trinitarian - Trinity Presbyterian Church


trinitarian - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity Presbyterian Church * 5500 Morriss Road * Flower Mound, TX 75028 * 972-539-0514 *
Pastoral Potpourri
by Stephen Rehrig
Visions fire our imaginations, they
kindle our hopes, enlist our loyalties,
and draw from us our surest resolutions. Vision, stimulated by love,
should influence all the situations and
circumstances of life that we venture
through. Visions oblige us to dream
and imagine what our life would be
like – what our family, our career, our
church’s ministry, our community,
our nation’s influence would be like –
were they prompted by such love as
was commended to us from the
Then we are to pursue making those
visions and dreams a reality. Nothing
is of more value than making concrete the ideal of vision. People must
see what may be before they are willing to believe it is so good that they
will risk their all to make it come
August 2016
Mission Sunday:
A Christmas
in July
The Mission Committee and
their volunteers got busy right after church on Sunday the 24th stuffing stockings
and making plarn used for weaving plastic mats. Stockings filled with toiletries
and plastic mats are gifts for people experiencing homelessness.
The Christmas in July Marketplace offered gifts from Haiti, photographs and
coffee benefitting several charities including Light the Night, Haiti orphanages,
and Children’s Advocacy Center of Denton County. Christmas cookies and carols and meaningful work were great distractions
from a hot July.
I’ll see you in church.
Worship Times
Change in August
Sunday worship at 10am
ends on August 21 with
an ice cream social with
all the fixin’s hosted by
the Deacons.
Starting August 28,
Sunday worship returns
to the school-year schedule: 8:30 am and 11 am.
Triennium 2016
Grace Presbytery sent more than 150 youth on two buses to Triennium at Purdue
University; eleven of those were from Trinity. The international gathering of
Presbyterian youth hosted more than 5000 senior high youth. The conference
theme, ―GO,‖ was reinforced during worship, small group activities and workshops. Each day’s focus for the youth is highlighted below the picture.
08/01/2016 Trinitarian
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Liturgy, Worship
and Service
Jesus’ life, death and resurrection give
meaning to the seasons of the liturgical year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and the
Day of Pentecost and also to the Order
of Worship each Sunday.
With the liturgical calendar as a guide,
the Worship Committee serves the
church to ensure that worship reflects
our Lord’s sacrifice for us. They establish the schedules, recruit people to
serve, manage the banners and liturgical hangings, the sacraments and suggestions for changes.
They ask that you prayerfully consider
supporting this Holy work with your
The next Worship Committee meeting
is Tuesday, Sep. 13, at 7:30 pm. Patty
Duff and C.J. Prater would love to
have you there to help plan and implement meaningful Worship services at
Join the Worship Team!
Liturgist — C.J. Prater
( would love to help
you be a liturgist and would especially
welcome youth (grades 6-12) to help
in this area. He will work with you to
learn how to read effectively from the
Communion — If you are an ordained
Deacon or Elder, you can help serve
Communion; please contact Patty Duff
( Communion is on
the first Sunday of each month.
Usher — Bill Saunders knows that
passing out bulletins is in your skill
set! Talk to him about lending a hand
in worship.
Acolyte — Elementary aged children
are welcome to take part in worship as
acolytes. The training is fun and
easy...just talk to Ray Benzinger:
Liturgy and Order of Worship
by Joleita Felte
Many 21 st century churches have abandoned the printed bulletin and order of
worship that we at Trinity Presbyterian Church still use. There may be a lot of
enthusiasm and gospel singing, but when I visit those churches, I feel something
is missing. Is it because I’m a traditionalist that I need to have a printed bulletin,
so that I know what is happening next? No, I believe the reasons are deeper than
that. When we hear the welcome given by the reader, and we hear the announcements for the week, we are reminded that we are a community and that we have
responsibilities to one another.
Every good teacher knows that, if you can involve the learner, the lesson has a
better chance of being internalized. By responding orally to the reader in the order of worship, we are taking an active part in worship, which helps to make the
worship our own. The Call to Worship helps us focus upon our reason for assembling: to worship God. Responding to the Call to Worship with corporate prayer
helps us to focus our attention upon God, and the Prayer of Confession prayed
together helps us to recognize some sins that we may not have acknowledged to
ourselves, reminding us that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness. The Assurance of Pardon is so important for us to hear, say, and accept.
Then comes the Gloria Patri. We are repeating what has been part of the Christian worship since at least AD 100. This may be
what some consider ritual, but it is also
witness to our faith. St. Basil the Great said
that the first part of this doxology was being
sung in both the Eastern and Western
churches as early as the time of St. Clement
of Rome. Its language is derived from our
“…a formula
Lord’s commission in Matthew 28. Think
for entering
about that. We are praising God, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost, just as believers have
to worship
proclaimed for 1,916 years! It’s good to
and departing to
have a sense of history, continuity, and
identification with those believers who have
gone before us. The tune we use for singing
the Gloria Patri today was composed by
Henry W. Greatorex in England in 1816. As
an added note, the doxology that we sing after the offering dates to 1674 and was
written by Thomas Ken.
Praying the Lord’s Prayer together helps us focus on the very words Jesus Christ
taught his disciples. The creeds of the Christian church came about through
prayerful consideration by devout Christians charged with the task of interpreting
Scripture in order to produce a faith statement for believers in Christ. Affirming
our faith orally with the Apostle’s Creed, or another of the Christian creeds, helps
us to actively worship, and encourage our minds to focus on the Trinity. I’ll confess that mind wandering and ―wool gathering‖ are my nemeses in worship. I
suspect that I’m not alone. Corporate worship that requires us to use our eyes,
ears, tongues, cognition, emotions, and touch encourages us to focus on what we
came for: worship and restoration. After participation in singing some great
hymns and listening to uplifting special music and an inspiring sermon, we join
hands and close by singing, ―Go in Peace.‖ That’s a formula for entering to worship and departing to serve.
Trinitarian 08/01/2016
Music Fun for All
This is your choir
This is your choir
This is your piano
This is your choir
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Interim Update
by Stephen Rehrig
I once heard interim ministry described as being a ―fire-walker.‖ That was said in
the context of the truth that the interim is always moving from one thing to another and not having the time to spend long on any one task. It certainly proves
true, but also is part of what makes this ministry interesting.
Currently your Session is navigating its way through several important tasks.
They are finishing up ―word-smithing‖ Bylaws which will be given to the congregation for adoption at a called meeting on August 14. In response to a request
from Presbytery, a new Mission Statement, to be added as an addendum to the
Long Range Plan, is being finished up in preparation to forward on to Presbytery.
Undertaking a concerted effort to clean the Active Rolls and provide a correct
number of Active Members at Trinity, the Session is attempting to contact many
families whom we have not seen or heard from in over a year. The other task in
the forefront is the review and evaluation of our web site – how responsive it is
and how well it speaks to the community around us.
Please hold your Session up in prayer as they continue to pursue God’s leading of
Trinity Presbyterian.
These are your choir
Barnabas Volunteers Needed!
The experiences of singing
praise, thanks, love, faith,
joy, and hope to God
by Dave Coates
Want to show how much we miss our kids who are away at college? Volunteer
to be a Barnabas! Barnabas was the "Son of Encouragement" to the apostles,
helping them to be strong during the early days of the church. You can be a
Barnabas to one of the Trinity Presbyterian youth who are away at college this
coming year. During the year, these students find your prayers, notes of encouragement and occasional care packages very helpful to stay connected to us, their
home church. They won't know who you are until the Spring when they get to
meet you at the annual Barnabas luncheon. We have a large group of kids at
college this year, so we need a large group of volunteers! If you would like to be
a part of this youth outreach program, please contact Dave Coates via e-mail
at or by phone at 214-566-0952.
with the Chancel Choir of
Monday Afternoon Service and Conversation
Trinity Presbyterian
Everyone needs a hug. Come join us and cool off in the air conditioning, while
having a fun afternoon using your knitting or crocheting talents. Every Monday
(except Holidays) from 1 – 3 in the library. Bring your needles, 11-13 or crochet
hooks, we supply the yarn. We purchase our yarn with donations received. Thank
you for your support. To give a shawl, any of the members or the office staff can
help you fill a request. We have shawls/lap robe ready to go. There is no charge.
Think of your parents and in-laws, neighbors or strangers.
Church are Priceless.
Beginning Wednesday,
August 31,
Chancel Choir Rehearsals
are Wednesdays
7:30-9:00 p.m. in the
Team members: Gayle Blust, Debra Heath, Lorene White, Glandeen Innman,
Carol Bradley, Martha Whitescarver, Lisa Reece.
Add Your Voice
to the August Choir
Our first rehearsal will
conclude with fellowship
and dessert.
You are cordially invited!
Please contact Sara Abell
972-989-1571 or
Practice: 9:15 a.m. on Sundays,
August 7, 14, 21,
10:15 a.m. on August 28
Sing at 10:00 a.m.; no robes
Lots of friends singing together
to the Glory of God
Wonderful music:
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
O for a Thousand Tongues to
Be Thou My Vision
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Trinity Presbyterian Church
5500 Morriss Road
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Help us keep God’s
house like you would
keep yours. Please help
make sure lights are off and
especially all doors locked
when you leave the building.
We need everyone’s help. Always lock the front door when
you leave the building, even if
you are not sure you’re the last
person leaving. Turn off lights
and reset the AC to 78 degrees.
Thanks for helping us secure
and conserve.
B&G News from Star Thomas
Welcome, New Facility Manager.
Great News. Our own Jill Wilson is
our new Facility manager. Please
congratulate her next time you see
her. Jill has a lot of knowledge on the
building and we know she will do a
great job.
Inspections and Paint. We are ready
for our fire inspection with recertified
fire extinguishers and a great looking
re-striped parking lot. We also
added bright yellow safety stripes on
the walkway to the south parking lot.
Wednesday Morning Book Club
The Session has called a
meeting of the congregation to be held on Sunday, August
meets August 14, 11:30 at the church.
Nancy Hilliard will lead the discussion of ―The Girl on the Train‖ by
Paula Hawkins. Linda McClellan is
hostess. Everyone is welcome.
14, 2016 at the close of morning
worship. The purpose of the meeting is for adoption of bylaws which
will guide the work and mission of
Trinity Presbyterian Church.
at Heart News
from Lynda Brown
We need a volunteer to prepare
lunch (with help) for YAH. The
first meeting is September 21st,
so we are anxious to have someone in place for this very necessary and important position.
If you are able to help this senior
activity group or know of someone (or perhaps a restaurant)
who can help, please call Lynda
Brown at 972-539-4362.
Any leads or suggestions you
can provide would be greatly
Mission Statement
The Mission of Trinity Presbyterian Church is to proclaim God’s love as revealed in Jesus Christ
through worship, education and service. We are called by God, redeemed by Jesus Christ, and
guided by the Holy Spirit to be a caring, welcoming community of faith.