Front - Ezra Chaplaincy Services
Front - Ezra Chaplaincy Services
Targa Chaplaincy Team Encouraging Scriptures Edison and Marg-o Wiltshire Rick Maher Ezra Associate Marcella Hopkins Ezra Associate Linda Maher Ezra Associate Vanessa Wiltshire-Ryan Ezra Associate Targa Newfoundland Chaplains Edison is a former social worker, a Ceriffied General Ethicist, and an ordained minister. He and Marg-o have extensive experience and training in parish, counselling, and chaplaincy ministries. They are members of the Wheels of Summer Car Club in Clarenville where Edison is President, the Citroen Auto Club of Canada, and the Porsche Culb of America (Upper Canada). Rick is a Chaplain working with Ezra Offshore ministry and in Hospital and nondenominational Chaplaincy. Linda is a Chaplain who works in Ezra Offshore Chaplaincy and other Ezra ministries. Marcella is Chaplain for Ezra at the St. John’s International Airport. Vanessa is a Chaplaincy helper specializing in grief counselling. Together, these Chaplains represent several denominations. Targa is grateful to all of them for their service to the event. Greetings from Mr. Bob Giannou, President of Newfoundland International Motorsports Limited Targa Newfoundland is pleased to have the services of Ezra Chaplaincy. Edison Wiltshire joined our team as Chaplain at our inaugural event and soon came to be known in the sport as “the faster pastor.” He & Marg-o are Targa pioneers and have run as a team in every past event. Chaplaincy services have included ministry to participants facing family crisis at home and hospital visitation to those who ran out of talent during the event. In this area Edison & Marg-o’s services, and those of their Chaplaincy Team, have been indispensable and of great assistance to the Competitor Relations Officers and to the families of those competitors affected. The Wiltshires have also had many opportunities for joyful interaction with competitors, officiating at weddings, christenings, and other family activities. We welcome Edison and Marg-o and their Chaplaincy Team to Targa 2009 and in future events. Chaplaincy services are an important part of our commitment to holistic services to our competitors, officials and spectators, and to the communities through which events travel. “...let us run with patience the race that is set before us...” The Apostle Paul, Hebrews 12:1b “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.” It’s About the Drive Chaplaincy 2009 Ezra Chaplaincy Vehicles Psalm 90:17 # 202 1951 Citroen Traction Targa 2002 “Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness.” Response to Ezra’s chaplaincy Nehemiah 9:17b # 402 1969 Citroen DS 20 Targa 2003 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Ezra in Psalm 119:105 # 602 1977 Citrroen CX GTi Targa 2004, 2005, 2006 Targa Newfoundland 2A-39 Pippy Place St John's, NL, A1B 3X2 St. John’s, Newfoundland A1C 3H9 Tel: 709-722-2413 Fax: 709-722-1116 email # 602 1979 Porsche 911SC Targa 2007 - 2008 - 2009 Ezra Chaplaincy Services Inc. 8 Old Church Road, P. O. Box 9191 Clarenville, Newfoundland A5A 2C2 Tel: 709-433-2183 Fax: 709-433-2184 email Chaplaincy Director: Dr. Edison E. Wiltshire, CGE Ezra Chaplaincy Services