November 2014 - Jesus the Good Shepherd Catholic Church
November 2014 - Jesus the Good Shepherd Catholic Church
VOLUME 19, ISSUE 9 NOVEMBER 2014 CHURCH STAFF Rev. David Richter, Pastor Rev. Keith Garvin, Parochial Vicar Deacon Tom Deal Deacon Chris Domingue Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Moore, Retired in Residence Tess Cash, Secretary Haley Pulliam, Business Manager Barbara Lewis, Bookkeeper Missy McKenzie, Development Dir. Jennifer Sparks, Development Kerri Frantz, Parish School of Religion Pam Givens, Director of Music Ken Vincent, Finance Council Chair Lisa Patrick, JGS School Principal Vaughn Antley Trustees John VanVeckhoven PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Michael Ajlani, Tom Brock, Kerri Frantz, Fr. Keith Garvin, John Guerriero, Jr, Andi Holyfield, Susan McKenzie, Lisa Patrick, Fr. David Richter, Charles Sampognaro, Kathi Savage, J. Randy Smith, Kelly B. Southern, Eric Thibodeaux (Pres.), Delle Tyler, Elizabeth Williams PARISH OFFICE HOURS 8:00 am ‐ 4:00 pm Monday ‐ Friday MASSES Weekend Anticipated: Saturday ‐ 4:30pm Sunday ‐ 8:30am, 11:00am, 5:00pm Nursery for 1‐4 year olds 8:30am and 11:00am Weekdays: Monday & Wednesday 6:30am Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm Friday (School Mass) 8:10am Saturday 7:30am Holy Days 8:10am, 5:30pm RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00pm ‐ 4:00pm or by appointment ADORATION Every Tuesday until Benediction at 5:20pm. See inside weekly church bulletin for additional information. FAITH ENRICHMENT/PSR Sunday 9:40am JGS Cafeteria Grades K‐12 during the school year BAPTISM Please call Fr. Richter or Fr. Keith to schedule a baptism. Baptism preparation class is required. MATRIMONY Please contact the church office at least six months prior to the wedding date. The feast of Christ the King is one of the most recent solemnities of the Catholic Church. Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of Christ the King in 1925 as the last Sunday in October. In Pope John XXIII’s 1960 revision of the liturgical calendar, the date and title remained the same and, in the new simpler ranking of feasts, it was classified as a feast of the first class. In his 1969 motu proprio Mysterii Paschalis, Pope Paul VI made three changes. First, he moved the feast to its current place – the Sunday before Advent. Second, he expanded the name to “Dominus Noster Jesus Christus Universorum Rex” {Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universes}. Third, he raised the feast to that of a Solemnity. Christ the King Sunday is November 23 In the celebration of the Extraordinary Form (the traditional Latin Mass), the feast of Christ the King is still celebrated on the last Sunday in October, however the older propers for the Last Sunday after Pentecost posses eschatological themes. Christ the King and High Priest, have mercy on us. Thanksgiving Day, a deeply Catholic holiday For most Americans, Thanksgiving Day is a special day, where we celebrate family unity. In fact, families get together on Thanksgiving more often than on any other holiday, including Christmas, and according to retailers’ statistics, this is the day when the most food is consumed in the country. But besides the traditional family get-together and the big meal, there is also the religious meaning of this holiday, that is present since its origins. According to tradition, the pilgrims celebrated the first meal of thanksgiving in 1621, together with a group of natives to give thanks to God for the abundance of the harvests in the new world. With time, this celebration became a national event, finally sanctioned by President George Washington himself. Today, we Catholics, celebrate Thanksgiving not only as a national holiday, but also as an authentically Catholic holiday. I say that this is a truly Catholic celebration because even before the “first” Thanksgiving celebration on U.S. soil in 1621, on April 30, 1598, in Texas, Don Juan de Oñate had already declared officially a “Day of Thanksgiving,” commemorated with the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Oñate did what is essentially Catholic: to celebrate the Eucharist, a word which comes from the Greek term Eukaristein, and which means, precisely, “thanksgiving.” In fact the Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that “Believing in God, the only One, and loving him with all our being has enormous consequences for our whole life,” (CCC 222); and then it adds that this involves, “living in thanksgiving: if God is the only One, everything we are and have comes from him: ‘What have you that you did not receive?’ ‘What shall I render to the Lord for all his bounty to me?’”(CCC 224). This is the reason why, although Thanksgiving is not a day of obligation on the Catholic calendar, the liturgical calendar of the church in the United States celebrates it with the solemnity of two readings — one from the Old and another from the New Testament — and with a symbolic reading of the Gospel of Luke: the passage of the “Magnificat” proclaimed by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, in which she recites one of the most beautiful and profound thanksgivings to the infinite love of God: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness… The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” (Lk 1:41-55) Although the Virgin Mary experienced it in a unique and privileged way, we can offer our thanksgiving to God, because he has given us more than we imagine or deserve, simply because, as our Holy Mother tells us, he has done great things for us, and holy is his name. That is why we Catholics should not only celebrate Thanksgiving with a deep sense of prayer, gratitude and joy, but the celebration this day should lead us to remember that our lives as Catholics are a constant act of thanksgiving, through our daily activities, all of which should give glory to God, especially through the celebration of the Eucharist, which, as the Catechism says, “The Eucharist is a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father, a blessing by which the church expresses her gratitude to God for all his benefits, for all that he has accomplished through creation, redemption and sanctification. Eucharist means first of all ‘thanksgiving.’” (CCC 1360) We will soon begin the special season of Advent. Through it, we prepare to receive the supreme gift from God: his own Son, who became one of us to reconcile humanity. I pray with all my heart to our Mother, who was always grateful to the Lord, to fill our hearts with thanksgiving, in preparation for the great mysteries of Christmas. Column by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, November 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 31 1 ALL SAINTS DAY liturgy 7:30 a.m JGS School Parade of Saints 8:10am Mass (Church) Halloween Day 2 3 Faith Enrichment (PSR) Family Pizza Night & Cafeteria 9:40-11 a.m. Adoration/Confession 6-6:30pm (Gym) Divine Mercy (Church) 6:30-7:30pm (Church) 9:45am CLOW* 11:00am Mass 4 Early Morning Men’s Study (Parish Hall) 6:30a.m.-7:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 12-1 p.m. Protecting God’s Children (Moore Hall) 6-10 p.m. First Sunday Rosary Group (Parish Hall) 3:00-4:30 P.M. 10 9 Faith Enrichment (PSR) SVDP (Parish Hall) Cafeteria 9:40-11 a.m. 12-1:30 pm. CLOW* 11:00am Mass Family Pizza Night & Adoration/Confession Baptism (Gathering 6-6:30pm (Gym) Space) 2-3 p.m. 6:30-7:30pm (Church) 6 5 The Lunch Bunch Men’s Bible Study (Parish Hall)11:00-1:00 BINGO! (Moore Hall) Senior Shepherd’s 11:30 p.m. Scripture Study (Parlor) 1:30-2:30 p.m. ACTS Women ACTS Core Mtg (Moore Hall) 5:25-7:30 p.m. RCIA-(Church) 7:00-9:00 P.M. Confirmation Parent Meeting (School Cafeteria) 5:30-8p.m. 11 Early Morning Men’s Study (Parish Hall) 6:30a.m.-7:30 a.m. 12 Men’s Bible Study (Parish Hall) 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch Bunch (Moore Hall) 11:00-1:00p.m. Senior Shepherd’s Scripture Study (Parlor) 1:30-2:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 12-1 p.m. RCIA-(Parish Hall) 7:00-9:00 P.M. St. Jane deChantal Sewing (Moore Hall) 6-9p.m. 7 First Friday Divine Mercy Prayer Service 3:30 p.m. (Church) (parlor) 11:00-12:30 p.m. 13 14 ACTS Women (parlor) 11-12:30pm. Lunch Bunch Bingo/ Sac Lunch (Moore Hall) 11:30-1:00p.m Faith Sharing Group (Parish Hall) 7-9:30 pm 20 21 ACTS Women (parlor) 11-12:30 p.m. 23 CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY Faith Enrichment (PSR) Cafeteria 9:40-11 a.m. 25 Early Morning Men’s Study ( Parish Hall) 6:30-7:30a.m. 26 Men’s Bible Study (Parish Hall) 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 27 THANKSGIVING DAY Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 12-1 p.m. Senior Shepherd’s Scripture Study (Parlor) 1:30-2:30 P.M. 30 1ST SUNDAY IN ADVENT Trunk or Treat (Gym Parking Lot) 5:407p.m. Confirmation Class (Cafeteria) 6-8 p.m. 15 JGS Soup Kitchen (KC Hall on Oliver Rd) 8:00a.m-12:00p.m. 19 Men’s Bible Study (Parish Hall) 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Senior Shepherd’s Scripture Study (Parlor) 1:30-2:30 P.M. Jr. Shepherds Bowling (Bayou Bowl) 5:457:00 p.m. Confirmation Class (Cafeteria) 6-8 p.m. St. Jane deChantal Sewing (Moore Hall) 6:00-9:00 p.m. RCIA (Parish Hall) 7:00-9:00 P.M. 8 Pre-Cana (Parish Hall) 9:00 a.m.-1;00 p.m. Faith Sharing Group (Moore Hall) 7-9:30 p.m. 18 Early Morning Men’s Study (Parish Hall) 6:30-7:30a.m. Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 12-1 p.m. Finance Council (Parish Hall) 12-1:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 12-1 Parish Council (Moore Hall) 7:00-9:00 p.m. RCIA (Parish Hall) 7:00-9:00 P.M. CLOW* 11:00am Mass SVDP (Parish Hall) 5-7:30 P.M. Advent Wreaths for Families (Moore Hall) 1:00-5:00 p.m. First Saturday Rosary 4:00pm JGSS Boo at the Barn Pre Cana (Parish Hall) 6:00-9:00 p.m. 16 17 Faith Enrichment (PSR) Family Pizza Night & Cafeteria 9:40-11 a.m. Adoration/Confession 6-6:30pm (Gym) 6:30-7:30pm (Church) CLOW* 11:00am Mass 24 Family Pizza Night & Adoration/Confession 6-6:30pm (Gym) 6:30-7:30pm (Church) Annual memorial of parishioners and loved ones 4:30 Mass (Vigil of All Souls) 22 Faith Sharing Group (Moore Hall) 7-9:30 p.m. 28 29 Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated at 9:00am (no 5:30pm Mass today) CLOW* - Children’s Liturgy of the Word THANKSGIVING MASS Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM Thanksgiving morning. This is a perfect way to show God how grateful we are for the many blessings He has bestowed on us. Sign up sheets will be in the parlor for Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Please consider attending this Mass and volunteering your service. (There will be no 5:30 Mass that day.) FIRST SATURDAY ROSARY Saturday, November 1 4:00 p.m. Join us as we celebrate First Saturday with a Rosary before the 4:30pm Mass. Hope to see you there! FIRST SUNDAY DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Sunday, November 2 9:45 a.m. Join us as we pray the Divine Mercy on the first Sunday of each month in the church chapel area (by the Tabernacle). FIRST FRIDAY DIVINE MERCY PRAYER SERVICE Friday, November 7 3:30 p.m. To sign up to participate as a leader/reader in this prayer service contact: Lori Thibodeaux (318) 376-4271 BIBLE STUDIES & SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES: Sunday Morning: We meet in the Parish Hall from 9:45 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. on Sundays. New comers always welcome-Contact Tobie McKown -348-2428 for more information. Sunday Afternoon: Meets at 3:00 p.m. at the Worley home. Contact Joann Worley -323-0388 for more information. Men’s Tuesday Early Morning: meets at 6:30 am in the Parish Hall. Contact Tom Deal. Tuesday Noon: Meets in the JGS Parlor at noon. Wednesday Afternoon: at 1:30 p.m. in the JGS Parlor. This group will be preparing for upcoming Sunday Scriptures. Contact Elaine Elias -323-3144 for more information. Wednesday Women’s Bible Study: Meets at Lori Thibodeaux’s home at noon. Currently studying the “Fruits of the Spirit”. Contact Lori-376-4271 Wednesday Afternoon Men’s Study Group: Meets in Parish Hall 11:30 on Wednesdays. Contact Eric Thibodeaux for more information. Wednesday Evening: Meets in homes of parishioners, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. This group will be faith sharing on the Scriptures for the coming Sunday Liturgy. Contact Marcia Guerriero -387-6616 for more information. Thursday Evening: Meets in the JGS Parish Hall at 7:00 p.m. Will have an in-depth discussion of the upcoming Sunday Mass Readings. Contact Chris Domingue -325-0958 for more information. RCIA: We now have twelve candidates seeking information about the Catholic Church. They are currently meeting with Fr. Richter for their initial question and answer session. We continue to meet on Tuesday evenings in the Parish Hall from 7:00 PM8:30 PM. If you know someone interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact the Church Office (325-7549) or John Guerriero (387-6616). RCIC: Continues to meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45 AM10:45 AM (between the morning Masses) in the Church Office. JGS SUPPER CLUB will meet at Freddy Cascio’s (Finks Hideaway Road) on Saturday, November 8th at 6:00pm. Seating is limited, please sign up in back of church. All are Welcome! CONFIRMATION CLASSES PARENT MEETING WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 5TH AT 6PM IN THE JESUS GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL CAFETERIA CLASSES BEGIN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19 FROM 5:45 TO 7:30 PM. COME AND SEE!!!! Have you ever thought about priesthood or religious life? Then join us for an informative day at Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center (103 Railroad Ave. St. Martinville) on Saturday November 29 from 9AM to 3PM. Topics treated will include: discerning a vocation, various vocations, nuns and consecrated virgins, religious brothers, and much more. Mass will be celebrated at 12 noon. There is no cost and no registration is required. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Participants under 18 years of age should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For more information call Fr. Champagne, CJC at (337) 394-6550. VOCATIONS AWARENESS COMMITTEE will meet Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 immediately following the Vocations Prayer Service. The Prayer Service follows the 5:30 P.M. Mass. We extend an invitation to all parishioners to become active members of the Vocations Awareness Committee. The Committee sponsors a number of activities throughout the year to develop an awareness of a possible vocation in our Catholic families. Can you spare an hour or so to foster more vocations? Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” EVERY MONDAY EVENING bring your family for pizza in the gym from 6:00-6:30pm every Monday then head to the church for adoration and prayer together for as long as you like between 6:30-7:30pm. Fr. Keith will also be hearing confessions during this hour. This new fellowship and worship opportunity is geared towards families with children of all ages. It is a wonderful opportunity for families to worship together and practice being reverent inside God’s house. Donations are appreciated to help offset food costs. Thank you! WHAT FOOD STAMPS CAN’T BUY: Parishioners are asked to bring items such as: toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, shampoo, dental floss, shaving cream, conditioner, paper towels, toilet tissue and Kleenex and deposit them into the gray and maroon cylinder located in the link/hallway. This ministry helps citizens in our area who receive government aid to receive items that are not included in the food stamp program. JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH ALL SAINTS CANDLE SERVICE Since All Saints Day, November 1, falls on Saturday it is not a day of obligation. The All Saints Day liturgy will be at 7:30 a.m. Mass on Saturday. However, we will have our annual memorial of parishioners and loved ones at the 4:30 Mass (Vigil of All Souls). If you have lost a loved one since this time last year, call the church office with the name and we will have a candle with the person's name to be placed on the altar during Mass. Family or friends will bring up the candle after the homily while the names are being read. Candles may be picked up after Mass or remain on the altar through the next day. The remaining candles can be picked up at the church office during the following week. In order to be sure we have all the candles needed, please call your loved one's name in no later than Thursday, October 30. Prior to the 4:30 Mass, please check in with the parishioner in charge for instructions. All parishioners are invited to attend Mass on Friday, Oct. 31st at 8:00am when we will celebrate All Saints Day at the school Mass. There will be a “Parade of Saints” with the school children dressed as their favorite Saint. THE LUNCH BUNCH BINGO! BINGO! BINGO! Thursday, November 13 at 11:30 am. Bring a Sack Lunch! More Information? Call Elaine 323-3145 The St. Vincent DePaul Society is in need of food supplies to restock its pantry resources for the needy. Examples of items needed include peanut butter, grape jelly, canned tuna with poptop lids, bags of red and white beans, minute rice, boxes of macaroni and cheese, packs of spaghetti and cans of tomato paste or canned spaghetti and meat balls, cans of Vienna sausage, cans of Beanie Weenies with pop-top lids, cans of fruit cocktail with pop-top lids, chicken noodle soup, instant oatmeal and grits packages, powdered milk, Capri Suns (pouch drinks), and similar items. Please leave your donated food items near the St. Vincent DePaul statue in the gathering area of the church. LEARN HOW TO MAKE A FAMILY ADVENT WREATH FOR YOUR HOME! Sunday, November 23 2:00p.m. Moore Hall This is a family event so please bring the children. Supplies will be provided. Please call the church office (325-7549) or Lynda Gustafson (343-6322) for more information. JGS Parish Thanksgiving Food Drive The annual JGS Thanksgiving food drive ministry for needy families takes place in November. All who desire to participate need to acquire food items from the following list: one can of peas one can of corn one can of yams four-pound bag of flour one jar of peanut butter one jar of grape jelly one box of powdered milk one box of cereal two cans of cranberry sauce two cans of chicken broth two loaves of bread one box of cake mix one box of cake icing Ten to 12 pound frozen turkeys will also be needed. Sign-up sheets will be in the church gathering space. Please drop off your food items in the JGS gathering space no later than Sunday, November 16 so they can be distributed to the needy no later than the weekend prior to Thanksgiving. For further information, please call 381-9670. JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH This Rosary is prayed specifically for the intentions of the JGS parish community. Come cherish the opportunity to pray for our fellow church members and their families each week. Don’t forget - we need your prayer intentions to be able to do this! Please do not hesitate to drop your petitions in the wooden prayer box on the gathering space table! There are forms available by the box for this purpose. Please know that these prayers are read aloud but kept confidential as they are vitally important to those precious people and situations God has put on your heart. Remember that praying the Rosary together offers an opportunity for Christian fellowship and guidance for the church! See YOU Saturday morning! Please place your intentions in the intention box located in the gathering space. Thank you to parishioners Butch Siegel and Ken Vincent for building the beautiful intention table. SOUP KITCHEN Saturday, November 15 9:00 a.m. KC Hall (Oliver Road) The next JGS Soup Kitchen (Meals On Wheels) will be held Saturday, November 15. Anyone who desires to assist in packing the meals or delivering same to those in need, please report to the Knights of Columbus Hall at the corner of Oliver Road and Tower Drive (new location) at 9:00 a.m. on November 15. Help is also needed in purchasing various food items to be prepared for the meals. Sign-up sheets are available in the gathering area of the church. Please bring your food donations to the gathering area by noon on Thursday, November 13. We have a Men's group that meets in the Parish Hall on Tuesday mornings from 6:30- 7:30am. The facilitator is Deacon Tom Deal and each week we read the scriptures for the coming Sunday and discuss their relevance and teaching for our lives, our families, our career and our faith. All men are welcome. Please park in the rear of the church and enter Parish hall through the rear door of the Parish Hall. For info call Deacon Tom Deal 318-381-6035. NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jay Cannon Derek Koecher Jean Moses Amy Norris William Sparks Elise Tramontana Christopher Boles Michael Delcambre Thomas Fields, IV Hoyt Highfill Carol Mills Josie Trahan Isabella Bolayon Ab Elias Carter Hay Holly Trappey Terri Arthur Chris Ducote Jim Gandy Melinda Lane Audrey Malloy Catherine Marsala Carol McBride April McCarty Norma Peters Zachary Petzet Lori Spence Conche a Terracina Eleanor Bush Alicia Doyle Arthur Richert Dan Vanderhoeven Jane Morton John Stephens Richard Blanchard Thomas Merrill Larry Mullens Chris Rizzo 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Amy Canizaro Stephanie Connell Ken Vincent Maurine Herlevic Mercer King Deborah Kosik Jus n Neitz William Perkins Brian Russell Barry Weaver Caroline Breard Weylin Goodie Anne Hancock Charles Horne Joseph Worley Paige Ensminger Marjorie Fiske Aimee Fontenot Katelyn Keller Megan LeBoeuf George McKenzie Tanya Pesek Suze e Russell Harrye e Winn Michael Zambie Meghan Gilbert Kenneth Hebert Augus ne Kwentoh Joshua McDaniel Chase Wilson Kathrine Wilson Michael Ackel Jeff Elkins Patrick Jones Minerva Soliman Stephen Tyler Nicholas An s Louis Bedell Eli Ducote Patrick Kelly Lauren Lasuzzo Mandy Prui 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mary Amman Frank Anzalone Jaclyn Hall Gelene Malmstrom Patrick Marlowe Emily McGee Agnes McGivern Joseph Fandal Sarah Hendrix Deborah Kosik Victor Kwentoh William McDowell Henry McKenzie Anna Nichols Daniel O'Leary Maggie Potgieter Tommy Tarver Deborah Mahan Stephen Mayronne Joe Southwell John Cascio Kathryn Coker Liz Cra Grace Monger Nell Seegers Jack Turner Ma hew Ardoin Ed Boutwell Lane Hajj Mary McKenzie Kathy Perkins Madison Williams Melanie Chris an James Norris Pat Blanchard Ella Elias Forrest Hummel Jennifer Petzet Suzannah Rutledge Roxie Stewart 22 23 24 25 26 27 George Fakhre Jessica Holland Sue McGinn Wilson Spence Charles Taylor Laura Blanchard Emily Brinkerhoff Dorothy Spatafora Ashley Tonore Gabriela Trejo Bill Turnbough Ashley Winn George Breard Karla Brown Peter Guerriero Bernard Heflin John Mitchell McDuffie Jennifer Mills Lori Thibodeaux Mamie Breard Rodric Cascio Marian Clinton Amey Crousillac Adrienne Day Brandon Elkins Gregory Long Rolf Morstead Adam Russell Nick Jungina Susan Parrino Judy Pohlman Candi Snell Jennifer Adams Michael Antley John Morris Lisa Patrick Kristen Smith Jodi Turner Glenn Williams 28 29 30 Garre Ajlani Maisie Burgess Frances Doyle Ugochukwu Ike Paul Joseph Michael Long Mindy Myers Allison Webb Brien Loque Charlie Marsala Thomas Mayronne Benjamin Dean Brantlee McConaughey SCHOOL NEWS Jesus the Good Shepherd School is pleased to announce the 2014-2015 student council members: President: Nelson Sparks Vice-President: Jillan Burkhart Secretary: Elise Venable Treasurer: Cameron Oglesby Chaplain: Reagan Patrick Class Representatives: Elli Grace Houser, Grayson Surles, Julia Barkley and Jackson Landry. Jesus the Good Shepherd's 5th and 6th grade cheerleaders, had the opportunity to cheer during half time at the LSU vs New Mexico game in Baton Rouge. The JGS cheerleaders participated in the half time show with other cheerleaders from surrounding areas but were the only ones from an elementary school. The girls did a great job and had a wonderful time. KUDO’S to our JGS Cub Scout Troop, Pack 1, who served 350 burgers at Nonna’s to those with out power as well as the volunteers and the Entergy workers. We are all very proud of these boys. Saturday, November 1, 2014 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Wristband Tickets Available for PRE-PURCHASE in the School Office All guests MUST wear a Boo wristband ticket to attend the party. Wear a costume or just come as you are! Costume Contest Winners Announced at 10:00pm! “Trophies” given for Best Individual, Teacher, Couple, and Group! AWESOME Live & Silent Auction Items! Silent Auction from 8:00pm-10:00pm Live Auction begins after Costume Contest around 10:00pm Delicious Food by Cormiers! Adult beverages by Choice Brands, Daq’s, & Marsala Beverages! Live music by Dr. Zarr’s Amazing Funkmonster! As of October 23 SPONSORSHIPS STILL AVAILABLE! Top Level Sponsors Receive A Reserved Table for 8 People plus more! COUNT DRACULA Dr. Larry Danna; Brenda & Charles Marsala; The Dallas Webb Family FRANKENSTEIN Lynn & Bunzy Bryant; Peachtree Dental GHOULS & GOBLINS Maria & Kevin Alexander; Dr. Wilson Barham & Dr. Lee Miller, ENT Associates of NELA; Brennan Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep; Homes Plus; Jim Taylor Chevrolet; Richland State Bank; The John Savage Family; School Time Uniforms; Sparks Nissan Kia; Dr. Terry Tugwell BLACK CAT Acme Glass; Community Trust Bank; Christie & Brian Davis; DB Real Estate/The Toggery/Deanie & Tom Baker; Drs. Szu-Wei & Chris Domingue; Estis Compression; Gastroenterology Clinic, APMC; Skent-N-Dent; Misti Hajj-Keller Williams Realty; Babs Oakley; Progressive Bank; Sleepy Hollow; Elizabeth & Kenneth Smith; Beth & Jerry Sparks; Sunquest Properties; Dr. Justin Tarver, DDS; Brenda & Charles Taylor; Dr. Daniel & Olga Trejo TRICK OR TREATERS Abell, LLC.; Agnew Sign & Awning; All Plumbing Heating and Cooling; Martha & Frederic Amman; Michelle & Grady Brown; Century Marketing Solutions; Cherie & Harry Donias; Dr. Lane Eddleman, DDS; Joey Embanato; Flying Tiger Aviation; Friends of JGS; Kristy & Jeff Golson; Susan & Kevin Hopper; Jack Fluck Realty; Jeff Leaumont State Farm Ins.; Rosa Lee & Richard King; Lazenby Associates; Lee Edwards Mazda; Mary Taylor Lewis; Wyman Mardis; Federated Insurance - Michael Ajlani; Dr. Timothy Mickel; Monroe Endodontics; Jay Morris - State Representative; Mulhearn Funeral Home; OIB; Lillian & Albert Paxton; Martha Powell - Personal Trainer; Haley & Micah Pulliam; Judy & Pat Riley, Sr.; Amy & Michael Sawyer; Dr. & Mrs. K.C. Sirmon; Snellings, Breard, Sartor, Inabnett & Trascher, L.L.P.; Dr. & Mrs. John Spence; Sunshine Pediatrics - Audrey Malloy, owner; Tuft Pediatric Dentistry; Mr. & Mrs. George M. Waggoner NON PROFIT ORG U S POSTAGE Jesus the Good Shepherd Catholic Church PAID 2510 EMERSON STREET MONROE, LA 71201 MONROE, LA PERMIT NO. 45 Address Service Requested Victim Assistance Minister Glennda Lawson (318)294-1031 Administrator/Assessor Rev. Peter Mangum (318) 221-5296 Coordinator for Safe Environment & Education Deacon Michael Straub (318) 219-7280 Toll Free (800) 256-1542 Vicar for Clergy Rev. LaVerne “Pike” Thomas (318) 746-2508 To Report Child Sexual Abuse by a Cleric/ Church Worker in the Diocese of Shreveport Call: Glennda Lawson Hotline: (318) 294-1031 and your Local Law Enforcement Agency Tuesday, November 4th 6:00pm - 9:00pm Moore Hall PGC is required by ALL adults over 18 years who work or volunteer with school or parish children. To Register, call JGS office: 318-325-7549 or Register online: Any adult over 18 years who has not yet attended MUST ATTEND A SESSION PRIOR TO SERVING in our school, church/parish. Call the Church office to registering and receive a small packet. JGS Mission Statement Additional Resources: Diocese of Shreveport VIRTUS Louisiana Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-244-5373 Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana Jesus the Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Monroe of the Diocese of Shreveport is a loving, nurturing family of faith and prayer with the Eucharist as the center of parish life. With diverse gifts, we proclaim God’s healing love and presence in the world through the Word, worship and service.
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