New Clipper Trial.indd - Malcolm Public Schools
New Clipper Trial.indd - Malcolm Public Schools
Check Out Our Website November 20, 2014 Issue 7, Volume 36 Malcolm Public Schools 10004 NW 112th St Malcolm, NE 68402 Give Us A Call High School Office 402-796-2151 ext. 1 Westfall Office 402-796-2151 ext. 2 Business Office 402-796-2151 ext. 3 Pages 2-3: List of Community Veterans Page 4: Mrs. Puterbaugh Page 5: December Lunch Menu/Activity Schedule Page 6: Counselor’s Corner Page 7: Parent’s Night Info/MYSA Pages 8-11: Board Minutes and Bills Pages 11-13: Ads Thank You Veterans VETERANS Anderson, Roger Asche, Ashley Asche, Jim Asche, Tyler Barker, Jeremiah Battles, Myron Beach, Jerry Beckman, Wayne Beekman, Al Benes, Nick Bescheinen, Calvin Bieberly, Ken Bratrsovsky, Inno Broders, Jason Broders, Jason Broughton, Jeff Buresh, Anthony J. Burgess, Glenn Chase, Charles Cook, Tim Cox, Rick Densberger, Don Diedrichsen, Rod Dinges, Phil, Jr. Duckett, Steve Earnest, Mark Eaton, Tom England, Larry E. Eucker, Darwin French, Cory Fry, Jacob Gestring, Ron Giles, Everett Goodwater, Greg Goodwater, Tom Gustafson, Roger Hargens, Robert Heidtbrink, Larry R. Hejl, Daniel Hoffman, Harry Holka, Al Holliday, Dennis Horcasitas, Juan Howat, Richard Ihde, Gary Jennett, Bill Kirkpatrick, Bob Kirkpatrick, Robert G. Klug, Denise Klug, Melvin Knisely, George Kobza, William E. Kobza, William J. Kramer, Roger Krause, Stan Krula, Dave Lannin, Gordon Lannin, Thomas Lefler, Joe Sr. Navy 2 yrs. active/38 reserve Army National Guard 8 years Army National Guard 8 years Army National Guard 6 years Navy 8 ½ years Army 6 years Marine Corps 6 years Air National Guard 6 years Army 2 years Air National Guard Active Army Army 2 years Navy 4 years Army National Guard 6 years Army National Guard 7 years Army 4 ½ years Navy 6 years/2 yrs. active Army (WWII) 4 years Coast Guard 23 years Army 2 years Navy/Army National Guard 3 yrs/6 yrs Army National Guard 6 years Army National Guard 6 years Navy (WWII) 3 years Air National Guard 11 years Air Force 4 years Army (Vietnam) 1968-1971 Army National Guard 35 yrs. 11 mos. 1 day Army 27 years Army 7 years Marines 5 years Air Force 4 years Army 1942-1945 Air National Guard 14 years Air Force/Air National Guard 10/27 years Air Force 4 years Marine Corp/Air National Guard 12 years/15 years Army National Guard 20 years Air Force 9 years Army 3 years Army/ National Guard 39 yrs 3 month Army 6 years Army 1999-2006 Navy 4 years Marine Corps 4 years Army 3 years Army/Army National Guard 3 / 4 years Marine Corps 1966-1969 Air Force 11 years Air Force 21 years Air Force 4 years Air Force (WWII) 2 years Marines (Vietnam) 2 years Marine Corps 4 years Air Force 26 ½ years Navy Sea Bees 6 years Army 2 years Air Force 15 years Army 3 years malcolm public schools “the clipper” november 20, 2014 page 2 Lewis, Mike Lindner, Melivn Mara, David Marsh, Paul Matthes, Justin McGreer, Chris Menze, Robert Merry, Thomas Monroe, David Osantowski, Gerald L Pekarek, Shawn Peters, Daniel Polivka, John G. Popp, Casey Porter, Marlin Powers, Preston Powers, Richard Ridder, Tony Rinke, Robert Runge, Art Samuelson, Joel Schumacher, Josh Schweitzer, Clifford Score, Jim Shires, Ward Sieck, Tom Smith, Doug Spieker, Leroy Spieker, Paul Stephens, Richard Stewart, Kurt Stewart, Maren Streeter, Bob Streeter, Kelly Talbitzer, Chuck Tallon, Terry Thieman, Tod Thomas, Jaiden Thomas, Matt Tiedeman, Robert Topil, Robert VanArdsdall, Don Virus, Scott Vogel, Jim Wattier, Glenn Weiland, Lynn Wemhoff, Gordon Sr. Wharton, Phil Wharton, Ray Wiechert, Bill Wilcox, Charlie Witzel, Jennifer Witzel, John Zakovec, John Zellers, Chuck page 3 Army National Guard Army National Guard Army Air Force Marines Army National Guard Air National Guard Army Marine Corps Army 5th Special Forces (Vietnam) Army National Guard Army Air Force/Army/National Guard Army/Navy Marine Corps Air Force Army/Army National Guard Army Marine Corps Army Air Force Air Force Navy Sea Bees National Guard Navy/Air Force Army Air Force Army Army National Guard Air National Guard Army Army National Guard Navy Army Navy Navy Army National Guard Army National Guard Army National Guard Navy Army Navy Army Air Force Army Army National Guard Air Force Air Force/Air National Guard Army (Korean War) Air National Guard Army Army Army Army Army 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 22 years 12 years 3 years 1966-1970 5 years 6 years 6 years 34 years 4 years Sept. 1962-July 1973 3 6 years Active 4.5/2/10.5 years 19 yrs. 6 mos. 1987-1993 Active 4 years/10 years 13 years 2 years 3 years 26 years 3 months 1998-2003 6 years 17 years 2/21 years 3 years 4 years 2 years 21 years 31 years 4 years 13 years 4 years 4 years 1964-1968 3 years 9 years 1 year 6 years 4 years 2 years 23 years 1993-1997 28 years 17 years 4 years 22 years 2 years 40 yrs. 6 mos. 1969-1971 9 years 6 years 6 years 5 years Oh! For the Love of Reading By Patti Puterbaugh, K-12 Reading Specialist Take a moment to recall your favorite stories, books, and authors from childhood. What series were popular and a part of your list? What books, characters and topics were popular in the media at that time? Were any of the books or characters you chose culturally relevant? Were any of the books you chose relevant to the curriculum? The series that were a part of my experience included Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden and Hardy Boys mysteries, Homer Price, Beezus and Ramona and Mother West Wind Stories. My favorites in popular media included books about teen heart throbs Donny Osmond, David Cassidy, and Bobby Sherman. I only recall reading one book that falls into the culturally relevant category and that was Black Like Me, a nonfiction story about John Griffin, a white native of Dallas and his six week experience traveling on a Greyhound bus throughout the racially segregated South passing as a black man. My curriculum relevant favorites included biographies, myths, folklore, fairy tales, pour quoi tales, and classics. According to research, student choices for pleasure reading fall into four categories. Their first category is popular series, current books that appeal to children. The next category is popular culture. This category includes “kid” culture which influences the world of children. This “kid” culture includes television, movies, music, and sports. Still another category is books that are culturally relevant including minority authors and minority characters. Last, books that are relevant to the curriculum . These would include science and social studies topics as well as banks of literature. Research shows that successful readers read more than unsuccessful readers. The best readers read the most. Extensive practice is needed to become skilled at any activity and reading is no exception. The power of reading extensively is a powerful indicator of success. First extensive practice develops word recognition skills. It is touted as a powerful word building strategy and is a powerful source for world and core curriculum knowledge. It also boosts the development of the understanding of complex written language and story/text grammar. So the question is how do we entice our children to do more pleasure reading? Reading for pleasure develops reading habits and reading skills. Reading volumes develops both avid and competent readers. Some guidance is needed in order to help students develop pleasure reading skills. First, students need to be well matched to the books they are reading. (at their instructional level) Another attribute is that student interest is built upon to stimulate an interest in reading. Students also need to be able to choose their books if they are going to read voluntarily. There is increased engagement when students make their own learning choices. They feel empowered if they are allowed to make choices about their reading material. How does this apply to students in reading workshop classes? In compiling data from an informal inventory, fifth graders spent most of their time reading books that are a part of a series or graphic novels. (formerly comic books) These books included Hank the Cow Dog, Magic Tree House, Ivy and Bean and Hunger Games. Graphic Novels included Marvel Adventures and The Amulet Series and the Power Bible. Fourth graders also spent most of their time reading popular series. Their favorites included Danny the Dinosaur, Shadow Wolf and the Puppy Place. Popular series for third graders included Junie B. Jones, Captain Underpants , Judy Moody and the Magic Tree House . Second graders went beyond the popular series of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Junie B. Jones, and Magic Tree House . They also read books from “kid culture” including books about sports teams such as Seattle Seahawks and the Pittsburgh Steelers. First graders enjoy the series Lightning McQueen as well as Pink a Licious. They also enjoy reading books that coincide with popular movies like “Frozen”, “Monster High” and “Big Heroes 6”. The implications of this informal survey are that we need to push children beyond their comfort zone of reading popular series and popular media. We need to peak interest in reading nonfiction books that coincide with the curriculum. The good news is that our children are reading. As we see them taking time to read for pleasure, we need to keep in mind that the more they read the better readers they will become. malcolm public schools “the clipper” november 20, 2014 page 4 In accordance with Federal Law and US Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director of Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 202509410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Clipper Schedule of Events **Times and Schedule Subject to Change Monday, November 24 3:45PM Sports Practices 6:00PM 7-8BBB(B/A)@Malcolm 6:30PM 2-5 Grade Music Concert Tuesday, November 25 3:45PM Sports Practices Wednesday, November 26 - Friday, November 28 NO School Thanksgiving Break Monday, December 1 3:45PM Sports Practices Tuesday, December 2 C1-4 District Play Prod. @ Cross County 3:45PM page 5 Wednesday, December 3 3:45PM Sports Practices Thursday, December 4 3:45PM Sports Practices 4:30PM B/GBB(JV/V)@Henderson 5:00PM 7-8BBB(B/A)@ Malcolm Friday, December 5 3:45PM Sports Practices 4:30PM B/GBB(JV/V)@Malcolm Junior Soup Supper Saturday, December 6 9:30AM WR JV/V@Broken Bow Sports Practices 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 EducationQuest Financial Aid Programs in Malcolm Area Parents unable to attend the daytime EQ Financial Aid Program are welcome to attend any of the evening programs scheduled in our area. Please consider one of following: Seward Raymond Central Lincoln Southwest Lincoln North Star Milford Lincoln High Lincoln Lutheran Lincoln Pius X Lincoln Southeast Lincoln East Lincoln Northeast Thursday, November 6 Monday, November 10 Tuesday, November 11 Wednesday, November 12 Thursday, November 13 Wednesday, November 19 Tuesday, November 25 Monday, December 1 Monday, December 1 Tuesday, December 2 Monday, December 8 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. If you choose to attend one of these programs, check the EQ website at www. to be check for any changes that may have made. ACT Testing Schedule All junior or senior students planning to attend a 4-year college should take the ACT and/or SAT as it will be a part of the admissions process for post-secondary education; those planning to attend 2-year colleges are strongly encouraged to take the ACT as their score may qualify them for scholarships and can be used in place of the placement testing used by those institutions. The ACT test is given at a variety of locations on Saturday mornings six times during the school year. Registration materials are available in the school counseling office or at their website at ACT is encouraging all students to establish a FREE student account. They may use this account to make changes to their registration, print a copy of their admission ticket, view their scores at no charge after they test, and request Additional Score Reports. The cost of the test ranges from $35-$50.50 plus a $21 late fee if you miss the registration deadline. The 2014-2015 testing schedule is: Test Date Regular Deadline Late Fee Required Photo Upload December 13, 2014 February 7, 2015 April 138 2015 June 13, 2015 November 7, 2014 January 9, 2015 March 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 November 8-21, 2014 January 10-16, 2015 March 14-227, 2015 May 9-22, 2015 December 5 January 30 April 10 June 5 SAT testing dates and registration materials are also available in the school counseling office or online at In general, ACT and SAT testing is used for college admissions, placement and scholarship applications; they are written by competing testing companies. Historically, the ACT was used at Midwest post-secondary institutions with the SAT used more prevalently at East and West Coast schools. All colleges and universities will accept either test in today’s educational environment. However, check the website of the school(s) your student is most interested in attending to learn of any preference they may have. DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT ISSUE WILL BE ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. PLEASE CALL WENDY AT 796-2151, EXT 501 OR EMAIL AT wendy.powers@mps148. org AD PRICES ARE: $1.50 FOR 1-3 lines, $3.00 4-8 lines. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY AD. ADS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE PRINT DATE! malcolm public schools “the clipper” november 20, 2014 page 6 High School Basketball and Cheerleading Parents Night Parents Night for High School Basketball and Cheerleading is Friday, December 5th, 2014. Parents of the boy’s basketball team will be honored at half-time of the girl’s varsity game. The game will start at approximately 6:00 pm. Parents of the girl’s basketball team will be honored at half-time of the boy’s varsity game. The game will start at approximately 7:45 p.m. If you have students that are involved in both boys and girls basketball you will be honored at both times. Cheerleading parents will be honored at half time of the boy’s varsity basketball game along with the girl’s basketball team. Your admission to the game will be free. The ticket takers will have a list of those that will be allowed free admission, please give them your name when you arrive at the game. Please contact the high school office at 796-2151 with any questions. Dedicated-Rewarding TYSON PROJECT A+ MYSA is proud to add Tackle football to Malcolm sports for 2015. Please go to Everyone does a great job turning in Box Tops and Labels for Education. But don't forget, we also participate with the Tyson Project A+ Program. The labels are usually outlined with what you need to cut out. (Take out the ‘not the UPCs on these’ sometimes the upc is on there) Turn them in! They are worth 24 cents a piece! Thanks for your support! MYSA is in need of volunteers. Our next meeting will be held at the administrative building. We will have supper catered. So please come ask questions and help us grow our children’s sports programs!! MYSA MEETING @ 6PM ON DEC.04, 2014 RSVP 402-499-9329 BY DEC. 1 page 7 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Cross Country ALS Fundraiser Thank you to all the individuals who generously donated money for ALS. Some people donated per mile run by the CC Team during Homecoming Week (587 miles) and others donated set amounts. Every penny donated helped us raise $1014.40 for Nebraska’s ALS services. These funds will remain in Nebraska and will be used to assist families living with ALS. Thank You Malcolm Cross Country team members for you effort to raise money for this organization. Thank you Malcolm community, you never cease to amaze me with your generosity and caring for others. Coach Bob Hoyer Minutes – Board of Education November 17, 2014 The Board of Education, School District #148, Lancaster County, Nebraska met on Monday, November 17, 2014 at 7:00PM in open public session at 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, NE, as previously advertised in the October 23, 2014 and November 6, 2014 issues of “The Clipper”, to conduct normal and usual business of the District. Board answering roll call were: Michelle Bice, Donald Densberger, William England, Andrea Holka, Kevin Lostroh, Craig Vanderkolk. Administrators present were Superintendent Ryan Terwilliger, Principals Greg Adams, Amber Dolliver. Chairman Densberger called the meeting to order at 7:02PM and noted that the Open Meetings Act is posted on the north wall of the meeting room. Bice moved, seconded by England, for approval of the consent agenda with an updated list of bills. Ms. Lostroh reviewed the bills and answered questions. Voting by roll call: AYES – Densberger, England, Holka, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice. NAYS – None. Motion 11-2014-79 passed. Financial Summary November 17, 2014 School Accounts Previous Bal 10/1/2014 Receipts - October 2014 Disbursements- Oct 2014 Cash in Cking 10/31/2014 Invested: Oct 2014 General Lunch $1,282,247.12 $19,154.68 $320,038.63 $29,264.29 $550,465.05 $27,153.01 $457,381.58 $9,764.14 $594,439.12 $12,001.82 Lanc. Co. Treasurer: Previous Bal 10/1/2014 Receipts -Oct 2014 Disbursements - Oct 2014 Cash on Hand 10/31/2014 General $35,586.82 $36,385.35 $35,950.67 $36,021.50 NSDLAF (Investment) Previous Bal 10/1/2014 Receipts - Oct 2014 Disbursements Oct 2014 Cash on Hand 10/31/2014 Spc Bldg $284,681.43 $822.52 $27,147.00 $258,356.95 Activity $205,970.08 $21,375.70 $20,745.20 -$141.38 $206,741.96 Bond $1,262.15 $1,222.23 $1,274.37 $1,210.01 Bond Fund $431,440.84 $1,501.38 $0.00 $432,942.22 Bus Deprec $58,249.31 $2.75 $0.00 $10,246.41 $48,005.65 QCPUF $205.00 $218.45 $207.18 $216.27 Student Fees $10,080.00 $285.00 $425.00 $9,940.00 Spc Bldg $675.18 $716.20 $682.34 $709.04 QCPUF Checking $51,717.09 $248.95 $0.00 $51,966.04 Communication From The Public – None Unfinished Business – None New Business – Vanderkolk moved to approve the 2013-2014 Auditor’s Report presented by Roman, Wiemer & Associates, CPA’s, PC. Seconded by England. Mr. Terwilliger and Ms. Lostroh discussed the findings and answered questions. Voting by roll call: AYES – England, Holka, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, Densberger. NAYS – None. Motion 11-2014-80 passed. malcolm public schools “the clipper” november 20, 2014 page 8 Attorney Michael Rogers addressed the Board concerning the authorization of the District’s participation in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative and related matters. Bice moved, seconded by Lostroh, to adopt the SEC Resolution (the resolution may be obtained by contacting the District Office during regular office hours). Voting by roll call: AYES – Holka, Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, Densberger, England. NAYS – None. Motion 11-2014-81 passed. Holka moved, seconded by Bice, to recognize the MEA as the bargaining unit for the certified staff (with the exception of the Principals and Superintendent) for the 2016-2017 school year. Voting by roll call: AYES – Lostroh, Vanderkolk, Bice, Densberger, England, Holka. NAYS – None. Motion 11-2014-82 passed. Administrative Reports – Amber Dolliver – Westfall Principal MPTO & MAC held activities for Red Ribbon Week the last week of October. MPTO is hosting the Fall Book Fair this week. The Veteran’s Day Program was held on November 11th. There were about 100 Veterans honored. The students did a wonderful presentation. Superintendent Ryan Terwilliger – Reviewed the proposed Annual Report. He explained the NCLB requirements and corresponding test results. Mr. Terwilliger answered questions and made suggested corrections. The conference superintendents met last week and discussed possible changes in conference membership. Reported on the Fire Suppression System progress concerning final approval. He has visited with Meininger Fire Protection Service and DLR. They are waiting on a final report from the Fire Marshall. Reported on a bus incident and answered questions. With no further business before the Board, Lostroh moved, seconded by Bice, to adjourn. Voting AYE by acclamation – ALL. NAYS – None. Chairman Densberger declared the meeting adjourned at 8:36PM. Respectfully submitted, Julia Lostroh Recording Secretary GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES November 17, 2014 Payroll $388,078.53 ABC Pest Control $262.00 ABM $13,000.00 American Red Cross $133.00 AS Central Services $236.79 A-Tec Recycling $362.84 Bauer Built $64.00 Blue Cross Blue Shield $2,043.91 Burruss, Ginny $21.96 CDW-Government $843.19 Cornhusker Heating and A/C $370.75 Cornhusker International Trucks, Inc.$529.65 Crabtree Publishing Company $43.09 Dish $21.84 ESU 6 $6,815.00 page 9 Payroll Expenses Pest Control Services Janitorial Service - Estimate CPR Certification Internet Services Recycle Fluorescent Bulbs/Ballasts Wheel Balance - Pick-Up BCBS Insurance Premium FCS Sewing Fabric Access Points/Google Management Software Locker Doors Bus #08 - Run tests on oil pressure/coolant WF Library Books Final Balance Workshops/NWEA Testing Charge 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 Electrical Engineering & Equipment Co. Fastenal First Concord Group Hammett, Sheri Heffelfinger, Ami Hillyard Hobson Automotive and Tire JW Pepper Kelly Supply Company Kidwell Kleritec Knisley, Kayleigh Konica Minolta L&W Garbage Service Inc L.T.R., Inc. Lincoln Journal Star Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Malcolm QCPUF Fund Meehl, Jan Menards Nebraska Landscape Solutions Nickel, Destiny Norris Public Power District Office Depot Ogden, Darian Omaha Truck Center OneSource PGH&G Attorneys at Law Pekarek, Deb Pfeil, Kristen Pitsco Education Pritchett, Troy Romans Wiemer & Associates Sapp Bros. Security Equipment Inc. Sherwin Williams Co. Shiffler Southeast Community College TAESE/USU Tanglewood Research, Inc. Tarr, Jack Time For Kids Tractor Supply Co. Unite Private Networks, LLC Verizon Village of Malcolm VISA - Union Bank Ward, Hannah Wal-Mart Weber, Ashley Wenger Wex Bank Windstream $771.54 $93.53 $110.00 $726.00 $3,036.40 $840.66 $225.66 $306.00 $3.75 $3,438.66 $3,349.73 $30.00 $4,031.70 $336.00 $600.00 $108.53 $108.00 $60,000.00 $685.68 $280.44 $850.93 $22.34 $6,950.56 $1,106.70 $25.78 $2,693.99 $30.00 $492.00 $75.00 $1,919.08 $147.93 $491.68 $3,695.00 $784.92 $221.00 $657.44 $343.97 $1,589.19 $200.00 $415.80 $90.00 $187.32 $593.26 $1,090.89 $159.75 $6,294.48 $355.45 $28.84 $193.94 $325.23 $137.50 $4,353.47 $539.70 Lighting/Electrical Supplies Maintenance Supplies Flex 125 Adm Fees Hearing Specialist - SPED Service Mental Health Services Custodial Supplies Labor/Supplies on Silverado Instrumental Sheet Music Maintenance Supplies Checks Out of Cycle US Post Office VistaPrint WalMart $192.33 $24.72 $121.01 Clipper/Brd. Minute Postage SPED Director Business Cards SPED Lifeskills Supplies/FCS Supplies FB Field Fuses/Wire/SPED Wireless Service Medistaph Disinfectant/Germicidal Reimbusement for Clothing Class Copier Lease Payment/Extra Copies Garbage Service Tow Service Amended Budget 5th Grade Symphony Performance Inter-Fund Transfer PT SPED Services Maintenance Supplies/IT Supplies Snow/De-Icer Supplies Reimbursment for Clothing Class Electric Service Shredders/Toner/Office Supplies Reimbursment for Clothing Class Repair Bus #07/#08/#12 Background Checks Legal Services Paint Football Field OT SPED Services Repair IT Shop Equipment Asst. AD Mileage 2014 Audit Oil/Grease Business Office Motion Detector No Skid Additive/Paint Swing Seats/Bathroom Strikes Career Academy Tuition SPED Law Conference All Stars Supplies Character Education CPR Class Instruction 4th Grade Classroom Subscription Brake Cleaner/Salt Pellets Distance Learning Cable Cell Phone Service Water/Sewer Service Stamps/Nebulizers/Business Class Book/Stools Reimbursment for Clothing Class FCS/SPED Class Supplies Speech Path Mileage - Sept/Oct Director's Stand Slide Assembly School Vehicle Fuel Phone Service $529,310.03 malcolm public schools “the clipper” november 20, 2014 page 10 School Lunch Fund Payroll CashWa Earthgrains Hockenbergs Malcolm Student Fee Fund Nebraska Food Distribution Program Pegler Sysco Pepsi-Cola of Lincoln Prairieland Food Thompson Company $11,607.08 $4,700.86 $548.33 $49.95 $40.00 $1,905.49 $2,132.45 $386.90 $2,386.80 $10,757.48 Wages/Benefits Food/Custodial Supplies Bread Products Baffle Drama Fee Deposited to Lunch Commodities Food Supplies SoBe/Water for Breakfast Program Millk Products Food Supplies Special Building Fund Integrated Controls $7,450.00 HVAC Controls Services Agreement QCPUF Fund BOK Financial Corporate Trust $97,470.85 Prin/Int/Debt Service Fee $365,827.50 Princ/Int/Debt Service Fee $34,515.34 $97,470.85 Bond Fund BOK Financial Corporate Trust $365,827.50 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING for the Board will be Monday, DECEMBER 15, 2014 at 7:00PM at the District Board Room, 10004 NW 112th St., Malcolm, Nebraska. An agenda is published the Friday before each regular board meeting. This can be picked up at the business office or read online at It will be modified as necessary. PLEASE JOIN ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH for weekly worship services, 2244 NW 126th Street, Lincoln, NE. Weekly services are held on Sundays @ 9:00 a.m. followed by Fellowship & Sunday School. page 11 10004 nw 112th st, malcolm, ne 68402 TREE FESTIVAL AT MALCOLM UNITED METHODIST Church. Malcolm United Methodist Church would like to invite the community to come decorate a tree and celebrate the spirit of the season... ...MANY DECORATED TREES WILL BE ON DISPLAY for all to see on Saturday, December 6th. More details coming soon. If you or your group are interested in decorating a tree, please contact Kelley Burianek at 402-429-5920. OUR FAMILY APPRECIATES THE CALLS, CARDS, visits and all donations at the time CARDS of Vern’s death. Also, we thank the Malcolm Fire Department for their timely response and professional care. Bernice Hoffart and families. Thank You. Clipper Classifieds NORTH AMERICAN MARTYRS PARISH IS A CATHOLIC community challenged to live the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We are in the Highlands in Lincoln at 1101 Isaac Drive. Mass Schedule: Sat: 6PM; Sun: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 & 11AM. Weekdays, Mon-Fri: 6:40AM & 8AM and Sat: 9AM. For more info visit www.namartyrs. org or call the Parish Office at 402-476-8088. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLIPPER VOLLEYBALL, Cross Country, Softball and VOLLEYBALL Football teams from Word of Life. We commend your hard work, God given talent and effort. Talk about hard work. Word of Life has been blessed with the efforts of our contractors and members on our new church building at 200 Fletcher Ave.... ...WE WILL STILL BE ON THE EDGE OF LINCOLN just east of Fallbrook with the move probably happening in January. Right now, we are located at 570 Fallbrook Blvd (above TOAST.) Our service is on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School and Bible Classes at 9:15 a.m. Check out our web site, www. (or facebook) Pastor Larry Oetting- 402.742.WORD (9673) MALCOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH INVITES you to join us for Sunday Service! Worship at 9AM, Sunday School starts at 9:15AM and fellowship treats after the service. We’re located on the NW corner of Malcolm, 520 Malcolm Rd. NORTHWEST COMMUNITY CHURCH HAS BIBLE learning opportunities! Jr High and High School FCA during the school year. Various Adult Groups for families as well as men and women groups. 402-796-2344 Sunday worship 8:30 and 11 with Sunday School at 9:45. Come learn with us! COME AND GIVE THANKS ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH, Thanksgiving eve at 7pm with your friends at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Malcolm. Join us in worship and praise for this past year’s gifts and for the ones upcoming in the next. On the web at or call us at 402.796.2396 12 Lorem Sit Month 00, 0000 PLEASANT VIEW FARM & GALLERY WARMLY INVITES you to winter art classes. Projects will include painting, drawing and print making. Private or Semi-private lessons. Flexible times, reasonable rates. Located near Branched Oak Lake. Call Joni 402-613-0695 A BIG THANK YOU TO THE MALCOLM CROSS COUNTRY Teams, coaches and everyone who supported the ALS fundraiser during Homecoming Week. The money raised and donated in Jill’s name to the local ALS chaper was greatly appreciated. Thank you. Bruce, Marsha and Jill Widick VILLAGE OF MALCOLM BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING will be held on Wed, DEC. 3RD at 7PM at the Village Hall 137 E. Second Street, Malcolm, NE. Will be swearing in the new Board Members & have celebration of outgoing Board Members. If you have any comments, concerns, questions or would like to hear what is going on, please join us. Everyone is welcome!!!!!! JOIN US FOR A GREAT BREAKFAST ON SUNDAY November 23, 2014 8:00AM - 12:00PM. Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, coffee, and juice. Adults - $5.00 Children (12 & under)-$2.00. Garland Legion Post #369 WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY A HUGE “THANK YOU” to the Malcolm Volunteer Fire Department for their work on our recent barn fire. Their promptness, professionalism and thoroughness were very impressive. We are truly grateful for their efforts! Sincerely, Keith & Teresa Powell RDM LANDSCAPES IS YOUR LOCAL LANDSCAPE COMPANY COMPANY.. Fall is a great time to complete those landscape projects you have been thinking about all year. Retaining walls, paver & flagstone patios, water features, perennial & tree installation, landscape lighting and more. Contact us today for your free estimate. Ryan Maxson 402310-0868 NEED ROCK, DIRT, SAND, WOOD CHIPS, OR GRAVEL delivered? Call Nelson Hauling at 402796-2686 November 20, 2014 SYNERGY HOMES INC. (402) 499-3496 CUSTOM HOME Builder and local Malcolm resident. Bring us your plan or choose from one of our existing homes plans. Specializing in acreage home building. We can help make your dream home a reality! Email: info@synergyhomesne. com Website: BUETTENBACK CHIROPRACTIC - BACK PAIN, NECK pain, Headaches? We can help you get your life back! We are currently accepting new patients. Call today! 402.476.8483 MIT HOME INSPECTIONS - I PROVIDE A 10 POINT home inspection from attics to crawl spaces. Before you sell or buy one of the largest investments of your life make sure you get it inspected by MIT. Please contact Steve Duckett at 402-405-1193. FOR PEST OR RODENT PROBLEMS, PLEASE CALL JLS PEST CONTROL. Residential or Commercial. Free affordable quotes. Guaranteed Results. Ask for Buddy. Office 477-1334, Cell 890-4986 TASTEFULLY SIMPLE IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU! Do you crave Bountiful Beer Bread? Or need to stock up on your favorite seasonings like Onion Onion & Garlic Garlic for your everyday cooking? Try a freezer meal workshop to stock your freezer with several fabulous meals for quick & easy suppers. Call or email today! Joy Plautz *450-9219* HOEFTS AUTO RESTORATION AND COLLISION Minor dents to major rebuilds. Excellent work at a fair price. 402-601-9698 LOOS CONSTRUCTION INC- ( LCI ) QUALITY CUSTOM cabinets & built-inns CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 402-783-2111 / 402-416-0141 REFRENCES AVAILABLE www.loosconstructioninc. com / RAYMOND CONTRACTING INC. - SEPTICS AND LAGOONS Services include site planning, percolation testing, system design, installation, troubleshooting and property transfer inspections. Certified and Insured. Free Estimates. Lloyd Jakoubek 402-783-2663 or 402-890-6009. LOOS CONSTRUCTION INC- COMPLETE BUILDING & REMODELING SERVICES. Local General Contractor since 1996 A+ BBB Rating. Located in Raymond. LCI has quality minded EMPLOYEES with experience in all phases of construction. Contractors ID # 25058 NE , insured & references available. CALL FOR FREE EST. 402783-2111/402-416-0141 TAKE YOUR SKIN SERIOUSLY. DID YOU KNOW? 80% of the sun damage that leads to skin cancer occurs before the age of 18. With early detection and proper treatment the average cure rate is 100%. It’s important you call Complete Family Dermatology. Schedule a complete skin cancer screening with Dr. Basler today. F or information about all available office services, visit... SOUTH LINCOLN 2455 Pine Lake Rd, Ste 110 Lincoln, NE 68512. 402-423-1111. North Lincoln 5790 N 33rd St. Circle, Ste A Lincoln, NE 68504. Geoff Basler, M.D., Brent Behrens PA-C. NEBRASKA STOP FIRE. THE WORLD’S BEST FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Dealers Dan and Wendy Botsch. Phone: 402-580-8000 - Dan. 402-4509117 - Wendy. Web: Email: dan. 1704 9th Rd, Chapman, NE 68827. Also available at Klute Truck in Ceresco. REAL ESTATE - BUYING & SELLING - OVER 84 COMBINED years experience in residential homes, acreages, farms and acreage development. Free Market Analysis. Call us to develop your land. Malcolm area residents at 3600 NW 126th St. for 23 years. Merle and Carolyn Jahde, Home Real Estate. Call 402-432-0443 or 402-432-3700. HIGH SPEED INTERNET - SPEEDS UP TO 15MBSERVICING rural areas and local towns including: Malcolm, Garland, Raymond, Emerald, Staplehurst and north Lincoln. Plans starting at $24.00 per month with unlimited data packages and NO contracts. No phone line needed. Home phone and internet service for under $47 (taxes included) per month. or call 402-817-1717 JACOBSEN ACOBSEN ROCK & GRAVEL - WE DELIVER Rock, Gravel, Ag-Lime, Dirt, or Sand for any project you might have. We carry River Rock and all sizes of Ornamental Rock. A local company, call for an estimate today. Gary Jacobsen, Rt. #1, Garland, NE 402-783-2447 or cell phone 643-5171. Month 00, 0000 Lorem Sit 13 Student Council Wins Award Five Years in a Row! C Congratulations to the 2014-15 Student Council for earning the “Gold Medal for the Outstanding Council in Nebraska” for the fifth year in a M rrow. Through the various projects involving leadership, citizenship, sservice, charity, and government they earned the highest number of award points in the state. The other two student councils that were a awarded this honor were both Class A schools. a Through their hard work, our students demonstrate how to be good T ccitizens of the community. As a school we are very proud of them, and we congratulate them on all for their hard work. w Mr. Tarr, Ms. Watson and the school Administration and staff. M Congratulations to Mr. Tarr for being awarded the Outstanding Student Council Sponsor for 2013-2014! Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Malcolm, NE Permit No. 2 MALCOLM PUBLIC SCHOOLS 10004 NW 112th Street MALCOLM NE 68402 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER
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