December 2009 Newsletter


December 2009 Newsletter
October 2010 Newsletter
Volume 27 Issue 5
Bi-Monthly Publication
DAILY support and information available at the
NAMI office
WEEKLY NAMI Connection support groups for
persons with mental illness:
Monday 6-7:30 p.m. Collegiate United Methodist
Church (CUMC), 2622 W. Lincoln Way, Pine Room;
Thursday 2-3:30 p.m. CUMC, Room 44
MONTHLY educational meetings featuring local
specialists speaking on topics relating to mental
3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
YEARLY series of educational classes offered for
persons with mental illness and for family
Family to Family for family members of adults
with mental illness
Visions for Tomorrow for caregivers of children
with mental illness
Wishing Wellness for children ages 6-12 who
have a relative with mental illness
Peer to Peer for adults with mental illness
For more information contact our Director Deb
Niehof at 515-292-9400 or
Office hours are 9-12 a.m. MTW;
1-4 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.
130 S. Sheldon #306, Ames 50014
Editor Fred Borgen
“No kidding! Me, too!”
This response, or something similar, is one I’ve
heard repeatedly when sharing our family’s
journey with mental illness. It seems that once the
topic is brought up, everyone has a story. However,
because of the stigma still attached to mental
illness, the topic is not brought up nearly as often
as it should be.
In an attempt to stomp that stigma and get people
talking, actor Joe Pantoliano produced a
documentary aptly named, No Kidding! Me Too!
that focuses on the personal journeys of several
individuals living with mental illness, including
himself. NAMI Central Iowa and the Ames Public
Library are partnering to show this one hour film,
followed by a discussion time. The documentary is
fast-paced, and would appeal to young adults
through senior citizens.
If you have had difficulty sharing your story with
others, invite them to join you in attending this
event. When Pantoliano was asked by Parade what
he wanted viewers to walk away with after
watching the documentary, he answered, "We
want people to turn to each other and start the
Join us as we watch the film and start the
conversation at 7 p.m. on October 19 in the
Farwell T. Brown Auditorium at the Ames Public
- Deb Niehof
PEIR = PErson (or people) In Recovery
Certified Peer Support Specialist: The New Professional
In the not too distant past, persons with chronic,
serious mental illnesses were often told by health-care
professionals that stabilization was the treatment goal
and the best they could expect. Compliance was all that
was expected from clients.
Most mental health systems today focus on recovery
rather than maintenance for their clients. Those having
a psychiatric diagnosis are expected to regain control of
their lives and move forward. Recovery is a personal
journey that is assisted by the professional team, and
the newest team members are certified peer support
Peer support makes use of the life experiences of
people further along in the recovery process to assist
others with similar problems. Our NAMI Connection
Support Groups and Peer to Peer Classes are examples
of peer support, using trained peers in the facilitator
and mentor roles. Using peer support is not new; all
twelve step groups are based on the peer support
model that has been around for 75 years.
Iowa has been using the Georgia Model at The Iowa
Peer Support Training Academy since 2005. At least
four members of NAMI-CI are among the more than a
hundred men and women who have completed the
training and are using their skills in volunteer and paid
In future articles we will give details about the varied
positions filled by certified peer support specialists and
the skill sets and knowledge they use “on the job.”
-- Susan Greulich and Linda Sawer
NAMI Central Iowa will be involved in a number of
activities in the next few months. Please put these
dates on your calendars and plan to attend as
many as possible. If you have questions, call Deb at
October 2
NAMI Walks in Des Moines
October 5-6
Mental Health Conference at ISU
October 16
FACES at Bandshell Park
October 19
Film No Kidding?!! Me Too! at
Ames Public Library, 7 P.M.
October 26
Community Conversation on
mental health issues at Ames
Public Library, 7 P.M.
November 19 Secret Scars: Cutting and SelfInjury presented by Jason Haglund from Youth &
Shelter Services at 7 P.M. at Collegiate Presbyterian
The total contributions from this year’s NAMI
Walks 2010 were again a bin-buster: $3,630!
Twenty-five people signed up to walk to stamp out
stigma and build awareness that the mental health
system in this country needs to be improved. We
thank all the walkers and everyone who donated!
Special thanks go to:
Henry enjoys a famous dollar cone. Temptors Janice
and Tim Coble generously donated $200 to NAMI-CI.
Jax Outdoor Gear for their generous
donation of 6 pairs of New Balance walking
shoes! As part of our summer exercise
program for peers, participants who
exercised 100 minutes each week could put
their names into a drawing. On September
2, winners were drawn.
Sigler Companies of Ames printed and
donated 30 team shirts and reduced the
cost of additional shirts.
Lincoln Center Hy-Vee donated 40 dozen
chocolate chip cookies for Walkers on the
day of the Walk.
We’re thankful for this show of community
support! Pictures on page 5. -- Catherine Parrish
October is Mental Health Awareness Month. Thus,
mental health services in Ames will be the topic of a
Community Conversation. A panel discussion with
community service providers will be held on Tuesday
evening, October 26, 7-8:30 p.m., at the Ames Public
Library Auditorium. The Community Conversation is
being sponsored by the local AMOS (A Mid-Iowa
Organizing Strategy) Mental Health Issues Team and the
Ames Public Library. The public and political candidates
are invited to attend. The Community Conversation
focus will be on current mental health services,
projected changes and challenges faced by providers.
Panel members include: Tricia Crain of Mainstream
Living, Michelle De La Riva of the Richmond Center,
Gayla Harken of Community Life, and Christine Krause
of Mary Greeley Medical Center. Moderator Rilla Fox, a
retired psychologist, is a member of the AMOS Mental
Health Issues Team.
The moderated panel will begin with a discussion of
questions provided to panel members. At the end of
the discussion, audience members will have a chance to
ask questions.
AMOS provides a way for community members to
organize around issues in which they share an interest.
Administrative costs are funded by an
interdenominational group of churches and other
organizations. AMOS implements an approach to
problem-solving focused on doing what is feasible in
the local community. This Community Conversation is
intended to be educational, as part of an on-going
discussion about mental health issues. Panel members
and audience members will have an opportunity to
learn from each other on October 26.
This new film is being shown worldwide and locally
on IPTV Oct. 6 (9 AM, 3 PM,5 PM, 8 PM, 1 AM),
Oct. 10 (6 PM), and Oct. 16 (4 AM).
See more online at:
Catherine Parrish has been a member of the NAMICI board since 2002. For many years, she pioneered
our use of technology as Newsletter Editor and
editor of our Web Site. In recent years, she has led
our team, Stepping Out of the Shadows, at the
annual NAMI Walks in Des Moines. Many of the
pledges have been collected a dollar at a time, but
together our team total under her leadership has
been over $10,000. Ask her 1) about quilting with
passion and 2) how to use a netbook.
Fran Berger transformed NAMI-CI during her
many years as our Executive Director. She now
serves on the board in the vital leadership role of
Consultant to the Director. She also is the chief
energizer bunny in leading our annual garage sale
fundraiser. This August, with a generous
contribution from the Story County Chapter of
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, the event raised
$2663. Fran is kneeling below in the center of
some of her crew. Her co-chair Betty Beard is the
first person on the left. After all that, Fran had
energy left to grow vegetables by the bushel.
Beth Wessel-Kroeschell and Herman Quirmbach
Co-chairs Betty Beard and Fran Berger
Paul Toot and Rick Sanders
Joyful and generous worker-bees setting up the garage
sale were Susan Koehler, Wendy Long, Sheila Merz,
Erin Rewerts and Tammy Metzger, who are case
managers at Story County Community Services.
Wayne Clinton and Rich Olive
Deb and Kristin Niehof display $59,840 check!
Beth Wessel-Kroeschell and Lisa Heddens
Once again led by our captain Catherine Parrish, our team of 25 walkers had a beautiful brisk day at NAMI
Walks in Des Moines. Thanks to all who walked and who contributed to our terrific total of $3,630!
Special thanks go to:
Jax Outdoor Gear for their generous donation of 6 pairs of New Balance walking shoes! As part of our
summer exercise program for peers, participants who exercised 100 minutes each week could put their
names into a drawing. On September 2, winners were drawn.
Sigler Companies of Ames printed and donated 30 team shirts and reduced the cost of additional
Lincoln Center Hy-Vee donated 40 dozen chocolate chip cookies for Walkers on the day of the Walk.
NAMI Central Iowa
130 S. Sheldon, Room 306
Ames, IA 50014
October 2010
NAMI-CI newsletter is published six times a year by the National
Alliance on Mental Illness of Central Iowa (NAMI-CI).
NAMI- CI is a support group comprised of people who seek to make a
better life for those affected by mental illnesses. Our members
include people with mental illnesses, their friends, families, and other
central Iowa residents. We serve as advocates and as a source of
understanding and encouragement for all who are faced with mental
illness or the mental illness of a loved one.
NAMI-CI is a United Way partner agency and is an affiliate of NAMI
Iowa ( and of NAMI, the National Alliance on
Mental Illness (
Becoming a member of NAMI-CI is easy. Just complete
this form and mail with appropriate dues to:
130 S. Sheldon #306
Ames, IA 50014
Membership Dues
$ 30.00*
____Limited Income
____Extra donation
$ ______
*Includes $10 Local/$10 State/$10 National
If you no longer wish to receive the NAMI-CI newsletter…
Member Information
Email or phone Fred Borgen at or 515232-5014.
To receive your newsletter by email, send a message to; include your name and address in the
Address: 130 S. Sheldon Ave., Rm. 306
Ames, IA 50014
515-292-9400 /
____ Check here to receive newsletter by email
Questions? Contact NAMI of CI:
Phone: 515-292-9400