newsletter-2016-02-23-pdf - Darling Heights State School
newsletter-2016-02-23-pdf - Darling Heights State School
COMING EVENTS Note the following dates in your Diary: Edition No. 05.16 Cooee online at 23 February , 2016 School Administration:- Ph. 46368333 Fax: 46368300 FROM THE PRINCIPAL THANK YOU TO OUR P&C At last night’s Parents and Associates meeting, the P&C gave an undertaking to begin a program of air conditioning the remaining classrooms within our school. This will be a long-term commitment and a program which will extend over the next 5 to 7 years. Of greater excitement is that the P&C has committed funds to air condition at least one of our blocks of 4 classrooms this year. I take the opportunity to sincerely thank our Darling Heights P&C for this commitment to our school which I believe will soon see Darling Heights as the first State School in Toowoomba to have all classrooms fully air conditioned. Such a change will most definitely assist our children to focus on their learning especially with the hot and cold weather that we experience. I do trust that our school community will get behind the efforts that will be needed to raise the substantial funds required for this program. The sooner this can occur, the sooner our children will be working in more ideal classroom environments. It should be noted also, that the next meeting of the association is the Annual General Meeting which will be held on Monday 21st March. INTERSCHOOL SPORT It was great to witness the enthusiasm of our Year 5/6 students as they left for interschool sport on each of the last 2 Fridays. From all reports, it was enjoyed by all. Again, please be reminded that parents are welcome as spectators. Please consult the weekly draw in each Cooee. PRINCIPAL/PARENT FORUM It was great to host our first Principal/Parent Forum last Thursday. Thankyou very much to those class reps who were able to attend. Our agenda included the opportunity to welcome our new student and parent Liaison Officer, Ricky Adams, and to continue discussions about her role. Some great suggestions were made towards finalising Ricky’s role. The next Principal/Parent Forum has been set for Thursday March 17th 2.30pm. LOTE NEWS We are excited this year to be able to offer Indonesian Language and Culture learning throughout the school, from Year 1 to Year 6. The students to Year 4 are enthusiastically following classroom language and the basics, while the Year 5/6 classes who studied Indonesian last year are racing ahead, already starting to write letters to students of their own age in Indonesian schools in Central Java. We look forward to a great year of real-life language learning. There are countless studies around the world which show that learning another language is good for brains of every age in so many ways. At Darling Heights State School we value respect and tolerance of diversity, which is a good reason to learn more about our most populous and close neighbour, Indonesia. Studies prove, that not only does it make brains more creative and agile, it also makes learners smarter in their first language. Students consistently achieve higher in English and other subjects than other students who have not studied a language in senior schooling. If you would like to follow up the data, there are many websites tracking the benefits. Here is a site with a wealth of information. In the meantime, ask your child to show off a little with what they are learning in their Indonesian language class. Until Next Week Mark Cross Country Monday 21st March Last Day Term 1: Thursday 24th March Toowoomba Show Holiday: Thursday, 7th April, 2016 TUCKSHOP Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. UNIFORM SHOP Open Tuesday from 8.30am - 9.30am and Thursday from 2.30pm - 3.30pm. YMCA O.S.H.C 0455 088 401 Or 46356308 CHAPLAINCY FUNDRAISERS Cruisin’ Cappucino every Wednesday afternoon. Thank you for your support. ICECREAM MONDAYS $1 for an Ice Cream to support Chaplaincy. Cooee Edition 05.16 23 February 2016 PBL (POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING) MATTERS The Value for this week is, “Respect” with a focus on, “I put up my hand and wait for my time to speak”. During discussions in class, teachers will reinforce our school expectations and classroom routines which help maintain an organised and structured learning environment for all our students. Students know that they are expected to: Put their hand when asking or answering questions Use the one-speaker rule – only one talker at a time Use inside voices when speaking in the classroom Ask permission to leave (to go to the toilet or get a drink) CHILDREN AND LEARNING At the very centre of the school’s work is the individual child. We know a lot about children and how they learn. Through this knowledge, teachers plan for each child’s educational needs and development. We know: Children are special: Children truly have a marvellous variety of abilities, interests and characteristics that make each one special. This uniqueness deserves the respect of every parent and teacher. Children need time to be children: We should not hurry childhood. Too many pressures, too much emphasis on using every minute productively, on achieving maximum results, can rob children of their right to live fully as children. Children pass through stages: As each year passes, they develop new ways of thinking and solving problems; they are able to manage their feelings and their social skills are developing. Children reach these stages at different times. In any one class, teachers have to make allowances for a wide range of maturity levels, interests and readiness to tackle new challenges. Children want to know: Children are naturally active, curious, creative, searching individuals. They are born learners; learning is what they do best. By the time they start school they have learnt a language and that is a fantastic accomplishment! Children have needs: Children need love, acceptance, limits on their behaviour, challenge and success. These all help them to grow and develop their abilities to the full. Children need expectations: Children tend to live up, or down, to the expectations of important people in their lives. They thrive on high expectations and as long as they are supported through their mistakes, they learn that successful learning often requires considerable risk-taking. Children need to play: Play is a child’s natural way of learning about the world and their place in it. Through informal play, they create meaning, stretch their imagination, practise social skills, try out ideas and learn how to cope with problems. Each fortnight, we have a PBL Meeting at 8am in the school Library. Our goal is to seek representation from a cross section of all year levels and parental input and presence would be greatly appreciated. The next meeting will be Tuesday 1st March (8am – 8:30am). A special thanks to all parents who take the time each week to sit down and talk to their child/ren about the week’s Value and focus. If any parents have any queries or concerns or wish to discuss anything, please feel free to contact Mr James Leach (Deputy Principal) on 46 368 333. CHAPLAINCY FREE DRESS AND MEAL DEAL This Wednesday, February 24th, we will be having a Crazy Hair Day where students can come to school with Crazy Hair. A gold coin donation for Chaplaincy would be appreciated on the day. At Assembly we will have some prizes to give to students with the CRAZIEST HAIR, and I can’t wait to show off my own crazy hair. This is also a free dress day. We are holding another Subway Lunch Deal Day on March 15th. Order forms will be sent home later this week with students. Students can complete their order forms and for $7.50 they can get a 6inch sub, drink, and 2 cookies. This fundraiser goes towards Chaplaincy at Darling Heights State School. Order forms must be received by 9.00am Monday 7th March. Cooee CooeeEdition Edition05.16 38.05 23 February 15 November 20162005 NEWS FROM THE SENIOR SCHOOL Smencils are smencillicious! That’s the verdict of all the Fives and Sixes in the Senior School. Our superb student council has been doing some fundraising by selling the scented scribblers and students are screaming for more. There are few left of the first 500, and our little Darlings will be relieved to know that “there are more coming on Monday”, according to Mrs Johnston, this time accompanied by Smens (smelly pens) which will be sold for only $4. Need some next week? Just follow your nose to the nearest student councillor! In other news, friendly groups of senior students have started visiting other areas of the school on a Friday afternoon to help out and get to know the shorter students. While our athletes seek fame and glory at our interschool sport fixtures, our Helping Hands have been well received by the younger boys and girls, who are revelling in the chance to work with our cohort. “The kids have been fantastic”, say staff, and are looking forward to seeing them again this Friday. FRIDAY FRENZY DISCO 26TH FEBRUARY AT SCHOOL HALL 6.00 – 8.00PM $6.00 ENTRY INCLUDES CHEESEBURGER & DRINK $3.00 ENTRY ONLY EXTRA FOOD AND DRINKS ON SALE GLOW PRODUCTS FOR SALE COME ALONG FOR A FAMILY NIGHT SEE YOU THERE! If any parents can help on the night with supervision or food service please phone Sue on 0498765435. DENTAL VAN VISIT The Dental Van will be arriving at DHSS before Easter. Forms have gone home to Year 6 and Year 1 students only. The remainder of the school will receive their forms next term. Forms should now have been returned to the office. YMCA After School Care 46 356308 Cooee Edition 05.16 23 February 2016 INTERSCHOOL SPORT WEEK 5 26th FEBRUARY Team Week 5 26th February AFL Senior Queens Park 1:00 Vs St Thomas Mores Touch Senior Nell E Robinson 1:00 Vs East SS Touch Junior Nell E Robinson 1:45 Vs East SS T Ball Junior Captain Cook 1:45 Vs TCC Softball Senior Captain Cook 1.00 Vs Sacred Heart Cricket Junior 1 Captain Cook 1:00 Vs Wilsonton Cricket Junior 2 Captain Cook 1:00 Vs Glenvale SS Cricket Senior Captain Cook 1.00 VS Wilsonton SS STAR STUDENT Year Two Stars 2M Lucas Garcia 2D Bella Forsdyke 2C Cooper Brown 2B Jasmin Lanzafame SEP M Stars Philip Lane-Gessiri Riley Barlow Year Three Stars 3B Star Tansie Hayward 100% Club Haozhen Tu Quality Work Award Joseph Boland, Areej Etriki, Harrison Kelk Special Improvement Award Joseph Boland, Kelsea Davison, Ryan O’Dell 3H Stars Star Box Farah Albdair Star Student Ruqayah Dhahir Most Improved Speller Zakk Broksch 100% Maths Facts Ahmed, Cooper, Luke, Shane, Wendy, Zakk 100% Spelling Ahmed, Cooper, Dominic, Isabel Year 3/4 Star of the Week 3A Ethan Edmonds 3G Evie Adams 4R Tanahya Esler Year 3/4 Merit Awards 3A Mohamed Mohamed 3G Theresa Zhao 4R Millan Pepena Year 3/4 Student of the Week 3G 4R Dushime Niyomungeli Music Awards. Congratulations to the following students for using their singing voice for the first time. 1J Hadiseh Yousefi, Samah Samah, Hawa Kwibe Sbanuka, Hiba Albdair, Shagun Kaur 1B Christopher Ye, Anabella Rodriguez, Lava Muhammad 1M Omar Mohamed, Summer Woods, Adela Feza, Fatimah Aljebur, Louis Cumming , Alaa Ganim, Dadan Ismail, Mariam Vumiliya, Konnah Olsen, Sara Abdilrahmin 1S Drew Petersen, Bradley Rutten, Insyirah Mohd Iqbal, Sadeel Hazim, Andrew Kavuala, Katelyn Strungaru Year 5/6 Stars of the Week 5/6 A Nicholas Gollan 5/6 B Aanan Shafiuddin 5/6 C Isaiah Tagituimua 5/6 D Mustafa Luaibi 5/6 E Irene Pepena 5/6 F Julienne Kalondja Kiyua Performing Arts held in the Darling Heights State School Hall from 9am - 11am. Payment is by gold coin donation. For more details call Sheriden 0412135925