Low-cost NOVEA Påråglyder


Low-cost NOVEA Påråglyder
Press stRelease
April 1 , 2014
Reproduction free of charge
2 copies requested
Low-cost NOVEA Påråglyder
”We are revolutionising the paragliding market!” says
the Tyrolean Paraglider manufacturer Nova with
confidence – they are challenging the high price of
wings with their new Påråglyder. It will be launched
under the new brand NOVEA and is the result of close
cooperation with a Swedish furniture manufacturer.
During a press conference on the 1 April 2014 at the conference
center in Terfens (Tyrol / Austria), NOVA presented the new
Påråglyder. The unique difference with the Påråglyder is that it is
self-assembly. According to NOVEA, this makes it possible to
distribute the Påråglyder for less than 1000 euros! This will make
paragliding accessible to anyone – finally a sport for the masses.
“Labour costs are a big factor in the manufacturing of a paraglider
and we have been considering this problem for a long time,”
according to NOVEA-CEO Wolfi Lechner. A successful solution
was finally found using the know-how of a Swedish furniture
manufacturer, who is acting as a behind-the-scene partner and
who does not want to be named so as not to detract from their
core business activities.
The Påråglyder is sold under the new NOVEA brand name and is
delivered as a ready-to-assemble flat-pack. The kit contains all
the necessary tools. Technical skills are not required for final
assembly. Wolfgang Lechner: “Even children, pensioners and
housewives should be capable of assembling the Påråglyder in
less than 250 hours. Should anyone experience any problems,
our call centre in Bangalore is standing by – 24/7.”
One size fits all!
The NOVEA Påråglyder is currently going through the certification
process and aims at the EN A category. It will come as one-sizefits-all but if required, a few small cuts, using household scissors,
can make the wing smaller. Lechner reassured the assembled
press pack saying that “recent history shows us that the
manufacturing tolerances on paragliders have been completely
On the cooperation with the Swedish partner Lechner said: “They
have extensive expertise in customer-friendly self-assembly. It
was a very fruitful collaboration and we gained a lot of knowledge
in the process. But I never want to see another meatball ever
again. We were served them at every meeting.”
Press stRelease
April 1 , 2014
Reproduction free of charge
2 copies requested
The NOVEA Påråglyder will be distributed through paragliding
schools and directly to the customer. If the concept is successful,
then the long-term plan is to also retail the glider through the
furniture company. Lechner: “We’re planning ahead on this one: a
Mini-Påråglyder for kids, free hot dogs during checks, special
offers like ‘Buy 100 shelves – get a Påråglyder free’, or free
fermented herring as a Christmas goodie for our customers! And
so on… The potential is massive.”
Find out more at www.NOVA-wings.com.
Media may download the NOVEA Instruction Manual here:
NOVA is an innovative and reputable paragliding company, whose highest concerns
are quality, safety and the enjoyment of flight. NOVA pilot target groups span from
beginners, intermediate to ambitious cross-country and competition pilots. NOVA
owns a manufacturing plant in Hungary complying high European social and
environmental standards. The company has a worldwide distribution network. The
company was founded in 1989. It has a healthy equity base and is one of the market
leaders in paragliding.
Media contact
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Till Gottbrath
Ungererstr. 161, D–80805 München
Tel +49 (0)89 – 30 76 66-48
Contact at NOVA
NOVA Paragliding
Wolfi Lechner
Auweg 14, A–6123 Terfens
Tel +43 (0) 52 24 – 6 60 26