Roselle Reporter July/August 2011


Roselle Reporter July/August 2011
The Roselle
In This Issue
Village Phone Numbers................ 2
Display Case Available................. 2
Message from the Mayor............. 3
General News................................. 4
Community Briefs.......................... 5
Police Department........................ 6
Fire Department............................ 7
Taste of Roselle Guide..............8-9
Public Works Department.........10
Community Development.......... 11
Local Business Feature............... 12
Chamber of Commerce.............. 12
Welcome New Businesses.......... 12
Taste of Roselle
pgs 8 & 9
Village Board Adopts
Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan
The Village of Roselle began treating 640
publicly owned ash trees in June as part of an
Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan officially
adopted by the Village Board. These trees,
which represent approximately a third of the
publicly owned ash trees in the Village, are
being chemically treated with soil drench and
trunk injection imidacloprid treatments by
certified arborists from Emerald Tree Care.
Following the confirmation of the presence of
emerald ash borer (EAB) in Roselle last year,
a stem-by-stem tree inventory was conducted
to provide data for the development of an EAB
management plan. Representatives from Graf
Tree Care, a St. Charles based company that
employs certified arborists who specialize in
conducting tree inventories and developing
EAB management plans, visited every tree
on Village owned property to collect data,
including tree species and condition of the
Of the 1,774 publicly owned ash trees in the
Village, the 640 selected for treatment were
identified as having the highest condition
ratings, highest location values, and the lowest
risk for failure after treatment. These ash trees
are the healthiest, and therefore, the most
cost-efficient trees to treat. The Village has
already removed and chipped 96 publicly
owned ash trees that were severely infested
with EAB and contained large numbers of EAB
larvae that were poised to emerge in June.
Their removal was done to slow the infestation
July/August 2011
of healthy ash
trees in Roselle,
allowing more
time for those
who wish to
treat their ash
trees to protect
them from EAB.
The publicly
owned ash trees
slated for treatment
An ash tree on Prospect St. is
have been tagged with
tagged to identify it as part of
an aluminum marker, and
the EAB treatment set.
the location of trees
in the EAB treatment set is posted on the
Village’s website at The
public ash trees on Village property and in the
parkway (typically located between the street/
curb and the sidewalk) that are not slated for
treatment will be removed as they decline.
The ash tree treatment program involves a
multi-year effort that will cost the Village
$26,926 during the first year. At an average
of $42 per year to treat each of the ash
trees in the treatment group, it is estimated
that if left untreated, the eventual removal
and proper disposal of these trees would
cost approximately $1,000 per tree. While
many surrounding communities are opting
not to treat any of their ash trees, the Village
Board recognizes that trees are a part of the
infrastructure in Roselle, and made preserving
Please see Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan, Page 10
4th of July Fireworks
back page
Almost 100 ash trees infected
with EAB were removed and
chipped in Roselle this summer.
News from the Village of Roselle
Village Info
Emergency............................................ 9-1-1
Village Hall....................................980-2000
Community Development..........980-2000
Fire (Non-Emergency)................ 980-2043
Police (Non-Emergency)............ 980-2025
Village Hall Hours
Mayor’s Office...............................671-2807
Village Hall is open Monday 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday,
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Wednesday and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to noon. Village Hall is closed
the second Friday of each month through 2011for required employee furlough days.
Village Clerk.................................. 671-2802
Village Board Meetings
Public Works..................................671-2360
Village Administrator.................. 671-2808
TTY................................................. 980-2026
Village of Roselle
31 S. Prospect Street
Roselle, IL 60172
Gayle A. Smolinski
Village Clerk
Patty Burns
Kory A. Atkinson
Ronald L. Baker
Wayne D. Domke
Barbara Rendall-Hochstadt
Andy Maglio
Terrence Wittman
Village Administrator
Jeffrey D. O’Dell
Village Board meetings are held in the Village Board Room of the Village Hall, 31 S. Prospect
Street, at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month.
Committee of the Whole (COW)
Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Village Board Room of the Village Hall,
31 S. Prospect Street, immediately following the Village Board Meeting on the second and
fourth Monday of each month, and additionally as needed.
The Roselle Reporter is published by the Village of Roselle as a public information service for
residents. Editor: Melissa Brito, Community Relations Coordinator
Village Hall Display Case Open to Community Groups
Community groups looking for a space to showcase pictures or
other visual aids promoting their activities are invited to reserve the
display case in the lobby of Village Hall to present exhibits.
Groups interested in utilizing the display case can e-mail Jeanne
Calvert at or call (630) 671-2804.
Display case reservations must be made for a minimum of two
weeks and will be granted on a first-come first-serve basis. The
Village of Roselle reserves the right to review content proposed for
display in the case.
Coffee with the Village Board
Do you have questions about what’s happening in the Village of Roselle? Coffee with the Village Board is
a great opportunity to meet and talk with the Mayor and Board of Trustees.
The Coffee with the Board series is scheduled for the first Saturday of the month. Upcoming Coffee with
the Board meetings will be held August 6 and September 3 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at Village Hall.
Unlike regular Village Board or Committee of the Whole meetings, this informal session provides
residents and business owners an opportunity to discuss issues affecting them and the community.
Whether it be an update on the recent Main Street, Irving Park Road, or Lake Street/Gary Avenue
redevelopment efforts, or a few questions about the Village’s code enforcement procedures, the Mayor,
Trustees, and Village Staff will be prepared to assist you.
So come in and enjoy a cup of coffee and chat with your local elected officials.
The Roselle Reporter
Mayor’s Message
Summer arrived in Roselle, just in time for our annual Rose
Festival and Parade! I hope you had a chance to attend
the carnival, sponsored by the Roselle Lions Club. I know
my grandson, Ryan, enjoyed all the rides and I am grateful
that I did not pass out as I watched him spin around and
Speaking of Ryan, he was the little guy walking with us and
handing out candy during the Chamber of Commerce Rose
Parade this year. Because of budget constraints, the Village
Board did not have a float and Board members covered
the cost of the candy. We walked behind the American
Legion Color Guard and this certainly gave us a different
perspective because it was so much easier to see people
and talk to them. We had wonderful crowds packing the
whole parade route, as well as beautiful sunny skies. I
would like to thank all the Chamber volunteers who work
so hard to make the parade happen each year, especially
Parade Chairman, Dr. Jay Mueller.
Now that summer is in full swing we still have many
activities ahead! Through July, there are Concerts in
the Park every Thursday night, at either the Turner Park
gazebo or at Kemmerling Pool, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Friday nights bring us two events. Cruise Nights opened
June 3 and will run every Friday through September 30,
from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. You can stop at the Main Street
Market on Fridays before going to the car show. The
Market has a new location—the American Legion Hall
parking lot on Maple Ave.—and a new time 3:00 to
7:00 p.m., with plenty of parking and restroom facilities.
The line-up of vendors looks pretty impressive!
Another favorite activity is our 4th of July fireworks. This
event was originally cut from the budget because of the
cost. However, the Roselle Chamber of Commerce and
its member businesses stepped up to cover this expense,
ensuring that it continues for this
year. You can find details about the
specific businesses that donated on the
back page of the newsletter.
Of course, the first weekend of August brings
us the 30th Annual Taste of Roselle. Again, because of
budget challenges, we were worried that we couldn’t fund
the extra costs for police, fire and public works needed
to have the event run smoothly and safely. The Taste of
Roselle Commission, hearing of the dilemma, stepped in
and pledged to cover those costs from the proceeds of
the Taste.
My point is that we are very fortunate to have such a
good working relationship with the Chamber of Commerce
and members of the Taste of Roselle Commission. These
business owners and residents contribute to events and
activities we all enjoy and recognize the challenges our
community faces. Not all Villages are that lucky. We are
Another blessing—the State legislature passed a budget
without touching local revenues. In my last column I
appealed to you for your help, and I want to thank each
and every one of you who responded. Our four legislators
let me know that they did hear from Roselle residents, and
I was very proud that our community stepped up when
Community is what Roselle is all about and summer is
the best time for us to come out and celebrate together.
Please make one or more of these events part of your
summertime activities. I hope to see you around the
Village in the next few months!
Speak Out!
“Speak Out” provides a way in which YOU can communicate with the Village of Roselle elected officials and administration. Your advice,
suggestions, questions and opinions are appreciated and will receive a response. If you need more space, please attach a separate sheet.
Name:____________________________________________________________________________ As a citizen of the Village of Roselle, it is my opinion that:
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date:_________________________________ Address:_ _______________________________________________________Phone:___________________________
Mail to: “Speak Out” Village of Roselle, 31 South Prospect, Roselle, IL 60172 or E-mail to:
Name and mailing address or e-mail are required for response.
July/August 2011
General News
Ticket Scofflaws: Pay Now or Get the Boot
Great Neighbor
Maryann Grygiel has lived in Roselle for more
than 30 years, and she is a devoted volunteer
who helps makes Roselle a great community.
She actively supports groups like the Boy
Scouts, the Roselle Lions Club and other
local charities that help other people.
Maryann was recently nominated for
Roselle’s Great Neighbors program by her
neighbor, Susan Wakefield Dal Porto.
“Maryann is one of the most civic-minded and
active and dedicated community volunteers I have
ever known.” Susan said. She is a long-time Boy Scout Troop
#408 Committee Chair and the advancement chairperson
for the Northern Trail District and she frequently serves as a
substitute teacher. Maryann is also a champion fund-raiser.
As the Area Chair for the Roselle-Bloomingdale-Itasca “Relay
for Life,” Maryann spends months organizing the community
event held at Lake Park High School. Every June, the Relay has
about 30 local area walking teams. Last year, the Relay raised
over $69,000 to help fight cancer.
Maryann also volunteers for the Taste of Roselle, recruiting
local boy scouts to set up tables and tents at the Taste.
Maryann works in the Bingo tent during the Taste and helps
with children’s Bingo. In April, Maryann was elected as a
commissioner for the Medinah Park District Board. Maryann
volunteers for PADS, Kids Against Hunger and prepares food
baskets for the Bloomingdale Food Pantry.
Maryann says, “After living in Roselle for 30 some years, I have
seen it grow and become a friendly, neighborly community.
I am proud to be a part of the great Roselle community and
I try to give back and help others whenever I can. As an
example, many boy scout leaders helped my son become an
Eagle Scout, so I feel that it is my turn to help other scouts
attain the rank of Eagle. I try to help other people have a
better day, whether that’s working at PADS or helping to raise
money for the American Cancer Society so more people can
celebrate another birthday.”
Great Neighbor Nomination
Do you know of a great neighbor in town that makes Roselle
a wonderful place to live? Is there an unsung hero in your
neighborhood? Please send your nominations to “Great
Neighbor” Village of Roselle, 31 S. Prospect Street, Roselle, IL,
60172 or e-mail your nomination to
One Great Neighbor will be selected by a Village committee
for each upcoming Roselle Reporter newsletter. Selected Great
Neighbors and the person who nominated them will be invited
to a Village Board meeting where they will be honored with a
proclamation from Mayor Gayle Smolinski.
Ticket scofflaws in Roselle will have an
opportunity to pay off outstanding
debts to the Village under a new
Ticket Amnesty Program prior to
the implementation of stricter
collection enforcement. Through
July 31, offenders with unpaid
tickets issued prior to May
2010 may pay 75 percent of
outstanding fines owed to the
Village to fulfill their debt. Those
eligible for the Ticket Amnesty
Program will receive a notice from the
Village’s Finance Department.
With over 10,000 unpaid tickets and fines totaling almost
$750,000, the Village is offering the amnesty program to collect
as much of this outstanding debt as it can before instituting a
newly adopted Vehicle Immobilization Program later this summer,
which will include usage of the Denver boot. The boot program
is designed as a collection tool for flagrant ticket scofflaws and
may apply to any vehicle owned by the offender.
In accordance with the Village’s Vehicle Immobilization Program,
the owner of a vehicle that has been fitted with a Denver boot
will have 72 hours to pay outstanding fines and a boot removal
fee. If the fines are not paid within 72 hours, the vehicle will be
towed and impounded, and additional fees will be incurred.
Residents with questions about the Ticket Amnesty Program can
call the Finance Department at (630) 980-2000.
YWCA Looking for Crisis Center Volunteers
The YWCA Patterson and McDaniel Family Center is looking
for volunteers to assist in the Rape Crisis Center of DuPage
County. Volunteers are needed to assist with the 24-hour rape
crisis hotline, as medical/police advocates, and as prevention
educators. Training for these volunteer opportunities is required
and will begin in July. Please call (630) 790-6600 ext. 2485 or
e-mail Bianca Michuda at for
more information.
DuPage County Health Department Tracking West
Nile Virus
The DuPage County Health Department is helping residents
keep track of West Nile virus activity with a tracking map on the
Health Department’s website showing where there have been
positive tests for West Nile virus.
To date, there have been no human cases of West Nile virus
reported this year. However, human cases are generally not
reported until July or later. In 2010, there were 17 human cases
of West Nile disease reported in DuPage County.
To see WNV activity in or near Roselle, visit the DuPage Health
Department website at The
map of mosquito traps throughout the county will be updated if
mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus.
The Roselle Reporter
Community Briefs
American Legion Post 1084 Upcoming Events
Members of American Legion Post 1084 are seeking donations
toward the 9th annual picnic to honor and support over 125
veterans at North Chicago VA Hospital on July 17. Items sought
include DVD players, DVD movies, radios, MP3 players, new comfort
or personal care items, disposable razors, new T-shirts, ball caps,
sweatshirts, and items that can be used as prizes for Bingo games
during the picnic. Cash or check donations are also being accepted.
Items can be dropped off at the American Legion Hall, 344 E. Maple
Ave. Call (630) 894-8524 for details.
The Sons of the American Legion are collecting donations this
summer for troops serving overseas. They are seeking monetary
donations to purchase toiletries, socks, candy, gum and other
needed items to send to the troops. Surprisingly, one of the most
appreciated items seems to be pet flea collars. The soldiers put
the collars on their ankles to repel sand fleas while in the field, and
use dryer sheets to help repel mosquitoes. For more information,
contact Larry Rybacki at
RPD Garden Club Upkeeps Community Rain Garden
In addition to beautifying Roselle through planting flowers on
Village Hall grounds, the Roselle Park District Garden Club
continues work to ensure that the rain garden planted on the west
side of Village Hall last summer stays in top shape. Rain gardens
are designed to capture runoff from surrounding areas such as
roofs, driveways and lawns. They are important to the ecosystem,
as they enhance water quality through water runoff filtration and
help control the amount of polluted runoff entering storm water
management systems.
The Roselle Park District Garden Club holds meetings on the first
Thursday of each month and always welcomes new members. Please
visit the Roselle Park District website at for times
and locations of upcoming meetings, or call (630) 894-4200 for
more information.
Roselle Park District Upcoming Events
The Roselle Park District has great events coming up this summer,
including Club Kemmerling at Kemmerling Pool on July 9 &
August 12, Play & Party in the Park at Kemmerling Park on July 14,
Woofstock at Odlum Park on July 16, Teen Band Nights July 15 &
August 26, a Skate Park Party on August 6, and the Concerts in the
Park series Thursdays this summer.
The Concerts in the Park lineup includes:
June 30: Mr. Myers (Caribbean; at Kemmerling Pool)
July 7: DuPage Band (Motown to Today; at Turner Park)
July 14: Public I (Rhythm & Blues/Soul; at Turner Park)
July 21: The Saturday June Band (Oldies and Now;
at Turner Park)
July 28: Johnny Russler & the Beach Bum Band
(Jimmy Buffet Tribute; at Kemmerling Pool)
Visit the Roselle Park District website at for more
information on these, and many more fun summer events.
July/August 2011
Roselle History
Check Us Out on
The Roselle History Museum is
now on Facebook­– look us up to
connect online!
Upcoming Events
We will sell glow sticks again this year
at the 4th of July fireworks display, and we
will have a booth at the Taste of Roselle August 5-7.
Have you become a member of the History Museum?
Memberships begin at just $25, and include a quarterly
newsletter with articles about the history of Roselle.
Please help us keep the Museum open to serve the
Museum Web Site
The Museum’s web site at
contains pictures from the past as well as recent issues
of the quarterly newsletter. Web bonus: newsletter
photos can be viewed in color on the Museum web site!
We are always in need of volunteers to work at the
History Museum. Those with any type of talent
interested in volunteering can attend a volunteer
orientation meeting at the Museum Coach House the
second Saturday of any month (except August) from
9:00 to 10:30 am.
Village Clerk
Reminders for Dog Owners
Dog owners, please be aware that dogs are prohibited
by Village ordinance at public events, including the 4th
of July fireworks and the Taste of Roselle.
Village ordinances also specifically address nuisance
noise caused by dogs barking outside. No one likes to
hear a dog bark incessantly, especially those who don’t
own dogs. Out of consideration of others, please do not
permit your dog to bark for prolonged
periods of time. As an additional
courtesy, please walk dogs on a
leash, and clean up after your pet.
For the complete wording of these,
or any other Village of Roselle
ordinances, please visit our website
Police Department
Summer Safety Reminders
As the memory of this past winter fades and
summer vacation for students begins, here
are a couple of reminders from the Police
Department. Summer time leads to an
increase in children being out later in the
evening. This can sometimes lead to curfew
violations and an increase in the incidence
of graffiti or petty vandalism.
Roselle Village Ordinance on curfew states: It shall
be unlawful for any minor to be present at or upon any
building, place, street, establishment or roadway: (1) Between
12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Saturday; (2) Between 12:01 a.m. and
6:00 a.m. Sunday; and (3) Between 11:00 p.m. on Sunday to
Thursday, inclusive, and 6:00 a.m. on the following day. A minor
is defined as a person under the age of (17) seventeen.
Motorists are also asked to drive carefully as younger children
may be out playing or riding bicycles later than during the
school year. Your vision can be obscured especially in the
twilight hours. Residents are also reminded to dial 9-1-1 if they
experience any graffiti or vandalism on their property. Graffiti
must be removed within three days of the incident, but the
Police Department would like the opportunity to examine and
photograph it prior to removal should we locate the offender.
Have an enjoyable summer, and please help keep the season safe
for everyone.
Police Department Web Site Offers Information
Tools for Citizens
As part of its commitment to community policing strategy, the
Roselle Police Department posts information about Geographic
Based Policing to its website. With four policing zones identified
within the Village, the web pages identify the zone sergeants,
the officers assigned to each zone, contact information, and
zone boundaries and maps.
Couple the Geographic Based Policing information with, the Police Department’s online crime
mapping tool, to get a comprehensive look at the wealth of data
available to citizens. According to Roselle Police Chief James
Kruger, the goal of the overall geographic policing strategy and
customer service initiatives is to get useful information into the
hands of citizens.
Visit the Police Department page at to
access links to the and Geographic Based
Policing pages.
Update Your Contact Information in the Village’s
CodeRED Emergency Notification
The Village of Roselle wants you to receive CodeRED notices at
work, home, on your cell phone, by e-mail or by text message
in the event of an emergency situation. Please register your
contact information on the CodeRED page on the Village’s
website at
The Village implemented this emergency notification system in
May 2009 and activated it to alert residents about an escaped
convict in the area in September 2009, and to relay information
about hazardous weather conditions during the blizzard of 2011.
The CodeRED system was developed for Roselle using phone
numbers derived from the Village’s utility billing database.
However, having community members update contact
information ensures a more accurate database for the Village
and also allows residents to add an unlisted number, cell phone
numbers, other secondary phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
This will allow the Village to contact more residents with
essential information during an emergency situation.
When a call is made using the CodeRED system, the number
that appears on Caller ID is (866) 419-5000, and the name
appears as Emergency Communications Network. Cell phone
users can program this number into their address books to
better identify when they are receiving a call from the Village’s
CodeRED system.
Police Officer of the Year
Detective Richard Hoffmann Named Police Officer of the Year
Detective Richard Hoffmann was recognized at the May 23 Village Board meeting as the Lions Club 2010 Police
Officer of the Year. In addition to an outstanding work ethic, Detective Hoffmann was recognized for duties
ranging from training volunteers to assisting with investigations, being sworn in as a DuPage County Deputy
Sheriff on the Sex Offender Task Force, and for his leadership in several tobacco stings throughout the year.
According to Detective/Sergeant John Lawson, who nominated Hoffmann for the award, all of Hoffmann’s
cases were found to be thoroughly investigated, and he goes the extra step to call victims of crime to
explain to them the result of their individual cases.
Among the cases Hoffmann investigated in 2010 were an armed robbery, during the course of which
evidence was collected and used to convict the offender of three bank robberies, an investigation of
child pornography which resulted in the conviction and sex offender registration of the offender, and the
investigation of a residential burglary, during which all of the victim’s property was recovered.
The Roselle Reporter
Fire Department
Roselle Improves 9-1-1 Capabilities With
Roselle residents are encouraged to visit Smart911 online at to enter information that they want to have
delivered automatically to emergency communications center
operators in the event they call 9-1-1. Smart911 is a free service
that allows residents to supply personal safety information that
is relayed to emergency operators and responders during an
emergency. Smart911 is offered to residents by DuPage County
911, in partnership with the Village of Roselle and DuPage Public
Safety Communications (DU-COMM).
The additional data collected, including photos, home addresses
of mobile phone callers, medication lists, medical or psychiatric
conditions, disabilities and other disorders, is far more extensive
than what is typically available to 9-1-1 telecommunicators and
helps to improve incident outcomes. The information entered
into the Smart911 system remains completely confidential and
is only available to emergency responders in the event residents
call 9-1-1.
“Smart911 strengthens and expands our current 9-1-1 service
by providing us with critical information about callers, while
enhancing our ability to locate and communicate with them,”
said Ted Matuszewski, EMA/EMS/HAZMAT Coordinator for the
Roselle Fire Department. “From knowing why a victim is unable
to speak, to providing EMS with information about medical
conditions, to even having a photo of a lost child available
immediately, the information provided by Smart911 will help us
better serve our citizens and can help save lives.”
For more information about Smart911, please contact Ted
Matuszewski at the Roselle Fire Department: (630) 671-2870
or at
Fireworks: Leave Them to the Pros!
Fireworks during the 4th of July are as American as apple pie,
but did you know that more fires are reported on that day than
on any other day of the year in the United States? Nearly half of
these fires are caused by fireworks.
The good news is that you can
enjoy the holiday and the fireworks
with just a few simple safety tips:
• Leave fireworks to the
The safest way to enjoy
fireworks is to attend
a public display
conducted by trained
• Do not use consumer fireworks.
Consumer fireworks include sparklers
and firecrackers. The tip of a sparkler burns at a
temperature of more than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit,
which is hot enough to cause third-degree burns. Each
July 4th, thousands of people, most often children
and teens, are injured while using consumer fireworks.
The risk of fireworks injury is more than twice as high for children ages 10–14 as for the general population.
• After the fireworks display, children should never pick up
fireworks that may be left over, they may still be active.
File of Life
The File of Life is a life-saving program that allows residents to
store a miniature medical history in a place that is accessible
to emergency responders. A File of Life kit includes a medical
history card and a red plastic sleeve with a magnetic strip.
Details such as a person’s name, emergency medical contacts,
current health problems, a copy of current medications and
dosages, medication allergies, and doctor’s name can be stored
in the sleeve and placed on the outside of the refrigerator in a
visible place to help the emergency responders obtain necessary
information quickly in an emergency. For more information about
the File of Life program, please call the Fire Department at
(630) 671-2855.
Firefighter of the Year
Adam Sielig Named Firefighter of the Year
Adam Sielig was recognized at the May 23 Village Board Meeting as the Lions Club 2010 Firefighter of the Year.
According to Fire Chief Robert Tinucci, Sielig has been a very dedicated full-time firefighter and has proven
himself to be a very reliable member of the department. Sielig was nominated not only for his professionalism,
but also for his commitment to enhance his professional development.
Above and beyond his normal duty shift, Sielig volunteered to attend paramedic training this past year. The
training required extensive hours of classroom, clinical and practical ride time. Sielig dedicated well over
1,000 hours of training to obtain his license as a paramedic. With a 96 percent classroom average, Sielig
completed the program as the class valedictorian.
According to Chief Tinucci, Sielig made this significant commitment to professional development at a time
when his personal life was busy, as his family grew with a newborn. “His personal dedication will also provide a valuable asset to the department to enhance our Emergency Medical staffing,” Tinucci said.
July/August 2011
Taste of Roselle
Craft Fair
30th Annual
Taste of Roselle
Shop the Craft Fair on Main Street with over 50 craft
vendors from the Midwest, Florida and Texas. Vendors
will be offering jewelry, seasonal items, decorative
clothing and more!
Roselle will celebrate summer with
the 30th Annual Taste of Roselle
August 5 through 7. Bring family,
friends, and your appetite and
come out and enjoy the great
food, live entertainment, carnival,
and craft fair. Taste of Roselle will
be held on Main Street, between
Roselle Road and Park Street. Free
parking is available at the Metra Station
(Irving Park Road and Maple Avenue), Maple
Avenue commuter lot, and the American Legion parking
lot (344 E. Maple Avenue). Handicapped parking is available at
the Printing Plus parking lot on the corner of Irving Park and Park
Craft Fair Hours
Friday, August 5 ..................................6:00 to 10:30 p.m.
Saturday, August 6 .................11:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 7 ......................11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Friday, August 5.......................................6:00 to 11:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 6..................................Noon to 11:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 7..................................... Noon to 9:00 p.m.
Live Entertainment Schedule
Friday, August 5
6:00 p.m. ................ Big Ned & Electra 225
7:30 p.m. ................. Pitchy & The 44’s
9:00 p.m. ................. AVM
Saturday, August 6
12:00 p.m. ............... Roselle’s Finest Musicians
2:30 p.m. ................. TBD
4:00 p.m. ................. Jim Bartholomew & Friends
5:30 p.m. ................. Ovrevolt
7:00 p.m. ................. Camouflage Sun
9:00 p.m. ................. Chunky Monkey
Sunday, August 7
12:00 p.m. .............. Christian Tabernacle Church Choir
1:00 p.m. ................ Whitey O’Day
2:30 p.m. ................ Belly Dancers of Warda
4:00 p.m. ................ Terata
5:30 p.m. ................ Tony Spavone
7:00 p.m. ................. Instant Recall
Police and Fire Departments
Special Olympics Booth
Stop by the Roselle Police Department Special Olympics booth
and dunk tank at Main and Prospect Streets to show your
support by purchasing a Special Olympics shirt, hat, or raffle
Child Safety Seat Check
The Roselle Police Department will offer free child safety seat
inspections on Sunday, August 7, from noon to 3:00 p.m. at the
Roselle Police Department, 103. S. Prospect Street. Child seats
will be checked for proper use, installation, and recall status.
Drivers are encourage to bring their child to check for proper fit
and use. No appointments are necessary.
First Aid Station
The Roselle Fire Department will provide a first aid station and
hand out educational materials during the Taste of Roselle.
State Police Rollover Simulator
The Roselle Police Department, in
cooperation with the Illinois State Police,
will demonstrate the importance of wearing
seat belts during a rollover simulation.
Stop by the corner of Park and Main
Streets on Saturday, August 6 between
3:00 and 7:00 p.m. for the demonstration.
The Roselle Reporter
Taste of Roselle
Taste Vendors
This year’s Taste of Roselle vendors include:
Chicago Classics: Corn Dogs, Steak Tacos, Cheeseburgers, Smoothies, Shakes, Brats, BBQ Rib Sandwich
Chicago Prime: Prime Steak Sandwich, Gourmet Cheeseburgers, Pulled Pork, Grilled Chicken
Dippin’ Dots: Ice Cream
Gelato Italiano: Italian Gelato
Genoa Italian: Italian Sausage, Italian Beef, Brats, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Nachos, Chicken Strips
Italian Pizza Kitchen: Pizza Slices
Lee’s Concessions: Egg Rolls, Chicken on a Stick, Orange Chicken, Crab Rangoon
Len’s Ace Hardware: Grilled Pork, Beef, Chicken
Mylo’s Greek Food: Gyros, Shish-ka-bob, Chicken Sandwich, Greek Salad, Seafood Platter
Pina’s Cullinary Experience: Meatball Sandwiches & Calamari
R & S Concessions: Little Jimmies Italian Ice
Rosario’s Pizza: Pizza Slices
S & L Catering: Shake-up Lemonade
Silver Lake: Egg Roll, Crab Rangoon, Chicken Teriyaki, Empress Chicken, Chicken Fried Rice
Slinky’s Great American Food: BBQ Ribs, Brats, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Italian Beef
Suzie’s Fun Foods: Funnel Cakes, Corn Dogs, Texas Burger, Coconut Shrimp, Cheese Curds & more
Windsor Ice Cream: Ice Cream - 20 flavors, Waffle Bowl Sundaes, Eli’s Cheesecake
Beer tent sponsored by the Roselle Lion’s Club and Roselle Chamber of Commerce
Join the Roselle Chamber of Commerce at the
Bingo tent during the 30th Annual Taste
of Roselle. In addition to adult Bingo,
the Chamber is offering special Bingo
games just for kids! Children play
FREE with a donated food item for the
Bloomingdale Township Food Pantry.
The Bloomingdale Food Pantry serves
over 100 families per month in the
Bloomingdale Township area.
member businesses. Children must be accompanied by an adult
in the Bingo tent.
Kids will have the chance to win special
prizes donated by Chamber of Commerce
Saturday, August 6.................1:30-3:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 7.....................1:30-3:00 p.m.
Bingo Hours
Adult Bingo
Friday, August 5 ..................6:00-11:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 6 ............ 3:00-11:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 7....................3:00-9:00 p.m.
Children’s Bingo
Carnival, Magic Show, and More!
Carnival and Mr. D’s Magic Show
The carnival will run concurrent with Taste of Roselle hours. Mr. D’s Magic Show is sure to entertain
young and old alike! Show times are 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 6 and Sunday, August 7.
Bags Tournament & 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
The Roselle Park District is hosting a bags tournament and a 3-on-3 basketball tournament during
the Taste of Roselle. Both tournaments offer cash prizes to winners, and will be held in the Roselle
Public Library parking lot off of Park Street. Call the Roselle Park District at (630) 894-4200 for
pre-registration and other information.
July/August 2011
Public Works
Walnut Street Will Close for
Culvert Replacement This
A section of Walnut Street east of
Roselle Road will be closed for a period
of time between July 13 and August
12 for a planned stormwater culvert
replacement project. The summer time
frame for this project was chosen to
avoid disrupting school bus routes.
The 72 inch stormwater culvert beneath
Walnut Street, which conveys Spring Brook Creek,
failed after a flooding event last summer. Since then, the Village
has finalized engineering plans on the project and has hired a
contractor to complete the work.
In addition to the stormwater culvert repairs, the intersection
of Walnut Street and Roselle Road is slated to see additional
improvements next spring. Plans call for the installation of a traffic
signal, pending DuPage County approval.
Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan
Signs & Symptoms of EAB Infestation
Continued from Page 1
the tree canopy a priority. EAB has been identified in all of the
communities that surround Roselle. Estimates call for all untreated
ash trees to be killed by EAB within seven years. Reforestation
efforts following ash tree removals are yet to be determined.
Residents should be aware that Village ordinances do not allow
anyone other than the Village or a person hired by the Village to
treat, trim, remove or otherwise disturb a publicly owned tree or
shrub on any street or other public property without first filing
an application and procuring a permit from the Public Works
Department. Residents who would like to treat a publicly owned
parkway ash tree in front of their home that is not included in the
640-tree treatment group must first submit an Emerald Ash Borer
Chemical Treatment Application, which is available for download
from the Village’s website.
Crown Dieback
The Village will not inventory trees on private property, but
residents may elect to hire a certified arborist to assist them with
tree concerns on their property. Additionally, Village ordinances
that regulate tree infestations allow the Village Forester to
enter private property to inspect trees. If the Village Forester
determines that a tree is infested with EAB, it will be declared
a public nuisance. Upon notification, homeowners will have 14
days to remove and chip the tree. If the tree is not removed after
the 14-day period, the Village will remove the tree and bill the
“D” Shaped Exit Holes
For more information, visit the EAB page on the Village website
(, the Emerald Ash Borer Information
website ( or contact Village Forester
Mike Schulz at (630) 671-2368. For more information about Graf
Tree Care ( or Emerald Tree Care
(, please visit their websites.
Larva Gallereis
The Roselle Reporter
Community Development
Town Center Plaza Dedication Planned For August 8
The Town Center Plaza at the corner of Main and Prospect Streets, will be
dedicated during a ceremony on August 8, at 6:00 p.m. A plaque will be
presented to Richard and Anni Janke during the ceremony, to honor them
for their years of dedication as developers in Roselle, and for their $50,000
donation toward the construction of the plaza.
The formerly undeveloped parcel now contains a water feature abutting the
lot, which is made of a porous recycled glass material that allows for natural
storm water drainage. A unique and eco-friendly ice skating rink surface,
constructed of a plastic polymer material that does not require water or
freezing temperatures, is also featured in the plaza during the winter months.
Roselle Welcomes New Retail, Office & Industrial Businesses
Town Center Plaza will be dedicated on August 8.
Delicity Cakes is expanding and relocating to Roselle early this fall. The
specialty cake shop will open in the Village Commons shopping center at
1266 Lake Street, near Villaggio’s. Not just your typical bakery, Delicity Cakes
creates fondant finished 3-D cakes in fun shapes like cars, purses, shoes, and
more! Delicity Cakes designs cakes for all occasions — visit their website at to view some of their creative samples.
Main Street in Roselle will be the new home to Network Merchants, Inc. a
payment processing gateway for online credit card transactions. NMI’s 17
employees will relocate to the Park Street Crossing center later this summer,
occupying 6,000 square feet in a location that owner Ted Cucci describes as
ideal. NMI processed over $4 billion in credit card transactions in 2010, and is
on track to process $10 billion this year. For more information about NMI, visit online.
Custom computer manufacturer Equus Computer Systems, Inc. will move
into the Roselle Commerce Center industrial park north of Central Ave. this
summer. Equus is an Intel authorized integrator, mobile channel leader and
is ranked among Microsoft’s top 50 direct accounts worldwide. For more
information about Equus, visit online.
Network Merchants, Inc. is relocating to Main Street in Roselle.
New Leaf Development Phase I Near Completion
Itasca Bank will open its Roselle branch in the New Leaf Development at the
southeast corner of Irving Park and Roselle Roads in July. This development
represents the last major parcel in the Village’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
district. Originally created in 1989 to spur development in the center portion
of the Village, the TIF will expire in 2012. This new development will ultimately
result in approximately $225,500 in new property taxes for the Village.
Property taxes generated from the site prior to redevelopment were around
Itasca Bank will open its Roselle branch in the New Leaf Development at
the corner of Roselle and Irving Park Roads in July.
Code Corner
Ordinances Regulate Placement and Storage of Refuse and Recycling Carts
The Village of Roselle Code of Ordinances contains several guidelines regarding the storage and placement of
refuse and recycling carts when not placed out for pickup on garbage collection days.
Refuse and recycling carts must be stored out of view from the street, which may include storage within a garage
or shed, or in the back yard. Carts that are stored on the side of a house must be fully screened from the street
by shrubbery or a fence. Residents may elect to request a smaller cart from Republic Services at
(847) 981-0091 to help accommodate inside storage.
Refuse and recycling carts may be placed out after 6:00 p.m. the day before scheduled pickup, and must be
removed before midnight of the day on which collections occur. Enforcement of these ordinances will continue
throughout the summer.
July/August 2011
F i r s t
our community
our community.
All Things Woof Meow, Too, Inc. is a one-stop shop for pet lovers, with natural pet food and treats,
a self-serve dog spa, professional pet styling, collars, toys, beds, bowls, gifts and more! Located at
29 E. Main Street, between Roselle Road and Prospect Street, All Things Woof focuses on total pet
health, including holistic food, regular grooming, and mental and physical exercise, all in a fun, pet-friendly
Healthy and holistic foods and treats for pets, including those with special dietary needs, are available at All Things Woof. According to
owner Kathy Wolf, some dogs and cats with allergies can see relief with a simple change in diet. Employees at All Things Woof can help
customers choose the right diet for their pets. The self-serve dog wash area at All Things Woof features waist-high spa tubs with easy
walk-up steps. Staff at All Things Woof will show customers how to give their dog a professional bath, from choosing products to giving
a deep-fur rinse. Families are invited to join in the fun – and keep the hairy mess out of the bathtub at home. Those who prefer a truly
professional grooming experience for their pets can make an appointment with a groomer.
Pets are welcome into the store as long as they are on a leash in the parking lot and in the store. The self-serve dog spa is ADA
compliant, and additional assistance is available for those who request it. Service dogs receive a 10 percent discount. Store hours are
Tuesday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from Noon until 5:00 p.m.
For more information about All Things Woof Meow, Too, visit their website at or call (630) 529-WOOF (9663).
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Ambassador Program
Have you considered membership in the Roselle Chamber but
you’re not sure it’s a good fit for your business? If so, you’re
invited to attend one of the Chamber’s New Member Breakfasts!
Attendance is not limited to new members, as invitations are
extended to prospective members as well. This is a great
opportunity to hear from experienced members who will discuss
the benefits of membership by providing an overview of the
Chamber’s programs and activities.
These complimentary, no-obligation breakfast meetings are held quarterly with
the last in the series to be take place on Thursday, September 15 from 8:00 to
9:00 a.m. To make your reservation, please call Chamber Executive Director Gail
Croson at (630) 894-3010.
Welcome New Businesses!
Bloomingdale Heating & Air
476 W. Lake St.
(630) 539-1897
Elite Printer Solutions
Printer Toner-Retail
1520 W. Lake St.
(630) 671-9700
Miami Nails
Nail Salon
857 E. Nerge Rd.
(630) 529-1812
Diamond Exteriors
Roofing & Siding Contractors
880 W. Lake St. # 802
(224) 653-9596
Kasha Healing Spa
Waxing, Facials
460 W. Lake St.
(708) 772-1514
Midwest Gold Buyers
Precious Metal Buyer
805 E. Nerge Rd.
(630) 823-3099
Edward Jones Investments
Financial Planning
910 W. Lake St. #108
(630) 893-2464
Kinlinger LMT, Inc.
Massage Therapist
384 E. Irving Park Rd.
(630) 440-6421
Rotohelp, Inc.
Software Consulting & Sports Writing
891 Cross Creek Dr. North
(630) 351-8900
The Roselle Reporter
F i r s t
Experience true community banking
at Roselle Bank & Trust.
local and
our community
our community.
Better Workouts, Better Results
Tone up, trim down in a Snap!
Sue Rezmer-Socha, Vice President
& /FSHF 3E
Try before you buy with this
Bob Marino
Your Roselle Real Estate Specialist
Direct: 630.980.1275
Fax: 630.980.8675
RE/MAX Central
455 Roselle Road • Roselle, IL 60172
2011 2009
Each office independently
owned and operated.
F i r s t
our community
our community.
Itasca Bank & Trust Co.
63 Years of Strength, Stability, & Trust
One East Irving Park Road, Roselle
Opening in July
Lanciloti Law Offices
Attorneys & Counselors at Law
205 S. Pinecroft Drive, Roselle, IL 60172
Richard F. Lanciloti, J.D. • Richard M. Lanciloti, J.D.
Ellen J. Rindal, J.D., of Counsel
(630) L•A•W F•I•R•M or (630) 529-0660
Fax (630) 529-0846
Legal Practice Areas
Personal Injury / Auto Accidents / Slip & Fall /
Negligence / Product Liability / Misc. Torts /
Malpractice (Professional Negligence) /
Medical / Dental / Hospital / Nursing / Pharmacy /
Family Law / Divorce / Legal Separation /
Support / Custody / Visitation / Paternity / Secretary
of State Hearings (License Reinstatement / Restricted Driving Permits) / Criminal / Misdemeanor /
DUI / DWLS / Misc. Traffic / Juvenile Delinquency
/ Residential Real Estate Closings (Sales and/
or Purchases) / Land Trusts / Powers of Attorney
for Healthcare and/or for Property / Guardianships /
Landlord - Tenant / Social Security Disability /
Residential Leases / Wills / Testamentary Trusts
/ Probate of Estates / Living Wills / Breach of
Contract / Contract Preparation / Interpretation /
Domestic Violence / Battery / Orders of Protection /
Change of Name / Civil and Criminal Litigation
The Roselle Reporter
F i r s t
local and
our community
our community.
7139.indd 1
12/10/09 5:00:36 PM
RoselleReporter_4C Ad:Roselle Reporter 4c Ad
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• Carpet • Area Rugs • Blinds
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Air Duct &
Dryer Vent
Mention This Ad For Discount 
301 E. Irving Park Road, Roselle, IL 60172
July/August 2011
full color � digital printing � short run
letterhead � envelopes � business cards
folders & forms � invitations � newsletters
brochures � labels & magnets � flyers
posters � checks & stamps � shipping services
direct mail � banners & signs � embroidery
silk screening � pens & pencils
205 E. Irving Park Road, Roselle, IL 60172
Roselle Chamber
Sign Up for E-News
In a continuing effort to keep residents informed about Village business, the Village
of Roselle also publishes Roselle E-News. Subscribers receive timely news about
the Village, Board meetings, agendas, news releases, and more via e-mail. Visit the
Village web site at and click on the “Sign up for E-News” button on
the left side of the page.
Upcoming Meetings
July 2011
Coffee With the Board..........................................CANCELED
Planning and Zoning Commission..........................7:00 p.m.
Sister City Commission...........................................9:00 a.m.
Village Board Meeting.............................................7:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole Meeting Following
12 Taste of Roselle Commission.................................5:30 p.m.
19 Fire and Police Commission...................................7:00 p.m.
20 Zoning Board of Appeals.......................................7:00 p.m.
25 Village Boar.d Meeting............................................7:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole Meeting Following
27 Fire Pension Board Meeting...................................9:00 a.m.
27 Police Pension Board Meeting...............................5:00 p.m.
August 2011
2 Planning and Zoning Commission..........................7:00 p.m.
6 Coffee With the Board.................................9:00-10:30 a.m.
8 Village Board Meeting..............................................7:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole Meeting Following
9 Taste of Roselle Commission..................................5:30 p.m.
13 Sister City Commission...........................................9:00 a.m.
16 Fire and Police Commission...................................7:00 p.m.
17 Zoning Board of Appeals.......................................7:00 p.m.
22 Village Boar.d Meeting............................................7:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole Meeting Following
Independence Day Celebration
Fireworks Sponsored by the Roselle Chamber of Commerce
Plan a hometown Independence Day celebration this summer! Come out and
celebrate the 4th of July with a fireworks display at 9:00 p.m. (dusk) at Lake
Park High School West Campus, 500 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue. Thanks to the
Roselle Chamber of Commerce and its member businesses for sponsoring this
year’s fireworks display!
Grand Finale Sponsors: Roselle Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Friendly
Ford, Heritage Realty & Development, Langner Eye Care, Roselle Bank & Trust,
and Salerno’s Rosedale Chapels; Rocket Sponsor: Dr. Jay P. Mueller, DDS;
Firecracker Sponsors: Electri-Flex Company, LPL Financial Services - Terrence
D. Wittman, Bloomingdale Township Assessor John T. Dabrowski, and the
Bloomingdale Township Republican Party
The Roselle
31 South Prospect Street
Roselle, IL 60172
(630) 980-2000
Fax (630) 980-8558
July/August 2011