Annual Report - 2002 - Makerere University Planning and
Annual Report - 2002 - Makerere University Planning and
MAKERERE UNIVERSITY Annual Report 2002 A Review of The Institutional Development Plan 2000/01- 2004/05 Planning & Development Department March 2003 VICE CHANCELLOR Professor P.J.M. Ssebuwufu FOREWORD The Annual Report 2002 is the second annual performance report of Makerere University. This report systematically tracks progress recorded in the execution of the University’s strategic plan 2000/1-2004/5 adopted in October 2000. The forward motion for performance reporting is provided by the dedication of the University’s management to systematic planning based on the strategic management model and the obligation of the University administration as spelt out in section 6.7 of The Universities and other Tertiary Institutions’ Act 2000. The reporting structure of the University has advanced to encompass both macro and micro reports. This year’s report is distinguishable from last year’s in that it gives an elaborate snapshot of the progress recorded in the implementation of the University’s strategic plan at the Faculty/Unit level. The report is based on the more elaborate annual reports of the faculties/planning units. It should be noted that the general picture at the macro level in terms of the University’s development profile is not substantially at variance with the representation portrayed in last year’s report, a phenomenon attributable to the relatively stable academic environment universities like Makerere operate in. The principle to report annually based on a calendar year mismatches with the subsisting University system The academic year runs from October to June while the financial year runs from July to June. Being a public institution, most of the University’s decisions and developments are driven by the government financial year, which starts in July and ends in June, thus we propose that the reporting should be based on a financial year. This report may not be faultless but we are happy that we have already climbed on the learning curve with regard to performance reporting. We shall continue to learn from our shortcomings with a view of perfecting the process as we move along. Finally, the University would appreciate feed back to the report from the government and other stakeholders. List of Acronyms ACBF AERC ANNPCAN CAEC CCNA CDRN DANIDA DFID DICTS EPRC FOC FSI IAEA ICRAF ICT IDA IDP IDRC INCO-DEV ISF KCC LIL MAAIF MOES MOFPED MOH MUARIK MUCOBU MWLE NAADS NORAD NUFU NURRU African Capacity Building Fund African Economic Research Council African Network for Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect Continuing Agricultural Extension Centre Certified Ciso Network Association Community Development Research Network Danish International Development Agency Directorate for International Development Mak Directorate of Information and Communication Technology Services Economic Policy Research Centre Farmers’ Organisation coordination Female Scholarship Initiative Innovations at Makerere Committee International Atomic Agency International Centre for Research in Agro Forestry Information Communication Technology International Development Association Institutional Development Plan International Development Research Centre International Corporation with Developing countries International Foundation for Science Kampala City Council Learning Innovations Loan Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries Ministry of Education and Sports Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development Ministry of Health Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo Makerere University Consultancy Bureau Ministry of Water Lands and Environment National Agricultural Advisory Services Norwegian Agency for International Development Norwegian Council of Universities National Union of Researcher and Research Users PMA Plan for Modernization of Agriculture SAREC Sida UAC UNCST UNDP UNFPA VC Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation Swedish Agency for International Development Uganda Aids Commission Uganda National Council for Science and Technology United Nations Development Program United Nations Fund for Population Activities Vice Chancellor Table of Contents FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 LIST OF ACRONYMS.................................................................................................................................................. 4 LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................................................................... 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................I 2 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES .................................................................................................................. 4 3 FACULTY OF LAW ............................................................................................................................................. 8 5 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE....................................................................................................................... 14 6 FACULTY OF SCIENCE................................................................................................................................... 16 7 FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................................................ 19 8 FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE .................................................................................................... 25 9 FACULTY OF MEDICINE................................................................................................................................ 28 10 INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (ICS) .............................................................................................. 32 11 INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS AND APPLIED ECONOMICS..................................................................... 33 12 INSTITUTE OF ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION (IACE) ........................................................ 35 13 INSTITUTE OF PSYCHOLOGY...................................................................................................................... 38 14 INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS ......................................................................................................................... 41 15 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH (MISR).............................................................................................. 43 16 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION .............................................................................................................................. 47 17 SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES.................................................................................................... 49 18 SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL AND FINE ARTS .............................................................................................. 52 19 EASLIS ................................................................................................................................................................. 54 20 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (PDD) ...................................................................... 56 21 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ......................................................................................................................... 61 22 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL................................................................................................................................. 63 23 ESTATES AND WORKS DEPARTMENT ...................................................................................................... 65 24 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ................................................................................................................................... 66 25 ACADEMIC REGISTRAR ................................................................................................................................ 69 26 DEPARTMENT OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS ......................................................................................... 71 27 THE OFFICES OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR AND SECRETARY TO COUNCIL ............................. 74 List of Tables Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Makerere University Student Enrolment and Graduates 2002 Makerere University Staff Status 2002 Makerere University Internally Generated Funds 2001/02 Executive Summary Inspired by her vision “To be a center of academic excellence providing world class teaching, research and services relevant to sustainable development needs of society,” Makerere University has continued to provide high quality education, while expanding access during the year 2002. This report outlines the main achievements of Makerere University in its mandated areas of operation namely: teaching and learning, research, extension and consulting services, organization and management, human resource development, infrastructural improvement and resource mobilization and allocation by the various Faculties/Schools/Institutes and Administrative units. 1.1 Teaching and Learning: The total undergraduate student enrolment of Makerere University stood at 26,694 in 2002 up from 21,709 in 2001. The number of postgraduate student was 1,657. The above student population included a total of 224 international students. In order to maintain high academic standards, the University introduced a series of measures: First, the renewal and revision of curricula has been more vigorously pursued in all faculties/schools/institutes and several new demand driven programs have been introduced both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Some of the new programs that have attracted the students have included M.A. in Ethics and Public Management, M.A in Human Rights and the Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Journalism in the Faculty of Arts, B.Sc. in Land Use and Management, B.Sc. Agribusiness Management and MSc. applied Human Nutrition in the Faculty of Agriculture, B.Sc. in Fisheries and Aquaculture, B.Sc. in Geological Resource Management and B.Sc. in Ethnobotany in the Faculty of Science, MA in Population and Reproductive Health, MA in Population and Development in the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics. Teaching and Learning Extends to civil society, Faculty of Technology Open Day i The new Senate has restructured its committee system with a view to ensuring that the standards are not only maintained but improved. One of such committees is the Quality Assurance Committee with the mandate to closely monitor the academic standards of the University. Further more, Makerere University is gradually adopting e-learning to transform the teaching process and make more optimal utilization of limited space. All faculties/schools/institutes participated in the e-learning courses for training of trainers for academic and administrative staff organised through the Institute of Computer Science with support from Nuffic, Netherlands. The University significantly stepped up its library information resources through the use of ICT in addition to the traditional book form. Students can now access over 7,000 electronic Journals. Server points in the Library expanded from 14 to 74 while LAN on the grounds expanded from 16 to 68. In order to accelerate the integration of ICT in teaching and learning, the University acquired more than 400 new computers during 2002 and all major faculties/schools/institutes have established local area net works which are linked up to the optic fiber backbone and the wireless network set up earlier on. Apart from the above initiatives geared towards efficiency, Makerere University has become more conscious of the need to produce graduates with the skills and knowledge required in the employment world. A Project to link up the University with the decentralized Districts service delivery and therefore positively impact on the poverty alleviation program has been running for now two years. The Program has entered a new phase of implementation supported by a Learning Innovation Loan (LIL) of USD 5 million to Government by IDA / World Bank and a matching fund from Rockefeller Foundation to Makerere University. The program aims at creating a partnership between the Government and the University to enhance the University ‘s role in the transformation process. One hundred and twenty (120) undergraduate scholarships were awarded to district employees under this program. The focus disciplines in the program include basic health and medicine, agriculture, governance, financial management and planning, education as well as engineering. Other initiatives designed to increase graduate employability have included multidisciplinary teaching and research, effective internship and clinical work, and closer links with the community. Finally, on this aspect, the University has deliberately targeted donor support to science disciplines to create the necessary human resources for exploiting the country’s natural resources which have hitherto not been tapped. In the area of access and equity, besides expanding student’s intake, the University has continued to address gender concerns. The Department of Women and Gender Studies launched the certified Cisco Network Associate (CCNA) course with the aim of increasing the enrolment of females in higher learning institutions. The Female Scholarship Initiative (FSI) support by the Carnegie Corporation of New York which is in its second year is now supporting over 193 female students. A PhD scholarship scheme by the same foundation has an inbuilt affirmative action for women scholars. Twenty five women with diplomas have benefited under Carnegie support project in the Faculty of Agriculture. A further two female employees at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine have been supported for the Bachelor of Laboratory Technology. A new building funded by NORAD to create space for Gender studies has been completed and handed over to the University. In recognition of Makerere positive Gender development, the University was selected to host the prestigious International Inter-disciplinary Congress on Women, the Women World 2002. The Congress which was attended by about 2000 delegates was a big success. 1.2 Research During the year 2002, the measures implemented to tackle the chronic shortage of funds for research started ii to yield some results. A research levy of Ushs.10, 000 for undergraduate students and Ushs.20, 000 for postgraduate students yielded Ushs.224 million. Government of Uganda allocated Ushs 120 million for research. The internally generated funds were augmented by Donor funds from Carnegie Corporation of New York, Sida/SAREC and NORAD amounting to over Ushs 364 million for research. Most of these funds were used to fund research for Ph.D. candidates on Staff Development. During the year 2002, an additional post of Deputy Dean/Deputy Director was created in faculties/shools/institutes. Most of the faculties/schools/institutes have earmarked this post for Research and Higher Degrees. Many faculties/schools/institutes revamped the Faculty Research and Publication Committees to solicit and evaluate research proposal from both staff and students. Some of the on-going major research projects include: Budongo Forest project by the Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation which has taken a multidisciplinary approach to encompass a range of species of plants, animals and socio-economic studies of local communities (supported by NORAD). Sustainable Technological Development in the Lake Victoria Region undertaken by the Faculty of Technology with support from Sida/SAREC. Ankole cow and Mubende goat by the Faculty of Agriculture with support from NORAD. In order to improve on research management and co-ordination, the School of Postgraduate studies has developed a system known as Rmacs@mak to capture all on-going research. The school has been equipped with computers and desk tops publishing equipment plus a vehicle and other facilities which have built capacity for dissemination and utilization of research findings. A number of faculties/schools/institutes now publish journals. These include Medicine, Law, Agriculture, Social Sciences among others. The Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) carried out 11 commissioned and non commissioned research projects and through competitive bidding won a number of consulting studies in the area of HIV/AIDS, Land Management, Poverty Alleviation and Governance. MISR has also made significant contribution towards influencing public policy and searching for community and national solutions to problems through facilitating dialogue and networking with all stakeholders. 1.3 Extension and Consulting Extension work is geared towards transmitting University abundant professional knowledge and skills to problem solving among the community, improving production techniques to industry and business and policy formulation to the Government. The first major linkage of the University to society has been facilitated through the project which seeks to create a partnership between the University and the Decentralized District Service Delivery. This project has facilitated knowledge and skills transfer through training to the District Service Delivery on the one hand and improving the relevancy of higher education as lecturers acquire grassroots experiences and integrate them into the curricula. The project which is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Bank is seen as a pilot phase which will be opened up to other areas if proved successful. This pilot phase is targeting the districts of Rakai, Mabarara, Arua, Yumbe, Mbale, Sironko, Itoojo sub county in Ntungamo district and Kamapla The Faculty of Technology offers Business Development services to small and micro enterprises in Uganda with support from Gatsby Charitable Foundation of UK. Many enterprises in Kampala, Jinja, Mbarara, Mbale, Masindi, Masaka, Mukono, Rukungiri, Soroti, Gulu, and Lira have been assisted in skills development, business plans and technology transfer for quality improvement. The Faculty of Technology, through the Technology Consults Ltd. has extended services to Government, the private sector and the University on several building projects. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine offers services to the community in a range of programs especially the Buyana Stock Farm. For the past 10 years Buyana Stock Farm was the lead nucleus for breeding goats, hence contributing to animal genetic base within the country. The farm sells Boar breed of goats to farmers iii in the country. 1.4 Organisation and Management The year 2002 was a period of transition from the 1970 Makerere University Act to the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001. The transition proved to be a challenge as new organs were being created for the first time. A new Senate was put in place and after a break of 7 months from April 2002 a new Council was created. In the absence of Council, University Management chaired by the Vice Chancellor took all the decisions at the University. The new organs however have come with new challenges. For example, the size of current Council is more than twice as big as the old Council. The University submitted its proposals for amendment of the Act to the Ministry of Education and Sports and it is hoped that the amendment will be given priority in order to minimize stress and strains in the University delivery systems. The second dimension of transformation is in the area of formation of constituent Colleges. The formation of these Colleges is intended to bring efficacy as large units of Constituent Colleges are given more powers. The previous Council approved the College of Health Sciences in principle and its details are being put together. A College of Humanities to bring together the present Faculties of Arts, Social Sciences and Institutes of Psychology, Economics and, MISR has been mooted and its planning is underway. The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is also being worked upon. The Planning and Development Department is currently preparing a working paper on the rationalization and management of the Devolution process to guide the transformation to Constituent Colleges. An important development that will improve University management and its transformation process is the adoption of ICT for management. To this end the University is setting up the following 4 information systems: Maklibis Library Information System ARIS Academic Records Information System FINIS Financial Information System HURIS Human Resource Information System When the ARIS is fully operational, the delay in issuing transcripts will be minimized if not totally eliminated. Students’ Welfare The Department of the Dean of Students, which is responsible for students’ welfare, has strived to provide the basic students services. The students are still being fed on the meager provision of Ushs 1,070 per day per student. The total number of students residing at the campus is 5,500, which is less than 20% of the total student population. The renovation of Lumumba Hall of residence with funds locally generated is underway. This cuts down on the number of students resident at the campus. In view of the extensive rehabilitation works needed the execution of work was phased such that the current phase focuses on Block B. More funds are still needed to complete Lumumba and other halls of residence. A positive development in the area of students’ welfare is the growth of private students hostels. Many private entrepreneurs have put up students hostels around Makerere University campus. The Dean of Students has put in place a policy to supervise these private hostels and to grade and accredit them according to the University standards. 1.5 Human Resource Development The total Academic staff strength stands at 952 against total establishment of 1813 which gives a percentage subscription of 53%. In addition to this, the University employs over 160 part-time lecturers who are paid directly from the income generated from fees. iv Through the judicious use of income generated, as well as through Donor support, the University is conducting a vigorous Staff Development Program. Over 128 Members of staff are pursuing PhD degrees.. The part time staff along with the full timers have played an important role in ensuring that the expanded student enrollment is effectively taught and supervised. The incentive regime of the University however, is lagging behind due to lack of constant adjustment in the wake of the price fluctuation. For example, when the salary of a Professor was adjusted to Ushs,1,060,000 in 1997, the exchange rate of the shilling to the Dollar was 1US$ = Ushs.977. So the Professor was earning over US$1000. The exchange rate has depreciated to 1USD = Ushs 1,900 which is about 50% of the exchange rate in 1997 and the salary of a Professor has remained at Ushs.1,060,000 which is about US$550. The University and the Government will need to work together to update the salary and other staff incentives to current price level. 1.6 Physical Infrastructure The major accomplishments in terms of infrastructural development over the year 2002 were as follows: - Completion of a 1800 M2 new building for the Department of Women & Gender Studies with NORAD support. Construction of a 2375 M2 building for Computer Science which will also host the Meteorology Unit with NORAD support. Construction of 4030 M2 the Department of Food Science funded by NORAD. Renovation of Lumumba Hall of Residence Block B Construction of new building for Institute of Infectious Diseases at Mulago funded by Pfizer Foundation. Face lift of several buildings prior to the Women World Congress. Completion of the optic fiber backbone for ICT at the main campus. Procurement of 400 Computers and installation of several LANs v The University however has extensive space requirement and space development needs to be given special attention by the Government and development partners. 1.7 Generation and Allocation of Funds The University budgeted to spend Ushs.71billion during 2002 and it received from Government Ushs.27.6b and from its internal sources Ushs.19b. Thus the University operated with a deficit of 37% on its recurrent budget. Most of the Capital Budget totaling Ushs 22 billion was funded by donors. Government of Uganda contributed Ushs. 270 million for capital works and Ushs 1,200 million for taxes on donor supported projects (see table 4). The absence of Council, delayed quite a number of critical decisions in the area of Finance. These included decision on the new structure of unit cost by Faculty/School/Institute which was worked out by the Planning and Development Department and the new accounting and financial manual which was produced by the Finance Department. The Finance Department will move a step forward in putting in place a new computerized finance system – FINIS which will go a long way in improving the efficiency of the Financial Management System. 1.8 The Way Forward In the year 2003, the University will continue to vigorously pursue measures to review curricula to ensure delivery of demand driven and problem solving programmes. The University will strengthen its linkage with the decentralized districts and institutions of higher learning in Uganda and beyond. The period will mark an initiation of partnerships with the private sector and an increase in the Universities relevancy to societal needs. Integration of e-learning into teaching and learning to increase access such that education is not constrained by space and time. Makerere will vigorously mobilize resources through organizing donor conferences and pursuing the unit cost based budget from government and continue to consolidate the achievements of year 2002 in the areas of gender mainstreaming, ICT development and utilisation, students’ welfare, human resource development, extension and consulting services and research and organizational management. The University is committed to continue to operationalize The University and other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001. 1.9 Organisation of the report The report presents the various University Faculty/Institutes/ Schools and administrative units report as applied to the different University strategic components of teaching and learning, research, organisation and management, human resource development, generation and allocation of funds, and extension and consulting services. Data tables about enrolment, internally generated funds and staffing position are given as annexes. vi 1.0 Faculty of Arts Since its inception, the FoA has been a learning centre for not only Ugandans but also scholars from other parts of the World. The Faculty has contributed to social and political development of Uganda and the region as a whole. Many of Africa’s most outstanding writers, scholars, politicians, and state-persons are products of the Faculty of Arts or its predecessor, The English Department. The FoA is one of the few Faculties at Makerere University that is proud to have taught writers and scholars whose works its students now study. 1.1 Achievements/Main Accomplishments 1.1.1 Teaching and Learning Designing of new programs, particularly at the postgraduate level, and revision of old programs with a view to rendering them professional and market oriented has been an on going activity throughout the year. Special mention is made of the M.A. in Ethics and Public Management, M.A. in Human Rights, and the postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Journalism and Communication. While the Faculty has made major strides in teaching and learning, it is still constrained in terms of infrastructure, high enrolment levels and the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. The designing and/or revision of other programs, mostly undergraduate, are at different stages of completion e.g. Bachelor of Performing Arts. On the other hand, the following new M.A. programs have been approved by the Council. They are: MA in Peace and Conflict Studies, MA in Theology and Pastoral Studies and MA in Social and Management Studies. Of the 130 established academic staff posts, 90 are on the ground, while the rest are out of station either on study or sabbatical leave. Forty four (34%) hold Doctor of Philosophy degrees and 80 (61%) are Masters’ degree graduates. Ninety four (94) Part-time lecturers are employed and paid by the Faculty. 1.1.2 Research Grants and Publications In 2002, a new post of the Associate Dean (Research and Higher Degrees) was created at the faculty. The implications of this move were that research and higher degrees matters were given high priority. Consequently, a Research and Publications Committee was strengthened, with the mandate to encourage and solicit research proposals from both staff and students, evaluate them, and recommend the successful applications for funding by either the Faculty or other funding bodies. Every member of staff has equal opportunity to participate. The list of inaugural research projects under this arrangement is in its final stages of compilation. The vote for research grants and publications during the year 2002 was UShs40m although this amount is still below the Faculty’s research and publication needs. 1.1.3 Organisation and Management a) Administrative Performance of Operational Units The Faculty has five administrative units, namely; Administration, Accounts, Higher Degrees, Counselling, and Public Relations. In addition, there are 8 academic units including 1 Institute (Languages) and 7 Departments namely, Geography, History, Literature, Mass Communication, Music, Dance and Drama, Philosophy, and Religious Studies). The Institute of Languages is headed by a Director while departments are run by Heads of Departments . The expansion in student enrolment serves to meet the increasing human resource needs of the country. However, there is a need to transform the Faculty of Arts into a College in order to address issues of quality, relevance and focus better, as highlighted in the Human Resource Demand Assessment from the Perspective of the Districts. (MISR, 2000). Preliminary discussions have started on how Faculty of Arts, 1 together with Faculty of Social Sciences, MISR, Institute of Economics, and Institute of Psychology could evolve into a College of Humanities. b) ICT Development ICT development in The Faculty has taken on wide strides, particularly in the area of human resource development. The Faculty was able to participate in the e-learning training courses for the academic staff organised by the University through the Institute of Computer Science with the support from Nuffic (The Netherlands) sponsorship. At the moment, the Faculty of Arts has 9 (nine) such resource persons, with each department/institute having at least one. E-learning has also been recognised by the Faculty as one way that could alleviate the Faculty space problems and rationalise the academic programs at the Faculty faster. The nine trainees that passed as Trainers were constituted into the Faculty of Arts e-Learning Committee, with the primary mandate to plan for the implementation of e-learning at the Faculty of Arts in line with the University-wide project. During the year 2002, the Faculty of Arts procured 30 high speed/high resolution computers for departments and the Faculty’s computer laboratory. The current Faculty computer / student ratio is over 1:48 compared to the University recommended ratio of 1:5. Constraints of space do not permit massive purchase of computers at the Faculty, as the available space is mostly dedicated to teaching. c) Staff Development and Welfare Since the year 2001, FoA continued to remunerate its members of staff by topping up their monthly salaries. The academic or professional development of the staff are taken care of under staff development/ research and training while the money for staff monthly remunerations mostly comes from tuition fees from private programs. Ugshs1.85b was spent as staff costs both day and evening programs out of a total of Ushs2.9b. d) Student Welfare A students’ counselling office, with a full-time counsellor employed by the Faculty, was established to ease on the psychological and emotional anxieties, the students may go through during their study time at the University. In addition, the Faculty supports students’ association activities. The associations act as the students’ professional and social clubs. On average, there is one students’ association per department or professional programme. e) Gender mainstreaming The FoA staff, administration, and management are very conscious of gender dimensions, as evidence in most of its operations. For example, during the elections for the second Associate Dean of the Faculty, a number of female candidates were nominated; and the successful candidate, now Associate Dean (Research and Higher Degrees) is a woman. Of the five administrative units at FoA, three are headed by women. Also, among the Faculty’s Heads of Department, there is a fair representation of gender balance. f) Human Resource Development In total, FoA has 44 Ph. D holders, 80 members with M.A. as the highest qualification, eighteen of these are on Ph. D study/research, 22 on M.A. study. There are 20 Teaching Assistants, who entered University service or were recruited by the Faculty on the merit of their first degrees. During 2002, the FoA graduated 2 (two) Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) candidates; one in Mass Communications and the other in Development Studies. Most significantly, both qualifications are the first for the Faculty in their respective disciplines. A number of the FoA staff have also been facilitated to further their skills and work performance through short courses or attend conferences within and outside Uganda. 2 g) Generation and Allocation of Funds Most of the finances of the Faculty of Arts were raised through tuition or fees by students on private and postgraduate study programs and other sources. In 2002, income from tuition was approximately Ushs. 3.2b. The funds catered for the running of the programs, including payments of staff on the programmes. On the other hand, the Faculty of Arts has been able to attract some finances through research, rental charges, Faculty publications and consultancies by different departments and the Makerere Institute of Languages. Efforts were made to broaden the Faculty’s income base through designing and introducing new postgraduate programs, establishing research linkages and exchange programs in each department, writing project proposals for funding of postgraduate research and work, and conducting consultancies. It is hoped that the implementation of the ICT, will enhance the Faculty’s funding options once the proposed University wide e-learning programme takes off. 1.2 The Challenges Infrastructure Development It was not possible for the Faculty of Arts to start on the construction of its building as was indicated in the Faculty’s strategic plan for the year 2002. The Faculty still faces acute problems of shortage of space that leaves it with little option but to hire space in cases of large class numbers that do not fit in the available space at FoA. Hiring of space costs the FoA approximately Ushs 110 million per year, hence construction of its own building remains the most urgent need and priority, once funds to start are secured. Staff/Student ratios and high enrolment levels While the number of students in the Faculty has continued to grow in the last year, Faculty staff particularly the academic has not expanded proportionately basically because of constrictive University establishment provisions. There was a general hope that with new academic and professional programs, staff establishment would grow to reflect the reality but this has not come to pass. A number of Faculty staff have also either retired from service or passed away, and their positions have not been filled. The Faculty’s filled establishment capacity is 69%. In the majority of cases it is the higher ranks of professor and Associate Professor that are affected. Consequently, the existing establishments in most cases have been overstretched, putting the academic and physical health of the lecturers in jeopardy. Where funds have allowed, recruitment of part-timers has been undertaken to alleviate the teaching strain for mostly of undergraduate programs. ICT Development Current constraints in this project revolve around issues of connectivity and accessibility to computers. As already mentioned above, space constrains the massive purchase of computers, and the high costs of establishing local area networks (LANs) and work stations was responsible for the apparent lack of connectivity in some departments in the Faculty. The Faculty has only managed to connect a few offices for administration purposes. It is hoped that the University administration will provide the basic minimum in this area, with regard to computers and LANs to facilitate the process of ICT development at the Faculty. 1.3 Priorities and Targets during 2003 The following have been identified as priorities and targets for 2003: Work towards the achievement of optimum student/staff ratios Achieve optimum ICT use and development for the whole Faculty Vigorous pursuit of curriculum development and rationalisation of programs Consolidate Staff welfare Evolve into a constituent college Embark on the construction of Faculty of Arts Building Optimise Faculty research grants and publications 3 2 Faculty of Social Sciences The Faculty of Social Science has four Departments, namely, Sociology, Social Work and Social Administration, Women and Gender Studies, and Political Science and Public Administration. 2.1 2.1 Teaching and Learning The Faculty of Social Sciences teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in all its four Departments. Apart from the internal teaching programs, the Faculty is strongly re-establishing its role in relation to other Faculties and institutions for undergraduate, postgraduate and research training in the University. Individual Departments have continued to provide good quality teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 2.1.1 Undergraduate programs The number of undergraduate students in the Faculty has continued to grow and is now 3764. 2.1.2 Postgraduate programs Postgraduate programs include: Social Sector Planning and Management (SSPM) in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration; Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies (MA IRDS) and Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management (MAPAM), in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration; Master of Arts in Gender Studies in the Department of Women and Gender Studies; and Master of Arts in Sociology in the Department of Sociology. However, the Masters in Community Based Rehabilitation run by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration has not been offered in the last two years because the intake was very low. The total number of Graduate students in the Faculty for the 2001/2 Academic Year has been 158. All the Departments are handling PhD students although not at a large scale; there are 8 PhD students represented under Makerere University. 2.1.3 New developments in teaching and learning There have been successes in undertaking new developments in the area of teaching and learning as shown below: a) The Department of Women and Gender Studies launched the Certified Cisco Network Associate (CCNA) course in October 2002, supported by CISCO, UNDP and ITU. The objectives of this course include: Contribute toward increasing the enrolment of females in higher learning institutions in areas related to science and ICT; Increase general awareness and sensitisation about ICT and gender related issues by ensuring that the trainees undertake the gender module as well as through other means of publicity; Move towards the Department's goal of ensuring that gender is mainstreamed in all aspects of development and in this case ICT; Contribute towards not only reducing the global digital divide between the North and South, but also the gender digital divide between men and women b) The Department of Women and Gender Studies, in realization of the knowledge gap that exists in ICT and total lack of exposure by many people in the University and civil society, is offering a nonexaminable Basic Computer Appreciation Course to those who would like to take it. One of the objectives is to create a cadre who may enrol for the CISCO course or even undertake a Gender and ICT career. With this initiative the Department is focusing mainly on providing a career path for young female professionals in a field that has hitherto been considered a male domain. c) The Department of Social Work and Social Administration is in negotiations with Save the Children of Norway in partnership with ANPPCAN (Uganda Chapter) to be supported in order to integrate child rights education in the curriculum, and also to offer child rights education on short term basis for practitioners. In principle, funds have been considered for this undertaking. 4 d) Two members of staff from the Department of Women and Gender Studies have over the last two years been participating in delivering courses on the internet using Blackboard software. This is part of the Co-curriculum Development (CCD) Programme run by three universities, namely: Tufts University (USA), University of Dar-es-Salaam and Makerere University.. The outcomes of the CCD project include the development of online courses and cross University communications. A number of lecturers in the Faculty have now taken to the online teaching program using the Blackboard software and have developed their courses online. Currently there are nine Blackboard based courses in the Faculty and over 40 courses from other Faculties. A number of other lecturers have also expressed interest in developing their courses online so as to benefit from the advantages therein. These outcomes were anticipated by the prototype but they present new Information Technology needs and challenges for the Faculty. e) Gender and Technology: building capacity for technology instruction and establishing new ICT linkages with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. This is a two year project (20012003) implemented in the Department of Women and Gender Studies. It is a project whose goal is to have academic staff trained in learner-centred methods that take advantage of new information and communication technologies. f) The Department of Sociology is finalising the write up for a new undergraduate programme in Bachelor of Social Anthropology and African Studies (BSAAS) while another one in Criminology is in its early stages of formulation. g) Harmonization of Teaching. Several teaching programs have been introduced both in the Faculty of Social Sciences and in the Faculty of Arts that seem to duplicate each other. The Faculty is therefore working towards harmonizing these programs both within the Faculty itself and across the Faculty of Arts. 2.1.4 Staff Training As mentioned earlier, a good number of members of the academic staff are on training under a capacity building programme, most especially for their PhD programs. In the Department of Sociology, four staff members are on PhD study leave. In the Department of Women and Gender Studies, six members of staff are pursuing their doctoral studies, and three of them are registered at Makerere University. In the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, five are pursuing their Ph.D. studies in South Africa and the USA. 2.2 Research and Publications Under the Sida/SAREC project, the Faculty acquired 15 computers, 5 laptops and 1 printer. The computers acquired in this project were used to create a postgraduate computer laboratory. Departments within the Faculty of Social Sciences are engaged in a number of researches. In the year 2002, all the Departments were involved in a number of research activities. Here below, are some of the research activities undertaken. The Department of Sociology has been involved in 6 internationally funded research projects. They are in areas of poverty eradication and integrated rural development, voluntary counselling and testing for youth, AIDS outreach for orphans (testing alternative strategies for community based social support); STI and Cervical cancer management protocols; basic learning competencies and sexual maturation issues at primary school level; Nature, Society & Water; and medication use. These projects have been supported by 5 JICA, the Population Council, European Union, The Rockefeller Foundation, Norwegian Research Council, and World Health Organisation. The Department of Social Work and Social Administration has lately released a book by Nuwagaba et al. al. (2002) as well as other publications in various Journals are being published. One innovation in the Department of Women and Gender Studies is the publication of the dissertations of its postgraduate students. The major constraint to have many of these publish is, due to, insufficient funds. The Department of Political Science and Public Administration is currently engaged in I@Mak research on the development of courses in Local Government at the Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors, and Masters levels. Also, individual members of the Department are involved in various researches with research bodies such as NURRU and Centre for Basic Research (CBR). These individual researches are done on behalf of the government, NGO, international agencies, and other research institutions. However, limited time affects performance. As for publications, the Department has launched its MAWAZO publication and the Journal of Political Science Review is in the offing. 2.3 Outreach Activities The Department of Sociology has a number of outreach projects running at the institutional and individual basis. At the institutional level, there has been four projects running during 2002 i.e. the MUK/Department of Sociology AIDS OUTREACH, Voluntary Counselling and Testing: Operations Research Study and The Construction of Strategies for Poverty Reduction and Integrated Rural Development in Uganda, and Concerted Action: New Approaches for Quality Care in Reproductive Health. In November 2002, the Department successfully held a national dissemination workshop with the AIDS Outreach Project. The Department hosts a Community Policing Working Group and holds lunch time seminars as well as assisting central and local government institutions in information dissemination. The Department of Social Work and Social Administration is engaged in outreach and advocacy activities, in form of consultancies at both individual and Departmental levels. In November 2002, Sida/SAREC award was granted to one of its members, Mr James Waike, who won the Sida/SAREC thematik award for a study on malaria control The Department of Gender and Women Studies is also engaged in outreach and advocacy. The latest of its high profile conference was the Women’s World Congress that was held in July 2002. It attracted scholars from both within and out of the country. Workshops have been held by the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Among which include the following: CODESRIA (December 2002), Cultural Studies (August 2002), Peace and Security Concerns in the Great Lakes Region (December 2002) and Defence Review (International Peace Academy) (2002). 2.4 Organisation and Management The Restructuring of the Faculty of Social Sciences The Faculty of Social Sciences started restructuring from the present faculty into a larger unit i.e. College of Humanities from March 2002. A lot of development has already taken place in 2002. The Programme of the restructuring is expected to be accomplished by June 2003. It is envisaged to have a combined College of Humanities which will include the Faculty of Arts, the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Psychology and Makerere Institute of Social Research. The initial consultation process has begun with the respective units. 6 Combined Library The Faculty is in the process of combining the various Departmental libraries into one library housed in the Department of Women and Gender Studies so that all reading materials are together and accessible to all students and also a provision for readers to sit and do their research. Physical Infrastructure Plans are underway to commence construction of the new Faculty building allocated by the University Council. From internal sources, however, the Faculty has so far saved Ushs. 200,000,000/=. The Department of Gender and Women Studies Building constructed with support from NORAD 7 3 3.1 Faculty of Law Introduction The Faculty of Law is made up of four departments: Law and Jurisprudence; Commercial Law; Public and Administrative Law; and the Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC). Established in 1993, HURIPEC is the first centre of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa outside South Africa. For the purpose of improving and strengthening administration, infrastructure, training curriculum and wider dissemination of legal skills the Faculty of Law as laid out in its strategic plan shall pursue the following strategies: i) Reorganisation of the Faculty through change of nomenclature, ii) pursuit of additional autonomy and organisational structure; iii) staff training both in teaching methodology and overall development aimed at improved performance and efficiency of the Faculty; iv) expansion and improvement of physical infrastructure; v) revision of Admission Requirements, Curriculum and Programs; vi) implementation of Information Communication Technology through its “Reengineering Plan” Given current Government policy directed towards liberalisation and privatisation of education at all levels with resultant decreased Governmental funding, the Faculty of Law shall follow the following directions: • Expansion of private student enrolment by 5% annually over the next five years which will in turn necessitate expansion of the academic staff establishment by about 50% to cater for increased workload • Introduction of Distance Education and Short Courses; • Pursuance of Collaborative Programs and linkages; • Establishment of a Research and Legal Consultancy unit within the Faculty. 3.2 Achievements 3.2.1 Teaching Capacity The Faculty recruited 16 Assistant Lecturers/Teaching Assistants during the period under review, aimed at improving teaching capacity to cope with the increased enrolment of students. In addition, five (5) members of staff including four (4) academic and one (1) administrative staff enrolled for studies at the Ph.D. Programme level. 3.2.2 Review of Curriculum The Faculty has completed the review of both its Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) and Master of Laws (LL.M) Curricula. The new LL.B curriculum was approved and implemented during the period under review. The LL.M Plan B Curriculum has been approved by the Faculty Board and is due for submission to the Board of Graduate Studies. The new LL.M Curriculum will provide for specialisation in Human Rights, Commercial Law, Environmental Law, International Law and other areas and permit busy legal practitioners to undertake a one year course of study. The LL.B curriculum now includes Clinical Legal Education with a Public Speaking component. 3.2.3 Market Oriented Graduates A total of about 340 LL.B Graduates were admitted to the Law Development Centre to pursue the Diploma in Legal Practice which is a prerequisite for enrolment as an Advocate of the High Court. Previous graduates have been absorbed into both the public and private sectors and are likely to play a critical part in the expansion of judicial capacity, prosecution and land tribunals. 3.2.4 Gender Mainstreaming The Faculty of Law has been at the forefront in ensuring gender mainstreaming in the processes of teaching and learning as shown by the following: The 2002 LL.B Graduating Class had one female graduate with a First Class Degree Seven out of the 16 Assistant Lecturers/Teaching Assistants are female. 8 Two female students have participated in Moot Competitions in South Africa and won. 3.2.5 Criteria for Admission into Law Faculty The criteria for admission into the Law Faculty through the Direct Entry Scheme are being reviewed. Interim findings are being considered by the Faculty Board of Studies. 3.2.6 Challenges The main challenges in relation to learning and teaching are: ensuring that new academic staff focus on academic activities and those on postgraduate programs complete their programs; improving Graduation Pass rate from about 50% to 70%; tracing our graduates; attracting more female academic staff; getting new admission criteria approved. 3.3 Research 3.3.1 Improvement of Research Skills Publications. The Faculty has continued to publish the East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights and Makerere Law Journal which provide outlets for research findings. There are five (5) staff enrolled for PhD Degree programs and five (5) enrolled for LL.M Degree programs aimed at improving their research and teaching skills. 3.3.2 Use of Research Results The research results have been published in the Faculty Journals (above) and others. Academic staff have been involved in consultancy on labour laws, children, judicial reform, and the environment and fisheries management. The Department of Commercial Law delivered the first professorial Inaugural Lecture from the Faculty, titled: Commercial Law in a Liberalised Economy: The Case of Uganda by Prof. D.J Bakibinga 3.3.3 Challenges The challenges in regard to research are: ensuring completion of research by postgraduate students; getting academic staff to conduct independent research and to publish their findings; sustaining academic staff interest in the delivery of conference, workshop and seminar papers. 3.4 Extension and Consulting Services Refugee Law Project The Refugee Law Project attached to the Faculty of Law funded by the Ford Foundation and DANIDA has continued to function and it mainly handles research and advocacy, legal aid counselling and training and education. Some of its major achievements include: Research in the refugee settlements of Moyo, Achol-Pii, Kyangwali, and Nakivale as well as the IDPhosting districts of Pader and Bundibugyo. Publishing of four Working Papers on the socio-legal condition of refugees in both the city and rural settlements in Uganda. Investigating land disputes between refugees and host communities Conducting training in refugee law and human rights for Mbarara district officials, interdenominational leaders as well as 173 police officers from Old Kampala, Kiira Road, and Jinja Road Police Stations. Jointly with the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (LCHR) and the Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK), organised workshop for Members of Parliament from Uganda and Kenya in Mombasa on the theme: Protecting Refugee Rights in East Africa: The Need for a Progressive Legislative and Policy Framework; 9 The LL.M Joint Makerere/Pretoria/Legon Project The collaboration with the Universities of Pretoria, Legon, Cameroon and Western Cape in the conduct of the LL.M (Human Rights) has continued. A total of 13 students from other countries undertook studies and research at the Faculty of Law during the period under review. Interdisciplinary Teaching of Human Rights Project This project has continued to function with the involvement of other University Units. Challenges The main challenge is securing funding to sustain the above three projects, particularly the Refugee Law Project. 3.5 Organisation and Management Financial Management Financial Management has been streamlined through: the appointment of an Assistant Faculty Accountant; delegation of the procurement function to the Deputy Dean (Administration). Development of ICT Capacity and Utilisation The Faculty held an internal workshop on the input of examination results and also acquired an additional four (4) computers each of which was allocated to each department. The Legal Informatics Unit continues to function with improved Internet access and management. Improvement of Student Welfare The Faculty has addressed student welfare through: Holding the Annual Law Conference; constructing a walkway for disabled students; Facilitating the publication of the Makerere Law Journal; Facilitating the holding of the Annual Law Dinner; the Board approving the Sexual Harassment Policy for the Faculty. Gender Mainstreaming in Administration & Management The reinforcement of gender mainstreaming in the administration and management has been done through appointment of 2 female Deputy Deans and approval by the Board of a Sexual Harassment Policy. 3.6 Physical Infrastructure The Faculty has partitioned part of the Old Building in order to provide more office space for the academic staff. The rooms have been furnished with desks, tables and fans. Resumption of construction of the second phase of extension to the faculty premises is scheduled for June 2003. 10 4. Faculty Of Forestry And Nature Conservation Introduction The University has been offering training in professional Forestry since 1970. This is our third year as a faculty, having been nurtured under the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The Faculty is composed of the following Departments: Forest Management, Forest Biology and Ecosystems Management, Community Forestry and Extension and Forest Products Engineering. Vision: To be a Centre of excellence in providing client – responsive training, research and knowledge in forestry and allied natural resources. Mission: To advance quality and diversified knowledge in the use, management and conservation of forests and allied natural resources through training, research and technology transfer for accelerated, national development and improved human welfare. 4.1 Teaching and learning: At undergraduate and postgraduate levels, a range of programmes offered by the Faculty includes Forestry, Community Forestry, and Wood Science and Technology. The Faculty is designated as focal institution by ICRAF for training in Agroforestry within East and Central Africa. Staff Establishment and Training; The established academic staff positions are 56, of which 26 (46%) are filled. There are 7 female academic staff. Nine members of staff are Ph.D holders. There are 15 members of staff pursuing further studies; of these 9 are on Ph.D programmes and three are on MSc. Programmes. Two members of staff completed their Msc. Programmes during the year. To overcome the staff shortfall, the faculty employs 18 part time lecturers. The faculty also relies on teaching staff from the Faculty of Agriculture for many of the 1st year courses. Student Enrolment: The total undergraduate student enrolment in the faculty is 243 of which 50 are female. There are 18 postgraduate students, 4 Ph.D. enrolled in the Faculty, four of which are female. New Academic programmes: The University Council approved the Master of Science degree in Agro forestry and has registered students. International Training Courses: The faculty conducted two international courses during the course of the year. The first course was one semester long offered to 22 Master of Science (Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture) students from the Agricultural University of Norway (NLH). The second course was a three-week field-training course conducted for 10 Master of Science in Agro forestry students from the University of Wondo Genet in Ethiopia. 4.2 Research: The Faculty Staff, and postgraduate students continued to undertake research in the areas of Agro forestry, community forestry, forest management, forest ecology and forest products. The major research projects where the faculty staff have made significant contributions include:, i. Research on Monitoring the impact of institutional arrangements and incentives on forestry resources in East Africa funded by Ford Foundation. 11 ii. iii. iv. v. Budongo Forest project funded by NORAD. The Forest Project is a nexus of research, conservation studies and applied information exchange. Degradation processes in Open Forestlands in sub-Saharan Africa funded by the European Union under the INCO-DC Programme concluded within the year. Indicators and Tools for Restoration and Sustainable Management of Forests in East Africa. A research project within the INCO-DEV Framework of the European Commission. There are several individual research projects funded by IFS. ICT Developments and E-learning : The faculty building is fully connected to the University ICT infrastructure and both staff and students have access to internet. Faculty members who trained in ELearning are in the process of preparing lecture materials for use under this programme. The Faculty maintains a web page. The faculty library houses The Essential Agricultural Library (TEAL), an electronic Library with over 170 journals for use by researchers, academic staff and students. This is a facility coowned with the Faculty of Agriculture. 4.3 Outreach: The following out-reach activities were undertaken: i. With funding from, the faculty has developed an in-service course for extension staff at districts. The course is entitled: “Appropriate Agroforestry Interventions”. The course is to be conducted in collaboration with NAADS and NGO’s such as VI – Agroforestry. ii. Developed and conducted a three week training course on Strategic Participatory Forest Management planning for District Forest Officers in collaboration with the Forest Department, Ministry of Lands, Water and Environment.. iii. Faculty members were very active in NAADS, PMA and the Forest Sector reform initiatives. 4.4 Organization and Management: For improved efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and research in the natural resources sector, a planning process for institutional transformation involving the Faculties of Agriculture, Forestry, Veterinary Medicine Sciences, Fisheries Sector, Department of Zoology and the Institute of Environment and Natural Resources into a college has started. 4.5 Physical infrastructure: The Faculty completed the construction of a students hostel at Nyabyeya Forestry College, with a grant provided by NORAD. It can accommodate 52 students during the Recess Term field practicals 4.6 Finances i. ii. The Faculty earned Shs.57, 302,539 from private students and hire of rooms. Locally generated funds were used to pay staff allowances and maintenance of Faculty vehicles and computers. The Faculty received Shs.136, 359,342 from government for purchase of teaching, cleaning materials, stationery and Special Faculty Allowance for students and field practicals (during Recess Term). 12 iii. 4.7 Donor funding to the Faculty, mainly from NORAD amounted to Shs. 429,962,286. Donor funds were used for human resource development, research , extension activities and maintenance of linkages with national and international Institutions. Collaboration with other institutions: The Faculty has developed linkages with the following institutions: Agricultural University of Norway (NORAGRIC. & Department of Forest Sciences), Oxford University, Indiana University in USA, National Agricultural Research Organization (FORRI); Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), World Center for Agroforestry (ICRAF). 4.8 Faculty Plans i. The Faculty plans to construct a new annex building that will accommodate increased staff and students population. ii. Intensify postgraduate training as more staff with PhDs return from study leave. iii. The faculty intends to collaborate with stakeholders in the Forest sector to implement the field attachment programme under the sponsorship of I@Mak for practical field training. 4.9 Challenges The majority of students in the Faculty as in many other Science based faculties continue to be Government sponsored. Consequently, the Faculty cannot locally generate the required funds to implement its plans. Most members of staff in the Faculty are young and require continued training up to Ph.D level. Therefore, funds must be obtained to continue the staff development programme. Once a critical mass of trained staff has been achieved then the research programme in the faculty will become stronger. 13 5 Faculty of Agriculture 5.1 Vision and Mission Vision To be a leading academic institution providing client-responsive training, research and knowledge in agriculture and agro-industry. 5.2 Mission To produce professionals and practitioners, generate and disseminate knowledge and technologies for sustainable development of agricultural and agro-industrial sectors. 5.3 Achievement during the Year 2002 5.3.1 Research A high number of research projects supported by: Rockefeller Foundation under Agricultural Husbandry Research Programs (FORUM) covering 80 individual M.Sc. projects, Sida/SAREC programme supporting four PhD projects, DANIDA Livestock Research programme, NORAD/MUARIK/CAEC support, EU Research Support, DANIDA/FOC – M.Sc. Scholarship support, SASAKAWA Global 2000 support to Dept. of Agric. Extension Education, IFS, NUFU, NORAD Dept. of Food Science & Technology, NORAD Animal Science – Ankole Cow and Mubende Goat. A number of competitive research grants have been secured amounting to USD one million five hundred thousand ($ 1.5m )over the year. The Faculty efficiently managed Rockefeller Foundation grants and on this basis the University has won a competitive bidding process to house the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation supported programme, FORUM at Makerere University. Forum supports research in Faculties of Agriculture in the following countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Several staff members of the Faculty successively secured project funds from In turn these projects have strengthened the collaborative linkages with various districts in the country. 5.3.2 Gender main streaming The Faculty submitted a request to The Carnegie Corporation of New York to support women holding Diplomas in Agriculture and related field to upgrade to a degree. The award supports a total of 25 women for the following degree programs: Bachelor of Agribusiness Management, Bachelor of Agricultural Extension Education and Bachelor of Science Land Use and Management. The Faculty through the funding of Carnegie Corporation of New York has initiated engendering of the Faculty Curricula. 5.3.3 Demand driven training The Faculty has implemented new degree programs under the strategy of developing demand driven curricula/entrepreneur training programs:- The following new programs were started at both under graduate and postgraduate levels B. Science Horticulture B. Science Home Economics M.Sc. Applied Human Nutrition Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Production and Marketing 14 5.4 Faculty transformation Funds have been received from the Rockefeller Foundation to support the planning process of transforming the Faculty and other related units into a Constituent College of Makerere University. A planning committee (Plan 4 Five) has been constituted by the Vice-Chancellor to plan for transformation of the following units into college(s): Agriculture, Forestry and Nature Conservation, Veterinary Medicine, Zoology and Fisheries. 5.5 Physical Infrastructure The following new infrastructure was developed in the period under review A postgraduate computer laboratory has been equipped with internet - ready computers. LAN has been installed under the support of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Faculty has acquired and established a Molecular Genetic Laboratory for Biotechnology and DNA studies through the support of the Rockefeller Foundation and Sida/SAREC. The building plans of the Department of Food Science and Technology have been approved and site preparation has started under NORAD support. Through the NORAD support the Faculty acquired sixty eight acres and is in the processes of acquiring six more acres of land at MUARIK. 5.6 Operationalise MUARIK and CAEC Funds for furnishing CAEC and female postgraduate hostel have been procured. MUARIK has received funds for rehabilitation from NORAD. 5.7 5.8 Collaborative linkages International and Local linkages have been established, with. Bunda College of Agriculture in Malawi and Rwampara Farm School, Mbarara respectively The Faculty continued to coordinate several regional and international projects e.g. the East African Research Network. The Faculty initiated and implemented internal collaboration with various units of the University such as MISR and Veterinary Medicine. Staff The staff strength has increased by 9% as compared to 2001. It should be noted that 20% members of staff are women of whom 30% have PhDs. Similarly PhD holders have increased from 36 to 40. The Faculty has lost 2 PhD staff through death and resignation. 5.9 ICT Developments All the offices of the Faculty are now connected to the Internet. In addition the Faculty has established a website 15 6 Faculty of Science The mandate of the Faculty of Science is to carry out teaching and research in the basic sciences namely Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology. The Faculty of Science has made major contributions to the expansion of the University through the creation of the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ISAE), the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) and Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (MUIENR) which has recently become autonomous. 6.1 Research Facilities Apart from the basic facilities such as lecture space, teaching and research laboratories, laboratory equipment, small departmental libraries and computer rooms, the Faculty of Science also has the following specialized facilities for research and inter-office communications: 6.2 Makerere University Biological Field Station (MUBFS) in Kibaale National Park. Makerere University Herbarium and Botanic Garden under the management of the Department of Botany. The Natural History Museum and Aquarium in the Department of Zoology. Radioisotope Laboratory in the Department of Physics. Solar Energy Laboratory and Seismological network in the Department of Physics. The Science Workshop with some modern equipment acquired from Government of Uganda through ADB loan for maintenance of scientific equipment in the Faculty. The Faculty Intercom Network linking most offices of the Faculty of Science. Research Faculty members have actively conducted viable scientific research resulting in publications in international journals and productions of reports. Below are some of the outstanding research achievements of the Faculty: i) ii) iii) iv) v) 6.3 Results of research undertaken by H. Oryem-Origa and A. Makara on a degraded part of Queen Elizabeth National Park due to chemical pollution prompted one high government official visiting the study site to say that full implementation of the project should now be done. Dr. Mucunguzi-Rugwebe designed a method of characterizing oils which method is to be patented. This was part of his Ph.D. research carried out in the Department of Physics supervised by Prof. Y. Kaahwa. First prize for Tropical Limnology was awarded to Dr. Yusuf Kizito (Assoc. Prof.) of the Department of Zoology, Makerere University. The title bestowed was "Laureate of Tropical Limnology." The awarding body was The Belgium Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences. The prize name was "Jean-Jacque and Berthe Symoens Prize for Tropical Limnology." Results of research projects in biological sciences and by NUFU which were presented at a scientific conference held in August 2001 at Makerere are going to be published in a special issue of the African Journal of Ecology. Dr. Grace Nambatya Kyeyune was awarded 1st Prize for presentation of a poster entitled "A Holistic Approach of Eczema (Dermatitis) using a Case Study" at the 9th International Symposium on Natural Products in Nairobi, 2001. Teaching and learning 16 Staff Training The Faculty of Science has now close to 60 Ph.D. holders who are mostly Ugandans. This is quite a high figure by our standards. About 21 members of staff in the Faculty of Science are pursuing their Ph.D. degrees. A few on the technical staff have also registered for courses leading to awards of degrees. Establishment of New Academic Programs Over the recent past, the Faculty of Science started six new academic programs as listed here below in addition to the B.Sc. general program: a) B.Sc. in Ethnobotany. b) B.Sc. in Conservation Biology. c) B.Sc. in Fisheries and Aquaculture. d) B.Sc. in Geological Resources Management. e) B.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry. f) Bachelor of Sports Science. g) B.Sc. (External). The above programs have been developed to introduce some aspects of applied science. The development of more programs continues. Some of the new programs are progressively gaining more applicants while others are not so well understood or known yet. E-learning Faculty members have participated in e-learning up to the level of training of trainers to be facilitators at departmental level. This is for the purpose of improving capacity and performance of staff in research and service delivery. ICT Developments All but one department in the Faculty of Science are now connected to the Internet. The process of connection of the remaining department to the Internet has now started. The Faculty of Science has now established a website: Setting up of a Faculty Internet Kiosk for use by students has been initiated and will be located in JICA Building, Floor 1. 6.4 Extension and Outreach International Training Courses The Department of Geology in collaboration with the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment organized an international training course on Isotopes and Hydrology for three weeks in October 2002. The course was sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Sensitization of the Public about Science The Faculty organized scientific exhibitions on the 10th November 2002 to commemorate World Science Day. The public was invited to attend. The exhibitions included scientific methods for the production of certain products and some scientific publications. Both staff and students put up very interesting exhibitions with practical applications. The Faculty shall be commemorating this day every year. 17 Biogas development, Faculty of Science Exhibition 2002 c) National Collaboration The Faculty of Science, through the Department of Botany collaborates with the National Chemotherapeutics and Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, in training students and doing research in medicinal plant products. Students of Ethnobotany who are engaged in the broad area of bioprospecting are active participants in this collaboration. The students of Ethno botany have also exhibited at a regional workshop organized by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology on Indigenous Knowledge at Hotel Equatoria on 4th December 2002. Outreach The Faculty of Science was involved in extension services through the following projects which were supported by "Flower Gardening, Tree Planting and Landscaping in Urban Centers and Institutions" undertaken in two districts by H. Oryem-Origa, E. K. Z. Kakudidi, J. Obua, R. Badaza and G. M. Mutumba. Practical skills for Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management by J. M. Kasenene, P. Mucunguzi and G. Isabirye-Basuta. Workshops were conducted for participants from six districts. Integrating Nutrition into Local Government Activities by R. Baingana, E. J. Kakonge and D. Isabirye. Biogas Fuel from Animal Waste as a Source of Energy for Cooking and Lighting by S. Nyanzi, J. B. Kaddu, G. Nyakairu and G. M. Mabudo. 6.5 International Collaboration Various departments have formed collaborative linkages with various institutions outside the country. The Department of Botany with the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the Agricultural University of Norway. The Departments of Mathematics, Physics and Zoology with University of Bergen in Norway. 18 The Department of Geology with the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany and Catholic University of Leaven, Belgium. The Department of Mathematics with the University of Florida, USA and University of Edinburgh, UK. The Department of Zoology with ICIPE and VOCA. 6.6 Faculty Plans The Faculty plans to establish a Computer Laboratory, a Faculty Library and a Faculty Central Laboratory. The Science Workshop will also be expanded and strengthened. In addition, there are plans for an additional Molecular Biology Laboratory in the Department of Biochemistry to specialize in entomology in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Faculty is planning for an increase in the total number of academic staff at a rate of 5% annually to meet the needs of new programs and increased student enrolment. The current number of academic staff is 116 against a total establishment of 189 which is 61%. The Faculty has a total of 57 technical staff. For the same reasons as for the academic staff, and to cater for the planned Central Faculty Laboratory and Computer Laboratory, the Faculty plans to increase technical staff by 2% annually up to the end of 2004/05. 6.6.1 Challenges The number of students taking the Faculty programs has been decreasing over the recent years. This is mainly due to the low number of students taking sciences in secondary schools. Consequently, the turnover of graduates of Science is also going down. This is not good for the development of all science disciplines in the Country. There are even fewer privately sponsored students that take Science, yet this is supposed to be the main source of locally generated income for the Faculty Development Plans. The Faculty Development plans cannot therefore be executed properly. The government is naturally the biggest financier of the Faculty activities. However, the government contribution is small yet by their nature, the research and teaching activities of the Faculty of Science are very expensive. 7 7.1 Faculty of Technology Introduction The Faculty of Technology consists of the Departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Surveying, and two Sub-Departments: Engineering Mathematics and Urban Planning. The Faculty runs both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The undergraduate programmes are conducted within the five Departments. While Architecture offers a five-year course, the rest offer four-year programs. The Sub-Department of Engineering Mathematics offers service courses to the other Departments in the area of Mathematics. During the 2002, the Faculty had a total student enrolment of 869 undergraduates (172 females) and 89 postgraduate (10 Ph.D.). The staff strength stood at 90, of whom 20 hold Ph.Ds. The Faculty has adopted the following priorities: i. Transformation of teaching, training, learning, research and delivery of professional services to meet 19 the challenges of national development ii. Expansion of the built-up space to provide adequate room for the development of the Faculty in line with the transformation that is taking place in the University iii. Development of staff capacity in quality and numbers to sustain the above. 7.2 Achievements . 7.2.1 Teaching and Learning During 2002, the Faculty graduated a record 203 with Bachelors degrees and 6 with Masters degrees. The female graduates were 21% of the total. Three new programs were developed during the year. The Master of Architecture, the Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design and the Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Project Management were completed and approved by the University Senate; and commenced during the last quarter of the year. The Faculty also started a review of all the undergraduate programs with a view to updating and modernising them. Ph. D. studies commenced in the Faculty for the first time, with 11 students getting provisional registration. In addition, the Faculty initiated the development of an undergraduate programme in Valuation and Quantity Surveying with the generous support of The Carnegie Corporation of New York. Under the, The Faculty developed and carried out five short courses for various staff of the Local Councils. An estimated 100 district staff benefited from this professionally oriented capacity building effort. In addition, the development of a degree programme targeted at district staff was initiated. In an effort to modernise the learning environment, the Faculty actively participated in the e-learning initiative at the University. A number of staff received training in course development and management. 7.2.2 Research Faculty members have taken up research activity at a heightened level during 2002. A number of research initiatives were launched during the year. Six research programs were commenced with the generous support of Sida/SAREC under the theme “Sustainable Technological Development in the Lake Victoria Region.” Four research concepts were developed for promised funding by the Italian Cooperation. Six research projects were commissioned at the Faculty by the Department of Water Development with the support of DANIDA. The rate at which the various research teams have taken to their tasks promises innovative and far-reaching results. Initial results reported and/or presented at International Conferences include: Confirmation that Uganda not only possesses a wide range of high-value natural resources such as ceramic materials, non-wood fuel, pavement materials, energy sources but that feasible technologies can be developed locally to harness them for national development Identification, quantification and characterisation of the various challenges that the country faces in environmental pollution and degradation, disasters such as floods, poor living conditions especially housing Research priorities for the Faculty targeted at the dire needs of the majority of Ugandans in form of technological solutions to problems in various socio-economic sectors such as agriculture, industry, housing, land management to mention but a few. 7.2.3 Consulting and Extension Services Offering professional services is considered a core activity within the Faculty as it enhances the expertise and professionalism of the staff. During the year, the staff continued to offer expert services to the University, Government and the private sector. Several buildings within the University were completed, constructed or designed by the staff operating under the staff-owned consultancy company, Technology 20 Consults Ltd. The Women and Gender Studies Building on the Makerere Campus was a landmark during the year. The Rehabilitation of Jinja Hospital was also supervised by the staff. The staff won a Kampala City Council contract to design and supervise construction of Rubaga Divison Headquarters funded by the World Bank. Students have been part and parcel of these services. The Faculty’s extension programs are part and parcel of the degree programs. Through industrial training attachments, all the students and staff participate actively in government departments and private firms. Over a period of three months, this amounted to thousands of labour-hours. Demonstration of small scale appropriate technologies, Faculty of Technology Exhibition 2002 The flagship of the Faculty’s outreach to Small and Micro-Enterprises is the Uganda Gatsby Trust, a Faculty initiative established with the generous support of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation of the UK. It continued to offer Business Development Services through a network of Clubs of private small enterprises scattered throughout the country especially in Kampala, Jinja, Mbarara, Mbale, Masindi, Masaka, Mukono, Rukungiri, Fort Portal, Soroti, Gulu, Lira, etc. Through this network many enterprises have been assisted in skills development, business plans, access to credit, technology transfer and quality improvement. Student involvement in these activities is noteworthy as it exposes them to the entrepreneurial and job-making world. Other outreach activities have included: programs aimed at capacity building at the local councils Faculty involvement in Uganda Seismic Safety Association and its activities on earthquake related problems especially the development of a Seismic Code Faculty active involvement in the Building and Regulations Act Professional services especially testing and evaluation of materials. The Faculty Laboratories are now recognized as a competency material testing facility for soils, steel reinforcement and hand tools. Active student participation through professional associations Holding of Open Days Development of Intermediate Technologies and their demonstration. The Faculty constructed a building 21 to house an Intermediate Technology Center 7.2.4 Organisation and Management The Faculty continued to consolidate its organisation and management. The Faculty was part of the overall computerization of information management at the University. In addition, a Local Area Network linking all the offices in the Faculty was completed. A computerised accounting system was also installed. Two positions of Deputy Deans were filled to coordinate Faculty programs – Undergraduate Affairs and Administration, and Research and Postgraduate Studies. To manage the volume of Secretariat work associated with the increasing number of externally funded projects in the Faculty, an Assistant Project Officer in the Dean’s Office was designated. Faculty of Technology open day 2002, Appropriate technologies 7.2.5 Human Resource Management The improvement of the terms of service of staff continued to elude the Faculty during 2002. Three members of staff at the middle level (lecturer and assistant lecturer) left for other lucrative employment. One senior member at the level of Associate Professor was elected The Chairperson of The Uganda Electoral Commission, he happened to be The Dean of The Faculty, while another two were given other assignments within The University but outside The Faculty. During the year, 12 new members of staff were recruited. These were at the lowest level of Teaching Assistant. While three moved a step up through promotion an additional three staff earned the Ph.D. and returned from abroad – one from Canada and two from Italy with the generous scholarship support of the Italian Cooperation. In addition, a total of 11 serving staff registered for Ph.D. studies. 7.2.6 Funding The Faculty received Ushs. 585 million from tuition fees during 2002 as the major source of income for activities of the Faculty other than research and capacity building. In addition, tremendous support came from development partners mainly targeted at research and capacity building. Notable among these were: $1.7million grant three year from Sida/SAREC under the Makerere University – Sida/SAREC Bilateral Support Programme Pledge of $1.5million support from the Italian Cooperation for research 22 About $1.0million four-year support from NUFU as Ph.D. fellowships About $0.6million for the NUFU supported SEARCH programme (Regional Master of Architecture programme) More that $100,000 from for funding of various Faculty programs under Capacity Building for Decentralisation $200,000 grant from The Carnegie Corporation for development of the Valuation and Quantity Surveying programme Ushs. 60 million research grant from Department of Water Development/DANIDA In addition, the Faculty presented applications for additional support to Sida/SAREC as part of support earmarked for Engineering Faculties in the Eastern Africa region. 7.2.7 Physical Infrastructure This remained the major constraint on the progress of the Faculty. However with the limited resources available, the Faculty was able to curve out 170 M2 for lecture rooms. A 250 M2 building was also constructed to house the Intermediate Technology Centre. Two ICT Laboratories, equipped with the generous support of Sida/SAREC and UNESCO, were commissioned. Some modern laboratory and workshop equipment was received from African Development Bank through the Ministry of Education and Sports. 7.3 Constraints The low level of motivation of the highly trained and professional staff. The Faculty is unable to attract or retain staff because of the uncompetitive pay. There is need to review the pay package of the staff since they compare unfavourably not only with organisations outside the University but also within the University. Although the Faculty received funding from donors, the current policy is that such funds cannot be paid to staff as salaries. This presents a challenge on the utilisation of these funds since staff time is not adequately compensated. Staff either leave or have to carry out other activities to make ends meet. The effect has been that staff strength is inadequate in most of the departments and also even where the staff is in place, The Faculty was not able to claim their total commitment. Few candidates are able to join Faculty programs. The main reason seems to be the few number of A' level students taking science subjects especially chemistry. Even for those who take science subjects their performance is very poor due to poor facilities or teaching in the secondary schools. This seems to be a national problem facing the science and technology sector. The limited space The Faculty started with a plan to build at least three Departmental structures, namely Mechanical, electrical and civil Engineering structures. However, only one structures for The Department of Mechanical Engineering was constructed. This means that the building originally meant to house one department of about 200 students and 30 members of staff, now houses five departments with 900 students and 150 members of staff. To accommodate the increased numbers, the Faculty has had to optimise the use of this one building by encroaching on the roof, corridors and air/light spaces and partitioning rooms. The limit of optimal utilisation of existing space has been reached. Yet the Faculty needs to produce more professionals needed to spearhead national development. Vigorous lobbying so far has not yielded any positive results. The Faculty needs a lot of assistance in this area for it to realise its aspirations. Obsolete teaching equipment. Transforming and modernising teaching, learning and research will require that most of the equipment, some supplied originally in 1970, be completely replaced with up to date ones. Weak Industry-University Partnership. A strong involvement of the private and public industry in the affairs of a professional Faculty is often 23 considered a measure of the relevance of the programs offered in the institution as well as the willingness of the benefiting industry to invest therein. The current hands-off attitude by most of the stakeholders means that the Faculty may not develop the adequate capacity or achieve the needed improvements within the set time 24 8 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8.1 Introduction The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has eight departments, which include:- Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary Physiological Sciences, Veterinary Parasitology and Microbiology, Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Surgery and Reproduction, Veterinary Public health and Preventive Medicine and Wild Life, Animal Resources and Management . The activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the period of 2000 –2005 are based on Strategic Plan outputs with a focus to: - increase student enrolment, review and implement a semesters curriculum, improve the capacity of the Faculty to teach, expand and improve the physical infrastructure at the Faculty, develop Information Technology, and initiate new collaborative research activities in the areas of biotechnology, wildlife, fisheries, public health, animal health and production. The Faculty also planned to restructure and improve the management capacity as well as improve its human resource system. 8.2 8.2.1 Teaching and Learning Academic Programs For a long time, FVM offered only a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Degree Program. Currently the Faculty has diversified and is offering programs in different disciplines of biomedical sciences offered both as short courses and degree programs. Undergraduate Programs FVM offers three undergraduate programs namely: Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) Bachelor of Wild life Health and Management (WHM) Bachelor of Animal Production Technology and Management (BAPTM) The three undergraduate courses recorded a total number or 396 students by End of Year 2002 of which 50% are Government sponsored. The females in total constitute 14% of the undergraduate student population in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The total number (417 students) reflects an increase of 18% from the actual number of End of Year 1999/00. Post graduate Programs The Faculty offers five post graduate programs namely: Msc Molecular Biology (MMB) Msc Wild life Health and Management Msc in Food Animal Health and Production (FAHP) Msc in Veterinary Preventive Medicine (MVPM) Msc in Pathology End of Year 2001/02 records show a total of 21 postgraduate students taking the above courses. This number does not include the Faculty staff members under the staff development programs and those undertaking programs whose mode of study is entirely by research. 8.2.2 Staff Development The Faculty planned to improve its human resources base, and improve the capacity to teach through staff training, improving teaching laboratories/teaching aids as well as improving the physical structure of the Faculty. The capacity to teach would be improved through acquiring equipment, soft ware and upgrade staff training. Establishing of new research collaborations was also projected as one of the means to the end. 25 The total establishment for the Faculty is 121 of which 73 are filled. Twenty two staff members are on PhD programs while 2 are on masters programs. one of the Faculties with relatively high number of staff members on study programs supported by the Makerere University and from other sources. Since the introduction of the Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (BLT) program, most of the younger technicians in the Faculty have undertaken studies to improve their status. Out of the total number of technicians (includes Chief technicians, technicians I and II and some Laboratory Assistants) 5/23 (21%) have already qualified with a BLT degree and 6/23 (26%) are registered with the BLT program. The Carnegie Corporation of New York has supported 5 students on the BLT program 8.2.3 Equipment for Training The Faculty received a number of equipment including microscopes, computers calorimeters, overhead projectors, X ray machine and a heavy-duty photocopier. A four wheel drive vehicle was also acquired . The equipment will go along way in improving illustration and practical training of the students. In addition through Carnegie Support the Faculty will procure equipment such as Microscopes for teaching. 8.3 Community and Outreach Services The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has also benefited from the many Donor aided programs within the University. The Rockefeller Funded program of I@mak has supported a project on “Attitudinal Change and Enhancement of the practical skills of the Veterinary Student to work within the Decentralization Districts” By End of Year 2002, the program was at the implementation phase. Short courses for training service providers in the field and at the decentralized districts have been developed. The I@mak program has supported two other grants to the Faculty which will culminate in courses for people at the districts. The short courses are designed to impart skills and knowledge to the various service providers and stakeholders related to the disciplines of Animal Health and Production, Wildlife Health and Management and Biomedical Sciences. By End of Year 2002 short courses were developed and /offered in Nutrition, Diagnostic Services, Gender and Animal Health Delivery and Artificial Insemination. Student training in the clinical years is enabled by use of Faculty animals which are kept within the Faculty premises. In addition, the Faculty was charged with the University Farm, Buyana Stock Farm. The Farm which is located in Bulo, 60 Km off Kampala Masaka road, is mainly used as a teaching station. On the farm are cattle and South African Boer goats which students use for practical training. Students spend part of their training phase at the farm during the five-year course training. The Farm is also utilized by academic members of staff for research purposes. For the past 10 years, Buyana Stock farm was the lead nucleus farm for breeding goats hence contributing to the animal genetic base within the country. The farm sells Boer breeding goats to farmers in the country. 8.4 Research Activities and staff exchange Activities on research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are mainly carried out at Departmental level or individual researcher level. Various researchers in the different disciplines establish collaboration with other universities and research group. They carry out research at multi -disciplinary or multi-departmental level. By End of Year 2002 most of the Faculty research activities were with the East African Universities; of Sokoine University of Agriculture and Nairobi University. Others in Africa included University of Ondersterpoort and University of Zimbabwe. North to South collaborations were through the NUFU Veterinary Collaboration and the Norwegian Veterinary School, and a LINK with Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh as well as Canadian collaboration with University of Guelph. Staff exchange occurred between the above-mentioned universities with the last two years. 26 8.5 Financial Sources During the year 2001/02 the Faculty generate Ushs 253m from tuition fees , hire of rooms, hire of vehicles and some money that accrues from the sale of animals from Buyana Stock Farm. External Income for the Faculty is mainly the donor funds which are received through the University Bursar’s office. Major donor support to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the Yr 2000/02 included among others The Carnegie Corporation of New York and Rockefeller Foundation. 8.6 Challenges to the Faculty The major challenge to the Faculty include poor student enrolment, due to lack of enough candidates who take sciences at secondary school level. This is a national problem. The Faculty is also running with some staff shortages due to poor terms and conditions of service. Financial bottlenecks are reflected in inadequate equipment which included equipment for Information Technology and limited access to journals. 27 9 9.1 Faculty of Medicine Overview The Faculty of Medicine registered very significant developments in 2002 as it focused on its vision and mission and strategic plan to provide the guiding framework. The Faculty completed it first year of existence without the Institute of Public Health and its component Regional Center of Quality of Health Care which attained autonomy status in October 2001. The Faculty continued to be the most significant contributor to tertiary education and training of human resource for health in Uganda. The single most important bottleneck to further development of the Faculty continues to be inadequate resources both human and financial. The incapacity of the Faculty to recruit new well qualified academic staff; compounded by inability to retain and motivate existing ones is a major threat that should be addressed in 2003. 9.2 Teaching and Learning One of the major priorities that has consumed our energy in the Faculty is a focus on activities related to transformation of teaching and learning so as to enrich and improve adequacy and relevancy of education and training. Below are highlights of activities undertaken: a) Student exchange programs A number of our undergraduate students using either their own funds or donor support spent several weeks in other medical schools in Africa and Europe. Our Masters degree students also participated in exchange programs by spending time at various institutions abroad e.g. McMaster University Canada, University of Pretoria South Africa. b) Expansion of PhD, MD and Masters training. PhD and MD training and Masters degree training 2002 saw a major advance and growth in our PhD training programme which attracted more than 20 students though the majority are Faculty staff. This was made possible with funding support mainly from Sida/SAREC, Norwegian NUFU programme, The Carnegie Corporation of New York and Makerere University. In addition there was an increase in student enrolment at masters level in most departments with a few exceptions like ENT, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia and other basic sciences of Physiology, Anatomy, Pathology and Microbiology. c) Expansion of undergraduate student enrolment. There was a modest increase on student enrolment using funding support provided to by World Bank Learning Innovations loan and Rockefeller Foundation. The Faculty has been exploring through visits and discussion the possibility of utilizing other hospitals and health centers for teaching purposes so as to be able to expand on intake. Through a University appointed visitation committee The Faculty examined the feasibility of taking on supervision of some of the tertiary health training institutions, which are under ministry of education. d) Introduction of in-service training programs With Pfizer funding, experts from Infectious Disease Society of America and Makerere staff we initiated 10 week continuing education programs for health workers starting with doctors with a focus on HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention. Trainees came from all over the country, Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria. e) The curriculum review process is very much underway undertaken by the Faculty committee on education which initially carried out a feasibility study. 28 The feasibility study was conducted as an in-depth exploratory survey utilising self-administered questionnaires, face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions. Nine districts of Uganda were covered including the Faculty of Medicine, Mulago Hospital and the Ministry of Health headquarters, students, patients, Members of the community, District Health teams, District administrators, Hospital and Medical superintendents were respondents. Phase I A Core Curriculum Committee of 5 members has been identified An Education Management Structure with defined roles has been developed. Mobilization and Sensitization of Faculty members has been undertaken through 3 workshops and more are planned. Training of trainers has been undertaken through a training workshop and more are scheduled. Phase II Formation of one multidisciplinary team for Biomedical Sciences. Identification of themes and systems for Block construction Development of a Curriculum map has been initiated and is on-going. Activities Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 Eldoret Network Conference 6th – 12th September 2002 Mbale Sensitization Workshop 29th Sept – 4th Oct 2002 Problem Based Learning (PBL) Training workshop 7th–11th October 2002 rd th Working Retreat – Ridar Hotel 23 – 24 October 2002 Sensitization workshop – Forestry (MUK) 7th – 8th Nov 2002 2nd Working Retreat – Ridar Hotel 15th – 17th Nov 2002 Working Retreat – Namirembe Educ. Resource Centre 26th–28th November 2002 f) Student electives away from the teaching hospital. All 4th MBChB and BDS students and 3rd year Pharmacy students were facilitated with minimal resources by the University and Faculty to spend the entire recess term (10 weeks) undertaking community oriented student electives at health centers, district hospitals and NGO health facilities so as to further expose them to the realities of the world of work situation away from Mulago hospital and the major towns. This experience has been highly recommended by the students, the ministry of health and the health facilities to which the students were attached. An identified shortcoming is the great inadequacy of financial resources available for sustainability. g) Social Responsiveness of medical school to the community. With funding from The egie Corporation of New York programme was initiated to build the Faculty’s capacity to undertake activities that are responsive to community needs. h) Enhancing gender mainstreaming in teaching and learning During the year the proportion of female heads of departments increased substantially to (9 out of 21). The performance of female students who number about 40% of the student population is very encouraging. The intake to the Nursing program is intended to favour females who must comprise 80% of the class. i) Improving Faculty staffing at assistant lecturer level and above Our efforts to increase staffing situation in the Faculty was extremely unsuccessful particularly in the clinical and basic disciplines as a whole. This was attributed to two major factors: Makerere’s salary scales and fringe benefits are unattractive and not competitive on the open market despite the rigorous demands in an academic appointment. The best potential candidates preferred to look for employment elsewhere. Very stringent PhD entry requirements for employment at lecturer level. Masters level graduates are not interested to join as assistant lecture level, a position with very low salary for the level of training and experience in a health field. 29 9.3 Research Major achievements related to research in 2002 are summarized below: For the 2nd year running Faculty has continued to support publication of a highly reputable quarterly scientific journal “African Health Sciences” and was eventually put in electronic form. A database for ongoing research has been created Approval of financial support from Sida/SAREC and NUFU to enhance research capacity at the medical school through research activities by senior researchers and PhD students working on malaria, reproductive health, mental health with emphasis on depression, degenerative diseases (especially cancer of cervix), clinical pharmacology and nutrition. As part of (iii) above research training workshops were held in the Faculty. In addition staff attended international training workshops, seminars and conferences. Major collaborative research activities undertaken with support from National Institutes of Health (NIH), Henry M Jackson Foundation, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, CDC, WHO, Sida etc. Collaborating institutions included Johns Hopkins University, Case Western Reserve University, University of New Jersey, UCSF, London School of Hygiene and Dentistry, City University of York etc. The Faculty research committee has continued to function under the chairmanship of Dean for research but is yet to develop clear research guidelines for research conduct in the Faculty. It reviews the scientific and ethical integrity of studies and provides ongoing monitoring of those projects. Most Faculty research has been on a number of priority health problems including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, cancer, reproductive health, mental health, nutrition, paediatric illnesses and injuries. There are a number of research units whose research capacity have been strengthened during 2002 and include Injury Control Center, the Walter Reed-Makerere University HIV Vaccine Unit, the Reproductive Health Research Unit and Biochemistry department with introduction of molecular biology facilities. 9.4 9.5 Extension and Consulting Service Our linkage with various organizations has been improved over the year. Most notably the engagement of a representative of Private Practitioners in Uganda, NGOs, Ministries of health, education and finance, tertiary health training institutions under the Ministry of health, Mulago hospital and Makerere University in a one year long planning process for transforming the Faculty of medicine into a College of Health Sciences. The Faculty has also strengthened its linkage with Ministry of Health through various health committees of the ministry (for setting policy) and provided consultation services as requested. The relationship with NGO health units like Hospice Uganda, Mildmay, TASO and provide research consultancy services to the Joint Clinical Research Center has been enhanced. Faculty academic staff provide services to upcountry locations for example for eye surgery, plastic surgery in collaboration with organizations like professional associations, Interplast Uganda, Health Volunteers Overseas and Rotary. Through the University wide program on decentralization coordinated by various projects initiated by the Faculty provided extension services to districts throughout Uganda. Human Resource Development As mentioned earlier most of the staff development initiative has been in supporting PhD/MD training and Masters level. The PhD trainees are in the early years of their training and it will take another 2-4 years before completion. It should be emphasized again that the failure to attract, retain and motivate staff has hampered our efforts at staff development. Despite the foregoing a significant number of staff participated in research activities so as to fulfill one of the requirements for promotion. 30 9.6 Physical Infrastructure Enormous efforts have been made to improve the Faculty infrastructure as described below: Plans for construction of a 2 storey 30,000 sq ft of floor Infectious Disease Institute at the medical school were finalized and approved by University administration. Breaking ground is planned January 2003. The building has clinic space, a state of the art clinical laboratory, lecture rooms, a small library, telemedicine facility and research offices. Plans for expansion of part of piece adjoining the Pathology building to clinical research building were initiated and await University approval. The Faculty Computer Services Laboratory was improved with additional 15 computers provided by Sida/SAREC. A computer kiosk was set up with Sida/SAREC funding so as to provide additional Internet access points. Plans to rehabilitate some buildings of the medical school at a cost of Shs. 350,000,000 were finalized and approved by the University. Contracts were awarded and work should start early 2003. Plans for laying fibre optic cables to have Internet connection to several locations at the medical school were finalized and work will be undertaken in early 2003 with Sida/SAREC support. 9.7 Organisation and Management The most important achievement in 2002 was planning for transformation of the Faculty to a College of Health Sciences. A planning grant of $250,000 was provided by Rockefeller Foundation. A Prospectus detailing the elements of the College was produced. Preparations for the transformation have continued in 2002 by working out budget required from government, staff establishment, contacting various donors, curriculum review, discussion among members of departments which will constitute different schools of the college, consultation with University central administration and a visitation to various tertiary institutions which are under the ministry of education. 9.8 Generation and Allocation of Funds Efforts to generate funds in addition to government funding have been geared towards the following: Raising income from student fees. Mobilising research grants from in-country external funders Mobilising development grants from Foundations, World Bank etc The major donors have been Pfizer and Pfizer Foundation to support construction of Infectious Diseases Institute and programs of Academic Alliance for AIDS Care and Prevention, Rockefeller Foundation, Sida, NUFU, Pathfinder, NIH, CDC, Welcome Trust, WHO, The Carnegie Corporation of New York, Henry Jackson Foundation and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Gates Foundation, World Bank and Global Fund were also approached to support Academic Alliance related programs The Faculty generated a total of Ushs. 476 Million in 2002. Most of the funds were devoted to capacity building . The total funds mobilized from these various development partners over a varying period of time amount to more than USD 3 Million 31 10 Institute of Computer Science (ICS) 10.1 Mission The mission of the Institute of Computer Science is to provide highly expert teaching and research in computer science and Information Technology for national development in Uganda in concert with international developments in the fast growing field of computer science, information and communication technology. The Institute should spearhead national development in this field. The mandate of the Institute is to carry out teaching and research in Computer Sciences namely; Computer Architecture, Networking, Programming, Information Technology and Elearning. 10.2 Achievements During 2002 a) Staff Training. The Institute has about 3 members of staff pursuing PhD and eight on Masters programme. b) E-Learning. Institute members participated in E-learning up to the level of TOT at Delf University in Holland. On coming back, the Institute in conjunction with The DICTS coordinated the integration of e learning process into teaching at Makerere University. c) ICT Developments The Institute is now connected to the Internet and has also established a website, d) International Collaboration The Institute is the focal point for the UNESCO ICT programs in Uganda and is a CISCO training academy. e) Establishment Of New Academic Programs. Besides the Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science, and in addition to the short term certificate in Computer Applications, the Institute has started three new programs namely; a) The undergraduate B.Sc. in Computer Science. b) The postgraduate M.Sc in Computer Science c) PhD in Computer Science programs. f) Physical Infrastructure A new five stored building is in its final stages of construction with the support from the NORAD. The new building will be mainly used by ICS along with DICTS and Meteorology Unit. The Institute received 24 computers that were donated by China to Makerere University. 32 11 Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics 11.1 Introduction: The Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics Regional Project was established as an autonomous Institute within the legal framework of Makerere University in July 1969 to provide facilities for the high level professional training of personnel in Statistics and Applied Economics. To meet the needs of Uganda as well as those other English Speaking countries in the context of the formulation and implementation of national plans for Economic and Social development. The English speaking countries are Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Mauritius, Namibia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan and Zimbabwe. Since 1969, the Institute has trained a total of over 1000 statisticians, demographers and quantitative economists from the participating member countries at both undergraduate and postgraduate professional levels. 11.1.1 Vision: The vision of ISAE is to be an Internationally recognized Institute of excellence in Statistics and Applied Economics with Capacity for training, research and Information Technology. 11.1.2 Mission The mission of ISAE is to produce high quality professionals in Statistics, applied economics, population studies and information technology so as to spearhead informed policy making in both the public and private sector through training, research and community service. 11.2 Achievements 11.2.1 Student Enrolment: The student population stands at 1050 of which 378 are females and 672 are males. Of this total, 894 (85%) are undergraduates and 156(15%) are postgraduate students. Thirty five percent of the student population are government sponsored and 65% privately sponsored. In addition the ISAE also services B.Sc (Stat) students. 11.2.2 Graduates: At the 41st graduation ceremony, held on 5th April, 2002, the ISAE presented a total of 101 graduands. Out of the 73 Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economics graduands, 3 obtained first class degrees, 29 obtained Upper Second class degrees. For the Bachelor of Statistics out of the 27 graduands, 11 obtained Upper Second Class degrees and 16 got lower Second Class degrees. One candidate graduated with a Master of Arts in Demography degree. Furthermore in October 2002, 79 graduands qualified to be awarded degrees. Of these 63 were to be awarded first degrees and 16 were to be awarded Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. 11.3 Curriculum Review and New Academic Programs In the 2002/2003 academic year, the ISAE launched two new Postgraduate Programs namely the Master of Arts in Population and Development and the Master of Science in Population and Reproductive Health. Discussions have been finalized to launch the M.Sc in Quantitative Economics degree programme jointly with the Makerere University Institute of Economics. The Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science is to be re tabled to the Senate in the near future. There was a major review of some ISAE programs at a retreat held at Jinja in January/February 2002. 33 The Institute has a total academic staff strength of thirty four 15.8% of whom are female and twelve(12) out of thirty four possess a Ph.D. Another five are on study leave, pursuing the Ph.D qualification. Even upon their return, there will be slightly less than 40 percent staff members with the required Ph.D qualification. The staffing position is bottom heavy, with only eight(8) (21%) members of staff at the rank of Senior Lecturer and above. Non academic staff comprise 29 individuals and these provide administrative and other support to the Institute. 11.4 Research: The Institute is carrying out a number of research activities. The specific research works undertaken by the Institute will be host on the Makerere Website, 11.5 Outreach The ISAE is mandated to provide advisory services to governments and other agencies in the region. The Institute has appointed representatives to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics and the Census Technical Committee. In addition, the Institute hosted officials from Venda University of Science and Technology from the Republic of South Africa with a view of signing a memorandum of understanding for cooperation between the two universities. 11.6 Finance: The finances of the Institute includes money from Government of the Republic of Uganda to the University in General, tuition fees generated from privately sponsored students and donor funds especially from UNFPA. The total amount income generated from tuition fees and other sources was Ugshs 310.6m 11.7 Challenges The numbers of students and programs have increased over the years. However, staffing and facilities pose a major challenge to the Institute and the University as a whole. The University should make urgent measures to address these challenges as they affect the operations of the Institute. 34 12 Institute of Adult and Continuing Education (IACE) 12.1 Background The Institute of Adult and Continuing Education (IACE) is composed of three departments namely Community Education and Extra Mural Studies (CEEMS), Adult Education and Communication Studies (AECS) and Distance Education (DE). IACE is engaged in the provision of adult and continuing education. IACE’s ability to provide University based distance education, external degree programs and extra-mural work distinguishes it from other departments of the University as well as from other adult education institutions. IACE is also a center of excellence in the development and application of professional approaches to adult and continuing education and more recently to virtual learning. These are achieved through the modeling of programs to suit the particular circumstances of learners. The Department of CEEMS is responsible for taking the University to the people outside the University campus. The department implements programs in all parts of the country through nine regional centers in Arua, Gulu, Lira, Mbale, Jinja, Kampala, Hoima, Fort Portal and Kabale. Through these regional centers the department conducts short training courses for the community. In Kampala the department conducts two credit programs leading to the awards of Certificate and Diploma in Project Planning and Management. The Department of AECS mainly conducts professional training in adult and community education. It originally offered a Diploma in Adult Education, which was later phased out and replaced by the three-year program for the Bachelors of Adult and Community Education (BACE). The program is run both as a full time day program and evening part time program. The Department of Distance Education conducts external degree programs. Since 1991 it has been running the Bachelors of Commerce External and the Bachelors of Education External. The main target for these two programs are working people who hold diplomas in business studies or education and would like to acquire a degree without leaving their work place. The distance education program is based on study materials, which are sent out to students, and on face to face meetings between tutors and students. This review is based on the IACE’s Strategic Plan 2000/2001- 2004/2005. The focus of the strategic plan is developing the capacity and performance of the IACE in training, research and service delivery in line with the Institute’s strategic direction. This is in pursuit of the overall aim, which is promotion of a high level of professionalism in the formal and informal education sector and enhancing access to lifelong educational opportunities, especially for those members of society who may have missed such opportunities. 12.1.1 Teaching and Learning The Department of Distance Education continues to run External degree programs in Education, Commerce and in 2002 it introduced B.Sc. Education External. The demand for the external degree program in education and commerce has continued to rise but enrolments has had to be limited due to inadequate resources. Admission for B. Ed in the year 2002 was 1,052, for B.Com it was 1,100 and for B.Sc. it was 71. The Department received some support from The Makerere University Carnegie Corporation Institutional Development Program for the BSc Science education program. With assistance of the Makerere University Carnegie Institutional Development Programme The Department has been able to purchase computer equipment which has enabled The Department to run science-based programs for B.Sc. through distance education. Plans are underway for the department of DE to establish study centers with fully equipped ICT equipment. If this is done it will go a long way in providing the necessary support not only to science students but also to other students on the external degree programs. They will not only be connected to the Internet communication but will also be connected to the reference library. With tuition fees from students, the department of Distance Education was able to buy 10 other IBM computers, 11 UPS and I Server. 35 The Department of DE in collaboration with the Open University of Dar-es-Salaam is currently running a Diploma in Commonwealth Youth Program Planning. The Department of Community Education and Extra Mural Studies runs two full time programs a Certificate in Project Planning and Management and a Diploma in the same area. 12.1.2 African Virtual University The African Virtual University continues to be housed in IACE. Its mission is to increase access to education at tertiary level by reaching large numbers of students and professionals simultaneously in multiple learning centers. It runs credit courses and seminars and workshops via satellite transmission. An Ad Hoc Committee was established by Senate to review the current operations of AVU and to review its legal framework with a view to integrating it into the overall University structures. A report is completed ready to be tabled to Senate. 12.2 Research Although several members of staff were engaged in research during 2002 this is an area, which needs strengthening within the IACE. Research is still at individual levels and no Institute wide major researches have been under taken. Training for research is at the moment only being conducted as part of the undergraduate courses offered by IACE. 12.3 Extension and Consulting Services During 2002 IACE continued its efforts to increase community access to flexible quality lifelong education, through strengthening capacity to offer programs in various parts of the country. With support from I @ the Departments of CEEMS and Distance Education worked together to strengthen Mbale Extra – Mural Center. Computers were installed in the center. Through the African Virtual University, several other courses were offered to the public. Through training and evaluative research IACE continues to strengthen the capacity of its local partners. Several members of staff in the Department of AECS were engaged in the running of short training programs for NGOs and CBOs engaged in adult education and community development. Members of staff were also involved in materials development and in the conducting of Needs Assessments for literacy programs. Several evaluative studies were also carried out, Two members of staff were involved in the Education Sector Review, Others were involved in direct evaluations of on going literacy programs and other training programs some of which have been implemented under I @ 12.4 Organisation and Management Attempts have been made in the departments to streamline the management systems and the management information systems. The Institute by its very nature runs most of its programs in collaboration with other institutions. There is need for further streamlining of programs that are managed by different stakeholders and that are managed at a distance as is the case of extra mural programs. There is need for the University to support and facilitate the streamlining of some of the relationships between distance education and MUBS for example. 12.5 Human Resource Development In the Department of Distance Education, two members of the academic staff have enrolled for PhDs one at Makerere and the other at the University of Pretoria. In the Department of Adult Education one member of staff completed his Ph.D. at the University of Rhodes and two others are now planning to register for PhDs. The Department of Extra Mural has two members of staff doing their Masters but none registered for PhDs. 36 Two members of staff in Distance Education have now completed their Masters programs and three others are yet to complete. The Departments of Distance Education and Extra Mural Studies continue to face major challenges in this area mainly due to the establishment positions within the departments. Due to the nature of their work the departments’ establishments need to be expanded and restructured to accommodate other positions that do not exist in other academic departments. A number of staff members have attended ICT training organized by the University through the Institute of Computer Science. 12.6 Physical Infrastructure This continues to be a major challenge for IACE departments. The department of distance education, which currently has a student population of more than 5000 students, has problems organizing face to face sessions. The University has been unable to provide the capital investment needed to develop the required infrastructure. So the department has been forced to continue to hire outside venues to conduct its face to face sessions. This is a very expensive option and one that it is not entirely sustainable in the long run. The plan by IACE to develop a comprehensive ICT plan has not yet materialized. However as previously noted deliberate efforts have been made to strengthen ICT infrastructure both at the headquarters and at up country centers. During the last year, IACE was connected to the main University computer network and Local Area Networks were also established in the departments and the Directors Office. The department of DE now has a computer lab, which is accessible to their external students, but due to lack of adequate space not all students can have ready access to the facilities. As previously reported a pilot ICT project was established at Mbale Extra Mural Center which seems to be working quite well and this hopefully will be replicated in other extra mural centers to enhance learning. The Department of Adult Education does not yet have a computer lab although it has introduced ICT training as part of its BACE degree. This poses a challenge for the department. 12.7 Generation and Allocation of Funds The bulk of the funds from the IACE are generated through student fees. The department of Distance Education, which has the largest number of students in IACE, generates quite a substantial amount of money, however due to the nature of its work, which involves the hiring of large numbers of part time staff, hiring venues etc, there is always a deficit. The Department of Community Education and Extra –mural Studies, is responsible for the up country centers. These centers have to generate their own funds from the programs they run. Due to understaffing some of the centers are now being run by organizers instead of resident lecturers and this limits the kind of programs that they can organize and run. This in turn limits the amount of funds that they generate. IACE’s total income for 2001/02 was Ugshs1,695m. of this 129 was saved for the construction of a new building. 37 13 Institute of Psychology 13.1 Introduction Makerere University Institute of Psychology (MUIP) is relatively new having been established in 1999. The Institute has 4 established departments. These departments include the Department of Mental Health and Community Psychology, the Department of Organisational and Social Psychology, the Department of Educational Psychology and the Outreach Unit. In 2000/01 a strategic plan to guide our institutional development of the Institute was drawn. The Vision is: A market-oriented Institute with international academic and professional excellence. The mission is: To attract and train students into market resilient professionals and academics. This annual report is based on the three University pillars of teaching, research and outreach. 13.2 Teaching MUIP continued to service other Faculties in addition to teaching her own psychology students. The Institute of Psychology continued to offer both undergraduate and postgraduate training in three academic departments. At the undergraduate level teaching covered all areas of psychology with a student enrolment of 381 students of Bachelor of Community of Psychology (BCP). At the undergraduate level one student with disability was admitted. The BCP programme enrolled some foreign students. Some female students at the Institute received support from The Carnegie Corporation of New York under the Female Scholarship Initiative Project. Postgraduate programs included MA Counselling, postgraduate Diploma in Counselling, MA Educational Psychology, Master of Organisational Psychology and Msc. Clinical Psychology. 13.3 Research The Institute was involved in training all University academic staff registered for PhD in advanced research methods of which two members of staff benefited. Members of staff and students were involved in counselling students, children and families and other people from the University community. The following research projects were done by academic staff: Multinational study on the expression of spirituality; Cross-national study survey of virtues and strengths; National and cross-national studies on attitudes towards HIV/AIDS testing; Teenage smoking and Asian religious and spiritual approaches to psychotherapy in the Netherlands. Other research focused on psychosocial needs assessment of orphans and non-orphans in Masaka District, Cross-cultural comparisons on sexuality, intimate relationships and jealousy. Stress and coping among Ugandan Nurses and predictors of stress among policewomen. To facilitate the utilization of research results, dissemination of research findings was encouraged among stakeholders and in the communities. Information from the studies on HIV/AIDS was used in the drafting of the AIDS policy in the Ministry of Public Service and was also used by NGOs in their training programs. Information on teenage smoking was used in taking business decisions by BAT (Uganda). International collaborative Linkages. To enhance teaching capacity, collaborative linkages and attendance of conferences have been encouraged. 5 collaborative links with International Organizations and Professors were established. Two of these linkages gave fruits. Professor Kiran Kumar, University of Mysore, India gave guest lectures and interacted with staff and conducted collaborative research with Dr. Mohan. Professor Daphne Wallace, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Leeds CMH Trust, UK, visited the Institute of Psychology and taught courses on the master’s programs. She promised to make more links for us. Furthermore, a link with Clemson 38 University in South Carolina, US was also made. Six members of staff have attended international and local conferences and presented research papers. One staff member gave interviews on the International Media by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation as an expert in psychotherapy and the programme was telecasted twice in July in European channels and World Council for Psychotherapy. Two senior staff members were appointed editors of International Journals and one as a book editor. These activities will enhance research and teaching of the academic staff. 13.4 Extension and Consulting Services In its endeavour to reach out, the Institute continued to sensitize the general public on the importance of psychology and psychological services, and extended counselling services to the University community and the wider Ugandan public. Extension services involved postgraduate students. Four clinical psychology students got placement on the ASHINAGA orphans psychosocial project support programme for their practical training. The practical training involved family visits, providing individual and group counselling sessions for orphans in Wakiso District. This has publicized postgraduate programs of the Institute among the community. The Institute involved itself in yearly mental health day held in Luwelo District. This helped to sensitize the communities about mental health and counselling services and courses available at The Institute. The Institute participated in programme on decentralization. Three projects went up to pilot state. However, only two are waiting for full implementation. This helped to popularize the Institute’s programs and improved its image. The Institute is also associated to two other training projects. The Institute worked with the Ministry of Education to develop a Participatory Action Learning (PAL) Programme for Primary Teachers Colleges. A Sensitization programme was developed in conjunction with The Ministry of Gender, labour and Social Development on reporting about children in armed conflict. Furthermore, work with UNICEF was done to produce an Early Childhood Development Training Manual for Community workers. 13.5 Organisation and Management Organisation and Management is done at the Institute level and departmental levels. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness some of the support staff were trained. To improve the administrative performance in departments 6 computers have been procured. This will support the processing of information necessary for decision-making. Accessing ICT has been high on our agenda. The Institute has already started working on a website. Each department has an ICT trained staff in addition to the one for The Institute. A package to process financial data (Ledger works) was accessed and the Institute Accounts Clerk trained in its use. The Institute was connected to the main optic fibre for the University. Financial incentives were paid to our staff. This has increased motivation of the staff to teach on our programs. Foreign staffs were given accommodation to facilitate their welfare. Welfare of students has been improved by allowing the participation of two students (one for postgraduate and other for undergraduate) in decision making. The Institute had paid a research allowance to facilitate research activities carried out by students. 13.6 Physical Infrastructure The Institute is housed in the old buildings, which need maintenance and rehabilitation. During the year, the 3 Institute blocks were repainted and some major repairs done. Plumbing work on two of the Institute blocks was done. Two desks for academic staff were purchased. To facilitate teaching, two blackboards were bought and lighting was fixed. The Institute has acquired 4 computers. 39 13.7 Finances Funding has been mainly from Government and Private programs. The Institute’s income was Shs216m and for 2002/2003 the proposed budget of Shs.473m 13.8 Constraints The Institute faces a number of constraints including : Structural Planning of the Institute and courses including developing an efficient and systematic examination procedure. Improving the infrastructure for teaching and staff offices. Poor Interpersonal relationships. 40 14 Institute of Economics 14.1 Background MUIE became an autonomous institution in October 2000. It has four major objectives. First, to train economists for staff needs, private sector, government and to provide professional support in economics for the University and beyond. Second to develop new courses and/or programs to meet changing needs of society. Third, to develop and offer short-term professional courses for practicing economists. Fourth, to enhance the quality of basic and applied research in economics. 14.2 Achievements 14.2.1 Teaching and Learning Three departments have been approved by the University and are functional in the Institute. These are: Department of Economic Theory and Analysis Department of Development Economics Department of Economic Policy and Planning These departments are in advanced stages of developing new undergraduate programs in various specialized areas for current and future society needs. A new M.A(Econ) and Ph.D (Econ) programme by coursework and dissertation have been approved by the School of Postgraduate Studies Board. Five lecturers are pursuing their Ph.D degrees under the staff development programme. Three of them are in their final stages of completion. Presently, MUIE offers on undergraduate programme and two graduate programs namely: (i) (ii) (iii) Bachelor of Arts in Economics Master of Arts in Economic Policy Management Master of Arts in Economic Policy and Planning The B.A (Economics) is a specialized and professional programme which provides training for Economists at the undergraduate level. Besides the Economics component, the programme syllabus offers subjects such as Political Science, Sociology, Accounting and Business Law in order to equip students with essential skills and knowledge for the labour market which requires interdisciplinary training. The graduate programs especially M.A (EPM) addresses the need for skills training and multidisciplinarity by teaching courses which include: French, Management, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Computer Training to compliment the core courses in Economics. 14.2.2 Physical Infrastructure To solve the space problem, MUIE has saved about Ug. Shs 650 million towards construction of a 1.3 billion building. The challenge to raise the remaining 650 million for construction of the Institute extension building still stands. 14.2.3 Consulting Extension and Outreach The MUIE staff have been involved in various outreach activities including a workshop for parliamentarians on policy formulation and analysis. The EPP and EPM programs have been successfully restructured under plans A and B. This will ensure faster completion rates and more prompt attendance to society economic problems. 41 14.2.4 Funding and income Generation The institute generated Ushs 589.6m from tuition and other sources. The ACBF/WB joint partnership have committed themselves to fund the second phase of the EPM programme. Also, they donated money to purchase a minibus for the Graduate programme to facilitate study visits and reach supervision. The process of procuring is underway. Funds have also been secured to purchase a new photocopier for the Institute. 14.3 Challenges (a) Despite the achievements, a number of challenges still remain. The undergraduate students intake for the 2002/2003 academic year have been lower than expected and this has caused the Institute to revise its budget downwards. (b) The, delays in transfer of funds from the centre and other units cause financial difficulties for the Institute. (c) The freeze on staff recruitment has precluded meeting the staff establishment in all the departments and the problem is magnified as more staff go for further studies. Departments have not been given support staff, and the University has delayed confirmation of already existing support staff for the Institute. (d) Hiring of space for conducting lectures is depleting the Institute financial resources. The Institute caters for many students most of whom are not registered under it. The cost of hiring space varies from place to place since there is no University policy on charges for hiring space. 14.4 The Way Forward Makerere University Institute of Economics has adopted a number of strategies as a means of mitigating the challenges and problems it has been facing. The strategies are aimed at expanding infrastructural facilities and capacity building. 1. Construction of the proposed new Institute building is slated to start at the beginning of the Calendar Year 2003. This will alleviate the acute space problem which has been a major concern for MUIE. 2. The 3 MUIE Departments are at advanced stages of developing new programme proposals. It is hoped that the new programs will attract more students hence generate more income for further expansion and development of MUIE. 3. Several Staff Members are currently pursuing their Ph.D studies and 2 staff members have recently secured sponsorship from AERC for Ph.D studies in Dar-es-Salaam beginning in February 2003. The Institute is encouraging all its academic staff to obtain Ph.D degrees in line with the University policy on staff development. 4. MUIE is vigorously pursuing a policy of quality assurance for academic excellence. Courses are taught by qualified and professional staff who have got training in specialized areas. Teaching, research supervision and examinations are carefully monitored to ensure good standards. 42 15 Institute of Social Research (MISR) 15.1 Strategic Objectives In the year 2002, Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) continued to consolidate the achievements made in 2001 through the determined pursuance of its strategic objectives as laid out in the MISR Strategic Plan for 2001 – 2005. These strategic objectives include: Developing and Improving the Institute’s Research Capacity; Strengthening the Institute’s Financial Resource Base; Improving and Strengthening the Institute’s Managerial Capacity in all respects; and Establishing, Strengthening, and Widening Links with various Institutions and Organisations locally and globally. 15.2 Achievements 15.2.1 Developing and Improving the Institute’s Research Capacity Despite the continued existence of some major structural problems, significant progress has been registered towards the realisation of most of the Institute’s strategic objectives. In 2002, MISR carried out 11 commissioned and non-commissioned research projects and, through competitive bidding, won a number of consulting studies. Some of the research projects undertaken include: "Characterising the social and cultural factors impacting on HIV/AIDS in Uganda", funded by UNDP through the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; "HIV/AIDS Community Needs and Institutional Assessment", funded by the World Bank through Ministry of Health/Uganda AIDS Control Project; "Attendance Patterns and Causes of Dropout in Primary Schools in Uganda", funded by the World Bank through Ministry of Education and Sports; "Prevalence and Implications of Joint Land Titling in Uganda", funded by NORAD; "Improving the Management of Sexual Maturation at Primary Schools: Information Needs from the Perspective of Ugandan School Children", funded by Rockefeller Foundation; "State Responsiveness to Poverty: The Politics of Pro-poor Policy Making and Implementation", Department for International Development (DFID); and "Protecting the Next Generation: Halting the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa", funded by Bill and Merinda Gates Foundation through the Allan Guttmacher Institute. In order to strengthen further and develop the Institute’s research capacity, MISR has embarked on the recruitment of fresh and well-qualified graduates with diverse academic qualifications. This initiative is to revitalize the now latent University’s Graduate Fellow Scheme; whose objectives were, among others, to attract individuals who would go for studies and later join the University academic staff. This arrangement is intended to reduce on the current shortage of skilled human resource in MISR’s strategic research areas as well as ensuring continuity in case some of the senior researchers depart or take leave. 15.3 Constraints Progress in building MISR’s research capacity continues to be severely constrained by the extended delay in regularisation of 2 of the Institute’s Staff as well as failure to fill the existing vacant positions in the establishment. For example, as reported in 2001, out of the 16 established Research Fellow positions, only 2 are currently filled. It is also noted that 2 of the Institute’s earlier Graduate Fellows have never been formally reabsorbed close to 10 years after higher training. The third trainee, after a long period of frustration due to non-absorption, was lost to Min. of Finance. In addition, neither has there been a replacement of the Administrative Secretary who left two years ago nor the Editor who left 20 years ago. Consequently, many programs that had been planned have not taken off. Such programs include the creation of specialised research divisions to undertake research in the Institute’s five areas of 43 focus as well as the development and conducting of short courses in research methods and techniques. MISR has also not been able to put out as many publications as it had planned. 15.4 Research Infrastructure MISR has made substantial progress in the development of its research infrastructure. Through its international networks, MISR received a batch of 16 used computers from Denmark thereby replacing the entire batch of the aging computers most of the staff had. MISR is mobilising its financial resources to set up a Local Area Network that will enable researchers get unlimited access to the Internet. It is anticipated that will be achieved in the 1st quarter of 2003. Additionally, in 2002, MISR proposed establishing a Decentralisation Resource Centre to act as a one-stop centre for information on decentralisation processes and activities in Uganda. The World Bank, under the Learning Innovations Loan, accepted to fund the establishment of the centre. 15.5 Strengthening the Institute’s Financial Resource Base MISR has done quite well in the area of strengthening its financial resource base. It has fully furnished 5 out of the 9 rental apartments in the building that was returned to MISR by the University in 2001. The remaining 4 apartments are to be done early 2003. Once they are ready, MISR will have a total of 13 executive flats which will generate revenue to finance some of its development programs. There has also been rigorous maintenance of other costing centres such as vehicles and photocopiers. The selling of MISR publications has started to generate revenue for annual MISR publications. Another initiative to generate revenue has been charging Research Associates and Research Assistants 10% of their earnings to partially support the Graduate Research Assistant Scheme. 15.6 Improving and Strengthening the Institute’s Managerial Capacity For effective management, MISR has continued to work through standing committees which play a substantial role in the day to day management of the Institute. Through these committees participatory planning and management has been ensured. Consequently, the various committees have put in place job descriptions, research affiliation contracts, ethics and discipline guidelines, procedures for procurement, hire of vehicles, procedures for recruitment of MISR hired staff, and revision of tenant contracts. In addition, ad-hoc committees have been called upon from time to time to assist the Director to deal with emerging issues. Managerial capacity has been enhanced by temporarily recruiting a storekeeper, a grounds man, a custodian, and cleaners. In a bid to monitor our financial inflows and outflows, a new computerised accounting system has been acquired and installed. This is intended to streamline budgeting, making projections, tightening expenditures as well as ensuring proper and timely accountabilities. 15.7 Strengthening and Widening Links with other Institutions and Organisations The Institute has also been fairly successful in cultivating new linkages and research networks as well as strengthening the existing ones. In the past year, these linkages have been in the areas of: Capacity building in human resource (staff exchange) with World Bank Institute, World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation, Research (collaborative and commissioned research) with MAAIF, UNDP, UNFPA, Rockefeller, EPRC, CDRN, MWLE, DANIDA/University of Copenhagen, DFID, NORAD, MoFPED, MoES, MOH, IDRC, Gates Foundation/Allan Guttmach. Training (short courses) with World Bank Institute, Rockefeller, SIDA/SAREC, Community outreach (public lectures, national task forces) with UNDP, UNFPA, UAC, MoFPED, UNCST, MWLE. These linkages are further strengthened through visiting scholars and affiliates some of whom are accommodated at MISR. 44 15.8 The Makerere University Capacity Building Program for Decentralization under the Innovations at Makerere Committee ( The Capacity building program for Decentralization was launched to the University Community in 2001. This was after a planning phase which was based at the Makerere Institute of Social Research. The I@mak program now has an independent Secretariat housed in Lincoln Flats with the Director of MISR as the Executive Secretary. The major objective was to provide relevancy to University programs and to meet the changing need of society. Through curricular review, training district staff, and enhanced policy and research on decentralization. Initial seed funding for the program worth USD3.9m was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation. During 2002, the University was able to attract additional funding of USD 5m grant from the Rockefeller Foundation and a matching Learning Innovations Loan of USD 5m from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank. This is a new three year phase of implementation running 2002/03 – 2004/05. The University in the new phase will partner with 14 tertiary and other institutions in the implementing the capacity building program The new phase of implementation focuses on six disciplines of Basic Health and medicine, Agriculture, governance, financial management and Planning, education and engineering. The program is now targeting seven pilot districts of Arua, Yumbe, Mbarara, Kampala, Mbale, Sironko, Itoojo subcounty in Ntungamo district and Rakai. Under the program 120 undergraduate scholarships were awarded to district employees. Activities Undertaken in 2002 under the RF seed grant included:a)Revising the curricular based on the feasibility study and pilots undertaken, these projects have been approved for full implementation Upgrade of the curriculum of Bachelor of Vet Medicine Development of under graduate curriculum in the Faculty of Forestry All round curriculum for Bsc Engineering Curriculum Development in the Faculty of Medicine b) Internships, designed to expose the students to conditions in the local governments. Three Faculties have taken students for internships under the program these include: Faculty of Vet Medicine; 50 Students attached to Farms and Agricultural Institutions for 15 weeks Faculty of Education; 1143 third year students attached to rural schools Faculty of Forestry; initiated for the Faculty student attachments to be effected in 2003 recess term The above programs are to act as pilots for other internship programs and will also feed into the internships consultancy envisioned in the first year of LIL project implementation. c) Training District Staff has been the biggest component of the program implementation. While USD 380,000 had been earmarked for training 600,000 USD was utilized. This carried over from the onset of the program where more than 75 % of the Concepts submitted were for training district staff. Training has mainly focused on skills development for district staff, the major areas of focus have been Agriculture (13) and Medicine (13). d) Extension and Demonstration, The main objective is to equip staff in the districts with the knowledge that may improve their standard of living. Projects undertaken included: Skills Development in the use of Appropriate Technologies (ATs) Biogas Fuel from Livestock wastes as an Alternative to Firewood and Charcoal at the District level Capacity building for decentralized districts to strengthen small scale workshops through manufacture of equipment locally. 45 e) Monitoring and Evaluation, To ensure relevance and maximum output Projects under the program are evaluated externally. These are practicing professionals and or other members of civil society. 90 projects at the pilot phase were evaluated in 2002. f) During the year a mid term review of the project was undertaken. The major objective of the review was to assess the performance of the program in meeting its major objectives of building capacity in the Local Governments and in Makerere University. 46 16 School of Education 16.1 Introduction The mandate of the School of Education is to train and produce competent teachers, lecturers, education managers and administrators to carry out relevant research and services, which support the education sector and community development. Consequently, the vision of the School of Education is to be a centre of education excellence and leadership in professional education, research and services relevant to community sustainable development. Thus the School of Education becomes the instrument of developing the people, the society and the economy in creating employment. In order to produce competent teachers, the School of Education offers integrated professional and content courses. 16.2 Achievements 16.2.1 Teaching and Learning In 2002, two new programs were designed and approved by Senate: Master of Science (Human Resource Management): aims at producing specialized human resource management experts equipped with deep theoretical and practical skills for maximization of human potential in educational institutions. PhD (by coursework and dissertation): a high profiled taught PhD program aimed at producing highly profiled specialists in the relevant area rich in both content and professional knowledge. These programs are now operational in the Department of Higher Education. At the undergraduate level all courses have been redesigned to meet the demands of the dynamic market. The demand for professionalism in teaching, educational research and service has steadily increased over the years. It is being fuelled by an exponential expansion in the knowledge that the school has to cater for, the increased sophistication of pedagogical skills required to cope with the changing secondary school curriculum requirements. The major changes in the type of society for which students are being prepared to serve and the emergence of a wide range of additional roles that societies expect teachers to play in development. These new integrated courses are richer in content and more cost effective compared to the previous ones. Bachelor of Arts Education Bachelor of Science Education Bachelor of Arts (Primary Education) Bachelor of Business Education Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Education They are yet to be approved by Senate. 16.2.2 Staff Development The School has 18 staff on PhD program here and abroad. These will help in strengthening the ageing senior academic staff. In addition the School of Education has recruited one professor from Nigeria and two other professors have been received from the Commonwealth. These chairs are here on a two year contract to assist in capacity building of staff especially in the Department of Higher Education. 16.3 Research, Outreach and Publications In the year 2002 a number of research projects started in the School of Education mainly funded by NORAD including:47 Research programme on analysis of various teaching methodologies in classroom teaching at all educational levels and settings by the Department of Language Education Research programme on access, performance and retention of girls in Science and Mathematics at all levels by Department of Science and Technical education. Research programme on analysis of educational policies and their implementation by the Department of Higher Education Research programme on indigenous knowledge systems, epistemologies, discourse, practices, and their implementation by Department of Educational Foundations and Management Research programme on Quality Assurance in Education, Environmental Conservation, Science and Technology, Refugees by the Department of Curriculum Teaching and Media Dr.Robinah Kyeyune: Literacy skills norms improvement in Primary Schools. Dr. Masembe Ssebbunga: In-service Teacher Education. NORAD Dr. Kagoda: Communities' Literacy Initiative in environmental conservation, science and technology. Dr. Maurice B. Tamale: Pedagogical skills for teachers at tertiary institutions of learning. Mr. Teresphorus Louis Kakinda: Functional networks with other partners in education. Assoc. Prof. J.C Ssekamwa: Internship for School of Education teacher trainees. The Education Journal and the Literature Journal continue to be published by the School of Education in which members contribute articles and research results. 16.3.1 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) The School of Education has been actively involved in ICT development and has encouraged its students to do so. Twenty new (22) computers were acquired to facilitate ICT developments from the NORAD IDP. Nine academic staff members from all departments were trained as trainers in e-learning. All students were provided an opportunity to open up an e-mail address on the School’s subdomain. The School has now established a website: to improve its international accessibility and publicity. Plans are underway for all academic staff members to be trained in basic computer literacy. 16.3.2 Infrastructure Development According to the Current budget Ug Shs 500millions was allocated for the construction of a building to cater for the increasing number of students. Up to date 250 millions has been saved for this purpose. The School of Education is planning to expand its space by putting up a building. Ushs 250m has been saved to this end. 16.4 Challenges Bureaucracy in the approval of academic programs, The revised programs have been on the shelves since The National Stakeholders Conference was held a year ago. It is hoped that as soon as the new Senate settles down these programs will be cleared. A number of academic staff members especially in the Department of Curriculum Teaching and Media are on staff development. This has left only two full time members in the department. A similar situation is prevalent in other departments. 48 17 School of Postgraduate Studies The School of Postgraduate Studies at Makerere University now recommended to be named Makerere University Graduate School (MUGS) was on 23rd June and 14th July 1994 approved and established by the University Council. The main objective of the Graduate School is to deal with graduate studies and research. The major functions of the School include:(a) Monitoring the registration status and progress of postgraduate students at different levels and in different Faculties/Institutes/Schools. (b) Identifying sources of and soliciting for funds to support Postgraduate programs. (c) Liasing with other Universities and Institutes/Organisations on Postgraduate activities. (d) Producing an annual update on-going research and publications in the University. (e) Providing courses and seminars on research methods. (f) Handling research and publications in the University. Vision Taking scholarship and research to the frontiers of knowledge. Mission Statement Attain and maintain internationally recognised status as a leading graduate school in Uganda and Africa by efficiently producing high calibre graduates, solving research questions and disseminating knowledge. 17.1 Achievements a) Resource Mobilisation: Below is a summary of the collection of funds directly contributed by students to support research in the University: 10,000/= by each undergraduate student 2002/2003 approximately 200M/= 20,000/= by each postgraduate student 2001/2002 " 24M/= This will be used for research support for staff development involving Masters and Doctoral degree study programme to enhance the quality of lecturers and enable University lecturers to teach from their research experiences. The summary of available Research Funds is given below o Government of Uganda 120M per year o Makerere University Undergraduate Student (10,000/ @)200M per year o Makerere University Postgraduate student (20,000/ @) 24M per year o Carnegie $94,000 per year o Sida/SAREC $97,000 per year o Sida /SAREC Research funds for Agriculture/Medicine/Social Sciences/Technology/ICT/Library 4.4M$ b) Human Resource Development The graduate school coordinated the introduction of PhD Crosscutting courses funded by Sida/SAREC include:o Philosophy of Research (Method) o Research Methods o Statistics and Computer Applications in Research 49 o Genes and Genomes Other PhD courses being developed funded by Sida/SAREC include:o Advanced Gender Research Methods o Research literature Search and Access o Grants and Publishing writing 17.2 Teaching and Learning e) Development of academic programs at Master and PhD level. The following programs were developed by respective faculties and approved by the Board of Post graduate studies: MA African Languages - Arts MSc. in Human Resource Management in Education - Education Master of Architecture - Technology PGD - Urban Design Technology PGD - Computer Science - ICS PGD - Environmental Impact Assessment - MUIENR PGD - Environmental Journalism - Arts PGD - Mass Communication - Arts MSc. Agro forestry - Forestry and Nature Conservation MA Population and Reproductive Health - ISAE MA Population and Development - ISAE PhD Educational Management by Course work and Thesis – Education 17.2.1 Strengthening the Research Infrastructural Capacity The following aspects of research infrastructural capacity were strengthened by the support of the NORAD, the Carnegie Corporation of NY and Sida/SAREC (i) - From NORAD funds: Desktop publishing is due to start as office space was acquired and funds to purchase the equipment available. Study tour to the University of Bergen to understudy research management undertaken in June 2002 by the Ag. Director. Four computers and desks purchased. (ii) From Sida/SAREC funds: Four computers and office equipment were purchased. Overhead projectors (2) and one LCD project purchased. Research Coordination being actualized with Library, ICT and Faculty collaboration Strengthened (iii) With Carnegie funds: 1. Research and Coordination management system Rmacs@mak established. 2. Research funds granted to PhD scholars - 34,000$ so far. 3. Research Quality Assurance expertise acquired by Director through workshop of the South African Universities Vice-Chancellor's Quality Assurance in Research Meeting in Johannesburg. 50 17.3 Research Productivity by Staff and Students. 1. Increased research was recorded in accordance with increasing graduating rates of postgraduate students at Masters and Ph.D degree levels. 2. Several Research programs are underway in all Faculties by students and staff. 17.4 Research Skills for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. 1. Several Postgraduate courses were introduced and old ones reviewed in which staff are participated 2. Development of Ph.D courses and the following PhD programs run in 2002. Philosophy of Research (Methods) -30 students Research Methods -20 students Statistics and Computer Applications in Research -20students. Genes and Genomes in the tropics -20 students (10 Ugandans + 10 International) Ph.D. in Educational Management by Coursework established - (10 students). 3. 17.5 Challenges and way forward: The major challenges of the postgraduate school Increased Ph.D. level staffing needed to support graduate education & research. More research funds from Government and Development Patterns needed. Putting into use Rmacs@mak. 51 18 School of Industrial and Fine Arts The Mission Statement: To promote art and design through research hand teaching programs sensitive to the community, environment and for sustainable industrial development. General Strategies: To improve and consolidate the quality of Professional Art and Design. To evolve into a Centre of Art and Design programs sensitive to the community, environment and sustainable industrial development To promote professional interaction between art and design, and other professional disciplines. 18.1 Achievements 18.2 Teaching and Learning Students’ intake at undergraduate level has increased tremendously due to demand of BIFA programme as reflected in the increased qualified applicants. This has made tremendous increase in MTSIFA’s income generation The total enrolment for MATISFA now stands at 358 students. In order to integrate ICT in teaching and learning the school has acquired 12 new computers through Research Projects, Donations and internally generated funds and well furnished computer lab has been established with networked computers. 18.3 Human Resource Development Eight members of staff are registered for Ph.D. programs through the staff Development at Makerere University and in other universities elsewhere. Four of these are in their final stages of presentation of their final report. Two Teaching Assistant are pursuing masters programme while one is undertaking undergraduate programme. As a means of encouraging more staff to undertake Ph.D. programme and publication research methodology seminars and workshops have been encouraged. 18.4 Research: The school has actively started strengthening its engagement in applied research in art and design which meet the needs of the community. For instance the Department of Industrial Arts and Design, and the Department of Sculpture are engaged in development of local industry through promotion of local products by spear heading training in packaging, design advertisement, audio visual mass media design and illustration and printing, industrial ceramics, jewellery, stained glass design, furniture design and functional sculpture. The department of Painting and Art History has continued research at postgraduate level on the use of traditional indigenous art and cultural materials. MTSIFA benefited from its engagement in a number of research projects through higher Education linkages and programs which include the following: Illustration of children’s stories project coordinated by MTSIFA and the Department of Literature funded by Rockefeller Foundation 52 Appropriate Design Education for Sustainable Development Project sponsored by DFID and the British Council. Appreciation, production and improvement of local arts/crafts and culture in the District under the competed pilot phase. Community based practical training in Art and Design for enhancement of competitive and sustainable skills for BIFA students completed pilot phase. 18.5 Collaborative Linkages/Outreach Programs Through the DFID and British Council, the School is engaged in a Higher Education Link Project for Appropriate Design Education for sustainable development aimed at promoting and developing research on local traditional art and crafts. The school benefited from the Fullbright Scholarship award under which Mr. David Stairs from Michigan University was in Department of Industrial Arts and Design for two years. The school has strengthened the essential hands on experience through industrial placement in all parts of the country. The internship programme has exposed the MTSIFA students to the feel of the field and provides a check on the relevance of the courses taught. 18.6 Exhibitions/Workshops The school has hosted a number of exhibitions in Makerere Art Gallery which attracted both local and international visitors such exhibitions have enhanced the public awareness and act as a record for great Art works produced at Makerere making MTSIFA an attractive land mark for the University. The visitors to the gallery have increased by 40%. Academic staff of MTSIFA have continued to participate in local and international exhibitions and workshops and their work has worn fame for Makerere University. The annual lecturer’s and student’s exhibitions “Different but One Exhibition” and Students’ Annual Exhibition Sales are becoming more popular. 18.7 Physical infrastructure A number of minor repairs and renovations of buildings have been carried out to uplift their standards. Plans are underway to expand on the teaching space for increased students’ population. The school is located in some of the oldest buildings of the University of 1922 which need major renovations and repairs which should be done quickly, albeit with limited resources available. 53 19 EASLIS 19.1 General The East African School of Librarianship was established as a regional center for training library personnel in 1963. The Council for Library Training in East Africa, composed of representatives from three countries, was established as its governing body responsible to the Senate of the University of East Africa. In 1996, the name of the School was changed to East African School of Library and Information Science (EASLIS) to accommodate new additions into the curriculum and the growing element of Information Science 19.2 EASLIS Mandate and Mission Statement The mandate of EASLIS is to carry out teaching and research in the field of Library and Information Science. EASLIS goal is to produce high quality Library and Information Professionals capable of responding to present and future needs EASLIS facilities include a functional building with offices, three lecture rooms, two computer laboratories, a library, a seminar room, a book bank, stores and a book processing unit. 19.3 Achievements 19.3.1 Teaching and Learning The following programs are running at EASLIS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Certificate in Library and Information Studies (CLIS) Diploma in Records and Archives Management (DRAM) Diploma in Library and Information Studies (DLIS) Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) Master of Science in Information Science (MSc. Inf. Sc) ICT developments and E-learning Every member of staff has got a computer in his/her office. All students’ and staff computers are connected to the Internet. EASLIS has also designed and hosted its website at . Three members of staff have participated in e-learning up to the level of training of trainers. This is for the purpose of improving capacity and performance of staff in teaching and service delivery. Revision of Academic Programs The revised Master of Science in Information Science was implemented in 2002 The Bachelor of Library and Information Science has been revised and is yet to be submitted to the University Senate for approval. 19.3.2 Human Resource Development EASLIS now has three PhD holders. Two of our members of staff are also pursuing PhD degrees. Another three have had their proposals accepted awaiting sponsorship. Some administrative and junior staff have also registered for courses leading to awards of degrees. 54 19.3.3 Research EASLIS staff and students have actively conducted research resulting in publication in international journals and production of reports. Research undertaken by EASLIS staff can be accessed on the Makerere University Website 19.3.4 National and International Collaborations EASLIS established collaborative links with the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology EASLIS has got collaborative links with the University of Dar es Salaam, the School of Library and Information Science in Valdosta State University, US, and negotiations are underway to establish links with the following: The School of Information Science, University of Tennessee, US; Department of Information Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 19.3.5 Finances Income from private sponsorship for 2001/02 was about Ugsh 235 million. The Government provided Ugsh 24 million as Special Faculty Allowance for students. Costs such as salaries, electricity, water and telephone for the Director’s office are managed from the centre. 55 20 Planning and Development Department (PDD) 20.1 Introduction The Planning and Development Department is an administrative department of the University. The department plays an essential role in the management and coordination of the University’s strategic development processes. The bulk of the department’s strategic and operational activities are in the University’s strategic areas of management and organization research and studies, human resource development and generation and allocation of resources. Over the period under review, the department made significant strides in the realization of her core purpose. 20.2 Achievements 20.2.1 Organisation and Management The department realized an improvement in her functional capacity. With support from NORAD, the Department procured 5 personal computers, 2 laptops, 2 vehicles and there was general office refurbishment. In an attempt to mainstream the planning function in the University, planning committees were instituted and formalized in all the 29 planning centers. Through the effort of these centers the Planning Department coordinated the first ever, annual report under The Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 which was presented to Parliament in March 2002. 20.2.2 Research and Studies 1. A study to Analyze the consequences of student expansion in terms of cost of maintaining adequate Academic Standards was undertaken and a report was submitted to management. The study was funded by NORAD and its implementation awaits Council. 2. The proposal for a follow up study; Monitoring The Quality Of Teaching, Research And Service Extension At Makerere: Lessons For Privatization Of University Education is ready. This study will be undertaken in 2003 with support from The Carnegie Corporation of New York. 3. As part of market survey geared at influencing curriculum re-engineering and development, a proposal for a tracer study has been formulated and the execution of the project is pending approval by the School of Postgraduate Studies. The tracer study seeks to compare the performance of graduates of Social Sciences and Agriculture in the world of work. 4. Another tracer study relates to the analysis of performance of graduates of medicine in the world of work. Applications for proposals to undertake the study as per the advertisement in August 2002. Two applications were received and submitted to the School of Postgraduate Studies for technical evaluation. The implementation of the project is waiting a technical report from the School of Post Graduate Studies and Research. 20.2.3 Human Resource Development 1. In the realm of training and capacity building, one member of staff proceeded for training on a 9 months course in Manchester University, another member of staff is also undergoing training in Information Management. 2. The Department benefits from the expertise of the NORAD consultant The departmental staff was also boosted with posting of a Senior Assistant Bursar in charge of projects as well as an accounts clerk. 56 3. The PDD undertook a study visit to the University of Oslo, this achieved two major objectives on one hand it exposed members of staff to alternative practices in University Planning. Secondly, specific areas of further cooperation were identified. The areas include: University – industry linkage in an effort to improve the curriculum and also facilitate the transfer of professional knowledge and technology to the private sector; Collaborative linkages with Oslo University in the field of human rights community health and gender studies; Collaborative student exchange with Norwegian Universities. 4. In addition to this , with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York , PDD staff and staff from other units in the University attended a strategic communication workshop in Dar-es-Salaam. The workshop’s aim was to equip delegates with skills to be able to research and write communication strategies for their respective organizations and to share experiences with respect to effective communication of Carnegie Grantee Organisations. 20.2.4 Generation and Allocation of Resources Regarding the strategic direction of developing capacity of the department to mobilize resources for the University, a project proposal for organizing a conference of development partners was formulated and endorsed by the Senate. It now awaits Council approval. Related to this was the newsletter issue published in the Nordic Africa Institute News issue No. 3 October 2002. Over the one period 2001/02 under review, the PDD received a disbursement of funds from development partners, The Carnegie Corporation and NORAD to the tune of USD527,828. Efforts to rationalize resource allocation to the University from Government through a unit cost based cost have not borne fruit. However, the Department will continue working closely with the Ministries of Education and that of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to achieve a rationalized budgetary allocation to the University. 20.3 Challenges/Tasks Ahead 1. The link between the Department and the Planning Committees at the centers is still weak. There is need for regular interaction between the Department and the Planning Committees. Further more Faculties/units should facilitate/integrate the Planning Committees into the budget so that they are facilitated. 2. The prolonged transition from the old Act to the new Act affected long term planning e.g. the following activities were delayed The study to streamline and manage the decentralizing process in the University Donor’s Conference Discussion and implementation of the Unit cost study report. The recruitment of an IT professional to execute ICT related activities of the department has been hampered by un-competitive terms of service especially with regard to competitive remuneration package. The promotion of technical staff at the department 20.4 The NORAD Institutional Development Program The NORAD Institutional Development Program is coordinated by the Planning and Development Department. The program is geared towards the implementation of the Makerere University Strategic Plan 2000/01- 2004/05. In line with the Strategic Plan the program is supporting ICT development, research, 57 science based units as well as equity and gender concerns. The program started in the Year 2000/01 and will end in 2004/05. The support under the program is 110m NOK equivalent to USD14.4m. During the year 2002 a total of 27.8 m NOK equivalent to USD3.6m was released. The programme is benefiting 11 units with 17 projects, these include: Support to the Planning and Development Department (PDD) Administrative Computing Support to the School of Post-graduate Studies and Research Support to the Academic Registrar's Department Building for the Department of Women and Gender Studies Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation Support to Nyabyeya Forestry College Support to Faculty of Agriculture (MUARIK/CAEC) Support to the Department of Animal Science (Ankole Cow and the Mubende Goat) Building for the Department of Food Science and Technology Support to the School of Education Building for the Institute of Computer Science Support to the Department of Botany Support to the Meteorology Unit The major outputs of this program in 2002 have been included in the following: 1. A three storied building for the Department of Women and Gender Studies was completed and handed over to the department. 2. A five storied building for the Institute of Computer Science and the Meteorology unit in the Faculty of Arts is in the final stages of completion. 3. A contract for the Department of Food Science and Technology was also awarded. 4. Progress has been made towards developing Four Information systems namely: Automation of user access to Library database Academic Records Information System (ARIS) Financial Information System (FINIS) Human Resource Information System (HURIS) 5. Staff training in the management of these information systems and basic computer training has been carried out. 6. A number of members of staff in the Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Nyabyeya forestry reserve and the Planning and Development Department are undertaking various courses ranging from certificates to PhD 7. Through the project the University is conducting critical research in the fields of agriculture, forestry, education and water management. 8. The Cost analysis study to work out the unit cost per student by Faculty was carried out and the report is awaiting approval. 9. Facilities for Desktop publishing for the School of Post Graduate Studies have been provided 21.5 MAKERERE UNIVERSITY CARNEGIE INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME The Carnegie Corporation of New York extended a grant to Makerere University for institutional development. The grant of US$ 3,081,000/= was to cover a period of three years 2001/02 – 2003/04. The grant was phased with US$2,015,000/= and US$1,066,000/= constituting phase I and phase II respectively. A total of US$1,330,878 has so far been disbursed to support the implementation of activities for scheduled for the first year of the project activities The details are shown in the table below : 58 Table I : Summary of Carnegie Support in (‘000 US$) by year Project Title Year I Year II Gender Mainstreaming Unit Library Scientific Information Resources Science Distance Education Strengthening research Analysis of University expansion Tracer studies Capacity in Valuation and Quantity Surveying in the Faculty of Technology. Student Practical Training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Capacity for Social Responsiveness to Slum Communities Around Makerere University Faculty of Medicine. Gender mainstreaming in the Faculty of Agriculture and Scholarships for Women with Diplomas. Capacity of Technological Instruction and Establishing New ICT Linkages GRAND TOTAL (‘000 US$) 253 245 122 147 25 15 166 235 90 127 Year III 191 170 88 126 Total 15 610 650 300 400 25 30 41 109 50 200 144 43 86 83 25 76 255 202 101 72 55 228 94 55 32 181 510 1,023 828 3,081,000 The Corporation further supports the Female Scholarship Initiative Project at Makerere University. A US$3m million grant was extended to support the project for three years effective 2001/02. So far US$2m has been disbursed for the first and second year implementation. In academic year 2001/02 and 2002/03, the project supported 94 and 99 female undergraduate students respectively.70% of the beneficiaries are from science based disciplines Beneficiaries of the Female Scholarship Initiative funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York 59 The University also received USD 10,000 from The Corporation President for purchase and installation of chalkboard at selected Faculties. 60 21 Department of Finance 21.1 Introduction In this report we have highlighted the strategic plan activities which have been accomplished, those which are on-going and those where we have not met the targets due to constraints which are also mentioned. The explanations are hereunder. 21.2 Achievements 21.2.1 Organization and Management a) Improving of Information Management System Regular meetings were initiated in each section of the Department to streamline operations and strengthen internal controls. Routine and Non-Routine activities were reviewed and documented. Use of email has been enhanced Department has initiated a Public Relations Section b) Improving Operational Process The finance Department’s organizational layout was re-organised A different nomenclature was proposed and some of the titles have been adopted. Introduction of the use of computers The Management team, Dean- Faculty of Law, Dean- Faculty of Agriculture, Heads of Departments in Faculties of Agriculture and Law, and some Wardens like of Lumumba Hall were sensitised on Financial Management and Accounting. This was through the training supported by I@mak in January, 2002. Accounting and Financial Manual was produced, presented to Finance Committee of the University and Council , which approved it in principle. Workshops/Seminars are in the offing to discuss the Manual with the help of Consultants who prepared it to enable end users apply the manual. Tendering process of Financial Information System was accomplished using University Website and press media. System Analyst was invited and engaged on System analysis. Study visits were conducted to University of Bergen-Norway, University of Alberta-Canada and local organisations such as bank of Uganda, DANIDA, Stanbic and Standard Chartered Bank to compare and share experience on systems functionality. c) Strengthening the Culture of Accountability A pilot training project of Financial Managers of Faculties, Departments, Halls of Residence was initiated with the help of I@mak Project. A paper on the working guidelines was presented and distributed. The activity is on-going 21.2.2 Physical Infrastructure (a) The stock of computers was increased from 12 to 32. These are being used in management, financial reporting and communication. This has shortened/improved the time for reporting. (b) Initiation of a Local Area network was planned but has not been implemented due to the constraints given hereafter, consequently training of staff in the use of networked facilities is yet to be initiated. 61 The plan to acquire additional space in Lincoln flats did not succeed due to high demand of space at the University. The original strategy to initiate construction for space is under review. Attempts to dispose off old vehicles did not succeed due to the constraints given hereafter. However, attempts were made through the following activities: o Advertisements were placed in the mass media o Valuation of vehicles was made o Invitation of purchasers was made. Constraints that led to failure to dispose of vehicles were: Ministry of Education wanted to handle the disposal and this process needed consultations The valuations were high, which could not attract the buyers. 21.2.1 Human Resource Development Recruitment and promotion has been initiated and it’s a continuing activity. Training needs have been identified to include the following: o Skills in System Network administration & management. o Computer applications and management skills o System security and maintenance o Professionalism e.g ACCA, CPA o Postgraduate Training e.g MBA, MSc(Accounting) and MIS(Masters in Information Science) to improve managerial skills. Training programme was drawn and is being implemented as follows: o Financial Management and Accounting through I@mak Project. o Some staff have been sent to Computer Science to learn computer applications. o Majority of staff in Finance Department are either pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate courses. A number of staff(10 in number) were trained in Computer applications at the Institute of Computer Science in the relevant packages. 21.2.2 Generation and Allocation of Funds The University planned to spend Ushs. 73 billion for its recurrent operations . Government allocated a total of Ushs. 27 billion . The University generated Ushs. 18.8 billion. The University, therefore , operated on a deficit of 37%. Most of the capital budget totalling 22 billion was funded by the development partners. Government contributed Ushs. 140 Million for capital development and 1.2 billion for defrayment of taxes on donor supported projects. Funding still remains a major constraint to the University’s operations as has been reported elsewhere. 21.2.3 Collaborative Linkages Collaborative linkages have been initiated with the Economy and Personnel Department of the University of Bergen-Norway, Personnel visits have been exchanged and the Collaboration document has been initiated. 21.2.4 Constraints Encountered Inadequate financial resources The inability to install and operate a Local Area Network caused by change in the procurement system necessitating International Competitive bidding occasioned a delay Lack of expertise 62 22 University Hospital 22.1 Background Makerere University Hospital is located outside Makerere Main Campus. It is found about 200 meters from the Makerere Main gate on Makerere Hill road. It is on the left-hand side on the way to Nakulabye. Makerere University Hospital is mandated to provide medical services to students and staff whose populations are about 30,000 and 4,000,respectively. We also provide services to private patients at a fee. On average we see over 50 patients a day of all these categories. The hospital runs a 24 hour service and provides the following services: Out-Patient Care: Consultancy Services: Laboratory Services: X-ray/Ultra Sound Services: In-Patient Care: Dispensary Services: Dental Services: Eye (Ophthalmology) Services): Physiotherapy Services: Minor Surgery Services: Sexual and Reproductive Health: Guidance and Counselling Services. 22.2 Highlights on Planned Activities 2001/2002 It should be said in the outset that the implementation of activities as planned for 2001/2002 for the University Hospital still faced a lot of constraints, especially related to financial inflows. As a result therefore, most of the activities thus planned have again not been implemented as desired. 22.3 Achievement 22.3.1 Organisation and Management A new organisational structure was developed through conducting meetings and workshop by reviewing the old one but its implementation awaits the ongoing Restructuring Exercise at the University. To ensure regular staff appraisals, the Hospital Appointments and Promotions committee sat and considered applications for promotion of members of staff. Their applications have been forwarded to the Appointments Board. The department continue to operate a physiotherapy unit under contract. We also purchased one computer. However the acquisition of ambulance, other vehicles and Ultra Sound equipment and expanding Information Technology (IT) still elude us due to lack of funds. 22.3.2 Staff Development The Department continues to provide incentives to the existing staff. Computer training were imparted to our Accounts and Stores staff. The department also continued to conduct Continuous Medical Education lessons. 63 22.3.3 Hospital Infrastructure: As in all strategies this one has been constrained by lack of funds. Minimal if any advancement has been made in this area. The hospital got a facelift in the preparations for The World Women’s Congress. The major reasons for this inactivity were lack of funds and the earlier unpredictable status of the Hospital lease. The lease issue has been settled and the Estates and Works Department has been requested to make quotations for phasing the rehabilitation works. 22.3.4 Widening the Hospital's Resource Base: The University Hospital generated Ushs 108 million in 2001/2002 from its operation. These funds were all used on drugs and other operational expenses. Government funding has been low and sometimes even lacking for most of our activities. However, The University Hospital will strive to generate more revenue from its income generating activities. 22.3.5 Fostering Linkages: The University Hospital has established collaborations with various institutions, these include:Ministry of Health and K.C.C. The hospital operates an ART (Anti-retroviral Treatment) centre with accreditation from the Ministry of Health. The outcome of the proposal submitted to Makerere Medical School relating to treatment visits by staff and consultants to the University Hospital, teaching and research is being awaited. 64 23 Estates and Works Department 23.1 Introduction The major strategy for the Estates and Works Department is to transform the management of the department towards delivery of quality and reliable services through improving the staffing situation right from recruitment and staff development, and through establishing a maintenance inventory for the physical plant. 23.2 Achievements 23.2.1 Staffing and Staff development The following have been the developments in the Estates Department 2 Staff members have taken on Postgraduate courses 3 members of Staff are pursuing undergraduates degree training 3 members of Staff are on Diploma courses 3 members of Staff are on Certificate courses Recruitment of 27 Group employees was done 23.2.2 Organisation and Management The Department formed a quality inspection committee as a first step for stage for putting in place an internal quality control system and also to ensure proper maintenance, rehabilitation and expansion of infrastructure services and to meet the anticipated growth of the University population The other strategies adopted by the Estates and Works Department is to adopt a well-designed method of planned maintenance, this principally involving carrying out condition survey and prioritise rehabilitation. The department continues to advocate for active participation in planning and utilization of the 5% maintenance funds, in addition to continuous sensitisation on the impact of large enrolments at the University. 23.2.3 Physical Infrastructure Rehabilitation of The University infrastructure undertaken during the period included the following; 4 External rehabilitation of blocks of flats 8 Pool Road houses externally rehabilitated 7700sq.m of Road network 7 Academic buildings 1 Administrative block 1 Hall of residence partially rehabilitated 23.3 Way forward Develop and initiate proposals on cost recovery measures from staff houses and space rental in the University Campus 65 24 University Library The University Library Service consists of the Main library and eight branch libraries in the Faculties of Medicine, Education, Veterinary Medicine, the Institute of Adult and Continuing Education, the East African School of Library and Information Science, Makerere Institute of Social Research, and Makerere University Agriculture Research Institute at Kabanyolo. 24.1 Major Achievements 24.1.1 Information Technology (IT) infrastructure has been expanded Expansion of IT facilities were implemented as follows: Server points expanded from 10 to 52 computers in the Main Library; from 3 to 8 in the Medical library; and from 1 to 14 in the Education library. LAN on ground expanded from 16 points to 68 points A server room to control the above has been established and power stabilisation has been installed. LAN bids to cover 122 points for the four library floors under evaluation Evaluation of the bids for the Library application software was completed, and recommendations made to Tender Board for award. The library has received funds to purchase computer equipment and LAN for the main library and two branch libraries, and training of staff and users. 24.1.2 Information resources increased, including Access to over 7000 electronic journals. Acquisition of 6,617 new books (Book bank and library books). New books worth Shs 721,860,000 have been ordered. 24.1.3 Partial renovation of the Library floor has been carried out In the main library, some areas have got a new cork floor which has greatly improved the appearance of the library. 24.1.4 Donor Funding has been attracted as follows: Sida/SAREC of Sweden has availed the library with funds equivalent to US$ 0.94million spread over a period of three years from 2001 to 2004 aimed at integrating ICT in all functions of Main Library but with special focus on cataloguing and establishment of OPAC, acquisition, circulation system, serials control, and enhancement of infrastructure by the expansion of the LAN and acquisition of more equipment. Furthermore, through Sida/SAREC funding, the library has subscribed to over 7,000 journal titles online, has established a linkage with Uppsala University and is to train four to five library staff to PhD level. The Carnegie Corporation of New York has provided US$ 650,000/= to cover library access to electronic journals, increase the book stock, Book security, staff retraining and counselling of users. NORAD of Norway has provided US$ 0.2 million to the library. The money is spread over five years from 2001 to 2005. This will enable full automation of the library administrative computing. It is also contributing to the expansion of the Main Library LAN and acquisition of more office and workstation computers. 66 African Development Bank (ADB) through a loan to Uganda Government has contributed the equivalent of US$ 0.101 million in materials for setting up a computer laboratory with 40 computers, two air conditioners, two servers and a local area network (LAN) with 52 points in Main Library. USAID/Leyland Initiative funded the setting up of the University wireless connectivity to the Internet that enabled the library to switch from a dial-up system. This enhanced the library access to the online resources. International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) Supply of Academic Publications (SAP) with a contribution of about US$ 0.08 million promoted and strengthened electronic document delivery services (EDDS). However, when it was realised that EDDS was included in the Sida/SAREC funding, SAP has diverted to the promotion of local publications to make them accessible in electronic format and available on the Internet. This project is limited to business administration and development studies. DFID/British Council has contributed about £21,000 spread over a period of three years, staring from April 2002 to April 2005 to facilitate Albert Cook Medical Library to establish a linkage project with Kent, Surrey and Sussex regional health information network. The link activities include exchange visits, training of Library staff and medical students in electronic information retrieval and document delivery, and outreach health information services. DATAD (Database of African Theses and Dissertations) supported by the Association of African Universities (AAU) aims at creating a database of University theses and dissertations, and making them available on the Internet and CD-ROM. Makerere University is one of the eleven African Universities participating in this project. AAU has provided staff training, two computers, a printer and a scanner to enhance the running of the project at Makerere University library. International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) has contributed US$ 0.024 million to facilitate training in accessing electronic resources for all PERI Project participants (Universities and research institutions) in Uganda. This project is coordinated by Makerere University Main library. 24.1.5 Human resource Development Training of library staff was carried out as follows: Two members of staff completed their PhDs. Six members of staff obtained Masters degrees. Six training sessions for both academic and support staff in form of seminars, workshops and hands-on training. Some of these sessions have been carried out by partners from UK (Jean Shaw), USA (David Atkins) and Sweden (Gunhild Back), while others were conducted by senior library staff from the region and Makerere University. Retraining of staff abroad: Ten members of staff have updated their ICT skills through attachments abroad, e.g. U.K., USA and Norway. Monthly research seminars held to improve research skills of academic members of staff. The criteria for recruitment and promotion of staff was approved and the process of appointment and promotion has resumed. 24.1.6 Collaborative Linkages Collaboration with the University of Bergen: The main objective is to set up a digital science library at Makerere University. The collaboration was established under NORAD funding for Makerere University. 67 24.2 Linkage with Uppsala University library: Makerere University library expects to learn from the best practices in automation of library functions. This linkage was established under the library Sida/SAREC funding. Partnership with the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Regional Health Information Network with the Medical library, as indicated under DFID/British Council funding above. Challenges The major challenges included staffing, expansion of the revenue base, debt recovery, space to sit library users, lack of branch libraries’ connectivity to Maknet, and poor staff remuneration/low incentives. 24.3 Way Forward In the forthcoming period, the library will strive to implement donor-funded projects and to initiate new ones. To address the space problem, it will embark on breaking the ground for the library building extension. Finally, as a provider of excellent information services, the library will try to reduce the shortage of staff problem, continue training and retraining of staff, counsel end-users and embark on vigorous fundraising to be able to live to the expectations of its users. These are summarised as follows: Implementation of all donor funded projects e.g. acquisition of library application software and continued retraining of staff to run the ICT services. Starting phase 1 of the library extension as approved by Makerere University Council. Recruiting staff to fill the vacant posts in the library establishment Fundraising to enable the library to provide improved services. 68 25 Academic Registrar 25.1 Preamble The mission of the Department of the Academic Registrar is to ensure total quality management of academic activities. Since September 2000 when the initial strategic plan was drawn, the original five Divisions have been increased to six with the new Division of Gender Mainstreaming being created in the Department. The Department has also established a new unit code-named the Data entry unit, under the direct supervision of the Academic Registrar. 25.2 Achievements The Department has made great strides towards computerization of her activities – the establishment and use of ICT. RFPs were prepared, bids were received and have been evaluated. The next step is to award tenders for the supply of both Hardware and Software for the Academic Register Information System (ARIS) The computerization of the Academic record is seen as very critical in facilitating the speeding up of issuing transcript. As far as the building is concerned, the contractor has been fully paid for the work and the building was officially handed over to the Department. Decentralization: Registration of students has been decentralized to some Faculties that have enough facilities to handle the exercise. In the year 2002, three hundred (300) lecture room chairs were purchased to furnish the lecture rooms in the Department. More chairs will be bought in the year 2003. In the year 2002 allowances for junior staff were revised upwards, while those for senior staff will be revised in the year 2003. Information flow into and out of the Department has greatly improved through E-mail and Internet facilities all over the University. A firm was contracted to maintain the Telephone system; and another was contracted to maintain the lift. Other services like cleaning, maintenance of computers will be contracted to outsiders in the year 2003. 25.3 Challenges There are new roles that the Department has to play following the coming into force of the new Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act. The Department has to fit within the new framework. Senate has restructured its committees and this will impact on the current activities of the Department. Senate has yet to develop new regulations on the Semester system which have to be passed on to the staff and students, and this pauses a challenge to the Department of the Academic Registrar for it is supposed to spearhead this whole process. The Department has continually experienced financial shortfalls due to absence of a clear method of ascertaining how much is supposed to be transferred to the Department’s Account. There is also the issue of MUBS where by the Department runs their Examinations, and Registers their students but they do not pay for this. 69 There are quite a number of staff of the Department who are currently studying, but this was not planned. By implication, during University Examinations period a number of offices are empty because staff have gone on leave to attend to their academic obligations. The Department has yet to improve on her capacity to generate funds. 70 26 Department of the Dean of Students The Department of the Dean of Students is responsible for the welfare of students at the University. The services that the Department offer to the students include: Accommodation and feeding by Halls of Residence Guidance and Counseling Centre situated at the University Hospital Spiritual Services provided by the Mosque and the Chapels. The Students Guild run by the Student Government. Sports and Recreation for recreational activities. The Department has tried its level best to provide for students. The financial year has not been so easy with the general cut in the national budget. This has affected the monthly releases and has made the purchase of food items difficult and payment of student allowances delayed. The student population has continued to grow and this has caused a lot of breakdown of facilities in the Halls of Residence. The students are still being fed on the meagre shillings 1030/= per day per student. The total number of students both private and Government that are accommodated in all Halls of Residence is about 5,500. The renovation of Lumumba Hall has cut down the number of resident students in the Hall. The affected students are now being accommodated in Hostels and other private locations. Food suppliers were a problem. Low prices are quoted to win tenders and later on prices are revised upwards. 26.1 The Guild The current Guild President is Mr. Denis Okema who replaced Mr. Mbidde Mukasa. Mr. Okema has been faced with the problems of privately sponsored students mainly terms of payment of tuition fees. The Guild has acquired a new vehicle for ease of transport for the executive members. 26.2 The Spiritual Centres As a result of the increase in the number of students, efforts are being made to enlarge the centres. St. Francis Chapel has set the ball rolling by organizing fundraising activities. Nothing much ahs yet been achieved by St. Francis. 26.3 Counselling And Guidance Centre The Counselling and Guidance Centre has continued to provide good counseling service to the student population. The students benefit a lot but the centre is understaffed and the space available is minimal. 26.4 Sports And Recreation Sports and Recreation centre continue to provide recreational activities to the students. Inter-hall competition have continued to stir a lot of excitement. 71 At the end of the year 2002 the East Africa University Games were held at the University of Dares-Salaam, Makerere University participated and took the majority of the trophies that were competed for. Mrs. Kabenge, the Sports Tutor has continued to run the centre single handedly. The Centre has acute shortage of staff. The Centre has not been given any face lift yet. 26.5 Hostels There are many Hostels being built around Makerere University to alleviate the shortage of accommodation for students. The intervention of the office of the Dean of Students into the affairs of hostels around has improved the standard of the premises. The majority of the landlords do not want to have their rents regulated by the office of the Dean of Students. The Hostels that are affiliated to the University through the Office of the Dean of Students charge the students depending on the grade of the Hostel (minimum 125,000 per semester). Grading is based on security, availability of facilities like water, electricity, toilet and all that makes a good academic environment for a student. The Committee that inspects the hostels is chaired by the Director, University Hospital and one of the member is the Health Inspector. 26.6 Staffing There is shortage of staff in many of the Units/Centres under the office of the Dean of Students. The affected units include:- Guidance and Counseling, Sports and Recreation, and the Spiritual Centres. Many of the Units have Heads who handle their work single handedly without any support. 26.7 Foreign Students The number of foreign students admitted this academic year has shown a very big increase compared to the previous year. The biggest number admitted are Kenyans followed by Tanzania. Others are from Sudan, Zaire, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Congo, Swaziland, Burundi, Ghana and Zambia. Postgraduate foreign students also come from mainly the same countries like the undergraduate students, but others are from America, Libya, Lesotho and Spain. There are also occasional students who come mainly from Europe and America for short courses. Many of these foreign students prefer to have private accommodation outside the campus. The Inter-University Council students are however treated like any other Government sponsored student, so, many are encouraged to reside in Halls of residents. The Dean of Students’ Department has got the task of coming up with suitable accommodation facilities to match international standards. In that way the majority of the foreign students will be convinced to reside in the halls. 26.8 Outreach/Research The Department of the Dean of Students is currently undertaking research on discipline. The research/Study entitled “Discipline as a Prerequisite for Education and production of Responsible Human Resource to Meet Societal Challenges” is at the implementation stage. The most important 72 objective of the study is to create awareness among stakeholders in Uganda about the importance of self discipline among students in educational institutions in Uganda and Makerere University graduates employed in the districts. The department undertook this study because it is directly related to one of the goals of the Department – instilling discipline among national and international students for the attainment of moral uprightness. The research is being funded by the Rockefeller Foundation through the Innovation at Makerere University 26.9 Renovation Of Lumumba Hall The renovation of Lumumba hall, Block B is still going on. The following areas have been addressed: Plumbing system Drainage system Patching the roof Painting Renovation of rooms and bathrooms Sealing cracks. It is our prayer that the renovation work will cover the rest of the blocks. Lumumba Hall needs a complete face lift as the other blocks are also in a sorry state. 73 27 The Offices of the Vice-Chancellor and Secretary to Council 27.1 Transition to the New Act During the year 2002 the University went through a transition from the old to new act The universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001. The old Council with a membership of 28 and Chaired by Hon. Dr. D. Matovu wound up its tenure of office. Its last meeting was held on 30th March 2002. During the time when there was no Council, decisions affecting the running of the University were made by the University Management Team chaired by the Vice Chancellor. On the 17th of December 2002, the new University Council with a membership of 46 was inaugurated. An acting Chairperson, Mr Gabriel Opio, the former State Minister for Finance, was elected. The New Senate is in place and has had at least three meetings. 27.2 Development Partners Makerere University has continued to receive the confidence of its development partners who have supported the University to achieve its development Strategies. Our partners support over one hundred and sixty-five projects spread through all the Departments and Faculties of the University. Development partners to the University include:- The World Bank; NORAD; Rockefeller Foundation; Sida/SAREC; and Carnegie Corporation of New York; Virginia Technical and State University; International Atomic Energy Agency; Sasakawa Africa Association through its Sasakawa Africa fund for Extension Education (safe); International Programme in Chemical Sciences (IPICS); International Development Research Centre (IDRC); USAID/REDSO/ESA; Population Council; NUFU; Dreyfus Health Foundation; WHO/TDR; UNFPA; Italian Co-operation; Population Reference Bureau; Washington; Ministry of Health through World Bank; USAID through John Hopkins University; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Harvard University Boston; Mellon Foundation through the John Hopkins University; UNAIDS; University of Northern Carolina – Chapel Hill U.S.A.; UNICEF; CORDAID; CDC Atlanta; Ford Foundation; University of Bergen; DANIDA – ENRECA; Mac Arthur Foundation; African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF); Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program; Amberstone; DIFID; BMGI PRH; Leyland. The Chinese Government which donated twenty four computers, Kawempe Division with a donation of 267 chairs and Kampala City Council with a donation of 170 Street Lights. Ms. Tove Stand Director General NORAD opening the Gender and Women Studies Building. Women’s World Congress 2002 74 27.3 Makerere Hosts International Women’s Congress Makerere University from July 21st to 26th hosted the prestigious International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women; the Women’s World 2002. The Congress, which was attended by over 1500 delegates, had as its theme “Gendered Worlds: Gains and Challenges”, and was opened by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. The Congress, the first of its kind to be hosted in an African country, is held every 3 years. Makerere University’s Department of Women and Gender Studies hosted it, with the main objectives of taking stock of the gains made and assessing challenges in academia and development practice regarding women and gender. The Vice-Chancellor of Makerere University in his address at the opening ceremony expressed pride and happiness that Makerere was hosting the congress. The congress was a demonstration, of the trust and confidence that the international community has in the University. The University was committed to ensuring gender equity and equality in the development process and had, as a result established the Department of Women and Gender Studies 10 years ago to serve as the academic arm of the Women’s Movement. In addition, the University had established the Senate Standing Committee on Gender Mainstreaming and a Gender Mainstreaming Division to guide it on gender issues. The Congress was attended by delegations from 92 countries including Palestine and Afganistan. It was closed by Her Excellency the Vice President of Uganda Dr. Specioza Wandira Kazibwe 29.4 Visits outside the University In the course of the year, the Vice Chancellor and members of the University Secretary’s Department made several official visits intended to promote, link, and seek donor support for the University. The Vice Chancellor made following visits to: Dar-es-Salaam 5/03/02, Nairobi – AVU 24/04/02 Conference,Thailand, NORAD 27/09/2002, Nairobi University - Industry Collaboration Conference Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi 18/11/2002, Canada and Senagal . Deputy Vice Chancellor made a trip abroad to attend a Conference on Higher Education Cross Roads: A Policy Consultation on Higher Education in Africa, Dakar, Senegal, February 11 – 13, 2002. The University Secretary made two visits. In December 2001 – University Secretary and Assistant Secretary/Administration visited two Universities in Europe - University of Uppsala in Sweden and Bergen in Norway. The purpose was to learn from best practices in ICT and management generally. Other Members of the Department: In March 2002, two members of the Department, the DUS Administration and Assistant Secretary Appointments Board, visited the University of Bergen to learn from their best practices in ICT in Human Resource Management. In May 2002, one member of the Department attended a USHEPIA workshop at the University of Cape Town. The workshop was organized for all the USHEPIA contact persons from all the partner Universities. 29.5 Linkages with other Universities Makerere University has signed many collaborative linkages with other Universities and Institutes in addition to many others in the past. These linkages provide opportunities for staff development, staff student exchange and research. In the year the following linkages were made:University of Fort Hare – Zimbabwe. Teachers College Columbia - USA. Universitat Zu Lubeck Germany. 75 Midlands State University – Zimbabwe. The Open University of Tanzania. University of Medium & Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey USA. Bunda College of Agriculture (University of Malawi). Uppsala Universitet – Sweden. Wageningen University – Netherland. Johannes Kepler University – Linz – Austria Tufts University Ashinaga, Tokyo Japan. Sida/SAREC – Environmental Journalism. Infectious Disease Institute. Danish Centre for Human Rights – Copenhagen – Denmark. St. Augustine University – Tanzania School of Journalism & Communication at National University of Rwanda. Press House of Burundi. 29.6 The Human Resources Information System (HURIS) The Human Resource Inforation system (HURIS) is part of the wider Information Communiation Technology (ICT) University Programme. HURIS aims at transforming the present manual functions of the Human Resource into electronic system with intent to improve upon its service delivery. The department intends to start automating the three functions of: Personnel records administration; Pension and terminal benefits administration; and Payroll management. It is hoped that by mid year 2003 the three functions will have been automated. 29.7 Staff Welfare The University has continued to boost morale of its employees through its contribution to the wages/salaries top-up. The creation of In-house Retirement Benefits Scheme is another morale booster to the University employees. From its inception in October 1998 to 30th September 2002 about shs 5.6 billion has been paid to 2231 different beneficiaries. A bill of about shs 800 million is yet to be paid out. This excludes the monthly pensions. The University now runs two independent retirement schemes, the in house retirement scheme and the Deposit Administration Plan (monthly pensions). There is continued support to meet medical expenses of University employees. The expenses cover both local and treatment abroad. Limited University accommodation is available to staff. Housing Allowance is small and taxed. 29.8 Income Generation The management of internally generated funds has been decentralized. In 1997, the number of income generating Units were 30, to date they are 42, Approximately Ushs 18 billions was realised in 2001/02. The University Commercial Units The University has five Commercial Units namely: The University Printer; The University Guest House; The University Maize Mill; The University Bakery; The Building Unit and MUCOBU. Their performance during the year has been commendable. Consequently, they contribute shs 15 million annually to the University Council. The University Printery Press has not yet attained the status of a Commercial Unit. It lacks funds, Physical resources and personnel. 76 29.9 Security The security situation during the year 2001/2002 has continued to improve. There was no serious incident. The Department received a complete radio Communication with a repeater system. The Department can communicate to the following University annexes: Kabanyolo, Katalemwa, Medical School, Mulago and University Hospital. In all, two base stations one at Security Station and the other at Kabanyolo, eleven (11) hand sets (Walkie Talkies) and one repeater system were purchased. One patrol Vehicle complete with communication system was purchased. Two hundred seventeen belts (217) pairs of socks 217, Berets were purchased. Lighting at Campus has improved and grass is kept low which has contributed to improvement in security. Construction of the fence around the main University Campus should have started last year. We are unable to start it even this year. The pledged funds have not yet been availed to us. 77 ..\Strategic Plan\FIN REVISED ANNUAL REPORT.xls ..\Strategic Plan\student data annual review.xls 78