T2 No10 8July2016


T2 No10 8July2016
Catholic School for Girls, Years 7 to 13
From the Principal
Term 2 - Number 10
Friday 8th July 2016
Key Dates
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Holidays are precious. A time to relax, reflect, re-charge and re-group that is so
important in our busy lives. As we come to the end of Term 2 and reflect on the
joys and achievements, the special talents of our girls, the new babies, and great
sadness with the passing of several family members of staff and students, I am
grateful that I am part of this wonderful community. My sincere thanks to all of you
who have supported our endeavours in so many ways and to the girls who have
persevered, worked hard and helped make a difference in the lives of others. I share
with you this reflection that we had at staff briefing this morning.
God of compassion and mercy, be with us as today we give witness to your ever
present love and forgiveness. Help us to walk in your light, confident that by our
example, others will follow in your way.
At the beginning of the Second World War, a large number of bombs dropped by
the Germans on France did not explode. French bomb experts diffusing them were
curious about what caused the malfunction. They discovered small handwritten notes
tucked inside the bombs. French prisoners of war doing forced labour in German
munitions factories had written on tiny pieces of paper, “We’re doing the best we can
from where we are with what we’ve got, every chance we get.” That simple message
could be the motto of anyone seeking to make this world a better and more just
place. We can mistakenly believe that to leave the world a better place than when
we were born, it is necessary to do something grand or perform some great service.
To make the world a better place, simply do the best you can just where you are your neighbourhood, your workplace - with the talents and resources you have, as
insignificant as they may seem. Do it every chance you get! As Mahatma Ghandi said,
“You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there
will be no result.” Edward Hays (2009) A Book of Wonders.
Two Weeks School Holidays
July 20-24 Hokianga Trip (Wed - Sun)
Fourviere Celebrations
22 Fri Hong Kong students arrive
Term 3
Week 1 (B)
July 27 We NAB Assembly, 8:30am
Saints Anne & Joachim
Hong Kong Welcome,
Marist Day Announcement
27 We BOT Special Character
4:30 – 5:30pm
28 Th Australian Maths Competition
29 Fri Extended Whanau Group
Rotation 7 - 4
Week 2 (A)
August 1-5 Cook Island Language Week
1 Mo BOT Meeting, 6-7pm
2 Tu
Know Your Teens Parent
Evening, 6:30-7:30pm
Ma te atua koutou e manaaki. May our God bless us all.
3 We
LVJ Assembly 8:30am
Amnesty/Social Justice,
Farewell to Hong Kong and
Japanese students
Monica Johnson,
3 We Year 10, Hardwired
4 Th
Hong Kong students arrive
4 Th
Mass 11SD
5 Fri Assembly, Singing Practice
Rotation 1 - 5
Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori 2016 – “Ākina te reo”
This week we celebrated “Te Wiki o te Reo Māori” (Māori language week). This year’s
theme was “Ākina te reo” – Give the language a go. This theme is all about encouraging
the use of te reo to support people, to inspire and to cheer on. There are a total of 50
phrases in te reo Māori that are being promoted this year, that are simple to use.
At Marist, there were a variety of activities organised during the week to celebrate
the language eg Māori crafts, Māori games, ‘pirihimana’ (police) Māori were on site
listening out for the ‘kīwaha o te rā’ (Māori colloquialism of the day), Māori films,
Māori X-factor, staff quiz, which were all well supported. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou Thank you to all that were involved.
31 Alberton Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025. Ph (09) 846 8311, Fax (09) 815 1441, Email admin@maristcollege.school.nz
Ko tōku nui, tōku wehi, tōku whakatiketike, tōku reo.
My language is my greatness, my inspiration, that which I hold precious.
Some things that you can do to support this kaupapa are:
• Practice pronunciation: start with the place names in the area you
live in, and the main geographic points. Also make an effort to
pronounce people’s names correctly. http://www.tetaurawhiri.govt.
• At work/school - create supportive Māori language spaces.
Put up a welcome sign - ‘Nau mai, haere mai’, put up bi-lingual
signs – a visible way of showing that te reo is valued at your
workplace. Let your workmates/colleagues/ students know you’re
going to use the Māori word for that thing. Label several items.
• Listen to or view Māori media. Māori language has
never been more accessible. Watch Maori TV, listen to
your local Maori radio stations. Visit the library to borrow
Māori music, DVDs, videos and books. Add Māori
books to your workplace shopping list!
• Use the Internet to learn the Reo: Learn the basics at
www.tokureo.maori.nz or www.maorilanguage.net
• You can find out more information at
Year 10 Māori students
(Evangeline, Mackenzie, Ashleen, Bree, Parris, Shyla)
Tough Gal 2016
Counsellor’s Comment
Make Peace With Yourself
NCEA Level 3 Physical
Education students competed in
the Tough Gal Event on Friday
1st July 2016. During term 2,
these Marist students have
studied the effects of exercise on
the body whilst simultaneously
training for this event.
Tough Gal, as the name
suggests, is not for the faint
hearted. This race involves
running, wading, climbing and negotiating a range of obstacles over a 6km or
12km farm-based course. It requires strength, endurance and speed as well as
determination and tolerance for a lot of mud and water!
Our Marist girls did us proud, they were positive and supportive of one another
and all gave it their best effort. Special congratulations to Mina Clancy and
Aimee Trainor who out ran about 500 others to complete the two fastest
female 6km times for day, an amazing achievement!
Be at peace with
yourself. You have
worth beyond
measure. Don’t make
war with parts of yourself
that you can’t change.
Accept your shadow side, your
brokenness, your weaknesses, as well as
your strengths. Inner peace unifies the parts
into wholeness.
Ground yourself in values that you have
chosen with intent and deliberation.
Then determine where your own attitudes
and actions are at war with those values.
Only you can end the conflict. Recognise
if you have made resentment, distrust, or
hostility your armour against a world that
has hurt you. Commit yourself to remove
this armour, piece by piece. When there’s
someone with whom you have conflicts,
begin to make peace in your imagination.
Picture yourself at peace. Slowly enlarge
the image to include the other person.
Put that picture in your mind’s pocket and
look at it with love frequently.
Work through your anger. Those who
hurt you do so out of their own insecurity,
ignorance, and weakness. Be strong and
move beyond your anger toward forgiveness.
Mrs McEwen
(adapted from Peace Therapy by Carol Ann Morrow.)
31 Alberton Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025. Ph (09) 846 8311, Fax (09) 815 1441, Email admin@maristcollege.school.nz
On the 5th of July, ten Year 12
and 13 students were privileged
to attend the INSPIRE leadership
programme run by AUT, Fuji Xerox
and The Sir Peter Blake Trust.
The day was filled with
empowering talks given by
leader’s who have reached
their own version of sucess and
overcome obstacles and hurdles
along their way. They inspired us to become leaders of action, determined to
make a positive impact and seize every opportunity. As leaders of tomorrow
we must believe in ourselves and never underestimate our ability to create and
achieve wonderful things!
Reporting Absences
Before 9am on the day of your daughters absence, please email
Market this weekend!
We still need two families to host a
Japanese girl each, from Thursday
28 July to Tuesday 9 August 2016.
Craft Group Project Update
The Craft Group are making good
progress with the pencil cases for
the students at Ranong School.
These two girls must be in a homestay
without teenage boys. If you, or anyone
you know can help please contact
Catherine Solloway on phone 846 8311
x731 or email c.solloway@maristcollege.
school.nz. She will be available during
the school holidays and will be checking
messages regularly.
Thanks to Mr McLaughlan, for
financial assistance with the zips,
Ms Ronald, for the fabric samples
and the staff, for the donations of
pencils, pens, sharpeners, etc,
we are putting together a super
stationery package.
Ranong Fundraiser
The students who are working
on this project are experiencing
a wonderful sense of satisfaction
“using hands, heart and head to
create craft with a constructive
A huge thank you to all parents and students
that supported our Mufti Day fundraiser for
Ranong last Friday. Thanks to your generosity,
we were able to raise $1,435.70 for the Marist
Mission in Ranong. God bless you all.
Media Design School open days
Media Design School in the CBD is a great place to study if you’re
interested in digital art, animation and game-making.They have open days
at various times throughout the year, plus a weekend open day in August.
Techtorium - Women in IT
12th of August 2016. An initiative designed to unjumble-the-jargon and
clear the pathway for young women wanting to pursue a career in an
outstanding industry, information communications technology.
Parent Evening
For year 9-11 parents
Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 6:30pm-7:30pm,
at Marist College Drama Room
A guide to understanding a teen’s changing
world. Insights for parents on how to raise
a happy, healthy, resilient young person.
Topics include self-esteem, peer pressure,
alcohol and decision making.
31 Alberton Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025. Ph (09) 846 8311, Fax (09) 815 1441, Email admin@maristcollege.school.nz
Ph: 09-6365232
Fax 09-6369677
E-mail: info@kiwicoaches.co.nz
23A Mahunga Dr, Mangere Bridge 2022
Marist Girls School Run
Kiwi Coaches and HCD Transport would like to notify the parents/guardians of pupils who travel
on the Glen Eden, Titirangi, Blockhousebay, Mt Albert run that as of the
Monday 25Th July, 1st day of Term 3 Kiwi Coaches will take over operating the school run.
There will be no change to either time or routes either to or from school.
There is a small increase in fares
There will also be a change in the method of payment.
Kiwi Coaches operates a card system that is prepaid. NO CASH ON BUS (All payments to office)
You can either pay by term or Auto payment weekly / fortnightly.
We can also work out part weeks depending on no. rides per week estimated
This has been a very successful system with our other 14 school runs.(Over 700 pupils)for 10yrs
Please in the first instance go to our web page
then go to School Bus Services, and in the school put Marist Girls and fill out details
This will help us create invoices and the Card which has to be swiped on the computer on entry.
All our buses are on GPS and Radio Telephoned for timing and safety requirements
There is a link bit.ly/Klzxcy which allows you to live track the school bus
We are happy to discuss any questions with you if you would like to Phone our office on 6365232
And talk with either Temarama, Satish or Calvin
Both Companies would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
Kiwi Coaches / HCD Transport
Calvin West

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