New Clipper Trial.indd - Malcolm Public Schools
New Clipper Trial.indd - Malcolm Public Schools
Check Out Our Website April 23, 2015 Issue 17, Volume 36 Malcolm Public Schools 10004 NW 112th St Malcolm, NE 68402 Give Us A Call High School Office 402-796-2151 ext. 1 Westfall Office 402-796-2151 ext. 2 Business Office 402-796-2151 ext. 3 Congratulations to Michael Zavodny and Sheridan Swotek for Competing in the State Speech Tournament Inside This Issue: Page 2: Art News Page 3: Finance Contest Page 4-5: Love My School Day Page 6: Book Fair/Mrs. Puterbaugh Page 7: Jr. Parents After Prom Thank You Page 8: Menu/Schedule Page 9: Counselor’s Corner Pages 10-13: Board Minutes and Bills Pages 13-15: Ads Malcolm Student Council Wins National Award For Third Year in a Row Congratulations to the Malcolm Student Council. For the third year in a row our Student Council has be awarded the National Gold Council of Excellence Award. This award is given to student councils that excel in these areas; student leadership, community and school service, charity work, developing spirit within the school and building relationships between the community, school and students. Last fall this council was awarded for the fifth year in a row the Gold Medal Award for State Student Councils. With that award our council was able to apply for the honor of the national award. Our community, school, staff and students are proud of our Malcolm Student Council! Amanda Engelbart Art News By: Mrs. Martin Teagan Lundgren Emma Schroeder During the month of March our conference schools sch (ECNC) had an art show in the lobby at the Wells Fargo Bank on 13th and O. Winners were selected from each school. The winners from Malcolm were; Gold Medal – Teagen Lundgren, 1st Honorable Mention – Amanda Engelbart, 2nd Honorable Mention – Emma Schroeder, and 3rd Honorable Mention – Emma Schroeder. Congratulations to the following students for having their artwork in the show: Kayleigh Knisley, Raina Anderson, Noah Sackett, Cade Larson, McKenzie Nutter, Casey Engelbart, We would like to thank Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation and NAI FMA Realty for providing a great space for us to showcase such talented student artwork. On March 25th, I took 9 students to Lincoln for the ECNC Art Conference Workshop. We attended a workshop on Tin Embossing. Each student had a chance to experiment with this techniques. Artists and teachers, Natalie Sisco and Anna Sasse conducted the workshop. We also visited the Sheldon Art Museum and several galleries in the Haymarket. Yearbook If you still wish to purchase a yearbook we have 19 left. The cost is $40.00. The lists of students who haven’t purchased a yearbook is posted outside the Art room and it is also listed on the Yearbook tab of school website. Reminder: Junior High/Middle school students are in the High School yearbook. Pictured L-R: Tyson Kohl, Raina Anderson, Emma Schroeder, Kayleigh Knisley, Mariah Bolte, Amanda Engelbart, Casey Engelbart and Teagan Lundgren malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 23, 2015 page 2 2015 Finance Challenge Contest By: Mr. Lewandowski Pictured L-R: Shane Mandery, Jordan Redler, Emily Locke, Charlee Sindelar, Taylor Finke, Jonah Beckmann and Mr. Lewandowski Students from the Economics class competed in the Nebraska's Council for Economicc Education Financial Challenge Online Competition earlier this year with two teams from m Malcolm qualifying in the top five out of eighty-six teams to advance to the Regionall Finals. On Saturday, April 18 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Malcolm Team 1 consisting of Jordan Redler, Emily Locke, and Shane Mandery and Malcolm Team 2 consisting of Charlee Sindelar, Taylor Finke, and Jonah Beckmann competed againstt teams from Johnson-Brock, Lincoln Southwest, and Nebraska City in the Regional Finals.. Students were given a fictional family's financial situation where they had to develop a financial plan for the family in the areas of debt, savings, insurance, and taxes. Studentss had two hours to develop their presentation and ten minutes to present to the judges.. A panel of three financial experts, including State Treasurer Don Stenberg judged thee team's financial plans to help determine the overall winner. Johnson-Brock High Schooll finished 1st, Lincoln Southwest finished 2nd, Malcolm 1 finished in 3rd, Malcolm 2 finished in 4th, and Nebraska City finished in 5th. Johnson-Brock was awarded $1000 0 per member, Lincoln Southwest was awarded $100 per member, and Malcolm 1 wass awarded $50 per member. "Though our teams didn't win the competition I was very impressed with the plans theyy developed for the family. The financial scenario that they had to research and present on n standing in front of three experts on the matter was extremely challenging. The fact thatt we had had five teams in the top 25 in the Lincoln Region and two teams make the finalss makes me really proud of our students. We have a confirmed date from our driver's education n instructor. It will be held the week of June 1st-June 5th. h. Please call or respond to this email and let the high school ol office know if you are still interested and we will proceed with h providing you with registration information in the coming g weeks. The classroom time will be 8am-12:00pm. Driving g times will be arranged. We have not been informed of a cost st but it is comparable to what other companies in the areaa charge for driver's education. Thank you! page 3 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 23, 2015 page 4 page 5 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 MPTO BOGO SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR-THANK YOU! MP By Mrs. M Betty Geiser, K-12 Media specialist The MPTO M BOGO Scholastic Book Fair was held April 7-10 in the Westfall Library Media Center. This get one free event allowed many students, parents, teachers, and patrons the opportunity to buy one, o purchase books for less. The Library Media Centers received donations of 20 books of these 3 were purc hardbacks. Our BOGO Book Fair Bonus, which was based on the sales during the book fair, gave us hard additional hardbacks and 78 paperbacks. Total number of books received 107. Thank you for your 9 add donations to the Library Media Centers. A special Thank You to Kristin Saltzgaber for chairing the dona Book Fair. Thank you to all the volunteers who donated their time to operate the Book Fair. What Makes Me a Successful Reader? Wh By: Patti P Puterbaugh, K-12 Reading Specialist G Good readers develop habits that help them to become more proficient at comprehending. These habits are developed over time and each person will achieve them at their own T rate. Here are some practical ways that my students shared about how they become more r successful at reading. s Fifth Grade F A number of students responded with the following strategies: I can read fast in my head, and when I read if there’s a setting I can picture it! I use context clues and background knowledge. I also read it more than once, so I can remember it. know Other students mentioned reading books on RAZ-Kids and practicing reading at home and on the s road. Independent reading was also slated as being useful: reading chapter books, mini chapter books and doing book reports. Reading Workshop was also mentioned as being beneficial. Fourth Grade Fourth graders believe that independent practice is the key to becoming a successful reader. They mentioned lots of practice, reading for the RAZ-Kids challenge, and reading with a parent or friend. They trust in the adage that practice makes perfect. Third Grade They unanimously agreed that working on REWARDS lessons benefitted them greatly. REWARDS stands for Reading Excellence: Word Attack and Rate Development Strategies. Third graders learn to read multisyllabic words with prefixes and suffixes. They also learn the sounds of vowel pairs and vowel teams. Some noteworthy quotes from third graders: “REWARDs helps me to be a successful reader. “ “REWARDS helps me to read big words!” “I love reading! Second grade Second graders believe that setting aside a specific time for reading is very helpful to them. “I have reading time every day. I read two books every day. I read out loud to my stuffed animals in my basement. “ “I read RAZ-kids books. “ “I am good at reading cause my teacher helps me. “They wholeheartedly agreed that their parents help them. First Grade: First graders believe that they must be intentional at paying attention to what they are reading. They must also be word detectives and be ready to add new words to their vocabulary. Overall they believe that reading books makes them smarter. malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 23, 2015 page 6 Another Successful Post-Prom! THANK YOU to all the volunteers and businesses who helped make this year's POSTPROM so successful. We ARE so GRATEFUL for all those who contributed in some way or another and we thank you for all your efforts! The students who attended had a great time and we all have some unforgettable memories - love that hypnotist show! JUNIORS - We look forward to next year as we are not in charge of post-prom. SENIORS - We wish you the very best after graduation! Class of 2016 JUNIOR PARENTS American Legion #354 Arby's/DRM Inc ArtFX Bed Bath & Beyond Benes Heating & Air Conditioning Inc Bill & Nancy Jennett Buzzard Billy's Carlos O Kellys Cattle National Bank Cornhusker Bank Dave & Theresa Schroeder Deb Faimon - Malcolm Public Schools Defy Gravity Dr. Tom Haug Farmers Cooperative (Dorchester) Ficke Orthodontics LLC Fort Frontier, division of Fort Western Stores Gerald Meyerle Godfather's Pizza Graham Tire Company Grandpa John's Woodlawn Farm, Inc Hampton Commercial Construction Inc Harger CPA Group PC Harre Orthodontics LLC Horizon Holding Inc, a Burger King Franchisse Hy-Vee Food Store (North 27th) James A Steider Agency LLC Juice Stop - NaKia & Darrel Watermeier Kawasaki Kirk & Barbara Bauer L & W Garbage Service Larsco Enterprises Lazlo Inc Lee's Propane Service Inc Lincoln Physical Therapy Associates PC Loomix Feed, Dale & Paula Heidtbrink Malcolm Boosters Malcolm Fire Department Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center Max Meyer Memorial Health Care Systems Mill Road Auto Inc Nebraska Bookstore Nebraska Sports Nickel Enterprises (DBA Jim's Diesel Repair) Norris Public Power District Oak Creek Valley Bank PCE page 7 Pepsi Peregrine Inc Raymond Contracting Raymono's Pizza Plus Rebecca Hohl DDS, MS Rivers Metal Products Inc Royal Neighbors of America Chapter 20106 Royal Neighbors of America Chapter 20120 Ruby Nails Runza Sampson Construction Sam's Club Simply A-maize-N Popcorn Southeast Community College - Lincoln SouthPointe Pavilions Special T's and More Suhr & Lichty Insurance Agency Inc Sun Valley Lanes Super Saver - Fallbrook Super Saver #11 - South 56th Taco Inn of Nebraska The Buckle Inc Tico's Treehouse Daycare Wachal Pet Health Center WalMart - Andermatt Dr. Wal-Mart - Seward WalMart SuperCenter - North 27th West Gate Bank Word of Life Faith Church 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Clipper Schedule of Events **Times and Schedule Subject to Change Monday, April 27 2:00PM 7-8 Track @ Centennial 3:45PM Track Practice 7:00PM NHS Induction Ceremony Monday, May 4 3:45PM Track Practice 6:45PM Academic Awards Banquet Tuesday, May 5 Tuesday, April 28 3:45PM Track Practice 2:00PM HS Track @ Lanc. Co Fr. Meet 7:00PM 6-8 Music Concert 3:45PM Track Practice Wednesday, April 29 3:45PM Track Practices Thursday, April 30 Purple Up for Military Kids 3:45PM Track Practice 4:00PM 7-8 Track @ Yutan Friday, May 1 3:45PM Track Practices 6:30PM Athletic Banquet Meal 7:00PM Athletic Awards Program Saturday, May 2 10:00AM HS ECNC Track @ Freeman Wednesday, May 6 3:45PM Track Practice Thursday, May 7 3:45PM Track Practice 2:00PM HS Track @ Fillmore Central Friday, May 8 10:00AM 7-8 ECNC Track @ Yutan 3:45PM Track Practice Saturday, May 9 2:00PM Malcolm Graduation In accordance with Federal Law and US Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director of Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. All Meals Served With Fruit and Vegetable Bar All Meals Subject to Change Without Notice malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 23, 2015 page 8 Malcolm Action Coalition (MAC) Notes: NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 @5:30 in the High School Media Center. All are welcome to join us! AFTER GRADUATION PARTY plans are shaping up. We will be sponsoring a “Bowling and Midnight Movie” for students in grades 9-12 at Seward Bowl and the Rivoli Theatre in Seward. Bowling will start at 10:00 p.m. with a movie at the Rivoli following at around 11:45 p.m. Watch the school website and listen to announcements at school for more details and the opportunity to sign up to attend. JUNE JAM: Applications are still being taken to attend this great camp held on the SCC Milford campus from June 14-16. Youth from across southeast Nebraska will spend time with other youth committed to being alcohol and drug free. It is a lot of fun with food and fun activities including a dance and talent show. Applications are available in Mrs. Faimon’s office and are due no later than April 24. Scholarships are available to the pay $75 cost of attending. WEBSITE: Check out Lancaster Prevention Coalition’s (which includes MAC) new website at It is a great source of information for parents and families to help start conversations about underage alcohol use and empowering parents to be active in prevention efforts. Please consider attending any or all MAC meetings to support our mission of Safe FamiliesSafe Schools-Safe Communities. We would love to have new energy and ideas in planning activities for youth & families in the Malcolm community. 2015 PKI Summer Academies at UNO The Peter Kiewit Institute at UNO is hosting two summer camps during the summer of 2015. The Holland Academy of Excellence is for the class of 2017, current sophomores, and will be held June 7-10. The other event is for the Class of 2016, current juniors. The Academy of Sustainable Environments & Renewable Energy will be held July 27-30. The deadline to submit applications is May 1, 2015. Visit and click on the “Outreach” link for more information and application forms. Young Leaders Summit June 3-4 2015 at Innovation Campus HUMANeX Ventures is hosting their 2nd annual Young Leaders Summit on June 3-4 at Innovation Campus in Lincoln, NE. There will be inspirational speakers to engage high school and college age students in two days of self-learning and growth. The goal of the Summit is for all YLS attendees to learn more about who they are as individuals and how they can discover and align their life’s direction with their passions, interests and sense of purpose. page 9 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Malcolm Public Schools Purple Up! For Military Kids Wear PURPLE on Thursday, April 30th April is “The Month of the Military Child” “Purple symbolizes all branches of the military. “PURPLE UP!” acts as a visible way to show support and thank military youth for their strength and sacrifices.” Why purple? It is the color that symbolizes all branches of the military, combining Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Marine red, and Navy blue. Min Minutes – Board of Education April 20, 2015 Apr The Board of Education, School District 148, Lancaster County, Nebraska met in open public session 7:00PM at the District Board Room, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, NE on Monday, April 20, 2015 at 7: conduct normal and usual business of the District. Said meeting was advertised in advance in the to co minutes of the March 16, 2015 meeting published in the March 19, 2015 issue of “The Clipper” and the minu April 2, 2015 issue of “The Clipper”. Board members present were: Michelle Bice, William England, Apri Andrea Holka, Chandler Kramer, Kevin Lostroh, Craig Vanderkolk. Administrators present were And Ryan Terwilliger, Greg Adams, Amber Dolliver. Chairman Vanderkolk called the meeting to order at 7:01PM and noted that the Open Meetings Act is posted on the north wall of the Board Room. 7:01 Bice moved to approve the consent agenda with an updated list of bills. Seconded by Holka. Ms. Lostroh reviewed the bills, receipts and answered questions from the Board. Voting by roll call: YES Lost Holka, Kramer, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice. NAYS – None. Motion 4-2015-18 passed. – England, En Financial Summary Fina April 20, 2015 Apri School Accounts Scho Previous Bal 3/1/2015 Previ Receipts - March 2015 Rece Disbursements- Mar 2015 Disb Cash in Cking 3/31/2015 Invested: Mar 2015 Inves General $910,160.54 $367,962.53 $425,735.33 $404,841.43 $447,546.31 Lanc. Co. Treasurer: Lanc Previous Bal 3/1/2015 Previ Receipts -Mar 2015 Rece Disbursements - Mar 2015 Disb Cash on Hand 3/31/2015 General $91,796.53 $812,066.28 $99,765.62 $804,097.19 NSDLAF (Investment) NSD Previous Bal 3/1/2015 Previ Receipts - Mar 2015 Rece Disbursements Mar 2015 Disb Cash on Hand 3/31/2015 Spc Bldg $292,812.60 $8,069.00 $0.00 $300,881.60 Lunch $13,257.45 $25,916.78 $24,016.34 $8,153.29 $7,004.60 Activity $197,313.76 $31,387.73 $22,733.53 $7,188.81 $198,779.15 Bond $7,315.43 $99,881.92 $8,300.42 $98,896.93 Bond Fund $111,011.60 $7,358.02 $0.00 $118,369.62 Bus Deprec $58,263.05 $3.15 $0.00 $10,248.52 $48,017.68 QCPUF $3,199.26 $33,805.87 $3,530.83 $33,474.30 Student Fees $8,474.50 $1,535.00 $713.53 $9,295.97 Spc Bldg $8,007.34 $83,936.82 $8,830.59 $83,113.57 QCPUF Checking $34,322.14 $3,223.02 $0.00 $37,545.16 Communications From The Public: None Com Unfinished Business: None Unf New Business: Lostroh moved, seconded by England, to accept the resignation of the business teacher, Bethany Los Tallman. Voting by roll call: YES – Holka, Kramer, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, England. NAYS – Tal None. Non Motion 4-2015-19 passed. Bice Bic moved to offer a teaching contract to Guidance Counselor, Kelly Frank. Seconded by Kramer. Mr. Mr Adams reviewed Mrs. Frank’s background and plans for the position. He answered Board questions pertaining to the position. Voting by roll call: YES – Kramer, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, que Bice, Bic England, Holka. NAYS – None. Motion 4-2015-20 passed. malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 23, 2015 page 10 Administrative Reports – Principal Greg Adams, Jr/Sr. High School Malcolm had one national qualifier to National FBLA, Mikayla Brady. She will attend thee National SLC in Chicago this June. Skills USA competed last week in the State Competition in Omaha. Testing is complete. District Music Contest will be held in Milford April 23rd & 24th. Graduation will be held on Saturday, May 9th at 2:00PM. Superintendent Ryan Terwilliger – Fifteen community members have signed up to use the Fitness Room. Ms. Lostroh and Mr. Terwilliger attended the NASBO Conference in Lincoln last week. Several staff members and administrators will attend the NETA Technology Conference in Omaha April 23rd & 24th. Mrs. Dolliver, Mr. Squier, and Mr. Terwilliger will attend the AQuest Conference – used to be the State Data Conference - April 27th & 28th in Kearney. Mr. Terwilliger will provide the Board with the paperwork for the Superintendent Evaluation to be held in May. Mr. England noted that the Washington, DC trip went well. With no further business before the Board, England moved to adjourn. Seconded by Lostroh. Voting by acclamation – ALL. Chairman Vanderkolk declared the meeting adjourned at 7:56PM. Respectfully Submitted, Julia Lostroh Recording Secretary The next regular meeting of the Board will be Monday, May 18, 2015 at 7:00PM at the District Board ard Room, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, NE. An agenda is published the Friday before each meeting. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES April 20, 2015 Payroll ABC Termite & Pest Control ABM AS Central Services Bauer Built Blue Cross Blue Shield ByteSpeed, LLC Company Care LincCare Concentra Cornhusker Heating & A/C Cornhusker International Trucks, Inc. Dishman, Chris Electrical Engineering & Equipment Co. ESU3 ESU6 ESU6 ESU #10 Expanding Expression Fastenal Finke, Verle page 11 $382,896.98 $262.00 $10,355.99 $236.79 $1,636.84 $2,044.47 $3,895.00 $55.00 $72.50 $217.25 $310.00 $1,292.16 $181.10 $15.00 $2,480.41 $3,300.00 $111.30 $259.60 $754.13 $138.00 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Payroll Expenses Pest Control Janitorial Service Internet Service Bus Tires BCBS Insurance Premium Laptops DOT Physical DOT Physical Iron and Fabrication Labor for Filter Racks ks Engine Light Check Bus #08 Coach Stipend Lighting/Electrical Supplies Speech Pathologist Workshop Registration on Workshop/Psychological Charge CIPA Filtering Service SPED On-Line Classroom Subscription Speech Pathologist Student Supplies Maintenance Supplies Mileage Reimbursement for Quiz Bowl First Concord Group Grainger Haan Crafts Hampton Inn-Kearney Hansmeyer, Constance Heffelfinger, Ami Hillyard Holka, Andrea HyVee Food Store Integrated Controls Josten's JW Pepper Kiner Supply Konica Minolta L&W Garbage Service Inc Lincoln Public Schools Lostroh, Kevin Matheson Meehl, Jan Menards Midwest Roofing, Inc . Motion Industries Nantkes, Jenn Nebraska Council of School Administrators NETA Spring Conference Nicholson and Associates Norris Public Power District Office Depot Omaha Truck Center Omaha World Herald Oriental Trading PGH&G Attorneys at Law Pioneer Publishing Pritchett, Troy Puterbaugh, Patti Rivers Metal Products, Inc. School Specialty SFM Insurance Shaffer Communications, Inc. Sherwin-Williams, Co . Stahr, Georgia Trane Unite Private Networks, LLC Vanderkolk, Craig Verizon Village of Malcolm VISA - Union Bank Session Food Walmart Wex Bank Whisenhunt, Darryl Wilson, Adam Windstream York Elementary School Checks Out of Cycle US Post Office Vanderkolk, Craig Terwilliger, Ryan $ $110.00 $25.40 $218.45 $368.00 $829.36 $2,200.75 $5,652.24 $86.24 $26.91 $2,853.50 $259.75 $206.35 $87.66 $3,415.38 $336.00 $270.00 $50.00 $328.18 $1,729.70 $241.06 $3,008.60 $83.28 $391.29 $150.00 $875.00 $185.00 $6,025.28 $83.54 $3,525.10 $1,350.44 $310.37 $843.00 $273.98 $384.05 $37.91 $67.49 $107.00 $3,216.00 $390.00 $196.55 $478.53 $165.69 $1,090.89 $639.20 $159.93 $4,739.88 $2,065.36 Flex 125 Adm Fees/Annual Compliance Maintenance Supplies FCS Sewing Kits Board Conference Hotel PS SPED Services - Dec14-Jan15 Mental Health Services Custodial Supplies Board Conference Mileage FCS Classroom Supplies Semi-annual Billing for Service Contract Diplomas Vocal/Instrumental Sheet Music Plumbing Supplies Copier Lease Payment/Extra Copies Garbage Service Heritage School Rental Reimbursment - Filled School Vehicle Welding Gases PT SPED Services Maintenance Supplies/IT Supplies Roofing Repair Hi Power V Belt Vision Services - SPED 2015 NASES Conference NETA Spring Conference DOT Drug Testing Electric Service Office Supplies Bus Parts/Repairs Bus #08 Employment Advertisement Kindergarten Program Supplies Legal Services Staff Absence/Time Cards/ ADCalendar Winter Mileage - Dec-Feb Reimbusement for Classroom Supplies Metal Class Supplies Construction Paper WorkComp Audit Adjustment Radio Base Handset Paint Supplies Classroom Supplies Contactor/Heat Pumps Distance Learning Cable Reimburse Conference Expense Cell Phone Service Water/Sewer Service Envelopes/Conference Hotel/Work $264.36 $2,174.25 $65.00 $726.84 $506.46 $30.00 FCS/SPED Classroom Supplies School Vehicle Fuel Bus CDL/School Permit Coach Stipend Phone Service Mid-NE Early Childhood Summit $191.50 $231.00 231.00 Clipper/Brd. Minute Postage National Conference Per Diem National Conference Per Diem $464,678.49 malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 23, 2015 page 12 Depreciation Fund Pegler Sysco $9,906.00 Down Payment on Kitchen Equipment $9,906.00 School Lunch Fund Payroll $11,078.32 CashWa $3,516.81 Earthgrains $609.44 Nebraska Food Distribution Program $1,282.28 Nebraska School Nutrition Assoc. $300.00 Pegler Sysco $1,449.85 Pepsi-Cola of Lincoln $1,246.30 Prairieland Food $2,361.60 TechMasters $192.50 Thompson Company $6,650.72 Thompson Company $76.16 VISA - Union Bank $550.00 VISA - Union Bank $657.65 Wages/Benefits Food/Custodial Supplies Bread Products Commodities State Food Conference Registration Food Supplies Music Contest Food Millk Products Repair Oven Switch @ HS Food Supplies Commodities Processing Charge NTENT Level I Food Service Registration Out of Cycle - Lunch Trays $11,928.32 DEDICATION SERVICE AND OPEN HOUSE AND Prayer and Recognition Service May 3rd at Word of Life Join us at Word of Life Lutheran Church for the Dedication of our new LifeCenter building on May 3rd, at 10:30 am, at 200 Fletcher Ave. An Open House held from 1:00 – 4:00 pm with a Prayer and Recognition Service at 2:00 pm... REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING for the Board will be Monday, MAY 18, 2015 at 7:00PM at the District Board Room, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, Nebraska. An agenda is published the Friday before each regular board meeting. This can be picked up at the business office or read online at It will be modified as necessary. JOIN ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH for weekly worship services, 2244 NW 126th Street, Lincoln, NE. Services are held on Sundays at 9 am followed by Fellowship & Sunday School at 10:15 am. THE MALCOLM COMMUNITY IS INVITED TO ATTEND St. Paul’s Lutheran Church senior citizens lunch every 3rd Wednesday of the month. We are located at 375 S. Lincoln St. in Malcolm. Bring your favorite dish for potluck at noon and enjoy an afternoon of pitch and fellowship with your neighbors and friends. page 13 ...WE ARE STILL ON THE EDGE OF LINCOLN, JUST east of Fallbrook at the intersection of Fletcher and Highway 34. Our worship service on Sunday is at 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:15 a.m. For more information visit our web site, www. or find us on Facebook. Pastor Larry Oetting-402.742.9673 MEN - FREE BREAKFAST! NOW THAT WE HAVE your attention, The Men's Group at St. Paul's Lutheran Church invites you to a 7am breakfast on April 25th. Food, fellowship and we begin a study on Islam. On the web at or 402.796.2396 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY CHURCH HAS BIBLE learning opportunities! Jr High and High School FCA during the school year. Various Adult Groups for families as well as men and women groups. 402-796-2344 Sunday worship 8:30 and 11 with Sunday School at 9:45. Come learn with us! 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 rg Clipper Classifieds EIGHTH ANNUAL KITE DAY! ONCE AGAIN WE ARE inviting everyone to come to the Malcolm United Methodist Church parking lot and fly kites with us. There will be free kites for all the kids. We are holding this event on April 25th from 10:30AM until 1PM (rain or shine)... ...AT 10:30, HUSKER STUDENT ATHLETES WILL SPEND a few moments telling us how Christ plays a role in their lives and then they will be around the rest of the morning to help you fly your kites. We will also have free hot dogs and drinks available for everyone when you get hungry. MALCOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH INVITES you to join us for Sunday Service! Worship at 9AM, Sunday School starts at 9:15AM and fellowship treats after the service. We’re located on the NW corner of Malcolm, 520 Malcolm Rd. NORTH AMERICAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH is located in NW Lincoln at 1101 Isaac Drive. The parish offers 35 different programs to help people grow in love and wisdom as children of God. Visit our website or call the office at 402-476-8088 for Mass times, info on our Pre-K through 8th grade school, our programs for teens and adults and more! WE WANT TO THANK THE MALCOLM VOLUNTEER Fire Dept. for responding & assisting with the fire that came across our corn field on Tuesday, March 31st. Without your help, the fire could have been much worse. Thank you for being available & willing to provide your assistance – Heroes of the Day - & we are grateful. Dave & Julie Meyer MELICHAR PLANTS IN Emerald IS OPEN A ND WE’RE so excited, we wet our plants! We have a large selection of tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables, flowering annuals, blooming baskets & our famous German Tomatoes! Mother’s Day is coming & we have the perfect flowering gifts! Julie’s Tip: Rotating crops in your garden will improve harvest & reduce risk of disease. JOIN US FOR A GREAT BREAKFAST ON SUNDAY April 26, 2015 8:00AM - 12:30PM. Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, coffee, and juice. Adults - $6.00 Children (12 & under)-$2.00. Pleasant Dale Legion Post #354 14 Lorem Sit Month 00, 0000 VILLAGE OF MALCOLM BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING will be held on Wed, May 6th at 7PM at the Village Hall 137 E. Second Street, Malcolm, NE. If you have any comments, concerns, questions or would like to hear what is going on, please join us. Everyone is welcome!!!!!! KAUP SIDING, ROOFING & MORE, CO WILL BID your projects for residential or commercial sites. We will work with your insurance company for hail or weather related damage. For a bid, call Tim Kaup at 402 380-8071 or TimKaup@ NEED ROCK, DIRT, SAND, WOOD CHIPS, OR GRAVEL delivered? Call Nelson Hauling at 402796-2686 FULL SERVICE LAWN CARE, MOWING, AERATING and Fertilizing. Call Ryan at 402580-7907 MALCOLM COMMUNITY GARAGE SALES MAY 1ST Friday 5PM-7PM. May 2nd Saturday 7AM - 5PM. For info/questions call Kristi @ 402-796-2630 or Deb 402-937-2977 FOR PEST OR RODENT PROBLEMS, PLEASE CALL JLS PEST CONTROL. Residential or Commercial. Free affordable quotes. Guaranteed Results. Ask for Buddy. Office 477-1334, Cell 890-4986 NEBRASKA STOP FIRE. THE WORLD’S BEST FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Dealers Dan and Wendy Botsch. Phone: 402-580-8000 - Dan. 402-4509117 - Wendy. Web: Email: dan. 1704 9th Rd, Chapman, NE 68827. Also available at Klute Truck in Ceresco. FREEZER MEAL WORKSHOP! WHERE CAN YOU feed a family of 4 for $15 or less for the whole meal? With Tastefully Simple I will show you how to make 10 meals in about 2 hours that feed 4-6 people for a fraction of the cost of eating out! Pre-payment must be made to reserve your spot! Call or email me for a grocery list and more information. Joy Plautz * April 23, 2015 LOOS CONSTRUCTION INC- COMPLETE BUILDING & REMODELING SERVICES. Local General Contractor since 1996 A+ BBB Rating. Located in Raymond. LCI has quality minded EMPLOYEES with experience in all phases of construction. Contractors ID # 25058 NE , insured & references available. CALL FOR FREE EST. 402783-2111/402-416-0141 LET’S GET THOSE PROJECTS DONE! WE PAINT, so you don’t have to! Nearly anything! PAINT Paints, stains, sealers, lacquers, enamels. We prep, repair, and more! 20+ years experience. Locally owned. Free estimates. Call Todd Willet at 402-432-1066 HIGH SPEED INTERNET - SPEEDS UP TO 15MBSERVICING rural areas and local towns including: Malcolm, Garland, Raymond, Emerald, Staplehurst and north Lincoln. Plans starting at $24.00 per month with unlimited data packages and NO contracts. No phone line needed. Home phone and internet service for under $47 (taxes included) per month. or call 402-817-1717 RDM LANDSCAPES IS YOUR LOCAL LANDSCAPING company. With spring right around the corner, now is a great time to start planning those spring/summer landscaping projects. Whether its a fire pit & patio, retaining wall, landscape lighting, plant/tree installation, or sprinkler installation, now is the time to call for your free estimate. Contact Ryan at (402)3100868. REAL ESTATE - BUYING & SELLING - OVER 84 COMBINED years experience in residential homes, acreages, farms and acreage development. Free Market Analysis. Call us to develop your land. Malcolm area residents at 3600 NW 126th St. for 23 years. Merle and Carolyn Jahde, Home Real Estate. Call 402-432-0443 or 402-432-3700. JACOBSEN ACOBSEN ROCK & GRAVEL - WE DELIVER Rock, Gravel, Ag-Lime, Dirt, or Sand for any project you might have. We carry River Rock and all sizes of Ornamental Rock. A local company, call for an estimate today. Gary Jacobsen, Rt. #1, Garland, NE 402-783-2447 or cell phone 643-5171. TAKE YOUR SKIN SERIOUSLY. DID YOU KNOW? 80% of the sun damage that leads to skin cancer occurs before the age of 18. With early detection and proper treatment the average cure rate is 100%. It’s important you call Complete Family Dermatology. Schedule a complete skin cancer screening with Dr. Basler today. F or information about all available office services, visit... SOUTH LINCOLN 2455 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 110 Lincoln, NE 68512. 402-423-1111. North Lincoln 5790 N 33rd St. Circle, Ste A Lincoln, NE 68504. Geoff Basler, M.D., Brent Behrens PA-C. HOEFTS AUTO RESTORATION AND COLLISION Minor dents to major rebuilds. Excellent work at a fair price. 402-601-9698 LOOS CONSTRUCTION INC- ( LCI ) QUALITY CUSTOM cabinets & built-inns CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 402-783-2111 / 402-416-0141 REFRENCES AVAILABLE www.loosconstructioninc. com / RAYMOND CONTRACTING INC. - SEPTICS AND LAGOONS Services include site planning, percolation testing, system design, installation, troubleshooting and property transfer inspections. Certified and Insured. Free Estimates. Lloyd Jakoubek 402-783-2663 or 402-890-6009. NEED A BABYSITTER? MAYBE SOME HELP AROUND the house or yard? We are a group of 11 – 12 year old girls fundraising for Relay for Life on team “Love for Lynette”. Pick one or take us all. Please contact Addie Hejl (796-2187), Mikayla DeBaets (432-3017), Skylar Kirkpatrick (4328854), or Jasmine & Joslyn Small (525-7277). FREE BROWNIE SOCIAL AND LIVE POLKA MUSIC Join us the first Monday of each month at 2:00 pm at the Greene Place Assisted Living for a brownie social and live Polka music from Lonnie Piitz. Stop by each Thursday at 9:00 am for free coffee and doughnuts. Greene Place Assisted Living located at 600 Church Street, Seward, NE 402643-9111 Month 00, 0000 Lorem Sit 15 The Athletic Awards Banquet will be held on Friday, May 1, 2015. The meal (catered by Valentino’s) will be at 6:30PM, awards at 7:00PM. Meal reservations need to be purchased in advance by Monday, April 27th, 2015, $12. per person. Please make your checks out to Malcolm Boosters. Athletes eat free, if they sign up in the high school office by April 27th. Tickets will be $15. after April 28th and at the door. Availability is not guaranteed after April 27th. Students that do not sign up in the high school office by April 27th will also have to pay $15 to eat. The Next Theatre and Speech Booster Meeting Will Be Wednesday, May 13th From 6:30 - 7:30PM In the Business Office Meeting Room DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT ISSUE WILL BE ON FRIDAY MAY 1st. PLEASE CALL WENDY AT 796-2151, EXT 501 OR EMAIL AT wendy.powers@ AD PRICES ARE: $1.50 FOR 1-3 lines, $3.00 4-8 lines. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY AD. ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PRINT DATE! The Academic Awards Banquet will be held on Monday May 4th, 2015. Dessert will be served at 6:45 p.m., awards at 7:00. Dessert reservations need to be purchased in advance in the high school office by Thursday April 30th 2015, $3 per person, checks made out to Malcolm Music Boosters. Honored students will eat free, if they sign up in the high school office by April 30. Desserts will be $5 after April 30 and availability is not guaranteed. Awards presented include: fine arts, senior scholarships, Volunteer Service Awards, Student Council Recognition, ECNC Academic/Activity All Conference, Academic All State, and various state & conference awards. Please contact the high school office for specific details concerning who is honored at this event. With the end of the school year quickly approaching, please take time to monitor your family's lunch activity on All outstanding balances should be cleared up as soon as possible. You may deposit money into your family account using e-funds found at the front page of this website. Surplus lunch balances will roll over into the next school year or a refund will be made if requested. If you have any questions about this process please call either school office. Coming up in the Next Issue: Four Malcolm Boys Sign with Colleges Track Meet Results Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Malcolm, NE Permit No. 2 MALCOLM PUBLIC SCHOOLS 10004 NW 112th Street MALCOLM NE 68402 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER
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