June 2016 - Waimea College


June 2016 - Waimea College
Term 2:
2 May - 8 July
Term 3:
25 July - 23 September
Term 4:
10 October - 9 December
The school day begins at 8.45am
with Form Time (this MUST be
attended each day).
Lunch time 1.20 - 2.10pm
School finishes at 3.10pm
Kia ora koutou
A very warm greetings to
families and friends of Waimea
All the best for the balance of the term.
Semper Contendite,
Board Elections
With Trustee elections having recently taken
place I would like to acknowledge the eight
Scott Haines
candidates that put themselves forward for a Principal
role on our Waimea College Board of Trustees.
School boards are charged with the tremendous
Waimea College Board of
responsibility of providing the vision, governance
Trustees’ Election
and strategic direction necessary to ensure that
our school is best positioned to meet the needs Declaration of Parent and Staff
of our students and community. Congratulations Representative Results
to Garry Hammond, Nathan Davis, Darren Mark, Parent Representative Votes:
Emma Hunter and Anjela Sharma who were
Sonny Alesana
elected to the board.
Nathan Davis
Garry Hammond
Curriculum and Timetable Review
Ann Holmes
Emma Hunter
Our review of our Curriculum and Timetable is
underway. Thanks to everyone who contributed
Brent Palmer
to the first survey to parents, students and staff.
Anjela Sharma
As the review team work their way through the
process there will be further opportunities to
I thereby declare the following duly elected:
participate. The discussion about what students
Nathan Davis
learn at Waimea College, and how they learn it,
Garry Hammond
is something that is relevant to everyone so
Emma Hunter
please have your say.
Darren Mark
International Student Host Families Needed
“We are what we repeatedly do;
excellence, then, is not an act but a
habit.” Aristotle
families to support these homestays and we
have a dedicated Homestay Co-ordinator to
provide guidance and support.
Having International Students at Waimea College
offers our local students the valuable
opportunity to learn about other cultures and to
make friends from around the world.
We are currently looking for host families for July
2016 and February 2017 intakes so please
contact the International Department if you can
help. A weekly monetary amount is provided to
Anjela Sharma
Staff Representative:
At the close of nominations, as there was only
one valid nomination received I hereby declare
Richard Keys duly elected
Barbara Tuhou
Returning Officer
Special Education Department
Karlee Hughson completed an eight day mainstream Outward Bound Course. Every morning her cohort of
students put on a head torch in the dark and ran to the sea, swam and ran back for breakfast. They also
completed climbing, abseiling and kayaking challenges and a solo night in the bush. Well done Karlee!
Cross Country Champions—The College Cross Country had a long and short course - well done to all:
Long Course:
1st Jake Rasmussen, Maggie Duff
2nd Lochie Hewson, Summer Powell
3rd William MacDonald, Katrina Chaplin
Short Course: -
1st Oliver Ring
2nd Johanson Samuel
3rd Jack Doocey
Katrina Chaplin,
Summer Powell &
Jake Rassmussen
Citizenship Initiative
The Transition group have been coming up with ideas about what they could do as part of this module.
Isaiah, Stephen and Leo had the idea of a morning tea for 10 Wensley House members who were very
keen to hear about life at Waimea College. One of the group, Mr Rex Smith told them that his son had been
Dux here in 1984 so the boys took him over to the foyer to see his son Tony’s name on the Honours board
which Mr Smith had not previously known about.
Isaiah talking with Mr Rex Smith
Maggie decide her citizenship initiative would be to introduce herself to her new neighbours in Stoke. She made
some lolly cake and an introductory card – this was a huge challenge for Maggie who overcame her fear of talking to
new people; her neighbours were very pleased to meet her.
Madeleine chose to do a litter pick up around the school grounds and Kane chose to volunteer for the Department of
Conservation cleaning out the pest boxes and clearing the track. Well done Transition team!
International Department
Since the start of Term 2 we have welcomed 2 new students; Francesca Zallio and Chiara Bovenga from Italy. Both girls have settled
very quickly into Waimea and are rapidly making lots of friends.
At the end of May, Nayland College kindly hosted our first International Dance of the year with a “Great Gatsby” themed Prom.
Over 200 International Students from all over the region joined together for a night of great music, dancing and socialising. The
students looked absolutely stunning in their 1920s style dresses and suits. A wonderful opportunity for the students to get to know
international students from the other Colleges.
The Queen’s Birthday Weekend in early June heralded a trip to Wellington for 21 International Students under the guidance of Lisa
and Jeremy Campbell.
The students enjoyed a night time sailing from Picton and were impressed with the beautiful city lights as they reached Wellington.
They had lots of free time over the next two days in our Capital City and the weather was very kind to them.
Weta Workshop and Te Papa Museum were popular destinations during the day and a few students also visited the zoo. Lots of
shopping was done and the Cuba Street Market was well received for the array of food on offer.
A few tried the famous funicular Cable Car and watched the night stars from the top of the hill at the Botanical Gardens. Some even
managed the climb to the top of Mount Victoria. A very scenic daytime sailing back across the Marlborough Sounds capped off a
fantastic long weekend trip.
Photo 1: Luca, Mika, Friederike, Team & Tiago at Nayland Prom; Photo 2: Mameaw, Pemai, Tan, Nena & Lita at Nayland Prom;
Photo 3: Elina at Weta Workshop in Wellington; Photo 4: Mameaw, Jasmin & Elina atop Mt Victoria in Wellington
Thank you for informing the school if your child is going to be absent, it is much appreciated. We have provided some
important information relating to attendance for your information and assistance.
Did you know there is a strong correlation between regular attendance at school and academic success?
If a student is not in class then they cannot achieve to their potential.
An 80% attendance rate means that a student has missed on average, 1 day per week for the whole year.
The Ministry of Education’s expectation is that the average attendance rate for students is at least 91%.
Overseas Trips & Family Holidays:
Ministry of Education Guidelines now have a “G” code for recording student absences for overseas trips or family holidays
which occur during Term time. For more information - please visit the Ministry / Education website—www.education.govt.nz.
Overseas trips or holidays during Term time are to be recorded on school records as a code “G” under the Ministry of Education
Guidelines. This code means the absence is explained not justified and this trip will affect your child’s school attendance rate,
graduation attendance rate (for Junior students), and possibly the right to re-sit a missed assessment (for Senior students).
Overseas trips or holidays during Term time do not fall into the ‘J” justified absence category.
Advising the school of your child’s absence
We appreciate you writing, emailing or using the “Absence Reporting” option on the home page of our website, to advise the
school of your child’s upcoming absence, illness etc, especially if they are going to be away from school during Term time and
for long periods of time (eg. overseas, weddings, family events, holidays). When advising the school of your child’s absence,
please provide full details of the reasons for this absence.
The only justifiable reason for absence from school is illness, bereavement or with the Principal’s prior permission.
After 3 days continuous absence the parents may be asked for a medical certificate. If there are on-going
problems that are causing a child to miss school, please contact the Tutor to make an appointment to discuss
these issues.
Bereavement: Please advise the school as soon as practical of the details.
Principal’s Permission: The Principal can, at his discretion, grant up to 5 days justified absence for exceptional circumstances.
Letters replying back to parents from the Principal are to acknowledge the absence, but they will not necessarily
mean the absence is justified. If the absence is not for illness or bereavement it could still be marked as an
explained absence but not a justified absence or “G” for overseas or holiday trips during Term time.
If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact the relevant Tutor.
Subject Selection for 2017 Courses - Students in Years 11, 12, 13 in 2017
Parents and caregivers are reminded that subject selection guidance for students for 2017 courses will be available from Careers
staff on Wednesday 10 August and Thursday 11 August during normal school hours and 3.45 pm to 6.00 pm on Wednesday 10
August in the College Hall. There will be subject department displays and subject teachers available for consultation. While
appointments are not necessary, specific times can be made with Careers and Tutors by phoning the College.
Year 10 Students 2017
Current Year 9 students and their parents are welcome to attend this subject selection evening to view the displays and talk to
teachers about their option subjects for 2017. However, current Year 9 students will receive the course information at a special
Assembly on Wednesday 24 August.
Senior Assessment Week - Term 3, 5 - 12 September
All Year 11, 12 and 13 students are required to attend a two hour assessment for each subject; which may consist of an internal
assessment, a practice for an external assessment or an assessment related activity. This is immediately after Sports Week.
Once the timetable is confirmed it will be emailed home and a copy given to students.
Rūnanga Mātua
A collective of parents and teachers who support Māori and Pasifika education
and values within Waimea College.
Nau mai, haere mai
We welcome any parents/whānau who would like to join the Rūnanga Mātua
and have input into their child/ren’s needs while attending Waimea College.
You are invited to our next hui (meeting)
Wednesday 3 August 2016 at 6.00pm
Waimea College staffroom
Please bring kai to share
Our meeting dates will be advertised in the ‘Upcoming Events’ on our school
Our congratulations go to Abigail Marshall who
website - www.waimea.school.nz.
has been selected for
Ambassadors programme.
We have a small group of parents and three staff members on the committee.
We are keen to grow the committee and if you are interested please contact
Rowena Hart for more details; rowena.hart@waimea.school.nz. Currently we
are moving forward by organising a logo/motif design (and other
competitions) competition during Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori in Week 10 encourage your child to keep an eye out for these.
Want to learn more about entering a trade?
Wednesday 6 July 6.30pm-8.30pm
Nelson College Hall
BCITO (Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation) invite
students and their parents to a Building and Construction Evening. Through
seminars, local industry spokespeople will be showcasing their trade and
talking about what they do, the skills needed in the industry and the career
pathways. At the conclusion of the seminars, supper will be provided and
students and parents will have an opportunity to talk individually to the
industry speakers. There will be representatives from the following trades:
carpentry, quantity surveying, flooring, interior finishing, joinery, glazing and
project management.
Register your interest here.
Recent Herald article cites facts on the industry
Abigail demonstrated strong leadership skills in
her application, as well as a keen interest in the
French language and culture and an outstanding
willingness to explore the deep relationships the
two countries have formed ever since. We are
very proud of her achievement and her ability
to represent Waimea College and the wider
Nelson/Tasman region as a Young Ambassador.
The Young Ambassadors Tour 2016 is part of
Shared Histories (www.sharedhistories.com), a
France-New Zealand school programme created
in 2014 to commemorate the Great War. The
programme provides a platform for French and
New Zealand schools to partner and work on an
educational project of their choice. More than
twenty teams have formed since it started.
Together, the teams research, present and make
sense of World War One and of its long lasting
influence on their communities, their schools and
their respective countries.
The Young Ambassadors will also visit the
historical and cultural sites where New Zealand
soldiers made a significant contribution to the
war. The trip includes the Somme battlefields,
Longueval, Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Le
Quesnoy, and the Wellington Quarry in Arras and
is likely to extend to Kemmel, Ypres and Messines
in Belgium. This tour will occur in September this
The Young Ambassadors will also represent New
Zealand at the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of
the Somme ceremony, alongside youth and
dignitaries from all involved nations.
On Saturday 25 June Abigail will travel to
Wellington with her French teacher Hilary de
Joux, to participate in the Inquiry & Project
Definition Workshop, where they will meet the
other nine Young Ambassadors from around New
Zealand later attending a Reception at the French
Ambassador’s residence together.
We wish you all the best Abigail for this fantastic
trip and experience.
The Jet boys hard at work.
Thoroughly Modern Millie
At the time of writing this, we are only five days away from opening
night for the Production and preparations have kicked into top gear.
The hall is being transformed into a scene from 1920s New York, M
Block is overflowing with ‘20s costumes, and props are lurking in every
corner. The cast and crew have spent the last two weekends building,
painting, singing and dancing and making the show look fantastic. We
are now looking forward to presenting it to our fellow students and
wider Waimea College community.
Tickets are now on sale at the Waimea College Finance Centre,
Children $15 and Adults $20. Performances will be held in the Waimea
College Hall on the following dates:
Wednesday 29 June - 7:30pm
Thursday 30 June – 7:30pm
Friday 1 July - 7:30pm
Saturday 2 July – 2pm and 7:30pm
The Jazz Programme at Waimea College is directed by Martin Emo. This year it includes two Jazz Combos who recently
travelled to Wellington in June for the National Secondary Schools Jazz Festival. This is hosted by the NZ School of Music
based at Victoria University and the Wellington Opera House. In addition to performing a 20 minute set, they took part in
workshops with 5-time Grammy Winner Karrin Allyson, along with tutors including Tom Warrington, Dave Lisik and Rodger
Fox. They spent three days listening to Jazz as part of the Wellington International Jazz festival and attended a free
jazz concert by Saxophone giant Wayne Shorter that won't be forgotten quickly.
On 19 June they took out major prizes once again at the Nelson Youth Jazz Festival. For the forth year in a row a Waimea
College Senior Jazz Combo received the Best Combo Award, along with the prestigious 'Best Ensemble' being won by Waimea
College for a third time. The Best Ensemble award is points-based and puts us against all of the Combos and Big Bands at the
festival. Highly commended (best instrument) awards were given to Team Detcecho for Electric Guitar, Louise Davis
for Vocals, and Stuart Gordon won the Liam Ryan Cup for Piano. Mr Emo is always on the lookout for dedicated musicians to
join the Jazz Programme, particularly drummers and brass/woodwind.
BP Business Challenge 2016
The BIS department at Waimea College was fortunate to host the Young Enterprise Trust BP Business
Challenge for the fourth year running and over 40 students from Years 10 and 11 took part, including
five students from Nelson College for Girls.
The BP Business Challenge is a unique, 3-day experiential learning programme to develop skills,
connect students to their community and build their understanding of how successful businesses
operate. The programme facilitators bring with them practical business experience along with a
background in teaching and coaching of young people in an energetic and engaging way.
There were many innovative ideas ranging from “Sportiv”, an app that allows you to easily connect
with fellow sports people for casual practices; “Keepsafe Krate”, a survival supply kit to be placed in
national parks.
The winning team was “Team Veagum” which produced a product called “I Chew”, a vegan
supplementary gum which provides 75% of your RDI for Iron. It’s sugar free and vegan. The team
members were Alex Bloomberg – CEO, Summer Pritchard, Ashleigh Sumner, Sean Sharp and Daniel
Rogers, all from Waimea College.
Feedback from other teams illustrated the success of the programme “An amazing business
experience”, “can’t believe this isn’t mandatory, this should be a core subject”, “gives you practical
skills and makes you think about business”, “I recommend that every student should do the business
Well done to all those who stepped up to drive their own learning and meet the demands of the BP
Business challenge!
A special thanks to our judges for their feedback and encouragement: Sarah Holmes, Nelson Tasman
Business Trust; Anne Harvey, NMIT/Young Enterprise; Nikki Ryan, You Realty; Jeffrey Kohen, Now and
Zen; Anthony Pound, McDonalds, Richmond.
Also a special thanks to our two facilitators from the Young Enterprise Trust Greg and Marieke Caigou.
We look forward welcoming you back to Waimea College for the BP Business Challenge 2017.
Year 12 YES team make it through the regional finals
Three teams from the Waimea College 200 Business Studies class bravely entered the
Dragons' Den to pitch their ideas to business experts, Keith Quigley – investor; Gilbert
Robertson - accountant, financing strategist and Julie Varney - entrepreneur. The teams were
competing against 32 YES businesses from schools across the Top of the South region for a
coveted place in the regional finals.
Congratulations to Ella Binskin, Jamie Couper and Taylor Larking
the team behind, Infinito. They are the only Year 12 team to have
secured a coveted place in the regional finals to be held on
Tuesday 28 June at The Theatre Royal, Nelson. They will compete
against 11 teams for the regional title for 2016.
All three teams were commended by the judges for their enterprising attitudes and they all came away with some great
feedback. The teams:
The Infinito business Ella, Jamie and Taylor. Their business idea is co-branding coffee cup sleeves by partnering local
businesses with coffee shops to provide a unique opportunity to raise awareness and fundraise for Nelson Special
Alana Stillborn, Brooke Gill, Lena Hochbruegge, Emma Mackay Smith, Greg Stephenson, and Isabella Cheeseman are
the Directors of BLENAF Enterprises with their product, the Pocket Puncher.
Brad Hand, Luke Eggers, Matt Limmer, Curtis Linden, Shaun Thomas and Eli Wilkens have formed Barbaric Balms and
their first product is a Lip Balm aimed specifically at men.
Waimea Sports Report
For more highlights and photos on Waimea College sport,
visit www.facebook.com/waimeacollegesport
Monday 20 June saw our Senior A Netball, Senior A Basketball and 1st XI Football teams travel to annual exchange with Marlborough
Girls College. The Basketballers got us off to a great start with a comprehensive 87 – 50 win. Marlborough Girls College then took the
netball game 39 – 59 so it was up to the Footballers to decide who would be the overall exchange winners. This was a close game
between two very even teams and the final score of 1 – 1 reflected that. This meant that Marlborough Girls College retained the
Year the
9, 10trip.
and 11 students may
trophy as the exchange was a draw and they were the current holders. Many thanks to all involved with
be taking part in a Sexuality
this term.
The first game
We had Marlborough Boys College here for an exchange the day after the Marlborough Girls Collegeprogramme
one. Hockey
was the
to providewas
to get underway and after being tied 2 – 2 at halftime, Marlborough Boys College went on to takeprogramme
the gameis6designed
– 3. Basketball
students with the knowledge,
next to start and this was a dominant performance from the Waimea team, ending in a 118 – 62 victory. The football game kicked off
understanding and skills to
in wet and cold conditions and as a bonus the Alex Harvey Industries trophy was on the line after Marlborough
College won it
develop appropriate
from Nelson Boys two weeks ago. This trophy had never been won by a South Island school until Nelson
and is
towards sexuality and to take
referred to as the Ranfurly Shield of boys football. The game was scoreless at halftime with both of
their sexual
a chance
needs to
in the
Waimea had the better of the second half and worked their way into Marlborough Boys College’s half
to Parent
take a consultation
well earned goal by
strong support
Logan DeJoux. Marlborough Boys College then went into full attack mode and very nearly equalized, but the Waimea
boys were
for this programme.
able to repel their attacks and the game stayed as a 1 – 0 victory for Waimea which also meant that Waimea was the overall
We recognise that the family is the
exchange winner. Many thanks to all involved with this exchange.
primary educator of children in
We entered a boy’s team of Matt Heyward, Henry Aitken and Jayden Friend in the South Island Secondary
Squash champs
matters to do
with sexuality;
if you
to have your as
and heading into the tournament they were seeded second overall and that is where they ended uptherefore,
at the end
of wish
the tournament
child excluded from any particular
well. Well done to the boys and many thanks to the parents who were at the tournament also.
part of the programme you may
apply to the Principal in writing to
request this.
Marcus Swain
HOD Health
Curriculum Review & Timetable Update
A team of interested staff have been assembled to have a look at the courses we offer and the way they are delivered here at
Waimea College. This is an exciting time as we look to make our curriculum best match the needs of students in the modern world.
Thank you to all the parents, staff and students who filled out the first curriculum review survey.
We are in the process of collating the responses and using them to guide our decision making. We are very keen to hear what the
community has to say so if you missed the survey or would like to add more on a particular area then please make contact with the
team leaders: Gus Shirley - gus.shirley@waimea.school.nz / Llywelyn Adlam - llywelyn.adlam@waimea.school.nz
Waimea College Uniform Shop
Regular Hours During Term Time
Monday 2.45 pm - 3.45 pm & Thursday 12.30 pm - 6.00 pm
Uniform Shop Phone: (03) 544 9614
School Holiday Hours
Friday 22 July 12.00pm - 2.00pm
LOCATION: Enter South Entrance, go to the right, follow hedge around and follow the signs, we are
by the gymnasium.
For clothing is by cash, cheque or EFTPOS (No credit cards).
No uniform will be issued until payment is made (unless prior arrangements
have been made). Laybys very welcome.
For an up to date list of all items, view our website
under “Enrolment.”
Plenty of stock is available in all regular sized items. If you require extra small or extra
large sizes please contact us to order these items for you.
Do we have the most up-to-date information on
your teenager?
It is important to us that you let us know if your
contact details change and if your teenager is
experiencing any health issues.
You may update this on your parent portal or
contact Tracy or Julianne at Reception to notify us :
phone 544 6099
or email us at Reception:
reception-events@waimea. school.nz
Subject Selection 2017 – A great way to Drive Your Own Learning – Mahia to Mahi - Reminder to all students,
don’t forget subject selection, Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 August.
Year 10 Students Careers Focus - Year 10 students will be involved in a Careers unit of work in Health classes
at the end of Term 2 and beginning of Term 3. In Term 4, Yr 10 students will have the opportunity to participate
in a Work Watch Day. Details of this will be available in Term 3.
Year 11 Students Careers Focus - At the end of Term 2 and beginning of Term 3, Year 11 students will be
involved in a Careers unit delivered by the Careers Adviser. This includes completion of Kamar Career Profiles
and the Careers Quest programme which aims to identify possible careers areas based on interests, skills and
subject choice. This will also help students with subject selection for 2017.
Year 12 Students Work Shadow Opportunity - At the end of Term 2, Year 12 students will have the
opportunity to take part in Work Shadow for a day in a workplace of their choice. Students taking this
opportunity will find the day very valuable. Thank you to employers hosting students for the day.
Enrolment at a New Zealand University – Entry Criteria - In addition to gaining University Entrance, most
universities have additional entry criteria. For specific information and detail, including Guaranteed Entry
Scores, Rank Scores and Preferential Entry see the individual university websites or contact Careers Advisers.
The minimum University Entrance Criteria for students enrolling at university in 2017 and beyond is NCEA Level
3 with three subjects at Level 3, made up of 14 credits each, in three approved subjects and:
 Literacy - 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of 5 credits in reading and 5 credits in writing, and
 Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above
 Visit the NZQA website for further details.
Seniors – Scholarship Applications and Limited Entry Courses - Seniors are advised that they must check
closing dates for limited entry courses and scholarship applications, for both university and polytechnic courses
of study. Students can access the GivMe database on the College Careers Moodle page for further scholarship
Top of the South Trades Academy Student Profile – Joe Assawaphum - Joe
Assawaphum, Year 13, is one of the Waimea College students attending TOTSTA
(Trades Academy) every Friday at NMIT. Joe is in the second year Carpentry
Programme where he is displaying an extremely high level of skill. Huw
Morgan, the NMIT Carpentry tutor, has commented on Joe’s attention to detail
and quality of workmanship in producing his bedside cabinet project.
University and Tertiary Provider Open Days 2016
Canterbury University Open Day
Lincoln University Open Day
Massey University Manawatu (Palmerston North) Open Day
Massey University Albany (Auckland) Open Day
Massey University Wellington Open Day
Victoria University of Wellington Study @ Vic Open Day
Auckland University Open Day
Thursday 14 July
Friday 15 July
Wednesday 3 August
Saturday 20 August
Friday 26 August
Friday 26 August
Saturday 27 August
University Course Planning (at Waimea College)
University Liaison Advisers will visit College in either Term 3 or 4 to assist Year 13 students with
course planning:
Lincoln University
Wednesday 24 August
Canterbury University
Wednesday 14 September
Victoria University
Thursday 15 September
Massey University
Friday 16 September
Auckland University
Thursday 22 September
Otago University
Thursday 22 September
Waimea College Issue 05, June 2016
A big thank you again to our sponsors for their continued support
On very wet days we will close the
College at 3pm to shorten Break 2
by 10 minutes.
Buses will leave at normal times.