CloudFisher mini EN
CloudFisher mini EN
CLOUDFISHER MINI WATERFOUNDATION The WaterFoundation is active in countries where the lack of clean drinking water threatens the livelihood of the population. We sponsor projects mainly in rural areas, with particular emphasis on helping families, women and children. We support self-determined development, enabling people to take care of their own water supply in the future. We offer solutions that are tailored to people’s everyday needs, taking account of cultural and environmental factors and of technical and financial constraints. Aqualonis GmbH Industrial designer Peter Trautwein has developed the CloudFisher Pro and CloudFisher mini for the WaterFoundation. Aqualonis GmbH, based in Munich, was founded to implement this technology worldwide. As a licensee of the WaterFoundation, the company markets and sells the CloudFisher products. Aqualonis develops, plans, builds and maintains fog water collection systems. It is distinct from the WaterFoundation, a strictly non-profit organization that cannot engage in or accept liability for activities involving a commercial aspect. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 02 ERITREA The WaterFoundation has been active in Eritrea since 2002. The East African country, bordered by Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti, has a 1 000 km coastline along the Red Sea. Eritrea has a total area of around 125 000 km2, with altitude differences of over 3 000 metres between the central highlands and the Danakil Depression, which lies below sea level. Annual rainfall ranges from 100 mm in the dry coastal plains to 700 mm or more in the central highlands and the mountainous eastern region; in most areas, there are also wide local variations. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 03 Only 100 years ago, 30% of the country’s surface was covered by forest. This figure now stands at 1%; some estimates are even lower (NEMP-E, 1995; Haile et al., 1998; NAP, 2002). The consequences of deforestation are evident throughout the country. In recent years, moreover, rainfall was either irregular or torrential. Eritrea is in the grip of a long-term drought. The fight against deforestation and ongoing desertification calls for many different measures, each one of them part of a larger vision. WOMEN SPEND MANY HOURS FETCHING WATER In remote areas, without wells or other sources of water, women and girls often have to walk long distances to fetch water for their families. They carry the water on their backs, in canisters, earthenware jars or gourds. The task is laborious and causes spinal deformation, especially in young women. To help them, the WaterFoundation set up a programme in 2002 to provide donkeys as water carriers. Since then, over 1 430 donkeys have been distributed in Ethiopia and Eritrea. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 04 ERITREA’S MAJOR RIVERS HAVE DRIED UP AND ONLY BEAR WATER DURING THE SHORT RAINY SEASON. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 05 WATER RESOURCES The WaterFoundation seeks and promotes possibilities for exploiting new water resources. A particularly important approach in this field lies in harvesting clouds and fog. The CloudFisher fog collector, developed on behalf of the WaterFoundation, can provide people in many countries with cheap and clean drinking water. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 06 THE CLOUDFISHER © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 07 PATENT PENDING THE CLOUDFISHER MODELS CloudFisher Pro TM CloudFisher mini TM for villages, schools, industry, agriculture and forestry test collector for domestic use 6m 3m The amounts yielded per fog-day differ according to region and season. They vary between 6 and 22 litres per square metre of net surface. 52,8 m2 total net surface 6 litres/m2 316,8 litres 2 1.161,6 litres 22 litres/m 16,5 m2 total net surface 6 litres/m2 99 litres 2 363 litres 22 litres/m Water consumption (examples) 316,8 litres : 7 litres per person/day = 45 persons 1.161,6 litres : 7 litres per person/day = 166 persons Water consumption (examples) 99 litres : 7 litres per person/day = 14 persons 363 litres : 7 litres per person/day = 52 persons © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 08 METEOROLOGY Each fog project starts with the collection of meteorological data on wind speeds and directions, relative humidity and temperature, precipitation and amounts of water collected. These findings are used to decide whether the location is appropriate for a fog water production system and how best to align the collectors. What, though, if the technical knowhow and the financial means for measuring equipment are lacking? What can be done so that people can help themselves and become independent? © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 09 CLOUDFISHER MINI During the fog season, the CloudFisher mini can be used to determine the yields of the three net surfaces arranged at different angles. The net that collects the most water is the one positioned at the most favourable angle to the wind. No special instruments are needed: the measurement is done by simply reading off a scale on each water canister. Ground peg Water canister Ground peg © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 10 The supporting structure is anchored in the ground with pegs The second step is to arrange the nets in a straight line. The net in the middle delivers the largest yield. The wind blows directly onto the surface, so more water droplets are caught in the mesh. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 11 Earth filling Ground peg Geo-grid inserted in tube Water canister Geo-grid © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 12 Driving pegs into the ground is not always easy, especially when the earth contains rocks and large pebbles. In such cases, a frame extension is used, with horizontally inserted ground pegs under a geo-grid. The earth filling in the cavity replaces an expensive concrete foundation. In arid desert regions, fog is often the only source of water. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 13 MONSUN In Eritrea, the fog period, from November to June, is followed by the monsoon season, with “small” and “big” rains. Here, the nets are supplemented with horizontally attached polyethylene sheets to collect water. Depending on how clean it is, the rainwater can be used for human consumption or to water crops or cattle. © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 14 Gutter for rainwater © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 15 »Clean water is the basis for social, economic and cultural development.« Ernst Frost, WaterFoundation CONTACT Aqualonis GmbH Peter Trautwein Westendstraße 147 80339 München Tel +49 (0) 89 480881-24 © WasserStiftung, Aqualonis GmbH 16 WaterFoundation Lechnerstraße 23 82067 Ebenhausen