Transforming Today Reshaping Tomorrow
Transforming Today Reshaping Tomorrow
Transforming Today Reshaping Tomorrow MISSION STATEMENT The HealthCare Chaplaincy is a multifaith community of professionals from many cultures dedicated to caring for persons in spirit, mind, and body. We are committed to excellence and leadership in pastoral care, education, and research. TABLE OF CONTENTS THE HEALTHCARE CHAPLAINCY ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Mission Statement From the Chairman and the President & CEO Transforming Today Jackson Kytle, Ph.D. The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg The Rev. George Handzo Rabbi Naomi Kalish Al Hajji Imam Yusuf H. Hasan Chaplains in Action Reshaping Tomorrow The Wholeness of Life Residence A Roundtable Discussion New Trustees Treasurer’s Report Financial Statements Administrative Center 315 East 62nd Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10021-7767 Phone: 212-644-1111 Fax: 212-758-9959 Center for Pastoral Care, Education & Research 307 East 60th Street New York, NY 10022-1505 Phone: 212-644-1111 Fax: 212-486-1440 A Gathering of Friends Gifts from Institutions Gifts from Individuals Hope & Remembrance Society Board of Trustees Life Trustees/President’s Advisory Council Clinical Staff and Partners 2006 At-A-Glance 2 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 18 20 22 23 26 28 29 33 34 35 36 TRANSFORMING TODAY RESHAPING TOMORROW Transformation is a concept that A REFLECTION FROM THE CHAIRMAN AND THE PRESIDENT & CEO spirit-centered care within this new partner institution, spans the domains of math and science, a 407-bed community hospital that has been pro- computer technology and literature, psychology viding quality health care for the communities of and law, music and linguistics. But for Yonkers and southern Westchester since 1869. The HealthCare Chaplaincy, transformation has become a way of life. In an effort to transform how pastoral care is viewed and delivered throughout the United Beginning in 1961 as a single-faith provider of States, The Chaplaincy inaugurated a pastoral chaplaincy services, through continuous reflection care consulting service. With 29 years of successful and strategic expansion, The HealthCare experience on the staff of The HealthCare Chaplaincy has transformed itself into a leading Chaplaincy, the Rev. George Handzo, the program’s voice in the professional fields of pastoral care, director, will share some of the early accomplishments. education, consulting, and research. In this process, The Chaplaincy has become more centered, Widening its reach, The Chaplaincy’s PlainViews more confident, more flexible, and more able to e-newsletter has continued to impact an increasingly fulfill its core mission to care for people in spirit, diverse professional audience, expanding its readership mind, and body. to nearly 8,000, with subscribers ministering on five continents. During its 45th anniversary year, The Chaplaincy’s internal transformation accelerated. Jackson While maintaining a strong commitment to its Kytle, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs, historic clinical, education, and research partnerships initiated a substantive assessment and expansion with some of New York and Connecticut’s premier of The Chaplaincy’s education and research programs, healthcare institutions, The HealthCare Chaplaincy paving the way for a boldly expanded research is imagining new ways to ensure that spirituality agenda and pioneering graduate-level pastoral plays its proper and essential role in holistic education programs focused on preparing the health care. most academically seasoned chaplain educators in the United States. We thank you, our benefactors and philanthropic partners, our trustees and colleagues, for your 2 The Chaplaincy has continued to broaden its clinical indispensable roles in this continuous transformation partnerships. In this report, the Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg, of The HealthCare Chaplaincy, and for the important founding director of pastoral care at St. John’s ways in which your sustained support will help us Riverside Hospital, will discuss transformations in to reshape tomorrow. Lawrence J. Toal Chairman Walter J. Smith, S. J. President and CEO Annual Report 2006 3 Australia rican Methodist Episcopal China merican Baptist Colombia semblies of God MISSION STATEMENT England America ptist Haiti community The HealthCare Chaplaincy is a multifaith Australiaof professionals from many cultures ddhist Africandedicated Methodist Episcopal caring for persons inIndia spirit, mind, and body. China inese Church of the to Nazarene American Baptist Iran Colombia urch of GodWe are committed to excellence and leadership in pastoral care, education, and research. Assemblies of God Israel England nservative Jewish Baptist JamaicaHaiti America sciples of Christ Buddhist Korea India Australia iscopal African Methodist Episcopal Chinese Church of the Nazarene MexicoIran China angelical Covenant American Baptist Church of God angelical Lutheran Churchof inGod America NigeriaIsrael Colombia Assemblies Conservative Jewish Pakistan JamaicaEnglandAmerica erfaith Baptist Disciples of Christ Peru Korea Haiti rean Presbyterian Buddhist Australia Episcopal Vietnam Mexico India China ennonite Chinese Church of the Nazarene Evangelical Covenant ZambiaNigeriaIran ssionary Baptist Church of God Colombia Evangelical Lutheran Church in America PakistanIsrael England odern Orthodox Jewish Conservative Jewish America Interfaith Jamaica Peru uslim Disciples of Christ Haiti Australia Korean Presbyterian VietnamKorea India China ondenominational Protestant Episcopal Mennonite ZambiaMexico Iran Colombia thodox Jewish Evangelical Covenant Missionary Baptist Nigeria Israel ntecostal Evangelical Lutheran Church in America England Modern Orthodox Jewish Pakistan esbyterian Interfaith JamaicaHaiti Muslim Peru Korea ogressive National Baptist Korean Presbyterian India Nondenominational Protestant Vietnam constructionistMennonite Jewish MexicoIran Orthodox Jewish ZambiaNigeria formed ChurchMissionary Baptist Israel Pentecostal form Jewish Modern Orthodox Jewish Pakistan Jamaica Presbyterian man Catholic Muslim Peru Korea Progressive National Baptist venth Day Adventist Nondenominational Protestant Vietnam Mexico Reconstructionist Jewish itarian Universalist Orthodox Jewish ZambiaNigeria Reformed Church ited Church ofPentecostal Christ Pakistan Reform Jewish ited MethodistPresbyterian Peru Roman Catholic Progressive National Baptist Vietnam Seventh Day Adventist Reconstructionist Jewish Zambia Unitarian Universalist Reformed Church United Church of Christ Reform Jewish United Methodist Roman Catholic Seventh Day Adventist The HealthCare Chaplaincy’s Clinical Unitarian Universalist Pastoral Education (CPE) program United Church of Christ attracts students of many different United Methodist faiths and home countries. As you can see from the above list, 2006 was no exception. Transforming Today Accountability: It’s the single most important driving force in higher education today. No longer is it enough to say students are learning what we want them to learn—you have to prove it. In 2006, The Chaplaincy internalized this “don’t tell me, show me” ethos to a greater extent than ever before, utilizing our Spears Research Center to assess aptitude for spiritual caregiving before and after a student’s Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) experience. At the same time, we’ve discerned a need to broaden our students’ education beyond current national standards, better preparing them for the fast-changing arena of 21st century healthcare. Through research we’ve discovered that CPE helps students improve their listening skills, their “emotional intelligence,” and their ability to serve patients of differing religious and cultural traditions. Jackson Kytle, Ph.D., is The Chaplaincy’s founding vice president for academic affairs. A progressive educator and administrator, Dr. Kytle has served at leading educational institutions including Antioch College, Goddard College and, most recently, The New School in New York City. 6 That’s why we’ve embarked on a fundamental revision of all of our academic policies, curricula, and faculty requirements. In fact, we’ve begun changing the entire educational delivery model so that students benefit not from a single educator but from many of our diverse faculty members, our senior clinical staff and researchers, and healthcare professionals from other fields. Most importantly, we’ve revised and expanded the segment of our program that focuses on our supervisors-in-training. These “pastoral educators of tomorrow” will have a broader academic frame of reference than the preceding generation, with knowledge of research methods in the behavioral sciences, theories of education, and spiritual development across the life span. They’ll also get the pastoral counseling skills necessary to treat patients over extended periods and, particularly, at the end of life. Tomorrow’s graduate pastoral educators will be poised to educate not just chaplains, but also a variety of healthcare professionals—individuals who want to integrate spiritcentered care into their own specialty areas and their home institutions. Put another way, we’re not just asking people to practice spirit-centered care, we’re showing them how. Annual Report 2006 7 Having a multifaith pastoral care department sends a clear signal to patients and staff alike that the institution is not simply focused on treating physical disease, but rather the whole patient: spirit, mind, and body. The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg (left), founding pastoral care director at St. John’s Riverside Hospital in Yonkers, New York, discusses patient care plans with the nurse care management team. Vice President for Pastoral Care Leadership and Practice, the Rev. George Handzo is the lead force behind our consultation and assessment service, designed to help hospitals and other organizations across the country build or improve upon an existing multifaith pastoral care department. The Rev. Handzo has been with The Chaplaincy for 29 years and is a past president of the Association of Professional Chaplains, the largest association of pastoral care professionals in North America. The most important There’s little dispute part of my job is doing what chaplains have always done—walk with patients and their grieving loved ones as they struggle with what may be the most difficult moment in their lives. But another aspect of modern chaplaincy is making sure that spiritual 8 It’s not just about hiring a chaplain for a particular institution. It’s about making sure patients and staff get the spiritual and emotional care they need. care doesn’t stop when I leave the patient’s room. A truly patient-centered approach means making sure that the entire staff—including local community clergy and trained lay volunteers—work as a team to surround the patient in a circle of care. It’s hard to fall when you’re supported by so many caring hands. these days about the value of multifaith pastoral care in healthcare settings. But many organizations aren’t sure how to get an effective spiritual care program off the ground. Through our pastoral research initiatives and our Consulting Service, The Chaplaincy can now share its expertise in pastoral care program development—honed over 46 years of service in the New York area—with a national audience. Like research, consulting is an excellent tool for sharing our model of evidence-based pastoral care, and showing how it can be integrated into a healthcare organization. Annual Report 2006 9 I’m grateful to The HealthCare Chaplaincy for helping me take a leading role educating the next generation of professional Jewish chaplains. Healing is about more than just getting well physically. It’s about learning to see the spiritual and emotional value in what you’re experiencing. Rabbi Naomi Kalish is Educational Coordinator of The Chaplaincy’s Center for Studies in Jewish Pastoral Care. She also supervises multifaith groups of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) students at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center. My transformation began when I took my first CPE program at The HealthCare Chaplaincy. I’ve grown a lot since then, learning first how to become a professional chaplain and then—through the supervisory training program—an educator of pastoral care students. I thank The Chaplaincy for guiding me in my personal journey, and for 10 helping transform the field of Jewish theological education itself. Because of The Chaplaincy and its Center for Studies in Jewish Pastoral Care, pastoral education is becoming a regular part of Jewish seminary education, and ordained rabbis and cantors from across the country are learning how to better serve their congregants. Al Hajji Imam Yusuf H. Hasan is a healthcare chaplain at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. A former student in The Chaplaincy’s CPE program, Imam Hasan became the world’s first certified Muslim chaplain in 1996. He is an acknowledged expert on the spiritual and emotional needs of Muslim patients in healthcare settings. When cancer strikes, the whole family is sent on a journey it never asked to take. As a chaplain, my job is to walk with the patient and his or her loved ones, helping all of them make the difficult journey from despair to hope, even if the medical outcome isn’t favorable. That’s my job—to uplift, to gently lead (and sometimes follow) so that everyone affected by cancer can make the transition from hopeless to hopeful. Annual Report 2006 11 CHAPLAINS IN ACTION 12 Rabbi Ralph Kreger, a staff chaplain at the Hospital for Special Surgery, comforts a sick patient’s family member. Now in his tenth year with The HealthCare Chaplaincy, Rabbi Kreger was formerly a student in our Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program. The Rev. Wilfredo Rodriguez, director of pastoral care at Lenox Hill Hospital, consults with fellow hospital staff. A Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Reserves, the Rev. Rodriguez recently returned from his second tour of duty as a Marine chaplain at the Camp Taqqadum Surgical Shock Trauma Unit in Iraq. The Rev. Jo Clare Wilson ministers to a patient at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut, where she serves as director of pastoral care and education. She is a certified chaplain supervisor, providing CPE to many beginning chaplains each year at Griffin. The Rev. Alfred Kambaki, a chaplain educator serving at NYU Hospitals Center, discusses a pastoral research question with research associate Kathleen Galek, Ph.D. Dr. Galek was previously a Fellow in The Chaplaincy’s two-year Post-Doctoral Research program, funded by the John Templeton Foundation. She and other Chaplaincy research staff published 12 peer-reviewed studies in 2006, many in collaboration with our chaplains and faculty members. Annual Report 2006 13 Reshaping Tomorrow THE WHOLENESS OF LIFE RESIDENCE Integrating Multifaith Spirit-Centered Care at the End of Life Caring for the Whole Person Environmentally Efficient Green Roof System The Wholeness of Life facility will offer residents at the end of life a non-denominational but spiritually fulfilling community, regardless of their faith, or even if they have no religious background at all. While receiving world-class medical care for their bodies, residents will also be afforded many opportunities to grow intellectually and spiritually. Wholeness of Life Residence Developing Spirit-Centered Care Leaders The Center for Palliative Education will help medical professionals, social workers, and others inside and outside the clergical world learn the theory and practice of spirit-centered patient care. Medical Group Practice Chaplaincy Offices Each floor will be a micro-neighborhood for 10 residents. The center area will be a common space for shared meals, group activities, and visits from family and friends. Serving Our New Community Spears Research Center The Chaplaincy will partner with the City of New York to build a model pre-kindergarten-throughgrade-five school on the ground floor. This will create learning opportunities for students and residents alike. Community Center Pre-K to 5th Grade School ARTIST’S RENDITION 16 Annual Report 2006 17 THE WHOLENESS OF LIFE RESIDENCE: A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION KATHLEEN M. FOLEY, M.D. Attending Neurologist, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Clinical Pharmacology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University Director of the Palliative Care Initiative Network, Public Health Program of the Open Society Institute Changing the way we care for the dying means—first and foremost—educating new thought leaders in the healthcare profession. I don’t just mean physicians but nurses, psychologists, social workers, chaplains, and executive administrative staff—anyone who cares for the whole person at the end of life. The Wholeness of Life residence will be an international destination for specialists in all of these areas—a place for them to learn a new paradigm of integrative care that can be applied to their own institutions. C. RONALD MACKENZIE, M.D. Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Weill Medical College of Cornell University Associate Attending Physician, Hospital for Special Surgery For too long, physicians have been trained to look at death as a failure rather than as part of the natural course of life. But incurable disease happens. Old age happens. Death happens. When we are unable to cure, we need to apply better strategies for care, which means no longer focusing just on disease and other biological processes but on the entire individual. The Wholeness of Life residence will show medical professionals how to improve quality of care for their most vulnerable patients. ELIZABETH A. BALTZ Former Senior Vice President, MasterCard International HOWARD F. SHARFSTEIN, ESQ. Partner, Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP As a cancer survivor, I learned from the chaplains who treated me—a rabbi and a Roman Catholic nun—that “religious diversity” is more than just a nice slogan. It’s a force that can inspire us to reflect deeper on our faith. Based on my experience as a former patient and current trustee of The Chaplaincy (and a student in its Clinical Pastoral Education program) I have no doubt The Wholeness of Life residence will represent the multifaith model for spirit-centered, end-of-life care in this country. JEANNE LEE Executive Vice President and COO, The HealthCare Chaplaincy I’ve spent most of my career in healthcare and The Wholeness of Life residence is the most ambitious and rewarding project I’ve ever worked on. The residence will be a true “living laboratory” where models for fuller, more spiritually centered care at the end of life are practiced, taught, studied and refined. PATRICK CHARMEL President and CEO, Griffin Hospital I have examined hundreds of business plans over the The Wholeness of Life model is exciting because every years. The very best of them marry a clear, creative vision of the future with a strong track record of success with previous ventures. This describes The HealthCare Chaplaincy and its commitment to create the Wholeness of Life residence. As a trustee, I have seen firsthand The Chaplaincy’s careful research into the end-of-life care field, and their planning process to improve it. This organization understands the healthcare arena and what the needs are. aspect of its design will be geared toward spiritual and psychological care. Residents will form a community with one another, with the chaplains and medical staff, and with the local community. That’s the kind of mutual support system that makes an institution a home. As the CEO of a hospital known for its patient-centered approach, I’m confident this project will be a great benefit to its residents and to the healthcare field at large. 18 Annual Report 2006 19 NEW TRUSTEES Claire Haaga Altman is executive director at ReServe Elder Service, a new non-profit organization that matches skilled, educated retirees with stipended volunteer opportunities in non-profit and government organizations. Claire is also founder and chair of the Woodycrest Extended Care Network, an AIDS residential health care facility. Until 2005, Claire was president of Housing & Services, Inc., a non-profit housing corporation, which she founded. Nicholas Haines is a director at The Bromley Companies, a real estate investment and management firm, where he oversees property and development site acquisitions and divestitures. Nicholas previously served as vice president of business development at Vaultus, Inc., a wireless software and consulting company. Mr. Haines also served as a founding member of the Direct Investment Group at Merrill Lynch and as an investment analyst at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Judith A. Lewittes is a consultant specializing in fundraising and board development for educational institutes and nonprofits. Formerly a vice president for development at Vassar College, she was a member of its senior administrative staff for many years, serving under three college presidents. Prior to becoming chief fundraising officer, she was the director of Vassar’s Annual Fund. Judith’s extensive volunteer and civic activities include service on numerous nonprofit boards. Hector V. Perez is a director at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in the Transaction Services Group. Prior to this role, Hector was part of PwC's Capital Markets Group, serving clients in the alternative investments industry. He is a Certified Public Accountant in New York State and serves as national vice president of the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA). T. Timothy Ryan is vice chairman, Financial Institutions and Governments, at JPMorgan Chase, where he is a member of the firm's senior leadership and serves on its Investment Banking Coverage/M&A Management Committee. Tim is a director of The U.S.-Japan Foundation, The Fund for American Studies, the International Foundation for Election Systems, and the Mortgage Roundtable. He was formerly a director of the Resolution Trust Corporation and the FDIC. Jill Totenberg is president and CEO of The Totenberg Group, a communications and marketing firm known for implementing high-impact programs. Jill specializes in corporate branding, positioning, media relations, crisis management, and internal communications. Prior to creating her firm, Jill was senior vice president, public affairs, for TD Waterhouse, vice president of marketing for CSC Index, and vice president of worldwide communications for Gemini Consulting. She is a board member of Project Health and is a member of the Arthur Page Society and the Wisemen. Elizabeth A. Baltz is a global financial services executive. She spent twenty years with MasterCard International in a number of top positions focusing on global business development, management of top corporate divisions, and providing leadership to financial services executives around the world. Elizabeth serves on boards of several New York organizations including Big Apple Greeter, Financial Women’s Association, and Ray of Light Foundation. Gregory D. Kennedy is a managing director in the Financial Institutions Group at Credit Suisse in New York. Greg manages the firm's relationships with many large depository institution clients. Before becoming an investment banker, Greg practiced law at Sullivan & Cromwell. Greg is an active alumnus of Stanford University and Stanford Law School, in recognition of which he was awarded membership in, and an Outstanding Achievement Award from, the Stanford Associates. Greg is also on the board of the not-for-profit ArtsConnection in New York. Deborah Miller is an entrepreneur in the public and private sectors. In 1994 she co-founded Children’s Academies for Achievement, a not-for-profit organization that created The Samuel DeWitt Proctor Academy, the first public boarding school chartered in the United States. Deborah previously ran Panache Imports Ltd., which consulted to the fashion and textile industries. She is a member of the Trustees Council of Penn Women and of the boards of Say Yes to Education and the Adopt a Dog Foundation. Marcella Rosen is co-founder (with her late husband, David Sacks) of the Campus Truth Foundation, an organization that combats intolerance on college campuses. Marcella has held top positions in advertising and internet companies. She was an executive vice president of NW Ayer Inc., and president of Trager-Rosen Inc. Marcella is a director of the 92nd St. Y, the Heschel School, and the Hebrew Free Loan Society. The Rev. Caroline Stacey has been rector of St. Luke in the Fields Episcopal Church, New York City, since May 2005. Before arriving at St. Luke’s, Mother Stacey was rector of All Saints’ Church in East Lansing, Michigan. Earlier, Mother Stacey served at Trinity Church, Wall Street, and Trinity on the Green in New Haven, Connecticut. She is on the Board of Trustees at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, her alma mater. Alex von Bidder is a managing partner of The Four Seasons Restaurant in New York City. For over 30 years, Alex has been a guiding force behind this legendary and world famous icon of architecture and exquisite taste. Alex is also a certified yoga teacher and sailboat captain who co-leads men’s retreats in Europe and across the United States. He enjoys teaching classes on creativity and personal mastery at Columbia University, and a course on modern manners at New York University. 20 Annual Report 2006 21 2002-2006 OPERATING RESULTS TREASURER’S REPORT (in thousands) The HealthCare Chaplaincy maintains a strong balance sheet, with audited results for 2006 reflecting an overall increase in total net assets of $0.8 million. In the same year, there was a 17% increase in funding from foundations and trusts, as well as vigorous philanthropic support from trustees and other loyal benefactors. From this secure financial position, The Chaplaincy has pursued ambitious programmatic development in all of its core mission-driven areas: multifaith clinical pastoral care, consulting, education, and research. The Chaplaincy shepherded its fiscal resources with typically high accountability and efficiency. Although 2006 was a year of planned growth, transformation, and capacity building, The Chaplaincy maintained an enviable track record in balancing the ratio of its program support to overall administrative expenses. The HealthCare Chaplaincy is a strategic, forward-thinking organization. The encouragement, vision, and steadfast commitment of our benefactors enables The Chaplaincy to advance the cause of multifaith pastoral care locally, nationally, and internationally. My fellow trustees join with me in thanking you for your significant contribution to the continuing leadership role that The HealthCare Chaplaincy is exercising in the professional fields of pastoral care, education, and research. Hector V. Perez, C.P.A. Treasurer Net Assets 1998-2006 (in millions) $35.1 35.0 “In 2006, 80 cents of every dollar spent was allocated in support of our multifaith programs in spiritual care, education, research, and consulting.” $31.2 30.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 341.8 1,278.2 51.2 906.3 921.5 3,499.0 195.3 1,275.3 66.5 663.5 1,056.0 3,256.6 493.9 1,000.3 34.6 858.4 938.9 3,329.1 31.6 658.2 33.9 952.8 1,192.9 2,869.4 101.1 790.0 41.2 743.6 1,097.6 2,773.5 3,003.1 2,688.6 2,442.8 2,454.7 2,487.0 180.5 0.0 51.9 101.6 334.0 6,836.1 230.9 150.0 55.7 99.4 536.0 6,481.2 299.9 200.0 22.3 108.4 630.7 6,402.6 590.9 563.4 50.7 148.3 1,353.4 6,677.5 585.5 876.9 35.1 302.7 1,800.2 7,060.7 2,047.1 1,856.3 1,176.4 1,980.0 1,618.2 1,162.4 1,948.5 1,468.9 1,213.8 2,063.3 1,447.4 1,280.3 456.6 5,536.4 485.6 5,246.2 533.2 5,164.4 550.0 5,341.0 1,975.1 1,529.7 1,259.2 217.9 616.6 5,598.5 668.2 621.0 1,289.2 6,825.6 536.4 687.3 1,223.7 6,469.9 551.8 654.3 1,206.1 6,370.5 633.1 700.2 1,333.3 6,674.3 640.2 812.7 1,452.9 7,051.4 10.5 11.3 32.1 3.2 9.3 Support and Revenue Contributions Corporations Foundations & Trusts Religious Organizations Individuals & Estates Benefit (net of expenses) Total Contributions Service Income Other Income Investment Income from Restricted Funds Utilized in Operations Other Investment Income Utilized in Operations Donated Goods & Services Tuition, Student Fees, Miscellaneous Total Other Income Total Support and Revenue Operating Expenses Program Services Patient/Family Care Professional Education Community Outreach Wholeness of Life Center Research Total Program Services Support Services Administration (including depreciation) Fundraising, Annual Total Support Services Total Expenses Revenue (Under)/Over Expenses 25.0 $23.4 $20.8 20.0 15.0 $14.9 10.0 5.0 1998 22 2000 2002 2004 2006 Annual Report 2006 23 2002-2006 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES 2002-2006 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (in thousands) (in thousands) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Contributions Corporations Foundations & Trusts Religious Organizations Individuals & Estates Benefit (net of expenses) Total Contributions 273.1 631.9 76.1 1,316.2 1,021.5 3,318.8 264.4 1,657.0 88.5 750.2 1,056.0 3,816.1 113.8 340.3 34.6 808.6 885.9 2,183.2 31.6 658.3 33.9 1,078.1 1,062.5 2,864.4 51.1 770.7 41.3 564.3 1,042.1 2,469.5 Service Income 2,960.9 2,666.3 2,420.1 2,454.7 2,473.3 Other Income Investment Income Utilized Investment Income Not Utilized in Operations Tuition, Student Fees, Miscellaneous Total Other Income Total Support and Revenue 58.1 0.0 87.5 145.6 6,425.3 230.9 5,643.3 80.6 5,954.8 12,437.2 299.9 3,455.9 108.4 3,864.2 8,467.5 1,159.3 3,137.9 148.3 4,445.5 9,764.6 1,409.1 1,300.2 162.6 2,871.9 7,814.7 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 629.7 600.4 2,188.0 47.5 13,188.9 6,897.7 23,553.2 862.4 549.0 2,118.8 43.0 19,150.7 6,616.5 29,340.4 588.0 325.3 1924.9 55.7 22,224.6 6,246.3 31,364.8 649.4 548.9 2,222.0 52.2 25,122.1 5,946.6 34,541.2 1,045.4 377.9 2,200.3 41.6 26,118.0 5,612.3 35,395.5 151.4 151.4 120.4 120.4 150.1 150.1 236.3 236.3 327.2 327.2 6,897.7 6,616.5 6,246.3 5,946.6 5,612.3 Designated Long-Term Investment Capital Improvements Fund Undesignated Total Unrestricted Net Assets 4,902.8 864.0 2,520.0 15,184.5 8,774.6 1,469.9 1,334.0 18,195.0 11,131.6 1,769.4 819.8 19,967.1 12,680.4 1,769.4 1,022.6 21,419.0 12,387.7 2,772.1 795.0 21,567.1 Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 5,409.5 2,806.8 23,400.8 23,552.2 7,153.7 3,871.4 29,220.1 29,340.4 7,359.5 3,888.1 31,214.7 31,364.8 8,977.8 3,908.2 34,305.0 34,541.3 9,399.1 4,102.1 35.068.3 35,395.5 Support and Revenue Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Operating Expenses Program Services Patient/Family Care Professional Education Community Outreach Wholeness of Life Center Research Total Program Services Support Services Administration (including depreciation) Fundraising, Annual Total Support Services Total Expenses Change in Net Assets Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year Cash and Cash Equivalents Accrued Income Receivable Pledges and Grants Receivable Prepaid Expenses and Deposits Investments Land, Buildings and Equipment Total Assets 2,050.4 1,852.9 1,176.4 1,996.5 1,618.2 1,293.9 2,003.3 1,466.7 1,264.8 2,063.3 1,447.4 1,280.3 456.6 5,536.3 485.6 5,394.1 533.2 5,268.0 550.0 5,341.0 1,975.1 1,529.7 1,259.2 217.9 616.6 5,598.5 668.2 621.0 1,289.2 6,825.5 536.4 687.3 1,223.7 6,617.9 551.6 653.3 1,204.1 6,472.9 633.1 700.2 1,333.3 6,674.3 640.2 812.7 1,452.9 7,051.4 -400.2 23,801.0 23,400.8 5,819.3 23,400.8 29,220.1 1,994.6 29,220.1 31,214.7 3,090.3 31,214.7 34,305.0 763.3 34,305.0 35,068.3 Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Net Investment in Land, Buildings, and Equipment Audited financial statements of The HealthCare Chaplaincy, Inc. are available by writing to The HealthCare Chaplaincy, Finance Department, 315 East 62nd Street, New York, NY 10021, or to the Department of State, Office of Charities Registration, Albany, NY 12331. 24 Annual Report 2006 25 A GATHERING OF FRIENDS: 2006 WHOLENESS OF LIFE AWARDS DINNER Susan and Edgar Wachenheim III alongside Arlyn and Edward L. Gardner, 2005 Wholeness of Life honorees Judy R. and trustee T. Timothy Ryan Co-chair Richard E. Salomon, Community Honoree and Chaplaincy life trustee William G. Spears, and co-chair Michael H. Steinhardt Trustee Maria T. and William G. Spears, life trustee Trustee Christopher C. Grisanti, Leisa S. Crane, Suzanne P. Fawbush, and former trustee Charles G. Crane Andrea and Robert R. Berger 26 Trustee Emanuel Chirico Carol and Edward M. Dinan, president & CEO of Lawrence Hospital Center Trustee James E. Buckman and his wife, Nancy Jackson Kytle, Ph.D., vice president, academic affairs; Barnaby Marsh, D.Phil., of the John Templeton Foundation; and the Rev. George Handzo, vice president, pastoral care leadership & practice Trustee Rochelle Hirsch; Malcolm Thomson; trustee Judith A. Lewittes next to her husband, David; trustee Diana S. Goldin beside her husband, Jay; trustee Ira Greenblatt and his wife, Linda (standing) Carter J. and Gladys Dinkeloo Annual Report 2006 27 GIFTS FROM INSTITUTIONS $100,000 and Above Fannie E. Rippel Foundation Robertson Foundation The Starr Foundation Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz William Randolph Hearst Foundations $25,000 - $99,000 Anonymous Altria Group, Inc. The Brenner Family Foundation Enpro International, Inc. Goldman Sachs The Hagedorn Fund The Ambrose Monell Foundation May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Spears Grisanti & Brown LLC The John Templeton Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Hospital for Special Surgery The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Edward S. Moore Family Foundation MetLife, Inc. Morris Levinson Foundation Morrison & Foerster The Henry & Lucy Moses Fund New York Hospital Queens The New York Physicians Foundation, Inc. Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue Alan B. Slifka Foundation, Inc. The Taylor Companies Tishman Speyer Properties, LP The Winifred Masterson Burke Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Beth Israel Medical Center The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. The Burke Rehabilitation Hospital Collegiate Church Corporation Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church Griffin Hospital Lawrence Hospital Center 28 GIFTS FROM INDIVIDUALS Lenox Hill Hospital Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Morgan Stanley Foundation North Shore University Hospital NYU Hospitals Center Quinnipiac University The Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center Sullivan & Cromwell Vassar Brothers Medical Center Winthrop-University Hospital $2,500 - $4,999 Beck Foundation Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York Robert G. Hayhurst, Jr. Family Foundation Marble Collegiate Church Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. The Picower Foundation The James and Chantal Sheridan Foundation $1,000 - $2,499 J. Aron Charitable Foundation, Inc. John R. and Dorothy D. Caples Fund The Carwill Foundation Congregation Or Zarua The Constans Culver Foundation DEARS Foundation, Inc. Episcopal Diocese of New York First American International Bank The Hebrew Home for the Aged at Riverdale Heilbut, Rosenman, Radin & Cho Dentists P.C. The Peter T. Joseph Foundation The Samuel J. & Ethel LeFrak Charitable Trust Leon Levy Foundation The Vincent Mulford Foundation New York Academy of Medicine The Resource Foundation, Inc. Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo & Associates The Evelyn Sharp Foundation St. Michael's Church $999 and Below Christ Church (United Methodist Women) Church of the Heavenly Rest Church of the Holy Family Congregation Shearith Israel The First Baptist Church St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church Park Avenue United Methodist Church Gifts In Kind Preston Bailey Jonathan G. Blattmachr Cipriani Foliage Gardens, Inc. Heilbut, Rosenman, Radin & Cho Dentists, P.C. Heller Ehrman LLP JPMorgan Private Bank Mutual of America Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation Seward & Kissel LLP Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Sylvia Weinstock Visionaries ($50,000+) Anonymous Elaine and Kenneth G. Langone Susan and Jack Rudin Laura Landro and Richard E. Salomon Janet Prindle Seidler and Charles J. Seidler, Jr. Maria T. and William G. Spears Judith and Michael H. Steinhardt Partners in Healing ($25,000 - $49,999) Anonymous Regina Pitaro and Mario J. Gabelli Nicholas Haines Diana D. Torres and Frank J. Petrilli Estate of Ayse Rosin Sheila and Lawrence J. Toal Susan and Edgar Wachenheim III Sustainers of the Spirit ($17,500 - $24,999) Nancy and James E. Buckman Judith Rush and T. Timothy Ryan Champions of Care ($10,000 - $17,499) Anonymous Estate of Janet C. Bosse Robin and Marshall Cloyd David F. DeLucia Stephen M. DuBrul Jr. Kathe and John S. Dyson Judith and Anthony B. Evnin, Ph.D. Charlotte M. Ford Mary and Michael E. Gellert Linda J. and Ira J. Greenblatt Suzanne P. Fawbush and Christopher C. Grisanti Deborah Elizabeth and the Honorable Thomas H. Kean Ann and Thomas L. Kempner Victoria S. Reese and Gregory D. Kennedy Catherine and T. Michael Long Miriam K. Moran Beth Goldberg Nash and Joshua Nash Catherine A. Rein Catherine L. and Francis P. Rich Lynn Rothstein, Ph.D. Helen S. Tucker Keepers of the Flame ($5,000 - $9,999) Elizabeth A. Baltz Patricia and Charles C. Baum Anson Beard, Jr. Marilyn and Richard Blair Mary and David J. Callard Susan and Alexander W. Casdin Joanne and Emanuel Chirico Kathryn Christensen Lynn and Langdon Cook Leisa S. and Charles G. Crane Joan H. and Alfred C. DeCrane Gladys and Carter J. Dinkeloo Kathleen M. Foley, M.D. and Charles T. Foley Sharon and Tracy Fu Arlyn and Edward L. Gardner Robin L. and Peter A. Gish Gretchen and Eugene P. Grisanti Rochelle and David A. Hirsch Lynn and John W. Johnson, Jr. Maxine Isaacs and James A. Johnson Jane and Charles Klein Joann and R. Todd Lang Jeanne and James W. Lee Michele B. and Matthew M. Ludmer Christy K. and John J. Mack Catherine C. and Donald B. Marron Lucy Flemming McGrath Elizabeth M. and Thomas A. Renyi Deborah and Charles M. Royce Alan V. Schwartz Kimberly W. and Thomas J. Sheridan The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. Nelle Nugent and Jolyon F. Stern Lorna and David H. Strassler Sheryl and Daniel R. Tishman Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname Anna and Alfred M. Vinton, Jr. Sandra and Alex von Bidder Judy Francis Zankel Catherine Be Zoullas Torch Bearers ($2,500 - $4,999) Robert L. Cahill, Jr. Mary Ann and Malcolm E. Cloyd Lavonne and David A. Cowan Therese Deierlein Ruth D. and Robert E. Diefenbach William W. Donnell Katherine and William G. Gahagan Itty and Spencer B. Hays Margaret M. Hill Anita M. Larsen Anne Moore, M.D. and Arnold L. Lisio, M.D. Joanne Jaffin Mason and Douglas Mason Ronay A. and Richard L. Menschel Barbara and Edward Netter Amy and Mitchell Radin Marcella Rosen Kathleen M. and Michael J. A. Smith David E. Stutzman Suzanne and Stephen H. Weiss Lisa Woods Christina and Donald Zacharia Circle of Hope ($1,000 - $2,499) Pamela and David Banker Kay Brover and Arthur C. Bennett Virginia Benzak Andrea and Robert Berger Stephen Bermas Susan and James Breece Vance Brown Lyle S. and Warwick M. Carter, Jr. Jean B. Case, M.D. and David B. Case, M.D. Donna S. and Derrick D. Cephas Dawna and Donald B. Christian Mary Sharp Cronson Barbara T. and Benjamin J. Denihan, Jr. Hanni Dinkeloo Judith A. and Daniel J. Donahue Christina E. Prunier and David A. Doss Joan and Alvin H. Einbender Catherine Y. and Harold B. Finn Susan L. Fischer Muffie and Desmond G. FitzGerald Helen and Daniel M. FitzPatrick Jill Totenberg and Brian Foreman Alexander D. Forger Jacquie and William T. Friedewald Diana S. and Harrison J. Goldin Candice and Terry W. Goodwin Antonia and James Gorton Linda J. Vester and Glenn H. Greenberg Kathy and Alan C. Greenberg Barbara and Edmund A. Hajim Annual Report 2006 29 GIFTS FROM INDIVIDUALS Ellen M. and James E. Hillman Beth Holland Valerie and Van Hubbard Margaret Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Anne Hale Johnson Mary and Kenneth King Alice and Alexander Kirschenbaum, M.D. Francine and Samuel C. Klagsbrun, M.D. Stephanie Krieger Judith Pond Kudlow and Lawrence Kudlow Brenda and Burton Lehman Mariana S. and Lawrence Leighton Judith A. and David J. Lewittes Christie C. Salomon and Richard Lombard Silvia and Thomas P. Maginnis Constantina and Robert McCabe Kathleen McLaughlin-Jerge Christina and Owen Morrissey Joseph W. Mullen, Jr. Suzanne C. and Thomas S. Murphy Abby Simpson and Todd Mydland Diane A. Nixon Phyllis S. and David C. Oxman Diane S. and Steven C. Parrish Carmen and John Petts Catherine S. and Thomas J. Pierce Richard Reiss, Jr. Julie M. and David P. Ricciardi Jane and Kevin Roche Sydney and E. Joshua Rosenkranz Kathryn Beeby and Louis J. Scenti, Jr. Nancy and Henry B. Schacht Roberta and Raymond M. Schleicher Jill and Howard F. Sharfstein Karen and J.L. Nevill Smythe Anna C. and David R. Steinhardt Alfred Stillman III B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. Rebecca and Roy E. Weathers Naomi Friedland-Wechsler and Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler Mildred and George Weissman Eunice and Mitchell Wonboy Margaret and Erwin A. Zeuschner Deborah A. and Nicholas B. Zoullas Sherry Jacobson and Eugene I. Zuriff 30 $500 - $999 Anonymous (2) Lilyan H. Affinito Claire Haaga Altman and Stan Altman, Ph.D. Margaret and Edward H. Bragg, Jr. Diana and Marc Chazaud Julie P. Cho, D.M.D. Margaret and Jeffrey Cianci The Rev. Dr. John S. Damm Peggy and Richard M. Danziger Kathaleen M. Duffin Joyia E. Fazelat, M.D. and Ahad A. Fazelat, M.D. Jean M. and Colin Fergus Allan H. Glick Aliette M. and Peter C. Goldmark Mary F. Hassett Harriet Huber Carol and Abbott C. Jones Marcia and James Kelly Brian H. Kim John J. Kindred III Gayle K. Lee Marian B. and Bernard P. Long Betty and James R. Mitscher Nancy Nielsen Judith A. and James P. Owens, Jr. Margaret Phelan Reed Ralph U. Price Suzanne and John H. Prunier, M.D. Jo Ann Friedman and Michael Rapaport Mary Anne and Douglas Schwalbe Gail P. and Samuel T. Telerico Carol and Joel Thea Susan H. and George J. Vojta Joseph B. Walsh, M.D. Julia and Laurie J. Warder Denie and Frank A. Weil Julian R. Williamson Marcia S. Wilson Kim A. White and Kurt J. Wolfgruber $250 - $499 Gilda and Rabbi Marc D. Angel Elizabeth and the Honorable Edward G. Biester Daryl F. and Joseph L. Boren Carol Collins Karen and David E. Cowan Wendy and James Daras Katherine Alfond and Joseph P. Donahue Nina H. and James R. Donnelley The Rev. Joseph J. Driscoll Marilyn and Brian Ebzery Annette and J. Donald Fairbanks Richard E. Ford Candice and John Frawley Lueza and Bruce S. Gelb Sandra Gering Mary Jane and Frederick W. Gettler, Jr. Irving S. Hamer, Jr., Ed.D. Patricia and Richard Jacobs Gina and Joseph E. Jannotta Heather A. and Paul F. Jordan Julia M. McNamara, Ph.D. and Richard J. Lolatte Dorothy L. and William F. McDonald Sherry M. and Walter R. McDonald Brenda and Tocher Mitchell Marianne and Robert A. Morelli Marjorie K. Nicodemus Cheryl W. and Thomas H. O'Leary Dorothy and Howard M. Pack Muriel Palitz Paul J. Powers, Jr. Tracy Susan and John M. Pramenko, M.D. Patricia R. and F. Herbert Prem Paula L. and Leon Root, M.D. Linda Dombrowsky and Ronald Rosensweig Carol Selle Mari and Kenneth Share Flora E. and G. Franklin South Phyllis and Edward Toohey Donald J. Toumey and Paul (Loong Foo) Chan Patrick J. Waide, Jr. Ann Marie Wallace, Ph.D. and Bernadette Wallace Jane and Stuart Weitzman Barbara H. West Joyce C. Williams Susan M. Fitzpatrick and Thomas P. Wyman Marion P. and Salvatore D. Zaffino Jean and Arnold Zimmerman $249 and Below Anonymous (3) Albert Alexander, Ph.D. Isa and Paul Allersmeyer Maire Allik Johanna and Laurent Alpert The Rev. Canon John Andrew, D.D. Lucelle and Francis D. Auger Velma and Ted J. Balestreri Anne and Philip J. Bergan Louise and Thilo H. Best Betty G. Black Jean K. and Christopher G. Boland Watson F. Bosler Dora and Russell Bourne Pauline H. and Perry S. Boynton Susan D. and Charles H. Boynton Adrienne L. Brown Alyce and Norman Cannon Susan V. Cantrell John G. Cartier Dorothy M. and Ralph W. Chapman Robin Colleran Anne S. Connor Robert A. and Elizabeth D. Contino Gerald A. Conway, Jr. Linda G. Conway Mary Ellen Raftery and the Honorable Michael A. Corriero Allison G. and Daniel J. Costarene Patricia and Donald T. Coughlin Evan Jay Crane Louise S. and Robert E. Dailey Anne P. R. Dean Monica and Michael Dimino Gilda and Generoso R. DiChiara Marie and Joseph DiChiara Jennifer and Paul J. Donahue Ruth Drazen Jane I. and Larry D. Droppa Louise Dunn Maria and Richard Dutmer Elizabeth A. and James J. Ebzery Margaret G. Eichorn Christina J. Eldridge Doris and Raymond Farrelly Anne and Dwight W. Fawcett Marian R. and Michael J. Foley Elizabeth C. Forster Donald J. Fowley Sarah E. Friedewald, M.D. and John J. Friedewald, M.D. Ann FultonCurran Alan K. Gage Kathryn G. and Joseph F. Gagliardi Marjorie A. Geiger Anne H. Gerli Marion M. and Roger Gilbert Susan Habachy Fran and Gary Haber Patricia and Joseph Hamilton Kathryn and Erik A. Hanson Phyllis R. Hersch, Ph.D. and Charles Hersch, Ph.D. Phyllis and Joseph C. Hinsey Sylvia W. Crouter and J.D. Hodgson Margaret M. and Martin R. Hoffmann Anne and G. Malcolm Holderness Lesley B. and Joseph C. Hoopes Fred Taylor Isquith Susan J. Milamed and Jack L. Jacobs The Rev. Dr. Martha R. Jacobs and Patricia A. Yost Rita and Leonard W. Jacobs Dorothy R. and Bruce Johnson Shirley C. and David T. Kearns Michael Keenan Rosalind and Sung-Hou Kim Barbara M. and Walter G. Korntheuer Betty Kranzdorf Maureen and James Krinsley, M.D. Judith M. and Harold L. Kulman, M.D. Adrianne and Leon Lebensbaum Naomi D. Leszkiewicz Lisa and Daniel Levine Edward Yin Liang, M.D. Ruth and Robert J. Lindner Patricia Luca Rita Lynch Robin Maitland Betsy H. and Anthony P. Marshall Florence Masek Vera and Michael McEnroe Sally and John J. McNally Barbara and Pat Melotto Anne and Kevin Mulvaney Gladys T. and Edward H. Novitch Herbert F. Oettgen, M.D. Andrea J. and Patrick G. O'Neill Janice and Roger Oresman Cheryl A. Clarke and Larry Orrico Helen Ouerbacker Mary and Michael Pauley Ann C. Pisano F. Gadalla, M.D. and A. Potulicki Ann L. and Edward W. Probert Richard A. Quinby Nancy C. and Richard F. Quinn Sarah E. and James T. Rich Jeanne B. and Lawrence M. Riegel Maureen A. Relland, M.D. and Robert R. Riggio, M.D. Jill R. Roosevelt Eleanor A. and John E. Rorer Robert Rosenthal Susan and Rabbi Robert Rubin Suzanne and William Sales Ruth S. and James P. Santos Stanley J. Scher Lynn and Homer D. Schoen Kuniko Schulein-Steel Arlene B. Schwartz Judith F. Schwartz Wendy S. and Richard M. Schwartz Elizabeth J. Skudder Bernice Slotnick Suzanne T. Smart Liliane and Jose Soriano The Rev. Caroline M. Stacey Patricia C. and Charles T. Stewart Evelyn Sturhann Sister Anne Tahaney, OP Phillips Talbot Robert J. Timberger Kathy and the Honorable David R. Tobin Anne and John R. Torell Nicholas J. Tortorello Patricia Koo Tsien Elizabeth and Cope B. Walbridge Sylvia and Benjamin Weinstock Helga and John H. Weisburger Josephine and Will Maitland Weiss Helene and Francis M. Weld, M.D. Christine L. Williams, M.D., and Gary M. Williams, M.D. Ann L. Woodfield and Ralph E. Wood L. Randall Yates Theresa B. Zadrosny Volunteers J. Donald Fairbanks Thomas J. Pierce Annual Report 2006 31 IN HONOR OF In 2006, the following individuals had gifts designated in their honor by the donors listed below. IN MEMORY OF Audrey Seidman Marjorie A. Geiger In honor of The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. The Rev. Canon John Andrew, D.D. In honor of Sandra M. Boyd Rabbi Marc D. Angel Sara and Geoffrey C. Bible B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. Daryl F. and Joseph L. Boren In honor of Ginny and James B. Creed B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. The Rev. Joseph J. Driscoll In honor of Jack K. Eickhof Joyia E. Fazelat, M.D. Ralph U. Price and Ahad A. Fazelat, M.D. In honor of Susan L. Fischer Sandra Gering Robin Colleran Mary Jane and Frederick W. Gettler, Jr. Leisa S. and Charles G. Crane Phyllis R. Hersch, Ph.D. Ellen M. and James E. Hillman and Charles Hersch, Ph.D. Michael Keenan Lynn and John W. Johnson, Jr. Judith M. and Harold L. Kulman, M.D. John J. Kindred III Rita Lynch Patricia Luca Marianne and Robert A. Morelli Eleanor A. and John E. Rorer The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. Suzanne and John H. Prunier, M.D. Maria T. and William G. Spears Catherine L. and Francis P. Rich, Sr. Sheila and Lawrence J. Toal Sarah E. and James T. Rich In honor of Rose A. Folliero The Taylor Companies DEARS Foundation, Inc. Theresa B. Zadrosny In honor of Ann FultonCurran In honor of Maria T. and William G. Spears B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. Christie C. Salomon In honor of Sister Elaine Goodell, P.B.V.M. and Richard Lombard Albert Alexander, Ph.D. Rita Lynch Stanley J. Scher In honor of William G. Spears Arlene B. Schwartz Anonymous Judith F. Schwartz Pamela and David Banker Patricia and Charles C. Baum In honor of Margaret Ann and Thomas S. Johnson Janice and Roger Oresman Anson Beard, Jr. Vance Brown In honor of Catherine and T. Michael Long Mary and David J. Callard Sandra Gering Susan and Alexander W. Casdin In honor of Rita Lynch Theresa B. Zadrosny Mary Ann and Malcolm E. Cloyd Robin and Marshall Cloyd In honor of Robin Maitland Josephine and Will Maitland Weiss Lynn and Langdon Cook Enpro International, Inc. In honor of The Moss Family Judith and Anthony B. Evnin, Ph.D. B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. Regina Pitaro and Mario J. Gabelli In honor of Sister Mary Owen Fred Taylor Isquith Katherine and William G. Gahagan In honor of Ralph A. Pici, M.D. Mary and Michael E. Gellert Vera and Michael McEnroe Aliette M. and Peter C. Goldmark In honor of Ralph U. Price Antonia and James Gorton Watson F. Bosler Suzanne P. Fawbush In honor of Margaret Phelan Reed and Christopher C. Grisanti Gretchen and Eugene P. Grisanti B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. In honor of Josie, Julian, Alex, Hollace, Jay, Barbara and Edmund A. Hajim Sarah and Spencer Robertson Itty and Spencer B. Hays Anne Hale Johnson Beth, Julian, Blanche, Elizabeth Carol and Abbott C. Jones and Pell Williamson 32 In honor of Deborah Elizabeth and the Honorable Thomas H. Kean Ann and Thomas L. Kempner Jane and Charles Klein Mariana S. and Lawrence Leighton Lisa and Daniel Levine Silvia and Thomas P. Maginnis Constantina and Robert McCabe Christina and Owen Morrissey Morrison & Foerster Beth Goldberg Nash and Joshua Nash Barbara and Edward Netter Phyllis S. and David C. Oxman Carmen and John Petts Catherine S. and Thomas J. Pierce Quinnipiac University Richard Reiss, Jr. Linda Dombrowsky and Ronald Rosensweig Deborah and Charles M. Royce Laura Landro and Richard E. Salomon Roberta and Raymond M. Schleicher Spears Grisanti & Brown LLC Lorna and David H. Strassler Anna and Alfred M. Vinton, Jr. Denie and Frank A. Weil Mildred and George Weissman Judy Francis Zankel Catherine Be Zoullas Deborah A. and Nicholas B. Zoullas In honor of Rabbi Bonita E. Taylor The Taylor Companies In honor of B. Gayle Twiname Margaret Phelan Reed In honor of Carolyn A. and the Rev. John Twiname Susan V. Cantrell Candice and John Frawley Dorothy R. and Bruce Johnson Phyllis and Joseph C. Hinsey Ruth S. and James P. Santos Richard A. Quinby Julia and Laurie J. Warder In honor of Miriam and James D. Twiname, Jr. B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. In honor of Will Maitland Weiss Robin Maitland In honor of Alice Williams Mary and Michael Pauley In 2006, memorial gifts were made by the donors listed below. Viiu Allik Maire Allik In memory of Susan T. Auger Lucelle and Francis D. Auger In memory of Betty Berkowitz Gladys T. and Edward H. Novitch In memory of Carroll Bjornson Andrea J. and Patrick G. O' Neill In memory of Dr. Mary H. Boynton Polly and Perry S. Boynton Susan D. and Charles H. Boynton In memory of Constance Twiname Briggs Richard A. Quinby In memory of John and Felicia Caporale Ann C. Pisano In memory of Thelma A. Dinkeloo Gladys and Carter J. Dinkeloo Hanni Dinkeloo Judith A. and James P. Owens, Jr. Jane Roche Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo & Associates In memory of Mary Elizabeth Dombrowski Tracy Susan and John M. Pramenko, M.D. In memory of Dr. Sanford H. Eisenberg Naomi D. Leszkiewicz In memory of Maude Fontana Theresa B. Zadrosny In memory of Kathleen B. Fowley Donald J. Fowley In memory of The Honorable Louis L. Friedman Beth Holland In memory of Rose and David Jacobs Rita and Leonard W. Jacobs In memory of Charles Jordan Heather A. and Paul F. Jordan In memory of Miriam Levy Andrea and Robert Berger In memory of Sol Lewis Andrea and Robert Berger In memory of John P. Lynch Julia M. McNamara, Ph.D. and Richard J. Lolatte Rita Lynch In memory of Anne Louise Maitland Robin Maitland In memory of William Masek Florence Masek In memory of Claire McLaughlin Kathleen McLaughlin-Jerge In memory of Virginia B. Mitchell Brenda and Tocher Mitchell In memory of Sonia Perelmutter Gladys T. and Edward H. Novitch In memory of Margaret Renahan In memory of Rita Lynch Alfred Pisano Heather A. and Paul F. Jordan Barbara and Pat Melotto Ann C. Pisano In memory of Ruth Scheidecker Phyllis and Edward Toohey In memory of Paul A. Skudder, M.D. Elizabeth J. Skudder In memory of Eugenia W. and P. Gordon B. Stillman Monica and Michael Dimino Alfred Stillmann III In memory of The Rev. James L. Tahaney Sister Anne Tahaney, OP In memory of Thomas Taylor The Taylor Companies In memory of Elizabeth Ann Timberger Robert J. Timberger In memory of Vincent Trotta Dorothy L. and William F. McDonald In memory of K.C. Tsien Sherry M. and Walter R. McDonald Rosalind and Sung-Hou Kim In memory of Polly Wee Sharon and Tracy Fu In memory of Michael Zadrosny Rita Lynch Theresa B. Zadrosny In memory of HOPE AND REMEMBRANCE SOCIETY Anonymous Ruth L. Cohen, Ph.D. Lavonne and David A. Cowan Leisa S. and Charles G. Crane Marie and Peter J. DeLuca Susan L. Fischer Margaret M. Hill Patricia Hill Harriet Huber Betty Kranzdorf Muriel Palitz Patricia R. and F. Herbert Prem, Jr. Ralph U. Price Margaret Phelan Reed Jill and Howard F. Sharfstein The Rev. Dr. Walter Smith, S.J. Maria T. and William G. Spears Sheila and Lawrence J. Toal Patricia Koo Tsien B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D. Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname Sherry Jacobson and Eugene I. Zuriff The Hope and Remembrance Society includes donors who have made a planned or deferred gift to The Chaplaincy. For more information on these and other giving options, please visit our Website, Hope & Remembrance Society members Jill and Howard F. Sharfstein. Annual Report 2006 33 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Deborah Miller The Rev. Caroline Stacey William G. Spears Edward D. Miller Lawrence J. Toal, Chairman Managing Director and President Citigroup Trust Founder and President Panache Imports Ltd. Rector Church of St. Luke in the Fields Principal Spears Abacus Advisors LLC Former President and CEO AXA Financial, Inc. Former Chairman, President & CEO The Dime Savings Bank of New York, FSB Kathleen M. Foley, M.D. Amy Radin David E. Stutzman Carolyn A. Twiname Mary O’Neil Mundinger, Dr. P.H. Chief Innovation Officer Global Consumer Group Citigroup Inc. Counsel Seward and Kissel LLP Former Co-President The HealthCare Chaplaincy Columbia University Dean, School of Nursing Marcella Rosen Jill Totenberg The Rev. John D. Twiname Richard D. Parsons President & CEO The Totenberg Group Former Co-President The HealthCare Chaplaincy Chairman & CEO Time Warner Inc. Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler, D.D Frank J. Petrilli Rabbi Congregation Or Zarua President & CEO Nexxar Group, Inc. Officers The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. President & CEO Daniel M. FitzPatrick Attending Neurologist Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Clinical Pharmacology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University Hector V. Perez, Treasurer Director, Transaction Services Group PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Diana S. Goldin Founder and President Campus Truth Foundation Consultant to non-profit institutions E. Joshua Rosenkranz Kathryn Christensen, Secretary Professor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, College of Journalism and Mass Communications Ira J. Greenblatt Attorney Private Investor Lynn Rothstein, Ph.D. Christopher C. Grisanti Trustees Principal Grisanti Brown & Partners LLC Nicholas Haines Clare Haaga Altman Executive Director ReServe Elder Service, Inc. Principal The Bromley Companies Irving S. Hamer, Jr., Ed.D. Elizabeth A. Baltz Former Senior Vice President MasterCard International Executive Vice President The Millenium Group Rochelle Hirsch James E. Buckman Vice Chairman and General Counsel (Ret.) Cendant Corporation Partner Heller Ehrman LLP Founder and Chair Creative Play School at Fifth Avenue Synagogue, New York Principal Gift Officer UJA-Federation of New York Alex von Bidder Managing Partner The Four Seasons Restaurant Roy E. Weathers Partner Tax Financial Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP T. Timothy Ryan Vice Chairman Financial Institutions & Government JPMorgan Chase Vice President and Senior Fiduciary Officer JPMorgan Private Bank David B. Case, M.D. Executive Board Member New York Physicians, LLP Emanuel Chirico CEO Phillips-Van Heusen Louis J. Scenti, Jr. Edith C. Bjornson John S. Chalsty Stephen H. Weiss Senior Vice President Leadership and Learning Lehman Brothers The Rev. Dr. John S. Damm Consultant Alan V. Schwartz Pastor Emeritus Saint Peter's Church President and CEO Bernard Hodes Group William W. Donnell Julie P. Cho, D.M.D. Partner Heilbut, Rosenman, Radin, and Cho 34 Managing Director Financial Institutions Group Credit Suisse/First Boston Former Partner Neuberger Berman, LLC Donald J. Keller Howard F. Sharfstein Samuel C. Klagsbrun, M.D. Anita M. Larsen Director Media Relations, Unilever USA Judith A. Lewittes Consultant to non-profit institutions Daniel R. Tishman Life Trustees Janet Prindle Seidler Artist; Dean and Co-Founder Harlem Studio of Art John C. Beck Chairman and CEO Tishman Construction Corp Gregory D. Kennedy Judith Pond Kudlow President’s Advisory Council Chairman Rudin Management Company, Inc. Senior Partner Beck, Mack and Oliver Private Investor Warwick M. Carter, Jr. Jack Rudin Partner Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP Maria T. Spears Senior Vice President, Managing Director Brown Harris Stevens Private Investor Medical Director Four Winds Hospital Charlotte Miller Philanthropist Ralph U. Price Architect (Ret.) Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associate Chairman Muirfield Capital Management Managing Director Neuberger Berman, LLC The Rev. Dr. James H. Cooper Suzanne Wright Rector Trinity Church, Wall Street Co-Founder Autism Speaks John S. Dyson Chairman Milbrook Capital Management Healthcare Advisory Council Charlotte M. Ford Dennis Dowling Philanthropist/Author Executive Director North Shore University Hospital Thomas S. Johnson Chairman & CEO (Ret.) GreenPoint Financial Helene L. Kaplan Of Counsel Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Gladys George President & CEO Lenox Hill Hospital Harold E. Varmus, M.D. President Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Martin Lipton Senior Partner Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz Annual Report 2006 35 CLINICAL STAFF & PARTNERS Beth Israel Medical Center Rabbi Nathan Goldberg Rabbi Jacob Greenberg Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center The Rev. Carlos de la Peña The Winifred Masterson Burke Rehabilitation Hospital The Rev. Dr. John P. Bauman Griffin Hospital The Rev. Jo Clare Wilson 2006 AT-A-GLANCE Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Chaplain Jane Mather Elaine Goodell, P.B.V.M. Al-Hajji Imam Yusuf H. Hasan Rabbi Harry Rothstein New York Hospital Queens Rabbi David M. Keehn Rosarine Quinn, C.S.J. The Rev. Eun Joo Kim NYU Hospitals Center The Rev. Stephen Harding The Rev. Alfred Kambaki North Shore University Hospital The Rev. Jon Overvold Maureen Mitchell, R.S.M., D.Min. Rabbi Daniel Coleman PASTORAL CARE SERVICES 220,000 Patient Visits EDUCATION Students Enrolled in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Number of CPE courses, each requiring 400 hours of clinical and class time 150 157 RESEARCH 12 Peer-reviewed articles published The Research Department publishes original studies on spirituality and health in national, peer-reviewed journals. These journals span a number of professional disciplines such as medicine, nursing, psychology, and pastoral care. Some of the topics covered in 2006 include: • • • • Spiritual care in advanced cancer patients Hospital directors’ views of pastoral care Belief in life after death and mental health Clergy as a source of mental health assistance • Measuring effectiveness of pastoral care with patients’ family members • Referral patterns to chaplains by doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff Please visit for more information on original HealthCare Chaplaincy research. CONSULTING St. John’s Riverside Hospital The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg Hospital for Special Surgery Margaret T. Oettinger, O.P. The Rev. Arnd Braun-Storck Rabbi Ralph Kreger Lawrence Hospital Center The Rev. Simmons Gardner Lenox Hill Hospital The Rev. Wilfredo Rodriguez Rabbi Ralph Kreger 36 St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center The Rev. Peggy Muncie Al-Hajji Imam Yusuf H. Hasan Rabbi Naomi Kalish Assessments and/or Consultations were conducted at: • • • • Lewis-Gale Medical Center (VA) Morristown Memorial Hospital (NJ) Plaza Medical Center Fort Worth (TX) JFK Medical Center (FL) • St. Joseph’s Hospital Medical Center (AZ) • St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital (TX) • Texas Children’s Hospital (TX) CLINICAL STAFF & FACULTY Chaplains Faculty 29 10 St. Mary’s Center The Rev. Daniel Shenk Winthrop-University Hospital The Rev. Jill Bowden The Rev. Megan Kelly Entering its fourth year, The Chaplaincy-sponsored PlainViews e-newsletter reached nearly 8,000 subscribers in 2006. This bi-weekly communication engages chaplains, student chaplains, and other spiritual care providers from many different faiths all over the globe. Recent new subscribers come from countries such as Azerbaijan, Brazil, Germany, Latvia, and Malawi. You can access PlainViews via our homepage, © 2007 The HealthCare Chaplaincy, Inc. This report was manufactured on post-consumer recycled paper.
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