Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care


Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010
“Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life
of patients and their families facing the problem associated
with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief
of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable
assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical,
psychosocial and spiritual.”
– World Health Organization, WHO Definition of Palliative Care, 2010
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Table of Contents
From the Chairman and the President & CEO
11 The Palliative Care Campus
T. Michael Long
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
Robert Wolf
Senior Vice President, Innovation and Development
President & Chief Executive Officer
14 New Trustees
2010 At-A-Glance
About Us
Clinical Staff and Partners
What People Say About Us
17 2006 – 2010 Statement of Financial Activities
18 2006 – 2010 Statement of Financial Position
15 Treasurer’s Report
From the Executive Vice President & COO
Claire H. Altman
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
16 2010 Financial At-a-Glance
19 Officers/Board of Trustees
20 Chairman Emeritus /Life Trustees/President’s Advisory Council
Center for Continuing and Professional Studies
The Rev. Dr. Martin Montonye
Vice President, Academic Affairs
The Pastoral Care Leadership and Practice Group
The Rev. George Handzo, BCC, CSSBB
21 Marketing Advisory Council
22 2009 Wholeness of Life Awards Dinner
24 Gifts from Institutions
25 Gifts from Individuals/Gifts in Kind
Vice President, Pastoral Care Leadership & Practice
29 In Honor Of/In Memory Of
10 The Spears Research Institute
Kevin J. Flannelly, Ph.D.
32 Hope and Remembrance Society
Associate Director, Research
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2010 Stories
Donor Lists
From the Chairman and the President & CEO
Imagine u Innovate u Inspire
Three simple words boldly express what HealthCare Chaplaincy wants to do—
in ever-changing, mission-driven ways—as it enters its second half-century.
The Latin root—inspirare—is “lifegiving”: it literally means breathing
life, exerting an animating,
enlivening, or exalting influence
on someone or something. For
50 years, HealthCare Chaplaincy has been inspiring people and institutions,
students and researchers, city and nation. While it is consoling and instructive
to look back and to take stock of all the good that HealthCare Chaplaincy has
done in nurturing the lives of the more than five million patients and thousands
of students it has cared for and supported through the years, this annual
report will introduce our friends and supporters to the Chaplaincy’s inspiring
and expansive vision for the next fifty years.
Fifty years ago, who could have imagined the transformations that health care
would undergo, and how prominent and influential multifaith chaplaincy care
would become in advocating treatment of the whole person? Yet, as early
as the 4th century BCE, Plato understood the necessity of integrated care.
“As you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head
without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure the body without the
soul…For the part can never be well unless the whole is well… And therefore,
if the head and body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul.” (Early
Dialogues, Charmides)
Health care is an innovative and dynamic field, which is striving to provide
accessible and affordable patient-centered care. America is at a critical
turning point in determining how it will best do this. As science, technology,
care processes, and care teams have become more complex and diverse, the
way in which the activities of care are organized and the institutional contexts
in which they occur have become important determinants of the effectiveness
and efficiency of that care. As better health delivery models are being
developed and tested, palliative care will increase in importance.
At HealthCare Chaplaincy, we are becoming a palliative care nonprofit
organization with a distinctive vision for how to provide outcomes-oriented,
spirit-centered palliative care for persons with life-altering, progressive illness.
Palliative care, which the New York Times called “one of the fastest-growing
fields of medicine,” is built on a conceptual foundation that has long informed
the thinking and practice of professional chaplains: putting patients at the
centre of care, empowering them, listening and responding to them, working
in partnership with them and their loved ones, and facilitating their choices
whenever and wherever possible.
Palliative care is a prism through which HealthCare Chaplaincy is
envisaging its future. We expect to help make “palliative care” a household
term in America—where physical, psychological and spiritual needs are
consistently met and cultural and religious traditions are honored. HealthCare
Chaplaincy will strengthen and leverage its strategic health care and
research partnerships, expand the scope of the education offered to health
professionals, develop and clinically test new and integrated approaches to
patient care, and build and operate the nation’s first palliative care campus.
Imagine u Innovate u Inspire
We invite each of our benefactors and philanthropic partners, our trustees and
colleagues and friends, to join us on this imaginative, innovative and inspiring
journey. We thank you for the countless ways in which your confidence and
support are enabling HealthCare Chaplaincy to “find meaning” and “bring
comfort” to those in need of compassionate and astute care.
T. Michael Long
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
President & Chief Executive Officer
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2010 At-A-Glance
Professional Chaplaincy Care Services
Patient Visits
2009-2010 Referrals Current Partner Institutions
Clinical Pastoral Education Units offered (Each requires
400 hours of clinical and class time.)
Students enrolled in CPE
Students in Jewish Leadership Programs
Peer-reviewed articles published
Articles published since 2001
The Spears Research Institute publishes original studies on spirituality and health in national
peer-reviewed journals. These journals span a number of professional disciplines, such as
chaplaincy care, medicine, psychiatry, psychology, and nursing.
Consultation services were provided to:
- U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, DC
- Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, Utah
- John Muir Health, Walnut Creek, California
- Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York
- Maine General Hospital, Augusta, Maine
- Archstone Foundation, Long Beach, California
Mission Statement
Clinical Staff and Faculty
To improve the effectiveness and efficiency
of health care through the innovative ways
chaplains promote and advance palliative care
research, education and practice.
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2010 Stories
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About Us
Over 50 years have helped more than 5 million people find meaning and
Our chaplains help patients, loved ones and health care institution staff to
discover and use their spiritual and religious resources in the service of their
decision-making and healing – regardless of religion or beliefs.
Unique combination of services, education, and research
• We are the direct provider of professional, board-certified chaplaincy
care in an expansive network of metropolitan New York hospitals and
long-term care facilities whose chaplaincy departments we manage and
HealthCare Chaplaincy is leading the way as we develop America’s first
Palliative Care Campus. At its core will be a 120 unit enhanced assisted
living residence for persons with serious illness, which will demonstrate
how to provide spirit-centered care in a community-based, long-term
care residential setting. In addition, the Campus will bring together in
one collaborative space the Chaplaincy’s clinical practice, education and
research operations and administrative services. The Campus will include a
geriatric and palliative care medical home that will provide outpatient health
care both for residents and people who live in the neighboring communities.
This comprehensive Palliative Care Campus will serve as a learning
classroom not only for chaplains but for other health care professionals who
together are committed to provide patient-centered care for those living with
progressive, life-altering illnesses.
This care helps to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction through the
unique and constructive connections that professional chaplains are able
to create with people of all religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities, cultures,
and backgrounds.
• We are expanding our work into community settings through senior
centers, local congregations, and correctional facilities to help more people
who are seeking spiritual support as they deal with crises and loss.
• Our Center for Continuing and Professional Studies, a major provider of
chaplaincy education in the United States, is now affiliated with Columbia
University Teachers College.
• Our Spears Research Institute is a leading center on the relationship
between spiritual care and health.
Developing America’s first Palliative Care Campus
Palliative care helps people with life-altering illness live well and live fully.
The New York Times reports that palliative care is one of the fastest growing
fields in medicine.
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
Clinical Staff and Partners
Beth Israel Medical Center
2010 Stories
Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center
The Rev. Jill Bowden
Sister Elaine Goodell, P.B.V.M.
Al-Hajji Imam Yusuf H. Hasan
Rabbi Harry Rothstein
Donor Lists
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital
Al-Hajji Imam Yusuf H. Hasan
Rabbi Dr. Bonita E. Taylor
The Rev. Florine Thompson
Chaplain Eileen Pesek
Rabbi Dr. Bonita E. Taylor
New York Hospital Queens
Rabbi David M. Keehn
The Rev. Eun Joo Kim
Sister Rosarine Quinn, C.S.J.
St. Mary’s Center
The Rev. Daniel Shenk
Hospital for Special Surgery
Rabbi Ralph Kreger
Sister Margaret T. Oettinger, O.P.
NYU Langone Medical Center
The Rev. David Fleenor
Chaplain Holly Gaudette
The Rev. Maria Lopez
Lawrence Hospital Center
North Shore University Hospital
The Rev. Simmons Gardner
The Rev. Jon Overvold
The Rev. Kimberli Lile
Rabbi Daniel Coleman
Rabbi Nathan Goldberg
Lenox Hill Hospital
St. John’s Riverside Hospital
Rabbi Ralph Kreger
The Rev. Wilfredo Rodriguez
Steven & Alexandra Cohen
Children’s Medical Center of
New York
Winthrop-University Hospital
The Rev. Eglon Angel
The Rev. Dr. Min Jung Park
The Rev. Sarah Fogg, Ph.D.
The Rev. Paul W. Rickert
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2010 Stories
Donor Lists
What People Say About Us
“Palliative care helps the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. Understanding and satisfying the patient’s
spiritual needs is vital to effective palliative care, and I view HealthCare Chaplaincy to be expert in this field.”
– R. Sean Morrison, MD, Professor of Geriatrics and Palliative Care, Mount Sinai School of Medicine and
Director, National Palliative Care Research Center
“HealthCare Chaplaincy’s professional chaplains are an important part of our health care team. I’m convinced
that they help improve outcomes in difficult medical situations. They bridge cultural gaps, and bring comfort
and support to patients, families and staff who are dealing with great stress.”
– Jim Foy, Former President and CEO, St. John’s Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, NY
“The gold standard of research and advocacy on behalf of professional chaplaincy.”
– David A. Lichter, D.Min, Executive Director, National Association of Catholic Chaplains
“Unlike most clinical pastoral education programs that are housed in one institution, HealthCare Chaplaincy
has created a model of education and pastoral/spiritual care that brings several unrelated institutions under
one umbrella. This is the kind of innovation that is its hallmark.”
– The Rev. Dr. Teresa Snorton, Executive Director of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education and
Presiding Bishop for the Eleventh Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u
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From the Executive Vice President & COO
In FY 2010 HealthCare Chaplaincy embarked on a re-engineering effort to align our clinical practice, professional education and research work with our focus
on palliative care. What chaplains do and have done throughout our 50 year history is an important component of palliative care – providing comfort and helping people find meaning in their lives as they grapple with life-altering illness.
The field of palliative care formally recognizes the importance of spiritual care, and HealthCare Chaplaincy is taking the lead to expand the role of
spirit-centered palliative care through a range of important initiatives:
Through continuing professional
education – We have begun to
develop the first continuing professional education curriculum that
will equip chaplains to be effective members of trans-disciplinary
palliative care teams, alongside
physicians, nurses, social workers,
and others. Once this curriculum is
created, the Association of Professional Chaplains, the certifying
body, will establish the process for
board certified chaplains to gain additional certification in the palliative
care sub-specialty.
Through clinical practice – As we
continually work with our partner
institutions to help them achieve
their missions, we are highlighting
the growing area of palliative care
Through research – We are focusing on how the spiritual dimension
of palliative care makes a difference
in the health of patients, and how
family members, caregivers and
health care institutions and their
staffs benefit from spiritual care.
Through the development of
America’s first Palliative Care
Campus – This will house a 120 unit
enhanced assisted living residence
for persons with serious illness; our
own education, research, clinical
practice and administrative offices; and a geriatric and palliative
care medical home that will provide outpatient health care both for
residents and people who live in the
neighboring communities.
In the pages that follow, my colleagues will tell you more about these exciting initiatives.
Claire H. Altman
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
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2010 Stories
Donor Lists
The Center for Continuing and Professional Education
Applying both inspiration and imagination, the Center developed new
programs and sources of revenue in FY 2010. This innovation continues
in FY 2011.
• We created and delivered in Fall 2010 a seminar of thirteen sessions
for all staff to become conversant in the sub-specialty of palliative care.
Nationally recognized speakers and qualified HealthCare Chaplaincy
faculty led the seminar. Each session is videotaped and archived
together with the teaching materials on HCC’s intranet. The curriculum
1. The philosophy of palliative care
2. Current research findings
3. Pain and symptom identification and management
4. Models of spiritual screening, history taking, spiritual care and
5. Ethical and legal issues pertaining to palliative care
6. Advance directives – legally valid documents which identify the
person you select to be your voice for your health care decisions if
you cannot speak for yourself and you would or would not want at
the end of life.
7. Family Systems Theory and its implications for communication
with patients and families.
8. Relevant theological and spiritual issues (suffering, hope, meaning,
9. Cultural issues germane to palliative care
10. The roles of prayer and ritual in palliative care
• We are redesigning our clinical education and pastoral educator
preparation curriculum to strengthen the role of the spiritual care
specialist on the palliative care team.
• We are creating grant proposals to fund the development of palliative
care sub-specialty education and certification for board certified
chaplains in conjunction with the professional chaplaincy associations.
Videotaping of Palliative Care Seminar for Chaplaincy staff.
• We launched a new Online Learning Center and two courses which are
generating new revenue.
• We have signed a collaboration agreement with Teachers College of
Columbia University to offer our supervisory education students and
other pastoral educators an opportunity to earn the Doctor of Education
degree in Adult Learning & Leadership.
• We revamped and upgraded the PlainViews® online newsletter into a
paid, revenue-generating subscription service for chaplains and other
spiritual care providers worldwide.
• We are reconfiguring Supervisory Education Students as part-time
students and part-time chaplains.
• We are combining the roles of Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisors
and Pastoral Care Directors in institutions where education and clinical
practice are valued equally.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Montonye
Vice President, Academic Affairs
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The Pastoral Care Leadership and Practice Group
• The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg co-chairs the institutional Ethics Committee at St.
John’s Riverside Hospital and has done significant palliative care training
for hospital staff.
• The Rev. Jon Overvold sits on the Ethics and Cancer Committees for
North Shore University Hospital.
Templeton Grant Steering Committee. Back row left to right: Kevin Flannelly, Ph.D., Associate Director of
Research, HealthCare Chaplaincy; Scott Richards, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Counseling Psychology
and Special Education, Brigham Young University; George Fitchett, D.Min. Ph.D., Associate Professor and
Director of Research, Department of Religion, Health and Human Values, Rush University Medical Center; Keith
Meador, M.D., Th.M., M.P.H., Professor and Vice-Chair for Faculty Affairs of Psychiatry, Vanderbilt University;
David Case, M.D., Executive Board Member, New York Physicians, LLP, Member, HCC Board. Front row, left
to right: Richard Payne, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Divinity; Duke Divinity School, Esther Colliflower
Director, Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life; The Rev. George Handzo, Vice President of Pastoral Care
Leadership and Practice, HealthCare Chaplaincy (Chair); Katherine Jankowski, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Statistics and Research Methods, HealthCare Chaplaincy; Bruce Rapkin, Ph.D., Director, Cancer Prevention and
Control Research Program, Albert Einstein Cancer Center. (Steering Committee member not in photo: Kenneth
Pargament, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green State University.
HealthCare Chaplaincy is taking a leadership role in a national effort to
make spiritual care led by professional chaplains central to the health
care enterprise.
We are advocating with our local clinical partners and in various national
forums for a transdisciplinary model of care in which all members of the team
are trained in and administer spiritual care. In this model, the professional
chaplain is the spiritual care leader on the treatment team and also takes an
active role in helping to plan and deliver physical and emotional care. Thus,
care is more patient centered because the patient’s desire to include spiritual
and religious care is honored.
To move this envisioned model forward, HealthCare Chaplaincy continues
to provide innovative leadership on various levels, mainly through the lens
of palliative care. Many of our chaplains take leadership roles on their
institutional palliative care teams and lead training on issues of spiritual care
and cultural competence:
• The Rev. George Handzo was a major project advisor and co-author on
the Archstone Foundation’s ground-breaking initiative which developed
national guidelines for spiritual care in palliative care. He continues to
present on this initiative which has drawn significant national attention.
HealthCare Chaplaincy and its staff continue to take the lead in inspiring
chaplaincy colleagues nationally and all those involved in spiritual and religious
care to raise the level of spiritual care and the leadership of professional
• The Rev. Jon Overvold, in his role as Chair of the Commission on Quality
in Pastoral Services of the Association of Professional Chaplains, led an
effort to establish the first Standards of Practice for professional boardcertified chaplains in any realm of health care, thus inspiring his colleagues
to a higher level of performance and integration. Three other members of
Chaplaincy’s clinical staff also participated in this initiative.
• The John Templeton Foundation awarded HealthCare Chaplaincy a
grant to a) establish and evaluate the evidence base for spiritual care
as delivered by the professional chaplain as a fully-integrated and
measurable component of health care, and b) to increase the knowledge
pool regarding the quantifiable results produced by the consistent delivery
of quality chaplaincy care.
The photo and caption at the top of the page show you the expert team
we have assembled to help us accomplish these objectives which will
have significant impact for the profession.
The Rev. George Handzo, BCC, CSSBB
Vice President, Pastoral Care Leadership & Practice
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Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
The Spears Research Institute
Research contributes
significantly to HealthCare
Chaplaincy’s evidencebased practice and
professional education
programs. That principle
guides the work of the
Spears Research Institute.
Kevin Flannelly, Ph.D. (Associate Director, Research) and
Kathleen Galek, Ph.D (Research Associate).
• Over the past year, the
Spears Research Institute
has published ten peerreviewed articles in nursing,
psychology, psychiatric,
chaplaincy and other health
care journals, with the
generous support of the
John Templeton Foundation.
• The articles include studies on the level of religious involvement in the
United States, the association between religious beliefs and mental
health, praying with patients, referrals to chaplains by nurses, and
the effects of clinical pastoral education on self-reflection, emotional
intelligence and pastoral care skills.
• Spears Research Institute staff and John Templeton Foundation
Research Fellows have presented numerous posters and papers at
scientific conferences, including a symposium on “Psychological
Aspects of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care” at the annual meeting of the
Eastern Psychological Association.
Model.” Although its connection to palliative care may not be obvious
from its title, the point of the paper is that people’s needs that are
typically thought of as merely psychosocial are represented in the brain,
and therefore are biological needs.
• Supported by a grant from the Fannie E. Rippel Foundation, the Spears
Research Institute conducted a large study of hospice, palliative and
pastoral care and end-of-life outcomes, by combining data from the
American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospital facilities and
services with hospital data from the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care.
The findings indicate that patients who receive hospice care, palliative
care, or pastoral care are significantly more likely to enroll in hospice
compared to patients who do not receive such care. The observed
effects are independent of one another, which means that they are
additive – patients who receive palliative care and pastoral care are
more likely to enroll in hospice than those who only receive just one or
the other.
• Other research by Spears Research Institute staff and fellows has
examined the relationship between religious and spiritual beliefs and
end-of-life fears and concerns. A paper describing the results was
presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study
of Religion, and a manuscript is currently being prepared for publication.
The staff and fellows have also written a number of related theoretical
and empirical articles about how spiritual and other beliefs affect the
brain and mental health, two of which were published this year, and
another of which will be published before the end of the year.
Kevin J. Flannelly, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Research
• Two papers presented at the third annual conference on Spirituality,
Theology and Health, at Duke University are particularly relevant to
HealthCare Chaplaincy’s transition into the field of palliative care. One
was a review of the literature on “Religion, Spirituality and Palliative
Care.” The other was titled: “Holistic Needs and the Brain: A Theoretical
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The Palliative Care Campus
• At a time of skyrocketing health care costs for those with serious
progressive illnesses, there is significant evidence that HealthCare
Chaplaincy’s model will provide higher quality care at a significantly
reduced cost.
For 50 years HealthCare Chaplaincy has provided patients and their families
with spiritual, emotional and social support. HealthCare Chaplaincy has the
experience to address these problems: spiritual care is a core part of palliative
care that is often overlooked, and some of the more insistent developmental
needs of seriously ill or dying persons are spiritual. People with serious
progressive illness need a home—a safe haven—where spiritual needs are
given as much attention as somatic and psychosocial needs.
HealthCare Chaplaincy’s Palliative Care Campus has three goals:
The Palliative Care Campus is adjacent to the planned recreational
walkway that will run downriver to the Battery Maritime Building.
In 2004 HealthCare Chaplaincy identified a need for a residence in New York
City for persons with serious progressive illness that would have at its core
spirit-centered care.
Documenting this need are the demographics of the increasing aging
population in New York City and the nation and the limited availability of
appropriate health care and living arrangements for those with serious
progressive illnesses:
• New York’s elderly population will see a 44% increase to 1.35 million by
• There is a need for 1,100 market-rate assisted living units below 79th
Street, according to a market study conducted by HealthCare Chaplaincy.
• New York already has large geriatric populations with limited access to
geriatric services. This includes the Manhattan Lower East Side area
where the Palliative Care Campus will be located.
1. To change the way care is provided for patients with serious
progressive illness through care that is patient-centered, more
accessible, more coordinated, and integrated.
2. To provide an optimal quality of life for patients and their significant
others during illness.
3. To help residents better understand their choices for care and tailor
treatment to meet individual needs.
The Campus will be located north of the Manhattan Bridge at 265-275 Cherry
Street and next to the FDR Drive in the area known as Two Bridges. This site
offers easy access to public transportation, is adjacent to the planned East
River Esplanade, features plenty of natural light and an expansive view of the
river, and is affordable.
Also, Two Bridges is a medically underserved area that is a low income tract
and has a large elderly population with essentially no access to local geriatric
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The Palliative Care Campus
Components of the Palliative Care Campus
The Residence
Each floor of the 10-story, 120 unit palliative care residence will house
12 apartments, organized into two neighborhoods of 6 residents. Each
floor will offer private as well as communal spaces for socializing and
dining. The residence will offer each resident
personal assistance, housekeeping, medication
management, spiritual care, social and
recreational activities, transportation, exercise
programs, and family-support services.
• In partnership with Teachers College at Columbia University, HealthCare
Chaplaincy will offer its supervisory education students and other pastoral
educators an opportunity to earn the Doctor of Education degree in Adult
Learning & Leadership.
• The Spears Research Institute will conduct clinical trials of chaplaincy
care interventions, outcome studies with family members and hospital
staff, inquiries into the fundamental mechanisms linking religion and
health, and evaluation studies of all the academic
Medical Home
The temporal and spiritual affairs of the residence
will be supported by a team of dedicated
professional staff and volunteers.
Individuals living in the residence and those
living nearby will be able to obtain basic
medical care, lab tests and therapy on site in a
geriatric and palliative care medical home. The
medical home is a multidisciplinary practice
that will ensure in-patient and ambulatory care
to its patients on a 24-hour basis; appropriate
referrals to subspecialty services; consultation
and interaction with our residence staff and our
residents’ loved ones; and a central electronic
medical record database, which will collect
relevant health information.
HealthCare Chaplaincy’s Research,
Educational, Clinical Practice and
Administrative Home
The Palliative Care Campus will be the new home
for our research, educational and clinical practice
divisions as well as the administrative base for
our operations.
This co-location in a single space will
significantly enhance collaboration and
innovation within an organization which already achieves high levels of both.
Future plans include:
• The Center for Continuing and Professional Studies will educate the next
generations of palliative care clinical leaders and researchers— including
professional chaplains—who will attend lectures and seminars, or
participate in clinical rotations within the residence.
Automated parking
To accommodate the parking requirements of its visitors, staff and neighbors,
the Campus will include a 125-car, automated parking garage that will park
and retrieve cars using a computerized system of shuttles, lifts and carriers.
This system is reliable, safe and secure, utilizes a footprint one-third less than
conventional garages, requires less lighting, and eliminates emissions because
none of the vehicles are driven through the system.
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The Palliative Care Campus
A Highly “Green” and Sustainable Building
The Palliative Care Campus will be one of the first LEED (Leadership in
Energy & Environmental Design) Platinum certified health care facilities in the
United States and will demonstrate the importance of environmental health to
spiritual, mental and physical health.
Some of the “green” features include green roofs, geothermal climate control,
rain water collection for irrigation and flushing, and photovoltaic cells around
the rim of each floor.
Community Outreach
HealthCare Chaplaincy has been working closely with community
organizations in the Two Bridges area. Members of the community will be
some of the first to live in the residence, and HealthCare Chaplaincy will hire
members of the local community to work in the campus as staff.
Once complete, the campus will provide new green areas for the community
and act as a sound and air pollution barrier against the FDR Drive .
governing the culture of the Residence and guide development of the campus
and provide recommendations for how residents can live in a healing way.
Experienced Management Team
Timeline & Financing
Two co-executive directors will manage the palliative care campus.
Purchasing contract signed: May 2010
Architectural schematic design: September 2010
u Projected construction start: June 2011
u Projected completion date: May 2013
u Finance through combination of equity raised through capital campaign,
debt, other
A professional board-certified palliative care chaplain will be responsible for
management of the other staff chaplains, continuing education of all residence
staff, resident and family relations, and all resident programs and services.
An experienced New York City licensed nonprofit assisted living operator will
manage day-to-day business activities of the residence.
We have formed a Residence Advisory Council – experts from a diverse range
of personal and professional expertise who will help shape the principles
Robert Wolf
Senior Vice President, Innovation and Development
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New Trustees
Susan Spindler Jordan has been a principal in her own
advertising agency since the early 80’s. Most of her work focused
on television campaigns for consumer drug companies. Lately
she has also worked on film documentaries for various nonprofit
organizations. She has served on boards at Choate Rosemary
Hall and Villa Maria School and is looking forward to joining the
work of the HealthCare Chaplaincy board. Susan holds a BA in
English from Elmira College.
“My husband’s illness and passing showed me the value of quality end of life
care. Chaplaincy has played an important part in my life and I am pleased to join
a board that supports that mission.”
Kate Kibler is senior vice president of men’s merchandising and
merchandise planning at Tommy Hilfiger, having joined the firm in
2004 as director of design. She received a B.S. in fashion design
from Philadelphia University and an MBA in corporate finance and
strategy from New York University’s Stern School of Business.
“HealthCare Chaplaincy has a critical and unique mission aiding
the medical community but more importantly, aiding patients,” says Kate. “So
often the spiritual and psychological needs of patients and loved ones are
overlooked. I look forward to helping the team at Chaplaincy contribute to the
fulfillment of patient needs.”
Jeannette Watson Sanger founded New York City’s fabled
Madison Avenue bookstore, Books & Co., in 1977 and was
its proprietor until it closed its doors in May 1997. She and
the bookstore have been memorialized in two publications:
Bookstore: The Life and Times of Jeanette Watson and Books &
Co., and Letters to a Bookstore: Books & Co. 1978-1998.
Jeannette is working as a healer in an independent practice using Healing Touch
Techniques and is pursuing certification at the Four Winds-Healing the Light Body
School. She is a volunteer at the Lenox Hill Hospital Emergency Room and serves
on the boards of The New York Society Library, The Open Center, and The North
Haven Library.
She says, “I am excited to be working with such a capable group of people to
help hospital patients. The palliative care offered is similar to my healing work with
the body, mind and spirit of my clients. I am a firm believer in integrating spirituality
with medical care.”
Michael Schoen is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse in
the Investment Banking division, based in New York. He is
Head of Debt Capital Markets for Latin America and CEEMEA
(Central/Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa), responsible for
overseeing the origination and execution of all debt transactions
from those regions.
Michael graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a
B.S. degree from the Sloan School of Management where he serves on
the Corporation Development Committee. Michael is also a member of the
Foundation Board of The Ohio State University’s Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital
and Richard J. Solove Research Institute.
Upon joining the Board of Trustees Michael remarked: “I am truly honored to be
working with such wonderful people on such a critical mission. I believe that my
background in finance and not-for-profits will bring a different perspective to the
team’s efforts. I’m excited to get started.”
Suzanne Sunshine is a principal of S. Sunshine & Associates,
an advisory service assisting nonprofit organizations in all of their
real estate needs. Prior to forming her company, Suzanne was
vice president, nonprofit practice group at CB Richard Ellis, and
director, nonprofit advisory group at Cushman & Wakefield. She
holds a B.A. in international relations from Brown University and
an M.B.A. in real estate from Columbia University.
“I am very pleased at a relatively young age,” says Susan, “to be working with a
nonprofit that is focused on end of life issues and care. My own experience with
my father at the time of his passing, was as meaningful and important as the birth
of my children.”
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Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Treasurer’s Report
The challenging economic environment continues to impact our operations,
as is the case for the entire social/nonprofit sector. However, we are
encouraged by improving investment returns.
Total support and revenue, excluding interest, dividends and net investment
income, reached parity with the previous year at $5.2 million. Our
investment portfolio valuation (including both restricted and unrestricted
funds) changed from a loss of $5.1 million in 2009 to a gain of $3.1 million in
Total net assets increased by $1.5 million to $23.6 million.
On the spending side of the ledger, our reengineering and cost control efforts
yielded impressive results. Total expenses declined by $1.3 million, from $8.6
million in 2009 to $7.3 million in 2010, or a 15% reduction. These expense
reductions were primarily made in the administrative areas so that HealthCare
Chaplaincy’s highly professional staff has continued to provide excellent
service to our partner institution hospitals and long-term care facilities, our
students, and in our research endeavors.
As HealthCare Chaplaincy pursues its bold vision to lead in the field of spiritcentered palliative care, it proceeds on a sound financial footing.
Jude A. Curtis
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 15
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
2010 Financial At-a-Glance
(In Thousand)
Total Expenses
Program Expenses
Management & general
Management & general
Support and Revenue
Net Assets
Service Income
Investment Income
Tuition, Student Fees, Misc. 4.5%
Temporarily Restricted
Permanantly Restricted
Tuition, Student Fees,
Misc. 4.5%
Restricted 17.8%
Program Expenses
Income Used
Restricted 15.4%
Service Income
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 16
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
2006-2010 Statement of Financial Activities
(In Thousand)
FY 2010
FY 2009
FY 2008
Support and Revenue (6 mos) Contributions Foundations and trusts
530,125 105,100 44,025 1,881,180 Corporations
25,150 7,500 60 5,000 Religious organizations
29,930 7,900 4,000 33,730 Individuals/estates
611,576 936,856 1,445,320 610,832 Special event revenue
1,053,281 1,398,012 1,460,056 Less direct expenses of special event
Service revenue
2,706,263 2,862,627 1,421,030 2,598,708 Educational fees
391,339 302,899 56,425 149,460 Interest and dividend income (1)464,172 635,599 Investment income, net of fees
3,111,330 (5,085,608)
1,001,704 Change in value of charitable remainder trusts
57,219 (226,416)
Miscellaneous income
1,220 173,989 79,344 5,488 8,816,963 883,521 (15,049)
7,445,352 Expenses
Program expenses
Patient/family care
2,181,556 2,365,958 1,097,033 1,863,801 Professional education
1,590,257 1,994,857 990,531 1,671,039 Research
678,480 953,642 375,571 634,734 Community outreach
922,190 1,578,458 826,205 1,477,848 Pastoral care consulting
379,915 104,034 60,629 107,464 Wholeness of Life Center Total program services
5,752,398 6,996,949 3,349,969 5,754,886 Supporting services
General and administrative
807,131 749,131 383,504 702,885 Fundraising
731,624 852,876 427,038 708,650 Total supporting services
1,538,755 1,602,007 810,542 1,411,535 Total expenses
7,291,153 8,598,956 4,160,511 7,166,421 Increase (decrease) in net assets before
other changes in net assets
1,525,810 (7,715,435)
278,931 Other changes in net assets
Increase (decrease) in net assets
1,478,022 (8,448,049)
20,615 Net assets, beginning of year
22,095,488 30,543,537 35,088,917 35,068,302 Net assets, end of year
23,573,510 22,095,488 30,543,537 35,088,917 (1) Interest and dividend income was consolidated with investment income in the years 2008, 2007 and 2006.
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 17
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
2006-2010 Statement of Financial Position
(In Thousand)
FY 2010FY 2009FY 2008
2007 2006
(6 mos)
Cash and cash equivalents
267,119 402,283 234,004 753,613 1,045,365
15,873,638 14,736,213 22,586,477 26,099,191 26,118,082
Accrued income receivable
489,751 574,289 448,557 394,588 377,882
Pledges and grants receivable, net
482,584 650,603 2,233,337 2,677,641 2,200,277
Due from affiliate
1,390,928 580,973 Prepaid expenses and other current assets
90,374 23,291 111,847 95,975 41,557
Beneficial interest in charitable remainder trusts (1)
985,497 928,278 Land, building and equipment, net
4,305,670 4,542,869 5,206,318 5,308,768 5,612,350
Total assets
23,885,561 22,438,799 30,820,540 35,329,776 35,395,513
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
312,051 343,311 277,003 240,859 327,211
Commitments and contingencies
Net assets:
15,756,212 15,471,966 19,304,671 22,214,408 21,567,150
Temporarily restricted
3,630,403 2,436,627 7,053,271 8,749,974 9,399,083
Permanently restricted
4,186,895 4,186,895 4,185,595 4,124,535 4,102,069
Total net assets
23,573,510 22,095,488 30,543,537 35,088,917 35,068,302
Total liabilities and net assets
23,885,561 22,438,799 30,820,540 35,329,776 35,395,513
(1) Charitable remainder trusts were consolidated with Pledges and grants receivable in 2008, 2007 and 2006
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 18
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Board of Trustees
T. Michael Long, Chairman
General Partner
Brown Brothers Harriman
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
President & CEO
HealthCare Chaplaincy
Amy J. Radin, Vice Chair
Executive Vice President & Chief
Innovation Officer E*TRADE Financial
Thomas A. Renyi, Secretary
Former Chairman & CEO
The Bank of New York Mellon
Jude A. Curtis, Treasurer
Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Elizabeth A. Baltz
Former Senior Vice President
MasterCard International
Thomas C. Brasco
Managing Director
Goldman Sachs & Co
David B. Case, M.D.
Executive Board Member
New York Physicians, LLP
Emanuel Chirico
Chairman & CEO
Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
John S. Dyson
Milbrook Capital Management
Susan Spindler Jordan
Susan Spindler Advertising, Inc.
Marcella Rosen
Founder & President
Campus Tolerance Foundation
Kathleen M. Foley, M.D.
Attending Neurologist
Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Clinical Pharmacology at Weill
Medical College of Cornell University;
Director of the Palliative Care Initiative
Network, Public Health Program of the
Open Society Institute
Susan L. Jurevics
Senior Vice President
Global Retail CRM and Brand Marketing
Sony Corporation
Ellen J. Roth, LCSW
Clinical Social Worker
Rita V. Foley
Former Fortune 500 global president
Adam B. Frankel
Senior Managing Director & General
Evercore Partners, Inc.
Anita M. Larsen
Media Relations
Unilever USA
Kate Kibler
Senior Vice President
Men’s Merchandising and Merchandise
Tommy Hilfiger
Diana S. Goldin
Consultant to nonprofit institutions
Burton Lehman
Of Counsel & Founding Partner
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
James C. Gorton
Latham & Watkins, LLP
Irene McGrath McCreery
Former Head, Middle School
The Chapin School
Christopher C. Grisanti
Grisanti Brown & Partners, LLC
Mary E. Medina,MSW, JD
Executive Director
Center for Trustee Initiatives
Greater New York Hospital Association
Nicholas N. Haines
Executive Vice President and COO
The Bromley Companies
Tasabbur (Tas) Hasan
Vice President
Deerpath Capital Management, LP
E. Joshua Rosenkranz
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP
Jeannette Watson Sanger
Former Bookseller and Publisher
Currently practitioner of Healing Touch
Michael H. Schoen
Managing Director
Credit Suisse
Alan V. Schwartz
President & CEO
Bernard Hodes Group
Janet Prindle Seidler
Former Partner
Neuberger Berman, LLC
George E. Pine
Former President and COO
Interep Corporation
Elaine LaMonica Rigolosi, Ed.D., J.D.
Columbia University, Teachers College
Andrew E. Slaby, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, NYU
School of Medicine; Psychiatrist
Mario J. Suarez
Thompson Hine, LLP
Suzanne Sunshine
S. Sunshine & Associates
Jill Totenberg
President & CEO
The Totenberg Group
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 19
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2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Chairman Emeritus/Life Trustees/President’s Advisory Council
Chairman Emeritus
Lawrence J. Toal
Former Chairman, President & CEO
The Dime Savings Bank of New York, FSB
Life Trustees
Edith C. Bjornson
The Rev. Dr. John S. Damm
Pastor Emeritus
Saint Peter’s Church
William W. Donnell
Private Investor
The Rev. John D. Twiname
Former Co-President
HealthCare Chaplaincy
Edward D. Miller
Former President & CEO
AXA Financial, Inc.
Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler, D.D.
Senior Rabbi
Congregation Or Zarua
Richard D. Parsons
Chairman & CEO
Time Warner Inc.
President’s Advisory Council
Jack Rudin
Rudin Management Company, Inc.
John C. Beck
Senior Partner
Beck, Mack and Oliver
John S. Chalsty
Muirfield Capital Management
Donald J. Keller
Private Investor
The Rev. Dr. James H. Cooper
Trinity Church, Wall Street
Samuel C. Klagsbrun, M.D.
Executive Medical Director
Four Winds Hospitals
Charlotte M. Ford
Charlotte Miller
Thomas S. Johnson
Chairman & CEO (Ret.)
GreenPoint Financial
Ralph U. Price
Architect (Ret.)
Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates
William G. Spears
Spears Abacus Advisors LLC
Daniel R. Tishman
Chairman & CEO
Tishman Construction Corp.
Suzanne Wright
Autism Speaks
Alan R. Yuspeh
Senior Vice President
Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
Hospital Corporation of America
Helene L. Kaplan
Of Counsel
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
Martin Lipton
Senior Partner
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz
Carolyn A. Twiname
Former Co-President
HealthCare Chaplaincy
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 20
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Marketing Advisory Council
Lisa Blumenstein
Strategic Planning Director
Euro RSCG Worldwide
Bonnie Catone
Director of Communications
Treatment Research Institute
Richard Chesney
Healthcare Market Resources, Inc.
Mark Chmiel
Former EVP, Chief Marketing and
Innovation Officer, Denny’s Restaurants
Roger Chiocchi
The Brand Loft
Donna Cusano
Editor, North America
Telecare Aware
Laura deBuys
Director of Communications &
Institute for Student Achievement
Joe Doherty
Former Vice-President of Marketing
Communication, Owens Corning
Nancy Dolan-Brady
President & Executive Recruiter
NDB Associates
Jill Easton
Freelance Copywriter & Healthcare
Marc Engelsman
Vice President for Client Programs and
Digital Brand Expressions
Wendy Fein
Consultant for Marketing + Service +
Danielle Freni
Director of Communications
Central Synagogue, NY, NY
Sharen Glennon
Associate Director of Marketing
Stevens Institute of Technology
Howe School of Technology
Meredith Gould, Ph.D.
Sociologist and writer about health care
and spiritual life
Tom Hespos
Partner, Chairman and President
Underscore Marketing
Hallie Deaktor Kapner
Public Relations & Communications
Former Director of Public Affairs, The
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Stuart M. Keating
Integrated Account Manager
Bloomberg Businessweek
Daniel Katsin
Managing Partner
KDS Health
Lisa Petrilli
Program Director
Marketing Executives Networking
Group (MENG)
Joe Keenan
Executive Vice President for Digital
Product Development
The Partnership for a Drug-Free
Michael Shore
Copy Editor
The FOX Report with Shepard Smith
Shelly Lipton
Chief GrownUp
Johanna Skilling
Executive Vice President, Director of
Strategic Planning
Saatchi & Saatchi Consumer
Amy Litt
Brand A
Ruth Stevens
eMarketing Strategy
Linda Lomberg
Advertising Media Consultant
James W. Weldon
Strategic Directions Associates
Associate Professor of Marketing
Fordham University Colleges of
Josh Moritz
Managing Partner
Customer Growth
Catherine Morrison, J.D.
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Hunter Murtaugh
Senior Vice President for Business
Carol Winer
Branding Consultant
Recent Director of Creative Services,
Christine Wright-Isak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Florida Gulf Coast University
Andrea Norrito
Senior Account Director
design matters inc!
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 21
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
2009 Wholeness of Life Awards Dinner
Donor Lists
On November 10, 2009 nearly 500 health care, business and civic leaders
attended the 23rd annual Wholeness of Life Awards Dinner at Cipriani
42nd St. The benefit raised close to $1,050,000 in support of HealthCare
Chaplaincy’s innovative and evidence-based programs in research,
education, and clinical practice.
The dinner honored health care professionals who recognize and tend to
the whole person – spirit, mind and body.
Honorees included twelve patient care professionals from our metropolitan
New York partner institutions.
Honored were HealthCare Chaplaincy and its Chief Executive Officer the
Reverend Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. Introducing Father Smith was Thomas
R. Rochon, Ph.D., President, Ithaca College, and presenting the award
was John M. Templeton, Jr., M.D., Chairman and President, The John
Templeton Foundation.
Honoree The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. (President & CEO,
HealthCare Chaplaincy); T. Michael Long (Chairman of the Board of
Trustees, HealthCare Chaplaincy); Thomas Rochon, Ph.D. (President,
Ithaca College); John Templeton, Jr., M.D. (Chairman and President,
The John Templeton Foundation)
Jean Case, M.D. and David Case, M.D. (Lifetime Achievement Honorees)
Dr. Kathleen Foley
(Trustee and Lifetime
Achievement Honoree)
Kevin Browne (Director of Nursing for Pediatrics and Critical Care, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center); Margaret Burke (Administrative Vice President); Sr. Elaine Goodell
(Patient Care Honoree, Staff Chaplain)
Lifetime Achievement honorees were Kathleen M. Foley, M.D., Professor
of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Clinical Pharmacology at Weill
Medical College of Cornell University and one of the world’s leading
authorities in cancer pain management and palliative care; Jean B. Case,
M.D., Internist, Preventive Medicine at New York Physicians, LLP and a
specialist in internal medicine and rheumatology, and David B. Case, M.D.,
Executive Board Member, New York Physicians, LLP and an educator,
researcher, clinician and expert in the field of hypertension.
Amy Horrocks (Vice
President for Hospital
Operations, Medical
Services, NYU Langone
Medical Center); Joan
Dauharje (Director of
Patient Centered Care);
Dr. Anna Pavlick (Patient
Care Honoree, Director,
Melanoma Program); Dr.
Bernard Birnbaum (Senior Vice President, Vice
Dean & Chief of Hospital
Operations); Sarah Byrne (Staff Chaplain)
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 22
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
2009 Wholeness of Life Awards Dinner
Geraldine Varrassi (Patient Care Honoree, Nursing Education Specialist, Lenox Hill Hospital); The Rev. Wilfredo
Rodriguez (Director of Pastoral Care)
Jim Foy (President & CEO, St. John’s Riverside Hospital); Irene Murphy (Patient Care Honoree, Nursing Director); The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg (Director of Pastoral Care);
Lynn Nelson (Executive Vice President, Patient Services/
Chief Operating Officer)
Catherine Long and W. Jack MacNeish, Jr.
Laura Landy (President, Fannie E. Rippel Foundation) and Robert Corman
Nienke Padberg and Trustee Tasabbur Hasan
Tobi Kahn; Honoree the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
(President & CEO, HealthCare Chaplaincy); Rabbi Mychal
Sabina Theodore, Life Trustee William G. Spears, and Trustee
Maria T. Spears
Edward Dinan (President & CEO, Lawrence Hospital); Dr.
Peter Foley Rizzo (Patient Care Honoree); The Rev. Simmons Gardner (Director of Pastoral Care)
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 23
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Gifts from Institutions
$100,000 and Above
The John Templeton Foundation
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
$25,000 - $99,999
The Achelis Foundation
The Bank of New York Mellon
The Hagedorn Fund
The Haines Family Foundation
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
The Henry & Lucy Moses Fund
Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
Fannie E. Rippel Foundation
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.
The Starr Foundation
The Jackson E. & Evelyn G. Spears Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
The Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust
Collegiate Church Corporation
Hospital for Special Surgery
The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
The New York Physicians Foundation, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
The James and Chantal Sheridan Foundation
St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue
$5,000 - $9,999
Amelior Foundation
Baruch College of the City University of New York
Beth Israel Medical Center
Brandeis University - The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Fund
The Lauder Foundation
Lawrence Hospital Center
Lenox Hill Hospital
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation
The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens
North Shore University Hospital
NYU Langone Medical Center
St. John’s Riverside Hospital
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center
The Silvercrest Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
Alan B. Slifka Foundation, Inc.
Tishman Construction Corporation
United Hospital Fund
$2,500 - $4,999
The George F. Baker Trust
Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York
The Peter T. Joseph Foundation
Leon Levy Foundation
Marble Collegiate Church
The Resource Foundation, Inc.
$1,000 - $2,499
J. Aron Charitable Foundation, Inc.
DEARS Foundation
The Dyson Foundation
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church
William T. Foley Foundation
The Glickenhaus Foundation
The Mayday Fund
Metzger-Price Fund, Inc.
The Vincent Mulford Foundation
Nemco Brokerage, Inc.
The Evelyn Sharp Foundation
$999 and Below
Sonia Alden Foundation, Inc.
Christ Church United Methodist
Church of the Heavenly Rest
Congregation Shearith Israel
Digital Brand Expressions, LLC
Dycon Enterprises Inc.
ExxonMobil Corporation
The Jewish Center
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
National Association of Jewish Chaplains
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System
St. Luke’s Guild of Episcopal Church Women
St. Michael’s Church
St. Peter’s Church of Cortlandt
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
The Teagle Foundation
Temple Israel
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 24
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Gifts from Individuals/Gifts in Kind
$100,000 and Above
Josie and Julian H. Robertson, Jr.
Kathe B. and John S. Dyson
$50,000 - $99,999
Joanne and Emanuel Chirico
Janet Prindle Seidler and Charles J. Seidler,
Maria T. and William G. Spears
Judith and Michael H. Steinhardt
$25,000 - $49,999
Kathleen M. Foley, M.D. and Charles T.
Monika and Charles A. Heimbold, Jr.
Catherine and T. Michael Long
Elizabeth M. and Thomas A. Renyi
Susan and Edgar Wachenheim
$17,500 - $24,999
Elizabeth and Jude Curtis
Alexandra and Robert G. Goelet
Brenda and Burton Lehman
Sheryl and Daniel R. Tishman
$10,000 - $17,499
Elizabeth A. Baltz
Hondi and Tom Brasco
David F. DeLucia
Suzanne P. Fawbush and Christopher C.
Diana S. Goldin and Harrison J. Goldin
The Honorable Eugene and Carol Ludwig
Lucy Flemming McGrath
Miriam K. Moran
Claude-France and George E. Pine
Catherine A. Rein
Alan V. Schwartz
Gillian and Robert K. Steel
Alice and Thomas J. Tisch
Sheila and Lawrence J. Toal
$5,000 - $9,999
Kim and Stephen E. Bepler
Virginia L. and David Butters
Antonia B. and James C. Gorton
Victoria S. Reese and Gregory D. Kennedy
Jeanne and James W. Lee
Christy K. and John J. Mack
Sherry M. and Walter R. McDonald
Anne Moore, M.D. and Arnold L. Lisio, M.D.
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
Ellen Hopkins and Mario J. Suarez, Esq.
Sharon Wee and Tracy Fu
$2,500 - $4,999
Alice and Michael Arlen
Marilyn and Richard Blair
Robert L. Cahill, Jr.
Emy Cohenca
Lavonne and David A. Cowan
Rosemarie E. Dackerman and Andrew E.
Slaby, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.
Rita V. Foley
Naomi Friedland-Wechsler and Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler
Kathleen T. and Peter F. Heimbold
Rochelle and David A. Hirsch
Susan L. and Maris A. Jurevics
Martha and Donald J. Keller
Francine and Samuel C. Klagsbrun, M.D.
Judith A. and David J. Lewittes
Sandy and Hugh P. Lowenstein
Irene M. and Charles McCreery
Mary E. Medina, Esq. and Elbin Ramos
Ronay A. and Richard L. Menschel
Nancy and Morris W. Offit
Nienke Padberg and Tasabbur Hasan
Amy J. and Mitchell Radin
Sydney and E. Joshua Rosenkranz
Lynn Rothstein, Ph.D.
Jill and Howard F. Sharfstein
Donna and Alan N. Stillman
Rocio Suarez
Jill Totenberg and Brian Foreman
$1,000 - $2,499
Joan and Alan Ades
Lilyan H. Affinito
John Alcivades
Rev. Susan Andrews and Rev. Simmons S.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barton, Jr.
Lidia Bastianich
Anson and Debby Beard
Marilyn and John C. Beck
Peter Benedetto II
Stephen Bermas
Ann and Dan Bernstein
Genie and Robert S. Birch
James R. Booth and Francis Arcaro
Daryl F. and Joseph L. Boren
Livio M. Borghese
Margaret and Edward H. Bragg, Jr.
Iris Cantor
James F. Capalino
Donna S. and Derrick D. Cephas
Robert J. Chamine
Julie P. Cho, D.M.D.
Kathryn Christensen
Dawna and Donald B. Christian
Annabelle G. and Denis P. Coleman, Jr.
Martine and Gerald A. Conway
Laura K. Landy and Robert Corman
Leisa S. and Charles G. Crane
Peggy and Richard M. Danziger
Joan H. and Alfred C. DeCrane
Gladys and Carter J. Dinkeloo
Judith A. and Daniel J. Donahue
William W. Donnell
Vivien and Vincent Duffy
Charlotte M. Ford
Samuel J. Foti
Jacqueline and William T. Friedewald
Arlyn and Edward L. Gardner
Aristides Georgantas
Gail C. and Philip B. George
Norman Gering
Bari and Neil J. Goldmacher
Candice and Terry W. Goodwin
Margaret F. Grace
Linda J. and Ira J. Greenblatt
Spencer Haber
David Heller
Josephine and Herbert Hendin, M.D.
David A. Hidalgo, M.D. P.C.
Albert A. Holman III
Judith and Walter A. Hunt, Jr.
William Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Johnson, Jr.
Elma L. and Harold E. Johnson
Margaret Ann and Thomas S. Johnson
Maria Rosa and Ricardo Jove
Elaine and Henry Kaufman
Shirley C. and David T. Kearns
Thomas L. Kempner
Judith P. and Lawrence Kudlow
Anita M. Larsen and Cliff S. Wiesel
Helene and James Lawrence
Ellen and W. Walker Lewis, Jr.
Loretta and Robert K. Lifton
Jonathan S. Linen
Gilbert F. Lloyd
Michele B. and Matthew M. Ludmer
Danielle M. and Edward Marbach
Joanne Jaffin Mason and Douglas Mason
Alexander and Karen Mauskop
Barbie and John A. Mayer, Jr.
Cheryne and David A. McBride
Sally and John J. McNally
Mrs. Nancy Anne Mead and The Rev. Andrew C. Mead, D.D.
Colette and Achim Moeller
Anne R. and Robert C. Myers
Barbara and Edward Netter
Diane A. Nixon
Diane S. and Steven C. Parrish
Dina G. and Brent Pendleton
Patricia R. and F. Herbert Prem
Ruth H. Prenner
John Prunier
Jo Ann and Carl S. Quinn
Margaret Phelan Reed
Rita Rejzek
Genie and Donald Rice
Billie H. and P.J. Richardson II
Marcella Rosen
Marianne and Fred Rosenberg
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 25
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Gifts from Individuals/Gifts in Kind
Sibyl C. Jacobson and Frank R. Rosiny
John J. Rydzewski
Kathryn Beeby and Louis J. Scenti, Jr.
Nancy and Henry B. Schacht
Robin and Arrien L.C. Schiltkamp
Kathleen and Michael H. Schoen
William Schulman
Ralph A. Siciliano
Michael Serventi
Virginia W. Sheerin
Joshua Siegel
Abby Simpson and Todd Mydland
Josephine B. Sokolski
Christos Spyropoulous
Daniel W. Stanton
Richard J. Sterne
Alfred Stillman, III
Leila and Melville Straus
Carolyn L. and William C. Stutt
David E. Stutzman
Linda R. Taylor
David Teiger
Donna M. and Charles P. Turlinski
Carolyn A. and The Rev. John D. Twiname
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
Ellen M. Violett
Susan H. and George J. Vojta
Diane and Paul Waldman
Robert Weinstein and Ann E. Clayton
Suzanne R. Weiss
Mickey and Mayer Winograd
Kim A. White and Kurt J. Wolfgruber
Teri W. and John B. Wood
Janet H. Yuspeh, M.D. and Alan R. Yuspeh,
Judy Francis Zankel
$500 – $999
Susanne K. Albert
Addie Backlund
Dorothy O. and Richard T. Bergeron
Francis J. Bergold
Melvyn H. Bergstein, Esq.
Willa and Robert Bernhard
Margaret Booth
Leonard and Enid Boxer
Helen W. Brann
Jennifer and Brian Buttigieg
Linda and John Colquhoun
Tay Cooper and The Rev. Dr. James H.
Candace A. Crawshaw
Joanne and Roberto De Guardiola
Donna S. DeCoursey and John C. Straton
Ruth D. and Robert E. Diefenbach
Antonia P. DuBrul
Barbara and Ira J. Dubin
Kathaleen M. Duffin
John T. Dunlap Esq.
Benjamin R. Eisenberg
Susan L. Fischer
Susan M. Fitzpatrick and Thomas P. Wyman
Jo-Ann Ford
Candice and John Frawley
Gloria and William H. Gelles, Jr.
Phyllis Gelles
Mary Jane and Frederick W. Gettler, Jr.
Adelaide P. Gomer
Ann Gottlieb
Catherine and Dennis Graham
Patricia B. Greenwald
Jane B. Grimes
Ruth C. Haupert-Lengemann
John G. Haverly, M.D.
Gary Hayes
Sheila Hoerle
Gail and Richard D. Hoffman
Charles E. Inturrisi
Gene F. Jankowski
John J. Kindred III
Yukako Kawata and Teodulo Henriquez
Paula S. and Thomas N. Keltner, Jr.
William Kistler III
Thomas E. Knox, M.D.
Bartley R. Labiner, D.D.S.
Hugh Lamle
Nancy LaValle
Constance and Peter Lowenstein
Martin Lucibello
David Lyons
James K. Malernee, Jr.
Ellen J. and Kenneth L. Marks
Dorothy L. and William F. McDonald
Alan Miller
Guido A. Mosca
Joseph W. Mullen, Jr.
Jane and Saleem Muqaddam
Kathleen Murnion
Matthew Murray
Mary Jane and Gerald E. Murray
John E. Nichols
Marjorie K. Nicodemus
Judy Norton
Carolyn L. and Peter S. O’Driscoll
Lawrence S. Olanoff, M.D., Ph.D.
Judith A. and James P. Owens, Jr.
Elizabeth T. Peabody
David Piaker
Catherine S. and Thomas J. Pierce
Paul J. Powers, Jr.
Ralph U. Price
Gino M. Pullo
Anne Quiggle
Nancy Quinn
Jo-Ann and Michael Rapaport
Robin Reardon
Shirley Ritter
Amber and Thomas R. Rochon
Lee Romanelli
Sylvia M. Rosenberg
Jacqueline Rose and Saul O. Leopold
Harriet Cary Ross
Arlene and Chester Salomon
Gwendolyn and Stuart M. Sarnoff
Shelly and Kenneth L. Shapiro
David and Susan Siphron
MaryAnn Sudo and John B. Baxter
Robert J. Task
Gail P. and Samuel T. Telerico
Helen S. Tucker
Timothy N. Wallach
Sylvia and Benjamin Weinstock
Robert G. Wilson
Mona Winograd
Camilla and Andrew Wylie
Alicia Zwass, M.D.
$250 - $499
Susan and Lawrence M. Alleva
Johanna and Laurent Alpert
John P. Annicelli
Micky and Frank K. Bamberger
Jean J. Beard
Sherri and Allan Benton
Virginia Benzak
Anne and Philip J. Bergan
Freya and Richard Block
James T. Chandler
Margaret and J. Jeffrey Cianci
Carol Collins
Karen and David E. Cowan
The Rev. Dr. John S. Damm
Kathleen and Gonzalo De Las Heras
Michael A. Del Balso
Katharine and Rohit M. Desai
Elizabeth and George H. Ehrhardt
John A. Emmerling
Sidney Eudene
Annette and J. Donald Fairbanks
Stephen Fealy, M.D.
Rose A. Folliero
Linda and Harold Friedman
Diverra and Jack Galvin
Patricia and Gilbert R. Gonzales
Ann and Herbert Granath
Josephine B. Hambrick
Drs. Jimmie and James Holland
Harriet Huber
Rosalind G. Jacobs
The Rev. Dr. Martha R. Jacobs and Patricia
A. Yost
Barbara Kaliff
Lorna Kettaneh
Brian Kim
Lillian E. Kraemer
Betty Kranzdorf
Patricia Krasnausky
Maureen and James Krinsley
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 26
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Gifts from Individuals/Gifts in Kind
Ethel S. LeFrak
Jill and Jonathan J. Lerner Esq.
Sheree G. and David A. Linker
Bobye G. List
Christie C. Salomon and Richard Lombard
Peter C. Lombardo, M.D.
Robert A. Lorelli
Catherine Mathis
Julia M. McNamara, Ph.D. and Richard
Cecilia and Peter P. Mullen
Ann Van Ness
Sybille and Gerald Novack
Muriel Palitz
The Rev. Min-Jung Park and Dong H. Park
Stella and Robert E. Plevan
Suzanne and John H. Prunier, M.D.
Julie M. and David P. Ricciardi
Judy and Robert Rice
Andrew H. Rosenthal
Fanny Sanin
Ellen and Keith C. Shaughnessy
Margaret and William Slattery
Anne and John R. Torell
Donald J. Toumey and Paul Loong Foo
Brenda B. and Frank X. Troisi
Patricia Koo Tsien
Kathleen T. Ullmann
Elinor J. and Charles J. Urstadt
Mary and Philip Van Orman
Patrick J. Waide, Jr.
Julia and Laurie J. Warder
Ann S. and William G. Whitney
Bessie L. Wilson
Ying-Ying T. Yuan, Ph.D.
$249 and Below
Harriet P. Aberle
Djuna H. Acker
Br. James F. Adams
Harold Agler, C.P.A.
Isa and Paul Allersmeyer
Maire Allik
Stephen D. Amoroso
Gordon Wood Anderson, Ph.D.
Gilda and Marc D. Angel
Margaret and Fr. Mark Anschutz
Elaine Armstrong
Abigail Atkins
Lucelle and Francis D. Auger
Felice Axelrod
Sally Ann Bailey
Velma and Ted J. Balestreri
Barbara Bantivoglio
Marion Basta
Deanna and Joseph Bastianich
Bruce Batkin
Sonja Bay
Marguerite S. Bedell
Scott Bedson
Andrea and Robert Berger
Thilo H. Best
Elaine and James P. Biester
Betty G. Black
George M. Blumenthal
Watson F. Bosler
Dora and Russell Bourne
Frieda K. Bradlow
Theresa and Frederick Brasco
Thomas Brenner B.C.C.
John Brewer
Clara Bronson
Elizabeth Brown
Adrienne L. Brown
Anne and McBee Butcher
Nancy Campbell
Alyce and Norman Cannon
Frederick A. Carrigan
Richard Cathell
Lita W. Chang
Mabel Chang
Dorothy M. and Ralph W. Chapman
Judith A. Cion
Elizabeth Collier
Candace N. Conard and Stanley L. Malkin,
Susan Condon and Dennis McDade
Anne S. Connor
Gerald A. Conway, Jr.
Barbara W. and Theodore F. Cooke
Patricia and Donald T. Coughlin
Evan Jay Crane
James Croegaert
John Da Cunza
Louise S. and Robert E. Dailey
Aaron Daniels
Mary M. and Anthony R. Davis
The Rev. Dr. Russell Davis
Anne P. R. Dean
Lucille F. DeLucia
Reena and David W. Denton
Claire C. and Bipin B. Desai
Generoso R. DiChiara
Monica H. and Michael H. Dimino
Rosie Hardart Dobbin
Martha J. Dodge
Marie and Michael Doyle
Monique Drafts
Monica Drafts
Ruth Drazen
Jane I. and Larry D. Droppa
Louise Dunn
Henry Van Dyke
Robert F. Ebin, Esq.
Elizabeth A. and James J. Ebzery
Christina J. Eldridge
Bader El-Jeaan
Martha Everds
Maria Fan
Doris and Raymond Farrelly
Christine and Christopher M. Fashek
Catherine and Martin Featherston
Debra and Andrew Fechter
Renee and Fred Feuerbach
William Fillyaw
Paul H. Fitzgerald
Peter A. Fitzgerald
Margaret M. Flaherty
Julie Forgione
Jeanne M. and Donald J. Fowley
Stephanie and Adam B. Frankel, Esq.
Sarah E. Friedewald, M.D. and John J.
Friedewald, M.D.
Jeffrey Fryer
Elizabeth and Logan Fulrath
Kathryn G. and Joseph F. Gagliardi
Kathleen M. Garner
Marjorie A. Geiger
Sandra Gering
Jane A. and Craig S. Gering
Anne H. Gerli
Thomas D. Gettler
Alice Adams Gordy
David Gotwald
Donald Graham
Anthony Grass
Cheryl Green
Joseph V. Greene
Elleen T. and George H. Grimm
Barbara Griswold
Suzan Habachy
Barbara and Gary Haber
Frances A. and Daniel J. Hagan
Charles W. Halley
Holly Hallman
Dr. George W. Hambrick, Jr.
Patricia and Joseph Hamilton
Kathryn and Erik A. Hanson
Gregory Hartmann
Melissa and Daniel Hatter
Carol F. Heffernan
Mildred and Alvin K. Hellerstein
Phyllis R. Hersch, Ph.D. and Charles
Hersch, Ph.D.
Clair Hochstetler
Ingeborg S. Hoffman
Margaret M. and Martin R. Hoffmann
Anne D. and G. Malcolm Holderness
Lesley B. and Joseph C. Hoopes
Catherine and Barnaby W. Horton
Thomas J. Hubbard
Richard R. Huebner
Leonard Hummel
David M. Hurst
Hortense Hurwitz
Fred Taylor Isquith
Ellen M. Jancourtz
Nancy T. Jerome
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 27
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Gifts from Individuals/Gifts in Kind
Dorothy R. and Bruce Johnson
Joyce A. Johnson
Stephen C. Josephson, Ph.D.
Rosemary D. Kappenman
Sandra Katz
Herbert Kay
Mary M. Kelleher
Henry Kellerman
Stephen J. Krass
Deborah and E. Peter Krulewitch
Judith M. and Harold L. Kulman, M.D.
Adrianne and Leon Lebensbaum
Carol and Evan Levy
Dorothy Downie Lewis
Ellen and Alfred B. Lewis, M.D.
Joan M. Lewis
Ruth and Robert J. Lindner
Renee Linnen
Ann Marie and Bruce Logan
Nick Longworth
Rev. Judith Lund and William Lund
Donald W. Lundquist and Joseph B. Walsh
Rita Lynch
Lane Maas
R. Bruce MacGregor
Margaret S. Mahaney and Donald R. Mahaney
Robin Maitland
Catherine E. and Thomas A. Malarkey
Roy Marine
Betsy H. and Anthony P. Marshall
John & Lauretta Maslanka
Sandra Mayer and Jimmy Roberts
Marlene McHugh
Patricia T. Meadow
Robert P. Meyjes
Susan J. Milamed and Jack L. Jacobs
Jacqueline C. and Philip J. Miller
Betty and James R. Mitscher
Louisa Moore
Anne and Kevin Mulvaney
Margaret A. Muncie and Stephen Bolle
Kifah Mustapha
David Neubert
Sheryl J. Nicholson
Gladys T. and Edward H. Novitch
Herbert F. Oettgen, M.D.
Alegra and Lawrence Okun
William O’Reilly
Janice C. and Roger Oresman
Judith & Martin Ost
Jo Lynne and the Rev. Stephen Overall
Laurence A. Pagnoni
Dorothy A. and Alec A. Pandaleon
Robert R. Pandaleon, Esq.
Gavril W. Pasternak, M.D., Ph.D.
Caroline J. Patterson
Donald D. Patterson
Mary and Michael L. Pauley
Loretta M. and Enrico Perez
Lynn C. Perry and Michael C. Hallows
Alice T. and Robert Petizon
Charles J. Philippin
Cantor Daniel Pincus
Ann Pisano
Wayne Pittenger
Linda and Patrick A. Pleven
Theodore E. Plucinski, M.D.
Phrem Pottampl
F. Gadalla, M.D. and A. Potulicki
Betty A. Prashker
Ann L. and Edward W. Probert
Mary Ellen Raftery and The Honorable
Michael A. Corriero
Johana C. Ranft
Sarah E. and James T. Rich
Michaela and Melvin Richter
Gordon Ritchie
Barbara A. Rosenfelt
Robert Rosenthal
John J. Roth
John W. Russo
Suzanne and William Sales
Frederic S. Sater
Frances G. Scaife
Jeffery Scheer
Stanley J. Scher
Lynn and Homer D. Schoen
Christine M. and David B. Schoenrock
Wendy S. and Richard M. Schwartz
Kathleen and Arthur Schweithelm
Betsy and Alfred L. Scott
Joel Seltzer
Michael A. Selzer
Robert Sharon
Anne L. and Robert H. Shaw
Eleanor B. Sheldon
Laura Sherman
Rita Sherman
James D. Siegel
Amy Singer
Paula E. and Jerald L. Slack
Bernice Slotnick
Suzanne T. Smart
Charles Smith and Joseph S. Shapiro
Liz Smith
Ellsworth G. Stanton, III, MBE
Patricia C. Stewart
Lyle Stillman and Warwick M. Carter
Kathryn E. and Richard Strickler
Evelyn Sturhann
Margaret Thompson
Robert J. Timberger, M.D.
Phyllis and Edward Toohey
Nicholas J. Tortorello
Marcia and Stanley Treiman
Miriam and James D. Twiname, Jr.
Allison and Innes Van Nostrand
Adelaide H. Villmoare and Peter G. Stillman
Carolyn A. and Edward O. Wagner
Mary Kit Wallace
Susan Wallner
Olia Wang
Dorisanne and Jacob Wasserman
Fredric L. Weiss
Josephine and Will Maitland Weiss
Mildred Weissman
Helene and Francis M. Weld, M.D.
Janell Weum
Susan A. Weyburn
Dr. Charles and Eileen Wheeler
Teresa J. White
Christine L. Williams, M.D., and Gary M.
Williams, M.D.
Elizabeth D. Winn
The Rev. Carmen Y. C. Wong
Frank S. Woo
L. Randall Yates
Sheri C. and Joe V. Young
Theresa B. Zadrosny
Marion P. and Salvatore D. Zaffino
Arnold Ziegel
Caroline A. and Edwin Zimmerman
Robert and Diane Zingali
David J. Zucker
Gifts in Kind
Arnold L. Lisio, M.D.
Dewey & LeBoeuf
Mutual of America
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Philips-Van Heusen Corporation
Preston Bailey
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 28
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
In Honor Of
In honor of Sandra M. Boyd
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
In honor of David B. Case, M.D. and Jean B. Case, M.D.
Joan and Alan Ades
Harold Alger, C.P.A.
Alice and Michael Arlen
Sally Ann Bailey
Micky and Frank K. Bamberger
Deanna and Joseph Bastianich
Jean J. Beard
Melvyn H. Bergstein, Esq.
Ann and Dan Bernstein
Lita W. Chang
Judith A. Cion
Susan Condon and Dennis McDade
Kathleen and Gonzalo De Las Heras
Michael A. Del Balso
Reena and David W. Denton
Ruth D. and Robert E. Diefenbach
Barbara and Ira J. Dubin
Robert F. Ebin, Esq.
Elizabeth and George H. Ehrhardt
John A. Emmerling
Sidney Eudene
Debra and Andrew Fechter
Jo-Ann Ford
Linda and Harold Friedman
David Gotwald
Brabara Griswold
Dr. George W. Hambrick, Jr.
Josephine B. Hambrick
Carol F. Heffernan
David Heller
Albert A. Holman III
Hortense Hurwitz
Stephen C. Josephson, Ph.D.
Elaine and Henry Kaufman
Herbert Kay
Mary M. Kelleher
Lorna Kattneh
Thomas E. Knox, M.D.
Lillian E. Kraemer
Hugh Lamle
Jill and Jonathan J. Lerner, Esq.
Carol and Evan Levy
Constance and Peter Lowenstein
Lane Maas
Roy Marine
Guido A. Mosca
Mary Jane and Gerald E. Murray
Anne R. and Robert C. Myers
Sybille and Gerald Novack
Alegra and Lawrence Okun
Betty A. Prashker
Jo Ann and Carl S. Quinn
Nancy Quinn
Genie and Donald Rice
Sandra Mayer and Jimmy Roberts
Andrew H. Rosenthal
Gwendolyn and Stuart M. Sarnoff
Frederic S. Sater
William Schulman
Kathleen and Arthur Schweithelm
Shelly and Kenneth L. Shapiro
Anne L. and Robert H. Shaw
Paul E. and Jerald L. Slack
Donna S. DeCoursey and John C. Straton
Robert J. Task
Marcia and Stanley Treiman
Brenda B. and Frank X. Triosi
Mary and Philip Van Orman
Carolyn A. and Edward O. Wagner
Diane and Paul Waldman
Dorisanne and Jacob Wasserman
Susan A. Weyburn
In honor of David B. Case, M.D.
Marion Basta
Bruce Batkin
George M. Blumenthal
Thomas D. Gettler
Dorothy A. and Alec A. Pandaleon
Robert R. Pandaleon, Esq.
Gino M. Pullo
Robert Weinstein and Ann E. Clayton
In honor of Julie P. Cho, D.M.D.
Brian Kim
In honor of Cheryl A. Clarke
Lucille F. DeLucia
In honor of James B. Creed
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
In honor of Fredrick Drafts
Monique Drafts
In honor of Susan L. Fischer
Judith M. and Harold L. Kulman, M.D.
In honor of Kathleen M. Foley
Kim and Stephen E. Bepler
Ruth Drazen
Candice and John Frawley
Bobye G. List
Christy K. and John J. Mack
Millbank Foundation for Rehabilitation
Elizabeth and H. Virgil Sherrill
In honor of Ann Fulton Curran
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
In honor of Nathan Goldberg
Joel Seltzer
In honor of Diana Goldin
Felice Axelrod
Arlene and Chester Salomon
In honor of Eliane Goodell
Lyle Stillman and Warwick Carter
Catherine and Dennis Graham
Rosemary D. Kappenman
Michele B. and Matthew M. Ludmer
Stanley J. Scher
Rita Sherman
In honor of Martha R. Jacobs
Roger Edwards
In honor of James B. Jeffrey
St. Luke’s Guild of Episcopal Church Women
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 29
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
In Honor Of
In honor of Margaret Ann Johnson
Janice C. and Roger Oresman
In honor of Peter Rizzo
Barbara and Ira J. Dubin
In honor Thomas S. Johnson
Janice C. and Roger Oresman
In honor of T. Michael Long
The Resource Foundation, Inc.
Allison and Innes Van Nostrand
In honor of Larry Mayer
Marie and Michael Doyle
In honor of The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
Gilda and Marc D. Angel
Margaret and J. Jeffrey Cianci
Ruth D. and Robert E. Diefenbach
Rose A. Folliero
Kathleen M. Garner
Mary Jane and Frederick W. Gettler, Jr.
Monika and Charles A. Heimbold
Kathleen T. and Peter F. Heimbold
Phyllis R. Hersch, Ph.D. and Charles Hersch,Ph.D.
Lynn and John W. Johnson, Jr.
Brian Kim
John J. Kindred III
The Lauder Foundation
Rita Lynch
Christy K. and John J. Mack
Donna and Alan N. Stillman
Leila and Melville Straus
Gail P. and Samuel Telerico
Mary Kit Wallace
Donald W. Lundquist and Joseph B. Walsh
Sylvia and Benjamin Weinstock
David J. Zucker
In honor of Anne Moore
Ruth H. Prenner
In honor of Maria T. Spears
Helen S. Tucker
In honor of Buddy Moss
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
In honor of William G. Spears
Warwick M. Carter
In honor of Lottie Newman
Cheryl Green
In honor of Lyn Stefenhagens
Diane A. Nixon
In honor of Mary Owen
Fred Taylor Isquith
In honor Jill Totenberg
Margaret Booth
Amy Singer
In honor of Chuck LaMonte
Mary Kit Wallace
In honor of Florence Lawrence
Andrea and Robert Berger
In honor of Arnold L. Lisio
Susanne K. Albert
Joan M. Lewis
Alice T. and Robert Petizon
Ruth H. Prenner
David and Susan Siphron
In honor of Margaret Phelan Reed
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
In honor of Ralph U. Price
Watson F. Bosler
In honor of Carolyn A. Twiname
Anne P.R. Dean
In honor of James D. Twiname
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
In honor of Stanley Wyman
Gladys T. and Edward H. Novitch
In honor of B. Gayle Twiname
Margaret Phelan Reed
Miriam and James D. Twiname, Jr.
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 30
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
In Memory Of
In memory of James Aberle
Harriet P. Aberle
In memory of Leonard Novitch
Gladys T. and Edward H. Novitch
In memory of Viiu Allik
Maire Allik
In memory of Alfred Pisano
Ann Pisano
In memory of Susan T. Auger
Lucelle and Francis D. Auger
In memory of Stewart P. Brown
Elizabeth Brown
In memory of Margaret Renahan
Maureen and James Krinsley
Rita Lynch
In memory of Jaques Cohenca
Emily Cohenca
In memory of Betsy Cormany
Judith A. and Daniel Donahue
In memory of Thelma A. Dinkeloo
Judith A. and James P. Owens, Jr.
In memory of Harold Flaherty
Margaret M. Flaherty
In memory of Kathleen B. Fowley
Jeanne M. and Donald J. Fowley
In memory of Margaret E. Larsen
Anita M. Larsen and Cliff S. Wiesel
In memory of John P. Lynch
Rita Lynch
In memory of Ann Maitland
Robin Maitland
In memory of Raymond L. Mallon
Barbara and Gary Haber
In memory of Maria Lopez Medina
Mary E. Medina, Esq.
In memory of Lottie Newman
Cheryl Green
In memory of Mary E. Roth
John J. Roth
In memory of Ruth Scheidecker
Phyllis and Edward Toohey
In memory of Seymour Schwartz
Alan V. Schwartz
In memory of Donna Shultz
Catherine Rein
In memory of Michael C. Tsien
Djuna H. Acker
Mabel Chung
Maria Fan
Donald Graham
Sherry M. and Walter R. McDonald
Louisa Moore
Elizabeth Oppenheim
Wayne Pittenger
Olia Wang
Dr. Charles and Eileen Wheeler
In memory of George Weissman
Mildred Weissman
In memory of Marian G. Wyman
Susan M. Fitzpatrick and Thomas P. Wyman
In memory of Michael Zadrosny
Rita Lynch
Theresa B. Zadrosny
In memory of Marion Stern
Deborah and E. Peter Krulewitch
Susan and Robert Skolnick
In memory of Eugenia W. Stillman
Monica H. and Michael H. Dimino
In memory of P. Gordon Stillman
Monica H. and Michael H. Dimino
Alfred Stillman, III
Adelaide H. Villmoare and Peter G. Stillman
In memory of Madeline A. Thomas
Caroline A. and Edwin Zimmerman
In memory of Elizabeth A. Timberger
Robert J. Timberger, M.D.
In memory of Kia Chi Tsien
Patricia Koo Tsien
Ying-Ying T. Yuan, Ph.D.
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 31
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
Hope and Remembrance Society
Ruth L. Cohen, Ph.D.
Lavonne and David A. Cowan
Leisa S. and Charles G. Crane
Marie and Peter J. DeLuca
Susan L. Fischer
Phyllis R. Hersch, Ph.D. and Charles Hersch, Ph.D.
Margaret M. Hill
Patricia Hill
Harriet Huber
Betty Kranzdorf
Ariel and Alaleh Ostad
Muriel Palitz
Margaret Phelan Reed
Patricia R. and F. Herbert Prem
Ralph U. Price
Jill and Howard F. Sharfstein
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
Maria T. and William G. Spears
Sheila and Lawrence J. Toal
Patricia Koo Tsien
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
Carolyn A. and The Rev. John D. Twiname
Ms. Sherry Jacobson and Mr. Eugene I. Zuriff
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 32
Palliative [pal-ee-ey-tiv] Care
2010 Stories
Donor Lists
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315 East 62nd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10065
212.644.1111, ext. 132
To contact HealthCare Chaplaincy, please email or call:
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315 East 62nd Street, 4th Floor
307 East 60th Street
New York, NY 10065-7767
New York, NY 10022-1505
Phone: 212.644.1111
Phone: 212.644.1111
Fax: 212.758.9959Fax: 212.486.1440
HealthCare Chaplaincy Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 u 33