April 2016 HCN - Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
April 2016 HCN - Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
Hill Church News Greenfield Hill Congregational Church, Fairfield, Connecticut United Church of Christ April 2016 Join us for a Very Special Sunday! April 24th, at both services... A morning of music, featuring the gifts of our congregation! With Kate Wegener on oboe… Bryan Page on violin… our great House band … soloist Wendy Gerbier …Andrew Baratz on saxophone ….We are celebrating the gift of music on Sunday, April 24, as we bring our ‘Family Room’ style of worship to Sunday morning! Our Family Room services, normally held on Sunday evenings, offer the chance to worship in a more informal, nontraditional way … and our April 24 morning worship will be just that! With contemporary music from our band, and with our young musicians sharing their considerable talent, we will praise God joyfully! Contents: Minister’s Message.............2 Prayer Concerns .................2 Book Chat.............................3 The Gathering......................3 Did You Know? Adult Ed....5 Dogwood Festival Info...7-9 GHCC Events..................3-10 Mission Corner....................7 Youth Notes........................11 May 1st at the 10:30 service On the first Sunday in May, the members of our Confirmation Class will be confirmed! Thirty-nine young people will make their public commitment to the faith of Jesus Christ, and join our church as full members. We thank all the adults in this church who have served as Mentors to these great kids this year, sharing with them in their Confirmation classes and leading them with love. Because there are so many kids, we do also want to alert you that the 10:30 service (and our church!) will be quite full that day! Our 9:00 service will be a 'normal' service of worship, with the Chancel Choir. Minister’s Message: People PEOPLE People My original title was: pre-Dogwood DOGWOOD post-Dogwood But in reality its all about people. Dogwood isn’t a thing, or an institution, or a program. It is people. People working, people helping each other, people helping others. The public sees a big, happy, fun, festival, and all that is true. As pastors we see people. For months before Dogwood we see people planning, people carrying donated items, people organizing. During Dogwood we see people volunteering, helping, enjoying -- whether helping with parking, running an area, eating an ice cream, flipping a burger, befriending a customer. After Dogwood we see people helped by the funds raised. Kids, families, the hungry, the abused, the vulnerable. It’s all about PEOPLE. When I think about Jesus’ ministry I have always been struck by his focus on people, and especially the individual. Not doctrine, program, or custom. Just people. Including us. Thank God. David Page 2 Our church family is saddened by the loss of Jim Oram, who left this life on March 13 at the age of 90. Jim had served this church in many ways over the years. We are grateful to God for Jim’s life with us. We ask prayers with Bobby Kaps. as he continues his journey of healing from brain cancer surgery; Bobby is now at Cambridge Manor. Your prayers are asked with Karen Wambach and Janet Christie, both recovering from knee surgery. Tom Christie continues at Carolton. We grieve with Carol Langeland on the death of her mother, Virginia DeRosa. Contacting GHCC Office Telephone: 203-259-5596 Roni Widmer, ext. 1107 Office Email: info@greenfieldhillchurch.com Staff Contacts: David Rowe: home office: 203-259-1790 email: DRowe@greenfieldhillchurch.com Alida Ward: office: 203-259-5596 ext. 1210 email: AWard@greenfieldhillchurch.com Marcia Carothers:office: 203-259-5596 ext. 1206 email: MCarothers@greenfieldhillchurch.com Susan Rippey: Nursery School 203-259-7597 email: nurseryschool@greenfieldhillchurch.com To submit articles, photos or information for the Hill Church News, please email Roni Widmer at info@greenfieldhillchurch.com book chat, Bible study, and MORE ... No Book Chat in April!! But check back here or in our emailed News and Notes for the book we will be reading in May! Bible Study... at The Gathering ...! Continuing with Biblical literacy, our NEW theme is to look at the highlights of St. Paul’s Letter in the Book of Romans. Anyone and everyone welcome! Join us for a casual gathering talking about the world’s most famous book. It’s always great conversation, with great people. Come as often as you want, we’d love to see you! The Gathering Thursdays, 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., in the Library in the Church House GHCC Fellowship Event: "Girls Night Out-Health and Wellness Evening" at the Norma Pfriem Breast Care Center April 20th ~ 6:30 to 8:30 pm Join us at the center at 111 Beach Rd in Fairfield on the evening of April 20th for a night of health, wellness and inspiration featuring a "welcome" with wine and cheese, kundalini yoga (with Instructor Colleen Reilly), acupuncture (with Dr. David McLean) and a discussion on how to have heathy beautiful skin, the natural way, given by Dr Veronica Waks (a naturopath). It's an incredibly fun and inspirational evening for all, and it’s free! We ask that people come in comfy gym attire. It will be appropriate for ALL AGES! Please RSVP by Friday April 15th to Nancy Church at nancy.church@bpthosp.org Namaste! Check out our awesome WEBSITE!! ... go to www.greenfieldhillchurch.com Page 3 Summer is Coming!! And that means we are looking for people to lead our 8:15am Summer Worship! One of the best traditions in our church, our lay-led services take place each summer Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on the Church House lawn. These services are a chance for individuals or families in the church to have fun sharing their faith and their thoughts in worship. In the past, we’ve had services on the themes of “Friendship”, "What Church means to me”, “Forgiveness” and many others. We are looking for people to help lead these summer services! The pastors are very happy to sit with you and help plan, so you are absolutely not on your own. A great way to get closer to God and your faith, a great project for a family to do together! Please be in touch with Deacon Seth Baratz at seth.baratz@snet.net to express your interest! asp Appalachia Trip News: THANK YOU to all who gave so generously, and enjoyed themselves so thoroughly, at the Evening for Appalachia last month! We raised a large portion of the funds needed, making it possible for us to trek to Central Appalachia for a week of home repair through the Appalachia Service Project. Thank you!! And speaking of the ASP trip – would you like to join us? We need 12 more adults!!! Would you be willing to come along with us, help lead the group of fantastic teens, and share in the incredibly rewarding task of helping Appalachian families in need? We’ll be making 30+ homes “warmer, safer and drier” this summer … as well as helping our teens have the experience of a lifetime. If you’d be interested, please contact Alida – a willingness to work, a love of kids, and a big heart are all you need! Welcome back, Rev. Sheldon Smith! Just as he did last year, Sheldon will be covering for David and Alida while they take time away after Easter (April 5 to April 19). Sheldon served for many years as the beloved pastor of Bethel Congregational Church. Now retired from full-time ministry, Sheldon is frequently called upon to provide pastoral coverage as he does for us ... he’s a well-liked ‘sub’ indeed! Sheldon will preach on April 10 and 17, and lead both Thursday Bible Studies. He anticipates being in the office on Tuesday, April 5 from 1-4, Monday, April 11 from 1-4, and Monday, April 18 from 1-4...Feel free to drop in!... and any other times by appointment. If you need anything at all, be sure to call the office at 203-259-5596 to reach him, or feel free to email at revsheldonsmith@yahoo.com!! Page 4 Change of address? New phone number? Call our church office at 203-259-5596 to let us know! Our 3rd and 4th Graders had a VERY successful Bake Sale last month! Thanks to all who contributed and to all those who purchased! We had planners, and sign makers, and bakers, and sales agents, and cashiers (and a few taste testers, too)! The class raised $280 for the Sole Hope project and we are very proud of their efforts! From our Adult Education Board, Written by Mike Moore Help Wanted on April 6th! Our church has a long standing tradition of hosting a spring luncheon for the residents of Parish Court. We need some volunteers to help us set up/ clean up, serve, and some cooks (we will provide the recipe). If you would like to be part of this special opportunity, please contact Marcia Carothers mcarothers@greenfieldhillchurch.com). In 2004 the United Church of Christ innovated the "God is Still Speaking" slogan and some interesting TV ads (http://www.ucc.org/god-is-still-speaking_ads) to advertise itself (one of my favorites is "The Bouncer"). On this web page is a list of five ways that the UCC defines itself. One of these is "where Jesus the healer meets Jesus the revolutionary". As an adult think I understand "Jesus the healer". But how should I understand "Jesus the revolutionary"? 2012 President of the Society of Christian Ethics, Miguel A de la Torre gave me some thoughts in his Liberation Theology for Armchair Theologians (it can be found in our Church House library). Liberation Theology speaks of social sin, the sin of principalities and powers that oppress people and inhibit their access to the promise of an abundant life. It is concerned with social conscience and social action. For some Liberation Theology was born in South America in the 60's and 70's when economic oppression by military dictatorships led Catholics to form thousands of small cell churches to raise the consciousness of people about their rights and their ability to fight for those rights. Torre describes in detail how Latin American Liberation Theology did just that. But Torre neither begins nor ends there. He finds this theology present in writings of 2nd century theologian and martyr, Polycarp, who called the love of money, idolatry. He points to others in church history who took stands against economic systems (frequently supported by organized religion) that oppressed innocents. It is easy to understand that the American Civil Rights activism of the 60's and 70's was affected by this theology, but Torre finds it as well in the Feminist Movement.. And in addition Torres identifies liberative theologies in other faiths. Notably Islam where neither a caste system nor lineage define personhood. In Hinduism, he quotes Mahatma Gandhi who said "service of the distressed, the crippled and the helpless constitutes worship of God". This short simple book challenges you, not just to think, but to act. May 21st for the GHCC Progressive Dinner! Plans are underway for this year’s progressive dinner on Saturday, May 21st. For those of you may be unfamiliar with this event, here is the way it works: Everyone gathers together for the appetizer course, at which time they will receive their name tags and itinerary for the evening. Following the appetizer course, everyone departs for various locations where they enjoy dinner in smaller groups – usually 8-10. Following, dinner, everyone meets back together for dessert. Everyone contributes by either providing food and/or hosting one of the dinners. This event has become a very popular GHCC tradition, enjoyed by both folks who are new to GHCC and those who have been with us for many years. Look for sign up details in May!! Grace’s Hill Community Farm Planning Meeting Saturday, April 23 9:00 a.m. at Our Saviour’s Church (160 Hill Farm Rd, Ffld) in their Fellowship Hall Grace's Hill Community Farm founder, Eric Frisk, and Pastor Mark Christoffersen of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church invite neighbors and members of neighboring congregations to join them to explore and decide on ways how people in our Fairfield community can A FANTASTIC WAY participate in the TO VOLUNTEER community garden that is on the church's WITH YOUR KIDS property. Currently, OR ON YOUR most of the produce is OWN... donated to the food "Fair Share Table", a pantry of Operation Hope and if there is an decades-old service by overabundance of members of this church, produce, then it is seeks helpers to assist in distributing food to usually donated to the soup kitchens. We pick up day-old food from CT Food Bank. Stop and Shop in Westport on Saturdays and Come and learn more Sundays and deliver it to soup kitchens in about the community Bridgeport. You'd be part of a rotation, so your garden and how you turn would pop up only once every couple can participate. months! Contact Pam Dies at Contact Pastor Mark at pastor@oursaviours.net pamdies@gmail.com. for more information. Page 6 All you need is LOVE... and GHCC! mission corner... Ever wonder how the Mission Board figures out how to use the mission funds in its budget? It’s an organized, but messy process, filled with lots of back and forth. Very tough decisions to be made, as all of the agencies we give grant money to are undeniably worthy. At the beginning of the year, each Mission Board member is assigned a group of agencies for which they are the liaison. It is their job to be in touch with their agencies, and to be sure the agencies fill out, by May 15 of each year, a questionnaire which identifies the mission of each agency, how grant funds in prior years were used, how grant funds would be used this year and a confirmation of the taxexempt status of the agency. In addition, each agency sends in their most recent financial report. The mission budget is made up of two parts, one, a percentage of pledges (actual) and two, net profits from the Dogwood Festival. Since these two parts are “moving targets” the Mission Board does not make allocations to agencies until our June meeting, when we are fairly certain of the budget. At the June meeting, we allocate approximately 95% of the budget across 20-plus agencies by considering a variety of factors including the size of grants made in past years and how dependent the various agencies are on GHCC for resources. We also try to maintain a good representation of agencies which serve locally, nationally and internationally, as well as to various constituent groups – women and children, seniors, veterans, refugees, persons living in poverty. We are also cognizant of groups which GHCC members are involved with, and try to support these as well. If you are involved with a charitable organization and would like that organization to be considered for a GHCC Mission Board grant, please contact one of the members of the Mission Board for more information. Written by Vickie Frankenburg, Mission Board “DOGWOOD BLOSSOMS” INFORMATION regarding the Dogwood Festival! D O G O O D AT T H E DOGWOOD ... And you will blossom because it just feels good to worship in this way, giving your time and talents, socializing and yes even shopping & indulging in a few sweet treats! Dogwood Volunteers Needed.... and we’ve made it SO easy for you to sign up for any area, at any time! All you need to do is go to www.greenfieldhillchurch.com and go to the Dogwood 2016 tab, at the bottom there is the “Volunteer at the Dogwood” tab which will have the link that brings you right to Signup Genius where you can click on any Dogwood area tab to fill a slot... Right now... why delay?! Thank you in advance!!!!! Info, calendars, schedules and all church news at www.greenfieldhillchurch.com Page 7 NEW TO KATES THIS YEAR: KATES SIP & SHOP! Don’t worry about sorting, instead on Thursday, May 5, from 6-9:00pm, be the first to enjoy coveted access to designer clothing and accessories at Blossom Boutique, Kate’s Clothes and Kate’s Corner, and our Jewelry Boutique! We have brands like J Crew, Coach, Kate Spade, Vineyard Vines, just to name a few! Shop our new Vineyard Vines ties and totes (and take your chance in a raffle to wine one!) Admission is $10, and don’t forget- all net proceeds of Kate’s and the Dogwood Festival go to charity. What a fun way to give back! Call Jessica Selden (615-2252) or Kelly Vogel (646-241-5541) Be on the lookout for your invitation to the 2016 Dogwood Festival Luncheon This year we will be enjoying a performance by Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet Company. Tickets are $30 per person which includes gourmet food and drink. The luncheon will be held from 11:30am-1:30pm on Friday, May 6th. Go to the Dogwood section of our website to sign up or mail your reservation and check to the church office! Page 8 Calling All Dogwood "Do-Gooders"!! Sign up for the volunteer party on Saturday, May 7 for the Fire Engine Pizza Truck from 5pm-7pm. In case you haven't had their delicious pizza (the toppings are amazing) they also have great salads! BYOB and let's celebrate the night of gathering and eating while celebrating what we believe will be another successful Dogwood Festival Event because of all the people like you! $25.00 all you can eat and sign-up on the Genie Sign Up on the Dogwood Festival website. We are Doing Good At The Dogwood! Dogwood info right at your fingertips www.greenfieldhillchurch.com The Dogwood Dash, A 2 mile family fun run on Saturday, May 2, for runners ages 8 – 60+. Race begins 8:30am. Awards for all age categories including best team and biggest family. First 100 entries receive a free T-shirt. Mini-Dash starts at 10:30am in the Memorial Garden, for runners ages 2 – 7. Free and Prizes for all. Register online at www.greenfieldhillchurch.com on Dogwood Festival page. Lots of volunteers are needed too (check out the volunteer section of the website) for this very fun event!! Kate’s Corner needs your stuff! Kate’s is the ‘tag sale’ department at the Dogwood KATES CLOTHES UPDATE Festival … and it depends on your donations! Here’s the schedule of when we’ll be receiving items at the Morgan Youth Barn! Note that furniture drop-off will start on April 28! Wed., April 20th , 11 to 2 Merchandise Only We continue to accept Merchandise Only donations through out the Thurs., April 21, 11 to 2 Mon., April 25, 11 to 2 Merchandise Only month. Please bring your Merchandise Only new and gently used clothing Tues., April 26, 11 to 2 Merchandise Only to Rm. 200! Also, check out Wed., April 27, 11 to 2 the Dogwood Volunteer page Thurs., April 28, 11 to 2 Merchandise Only for plenty of opportunities Thurs., April 28, 5 to 8 Merch & Furniture to help sort and price Sat., April 30th, 12 to 4 Merch & Furniture clothing, and staff THANK YOU! the event! AND don’t forget about Kate’s Jewelry! You can bring ANY jewelry (costume, estate, or fine jewelry) to the Church Office to help us bring in lots of $$ at the Dogwood Festival this year. Please contact Claudia Lau (917-327-6402) with any questions or if you’d like to help clean, sort, and price! C C H G S E T NO o r i n f o SPF (9th through 12th grades) meets every Thursday at 6pm in the f Barn. Always either great rd s ! a W t speakers, lively Al id a i l i n g l i s . v e a R discussions, completely ac t e t o n m t n o g c awesome games... what & to more could you ask for? Bring a friend! JPF (Junior Pilgrim Fellowship) NO Meeting on April 14th due to school vacation! for 6th and 7th graders... continues to meet every Sunday from 5-6:30 pm in the Barn. BUT, no meeting on April 10th or 17th due to school vacations! H T U YO YPF (Young Pilgrim Fellowship) for 4th and 5th graders. Have you heard about how much fun we have been having?? NO?? Then you REALLY need to join us! Our next meeting will be on Sunday, April 24th. See you then!! Page 10 Youth schedules and more information can be found at www.greenfieldhillchurch.com
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