Dimensional Scoring


Dimensional Scoring
& Applied Personnel
Research, Inc.
A bo ut E r gom et r ic s
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc., is a human
resource management firm specializing in personnel
selection and training. Established over 25 years ago,
Ergometrics has designed the most comprehensive, award
winning, video testing and job simulation testing programs
in the nation. We have provided personnel testing services
for over 1,200 clients in the US and Canada. Forty three
of the 50 largest cities in the US use our products, as do
most state governments and hundreds of local entities and
smaller organizations.
Ergometrics’ tests have been given to millions of applicants.
Our tests are extensively and professionally validated,
using both content and criterion validation. We provide
complete documentation that conforms to all legal and
professional standards for validation. Regardless of the size
of the organization, Ergometrics provides a comprehensive
set of personnel selection tools that are highly predictive
of on the job performance.
Ergometrics’ owners Carl Swander, Ph.D., Oscar Spurlin,
Ph.D. and Carla Swander are all dedicated testing
professionals, nationally recognized for the development
of video based and simulation testing. The Ergometrics
team is comprised of professionals with backgrounds in
psychology, testing, video and computer technology. This
complete range of skills makes it possible for Ergometrics
to develop the most sophisticated testing tools available.
S er v ice Philosophy
Ergometrics’ testing philosophy is centered on providing
our clients with the most effective and job related selection
tools in the industry. We believe that, of all the decisions
managers make, hiring decisions have the largest impact
on their organizations. Therefore, we take the approach
that test design and development should not be limited
solely to traditional methods. Our team includes experts
in many professional and technical fields collaborating to
create tests that predict job performance.
At Ergometrics, we strive to give our clients the highest
level of service. We develop tests and systems with the
client in mind. To simplify the testing process, we make our
proctor instructions easy to follow and most candidate
instructions are built right into the videos. We also offer
guaranteed two day scoring and only charge for actual
tests used.
Simulation Testing
Observing how people work in the real environment
is obviously the best way to assess abilities. As tests
move away from the actual job to paper and pencil and
other formats, candidate job match becomes less and
less clear. Ergometrics’ simulations are designed to
narrow that gap between test performance and job
performance. Simulations give you a look at not only
abilities, but how individuals use those abilities given
real work conditions including time pressures, stressful
interactions, interruptions and other factors that make
jobs difficult. High quality simulations increase test validity
and are an essential component of modern management.
Ergometrics is the leader in simulation testing.
Use of Video and Technology
Video is a practical medium for job simulations for many
occupations. Written and oral tests describe situations
for candidates to imagine. Not only is it impossible and
impractical to fully describe a situation, the description itself
provides clues about what is important. Video scenarios
present exactly the same information to everyone, allow
for careful staging of the events and the surrounding
environment and require applicants to observe and analyze
situations for themselves.
Advancing the Science
National Awards
The City of Long Beach, CA, won the IPMAAC Innovation
in Assessment Award using Ergometrics FireTEAM™
Testing System. One of our owners, Carla Swander,
recently won the prestigious Stephen E. Bemis award for
lifetime achievement in testing.
page 2
Te s t i n g P h i l o s o p hy
At Ergometrics, we are dedicated to advancing the science
of testing. We are continually researching and improving
testing methods.
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Customer Service
At Ergometrics, we go far beyond traditional service to
make sure our clients are satisfied. We provide unlimited
phone consultation to clients and work closely on details
specific to our clients’ needs.
Making Administration Simple
Ergometrics simulation tests are easy to administer -- as
simple as playing a video or DVD. Answer sheets and
all administration instructions are provided. Ergometrics’
tests are designed for the whole range of testing venues,
from thousands of candidates in one administration to
small, single candidate administrations.
Quick Scoring
Ergometrics provides scoring results within two business
days of receipt of answer sheets. Services include:
scoring of all answer sheets, transmission of test results,
maintenance of a database of all previous testing and
consultation regarding scoring and passing points.
Firefighter - FireTEAM™.............................. 5
Entry Level Test ........................................................ 6
Supervisory Exams .................................................. 8
Book Tests ................................................................. 9
Assessment Centers ............................................ 11
Performance Evaluation System ........................... 12
Training .................................................................... 13
Tactical and Command Training ......................... 14
Law Enforcement - FrontLine™............ 15
Entry Level Test ..................................................... 16
Supervisory Exams ............................................... 18
Assessment Centers ............................................ 19
Performance Evaluation System ........................ 20
Emergency Communications ECOMM™.............................................................. 21
Entry Level Test .................................................... 22
Adult Corrections - REACT™................ 25
Entry Level Test ..................................................... 26
Supervisory Exam/Training ................................. 28
Juvenile Corrections - IMPACT™........ 29
Entry Level Test ..................................................... 30
Supervisory Exams ............................................... 32
Training/Performance Evaluation System ........ 34
Flexible Pricing
Transit - START™............................................. 35
Ergometrics offers standard per applicant pricing and
annual licenses. Per applicant pricing is a good choice
for organizations with low volume or infrequent testing.
Organizations that test more frequently or have large
numbers of applicants may prefer annual licenses with
reduced per applicant fees.
Customer Service Diplomat Series™ ........................................... 41
Entry Level Test ..................................................... 36
Supervisory Exams ............................................... 38
Training ................................................................... 40
Entry Level Test ..................................................... 42
Office Skills Test .................................................... 45
Supervisory Exams ............................................... 46
Test Administration ........................................ 48
Recruiting Services ........................................ 49
Frequently Asked Questions ................... 50
Product Order Form ..................................... 52
Test Licensing Agreement ......................... 53
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 3
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Valida tio n
Fa i rn e s s
page 4
FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation System
FireTEAM™ Tactical and Command Training & Training
Communication Difficult Customer/Staff Managing
Employees Relations
Figures above based on corrections validation data.
FireTEAM™ Assessment Centers
FireTEAM™ Human Relations Training
Fi r eTEA M ™ Pr omote • Dimen s ion al Scor e Gr ap h
FireTEAM™ Promote
Supervisory Exams
Book Tests
Custom Exams
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Years of research in simulation testing have advanced our
ability to report dimensional scores for most of our tests.
These dimensional scores are analyses of candidate response
patterns that are pertinent to the job. Dimensional scores
help employers understand candidates better and the type
of training, coaching and supervision they will need, if hired.
FireTEAM™ Firefighter Entry Level Test
FireTEAM™ Human Relations Video Test
FireTEAM™ Mechanical Reasoning Test
FireTEAM™ Reading Test
FireTEAM™ Math Test
FireTEAM™ Interview
Dimensional Scoring
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
All Ergometrics’ simulation tests are professionally validated. Ergometrics is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in
Ergometrics uses both content and criterion validation.
the development of fair and objective screening procedures.
Emphasis on video and other techniques for developing
Content validation is demonstrated by job analysis and simulations is Ergometrics’ cornerstone in the process of
the relationship between test content and job demands. creating fair, job related tests. Following are key aspects
Simulation design, depicting common stressors and problems in our approach to provide systems with the maximum
encountered on the job, provides the most obvious evidence predictive power and fairness:
of content validity. During test development, detailed job
analyses are developed and data collected from incumbents
• Extensive job analysis
to further document the strong link between our simulation
• Identifying and measuring the full range of critical
tests and the actual job.
skills and behaviors
• Development of test materials that
Ergometrics’ criterion validation consists of comparing the
require no prior training or experience
linkage between test scores and job performance. Direct
• Extensive subject matter expert input
statistical relationship between higher test scores and
and review
higher job performance provides strong evidence for test
• Detailed item analyses
validity. Ergometrics’ simulations consistently show strong
• Professional validation studies
correlations with job performance. Other criteria such
as turnover, absenteeism and training scores are used to Ergometrics’ video tests consistently have lower adverse
support criterion validation.
impact than written tests. They are not dependent on
reading ability or prior experience. Because the scenarios
Ergometrics can provide detailed technical validation reports are actual job simulations, video tests are the fairest way
upon request. We encourage organizations to review this to assess applicants from diverse backgrounds. Simulations
information and compare it to other tests.
also provide the best measurement of judgment and human
interaction skills, which are often critical to job performance
and typically have less adverse impact than dimensions
generally tested by traditional format tests.
Managing Managing Prioritization
Conflict Performance
Some Problem
Training/ Working With
Development Development Management
High Risk
Example dimensional score graph from FireTEAM™ Promote.
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 5
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
FireTEAM™ is a video-based testing system that assesses critical
skills needed to be a firefighter and includes often overlooked
content areas of teamwork and human relations as well as
mechanical aptitude, reading ability and basic math skills.
FireTEAM™ can help identify critical candidate strengths and
weaknesses before candidates are hired or even brought into
the interview process, savings tens of thousands of dollars in
recruitment, training, turnover, management problems and
potential liability.
FireTEAM™ Human Relations Video Test
Public Relations
Professionalism in Difficult Situations
Chore Initiative
Ability to Live and Work Together
Relations with Management
FireTEAM™ Mechanical Reasoning Test
page 6
Mechanical Reasoning and Aptitude
Understanding Systems
Observation and Analysis
Firefighter Standard Reading Level
FireTEAM™ score reports go far beyond standard numerical
scores. Dimensional scores provide further information
about candidate strengths and weaknesses based on candidate
response patterns.
Dimensional scores give added insight into candidate tendencies
and may be used to further refine your interview process or
customize training efforts.
Fi r e T E A M ™ E m tr y L e ve l Te s t • D i m e n s i o n al S c o r e G r ap h
Authority Inconsiderate
Some Problem
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Work Avoidance
Problems with Management
Adds Tension to the Team
Low Tolerance for Others
Mechanical Reasoning
Systems Analysis
Observation & Analysis
Reading Level
FireTEAM™ Interview
(SKU: 59096)
FireTEAM™ Pricing
National validation confirms that FireTEAM™ has less adverse
impact than traditional written cognitive ability tests, while
demonstrating a high level of validity and candidate acceptance.
Dimensional Scores Reported
(SKU: 56784)
FireTEAM™ has two convenient price options. Select the
one that is best for you. Answer sheets and scoring are always
included and you only pay for the tests you use.
Option 1: Per Applicant
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
FireTEAM™ Interview is an entry level interview designed
to provide information helpful in understanding how
candidates may fit within the station environment. This
can be a major problem for some candidates and hard
for supervisors to remedy if the candidate is hired.
FireTEAM™ Interview is centered around dimensions
found in FireTEAM™ Entry Level Test. The dimensional
results a department receives from FireTEAM™ can be
used as a guide in selecting the most appropriate and
informative questions for each candidate. FireTEAM™
Interview provides interviewers with detailed positive
and negative behavioral indicators for each dimension,
as well as specific questions focused on each dimension.
FireTEAM™ Interview consists of over 40 questions.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
FireTEAM™ Interview Pricing
Purchase an annual license, test whenever you want and pay a
reduced charge per applicant.
Please contact Ergometrics for pricing information.
Ergometrics’ Practice Tests for
Entry Level Candidates
High Risk
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
& Analysis
Available Online at
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 7
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
Division and Proportions
FireTEAM™ Reading Test
Measuring Cognitive and Teamwork Skills
Identifying Top Candidates in the First
Phase of Testing
Easy Administration
Two-Day Scoring Turnaround
Dimensional Score Reports
Reduced Cost and Hiring Time
Lower Adverse Impact
2hr. 20min.
FireTEAM™ Math Test
Benefits include:
# of
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
FireTEAM™ Firefighter Entry Level Test
Fi r e T EA M™ Te s t i ng Co mp o n e n t s
( SKU: 5 6 7 8 4 )
Human Relations Video Test
Mechanical Reasoning Test
Reading Test
Math Test
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Lieutenant (SKU: 16752)
Captain (SKU: 19610) Battalion Chief (SKU: 54573)
The future of every department is significantly impacted by the
quality of its managers and their ability to lead and manage
fire department personnel. FireTEAM™ Promote Supervisory
Exams are validated tests designed to specifically measure ability
to be an effective supervisor.
FireTEAM™ Promote consists of a video-based employee
observation component and a series of written situational
judgment questions that directly measure a candidate’s ability
to become an effective supervisor and manager. FireTEAM™
Promote Supervisory Exams are available for the following
# of
Total 140 2hr. 30min.
FireTEAM™ Promote scoring includes both an overall numerical
ranking and dimensional scores in these areas:
Battalion Chief
FireTEAM™ Promote Exam Pricing
Lieutenant (SKU: 16752) Captain (SKU: 19610) Battalion Chief (SKU: 54573)
Ergometrics has affordable pricing option to match your specific
needs. Please call for a price quote.
Communication Skills
Discipline and Managing Difficult Employees
Interpersonal Relations with Staff and Customers
Managing Change
Managing Conflict
Managing Performance
Prioritization/Effective Use of Resources
Team Development/Delegation
Training/Career Development
Working with Management
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Fi reTEAM™ Promote • Dimens i ona l Scor e Gr a ph
Communication Difficult Customer/Staff Managing
Employees Relations
page 8
Managing Managing Prioritization
Conflict Performance
Some Problem
Training/ Working With
Development Development Management
Ergometrics can supply tests composed of carefully written
test items referenced to recognized fire service textbooks. A
department may use Ergometrics’ standard exams developed
for specific job categories or may obtain a customized test by
choosing items from our extensive item bank. We can also
create custom test items from other sources, including internal
documents such as department SOPs.
Essentials of Fire Fighting Exam
Standard Exam (SKU: 60141)
The IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting manual serves as a basic
text for new firefighters and a great reference for those already
involved in the fire service. Ergometrics’ standard 100 item
book test features questions from either the IFSTA Essentials
4th or 5th edition. The exam is comprehensive and includes
items from all chapters.
Company Officer Standard Exam
3rd Edition (SKU: 38158) 4th Edition (SKU: 37310)
Ergometrics’ standard 100 item Company Officer Book Test
features questions from IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services
Company Officer, 4th edition. The exam is comprehensive and
includes items from Parts A and B, Fire Officer Level I and Level
II. For departments not converted to the 4th edition, an exam
based on IFSTA Fire Department Company Officer, 3rd edition,
also is available. These exams cover the full range of subjects
within the texts, including:
Transition to the Role of Company Officer
Leadership and Supervision
Legal Responsibilities and Liabilities
Effective Communications
Community and Government
Administrative Functions and Responsibilities
Inspection and Investigation
Delivery of Emergency Services
Driver/Operator Standard Exam
Version A (SKU: 41541) Version B (SKU: 29666)
Ergometrics offers a 100 question Standard Driver/Operator
Book Test covering the following:
Types of Apparatus
Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance
Operating Emergency Vehicles
Positioning Apparatus
Flow Rates and Pressure Calculations
Pump Theory and Operations
Apparatus Testing
Incident Command
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Dimensional scores show candidate strengths and weaknesses
so candidates can see where they need to improve.
FireTEAM™ Promote Book Exams
FireTEAM™ Promote Supervisory Exam Components
The exam includes 80 questions from IFSTA Pumping Apparatus
Driver/Operator Handbook, cross referenced to both 1st and
2nd edition, (5 of the 80 are hydraulic calculations), 15 questions
from the IFSTA Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook,
and five questions from IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services
Company Officer (4th edition), specific to incident command.
High Risk
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
FireTEAM™ Promote Supervisory Exams
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 9
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Assessment Centers
Semi-Custom and Custom Exams
Ergometrics’ Book Test Item Bank
FireTEAM™ Assessment Centers
Some departments wish to include other references in their
testing processes. Ergometrics has a test bank of hundreds
of questions from fire department educational resources. A
semi-custom exam can be created for your department using a
combination of questions from any of the references indicated.
In addition, Ergometrics will create custom exams by writing
new questions from standard fire service texts or references
specific to your department, such as SOPs and regulations.
Hundreds of items are available from these references:
FireTEAM™ Assessment Centers are tailored to your
department’s unique promotional needs. Select from a bank
of sophisticated exercises and interview questions or request
professionally designed custom materials. Ergometrics has
experience in developing assessment centers for the ranks
of lieutenant through chief. FireTEAM™ Assessment Center
elements commonly include:
Ergometrics works closely with your department during your
promotional process. You will have a dedicated consultant who
will head the project and guide you through decisions such as
which exercises to use, how to weight components, how to
prepare and debrief candidates, professional ways to economize
and other details of professional management of a promotional
process. Your process will include:
FireTEAM™ Promote Book Test Pricing
For Standard, Semi-Custom and Custom Exams, Ergometrics
has affordable pricing options to match your specific needs.
Prices include candidate preparatory handouts, test booklets,
answer sheets and scoring. Please call for a price quote.
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
page 10
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Interview Questions
Oral Presentations
Role Plays
Video Scenario Questions
Writing Samples
Written Tests
FireTEAM™ Performance Review
Past behavior is the best predictor of future performance. To
capture this important information, Ergometrics has developed
two optional components for the promotional process.
Facilitated Evaluation - This consists of detailed comparisons
of candidate performance in the department to date. We
provide standardized rating tools to compare candidates on 13
important dimensions of supervision and management. Our
consultants facilitate the entire process, assuring accuracy,
fairness, and professionalism. This unique performance review
element strongly enhances the predictive accuracy and real
world relevance of your promotional process.
Select Group Evaluation - In this process, each candidate is
compared with all other candidates in terms of their impact on the
department thus far and their ability to function as a role model
to others. Officers who are familiar with the performance of each
candidate complete the evaluations separately and confidentially.
Areas evaluated include consideration for others, industriousness,
congeniality, peacemaker, community relations, handling difficult
situations, sensitivity to diverse groups, relations with supervisors
and management, problem solving, systems thinking, mechanical
aptitude, safety orientation, work habits, professional behavior and
bearing, paperwork, persistence in learning and keeping up-to-date
and maintenance of physical fitness.
Assessment Center Planning, Management
and Facilitation
Candidate Overviews/Handouts
Rater Training
Role Player Training
Rating Facilitation
Scoring and Dimensional Feedback
Final Report Documenting the Process
Ergometrics can provide other services, including:
Candidate Orientation Session
Written Test Administration
Role Players
FireTEAM™ Assessment Center Pricing
Each promotional setting is unique. Ergometrics provides the
most sophisticated materials available at prices comparable
to standard methods of assessment that have been in use for
decades. Contact us to discuss your needs and get a firm price
based on the services you choose. Our goal is to provide you
with the best possible product for a competitive price.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 11
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Active Training, 2nd Edition, Silberman, Jossey-Bass/
Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 1st
Edition, IFSTA.
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, 4th and 5th Editions,
Building Construction for the Fire Service, 3rd & 4th
Editions, Brannigan.
Building Construction Related to the Fire Service, 2nd
Edition, IFSTA.
Company Officer, 2nd Edition, Smoke, Delmar.
Essentials of Fire Department Customer Service,
Brunacini, 1996, Fire Protection Publications.
Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th and 5th Editions, IFSTA.
Fire & Emergency Services Company Officer, 4th
Edition, IFSTA.
Fire & Emergency Services Instructor, 7th Edition,
Fire Department Company Officer, 2nd and 3rd
Editions, IFSTA.
Fire Department Safety Officer, 1st Edition, IFSTA.
Fireground Strategies, Avillo, PennWell Books.
Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, 6th and 7th
editions, IFSTA.
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics, 3rd Edition,
Norman, Fire Engineering Books & Videos.
Fire Protection Handbook, 19th Edition, NFPA.
Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident, 3rd
Edition, IFSTA.
Incident Command System (ICS) Model Procedures
Guide for Incidents Involving Structural Fire Fighting,
High-Rise, Multi-Casualty, Highway, and Managing
Large-Scale Incidents using NIMS-ICS, 1st Edition, Fire
Protection Publications.
Incident Command System National Training
Curriculum I-200.
Incident Command System National Training
Curriculum I-300.
Model Procedures Guide for Structural Firefighting,
2nd Edition, Fire Protection Publications.
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 1st
and 2nd Editions, IFSTA.
Truck Company Operations, 1st Edition, Mittendorf,
Fire Engineering Books & Videos.
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Customization and Implementation Services
The FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation System ties directly
into important job dimensions assessed in the FireTEAM™
entry level and promotional exams. Performance evaluations are
available for the following ranks:
The FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation System is ready for
immediate implementation in most departments. However,
Ergometrics is also ready to assist any department preferring to
review and customize any of the performance evaluation forms.
We offer implementation advice, assistance with customization
and training for supervisors. Please contact us to discuss your
specific needs.
Probationary Firefighter
Driver Engineer/Apparatus Operator
Battalion Chief
Assistant Chief
Deputy Chief
Fire Chief
FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation Pricing
Pricing for the FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation System is
based on the degree of customization. Each situation is unique,
so please call for a price quote.
page 12
FireTEAM™ Training Components
(SKU: 13119)
FireTEAM™ Training is a unique training component that
addresses common problem areas that arise in a fire station,
with a primary focus on teamwork. The Living and Working
Together training program provides standards and expectations
for station behavior. Videos, discussions and exercises help both
experienced and new firefighters become as competent in team
relations as they are in fire fighting methods and procedures.
FireTEAM™ Training addresses the following areas:
Training Video
Instructor’s Guide
Firefighter Booklets
Handout & Quiz Copy Masters
Chore Initiative and Making Your Own
Doing Your Part to Strengthen the Team
Living Together and Being Considerate
Addressing Problems With Each Other
Station Banter: Making Friends Not Enemies
FireTEAM™ Training Pricing
(SKU: 13119)
Ergometrics has affordable pricing option to match your specific
needs. Please call for a price quote.
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
What makes the FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation System
unique are the detailed behavioral indicators developed for each
dimension that tell employees what is expected of them, guide
raters through the evaluation process and help raters make their
overall rating for each dimension. The behavioral indicators
also allow raters to give detailed feedback to employees on the
impressions they are making in the organization and how they
can improve. Both excellent and unacceptable behaviors are
included in the behavioral indicators. To learn more about the
FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation System a performance
evaluation product book can be provided upon request. Following
are just a few examples of the many performance dimensions that
are included in our standard performance evaluations:
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
FireTEAM™ Performance Evaluation System
Tr a i n i n g
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
r mance
ance Eva
E valu
tio n
Tactical Problem Solving, Adapting and Improvising
Behavior in Difficult Situations
Drill Performance
Persistence in Learning
Relations with Supervisors and Management
Living Congenially in a Station Environment
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 13
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tactical and Command Training (TACTraining)
Tactical and Command Testing (TACTesting)
A working structure fire can present a significant challenge to
any fire department. However, most fire departments recognize
that their members will never get enough fire calls to stay truly
proficient at fireground command and tactics.
Designed by experienced fireground commanders and delivered
by one of Ergometrics’ professional instructors, the TACT
program will provide as much realism as possible, while remaining
focused on your community and department needs. Following
training, students will have increased confidence, skill and
efficiency, leading to an improvement of fireground operations.
Many departments include a tactical testing component in their
promotional process in order to assess the fireground command
and tactical skills of candidates. Ergometrics offers a tactical
assessment exam that utilizes realistic digital simulation to challenge
candidates at whatever level your department requires, from basic
to more complex scenarios. In the process, the dispatch and
response of units unique to your department is choreographed
to represent your standard operating procedures. Your radios
and communications channels can be used to add more realism
to the test. Candidates are evaluated on what matters most, their
strategic and tactical development at a simulated fire event.
This training is designed to meet the needs of personnel
responsible for managing the operations of one or more
companies during structural firefighting operations. The content
of the training includes:
Contact Ergometrics to discuss your tactical training and testing
needs. We take the need for professional, competent emergency
response as seriously as you do, and can provide customized
tactical training and testing at a reasonable cost.
Fireground Communications
Strategy and Tactics
Developing a Proper Span of Control
at Escalating Alarms
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Pricing for tactical training and testing is based on degree of
customization. Each situation is unique, so please call for a price
FrontLine™ Human Relations Video Test
FrontLine™ Reading Test
FrontLine™ Incident Observation
and Report Writing Test
FrontLine™ Promote Supervisory Exams
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Participants will receive comprehensive instruction, as well as
extensive practice utilizing digital simulation.
Tactical Pricing
FrontLine™ Video Testing System for Law Enforcement
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Fi r e f i g h t e r Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tactical and Command Training & Testing
Standard Exams
Custom Exams
FrontLine™ Assessment Centers
FrontLine™ Performance Evaluation System
page 14
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 15
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
FrontLine™ is a video-based, multiple-choice test that portrays
situations commonly faced in law enforcement. Candidates are
required to analyze situations and make quick judgments about
how to respond.
FrontLine™ saves the expense of further testing those who are
not personally suited to law enforcement and lets departments
know in advance which candidates will likely have difficulty
handling public contact, working with supervisors and working
with other officers.
Benefits include:
FrontLine™ also includes testing for other important job skills.
FrontLine™ Incident Observation and Report Writing Video
Test requires good observation skills, factual reporting and basic
writing competency. The Frontline™ Reading Test assesses
competency to read at the minimum level required for the job.
FrontLine™ Testing Components
# of Items
Ve r s i o n B ( SK U: 3 0 2 9 0 )
Human Relations Video
Reading Test
Writing Test
Length (Minutes)
1hr. 49min.
FrontLine™ Pricing
FrontLine™ includes numerical ranking by total score and
dimensional scores showing candidate strengths and weaknesses
in the following areas:
Version A (SKU: 11260) Version B (SKU: 30290)
Length (Minutes)
1hr. 56min.
FrontLine™ Human Relations Video Test
Dimensional Scores
Human Interaction
Responding Calmly to Provocation
Unbiased Enforcement
Ethics and Social Maturity
Handling Authority
Gaining Cooperation
Observation and Analysis
Human Sensitivity
Situational Analysis
Authoritarian Approach
Negative Approach
Weak Responses
Teamwork Interaction
Option 1: Per Applicant
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
Fr o n t L i n e ™ E n t r y L e v e l Te s t • D i m e n s i o n al S c o r e G r ap h
FrontLine™ has two convenient price options. Select the one
that is best for you. Answer sheets and scoring are always
included and you only pay for the tests you use.
Purchase an annual license, test whenever you want and pay a
reduced charge per applicant.
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Authoritarian Negative
Some Problem
High Risk
FrontLine™ Reading Test
Officer Standard Reading Level
FrontLine™ Incident Observation and Report
Writing Video Test
Observation Skills
Accurate Report Writing
Basic Writing Competency
FrontLine™ was developed to minimize impact on protected
groups by focusing on the full range of critical skills, including
teamwork and human interaction skills, rather than only on
narrowly defined and academically-related abilities. Validation
confirms FrontLine™ has less adverse impact than traditional
written cognitive ability tests, while maintaining a high level of
validity and candidate acceptance.
Ergometrics’ Practice Tests for
Entry Level Candidates
Available Online at
page 16
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 17
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Measuring Key Law Enforcement Dimensions
Identifying Top Candidates in the First
Phase of Testing
Lower Adverse Impact
Easy Administration
Quick Scoring Turnaround
Dimensional Score Reports
Reduced Cost and Hiring Time
FrontLine™ Testing Components
# of Items
Ve r s i o n A ( SK U: 1 1 2 6 0 )
Human Relations Video
Reading Test
Writing Test
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
FrontLine™ Entry Level Test
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
The future of every department is significantly impacted by the
quality of its management and its ability to lead and manage
law enforcement personnel. FrontLine™ Promote Supervisory
Exams are validated tests specifically designed to measure the
ability to manage people.
FrontLine™ Promote Supervisory Exams consist of a videobased employee observation component and a series of written
situational judgment questions that directly measure skills
necessary to become an effective supervisor and manager.
FrontLine™ Promote Supervisory Exams are available for the
following ranks:
FrontLine™ Promote includes numerical ranking by total
score and dimensional scores showing candidate strengths and
weaknesses in the following areas:
2hr. 30min.
Fro ntL i ne ™ Pro mo te Ex am Pr i c i n g
Lieutenant (SKU: 54339) Sergeant (SKU: 44648) Corporal (SKU: 30678)
Ergometrics has affordable pricing option to match your specific
needs. Please call for a price quote.
Managing Performance
Training/Career Development
Interpersonal Relations with Staff
and Customers
Managing Conflict
Managing Change
Changing Role to Supervisor
Working with Management
Discipline and Managing Difficult Employees
Team Development/Delegation
Prioritization/Effective Use of Resources
Fro ntL ine ™ Pro mo te • Dime nsio nal Sco re Graph
Training/ Customer/Staff Integrity Communication Managing
Performance Development Relations
FrontLine™ Assessment Centers
FrontLine™ Assessment Centers are specifically designed for
law enforcement promotion and tailored to your department’s
unique promotional needs. Select from a bank of sophisticated
exercises and interview questions or request professionally
designed custom materials. FrontLine™ Assessment Center
elements commonly include:
Ergometrics works closely with your department during your
promotional process. You will have a dedicated consultant who
will head the project and guide you through decisions such as
which exercises to use, how to weight components, how to
prepare and debrief candidates, professional ways to economize
and other details of professional management of a promotional
process. Your process will include:
Role Plays
Interview Questions
Video Scenario Questions
Oral Presentations
Written Test
FrontLine™ Performance Review
Ergometrics can create custom exams from assigned sources,
including internal documents such as department SOPs. Custom
exam can be created for all promotional levels from corporal to
police chief. Please call for a price quote.
page 18
Some Problem
Changing Working With Difficult
Management Employees Development
High Risk
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Past behavior is the best predictor of future performance. To
capture this important information, Ergometrics has developed
two optional components for the promotional process.
Facilitated Evaluation - This consists of detailed comparisons
of candidate performance in the department to date. We
provide standardized rating tools to compare candidates on 15
important dimensions of supervision and management. Our
consultants facilitate the entire process, assuring accuracy,
fairness and professionalism. This unique performance review
element strongly enhances the predictive accuracy and real
world relevance of your promotional process.
Select Group Evaluation - In this process, each candidate is
compared with all other candidates in terms of their impact on
the department thus far and their ability to function as a role
model to others. Officers who are familiar with the performance
of each candidate complete the evaluations separately and
confidentially. Areas evaluated for first level supervisors
include communication style, maturity in stressful situations,
interrogative/investigative communication, initiative in handling
and resolving situations, officer safety orientation, sensitivity
to diverse groups, situational assessment and analysis, relations
with supervisors and management, relations with coworkers,
work habits, professional behavior and bearing, paperwork,
persistence in learning and keeping up-to-date, physical skills,
driving skills, weapons skills and overall job performance.
Assessment Center Planning, Management
and Facilitation
Candidate Overviews/Handouts
Rater Training
Role Player Training
Rating Facilitation
Scoring and Dimensional Feedback
Final Report Documenting the Process
Ergometrics can provide other services, including:
Candidate Orientation Session
Written Test Administration
Role Players
FrontLine™ Assessment Center Pricing
Each promotional setting is unique. Ergometrics provides the
most sophisticated materials available at prices comparable
to standard methods of assessment that have been in use for
decades. Contact us to discuss your needs and get a firm price
based on the services you choose. Our goal is to provide you
with the best possible product for a competitive price.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 19
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
# of
Custom Exam
Dimensional Scores
FrontLine™ Promote Supervisory Exam Components
Lieutenant (SKU: 54339)
Sergeant (SKU: 44648) Corporal (SKU: 30678)
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
FrontLine™ Promote Supervisory Exams
Assessment Centers
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Customization and Implementation Services
The FrontLine™ Performance Evaluation System ties directly into
important job dimensions assessed in the FrontLine™ entry level
and promotional exams. Performance evaluations are available
for the following ranks:
The FrontLine™ Performance Evaluation System is ready for
immediate implementation in most departments. Ergometrics
is also ready to assist any department preferring to review
and customize any of the performance evaluation forms. We
offer implementation advice, assistance with customization and
training for supervisors. Please contact us to discuss your specific
Police Officer
Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief
Police Chief
FrontLine™ Performance Evaluation Pricing
page 20
ECOMM™ Emergency Communications
Personnel Video Test
ECOMM™ CallTaker Video Test
ECOMM™ CallTaker Notes Test
ECOMM™ Dispatcher Video Test
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
What makes the FrontLine™ Performance Evaluation System
unique are the detailed behavioral indicators developed for each
dimension that tell employees what is expected of them, guide
raters through the evaluation process and help raters make their
overall rating for each dimension. The behavioral indicators
also allow raters to give detailed feedback to employees on the
impressions they are making in the organization and how they can
improve. Both excellent and unacceptable behaviors are included
in the behavioral indicators. To learn more about the FrontLine™
Performance Evaluation System, a performance evaluation
product book can be provided upon request. Following are just
a few examples of the many performance dimensions that are
included in our standard performance evaluations:
Pricing for the FrontLine™ Performance Evaluation System is
based on the degree of customization. Each situation is unique,
so please call for a price quote.
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
FrontLine™ Performance Evaluation System
E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Pe r f o r m a n c e E v a l u a t i o n
Managing Change
Training/Career Development
Situational Assessment and Analysis
Weapons Skills
Officer Safety Orientation
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 21
ECOMM™ Testing Components
(SKU: 41481)
Emergency Communications Personnel
Video Testing System
ECOMM™ is a revolutionary testing system designed for
emergency communications. ECOMM™ has three modules:
the CallTaker Video Test, the CallTaker Notes Test and the
Dispatcher Test. All three modules are highly job-related and
easy to give to groups or individuals. ECOMM™ simulates
key aspects of call taking and dispatching for unprecedented
accuracy in hiring. ECOMM™ requires quick and accurate
assessment of difficult and evolving situations.
Benefits include:
Improved Communication Center Functioning
Improved Teamwork
Lower Turnover
Lower Stress
Lower Adverse Impact
Quick Scoring Turnaround
Dimensional Score Reports
Reduced Cost and Hiring Time
ECOMM™ tests for skills that are impossible to measure with
common testing methods.
2hrs. 36min.
Dimensional Scores
ECOMM™ Pricing
ECOMM™ includes numerical ranking by total score and
dimensional scores. Dimensional scores provide further
information about candidates based on their response patterns
in the following areas:
(SKU: 41481)
ECOMM™ CallTaker Video Test
Listening and Communications Skills
Dealing with Difficult and Stressful Situations
Analysis, Prioritization and Problem Solving
Public Relations
Internal Relations
Responsibility for Officer Safety
Team Relations
ECOMM™ CallTaker Notes Test
Recording Accuracy
Attention to Detail
ECOMM™ Dispatcher Test
Analysis and Problem Solving
Following Directions and Prioritization
Situational Analysis
Responder Support
Public Relations
Listening and Asking Key Questions
Accurate Information Recording
EC OM M ™ En t r y Level Test • Dimen sio n a l Score Gra p h
ECOMM™ has two convenient price options. Select the one
that is best for you. Answer sheets and scoring are always
included and you only pay for the tests you use.
Option 1: Per Applicant
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
Purchase an annual license, test whenever you want and pay a
reduced charge per applicant.
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Listening & Recording Dispatching
Relations Key Questions Information
Some Problem
High Risk
ECOMM™ was developed to minimize impact on protected
groups by focusing on the full range of critical skills, including
teamwork and human interaction skills, rather than only on
narrowly defined academic abilities. Job analysis data supplies
strong evidence that good judgment and human interaction
skills contribute significantly to an effective and safe operational
Ergometrics’ Practice Tests for
Entry Level Candidates
Available Online at
page 22
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 23
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
CallTaker Video Test
CallTaker Notes Test
Dispatcher Test
# of Items Length (Minutes)
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Practice Tests for Entry Level
Fire and Law Enforcement
C o r r e c t i o n a l Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Adult Corrections
REACT™ Human Relations Video Test
REACT™ Reading Test
REACT™ Count Test
REACT™ Report Writing Video Test
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
REACT™ Promote Supervisory Exam
FireTEAM™ and FrontLine™ Practice Tests
Available Online at
www.fireteamtest.com or www.frontlinetest.com
Standard Exams
Custom Exams
REACT™ Training
All Ergometrics’ practice tests are available at www.videotestpractice.com.
page 24
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 25
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Candidates for criminal justice jobs may be too weak to work
with offenders, susceptible to manipulation, too harsh or prone
to over-involvement.
REACT™ is a specifically designed,
research-based, video simulation test that identifies outstanding
candidates well suited for these demanding jobs. REACT™ is
a useful and valid component for any job where incumbents
interact with offenders. REACT™ scores should be considered
when hiring personnel for:
Probation/Parole (Community Corrections)
Community Based Residences and Programs
Mental Health Security
Counselor/Social Worker/Case Manager
Facility Support
Program Support
Administrative Support
Court Worker
Medical Personnel
Management Personnel
REACT™ Benefits include:
page 26
Identifying Candidates Suited to Work with
Identifying Top Candidates in the First Phase of
Lower Adverse Impact
Easy Administration
Quick Scoring Turnaround
Dimensional Score Reports
Reduced Cost and Hiring Times
Length of Testing Session
REACT™ Test Battery usually totals
150 items and takes about two hours.
Contact Ergometrics for specifics on
the version best for your use.
REACT™ also includes test components for other important
job skills needed in most criminal justice jobs.
Dimensional Scores
REACT™ Pricing
REACT™ is not a paper and pencil personality checklist.
REACT™ uses simulation of actual job circumstances to
understand how candidates will respond. Dimensional scores
provide a preview of behavioral patterns to expect if the
candidate is placed in a job requiring offender contact.
(SKU: 12670)
Overall judgment scores plus candidate response patterns in
these eight dimensions are reported.
Option 1: Per Applicant
Desired Attribute Dysfunctional Pattern
Effective Control Too Weak, Susceptible to
Balanced Authority Overly Harsh
Courteous Communication Style Offensive Manner
Professional Relations with Involved at Offender Level
Hard Working Low Effort
Team Orientation Lone Operator
Management Supporter Management Adversary
Integrity Untrustworthy
REACT™ Human Relations Video Test
Interactive Style with Offenders
Response to Offender Behaviors
Gaining Cooperation
Recognizing Situations and Behaviors
Rule Enforcement and Discipline
Professional Attitude and Conduct
REACT™ Reading Test
Standard Reading Level for Correctional and
Probation Officers
REACT™ Count Test
Keeping Track of Inmate Movement and Count
for Correctional Officers
REACT™ Report Writing Video Test
Observation Skills
Accurate Report Writing
Basic Writing Competency for Correctional
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
REACT™ has two convenient price options. Select the one that
is best for you. Answer sheets and scoring are always included
and you only pay for the tests you use.
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
Purchase an annual license, test whenever you want and pay a
reduced charge per applicant.
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
R EA C T ™ En t r y L e v e l Te s t • D i m e n s i on a l S c or e G r a p h
Over-involved Low Effort
Some Problem
High Risk
Ergometrics’ Practice Tests for
Entry Level Candidates
Available Online at
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 27
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
REACT™ Testing Components
( SK U: 1 2 6 7 0 )
Human Relations Video Test
Report Writing Video Test
Reading Test
Counting Test
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Video Testing System for Adult Corrections
C o r r e c t i o n a l Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
REACT™ Promote Supervisory Exam
REACT™ Promote Supervisory Exams are validated tests that
measure ability to supervise and manage staff in correctional
settings. REACT™ Promote consists of a video-based employee
observation component and a series of written situational
judgment questions, all specific to corrections. REACT™
Promote includes both numerical ranking by total score and
dimensional scores in these areas:
Managing Performance
Training/Career Development
Interpersonal Relations
Managing Conflict
Managing Change
Changing Role to Supervisor
Working with Management
Discipline and Managing Difficult Employees
Team Development/Delegation
Prioritization/Effective Use of Resources
Offender Management
REAC T™ P romote E xam Pricing
(SKU: 12626)
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
page 28
Custom Exams
Ergometrics can create custom exam items from assigned
sources, including internal documents such as department SOPs.
Please call for a price quote.
Juvenile Corrections
REACT™ Training
REACT™ Training is designed for all occupations requiring
contact with offenders. REACT™ Training complements
REACT™ Testing and addresses employee patterns that
are challenging to supervisory staff, including: unnecessary
harshness, over-involvement with offenders, susceptibility
to manipulation and low team orientation. Each module
is specifically designed to make a strong impact on new or
veteran employees whose performance suffers due to one
or more common dysfunctions often observed in those
who work with offenders. REACT™ Training provides
strategies, techniques and tools that help employees better
understand their responsibilities and the impact of their
R EAC T ™ Tr ai ni ng Pr i c i ng
REACT™ Training is a one time cost, based on the size of
your agency. Please contact us for more information on the
cost of purchasing REACT™ Training.
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
IMPACT™ Juvenile Justice Testing System
IMPACT™ Human Relations Video Test
IMPACT™ Reading Test
IMPACT™ Count Test
IMPACT™ Promote Supervisory Exam
Standard Exams
Custom Exams
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Using dimensional scores helps you customize your interview
process to find those candidates most suited for promotion.
Additionally, dimensional scores provide helpful feedback for
candidates on areas they can improve.
# of Items
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
REACT™ Promote Exam Component
( SKU: 1 2 6 2 6 )
C o r r e c t i o n a l Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
P r o m o t i o n & Tr a i n i n g
IMPACT™ Training
Video Based Training Program for
Working with Juvenile Offenders
IMPACT™ Performance Evaluation System
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 29
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
IMPACT™ Testing Components
( SK U: 3 6 2 1 2 )
Human Relations Video Test
Reading Test
Count Test
IMPACT™ is the only specifically designed, research-based,
video test for the skills and attitude needed to work with
juvenile offenders. This well respected assessment tool allows
managers to make hiring decisions that positively impact the
environment of their facilities. IMPACT™ measures overall
suitability for working with juvenile offenders in all job functions
and provides dimensional scores that show what kind of coaching
and supervision candidates will need, if hired. IMPACT™ is
validated for use in hiring:
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Facility Officers
Medical Staff
Kitchen Staff
Probation Officers
Any other job involving close contact with
juvenile offenders
Length (Minutes)
1hr. 35min.
Dimensional Scores
IMPACT™ includes numerical ranking by total score and
dimensional scores showing candidate strengths and weaknesses
in the following areas:
Benefits include:
Identifying Candidates Suited to Work
with Juveniles
Identifying Top Candidates in the First
Phase of Testing
Lower Adverse Impact
Easy Administration
Quick Scoring Turnaround
Dimensional Score Reports
Reduced Cost and Hiring Time
IMPACT™ Human Relations Video Test
Supportive Approach
Strong Adult Presence
Motivation and Building Self-Esteem
Emotional Self-Control
Professional Boundaries
Placing High Priority on Youth
Relations with Coworkers
IMPACT™ Test Pricing
Harshness or Aggressiveness
Weakness or Conflict Avoidance
Crossing Professional Boundaries
Concern for Youth Development
Communication Style
Count Skills
IMPACT™ Test has two convenient price options. Select the
one that is best for you. Answer sheets and scoring are always
included and you only pay for the tests you use.
Option 1: Per Applicant
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
Purchase an annual license, test whenever you want and pay per
I MPA C T ™ E n t r y L e ve l Te s t • D i m e n s i on a l Scor e G r a p h
(SKU: 36212)
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Concern Communication Teamwork
Some Problem
High Risk
IMPACT™ Reading Test
Juvenile Officer Standard Reading Level
IMPACT™ Count Test
Keeping Track of Juvenile Count (for facility staff
Ergometrics’ Practice Tests for
Entry Level Candidates
Available Online at
page 30
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 31
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
# of Items
C o r r e c t i o n a l Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
IMPACT™ Promote Components
( SK U: 6 1 9 1 9 )
IMPACT™ Promote Supervisory Exam
2hr. 43min.
IMPACT™ Promote scoring gives you both numerical ranking
and further refined dimensional scores. Dimensional scores
give you ratings in the following areas:
Managing Performance
Training/Career Development
Interpersonal Relations with Staff
and Customers
Managing Conflict
Managing Change
Changing Role to Supervisor
Working with Management
Discipline and Managing Difficult Employees
Team Development/Delegation
Prioritization/Effective Use of Resources
I MPAC T ™ Pr om ot e • D i m e ns i ona l S c or e G r a ph
Managing Training/ Customer/Staff Integrity Communication Managing
Performance Development Relations
Some Problem
Changing Working With Difficult
Management Employees Development
High Risk
IMPACT™ Promote Exam Pricing (SKU: 61919)
Custom Exams
Ergometrics has affordable pricing option to match your specific
needs. Please call for a price quote.
Ergometrics can create custom exam items from assigned
sources, including internal documents such as department SOPs.
Please call for a price quote.
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Length (Minutes)
Using dimensional scores helps you customize your interview
process to find those candidates most suited for promotion.
Additionally, dimensional scores provide helpful feedback for
candidates on areas they can improve.
page 32
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Promotions are among the most important and far reaching
decisions that managers in juvenile justice make. Effective
supervisory staff assure consistent, high level unit functioning
and they role model expected professional approach with youth.
IMPACT™ Promote Supervisory Exam consists of a videobased employee observation component and a series of written
situational judgment questions that directly measure skills
necessary to become an effective supervisor and manager.
# of Items
C o r r e c t i o n a l Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 33
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
IMPACT™ Training
IMPACT™ Training complements IMPACT™ Testing
and addresses employee patterns that are challenging to
supervisory staff, including: unnecessary harshness, boundary
issues, emotional self-control and lack of caring. Each module
is specifically designed to make a strong impact on new or
veteran employees whose performance suffers due to one or
more common dysfunctions often observed in those who work
with juvenile offenders. IMPACT™ Training provides strategies,
techniques and tools that help employees better understand
their responsibilities and the impact of their behaviors.
IMPACT™ Training Pricing
IMPACT™ Training is a one time cost, based on the size of your
IMPACT™ Performance Evaluation System
IMPACT™ Performance Evaluation System ties directly into
important job dimensions assessed in IMPACT™ selection and
promotion processes. What makes the IMPACT™ Performance
Evaluation System unique are the detailed behavioral indicators
developed for each dimension that tell employees what is
expected of them, guide raters through the evaluation process
and help raters make their overall rating for each dimension.
The behavioral indicators also allow raters to give detailed
feedback to employees on the impressions they are making in
the organization and how they can improve. Both excellent
and unacceptable behaviors are included in the behavioral
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
The IMPACT™ Performance Evaluation System is ready for
immediate implementation in most departments. However,
Ergometrics is also ready to assist any department preferring to
review and customize any of the performance evaluation forms.
We offer implementation advice, assistance with customization
and training for supervisors. Please contact us to discuss your
specific needs.
IMPACT™ Performance Evaluation Pricing
Pricing for the IMPACT™ Performance Evaluation System is
based on the degree of customization. Each situation is unique,
so please call for a price quote.
page 34
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
START™ Testing
START™ People Sense
START™ Driving
START™ Incident Observation &
Report Writing Test
START™ Reading Test
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Customization and Implementation Services
Transit Operator
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
IMPACT™ Training Components ( SKU:
Training Video
Instructor’s Guide
Staff Booklets
Handout & Quiz Copy Masters
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C o r r e c t i o n s Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
in in g & Pe rfo
r mance Evaluat
io n
START™ Promote
Supervisor Exam
Base Chief Exam
Custom Exams
START™ Training
Video-Based Human Relations &
Customer Interaction Training
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 35
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
START™ Transit Operator Testing is the most sophisticated and
widely used test in the transit industry. START™ Testing is fully
validated and easy to give. It has four components. START™
People Sense, the video human relations test, is available in
two versions, one with a special component for working with
customers with special needs. START™ Driving is a video
test that assesses candidates for driving related multi-tasking,
perceptual skills, mirror usage and driving judgment. START™
Reading and START™ Incident Observation and Report
Writing Tests are specifically calibrated to Transit Operator job
Testing Candidates for Key Job Dimensions
Identifying Top Candidates in the First Phase
of Testing
Lower Adverse Impact
Easy Administration
Quick Scoring Turnaround
Reduced Cost and Hiring Time
Reduction in Turnover
2hr. 28min.
Dimensional Scores
In addition to total score rosters, Ergometrics’ in-house scoring
service now provides informative dimensional information based
on each candidate’s answer patterns. Dimensional scores and
graphs show candidate strengths and weaknesses and what kind
of coaching and supervision they will need if hired as transit
operators. Dimensional areas reported are:
START™ People Sense
Customer Relations
Gaining Cooperation
Common Sense Decision Making
Following Policy and Regard for Safety
Showing Respect for Coworkers
START™ Driving
Concentrating on the Road
Keeping Track of Oncoming Traffic
Monitoring Mirrors
Listening and Responding to Radio Transmissions
Anticipating Problems with Traffic
START™ Incident Observation and Report Writing Test
Observation Skills
Accurate Report Writing
Basic Writing Competency
START™ Reading Test
Transit Operator Standard Reading Level
Public Relations
Aggressive Behavior
Ability to Work Independently
Common Sense Decision Making
Attitude towards Management
Serving Customers with Special Needs
Serving Teens and Student Customers
Reading Ability
START™ Pricing
(SKU: 51115)
START™ has two convenient price options. Select the one that
is best for you. Answer sheets and scoring are always included
and you only pay for the tests you use.
Option 1: Per Applicant
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
Purchase an annual license, test whenever you want and pay a
reduced charge of per applicant.
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
S TA RT ™ E n tr y L e v e l Te st • D i m e n si o n a l S c o re G ra p h
Behavior Independently Sense
Management Teamwork Customers w/ Youth
Special Needs Customers
Some Problem
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Benefits include:
START™ Transit Operator Test
STA RT ™ Te s t i ng Co mp o n e n t s
# of Items
( SK U: 5 1 1 1 5 )
People Sense Video - Version A
Incident Observation &
Report Writing Test
High Risk
Candidate Practice Test for
Entry Level Transit Operator
START™ Practice Test
Available Online at
page 36
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 37
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
START™ Promote Supervisory Exams are designed specifically
for the transit industry. START™ Promote has test versions for
Supervisor and Base Chief.
Supervisor Exam
START™ Promote Supervisor Exam covers the customary first
line transit supervisory rank where supervisors can pick or be
assigned to work as:
Road Supervisors
Schedule Makers
Assignment Planners
Radio Control
Employee Observation Video
Supervisor Exam
Base Chief Exam
Length (Minutes)
Building Operator Morale
Coaching and Performance Feedback
Customer Service
Evaluating Operator Performance
Transit System Management Responsibility
Providing Good Road Support
Dimensional scores showing aptitude for specialty assignment
are provided for the following areas:
Schedule Maker
Assignment Planner
Radio Control
S TART™ Pr o mo te S ys tem S uper vis o r • Dimens io na l S co re G rap h
page 38
START™ Promote Base Chief Exam has a video and written
component. Numerical ranking scores are further defined with
dimensional scores for each candidate in the following areas:
Dimensional score breakdowns allow departments flexibility
to decide what subset of skills fits their unique supervisory
Dimensional scores applicable to all transit
supervisors are provided in the following areas:
Management Analytic
Responsibility Skills
START™ Promote Exam Pricing
Evaluating Operator Performance
Managing Performance
Training/Career Development
Interpersonal Relations with Staff
and Customers
Managing Conflict
Managing Change
Working with Management
Discipline and Managing Difficult Employees
Team Development/Delegation
Prioritization/Effective Use of
Supervisor (SKU: 63825) Base Chief (SKU: 61440) )
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Custom Exams
Ergometrics can create customized test items from assigned
sources, including internal documents such as operator books,
route information, bulletins and department SOPs. Please call
for a price quote.
START™ Prom ote B a se C hief • D imensiona l Score G ra ph
Managing Training/ Customer/Staff Integrity Communication Managing
Performance Development Relations
Some Problem
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Operational Support
Managing Operator Performance
Providing Performance Feedback
Developing Pride and Morale in Operations
Promoting Customer Service and
Good Customer Relations
Numeric Analytic Skills
Complex Planning
# of Items
* The Employee Observation Video is for both the Supervisor and
Base Chief Exams.
START™ Promote Supervisor Exam includes a video component
and a written component that covers:
Base Chief Exam
START™ Promote Components
System Supervisor (SKU: 63825)
Base Chief (SKU: 61440)
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
START™ Promote Supervisory Exams
Working w/ Difficult
Management Employees Development
High Risk
Assignment Multi-Tasking Instructional
Some Problem
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
High Risk
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 39
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
START ™Training is a video-based program, designed for use by
internal trainers. START ™Training focuses on customer and
internal relations. It helps both new and veteran transit and
paratransit operators overcome common negative mindsets
that can make the job unnecessarily difficult. START™ Training
addresses the following areas:
* Travel costs and per diem for the trainer will be billed at cost.
START™ Training Pricing
(SKU: 33184)
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Diplomat Series™ Public Sector Customer Service
Office Skills™ Test Battery
Promote!™ General Supervisory Exam
page 40
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Diplomat Human Relations Video Test
Diplomat Phone Skills Video Test
Diplomat Reading Test
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Philosophy of Public Transit
Understanding and Following Rules, Policies
and Guidelines
Conflict Avoidance - Letting it Go
Deciding When it is Best to Call for Assistance
Communicating with Customers
During Emergencies
Managing Schedule and Time Pressure
Keeping it Positive - Non Verbal Communication
Professional Communication Style
Handling Difficult Situations
Dealing with Stress Associated with Being a
Transit Operator
Working with Kids
Special Paratransit Situations and Customers
with Disabilities
Interacting with Supervisors
Relations with Higher Level Management
START™ Training Components
( SKU: 3 3 1 8 4 )
Training Video
Instructor’s Guide
Operator Booklets
Handout & Quiz Copy Masters
Train the Trainer Session for
START™ Training
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
START™ Training
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a i n i n g
Video and Written Components
Custom Exams
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 41
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Customer service, in-person and by phone, defines an agency’s
public image. Public sector customers expect courteous,
knowledgeable and professional interactions. Ergometrics’
Diplomat Series™ is based on the skills and attitude needed
to effectively perform a wide range of public contact work
requiring professional customer relations. The Diplomat
Series™ consists of three validated tests:
• Diplomat Human Relations Video Test
• Diplomat Phone Skills Video Test
• Diplomat Reading Test
In addition to total score listings, tests in the Diplomat Series™
report candidate response patterns. These dimensional scores
allow managers to better understand their candidates’ strengths
and weaknesses, and what kind of coaching and supervision they
will need, if hired.
Diplomat Series™ Testing Components
(SKU: 29584)
Human Relations Video Test
Phone Skills Video Test
Reading Test
# of
Length (Minutes)
2hr. 5min.
Diplomat Human Relations Video Test
Diplomat Human Relations Video Test simulates working in a
public sector customer service job. It is an excellent test for
any job where employees interact with the public, including
counter work, client assistance and field work. Diplomat Human
Relations Video Test covers:
Customer Communication Style
Handling Customer Problems
Co-worker Relations
Work Habits
Management Relations
Testing for Key Public Relations Attitudes
and Behaviors
Identifying Top Candidates in the First
Phase of Testing
Lower Adverse Impact
Easy Administration
Quick Scoring Turnaround
Dimensional Score Reports
Reduced Cost and Hiring Time
Multi-tasking phone environments, including call centers, demand
exemplary customer service skills while performing technical
and analytic tasks, such as accessing computer files and making
entries. Diplomat Phone Skills Video Test is specifically designed
for these types of jobs and covers:
Tact and Diplomacy
Dealing with Frustrating Situations
Dealing with Callers Who are Confused
Dealing with Distractions
Listening and Focusing on what is Important
Professional Interactions
Analyzing Computer Files and Paperwork
Following Rules and Policies
Noticing Problems and Discrepancies
Promoting Customer Satisfaction
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Public Sector Customer Service Standard
Reading Level
Dimensional Scores
Diplomat Series™ dimensional scores provide you with an
analysis of candidate response patterns. Dimensional areas
reported are:
Stern Unpleasant Approach
Passivity/Conflict Avoidance
Concern for Customers
Difficult to Supervise
Support for Policy
Phone Courtesy
Analytical Phone Work
D ipl om a t S er ies ™ • D im ens iona l S c or e G r a ph
page 42
Diplomat Reading Test
Considerate Supervisory
Some Problem
Phone Work
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Benefits include:
Diplomat Phone Skills Video Test
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Customer Service
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Customer Service
High Risk
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 43
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Diplomat Series™ Pricing
(SKU: 29584)
The Diplomat Series™ has two convenient price options.
Select the one that is best for you. Answer sheets and scoring
are always included and you only pay for the tests you use.
Option 1: Per Applicant
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
The Diplomat Series™ annual license allows departments to
maintain all three tests on premises and use them anytime, in
any combination, for any job opening where customer service
is important.
Ergometrics’ Office Skills™ Test Battery is designed to
provide the flexibility needed to fill the full range of clerical
and administrative support positions. It is based on extensive
research and closely simulates critical tasks performed by
support personnel in modern offices. The Office Skills™ Test
Battery is contained in one machine scored test booklet. It is
validated and consists of three primary components:
Applicant Job Match Questionnaire
Office Skills Tests
Office Skills Structured Interview
Applicant Job Match Questionnaire
Important work preferences, skills and experience are reported
by candidates on the machine scanned test booklet and concisely
summarized for your review. Dimensions covered include:
Preferred Job Conditions
Preferred Job Responsibilities
Experience Using Office Technology
Estimated Keyboard Speed
Preferred Keyboard Demands
Software Familiarity
Office Skills Structured Interview
Office Skills™ Test Battery Components
# of Items
(SKU: 21849)
Applicant Job Match Questionnaire
Written Expression
Basic Math
Business Math
Length (Minutes)
1hr. 38min.
Option 1: Per Applicant
Pay a one time set up fee. Then pay per applicant.
Option 2: Per Applicant (with Annual License)
Purchase an annual license, test whenever you want and pay a
reduced charge per applicant.
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Office Skills™ Test Battery
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Office Skills
Office Skills Interview is designed to evaluate applicants’ style
and approach to work. The strategy of the interview is to ask
applicants what their references will say about the their past
performance in the areas of attendance, work habits, personal
habits (only as they may interfere with work) and working with
others. This product provides interviewers with 20 detailed
interview questions.
Office Skills Pricing
(SKU: 21849) )
The Office Skills™ Test Battery has two convenient price
options. Select the one that is best for you. Answer sheets
and scoring are always included and you only pay for the tests
you use.
page 44
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Customer Service
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 45
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Supervisory Skills
PROMOTE!™ General Supervisory Exam is an extensively
validated, modern test of supervisory potential with video
and written components. It was specifically designed for
filling supervisory jobs and is applicable across a wide range of
occupations and organizations, including supervision of:
Public Contact Functions
Clerical and Support Functions
Customer Service
Professional and Semi-Professional Services
Maintenance Services
Technical Operations
Promote!™ General Supervisory Exam Components
(SKU: 18789)
# of
2hr. 25min.
Written Component
PROMOTE!™ Exam Pricing
The written component of PROMOTE!™ General Supervisor
Exam contains carefully constructed written test questions
covering the most important dimensions of supervisory potential
and performance. In addition to total scores, dimensional scores
are provided in the following areas:
(SKU: 18789)
Video Component
The video component of PROMOTE!™ General Supervisor
Exam uses simulations in an office setting to assess candidate
ability to recognize performance issues and make appropriate
judgments and inferences regarding an employee’s job
performance. This highly predictive component reaches across
job classifications and adds substantially to information obtained
in written format testing.
Managing Change
Communications Skills
Disciplining and Managing Difficult Employees
Interpersonal Relations with Staff and Customers
Changing Role To Supervisor
Managing Conflict
Managing Performance
Prioritization/Effective Use of Resources
Team Development/Delegation
Training/Career Development
Working with Management
Ergometrics has affordable pricing options to match your
specific needs. Please call for a price quote.
Custom Exams
Ergometrics can create custom exams from assigned sources,
including internal documents such as department SOPs. Please
call for a price quote.
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Managing Communication Difficult Customer/Staff
Employees Relations
page 46
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Some Problem
Managing Prioritzation
Training/ Working With
Development Development Management
High Risk
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 47
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
PR O M OT E !™ • D ime n s io n al S c o r e G r ap h
C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Tr a n s i t Pe r s o n n e l Te s t s a n d P r o d u c t s
Supervisory Skills
Te s t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Recruiting Services
Recruiting Services
National Testing Network
Recruitment Support
Ergometrics has a wide variety of options to support test
administration. Computer testing, onsite facilitation and
outsourcing are a few options that can help organizations
provide streamlined testing and minimize errors. Our
test administration services are typically customized to
meet client needs. We can often reduce administration
cost while increasing candidate participation.
Ergometrics can help your organization implement
a computer-based testing system. Based on years of
research in the pre-employment industry, we have
developed a robust system that can accommodate most
test parameters, such as timing variables, graphical
tests and intricate navigation. We make the entire
implementation process simple. All clients need to do
is provide us with written copies of the tests they want
computerized. We customize the online application,
test it, build a secure database, provide online access
to data and host all data. The process is simple. Most
clients require minimal involvement, if any, from their
organizational IT departments to upgrade to computer
Increasingly, departments are seeking alternatives for
pre-employment testing. Outsourcing testing processes
can provide real cost savings and the potential to reach
a broader applicant pool. Ergometrics has successfully
helped dozens of departments move to an entirely
outsourced national testing model. These departments
simply login to a secure database to retrieve lists of
qualified, prescreened candidates at their convenience.
No more scheduling, no more checking candidates in,
no more proctoring exams, no more processing answer
Recruitment is one of the hardest parts of public sector
hiring. With Ergometrics’ wide client base, we can help
with your recruitment efforts. We have dedicated public
safety recruitment sites, as well as, national testing
options to make the most of your recruiting efforts. We
can streamline your recruitment process and reduce
your recruitment time and resources.
Test Administration Support
Ergometrics can provide standard on-site test
administration for any organization, including planning,
scheduling and proctoring.
page 48
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 49
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Ergometrics 2009/2010 Catalog
Computer Testing Programs
Test Administration and Recruiting Services
Recruiting Services
Te s t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Te s t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Frequently Asked Questions
What Do Ergometrics’ Video Simulation Tests
Tell Me About an Applicant?
Why is Video the Medium Used for Most
Ergometrics’ Simulation Tests?
Ergometrics’ video simulation tests are designed to assess
applicant abilities in important, hard to test areas, such
as situational judgment, human relations, teamwork,
listening and communications skills, dealing with difficult
and stressful situations, multi-tasking, problem solving and
safety orientation.
Video is the most practical and valid medium for job
simulation, providing the same controlled information
to all candidates in exactly the same way every time.
Ergometrics’ videos accurately portray human interactions,
including situational and emotional triggers that account
for the majority of differences in job performance in the
areas tested. Ergometrics’ video tests consistently and
significantly outperform paper and pencil tests in terms of
higher validity.
How Do Ergometrics’ Video Simulation Tests
Ergometrics’ video simulation tests present typical job
situations in a video, multiple-choice format. As in real life,
after watching each situation, applicants are required to
make quick decisions about how to respond. To score well,
applicants must assess each scenario and project the likely
outcome of given actions.
At What Point in the Hiring Process Should
Ergometrics’ Video Simulation Tests Be Given?
Ergometrics’ Video Tests are designed to be the initial
screening tool, identifying high potential applicants as
the first step in the hiring process. Validation studies
show that candidate experience and education do not
effectively predict judgment and human interaction ability.
Therefore, screening out applicants prior to testing limits
the possibility of finding people with good judgment and
outstanding human relations skills.
page 50
Will Ergometrics’ Tests Have Any Adverse
Impact on Protected Groups?
Ergometrics’ video tests consistently have much lower
adverse impact than written tests and are fair and valid
for all groups. The questions are direct simulations of
job situations, with clearly interpretable answers, and are
not dependent on previous experience or reading ability.
All Ergometrics’ tests meet or exceed EEOC and ADA
What Other Testing is Necessary?
Ergometrics’ video tests are intentionally designed to
eliminate reading factors when testing for judgment and
other specific skills. If reading or academic skills are
required, additional tests are recommended as part of the
Ergometrics’ test battery for that occupation.
How Does Ergometrics’ Scoring Service Work?
Ergometrics’ provides scoring services for all tests offered,
with guaranteed two business day turnaround. Answer
sheets can be sent in physically or scanned into electronic
format and emailed to our scoring department. Electronic
transfer of answer sheets cuts down on travel time and
shipping expenses. A RUSH Service is available for a nominal
extra charge. RUSH Service provides same day or 24 hour
turnaround of test scores. Scores are sent electronically
to pre-approved contacts at each agency. Scoring services
include: scoring, transmission of score rosters, consultation
regarding scores and passing points, and maintenance of a
database with all previous test results. Ergometrics can
perform analyses of your data base, including comparisons
with national norms.
How Do I Administer Ergometrics’ Simulation
Are Your Tests Validated?
Ergometrics’ video tests are easy to administer, as simple as
putting a video or DVD into a player and giving applicants
machine scoreable answer sheets. Simple instructions are
provided for the test administrator and most candidate
instructions are included in the video. Any number of
applicants can be tested at one time, as long as they can all
see and hear the video.
Yes, Ergometrics’ tests are validated using both content
and criterion validation. All Ergometrics’ simulation
tests show high correlation between test scores and job
performance. All Ergometrics’ tests meet or exceed legal
and professional standards for validation, including those
established by the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance
and the American Psychological Association. Ergometrics’
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
tests are developed in conjunction with hundreds of
professionals and administrators from each occupational
area studied. Video is produced and directed by test
development experts from Ergometrics working on site
with subject matter experts to ensure that every detail is
accurate and realistic.
What is
Hiring and training personnel is a major expense in terms of
time and money. Bad hiring decisions result in management
problems, bad public relations, potential legal liability and
negative impact on the organization. Validation studies on
Ergometrics’ tests show that improving the match between
the applicant and the job dramatically lowers turnover,
absenteeism and management problems. Simulation testing
enables you to identify those applicants who have the key
skills necessary to be successful, early in the screening
process, thereby increasing efficiency and decreasing the
cost of subsequent testing and hiring procedures.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 51
Product Order Form
New client orders must include a signed and accepted licensing agreement. Orders must be placed within 7 business days of required delivery date.
Orders requiring less than 7 business days will incur a $30 RUSH charge and overnight freight expenses. RUSH orders must be placed within 3
business days of required delivery date. The delivery date is at least the business day before any scheduled test date.
B il l To :
Authorized Contact:
Zip/Postal Code:
e-mail address:
3. Security
Licensee will maintain strict security of these tests in accordance with accepted test security
practices and those incorporated herein. All copies of test materials and any associated confidential documents such as answer sheets are to be stored in a secured location and accounted for
at all times. Authorized copying of test materials will be personally monitored by an individual
responsible for test security. Test materials and any trash containing confidential material will be
handled with complete security.
S e n d To : ( If Di f f e r e n t From Bi l l i n g A d d ress)
Authorized Contact:
Zip/Postal Code:
e-mail address:
Test Date:
Materials Needed by:
Check Box For Rush Order
Signature of Authorized Contact:
Product Order 1
Product SKU
Product Order 2
Product SKU
Product Title
# of Applicants
Per Applicant Price
(if applicable)
Setup Fee ($150)
Annual License Price
Product Title
# of Applicants
Per Applicant Price
(if applicable)
Setup Fee ($150)
Annual License Price
*Shipping expenses will be added to the invoice total.
Prices and other terms: There is a $125 minimum charge on all per applicant orders in addition to the setup fee. Test packages or products may
not be resold, subleased or distributed for any purpose. All orders will be shipped UPS 2Day, unless marked as a rush shipment. Method of Payment
preferred is Check or ACH. Per applicant orders will include an estimate based on the number of tests ordered. A final invoice will be created at
the time of scoring and prorated for the number of applicants tested ($125 minimum applies). There is a $150 restocking fee for all cancelled orders
after product has been shipped.
Special Instructions:
page 52
1. Scope of Agreement
Ergometrics grants use of the tests to the licensee for the sole purpose of pre-employment
and promotional testing. These materials may not be used for training purposes under any
circumstances. Authorization to use this test is limited to the licensee’s agency. You may not
lease, rent, loan, transfer or administer this test to or for any other agency or entity without
express written permission from Ergometrics. The test(s) meet and/or exceed all EEOC guidelines
and professional standards. Ergometrics will provide general validation reports upon request. In
the event of challenge, Ergometrics will provide expert testimony at its regular consulting rates.
Ergometrics assumes no liability for the use or misapplication of this product.
2. Copyright
The test is owned by Ergometrics and protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. The licensee is not authorized to copy any videos or DVD’s. Printed
materials may only be copied with express permission from Ergometrics and may only be used as
designated by Ergometrics.
Test Licensing Agreement
Send Orders To:
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
18720 33rd Avenue West
Lynnwood, WA 98037
FAX: 425-774-0829
e-mail: orders@ergometrics.org
4. Implementation
Licensee certifies that it is experienced in test administration and qualified to administer these
materials. Ergometrics will provide the licensee general written or telephone instructions on the
administration, use and scoring of this test. Ergometrics warrants that the video, audio, and
printed materials are free from defects in material and workmanship.
Some DVD players will have incompatibilities with the DVD format provided. There may be some
skipping, stopping or other difficulties experienced. We suggest playing all DVD’s on newer DVD/
DVD-R players for the best playback. Clean all DVD’s, each time, prior to playback and check for
deep or excessive scratches. Check DVD’s prior to test administrations on the machine that will
be used for testing. In addition, we will provide back-up VHS copies for all testing packages.
5. Test Security
Test users should always observe security precautions when dealing with tests. Your test licensing
with Ergometrics requires that you conform to specific test security procedures. Basic test security precautions include preventing materials from being stolen, copied, or otherwise compromised.
This can be done by establishing responsibility and following conventional test security procedures.
Ergometrics maintains the right to, at any time, verify the whereabouts of testing materials maintained by the Licensee and request written documentation of the chain of responsibility outlined
in the Test Security Agreement.
6. Security Precautions
a. Maintain an uninterrupted chain of responsibility
Test copies, keys and any other confidential parts of tests must always be the responsibility of
a clearly defined person. This person must sign for test materials and be responsible for the
security of the test whereabouts at all times. Logs must be maintained that show who had
responsibility for the tests during what time. This includes keeping records of who is responsible
for the materials in their normal storage location and to whom they are temporarily checked out.
There must be no time when the tests are not someone’s responsibility and properly accounted
b. Keep materials in a secure area or with the responsible person
Tests and related parts must be stored in secure areas where there is limited, recorded access.
Tests must not be left unattended on a table or on someone’s desk, even for a few minutes. If
tests are not in use, they must be under lock and key.
c. Protect materials from computer based theft
Any Ergometrics’ materials that are maintained on computer must be kept on a stand alone
computer that is secured from unauthorized users. The only persons authorized to access these
materials are those directly involved in managing and administering the tests.
d. Obtain Certification of Compliance with Confidentiality and
Copyright before allowing applicants to take tests
To avoid problems by obtaining Certification of Compliance with Confidentiality and Copyright
before allowing applicants to take tests.
e. Maintain security during testing
Monitor all test sessions in progress, being alert to ways that individuals could steal, copy or in
any other way compromise confidential, copyrighted test materials. Number test booklets or test
parts that are given to applicants so that if something turns up missing you can tell whose it
was. Have applicants initial for the parts that they are receiving. Check applicants in and out of
the test session one at a time, making sure that all test parts are accounted for. Restrict movement of applicants in and out of the testing area when tests are in progress. If an applicant
must leave for any reason, check materials back in first. Be alert for individuals who may be
attempting to take notes, speak notes into a recorder or surreptitiously make recordings of tests.
Cell phones are not allowed in plain sight during the test administration. They must be put
away and turned off or in the event of any applicant being on-call or needing to be paged, they
must be checked into the test administrator prior to the test session. Collect and destroy scratch
paper. Make sure that any authorized visitors or observers are aware of all security precautions.
No one, other than the official test monitor, should take notes or any other confidential materials
from a testing room.
f. Protect materials from organized attempts at compromise
Educational institutions, unions or other groups affected by testing have been known to organize
attempts to reproduce test materials. Even if the reproductions are crude, they still constitute
copyright violation. Many lawsuits over such matters have been brought and won by testing
companies and organizations. Let local organizations know that any such acts will not be lightly
tolerated. Send them copies of the Certification of Compliance with Confidentiality and Copyright.
Call Ergometrics immediately if you discover organized attempts to compromise test materials. We
can technically analyze the severity of the violation and will not hesitate to take legal action to
rectify the situation.
g. If a test is taken
If the above procedures are observed, theft or attempted theft of test items is a very rare event.
Should someone take a test or key, the following guidelines apply. Theft of a valuable item is a
police matter. If you have reasonable information as to who the suspect is and that person is
present, presumably with the test materials on their person, detain that person and phone the
police. Any one of the following are reasonable circumstances for detaining someone. You or
another staff member witnessed the theft. Someone else, such as another applicant, identifies the
culprit (if two are accusing each other it is reasonable to detain both because both have been
identified). A numbered booklet is missing that is checked out to a specific person. There are
other circumstances that may reasonably point to a particular person or persons. If you have
reasonable information to suspect someone, detain that person and phone the police. Be polite
to suspects while you wait for authorities to arrive. For instance, offer them a cup of coffee and
try to make them comfortable. Thank them for their cooperation.
h. Never discuss specific test questions or answers
The content of test questions is confidential and copyrighted. Do not discuss specific questions or
answers with anyone, including applicants or even others in the organization, except in the course
of formal research and test design. Any conversations about test content must be conducted
formally in conjunction with Ergometrics.
i. Obtain Test Security Agreement from all responsible individuals
Document that all employees who deal with test materials or applicants understand their responsibility in maintaining security. Maintain on file signed copies of the form entitled Test Security
Agreement Individual Statement of Responsibility from all employees whose job in any way can
impact test security. This includes test administrators, human resources management staff, any
employees who have responsibility for the security of confidential materials in storage, etc.
j. Obtain written consent from Ergometrics prior to subcontracting
Ergometrics’ test materials are licensed for use by your organization only. Contact Ergometrics if
your organization is considering subcontracting test administration or other services that involve
the outside handling of Ergometrics’ test materials. This has been acceptable in some cases,
however, security arrangements must be formally established. Your organization will remain fully
responsible for the security of materials that are handled in this manner.
Phone: (425) 774-5700 • Fax: (425) 774-0829 • e-mail: info@ergometrics.org • www.ergometrics.org
page 53
7. Termination
This Agreement may be terminated in whole in the event that the Licensee or Ergometrics
breaches any material provision of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within thirty
(30) days after the non-breaching party delivers written notice of such breach to the breaching
Party. Upon termination, Ergometrics will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata
basis for services performed or rendered and all test materials must be returned immediately
to Ergometrics once the Licensing Agreement has been terminated. At the end of the license
period, Ergometrics will automatically renew the license period unless written notification has been
received of intent to cancel the agreement prior to expiration and all test materials have been
8. Events Upon License Expiration orTermination
a. Annual License
Upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason, Licensee will cease use of
all testing materials and return such materials within 15 days of expiration or termination of
license. If all testing materials (video tapes, test originals, test booklets, etc) are not returned
within 15 days of expiration or termination, Ergometrics will invoice for another license term. Ergometrics will continue to license until such time that all testing materials under this agreement
have been returned. Ergometrics will prorate license fees upon return of all Ergometrics’ testing
materials as of the date in which they are returned in the event the materials are returned
after the license expiration. In the event that test materials are lost, stolen or neglected to be
returned by the licensee, Ergometrics may pursue legal actions regarding any breach of security
incorporated herein and/or agreement of license term (Attachment A, to be created at time of
test order).
b. Per Applicant License
Upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason, Licensee will cease use of
all testing materials and return such materials within 15 days of expiration or termination of
license. If all testing materials (video tapes, test originals, test booklets, etc) are not returned
within 15 days of expiration or termination, Ergometrics will invoice $25 for every 15 days
overdue. Ergometrics will continue to invoice until such time that all testing materials under
this agreement have been returned. In the event that test materials are lost, stolen or neglected
to be returned by the licensee, Ergometrics may pursue legal actions regarding any breach of
security incorporated herein and/or agreement of license term (Attachment A, to be created at
time of test order.).
Preview Ergometrics’ Pre-employment Selection Systems
Test Licensing Agreement
This is a legal agreement between the Licensing Agency and Ergometrics and Applied Personnel Research, Inc. By accepting the Ergometrics pre-employment test(s) for use, you are
agreeing to the terms of this agreement.
Parties to the Agreement
This a greement will be between Ergometrics and Applied Personnel Research, Inc . and the par ty listed below.
Principal Signer:
Agency Name/Test:
Physical Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Authorized Contacts
Please list in addition to the Principal Signer anyone who is authorized to receive test materials, scores or discuss scores with Ergometrics.
Authorized Contact:
Authorized Contact:
Please return To:
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
18720 33rd Avenue West
Lynnwood, WA 98037
E-MAIL: orders@ergometrics.org
FAX: 425-774-0829
Failure to return the signed licensing agreement, may delay the processing of your order.
page 54
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
For more information, to receive a detailed price quote
or to schedule a web conference, contact us at:
Ergometrics & Applied Personnel Research, Inc.
18720 33rd Avenue West
Lynnwood, WA 98037
Tel: (425) 774-5700 or Fax: (425) 774-0829
e-mail: info@ergometrics.org