Spring 2013 Newsletter - Dogwood Animal Shelter
Spring 2013 Newsletter - Dogwood Animal Shelter
Dogwood Animal Shelter 1075 Runabout Drive Osage Beach, MO 65065 Phone 573-348-4411 Standard Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 95020 Camdenton, MO 65020 Non for Profit Organization Address Correction Requested SPRING 2013 Est. 1976 Love is…lifting up a friend who’s down. HOMELESS DOGS AND CATS NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE BECOME A SUPPORTING MEMBER. (SEE BELOW) Please take a moment to complete & mail this page along with your tax deductible donation to Dogwood Animal Shelter, 1075 Runabout Dr., Osage Beach, MO 65065 ____$15 Individual ____$25 Family ____$50 Business ____$75 Caring ____$100 Supporting ____$250 Sustaining ____$500 Partnering Name_____________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________State___________Zip_______________ Phone #’s__________________________________________________________________________ Email address (optional)______________________________________________________________ “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi We are grateful to these businesses who helped make this publication possible! Help us make Dogwood Thrift Shop a daily shopping adventure for our customers! Donating ALL KINDS of stuff makes for an interesting and ever changing inventory, and keeps customers coming back! Donations help Dogwood Animal Shelter and are tax deductible. Photograph compliments of Creative Photography by Kim Hansen So many of our community’s furry friends need a lift out of lives of neglect, hunger, danger, and loneliness. Please, help us help them. MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS Ways to help… 1. Spread the word that spaying and neutering really does make a difference! Our area’s shelters are full to their licensed capacities nearly all the time, and are forced to turn away needy dogs and cats every day. Spaying one female cat prevents the births of 420,000 cats over a seven year period. Spaying one female dog prevents the births of 67,000 dogs in just six years. Spaying and neutering strays that you may be feeding will help! Low cost spay/neuter surgeries are available at Dogwood by appointment. 573-348-4411. 2. See that your own pets are spayed or neutered at an early age. Many people don’t realize how early their pets can begin reproducing, and there is no health advantage to letting the female’s first heat cycle occur before spaying. Cats can become pregnant as early as four months of age, and dogs by five to six months of age. 3. Adopt your next friend. There are hundreds of incredible dogs and cats available at Dogwood and other shelters! In nearly every case, the animal did nothing wrong to bring about their homelessness. In fact, some very typical comments from adopters are “Our adopted dog (or cat) is the best pet we’ve ever had!” and “The rescued pets seem to know they’ve gotten a second chance. They are a joy!” Treat yourself to a rescued pet! 4. Volunteer your time and talent. There are so many different ways to help Dogwood, and many of them do not require a big time commitment. Helping out for a couple of hours at Dogwood Thrift Shop, taking a half hour a week to walk a shelter dog, spending a bit of relaxing time giving love to the cats, assisting with our canister donation project, helping prepare for events, helping with small fix-it projects… YOU are needed and appreciated by both 2 and 4 legged “folks”! 5. Donate our wish list items. This quarter’s wish list is as follows: postage stamps, white-out, scotch tape, legal-size envelopes, scoopable cat litter, purina cat chow, large non-retractable dog leashes, canned pet foods, puppy and kitten replacement milk, small pet nursing bottles, heating pads, wading pools, strained chicken or turkey baby food. 6. FACEBOOK! Here’s an easy one: like and share Dogwood’s facebook posts. It’s proving to be a powerful tool for getting dogs and cats hooked up with loving new families! 7. Donate to no-kill Dogwood Animal Shelter! Monetary donations to Dogwood Animal Shelter are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. They can be mailed to 1075 Runabout Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065. Over 2,300 dogs and cats passed through our doors last year alone, being admitted or receiving some other kind of service. Providing these services to our community is expensive and, receiving no tax funding, Dogwood relies entirely on donations. Donations of items to Dogwood’s Thrift Shop are also tax deductible and translate directly into needed revenue for the shelter. If you or someone you know is moving, downsizing, remodeling, redecorating, cleaning out… PLEASE call us! 573-346-7932 8. Shop Dierbergs beautiful new 70,000 square foot grocery store, located across from the outlet mall in Osage Beach and ask the cashier to “Round Up for Dogwood”! Scheduled to open this month! We’re grateful to Creative Photography by Kim Hansen for all of her help and for the beautiful pet photos in this issue! Dogwood Animal Shelter’s Mission is to provide care and shelter to the homeless pets of our community, to reduce their numbers through spay and neuter, to promote humane treatment of all animals and to enhance the human-animal bond. In memory of Warren Nieburg by Cecil Carpenter Siegnar Humeniak Nancy Berra Patricia Moser Cheryl Waidelich Brendan Mitchell Dorothy Nizolek Judith Habben Ron Johnson Doug Fitts June Manie Iola Jasper Al Wilson Leo Klameyer Pat Kickel Dorothy Newandowski Carol Clerc In memory of Clark Houghton by Randy Snodgrass Barbara Sherer Moser’s Supermarket Marcia Zackrison Dorothy Carlson Regina Edwards Daniel Gilligan Phil Hammond Midland Oil Company Richard Cain Gail Enloe Patricia Rouleau David Mangelsdorf Charles Whitney Jane Hayman Deb Stegner Neal Gibbons Randall Sherer In memory of Kevin Kribbs by Donald Hall Shivaun McCAnn Dianne Schmidt In memory of Virginia Schwartz by Marianne Serkin Jacquelyn Treesh Joan Natsch In memory of Fred McAdams by Vivian McAdams In memory of Roylene Alspach by Royce Alspach In memory of Ellen Sharp by John Johnson In memory of Jeffrey (JT) Tillman by Randal Schleicher In memory of Maryhelen Koeberl by Rosemary Kirkham In memory of Morgan Monet McCullough by Susie Layden In memory of Virginia Poeschel Meyer by Holly Rutchey In memory of Mary Lou Landry and Bailey by Kathleen Qualy In memory of William Hotz by Lorilee Geisman In honor of Steve and Cindy Hodge by Martha Hodge In honor of Jim and Barbara Greber by Martha Hodge In honor of Linda Fane by Martha Hodge In honor of Dave Niznik by Pamela Gibson In honor of Dave and Ann Steward by Pamela Gibson In memory of Mickey Mantle by Rhonda Cox In memory of Lou Gehrig by Rhonda Cox In memory of Peanut and Lucky by Bobby Davison In memory of “Dani” Brandmeyer by Janet Ritcher In memory of Kippy by Donald Pogue In memory of Scottie by James Stewart Correction to the “special thanks” section of the January 2013 Paw Prints issue; Thank you to Farmers Insurance, located just west of the square in Camdenton, for faithfully displaying each pet of the week on their digital sign to help promote adoptions! A SPECIAL BIRTHDAY LADY! For the past four years, Rachael Arnold has celebrated her birthday by helping our furry friends! Her annual birthday pancake flip is hosted by Linn Creek/Osage Beach Lion’s Club, where she gathers with friends and family, collecting donations of cash and supplies for Dogwood’s homeless pets! Rachael is shown here with her good friends Julie and Gracie, who attended her 93rd birthday party with cheerfully wrapped packages in hand! Rachael is also a faithful Wednesday afternoon Dogwood Bingo player and long time friend of Dogwood Animal Shelter. DOGWOOD THRIFT SHOP Open MondaySaturday 311 S. Business Hwy. 5, Camdenton, MO 65020 DOGWOOD ANIMAL SHELTER AND SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC Open MondaySaturday. 1075 Runabout Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065 LOW-COST DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Several 6-week sessions are offered throughout the year. Next one starts May 14th. Call 348-4411 to register. Board of Directors: John Reinhold, DVM (President), Dennis Wright (Vice President), Pat Peters (Secretary/ Treasurer), Allan Brandmeyer, Barbara Bender, Dale Griffin, Dale McElwee, DDS, Lisa Mollerus, Ann Niznik-Steward
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Permit No. 95020
Camdenton, MO