C O N T E N T S - Screen Australia
C O N T E N T S - Screen Australia
CONTENTS [2] ABOUT THIS CATALOGUE [3] INTRODUCTION [4] [6] [ 10 ] [ 13 ] [ 23 ] Telemovies Mini-series Series/serials Children’s TV Drama SECTION 1. TV DRAMA [ 36 ] [ 38 ] [ 50 ] [ 81 ] [ 90 ] SECTION 2. DOCUMENTARIES 30 minutes and under 60 minutes and under Feature Documentaries Documentary Series [ 110 ] DOCUMENTARY SUBJECT INDEX [ 115 ] TV DRAMA TITLE INDEX [ 116 ] DOCUMENTARY TITLE INDEX DISCLAIMER: The information included in this guide is of a general nature only, has been drawn from a variety of sources and is not intended as legal, accounting or other professional advice. The AFC has undertaken all reasonable measures to ensure its accuracy and specifically disclaims any liability for loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents. Information is current at the time of going to press, but details may change post-publication. Due to space restrictions it has been necessary in some instances to reduce synopses. Compiled by AFC Research: Asha Ardill, Liz Crosby, Morgan Gregory, Sophie Harper Programming: Eric Scheid. Editing: Dan Edwards Production coordinated by Fiona Jennings Designed by Natalie Holdsworth and Boccalatte © Australian Film Commission 2007 Cover images: Deborah Mailman as Detective Elsie Jones in Two Twisted – episode 2, ‘Soft Boiled Luck’ [d: Brendan Donovan, p: Bryan Brown, w: James Robertson]. Courtesy of New Town Films. Feet Unbound [d/p/w: Khee-Jin Ng. Courtesy of Long March Films. ABOUT THIS CATALOGUE The Australian TV Drama and Documentary Catalogue March 2007 7 is one of a range of Australian Film Commission (AFC) publications designed to inform and assist buyers, festival directors and foreign producers about Australian film and filmmakers. This catalogue provides information on recent Australian TV drama and documentaries and includes: • TV drama (mini-series, series/serials, telemovies) in pre-production, production and post-production, as well as recently completed • documentaries (23 min and over, and series) completed since February 2006. The asterisk sign * indicates that the documentary title is a new entry. International sales agents are listed for each program. Please email info@afc.gov.au if you are unable to contact a particular agent. 2 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 For information on Australian TV drama and documentaries back to 1990, consult the AFC’s online searchable film database at www.afc.gov.au/films The AFC is grateful for the cooperation of the many individuals and organisations who provided information on their productions. Please let us know of any additional titles for inclusion in future catalogues (see the back cover for AFC contact details). All AFC catalogues are available as downloads on our website at www.afc.gov.au INTRODUCTION The March 2007 Australian TV Drama and Documentary Catalogue is a comprehensive guide to the latest programs being produced in Australia, including many award-winning titles and works that have screened to great acclaim at international festivals. The feature-length dramatised documentary Hunt Angels (w/d: Alec Morgan, p: Sue Maslin) had its international premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in the ‘Cinema Regained’ category celebrating innovation in cinema. The screening came shortly after Hunt Angels collected three Australian Film Institute (AFI) Awards: Best Documentary, Best Cinematography in a Documentary, and the Visual Effects Award. The Australian Children’s Television Foundation drama series Mortified (p: Phillip Bowman) collected a series of domestic and international awards, including Best Children’s Television Drama and First Prize in the Live Action Television Category at the 2006 Chicago International Children’s Film Festival. Other highlights of the past six months include: • Feature documentary The Last Days of Yasser Arafat Arafat, produced and directed by Sherine Salama (Wedding in Rammallah), which screened at Sheffield Doc/Fest in the UK. The film will also screen at Hot Docs in Canada. • The 2006 International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam (IDFA) screened a range of Australian documentaries: feature doc Feet Unbound (d/p: Khee-Jin Ng) screened in the Jors Ivens competition, while the short doco Pupusera: A Tale From My Kitchen (d/p: Tanya Curnow) and short experimental doc A Shift in Perception (d/p: Dan Monceaux) screened elsewhere in the festival. IDFA also hosted a retrospective of over 20 documentaries created at the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS). • TV drama series Remote Area Nurse – R.A.N (executive producers Bryan Brown and Sandra Levy) scooped the polls at the 2006 AFI Awards, winning four awards including Best Screenplay in Television, Best Telefeature or Mini Series, and Best Lead Actress in Television Drama – Susie Porter. This catalogue is prepared in time for MIPTV featuring MILIA 2007, and contains programs completed within the last 12 months. If you cannot find a title here, or you are wanting to search for other programs of interest, check the AFC’s online searchable film database at: www.afc.gov.au/films MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 3 TV DRAMA THE BEACH HOUSE 98 MIN / ADVENTURE, DRAMA PROD CO Masterbrand Films and Promotions EXEC PROD Russell Buchanan PRODUCER Phillip Avalon DIRECTOR Samuel Clemens, Vanessa Rose WRITER Russell Buchanan, Katherine Lawless CAST Clinton Barter, Russell Buchanan, Selena McKay, Graham Plew, Clio Ross, Jerry Stanley, Christie Steel, Tom Zimmerman STATUS Post-Production A boy leaves home, swapping the drought-stricken bush for the coast. He discovers life is not all it seems in the faster lane. Surf, city and a country boy. SALES CONTACT Masterbrand Films and Promotions Australia MOBILE +61-411 867 983 masterbrand_films@hotmail.com BLACKJACK 2: AT THE GATES BLACKJACK 2: DEAD MEMORY 90 MIN / DETECTIVE, CRIME 90 MIN / DETECTIVE, CRIME PROD CO Jigsaw PROD CO Jigsaw Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Sue Entertainment Pty Ltd Masters, Nick EXEC PROD Sue Murray, Nick Murray Murray PRODUCER Nick Murray DIRECTOR Peter Andrikidis WRITER Katherine Thomson CAST Colin Friels, Marta PRODUCER Nick Murray DIRECTOR Peter Andrikidis WRITER Tim Pye CAST Colin Friels, Marta Dusseldorp, Sophie Lee, David Field, Marcus Graham, Shaun Micallef, Rhys Muldoon STATUS Completed Dusseldorp, Sophie Lee, David Field, Gary McDonald, Daniel Macpherson, Erik Thomson STATUS Completed Detective Jack Kempson is drawn into the disturbing world of religious fanatics when the mother of a baby killed 10 years ago in a house fire comes to him for help. In looking for the truth Kempson will have to fight the system and his own conscience, only to uncover a tangled web of lies and deception. Kempson must decide if the truth should prevail over the interests of the innocent. A young woman’s body is discovered in a national park. For Detective Jack Kempson’s offsider Sam, details of the crime mirror the disappearance of her friend Hannah, who vanished without trace some years ago. In Kempson’s pursuit of the truth Sam is forced to face the sordid secrets of her past. SALES CONTACT BBC Worldwide United Kingdom PHONE +44-208 433 2000 FAX +44-208 749 0538 www.bbcworldwide.com wwtv@bbc.co.uk 6 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 SALES CONTACT BBC Worldwide United Kingdom PHONE +44-208 433 2000 FAX +44-208 749 0538 www.bbcworldwide.com wwtv@bbc.co.uk BLACKJACK 2: GHOSTS CURTIN ENDURANCE ISLAND 90 MIN / DETECTIVE, CRIME 90 MIN / DRAMA 90 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Jigsaw Entertainment PROD CO Apollo Films PRODUCER Andrew Wiseman, PROD CO Tempo Pictures PRODUCER Geoff Cox, Pascale Murray, Sue Richard Keddie DIRECTOR Jessica Hobbs WRITER Alison Nisselle CAST William McInnes, Noni Hazlehurst, Dan Wyllie, Asher Keddie, Geoff Morrell STATUS Completed Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Nick Masters PRODUCER Nick Murray DIRECTOR Kate Woods WRITER Shaun Micallef CAST Colin Friels, Marta Dusseldorp, Sophie Lee, David Field, Tom Long, Rebecca Rigg, Libby Tanner STATUS Completed Twenty years ago a young mother was killed during an apparent kidnapping and subsequent police chase. It comes to Detective Jack Kempson’s attention that dodgy police work at the time may have resulted in the wrong man doing time. Kempson runs the gauntlet of officialdom to convince the department there’s value in ‘unsolving’ a murder, only to become a pawn in a sting operation involving drugs, stolen money and crooked cops. 1941. In Australia’s darkest hours, John Curtin becomes Prime Minister and must battle his political and military foes as well as his inner demons. SALES CONTACT Cox DIRECTOR Geoff Cox WRITER Hugh O’Brien, Helen Wentland CAST Paul Mecurio STATUS Completed A mentally unbalanced man who has been voted out by his fellow competitors in a ‘Survivor’-type reality show wreaks his revenge by tricking them into a reunion on a deserted island where he plans to kill them. ABC Content Sales SALES CONTACT Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au Tempo Pictures Australia MOBILE +61-418 721 607 www.tempopictures.com.au geoff@tempopictures.com.au SALES CONTACT BBC Worldwide United Kingdom PHONE +44-208 433 2000 FAX +44-208 749 0538 www.bbcworldwide.com wwtv@bbc.co.uk MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 7 TELEMOVIES TELEMOVIES THE KING – THE GRAHAM KENNEDY STORY MURDER IN THE OUTBACK THE SOCIETY MURDERS 93 MIN / DRAMA 90 MIN / CRIME 90 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO GC Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Sue Masters, Andy PROD CO Screentime Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Des Monaghan, Sue Harries, Jeff Pope PRODUCER Matt Carroll, Spencer Campbell DIRECTOR Tony Tilse WRITER Kate Brooke CAST Richard Carter, Joanne Froggatt, Bryan Brown, John Wood, Laurence Breuls, Asher Keddie, Tom Long STATUS Completed Masters, Justin Bodle PRODUCER Fiona Eagger, Greg Haddrick DIRECTOR Brendan Maher WRITER Kylie Needham, Greg Haddrick CAST Georgie Parker, Alex Dimitriades, Heather Mitchell, Nicholas Eadie, Asher Keddie, Matthew Le Nevez, Daniele Farinacci, Julia Blake, Terry Norris STATUS Completed PROD CO Crackerjack Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Jason Stephens, Peter Hudson DIRECTOR Matthew Saville WRITER Jaime Browne, Kris Mrksa CAST Stephen Curry, Stephen Hall, Jane Allsop, Shaun Micallef, Garry McDonald, Steve Bisley, Bernard Curry, Leo Taylor, Beau Brady STATUS Post-Production The story of Australia’s first and greatest home grown super star, whose show In Melbourne Tonight was made in Channel Nine’s GTV studios in the 1950s and ‘60s. www.fremantlemedia.com SALES CONTACT FremantleMedia Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9434 0666 FAX +61-2 9434 0700 www.fremantlemedia.com.au paul.ridley@fremantlemedia.com The story of the disappearance of English backpacker Peter Falconio and the abduction of his girlfriend Joanne Lees, and the subsequent trial and conviction of Bradley John Murdoch for Falconio’s murder. SALES CONTACT Granada Media International United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 491 1441 FAX +44-207 493 7677 www.int.granadamedia.com int.info@granadamedia.com 8 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Follows the events surrounding the disappearance of Margaret Wales-King and her husband Paul King. Seen through the eyes of her five children, highlighting their intense and private feelings of grief and shock as they seek the truth about that fateful evening. SALES CONTACT Powercorp International Ltd United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 0070 FAX +44-207 323 0060 www.powcorp.com info@powcorp.com TELEMOVIES STEPFATHER OF THE BRIDE PROD CO Essential TELEMOVIES 90 MIN / COMEDY Viewing (drama) EXEC PROD Rosemary Blight PRODUCER Kylie du Fresne, Ian Collie DIRECTOR Roger Hodgman WRITER Geoffrey Atherden CAST William McInnes, Noni Hazlehurst, Alex Dimitriades, Garry McDonald, Lucy Taylor, Leon Ford, Kate Ritchie STATUS Completed A comedy about a modern wedding, where the bride plans an extravagant celebration, the groom can’t believe his luck, the parents and ex-husbands and current wives squabble over who is going to pay for it all, and standing on the side, waiting for disaster to strike is the groom’s best friend. SALES CONTACT Channel 4 International United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 396 4444 FAX +44-207 306 3756 www.c4i.tv cwilloughby@channel4.co.uk MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 9 ANSWERED BY FIRE BASTARD BOYS THE CIRCUIT AUSTRALIA/CANADA CO-PRODUCTION 2 X 90 MIN / HISTORICAL, POLITICAL 4 X 60 MIN / DRAMA 6 X 60 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Flying PROD CO Media PROD CO Muse Entertainment Enterprises, Terra Rossa Pictures, Beyond Simpson Le Mesurier Films EXEC PROD Michael Prupas, Mikael Borglund, Roger Simpson, Barbara Samuels PRODUCER Roger Le Mesurier, Andrew Walker DIRECTOR Jessica Hobbs WRITER Barbara Samuels, Katherine Thomson CAST David Wenham, Isabelle Blais, Alex Tilman, Fatima Almelda, Damien Garvey, Ron White STATUS Completed Set during East Timor’s 1999 referendum and its horrifying aftermath, ANSWERED BY FIRE is an exploration of first-world intervention in third-world traumas. Canadian Julie Fortin, Australian Mark Waldman and Timorese Ismenio Soares are brought together by the UN’s effort to give the Timorese a voice. When the UN evacuates, Mark and Julie are forced to abandon Ismenio and his family. Haunted by guilt, the two Westerners return to Timor. Cabbage Productions Pty Ltd, ABC EXEC PROD Scott Meek PRODUCER Brett Popplewell, Raymond Quint DIRECTOR Raymond Quint WRITER Sue Smith CAST Jack Thompson, Colin Friels, Geoff Morrell, Daniel Frederiksen, Dan Wyllie, Anthony Hayes, Justine Clarke, Rhys Muldoon, Lucy Bell, Justin Smith, Caroline Craig, Helen Thomson STATUS Completed On 7th April 1998 at 11.30pm security men invade the docks of every port in Australia, and forcibly eject the entire unionised workforce. BASTARD BOYS is the dramatic story of the biggest industrial dispute in Australia. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au SALES CONTACT Powercorp International Ltd United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 0070 FAX +44-207 323 0060 www.powcorp.com info@powcorp.com 10 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 World Pictures Pty Ltd PRODUCER Ross Hutchens, Colin South DIRECTOR Catriona McKenzie, Richard Frankland, Steve Jodrell WRITER Various CAST Aaron Pedersen, Gary Sweet, Kelton Pell, Tammy Clarkson, Marta Kaczmarek, Nick Simpson-Deeks, LeRoy Parsons, Bill McCluskey STATUS Post-Production Drew Ellis has taken a sabbatical from a comfortable legal career to go bush... Charming, confident, capable, and now completely out of his depth, Drew finds himself in the chaotic world of the Kimberley Circuit Court which takes a magistrate, court officials and lawyers on a five-day 2,000 kilometre round trip to dispense justice in the remote communities of north-western Australia. This is no easy trip, particularly if like Drew, you are black. SALES CONTACT Daro Film Distribution Monaco PHONE +377-9797 1600 FAX +377-9797 1591 daro@daro-films.mc MINI-SERIES MAJOR CRIME 6 X 60 MIN / DRAMA 6 X 52 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Twenty 20 Pty Ltd PRODUCER Fiona Eagger WRITER Deborah Cox, Roger PROD CO Knapman Monk STATUS Pre-Production Art Watkins returns to the neglected resort of Broken Bay, the eastern-most point of Australia, when his mother dies. Art hopes his stay will be brief but the legacy from his mother binds him to his wayward younger brother and the teenage son he has hardly seen in 10 years. The longer Art stays, the more he becomes enmeshed in the lives of the locals and the drifters who have found safe haven in Broken Bay. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au SEA PATROL 13 X 60 MIN / ACTION, MYSTERY Wyld Television PRODUCER Steve Knapman, Kristine Wyld DIRECTOR Peter Andrikidis WRITER Various CAST Don Hany, William McInnes, Aaron Fa’Aoso, Susie Porter, Renee Lim, Daniela Farinacci STATUS Production This is the story of two detectives – one a Muslim, the other Anglo-Australian, and the battle between them for survival. It is also a metaphor for the fear that exists between East and West when two men search for love, approval and forgiveness as their destinies collide. SALES CONTACT Minotaur International United Kingdom PHONE +44-020 7299 5703 FAX +44-020 7299 5777 general@minotaur.co.uk PROD CO McElroy All Media Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Hal McElroy, Di McElroy, Jo Horsburgh PRODUCER Hal McElroy, Di McElroy DIRECTOR Chris Martin-Jones, Geoff Bennett WRITER Various CAST Lisa McCune, Ian Stenlake, Saskia Burmeister, Matthew Holmes, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, John Batchelor, Josh Lawson, Jay Ryan, Kristian Schmid, David Lyons STATUS Post-Production This is an action drama with a mystery element threaded through 13 hours of high-end, primetime television. The story of ordinary heroes doing an extraordinary job – the men and women of the Navy Patrol Boat Service who battle the elements and the odds to defend our borders and enforce the economic zone. SALES CONTACT Portman Film & Television United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 494 8024 FAX +44-207 494 8046 www.portmanfilm.com sales@portmanfilm.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 11 MINI-SERIES EAST OF EVERYTHING TRIPPING OVER TWO TWISTED AUSTRALIA/UK CO-PRODUCTION 6 X 60 MIN / DRAMA 7 X 60 MIN / MYSTERY PROD CO Corner Ltd Store Films Pty Ltd, Channel Five EXEC PROD Andrew Knight, Mike Bullen, Sue Masters PRODUCER Andrea Denholm, Sue Seeary, Tim Whitby DIRECTOR Sam Miller, Ian Watson WRITER Andrew Knight, Andrea Denholm, Anna Funder, Matt King CAST Rebecca Gibney, Lisa McCune, Daniel MacPherson, Abe Forsyth, Nicholas Bell, Brooke Satchwell, Paul McGann, Alexander Moen, Leah Ockenden, Kathryn Drysdale STATUS Completed Finding out where you belong can come as a surprise. It may not be where you grew up or where you thought you belonged. You will trip over trying to find it and it might not even be a place. But when you get there... PROD CO New Town Films Pty EXEC PROD Bryan Brown, Sandra Levy PRODUCER Bryan Brown, Helen Watts, Karen Radzyner DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Melissa George, Sam Neill, Greta Scacchi, Jacqueline McKenzie, Bill Hunter, Vince Colosimo, Bryan Brown, Lisa McCune, Tom Long, Susie Porter, Peta Wilson STATUS Completed The worlds of the present, the future and the supernatural are the setting for this mystery series. A 7 x 1 hour anthology, each episode contains two halfhour stories. SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au SALES CONTACT Granada Media International United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 491 1441 FAX +44-207 493 7677 www.int.granadamedia.com int.info@granadamedia.com 12 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 ALL SAINTS 415 X 60 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Seven Network Operations Limited EXEC PROD John Holmes PRODUCER MaryAnne Carroll DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST John Howard, Tammy MacIntosh, Judith McGrath, Alexandra Davies, Christopher Gabardi, Wil Traval, Mark Priestley, Chris Vance STATUS Production This medical drama focuses on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses of Ward 17 at All Saints Hospital. SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au ANDREW’S GUIDE TO BEING A MAN BIT OF BLACK BUSINESS 13 X 3 MIN / COMEDY PROD CO Film Depot Pty Ltd PRODUCER Kath Shelper DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Aaron Pedersen, Lisa PROD CO Boilermaker Pty Ltd PRODUCER Andrew McInally, Gareth Calverley DIRECTOR Evan Clarry WRITER Gareth Calverley CAST Andrew Booth, Peter Marshall, Andy McDonell STATUS Completed 13 X 5 MIN / ACTION, COMEDY, FAMILY Flanagan, David Page, Zoë Carides, Roy Billing, Kelton Pell STATUS Post-Production An online soap box for Andrew, a mentor to men in need of guidance and a kindhearted best mate to all those blokes troubled by the complexities of manhood in the 21st century. Need to know the etiquette of shouting a beer? Ask Andrew. Curious about the mysteries of the modern woman? Andrew will show you the way. Andrew is a digital agony uncle dispensing wisdom on the issues that matter. He is also a good bloke. The business of being black today takes many forms: outrageous, courageous, mysterious, simple, straightforward and complex. The good, the bad and the ugly. But what makes our bit of business unique? The 13 short films in this series are directed by Martin Leroy Adams, Jon Bell, Michelle Blanchard, Kelli Cross, Dena Curtis, Aaron Fa’aoso, Debbie Gittens, Michael Longbottom, Jacob Nash, Trisha Morton-Thomas, Warwick Thornton, Pauline Whyman and Adrian Wills. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Bit of Black Business sales ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au Australia MOBILE +61-417 242 320 www.filmdepot.com.au kath@filmdepot.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 13 SERIES/SERIALS SERIES/SERIALS COMEDY INC CROOKED DANGEROUS 81 X 60 MIN / SKETCH COMEDY 6 X 45 MIN / CRIME, COMEDY 8 X 45 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO FremantleMedia PROD CO Two Tone Pictures PRODUCER Matthew Holmes, PROD CO Southern Adam Wilson, Paul Bellman EXEC PROD Hugh DIRECTOR Matthew Holmes WRITER Matthew Holmes, Adam Vecera Australia EXEC PROD Mark Fennessy, Carl Fennessy PRODUCER David McDonald DIRECTOR Damian Davis HEAD WRITER Kevin Brumpton WRITER Various CAST Dave Thornton, Fiona Harris, Janis McGavin, Rebecca De Unamuno, Scott Brennan, Simon Mallory STATUS Production A mix of sharp, fast-paced humour and irreverence featuring sketch, TV and movie parody, non-existent cable shows, products that don’t exist and characters that have become fixtures of popular culture. SALES CONTACT FremantleMedia Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9434 0666 FAX +61-2 9434 0700 www.fremantlemedia.com.au paul.ridley@fremantlemedia.com Wilson, Paul Bellman CAST Paul Bellman, Adam Willson, Joshua Jaeger, Rohan Harry, Tristan Hudson, Anna Cheney, Stephen DeGenaro, Pete Michell, Terry Rogers, Van Crouch, Michael Allen, Rod Ho’vel STATUS Post-Production Small time crooks Dale Duggans and Blake Eastwood have a dream – to move beyond the suburbs and become real gangsters like the ones on TV. But to make it in the criminal underworld, they need a gang of their own. Forming a team of oddball crooks, they set about their goal with hilarious and disastrous results. An improvised mockumentary based on Two Tone Pictures 2005 feature, The Biscuit Effect. Star John Edwards Marks, Kim PRODUCER John Edwards CO-PRODUCER Imogen Banks DIRECTOR David Caesar, Shawn Seet WRITER Fiona Seres, David Caesar, David Michod CAST Joel Edgerton, Khan Chittenden, Brooke Satchwell, Paul Pantano, Robert Mammone STATUS Completed An explosive action series and tale of forbidden love set against the culturally diverse backgrounds of street crime on the tougher side of the city and the affluence of the city beach suburbs. Breaking new ground for Australian drama, exploring youth culture, including the taboo subjects of the underground world of drag racing and ram-raiding. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Two Tone Pictures Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au Australia MOBILE +61-424 001 606 twotonepictures@dodo.com.au 14 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOUBLE THE FIST HOME AND AWAY KICK 16 X 30 MIN / COMEDY 4560 X 25 MIN / TEEN, FAMILY 13 X 25 MIN / COMEDY, ROMANCE PROD CO Fistworthy Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Megan Harding PRODUCER Jason Harty DIRECTOR Craig Anderson, Doug PROD CO Seven Productions EXEC PROD John Holmes DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Nicholas Bishop, Holly PROD CO Storm Bayne, Bryan Moses, Tony Walters WRITER Craig Anderson, Doug Bayne, Bryan Moses, Tony Walters CAST Bryan Moses, Craig Anderson, Doug Bayne, Tony Walters STATUS Pre-Production A team of lifestyle vigilantes set out to destroy ‘weakness’ in all aspects of modern existence, and show the audience how to make their lives more ‘fistworthy’. Series one screened on Australian broadcaster ABC in 2004; series two is currently in production. www.abc.net.au/doublethefist SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au Brisley, Tim Campbell, Lyn Collingwood, Indiana Evans, Mark Furze, Jodi Gordon, Chris Hemsworth, Amy Mathews, Lynne McGranger, Ray Meagher, Bob Morley, Ada Nicodemou, Paul O’Brien, Kate Ritchie, Chris Sadrinna, Jon Sivewright, Jessica Tovey, Sharni Vinson, Rhys Wakefield STATUS Production Examines the lives, loves, drama and heartache of the residents of Summer Bay. www.homeandaway.com.au SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Esben Storm, Adam Bowen DIRECTOR Esben Storm WRITER Various CAST Zoe Ventoura, Raji James, Anh Do, Haiha Le, Maria Mercedes, George Karpiniaris STATUS Post-Production Hope Street... it’s nothing flash but it’s home. There’s Miki, a wild and crazy Greek girl, who’s falling for Joe the uptight Indian doctor. Too bad he’s living with that yuppie lawyer. Tatiana’s got the boys drooling but she lives for soccer. Tran the Man dreams of a Karaoke kingdom. Wais is trying to fit in. And Layla’s coming out. They come from everywhere to find each other. Love, laughs, friendship, fighting, families and football. It’s a beautiful game. SALES CONTACT High Point Films & Television United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 586 3686 FAX +44-207 586 3117 www.highpointfilms.co.uk info@highpointfilms.co.uk MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 15 SERIES/SERIALS SERIES/SERIALS THE LIBRARIANS LOVE MY WAY 6 X 30 MIN / COMEDY 30 X 45 MIN / DRAMA 25 X 5 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Gristmill Pty Ltd PRODUCER Robyn Butler, Wayne PROD CO Southern Hope EXEC PROD Hugh PROD CO Taylor Media EXEC PROD Sue Taylor PRODUCER Ian Booth, Francesca DIRECTOR Wayne Hope WRITER Robyn Butler, Wayne Vecera Hope CAST Robyn Butler, Wayne Hope, Roz Hammond, Bob Franklin, Josh Lawson, Nicole Nabout STATUS Production Karvan Life unravels for THE LIBRARIANS as they hurtle towards the event of the year – Book Week! About love, betrayal and revenge. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au MARX AND VENUS Star John Edwards PRODUCER John Marks, Kim Edwards, Claudia DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Claudia Karvan, Asher Keddie, Brendan Cowell, Dan Wyllie, Justine Clarke, Ben Mendelsohn STATUS Completed An exploration of the love that binds us and the relationships that define us. It deals with the randomness of life and death and the realisation that life is so precious that we have to grab it with both hands, take risks, be brave and most importantly love. Eight new episodes of this award-winning series. SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au 16 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Strano, Natalie Bell DIRECTOR Peter Templeman, Mark Powell, Renee Webster, Robert Forsyth WRITER Various CAST Bryce Youngman, Rhoda Lopez STATUS Post-Production The trials and tribulations of flatmates John Marx and Venus Hoy. A stripped drama, each five minute episode will be an interstitial in Australian broadcaster SBS’s schedule, shown five nights a week in primetime. www.marxandvenus.com.au SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au MCLEOD’S DAUGHTERS MERMAID ISLAND MOB DOWNUNDER 202 X 60 MIN / ACTION, FAMILY, ROMANCE 1 X 22 MIN / DRAMA 26 X 11 MIN / ANIMATION, COMEDY PROD CO Pisces All Media PRODUCER Jonathan Nolan DIRECTOR Jonathan Nolan WRITER Jonathan Nolan STATUS Completed PROD CO Ettamogah PROD CO Millennium Television Pty Limited EXEC PROD Andrew Blaxland, Posie Graeme-Evans, Karl Zwicky PRODUCER Vikki Barr DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Michala Banas, Rachael Carpani, Aaron Jeffrey, Simmone Jade Mackinnon, Dustin Clare, Luke Jacobz, Doris Younane, Zoe Naylor, Matthew Passmore, Abi Tucker, Gillian Alexy STATUS Production Adventure and romance with four heroines of the outback. For them it’s an extraordinary life. Five young explorers arrive on a coastal island, trying to photograph the mythical mermaid that gives the island its name. Instead they find danger, mystery... and each other. SALES CONTACT Pisces All Media Australia PHONE +61-2 6296 7609 MOBILE +61-406 678 890 www.piscesallmedia.com greg@piscesallmedia.com Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Leigh C O’Brien PRODUCER Paul Western-Pittard WRITER Leigh C O’Brien, Paul Western-Pittard STATUS Pre-Production There’s a town where the sun’s hot and the beer’s cold. Where the locals are almost as smart as their dogs and being sober is a criminal offense. Based on the Ettamogah Pub cartoons, this animated series is a sendup of a small outback town and the mob of crazies that call it home. So crack a coldie, switch on, tune in and get mobbed. For 17-year-olds to young adults. Also launching as one-minute mobisodes. www.mcleodsdaughters. ninemsn.com.au www.ettamogah.com SALES CONTACT The Mercer Group Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au SALES CONTACT United States PHONE +1-718 788 3617 FAX +1-917 591 2832 tmercerg@aol.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 17 SERIES/SERIALS SERIES/SERIALS NEIGHBOURS PIZZA 5760 X 30 MIN / FAMILY 57 X 25 MIN / COMEDY PROD CO Grundy PROD CO Antichocko Television PIZZA: THE DA VINCI CUP 3 X 25 MIN / COMEDY Productions PROD CO Antichocko Productions Pty Ltd P/L P/L EXEC PROD Riccardo Pellizzeri PRODUCER Peter Dodds DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Alan Fletcher, Jackie EXEC PROD Paul Fenech PRODUCER Joanne Weatherstone, EXEC PROD Paul Fenech PRODUCER Paul Fenech, Tanith Carroll DIRECTOR Paul Fenech WRITER Paul Fenech CAST Paul Fenech, Tahir Bilgic, Rob Shehadie, Johnny Boxer, Jabba, Ahn Do, Kevin Taumata, Andrew Ausage, Alex Romano, Maria Venuti, Rebel Wilson STATUS Pre-Production Lwyn Woodburne, Ian Smith, Tom Oliver, Ryan Moloney, Carla Bonner, Stephen Lovatt, Janet Andrewartha, Kyal Marsh, Natalie Bassingthwaighte, Ingo Dammer-Smith, Stephanie McIntosh, Damien Bodie, Ben Nicholas, Nell Feeney, Eliza Taylor-Cotter, Sianoa Smit-McPhee, Brett Swain, Daniel O’Connor, Caitlin Stasey, Matthew Werkmeister STATUS Production With a smile and a laugh and a shoulder to cry on, the people of Ramsay Street stick with each other through life’s highs and lows – friends to the end and always good NEIGHBOURS. www.neighbours.com SALES CONTACT Did you know pizza delivery is the second most dangerous job in the Western world? Made for Australian broadcaster SBS, series five promises more of the ever popular PIZZA. www20.sbs.com.au/pizza SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au FremantleMedia Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9434 0666 FAX +61-2 9434 0700 www.fremantlemedia.com.au paul.ridley@fremantlemedia.com 18 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Tinzar DIRECTOR Paul Fenech WRITER Paul Fenech CAST Paul Fenech STATUS Completed As part of the coverage of the World Cup by Australian broadcaster SBS, Pauly Falzoni (AKA Paul Fenech) travels the globe and takes us behind the conspiracy of the world’s biggest sport, where he is able to prove categorically that the World Cup is a sham. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au PIZZA: WORLD RECORD RAIN SHADOW REAL STORIES 6 X 25 MIN / COMEDY 6 X 60 MIN / DRAMA 8 X 30 MIN / COMEDY, SATIRE PROD CO Southern PROD CO Roving Enterprises EXEC PROD Craig Campbell, Rove PROD CO Antichocko Productions P/L EXEC PROD Paul Fenech PRODUCER Paul Fenech DIRECTOR Paul Fenech WRITER Paul Fenech CAST Paul Fenech, Tahir Bilgic, Kevin Taumata, Katrina Spadone STATUS Completed Pauly Falzoni (AKA Paul Fenech), with the help of some of his PIZZA friends, travels the globe to prove he is the Number One Pizza Deliverer. A Guinness World Record attempt to help fight cancer. www.fatpizza.org SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au Star Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Errol Sullivan, Hugh Marks, Miranda Dear, Antonia Barnard PRODUCER Gus Howard DIRECTOR Fiona Banks, Shawn Seet WRITER Tony Morphett, Jimmy Thomson CAST Rachel Ward, Victoria Thaine STATUS Production McManus PRODUCER Paul Horan DIRECTOR Tim Bartley WRITER Hamish Blake, Andy Lee, Ryan Shelton CAST Hamish Blake, Andy Lee, Ryan Shelton STATUS Completed Two vets come to terms with each other as a community struggles with drought. A hybrid current affairs/ documentary program that goes beyond fly-on-the-wall reporting. It probes everyday people and their unique journeys, circumstances and struggles. SALES CONTACT www.rovingenterprises.com Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au SALES CONTACT Roving Enterprises Australia PHONE +61-3 9415 1061 FAX +61-3 9415 1951 www.rovingenterprises.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 19 SERIES/SERIALS SERIES/SERIALS THE RONNIE JOHNS HALF HOUR SATISFACTION SPY SHOP 10 X 60 MIN / DRAMA 10 X 3 MIN / COMEDY 26 X 30 MIN / SKETCH COMEDY PROD CO Lone Hand EXEC PROD Kim Vecera PRODUCER Roger Simpson, PROD CO Boilermaker Pty Ltd PRODUCER Gareth Calverley, PROD CO Jigsaw Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Nick Murray, Glenn Robbins SERIES PRODUCER Toni Malone DIRECTOR Damian Davis WRITER Chris McDonald CAST Heath Franklin, Jordan Raskopoulos, Felicity Ward, Dan Ilic, James Pender and Caroline Fitzgerald STATUS Completed Jesus is up to his devilish tricks, the Garys kick janglies and Chopper is fucken finding himself. They are joined by a talkback-loathing dog, too-coolfor-school night clubbers and an embarrassing earth mother. In 2006, the show received a Logie nomination for Most Outstanding Comedy Series, and Heath Franklin was nominated for the 2006 Inaugural Graham Kennedy Logie Award for Most Outstanding New Talent. Series 2 is currently in production. Andrew Walker DIRECTOR Ken Cameron, Paul Maloney, Daina Reid WRITER Various CAST Kestie Morassi, Nicholas Bell, Sullivan Stapleton, Robert Mammone, Diana Glenn, Bojana Novakovic, Peta Sergeant, Madeleine West, Alison Whyte STATUS Production Revolves around the lives and loves of a group of women who work in a city brothel. SALES CONTACT The Premium Movie Partnership, PMP/Showtime, Showtime, Showtime Greats and Encore Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 8374 6800 FAX +61-2 8374 6900 www.ronniejohns.com SALES CONTACT Jigsaw Entertainment Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9326 9922 FAX +61-2 9326 9277 www.jigsaw.tv 20 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Andrew McInally DIRECTOR Michael Boland WRITER Gareth Calverley STATUS Pre-Production Dale Deakin, 23, owns and operates a spy shop franchise and presents a weekly online video blog about the shop and its amazing products. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au STUPID STUPID MAN SUMMER HEIGHTS HIGH SUPERNOVA 8 X 30 MIN / COMEDY 8 X 30 MIN / COMEDY 12 X 30 MIN / COMEDY PROD CO Jigsaw PROD CO Princess PROD CO Hartswood Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Nick Murray PRODUCER Rick McPhee, Ltd Nick Murray DIRECTOR Will Usic WRITER Tim Pye, Michael Ward, Mark Burnett CAST Matthew Newton, Bob Franklin, Wayne Hope, Leah Vandenberg, Sophie Katinis, Chris Leaney STATUS Completed Set in the office of a fictional men’s magazine called COQ (French for rooster) STUPID STUPID MAN examines the lives of the editorial team comprising four blokes, struggling for the right to express their blokedom in an increasingly sensitive society, juxtaposed with strong female characters in senior management and a P.A. with attitude. Their contrasting personalities and the conflict between high journalistic ideals and the grubby reality of men’s magazines twists these characters increasingly out of shape. www.tv1.com.au/ stupidstupidman SALES CONTACT Jigsaw Entertainment Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9326 9922 FAX +61-2 9326 9277 www.jigsaw.tv Pictures Pty EXEC PROD Bruce Kane PRODUCER Laura Waters DIRECTOR Stuart McDonald WRITER Chris Lilley CAST Chris Lilley STATUS Post-Production Follows the journeys of multiple characters over one term in an average Australian high school. Starring writer and performer Chris Lilley (We Can Be Heroes), the series documents the daily lives of teachers, students and staff. The characters take us through the seemingly huge traumas of friendship, staff politics, schoolwork and relationships that are the fabric of life in the school universe. Features the charismatic drama teacher Mr G, who was part of the Channel Seven shows Big Bite and Hamish & Andy. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au Films Ltd, Fox World (Australia) EXEC PROD David Taylor, David Maher, Beryl Vertue, Sue Vertue PRODUCER David Taylor, David Maher DIRECTOR Matt Lipsey, Sandy Johnson WRITER Harry Cripps CAST Rob Brydon, Kris McQuade, Kat Stewart, Tim Draxl, Hollie Andrew, Peter Kowitz, Damion Hunter STATUS Completed A sitcom about a team of scientific geniuses unravelling the mysteries of the universe in the remote Australian desert. Paul, a repressed British astronomer, dreams of a more adventurous life. He abandons his dull research role in London and relocates to a ‘front line’ field position at the Royal Australian Observatory. Paul does his best to fit in with a dysfunctional group of strangers exploring the furthest reaches of the galaxy from the most far flung place on earth. SALES CONTACT BBC Worldwide United Kingdom PHONE +44-208 433 2000 FAX +44-208 749 0538 www.bbcworldwide.com wwtv@bbc.co.uk MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 21 SERIES/SERIALS SERIES/SERIALS THE WEDGE WILFRED 26 X 30 MIN / SKETCH COMEDY 8 X 26 MIN / COMEDY, DRAMA PROD CO Cornerbox Productions EXEC PROD Steve Dundon SERIES PRODUCER Michael PROD CO Renegade Horrocks PRODUCER Ross Daniels DIRECTOR Nicholas Bufalo WRITER Ross Daniels CAST Dailan Evans, Rebel Wilson, Jason Gann, Julie Eckersley, Anthony Ahern, Katrina Mathers, Adam Zwar, Marney McQueen, Aidan Fennessy, Kate Jenkinson, Cori Hopper, Julia Zemiro, Ross Daniels, Frieda McKenna STATUS Completed Welcome to Wedgedale. Meet Sherine and Leanne, glued to their poker machines in the pub while their kids live in the car outside. Be in the front row at a press conference as sporting superstar Mark Warey apologises for another off-field indiscretion. See Jack and Jill, the country’s most unsuccessful farmers, launch another doomed scheme. Or log onto ‘Lucy’s Webcam’ and follow her exploits of teenage love... and stalking. You wouldn’t want to live there... but maybe you do. Films (Australia) Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Joe Connor, Ken Connor PRODUCER Jenny Livingston DIRECTOR Tony Rogers WRITER Jason Gann, Adam Zwar CAST Jason Gann, Adam Zwar, Cindy Waddingham STATUS Completed A man and a dog vie for the attention of a beautiful woman. Can they come to a compromise? Not likely. www.renegade.com.au SALES CONTACT Renegade Films (Australia) Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-3 9529 3999 FAX +61-3 9529 3699 www.renegade.com.au house@renegade.com.au www.thewedge.com.au SALES CONTACT Cornerbox Productions Australia PHONE +61-3 9525 4600 FAX +61-3 9537 2014 eileen.newbury@cornerbox. com.au 22 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 ANIMALIA TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 40 X 24 MIN / ANIMATION PROD CO Animalia Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Various PRODUCER Ewan Burnett, Murray Pope DIRECTOR David Scott WRITER Tom Ruegger, Various STATUS Production Two contemporary kids visit the land of Animalia, where eccentric animals inhabit the pages of an alphabet book. They team up with G’Bubu, a green gorilla, and Iggy, an iguana, to restore peace. Adapted from Graeme Base’s best-selling picture book, aimed at six to nine-year-olds. SALES CONTACT Porchlight Entertainment Pty Ltd United States PHONE +1-310 477 8400 FAX +1-310 477 5555 www.porchlight.com awright@porchlight.com BBC Worldwide United Kingdom PHONE +44-208 433 2000 FAX +44-208 749 0538 www.bbcworldwide.com wwtv@bbc.co.uk THE ANIMATED KIDS BIBLE BLUE WATER HIGH TV DRAMA: MINI-SERIES 52 X 30 MIN / DRAMA TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 12 X 40 MIN / ANIMATION PROD CO Dominion V+TV Pty PRODUCER Tom Broadbridge STATUS Completed PROD CO Southern Ltd The Genesis episodes comprise Creation; Voyage of the Ark; Towering Pride and True Lies, where Abraham becomes the father of many nations; Rain of Fire, where God destroys the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; Brothers at War which continues the story of Abraham’s descendants; and Joseph the Dream Reader starts one of the great stories of the book of Genesis. This series uses the latest 3D-CGI animation to transform the Bible from ricepaper pages. For young people of every culture. SALES CONTACT The Kids Bible Company Australia PHONE +61-3 0054 3724 www.thekidsbible.com admin@thekidsbible.com Star Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Noel Price PRODUCER Noel Price, Dennis Kiely DIRECTOR Ralph Strasser, Marcus Cole, Chris Martin-Jones WRITER Various CAST Kate Bell, Liz Burch, Ryan Corr, Lochie Daddo, Trent Dalzell, Sophie Luck, Martin Lynes, Taryn Marler, Lesley Mitchell, Adam Saunders, Gabrielle Scollay, James Sorensen STATUS Completed Seven top Australian teenage surfers are selected to live in an elite academy. Series two sees new contestants battle it out with Fly, Bec and Heath on the junior-pro circuit. Surfing and beach sport continue to play out alongside school and budding relationships. http://abc.net.au/rollercoaster/ bluewaterhigh SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 23 CHILDREN’S TV DRAMA C H I L D R E N ’S T V D R A M A DEADLY DID YOU KNOW? DIVE OLLY DIVE! TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 13 X 24 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 13 X 1 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 11 MIN / ANIMATION, ADVENTURE PROD CO SLR Productions EXEC PROD Suzanne Ryan, Geoff Watson, Jo Horsburgh PRODUCER Suzanne Ryan DIRECTOR David Evans WRITER Various CAST Sarah Aubrey, Michelle Doake, Rachel King STATUS Completed Stories involve the quest for eternal youth, blue farts, marauding botty worms, pooper scooping, bad hair days, whale gizzards, two-headed giraffes and much much more. Based on the best-selling book series by Australia’s top children’s authors, Morris Gleitzman and Paul Jennings. www.flyingbark.com.au SALES CONTACT Flying Bark Productions PROD CO Head Pictures EXEC PROD Domenic Friguglietti PRODUCER Damon Escott, Stephen Lance, Sally Madgwick DIRECTOR Steve Baker STATUS Completed Did you know you can lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs? Did you know a duck’s quack doesn’t echo? And did you know turtles breathe through their bottoms? Tropfest 2007 winner Steve Baker presents obscure facts in a subversive way. For eight to 11-year-olds. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au Australia PHONE +61-2 9519 1366 FAX +61-2 9519 1258 www.flyingbark.com.au enquiries@FlyingBark.com.au PROD CO Mike Young Productions, Flying Bark Productions EXEC PROD Geoff Watson, Mike Young PRODUCER Mike Young, Yasmin McConville DIRECTOR Jane Schneider, Bob Doucette WRITER Various CAST Shane Withington, Gibson Nolte, Suzie MacKenzie, Sarah Aubrey, Julie McGregor, Catherine McGraffin, Chloe Harrison STATUS Post-Production Two young submarines experience the joys and challenges of life in their underwater world, in much the same way that preschoolers experience life in their world. The heroic fun-loving Olly and his baby sister Beth solve problems small and large. For five to eightyear-olds. mikeyoungproductions.com SALES CONTACT Taffy Entertainment United States PHONE +1-181 8999 0082 www.taffyentertainment.com 24 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOGSTAR DOUBLE TROUBLE ERKY PERKY TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 24 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 13 X 30 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Media World Pictures PRODUCER Colin South, Ross PROD CO CAAMA EXEC PROD Ron Saunders, AUSTRALIA/CANADA CO-PRODUCTION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 11 MIN / ANIMATION Hutchens DIRECTOR Aaron Davies WRITER Doug MacLeod, Philip Dalkin CAST Voices of Henry Maas, Michael Veitch, Marg Downey, Matthew King, Roslyn Oades STATUS Completed Priscilla Collins, Jo Horsburgh PRODUCER Terry Jennings, Rachel Clements DIRECTOR Wayne Blair, Richard Frankland WRITER Mitch Torres, Danielle MacLean, Richard Frankland, David Ogilvy CAST Cassie Glenn, Chrissie Glenn STATUS Post-Production It is the year 2347. On the voyage from Old to New Earth, a freak accident causes Dogstar, a giant space ark containing all the world’s dogs, to become lost to mankind. On New Earth, the evil Bob Santino gleefully mass produces robotic dogs for the canine-deprived humans. But the Clark kids, three members of your average 24th Century family, miss their real dog Hobart. They embark on a journey to find the Dogstar with Bob in hot pursuit. Tells the story of twins, separated at birth, who meet and swap places in an adventure that changes their lives. The first children’s television drama produced by the Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA) explores different cultures: white and black, city and bush, community and urban lifestyles. SALES CONTACT www.mediaworld.com.au SALES CONTACT Daro Film Distribution Monaco PHONE +377-9797 1600 FAX +377-9797 1591 daro@daro-films.mc Australian Children’s Television Foundation PROD CO Various EXEC PROD Avrill Stark, Bryan Lowe, Arnold Zipursky PRODUCER David Webster, Michael Boughen, Arnold Zipursky DIRECTOR David Webster STATUS Production About two bickering bugs who are forced to survive in a scary clean kitchen. Series two introduces bossy flying bug Mad Margaret, her ‘wing-man’ Cecil, beguiling niece Sajuica, ‘veteran’ bug Frenzel, old-timer Moldy Van Oldy and fart-propelled Stinks. Aimed at seven to 11-year-olds. www.ambienceentertainment.com SALES CONTACT CCi Releasing Inc Canada PHONE +1-416 964 8750 FAX +1-416 964 1980 www.ccientertainment.com info@ccientertainment.com Australia PHONE +61-3 9419 8800 FAX +61-3 9419 0660 www.actf.com.au info@actf.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 25 CHILDREN’S TV DRAMA C H I L D R E N ’S T V D R A M A THE FAIRIES FARMKIDS FIVE MINUTES MORE TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 12 MIN / DRAMA TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 12.5 MIN / ANIMATION, COMEDY PROD CO The Fairies EXEC PROD Jenifer Watts PRODUCER David Hancock DIRECTOR Mark Evans CAST Candy Moll, Ruth Fallon, PROD CO FARMkids Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Scott Strachan, Ian AUSTRALIA/UK CO-PRODUCTION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 65 X 5 MIN / ANIMATION PJ Oates, Rhys Bobridge, Adam Foodburn STATUS Completed Lose yourself in a world of singing and dancing fairies, elves, wizards, bees and lots of other surprises in this magical musical series for pre-schoolers (and everyone else who still believes). This exciting live action series is available as 52 x 12 minutes, 26 x 30 minutes and 2 x 50 minutes episodes. SALES CONTACT The Fairies Australia PHONE +61-8 8333 2655 FAX +61-8 8333 2130 www.thefairies.com jen@thefairies.com Jones, Andrew Gibson DIRECTOR Sorin Oancea WRITER Various CAST Voices of Andrew Buchanan, Liz Buchanan, Tiffany Lamb, Todd Levi, Bill MacDonald, Danny Murphy, Louise Bremher, Bryan Proberts, John Hamon, Scott Strachan STATUS Production A bunch of pampered city animals swap their star-studded life in a zoo nursery for remote Dude Ranch. Based around the irony of farm animals who know nothing about living in the country, this animated television comedy series is for six to 11year-olds. SALES CONTACT FARMkids Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-7 3723 8333 FAX +61-7 3715 1444 MOBILE +61-419 176 590 www.farmkids.com.au ijones@farmkids.com.au 26 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 PROD CO Buster Dandy Productions, Snow River Media Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Angus Fletcher, Martin Robertson PRODUCER Justine Flynn, Donna Andrews DIRECTOR Mark Barnard WRITER Jan Page, Mellie Buse STATUS Completed Discover the wonderful world of five furry friends who live on a magical patchwork quilt. One is the storyteller, one is the interrupter and the other three act out the stories with imagination and humour. With its soft ‘hand-sewn’ look and familiar story-telling style – complete with interruptions, questions and detours – this accessible series gently draws in young viewers. http://abc.net.au/children/ fiveminutesmore SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au G2G H2O: JUST ADD WATER I GOT A ROCKET TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 30 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 30 MIN / ADVENTURE, FANTASY TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 12 MIN / ANIMATION PROD CO Moody PROD CO H20 PROD CO SLR Street Kids Pty Ltd, March Entertainment Inc EXEC PROD Gillian Carr, Dan Hawes, Jo Horsburgh PRODUCER Gillian Carr DIRECTOR Gillian Carr WRITER Various STATUS Pre-Production Follows 11-year-old Madison Marples-Macintosh AKA Maddie, who writes the ‘Dear Abby’ column for her school newspaper. While her eccentric parents and attention-seeking friends perform centre stage, Maddie prefers to take notes from the sidelines. SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au March Entertainment Inc Canada PHONE +1-416 604 9000 FAX +1-416 977 1485 www.marchentertainment.com Just Add Water Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Jonathan M. Shiff PRODUCER Jonathan M. Shiff DIRECTOR Colin Budds, Jeffrey Walker WRITER Various CAST Claire Holt, Phoebe Tonkin, Cariba Heine, Angus McLaren, Burgess Abernethy STATUS Production When the moon pool enhances their mermaid powers in strange and mysterious ways it’s hard for Emma, Rikki and Cleo to control them. But when meek and mild Charlotte stumbles into the moon pool and inherits all three powers our heroes had better watch their tails. www.jonathan-m-shiff.com.au SALES CONTACT Productions, Mike Young Productions, Taffy Entertainment EXEC PROD Suzanne Ryan, Bill Schultz PRODUCER Suzanne Ryan DIRECTOR Glenn Kirkpatrick WRITER Stu Connolly CAST Voices of Thomas Bromhead, Jamie Oxenbould, Rachel King, Marcello Fabrizi, Drew Forsythe, Trilby Glover STATUS Post-Production Thanks to Rocket, Vinnie’s got plans. Big plans! Yes, Vinnie wants it all! And Rocket’s going to help him, in his own jet-powered, gadget-packed, impulsive way! Together, nothing can stop Rocket and Vinnie. Nothing that is, except, well, Rocket and Vinnie. Just try to stay out of their way! ZDF Enterprises Germany PHONE +49-6131 9910 FAX +49-613 199 1260 www.zdf-enterprises.zdf.de enterprises@zdf.de www.slrproductions.com SALES CONTACT Taffy Entertainment United States PHONE +1-181 8999 0082 www.taffyentertainment.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 27 CHILDREN’S TV DRAMA C H I L D R E N ’S T V D R A M A LI’L LARIKKINS LOCKIE LEONARD TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 10 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: MINI-SERIES 26 X 24 MIN / TEEN PROD CO Ettamogah PROD CO Essential Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Leigh C O’Brien PRODUCER Paul Western-Pittard WRITER Leigh C O’Brien, Paul Western-Pittard STATUS Pre-Production (drama) Eight-year-old Amy, her koala, Maddie and their pals are trouble-looking-for-a-placeto-happen. Mischievous, fun, adventurous – these Li’l Larikkins are pint-sized dynamos with energy to burn and adventure blazing in their hearts. But in the sleepy town of Ettamogah adventure is hard to come by. Solution? Make your own. Join them on crazy, laugh-filled adventures through the outback as they cause mayhem in a way only eight-year-olds can. For four to seven-year-olds. www.ettamogah.com SALES CONTACT The Mercer Group United States PHONE +1-718 788 3617 FAX +1-917 591 2832 tmercerg@aol.com Viewing EXEC PROD Rosemary Blight, Jo Horsburgh PRODUCER Kylie du Fresne DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Sean Keenan, Rhys Muldoon, Corey McKernan, Briony Williams, Gracie Gilbert, Clarence Ryan STATUS Completed Lockie Leonard moves to the most remote town on earth – Anjelus. This is a TOTAL LIFE DISASTER: no friends, new school... but then Lockie spots the one thing that makes it all okay. This weird little town has the best surf he has ever seen. Based on the award-winning novels of Tim Winton. SALES CONTACT Australian Children’s Television Foundation Australia PHONE +61-3 9419 8800 FAX +61-3 9419 0660 www.actf.com.au info@actf.com.au IDM France PHONE +33-331 4747 2509 FAX +33-331 4745 3632 lkidm@club.fr 28 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 THE LOST TREASURE OF FIJI TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 13 X 24 MIN / ADVENTURE, FANTASY PROD CO Pirate Islands Fiji Ltd EXEC PROD Jonathan M. Shiff PRODUCER Jonathan M. Shiff, Judith John-Story DIRECTOR Grant Brown WRITER Various CAST Saskia Burmeister, Adelaide Clements, Jim Daly, John Noble, Kain O’Keeffe, Sera Tikotikovatu, Wame Valentine, Nathan Vernon STATUS Post-Production Top gamers from around the world Tyler, Kirra and Alison are in Fiji for the launch of the new computer game, ‘The Lost Treasure of Fiji’. But things go awry when they find themselves pulled inside the digital world in search of Tyler’s younger brother. Swashbuckling pirates and tropical dangers become all too real obstacles as they join forces to solve the game and find their way back home before it’s too late. www.jonathan-m-shiff.com.au SALES CONTACT Banana J Media Australia PHONE +61-3 9647 7200 FAX +61-3 9647 7299 www.bananaj.com.au sales@bananaj.com.au MASTER RAINDROP MORTIFIED TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 24 MIN / ANIMATION, ACTION TV DRAMA: MINI-SERIES 26 X 24 MIN / ADVENTURE PROD CO Big PROD CO Mortified Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Phillip Bowman, Communications, Flux Animation, Flying Bark Productions EXEC PROD Geoff Watson, Vincent Lim, Brent Chambers PRODUCER Yasmin McConville, Brent Chambers, Vincent Lim DIRECTOR Steve Cooper WRITER Various STATUS Production Chronicles the journey of four young friends – Raindrop, Shao Yen, Jinhou and Niwa – across ‘The World of A Thousand Lands’ in search of their Master, who has been captured by the Evil General Bu. This new 3D animated series brings to life characters and creatures from various Asian Legends and Folklore, as their stories are retold within the adventures of our young heroes. For eight to 11-year-olds. www.flyingbark.com.au SALES CONTACT EM.TV AG Germany PHONE +49-8999 5000 FAX +49-8999 5111 www.em.tv info@em.tv Jenny Buckland, Bernadette O’Mahony PRODUCER Phillip Bowman, Bernadette O’Mahony DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various CAST Marny Kennedy, Nicholas Dunn, Maia McCall Mitchell, Luke Erceg, Dajana Cahill STATUS Completed On the brink of adolescence, a girl’s got a lot to deal with: a changing body, a flood of hormones, relentless judgment by her peers, even a first, unrequited crush. Although Taylor Fry is a lively, smartlipped kid, she feels she doesn’t belong (and with a father known locally as ‘the underpant king’ who could blame her?). But eventually Taylor must confront the truth: she is who she is. NEW MACDONALD’S FARM TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 135 X 30 MIN / ANIMATION PROD CO Pacific and Beyond Pty Ltd PRODUCER Ron Saunders DIRECTOR Ian Munro WRITER Various STATUS Completed Follows the adventures of Max and Milly and their lovable farmyard animal friends: Henry the horse, Charlotte the chook, Dash the duck, Shirley the sheep, Percy the pig and Daisy the cow. SALES CONTACT Beyond International Australia PHONE +61-3 9348 9340 FAX +61-3 9326 5493 www.beyond.com.au yvonne_body@beyond.com.au SALES CONTACT Australian Children’s Television Foundation Australia PHONE +61-3 9419 8800 FAX +61-3 9419 0660 www.actf.com.au info@actf.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 29 CHILDREN’S TV DRAMA C H I L D R E N ’S T V D R A M A PIXEL PINKIE POP PUPS ROCK IT! TV DRAMA: MINI-SERIES 13 X 24 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 5 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 30 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Blue Rocket Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Alicia Rackett, David Gurney DIRECTOR David Gurney WRITER Stephen Davis, Stu Connelly STATUS Production PROD CO A PROD CO Galaxy Pop Pty Limited EXEC PROD Gian Christian, Dina Newly arrived in town, Nina wants to be accepted at school. If only she had a normal, dysfunctional family, instead of hippie parents. Most of all, Nina wants a mobile phone just like everyone else! When her wish comes true, she discovers her new phone has an unlikely occupant who can grant all of her wishes! But as Nina soon discovers, wishes seldom go exactly to plan. Available as 13 x 24 and 26 x 12 minute episodes. Follows the adventures of three cheeky little puppies as they discover the world through a series of fun adventures. Series one is 26 x 1 minute and series two is 26 x 5 minutes. For children under seven-years-old. www.blue-rocket.com.au Stark Production Pty Ltd and Ambience Entertainment EXEC PROD Avrill Stark PRODUCER Avrill Stark WRITER Avrill Stark, David Webster STATUS Production SALES CONTACT A Stark Production Pty Ltd and Ambience Entertainment Australia www.ambienceentertainment. com astark@ambienceentertainment. com McPherson, Cherrie Bottger PRODUCER Nicholas Bufalo, Gian Christian, Dina McPherson DIRECTOR Nicholas Bufalo WRITER Dina McPherson, Robert Greenberg CAST Kate Barresi, Lisa Marie Charalambos, Gian Christian, Stacey Knight, Dina McPherson, Bruce Paterson STATUS Completed Follows the adventures of a group of friends who find a derelict rocketship in an abandoned fairground and accidentally blast into outer space! This preschool program combines live action, animation, music, dance and esteem building concepts with a cool retro design. SALES CONTACT www.galaxypop.com Daro Film Distribution SALES CONTACT Monaco PHONE +377-9797 1600 FAX +377-9797 1591 daro@daro-films.mc 30 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Galaxy Pop Pty Limited Australia PHONE +61-3 9866 1611 FAX +61-3 9866 7011 www.galaxypop.com rockittv@galaxypop.com SEA PRINCESSES SEASIDE HOTEL THE SHAPIES TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 12 MIN / ANIMATION AUSTRALIA/FRANCE CO-PRODUCTION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 26 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 39 X 24 MIN / ADVENTURE, ANIMATION PROD CO Tele PROD CO Light PROD CO Neptuno Films, Flamma Films, Southern Star Pacific EXEC PROD Catherine Payne, Cristina Brandner, Josep Viciana PRODUCER Noel Price DIRECTOR Craig Handley WRITER Kevin Nemeth STATUS Production Based on the ‘Princesas do Mar’ books by Brazilian author Fabio Yabu, the series explores the kingdoms of the sea through the animated adventures of the Sea Princesses. www.southernstargroup. com/ProductDetails. aspx?productid=18241 SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au Neptuno Films Spain www.neptunofilms.com neptuno@neptunofilms.com Flamma Films Brazil PHONE +55-113 541 3670 www.flammafilms.com r.marchezini@flammafilms.com Images Kids, Flying Bark Productions EXEC PROD Philippe Alessandri, Geoff Watson PRODUCER Philippe Alessandri, Geoff Watson DIRECTOR Charlie Sansonetti, David Witt WRITER Various CAST Voices of Di Adams, Sarah Aubrey, Michelle Daoke, Drew Forsythe, Rachel King, Troy Planet STATUS Completed An animated series about an unlikely friendship between two 11-year-olds. George is the inhibited, straitlaced son of the owner of a rather stuffy hotel. Rosy is an eccentric, spirited girl who upsets the delicate balance of George’s world and leads him into adventures he would have never imagined. Available as 26 x 13 minute and 13 x 26 minute episodes. Knights Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD David Angliss SERIES PRODUCER Mark Traynor PRODUCER Wes Tatters DIRECTOR David Merson, Mark Traynor WRITER Mark Traynor CAST Voices of Tony Bellette, Bonnie Fraser, Jane U’Brihien, Joey Moore STATUS Production The 3D adventures of a toy rock band. For five to seven-year-olds. www.lightknights.com SALES CONTACT Three Roads Media Partners United States PHONE +1-212 472 8339 www.3roadsmediapartners.com www.flyingbark.com.au SALES CONTACT Tele Images International France PHONE +33-14435 1700 FAX +33-14225 7756 www.teleimages.com sales@teleimages.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 31 CHILDREN’S TV DRAMA C H I L D R E N ’S T V D R A M A SLEEPOVER CLUB STAINES DOWN DRAINS STREETSMARTZ TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 52 X 24 MIN / DRAMA AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND CO-PRODUCTION TV DRAMA: MINI-SERIES 26 X 24 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: MINI-SERIES 39 X 24 MIN / ADVENTURE, TEEN PROD CO Southern Star Entertainment Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Noel Price PRODUCER Susie Campbell DIRECTOR James Bogle, Mark DeFriest, Steven Peddie WRITER Various CAST Katie Nazer-Hennings, Morgan Griffin, Monique Williams, Manu Bains, Rachel Watson, James Bell, Shannon Lively, Julia O’Connor, Ruby Hall, Geoff Kelso, Michael Loney, Michelle Fornasier STATUS Completed Life is pretty humorous when you look at it from the point of view of the five young teenage girls in THE SLEEPOVER CLUB. Based on the international bestselling books of the same name. www.southernstargroup.com SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au PROD CO Traction Inc Limited, Flying Bark Productions EXEC PROD Geoff Watson, Brent Chambers PRODUCER Yoram Gross, Brent Chambers, Geoff Watson DIRECTOR Jane Schneider, Guy Gross WRITER Various CAST Voices of Jane U’Brien, Rachel King, Sarah Aubrey, Keith Scott, Drew Forsythe STATUS Production Slipping down the plughole starts the ride of a lifetime for John Stanley Staines and his sister Mary Jane. They travel a maze of drains all the way to a huge underground world full of fantastic creatures and fabulous places. Even though it lies right beneath us it’s a world most people don’t know about. It’s a world only kids can get into. www.flyingbark.com.au SALES CONTACT EM.TV AG Germany PHONE +49-8999 5000 FAX +49-8999 5111 www.em.tv info@em.tv 32 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 PROD CO Wikkid Entertainment (for Great Western Entertainment Pty Ltd) EXEC PROD Jo Horsburgh PRODUCER Paul Barron DIRECTOR Various WRITER Coral Drouyn, Vanessa Yardley, B.S. McQueen-Mason CAST David Richardson, Chelsea Jones, Valentina Barron, Anthony Harwood, Lucy Cooke, Joel Turner, Pia Prendiville, Rebecca McCarthy, Michaela Sojak, Anthony Spanos, Jesse Martin, Ben Garside, Fernando Colella, Iain Gately, David Smyth, Luke Hewitt, Robbie Vecchio, Luciano Vecchio STATUS Completed Follows the story of Vinnie, his family and his mates on the one day of the week that kids call their own – Saturday. www.streetsmartz.tv SALES CONTACT Fireworks International United Kingdom PHONE +44-020 7851 6500 FAX +44-020 7851 6504 www.contentfilm.com info@contentfilm.com SUMO MOUSE THE UPSIDE DOWN SHOW WAKKAVILLE AUSTRALIA/CANADA CO-PRODUCTION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 24 MIN / ANIMATION TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 13 X 24 MIN / COMEDY, FAMILY TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 26 X 22 MIN / ANIMATION PROD CO Blink Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Michael Bourchier PRODUCER Wendy Gray DIRECTOR Julie Money, Peter PROD CO Ettamogah PROD CO Moody Street Kids Pty Ltd, Title Entertainment EXEC PROD Gillian Carr, Frank Taylor SERIES DIRECTOR Gillian Carr PRODUCER Gillian Carr, Frank Taylor WRITER Ray Boseley, Katherine Sandford, Chris Anastassiades STATUS Pre-Production When Yama, a timid little mouse, dons a sacred o-isho, he is transformed into a mountain of mouscular mayhem – Sumo Mouse! SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au Nelvana Limited Canada PHONE +1-416 535 0935 FAX +1-416 530 2832 www.nelvana.com Cudlipp WRITER Belinda Ward CAST Shane Dundas, David Collins, Mat McCoy, Amanda Bishop STATUS Completed A live-action preschool series presenting the physical comedy of the Umbilical Brothers. SALES CONTACT Sesame Workshop United States PHONE +1-212 875 6321 FAX +1-212 875 6101 www.sesameworkshop.com jennifer.monierwilliams@sesameworkshop.org Entertainment Pty Ltd PRODUCER Leigh C O’Brien, Paul Western-Pittard WRITER Leigh C O’Brien, Paul Western-Pittard STATUS Pre-Production Thirteen-year-old Jaz is sent to a town full of crazy kids and psycho adults, Wakkaville – as different from Sydney as night from day. But this is her last chance to get it together. With Flick, her self-appointed tour guide, Martin, her cowboy ‘jackaroo’ neighbour and Buzza, an aquaphobic surfer, Jaz makes it her mission to drag Wakkaville into the 21st century. For eight to 12-year-olds. Available as 26 x 22 minute and 52 x 11 minute episodes. www.ettamogah.com SALES CONTACT The Mercer Group United States PHONE +1-718 788 3617 FAX +1-917 591 2832 tmercerg@aol.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 33 CHILDREN’S TV DRAMA C H I L D R E N ’S T V D R A M A WORM HOLLOW TV DRAMA: SERIES/SERIAL 13 X 24 MIN / DRAMA PROD CO Wikkid Entertainment (for Great Western Entertainment Pty Ltd) PRODUCER Paul Barron DIRECTOR Edward McQueenMason, Mark DeFriest WRITER Various STATUS Pre-Production Mick, Ned and Danni Bourke live in the strange town of Worm Hollow where the economy depends on worms, noses run (literally) and boys can fly. SALES CONTACT Great Western Entertainment Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 9433 6899 FAX +61-8 9433 6922 www.gwe.net.au annem@gwe.net.au CCi Releasing Inc Canada PHONE +1-416 964 8750 FAX +1-416 964 1980 www.ccientertainment.com info@ccientertainment.com 34 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 CHILDREN’S TV DRAMA C H I L D R E N ’S T V D R A M A MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 35 DOCUMENTARIES 16MM MAXWELL * FILM & MEDIA BETACAM / 23 MIN PROD CO VCA School of Film and Television DIRECTOR Elizabeth Hoyle WRITER Elizabeth Hoyle ABOUT A GIRL: CASEY DONOVAN ANTARCTICART – EVERYSOMEWHEREVER INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN ARTS & CRAFTS, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE DV/MINI DV / 26 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Indigenous Programmes Unit EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Nancia Guivarra DIRECTOR Nancia Guivarra WRITER Nancia Guivarra The filmmaker returns to her hometown in New Zealand, taking the journey south with her father. During this visit she meets Maxwell, who has transformed his house into a 100 seat cinema, and discovers a history of local documentary filmmaking and the elderly men and women who made them. Casey Donovan has sung her way into the hearts of a nation and become our Idol in the process. At just 16 years of age, she won Australian Idol, had a number one single, and launched her own album. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Victorian College of the Arts School of Film and Television Australia PHONE +61-3 9685 9000 FAX +61-3 9685 9001 www.vca.unimelb.edu.au/ftv/ index.html ftv.info@vca.unimelb.edu.au ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au PRODUCER Matthew Rooke DIRECTOR Matthew Rooke WRITER Matthew Rooke A celebration of the ‘frigid exotic’, a journey into abstraction. Grand vistas, ageless beauty and a neversetting sun. Few people ever get to Antarctica, less go there to paint. Steven Eastaugh has travelled for the last 23 years, calls nowhere home, feeds off isolation and suffers from a selfdiagnosed affliction called still sickness. How does he connect with the pristine environment, deal with the bitter climate and then translate that experience onto canvas? Set amongst the backdrop of the coldest, windiest, driest continent on Earth, we witness the working process and creation of over 200 individual works. SALES CONTACT Matthew Rooke Australia PHONE +61-3 9534 6251 MOBILE +61-422 904 561 mavoui@optusnet.com.au 38 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 * DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINUTES & UNDER AUNTY CONNIE ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, WOMEN DIGITAL BETACAM / 28 MIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 25 MIN PROD CO Switch Films PRODUCER Janelle Landers DIRECTOR Sheila Jayadev WRITER Sheila Jayadev ARRANGING LOVE explores the realities of the arranged marriage and the rules of love and relationships for second generation Indians living in Australia. In doing so ARRANGING LOVE attempts to look past the stereotype of children struggling against their controlling Indian parents that is so often portrayed in Western cinema. SALES CONTACT Switch Films Australia MOBILE +61-402 062 096 janelle@switchfilms.com.au PROD CO ABC TV Indigenous Programmes Unit EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Ivan Sen DIRECTOR Ivan Sen WRITER Ivan Sen Connie McDonald is a woman who has been liberated by love. Born in the Kimberley with a debilitating bone disease, Connie’s first baby steps broke both her legs. This is a love story and a tale of courage. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au BETWEEN THE OIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE BETACAM / 25 MIN PROD CO San Polo Productions, United Notions Productions EXEC PROD Salvatore Braca PRODUCER Dan Fallshaw, Violeta Ayala DIRECTOR Violeta Ayala WRITER Violeta Ayala, Dan Fallshaw BETWEEN THE OIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA is a plea of a young African nation trying to stamp out corruption within the oil business and rescue its country from poverty. SALES CONTACT United Notions Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9365 7321 FAX +61-2 9328 0352 united_notions@ozemail.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 39 DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINS & UNDER ARRANGING LOVE BEYOND THE BELLY * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, HEALTH, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 25 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Religion and Ethics Unit PRODUCER Roger Bayley Australian men are in crisis. They’re fatter than ever before and by the time they are 40 our men are dying like never before. But is obesity the problem? Or is a big belly a symptom of an inward spiritual void? By following three middle-aged blokes through a weight-loss program this story goes BEYOND THE BELLY to find out why our menfolk are not taking care of themselves. Beyond the mere physical, we explore how men are coming to terms with the challenges of mid-life in a secular society which celebrates youth and all but ignores them. A story for our time. CHANT OF THE SCRUB TURKEY * WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN PROD CO Gabrielle Jones Productions PRODUCER Gabrielle Jones The scrub turkey vs. the veggie patch, Darwin vs. Buddha and for one small community a clash of colossal proportions. SALES CONTACT ABC Enterprises Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 3999 FAX +61-2 8333 3998 www.abc.net.au scriven.sandra@abc.net.au SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au 40 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 CHEEKY DOG * ARTS & CRAFTS, HEALTH, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 23 MIN PROD CO CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Rachel Clements PRODUCER Barbara Clifford DIRECTOR Dena Curtis WRITER Dena Curtis Despite living with Muscular Dystrophy and being profoundly deaf, Dion, a 15-year-old artist from Central Australia, has been able to create a unique fashion label to assist his financial security. SALES CONTACT CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8951 9778 FAX +61-8 8951 9717 MOBILE +61-419 814 960 www.caama.com.au productions@caama.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINUTES & UNDER * RELIGION, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 25 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Religion and Ethics Unit PRODUCER Mark Edmondson DIRECTOR Rhianna Patrick 29-year old Marcus Smith is at a crossroads in his life and decides to go ‘home’ to the Torres Strait during its most important celebration of the year, the Coming of the Light. This event commemorates the arrival of the first missionaries in the Torres Strait. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au COOL DRINK AND CULTURE COS I’M FREE: CATHY FREEMAN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, WOMEN DIGITAL BETACAM / 23 MIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 28 MIN PROD CO CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Rachel Clements PRODUCER Rachel Clements DIRECTOR Sonja Dare WRITER Sonja Dare Mt Leibig is a remote Aboriginal community 250kms west of Alice Springs. Within this community live strong vibrant young women who have a unique view of the worlds they live in. These young women move successfully between two cultures: their traditional culture and white man’s culture. SALES CONTACT CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd PROD CO ABC TV Indigenous Programmes Unit EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Louise Glover DIRECTOR Louise Glover WRITER Louise Glover This film reveals Cathy’s secret weapon, the real life story of her life, the inspiration that made our golden girl of the track fly into the record books and into the nation’s heart. This is her story. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au Australia PHONE +61-8 8951 9778 FAX +61-8 8951 9717 MOBILE +61-419 814 960 www.caama.com.au productions@caama.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 41 DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINS & UNDER COMING OF THE LIGHT ELVIS LIVES IN PARKES CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN PROD CO Big Island Pictures EXEC PROD Mark Chapman PRODUCER Melissa Fox, Noelene Hayes DIRECTOR Anthony Mullins WRITER Anthony Mullins Despite the threat of bushfires, flood, public ridicule, financial loss, theft and outright exhaustion, a small band of devotees from the tiny rural town of Parkes have battled against the odds to create the biggest and most unlikely of Elvis Presley festivals in Australia. SALES CONTACT Fusion Films Australia MOBILE +61-403 133 565 fusionfilm@optusnet.com.au FAIR DINKUM MANJIT * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN PROD CO Faraway Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Faramarz K-Rahber, Axel Grigor DIRECTOR Faramarz K-Rahber WRITER Faramarz K-Rahber Meet Manjit, a 49-year-old Indian cab driver who has made it his mission to tell the world what a great nation Australia is – through his own homemade music! And now he had decided to make a Bollywood-style music video for his most popular track ‘Song Australia’. SALES CONTACT Faraway Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-7 3219 1107 FAX +61-7 3219 1107 www.faraway.com.au info@faraway.com.au 42 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND: THE LAST OF THE NOMADS INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA BETACAM / 24 MIN PROD CO BlackRussian Productions EXEC PROD Trevor Graham PRODUCER Paul Roberts DIRECTOR Glen Stasiuk WRITER Glen Stasiuk Journey into the Gibson Desert to the country traversed by Warri and Yatungka, the last of the nomads who were brought in to Wiluna in 1977 in a time of drought. SALES CONTACT BlackRussian Productions Australia PHONE +61-414 386 468 FAX +61-8 9490 7354 MOBILE +61-414 386 468 gstasiuk@central.murdoch. edu.au DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINUTES & UNDER CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, SPORTS & RECREATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM/DVC PRO 50 / 25 MIN PROD CO Dreaming Digital Pty Ltd PRODUCER Lisa Duff DIRECTOR Michael Longbottom WRITER Michael Longbottom FOOTY – THE LA PEROUSE WAY is the story of a small Aboriginal community located in bustling multicultural Sydney. It is the journey of a community, whose beginnings were marked by racial division and the suffering it brought, and their embracing of football as a starting point to put these historic differences behind them, forging what has now become a unique and prosperous mix of black and white cultures, working together side-by-side in all aspects of life, with respect, honour, integrity and trust. SALES CONTACT Dreaming Digital Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9699 4212 MOBILE +61-412 373 761 l_duff@yahoo.com HABIBI JAMMIN’ CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, PERFORMING ARTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN PROD CO Virus Media Pty Ltd PRODUCER Enda Murray, Cinzia Guaraldi DIRECTOR Brian Rapsey HABIBI JAMMIN’ takes us behind the headlines and into the lives of four young people from the Arabic community in the troubled western Sydney suburb of Bankstown. Nomise, Julie, Susan and Matuse are the most talented and articulate participants in the ‘Jammin’ in the Middle E’ drama project, which promises to produce a television drama based on stories from their lives. We follow them through the production stages of this unique drama process and explore the tricky topic of Arab/Australian representation. IN SEARCH OF THE WATCHMAKER ARTS & CRAFTS DVD / 26 MIN PROD CO Melpet Productions PRODUCER Tatiana Simonow DIRECTOR Nicholas Sherman The film represents a series of paintings by Australian artist Nick Chlebnikowski under the title IN SEARCH OF THE WATCHMAKER. His work is simple and provocative. Sensing that mathematical forms (fractals) are binding the fabric of the universe, his thoughts have materialised via the unexpected medium of art. SALES CONTACT Melpet Productions Australia PHONE +61-3 9752 9330 FAX +61-3 9752 9330 MOBILE +61-411 114 316 www.nsherman.info tsimonow@netspace.net.au SALES CONTACT Virus Media Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9569 1313 FAX +61-2 9569 1313 MOBILE +61-407 011 176 www.virusmedia.com.au enda@virusmedia.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 43 DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINS & UNDER FOOTY – THE LA PEROUSE WAY INSIDE OVERTURE 1812 * HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, PERFORMING ARTS HD / 25 MIN PROD CO Youth Musical Endeavours Ltd EXEC PROD Ian Hamilton PRODUCER Adam Sebire DIRECTOR Adam Sebire WRITER Adam Sebire This program explores the events and places behind Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, performed by the SBS Youth Orchestra. Tragically, Napoleon’s folly of 1812 proved to be a harbinger of what was to follow 130 years later: on the same ground where 80,000 men lost their lives in a single day, trenches were again being dug, as Adolf Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. ISLAND FETTLERS LIVING COUNTRY INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DV/MINI DV / 25 MIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL BETACAM / 23 MIN PROD CO Core Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Pauline Clague DIRECTOR Kelrick Martin WRITER Kelrick Martin The untold history of a small diaspora of Torres Strait Islander people, and the massive contribution they made to the development of a billion dollar mining industry in the harsh north west of Western Australia. SALES CONTACT Core Films Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9566 4415 FAX +61-2 9566 4435 MOBILE +61-417 485 908 p.clague@bigpond.com SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au 44 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 PROD CO CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Jacqui North PRODUCER Jacqui North DIRECTOR David Tranter WRITER David Tranter Traditional owners of the proposed nuclear dump sites in central Australia show us what’s at stake if the unthinkable happens. SALES CONTACT CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8951 9778 FAX +61-8 8951 9717 MOBILE +61-419 814 960 www.caama.com.au productions@caama.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINUTES & UNDER * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DVD / 27 MIN PROD CO Double Wire Productions EXEC PROD Felecia Watkin Lui PRODUCER Lenora Thaker DIRECTOR Douglas Watkin WRITER Felecia Watkin Lui, Lenora Thaker By the 1920s, Cairns’ Malaytown became home to one of the first waves of Torres Strait Islander families to settle on mainland Australia. Close to the sea, Malaytown enabled Islander families to replicate as many of their cultural traditions as possible, providing a place of social and economic support within a predominantly white population. In the tradition of family oral histories, Malaytown Stories features interviews with six former Malaytown residents and descendants. SALES CONTACT MURRAY, LIFE AND DEATH MY BROTHER VINNIE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Indigenous Programmes Unit EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Miriam Corowa DIRECTOR Miriam Corowa WRITER Miriam Corowa An investigative film on the views of the traditional owners who share the mighty Murray River and the influence they have on the river’s future. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au PROD CO Black Ruby Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Sarah Bond DIRECTOR Steven McGregor WRITER Aaron Pedersen Aaron and Vinnie Pedersen are two brothers who have been each other’s shadow. Aaron has established a successful career as an actor, all the while being responsible for the care of Vinnie, who has mild intellectual disabilities and cerebral palsy. MY BROTHER VINNIE intimately explores a relationship full of humour and charm. The characters will touch you with their wit and honesty. SALES CONTACT Black Ruby Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-3 9827 3510 FAX +61-3 9827 3510 MOBILE +61-402 584 172 blackazza@hotmail.com Double Wire Productions Australia FAX +61-7 4033 1100 MOBILE +61-410 326 562 doublewire@yahoo.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 45 DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINS & UNDER MALAYTOWN STORIES ONE CUP CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DVD / 29 MIN PROD CO Mutiny Media, Scarab Studio EXEC PROD Nicholas Hansen PRODUCER Dominic Allen DIRECTOR Dominic Allen WRITER Dylan Tromp A documentary film about fair trade and coffee farmers in Timor Leste, filmed in the mountains during January 2006. ONE CUP offers rare insight into the struggles of coffee farming in the poorest country in Asia. Among the immense everyday difficulties described by coffee producer communities, health concerns are paramount. Featuring Foreign Minister Jose Ramos Horta, Oxfam Program Director Keryn Clark and scores of Timorese coffee farmers, ONE CUP illustrates the benefits of the international fair trade system. ONE CUP is a moving and visually arresting reminder of the ever increasing need for support for the millions of developing-world farmers across the globe. THE PASSION OF GINA SINOZICH * PLAGUED BY MEMORIES ARTS & CRAFTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 28 MIN PROD CO Vagabond Films Pty EXEC PROD Amanda Duthie PRODUCER Sylvie Le Clezio DIRECTOR Olivia Rousset Ltd THE PASSION OF GINA SINOZICH follows artist Gina Sinozich as she opens her first major exhibition in Croatia. Sinozich has only been painting for four years, and is 74 years old. SALES CONTACT Vagabond Films Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9664 4331 FAX +61-2 9664 4331 MOBILE +61-415 790 392 vagabond@nsw.bigpond.com.au SALES CONTACT Scarab Studio Australia PHONE +61-402 923 479 FAX +61-3 9646 2774 www.thescarab.org dom@thescarab.org 46 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 * HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, HEALTH DIGITAL BETACAM / 27 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Religion and Ethics Unit PRODUCER Steven Salgo DIRECTOR Steven Salgo For many survivors of the Holocaust the horror has returned. When Renee Symonds placed her mother in a nursing home, her mother’s dementia not only worsened, but the loss of her home, family and freedom, as well as her new surrounds, triggered memories suppressed for 60 years. Renee, a psychotherapist, and the nursing home embarked on a groundbreaking program to identify the ‘triggers’ and treat Holocaust survivors experiencing these psychotic episodes. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINUTES & UNDER THE SAFE HOUSE CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE, EDUCATION DVD / 25 MIN HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 26 MIN PROD CO Gribler Films EXEC PROD Chrissie Hall DIRECTOR Chrissie Hall WRITER Chrissie Hall PROD CO Film Australia EXEC PROD Anna Grieve PRODUCER Denise Haslem DIRECTOR Lee Whitmore WRITER Lee Whitmore This film is designed to act as a counterweight to the centuries of defamation and bad press rats have received worldwide. It shows that rats are not just sewer dwelling animals that live to bite you, but are adorable little pets with personality. This film from award-winning animator Lee Whitmore is based on a true story from her childhood in 1950s Australia – her brush with the Cold War spy drama known as the Petrov Affair. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Gribler Films Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au Australia PHONE +61-2 9665 9520 FAX +61-2 9665 9520 chrissiehall@mail.com SALES CONTACT STONE COUNTRY * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DV/MINI DV/DVD / 26 MIN PROD CO Frog Films PRODUCER Katrina Lucas, Stephen Morgan, Jeff Morgan, Mark Andersson DIRECTOR Mark Anderson WRITER Mark Andersson, Katrina Lucas Set in the remote township of Ngukurr on the southeast border of Arnhem Land, this documentary is a snapshot of the community as seen through the eyes of Ngukurr residents, from the local radio DJ to community elders. SALES CONTACT Ronin Films Australia PHONE +61-2 6248 0851 FAX +61-2 6249 1640 www.roninfilms.com.au orders@roninfilms.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 47 DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINS & UNDER RAT RIBBONS SUNSET TO SUNRISE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 23 MIN PROD CO CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Rachel Clements PRODUCER Barbara Clifford DIRECTOR Allan Collins WRITER Allan Collins On a winter’s evening, by the light of a comforting campfire, Max Stuart, senior Arrente elder and custodian of the Alice Springs area, divulges poignant words of wisdom to his descendants. SALES CONTACT CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8951 9778 FAX +61-8 8951 9717 MOBILE +61-419 814 960 www.caama.com.au productions@caama.com.au THE TAKING OF WITTENOOM * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE BETACAM / 26 MIN PROD CO VCA School of Film and Television DIRECTOR Carolyn Macdonald WRITER Carolyn Macdonald In outback Wittenoom, life’s becoming increasingly insular. The government claims this ex-asbestos mining town is polluted, attempting to shut the town by bulldozing buildings and cutting off power. Now nature’s taking over. Yet eight determined residents of the once booming town remain. SALES CONTACT Victorian College of the Arts School of Film and Television Australia PHONE +61-3 9685 9000 FAX +61-3 9685 9001 www.vca.unimelb.edu.au/ftv/ index.html ftv.info@vca.unimelb.edu.au 48 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 WALKING WOUNDED * HISTORY & POLITICS AUSTRALIAN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, WAR DIGITAL BETACAM / 28 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Religion and Ethics Unit PRODUCER Francoise Fombertaux WALKING WOUNDED examines the enduring cost of conflict. It is a deeply moving story about Australia’s ageing World War II veterans who fought as very young men, only to spend the rest of their lives suffering the consequent trauma in silence. Only now are they, and their families, finding some measure of peace with the help of Australia’s first treatment program for older veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINUTES & UNDER INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 25 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Indigenous Programmes Unit EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Catriona McKenzie DIRECTOR Catriona McKenzie WRITER Catriona McKenzie Waverly Stanley is a young man with a big dream. He wants as many kids as possible to have access to prestigious private schools around the country, just as he did. This is his story. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au WIRRANGUL WOMEN: ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 23 MIN PROD CO CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Rachel Clements PRODUCER Barbara Clifford DIRECTOR Jason Ramp Doreen and Gladys Miller are some of the last of the Wirrangul Tribe from the Eyre Peninsular Region. The two sisters revisit the landscapes of their early childhood and recount their young lives as Wirrangul Women. But reliving moments in history and recovering an unspoken language makes the sisters realise that when they go, their Wirrangul language goes with them. SALES CONTACT CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8951 9778 FAX +61-8 8951 9717 MOBILE +61-419 814 960 www.caama.com.au productions@caama.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 49 DOCUMENTARIES 30 MINS & UNDER WAVERLY’S DREAM 900 NEIGHBOURS * ARTS & CRAFTS, PERFORMING ARTS, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Arts and Entertainment, BIG hART Productions EXEC PROD Amanda Duthie PRODUCER Frank Haines DIRECTOR Brendan Fletcher The arts documentary 900 NEIGHBOURS unravels the story of Northcott, an inner city public housing estate in Sydney, by following the tenants as they develop, rehearse and perform the play, ‘StickybrickS’ for the 2006 Sydney Festival. High profile Australian performers, including Leah Purcell, Kerry Armstrong and Lex Maronos work with the residents in both developing and performing the show. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au A DOLLAR FOR THE GOOD ONES * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DV/MINI DV/DVD / 34 MIN PROD CO Joshua Lee EXEC PROD Josko Petkovic PRODUCER Joshua Lee DIRECTOR Joshua Lee WRITER Joshua Lee A glimpse into the life of a heroin addict who besides using burglary as a source of income, also swims in golf course lakes for golf balls which he in turn sells. A DOLLAR FOR THE GOOD ONES screened at Revelation International Film Festival 2006, and won Best Documentary at the WA Screen Awards 2006, and Best Documentary, Direction and Film at the Final Cut Film Festival 2006. AFTER MAEVE RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY DVC PRO 50 / 52 MIN PROD CO Big Island Pictures EXEC PROD Mark Chapman, Ruth Berry PRODUCER Mark Chapman DIRECTOR Jan Cattoni WRITER Jan Cattoni Ten-year-old Maeve Coughlan was an unusual and gifted child. She was born in Ireland and died in a pedestrian accident whilst on a cycling trip in southeast Queensland in November 2003. The event, and her family’s decision to document their story, are the foundations of AFTER MAEVE, a 52-minute documentary that explores the most painful experience that can befall a parent: the loss of a child. SALES CONTACT Joshua Lee Australia MOBILE +61-405 919 644 joshtowlee@hotmail.com 50 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER AJANTA: WRITTEN IN THE STONE ASIA’S ELEPHANTS – THE LAST DEFENSE * AUSTRALIA’S DEADLIEST SEA CREATURES * ARTS & CRAFTS, CULTURES – INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO David PROD CO Grainger Castle Productions PRODUCER Laurence Castle DIRECTOR Laurence Castle WRITER Laurence Castle Almost 50 years ago a young upstart from the USA began to stir up the conservative Indian Art History world. The Ajanta cave system, one of India’s premier Buddhist sites, is held sacrosanct by Indian scholars. After half a lifetime of investigation, Professor Walter Spink, from the University of Michigan, has changed the history of India. Adams Films Australia EXEC PROD David Adams DIRECTOR David Adams WRITER Andrew Saw, David EXEC PROD Greg Grainger PRODUCER Greg Grainger DIRECTOR Chris Grainger WRITER Greg Grainger Adams A Thai man’s struggle to change the way Thai people, as well as the international community, regard the Asian elephant. Fighting for elephants to be placed back at the peak of Thai consciousness, Piom takes his elephants to help tsunami victims. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT David Adams Films Pty Ltd Laurence Castle Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9918 7484 FAX +61-2 9918 6277 david@davidadamsfilms.com.au Australia PHONE +61-2 6584 0085 www.ajanta.info laurence@ajanta.info Television Pty Ltd This documentary explores the wide assortment of vicious and deadly creatures that live in Australia’s coastal waters. From sea snakes, octopuses, cone shells and stingrays to jellyfish, crocodiles and sharks. This documentary reveals the instincts of territorial sea creatures and their alarming defense mechanisms that harm unsuspecting human swimmers. SALES CONTACT Grainger Television Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9449 6074 FAX +61-2 9488 7970 MOBILE +61-409 121 129 www.graingertv.com graingertv@optushome.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 51 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER PROD CO Laurence AUSTRALIA’S GREATEST ISLANDS * WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO Grainger Television AUSTRALIAN TO KOKODA EXEC PROD Troy Gray PRODUCER Bryan Mason, PROD CO Soda Gray EXEC PROD Greg Grainger PRODUCER Greg Grainger DIRECTOR Chris Grainger WRITER Greg Grainger DIRECTOR Bryan Mason WRITER Troy Gray SALES CONTACT THE AWAY GAME CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, SPORTS & RECREATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN Australia Producer/presenter Greg Grainger takes a very close swim with manta rays and whales, tracks endangered seals and kangaroos and watches birds that fly backwards. As animals fight to survive in these paradises, so do plants. From tropical beaches to sub-zero temperatures, AUSTRALIA’S GREATEST ISLANDS guides viewers through the abundance of wildlife while exploring how the unique wildlife survives. * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, SPORTS & RECREATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN Troy A dozen Australians embark on the trek of a lifetime. This adventurous trip takes a diverse group of people out of their comfort zones. They are removed from the solace of their content and comfortable lifestyles and put into the rugged jungles of Papua New Guinea. (Also available in a 90 minute version.) SALES CONTACT Vox Ventures Australia PHONE +61-411 171 703 MOBILE +61-411 171 703 voxventures@ozemail.com.au Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au 52 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Presents, Last Straw Productions EXEC PROD Anthony LaPaglia PRODUCER Anita Bulan, Scott Ferguson, Matthew Hall DIRECTOR Scott Ferguson WRITER Matthew Hall, Scott Ferguson THE AWAY GAME delves behind the TV match highlights and glowing newspaper reports to bring you the reality of life as an Australian playing professional football in Europe. This 52minute documentary, narrated by Anthony LaPaglia, takes you behind the dressing rooms and in to the players’ homes, exploring their lives, loves, obsessions and heartaches. SALES CONTACT Soda Presents United States PHONE +1-212 691 0175 FAX +1-212 228 6139 www.sodapresents.com info@sodapresents.com DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER THE BALANDA AND THE BARK CANOES ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, WOMEN DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, FILM & MEDIA HD/DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Vida Films EXEC PROD Cathy Beitz PRODUCER Cathy Beitz DIRECTOR Sich Mchawala PROD CO Fandango Australia EXEC PROD Sue Murray PRODUCER Rolf de Heer, Julie In Sudan it is taboo for a man to cook. What happens when Ayen starts a cooking class for refugee boys and asks them to prepare a feast for their biggest critics – the elders? SALES CONTACT Our Bizniss Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8424 5226 tracy@arcom.com.au Ryan DIRECTOR Molly Reynolds, Tania Nehme, Rolf de Heer WRITER Molly Reynolds, Tania Nehme, Rolf de Heer ‘We are making a movie. The story is the story of those that live on this land, in their language, and set a long time before the coming of the Balanda, as we white people are known. For the people of the Arafura Swamp, this film is an opportunity, maybe a last chance, to hold on to the old ways. For all of us, the challenges are unexpected, the task beyond anything imagined. For me, it is the most difficult film I have made, in the most foreign land I’ve been to... and it is Australia.’ Rolf de Heer THE BIG BLUE WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY HD / 50 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Natural History Unit, NHK-Japanese Broadcasting Corporation Science Division EXEC PROD Dione Gilmour PRODUCER Jeni Clevers For years lobster and tuna fishermen knew about a unique spot in the ocean just off southern Australia. They also knew they were not the only ones reaping the riches of this treasure trove – with tales of huge whales luminescent in colour. A whale researcher decided to investigate. He has discovered that the Blue Whales, the biggest living animal, come here every summer to feed. There are only a few places in the world like this. Cold Antarctic water rises up from 400 metre depths as it nears the coast, bringing nutrients into the range of sunlight. This sparks off a chain of events leading to a feast. Then comes the biggest of them all – the Big Blue. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Fandango Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9238 0586 FAX +61-2 9238 0587 suemurray@infolearn.com.au Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 53 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER AYEN’S COOKING CLASS FOR AFRICAN MEN BIG DREAMERS BLACK ‘N’ DUSTY THE BOMBER REEF CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, SPORTS & RECREATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 42 MIN ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, WAR DV/MINI DV / 50 MIN PROD CO CAAMA PROD CO Seawest Productions PRODUCER Walter Deas DIRECTOR Walter Deas WRITER Jean Deas, Walter Deas PROD CO Barking Cat Productions PRODUCER Camille Hardman, John Fink DIRECTOR Camille Hardman WRITER John Fink BIG DREAMERS is a hilarious comic documentary focusing on one man’s struggle to build the world’s biggest gumboot. SALES CONTACT Barking Cat Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9357 3054 MOBILE +61-410 032 143 www.barkingcat.tv camille@barkingcat.tv Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Jacqui North PRODUCER Rachel Clements DIRECTOR Vance Glynn WRITER Vance Glynn A story about Indigenous riders/ drivers in the Finke Desert Race 2005, the toughest and hardest motor vehicle race in the world. SALES CONTACT CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8951 9778 FAX +61-8 8951 9717 MOBILE +61-419 814 960 www.caama.com.au productions@caama.com.au This revealing story is set in New Guinea during World War II and takes the viewer on a voyage of historic discovery. A North American B-25 Mitchell bomber was downed in 1943 on a mission over Madang, to destroy a fleet of Japanese barges. Hit by ground fire, the blazing bomber plunged into the sea. Today, the B-25, lying 20 metres below the surface, is a diver’s dream and has become an integrated part of the ecosystem. The underwater exploration is interwoven with the history of how the B-25 came to rest on the sea floor and who discovered it. SALES CONTACT Seawest Productions Australia PHONE +61-7 5538 8231 MOBILE +61-427 147 711 www.seawestproductions.com walterdeas@netscape.net.au 54 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER THE BOOK THAT SHOOK THE WORLD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO WAMdoc, Storyteller Media Group EXEC PROD Mike Searle, Clay Bryce PRODUCER Clay Bryce, Mike Searle DIRECTOR Stuart Scowcroft, Clay Bryce WRITER Ingo Helbig, Stuart Scowcroft In a deep cave below Australia’s Nullabor Plain, a secret was revealed. It was the pristine skeleton of Thylacoleo, the pouched lion. Its white bones were placed in perfect formation as if it had only recently died. Dating the bones would only be the first shock awaiting scientists. Recreating its brain would yield even more information, challenging established perceptions of Australia’s primordial past. PROD CO Fortian Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Con Anemogiannis, Judy Menczel DIRECTOR Con Anemogiannis WRITER Con Anemogiannis A film about the censorship of sex and politics through the debate of ‘The Little Red School Book’. SALES CONTACT TVZ World Denmark PHONE +45-56521 2223 www.tvzworld.com invi@tvz.dk THE BUCHENWALD BALL * HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 53 MIN PROD CO Pericles Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Andrew Wiseman, Danny Ben-Moshe DIRECTOR Andrew Wiseman, Uri Mizrahi, Danny Ben-Moshe A celebratory story about a group of orphans from the Holocaust who found their way to Australia and became a family. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au SALES CONTACT WA Museum Documentary Unit Australia PHONE +61-8 9427 2746 FAX +61-8 9427 1039 clay.bryce@museum.wa.gov.au Storyteller Media Group Australia PHONE +61-8 9354 2903 MOBILE +61-413 054 739 www.storyteller.com.au msearle@storyteller.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 55 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER BONE DIGGERS: MYSTERY OF A LOST PREDATOR THE BURMA ROAD – AN INSIGHT INTO MYANMAR * CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL HD / 52 MIN PROD CO David Adams Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD David Adams PRODUCER Jon Miceler DIRECTOR David Adams WRITER Andrew Saw, David Adams BURMA ROAD explores the lives of diverse individuals whose livelihoods depend on, or will be impacted by, a road linking Burma, India and China. Those for the road forecast times of plenty and see it as a lifeline for trade and tourism. Detractors believe the road will have disastrous effects on the environment and facilitate smuggling in the region. What does the future hold, and how can the Burmese regain the peaceful balance they so desperately crave? THE CHOICE HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Parham Media Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Jennifer Crone PRODUCER Don Parham DIRECTOR Don Parham WRITER Don Parham Woman and men talk intimately about their personal experience of abortion. The film reveals the complex personal and social contexts that influence the decision to have an abortion. It is a timely contribution to the renewed political debate on the issue. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au SALES CONTACT David Adams Films Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9918 7484 FAX +61-2 9918 6277 david@davidadamsfilms.com.au 56 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 CONSTRUCTING AUSTRALIA: PIPE DREAMS * EDUCATION, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE HD / 55 MIN EXEC PROD Alex West PRODUCER Ed Punchard, Julia Redwood DIRECTOR Franco di Chiera As Australia was beginning its life as a new nation, a tragedy was unfolding. From the remote coast of Western Australia, to deep within its inhospitable interior, an immense water pipeline was being constructed that would unlock countless riches and help build the nation. But the ambitious dream of political visionary Sir John Forrest and engineering genius Charles Yelverton O’Connor would end in tragedy. In their struggle against the forces of nature, and the forces of politics, one would be proclaimed a national hero, while the other would be driven to his death. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER * EDUCATION, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PRODUCER Simon Nasht, Renee Kennedy DIRECTOR Simon Nasht WRITER Simon Nasht Massive, majestic, breathtaking – the Sydney Harbour Bridge was the greatest engineering challenge of its day anywhere on earth. Completed during the Great Depression, it is the legacy of a fateful partnership between two very different men – a brilliant engineer and a maverick politician – who shared a relentless ambition to create ‘the people’s bridge’. Celebrating the 75th anniversary of one of Australia’s most loved icons, this is the epic and definitive story behind the building of the bridge and the vision of those who made it happen, despite personal conflict and political intrigue. CONSTRUCTING AUSTRALIA: WIRE THROUGH THE HEART COULD IT HAPPEN HERE? * EDUCATION, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO Film Australia, Piper Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Alex West PRODUCER Simon Nasht, Mike Piper DIRECTOR Darcy Yuille WRITER Simon Nasht The struggle to cross a vast continent and build a telegraph line through lands no white man had conquered. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au * ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION HD / 46 MIN PROD CO Becker Entertainment EXEC PROD John Godfrey, Sue Clothier PRODUCER Mike Bluett DIRECTOR Bernadine Lim, Paul Faint WRITER Mike Bluett Since records began in 1900, the frequency and impact of natural disasters has increased. This documentary looks at six different potential natural disasters in six different vulnerable cities, analysing their preparedness and plans, and talking to the new breed of hazard scientists whose job it is to ask COULD IT HAPPEN HERE? SALES CONTACT Becker Entertainment Australia PHONE +61-2 9438 3377 FAX +61-2 9439 1827 www.beckerentertainment. com.au info@beckers.com.au SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 57 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER CONSTRUCTING AUSTRALIA: THE BRIDGE CRICKET IN THE ‘50S – DISCOVERING NEW BOUNDARIES * SPORTS & RECREATIONS, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 58 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Production Adelaide EXEC PROD Margot Phillipson PRODUCER Lincoln Tyner DIRECTOR Lincoln Tyner WRITER Lincoln Tyner In the 1950s, Australian cricket went through many trials and tribulations. There were issues of captaincy, losses in three consecutive ‘Ashes’ series, allegations of ‘doctored’ pitches, controversy over illegal bowling actions and the advent of television coverage. The 1950s was the decade when Australian cricket ventured beyond its traditional boundaries for the first time, making visits to the West Indies (1955), then India and Pakistan (1956 and 1959/60). By the end of the decade, Australia had played official matches in every corner of the cricket world. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au CRICKET IN THE ‘60S – WINDS OF CHANGE * SPORTS & RECREATIONS, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Production Adelaide EXEC PROD Margot Phillipson PRODUCER Lincoln Tyner DIRECTOR Lincoln Tyner WRITER Lincoln Tyner The 1960s saw a shift in the axis of power in world cricket. For the first time, in the space of a few years, the traditional powerhouses of the game Australia and England were both defeated by the West Indies and South Africa. The tragedy of the ‘D’Oliveira Affair’ and world opposition to the policy of apartheid would see South Africa banished from the international stage for nearly a quarter of a century. Sport and politics became a volatile instrument for change. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au 58 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 CUTTLEFISH – THE BRAINY BUNCH * WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Kaufman Productions EXEC PROD Dione Gilmour PRODUCER Gisela Kaufman Cuttlefish are one of the most intriguing animals on our planet. Their famous cousins, the octopus, are widely believed to be very clever. These celebrity suckers usually steal the limelight. But now experts suspect that cuttlefish may not only beat the octopus in the smart stakes, but are possibly the brainiest of all inerterepates. SALES CONTACT Kaufman Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9361 3316 FAX +61-2 9360 0724 gisela@kaufmanproductions.com DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER DISCOVERY ATLAS: AUSTRALIA REVEALED CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, PERFORMING ARTS HD / 52 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY HD / 60 MIN EXEC PROD Adam Sebire PRODUCER Adam Sebire, Pty Ltd Janneke Robers DIRECTOR Adam Sebire WRITER Adam Sebire In Europe’s last divided city, Turkish and Greek Cypriots prepare to bridge no-man’sland with a performance like no other, from the rooftops of the old Venetian town. Instruments are sought from Nicosia’s war detritus. Through the performers we come to understand what it means to grow up on an island divided by barbed wire and minefields. ‘Long Distance Call’ by Dutch composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven brings together musicians from both sides of the U.N. buffer zone – the infamous ‘Green Line’ – until political reality rudely interrupts the project’s grand finale... PROD CO Beyond EXEC PROD John Productions Luscombe, Geoff Fitzpatrick Produced by Beyond Productions for a global audience on the Discovery Channel and Discovery High Definition Theatre, DISCOVERY ATLAS: AUSTRALIA REVEALED is a feature-length documentary capturing the spirit and spectacle of Australia. SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au DO NOT RESUSCITATE HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Circe Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Lizzette Atkins DIRECTOR Davor Dirlic WRITER David Tiley A filmmaker’s journey to understand the mystery of death as three characters make choices regarding their own mortality. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au SALES CONTACT Adam Sebire Australia PHONE +61-2 9241 6168 http://adamsebire.googlepages. com adamsebire@gmail.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 59 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER CYPRUS: ECHOES ACROSS THE DIVIDE EXTREME ENCOUNTERS IN TRAVEL: MEMORABLE MOMENTS FROM A DOCUMENTARY PRODUCER * EYES OF THE TIGER – DIARY OF A DIRTY WAR FILM & MEDIA, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO Let’s Play Productions EXEC PROD Monica O’Brien DIRECTOR Monica O’Brien WRITER Monica O’Brien PROD CO Grainger Television Australia WAR, HISTORY & POLITICS INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM/HD / 45 MIN Australian documentary maker Greg Grainger has had some fascinating encounters in his filming career... face to face meetings with cannibals in Irian Jaya, sky burials in Tibet, collapsing glaciers in South America. Highlights from these expeditions form part of Grainger TV’s production EXTREME ENCOUNTERS IN TRAVEL: MEMORABLE MOMENTS FROM A DOCUMENTARY PRODUCER. EYES OF THE TIGER – DIARY OF A DIRTY WAR is an explicit account of the real Vietnam War told through vivid stories of some of the members of the first Australian Reconnaissance Platoon. This elite platoon was made up of national servicemen and regular army volunteers from 5RAR Tiger Battalion. This is a film full of untold heroic and adventurous tales of survival, of great humour, difficult ambushes and military gunfights, interwoven with the cold harsh realities of war and intimate accounts of the Vietnam veterans’ struggle to move past the lingering memories. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT EXEC PROD Greg Grainger PRODUCER Greg Grainger DIRECTOR Chris Grainger WRITER Greg Grainger Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au Let’s Play Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9939 0309 FAX +61-2 9939 0309 MOBILE +61-412 414 044 letsplayprod@optusnet.com.au 60 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 THE FABRIC OF A DREAM – THE FLETCHER JONES STORY LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DVC PRO/DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO Film Australia, Melodrama Pictures Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Penny Robins PRODUCER Melanie Coombs DIRECTOR Dennis K Smith WRITER Dennis K Smith The story of how a shellshocked war veteran took to the road as a hawker and ended up creating a national icon. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION DIGITAL BETACAM/HD / 52 MIN PROD CO David Adams Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD David Adams DIRECTOR David Adams WRITER Andrew Saw, David Adams A documentary about the plight of eight Asian elephants destined for zoos in Sydney and Melbourne. The film covers the 16 month saga of protests and delays by animal rights groups and explores the conservation issues confronting the Asian elephant. SALES CONTACT David Adams Films Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9918 7484 FAX +61-2 9918 6277 david@davidadamsfilms.com.au FOOTY CHICKS SPORTS & RECREATIONS, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY DV/MINI DV / 52 MIN PROD CO Red Ithaka Productions PRODUCER Michaela Perske DIRECTOR Rebecca Barry WRITER Michaela Perske, Rebecca Barry The possibility of sex with a footballer is a fantasy for many women and a reality for some. FOOTY CHICKS explores the scene off the footy field – a colourful world of sex, male bonding, and the women who pursue the players. It can be a fun, alluring and sometimes dangerous game. SALES CONTACT Electric Sky Ltd United Kingdom PHONE +44-127 322 4240 FAX +44-127 322 4250 http://www.electricsky.com/ info@electricsky.com FROM MOZART TO MORRISON ARTS & CRAFTS, CULTURES AUSTRALIAN, PERFORMING ARTS DV/MINI DV / 52 MIN PROD CO Youth Musical Endeavours Ltd EXEC PROD Ian Hamilton PRODUCER Adam Sebire DIRECTOR Adam Sebire WRITER Adam Sebire, James Morrison Recorded live at the Sydney Town Hall, James Morrison and the SBS Youth Orchestra pay tribute to the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on his 250th birthday. Jazz virtuoso James Morrison adapts some of the well known Mozart repertoire, as well as some common garden implements to perform the Mozart 4th Horn Concerto. SALES CONTACT Youth Musical Endeavours Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9241 6168 http://web.mac.com/ adamsebire adamsebire@gmail.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 61 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER FLIGHT OF THE ELEPHANTS * THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGG BOOT GRAEME BELL ALL STARS: PLAY ON CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM / 54 MIN PERFORMING ARTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 56 MIN PROD CO Jumping Liliian Pang DIRECTOR Marco Ianniello Dog Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Dasha Ross PRODUCER Susan Lambert DIRECTOR Susan Lambert WRITER Susan Lambert, Stefan Moore, Greig Pickhaver A spaghetti western following the funny, brave and tragic efforts of a bunch of feisty small family businesses, in Australia and America, as they fight a giant US corporation over who owns the weird cultural icon – the ugg boot. Along the way we see how trademarking has become a lethal weapon in the global market place. SALES CONTACT PROD CO Marco Ianniello PRODUCER Marco Ianniello, In the golden era of Australian jazz, The Graeme Bell All Stars were icons. From touring the globe to hosting their own television show they captured the world with their music. Recently, at 88 years of age, Graeme Bell reformed the band and went back on tour. SALES CONTACT Marco Ianniello Australia PHONE +61-2 9572 8794 FAX +61-2 9899 6280 MOBILE +61-402 020 896 www.playon.net.au ia_marco@yahoo.com.au TVF International United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 520 8550 FAX +44-207 278 8833 www.tvfinternational.com int@tvf.co.uk 62 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 THE GREATEST REEF * WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN EXEC PROD Greg Grainger PRODUCER Greg Grainger DIRECTOR Chris Grainger WRITER Brent Rees, Scott Everingham The spectacular Great Barrier Reef of Australia and its diverse marine life are facing a myriad of challenges. This documentary succeeds in showing both the brilliance of the reef and its creatures, and modern threats such as invasion by colonies of Crown of Thorns starfish and human development. SALES CONTACT Grainger Television Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9449 6074 FAX +61-2 9488 7970 MOBILE +61-409 121 129 www.graingertv.com graingertv@optushome.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Iris Pictures Pty Ltd, Film Australia EXEC PROD Penny Robins PRODUCER Mary-Ellen Mullane DIRECTOR Belinda Mason WRITER Belinda Mason Three teenagers, adopted by an extended Australian family as children, return to Ethiopia to reconnect with the family, friends and culture they left behind. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au I WILL BE A SURVIVOR HEALTH, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, WOMEN BETACAM / 50 MIN PROD CO Guinness Entertainment PRODUCER Janet Cousens DIRECTOR Martin Guinness WRITER Janet Cousens, Martin Guinness The film follows three women’s journeys with breast cancer. SALES CONTACT Verve Entertainment International Australia PHONE +61-2 8353 2571 FAX +61-2 8353 2466 MOBILE +61-419 680 593 www.verveentertainment.com info@verveentertainment.com IN SEARCH OF BONY * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, LITERATURE DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO Two Heads Media Pty Ltd, Janet Bell Productions PRODUCER Caroline Baum, Janet Bell DIRECTOR Lisa Matthews WRITER Lisa Matthews, Caroline Baum Shot on location in outback Australia, this is the previously untold story of inspector Napoleon Bonaparte, known as Bony to millions of readers around the world (Orson Welles was a fan). This film traces the intriguing story of how Arthur Upfield created a unique character. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 63 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER GROWING UP AND GOING HOME THE INNOCENCE PROJECT SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Handmade Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Steve Jeffares DIRECTOR Sean Cousins WRITER Sean Cousins THE INNOCENCE PROJECT questions why forensic DNA testing in Australia is used to convict the guilty in our courts but rarely exonerate the innocent in prison. Looking at models in the UK and US we question why the Australian judiciary and police are lagging behind recent advances in science. SALES CONTACT Handmade Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-3 9348 9503 FAX +61-3 9348 9503 MOBILE +61-425 713 327 steve@handmadeproductions.tv THE IRISH BOG – RETURN OF A NATIVE JOHNNY WARREN’S FOOTBALL MISSION WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DIGITAL BETACAM / 50 MIN SPORTS & RECREATIONS, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION DVC PRO 50 / 55 MIN PROD CO LJM Productions Pty PRODUCER Lesley Hammond, Ltd Jenny Walsh DIRECTOR Jenny Walsh, Lesley Hammond WRITER Jenny Walsh, Lesley Hammond PROD CO Essential THE IRISH BOG – RETURN OF A NATIVE is about the revival of the endangered Connewara pony – Ireland’s native pony. For half a century Johnny Warren was synonymous with soccer in Australia. His often lonely mission to bring the beautiful game into the mainstream of Australian life eventually made him one of the great characters of our sporting culture. SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au 64 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Viewing (drama) PRODUCER Ian Collie DIRECTOR Stephen Oliver WRITER Stephen Oliver SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER * SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, PERFORMING ARTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Seacoast Productions EXEC PROD Trevor Graham PRODUCER Andrew Arestides, Traceylee Arestides DIRECTOR Russell Vines WRITER Traceylee Arestides, Russell Vines Filmed over five years, this film observes the power struggles of an unusual group of musicians where definitions around disability, talent, dysfunction and equality are blown wide open. The characters who make up the band are an electric group of varying talent and disposition – from the whirlwind of encyclopaedic rock knowledge that is Brook, to the gently charming Albert, to the perpetually vague Raul, laid back Lindy, to Diane and her fourlegged muse Sinbad the dog. SALES CONTACT KINDNESS OF STRANGERS LAND OF THE GIANTS CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL HD / 55 MIN PROD CO Prospero Productions EXEC PROD Ed Punchard, Julia Redwood PRODUCER Ed Punchard, Julia Redwood DIRECTOR Rhian Skirving WRITER Rhian Skirving In the wake of the Asian Tsunami this powerful documentary explores the science of compassion. Observational and character driven, the film uses strong personal journeys and world leading scientists to provide a unique insight into the mysteries of altruism and the true nature of human kind. SALES CONTACT Beyond Distribution Australia PHONE +61-2 9437 2000 FAX +61-2 9437 2017 www.beyond.com.au distribution@beyond.com.au WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 44 MIN PROD CO Below H2O Productions EXEC PROD Lin Sutherland PRODUCER Lin Sutherland DIRECTOR David Warth WRITER Lin Sutherland, David Warth Does Australia still hide the world’s tallest trees? Lin Sutherland explores the magnificent Tasmanian forests, but in her travels finds these giants and their ecosystem under threat. It becomes a race against time to save these living giants. SALES CONTACT Below H2O Productions Australia PHONE +61-413 131 088 FAX +61-7 5575 8856 MOBILE +61-413 131 088 belowh2O@australiamail.com Seacoast Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9967 4861 FAX +61-2 9967 4861 MOBILE +61-414 921 235 seacoastfilm@optusnet.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 65 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER JUNCTION HOUSE BLUES LITTLE ARTISTS BIG DREAMS LOVE STRUCK: WRESTLING’S NO. 1 FAN LUNCH WITH MADAME MURAT * CHILDREN, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, PERFORMING ARTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, SPORTS & RECREATIONS, WOMEN DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN WOMEN, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE HD / 52 MIN PROD CO David PROD CO RB PROD CO David Hannay Productions, RT Productions, Vitascope Filmed Entertainment EXEC PROD David Hannay, Richard Turner, James Lingwood PRODUCER Teni Burns, Robyn Habel, Mary Moody, David Hannay DIRECTOR Teni Burns, Robyn Habel WRITER Teni Burns, Robyn Habel The inspirational voice of today’s young artists as they dance, sing and play in a mythical tale of hope. SALES CONTACT David Hannay Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 6337 5115 www.vfe.com.au hannay@vfe.com.au Films Pty Ltd, Miami Movies EXEC PROD Michael Walsh PRODUCER Rosemary Blight, Megan Spencer DIRECTOR Megan Spencer Sue Chuter is the world’s No. 1 wrestling fan. She is in her 50s, lives in Melbourne, and for the last 40 years has dedicated her life to following professional wrestling. But there is more to Sue’s story than meets the eye: family, sacrifice and survival. You have to be there! SALES CONTACT RB Films Pty Ltd Australia www.evg.com.au info@evg.com.au RT Productions Australia PHONE +61-8 8242 4549 FAX +61-8 8242 4549 MOBILE +61-418 894 846 rtproductions@ozemail.com.au 66 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Hannay Productions, Vitascope Filmed Entertainment EXEC PROD David Hannay PRODUCER Mary Moody, David Hannay, Richard Turner DIRECTOR Mary Moody, Richard Turner WRITER Mary Moody LUNCH WITH MADAME MURAT, a delicious film by Mary Moody, is a moving family story about five generations of women who have kept a rural French family restaurant going for 100 years, through two world wars and great family difficulties. It is a moving story of love, wonderful food, and a way of life that may sadly disappear from the French landscape. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER SPORTS & RECREATIONS, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Production Adelaide EXEC PROD Margot Phillipson PRODUCER Lincoln Tyner DIRECTOR Lincoln Tyner WRITER Lincoln Tyner This is the story of the remarkable tied test match played between India and Australia in Madras (Chennai) in September 1986. It is one of only two tied test matches since test cricket began in 1877. The Madras tie was played over five consecutive days in temperatures that hovered around 40 degrees celsius and 80 per cent humidity. Legends like Border, Boon, Jones, Waugh, Gavaskar, Kapil Dev, Shastri and Maninder Singh reflect on what is regarded as possibly the greatest test match ever played! SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au THE MAGIC BULLET SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, HEALTH DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Arcimedia PRODUCER Gordon Glenn, Claire Jager DIRECTOR Gordon Glenn WRITER Gordon Glenn The true story of the discovery of the penicillin drug by a team led by the Australian Howard Florey. SALES CONTACT RDF International United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 013 4408 FAX +44-207 013 4401 www.rdfinternational.com sales@rdfinternational.com MERCHANTS OF DESTINY – THE HUIZHOU BUSINESSMEN OF ANCIENT CHINA HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL HD / 55 MIN PROD CO Gulliver Media Australia Pty Ltd PRODUCER Chris Carroll, Rock Cheng DIRECTOR Chris Carroll WRITER Chris Carroll, Zhang Xiaoping Contemporary Hui businessman Mr Xu Pulai is a multimillionaire; he’s outspoken, charismatic and a prominent political figure in Southern Anhui region. He’s also on a mission to save what he can of Hui culture, architecture, artistry and the very essence of living Hui style in the fast-tracked world of modernising China. SALES CONTACT Gulliver Media Australia Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-7 3236 2087 FAX +61-7 3236 2655 MOBILE +61-419 657 699 www.gullivermedia.com.au info@gullivermedia.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 67 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER MADRAS MAGIC: THE TIED TEST OF ‘86 * MINE’S BIGGER THAN YOURS MOHAMMAD HOSSAIN’S INTENSIVE CARE * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 45 MIN HEALTH, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 53 MIN PROD CO Mum’s Spaghetti PRODUCER David Fedirchuk, Rob MacDonald DIRECTOR David Fedirchuk An attempt to sort the fat from the facts in the fiery four-wheel drive debate. Are they more dangerous? Are their owners selfish? Should they be banned from schools and urban areas? Why is the anger on both sides so great? Hear from all sides, drivers, pedestrians, politicians and scientists – and decide for yourself. PROD CO Film Buff Productions PRODUCER Victor Carson, Jenny Day DIRECTOR Geoff Burton WRITER Geoff Burton Director Geoff Burton establishes a remarkable intimacy with his subjects in this extremely moving documentary looking at the work of Liverpool Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. The film focuses on one patient: Mohammad Hossain. MULTIPLE MIRACLES * HEALTH, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO Beyond Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Richard Campbell, John Luscombe PRODUCER Ian Watson, Celia Boden WRITER Celia Boden In MULTIPLE MIRACLES we follow the extraordinary family of the Chalks as they face the joys of multiple new births, the heartache of an unexpected death and the many life changes that transpire when a family is blessed with multiple miracles. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK SALES CONTACT Film Buff Productions Mum’s Spaghetti Australia PHONE +61-2 9642 2436 FAX +61-2 9703 5768 www.filmbuff.com.au viccarson@optusnet.com.au United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au Australia PHONE +61-2 9669 3994 MOBILE +61-417 996 050 www.mumsspaghetti.com.au rob@mumsspaghetti.com.au 68 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER * WAR, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Firelight Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Chantal Denoux PRODUCER Kylie Grey, Marcus Gillezeau DIRECTOR Kylie Grey WRITER Kylie Grey MY HOME, YOUR WAR follows Layla Hussein and her middleclass Suni family living in Baghdad from the time before invasion to the present. It looks at the disintegration of normal life in Iraq. SALES CONTACT Firelight Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9360 0007 MOBILE +61-412 278 516 www.firelight.com.au info@firelight.com.au NERVES OF STEEL NURSE MAGGIE WOMEN, SPORTS & RECREATIONS, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, HEALTH DIGITAL BETACAM / 51 MIN PROD CO Film Australia EXEC PROD Penny Robins PRODUCER Sally Regan DIRECTOR Andrea Ulbrick WRITER Andrea Ulbrick Four fearless young women hurtle towards the 2006 Winter Olympics in a bold Australian scientific experiment to create a champion. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au PROD CO Heathfilm Pty Ltd PRODUCER Jonathon Heath, Rebecca Heath DIRECTOR Jonathon Heath, Rebecca Heath WRITER Jonathon Heath, Rebecca Heath NURSE MAGGIE follows the uplifting story of Maggie Sister, an Australian woman who, through working with India’s most reviled outcasts, has confronted and overcome her own traumatic past. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 69 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER MY HOME, YOUR WAR ON THIN ICE WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO Grainger Television Australia EXEC PROD Greg Grainger PRODUCER Greg Grainger DIRECTOR Chris Grainger WRITER Scott Evaringham, ONCE A QUEEN * INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 54 MIN PROD CO Rough PROD CO CM Film Productions EXEC PROD Amanda Duthie PRODUCER Carmelo Musca DIRECTOR Michael Angus WRITER Michael Angus Trade Pictures Pty Ltd PRODUCER Lawrence Johnston DIRECTOR Lawrence Johnston WRITER Lawrence Johnston Greg Grainger Polar bears around the world are facing the real issue of global warming. Melting ice-caps and a lack of food are making it hard for this enormous creature to fit into the future. ON THIN ICE goes out tracking these creatures and talking to the polar bear experts. OOLDEA CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, WOMEN BETACAM / 50 MIN For almost a century the town of Grafton, New South Wales, has celebrated the magnificence of its jacaranda trees with an inspired festival. SALES CONTACT Lawrence Johnston Australia PHONE +61-400 240 599 MOBILE +61-400 240 599 lawrencenj@iprimus.com.au SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au OOLDEA is an observational documentary which follows the journey of composer Iain Grandage as he journeys through Spinifex land and culture. The traditional elders of the Great Victoria Desert reveal stories of the Tjukurppa and share Inma (traditional songs) from Ooldea and the surrounding lands. When elders join Iain and the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra to perform, Ooldea becomes a meeting place, a campfire around which history may become a source of shared pride. With deadlines looming and events not going to plan, Iain is forced to confront some of his own personal demons. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au 70 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER * WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN OUTSOURCED! (US TITLE ‘1-800-INDIA’) LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM / 49 MIN PROD CO Threefold Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Brad Cone, Belinda PROD CO Mitra Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Stephen Segaller, Cone Trevor Graham PRODUCER Anna Cater DIRECTOR Safina Uberoi, Anna Cater WRITER Anna Cater, Safina Uberoi DIRECTOR Brad Cone WRITER Brad Cone Australian conservationist Nigel Mason is determined to rescue 10 endangered elephants held captive in government training camps in Sumatra. Nigel intends to transport the elephants over 3500 kilometres, crossing three Indonesian islands. OPERATION JUMBO is both a thrilling race against time and a celebration of the special relationship that can exist between humans and animals. SALES CONTACT Beyond Distribution Australia PHONE +61-2 9437 2000 FAX +61-2 9437 2017 www.beyond.com.au distribution@beyond.com.au OUTSOURCED explores the lives of a group of young women working in the rapidly growing offshore outsourcing industry in India, and the impact their employment in skilled IT jobs is having on Australia. THE QUIET LIONS WAR, HISTORY & POLITICS AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO Thought Films EXEC PROD Keith Flanagan PRODUCER Robin Newell DIRECTOR Robin Newell WRITER Robin Newell THE QUIET LIONS details the lives of Weary Dunlop and Thai River Trader Boon Pong during World War II, and the legacy left in the form of an exchange program that trains young Thai surgeons in Australia. We see how something remarkably positive can be built out of unspeakable horror. SALES CONTACT Thought Films SALES CONTACT Ro*Co Films International United States PHONE +1-415 435 4631 annie@rocofilms.com Australia PHONE +61-2 9908 1091 FAX +61-2 9225 9990 thoughtfilms@optusnet.com.au SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 71 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER OPERATION JUMBO ROMEO AND JULIET: A MONKEY’S TALE WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY HD / 44.5 MIN PROD CO Becker Entertainment EXEC PROD Sue Clothier, Charles Hannah DIRECTOR Karina Holden WRITER Karina Holden In the Thai town of Lopburi live two rival Macaque families, the temple troop and the market monkeys. These two gangs are sworn enemies. But this year two star-crossed lovers have dared to go against troop tradition and follow their hearts. SALES CONTACT Discovery Communications Inc. United States PHONE +1-240 662 2000 www.discovery.com SACRED GROUND SAVING AUSTRALIA’S ANCIENT HERITAGE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO MAV Media Pty Ltd EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Kim Mavromatis DIRECTOR Kim Mavromatis WRITER Kim Mavromatis For Quenten, Dreaming is his bible – an invisible force that guides him through life and connects all things. Quenten is the keeper of his generation’s Dreaming stories. It’s his role to hand these stories down to the next generation, keeping culture and traditions alive. Added to this responsibility is the pressure of knowing that his generation is witnessing the desecration and destruction of the last remaining cultural sites on Adjahdura Land. Today, Quenten and his family are fighting battles on many fronts to keep their culture and traditions alive. SALES CONTACT MAV Media Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8632 5306 FAX +61-8 8632 6521 MOBILE +61-417 838 785 www.mavmedia.com.au mav@mavmedia.com.au 72 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 SAVING ANDREW MALLARD * SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Artemis International Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Brian Beaton, Stuart Menzies PRODUCER Celia Tait DIRECTOR Michael Muntz, Celia Tait WRITER Michael Muntz A 12 year fight for justice by the family and supporters of convicted murderer Andrew Mallard who forced the system to take another look. SALES CONTACT Artemis International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 9228 2852 FAX +61-8 9228 4517 www.artemisfilms.com brianb@artemisfilms.com DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER THE SECRET LIVES OF SLEEPWALKERS SEVEN DAYS WITH SEVEN DOGS HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN HD / 52 MIN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, HEALTH DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO Ben Cropp Productions PRODUCER Ben Cropp DIRECTOR Ben Cropp WRITER Ben Cropp PROD CO Paul Scott Films EXEC PROD Sonya Pemberton PRODUCER Paul Scott, Chris TRAVEL & ADVENTURE, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DV/MINI DV / 53 MIN * Ben Cropp returns to a mystery bomber found in 2005 and identifies it as a B17 Flying Fortress that carried an American general who was lost in the crash. SALES CONTACT Ben Cropp Productions Australia PHONE +61-7 4099 5858 FAX +61-7 4099 4300 www.bencropp.com.au/ bencropp@bigpond.com.au Hilton DIRECTOR Paul Scott WRITER Paul Scott This film will showcase sleepwalkers in action, engaging in such complex behaviours as murder. It will profile the cuttingedge science and technology that has revolutionised sleep medicine. SALES CONTACT RDF International United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 013 4408 FAX +44-207 013 4401 www.rdfinternational.com sales@rdfinternational.com PROD CO Laughing Owl Productions PRODUCER Billie Dean, Andrew Einspruch DIRECTOR Billie Dean When their beloved kelpie Suki was given just a few weeks to live, the filmmakers wanted to make every last day a jewel. So they packed up their seven rescued dogs, most of whom had health problems, and headed out for the trip of a doggie lifetime. Humans aren’t the only ones who need to smell the roses. SALES CONTACT Laughing Owl Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 4842 2819 FAX +61-2 4842 2814 www.laughingowl.com.au info@laughingowl.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 73 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER SEARCH FOR THE MYSTERY BOMBER SHANGHAI BRIDE SHIFTING SHELTER 3 CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, WOMEN DIGITAL BETACAM / 51 MIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 60 MIN PROD CO Scopofile PRODUCER Melanie Ansley DIRECTOR Sam Voutas WRITER Melanie Ansley The effects of the one-child policy, combined with a rapid revolution in China’s values and lifestyle, have created an increasingly selective society of middle-class Shanghai women. For working-class men, finding a wife is a quest that requires money, time and the strength to withstand countless disappointments. SHANGHAI BRIDE is a rare portrait of ordinary people in an extraordinary social predicament, a window on the materialistic and cutthroat nature of Shanghai’s marriage market. PROD CO ABC TV Indigenous Programmes Unit EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Ivan Sen DIRECTOR Ivan Sen WRITER Ivan Sen SHIFTING SHELTER shows the lives of four young Aboriginal people in rural Australia NSW. Their lives are documented from 1995 to 2005. Ivan introduced us to Cindy, Danielle, Ben and Willie; watch as their lives unfold. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au SALES CONTACT BuzzTaxi Communications Inc. Canada PHONE +1-416 920 3800 FAX +1-416 920 3998 www.buzztaxi.com buzztaxi@buzztaxi.com 74 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 SHINKICHI TAJIRI * CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, ARTS & CRAFTS, FILM & MEDIA DVD / 60 MIN PROD CO Illumination Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Paul Cox DIRECTOR Paul Cox WRITER Paul Cox, Shinkichi Tajiri Portrait of sculptor, experimental filmmaker and photographer Shinkichi Tajiri. At 88 he is still one of the most daring artists of our times. He was part of the COBRA movement which was the European answer to American abstract expressionism. This one-hour documentary will encompass all aspects of Tajiri’s life. SALES CONTACT Illumination Films Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-3 9690 5266 FAX +61-3 9696 5625 illumination@netspace.net.au DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, PERFORMING ARTS, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Laurence Castle Productions EXEC PROD Laurence Castle PRODUCER Laurence Castle DIRECTOR Laurence Castle WRITER Laurence Castle, Patrick Redican Shivaji was one of India’s most colourful heroes. The 17th century visionary forged a kingdom where for centuries the region’s chieftains were nothing but ‘hired guns’ for Muslim invaders from the north. Today he has become an icon. Babasaheb Purandre, now over 80, is a modern icon. He has produced an outdoor extravaganza with a cast of 300 actors, charging cavalry horses, elephants, camels and bullocks to recreate the story of Shivaji. His message echoes through today’s youth driven society. SKYFIGHTERS * SPEED DYNASTIES * WAR HD / 45 MIN SPORTS & RECREATIONS HD / 45 MIN PROD CO Becker Entertainment EXEC PROD Sue Clothier, John PROD CO Becker Entertainment EXEC PROD John Godfrey, Sue Godfrey Clothier DIRECTOR Rodney Long WRITER Rodney Long DIRECTOR Jonathon SKYFIGHTERS follows fighter pilots from around the world as they take part in Canada’s Maple Flag event to experience what war is really like. SALES CONTACT Becker Entertainment Australia PHONE +61-2 9438 3377 FAX +61-2 9439 1827 www.beckerentertainment. com.au info@beckers.com.au Challis, Bruce Lassaux, Geoff Tanner WRITER John Godfrey SPEED DYNASTIES explores why there are so many family dynasties in motor racing, examining the importance of father-son relationships, and in one case a father-daughter relationship. How important is competitive spirit? Is it nature or nurture? And which dynasties are likely to continue? SALES CONTACT Becker Entertainment Australia PHONE +61-2 9438 3377 FAX +61-2 9439 1827 www.beckerentertainment. com.au info@beckers.com.au SALES CONTACT Laurence Castle Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 6584 0085 www.ajanta.info laurence@ajanta.info MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 75 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER SHIVAJI: TELLING THE TALE OF THE MOUNTAIN RAT STRAIT OF TERROR * SUBURB 4 SALE CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN HD / 52 MIN SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Ben Cropp Productions PRODUCER Ben Cropp DIRECTOR Ben Cropp WRITER Ben Cropp PROD CO November Films EXEC PROD Jessica Douglas-Henry PRODUCER Anne Delaney DIRECTOR Lara Cole, Anne Shipwrecks, castaways and headhunters are the themes of this film. SALES CONTACT Ben Cropp Productions Australia PHONE +61-7 4099 5858 FAX +61-7 4099 4300 www.bencropp.com.au/ bencropp@bigpond.com.au Delaney WRITER Lara Cole, Anne Delaney SUBURB 4 SALE is an observational documentary filmed over two years that follows what happens when a public housing estate goes under the hammer. It documents the lives of families desperate to buy into Airds – it’s some of the cheapest property to buy in Sydney – the public housing tenants who are desperate to get out, and the charismatic real estate agent whose job it is to turn a public housing estate into a viable property market. SALES CONTACT November Films Australia PHONE +61-2 9664 8273 FAX +61-2 9664 8273 MOBILE +61-404 068 273 annedelaney@pacific.net.au 76 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 THUNDERHEADS * ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Natural History Unit EXEC PROD Dione Gilmour PRODUCER Klaus Toft DIRECTOR Klaus Toft Part detective-tale, part scienceadventure, a story documenting an extraordinary human endeavor taking place in Darwin, Australia. SALES CONTACT National Geographic Television International United Kingdom PHONE +44-442 07751 7555 TWO MUMS AND A DAD * RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, WOMEN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO Singing Nomads Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Sally Ingleton DIRECTOR Miranda Wills WRITER Miranda Wills Fiona is 33 and desperate to have a baby. But her partner, Kelly, is a woman and sperm isn’t part of the equation. Fiona has a solution: a gay friend from work who passionately wants to be a dad. Fiona and Kelly want their child to have a father. It seems perfect ... but is it? TWO MUMS AND A DAD is the story of the rocky road of three-way parenting. SALES CONTACT Channel 4 International United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 396 4444 FAX +44-207 306 3756 www.c4i.tv cwilloughby@channel4.co.uk VOTE ‘YES’ FOR ABORIGINES * WAS THE LADY A BUSHRANGER? HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 52 MIN EDUCATION, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, WOMEN DVC PRO/DV/MINI DV / 58 MIN PROD CO Denise Haslem Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Denise Haslem DIRECTOR Frances Peters-Little WRITER Frances Peters-Little PROD CO Warrego Productions PRODUCER Peter Young DIRECTOR Peter Young WRITER Pat Studdy-Cliff, Peter VOTE ‘YES’ FOR ABORIGINES recognises and celebrates the 40th anniversary of the 1968 Referendum, the political milestone that overturned Australian constitutional law to allow Aboriginal people to be counted as Australian citizens in their own country. WAS THE LADY A BUSHRANGER? explores the life of Elizabeth Jessie Hickman, Australian Buckjump Champion, 1905. How did she end up living in a cave in the Nullo Mountains, west of Sydney? Was she a Bushranger? Will all be revealed or will the audience be left to ponder? SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Denise Haslem Productions Pty Ltd Warrego Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9810 3499 FAX +61-2 9810 3499 MOBILE +61-425 215 842 dhaslem@ozemail.com.au Australia PHONE +61-2 4362 2244 FAX +61-2 4362 1878 MOBILE +61-417 783 491 warrego@idl.net.au Young MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 77 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER WEEPING WOMEN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, RELIGION BETACAM / 52 MIN PROD CO CM Film Productions PRODUCER Carmelo Musca DIRECTOR Carmelo Musca WRITER Sarah Rossetti Examines the bizarre and unexplained cases of crying statues – the weeping Madonna of Rockingham, Our Lady of Tears in Syracuse, a tiny weeping Madonna in Civitavecchia – and the faithful devotees who surround them on their personal journeys of faith. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au WHEN SURGICAL TOOLS GET LEFT BEHIND 2 * HEALTH, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 50 MIN PROD CO Beyond Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD John Luscombe, Richard Campbell PRODUCER Ian Watson, Celia Boden, Belinda Seaman WRITER Celia Boden Medical teams perform miracles every day but mistakes do happen and when things go wrong in surgery lives can be ruined and reputations shattered. In this frightening documentary, you’ll meet some of the 2,700 patients from the United States who in one year had surgical tools left behind. SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au 78 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 WHITE LIONS * WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 47 MIN EXEC PROD David Adams PRODUCER Stephen Van Mil DIRECTOR David Adams WRITER Andrew Saw, David Adams WHITE LIONS is a voyage of exploration into the realm of the white lion and its tenuous position in the animal kingdom. The film follows the fortunes of two sets of white lions: three cubs bound for Australia’s Mogo Zoo and a family of five released for the first time into the semi-wild within South Africa’s Western Cape. SALES CONTACT Animal Planet United Kingdom PHONE +44-208 811 3912 FAX +44-208 811 3222 www.discovery-europe.com DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINUTES & UNDER HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN 55 MIN PROD CO Film Australia, Blackwattle Films EXEC PROD Anna Grieve PRODUCER Peter Butt, Kristine Wyld DIRECTOR Peter Butt WRITER Peter Butt At last, an answer to one of crime history’s great unsolved cases. When the bodies of brilliant physicist Dr Gilbert Bogle and his lover Mrs Margaret Chandler were found in bizarre circumstances on a Sydney riverbank in 1963, it captured the public imagination and launched an unprecedented murder investigation. However, the Coroner could find no cause of death, killer or motive. Some suggested it was a Cold War assassination, others claimed it was an overdose of LSD. Now, four decades later, a new investigation uncovers explosive new evidence. WHY ME? WINGS TO FLY * INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 50 MIN RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, RELIGION, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 55 MIN PROD CO Light Image Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Kay Goodman-Dodd PRODUCER Rick Cavaggion, PROD CO Soul Martin Gordon DIRECTOR Rick Cavaggion WRITER Martin Gordon WHY ME? features five Aboriginal people in four stories, showing the human cost of a policy which removed children from their families and country. The film shows the careful work of restoring meaning and connection to dislocated lives. Reenacted scenes from the 50s put viewers in touch with the emotional journey of the children of the Stolen Generations. SALES CONTACT Light Image Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8340 2811 FAX +61-8 8340 2843 ricc@lightimage.com.au Vision Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Peter Hegedus, Gabrielle Jones DIRECTOR Peter Hegedus WRITER Peter Hegedus Over six years we watch Catrina Lawrence as she tries to forge an identity for herself in the midst of a complicated and controlling family. Keith Lawrence, her father, is a devoted Christian. Abuse and alcohol are part of Keith’s childhood and he has striven hard to overcome this in his life, his family and his fathering. Catrina wants to fly on her own but Keith will go to any lengths to protect her. SALES CONTACT Soul Vision Films Pty Ltd Australia MOBILE +61-408 456 522 www.soulvisionfilms.com info@soulvisionfilms.com SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 79 DOCUMENTARIES 60 MINS & UNDER WHO KILLED DR BOGLE AND MRS CHANDLER? * WINNERS’ GUIDE TO THE NOBEL PRIZE * SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, HEALTH 56 MIN PROD CO Electric Pictures Pty Ltd, Film Australia EXEC PROD Andrew Ogilvie, Mark Hamlyn, Sonya Pemberton, Rod Freedman PRODUCER Andrew Ogilvie DIRECTOR Mark Gould WRITER Paul Payne, Mark Gould WINNERS GUIDE TO THE NOBEL PRIZE follows the journey of Barry Marshall and Robin Warren to Stockholm to collect the 2005 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Along the way we find out what it’s like to win a Nobel Prize and reveal the incredible story of how these scientists turned the medical world on its head and relieved the suffering of millions. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au WITHOUT A HOME * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DV/MINI DV / 38 MIN PROD CO Frog Films PRODUCER Jeff Morgan, Mark Andersson DIRECTOR Mark Andersson WRITER Mark Andersson, Katrina Lucas Over the past two decades, homelessness has become a highly visible problem in Australia, a social blight that is in sharp contrast to the country’s widespread affluence. In this program five people from Adelaide share their personal stories and offer some insight into the plight of the homeless. SALES CONTACT Video Education Australasia Australia PHONE +61-3 5448 2400 FAX +61-3 5448 2408 www.vea.com.au vea@vea.com.au 80 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 WONDERS OF THE BILLABONG * WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY HD / 52 MIN PROD CO Ben Cropp Productions PRODUCER Ben Cropp DIRECTOR Ben Cropp WRITER Ben Cropp A detailed look at the wonderful tropical billabong and all the creatures who live in it and come to its sweet waters. SALES CONTACT Ben Cropp Productions Australia PHONE +61-7 4099 5858 FAX +61-7 4099 4300 www.bencropp.com.au bencropp@bigpond.com.au FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, FILM & MEDIA 90 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Factual Entertainment EXEC PROD Tim Clark PRODUCER Deborah Masters, Andrew Haughton DIRECTOR Deborah Masters An entertaining romp through half a century of ABC Television. Presented by John Clarke, this program combines interviews with archive footage to celebrate 50 years of ABC Television history. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au THE BATTLE OF LONG TAN HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, WAR DIGITAL BETACAM / 102 MIN PROD CO Red Dune Films, Animax Films EXEC PROD Martin Walsh, Damien Lay PRODUCER Martin Walsh, Damien Lay DIRECTOR Damien Lay WRITER Keith Thompson, Damien Lay South Vietnam, August 1966. For three hours, in an endless torrent of pouring rain, amid the mud and shattered trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tan, Major Harry Smith and his dispersed company of 108 young Australian and New Zealand soldiers were fighting for their lives, holding off an overwhelming force of 2,500 NVA and VC soldiers. THE BATTLE OF LONG TAN is the true story of ordinary boys who became extraordinary men. BOMB HARVEST * HISTORY & POLITICS INTERNATIONAL, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM/HD / 88 MIN PROD CO Lemur Films EXEC PROD Dasha Ross, Victor Carson PRODUCER Sylvia Wilczynski DIRECTOR Kim Mordaunt WRITER Sylvia Wilczynski, Kim Mordaunt A huge live American aircraft bomb has been discovered behind a village school in Laos, left from the ‘Secret War’ over 30 years ago. Australian bomb disposal specialist Laith Stevens has to train new Lao ‘Bib Bomb’ technicians before he can deal with it, but meanwhile, with a recent increase in scrap metal prices, the kids from schools are out hunting for bombs...(Also available in a 55 minute version.) SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Lemur Films Red Dune Films Australia PHONE +61-438 417 143 FAX +61-2 9712 5072 www.reddunefilms.com mwalsh@reddunefilms.com Australia PHONE +61-2 9130 4387 FAX +61-2 9130 4387 MOBILE +61-425 204 996 lemurfilms@iinet.net.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 81 FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES THE ABC OF OUR LIVES – 50 YEARS OF TELEVISION * BOMBALI * HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM / 90 MIN PROD CO Electric Pictures Pty Ltd, Brook Lapping Productions EXEC PROD Andrew Ogilvie, Phil Craig PRODUCER Andrew Ogilvie, Phil Craig DIRECTOR Steve Westh WRITER Phil Craig, Steve Westh BOMBALI is a feature-length drama-documentary to mark the fourth anniversary of the Bali bombings. SALES CONTACT IMG Media United Kingdom PHONE +44-208 233 7532 FAX +44-208 233 6476 www.imgworld.com TTang@imgworld.com BRA BOYS * THE CHOIR CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, SPORTS & RECREATIONS, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE 35MM / 90 MIN CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, PERFORMING ARTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 90 MIN PROD CO Bradahood PROD CO Essential Productions/Garage Industries EXEC PROD Nicholas Cook, Russell Crowe, MIchael Lawrence, John Mossop PRODUCER Sunny Abberton, MIchael Lawrence DIRECTOR Sunny Abberton, Macario De Souza WRITER Sunny Abberton BRA BOYS is a documentary about the cultural evolution of the inner-Sydney beach-side suburb of Maroubra and the social struggle of its youth – the tattooed and much maligned surf community known as the Bra Boys. The story is narrated by Australian actor Russell Crowe and is told through the eyes of members of the Bra Boys. www.braboys.com.au SALES CONTACT Bradahood Productions/Garage Industries Australia PHONE +61-409 410 730 www.braboys.com.au garage.films@optusnet.com.au 82 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Viewing (drama) EXEC PROD Rosemary Blight PRODUCER Chris Hilton DIRECTOR Michael Davie WRITER Michael Davie THE CHOIR is a feature-length documentary about men in a violent South African prison who form a choir to survive and find redemption, then face an even more brutal world outside when they are released. SALES CONTACT Essential Viewing (drama) Australia PHONE +61-2 9517 9899 FAX +61-2 9517 9871 www.evg.com.au info@evg.com.au FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES DONKEY IN LAHORE FEET UNBOUND THE FIGHT GAME CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM / 90 MIN HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, WAR, WOMEN DIGITAL BETACAM / 87 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, SPORTS & RECREATIONS BETACAM / 90 MIN Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Mark Chapman PRODUCER Faramarz K-Rahber DIRECTOR Faramarz K-Rahber Set in Pakistan and Australia, DONKEY IN LAHORE is a love story highlighting the issues of cross-cultural relationships in the context of current political issues. SALES CONTACT Faraway Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-7 3219 1107 FAX +61-7 3219 1107 www.faraway.com.au info@faraway.com.au PROD CO Long March Films EXEC PROD Khee-Jin Ng PRODUCER Khee-Jin Ng DIRECTOR Khee-Jin Ng WRITER Khee-Jin Ng A young woman retraces the footsteps of China’s teenage female soldiers of the Long March and encounters untold stories of courage and hope in the face of extreme deprivation and brutality. The Long March was a massive military retreat of over 200,000 troops on foot over 12,500 kilometres that lasted from 1934 to 1936. Elly, a 28-year-old journalist from Beijing, embarks on a 5,000 kilometre odyssey that takes her from Cangxi in central China to Xingxingxia in the Gobi Desert in the northwest of China. She uncovers the tragic and chilling story of the destruction of the Western Route Army – the greatest military failure in the history of the Chinese Red Army. As she sets out in search of history, she is forced to confront her identity as a modern Chinese woman. PROD CO CM Film Productions, Pigfish Australia Pty Ltd PRODUCER Max Bourke, Carmelo Musca DIRECTOR Michael Angus WRITER Michael Angus THE FIGHT GAME is an observational documentary which follows the life and emerging career of Danny Green, a determined young boxer from the middle-class suburbs of Perth, as he pursues a place in boxing history. His journey takes us behind the scenes, and under the skin, of the most dramatic, controversial and primal of sports. Through the simplicity of competition in its most brutal form, the soul of a man is laid bare. SALES CONTACT CM Film Productions Australia PHONE +61-8 9328 8977 FAX +61-8 9328 7672 www.cmfilms.com.au cmfilms@tpg.com.au www.feetunbound.com SALES CONTACT Long March Films Australia MOBILE +61-405 626 223 kheej@longmarchfilms.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 83 FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES PROD CO Faraway FLYING DREAMS * FORBIDDEN LIE$ * FORTUNATE SONS * ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, EDUCATION, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DIGITAL BETACAM / 120 MIN CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, WOMEN, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION 35MM / 107 MIN HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, WAR, FILM & MEDIA DV/MINI DV / 75 MIN PROD CO Liberty EXEC PROD Greg Grainger PRODUCER Greg Grainger DIRECTOR Chris Grainger WRITER Greg Grainger Pty Ltd PROD CO Pisces All Media EXEC PROD Jonathan Nolan PRODUCER Greg Smith DIRECTOR Jonathan Nolan WRITER Jonathan Nolan Five men. One plane. Thirty refuelling stops. One globe. It was their dream flight, taking a Kingair 8200 around the world. Share their passion, their trials, their triumphs as they become part of a very exclusive club, the Earth Rounders. SALES CONTACT Grainger Television Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9449 6074 FAX +61-2 9488 7970 MOBILE +61-409 121 129 www.graingertv.com graingertv@optushome.com.au Productions EXEC PROD Antonio Zeccola PRODUCER Anna Broinowski, Sally Regan DIRECTOR Anna Broinowski WRITER Anna Broinowski In July 2004, Norma Khouri, best-selling author of ‘Forbidden Love’, was exposed as a fake. She’s won fame and fortune as a Jordanian virgin with a fatwah on her head for her campaign against honour killings. But she was really Norma Bagain, an alleged Chicago con artist on the run from the FBI for $1 million of fraud. Spinning murder, greed and literary scandal into a web that entangles us all, FORBIDDEN LIE$ is a real-life thriller for our time. SALES CONTACT Becker Entertainment Australia PHONE +61-2 9438 3377 FAX +61-2 9439 1827 www.beckerentertainment. com.au info@beckers.com.au 84 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 FORTUNATE SONS is documentary about the Bush regime and the U.S. leadership in the post 1963 world, with a close look at 9/11 and the War on Terror. The documentary has been written and produced with a modern ‘edgy’ look and feel, with videogame style editing to appeal to contemporary audiences. www.piscesallmedia.com/ FORTUNATESONS SALES CONTACT Pisces All Media Australia PHONE +61-2 6296 7609 MOBILE +61-406 678 890 www.piscesallmedia.com greg@piscesallmedia.com FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES GLOBAL HAYWIRE GOD ON MY SIDE HUNT ANGELS HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, ANIMATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 80 MIN RELIGION DIGITAL BETACAM / 72 MIN PROD CO Bruce Petty Films EXEC PROD Susan MacKinnon PRODUCER Claude Gonzalez DIRECTOR Bruce Petty Pty Ltd HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, FILM & MEDIA 35MM / 85 MIN GLOBAL HAYWIRE is a documentary fable threading live action and animation together in a tale of how East and West have reached the present crisis point. It is a look at why the world is divided into two opposing forces. In February, Andrew Denton travelled to Texas for the National Religious Broadcasters’ Convention, the annual shindig for every televangelist powerbroker and wannabe in America. This feature-length documentary records what he found. By turns serious and comic, and sometimes a little disturbing, it examines the cutting edge of evangelical technology, the business of God, the America of the religious right, and what the inescapable truths of the Bible mean for US foreign policy and the Middle East. Films Transit International Canada PHONE +1-514 844 3358 FAX +1-514 844 7298 www.filmstransit.com info@filmstransit.com other films EXEC PROD Andrew Denton, Anita Jacoby PRODUCER Jon Casimir SALES CONTACT Zapruder’s other films Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9362 8988 FAX +61-2 9362 8977 admin@zapruder.com.au PROD CO Film Art Doco Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Antonio Zeccola PRODUCER Sue Maslin DIRECTOR Alec Morgan WRITER Alec Morgan The true story of movie-making outlaws Rupert Kathner and Alma Brooks, who took on the powerful cinema conglomerates and a posse of police in their passionate pursuit of filmmaking. Set in the 1930s and ‘40s, HUNT ANGELS is a unique non-fiction feature that exposes a dark and dangerous episode in Australian cinema history. SALES CONTACT Fortissimo Film Sales Netherlands PHONE +31-852 2311 8081 FAX +31-852 2311 8023 www.fortissimo.nl info@fortissimo.nl MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 85 FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES SALES CONTACT PROD CO Zapruder’s KOTLA WALKS. PERFORMING LOCALITY. * CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY DIGITAL BETACAM / 93 MIN PROD CO Simon Wilmot PRODUCER Simon Wilmot, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, FILM & MEDIA, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 77 MIN Sanjay Srivastava DIRECTOR Simon Wilmot WRITER Sanjay Srivastava This is a story about Sarita and Raman Bhardwaj, their friends and neighbours in the ‘urban village’ of Kotla Mubarakpur, South Delhi. It explores the way the texture of urban spaces is woven into ideas of belonging, intimacy, friendship, ambition, and the desire to be ‘here’ but also somewhere else. www.kotlawalks.com SALES CONTACT Ronin Films Australia PHONE +61-2 6248 0851 FAX +61-2 6249 1640 www.roninfilms.com.au orders@roninfilms.com.au THE LAST DAYS OF YASSER ARAFAT PROD CO Habibi Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Sherine Salama DIRECTOR Sherine Salama In September 2003, PalestinianAustralian filmmaker Sherine Salama travelled to the besieged compound of Yasser Arafat. She had a hunch that his days were numbered. After a long, frustrating and often-comical struggle, she finally succeeded in interviewing Arafat in October, 2004. In an extraordinary twist of fate, Arafat died the following month. THE LAST DAYS OF YASSER ARAFAT tells the final chapter in the story of one of the most controversial public figures of our time. (Also available in a 56 minute version.) SALES CONTACT Habibi Films Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-404 367 876 salamasherine@hotmail.com ABC TV International Australia PHONE +61-2 9950 3090 FAX +61-2 9950 3169 86 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 NAKED ON THE INSIDE CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY DIGITAL BETACAM / 81 MIN PROD CO Magic / Real Picture EXEC PROD Jack Lechner PRODUCER Ian Walker DIRECTOR Kim Farrant WRITER Kim Farrant Co Beyond our clothes and skin, who are we? In NAKED ON THE INSIDE, six brave individuals shed their armour, reveal their bodies and share their secrets in an extraordinary experiment in search of their inner selves. SALES CONTACT Off The Fence BV Netherlands PHONE +31-20520 0222 FAX +31-20520 0223 www.offthefence.com gwen@offthefence.com FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES * RISE OF THE ROOS CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN 35MM / 90 MIN SPORTS & RECREATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 82 MIN PROD CO Circe Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Lizzette Atkins, PROD CO SBS Lawrence Johnston DIRECTOR Lawrence Johnston WRITER Lawrence Johnston NIGHT is a cinematic feature documentary that explores the universal nature of night and how we experience it. NIGHT captures the mystery, mood and magic of the night and weaves these images into a lush and dramatic symphonic score. Voices from all walks of life tell stories of their ‘affair’ with the night – the pleasure and the pain, reality and fantasy, at work and at leisure, past and present – and shows how the darkness of the night affects us all. SALES CONTACT Becker Films International Australia PHONE +61-2 8425 1163 FAX +61-2 9439 1827 www.beckerfilms.com.au aliy@beckers.com.au Television - Local Production PRODUCER Terry Toaldo, Nick Zorbas WRITER Andrew Orsatti, Simon Hill Traces the two-year campaign by the Australian football team to qualify for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au SALUTE – THE PETER NORMAN STORY SPORTS & RECREATIONS, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 120 MIN PROD CO The Actors Cafe EXEC PROD Matt Norman PRODUCER Matt Norman DIRECTOR Matt Norman WRITER Matt Norman Pty Ltd In 1968 Peter Norman ran the race of his life in the Mexico City Olympic Games, winning silver in the 200 metres. What made more headlines than his actual victory was the dramatic events that took place during the medal ceremony, when the two American athletes who had won the gold and bronze held their black gloved fists in the air, demonstrating against the way black Americans were treated at that time. This is the story from Peter Norman’s eyes as well as the story from one person who knows him better than most... his filmmaking nephew Matt Norman. (Also available in a 120 minute version.) SALES CONTACT Instinct Entertainment Pty Limited Australia PHONE +61-3 9646 0955 FAX +61-3 9646 1588 MOBILE +61-418 546 005 www.instinctentertainment. com.au admin@instinctentertainment. com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 87 FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES NIGHT THE SECRET * HEALTH DVD/ONLINE / 90 MIN PROD CO Prime Time Productions EXEC PROD Rhonda Byrne PRODUCER Paul Harrington, Rhonda Byrne DIRECTOR Drew Heriot About the meaning of life. www.thesecret.tv SALES CONTACT The Secret LLC United States PHONE +1-773 281 7777 www.thesecret.tv distribution@thesecret.tv STICKY CARPET – MELBOURNE’S UNDERGROUND ROCKUMENTARY WOMEN OF THE SUN: 25 YEARS LATER * PERFORMING ARTS, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM/DV/MINI DV / 76 MIN PROD CO Mark Butcher Productions PRODUCER Mark Butcher, Pip Stafford DIRECTOR Mark Butcher, Glenn Waterworth WRITER Glenn Waterworth, Mark Butcher STICKY CARPET is a documentary about the thriving Melbourne music scene. It explores the drive behind the musicians, and recognises the importance of local community radio stations which have fostered the scene through their ongoing support. This raw and vital film exposes the real, independent artists who prove that playing music is accessible to anyone, anywhere, and that it is still possible to maintain control over your art and rock! SALES CONTACT Siren Visual Entertainment Australia PHONE +61-3 9629 9850 www.sirenvisual.com.au eric@sirenvisual.com.au 88 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 80 MIN PROD CO Generation Films Pty Ltd PRODUCER Bob Weis DIRECTOR Bob Weis Twenty-five years ago an amazing four-part series hit Australian TV screens. ‘Women of the Sun’ depicted the lives of four Aboriginal women between the 1820s and the 1980s. The first TV series made in language, it was an instant classic. Producing the mini-series had a major impact on the director Bob Weis, and 25 years on he decides to reassess its importance to others, revisiting the women who played the leads to find out what they experienced. Fascinating and profoundly moving. SALES CONTACT Daro Film Distribution Monaco PHONE +377-9797 1600 FAX +377-9797 1591 daro@daro-films.mc FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES WORDS FROM THE CITY CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, PERFORMING ARTS, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 90 MIN PROD CO Film Camp Pty Ltd PRODUCER Philippa Campey DIRECTOR Natasha Gadd, Rhys FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES Graham WRITER Natasha Gadd, Rhys Graham WORDS FROM THE CITY is a feature-length documentary exploring contemporary Australian hip hop through intimate and candid observations of some of the nation’s most potent and compelling artists. Focusing on several diverse characters from around Australia, WORDS FROM THE CITY explores the social and cultural compulsion of young Australians to embrace the verbal battleground of hip hop to express their personal, political and creative voices. SALES CONTACT Film Camp Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-3 9419 0140 FAX +61-3 9417 7336 www.filmcamp.com.au pip@filmcamp.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 89 AIR AUSTRALIA HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE, TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 3 X 55 MIN PROD CO Film Australia, Vue DC Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Mark Hamlyn, Anna Grieve PRODUCER Helen Clucas, Alan Lindsay DIRECTOR Alan Lindsay WRITER Alan Lindsay In creating an Australian aviation industry, a handful of extraordinary individuals changed a nation. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au AN AUSSIE GOES BARMY * ARTISTS AT WORK * SPORTS & RECREATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 6 X 60 MIN ARTS & CRAFTS, PERFORMING ARTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 26.5 MIN PROD CO Granada PROD CO ABC Productions, Seed Productions EXEC PROD Hugh Jackman, Deborra-Lee Furness, Matthew Weiss Documentary series following an Australian cricket tragic throughout the Ashes 06/07 series. As part of a bet with Hugh Jackman, he must travel, eat and breathe with the Barmy Army – England’s most famous fans. SALES CONTACT Granada Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9383 4360 FAX +61-2 8353 3494 www.granadaproductions.com.au sarah.roberts@granadaproductions. com.au TV Arts and Entertainment EXEC PROD Megan Harding PRODUCER Lisa McGregor DIRECTOR Anne Delaney, Molly Reynolds, Kathy Drayton, Louise Turley ARTISTS AT WORK is a captivating four-part series which invites viewers to share first-hand in the intimate and sometimes delicate world of the creative process. In painting studios, rehearsal rooms and galleries we watch a mix of artists give birth to four very different pieces of art. Each episode tracks the artwork from conception to completion and explores the setbacks and dramas that unfold as the artists struggle to realise their vision. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au 90 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOCUMENTARY SERIES HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 5 X 60 MIN PROD CO Outlook Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Bob Deere PRODUCER Michael Neil-Smith DIRECTOR Michael Neil-Smith WRITER Michael Neil-Smith AUSTRALIAN ICON TOWNS is a quintessentially Australian program that finds out the secret that has made these 25 towns part of the lexicon of Australian life, exploring the towns’ history and heritage in a refreshing way. (Also available as 25 x 12 minute interstitial films.) SALES CONTACT Outlook Productions Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9557 3079 michael@outlookproductions. com.au AUSTRALIAN STORY SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 414 X 26 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Brisbane PRODUCER Various DIRECTOR Various AUSTRALIAN STORY is a documentary-style program produced as part of the ABC’s current affairs output. The program’s personal approach to storytelling has been very well received. Stories are ‘narrated’ by the subjects themselves. There is an emphasis on regional and rural Australia and on the positives of contemporary Australian life and Australian people. SALES CONTACT BARTER MODELS BEACH QUEST CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 60 MIN PROD CO Masterbrand Films and Promotions PRODUCER Clinton Barter DIRECTOR Russell Buchanan WRITER Russell Buchanan A documentary series that takes us behind the scenes of a bikini contest following first-timers and some professional models through to the final, and how it affects their lives. SALES CONTACT Masterbrand Films and Promotions Australia MOBILE +61-411 867 983 masterbrand_films@hotmail.com ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 91 DOCUMENTARY SERIES AUSTRALIAN ICON TOWNS * BATTLE OF THE BRAINS BONDI RESCUE BORDER SECURITY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 26 MIN SPORTS & RECREATIONS, HEALTH DIGITAL BETACAM / 8 X 23 MIN PROD CO Daniella PROD CO Cordell TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE DIGITAL BETACAM / 79 X 23.5 MIN Ortega Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Daniella Ortega DIRECTOR Gary Doust, Daniella Ortega They’re the brightest teen biologists in Australia and they’re competing for a chance to bring home gold from the international biology Olympiad. Thousands try, but only four will make the national team. What does it take to compete with the smartest kids in the world? Jigsaw Productions EXEC PROD Michael Cordell, Nick Murray A summer in the life of the Bondi Lifeguards. SALES CONTACT Cordell Jigsaw Productions Australia PHONE +61-2 9326 9922 FAX +61-2 9326 9277 www.cordelljigsaw.com michael@cordelljigsaw.com SALES CONTACT Smiley Documentary Film Distribution New Zealand PHONE +64-649 309 2613 FAX +64-649 309 4084 www.smileyfilmdistribution.com ewa@smileyfilmdistribution.com 92 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 PROD CO Seven Productions EXEC PROD Dan Meenan PRODUCER Craig Graham, Justine Ford, Tina Diaz, Patrick McInerney BORDER SECURITY is a series about the daily operations of the Australian Customs, Immigration and Quarantine services. SALES CONTACT Seven Network Limited Australia PHONE +61-2 8777 7777 FAX +61-2 8777 7778 www.sevencorporate.com.au DOCUMENTARY SERIES INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA DIGITAL BETACAM / 2 X 26 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Indigenous Programmes Unit EXEC PROD David Jowsey PRODUCER Ivan Sen DIRECTOR Ivan Sen WRITER Ivan Sen It is estimated that today 80 per cent of Indigenous Australians live in urban environments. What impact is urbanisation having on Indigenous Australians and what does this mean for the future of Aboriginality? SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au BUSHFIRE SUMMER * CHASING NATURE ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY 4 X 30 MIN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DIGITAL BETACAM / 13 X 60 MIN PROD CO ABC Pty Ltd TV Natural History Unit EXEC PROD Dione Gilmour PRODUCER Gill Lomas, Josie Matthiesson, Clare Thomson, Robert Haywood DIRECTOR Gill Lomas A journey through this summer, the hottest on record, in the most fire-prone part of the world. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au PROD CO Beyond EXEC PROD John Productions Luscombe, John Tessier Students are faced with the task of designing and building a means for a human to accurately mimic the behaviour of a featured animal. The team studies the animal, gathers the best stunt and special effects team available to them, and tests and builds the apparatus ... culminating in the ultimate challenge which will pit them head to head with nature’s finest. SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 93 DOCUMENTARY SERIES BROKEN BORDERS CLOSET TALES CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 26 MIN PROD CO Pure Pictures EXEC PROD Julie Marlow, Simon Lock PRODUCER Jasmin Tarasin McGee DIRECTOR Jasmin Tarasin McGee WRITER Yael Bergman, Sophie Hexter CLOSET TALES explores the lives of four prominent Australian fashion designers – Akira Isogawa, Gwendolynne, Peter Morrissey and Sass & Bide. Each shares a similar passion for fashion, but the working realities of their creative pursuits could not be more varied. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales THE CODE * CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, LITERATURE, RELIGION DIGITAL BETACAM / 5 X 30 MIN PROD CO Grace Productions PRODUCER Behren Schulz, Jim Lounsbury DIRECTOR Jim Lounsbury THE CODE is an in-depth look at the questions raised by books such as ‘The DaVinci Code’, and why we are so eager to discover conspiracies in modern religious culture. SALES CONTACT AMPM Australia PHONE +61-2 9847 2222 FAX +61-2 9847 2200 www.ampm.org.au behren@ampm.org.au Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au 94 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DECADENCE * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 6 X 50 MIN PROD CO Fork Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Pria Viswalingam DIRECTOR Pria Viswalingam Join Pria Viswalingam in this six-part series as he considers whether we are bogged down in meaningless self-indulgence, and whether we really need iPods, plasma screen TVs, Brazilian waxes and self-navigating 4WDs to achieve happiness. Pria also reflects on how Western modern life was viewed by the East when he was growing up in Asia, and how this has changed, by focusing on the elements of money, sex, democracy, education, family and God. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au DOCUMENTARY SERIES CHILDREN, EDUCATION, FILM & MEDIA DV/MINI DV / 18 X 7 MIN PROD CO tallstoreez productionz pty ltd EXEC PROD Carl Kuddell PRODUCER Jennifer Lyons-Reid, Carl Kuddell DIRECTOR Carl Kuddell, Jennifer Lyons-Reid WRITER Jennifer Lyons-Reid This groundbreaking documentary series showcases nine fresh and fascinating youth films and behind-the-scenes documentaries. Relevant and entertaining, DIRECTING THE HERO WITHIN presents young people creatively documenting their world. www.directingthehero.com DOWNUNDER GRADS DUSTY: LITTLE BY LITTLE EDUCATION 4 X 26 MIN PERFORMING ARTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 7 X 30 MIN PROD CO Big PROD CO Screentime Pty Ltd PRODUCER Lucy Maclaren, Lesley Island Pictures, Film Australia EXEC PROD Penny Robins PRODUCER Mark Chapman DIRECTOR Phoebe Hart, Randall Wood WRITER Suzanne Howard, Phoebe Hart What’s it like to be a young person at university in Australia these days? SALES CONTACT Scarff DIRECTOR Simon Watt There are seven half-hour episodes in this observational documentary series on the making of an Australian stageshow, ‘Dusty: The Musical’, about the life and times of the legendary first diva of pop music, Dusty Springfield. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au SALES CONTACT tallstoreez productionz pty ltd Australia PHONE +61-8 8241 7378 FAX +61-8 8346 8946 MOBILE +61-407 811 733 www.tallstoreez.com carl@tallstoreez.com MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 95 DOCUMENTARY SERIES DIRECTING THE HERO WITHIN * DYNASTIES FAMILY FOOTSTEPS CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 28 X 30 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 55 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Factual Entertainment EXEC PROD Tim Clark PRODUCER Laurie Critchley DIRECTOR Various WRITER Various Series on high profile Australian dynasties revealing intimate personal stories behind some of Australia’s best known family names. Compelling snapshots of our colourful history. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au PROD CO December Films Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Tarni James PRODUCER Tony Wright DIRECTOR Sean Cousins, Malcolm McDonald FAMILY FOOTSTEPS is a four part documentary series that creates a ‘sliding door’ experience for four young people by returning them to their migrant parents’ homeland to live the life they may have lived, had their parents not immigrated. SALES CONTACT Fremantle Media UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 691 6000 FAX +44-207 691 6060 www.fremantlemedia.com fidsales@fremantlemedia.com FEAST BAZAAR MOROCCO AND SYRIA * CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE, RELIGION DIGITAL BETACAM / 10 X 24 MIN PROD CO Dreampool Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Michael Dickinson, Robert Grieve PRODUCER Michael Dickinson DIRECTOR Michael Dickinson WRITER Graham Barker, Michael Dickinson, Barry Vera FEAST BAZAAR is a 10-part journey into the labyrinth of mysterious souks, the colour, culture and customs of two of the most intriguing countries in the Islamic world. Barry Vera gets to the heart of Moroccan and Syrian cuisine and on the way discovers far, far more. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au 96 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOCUMENTARY SERIES * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 13 X 25 MIN PROD CO Kismet Productions PRODUCER Maeve O’Meara, Toufic Charabati During this new 13-part series Maeve O’Meara takes you on a journey within your very own kitchen and makes the exotic familiar. Maeve meets an array of incredible restaurateurs and inspiring home cooks as they talk us through their cuisines while making some mouth-watering dishes. Each episode is dedicated to a specific cuisine, arming you with the easy and secret tips to creating exotic dishes in your own kitchen. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au FORENSIC INVESTIGATORS GIVE ME A BREAK CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE 33 X 60 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 25 MIN PROD CO Southern Star Factual EXEC PROD Fiona Baker SERIES DIRECTOR Philip Swain PRODUCER Various DIRECTOR Various WRITER Fiona Baker PROD CO Artemis People have a morbid curiosity and are drawn to stories of murder. Investigators will take you to the scenes of infamous and bizarre murders and into the enthralling investigations that follow. Footage that has never been seen outside the courtroom will give viewers first-hand knowledge of each case. All of this is done so as to unfold the drama minute by minute, just as it unfolded for the participants themselves when the victim was murdered. In some cases, viewers will come face to face with the murderer. International Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Brian Beaton SERIES PRODUCER Celia Tait PRODUCER Celia Tait DIRECTOR Britt Arthur, Steven Peddie, Peter Prichard, Paulo Alberton Four people are given the chance to change their life by experiencing a job they’ve dreamed about under the watchful eye of a mentor. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 97 DOCUMENTARY SERIES FOOD SAFARI GOING BUSH HELP HIDDEN TREASURES INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE DV/MINI DV / 8 X 25 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, HEALTH, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 6 X 25 MIN PROD CO Lonely PROD CO Kudos Productions EXEC PROD Guy Mansfield, ARTS & CRAFTS, CULTURES AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 15 X 5 MIN Planet Television EXEC PROD Laurence Billiet, Peter Beilby PRODUCER Citt Williams, Jeni McMahon DIRECTOR Tony Jackson, David Batty WRITER David Collins Roll up your swags, pack your sense of adventure and hit the road with Cathy Freeman and Luke Carroll as the two city-slickers embark on a road trip through remote Aboriginal Australia. They introduce us to places we’ve never seen, people we’ve never met and reveal the stories behind Australia’s rich cultural heritage. SALES CONTACT Lonely Planet Television Australia PHONE +61-3 8379 8000 FAX +61-3 8379 8111 www.lonelyplanet.tv info@lonelyplanet.tv Margaret Murphy PRODUCER Guy Mansfield DIRECTOR Guy Mansfield WRITER Guy Mansfield A night in the life of a paramedic. Every minute of every day someone calls a paramedic for help. This series provides a unique insight into a world only seen by paramedics, via a ‘lipstick’ camera mounted to their cars. HELP has unprecedented access to one of society’s most gritty, demanding and challenging jobs. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au PROD CO Film Australia, Early Works Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Anna Grieve PRODUCER John Hughes, Philippa Campey DIRECTOR John Hughes WRITER Betty Churcher The National Gallery of Australia has more than 100,000 works in its collection, from decorative arts to photography and sculpture, but only a fraction of these can be exhibited at one time. In this series of microdocs, former director of the gallery Betty Churcher presents an insider’s guide to some of the ‘hidden treasures’ that are rarely on public display. From her unique vantage point, she makes intriguing connections between a range of artworks and artists. These are fascinating tales about the works themselves, the people who created them and the challenge of preserving them, and a tantalising look at some of the ideas and influences that have shaped modern art across the globe. SALES CONTACT Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au 98 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 DOCUMENTARY SERIES HEALTH DIGITAL BETACAM / 6 X 46.5 MIN PROD CO Freehand Group Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Peter Abbott SERIES PRODUCER Matt Scully PRODUCER Various DIRECTOR Nicola O’Callaghan, Jon Matthews, Nick Davis WRITER George Dodd HONEY WE’RE KILLING THE KIDS is an observational reality series aimed at identifying ways in which parents may improve the dietary and lifestyle habits of their children. It provides an opportunity for parents to fast forward into their children’s future and actually come face to face with them in middle age. For many, the rosy future they had pictured for them doesn’t match the image before their eyes. Presented by a child psychologist, HONEY WE’RE KILLING THE KIDS will take six families and predict their children’s lives to the age of 40. IN THE LINE OF FIRE * INGENIOUS AFRICA ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 25 MIN CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 13 X 30 MIN PROD CO Firelight Productions Pty Ltd, Essential Viewing EXEC PROD Chris Hilton PRODUCER Ellenor Cox DIRECTOR Marcus Gillezeau WRITER Marcus Gillezeau PROD CO Thought Films EXEC PROD Keith Stevenson PRODUCER Robin Newell DIRECTOR Robin Newell WRITER Robin Newell, Dr. Paul The Rural Fire Service is the largest volunteer fire fighting force in the world – ordinary Australians always on call to save lives and homes. These are their stories. INGENIOUS AFRICA explores the continent with an entirely different trajectory, each episode offering a marvelous journey through Africa’s uniquely creative heart. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Walker TVF International Essential Viewing Australia PHONE +61-2 8568 3100 FAX +61-2 9519 2326 www.evg.com.au info@evg.com.au United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 520 8550 FAX +44-207 278 8833 www.tvfinternational.com int@tvf.co.uk SALES CONTACT Freehand Group Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9518 9400 FAX +61-2 9518 9455 peter@freehandtv.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 99 DOCUMENTARY SERIES HONEY WE’RE KILLING THE KIDS ISLAM IN INDONESIA * JAMIE’S KITCHEN * LIFE AT 1 CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, RELIGION DIGITAL BETACAM / 2 X 30 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM / 10 X 60 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, CHILDREN, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL BETACAM / 2 X 55 MIN PROD CO Fremantle PROD CO Film PROD CO ABC Australia TV Religion and Ethics Unit PRODUCER Peter Kirkwood A battle is underway on Australia’s doorstep for the hearts and minds of believers. In this two-part special high profile Australian broadcaster Geraldine Doogue goes beyond the headlines to explore the different models of Islam shaping the world’s most populous Muslim nation, Indonesia. In episode one she meets progressive Muslim leaders who are trying to counter extremism and fundamentalism by promoting an open, tolerant and pluralist version of their faith. In episode two Geraldine Doogue charts the conservatives’ push for a tightening of moral and legal codes in Indonesia. Media Australia, Heiress Films EXEC PROD Mark Fennessy SERIES PRODUCER Paul Franklin PRODUCER Lisa Potasz DIRECTOR Max Walker EXEC PROD Penny Robins PRODUCER Jennifer Cummins DIRECTOR Catherine Marciniak WRITER Catherine Marciniak Jamie Oliver heads to Melbourne to open our very own ‘Fifteen’. It will of course all go smoothly over 10 weeks...with nothing like the dramas of the program’s London counterpart! The first instalment in a landmark series that will follow 11 babies and their families for seven years to discover what it takes to give a child the best chance at life. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Fremantle Media International Distribution Australia PHONE +61-2 9434 0666 paul.ridley@fremantlemedia. com.au SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au 100 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Film Australia Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au LONELY PLANET SIX DEGREES * TRAVEL & ADVENTURE DIGITAL BETACAM / 25 X 47 MIN PROD CO Lonely Planet Television EXEC PROD Laurence Billiet, Peter Beilby PRODUCER Liz Finucan, Rob Peile, Malcolm McDonald, Stuart Menzies DIRECTOR Various WRITER David Collins Playful, sassy, streetsmart and unexpected, LONELY PLANET SIX DEGREES connects its viewers to what makes each city special – the people that live in it. LONELY PLANET SIX DEGREES explores the world’s coolest cities by connecting with the people who live in them. By emphasising the human dimension of travel, LONELY PLANET SIX DEGREES moves beyond sightseeing and offers the surest way of being whisked off your feet and fasttracked to the heart of the city. www.lonelyplanet.tv MEDICAL INCREDIBLE THE MIGHTY EELS HEALTH, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL BETACAM / 22 X 50 MIN SPORTS & RECREATIONS, HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 160 MIN PROD CO Beyond Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD John Luscombe, Richard Campbell PRODUCER Richard Campbell, Justin Schneider, Peter Leybourne, Belinda Seaman WRITER Ian Watson, David Lowder PROD CO Richard Bradley Productions Pty Ltd PRODUCER Richard Bradley, Denis Fitzgerald DIRECTOR Richard Bradley WRITER Richard Bradley Exploring the extremes of the human body, MEDICAL INCREDIBLE introduces us to some of the most unique members of the human race – people who live with extreme and unusual medical conditions. Each episode presents in-depth stories that will confound and astound. A sporting and social history of Parramatta Rugby League football, focused on the western areas of Sydney and told through 60 interviews, the history of Rugby League in the north of England and a general history of Parramatta from settlement. The four episodes cover the years 1908-1966, 1967-1977, 19781986 and 1987-2001. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK Richard Bradley Productions Pty Ltd United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au Australia PHONE +61-2 9959 3588 FAX +61-2 9955 3808 MOBILE +61-407 419 218 rbproductions@bigpond.com SALES CONTACT Lonely Planet Television Australia PHONE +61-3 8379 8000 FAX +61-3 8379 8111 www.lonelyplanet.tv info@lonelyplanet.tv MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 101 DOCUMENTARY SERIES DOCUMENTARY SERIES MISSING PERSONS UNIT MYTHBUSTERS CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 11 X 24.5 MIN (SERIES 1), 12 X 44.5 MIN (SERIES 2) SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION, CHILDREN DIGITAL BETACAM / 81 X 50 MIN PROD CO Freehand Group Pty EXEC PROD Ivo Burum, Peter Pty Ltd Ltd Abbott MISSING PERSONS UNIT, a new eight-part series premiering on Channel 9, explores the emotionally charged world of the New South Wales Missing Persons Unit (MPU). Unfolding over months of dramatic filming, our cameras record the real time detective work of the MPU as they search for missing people. In each episode, this unique insight into the MPU and its field plays out against the intimate pleas for help from the devastated families of missing people. PROD CO Beyond Productions EXEC PROD John Luscombe SERIES PRODUCER Dan Tapster Is there an infallible cure for seasickness? Can you stop a gun blast by putting your finger in the barrel? And can someone really become a human rocket propelled only by a soft drink bottle? Adam and Jamie continue to put urban legends to the test. SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au 102 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 NOISE ON SCREEN * ARTS & CRAFTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 12 X 26 MIN EXEC PROD Charlotte Seymour, Sharon Longridge PRODUCER Rick Farquharson NOISE ON SCREEN is a snapshot of 12 talented young Australian artists. Aged 25 and under, these artists live in towns and cities across Australia and they make all kinds of art. From ‘propaganda’ films and comic fashion to furniture design and polaroid postcards, young Australian artists are exploring new and diverse ways of using art to make sense of the world. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au DOCUMENTARY SERIES * CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE, WOMEN DV/MINI DV / 4 X 27 MIN PROD CO Jack’s Truth Pty Ltd PRODUCER Carmel Travers, Cheryl Conway DIRECTOR Carmel Travers WRITER Carmel Travers A delicious but lemony slice of country life. When the summer harvest is in...the hot, dry months finally give way to cooler days and nights. The worries of the time are set aside as thousands of women across rural NSW prepare for the great annual cook-off. SALES CONTACT Verve Entertainment International Australia PHONE +61-2 8353 2571 FAX +61-2 8353 2466 MOBILE +61-419 680 593 www.verveentertainment.com info@verveentertainment.com OPERATUNITY OZ PARIS DREAMING PERFORMING ARTS, CULTURES AUSTRALIAN, ARTS & CRAFTS DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 56 MIN AUSTRALIA/FRANCE CO-PRODUCTION INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA, ARTS & CRAFTS, CULTURES INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM / 2 X 52 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Factual Entertainment EXEC PROD Tim Clark PRODUCER Nick Lee DIRECTOR Simon Target A nationwide search to find Australia’s next Opera star, OPERATUNITY OZ follows the quest as unknown singers compete for the chance to sing for the first time on the stage of the Sydney Opera House in an Opera Australia Production. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au PROD CO Essential Viewing (drama), Tetra Media Co PRODUCER Chris Hilton DIRECTOR Darlene Johnson, Michel Viotte WRITER Michel Viotte, Amy Frasca In June 2006 in Paris, French President Jacque Chirac opened the world’s first museum to acknowledge the inherent artistic value of Indigenous Art. Australian Aboriginal artists and curators have travelled to Paris to collaborate in the design of the museum. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 103 DOCUMENTARY SERIES NOT ALL TEA AND SCONES PEKING TO PARIS POLICING THE PACIFIC PURE DINGO TRAVEL & ADVENTURE, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 56 MIN HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN, HISTORY & POLITICS - INTERNATIONAL, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 26 MIN EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DVD / 4 X 48 MIN PROD CO ABC PROD CO Essential PROD CO Masterbrand TV Factual Entertainment EXEC PROD Tim Clark PRODUCER Peter George DIRECTOR Paul Costello, Bruce Permezel WRITER Peter George Ten adventurers reenact one of the world’s great overland journeys: the first long distance car race from Peking to Paris in 1907. We follow their romantic and dramatic adventure as they coax the five original makes of car from China through the Gobi Desert and Siberia, to Europe and Paris. Viewing (drama), Film Australia EXEC PROD Penny Robins SERIES PRODUCER Chris Hilton PRODUCER Nial Fulton DIRECTOR Alan Erson, Andrew Merrifield, Stephen Oliver WRITER Alan Erson The Australia Federal Police find adventure and challenges in the region as they join the multinational police force known as the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) and embark on a tour of duty in East Timor. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Film Australia ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9413 8777 FAX +61-2 9416 5672 www.filmaust.com.au sales@filmaust.com.au Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au 104 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Films and Promotions EXEC PROD Russell Buchanan DIRECTOR Russell Buchanan The history of, and present findings on, the much maligned Dingo. From Fraser Island, the Australian bush and DNA tests from Indonesia, the origins of the wild dog Dingo are exposed. SALES CONTACT Masterbrand Films and Promotions Australia MOBILE +61-411 867 983 masterbrand_films@hotmail.com DOCUMENTARY SERIES RPA WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE DIGITAL BETACAM / 13 X 23 MIN HEALTH, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 138 X 30 MIN PROD CO Below H2O Productions EXEC PROD Lin Sutherland, Stuart Scowcroft PRODUCER Lin Sutherland DIRECTOR David Warth WRITER Lin Sutherland, Michael Gibson ROAR OF THE WILD follows a wildlife photographer who has an innate ability to hunt out interesting stories. On location she dives beneath the surface of remote and stunning locations to interact with wildlife. Her assignments take her from mountains to the sea as she unfolds the secrets of the natural world. SALES CONTACT TPI United States PHONE +1-170 3222 2408 FAX +1-170 3222 3964 tpiintl@aol.com PROD CO Nine Network PRODUCER Various RPA takes viewers bedside at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney, in a medical reality series. The series follows patients’ journeys from admission to operation, remission, relapse or recovery. SALES CONTACT Southern Star International Pty Ltd Australia PHONE +61-2 9202 8555 FAX +61-2 9956 6918 www.southernstargroup.com sales@sstar.com.au RUGBY IN THE SEVENTIES * SPORTS & RECREATIONS DIGITAL BETACAM / 2 X 55 MIN PROD CO ABC TV Sport EXEC PROD Justin Holdforth PRODUCER Justin Pooley DIRECTOR Justin Pooley In the spirit of the hugely successful cricket documentaries, RUGBY IN THE SEVENTIES looks at the tumultuous fortunes of the Australian Rugby Union team throughout the most controversial decade in rugby history. RUGBY IN THE SEVENTIES tells the tale of how the Wallabies were transformed from a team of easy-beats at the start of the decade to a side capable of playing the most exciting football in the world. Through interviews with all the major players of the era, the program reveals how the Wallabies went from a team that could barely win a game at international level, to one that was beating the best teams in the world with a brand of football that was the envy of all others. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 105 DOCUMENTARY SERIES ROAR OF THE WILD SINGLES CLUB SUSPICIOUS MINDS TOTALLY AUSTRALIA RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 26 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 8 X 24 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL BETACAM / 88 X 45 MIN PROD CO Abracadabra Films PRODUCER Luigi Acquisto, Stella PROD CO Hilton PROD CO Network Ten Australia EXEC PROD Cherrie Bottger Zammataro DIRECTOR Luigi Acquisto WRITER Luigi Acquisto Cordell & Associates Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Michael Cordell SERIES PRODUCER Michael Cordell SERIES DIRECTOR Chris Hilton PRODUCER Ian Collie DIRECTOR Kay Pavlou, Lisa Potasz WRITER Michael Cordell SINGLES CLUB takes us into the world of Melbourne’s oldest singles club, Phoenix Lifestyles, and tells the story of a number of its members in order to understand why more Australians are single than ever before. A series examining forensic process and procedures inside the State Coroner’s Office of Victoria. SALES CONTACT SALES CONTACT Abracadabra Films Australia PHONE +61-3 9417 1864 FAX +61-3 9415 6456 MOBILE +61-417 592 977 abrafilms@abrafilms.com Electric Sky Ltd United Kingdom PHONE +44-127 322 4240 FAX +44-127 322 4250 http://www.electricsky.com/ info@electricsky.com 106 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 TOTALLY AUSTRALIA is a documentary series that examines a diverse and compelling range of topics and situations. It provides an insight into environmental, scientific, political and social issues that impact on all Australians. SALES CONTACT Banana J Media Australia PHONE +61-3 9647 7200 FAX +61-3 9647 7299 www.bananaj.com.au sales@bananaj.com.au TRI CYCLING AFRICA TWO MEN IN A TINNIE TWO OF US TRAVEL & ADVENTURE, CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 4 X 26 MIN TRAVEL & ADVENTURE, ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION, WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY DIGITAL BETACAM / 5 X 25 MIN CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY, SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE DIGITAL BETACAM / 13 X 25 MIN PROD CO Steer Pty Ltd EXEC PROD Jeff McLean PRODUCER Jeff McLean DIRECTOR Jeff McLean WRITER Jeff McLean, Marty PROD CO Cordell PROD CO Cordell Pouwelse TRI CYCLING AFRICA shows the peaceful side of life in West Africa, on a completely unplanned two month journey with a bizarre tandem recumbent tricycle. This series chronicles an Australian’s journey in a little travelled region of West Africa, with no tents, no sleeping bags, and nothing prearranged but flights. It challenges the commonly held belief that West Africa is violent and unstable, and shows the excitement of travelling in a strange land. Jigsaw Productions EXEC PROD Michael Cordell, Nick Murray PRODUCER Michael Cordell DIRECTOR Ashley Smith WRITER Michael Cordell, John Doyle First mate John Doyle and Captain Tim Flannery take a quixotic voyage down the Murray Darling Rivers in the mighty Bismarck, a three metre tinnie with a very bad leak. SALES CONTACT ABC Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 8333 1500 FAX +61-2 8333 3975 www.abccontentsales.com.au abc.contentsales@abc.net.au Jigsaw Productions EXEC PROD Michael Cordell, Nick Murray SERIES PRODUCER Alan Erson DIRECTOR Various Thirteen-part series on relationships based on the popular column in the ‘Good Weekend’ magazine. SALES CONTACT SBS Merchandising and Content Sales Australia PHONE +61-2 9430 3235 FAX +61-2 9430 2882 www.sbs.com.au/contentsales fiona.gilroy@sbs.com.au SALES CONTACT Steer Pty Ltd Australia MOBILE +61-417 368 909 steer.productions@bit.net.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 107 DOCUMENTARY SERIES DOCUMENTARY SERIES WHAT’S GOOD FOR YOU THE WILDLIFE MAN HEALTH DIGITAL BETACAM / 37 X 60 MIN WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY HD / 13 X 50 MIN PROD CO Beyond PROD CO David Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD John Luscombe, Rob Wallace PRODUCER Various WRITER Allyson Griffiths, Richard Pain, Ian Watson Should you really drink eight glasses of water a day? Are automatic toothbrushes better than manual? Does eating chocolate really cause pimples? Regularly out-rating its primetime competition, WHAT’S GOOD FOR YOU? is Australia’s latest television sensation, a fun lifestyle series that uses its hosts as guinea pigs to get to the truth behind many of life’s little mysteries. SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au Ireland Productions PRODUCER David Ireland DIRECTOR David Ireland Encounters with dangerous creatures are part of David Ireland’s day job – he is the Wildlife Man. David Ireland is one of the world’s most experienced wildlife television presenters. An expert diver, cameraman and bushman, he has also spent years in the Australian outback learning the Aboriginal way of life. In this series he encounters some of the world’s wildest and most fascinating creatures. From tropical jungles to rugged mountains, deep sea shipwrecks to harsh deserts, the Wildlife Man captures never-before-seen animal behaviour and takes you on a thrilling ride into the wilderness. SALES CONTACT Beyond International Group Australia PHONE +61-2 9437 2000 FAX +61-2 9437 2003 www.beyond.com.au 108 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 WRECKS TO RICHES * SPORTS & RECREATIONS, TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS, LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE DIGITAL BETACAM / 16 X 60 MIN PROD CO Beyond Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD John Luscombe, Geoff Fitzpatrick PRODUCER Tim Vincent DIRECTOR Tim Vincent WRITER Mark Barlin Barry White is a man dedicated to transforming classic car wrecks back to their former glory. In each episode, Barry White’s Speed Shop – with its dysfunctional team of mechanics, hangers-on and family members – has just four weeks to find a dilapidated classic car and turn it into money. Auction dud or dream come true? SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au DOCUMENTARY SERIES YOU’VE GOT THE JOB LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE, CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN, EDUCATION DIGITAL BETACAM / 13 X 30 MIN PROD CO Beyond Productions Pty Ltd EXEC PROD John Luscombe, Ben Ulm Radice, Sharon McGrath, Steve Myhill, Mark Barlin DOCUMENTARY SERIES PRODUCER Sandra In this series, we follow real life job seekers and employers through the highs and lows of the recruitment process. Jobs on offer range from the high profile and glamorous to the downright quirky – anything from a croupier on a luxury liner to an ambulance officer, a speed dating coordinator to a Top Gun pilot. SALES CONTACT Beyond Films UK United Kingdom PHONE +44-207 323 3444 FAX +44-207 580 6479 munia_kanna-konsek@beyond. com.au MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 109 ANIMATION Global Haywire .............................................................85 ARTS & CRAFTS 900 Neighbours ............................................................50 Ajanta: Written in the Stone .......................................51 AntarcticArt – everysomewherever ............................38 Artists at Work ..............................................................90 Cheeky Dog ...................................................................40 From Mozart to Morrison .............................................61 Hidden Treasures ..........................................................98 In Search of the Watchmaker ......................................43 Noise On Screen ..........................................................102 Operatunity Oz ............................................................103 Paris Dreaming ...........................................................103 The Passion Of Gina Sinozich .......................................46 Shinkichi Tajiri ...............................................................74 CHILDREN Directing the Hero Within ............................................95 Life at 1........................................................................100 Little Artists Big Dreams ..............................................66 Mythbusters ................................................................102 CULTURES - AUSTRALIAN A Dollar for the Good Ones ..........................................50 The ABC of Our Lives – 50 Years of Television............81 Australian Story ............................................................91 Australian to Kokoda ....................................................52 The Away Game ............................................................52 The Balanda and the Bark Canoes..............................53 Barter Models Beach Quest .........................................91 Beyond the Belly ..........................................................40 Big Dreamers ................................................................54 The Book that Shook the World ..................................55 Bra Boys.........................................................................82 Bushfire Summer ..........................................................93 Closet Tales ....................................................................94 Coming of the Light ......................................................41 Decadence .....................................................................94 Discovery Atlas: Australia Revealed ...........................59 Dynasties .......................................................................96 Elvis Lives in Parkes......................................................42 The Fabric of a Dream – The Fletcher Jones Story .....60 Fair Dinkum Manjit .......................................................42 Family Footsteps ...........................................................96 The Fight Game.............................................................83 Food Safari.....................................................................97 Footy – The La Perouse Way ........................................43 Footy Chicks...................................................................61 Forensic Investigators ..................................................97 From Mozart to Morrison .............................................61 Give Me a Break ...........................................................97 The Good The Bad and the Ugg Boot .........................62 110 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Habibi Jammin’ .............................................................43 Help ................................................................................98 Hidden Treasures ..........................................................98 Hunt Angels...................................................................85 In Search of Bony..........................................................63 Jamie’s Kitchen ...........................................................100 Johnny Warren’s Football Mission ...............................64 Life at 1........................................................................100 Little Artists Big Dreams ..............................................66 Love Struck: Wrestling’s No. 1 Fan ..............................66 Malaytown Stories ........................................................45 The Mighty Eels...........................................................101 Mine’s Bigger than Yours.............................................68 Missing Persons Unit ..................................................102 Multiple Miracles ..........................................................68 Nerves of Steel .............................................................69 Night ..............................................................................87 Not All Tea and Scones ...............................................103 Once A Queen ...............................................................70 Ooldea ...........................................................................70 Operatunity Oz ............................................................103 Rat Ribbons ...................................................................47 Sacred Ground ...............................................................72 Singles Club ................................................................106 Sticky Carpet – Melbourne’s Underground Rockumentary ...............................................................88 Stone Country................................................................47 Strait of Terror ...............................................................76 Suspicious Minds ........................................................106 The Taking of Wittenoom ............................................48 Totally Australia .........................................................106 Two of Us .....................................................................107 Weeping Women ..........................................................78 Wings to Fly...................................................................79 Without A Home ...........................................................80 Words From The City.....................................................89 You’ve Got the Job ......................................................109 CULTURES - INTERNATIONAL Ajanta: Written in the Stone .......................................51 Australian to Kokoda ....................................................52 The Away Game ............................................................52 Between the Oil and the Deep Blue Sea ...................39 The Burma Road – An Insight Into Myanmar .............56 The Choir........................................................................82 The Code ........................................................................94 Cyprus: Echoes Across the Divide ................................59 Decadence .....................................................................94 Donkey in Lahore..........................................................83 Fair Dinkum Manjit .......................................................42 Family Footsteps ...........................................................96 Feast Bazaar Morocco and Syria ..................................96 Forbidden Lie$ ..............................................................84 The Good The Bad and the Ugg Boot .........................62 DOCUMENTARY SUBJECT INDEX EDUCATION Australia’s Deadliest Sea Creatures ............................51 Australia’s Greatest Islands .........................................52 Battle of the Brains ......................................................92 Constructing Australia: Pipe Dreams ..........................56 Constructing Australia: The Bridge .............................57 Constructing Australia: Wire Through the Heart ........57 Directing the Hero Within ............................................95 Downunder Grads .........................................................95 Flying Dreams ...............................................................84 The Greatest Reef .........................................................62 Help ................................................................................98 Land of the Giants ........................................................65 Mythbusters ................................................................102 On Thin Ice.....................................................................70 Pure Dingo...................................................................104 Rat Ribbons ...................................................................47 Was the Lady a Bushranger? .......................................77 When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind 2 ......................78 Why Me? ........................................................................79 You’ve Got the Job ......................................................109 Land of the Giants ........................................................65 Living Country ...............................................................44 On Thin Ice.....................................................................70 Operation Jumbo ..........................................................71 Pure Dingo...................................................................104 Roar of the Wild ..........................................................105 The Taking of Wittenoom ............................................48 Thunderheads ...............................................................76 Totally Australia .........................................................106 Two Men in a Tinnie ...................................................107 White Lions....................................................................78 ETHNIC GROUPS & IMMIGRATION Arranging Love..............................................................39 Asia’s Elephants – The Last Defense ...........................51 Ayen’s Cooking Class for African Men ........................53 Border Security ............................................................92 The Burma Road – An Insight Into Myanmar .............56 Fair Dinkum Manjit .......................................................42 Family Footsteps ...........................................................96 Forbidden Lie$ ..............................................................84 Growing Up And Going Home .....................................63 Habibi Jammin’ .............................................................43 Johnny Warren’s Football Mission ...............................64 Mohammad Hossain’s Intensive Care ........................68 My Home, Your War ......................................................69 Singles Club ................................................................106 White Lions....................................................................78 FILM & MEDIA 16mm Maxwell.............................................................38 The ABC of Our Lives – 50 Years of Television............81 The Balanda and the Bark Canoes..............................53 Directing the Hero Within ............................................95 Extreme Encounters in Travel: Memorable Moments from a Documentary Producer...................60 Fortunate Sons ..............................................................84 Hunt Angels...................................................................85 The Last Days of Yasser Arafat ....................................86 Shinkichi Tajiri ...............................................................74 ENVIRONMENT & CONSERVATION HEALTH AntarcticArt – everysomewherever ............................38 Asia’s Elephants – The Last Defense ...........................51 Australia’s Deadliest Sea Creatures ............................51 Australia’s Greatest Islands .........................................52 The Bomber Reef ..........................................................54 Bushfire Summer ..........................................................93 Chant of the Scrub Turkey............................................40 Could It Happen Here? .................................................57 Flight of the Elephants .................................................61 Flying Dreams ...............................................................84 The Greatest Reef .........................................................62 In the Line of Fire .........................................................99 Beyond the Belly ..........................................................40 Bondi Rescue.................................................................92 Cheeky Dog ...................................................................40 The Choice .....................................................................56 Help ................................................................................98 Honey We’re Killing the Kids.......................................99 I will be a Survivor .......................................................63 The Magic Bullet ...........................................................67 Medical Incredible ......................................................101 Mohammad Hossain’s Intensive Care ........................68 Multiple Miracles ..........................................................68 Nurse Maggie ................................................................69 MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 111 INDEXES Growing Up And Going Home .....................................63 Ingenious Africa ............................................................99 Islam in Indonesia ......................................................100 Kindness of Strangers ..................................................65 Kotla Walks. Performing Locality. ...............................86 Merchants of Destiny – The Huizhou Businessmen of Ancient China ...........................................................67 Naked on the Inside .....................................................86 Nurse Maggie ................................................................69 One Cup .........................................................................46 Outsourced! (US title ‘1-800-INDIA’) ..........................71 Paris Dreaming ...........................................................103 Peking to Paris ............................................................104 Shanghai Bride .............................................................74 Shinkichi Tajiri ...............................................................74 Shivaji: Telling the Tale of the Mountain Rat ............75 Tri Cycling Africa .........................................................107 Weeping Women ..........................................................78 Plagued by Memories ..................................................46 RPA ...............................................................................105 The Secret Lives of Sleepwalkers ................................73 The Secret ......................................................................88 What’s Good For You ..................................................108 When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind 2 ......................78 Winners’ Guide to the Nobel Prize .............................80 The Last Days of Yasser Arafat ....................................86 Merchants of Destiny – The Huizhou Businessmen of Ancient China ...........................................................67 Peking to Paris ............................................................104 Plagued by Memories ..................................................46 Policing the Pacific .....................................................104 HISTORY & POLITICS - AUSTRALIAN About a Girl: Casey Donovan .......................................38 Aunty Connie.................................................................39 The Balanda and the Bark Canoes..............................53 Black ‘n’ Dusty ..............................................................54 Broken Borders .............................................................93 Cheeky Dog ...................................................................40 Coming of the Light ......................................................41 Cool Drink and Culture .................................................41 Cos I’m Free: Cathy Freeman .......................................41 Footprints in the Sand: The Last of the Nomads .......42 Footy – The La Perouse Way ........................................43 Going Bush ....................................................................98 In Search of Bony..........................................................63 Island Fettlers ...............................................................44 Living Country ...............................................................44 Malaytown Stories ........................................................45 Murray, Life and Death.................................................45 My Brother Vinnie ........................................................45 Ooldea ...........................................................................70 Paris Dreaming ...........................................................103 Sacred Ground ...............................................................72 Shifting Shelter 3 ..........................................................74 Stone Country................................................................47 Sunset to Sunrise ..........................................................48 Vote ‘Yes’ for Aborigines .............................................77 Waverly’s Dream...........................................................49 Why Me? ........................................................................79 Wirrangul Women: Always Have, Always Will...........49 Women of the Sun: 25 Years Later .............................88 The ABC of Our Lives – 50 Years of Television............81 Air Australia...................................................................90 Australian Icon Towns ..................................................91 The Battle of Long Tan .................................................81 The Book that Shook the World ..................................55 The Buchenwald Ball....................................................55 Constructing Australia: Pipe Dreams ..........................56 Constructing Australia: The Bridge .............................57 Constructing Australia: Wire Through the Heart ........57 Cricket in the ‘50s – Discovering New Boundaries ....58 Cricket in the ‘60s – Winds of Change ........................58 Do Not Resuscitate .......................................................59 Dynasties .......................................................................96 Hidden Treasures ..........................................................98 Hunt Angels...................................................................85 Madras Magic: The Tied Test of ‘86 ............................67 Malaytown Stories ........................................................45 The Mighty Eels...........................................................101 Once A Queen ...............................................................70 Plagued by Memories ..................................................46 Policing the Pacific .....................................................104 The Quiet Lions .............................................................71 Sacred Ground ...............................................................72 The Safe House .............................................................47 Salute – The Peter Norman Story ................................87 Search for the Mystery Bomber ..................................73 Vote ‘Yes’ for Aborigines .............................................77 Walking Wounded ........................................................48 Was the Lady a Bushranger? .......................................77 Who Killed Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler? ....................79 HISTORY & POLITICS INTERNATIONAL Bomb Harvest ...............................................................81 BomBali .........................................................................82 The Buchenwald Ball....................................................55 The Burma Road – An Insight Into Myanmar .............56 The Choir........................................................................82 Cyprus: Echoes Across the Divide ................................59 Eyes of the Tiger – Diary of a Dirty War......................60 Feet Unbound................................................................83 Fortunate Sons ..............................................................84 Global Haywire .............................................................85 Inside Overture 1812 ...................................................44 Islam in Indonesia ......................................................100 112 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - AUSTRALIA LABOUR, INDUSTRY & COMMERCE Air Australia...................................................................90 Between the Oil and the Deep Blue Sea ...................39 Bomb Harvest ...............................................................81 Constructing Australia: Pipe Dreams ..........................56 Constructing Australia: The Bridge .............................57 Constructing Australia: Wire Through the Heart ........57 The Fabric of a Dream – The Fletcher Jones Story .....60 Give Me a Break ...........................................................97 The Good The Bad and the Ugg Boot .........................62 Ingenious Africa ............................................................99 Jamie’s Kitchen ...........................................................100 One Cup .........................................................................46 Outsourced! (US title ‘1-800-INDIA’) ..........................71 Sticky Carpet – Melbourne’s Underground Rockumentary ...............................................................88 DOCUMENTARY SUBJECT INDEX LITERATURE The Code ........................................................................94 In Search of Bony..........................................................63 PERFORMING ARTS 900 Neighbours ............................................................50 Artists at Work ..............................................................90 The Choir........................................................................82 Cyprus: Echoes Across the Divide ................................59 Dusty: Little by Little ....................................................95 From Mozart to Morrison .............................................61 Graeme Bell All Stars: Play On ....................................62 Habibi Jammin’ .............................................................43 Inside Overture 1812 ...................................................44 Junction House Blues ...................................................65 Little Artists Big Dreams ..............................................66 Operatunity Oz ............................................................103 Shivaji: Telling the Tale of the Mountain Rat ............75 Sticky Carpet – Melbourne’s Underground Rockumentary ...............................................................88 Words From The City.....................................................89 RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUALITY After Maeve ..................................................................50 Arranging Love..............................................................39 The Choice .....................................................................56 The Fight Game.............................................................83 Footy Chicks...................................................................61 Junction House Blues ...................................................65 Kotla Walks. Performing Locality. ...............................86 Lunch with Madame Murat .........................................66 Naked on the Inside .....................................................86 Shanghai Bride .............................................................74 Singles Club ................................................................106 Two Mums And A Dad ..................................................77 Two of Us .....................................................................107 Wings to Fly...................................................................79 RELIGION The Code ........................................................................94 Coming of the Light ......................................................41 Feast Bazaar Morocco and Syria ..................................96 God On My Side ............................................................85 Islam in Indonesia ......................................................100 Weeping Women ..........................................................78 Wings to Fly...................................................................79 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Battle of the Brains ......................................................92 Bone Diggers: Mystery of a Lost Predator .................55 Chasing Nature .............................................................93 In the Line of Fire .........................................................99 Life at 1........................................................................100 Living Country ...............................................................44 The Magic Bullet ...........................................................67 Medical Incredible ......................................................101 Mythbusters ................................................................102 Pure Dingo...................................................................104 The Secret Lives of Sleepwalkers ................................73 Suspicious Minds ........................................................106 Thunderheads ...............................................................76 Totally Australia .........................................................106 When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind 2 ......................78 Winners’ Guide to the Nobel Prize .............................80 SOCIAL ISSUES & COMMUNITY WELFARE 900 Neighbours ............................................................50 Australian Story ............................................................91 Ayen’s Cooking Class for African Men ........................53 Between the Oil and the Deep Blue Sea ...................39 Beyond the Belly ..........................................................40 Bomb Harvest ...............................................................81 The Book that Shook the World ..................................55 Bra Boys.........................................................................82 The Buchenwald Ball....................................................55 The Choice .....................................................................56 Cool Drink and Culture .................................................41 Decadence .....................................................................94 Do Not Resuscitate .......................................................59 Forensic Investigators ..................................................97 I will be a Survivor .......................................................63 In the Line of Fire .........................................................99 Ingenious Africa ............................................................99 The Innocence Project ..................................................64 Junction House Blues ...................................................65 The Last Days of Yasser Arafat ....................................86 Lunch with Madame Murat .........................................66 Missing Persons Unit ..................................................102 Mohammad Hossain’s Intensive Care ........................68 My Brother Vinnie ........................................................45 My Home, Your War ......................................................69 Not All Tea and Scones ...............................................103 One Cup .........................................................................46 Policing the Pacific .....................................................104 RPA ...............................................................................105 Saving Andrew Mallard................................................72 Shivaji: Telling the Tale of the Mountain Rat ............75 Suburb 4 Sale ................................................................76 Suspicious Minds ........................................................106 The Taking of Wittenoom ............................................48 Tri Cycling Africa .........................................................107 Two Mums And A Dad ..................................................77 Two of Us .....................................................................107 Walking Wounded ........................................................48 MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 113 INDEXES Wrecks to Riches .........................................................108 You’ve Got the Job ......................................................109 Without A Home ...........................................................80 Words From The City.....................................................89 SPORTS & RECREATIONS An Aussie Goes Barmy .................................................90 Australian to Kokoda ....................................................52 The Away Game ............................................................52 Black ‘n’ Dusty ..............................................................54 Bondi Rescue.................................................................92 Bra Boys.........................................................................82 Cricket in the ‘50s – Discovering New Boundaries ....58 Cricket in the ‘60s – Winds of Change ........................58 The Fight Game.............................................................83 Footy – The La Perouse Way ........................................43 Footy Chicks...................................................................61 Johnny Warren’s Football Mission ...............................64 Love Struck: Wrestling’s No. 1 Fan ..............................66 Madras Magic: The Tied Test of ‘86 ............................67 The Mighty Eels...........................................................101 Nerves of Steel .............................................................69 Rise of the Roos ............................................................87 Rugby In the Seventies ..............................................105 Salute – The Peter Norman Story ................................87 Speed Dynasties ...........................................................75 Wrecks to Riches .........................................................108 TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS Air Australia...................................................................90 Border Security ............................................................92 Mine’s Bigger than Yours.............................................68 Wrecks to Riches .........................................................108 TRAVEL & ADVENTURE AntarcticArt – everysomewherever ............................38 Border Security ............................................................92 Extreme Encounters in Travel: Memorable Moments from a Documentary Producer...................60 Feast Bazaar Morocco and Syria ..................................96 Going Bush ....................................................................98 Lonely Planet Six Degrees .........................................101 Operation Jumbo ..........................................................71 Peking to Paris ............................................................104 Rat Ribbons ...................................................................47 Roar of the Wild ..........................................................105 Seven Days with Seven Dogs ......................................73 Tri Cycling Africa .........................................................107 Two Men in a Tinnie ...................................................107 WAR The Battle of Long Tan .................................................81 The Bomber Reef ..........................................................54 Eyes of the Tiger – Diary of a Dirty War......................60 Feet Unbound................................................................83 114 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Fortunate Sons ..............................................................84 My Home, Your War ......................................................69 The Quiet Lions .............................................................71 Skyfighters ....................................................................75 Walking Wounded ........................................................48 WILDLIFE & NATURAL HISTORY Asia’s Elephants – The Last Defense ...........................51 Australia’s Deadliest Sea Creatures ............................51 Australia’s Greatest Islands .........................................52 The Big Blue ..................................................................53 The Bomber Reef ..........................................................54 Bone Diggers: Mystery of a Lost Predator .................55 Bushfire Summer ..........................................................93 Chant of the Scrub Turkey............................................40 Chasing Nature .............................................................93 Cuttlefish – The Brainy Bunch......................................58 Discovery Atlas: Australia Revealed ...........................59 Extreme Encounters in Travel: Memorable Moments from a Documentary Producer...................60 Flight of the Elephants .................................................61 Flying Dreams ...............................................................84 The Greatest Reef .........................................................62 The Irish Bog – Return of a Native ..............................64 Land of the Giants ........................................................65 On Thin Ice.....................................................................70 Operation Jumbo ..........................................................71 Roar of the Wild ..........................................................105 Romeo and Juliet: A Monkey’s Tale ...........................72 Seven Days with Seven Dogs ......................................73 Thunderheads ...............................................................76 Two Men in a Tinnie ...................................................107 White Lions....................................................................78 The Wildlife Man.........................................................108 Wonders of the Billabong ............................................80 WOMEN Arranging Love..............................................................39 Ayen’s Cooking Class for African Men ........................53 Cool Drink and Culture .................................................41 Feet Unbound................................................................83 Forbidden Lie$ ..............................................................84 I will be a Survivor .......................................................63 Love Struck: Wrestling’s No. 1 Fan ..............................66 Lunch with Madame Murat .........................................66 Nerves of Steel .............................................................69 Not All Tea and Scones ...............................................103 Once A Queen ...............................................................70 Shanghai Bride .............................................................74 Two Mums And A Dad ..................................................77 Was the Lady a Bushranger? .......................................77 All Saints Series/Serials .......................................................13 Andrew’s Guide to Being a Man Series/Serials ................13 Animalia Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ........................................................................23 Animated Kids Bible, The Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ...................................................23 Answered by Fire Mini-Series .............................................10 Bastard Boys Mini-Series .....................................................10 Beach House, The Telemovie ................................................6 Bit of Black Business Series/Serials ...................................13 BlackJack 2: At the Gates Telemovie ....................................6 BlackJack 2: Dead Memory Telemovie .................................6 BlackJack 2: Ghosts Telemovie .............................................7 Blue Water High Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Mini-Series) ........................................................................23 Circuit, The Mini-Series ........................................................10 Comedy Inc Series/Serials ...................................................14 Crooked Series/Serials .........................................................14 Curtin Telemovie ....................................................................7 Dangerous Series/Serials ....................................................14 Deadly Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) .....24 Did You Know? Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................24 Dive Olly Dive! Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................24 Dogstar Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ....25 Double the Fist Series/Serials .............................................15 Double Trouble Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................25 East of Everything Mini-Series ............................................11 Endurance Island Telemovie .................................................7 Erky Perky Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................25 Fairies, The Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................26 FARMkids Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................26 Five Minutes More Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................26 G2G Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ..........27 H2O: Just Add Water Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................27 Home and Away Series/Serials ..........................................15 I Got A Rocket Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................27 Kick Series/Serials ................................................................15 King, The – The Graham Kennedy Story Telemovie ............8 Li’l Larikkins Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................28 Librarians, The Series/Serials ..............................................16 Lockie Leonard Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Mini-Series)..........................................................................28 Lost Treasure of Fiji, The Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................28 Love My Way Series/Serials ...............................................16 Major Crime Mini-Series ......................................................11 Marx and Venus Series/Serials ...........................................16 Master Raindrop Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................29 McLeod’s Daughters Series/Serials ....................................17 Mermaid Island Series/Serials ............................................17 Mob Downunder Series/Serials ..........................................17 Mortified Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Mini-Series) ....29 Murder in the Outback Telemovie ........................................8 Neighbours Series/Serials ...................................................18 New MacDonald’s Farm Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................29 Pixel Pinkie Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Mini-Series) ........................................................................30 Pizza Series/Serials ..............................................................18 Pizza: the Da Vinci Cup Series/Serials ................................18 Pizza: World Record Series/Serials .....................................19 Pop Pups Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................30 Rain Shadow Series/Serials ................................................19 Real Stories Series/Serials...................................................19 ROCK IT! Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ...30 Ronnie Johns Half Hour, The Series/Serials .......................20 Satisfaction Series/Serials ...................................................20 Sea Patrol Mini-Series ..........................................................11 Sea Princesses Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................31 Seaside Hotel Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................31 Shapies, The Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................31 Sleepover Club Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................32 Society Murders, The Telemovie ...........................................8 Spy Shop Series/Serials .......................................................20 Staines Down Drains Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Mini-Series) ........................................................................32 Stepfather of the Bride Telemovie .......................................9 Streetsmartz Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Mini-Series) ........................................................................32 Stupid Stupid Man Series/Serials .......................................21 Summer Heights High Series/Serials .................................21 Sumo Mouse Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................33 Supernova Series/Serials ....................................................21 Tripping Over Mini-Series ....................................................12 Two Twisted Mini-Series ......................................................12 Upside Down Show, The Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................33 Wakkaville Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................33 Wedge, The Series/Serials ..................................................22 Wilfred Series/Serials ..........................................................22 Worm Hollow Children’s Programs (TV Drama: Series/Serial) ......................................................................34 MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 115 INDEXES TV DRAMA TITLE INDEX 16mm Maxwell .........................................................38 900 Neighbours .........................................................50 A Dollar for the Good Ones .......................................50 The ABC of Our Lives – 50 Years of Television ...........81 About a Girl: Casey Donovan .....................................38 After Maeve...............................................................50 Air Australia ...............................................................90 Ajanta: Written in the Stone .....................................51 An Aussie Goes Barmy ..............................................90 AntarcticArt – everysomewherever...........................38 Arranging Love ..........................................................39 Artists at Work ...........................................................90 Asia’s Elephants – The Last Defense .........................51 Aunty Connie .............................................................39 Australia’s Deadliest Sea Creatures...........................51 Australia’s Greatest Islands .......................................52 Australian Icon Towns ...............................................91 Australian Story .........................................................91 Australian to Kokoda .................................................52 The Away Game ........................................................52 Ayen’s Cooking Class for African Men .......................53 The Balanda and the Bark Canoes ............................53 Barter Models Beach Quest .......................................91 The Battle of Long Tan ..............................................81 Battle of the Brains ...................................................92 Between the Oil and the Deep Blue Sea ..................39 Beyond the Belly .......................................................40 The Big Blue ..............................................................53 Big Dreamers .............................................................54 Black ‘n’ Dusty ..........................................................54 Bomb Harvest ............................................................81 BomBali .....................................................................82 The Bomber Reef ......................................................54 Bondi Rescue .............................................................92 Bone Diggers: Mystery of a Lost Predator ................55 The Book that Shook the World ................................55 Border Security .........................................................92 Bra Boys ....................................................................82 Broken Borders ..........................................................93 The Buchenwald Ball.................................................55 The Burma Road – An Insight Into Myanmar ............56 Bushfire Summer ......................................................93 Chant of the Scrub Turkey .........................................40 Chasing Nature ..........................................................93 Cheeky Dog ...............................................................40 The Choice .................................................................56 The Choir ...................................................................82 Closet Tales ................................................................94 The Code ....................................................................94 Coming of the Light...................................................41 Constructing Australia: Pipe Dreams .........................56 Constructing Australia: The Bridge ............................57 Constructing Australia: Wire Through the Heart .......57 Cool Drink and Culture ..............................................41 116 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY MARCH 2007 Cos I’m Free: Cathy Freeman.....................................41 Could It Happen Here? ..............................................57 Cricket in the ‘50s – Discovering New Boundaries ...58 Cricket in the ‘60s – Winds of Change.......................58 Cuttlefish – The Brainy Bunch ...................................58 Cyprus: Echoes Across the Divide ..............................59 Decadence .................................................................94 Directing the Hero Within .........................................95 Discovery Atlas: Australia Revealed ..........................59 Do Not Resuscitate ....................................................59 Donkey in Lahore ......................................................83 Downunder Grads......................................................95 Dusty: Little by Little .................................................95 Dynasties ...................................................................96 Elvis Lives in Parkes ..................................................42 Extreme Encounters in Travel: Memorable Moments from a Documentary Producer..................60 Eyes of the Tiger – Diary of a Dirty War ....................60 The Fabric of a Dream – The Fletcher Jones Story .....60 Fair Dinkum Manjit ....................................................42 Family Footsteps .......................................................96 Feast Bazaar Morocco and Syria ................................96 Feet Unbound ............................................................83 The Fight Game .........................................................83 Flight of the Elephants ..............................................61 Flying Dreams............................................................84 Food Safari.................................................................97 Footprints in the Sand: The Last of the Nomads ......42 Footy – The La Perouse Way ......................................43 Footy Chicks ...............................................................61 Forbidden Lie$...........................................................84 Forensic Investigators ...............................................97 Fortunate Sons ..........................................................84 From Mozart to Morrison ...........................................61 Give Me a Break ........................................................97 Global Haywire ..........................................................85 God On My Side .........................................................85 Going Bush ................................................................98 The Good The Bad and the Ugg Boot ........................62 Graeme Bell All Stars: Play On ..................................62 The Greatest Reef ......................................................62 Growing Up And Going Home ...................................63 Habibi Jammin’ .........................................................43 Help ...........................................................................98 Hidden Treasures .......................................................98 Honey We’re Killing the Kids ....................................99 Hunt Angels ...............................................................85 I will be a Survivor ....................................................63 In Search of Bony ......................................................63 In Search of the Watchmaker ....................................43 In the Line of Fire ......................................................99 Ingenious Africa ........................................................99 The Innocence Project ...............................................64 Inside Overture 1812 ................................................44 The Irish Bog – Return of a Native ............................64 Islam in Indonesia ...................................................100 Island Fettlers ............................................................44 Jamie’s Kitchen .......................................................100 Johnny Warren’s Football Mission .............................64 Junction House Blues ................................................65 Kindness of Strangers ...............................................65 Kotla Walks. Performing Locality...............................86 Land of the Giants .....................................................65 The Last Days of Yasser Arafat ..................................86 Life at 1 ...................................................................100 Little Artists Big Dreams............................................66 Living Country ...........................................................44 Lonely Planet Six Degrees.......................................101 Love Struck: Wrestling’s No. 1 Fan ............................66 Lunch with Madame Murat .......................................66 Madras Magic: The Tied Test of ‘86...........................67 The Magic Bullet........................................................67 Malaytown Stories ....................................................45 Medical Incredible ...................................................101 Merchants of Destiny – The Huizhou Businessmen of Ancient China ........................................................67 The Mighty Eels .......................................................101 Mine’s Bigger than Yours ..........................................68 Missing Persons Unit ...............................................102 Mohammad Hossain’s Intensive Care .......................68 Multiple Miracles .......................................................68 Murray, Life and Death ..............................................45 My Brother Vinnie .....................................................45 My Home, Your War ...................................................69 Mythbusters ............................................................102 Naked on the Inside ..................................................86 Nerves of Steel ..........................................................69 Night ..........................................................................87 Noise On Screen ......................................................102 Not All Tea and Scones ............................................103 Nurse Maggie ............................................................69 On Thin Ice .................................................................70 Once A Queen ............................................................70 One Cup .....................................................................46 Ooldea .......................................................................70 Operation Jumbo .......................................................71 Operatunity Oz ........................................................103 Outsourced! (US title ‘1-800-INDIA’).........................71 Paris Dreaming ........................................................103 The Passion Of Gina Sinozich ....................................46 Peking to Paris ........................................................104 Plagued by Memories ...............................................46 Policing the Pacific ..................................................104 Pure Dingo ...............................................................104 The Quiet Lions ..........................................................71 Rat Ribbons ...............................................................47 Rise of the Roos ........................................................87 Roar of the Wild ......................................................105 Romeo and Juliet: A Monkey’s Tale .........................72 RPA ..........................................................................105 Rugby In the Seventies ...........................................105 Sacred Ground ...........................................................72 The Safe House ..........................................................47 Salute – The Peter Norman Story ..............................87 Saving Andrew Mallard .............................................72 Search for the Mystery Bomber ................................73 The Secret Lives of Sleepwalkers ..............................73 The Secret ..................................................................88 Seven Days with Seven Dogs ....................................73 Shanghai Bride ..........................................................74 Shifting Shelter 3 ......................................................74 Shinkichi Tajiri ...........................................................74 Shivaji: Telling the Tale of the Mountain Rat ............75 Singles Club ............................................................106 Skyfighters ................................................................75 Speed Dynasties ........................................................75 Sticky Carpet – Melbourne’s Underground Rockumentary ...........................................................88 Stone Country ............................................................47 Strait of Terror ...........................................................76 Suburb 4 Sale ............................................................76 Sunset to Sunrise.......................................................48 Suspicious Minds .....................................................106 The Taking of Wittenoom ..........................................48 Thunderheads............................................................76 Totally Australia ......................................................106 Tri Cycling Africa ......................................................107 Two Men in a Tinnie ................................................107 Two Mums And A Dad ...............................................77 Two of Us .................................................................107 Vote ‘Yes’ for Aborigines ...........................................77 Walking Wounded .....................................................48 Was the Lady a Bushranger? .....................................77 Waverly’s Dream .......................................................49 Weeping Women .......................................................78 What’s Good For You ...............................................108 When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind 2 .....................78 White Lions ................................................................78 Who Killed Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler? ...................79 Why Me? ....................................................................79 The Wildlife Man .....................................................108 Wings to Fly ...............................................................79 Winners’ Guide to the Nobel Prize............................80 Wirrangul Women: Always Have, Always Will ..........49 Without A Home ........................................................80 Women of the Sun: 25 Years Later ............................88 Wonders of the Billabong .........................................80 Words From The City..................................................89 Wrecks to Riches .....................................................108 You’ve Got the Job...................................................109 MARCH 2007 AUSTRALIAN TV DRAMA & DOCUMENTARY 117 INDEXES DOCUMENTARY TITLE INDEX