7-2014 - Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation
7-2014 - Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation
JULY, 2014 The Mt. Vernon Messenger Elementary Student Day Extended for 2014-2015 School Year Mt. Vernon Community Boyland’s recommendation and extended On February 24, 2014, Dr. Lori Boyland the elementary student day to 2:15 p.m. No from Ball State University presented the changes were made on the middle and high findings from her three year study of the school dismissal times. time changes implemented during the 2011Dr. Boyland recommended two other 2012 school year and the effect on student items for the Board to consider when the attendance, behavior, and achievement. district’s financial situation improves. She Dr. Boyland’s work revealed that the later recommended that the elementary startstarting time for the high school and middle ing times be moved to 8:00 a.m. and that school students had a very positive effect on the Board restore the Intermediate School all these factors under consideration. The (grades 5-6) program. The Board took those findings for the earlier start for elementary recommendations into consideration for the students were positive as well. As a result 3-5 year strategic plan that they are curof Dr. Boyland’s research, the Board voted rently developing. The starting and ending to continue the elementary and secondary time for students will be as follows for the starting times as they were for the last three 2014-2015 school year: years. Dr. Boyland also made a couple of other recommendaSCHOOL START TIME END TIME tions. She noted the need for additional Mt. Comfort Elementary 7:45 a.m. 2:15 p.m. mathematics instrucFortville Elementary 7:45 a.m. 2:15 p.m. tional time at the elementary schools McCordsville Elementary 7:45 a.m. 2:15 p.m. and suggested addMt. Vernon Middle School (6-7) 8:30 a.m. 3:20 p.m. ing 15 minutes to Mt. Vernon High School (8-12) 8:35 a.m. 3:30 p.m. the student day. The Board accepted Dr. School Board Names New Member At their June 16, 2014 school board meeting, board members approved the appointment of new member Brian Tomamichel. He will fill in the remainder of the term vacated by departing board member Shelton Oakes. Mr. Tomamichel hopes to represent a younger segment of the Mt. Vernon community. As a father of an eight month old daughter, he wants his child and future children to have the best education they could get, and hopes to make current decisions that will reflect that in the future. Mr. Tomamichel was compelled to join the school board during the recent referendum process. He got involved and was a vocal proponent of the referendum citing his work experience as assistant business manager at Beech Grove City Schools and their successful 2009 referendum. He believes his experience in the schools and working with superintendents will help with the position. There is plenty of work ahead for the Mt. Vernon School Board beginning with the search for a new superintendent since Dr. Riggs plans to retire at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. The Board is also beginning work on a 3-5 year strategic plan. School Corporation One Shoppell Boulevard Fortville, IN 46040 Volume XVII, No. 1 www.mvcsc.k12.in.us Visit mvcsc.k12.in.us Stay informed and up-to-date on the latest at Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation and our schools!! THE MT. VERNON MESSENGER Welcome Back to School!! hour before school starts. A firm pick-up time will be set in a few days. School begins Wednesday, July 30 Kindergarten begins Wednesday, July 30 Watch local newspapers for additional start of school information. Up-to-Date Immunizations ARE YOU NEW TO OUR SCHOOLS? WELCOME!! How to Enroll If you have a child new to Mt. Vernon, you may enroll him/her on the following registration dates: BEGINNING JULY 22, Fortville Elementary, Mt. Comfort Elementary, McCordsville Elementary will be open each day from 7:00a.m.-3:00p.m. to register new students. Mt. Vernon Middle School will register new students July 2125 from 8:00a.m.-3:00p.m. 8th Grade Academy will register new students July 21-25 from 8:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Mt. Vernon High School will register new students July 22 from 12:00-8:00p.m. and July 23 from 8:00a.m.-3:00p.m. McCordsville Elementary will hold its Ice Cream Social & Back to School Night on July 29 at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and class lists will be posted in the hallways. Students and their parents will have an opportunity to meet their teacher. Fortville Elementary will hold its Ice Cream Social & Back to School Night on July 29 at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and class lists will be posted in the hallways. Students and their parents will have an opportunity to meet their teacher. Mt. Comfort Elementary will hold its Back to School Bash & Ice Cream Social on July 29 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Mt. Vernon Middle School Students will receive their schedules on the first day of school. 8th Grade Academy: Students will report to the MVHS cafeteria the first day of school to pick up their schedules. Book rental statements will be sent out August 30. Mt. Vernon High School: Marauder Freshman Orientation is July 24, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Incoming freshmen will pick up schedules, tour the building, find classes and try out their lockers. All stu2 dents in grades 10-12 will pick up their final schedule on the first day of school. IMPORTANT!! For students returning to Mt. Vernon, the registration process will be online. Using your MVCSC Skyward Family Access account for online registration, you will be able to verify and update student, family, contact and emergency information. Also, from Skyward Family Access account, you will be able to access MVCSC required forms and documents. Online payment options will be available at a later date. Information will be posted in Family Access. The online registration process is required for all returning students of MVCSC and will open ONLINE for all schools beginning July 21, 2014. Online registration must be completed by noon on July 28, 2014. Remember, you can access online registration from any computer with Internet access (home, public library, Wi-Fi hotspots). Your Skyward Family Access login and password will protect all of you and your student’s confidential information. You must log into your Family Access account, not the student access account. Getting ready for online registration is simple. All you need is your login information readily available when registration opens (July 21). Age to Enter School On or before August 1, students must be 5-years-old to attend kindergarten, and 6-years-old on or before August 1 to attend first grade. The School Bus On the first day of school, students should be ready for their bus at least one To protect all students, Indiana law requires each child enrolled in school to be completely immunized against communicable diseases. A complete record of his or her immunizations must be kept on file in the school office. For students new to the school system—including kindergartners—this record must be on file before the child can attend classes at the start of school. Please refer to immunizations article on page 3. School begins July 30. Are your child’s immunizations up‑to‑date? Daily Lunch Cost Elem. School $2.55 8th Grade Academy $2.60 Middle School $2.60 High School $2.60 Adults$3.10 Milk $ .50 Reduced Lunch $ .40 Daily Breakfast Cost Students$1.65 Adults$2.00 Reduced Breakfast $ .30 To apply for meal assistance When school starts, each family will receive details about applying for free or reduced-priced school lunches for their children. Time to Pay Book Rental Rental fees for school books and materials are due at the start of school and cover the entire school year. Kindergarten $121.33 Grade 1 $ 105.63 Grade 2 $ 112.35 Grade 3 $ 109.19 Grade 4 $ 111.47 Grade 5 $ 110.00 Grade 6-12Per class schedule To apply for book assistance 1.You must apply before October 31, 2014, by marking the appropriate box on the application for school meal assistance. Continued on next page When enrolling a new student, be sure to bring your child’s official birth certificate from the health department, proof of legal guardianship, a complete immunization record, address of previous school, and proof of residency. BOOK RENTAL PAYMENTS FOR ALL SCHOOLS CAN BE MADE BY CASH, CHECK, VISA, OR MASTERCARD. JULY, 2014 2. Students eligible for free or reduced lunch assistance will qualify for textbook assistance. 3.Assistance for eligible students does not cover the entire cost of the books and fees. The parent must pay the difference. An initial payment may be requested at the time of application. For more information, please contact your school principal. Daily Schedules School BeginsDismissal High School 8:35 am3:30 pm Middle School 8:30 am3:20 pm 8th Grade Academy 8:35 am3:30 pm Mt. Comfort Elem. 7:45 am2:15 pm Fortville Elem. 7:45 am2:15 pm McCordsville Elem. 7:45 am2:15 pm Important Calendar Dates July 21— Middle School, 8th Grade Academy and Elementary School offices open July 23—High School Guidance and Administrative offices opens July 29— Teacher workday July 30— First day of school: Gr. K-12. Sept. 1—Labor Day (no school). Please be sure to register for our emergency alert system. Class of 2018 Invited to Freshmen Kick-Off! For the eighth year in a row, Mt. Vernon High School will once again be offering our Freshman Kick-Off event on Thursday, July 24, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm as a freshman transition experience. We realize that, as eighth graders, the class of 2018 has gotten to experience a little bit of what Mt. Vernon High School has to offer, and what it may be like to be a high school student next year. But, the transition to high school can still be intimidating and challenging. New teachers, new policies, expanded areas of the building, increased extracurricular opportunities, and very high expectations are all issues incoming freshmen will want to be prepared for. Our research also indicates that participants in orientation programs like the Freshman Kick-Off have earned higher grade point averages, have been more likely to be involved in extracurricular opportunities and have had fewer disciplinary issues than those who have not participated. We encourage all incoming freshmen to get a head start on high school by coming to enjoy a fun and informative day led entirely by upperclassmen who know exactly what it is like to be a freshman student at Mt. Vernon! We want every freshman to enjoy a successful transition to high school and to have an outstanding first year! Indiana State Department of Health 2014-15 School Immunization Requirements (updated 11/2013) 3- to 5-years-old: 3 Hep B (Hepatitis B) 4 DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis) 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) 1 Varicella Kindergarten: 3 Hep B Grades 1 to 5: 3 Hep B 5 DTaP 4 Polio 5 DTaP 4 Polio Grades 6 to 11: 3 Hep B 5 DTaP 1 Tdap (Tetanus & Pertussis) Grade 12: 3 Hep B 1 Tdap 2 MMR 2 MMR 2 Varicella 3 Polio (Inactivated Polio) 2 Hep A (Hepatitis A)* 2 Varicella 4 Polio 2 MMR 2 Varicella 1 MCV4 (Meningococcal conjugate) 5 DTaP 4 Polio 2 MMR 2 Varicella 2 MCV4 Hep B — The minimum age for the 3rd dose of Hepatitis B is 24 weeks of age. birthday, and be administered at least 6 months after the previous dose. Tdap — There is no minimum interval from the last Td dose. DTaP — Four doses of DTaP/DTP/DT are acceptable if 4th dose was administered on or after child’s 4th birthday. Live Vaccines (MMR, Varicella & LAIV) — Live vaccines that are not administered on the same day must be administered a minimum of 28 days apart. The second dose should be repeated if the doses are separated by less than 28 days. MCV4 — Individuals who receive dose 1 on or after their 16th birthday only need 1 dose of MCV4. Polio — Three doses of Polio are acceptable for all grade levels if the third dose was given on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after the previous dose with only one type of vaccine used (all OPV or all IPV). For students in grades kindergarten through 4th grade the final dose must be administered on or after the 4th Varicella — Physician documentation of disease history, including month and year, is proof of immunity for children entering preschool through 6th grade. Parental report of disease history is acceptable for grades 7-12. For children who have delayed immunizations, please refer to the 2014 CDC “Catch-up Immunization Schedule” to determine adequately immunizing doses. All minimum intervals and ages for each vaccination as specified per 2014 CDC guidelines must be met for a dose to be valid. A copy of these guidelines can be found at www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/ 3 THE MT. VERNON MESSENGER School Nurse Notes Indiana State Law requires all students attending school to have complete and satisfactory immunization records on file at school. The record must include the month, day and year for each immunization. The Indiana State Department of Health has changed some of the required immunizations for the 2014-2015 school year. Seniors are required to have a second Meningococcal MCV4 (Meningitis) vaccine. Kindergarteners are required to have 2 Varicella (Chickenpox) and 2 Hepatitis A vaccines and Grades 1-5 are also required to have 2 Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccines. If you have not already done so, please submit documentation of the required immunizations by fax 317-485-3113, mail 1776 W. State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040 or by email at michelle.shaw@ mvcsc.k12.in.us. If up-to-date documentation is not received, students will be excluded (unexcused) from school until the documentation is received. If you are not sure if your student is up-to-date on vaccines, please ask me. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please call Michelle Shaw R.N. at 485-3100. Thank you for your attention to this very important Indiana State Law that involves your student’s health and education. Indiana State Law also requires us to do annual vision screenings on 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade students. This is just a screening so if a student should need further testing by a doctor, I will send a note to the parent/guardian suggesting such. If you wish, you can opt to not have your student’s vision screened. You can do this by sending a note to Michelle Shaw or your student’s Health Room Assistant. I look forward to seeing and taking care of your MV student this 2014-2015 school year. Enjoy the rest of your summer break! –Michelle Shaw R.N., MVCSC Nurse MVHS Education Professions Students Pass National Exam Through the AAFCS Family and Consumer Sciences Credentialing Center, AAFCS accredits FCS baccalaureate programs, administers FCS competency exams, and certifies professionals and pre-professionals in family and consumer sciences. The purpose of the AAFCS Accreditation Program is to strengthen family and consumer sciences education at the college and university levels. AAFCS accreditation is a status granted to family and consumer sciences units within colleges and universities that meet or exceed quality standards established by the Council for Accreditation. The AAFCS Pre-Professional Assessment and Certification (Pre-PAC) Programs measure competencies of FCS professionals and pre-professionals using high-quality, rigorous assessments. These programs also award standards-based and industry –recognized FCS pre-professional certification and nationally recognized professional certifications. The following students received their Career & Technical Education Pre-Professional Certification from the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences in Education Fundamentals; Junior Shelby Bernard; Seniors Hannah Jarvis( ISU); Meghan Rhoads (Western KY); Matia Rujiraviriyapinyo (BSU). The students plan on pursuing education after high school. To view detailed information on the National Certification exam go to http://www. aafcs.org/CredentialingCenter/index.asp Students interested in pursuing education as a major in college can get a jump start by enrolling in the Education Professions class. During the 2014-2015 school year students will also have the opportunity to receive dual credit with IVY Tech upon certification in the class. 2014‑2015 Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation Corporation Improvement Council Proposed MEETINGS AND TOPICS “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” DATE TIMETOPIC August 11, 2014 7:00 P.M.Orientation-Overview of Technology September 8, 2014 7:00 P.M. Corporation Budget October 24, 2014 7:00 P.M. School Board Candidate Forum November 3, 2014 7:00 P.M. Corporation Strategic Plan Update December 1, 2014 7:00 P.M.Defining the Skills and Traits to Look For In New Superintendent January 5, 2015 7:00 P.M.Open February 2, 2015 7:00 P.M.High School Report-Instructional Program, Data, and the Effects of New Policies March 2, 2015 7:00 P.M. Security and Safety Protocol April 6, 2015 7:00 P.M.Open May 4, 2015 7:00 P.M. Student Handbooks/Election of Co-Chair for 2015-16 June 1, 2015 7:00 P.M.Planning Session for 2015-16 —Abigail Adams Meeting Site (unless otherwise designated): MVCSC Board Room, One Shoppell Blvd., 1776 W. SR 234, Fortville, IN 46040, 317-485-3100, www.mvcsc.k12.in.us 4 JULY, 2014 Calendar Notes (see page 15 for important Aug.-Dec. dates) • All Mt. Vernon Schools are on nine week grading schedules. • Calendar subject to change if necessitated by legislative action, emergency school closings, or IDOE waiver action. • The MVCSC will conduct 180 student days and 183 teacher days between July 29, 2014 and May 29, 2015. Any days missed during the first quarter will be made up during the week of October 6-10, 2014. No makeup days will be conducted during the Second Quarter Break. Please be aware, Presidents’ Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day are scheduled makeup days for any missed days prior to February 13, 2015. Any additional missed days will be made up during the week of March 16 - 20 and at the end of the school year. One Million Steps to Fitness The Nutrition and Fitness class at Mt. Vernon High School took on the One Million Step Challenge in May for 10 days. Pedometers or the AP Step counter was used by students to track their steps during the school day and during physical activity. At the end of the 10 days the class reached their goal of 1,049,833 steps. Alex Barnett recorded the most steps. Pictured at right are many of the participants in the step challenge for fitness. MVEF Awards Nearly $130,000 since 2008! Mt. Vernon Education Foundation (MVEF) awarded nearly $12,000 this spring for teacherrequested grants. Since MVEF was established in 2007, nearly $130,000 in teacher-requested grants has been awarded to all Mt. Vernon Schools. More than 100 teachers and all of our students have been L-R: Susan Boyle, Mark Douglass, Chris Walrod, Barry Stadler, Kyle Miller, Nancy Werner, Sara Joyner and Ben Williams. impacted by the grants! Join us for the MVEF 5K Race Walk Presented by Hancock Regional Hospital SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13! • The 5th Annual Mt. Vernon Education Foundation Race, presented by Hancock Regional Hospital • 5K Run/Walk or 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk • Walk or run to support grants for Mt. Vernon teachers and students! Saturday, September 13, 2014 MVCSC Main Campus All ages and ability are invited to participate (preschoolers and under are free) More Info: www.MtVernonFoundation.org When: Where: Who: Referendum is Successful The members of the school board extended their thanks to Jeff Mull and Larry Longman for chairing the Graduate MVCSC (Growing Resources to Alleviate the Deficit and Unify Area Taxpayers for Education at MVCSC) program that campaigned in favor of the school referendum on the May 6 2014 ballot. The final results showed a nine vote victory for the school’s request. The operational referendum will go into effect on January 1, 2015 and the additional 11 cents on the tax rate is expected to raise $833,000 per year for three years. The funds raised from this process will be directed to eliminating the remaining General Fund deficit thus completing the corporation’s comeback from major financial problems that began in 2009. The members of the Board and Superintendent Riggs extend their heartfelt thanks to the community for creating this opportunity. 5 THE MT. VERNON MESSENGER MES News Lunch Prices Increase for 2014-2015 Lunch prices for the 2014-2014 school year will increase to: MVHS & MVMS: Elementary: Adult: $2.60 $2.55 $3.10 All other prices remain the same: Student Breakfast: Adult Breakfast: Reduced Breakfast: Reduced Lunch: Extra Milk: $1.65 $2.00 $ .30 $ .40 $ .50 MVHS — 4 Star School for Second Year in a Row For the second year in a row, Mt. Vernon High School was named a FOUR-STAR SCHOOL for the 20122013 school year. In order to achieve this designation, a school must be in the top 25th percentile of schools in ISTEP+ testing results. Winning this award required excellent work by teachers, administrators, students and parents throughout the year. Congratulations to Mt. Vernon High School!!!! McCordsville’s own Jonah Ardayfio won third place (bronze) in the recent Math Pentathlon! This is a nationwide program!! McCordsville Elementary is welcoming several new faces to our MV family! Courtney Patterson is new to Special Education, Shelly Rogers has filled our other special education position, Karon Earley will be new to 3rd grade, Shona Gilmer will take the helm in 2nd grade and Amy Nichols (instructional assistant currently) will fill the new Kindergarten spot. Welcome to your new positions! Our back to school night and ice cream social will be held on July 29, 2014 from 6:00-7:45. Please join the fun! GRANTS MES was awarded a grant in the amount of $10,000 from the Indiana Department of Education to purchase items for early literacy. We will be implementing the Read Well program for our K-2 students. The MVEF has also awarded MES a grant in the amount of $6,317.26 for the purchase of technology! At least 4 more rooms will be outfitted with projectors, document cameras, and interactive whiteboards! The NES first grade team was awarded a grant as well!! Thanks for the support MVEF! HOBY Representative Chosen Emily Fleming, sophomore and daughter of Christopher and Kelly Fleming, will represent Mt. Vernon High School at the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminar (HOBY) this summer at Butler University from June 12-15, 2014. The HOBY mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service and innovation. Two delegates chosen for Hoosier Boys State Two Mt. Vernon High School students will spend a week learning about government in a prestigious annual program. Casey Fentz and Grant Williams will attend the American Legion’s Hoosier Boys State from June 15-21, 2014 at Trine University. These students were selected based upon demonstrated abilities in leadership, character and citizenship. American Legion Unit 391 of Fortville is the sponsor of our delegates. DAR Good Citizen Each year, one senior is chosen as the DAR Good Citizen. This senior is chosen based upon the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. Jansen Nicholson, son of John and Dee Nicholson, was selected as this year’s DAR Good Citizen. 6 Board Member Shelton Oakes Honored The Mt. Vernon School Board President Tony May presented board member Shelton Oakes with a plaque commemorating his eight years (2006-2014) as a school board member. “I’m sure the schools were better off having him serve for eight years,” May said. Board Developing a Strategic Improvement Plan In March, the members of the school board announced they have begun the process of developing a three to five year strategic plan intended to enhance the educational program and improve student achievement Currently the Board is working with Dr. Michael Adamson, Director of Indiana School Boards (ISBA) Board Development Services, to revise the Mission, Vision and Belief Statements for the Corporation. Once this segment is completed, the Board will turn to the school community to help develop the actual plan. The Board intends to provide a variety of ways for community members to have input into the final document. Community surveys, focus groups, town hall meetings and other activities will play a key role in providing the necessary data to flesh out the plan. The tentative date for completing the strategic plan is March, 2015. JULY, 2014 2014 School Board Scholars Honored On June 16 the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation School Board held its 31st Annual School Board Scholars Reception and Awards Program for students from grades 4 through 12. Recipients receive a certificate, a trophy, and their names entered permanently into the records of the School Board during its regular monthly meeting held after the program. FORTVILLE ELEMENTARY—Ella Adams (1), Megan Ashley (1), Caleb Bell (1), Isaac Borgman (1), Emma Bowling (1), Abigail Brown (2), Joseph Carney (1), Kaira Carter (1), Andrew Cashman (1), Jacob Casler (1), Cade Clark (1), Ella Coy (1), Sophia Dewael (1), Levi McCordsville Elementary School Scholars Elliott (1), Kate Gray (1), Collin Gregory (1), Maitlyn Griner (1), Sarah Hall (1), Beth Hodgin (1), Andrew Johnson (1), Kellen Kerr (1), Eli Knight (1), Ruthie Lamaster (1), Haley Lowder (1), Shiloh McFarland (2), Dustin Meek (1), Emma Muffler (1), Maura Musick (1), Mackenzie Nigh (1), Bryanna Noesges (1), Alaina Nugent (1), Joshua Orelup (1), Mia Pacey (1), Megan Peters (1), Gavin Privett (1), Noah Rado (1), Alexis Shelton (2), Julia Stadler (1), Tyler Strantz (2), Madelyn Warner (1), Carly Wilkerson (1), Jaclyn Wilson (1), Olivia Yeley (2) MCCORDSVILLE ELEMENTARY—Kayden Bensheimer (2), Aden Cappelletti (1), Jackson Champion (1), Gabriella Clark (1), Hunter Dobbins (1), Ashden Gentry (1), Alexander Goffinet (2), Ryan Goffinet (1), Nolan Gronowski (1), Ptolemy Henson (1), Jonathan Hermann (2), Cole Hess (2), Luke Huff (1), Kiley Hunziker (1), Caleb Mt. Comfort Elementary School Scholars Jackson (1), Kendall Lansel (1), Logan LeRoy (1), Avery Longman (2), Olivia Lugo (1), Samuel McWilliams (2), Mackenzie Miner (1), Ryan Moran (1), Seth Morrison (2), Sofie Mott (2), Lillian Phipps (1), Sydney Powell (1), Emily Rollo (1), Shay Shipley (1), Madison Stanley (1), Avery Swingle (1), Madison Swingle (1), Morgan Tharp (1), Walker Thornton (2), Megan Vaughn (1), Macy Wilson (2), Daniel Woods (1) MT. COMFORT ELEMENTARY—Alivia Barnett (1), William Batista (1), Allyson Beattie (2), Mandy Bechman (1), Riley Britt (1), Colin Brown (2), Lillian Cole (1), Abigail Corbly (1), Abigail Crouch (1), Samuel Ford (1), Katherine Gawrys (2), Riley Grandstaff (1), Fortville Elementary School Scholars Katelynn Hexamer (1), Hannah Heydon (2), Carolyn Hornsby (1), Logan Hufty (1), Meredith Johnson (1), Jack Kern (1), Grace King (1), Haley Kissee (1), Taylor Lorsung (2), Cameron Lusby (1), Samuel Mackall (1), Hannah McCleery (1), Kaitlin Miller (2), Evan Rappe’ (2), Raelyn Stanfield (1), Dallas Turner (2), Paighton Vanwinkle (1), Coy Walden (1), Victoria Wheat (1), Krystiana White (1), Samuel Wilson (1), Lillian Woolston (1) MT. VERNON MIDDLE—Padraig Alford (3), Hayden Bailey (1), Samantha Bennett (2), Paige Boxberger (3), Jordyn Boyer (1), Sydney Bradfield (2), Tyler Carrow (3), Shelby Case (2), Mckenzie Chance (1), Vicky Chen (1), Cameron Cole (2), Dylan Cole (4), Nathan Conway (4), Abigail Cook (1), Sydney Cook (4), Kenneth Cox (4), Jacob Crow (4), Bronte Davidson (1), Jaci Dean (1), Kaylie Middle School Scholars Demaree (4), Brent Donaldson (3), Kamryn Eason (1), Makenzie Echeverria (1), Sydney Ehrgott (1), Benjamin Emery (3), Anthony Fleming (2), Brianna Franke (1), Tessa Freeman (3), Keian Gatewood (4), Cade Gentry (4), Drake Gerig (3), Alyson Godwin (2), Sydney Godwin (3), Cooper Gray (2), Cole Guy (1), Lily Hampton (2), Grant Hess (4), Elizabeth Hiatt (1), Bailey Hodgin (4), Vivian Hoeppner (2), Connor Hoffman (3), Riley Hurst (1), Kamron Isham (1), Blake Johnson (4), Aidan Jones (1), Conner Kinnaman (3), Elise Klinestiver (2), Benjamin LaBelle (1), Joan Lee (2), Jeffrey Lewis (4), Emme Longman (4), Charis Lott (2), Andi Manshsip (3), Samuel McCarty (4), Martin McConnell (1), Mia Miller (2), Cleo Mills (2), Joseph Moore, Madalyn Mull (4), Jenna Nicodemus (3), Danielle Nosek (4), Kennedy Overton (4), Madalyn Owen (3), Madelyn Peddicord (1), Lillie Perdue (2), Brenna Perkins (4), Sydnee Perry (3), Rachel Pilkington (1), Reece Powell (1), Connor Price (2), Daniel Richter (1), Graham Rigsbee (1), Jacob Roberts (1), Jasmeen Saini (1), Tyler Schank (1), Cole Schneider (4), Campbell Shaffer (3), Jarred Sheets (4), Joseph Shepard (3), Shaun Shipley (3), Kaeden Smith (3), Rex Snow (1), Ethan Spoor (1), Sophie Sterrett (3), Deacon Stiff (3), Caroline Story (2), Ryan Strantz (4), Megan Stricker (1), Emma Sweet (1), Cassidy Teschendorf (1), Brielle Theobald (2), Riese Thornton (1), Continued on page 9 7 The MT. Vernon MeSSenGer MVHS Senior Honor Night, May 6, 2014 Character Award: nicole amanda dowd and Jansen wells nicholson NineStar Connect Scholarships: ($1,000 each) phylisia Brooke donaldson, Jacob eugene luke, and anthony william Milesi Gary Lewark Award: Jansen wells nicholson Mike Johnson Memorial Scholarship: ($875) andrew James Boyle Service and Citizenship Merit: katy elisabeth Baker, donovan david Bolding, Shane william dewael, nicole amanda dowd, Courteney lee Fentz, laura elizabeth Galley, Caitlin Marie Gartrell, Colin Bryant harrison, Michael allan oliphant, lindsey layne Stamper, Madison Taylor walrod, Mitchell Todd walrod, Casey Maureen ward, patricia ann warfel, Josie lynn weileman, emily renee white, Victoria lynn widener, Brittany nicole wiggins, emily Joann winegard, kenneth owen woods Mt. Vernon Alumni Association: ($1,000) danielle elaine Curtman SERVICE AND CITIzENSHIP RECOGNITION Terry/Borgman Mental Attitude Award: andrew James Boyle Senior Class Officers: nicole amanda dowd, President; Tucker alexander Curts, Vice-President; alex Connor Birge, Secretary; Mitchell Todd walrod, Treasurer Student Government Officers: Casey Maureen ward, President; Jansen wells nicholson, VicePresident National Honor Society Officers: lindsey renee eckart, President; Victoria lynn widener, VicePresident; , laura elizabeth Galley, Secretary; audrey Catherine wallace, Treasurer; patricia ann warfel, Historian Mt Vernon AP Scholars: amanda nicole Bundy, lindsey layne Stamper, nicholas James Swift AP Scholar with Honor: Connor kent Spencer COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP RECOGNITION Bruce McKinney Memorial Scholarship: ($827) Madison lorraine Brandt 8 Judy D. Smith Memorial Scholarship: ($585) Matia Marie rujiraviriyapinyo Ernie Oden Athletic Scholarships: ($250 ea.) Benjamin ryan Bobb, alec ward lohman, Madison Taylor walrod, and hannah Mackenzie yee IMI Cheer Scholarship: ($500) emily lynn Mckinney Brandon Rush Award: ($100) li Qing ni Mt Vernon Education Foundation: ($100) Samantha Marie Sanders Rabe-Vermillion Scholarship: ($3,500) Courteney lee Fentz Mark Mattick Mental Attitude Award: ($500) patricia ann warfel Chris Sullivan Memorial Music Booster Scholarships: ($555.50 ea.) laura elizabeth Galley and Matthew lee paarlberg Fortville Business and Professional women Scholarship: ($750) haley elaine white Hancock County Art Educators Scholarship: ($tbd) Courtney leigh reimlinger Steve williams Soccer Scholarship: ($500 each) lauren e. Bradburn and Mouhamed konate Mt. Vernon Optimist Ron Seals Scholarship: ($1,000 ea.) natalie Marie Bragdon, Gibson Carter erlewein, anthony william Milesi, Morgan renee Stricker, and Mitchell Todd walrod The Rotary Club of Greenfield Education Scholarship: ($500) Madison Taylor walrod Psi Iota Xi Art Scholarship: ($1,000) Courtney leigh reimlinger Psi Iota Xi Debbie Plank Memorial Music Scholarship: ($1,000) kierra Tyler Santillan Psi Iota Xi Literature Scholarship: ($1,000) Courteney lee Fentz Richard H. Crosser Memorial Scholarship: ($510) patricia ann warfel Margaret Johnson Honorary Scholarship: ($2,049) Samantha Marie Sanders Hancock County Community Foundation Scholarship-Lilly Finalists: ($1,000 ea.) Matthew lee paarlberg and nicholas James Swift George and Icy Vaughn Performing Arts Scholarship: 1st place ($7,500) austin david Fisher 4th place ($2,500) laura elizabeth Galley participants ($500 ea.) Courteney lee Fentz and lindsey layne Stamper Gladys Hancock Shumway Scholarship: ($1,048) Matia Marie rujiraviriyapinyo walter P. and Virginia worland Scholarship:($1,178.50) Gibson Carter erlewein Nancy Terrell Miller Scholarship: ($1,016) Matthew lee paarlberg Roger’s Smile Scholarship: ($500 ea.) andrew James Boyle, eve alejandra Gonzales, audrey Catherine wallace, Jonathan Matthew Zinn Veterans of Foreign wars Post 6904 Scholarship: ($676) Gibson Carter erlewein Earl J. and Irene B. Brooks Scholarship: ($6,000) phylisia Brooke donaldson Edith zike Nursing Scholarship: allyra dulay Cardenas Richard and Judith white Memorial Scholarship: ($2,000) andrew James Boyle Mervin K. Holzhausen Scholarship: ($1,000) Matia Marie rujiraviriyapinyo The Fortville McCordsville Chamber of Commerce Scholarship: ($1,000) Mitchell Todd walrod July, 2014 SCHOLARS continued from page 7 Erlewein Mortuary Scholarship for Funeral Service: ($1,000) Megan kristine hoskins Justin Thorpe (3), abigail Tucker (3), adrianne Vance (1), Zoe wacker (1), emma walker (1), alyssa white (2), Chase wilkerson (4), Christopher wilkerson (3), Cooper williams (4), Jaici wright (4), Jennifer Zarate (1) Jason Casto Scholarship: ($1,500) eve alejandra Gonzales Army Reserve Scholar Athlete: alex Thomas McMillan and Madison Taylor walrod RECOGNITION OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Top Scholar Awards: Benjamin ryan Bobb, Caleb Jesse deckard, phylisia Brooke donaldson, Courteney lee Fentz, laura elizabeth Galley, Jacob eugene luke, alex Thomas McMillan, Jansen wells nicholson, Matia Marie rujiraviriyapinyo, lindsey layne Stamper, Morgan renee Stricker, Michael eric Timberlake, Madison Taylor walrod, haley elaine white, Brittany nicole wiggins Mt. Vernon High School Department Awards: Agricultural Education – dakota M lilly Band – Brittany Blair patrick Choir – Michael Timberlake Engineering Technology – david paul Morford English/ Language – lindsey layne Stamper FACS – Meghan lee rhoads Fine Arts – Jessie alynn Brewer Health/Phys. Ed. – Jordon luis reyes High Tech Academy – dylan Brice Brooks Mathematics – laura elizabeth Galley Science – Valerie Jo Grafton Social Studies – lindsey renee eckart world Language – Taylor nicole Sweet Senior Leadership Award: ($1,000 ea.) Jansen wells nicholson and Madison Taylor walrod TOTAL AMOUNT OF SCHOLARSHIPS AwARDED: $ 3,566,851 8th Grade Academy Scholars 8TH GRADE ACADEMY—eli alexander (1), isabel Baker (2), Mary Barnett (1), drew Bluethmann (2), emily Bostrom (1), Matthew Boyle (4), Jaden Cappelletti (3), Timothy Clone (1), laura denk (1), erin dunn (1), Meridan eads (5), Jadan Fithian (3), Mary Fleming (5), emma Flick (1), krista Franklin (2), kiara Gibson (1), kennedy Glazier (5), nathan Gronowski (1), Sean hammond (1), holly haney (3), Madelyn hayse (1), Sarah herman (1), anne hermann (5), Victoria hexamer (5), lauren hine (1), anna howard (1), Grace hurst (2), Sara kious (3), kristina lee (1), andrea Maynard (3), Jennifer McGowen (5), Carly Mcwilliams (5), elizabeth Miller (4), Victoria Miller (1), alexa Mott (3), alaina nelson (4), Bethany nuckols (3), kaitlyn nugent (3), Sydney overton (5), Tara paarlberg (3), lauren pilkington (2), nicole ratts (5), andrew roembke (5), Matthew rollo (5), Chelsea roundtree (1), roxanne Saschizan (1), Madison Smith (2), olivia Spicer (4), Jenna Stamm (3), Bryan Taylor (1), lydia Tierney (5), Savannah Tolliver (1), lauren Truex (2), hannah warfel (4), hannah watson (5), kaytlin wilkins (1), Benjamin wilson (4), Brooklyn wilson (4), karis witte (4), Jenner york (2) High School Scholars HIGH SCHOOL—Badrinadh alvandhar (3), Mark alvarado (5), Mia amundson (7), abby anderson (4), emily annakin (1), krysia arkenau (1), derek Barnett (4), Theresia Barnett (2), alex Birge (4), Benjamin Bobb (9), Brian Bozymski (7), Cassandra Bridges (4), adrian Cagle (2), allison Campbell (6), allyra Cardenas (1), ian Carson (3), leah Chaves (3), alexa Christenson (1), laura Cochran (5), Madelyn Conway (5) , Zachary Coons (1), larkin Cooper (4), Tucker Curts (6), rachel davis (7), Caleb deckard (8), Morgan devine (2), Shane dewael (2), phylisia donaldson (7), Savanna donaldson (2), daija douglas (2), addison eads (7), lily erlewein (7), Mary Grace ertel (2), Michael ertel (1), Courteney Fentz (3), Bailey Fleming (3), emily Fleming (6), Chelsea Ford (2), kyle Forsythe (5), emily Frost (2), rachel Furniss (4), laura Galley (9), Samantha Gawrys (7), Makenzie Gee (3), Caitlin Grandstaff (6), nathan Grandstff (5), Zoe harves (4), Matthew hays (1), Sydney henderson (6), Joslin hill (1), Madison horsley (6), Megan hoskins (3), ross houk (6), rachel hoyt (1), paige hughes (7), dajah humbert (2), Jenna Jones (2), katelyn kiphart (3), leah klinestiver (4), kari kramer (1), Jordan lilly (2), Caitlin lindman (7), erica lohman (6), Jacob luke (4), layke lynch (2), kylie lyons (6), daniel Majors (2), hannah Martin (6), lauren Matson (1), elizabeth May (4), katherine Maynard (1), anne McCain (2), Mitchell McCarthy (3), Madison McClain (2), James McGowen (6), alex McMillan (7), Blake Miller (3), Shelby Miller (1), Jansen nicholson (8), Brendan o’Bryhim (5), Megan parke (6), andrew payne (2), alyssa powell (5), kallan ratekin (6), luken rigsbee (2), Zane roberts (1), Matia rujiraviriyapinyo (6), aaron rush ((5), Jake russell (2), ariana Sandefur (2), allison Schafer (4), Margaret Schleter (6), Sydney Shelton (6), Sydney Shurman (5), racheal Slayback (1), kayla Smith (3), Gavin Stamper (6), lindsey Stamper (7), Morgan Stricker (8), dana Sutherlin (5), drake Tacket (2), andrew Thaxton (1), Chelsesa Theobald (7), Michael Timberlake (4), alexa Treon (3), noelle Truex (3), Saleem Tucker (3), Blaire Viehweg (3), Madison walrod (9), Julia wayer (4), hannah whitaker (4), emily white (5), Brittany wiggins (6), Sabrina woods (5), ellen wuerch (1), hannah yee (1), Molly yee (3), Cassandra york (7), alyssa Zinola (4) ( ) Years as a Scholar 9 THE MT. VERNON MESSENGER Academic Wall of Fame Inductees 2014 At the June Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation Board Meeting, several students were inducted into the Academic Wall of Fame. Each student received a certificate of achievement and his or her name permanently added to the appropriate plaques on the Academic Wall of Fame located in the Board Room at the Administration Building. Those receiving recognition and the areas in which they qualified were: FORTVILLE ELEMENTARY: Spelling Bee Champion: Shiloh McFarland; Geography Bee Champion: Tyler Strantz; Addition T-Race Champion: Haiden Rose; Multiplication T-Race Champion: Sarah Hall FES Wall of Fame MT. COMFORT ELEMENTARY: Spelling Bee Champion: Riley Britt; Geography Champion: Jackson Tabb; Addition T-Race Champion: Hannah McCleery; Multiplication T-Race Champion: Samuel Wilson McCORDSVILLE ELEMENTARY: Spelling Bee Champion: Ryan Goffinet; Geography Bee Champion: Alex Goffinet; Addition T-Race Champion: Sam McWilliams; Multiplication TRace Champion: Hunter Dobson MT. VERNON MIDDLE SCHOOL: Spelling Bee Champion: Sarah Cardenas; Geography Bee Champion: Matthew Rollo MT. VERNON HIGH SCHOOL: Valedictorian: Lindsey Stamper; Salutatorian: Brittany Wiggins; National Merit Finalist: Nicholas Swift; School Board Scholar Five Times or More: Benjamin Bobb (9), Alexis Doody (5), Lindsey Stamper (7), Cameron Bush (6), Laura Galley (9), Morgan Stricker (8), Tucker Curts (6), Ross Houk (6), Audrey Wallace (6), Rachel Davis (7), Alex McMillan (7), Madison Walrod (9), Caleb Deckard (8), Jansen Nicholson (8), Emily White (5), Phylisia Donaldson (7), Matia Rujiraviriyapinyo (6), Brittany Wiggins (6) MCES Wall of Fame MES Wall of Fame MVMS Wall of Fame MVHS Wall of Fame FES 5th Graders Win Tug-of-War For the first time ever, Fortville Elementary won the D.A.R.E. tug-of-war event at the annual D.A.R.E picnic. Team members included: Abby Brown, Kasey Manship, Emma Muffler, Lexi Shelton, Olivia Yeley, Jadd Dufek, Jadon Fields, Jacob Matthews, Nate Nuckols, and Gabriel Thompson 10 Aspiring Poets Mrs. Overstreet's 3rd Grade Reading Class at Mt. Comfort Elem. School entered the National Poetry Contest. This year the contest was writing a Haiku poem. 15 of her students are being published in the 2014 poetry book. It will be presented and entered into our library in October 2014. Congratulations to these 8-9 year old future writers! JULY, 2014 FES News NEW TECHNOLOGY! FES is very excited to be adding new technology to our building. We have been working hard this year to raise money to add technology that will help support student learning. This year we have been able to add document cameras, projectors and interactive white boards with the money that we have raised through fundraisers. We want to say THANK YOU to anyone that has helped support our fundraisers. ACADEMIC SUCCESS We have had a lot of academic success during the 2013-2014 school year. We had several students earn honor roll for all 4 nine weeks! The following students were awarded the Principal Award during their grade level award ceremonies: Ms. Adams Megan Ashley Mackenzie Beeler Andrew Cashman Eli Knight Taylor Loy Maura Musick Will Carney Dalton Connor Danae Kendrex Kellen Kerr Ashton Kessinger Parker Smitley Raven Wilson Ms. Hall Mrs. Peacock Ella Adams Isaac Borgman Maitlyn Griner Sarah Hall Beth Hodgin Andrew Johnson Bryanna Noesges Olivia Pastrick Gavin Privett Julia Stadler Mrs. Privett Emma Bowling Cade Clark Sophie Dewael Kate Gray Noah Rado Carly Wilkerson Erica Crockett Levi Elliott Collin Gregory Jake Hardey Faith Hopper Dustin Meek Reyce Morgan Madelyn Warner Ella Coy Peyton Brooks Andrew Jasionowski Haley Lowder Mackenzie Nigh Joshua Orelup Mr. Schoeff Abigail Brown Kaira Carter Michael Groce Sidney Johnstone “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” —Henry Ford Three Mt. Vernon High School Students Part of 8-Book Series for Children of All Ages By Ken Hanna Dr. Riggs invited me to write a special report about a project I have put together. Over the past year, I have written a series of eight children’s books with my two grandchildren (Luke, 14 and Sarah,10) – a legacy, if you will. I taught and coached at Mt. Vernon High School, retiring in 2007. Since my experience there was so positive, I approached Principal Bernie Campbell with my idea to use some students to do the illustrations. I had previously interviewed several professional illustrators who, fortunately, all turned me down – that is when I got the idea to use students. He was very enthused about what I wanted and, within two or three days, notified me about two young ladies who would be interested – Emma Soukup, Senior, and Shelby Schilling, Junior. I was pleased when they said they were interested and wanted to try. They have turned out to be absolutely “amazing.” Their interpretations of the stories and their art abilities are beyond their years. I was also able to contact a former student of mine to work on the project – Paul Thompson who currently resides in Chicago. Paul went to film school there after graduating from MVHS in 2004 and is continuing to pursue work in film and illustrating. He, as well, has done a great job with these books. I recently asked Mr. Campbell to give me a take on his opinion of how this project turned out. He said, “I am always on the lookout for opportunities to showcase the talented students attending Mt. Vernon High School. This kind of opportunity would permit two of our students to showcase their talents in a way that was positive, educational, and promoted what is best about life-long learning. I feel very proud of both Emma and Shelby’s efforts in helping us to ‘Defend the Shield’.” The eight books are a storied series about seven generations of one family living through America’s history from the Civil War to the present. Those who would probably benefit most from this series would be 4th through 8th graders, but these stories are good for all ages. We see these books as a great investment in helping students with history lessons as well as life lessons which are built into the story lines. This series serves many purposes that will never get old. Most books, as I am sure you are aware, deal with a couple of areas and it’s over. I am working with several school systems (including MV) to possibly adopt this series in their classrooms as reference materials. With the subjects addressed, parents, grandparents, and teachers can casually open discussions with their students about “tough” subjects. Some of those issues are discrimination, bullying/teasing, divorce, dying, adoption, etc. The topics are introduced in the story lines, and that will allow comfortable discussion with student input (not a “preaching” approach). I am not familiar with any book series that addresses all the subject matter our series does. The books are titled very simply: “TRIP #1” is book number 1; “TRIP #2” is book number 2; etc., authored by Lukas/S.K./Jid the Kid (that would be me). They are available through the publisher, “AuthorHouse.com,” or “bn.com”(Barnes and Noble). They are also available as e-readers (Nook and Kindle). I hope that you will support our adventure because I know you will all enjoy the stories, you will relive your part of America’s history, and you will appreciate history like you never did before. Dr. Riggs and Principal Campbell can provide any information you might desire and I would be happy to make myself available to any group who would like to learn more. 11 The MT. Vernon MeSSenGer HHC Academic Team Mt. Vernon high School had 24 athletes receive hoosier heritage Conference academic medals during the 2013-2014 school year. Qualified athletes must be a Varsity letter winner; a sophomore, junior, or senior; and in the top 5% of their respective graduating class. Congratulations to: Boys’ Cross Country Aaron Ruch, Brian Bozymski Girls’ Cross Country Samantha Gawrys Boys Soccer Braxton Ratekin Girls Soccer Jordan Lilly, Hannah whitaker, Haley white Volleyball Teresa Bond, Mary Grace Ertel Boys Tennis Ben Bobb, Alex McMillan, Grant williams Cheerleading Lily Erlewein Boys Basketball Caleb Deckard Girls Basketball Morgan Stricker, Madison walrod Boys Swimming Daniel Majors Girls Swimming Samantha Gawrys, Caitlin Grandstaff Girls Tennis Cassandra York, Addison Eads, Madison walrod Boys Track Aaron Ruch, Brian Bozymski, Brayden Ratekin Girls Track Leah Chaves, Phylisia Donaldson Softball Catlin Lindman, Kylie Lyons, Morgan Stricker Baseball Alex McMillan 12 FCCLA Awards Members 2013-2014 Mt. Vernon high School FCCla recognized their members in a May awards presentation for completing the year of service in their community; participating in State Conference; and fulfilling membership duties. activities included: Food panty food drive; Frenzy animal rescue, volunteers at school festivals/dance, FCCLA members that attended the ceremony: Front row L-R: Ayden care packages for home- Millspaugh, Kaylee Lyons, Peyton Scott, Maddison Hahn Back row less, State and STar L-R: Kevin Lyons, Shelby Bernard, Mazie Bernard, Elise Lowell, projects; landscaping, Kourtney Hancock. leadership conferences, coupon clipping, rush week. The next membership call-out meeting will be august 8, 2014. Retirees Honored Front row L-R: Pam Campbell, Nancy Brunnemer, Candy Adkins, Candy Hyde, Dana Doud, Board member Vernee’ Eads. Back row L-R: Board President Tony May, Board Member Shelton Oakes, Board Member Jason Shelton, Bruce Kendall and John Price. at the June 16 MVCSC regular school board meeting, the following teachers were honored for their years of service to Mt. Vernon School and their retirement: CERTIFIED Candy adkins kathy Bertsch nancy Brunnemer pam Campbell Tom Campbell Candy hyde Brenda kelly Bruce kendall Faith phillips John price Toy Simmons 2nd Grade – MCe 6th Grade – MVMS kindergarten – FeS 2nd Grade – MCe 5th Grade – MCe 3rd Grade - FeS 6th Grade – MVMS Science – MVhS Media Specialist – MVhS principal – MVMS Math – MVhS Yrs. at MV Total Yrs. 25 34 34 28 35 36 27.5 39 16 11 31 35 34 34 31 38 36 36 39 32 35 34 NON-CERTIFIED Bonnie Jobe Cathy douglass dana doud Custodian – MCe Treasurer – MVhS Bus driver 37 25 34 JULY, 2014 Tributes from the Schools CANDY ADKINS Candy Adkins has taught for 40 years. Candy was originally a PE major but fortunately for us switched to Elementary Education. She taught in the New Palestine School District form 1973 -1985, IVY Tech from 1985-1987 and finally here at Mt. Vernon beginning in 1988. Candy has the reputation of being Mt. Comfort’s master juggler. During her career, a juggler came to give an in-service. Being a former PE major, Candy realized how difficult it is for little ones to sit still so she started using juggling as a way to break up the day with a little exercise in the classroom. Candy also has the title of “Recycling Queen” at Mt. Comfort and was been leading the reduce, reuse, recycle program for many years. Candy hopes to spend more time with her grandchildren and perhaps a little substitute teaching from time to time. Kathy Bertsch Kathy Bertsch came to the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation in 1980 and taught sixth grade at Mt. Vernon Middle School and Mt. Vernon Intermediate School for 34 years. During those years she taught math, language arts, health, skills for adolescents, and science. For a period of time, Kathy supervised after-school ISTEP remediation classes, and she taught summer school for 23 years. Since the beginning of her career, Kathy has witnessed many changes at MV, but she’s always enjoyed working with students who kept her on her toes, made her laugh, and inspired her to become a better teacher. Kathy says, “I will miss helping students learn and helping them grow into young ladies and gentlemen. I will miss talking with young people every day. They taught me a lot, too!” Kathy also says that being a part of the family atmosphere in the buildings and making lifelong friends were some of the best things about working at Mt. Vernon. As she looks ahead, Kathy has many plans for retirement. She hopes to slow down and take the time to enjoy a few new pursuits. In addition, she says, “My husband and I plan to cherish each day, do some traveling, spend more time with our wonderful families, and count our many blessings every single day!” Congratulations, Kathy, and thank you for your 34 years of service! Nancy Brunnemer Fortville Elementary School honored Nancy Brunnemer at an evening gathering and took a look back to enjoy some of her most memorable moments. Nancy has dedicated 34 years to the Mt. Vernon School Corporation. She has touched countless lives! Staff and friends worked together to put on a skit where Nancy could lead them through one last rodeo! This was a fun way for Nancy to begin her new journey of retirement. Pam Campbell Pam Campbell retired at the end of this year after teaching second grade at Mt. Comfort since 1986. She loved the challenge of working with a new group of wonderful students each year and developing strategies that best met their academic and emotional needs. Throughout her teaching career, she saw many changes in methods and technology which Pam enjoyed, but the interaction between students and teacher was what drove her. Pam was blessed to work with an incredible staff at Mt. Comfort which was more like family than just co-workers inspired by the leadership of both Phil Davis and Heather Whitaker. Pam retired after the birth of her granddaughter, Katelynn. Her plan is to be the caregiver and best-grandmotherever to Katelynn while her mommy continues teaching. In closing, Pam would like to express her gratitude to all the families who entrusted her with their precious children over the years and prays that in some small way she has enabled them to be successful in their personal endeavors. Tom Campbell Tom Campbell, 5th grade teacher at Mt. Comfort Elementary School, is retiring from teaching after thirtyfive years of service at MVCSC and 38 years of teaching. He began his teaching career in at the old Mt. Comfort Elementary in 1979. He then moved to Mt. Vernon Intermediate School in 2002 where he continued to teach 5th grade and held the leadership role as summer school principal. He has spent his last three years back at Mt. Comfort Elementary School teaching 5th grade. He has served on many committees such as the Advisory Committee, Character Education Committee, Data Committee and Crisis Committee Though he is looking forward to retirement, he has truly enjoyed working for the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation. He will miss the many, many students whose lives he has touched and will also miss working with his wonderful, caring colleagues. Dana Doud Dana Doud, a bus driver for MVCSC, is retiring after 36 years behind the wheel. Dana started her bus driving career in 1978 as a substitute driver. In august of 1980 she took her first full time route covering the Helmcrest subdivision in Fortville, Dana drove that route daily for twelve years. In 1992 she began driving a route for special education students. In addition to her special education route, Dana also drove preschool students. These students aging three to five years old had a special place in her heart. Dana’s warm and caring demeanor matched the needs of these students and it was obvious that she was the perfect fit for such a route. At her recent retirement party former students, parent and fellow bus drivers celebrated Dana’s dedication and professional care for Mt. Vernon students. Dana was witness to several changes over her driving career. She saw the growth of the MV schools that almost Continued on page 14 13 The MT. Vernon MeSSenGer TRIBUTES continued from page 13 doubled in size. dana drove more miles per year than any other bus driver. it is important to note that despite the many miles and sometimes challenging weather conditions, she was able to pick up and deliver all of her students safely and without incident all those years. her driving record was the most commendable. dana plans to spend her retirement years enjoying her family, especially her grandchildren. She also will do some traveling and enjoy taking life a day at a time without the demands of driving a bus. Mt. Vernon Community Schools thanks dana and wishes her the best in her retirement. CANDY HYDE Fortville elementary School honored Candy hyde at an evening gathering and took a look back to enjoy some of her most memorable moments. Candy has dedicated 36 years to the Mt. Vernon School Corporation. She also has made an impact on countless students. Staff and friends put on skits and took the audience for a stroll down memory lane. Candy was able to do one last archeological dig to get her ready for retirement! BONNIE JOBE Bonnie Jobe, head Custodian at Mt. Comfort elementary School, is retiring from after thirtyseven years of service at MVCSC. She began her career at the old Mt. Comfort elementary in 1977. She took over the new Mt. Comfort elementary school in 2009. Though she is looking forward to retirement, she has truly enjoyed working for the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation. Bonnie will be spending more time with her grandson and family. BRENDA KELLY Brenda kelly is retiring after teaching sixth grade language arts and social studies for 36 years. Brenda began her career at Custer Baker Middle 14 School in the Franklin Community School Corporation in 1974. after 8.5 years in that school system, Brenda came to Mt. Vernon Middle School in december 1986 and taught for another 27.5 years. while at the middle school, Brenda was the cheer coach for 11 years. “i had the opportunity to work with many wonderful young ladies who still have a special place in my heart today. These are some of my fondest memories of MVMS. we won 8 state cheer championships during that time.” Brenda says that her favorite thing about teaching has been the students. “it is their spirit and enthusiasm that kept me in the classroom for 36 years. i will truly miss them.” She’ll also miss her fellow teachers at the middle school, a place that she considered her home throughout the years, and will cherish many special memories from her time spent in the building. Brenda plans to travel and enjoy time with her family during retirement. She is especially looking forward to taking care of her grandson and any future grandchildren that she is blessed to have. Congratulations, Brenda, and thank you for your 36 years of service! happened had i not had a great staff, and MVMS is the best!” says Mr. price. he also attributes part of his success to lessons learned along the way from various bosses. however, Mr. price is most proud of the fact that he tried his best to treat everyone in the building fairly and endeavored to bring a lot of joy to the students and staff. after retiring, Mr. price would like to enjoy some time off, travel, spend time with his children and grandchildren, relax in Florida during the winter, and eventually try substitute teaching. he says, “i just want to thank everybody for a great experience there. it was my greatest lifetime privilege to be the principal at MVMS!” Mr. price will be sorely missed, and the students and staff at MVMS want to thank him for his exceptional work and dedication throughout the years. JOHN PRICE John price is retiring after 35 years in education, the last 11 as principal at Mt. Vernon Middle School. “i love everything about teaching and working with kids,” said Mr. price. “i will miss the kids most of all. They’re still wonderful after all these years! after that, it would be the staff and the parents, too. everybody was very nice to me over the years and treated me very well.” Mr. price began his career by teaching second grade in the Center Grove Community School Corporation. he then spent many years in the Clark-pleasant Community School Corporation as a teacher in grades 3-6, administrative assistant, athletic director, and coach. Mr. price was also an active participant in the classroom teachers’ association. after a stint as principal at Tipton Middle School, Mr. price took the helm at Mt. Vernon Middle School in 2003. during Mr. price’s tenure, MVMS was designated a Four Star school, and he earned several principal of the year nominations. “none of that would have M.V.C.S.C. Mission is to: ENGAGE EDUCATE EMPOwER today’s students to seize tomorrow’s opportunities JULY, 2014 Upcoming Events JULY 21-28....................................................... Online Registration 21.......................... MVMS, 8GA & Elem. school offices open 22-25.....New Student Registration, 7:00 AM-3:00 PM, Elems. 23..................................................MVHS school offices open 21-25..... New Student Registration, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM, MVMS 21-25..........New Student Registration, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM, 8GA 22............ New Student Registration, 12:00-8:00 PM, MVHS 23....... New Student Registration, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM, MVHS 24............. Freshman Orientation, 9:00 AM-2:00 PM, MVHS 29... Back to School Night/Ice Cream Social 6:00 PM, MCES 29...... Back to School Night/Ice Cream Social 6:00 PM, MES 29........Back to School Night/Ice Cream Social 6:00 PM, FES 29.....................................Teacher Orientation and In-Service 30.................................. School Begins/Full Day for Students AUGUST 6.............................................Open House, 6:00 PM, MVMS 7................................................ Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off, FES 7................................... Back to School Night, 6:00 PM, 8GA 8...................................Entertainment Book Kick-Off, MCES 8-29............................................. Fall NWEA Testing, MCES 11-22...................................NWEA Testing Window, MVMS 11......................Market Day Pick-Up, 6:00 PM MVMS, 8GA 11.................Corp. Improvement Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, MVCSC Administration 13................................ Senior Parent Night, 6:00 PM, MVHS 13........................................... Open House, 7:00 PM, MVHS 15..................................................................Picture Day, FES 18..........................................School Board Meeting, 7:00 PM 18............................................................ Picture Day, MVMS 29............................................................Blood Drive, MVHS SEPTEMBER 1........................................................... Labor Day, No School 2...................... Skating Party @ Roller Cave, 6:30 PM, MCES 5............................................................... Picture Day, MCES 5...................................................................... Midterm, 8GA 8-12................................................................ Book Fair, MES 8...................Corp. Improvement Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, MVCSC Administration 12................................................................ Picture Day, 8GA 13.............................................. 5K/1 Mile Run/Walk, MVEF 15................................................................ Picture Day, MES 15...................................................Hearing Screening, MCES 15...................................... Pacer Ticket Sale Kick-Off, MCES 15..........................................School Board Meeting, 7:00 PM 16........................ Hearing Screening (1st & 4th Grades), FES 22-25................................................................Star Lab, MES 23....................... Band “Pop’s” Fall Concert, 7:00 PM, MVMS 27..............................................................Fall Festival, MCES OCTOBER 1................................................................. End of Q1, MCES 2.......................................... Choir Concert, 7:00 PM, MVMS 3..................................................... End of first grading period 6-17............................................ Intersession #1, No School* 20...................................................................School Resumes 20.................................. Cookie Dough Sale Kick-Off, MCES 20..........................................School Board Meeting, 7:00 PM OCTOBER continued 23.................Parent/Teacher Conferences (K-8) —No School 23............................ Teacher In-Service, MVHS —No School 24.................Corp. Improvement Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, MVCSC Administration 28.............Skating Party @ Roller Cave 6:00-8:00 PM, MCES 28.................................................. Hearing Screening, MVHS 30......................................................... Mix-it-up Day, MCES NOVEMBER 3...................Corp. Improvement Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, MVCSC Administration 10.......................................... Veteran’s Day Programs, MCES 11......................................... Veteran’s Day Programs, MVMS 17......................................................Picture Retake Day, FES 17..........................................School Board Meeting, 7:00 PM 19............................................................Blood Drive, MVHS 27-28..................................... Thanksgiving Break, No School DECEMBER 1...................Corp. Improvement Council Meeting, 7:00 PM, MVCSC Administration 2-19.................................................... Winter NWEA Testing 9...............Skating Party @ Roller Cave 6:00-8:00 PM, MCES 19.............................................. End of second grading period 22-Jan. 2...................................... Intersession #2, No School SECOND SEMESTER BREAKS Jan. 5..............................................................School Resumes Jan. 19.................... Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—No School Feb. 16..........................................Presidents’ Day-No School Mar. 14..................... End of Third Grading Period (48 days) Mar. 14-29............................. Intersession #3 —No School* Mar. 30...........................................................School Resumes May 25.........................................Memorial Day—No School May 28.................................Last Day for Students (43 days) May 29.................................................. Last Day for Teachers June 1-12............................................Possible Make-up Days * no school unless make-up days required Watch for the next Mt. Vernon Messenger in December. A publication of the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation One Shoppell Blvd., 1776 W. St. Rd. 234, Fortville, IN 46040 317-485-3100 • 317-485-3113 (Fax) www.mvcsc.k12.in.us Dr. Bill Riggs.................... Superintendent Mr. Mike Horton..... Asst. Superintendent Mrs. Susanna Combs.......................Editor Board of School Trustees Mr. Tony May...........................President Mr. Mike McCarty........1st Vice President Mrs. Vernée Eads...... 2nd Vice President Mr. Jason Shelton...................... Secretary Mr. Brian Tomamichel........Asst. Secretary Visit our website www.mvcsc.k12.in.us for a variety of school information and news to stay in-the-know! 15
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