The Art of High Gloss Automotive Finishes_reduced
The Art of High Gloss Automotive Finishes_reduced
The The Art Art of of Automotive Automotive Model Model Finishes Finishes by Darryl W. Peters, Ph.D. 2010 IPMS Nationals Presentation Presentation Request Request Please print your e-mail address on the sign in sheet to request an electronic copy of this presentation in PDF format Feel free to send me an e-mail requesting a copy at 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 2 Personal Personal Background Background B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry Senior executive/owner of a high-tech company serving the semiconductor industry Gearhead from the age of 2 Model builder for more than 50 years Active member of Delaware Valley Scale Modelers (, Philadelphia Area Car Modelers (, Silent Traffic model car club (Trappe, PA), and Herb’s Hobby Shop model club (Doylestown, PA) I do not build to compete but have won more than 150 awards from model contests in the past 13 years 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 3 Modeling Modeling Room Room 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 4 Finish is extremely important for automotive subjects 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 5 Outline Outline Basics Primers Paint types and thinners Thinning ratios for various paints Airbrush settings Painting procedure Painting tips Water slide decals Examples of model finishes Questions 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 6 Basics Basics (References) (References) “The Art of Airbrushing Show Quality Model Cars”, DVD by Don Yost (Lone Wolf Custom Painting) “Scale Automotive Finishes”, by Pat Covert, Kalmbach Books (1997) “Custom Car Modeling”, by Mark Gustavson, Kalmbach Books (1999) Scale Auto and Model Cars magazine articles 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 7 Basics Basics (Safety) (Safety) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ Know your solvents! 8 Basics Basics (PPE) (PPE) Make sure respirator fits properly Use particulate and organic filter canisters Wear protective clothes and gloves 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 9 Basics Basics (Equipment) (Equipment) Air source 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 10 Basics Basics (Equipment) (Equipment) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 11 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 12 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 13 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) Clear coat tac rag 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 14 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) White styrene spoon 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ Test painting to check coverage/runs 15 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) Stripper for paint Stripper for paint and kit “chrome” 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 16 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) Polishing kit 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 17 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) Final rub-out and polish Additional materials for rub-out 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 18 Basics Basics (Supplies) (Supplies) Final cleaning materials 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 19 Primers/Sealers Primers/Sealers 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 20 Thinners Thinners (Types) (Types) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 21 Paint Paint (Types) (Types) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 22 Paint Paint (Types) (Types) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 23 Paints Paints (Clear (Clear Coat) Coat) Match type and brand of clear coat to the base coat HOK with HOK, Tamiya with Tamiya, etc. Enamel with enamel, lacquer with lacquer, polyurethane with polyurethane, etc. Using a clear coat from a different manufacturer with a different solvent system can cause incompatibilities • Crazing, lifting, checking, cracking, etc. 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 24 Airbrushing Airbrushing Spray Spray Paints Paints Remove paint from spray can De-gas paint 20-30% of volume is dissolved propellant 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 25 Thinning Thinning Ratios Ratios (P:T) (P:T) Bottle enamel (1:1 with Duplicolor) KS10 HOK sealer (KS10(4):Ru310(4):Ku150(1)) HOK solid colors (1:2 with Mar-Hyde) HOK candy/clear lacquer (1:4 with Mar-Hyde) Testor’s/MM spray enamel (3:1 with Duplicolor) Testor’s/MM spray lacquer (3:1 with Duplicolor) Tamiya spray lacquer (3:1 with Duplicolor) Dupont acrylic enamel (4:8:1(hardner)) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 26 Aztek Aztek Airbrush Airbrush Settings Settings Air reservoir/compressor (120-150psi) Primary regulator (60psi) Secondary regulator w/moisture trap (20-30psi) Single-action mode 1mm nozzle (yellow) 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 27 Painting Painting Procedure Procedure Spray can primer (2-4 coats w/wet sanding) Dry 2 days to 2 weeks Sealer, if necessary (1 coat, no sanding) Dry 3 hours Color or base coat (2-4 coats w/wet sanding) Dry 2 days to 2 weeks Clear or candy coat (2-4 coats w/wet sanding) Dry 2 days to 2 weeks Apply decals with setting solution Allow decals to dry for 2 days Wash model to remove decal glue and setting solution and then dry Apply clear coat over decals Apply straight thinner after last clear coat Dry 2 days to 2 weeks Wet sand with 6000- to 12000-grit polishing clothes Polish with Novus #2 or Meguiar’s Scratch X Buff with Turtle Wax Clear Coat or Meguiar’s Cleaner Wax Final clean with Novus #1 or Kleenmaster Brillianize 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 28 Painting Painting Tips Tips Two tone paint jobs/graphics/flames/etc. Allow first color to dry thoroughly (lightest color) Mask first color Airbrush a coat of clear to seal the masking edges Allow the clear to dry to the touch before airbrushing the second color Allow second color to dry to the touch before removing masking Pull masking at a 120-150° angle to keep a sharp edge 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 29 Water Slide Decals 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 30 Decal Decal Supplies Supplies 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 31 Decal Decal Supplies Supplies 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 32 Decal Decal Equipment Equipment 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 33 Decals Decals 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 34 Decaling Decaling Tips Tips Apply decals on a gloss surface to prevent trapped air or “silvering” Cut decals close to the image to minimize carrier film Use warm water to release the decal from the backing paper Use a pair of tweezers and a soft brush to position the decal Blot the decal with a lint-free cloth to help it set Test decal setting solution before using; use sparingly Allow decals to air dry for 1-2 days Wash the model with dish soap and warm water to remove decal glue Apply 1-2 clear coats to protect the decals 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 35 Decaling Decaling Examples Examples 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 36 Thanks for Your Attention! 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 72 Questions? 2010 IPMS National Convention, Phoenix, AZ 73