Clipper - Malcolm Public Schools
Clipper - Malcolm Public Schools
Check Out Our Website April 21, 2016 Issue 17, Volume 37 The Clipper High School Office 402-796-2151 ext. 1 Malcolm Public Schools 10004 NW 112th St Malcolm, NE 68402 Westfall Office 402-796-2151 ext. 2 Business Office 402-796-2151 ext. 3 Student Council Receives Nebraska and National Gold Medal Awards Ship's Log Page 2: Michael Zavodny’s Award/MPTO Bookfair Page 3: Jr. High Quiz Bowl/ Mrs. Haun Page 4: Band News Page 5: Menus Page 6: Mrs. Welsh/Mr. Arnold Page 7: Schedule Pages 7-10: Board Minutes and Bills Pages 11-13: Ads There WILL Be School On May 12th As MPS Will Not Be Hosting District Track Congratulations to the 2015-16 Student Council. For the sixth year in a row the Malcolm Student Council has been awarded the Gold Medal for the Outstanding Council in Nebraska. Through various projects involving leadership, citizenship, service, charities, and government they earned the highest number of award points in the state. By earning this award and doing the many projects that our student council does, we were awarded the National Gold Medal Award for Student Councils. This award is given to outstanding student councils who are leaders in their states and communities. This was the fourth year in a row for our Student Council to earn this award. Our students demonstrated through their hard work how to be good citizens of the community. As a school we are very proud of them and we congratulate them on all of their hard work. Mr. Tarr, Ms. Watson and the School Administration and Staff. Please Remember To Vote For Malcolm Public School’s Board Members In This Year’s Primary Election On May 10th Michael Zavodny Receives the 2016 Nebraska Young Artist Award in Theatre. Lincoln, Neb.--The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts has announced the winners of the 19th annual Nebraska Young Artist Awards. The Nebraska Young Artist Awards annually recognize 11th grade students from Nebraska who are gifted and talented in the areas of visual art, dance, music, theatre, and film and new media. These students exemplify the pinnacles of creativity in one of the fine and performing arts. Seventy students from more than 35 high schools across the state have been selected to participate in the special day of activities on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at UNL. Speech and Drama Coach Tami Maytum and Michael Zavodny Students applied for the recognition and submitted an example of their work. Applications were received from 167 students across the state. Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts faculty chose the 70 students who came to UNL on April 6 to be recognized. Honored students took tours of the arts facilities, attended classes, met faculty and college students and had lunch. Their parents were also be invited, and they took tours, as well as received information on careers in the arts and college curriculum. Students selected to participate in the Nebraska Young Artist Awards nominated the teacher who provided them with the greatest amount of mentoring and support in the development of their special talents. The day concluded with an awards ceremony. Students received a certificate, as well as a very special original piece of artwork commissioned for this event and created by Department of Art and Art History printmaking student Hannah Demma. MPTO BOGO SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR-THANK YOU! Submitted by Mrs. Betty Geiser, K-12 Media specialist The MPTO BOGO Scholastic Book Fair was held April 4-7 in the Westfall Library Media Center. This buy one, get one free event allowed many students, parents, teachers, and patrons the opportunity to purchase books for less. The Library Media Centers received donations of 20 books of these 2 were hardbacks. Our BOGO Book Fair Bonus plus some money from this winter’s book fair which was based on the sales during the book fair, gave us 25 additional hardbacks and 44 paperbacks. Total number of books received 89. Thank you for your donations to the Library Media Centers. A special Thank You to Kristin Saltzgaber for chairing the Book Fair. Thank you to all the volunteers who donated their time to manage the Book Fair. malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 21, 2016 page 2 Junior High Quiz Bowl Front Row: Russell Dunse, Matthew Burbach, John Boesen, Brett Thieman. Back Row: Mr. Pritchett and Mr. Mahoney This year was very successful for the 7th and 8th graders in competitions. The 8th grade team consisting of Anna Schroeder, Michael Schmidt, Cordell Vrbka, and Jacob Groff had strong showings at both the ECNC conference and ESU 6 matches. The 7th grade team consisting of John Boesen, Matthew Burbach, Brett Thieman, and Russell Dunse did especially well. They captured 1st place in the ECNC conference competition and 2nd place in the ESU6 Large school division. News From Mrs. Haun 6th Grade Reading Sixth graders are ending the school year studying Lois Lowry’s book The Giver. In a novel study, students take an in-depth look at the elements of fiction and how the author uses those elements throughout the book. Additionally, students learn about the theme, or life lesson, of the novel. In Lowry’s novel she explores a perfect world. The main character, Jonas, lives in a world where everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Everyone is assigned a role in the community. We will explore which world is better – a world full of choices or a world where there are no choices. 7th Grade Reading Seventh graders are also ending the year with a novel study. We are reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor. Taylor speaks though a nine year old girl, Cassie Logan, as she experiences life in Mississippi in 1933. The Logans own their own land and feel that it alone can hold the family together. It takes the events of one year – the year of the night riders and the burnings, the year a white girl humiliates Cassie in public simply because she is black—to show Cassie that having a place of their own gives them courage and pride. No matter how others may degrade them, the Logans possess something no one can take away. We will explore how discrimination existed in the South in 1933 and contrast how it is different from life today. 8th Grade English Eighth graders are continuing to work on the writing process with various modes of writing. In addition we are reviewing basic grammar and usage rules. Students will end the year writing a reflection paper about their 8th grade year not only with their course work in English, but in all other aspects of their final year in middle school. page 3 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Blair Honor Band Laurel Mitchell-Anderson, Grace Schleining and Cordell Vrbka participated in the 30th annual Blair Honor Band on Saturday, April 2. They started the day with live chair placement auditions, which was a new experience for all three of them. Along with 250 other students from mostly large schools in the Omaha metro, they then spent the day rehearsing with UNL Assistant Director of Bands, Mr. Doug Bush and gave an afternoon concert. Congratulations to these outstanding musicians! Laurel Mitchell-Anderson, Grace Schleining, Cordell Vrbka Meridian Honor Band & Choir Front Row: Hannah Bescheinen, Logan Thomas, Piper Beatty, Laurel Mitchell-Anderson, Emma Stratton, Grace Schleining, Addison Earnest. Back Row: Gavan Dunse, John Boesen, Cordell Vrbka, Cole Hargens, Rick Nickel, Archer Moody, Russell Dunse. 4 Lorem Sit Fourteen junior high h band and nd choir students dents attended the Meridian Honor Band & Choir on Friday, April 1. They were among 225 students from 26 different schools selected through recorded auditions. Johnny Boesen, Laurel MitchellAnderson, Archer Moody, Grace Schleining and Cordell Vrbka were in the band while Piper Beatty, Hannah Bescheinen, Gavan Dunse, Russell Dunse, Addison Earnest, Cole Hargens, Rick Nickel, Emma Stratton and Logan Thomas sang in the choir. Congratulations to these musicians on an outstanding performance! malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 21, 2016 Continued Month 00, 0000 on page 4 In accordance with Federal Law and US Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director of Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. page 5 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Continued on Page Month2... 00, 0000 Lorem Sit 5 March Madness in Kindergarten! By: Cindy Welsh We started the month of March celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday! It was a whole school celebration! We got to dress up special for each day! We even had some older students partner up with the elementary students on twin day! Of course we read many Dr. Seuss books like the favorites, The Foot Book, The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, Bears in the Night, Wacky Wednesday, and more!! Rocks were the next item for us to learn about! We learned there are 3 basic types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. We used Starburst candies to make a model of each type of rock! It was fun and tasty to make different types of rocks! The playground was a perfect place for our little geologists to find more rocks for us to examine back in our classroom. The ground hog made his prediction of an early spring. We counted out on a calendar when it would be 6 weeks from Ground Hog Day and we came to the conclusion that the ground hog was right!! I know you’ll be surprised to hear he is only right 39% of the time! We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with some leprechaun fun! We were shocked when we were visited by a tricky little leprechaun who had some fun with our classroom! He left us some gold and a treat! We tried to find him, but he must have escaped! All week we talked about lucky items and brought them for show and tell. We have been working very hard in Reading. We are getting very good at reading our sight words in context! We are sounding out to read and sounding out to spell 3 letter words very well. Writing is getting to be an easy task. We can write 2 -3 sentences about a picture, a topic we have learned about or something about us. Using a capital at the beginning of the sentence, punctuation, and finger spacing has become old news!! The Kindergarteners have become mathematicians this year! This month we have been concentrating on tens and ones places of numbers up to 100! Addition and subtraction with and without counters is something we do almost every day! We are concentrating on doubles right now and love the rap we sing to help us remember the facts! Acting out and drawing story problems is an important part of building a good base for the years to come in math. We have a lot of fun to have before this year in Kindergarten is over! Some of the highlights for the rest of the school year are our field trip to the Husker Stadium and State Capital in May. Our Cowboy show will take place on April 29th. The Track and Field Day will be in May, too! So much to look forward to! Code Crush Review By: Mr. Arnold On February 24th-27th Claire Monroe and I attended Code Crush 2016. The purpose of this event is to increase the awareness and interest in the field of computer sciences. It is reported that less than 25% of the jobs in the computer science and information technology field are held by women. This particular camp is for 8th and 9th grade girls in an attempt to one day increase that number. Code Crush was hosted by UNO, and they did an excellent job of filling the days with informative and exciting sessions that were valuable for both the students and the teachers. The student and teacher sessions ranged from programming robots to creating and designing a dress filled with LED lights. We were given a tour of local start-up companies Flywheel and Hudl, attended a UNO men’s basketball game, and went behind the scenes of the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. Overall this was a fun and eye-opening experience. A career in computer sciences is challenging, rewarding, and exciting. If you have any questions about the camp or the field of computer sciences feel free to stop by and ask! malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 21, 2016 page 6 Clipper Schedule of Events Monday, April 25 2:00PM JH TR@Centennial 3:45PM Track Practice Tuesday, April 26 1:00PM JH TR(9)@Linc. High 3:45PM Track Practice Wednesday, April 27 3:45PM Track Practice Thursday, April 28 3:00PM JH TR@Yutan 3:45PM Track Practice Friday, April 29 3:45PM Track Practice 4:00PM Track Pictures Monday, May 2 3:45PM Track Practice 6:30PM 2-5 Music Concert Tuesday, May 3 3:45PM Track Practice 7:00PM 6-8 Music Concert Wednesday, May 4 3:45PM Track Practice 6:30PM FBLA Banquet Thursday, May 5 2:00PM HS TR@Fillmore Central 3:45PM Track Practice Friday, May 6 10:00AM 3:45PM 6:30PM 7:00PM JH ECNC TR@Freeman Track Practice Athletic Banquet Meal Athletic Banquet Program Saturday, April 30 10:00AM HS ECNC Track@Auburn Minutes – Board of Education April 18, 2016 The Board of Education, School District 148, Lancaster County, Nebraska met in open public session at 7:00PM at the District Board Room, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, NE on Monday, April 18, 2016 to conduct normal and usual business of the District. Said meeting was advertised in the minutes of the March 24, 2016 issue of “The Clipper” and the April 7, 2016 issue of “The Clipper”. Board members present were: Michelle Bice, William England, Andrea Holka, Chandler Kramer, Kevin Lostroh, Craig Vanderkolk. Administrators present were Ryan Terwilliger, Greg Adams, Amber Dolliver. Chairman Vanderkolk called the meeting to order at 7:00PM and noted that the Open Meetings Act is posted on the north wall of the Board Room. Lostroh moved, seconded by Kramer, to approve the consent agenda. Ms.Lostroh presented an updated list of bills. She reviewed the bills and revenue journal and answered questions. Voting by roll call: YES – England, Holka-abstain line 29, Kramer, Lostroh, Vanderkolk-abstain line 63 and 72, Bice. NAYS – None. Motion 4-2016-15 passed. Financial Summary April 18, 2016 page 7 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 School Accounts Previous Bal 3/1/2016 Receipts - March 2016 Disbursements- March 2016 Cash in Cking 3/31/2016 Invested: March 2016 General $1,018,996.94 $350,692.01 $465,380.48 $416,207.52 $488,100.95 Lanc. Co. Treasurer: Previous Bal 3/1/2016 Receipts -March 2016 Disbursements - Mar 2016 Cash on Hand 3/31/2016 General $66,631.52 $807,975.72 $74,582.23 $800,025.01 NSDLAF (Investment) Previous Bal 3/1/2016 Receipts - March 2016 Disbursements Mar 2016 Cash on Hand 3/31/2016 Spc Bldg $601,820.61 $8,549.06 $0.00 $610,369.67 Lunch $5,736.14 $28,338.23 $26,704.83 $6,368.15 $1,001.39 Activity $181,694.14 $16,775.59 $16,189.30 $186.31 $182,094.12 Bond $5,305.11 $140,295.61 $6,694.76 $138,905.96 Bond Fund $88,063.92 $5,442.79 $0.00 $93,506.71 Bus Deprec $83,098.70 $7.51 $0.00 $10,040.60 $73,065.61 QCPUF $2,631.20 $39,668.86 $3,021.43 $39,278.63 Student Fees $18,799.35 $1,280.00 $0.00 $20,079.35 Spc Bldg $8,258.59 $124,442.63 $9,482.67 $123,218.55 QCPUF Checking $34,840.77 $2,707.52 $0.00 $37,548.29 Communications From The Public: None Unfinished Business: None New Business: Lostroh moved, seconded by Bice, to approve the addition of a Teammates chapter for Malcolm Public Schools. Mr. Terwilliger explained the program. Mr. Squier and Mrs. Frank will head the Malcolm Chapter. Voting by roll call: YES- Holka, Kramer, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, England. NAYS – None. Motion 4-2016-16 passed. Bice moved to accept the resignation of Middle School Social Studies teacher, Andrew Haake. Seconded by Holka. Voting by roll call: YES – Kramer, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, England, Holka. NAYS – None. Motion 4-2016-17 passed. Lostroh moved, seconded by Bice, to offer a teaching contract to Reading Specialist Brittni Peltz. Voting by roll call: YES – Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, England, Holka, Kramer. NAYS – None. Motion 4-2016-18 passed. Bice moved to approve the addition of a new staff position – Technology Facilitator. Mr. Terwilliger discussed the need and duties of the position. Voting by roll call: YES – Vanderkolk, Bice, England, Holka, Kramer, Lostroh. NAYS – None. Motion 4-2016-19 passed. Administrative Report – Principal Greg Adams, Jr/Sr High School NeSA testing completed for Science and Reading. Math testing will end next week. Student Council has received the Gold Standard Award. Graduation will be Saturday,May 14th. Mr. Lostroh and Mr. England will present diplomas. Mr. Edwards is looking into a possible trip to Spain in June 2017. Principal Amber Dolliver, Westfall Elementary NeSA testing in Math will be held this week. Field Trips for K-5 are scheduled the next few weeks. Elementary Music Concerts are coming up. Westfall Track & Field day is May 13th April 21st is “Purple Up For Military Kids Day” sponsored by the PD Legion Auxiliary Several staff members will attend the NETA Conference April 21-22 in Omaha. Kindergarten Round-Up went well. Have 38 on the list. Superintendent Ryan Terwilliger Reviewed and discussed options for floor coverings. Discussed the Superintendent Evaluation tool. Compared and considered possible changes to the current evaluation. Will continue to research options. malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 21, 2016 page 8 Chairman Vanderkolk Discussed the use of a Board Code of Conduct vs. Oath of Office. Presented a Code of Conduct proposal. The Board considered using both the Code of Conduct and the Oath of Office. Presented information to the Board about sessions attended at the NSBA National Convention. With no further business before the Board, England moved, seconded by Lostroh, to adjourn. Voting by unanimous consent – ALL. Chairman Vanderkolk declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45PM. Respectfully submitted, Julia Lostroh Recording Secretary GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES April 18, 2016 Payroll Apple Inc. AS Central Services B&H Bauer Built Behrends, Ashley Blue Cross Blue Shield$ BW Plus Mid Nebraska Inn & Suites CDW Government Company Care Dishman, Chris Dolliver, Amber Doolittle, Faye Duncan Enterprises, Inc. ESU 6 Electrical Engineering & Equipment Co. First Concord Group Flack, Beth Frank, Kelly Fun Express Garrison, Doug Haan Crafts Heffelfinger, Ami Hillyard Holka, Andrea Hughes, Jodi Interstate All Battery Center Konica Minolta L&W Garbage Service Inc Learning A-Z Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center Lincoln Lock & Safe Lincoln Public Schools MagicWrighter, Inc. Marsh, Ryan page 9 $409,012.51 $199.80 $1,238.00 $227.47 $915.87 $109.56 $604.15 1,654.35 $499.95 $39,440.00 $55.00 $1,364.22 $206.78 $1,280.49 $1,555.00 $5,728.79 $187.79 $110.00 $22.68 $33.55 $178.44 $12.83 $123.75 $1,563.92 $986.54 $146.34 $149.58 $54.00 $95.00 $3,264.83 $336.00 $573.18 $114.00 $42.00 $270.00 $20.00 $15.00 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Payroll Expenses iPad Mini Cases Computer Cable/Supplies Internet Service Mini Recorder, Tripod, Camcorder Suburban Tire Rotation Reimbursement SPED Supplies BCBS Insurance Premium Hotel for Conference Chromebooks DOT Physical Contract Coach Mileage/Westfall Office Supplies Hearing Specialist Replace Sprinkler Heads on FB Field Workshop, SPED, Psychological Charges Maintenance Electrical Supplies Flex 125 Adm Fees/Annual Compliance Maint Mileage Reimbursment NHS Supplies/Scholarship Postage Kindergarten Program Supplies Wiper Blade Sewing Kits Mental Health Services Custodial Supplies Conference Mileage SPED Conference Mileage Toner D Batteries Copier Lease Payment/Extra Copies Garbage Service 16-17 Subscriptions 5th Grade Field Trip Admission Corbin Mortise Spindle Heritage School Fee E-Funds Compliance Fee Reimbursment for Fuel Matheson Meehl, Jan Menards Mohrhoff Power Equipment NAPA Auto Parts Nantkes, Jenn Neujahr, Liz NETA Nebraska Landscape Solutions Norris Public Power District Office Depot Omaha Truck Center Omaha World Herald OneSource Pritchett, Troy Puterbaugh, Patti Sackett, Dale Sector Now Stahr, Georgia Student Assurance Services, Inc. SuperSaver Tobey, Dustin Tractor Supply Co. Trane Unite Private Networks, LLC Vanderkolk, Craig Verizon Village of Malcolm VISA - Union Bank WalMart Wex Bank Windstream $296.03 $1,257.00 $368.25 $126.60 $21.98 $1,362.47 $129.45 $973.00 $217.91 $6,075.25 $18.00 $58.25 $843.58 $65.00 $386.57 $15.00 $332.26 $27.00 $2,862.50 $426.43 $851.50 $207.81 $23.76 $31.98 $5,715.00 $909.07 $633.70 $161.61 $5,529.60 $325.51 $60.59 $1,666.38 $600.50 Welding Supplies/Gases PT SPED Services Maintenance Supplies/IT Supplies Mower Blades Pick-Up Wiper Blade Vision Services - SPED SPED Conference Mileage/LifeSkills Supplies NETA Spring Conference 2016 Lawn Chemicals Electric Service Pencil Sharpeners Bus Part Employment Advertisement Background Checks Asst. AD Mileage Classroom Supplies Office Chairs Fuel for SB Field Maintenance Media Players/Installation/Training Reimbursment for Classroom Supplies Student Catastrophic Insurance FCS/LifeSkills Classroom Supplies ESU Workshop Mileage Maintenance Supplies Annual Maintenance Agreement Distance Learning Cable National Conference Airfare Cell Phone Service Water/Sewer Service Conference Meals/Health Class Supplies FCS/LifeSkills Classroom Supplies School Vehicle Fuel Phone Service Checks Out of Cycle Vanderkolk, Craig Terwilliger, Ryan US Post Office WalMart Malcolm General Fund $241.50 $241.50 $203.19 $23.72 $14.58 National Conference Per Diem National Conference Per Diem Clipper/Brd Minute Postage FCS Classroom Supplies Approved List Adjustments $10,676.73 $1,811.30 $229.60 $61.28 $300.00 $1,926.60 $553.00 $7,401.90 $591.35 Wages/Benefits Food/Custodial Supplies Bread Supplies Commodities State Nutrition Conference Registration Milk Products Repair Defrost Lock Food/Custodial Supplies Food Trays $505,695.40 School Lunch Fund Payroll CashWa Earthgrains Nebraska Food Distribution Prog. Nebraska School Nutrition Assoc. Prairieland Foods, LLC TechMasters The Thompson Company VISA-Union Bank $23,551.76 malcolm public schools “the clipper” april 21, 2016 page 10 ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH WELCOMES you to services on Sunday at 9 am followed by fellowship and Sunday School at 10:15 am. 2244 NW 126th Street, Lincoln, NE 402796-2433 Rev. Andrew WL Kitzing Web: zelca. org REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING for the Board will be Monday, MAY 16, 2016 at 7:00PM at the District Board Room, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, Nebraska. An agenda is published the Friday before each regular board meeting. This can be picked up at the business office or read online at It will be modified as necessary. NORTHWEST COMMUNITY CHURCH HAS BIBLE learning opportunities for all ages. AXIS Jr. High at 4:30 pm on Sunday & Sr. High at 6:00 pm on Wednesday... ...VARIOUS ADULT GROUPS/BIBLE STUDIES FOR men & women are available throughout the week. Sunday worship at 9:00 a.m. with Sunday School at 10:15. Phone: 402-796-2344 More information is available at: or MALCOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH INVITES you to join us for Sunday Service! Worship at 9AM, Sunday School starts at 9:15AM and fellowship treats after the service. We’re located on the NW corner of Malcolm, 520 Malcolm Rd. JOIN US AT WORD OF LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH at our new location at 200 Fletcher Ave. We are still on the edge of Lincoln, just east of Fallbrook. Our series looks at the question, “Why Is This Happening? Our service is on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:15 a.m. Check out our web site, www. wordoflifelincoln. org (or facebook) Pastor Larry Oetting- 402.742. WORD (9673) page 11 NORTH AMERICAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH is located in NW Lincoln at 1101 Isaac Drive. The parish offers 35 different programs to help people grow in love and wisdom as children of God. Visit our website or call the office at 402-476-8088 for Mass times, info on our Pre-K through 8th grade school, our programs for teens and adults and more! CHILDREN’S SUMMER THEATRE WORKSHOP AT The Olde Glory Theatre in Seward, July 25-29, for students entering grades 1-8 next school year. Workshop is presented by the Missoula Children’s Theatre and ends with a production of THE JUNGLE BOOK by worship participants. For more information, go to or call 402-304-5392. SUMMER CHILDCARE AVAILABLE...STARTING MAY 22nd. 22nd Drop in spaces also available. Contact Janet Stratton at 402-580-1164 VILLAGE OF MALCOLM - BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING will be held on WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th at 7PM at the Village Hall 137 E. Second Street, Malcolm, NE. If you have any comments, concerns, questions or would like to hear what is going on, please join us. Everyone is welcome!!!!!! KAUP SIDING, ROOFING & MORE, CO WILL BID your projects for residential or commercial sites. We will work with your insurance company for hail or weather related damage. For a bid, call Tim Kaup at 402 380-8071 or TimKaup@ 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Clipper Classifieds JOIN US FOR A GREAT BREAKFAST ON SUNDAY APRIL 24th, 2016 8:00AM - 12:00PM. Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, coffee, and juice. Adults - $6.00 Children (12 & under)-$2.00. Pleasant Dale Legion Post #354 FAMILY-FRIENDS-FUN THANK YOU ALL FOR THE cards, gifts and most of all your Friendship. What an amazing birthday! Teena Hicken MELICHAR PLANTS IN EMERALD IS OPEN! WE’RE so excited, we wet our plants! We have a large selection of tomatoes, peppers, flowering annuals & bushes, perennials, & beautiful blooming baskets! Mother’s day is coming and we have the perfect flowering gifts! Julie’s Tip: Brighten up your front porch with pots early-blooming pansies! They love the cool spring weather. IT WORKS!!! ARE YOU FEELING TIRED? LOW ENERGY? Irregular? Menopausal? Stressed? Overweight? Getting 8 servings of fruits & veggies a day? Want to tighten & tone? Thin hair? Joint pain? Fine lines & wrinkles? If you said yes to any of these?? Call Chris 402-570-6403 chrishempfling. A Health and Wellness Company our Products are all Natural and Plant Based IF YOU HAVE A CONCRETE FLOOR SHOP, AN ITCH to complete an antique car with a family member or friend, call me for details on the options in storage. Restoration is well on the way on these units. Call 402-580-5058. Near Malcolm, NE. Create your dream and enter Malcolm’s Car Show in August. SUMMER ART FUN! COME AND EXPLORE YOUR creativity with painting, drawing or print making projects. Express yourself in our farm setting. Flexible times. Reasonable Rates. Ages 6-96. Call Joni at 402-613-0695 MALCOLM COMMUNITY GARAGE SALES FRIDAY, May 6, 5-8PM. Saturday, May 7, 8AM-5PM. Any questions call Deb@402-9372977 12 Lorem Sit Month 00, 0000 THE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE VILLAGE of Malcolm will have three openings coming up for the election in November of 2016. Trustees are elected to a four-year term. The Village Board of Trustees generally meets on the first Wednesday of each month, with a begin time of 7:00 p.m. The meetings are open to the public and are held at the Village Hall located at 137 E. Second Street... ...YOU MUST LIVE WITHIN THE VILLAGE LIMITS to be able to run for a seat on the Village Board of Trustees. If you are interested, you need to file with the Lancaster County Election Commissioner’s office by August 1, 2016. If you have questions, please contact Nadine Link at the Village Hall or by phone at (402) 796-2250 or (402) 580-3959. SENIOR PHOTOS - BOOK NOW! $215 INCLUDES DIGITAL download of photos and print rights. Call Lindsay at 402-560-2963 or visit LAFS- Lindsay Anderson Foto Scapes on Facebook. RAYMOND CONTRACTING INC. - SEPTICS AND LAGOONS Services include site planning, percolation testing, system design, installation, troubleshooting and property transfer inspections. Certified and Insured. Free Estimates. Lloyd Jakoubek 402-783-2663 or 402-890-6009. LOOS CONSTRUCTION INC- COMPLETE BUILDING & REMODELING SERVICES. Local General Contractor since 1996 A+ BBB Rating. Located in Raymond. LCI has quality minded EMPLOYEES with experience in all phases of construction. Contractors ID # 25058 NE , insured & references available. CALL FOR FREE EST. 402783-2111/402-416-0141 FREE ICE CREAM SOCIAL AND POLKA WITH LONNIE Piitz of Brainard EVERY MONTH – The first Monday of each month at 2:00 pm Greene Place Assisted Living – 600 Church Street – Seward, NE 402-643-9111 JACOBSEN ACOBSEN ROCK & GRAVEL WE DELIVER Rock, Gravel, Ag-Lime, Dirt, or Sand for any project you might have. We carry River Rock and all sizes of Ornamental Rock. A local company, call for an estimate today. Gary Jacobsen, Rt. #1, Garland, NE 402-783-2447 or cell phone 643-5171. April 21, 2016 LET’S GET THOSE PROJECTS DONE! WE PAINT, so you don’t have to! Nearly anything! PAINT Paints, stains, sealers, lacquers, enamels. We prep, repair, and more! 20+ years experience. Locally owned. Free estimates. Call Todd Willet at 402-432-1066 HOEFTS AUTO RESTORATION AND COLLISION Minor dents to major rebuilds. Excellent work at a fair price. 402-601-9698 HARD KNOCK HORSE SHOEING. ALL YOUR FARRIER needs JJ Frink 402-890-3558 Amy Frink 402-890-3559 RDM LANDSCAPES IS YOUR LOCAL LANDSCAPING company. Now is a great time to complete those landscaping projects you have been thinking about all year. Retaining walls, patios, fire pits, plant installation, sprinkler installation, hourly skid loader work & more. Contact Ryan Maxson today for your free estimate. (402)3100868 SYNERGY HOMES INC - WORKING WITH YOU TO design and build your custom home. Specializing in acreage homes and local to Malcolm, email: or call Maria at (402) 499-3496 for more information! FULL SERVICE LAWN CARE, MOWING, AERATING and Fertilizing. Also SNOW REMOVALCall Ryan at 402-580-7907 REAL ESTATE - BUYING & SELLING - 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE in residential homes, acreages, farms and acreage development. Free Market Analysis. Call me to develop your land. Malcolm area resident at 3600 NW 126th St. for 23 years. Merle Jahde. Home Real Estate. Call 402-4320443 FOR PEST OR RODENT PROBLEMS, PLEASE CALL JLS PEST CONTROL. Residential or Commercial. Free affordable quotes. Guaranteed Results. Ask for Buddy. Office 477-1334, Cell 890-4986 TAKE YOUR SKIN SERIOUSLY. DID YOU KNOW? 80% of the sun damage that leads to skin cancer occurs before the age of 18. With early detection and proper treatment the average cure rate is 100%. It’s important you call Complete Family Dermatology. Schedule a complete skin cancer screening with Dr. Basler today. For information about all available office services, visit... SOUTH LINCOLN 2455 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 110 Lincoln, NE 68512. 402-423-1111. North Lincoln 5790 N 33rd St. Circle, Ste A Lincoln, NE 68504. Geoff Basler, M.D., Brent Behrens PA-C. NEED ROCK, DIRT, SAND, WOOD CHIPS, OR GRAVEL delivered? Call Nelson Hauling at 402796-2686 BELMONT COMMUNITY CENTER HAS OPENINGS in our Preschool Program. We offer 3 classes MWF for 4-5 yr. TTH a.m. for 3-4 yr and TTH p.m. for 4-5 yr. For more information, please call 402-477-8854 or check our web site at www. HIGH SPEED INTERNET - SPEEDS UP TO 15MB SERVICING rural areas and local towns including: Malcolm, Garland, Raymond, Emerald, Staplehurst, Valparaiso, Dwight, Ceresco, Brainard, Garrison and north Lincoln. Plans starting at $24.00 per month with unlimited data packages and NO contracts. No phone line needed www.ais-ne. com or call 402-817-1717 TASTEFULLY SIMPLE HAS ALL OF YOUR MEAL SOLUTIONS! From comfort foods, to fabulous football parties, to meals on the go....we have it all! Freezer meals are convenient for busy weeks on the fly, ask me more! Joy Plautz * 4509219 * LOOS CONSTRUCTION INC- ( LCI ) QUALITY CUSTOM cabinets & built-inns CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 402-783-2111 / 402-416-0141 REFRENCES AVAILABLE www.loosconstructioninc. com / Month 00, 0000 Lorem Sit 13 DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT ISSUE WILL BE ON FRIDAY, APRIL 29th. PLEASE CALL WENDY AT 796-2151, EXT 501 OR EMAIL AT AD PRICES ARE: $1.50 FOR 1-3 lines, $3.00 4-8 lines. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY AD. ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PRINT DATE! Academic Awards Banquet The Academic Awards Banquet will be held on Tuesday May 10th, 2016. Dessert will be served at 6:45 p.m., awards at 7:00. Dessert reservations need to be purchased in advance by Friday May 6th, 2016, $3 per person, checks made out to Malcolm Music Boosters. Honored students eat free, if they sign up in the high school office by May 6th. Desserts will be $5 after May 6th and availability is not guaranteed. Awards presented include: fine arts, senior scholarships, Student Council Recognition, ECNC Academic/Activity All Conference, Academic All State, and various state & conference awards. Please contact the high school office for specific details concerning who is honored at this event. Athletic Awards Banquet The Athletic Awards Banquet will be held on Friday May 6th 2016. New this year “Booster Tailgate” – grilled on site by Hy-Vee. Menu will include grilled burgers, brats and chicken, along with various side dishes and desert. Gluten free options will be available if requested with reservations purchased by May 2nd. Meal will begin at 6:30, awards at 7:00 p.m. Meal reservations need to be purchased in advance by Monday May 2nd, 2016, $12 per person, checks made out to Malcolm Boosters. Athletes eat free, if they sign up in the high school office by May 2nd. Tickets will be $15 after May 2nd and at the door. Availability is not guaranteed after May 2nd. Students that do not sign up in the high school office by May 2nd will also have to pay $15 to eat. Malcolm Baseball Field Spring Cleaning REMINDER...The baseball field spring cleaning is Sunday, April 24th at 1pm with a rain out date of April 27 and 28 in the evening. We will be working on the batting cage, please bring a 5 gallon bucket and a shovel if you can. Hope to see you there! MALCOLM PUBLIC SCHOOLS 10004 NW 112th Street MALCOLM NE 68402 *Address Service Requested* ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Malcolm, NE Permit No. 2
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