is managed under the selective fishery rules (no bait, single barbless hook, 1 fish limit; see pamphlet). Lenice and Nunnally Lakes: Both lakes are currently ice free. The last rehabilitation occurred seven years ago in March 2000. Sunfish are the culprit, and as usual for this species, four good seasons pass and the tide begins to turn. Sunfish are now legion, and fingerling survival has diminished. All is not lost, some fingerlings are still making yearlings, and both Lenice and Nunnally have been receiving regular shots of 1-1.5 lb triploid rainbow. About 1,000 more of these fine fish will be stocked in spring 2006, but probably not until April. Yearlings from the fingerlings that survived should be 14", and some carryovers from 16" to 18" should also be extant. Both lakes were again stocked with rainbow fingerlings spring ’06. There are also brown and tiger trout (brown x brook trout) stocked in small numbers. The last two state records for tiger trout have come from these waters. Selective fishing regulations - one fish, single, barbless hook, no bait; see pamphlet. In 2006 Lenice: 9,445 rainbow, and 1,007 tiger trout, 2,000 brown, all fingerlings. Nunnally: 12,005 rainbow, 2,014 tiger trout, and 3,028 brown, all fingerlings. Lake Lenore: Lenore is still mostly ice covered, but the ice is rotten and breaking up. The lake should be completely open by the opener. Angling at Lenore was pretty good the last three March opening days. Lenore has completely recovered from the serious fish kills of 1998 and is currently carrying as many cutthroat as ever. Three to four year old fish at about three to five lbs + should be numerous in 2007. Spring fishing will be good through May, somewhat slow during the summer, but great during October and November. Stocking rates are about 55,000 Lahontan cutthroat fingerlings annually. NOTE: Lenore has selective fishery regulations, and in addition is catch and release March through May. Page 7 FlyPaper March 2007 WENATCHEE VALLEY FLYFISHERS OUTINGS SCHEDULE FOR 2007 MONTH DESTINATION HOST EQUIPMENT Comments February 17 Rocky Ford Creek John Murio Something to keep you warm and dry. March 3 Dusty Lake John Murio Float tube and sinking lines The weather is iffy but the fishing is usually good underneath. The water is cold and the fish deep. Be ready to walk. Gary Bates Float tube/boat/wade, be prepared for cold Float tube/pontoon Easy to get to and usually good fishing. Opening Day. Some of us plan to camp in the area for the week. Gary’s class on resident bugs, how to fish them, and how to lose them. Hexagenia hatch that brings the big rainbows and browns to the top Come join the best guide on the lake, one of ours, usually hot weather. Smallmouths & Carp. March 17 Lake Lenore April 14-15 Lake Lenice Fred Kunzmann April 28-29 Blue Lake and maybe Chopaka Dry Falls Gordy West Float tube or boat Gary Anderson Float tube or boat June 16-17 Blue Lake in the Okanogan Steve DeJong July 7 Banks Lake Mike Huffer August 3-5 Methow River Pat Herdt & G. Northrup Dry fly rigs Camping and cooking 6-8 wt. Rods,wet wade, boat, or hitch a ride with Mike Camping, eating, and fishing on the river September Salmon Festival Leavenworth Gary Anderson September 29 or October 6 November Yakima River Tom Whiteside May 12 December 25 January 20, 2008 Methow River?? If it is open Happy Holidays WVFF Annual Banquet Santa WVFF Fly tying, casting, or just plain old talking about our sport and club. Plan to float the river and do some wading Bundle up and bring your 6-8 weights. Make room for all your NEW toys and clothes. Plenty of $$ to spend at the raffle and auction We can fish the entire chain but we will camp at Lenice. Don’t miss this one as it was a great family outing. Come watch the dogs compete. Fish some too. This is an annual event for us to promote fly fishing. Let Gary know when and how long you would like to help him. Come and play in Tom’s backyard, he promises a hearty welcome. This is tentative but something to look forward to at this time. Who decides whether you’re naughty or nice? Donate something for auction or raffle. It doesn’t have to be hand made or expensive. Check out the dates to make sure there are no huge conflicts with other events or holidays. Make suggestions for other outings to replace the ones we have planned or to add in between. I am always looking for someone to host an outing and lend their expertise to the functions. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Page 8 FlyPaper March 2007 P.O. Box 3687 Wenatchee, WA 98807-3687 An FFF Affiliated Club “RELEASE ‘EM ALIVE” Fly Paper Catch and Release Gil Biles has a Dual Fly Tying Vise for sale. He is asking $75. Call him at: 663.2325 Fly Tying Sessions Please join us for our twice monthly fly tying sessions at Fred Kunzmann’s. We meet every second and fourth Thursday evenings in Fred’s garage. Come any time after 6:00ish. This year we plan to “match the outing.” Check John Murio’s great outing sheets for the month and come ready to tie what you’ll need for the next outing. FRED’S GARAGE 2524 North Astor Court East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 886-1321