EL AMIR - Zoomusic Management
EL AMIR - Zoomusic Management
AMIR JOHN HADDAD “EL AMIR” PRESS DOSSIER www.amirjohnhaddad.com He is not only an exceptional flamenco guitarist, but even more, he's the best example and highest ranking in terms of dedication and depth of an “aficionado” (flamenco connoisseur) in Spain. He is very well known among the flamenco scene and is one of the most respected musicians in the world of Mediterranean strings. Pablo San Nicasio, Chalaura.com READ He is an extraordinary guitarist called "El Amir", an artist who has many things to tell. José Miguel López (Discopolis) RNE3 LISTEN Rich and sumptuous, ‘9 Guitarras’ is monstrously good. Stunning pieces that bring to life the shades of flamenco. TJ Nelson - WORLD MUSIC CENTRAL (EEUU) READ A guitarist who is capable of interpreting South American folclore, flamenco, heavy metal, jazz, rock, anyway, a multi ethnic man in all senses as well as on a musical level. Alberto Martínez Arias - (El Ojo Crítico) RNE3 LISTEN However we might look at it, he is flamenco and can't be more international. Manuel Moraga - Callejón del Cante - RNEE Exterior LISTEN ZOOMUSIC MANAGEMENT - Elisabeth Vázquez - www.zoomusicmanagement.com Tel: +34 639 115 696, Apdo. 11, 28270 Colmenarejo, Madrid elisabeth@zoomusicmanagement.com It is a beautiful flamenco guitar album. Rodolfo Póveda - (Trópico Utópico) RNE3 LISTEN El Amir has the virtue to play the guitar or any other string instrument and transport us to other places, countries and times. Julio Castro - La República Cultural READ He has learned to transmit all this magic while playing the guitar. Fernando Iñiguez - (Tarataña) - RNE3 LISTEN To be considered one of the emerging and new flamenco guitarists. Salvatore Espósito - Blog Foolk - Italia READ What a great soul behind this "Suena el Viento". Santiago Bustamante - (6 x 3) - RNE3 LISTEN The music has touched me and the booklet has a great didactic flavor. Alejandro Escribano - (Círculo Flamenco) - Radio Círculo LISTEN To the guitar Amir John is what Buddha is to meditation. Beatriz Sancho - Servimedia READ El Amir interprets in a masterly manner nine flamenco styles, an album that evokes Mediterranean and Arabic sounds. Fernando Martínez- Tráfico de Tarareos READ El Amir is a many-sided musician with a great load of virtuosity, a capacity for interpretation and a special taste for musical fusion. Paco Valiente - Los Sonidos del Planeta Azul READ El Amir born in Freiburg is in fact an exceptional flamenco guitarist. Main Post - Alemania READ His playing is very flamenco and shows at the same time his great and open minded vision. Ángel Jiménez Akelarre Folk READ Besides being an instrumentalist we know that the flamenco world values your capacity for composition. Manuel Moraga - Callejón del Cante - RNEE Exterior LISTEN ZOOMUSIC MANAGEMENT - Elisabeth Vázquez - www.zoomusicmanagement.com Tel: +34 639 115 696, Apdo. 11, 28270 Colmenarejo, Madrid elisabeth@zoomusicmanagement.com RADIO PODCASTS DISCOPOLIS- RNE3- José Miguel López (15/04/13) http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/discopolis/discopolis-8252-taper-duel-manolo-bolao-15-0413/1766589/ TRÓPICO UTÓPICO - RNE3 - Rodolfo Póveda (05/04/2013) http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/tropico-utopico/tropico-utopico-olas-arenas-05-04-13/1750432/ RADIO CÍRCULO - CÍRCULO FLAMENCO (Alejandro Escribano) (04/04/2013) 38’40” http://www.ivoox.com/circulo-flamenco-04-04-2-013-juan-varea-carlos-cano-amir-john-haddadaudios-mp3_rf_1927563_1.html LOS SONIDOS DEL PLANETA AZUL - Radio Universidad Valencia - Paco Valiente (04/04/2013) Todo el programa http://www.lossonidosdelplanetaazul.com/podcast/edicion-no-2003/ TARATAÑA - La hora Recuperada - Fernando Íñiguez (31/03/2013) 12’35” http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/taratana/taratana-hora-recuperada-31-03-13/1740547/ TARATAÑA - De Asturias a Jerez- Fernando Íñiguez (30/03/2013) 54’20” http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/taratana/taratana-asturias-jerez-30-03-13/1739815/ RADIO CÍRCULO - ENTRELARES - Sonia Frías (25/03/2013) Todo el programa http://www.ivoox.com/entrevista-amir-john-haddad-audios-mp3_rf_1897350_1.html 6 x 3 Desmontando a “El Amir” - Santiago Bustamante (20/03/2013) Todo el programa http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/6x3/6x3-desmontando-amir-20-03-13/1724613/ EL OJO CRÍTICO - El Ojo Crítico - Alberto Martínez Arias (08/03/2013) 43’19 hasta el final http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/el-ojo-critico/ojo-critico-08-03-13/1713222/ MUNDOFONÍAS Favoritos de Febrero, flamencos y psicodelia Juan Antonio Vázquez - Araceli Tzigane (03/03/2013) 48’10” - hasta 55’14”. http://www.ivoox.com/mundofonias-3-3-2013-i-favoritos-febrero-flamencos-y-audiosmp3_rf_1841199_1.html DISCOPOLIS 2812 - Eva Quartet. El Amir. (27/02/2013) José Miguel López 17’29” hasta 38’04” http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/discopolis/discopolis-8212-eva-quartet-amir-27-02-13/1701340/ CADENA SER Juan Holguera 8/4/2013 http://www.cadenaser.com/cultura/audios/hoy-hoy-tiempomusica/csrcsrpor/20080709csrcsrcul_1/Aes/ MUNDOFONIAS Favoritos de Marzo, Folkarria y Amir-John Haddad 04/04/2013 http://www.ivoox.com/mundofonias-04-13-1-favoritos-marzo-folkarria-y-audiosmp3_rf_1934594_1.html ZOOMUSIC MANAGEMENT - Elisabeth Vázquez - www.zoomusicmanagement.com Tel: +34 639 115 696, Apdo. 11, 28270 Colmenarejo, Madrid elisabeth@zoomusicmanagement.com TV RTVE.es – 24h – 17/04/2013 https://youtu.be/HqIuP23dyrw TV NDR.DE DAS! 25 de Abril 2015 – Interview for the German TV NDR, DAS! show http://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/das/DAS-mit-Amir-John-Haddad,dasx5690.html ZOOMUSIC MANAGEMENT - Elisabeth Vázquez - www.zoomusicmanagement.com Tel: +34 639 115 696, Apdo. 11, 28270 Colmenarejo, Madrid elisabeth@zoomusicmanagement.com PRESS FUNDACIÓN GUITARRA FLAMENCA - Interview http://www.fundacionguitarraflamenca.com/art_ent02.html (menú izda.: Amir John Haddad "El Amir") CHARLA PUBLICO.es http://charlas.publico.es/charla-elamir LA REPUBLICA CULTURAL – 18/04/2013 http://www.larepublicacultural.es/article6944.html EL CONFIDENCIAL http://www.elconfidencial.com/ultima-hora-en-vivo/2013/03/aleman-haddad-sigue-flamenco-edita-guitarras20130313-111647.html DE FLAMENCO.com – 13/04/2013 http://www.deflamenco.com/revista/noticias/amir-john-haddad-el-amir-presenta-9-guitarras-1.html LOS SONIDOS DEL PLANETA AZUL – 05/03/2013 http://www.lossonidosdelplanetaazul.com/2013/03/amir-john-haddad-el-amir-publica-9-guitarras/ ARTE JOVEN – 13/04/2013 – Beatriz Sancho - Interview http://creacionjoven.com/creatividad/amir-john-haddad-la-mezcla-siempre-va-a-ganar-por-encima-de-laindividualidad/ SERVIMEDIA – 29/03/2013 - Interview http://www.servimedia.es/Noticias/DetalleNoticia.aspx?seccion=23&id=284520 DIARIO FOLK – 27/03/2013 http://www.diariofolk.com/noticia/9-guitarras-es-el-nuevo-disco-de-amir-john-haddad-el-amir/ MÚSICAS DEL MUNDO – 24/03/2013 – Ángel Manuel Hernández http://musicasdelmundo.com/?p=2045 TERRA.es – EFE – 13/03/2013 - Música http://entretenimiento.terra.es/musica/el-aleman-amir-john-haddad-el-amir-sigue-flamenco-y-edita-9guitarras,de73ca25fde5d310VgnCLD2000000dc6eb0aRCRD.html INYB Newspaper Nº 30 – South Florida, EEUU – 18/03/2015 – Interview http://issuu.com/inybn/docs/inybn_30_edition/1 DIARIO CÓRDOBA – 26/06/2013 – Presentation Festival de la guitarra https://youtu.be/hvy8KQB8y38 EL DÍA DE CÓRDOBA – 26/06/2013 – Presentation Festival de la guitarra ZOOMUSIC MANAGEMENT - Elisabeth Vázquez - www.zoomusicmanagement.com Tel: +34 639 115 696, Apdo. 11, 28270 Colmenarejo, Madrid elisabeth@zoomusicmanagement.com WAPAPURA LIVE : Amir John Haddad @ Sierra Guadarrama https://youtu.be/nEBhXh4CqGw ZOOMUSIC MANAGEMENT - Elisabeth Vázquez - www.zoomusicmanagement.com Tel: +34 639 115 696, Apdo. 11, 28270 Colmenarejo, Madrid elisabeth@zoomusicmanagement.com