September 24, 2014 - Ridgeview Baptist Church


September 24, 2014 - Ridgeview Baptist Church
September 24, 2014
A Message from
Pastor Mark...
“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what
he has done for my soul. I cried to him with my mouth, and
high praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished iniquity in
my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But truly God
has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.
Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or
removed his steadfast love from me!” (Psa 66:16–20 ESV)
I don't think there is any greater feeling than the
reassurance of God's faithfulness to us and His undeserved
love for us. While we as Christ followers believe in our heads
that God loves us and that He is faithful to watch over us, it
is a real boost to our faith to have it confirmed in our
experience. There is nothing like knowing that God has
responded to your cries of desperation, and that He has
been faithfully watching over your life and your
circumstances. Like the Psalmist, allow me to share with you
my own testimony.
Many of you know that I have been slowed lately with a
number of physical dilemmas. Last summer I broke a toe on
my right foot. The week I received a release from the
Doctor, broke a toe on my left foot. In the Fall, due to a
busted car seat and a long trip to see my mother and sister's
family in Chattenooga, I developed a back problem. Since
then it's been a long year of trying physical therapy,
cortisone shots and all until just recently when I scheduled
back surgery. So I have been hobbled and limping for a year
and a half.
I was to have that back surgery this past Monday. In
preparation for it, I scheduled a stress test for Thursday. I
was so crippled that it had to be a chemically induced stress
test. They did the test twice. They kept asking me if I felt
pain in my chest, or heaviness or whatever, but I told them I
felt perfectly fine. There was no doubt that they were very
concerned. They insisted that I undergo a heart
catheterization the next day.
Of course that was not what I wanted to hear, because I
felt just fine. But they wouldn't do the back surgery without
further testing. Most people know that I am a 'glass-halfempty' kind of guy. I prayed about the whole situation, and
told the Lord that I was in no position to tell Him what to
do, but that James tells us that we have not because we ask
not. So I wanted to ask that He would protect me, and spare
me from any open heart surgery since our church is
preparing to move back into a rebuilt sanctuary after a
devastating fire last year. In my head, I can say that I
trusted God to look after me, but emotionally, I had no idea
what God was up to in my life.
Well, the heart cath revealed 5 blockages. One is beyond
repair; they stinted two (90% & 60% blocked) and left two
to be done later, after my back surgery. Now since I am
more of a pessimist, you might expect me to be complaining
about the bad string of health problems and my inability to
exercise for almost two years. I have to admit that I feel like
I am rushing headlong into old age.
But let me tell you the rest of the story. You remember
how concerned the heart doctor and medical staff were that
I was not experiencing any pain or discomfort. They have
determined that forty plus years of diabetes has resulted in
diabetic neuropathy around my heart. That means that I
could be having a heart attack and not know it. Had I not
been laid up for the last couple of years, and active at a
normal pace, I could have collapsed of a fatal heart attack.
Had I not had back problems, or needed back surgery, I
might still not know that I was at risk. But while I was
completely clueless regarding my condition; our Heavenly
Father was actively protecting me. "He makes me lie down
in green pastures" (Ps 23:2) with broken toes and ailing
back. The sovereign Lord obviously saved my life.
And so I echo the psalmist. “Come and hear, all you who
fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul. I cried
to him with my mouth, and high praise was on my tongue....
But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of
my prayer.
Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or
removed his steadfast love from me!”
Of course, I am no different than you. While we may not be
aware of it experientially, we can rest assured that our
Heavenly Father is watching over our lives, and doing
whatever is necessary in the background to protect us and
care for us. Whatever situation you might be facing, trust
the Lord and pray and you will see His love for you.
October Nursing Home Outreach Schedule
Wednesday, October 1
Hawthorne Inn - 10:00am
Wednesday, October 8
North Logan - 10:00am
Wednesday, October 15
Gardenview - 10:00am
Wednesday, October 22
Danville Care - 10:00am
Wednesday, October 29
Bowman Estates - 2:00pm
Pastor Appreciation Sunday
Thank you
Pastor Mark and Pastor Tony
October 19th
Pastor Appreciation Sunday
Each full time Pastor will be receiving
one-half of the gift donations.
We will have envelopes available for you in the
Boards/Committees Meeting Schedule
this newsletter as well as the Sunday bulletins
beginning Sunday, September 28.
Sunday, September 28
Board of Deacons—3:00pm
Board of Missions—5:00pm
Monday, October 6
Board of Deaconess—10am
Monday, October 13
Board of Christian Education—6:30pm
Board of Trustees—7:00pm
Tuesday, October 14
Executive & Outreach Strategy - 6:30pm
Sunday, October 26
Board of Deacons—3:00pm
Board of Missions—5:00pm
Sunday—October 19
to Loyd and Dorothea Perry,
They are now great-grandparents.
Their new great-grandson
Judah Joseph was born recently.
6:00pm at the Plaza
Do you enjoy singing or playing
an instrument?
Has the Lord been prompting
you to use
your gift for Him?
If so, please contact Pastor Tony.
Sympathy & Prayers
Hey Ridgeview,
My name is Joe Mann
and I am the new youth
guy! I attended
Ridgeview starting my
Junior year of high
school in 2001 until I left
for college in 2004. I
graduated from Judson College in 2007. Since graduating I
served at Cherry Hills Baptist Church in Springfield, Illinois
for 2 years, Red Bank Baptist Church in Chattanooga,
Tennessee for a year, and at Lake Geneva Youth Camp in
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin the last 4 years. I love sports,
games, movies, and especially anything with my nephew
(Dougie) and nieces (Emma and Lauren). I would love to get
to know you so please say hi next time you see me!!!
Youth Corn Maze
October 19 - 5:00pm
Leave From the Church
Any Questions, please call
the church office.
Camp Healing Heart—Allerton Park
4-H Memorial Camp
Monticello, Illinois on October 4th,
8:00am to 8:00pm
A Special Day Camp sponsored by Carle Hospice for
Grieving children ages 5 to 17
Camp Healing Heart provides a safe and caring environment
for children who have experienced the death of a loved one
or friend. Here, campers express their grief, emotion, fear
and concerns and learning coping skills that will continue to
help them through adulthood. If you have questions please
call or speak to Chris Lucas.
Paul Howard and Ruth Moore in
the passing of Martha Howard
Tim Park Family, Steve Park
Family in the passing of their
brother Mike
Sue Winstead and family in the
passing of her cousin, Jeanie
Norma White’s family in her
passing. This is Cathy
Steinbaugh’s mother-in-law,
Joanna Howard, Jenny
Huffman’s and Andy
Steinbaugh’s grandmother.
Recent Requests
Mitzi Brown
Sue Clark
Max Heffernan
Pastor Mark and Maurita
Volney Knopp
Claire Manning
Norman Neal
Gabe O’Brien
Marjorie Rothwell
Kevin Sherman
Kyle Shipman
Dalton Trimble
Otis Wells
Also Continue To
Pray For...
Bob Bouton
Brian Britton
Jeff Brooks
Barbara Burwash
Bill & Genny Citizen
Myrtle Cox
Gene Cosgrove
John Cosgrove
Pat Dabrowski
Madeline Daily
Beveline Danner
Bob & Rose Epmeier
Mike Ervin
Daniel Fairchild
Irma Goodwin
Shirley Harris
Lucille Hathaway
Beatrice Hicks
Ted & Juanita Hulvey
John & Karen Jaggers
Charlotte Jones
Carl Jordan
Jeannine Kinney
Bobby Lewis
Alexis Lewsader
Audrey Little
Norm Lucas
Also Continue to Pray For...
Natasha MacDonald
Zach Martin
Harvey & Shirley Miller
Norm Modglin
Janet Nizet
Mark Peace
Ward Peace
Loyd & Dorothea Perry
Martha Powell
Wilma Powell
Lisa Richardson
Allen & Pam Shumate
Lela Faye Story
Carol Tabor
Bobby Waddell
Hank & Virginia Walsh
Chris Walter
Bernice Winstead
Sue Winstead
Sadie Woodard
Brendan Yocius
Kathy York
Military Service
Amber (Roberts) Blackford
Justin Chase
Tyler Brooks
Spec. Amanda (Park) Downing
Merric Huffstutler
Tory Owens
Travis Sentelle
Eric Sheppard
Michael Summers
Meagan (Walsh) Tabler
Dalton Trimble
Adam Waddell
Matthew Waltzer
Ryan Williams
Alexander Wills
Zach Wills
Captain Jason Young
Madeline Daily
Gail Doggett
Kim Brown
John and Deb Coats
Scott and Tan Coats
Jeff and Annie Dieselberg
Chuck and Ruth Fox
Sarah Komarabathuni
Taku and Katie Longkumer
Scott and Cindy Nelsen
Ruthe Simpson
Ridgeview Baptist Church
3838 N Vermilion St
Danville, IL 61832
September 24, 2014
Make sure you get your tickets since there will be only 500 tickets! Tickets: advance - $12 • Door - $17
VIP - $30 (Includes meet & greet, early admittance, and more!) For tickets or call 442-1371
Time: VIP Admittance - 6:00pm
Doors open - 6:30pm
Concert starts 7:00pm
Location: Danville First Assembly of God
428 N. Walnut
For more info call 217.442.1371
Danville, IL 61832
Ridgeview Youth News
Center for Student Missions Trip
Columbus day weekend 8 youth and 2 leaders are going to
downtown Chicago to serve at Center for Student Missions
(CSM). This weekend will be full of service opportunities! CSM
has preset service projects set up for us. We will be serving at 2
or 3 locations on Saturday and Sunday as well as attending
Lawndale Community Church Sunday morning.
American Baptist Youth gathering
There is an American Baptist Youth (ABY) gathering in
November. On the weekend of November 7th-9th ABY
gathering will be at First Baptist Church of Jerseyville in
Jerseyville, IL. More information will be coming soon!
Images in this publication are from or