Dugan Family plays a leading role in Arizona Dairy Industry
Dugan Family plays a leading role in Arizona Dairy Industry
Farm Credit Services Southwest Growing Potential. TheBottomLine BottomLine The The BottomLine SUMMER 2011 Dugan Family plays a leading role in Arizona Dairy Industry If you define “dynasty” as a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in their field, the Arizona dairy industry has its own dynasty with the Dugan family. “Mom and Dad worked us hard when we were young,” reports Dennis Dugan. “If it weren’t for them, none of us would be where we are today. We all love dairying.” Delores and Mike Dugan started out near Manitowoc, Wis., milking nine Holsteins. They moved to Chandler, Ariz., in 1962, with six boys ages 4 to 17. All six sons eventually followed in their footsteps. Today, the Dugan brothers milk 20,000 cows. That’s compared to Arizona’s total dairy cow population of 177,000 in 2010, according to USDA. The new generation of Dugans still raise Holsteins. Each of the boys started his own dairy business out of high school, except for Dennis, who attended the University of Arizona, taught high school and sold insurance for a few years before joining the family tradition in 1978. Of all the brothers, only Richard is no longer active in the business—he leases his operation to Pat. So far in 2011, times are relatively prosperous for dairy operators in the U.S., with milk prices at about $20 per hundredweight. “But about $18 of our selling price goes toward input costs,” Dennis reports. Feed prices, for example, skyrocketed in recent years. Tom raises most of his own feed, but the others purchase about 95 percent of their feed. Most harvest the feed through arrangements with neighboring crop producers. The Arizona Dugans credit much of their success to United Dairymen of Arizona, a milk-marketing cooperative owned by 70 farmers with an average of 1,600 head per farm. All six of Delores and Mike Dugan’s children entered the dairy business. Back Row from left: Daniel, Patrick, Dennis, Michael, Richard and Tom. Front Row: Delores and Mike. The elder Mike passed away early in 2011 at age 91, but Delores remains active at her home in Casa Grande. Many of the family members started out in Chandler, but five of them now dairy near Casa Grande. Michael dairies in Idaho. Dugan Family plays a leading role in Arizona Dairy Industry Dairy by the Numbers Arizona is ranked the 13th state in dairy sales in 2007. Number of dairy farms: Arizona U.S. 128 57,318 Value of dairy products sold: Arizona U.S. $634 million $32 billion Source: USDA 2007 Census of Ag United Dairymen members represent approximately 90 percent of the milk produced in the state. “That’s why families are becoming stronger in this business,” Dennis says. Dennis and Tom serve on the co-op board of directors. While you’ll still find small farms milking fewer than 100 cows in traditional dairy states like Wisconsin, operations tend to be larger in Arizona. “When we first came here 50 years ago, there were 400 dairies in the state,” Dennis reports. “A lot sold out to developers.” According to the 2007 USDA Census of Agriculture, Arizona hosts 128 dairy farms with 112 of them with a herd size of 1,000 cows or more. As Dennis puts it, “To survive today, you’ve got to get large.” The brothers experienced a few growing pains when starting out in Chandler. “Over the years, houses built up all around us, but we never heard a complaint,” Dennis says. “Most dairymen try to work with their neighbors.” Still, most family members took advantage of rising land prices and moved their operations further south near Casa Grande and Stanfield. The Dugan dynasty continues. Wives and children have always been active. Several of the brothers have adult children in the business, including Tom’s kids—Tommy, Timmy and Tony; Mike’s kids—Chris, Dominick and Matthew; and Pat’s kids—Sean, Casey and Kelly. In addition, Dennis’s son, David, plans to join the family farm after college. Dennis admits that the family worries about the next generation. “The industry’s changing so rapidly,” he says. “It’s getting tougher all the time. World market prices are so volatile.” Trever Hall, Vice President of Farm Credit Services works with the Dugan family and says, “I’ve been impressed to see the next generation take the reins and build upon what their parents and grandparents started. The Dugan family legacy is in good hands.” The American dairy farmer depends increasingly on overseas buyers. In 2010, U.S. farmers exported 13 percent of their milk production, according to the U.S. Dairy Export Council. Farmers especially felt the impact of the global economy in 2009, when exports dropped during the recession. “If exports go away by just two or three percent, milk prices could crash again,” Dennis says. continued on page 3 In Arizona, he adds, the biggest challenges come from diminishing land availability and the cost of energy and water to irrigate crops. The physical labor involved in dairying takes less of a toll than in the past. “These days, it’s more a matter of managing money and managing people,” Dennis says. Employees handle most work with the aid of automated milking machines and modern farm equipment. The brothers raise their own heifers, except for Dennis, who says, “I don't want the headache.” When it comes to financing, the Dugans depend on Farm Credit Services Southwest, which specializes in lending to agriculture and understands farming’s ups and downs. “FCSSW has been wonderful to our entire family,” Dennis says, adding that he has borrowed from the association since he first began farming. Arizona dairies benefit from other components that form a strong dairy infrastructure, he adds. “We’ve got some of the best vets and nutritionists in the U.S.” There’s always more to learn about the business. This summer, Dennis traveled to Brazil to appear on an industry panel, to Canada to study genetics, and to New York to meet with scientists at Pfizer Animal Health. He enjoys working with people in the dairy network, and has no plans to retire. “Most of us enjoy farming or we wouldn’t be in it,” Dennis concludes. “We live a pretty good lifestyle.” Dairy Fun Facts Did you know… Cows are milked for an average of 3-4 years. An average cow is 2 years old when she has her first calf. Calves are fed milk until they are 4-6 weeks old. A cow drinks over 50 gallons of water a day. A cow’s udder can hold 25-50 pounds of milk. The best cows give over 20 gallons of milk each day-that’s 320 glasses of milk! U.S. cows give an average of 2,000 gallons of milk per year—over 34,000 glasses of milk & AZ cows give an average of 2,600 gallons45,000 glasses of milk! 25 gallons of milk can make 9 gallons of ice cream, 25 pounds of cheese or 11 pounds of butter. It takes about 30 cups of milk to make 1 pound of butter. Americans eat about 350 slices of pizza per second, or almost 3 billion pizzas per year. People crave cheese more than any other food. The first cow in America arrived in Jamestown colony in 1611. Until the 1850's, nearly every family had its own cow. written for FCSSW by Nancy Jorgensen Message from our President Managing Risk Has Globalization and Increased Volatility changed the Game? Agriculture is facing new challenges everyday with new technologies, commodity and economic volatility, global competition, free trade, and legislation. Now, more than ever, identifying and managing risk is critical to the success of your farm business. In the past, success was defined by those with the highest yield and the lowest cost to produce that yield. Efficiency is important, but just as important in this new highly volatile environment is the ability to survive severe downturns such as the 2009 dairy crisis. Gary Dyer, President and CEO, Farm Credit Services Southwest We have seen a major paradigm shift to more volatile commodity prices and input costs. Successful future operators will need to adjust to this shift and implement effective risk management practices. In an effort to create awareness and action, Farm Credit Services Southwest partnered with Arizona Farm Bureau and United Dairymen of Arizona Page 3 Managing Risk Has Globalization and Increased Volatility changed the Game? to host a Young Farmer, Rancher and Dairy Producer Risk Management Conference in April. World renowned speakers, Dr. Dave Kohl and Dr. Don Jonovic helped producers identify primary sources of risk specifically inherent to farm family businesses and explore ways to manage that risk. The two day conference focused on five primary sources of risk: Human Resources, Financial, Legal, Production, and Marketing. As the group discussed each topic, a risk management action plan was used to help producers through the process to identify: risk factors, risk level (high, moderate, low), risk trend (increasing, stable, decreasing), and a stabilization/proactive plan. The following are points all farm families should consider: Webinars Understanding Lending— understanding various entities, ratios, legal documents, and loan covenants Income Statements & Balance Sheets – the importance of accurate record keeping Budget & Cash flow Statements, the importance of outside resources, using accountants, dairy consultants, farm programs Generational transition of management and assets - identifying the potential impact, both positive and negative with approprirecorded and available online at www.fcssw.com ate plans. Maintaining the right life insurance policies and buy-out agreements to preserve the family business that has taken years to Upcoming Live Webinars build. Expense management through an analytical approach to budgeting along with expense control, debt reduction, and strengthAugust 24, 2011 noon—Transition and ening capital position. Estate Planning, Life Insurance Understanding key financial ratios and statements and how to use financial information to clearly identify your risks and September 21, 2011 noon—Insurance, maintain adequate margins. Hedging & Marketing Plans Knowing your business and financial goals–what are your breakevens? What margins are acceptable to you? What are the October 26, 2011 noon— strengths and weaknesses in your operation? Do you communiCommunication: tools and techniques cate these strategies with your lender? Keeping good farm records - a necessity in maintaining control of your farm. These records provide historical data to help calA copy of the Risk Management Action Plan culate financial performance measures and guidelines for future is available online at www.fcssw.com or call decisions. Effective performance tracking gives clear vision of your branch office. what is working well and what is not working well. Recognizing and understanding the legal implications of the day-to-day activities and commitments involved in farming and ranching, such as: legal business structures, tax and estate planning, contractual arrangements, tort liability, statutory compliance, and environmental issues. Using crop insurance to manage your risk and maintain your income stream. Price protection–forward contracts, hedges through futures and options, inventory management, government price programs, marketing/pooling coops. Analyzing your operation to identify areas of risk and exposure is the first step. If you are serious about managing risk in your business, Farm Credit can help. We have been helping farmers and ranchers manage risk since 1917. Every credit decision we make includes a fundamental assessment of risk on behalf of our member and the association. We have created a Risk Management Action Plan as an assessment tool to stimulate thought on the various aspects of your business. The old saying, “work smarter, not harder” holds true today in agriculture more than ever. In today’s volatile environment, borrowers who manage their risk well will have a much better opportunity for long term success. If you would like more information or would like to attend one of our upcoming webinars, please contact us at 1-800-822-3276 or visit our website at www.fcssw.com. Page 4 Farm Credit Services Southwest’s Young Farmer and Rancher Executive Institute Dave Kohl and Donald Jonovic will be joining Farm Credit again in February, 2012 for the next Young Farmer and Rancher Executive Institute. This program was established in 1994 and has had over 316 participants attend and graduate. Additionally, the program has received national recognition for providing extensive outreach to the agricultural community and helping young farmers and ranchers develop as successful entrepreneurs. The next Young Farmer and Rancher Executive Institute is February 2325, 2012 at Hotel Del Coronado, California. The ideal participants for this program are between 25-35 years old, who are working on the family farm, ranch or dairy. The conference is designed for both generationsyoung farmer/rancher and spouse/significant other, as well as the parents. For more information on this program, call your loan officer or our main office at 800.822.3276. Dave Kohl, Ph.D. Don Jonovic, Ph.D. New Solutions for Long-Term Care Insurance Recent research on the internet found a 2011 study by Genworth Financial that concluded about two-thirds of Americans over 65 will need some form of assisted living or long term care during their lives. Average annual cost of nursing home care in Arizona and California is $79,113 and $91,250, respectively. Will Medicare pay for it? Probably not. Medicare was designed to make you better when you are sick, not take care of you over a long term. Medicaid might help, but only after you have “spent down” your estate to near zero value. So, who is going to pay these annual costs? One solution is a long term care insurance policy. But, a common objection to these policies is “what if I don’t need long term care and all the premiums I paid are for nothing?” There is another solution to consider; one that might protect your estate from this substantial expense and at the same time not ever go unused or the premiums you pay go “for nothing”. Continued page 6 Long Term Care Statistics 67% of people 65 and older will need Long Term Care during their lifetime. About 80 million Americans will turn 50 over the next eighteen years (one person every eight seconds). By 2020, due to the rapid retirement of baby-boomers, approximately one in three workers will be faced with providing some form of Long Term Care for their boomer parents. National average cost of care for one year in a nursing home is approximately $80,850 with the average stay of 3 years. Page 5 Ken Lassen, CFPtm CFP and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER are certification marks owned by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. These marks are awarded to individuals who successfully complete the CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. All Securities through Money Concepts Capital Corp. Members FINRA/SIPC CPP 11440 N. Jog Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 561-472-2000 New Solutions for Long Term Care Insurance There are life insurance plans now on the market that include long term care options. The basic concept is that you own one of these policies primarily for the death benefit provided to your survivors. If during your life you are faced with long term care expenses then the policy option is activated to provide for your care needs. If you are among those fortunate people who do not experience the need for long term care then your policy will someday pay out a death benefit to your family beneficiaries. It’s one way to protect your estate from a serious long term care drain of assets but at the same time be protected from paying premiums “for nothing”. This is a concept worth considering! To find out more about Long Term Care Insurance, call me at 602-431-4150, email kenyon.lassen@fcssw.com, or call Cassidy Ditchey at 602-431-4126. Arizona Employers Have New Opportunities in a Restructured Workers’ Compensation Marketplace The world of Workers’ Compensation is changing and if you have employees, it could affect you. Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, signed legislation last year which converts SCF Arizona from a quasi state agency to a private mutual insurance company. Until now, SCF Arizona has been a hybrid company, neither fully private, nor fully public. Recent reports indicate SCF Arizona is responding to its reorganization, by not renewing insurance for employers in hazardous industries or with poor loss experience. Even if an employer has not received a notice of non-renewal from SCF Arizona, this is a prudent time for all employers to review their options. As part of the transition from a public to private entity, effective January 1, 2013, SCF Arizona will replace its board of directors, change its name, and will receive authority to expand its product offerings beyond workers’ compensation in the State of Arizona. Additionally, SCF Arizona will no longer have any actual or perceived subsidy from the State of Arizona. Expectations are that this reorganization of SCF Arizona will lead to a newly invigorated marketplace, as SCF Arizona pursues what it percieves to be new opportunities. New companies are entering the state, and Arizona employers now have a wide variety of choices of workers’ compensation carriers competing for their business. It is a good time right now to shop for the insurance services you need and ensure that you are getting the most competitive deal. ~ Allen Tyler, Tyler Insurance Page 6 Farm Credit Services Southwest and Tyler Insurance Agency have teamed up with a goal of providing services to meet the needs of FCSSW members. Through this partnership, members receive competitive insurance products and services, and Farm Credit receives revenue that supports members’ Patronage Refunds. For more information contact Tyler Insurance Agency. Allen Tyler or David Tyler can be reached at 760-352-2611 or info@tyler.com. Arizona FFA — Hitting the Streets The Arizona FFA recently celebrated its 82nd Anniversary in Tucson at the State FFA Leadership Conference. Agricultural Education in Arizona is thriving in over 75 high school programs boasting, more than 9,000 students and 6,000 FFA members. The FFA motto, Learning to Do, Doing to Earn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve, summarizes the philosophy driving Agriculture Education programs and the FFA. Today the FFA Organization and Agriculture curriculum encompass more than 300 careers in everything from production agriculture and business management to biotechnology and food science. The success of FFA in Arizona is due in part to the support provided by the Arizona FFA Foundation through its generous sponsors like Farm Credit Services Southwest. This year the foundation presented a check for $242,508 to the FFA during the state conference. The FFA Foundation funds many state FFA activities such as leadership camps and conferences, member scholarships and award programs, and supports local FFA chapters representing Arizona in national competition. The Arizona FFA Foundation would like to thank the many donors that made it possible for the FFA to make such a positive difference in the lives of Arizona’s agricultural youth. The foundation had a successful past year, however, there is more work to be Front (left to right): Taylor Kirby, State Vice President At-Large; Angie Lowery, State Reporter; Sarahbeth Bourland, State Treasurer; Keili N. Summey, State Secretary. Back (left to right): Jed Ward, State Vice President; Caleb M. Gillispie, State President; Zachary Tucker, State Sentinel done. The Arizona FFA Foundation is still seeking donors for the coming school year programs. If you would like to make a contribution or if your company or organization would like to become a named sponsor of an award program please contact the foundation online at www.azffa.org/ or call Bobbie Bolt at 602-7059211. ~ Bobbie Bolt, AZ FFA This past year the Arizona legislature approved the creation of a special FFA/Agriculture license plate. The FFA license plate allows individuals to proudly display their affinity for Arizona’s agricultural youth, the FFA, and Arizona Agriculture. Farm Credit Services Southwest has proudly declared, “We Support Arizona FFA,” by purchasing the FFA license plates for all FCSSW Arizona vehicles. In addition to making a statement, $17 of the $25 special license plate fee will be returned to Arizona FFA each year. To publicly declare your support of the Arizona FFA, visit www.servicearizona.com or the closest MVD office to purchase your plate. The license plates are available for use on all passenger vehicles as well as Farm/Ranch and commercial vehicles. FFA license plates may also personalize and can be registered as a handicap plate. Page 7 your cash flow and bottom-line profit. Maximize interest income PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Cash Manager a solution to managing Minimize fees & charges Enjoy the convenience of remote deposit from your office The first 25 people to sign up for Cash Manager, will receive a free remote deposit scanner. Call our office for details. 800.822.3276 Cash Manager is a suite of tools that puts idle cash to work efficiently and profitably and can be tailored to the size and needs of your business. Features include: online reporting with the ability to initiate ACH transactions and wire transfers; the ability to write checks that settle against your Farm Credit loan automatically; electronic deposits from your office; transactions are netted and settled against your Farm Credit loan on a daily basis which saves you time and minimizes your interest expense. Additional features such as fraud prevention services, reconciliation services, lockbox, merchant services, and purchasing cards can also be included in your customized solution. For a limited time, Farm Credit Services Southwest will include a remote deposit scanner for free (up to a $700 value) to the first 25 people who sign up for the Cash Management Program. Call 800.822.3276 or visit our website at www.fcssw.com Address Service Requested Farm Credit Services Southwest PO Box 24138 Tempe, Arizona 85285 Limited time offer: The BottomLine Access your account 24 hours a day - 7 days a week The BottomLine is f or cust ome rs, empl oyees a nd fri end s of F arm Cr edit S er vice s S out hwest . Our go al wi t h t his pu bli cat io n is t o provide u sef ul inf orm at ion t hat wil l m ak e it easie r f or you t o mana ge yo ur busi ne ss. F arm Credit S ervic es S out h west is a me mbe r- ow ne d f inan cial coo per at ive t h at lends t o f a rme rs, r anc he rs a nd dair yme n. We also pr ovi de a wid e r ang e of f inanci al servi ce s, incl u ding f amil y bu sine ss plan ning, i ndivi dual f i nan cial pl an ning, cr op insu ran ce, li f e insur anc e, equi pme nt and vehi cle leasi n g an d ap prai sal s. How to Reac h Us W r i t e: Cas sidy D it ch ey, F arm Cr edit S ervi ces S o ut hwe st 300 3 S . F air L ane T empe, A Z 8 528 2 C a l l : 602.4 31.4 12 6 E ma i l : Cassi dy. dit che y@ f css w.com WE B: ww w.f css w.c om Cop yrig ht 20 10 by Fa rm C re dit S ervi ce s S out hwest , A CA . A ll right s rese rve d. F arm Credit is an aff irm at ive act ion, eq ual o pp ort u nit y employ er.