The Clipper - Malcolm Public Schools
The Clipper - Malcolm Public Schools
“The Clipper” The Clipper is published twice monthly during the school year, once a month in June, July, & August by Malcolm Public Schools 10004 NW 112th, Malcolm,NE 68402 402-796-2151,#1 High School,#2 Elementary,#3 Business/Superintendent July 24, 2008 [Issue 21, Volume 29] Fall Activities Parent Meetings August 11, 2008 - 6:30pm - Sports August 18, 2008 - 6:30pm - Drama/Speech The parent meeting for all Jr/Sr High School Fall Sports will be held on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 6:30pm in the High School Gym. All participation fees will be due. The parent meeting for Drama/Speech will be held on Monday, August 18, 2008 at 6:30pm at the High School. The sports meeting will begin in the gym with a short meeting for all parents, and then each sport/activity will meet separately. Each child must have at least one parent or guardian at the meeting. There will be an opportunity for parents to ask questions and learn more about what to expect during the season. Cheerleaders and parents will meet immediately following the sports m eetings. Kitchen Opening Malcolm Public Schools has an opening for a parttime kitchen aide, beginning in August for the 20082009 school year. There are two shifts available, 8:30am - 2:00pm and 10:30am - 1:30pm hours are approximate and sub hours may be available when there is a need. Please contact the business office to obtain an application or if you have any questions. Board Passes Bond Issue Resolution Gene C. Neddenriep, Superintendent Following a recommendation from a community taskforce committee, which was formed to study the K-12 facility needs, the Malcolm Board of Education passed a Bond Issue Resolution calling for a school bond election on Tuesday, September 9 t h , 2008. The issue would be in a principal amount not to exceed $8.3 million for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing additions to and renovations of the existing school facilities, and providing the necessary furniture, equipment and apparatus for such facilities. The committee spokesman, Steve Schmalken, indicated the committee worked diligently to study the K12 current and future needs. He noted the elementary and middle school are in the most need of regular and special education classroom space and significant renovations to the elementary indoor air quality and fire sprinkler systems, are needed. The board is working with the bonding agency to keep the proposed and current bond levies less than the original high school issue passed eleven years ago. Please watch for future articles in the “Clipper” that will designate times for community information meetings. Essay Winners Mrs. Moore, Fourth Grade The Pleasant Dale Legion Auxiliary has announced the third and fourth grade winners in their Americanism Essay Contest. The theme for this year was “America - Home of the Brave, Land That I Love”. Winners of the Class I division were: •First Place - Sarah Behlen- 4th Gr. •Second Place - Seth Gissler-3rd Gr. •Third Place - Jacob Johanson-3rd Gr. •Honorable Mention - Sheridan Swotek-4th Gr. Congratulations to these wonderful writers, and good luck to Sarah! Her essay will be advanced to the District Level to compete against winners from surrounding school districts. Pictured (l-r) Seth Gissler, Jacob Johanson, Sheridan Swotek, and Sarah Behlen. Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 KLKN’s Best Of Class 2008 Jennifer Meyer and Morgan Densberger were chosen to represent Malcolm High School at KLKN Channel 8’s Best of Class. Seniors from across the Channel 8 viewing area were honored for their achievements in and out of the classroom. Congratulations on the honor! Accompanist Needed Malcolm Public Schools is in need of an accompanist for the Choir program. The Choir is well disciplined and is very talented. Position includes playing for contests, concerts, and some outside rehearsals for Junior/Senior High. Very flexible with hours. If interested or you have questions, please contact Michael Beach at 402450-7286 (cell) or leave a message at 796-2151, #2. Summer Weights JH Track Finishes Strong Lisa Baker, Junior High Track Coach It was a tough season for the Junior High Track Team. The weather was cold and wet, and we had strong competition from other teams. But, there is a happy ending to this story. The athletes consistently improved and we coaches were repeatedly impressed by the athlete’s dedication and drive. The students pushed themselves to compete well as a team and kept beating their personal bests; an important skill in an athlete and in life. It was very rewarding to watch the students push themselves against all odds. As parents, you should be very proud of your children. Way to go Clippers! Malcolm Booster Meeting All interested parents and patrons are welcome to become a part of the Malcolm Boosters. The Boosters support Malcolm athletics through hosting an annual volleyball tournament, holiday basketball tournament, wrestling invite, and numerous other athletic events. The money raised by the Boosters is put back into the athletic programs of the school. The next meeting of the Boosters will be Sunday, August 17th at 7:00pm in the Administration Building. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Lostroh at 796-2585. Just a reminder that there is summer weightlifting for all 7-12 grade athletes. The 9-12 grades are conditioning at 6:30am every Monday through Thursday and the 7-8 graders are conditioning on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00am. Football Practice Times Mr. Amen, Head Football Coach Football conditioning will begin on Monday, August 4th. Times will be announced at Football Camp. Actual football practice will begin on Monday, August 11th from 3:45pm - 6:45pm with a halfhour break during practice. There will not be two-a-days as in previous years due to high gas prices. Rather than have the student-athletes travel to Malcolm twice a day, we will hold a longer single practice. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Amen. Football Letter Addition Malcolm sophomore (2007-08) Cody Densberger lettered in football for the 2007 season. He was omitted from the list at the Athletic Banquet. Congratulations Cody on your letter! Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Attention Malcolm Parents Fourth Grade Field Trip Jack Tarr, CAA, AD - Troy Pritchett, Assistant AD Brittany Jennett, Fourth Grader This letter is to bring to your attention something you can do for your student athletes and the Malcolm athletic programs. The Malcolm Boosters help promote athletics and help the athletic department raise money for equipment that may not be able to be budgeted for. Over the past two years, this group has raised and given to the school over $30,000 worth of equipment for the weight room, track, football, basketball, wrestling, volleyball and other programs. On April 23rd, the fourth graders went to the Museum of Nebraska History, Morrill Hall, and the State Capitol. We need your help. The parents that are on the board and run this organization have juniors and seniors - thus, they will be leaving the program in the next couple of years. This means we need your involvement. We need you to serve on the Booster Committee, attend monthly meetings, and help with Booster activities. Some of the events that the boosters sponsor are: Host Volleyball Tournament Run Cross Country Invite Football Chain Gang/Clock Host Wrestling Invite Host Track Invite Clock/Book/Lines for volleyball games Run District/Conference Meets Host Holiday Basketball Tourney Clock/Books for basketball games Host Athletic Banquet Why do they do this? We have one of the best facilities in the state for a Class C-2 school. It takes a lot of hard work, time and energy to put on a program like Malcolm has. If you want to continue this program, we need your help. Please consider this an invitation to become active in the Boosters. We would like to invite you to join us on Sunday, August 17th at 7:00pm in the Administration Building. As AD’s of the school, we are asking for your help next year - and the years beyond. Please help keep this program the great one it is! “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.” Beverly Sills Museum of Nebraska History The Museum of Nebraska History was the first stop of our field trip. We got to see a buffalo skeleton, touch the buffalo and things that are made from it. There was a sod house that was made in the 1880’s. We were able to go inside and see things that would be in a sod house. It was very dark and just one room. A string was used to close the door. They had a general store made to look like one that was in Seward, Nebraska. They had a windmill on one of the displays. Windmills were used for pumping water. When the wind blew, it would turn the pump below it to bring up the water. There was a big picture of Nebraska on the ground. We found where we live and where Malcolm is. It was a great place to be! Morrill Hall There is a big mammoth in the front entrance of the building. It was founded in 1922 in Lincoln County, Nebraska. There were games to play, like a game that had a magnifying glass and you would have a little scoop and under the magnifying glass you could see what you picked up in a big picture. I played a game that you pick a country and find things in the ground. State Capitol Building We walked in and went through the Hall of Fame. The images were leaders of Nebraska some we knew and some we didn’t know. Our tour guide showed us the ceiling and floor. They were made out of marble. For example, the floor had pictures of ladies doing different types of jobs. We got to lie down on the floor and see the ceiling that had pictures of symbols. A little bit below the ceiling were pictures of pioneer families. We went to the Supreme Court Room where the seven judges make their rulings. This is used during the first week of each month. Thanks to MPTO for funding part of this trip. Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Clipper Schedule of Events 2008-2009 Cheerleaders! Susan Olson, Sponsor **Times and Schedule Subject to Change Your 2008-2009 Malcolm Cheerleaders are: Monday, August 4 - Friday, August 8 3:30 PM 9-12 Football Conditioning ONLY HS Football Monday, August 11 12:01 AM 7-12 CC Conditioning - Meet @ HS 7:45 AM Teacher In-Service 3:30 PM 9-12 VB Conditioning 3:45 - 6:45 9-12 FB Practice - There will be a ½ hour break during practice Seniors - Mandy Magee (co-captain), Paige Olson (co-captain) Juniors - Shelby Eucker, Michelle Fry, Caitlin Meyer Sophomores - Katie Burianek, Laurel Jordan, Chelsea Lewis, Jessica Scheidt The cheerleaders and sponsors wish to extend special thank you’s to the Administration and School Board for reinstating Malcolm Cheer and to this year’s cheer judges - Chrissa Bonow, Stacy Helms, Ann Kramer, and Casey VanNurden. Tuesday, August 12 7:45 AM Teacher In-Service 3:30 PM 9-12 VB/CC Conditioning 3:45 - 6:45 9-12 FB Practice The cheerleaders are working hard this summer to learn this year’s cheers and routines. We hope you will support the cheerleaders at their upcoming fundraising events. Wednesday, August 13 7:45 AM Teacher In-Service 3:30 PM 9-12 CC/VB Conditioning 3:45 - 6:45 9-12 FB Practice • August 3 - Car Wash at Wells Fargo Bank 27th & Superior • August 15th - Back to School Spaghetti Feed at the Malcolm Lutheran Church • August 22nd - Back to School Dance Thursday, August 14 8:10 AM K-12 School Begins 3:45 PM 9-12 VB/CC Conditioning - FB Practice Pictured Left (l-r) Shelby Eucker, Paige Olson, Mandy Magee, Michelle Fry, Caitlin Meyer Friday, August 15 3:45 PM 9-12 CC/VB Conditioning - FB Practice Monday, August 18 3:45 PM 7-12 VB/FB/CC Practice 7:00 Board Meeting @ Board Room Pictured Right (l-r) Katie Burianek, Laurel Jordan, Chelsea Lewis, Jessica Scheidt Tuesday, August 19 3:45 PM 7-12 FB/CC/VB Practice Wednesday, August 20 3:45 PM 7-12 CC/VB/FB Practice Thursday, August 21 3:45 PM 7-12 VB/FB/CC Practice Friday, August 22 3:45 PM 7-12 FB/CC/VB Practice Parents... Don’t forget that student athletes MUST have physicals before conditioning and practices begin, in order to participate!!! Bus Service If you are an option student at Malcolm and interested in being considered for bus service during the 2008-09 school year, please call Julie at the business office at 796-2151, #3. Option transportation is only available if the bus routes for resident students are not full. It is not guaranteed from year to year and the bus stops may change. Transportation costs for option transportation will remain the same as this year - $250 for the first child, $125 for the second, and $62.50 for the third, with a maximum cost per family of $437.50 per year. Payment for transportation MUST be made before the school year starts. If option transportation is not paid by the start of school - no transportation will be provided. Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Summertime - Activity Tips Have you planned activities to keep your teen busy this summer? Research shows that teens who are involved in constructive and adult-supervised activities are less likely to use drugs. Following are some creative ideas to engage your teen in summer fun: • Plan a supervised camping trip with friends • Take a trip to a free museum or public zoo • Visit colleges on-line or plan a college trip • Volunteer at least once a week • Take a dance or cooking class-learn a new skill • Train for a sporting event, like a triathalon • Become a mentor or camp counselor For more information and tips about your teen’s summer, go here: The Malcolm Action Coalition is sponsoring this information in conjunction with the Lancaster County Community Prevention Groups. MAC Billboard Malcolm students designed the billboard that sits just east of Casey’s on Highway 34. The anti-smoking message was designed by Malcolm students who attended the “Smokescreen Conference” in April. Thank you for your time and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Evan Carroll Payton Everett Spencer Gregg Tyler Guernsey Landon Kester Shannon McCoy Autumn Rivers Scott Schmalken Deidre Slepicka Malcolm Wrestling Club Kelly Streeter, MYSA Wrestling Club Director The Malcolm Wrestling Club started off the season with the presenting of individual awards. A “Workhorse Grappler” attended 60% of the team 16 wrestlers to the Huskerland State Meet in Kearney. tournaments in the previous season. The Ironman Award was given to Those who placed at State were: those who showed the utmost perseverance throughout the season. Workhorse Grapplers: Austin Glause, Austin Pitts, Beau Dostal, Dalton Engelbart, Jake Roberts, Shane Mandery, Ben Dostal, Jared Eucker, Mason Glause, Thomas Dalton, James Burruss, Josh Johanson, Luke Mandery, Nick Roberts, and Kalub Streeter. Dalton Engelbart - 2nd Austin Glause - 4th Luke Mandery - 3rd Slade McClain - 4th Thank you to the wrestlers who gave 100% and to the parents who supported them. Without your supMost Pins - Mason Glause, Most Wins - Dalton Engelbart, Most Improved- port through practices, meets, and running our tournament, our club could never be what it is! Thanks Shane Mandery, Ironman Award - Thomas Dalton & Jared Eucker. to the coaches who gave so much time and attention to the team. You are what keep these kids comThis year’s team received a record number of team points. The club sent ing back for more! Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Cross Country Alumni Addresses Needed Calling All Harriers... Carl Peters, Class of 1989 Bob Hoyer, Head Cross Country Coach I need your assistance to locate these CC Alumni with either their current e-mail or home addresses. If you know of any former TEAM members that have not been receiving the season updates and they are not on this list, please let me know. Thanks for all your help and I hope to be seeing many of you this coming season. Anderson, Linda Arnold, Nick Berry, Laura Boelts, Katie Bomberger, Lynn Booton, Michael Booton, Tacia Burney, Audrey Burow, Kristi Burruss, Charlie Campbell, Matt Day, Jeremy Day, Jesse Duffy, Leanne Enocksson, Magnus Gerlach, Ann Gerlach, Ed Gersib, Traci Groetzinger, Todd Grove, Emily Haaxman, Remco Heckman, Justin Heidtbrink, Lisa Hirai, Sara Holka, Jeff Jolliffe, TJ Kapke, Dillon Kildare, Jade Kollars, Kayla Krajnik, Nick Kroeger, Kari Krotz, Derek Larson, Jake Lee, Jason Luben, Natalie Marshall, Morgan Matthes, Justin Meinberg, Bryan Meyer, Trevor Michel, Jamie Miller, Jeremy Morehead, Kris Morehead, Patrick Morehead, Tiara Oltman, Amy Ridder, Amy Ridder, Kyle Ridder, Pat Rippe, David Roof, Katie Schildt, Ryan Schmalken, Antonia Schmidt, Ernie Spath, Bill Spevak, Dana Stone, Chris Swanson, Sam Thomas, Wade Tonkinson, Randy Ward, Sharice Watson, Tim West, Iain Whalen, Zach Wheelock, Kara Wilkensen, Jim Williams, Joe Wilson, Adam Wilson, Angel Wilson, George Worster, Tom FEMA - Disaster Assistance Lancaster County Homeowners, renters, and business owners may be eligible for disaster aid. Government disaster assistance covers basic needs only and will not normally compensate you for your entire loss. If you have insurance, the government may help pay for basic needs not covered under your insurance policy. Some disaster aid does not have to be paid back, while other assistance may come in the form of loans. When you apply for disaster assistance, please have the following: • Social Security number • Daytime phone number where FEMA can call you back • Current mailing address where you are staying • Address and zip code of the damaged property • Directions to the damaged home or property • Private insurance information, if available Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, contact FEMA at 800-621-FEMA or TTY:800-462-7585 or contact your State Office of Equal Rights. Malcolm won their first State Cross Country Championship in 1988! Twenty years later, I would like to invite you all back to Malcolm for a Cross Country Reunion. I hope this event will allow us to reconnect with old teammates and meet individuals that have carried on the tradition of excellence over the last 20 years. This year’s C r o s s Country season will kick-off with a time trial at Branched Oak Lake on Thursday, August 28th at 6:00pm. The traditional picnic will follow. If any of you have the old TEAM shirts, bring them for display or wear them to the time trials. I would like to organize those who can participate into co-ed teams. We will participate in the picnic following. Friday night the football team kicks off their season at home at 7:00pm. Come out and cheer on the Clippers! If you haven’t been by the school in the past few years, you will want to check out the new stadium and all-weather track. On Saturday or Sunday, it would be great if we could have some sort of barbeque or banquet. In order to plan for this I will need to know how many are interested. If you could e-mail me with your interest at: that would give us a head count. Families are welcome and encouraged to join in these events. This could be a lot of fun and I hope you can all make it! FEMA NUMBERS Call: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) TTY: 1-800-462-7585 Or apply on-line: Disaster Period May 22 - June 22 Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Minutes – Board of Education July 17, 2008 Special Meeting The Board of Education, School District 148 of Lancaster County, Nebraska met in Special Session on Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 6:00 PM at the district Board Room, 10004 NW 112th St, Malcolm, to receive, review, consider and take all necessary action on the K-12 Facility Study and recommendations submitted by the Facilities Taskforce Committee. Notice of this meeting was provided by posted notice on July 11, 2008 in five public places. The following Board members were present for this meeting: Michelle Bice, Donald Densberger, Keith Groeling, Cheryl Lindner, Kevin Lostroh and Craig Vanderkolk. Superintendent Gene Neddenriep was present as were nine community members of the Taskforce Committee, Pat Phalen of DLR and Cody Wickham of D.A.Davidson & Co. President of the Board, Don Densberger called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and noted that the Open Meetings Act is posted on a bulletin board on the North wall of the meeting room. Pat Phalen of DLR began discussion by thanking the members of the Taskforce Committee. Steve Schmalken of the Committee then reviewed the process the Committee used in their study and the various factors they took into consideration in determining the needs of the District. Ultimately, the Committee made a recommendation to the Board of Education calling for a Resolution for a Special Election in Lancaster County School District 148 on September 9, 2008 for a bond issue not to exceed $8.3 million dollars. Mr. Phalen then reviewed some details of the facility study and recommendation, including renovation of the HVAC system in the elementary school to alleviate the Indoor Air Quality issue, and the costs of such as well as the addition of some new classrooms, a new elementary reception area and moving some special use rooms to the outside perimeter of the building for easier access by the public. Cody Wickham discussed financing of the bond issue and suggested a bond payment schedule which would lessen the impact of a bond levy until the current bond issue has been paid off. He indicated the bond issue could be structured to level the tax levy so future residents would pay more toward supporting the school. It was noted that the combined issues would have a lower tax levy than the high school bond issue did initially. After further questions and discussion, Craig Vanderkolk moved to accept the Facility Taskforce Committee recommendation and introduce a Resolution (copy of which is attached to the minutes on file, and herein included by reference.) calling for a Special Election in the Malcolm Public School District on September 9, 2008, for a bond issue not to exceed $8.3 million dollars. Keith Groeling seconded the motion. With no further questions, vote by roll call was as follows: YES – Bice, Densberger, Groeling, Lindner, Lostroh and Vanderkolk. NAYS – none. Motion 7-2008-71SP passed. Groeling moved for adjournment, seconded by Lindner. By voice vote - all voted in favor. Chairman Densberger declared the meeting ended at 6:56 PM. Respectfully submitted, Dianne Y. Kleist Recording Secretary Minutes – Board of Education July 21, 2008 The Board of Education, School District 148 of Lancaster County, Nebraska, met in regular public session on Monday, July 21, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the district Administrative Building, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, NE 68402. Notice of this meeting was given in the minutes of the June 16, 2008 meeting published in the June 19, 2008 issue of The Clipper. Further notice of this meeting was posted on July 17, 2008 in five public places. The following Board members were present for this meeting: Michelle Bice, Donald Densberger, Keith Groeling, Cheryl Lindner, Kevin Lostroh, and Craig Vanderkolk. Administrators present were Gene Neddenriep, Greg Adams, Ryan Terwilliger. Chairman, Don Densberger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted that the Open Meetings Act is posted on the north wall of the meeting room. Keith Groeling moved to approve the consent agenda for the meeting which included minutes of the June 16, 2008 and the July 17, 2008 meetings, seconded by Lostroh. Voting by roll call as follows: YES - Bice, Densberger, Groeling, Lindner, Lostroh, Vanderkolk. NAYS - none. Motion 7-2008-72 passed. Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Financial Summary “July 21, 2008” School Accounts Previous Bal1 06/01/2008 Receipts Disbursements Cash in Cking 06/30/2008 Invested: Lanc. Co. Treasurer: Previous Bal 06/01/08 Receipts Disbursements Cash on Hand 06/30/2008 NSDLAF (Investment) Previous Bal 06/01/08 Receipts Disbursements Cash on Hand 06/30/2008 General $1,250,864.33 $250,240.44 $331,553.27 $69,379.69 $1,100,171.81 General $12,893.83 $40,877.20 $13,226.24 $40,544.79 Lunch $9,707.06 $2,631.83 $7,088.64 $889.42 $4,360.83 Spc Bldg $157,484.90 $246.49 $1,220.40 $156,510.99 Activity $188,066.55 $6,045.86 $12,000.28 $30,004.52 $152,107.61 Bond $721.50 $3,289.32 $745.19 $3,265.63 Bus Deprec $3,664.57 $0.78 $0.00 $3,665.35 $0.00 Student Fees $4,385.17 $0.00 $93.70 $4,291.47 $0.00 Spc Bldg $1,666.54 -$439.84 $8.87 $1,217.83 Bond Fund $394,372.07 $580.98 $31,505.33 $363,447.72 Communications from the Public: Unfinished Business: New Business: In consideration of three bids received for propane for the 2008-2009 school year, Lostroh moved to accept the propane bid of $2.079 cents per gallon from Country Side Energy at Firth seconded by Bice. Voting by roll as follows: YES - Densberger, Groeling, Lindner, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice. NAYS - none. Motion 7-2008-73 passed. In consideration of two bids received for milk for the school lunch program for the 2008-2009 school year, Lindner moved to accept the milk bid from Meadow Gold for the 2008-2009 school year, seconded by Groeling. Voting by roll as follows: YES: Groeling, Lindner, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, Densberger. NAYS – none. Motion 7-2008-74 passed. In consideration of school lunch prices for the 2008-2009 school year, Dianne Kleist reviewed the financial status of the lunch program at the end of the 2007-2008 year. Following an extensive analysis of income and expenditures, Bice moved to set lunch prices as follows: K-6 $2.20; 7-12 $2.40; Adults $3.00; Student Ala Carte $2.00; Adult Ala Carte $2.50; Breakfast $1.20 and Milk $.35.. The motion was seconded by Vanderkolk. Voting by roll as follows: YES – Lindner, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, Densberger, Groeling. NAYS – none. Motion 7-2008-75 passed. In review of the action taken at the Special July 17, 2008 meeting of the Board to call for a Bond Election on September 9, 2008 for no more than $8.3 million for renovation of the HVAC system and renovation and addition of space to the Westfall and High Schoos, Lostroh moved to confirm and ratify by Resolution all Board action taken at the July 17, 2008 Special Board Meeting, seconded by Groeling. Voting by roll as follows: YES – Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, Densberger, Groeling, Lindner. NAYS – none. Motion 7-2008-76 passed. Lindner moved that the board enter executive session for the purpose of performance review and salary negotiations with the Administrative staff, seconded by Bice. Voting by roll as follows: YES – Vanderkolk, Bice, Densberger, Groeling, Lindner, Groeling. NAYS - none. Motion 7-2008-77 passed. The Board entered closed session at 8:10 PM. Upon a motion by Bice, seconded by Lostroh, roll call vote with all members voting YES, the Board entered regular session at 10:31 PM. Chairman Densberger expressed the Board’s satisfaction with the performance of the three administrators over the last year. Following salary proposals and discussion, Lostroh moved to approve Administrative salaries as presented, seconded by Lindner. Voting in favor as follows: YES – Densberger, Groeling, Lindner, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice. NAYS – none. Motion 7-2008-78 passed. Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Administrative Reports Greg Adams, HS Principal - reported that Jody Joel, who will be a long-term substitute teacher for the district this coming year will share Head Volleyball Coaching duties with Chad Eichenberger. - also reported that Scott Smalley is interested in starting a “Skills USA” Chapter related to Industrial Technology, similar in function to FBLA and the former VICA program. Gene Neddenriep, Superintendent - extended an invitation to Board members for the Staff Welcome Back Breakfast on Monday, August 11 at 8:00 AM. - Informed Board members they have the opportunity to purchase health insurance coverage through the BCBS Educators Health Alliance plan sponsored by the Malcolm Public School District, at their own cost. Groeling moved for adjournment, seconded by Bice. Voting YES – all. Chairman Densberger declared the meeting ended at 10:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Dianne Y. Kleist Recording Secretary The next regular meeting of the Board will be August 18, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the District Administration Building, 10004 NW 112 St. , Malcolm, NE. An agenda kept continually current is available for review at the office of the Superintendent during normal business hours. It will be modified as need dictates. Said meeting will be open to the public. General Fund Expenditures July 21, 2008 Payroll ABDO Publishing Co. All-Tel Aschenbrenner, Jolene Assoc. for Supervision/Curriculum Development Avaya Banc of America Leasing Barone Security Systems Benes Service Biggerstaff Plumbing Bolte, Chris Carson Dellosa Publishing Co. CDW-G CIT Technology Service Inc. Control Management Inc. Demma Wood Floors Dietze Music House EBSCO ESU #6 Farmer’s Co-op Fastenal First Concord $ 260,851.02 $ 580.30 $ 170.77 $ 270.00 $ 124.00 $ 255.70 $ 642.02 $ 185.94 $ 162.53 $ 1,357.85 $ 21.38 $ 2.99 $ 199.99 $ 1,449.56 $ 1,410.00 $ 600.00 $ 242.00 $ 1,493.10 $ 20,376.35 $ 1,250.01 $ 129.60 $ 166.40 Wages/Benefits Library Books - WF Cellular Phone Service Speech/Language Therapy Annual Dues - GA Phone System Service Agreement Copier Lease Replaced Batteries for FACP Parts for School Vehicle Test Backflows/Repair Storage Bins - Health Aide Office 4th Grade Classroom Supplies Printer for SPED Program Copier Lease Honeywell System Automation Service-Qrtly Recoat HS Gym Floor Instrument Repairs Library Periodicals SPED/Internet/Paper Diesel/Propane Maintenance Supplies FLEX 125 Adm. Fees Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 Galaxy Cablevision Gale Publishing Haralson, Jennifer Hillyard IKON Interstate Battery Center Journal Star Printing Co. Kidwell Kiner Supply Co. Konica Minolta L & W Garbage Service Ludwig, Beth Menard’s North Store Nasco National Middle School Association NE Council of School Administrators Norris Public Power District Office Depot Perry, Guthery, Haase et al Publishers Quality Library Service Security Equipment Inc. Sherwin Williams TechMasters Textbook Warehouse Trane US Inc. Turf Supply Company, Inc. Village of Malcolm VISA - Union Bank Windstream World Almanac Education Wright Express $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 872.78 9.74 222.42 790.92 154.24 736.00 638.20 215.00 30.53 544.00 336.00 725.44 500.30 110.88 65.00 736.00 4,882.40 199.18 259.50 1,767.41 281.00 75.43 242.00 1,406.63 386.25 561.00 1,753.28 532.04 493.14 66.88 195.45 Checks Written Out Of Cycle US Post Office NCSA UNL - Barkley Center Awards Unlimited $ $ $ $ 154.70 130.00 73.00 23.65 Distance Learning Cable HS Library Book Visually Impaired SPED Custodial Supplies Copier Lease/Property Tax Assessed Batteries Teacher Ad Installed Receptacle & Breaker Plumbing Supplies Copier Service Contract June Garbage Service Pre-School SPED Service Maintenance Supplies Classroom Supplies School Membership Dues/Conference Registration Electric Service Tech Supplies/Office Supplies Legal Fees Library Books - WF/HS Repair Wireless Transmitter Paint/Varnish Repair Walk-In Freezer & Cooler Spanish Textbooks Repair Chiller Lawn Chemicals Water/Sewer Service Stamped Envelopes/Tech Supplies Phone Service HS Library Book Fuel for School Vehicles Clipper/Board Minute Postage Adm. Days Registration Audio Evaluation Memorial Plaque $312,111.90 School Lunch Fund Payroll $ 1,975.98 Wages/Benefits $ 1,975.98 School Phone Numbers High School Westfall 796-2151, #1 796-2151, #2 Business Office 796-2151, #3 Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 SUGGESTED SCHOOL SUPPLIES 3rd & 4 thGrade Kindergarten box of crayons paint shirt scissors - fiskars brand markers large box of kleenex 2 glue sticks pencils pencils erasers colored pencils glue sticks 2 big boxes kleenex 1 notebook for journaling 1 packages of wide ruled 3 hole notepaper scissors - adult size thin markers 2 red pens for correcting 2 highlighters 5 individual pocket folders - one of each of the following color: yellow, blue, purple, green, orange crayons mechanical pencil - .7 lead pens crayons markers colored pencils for map work pencils erasers scissors glue stick 2 packages of lined loose-leaf paper 5 two pocket folders 3 boxes of kleenex 200 - 3 x 5 index cards 5 spiral notebooks 4th Grade First Grade crayons glue sticks markers pencils - regular size scissors - fiskars brand colored pencils Fifth/Sixth Grade 1½” hardcover binder (not vinyl) with pockets Physical Education 1 package of 5 index tab dividers with labels Pencil Pouch Boots, hard or black soled shoes Extra pocket folder any color will not be allowed on the gym floor. 1 Red, Blue, and Green Pen 3 book covers 1 small container for art supplies 2 pens: blue, red, or green MALCOLM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Second Grade pencil eraser 1 pocket folder for papers sharp pointed scissors-fiskars brand pencils crayons - 8 pack 2 large boxes of kleenex glue markers 1 notebook colored pencils Office Depot ID #70064234 JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL - SUGGESTED ITEMS Pocket Folders Notebook Paper Colored Pencils Red Pens 3-Ring Binders Black/Blue Pens Spiral Notebooks * Course specific items may be suggested after the first day of school Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 CLIPPER CLASSIFIEDS PINNACLE BANK IS OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK AT OUR 4646 West Huntington Location, located inside the IGA MarketPlace. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. NEW THINGS ON THE HORIZON!!! JOIN US FOR WORSHIP at 9:00am each Sunday. Church construction going well...come see. We’d love to have you. Consider yourself invited!!! Campers welcome. Sunday School will begin on September 7th. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2244 NW 126th. 796-2433. “AN OUTDOOR AFFAIR”- RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE Design, installation and maintenance - Hardscapes and water features - Landscape consultation - Outdoor lighting systems Seasonal lighting by Brite Ideas - Bulk hardwood mulch. New to the Lincoln/Raymond area - 13 years experience - Horticulture Degree from UNL - Nebraska Certified Nurseryman - Award winning landscapes. E - mail: or call (402)783-2021, cell phone (402)314-7815 for information. Mark Charipar NEXT REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING - THE NEXT regular meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, August 18, 2008 at 7:00PM at the District Administration Building. Said meeting is open to the public. An agenda, kept continually current, is available for review at the office of the Superintendent during normal business hours. It will be modified as need dictates. SUMMER IS HERE - COME ENJOY THE “SON”! IT IS TIME to get out and enjoy life. Come enjoy life and the Word of God at our worship service every Sunday at 9:00am, Sunday School at 9:30am. Malcolm United Methodist Church. SEE WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE COMMUNITY! BY EITHER attending board meetings, which are the first Wednesday of each month, August 6, 2008 at 7:30pm at the Malcolm Village Hall located at 137 E. 2nd St., or by reading the minutes of each meeting which are posted at the Post Office, Village Hall, or Auction Barn. PRE-SCHOOL IN MALCOLM AREA OPENING IN SEPTEMBER 2008. Please call Lynn to register @ 402-4167626. Conveniently located off of Hwy 34 - Degree in Early Childhood Education - Years of experience working with children. RURAL HIGH SPEED INTERNET - GET RID OF YOUR DIAL up Internet. Affordable Internet Solutions provides high speed Internet to Rural Malcolm, Garland, and Raymond area starting at $29.00 per month. No phone line needed. or 402-525-8696 JOIN US FOR A GREAT BREAKFAST ON SUNDAY, JULY 27th, 8:00am - 12:00pm. Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, coffee, juice. Adults - $5.00 Children (12 & under) - $2.00. Garland Legion Post #369 WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A SINCERE THANK YOU TO our friends in the Malcolm community for the overwhelming support we received after Michelle’s accident and the death of our Mother and Grandmother. Your cards, visits, telephone calls, food, flowers, gifts, and most of all prayers, have helped all of us through this difficult time. You have touched our hearts and your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. The Lindner Family FOR SALE: 2001 FORD TAURUS, 105K MILES, GOOD CONDITION, great school car. $3,500.00. Call 796-2323. DESK - W/4 LEAVES, PULLS OUT TO MAKE TABLE, UNIQUE 1950’s Walnut, seats 6 - $300. Gun Cabinet holds 6 - $60. Trumpet - w/softside travel case. Call 796-9507 In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1978; The Malcolm Public Schools shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion, or handicap in the educational programs or activities it operates. It is the intent of the Malcolm Public Schools to comply with both the letter and spirit of the law in making certain discrimination does not exist in its policies, regulations, and operations. Specific complaints of alleged discrimination under Title IX (sex) and Section 504 (handicap) should be referred to: Gene C. Neddenriep, Administrator , Malcolm Public Schools, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, NE 68402; or Phone 402-796-2151. Title IX and Section 504 complaints can also be filed with: Office for Civil Rights, Kansas City Office, 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037 Kansas City, MO 64114; Phone 816-268-0550; Fax 816-823-1404; TDD 800-4370833; E-mail OCR.Kansas “HISTORY OF MALCOLM HIGH SCHOOL” - DALE NOBBMAN has a very limited quantity remaining of the book he wrote covering the years from 1919 thru 1976. When these books are gone - there will be no more! 147 pages of school history. The price is $10.00 each. To order copies, call Dale at 796-2602. SIX DUCKS NEED TO GO: THREE MEAT TYPE, THREE egg layers. Make offer for all. Call 796-9500 after 6:00PM or weekends. Cheer Car Wash Come support the 2008-2009 Malcolm Cheer Squad at our Car Wash! We will wash any vehicle - Free Will Donation! Thanks for your support! Sunday, August 3 Wells Fargo 27th & Superior 11:00am - 3:00pm Malcolm Public Schools “The Clipper” July 24, 2008 CLIPPER CLASSIFIEDS JOIN US FOR HAMBURGER NIGHT! EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT hamburgers are only $1.50 at The Corner in Garland! CUSTOM HAY CUTTING OR BIG ROUND BALING - CALL DALE Nelson 796-2686 or 440-4778 (cell). OWN YOUR OWN 10 ACRES. NW 121st AND WEST BLUFF RD. Build your dream home on one of these fine walk-out lots. Call Merle Jahde Home Real Estate for details. 402-432-0443 - Hurry only 2 lots left! FOR PEST OR RODENT PROBLEMS - PLEASE CALL JLS PEST Control. Residential or Commercial. Free affordable quotes. Guaranteed Results! Ask for Buddy: Office 477-1334 or Cell Phone 890-4986. COUNTRY GROOMING TLC-20+YR.EXP. MONDAY FRIDAY days, evenings, and weekend appointments available. Call for an appointment at 796-2421 or 432-6436 cell ADEPT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, LLC - 580-1783: DOES IT feel as though you’re surfing the web in quicksand? Call Scott for help setting up your DSL or cable connection! You’ll be at light speed instead of slight speed in no time! AdepTech makes computing fun! HONEY DO LIST GETTING TOO LONG? WE PAINT, SO YOU don’t have to! Nearly anything! Paints, stains, sealers, lacquers, enamels. We prep, repair, and more! 20+ years experience. Locally owned. Free estimates. Call Todd Willet at 432-1066. SAATHOFF LAW OFFICE, PC., 205 S. EXETER IN MALCOLM, provides legal services at reasonable rates, as well as free notary service, and b/w copies, faxes and scanned images at 25¢ per page/ image plus long distance. We also offer color copies/images at $1.50 per page. Call Denise L. Saathoff at 796-2086. REAL ESTATE - BUYING & SELLING - OVER 60 COMBINED yearsexperience in residential homes;acreages;farms; and acreage development. Free Market Analysis. Call us to develop your land. Merle and Carolyn Jahde-Malcolm area residents - 3700 NW 126th Street, 796-2500, or at Home Real Estate call 432-0443 or 432-3700. JACOBSEN ROCK & GRAVEL - WE DELIVER ROCK, GRAVEL, Ag-Lime, Dirt, or Sand for any project you might have. We carry River Rock and all sizes of Ornamental Rock. A local company, call for an estimate today. Gary Jacobsen, Rt. #1, Garland, NE 402-783-2447 or cell phone 643-5171. NELSON HAULING - I CAN DELIVER ROCK, SAND, GRAVEL, WOOD chips, lime & organic dirt for your landscaping needs. Call Dale 796-2686 or 440-4778. RAYMOND CONTRACTING INC. - BACKHOE AND TRENCHING Services. Septics, Lagoons, and Waterlines both new and repair - includes system design and percolation testing. We also do property transfer inspections for your septic/lagoon. Certified & Insured. Call Lloyd Jakoubek at 783-2663 or 890-6009. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH SPECIAL SUMMER WORSHIP Schedule. During June, July, and August, please join us for Sunday worship at either 8:00am or 10:00am. GOOD QUALITY PMC BALE WAGONS, BIG ROUND BALE FEEDERS and Bale Transport Wagons - for information, call 440-4778 TREES ON THE MOVE - SPECIALIZING IN ACREAGE AND Rural Landscape - Tree planting and transplanting. Other Seror 796-2686. vices: Tractor with loader, 6’ shredder, post hole digger, 6’ rototiller, 6’ NOW ENROLLING: CEDARS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM box scaper, mulching. For more information, call Gary Petersen at AT our Carol Yoakum site. We will provide transportation from school in 588-2464 (1740 154 Rd., Garland, NE 68360) Malcolm to the program Monday-Friday while school is in session and on scheduled early-out days. We will also offer an all day program during NORTHWEST STORAGE - MANY SIZES AVAILABLE scheduled days when school is not in session. If you are interested or have RANGING from 10 x 10 - 11 x 60 & outside. Special discounts further questions, please contact the program manager, Emily Wesseln at available. Call 470-3223. 437-8923. HIGHLANDS GREAT WALL CUISINE - DINE IN OR TAKE-OUT! Open Tues.-Thurs. 11:00am-10:00pm, Fri.-Sat. DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT ISSUE OF “THE CLIPPER” 11:00am-10:30pm, Sunday Noon-10:00pm, Closed Monday. EvWILL BE ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th. PLEASE CALL JULIE ery Wednesday Special-Buy one Dinner entreé & get 2nd one at A T 7 9 6 - 2 1 5 1 , E X T . 5 0 1 O R E - M A I L A T : half-price. Drive East on Highway 34 - turn right on W. Fletcher AD PRICES ARE: $1.50 for 1-3 lines, Ave. Located next to Amigos. Call 438-8888 or fax 438-8889. $3.00 4-8 lines. Deadline Info WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY AD. ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PRINT DATE! Academic Improvement Students must increase their current semester cumulative GPA from the previous semester cumulative GPA and pass all classes. Seniors Matthew Andrews Tyler Asche Vanessa Brooks Justin Matthes Brian Rasmussen Kyle Ridder Kelsie Vanderkolk Cody Williamson Juniors Cameron French Danielle Frye Marissa Guernsey Jess Meredith Stasha Oborny Roy Rasmussen Bruce Sampson Sophomore Shannon Alderman Jackson Beal Emily Rasmussen Tyler Smith Freshmen Paige Bice Ryan Caporale Scott Deinert Spencer Gregg Taylor Johnson Jacob Krupicka Hometown Heroes Blood Drive The Malcolm Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a community blood drive. If you are interested in giving, please contact Dianne Kleist at 796-2151, #3 or 796-2452. Your donation can make a difference! Chelsea Lewis Dillon Petschke Autumn Rivers Travis Robey Victor Rybak Brian Schell Caleb Schroeder Deidre Slepicka Kalub Streeter Eighth Grade Kassidy Andrews Heather Beckman Tiffany Bolish Kendra Fancher Bryce Irons Victoria Johnson Allea Rivers Alix Scott Samantha Spieker Shawn Warner Monday, August 11, 2008 2:00pm - 7:00pm Malcolm Fire Barn Sports Physicals Please schedule your sports physicals in order to have them done by the start of pre-season conditioning on August 4th for football players and August 11th for Cross Country and Volleyball. Football practice will start August 11th, Cross Country and Volleyball practice will begin August 18th. If you have any questions, contact the coaches. Seventh Grade Brionna Church Kind Duong Lena Rybak Ben Zavodny School Website THE CLIPPER MALCOLM PUBLIC SCHOOLS 10004 NW 112th Street MALCOLM NE 68402 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER REQUESTED DELIVERY DATE - July 24, 2008 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Malcolm, NE Permit No. 2
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