Cancer care clinic planning continues


Cancer care clinic planning continues
volume 6 | issue 2 | Summer 2014
A Newsletter for Supporters of Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation
care clinic
The next major milestone has been
achieved as planning continues to move
ahead for the establishment of a satellite
clinic of the Simcoe Muskoka Regional
Cancer Centre (SMRCC) at Royal
Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) in
Barrie, here at Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial
Hospital (OSMH).
The new cancer care satellite clinic
will find itself home on the second floor
of the Harvie Wing later this year.
“We’ve worked closely with the
regional cancer program to identify an
area in our hospital that would enhance
both comfort and safety of patients and
families, and the clinical functionality
required to meet the best practice
guidelines of Cancer Care Ontario,” said
Cheryl Harrison, Vice President - Patient
Services, Regional Programs & Chief
Nursing Executive.
Currently vacant space, Harvie 2 was
previously an inpatient unit for surgical
patients that was recently relocated to the
fifth floor of the Community Tower.
Once renovations on the floor are
GATHERING FEEDBACK: Pictured (from left) Elisabeth Riley, outgoing OSMH President and CEO, John
Barnett, Dorothy Holenski, Rita Barnett, and Andrea Farkas, Program Director, CCC, Rehab, Surgery
and Cancer Care, tour the new site for the cancer care satellite clinic at OSMH.
complete, the new area will provide space
for six to eight treatment chairs, private
exam and procedure rooms, along with
expanded waiting areas. All outpatient
cancer care at OSMH including
chemotherapy will be provided in the
renovated space which is approximately
twice the size of the current clinic.
“Ensuring the needs of area cancer
patients are met, safely and in a timely
fashion, is our top priority,” said Lindsey
Crawford, Vice President Patient
Programs and Regional Vice President,
Cancer Care Ontario.
“The OSMH satellite clinic will
continue to allow us to provide regional
cancer care, closer to home for those
patients in Orillia and surrounding area.”
transferred adult chemotherapy services
to the SMRCC at RVH in Barrie. The
move was made to ensure patients had
timely access to safe, standardized, high
quality cancer care as close to home as
Donors wishing to support the
equipment and technology needs of the
new cancer care clinic are encouraged to
contact the OSMH Foundation at 705325-6464.
A New Era Begins
Meet OSMH’s new President & CEO
Meet the Board
An interview with Hugh Stevenson
Message from the
Executive Director
Editor: Terry Dyni
Editor/Designer: Jaclyn Bucik
We love to hear from you. Whether you have
a story to share, questions about how to get
involved or feedback on something you’ve
read, contact us:
By mail:
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation
146 Mississaga Street West
Orillia ON L3V 3B3
By telephone:
By fax:
By e-mail:
Chuck Burton, Chair
John Mattinson, Vice Chair
Rick Morano, Treasurer
Dave Douse, Secretary
Ted Emond, OSMH Board Representative
John Mayo
Nicole McCahon, Executive Director
Elisabeth Riley, OSMH President and CEO
Hugh Stevenson
Bill Swinimer
Danielle Tisi, Immediate Past Chair
Kevin Wassegijig
Lynne Zulian
Rose Longo, Honourary Member
Helen Murray, Honourary Member
Gini Stringer, Honourary Member
Nicole McCahon CFRE, Executive Director
Lisa Stanley CFRE, Director, Finance & Development
Jim Fitzgerald, Development Officer - Major Gifts
Nicole Kraftscik, Development Officer - Annual
Sandy Davis, Development Assistant
Charitable Registration BN 88932-1998-RR0001
2 | Summer 2014 | Cornerstone
The cover story in this issue of Cornerstone is just one excellent example
of your contributions enabling improvements to our hospital. The two-year
temporary divestment of adult chemotherapy services at OSMH will end later
this year when renovations to the Harvie 2 unit are complete and the area
becomes home to a satellite clinic of the Simcoe Muskoka Regional Cancer
Program at RVH. With more than twice as much space as the current cancer
clinic at OSMH, your donations are critical to making the unit functional
for physicians and staff, but more importantly, comfortable for patients and
I’m also excited to share that progress is being made on much-needed
renovations to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at OSMH which
will also create additional space, allowing for increased privacy and improved
work flow. The hospital is utilizing the same planners for architectural design
of these improvement projects and both are on track to begin renovations in
the near future.
The OSMH Foundation will officially close the books on the 2013/14 fiscal
year at our Annual General Meeting on June 25, and your generous support
has helped make it another big success. The total money donated to the
OSMH Foundation was $2.75 million.
The end of the fiscal year also marks the end of a lengthy period of volunteer
service for a number of the Board members: Rick Morano, Dave Douse, John
Mayo and Bill Swinimer. Each of these individuals has been a huge part of the
success of the OSMH Foundation over the years, and we will truly miss their
leadership and guidance. My sincerest thanks and best wishes for the future.
I would also like to acknowledge outgoing Chair of the OSMH Foundation
Board of Directors, Chuck Burton. Thank you for your valued leadership over
the past two years.
This summer also marks the end of a successful 42 year career for current
OSMH President and CEO Elisabeth Riley, who retires on June 27. Elisabeth
has been a force for change at OSMH for the past six years, and we are
certainly going to miss having her leadership at our table. In saying that, we
are also happy to welcome the new President and CEO of OSMH, who you
can read more about on page 3.
Here at the Foundation we had some great successes last year and its all
because of your continued support. Throughout the summer we will be busy
working on some new projects to lead us into next year.
Enjoy your summer!
Nicole McCahon CFRE
Executive Director, OSMH Foundation
OSMH appoints a new President and CEO
Current OSMH President &
CEO Elisabeth Riley will be
retiring on June 27, 2014
Greg Gee, Chair of the Board of
Directors of Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial
Hospital (OSMH) announced on
Wednesday, May 28, the appointment
of Pat (Patricia) Campbell to the position
of President and Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of OSMH effective July 2, 2014.
“Guided by a passionate ‘patient
focused’ philosophy, Pat is a senior
healthcare leader who brings a wealth
of hospital and healthcare leadership
experience to the role,” said Gee.
“She has been the Chief Executive
Officer of several Hospitals and is ideally
suited to lead OSMH through our future
development, and will help us to meet
the challenges imposed by our changing
healthcare system in Ontario.”
Pat is a former President and CEO
of the Ontario Hospital Association, a
support and advocacy organization for
Ontario’s approximately 150 hospitals.
Pictured is Patricia Campbell, new President and
She also served as CEO at Women’s
College Hospital in Toronto, and at
Grey Bruce Health Services, a six site
headquartered in Owen Sound, Ontario.
She is recognized for improving health
service delivery through keeping the
patient experience front and centre, and
using technology as a support to access,
safety and outcomes.
“I’m excited to be afforded this
opportunity,” said Campbell.
“OSMH has grown a strong reputation
for excellence through its commitment to
outstanding care and service, reflected
most recently by its exemplary standing
from Accreditation Canada. I’m looking
forward to learning in detail about the
hospital and continuing the forward
momentum that has already been
Campbell has a Masters in Business
Administration from York University and
a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree
from the University of Western Ontario.
Campbell replaces Elisabeth Riley who
retires June 27, 2014 following more than
six years in the position.
Donor dollars making a difference
Total fundraising revenue:
Total fundraising expenses:
Total charitable program expenses:
Donations Received
Annual donations:
Memorial/tribute donations:
Direct Mail donations:
Special Event revenue:
Other revenue:
Total Revenue
Equipment - $271,473
Education - $55,772
Redevelopment - $38,175
Programs - $437,647
Paeds NICU Project $246,880
Other - $189,352
Cost per dollar raised:
Total no. of donations:
Special Projects - $420,758
Cornerstone | Summer 2014 | 3
Meet the Board: Dr. Hugh Stevenson, Director
Even though he’s only served one year on the OSMH
Foundation Board of Directors, Dr. Hugh Stevenson understands
the important role that the Hospital plays within the community.
“I have been continually impressed with the professionalism
that OSMH has demonstrated over my family’s 18 years in
Orillia,” explained Hugh. “Involvement on the
OSMH Foundation Board of Directors was an
opportunity to contribute and give back to both
the hospital and the Orillia area.”
It’s also been an eye opening experience for
Hugh, learning about the important supporting
role that the Foundation plays in ensuring that
Orillia and area continue to have exceptional care
available closer to home.
“The Foundation provides funding to our
hospital that may not be accessible through
current funding sources, and this financial assistance enables the
hospital to better serve the people of Orillia and surrounding
“I have been impressed with the talents that exist on the
“Fore!” the hospital
Board of Directors and how everyone contributes in their own
way to ensure that not only do we maintain a professional image,
but the Foundation continues to be effective in its fundraising
And it’s important to have fun while doing it.
“The Foundation has an excellent cross section
of community members that have a varied set of
talents that can make fundraising exciting and
fun,” he added.
During the rest of his tenure on the Board,
Hugh is looking forward to participating and
assisting in the planning of the Foundation’s annual
special events that promote and raise funds for the
continuing needs of the hospital.
Hugh is currently Rank Superintendent,
Director of the Ontario Provincial Police Academy,
OPP General Headquarters. He is also a Sessional Professor at
the University of Guelph Humber, Lakehead University, and
Georgian College. Hugh and his family call Orillia home.
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation
& Casino Rama proudly present
the 13th Annual
Hospital Gala
Mason Jars &
Friday, October 17, 2014
Silvernightingale Ballroom,
Casino Rama
Tickets are $150 per person
(with $50 tax receipt)
The 17th Annual Hawk Ridge Hospital Classic held on
Wednesday, June 4, raised over $70,000 in support of Orillia
Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.
“Since the tournament began 17 years ago we have been able
to surpass the $1.7 million mark in cumulative money raised
for the ongoing needs of the hospital thanks to the ongoing
generosity of our sponsors, golfers and community,” said Nicole
McCahon, Executive Director, OSMH Foundation.
All funds raised go towards the purchase of equipment and
technology, which continues to make a difference in the lives of
patients within North Simcoe Muskoka.
4 | Summer 2014 | Cornerstone
Dinner at 6 pm
Live & Silent Auction
For more information:
Call: 705-325-6464
OSMH nurses recognized for providing exceptional care
During National Nursing Week, four OSMH nurses were
recognized by their colleagues and peers for their outstanding
care and compassion.
Monica Ball, RN, Geriatric Day Hospital, Maggie Gallagher, RN,
Regional Kidney Care Program Simcoe-Muskoka, Whitney
Gowanlock, RN, CDE, Paediatric Outpatient Services, and Jared
Baxter, RN, Paediatrics/Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, were all
nominated for the OSMH Nurses Alumnae Nightingale Award.
Baxter (pictured at left with Elisabeth Riley, outgoing OSMH
President & CEO, and Cheryl Harrison, Vice President - Patient
Services, Regional Programs and Chief Nursing Executive) was
the winner this year.
In addition, Ball, Gallagher and Baxter, along with colleague
Johnah Kay-Deen, RPN, on Soldiers’ 1, were also nominated for
the Toronto Star’s annual Nightingale Award.
McHappy day serves
up support for OSMh
On Wednesday, May 7, all three Orillia
McDonald’s restaurants took part in the annual
McHappy Day.
$1 from every Big Mac, Happy Meal and
McCafe beverage sold on May 7, helped raise
$7,516 for the Paediatric/Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit Renovation at OSMH. Thank you for making
McHappy Day a huge success.
Endowment funds a priority for
Ensuring that funds are available for years to come is an important piece to
a foundation’s success.
An endowment fund ensures that dollars are available to hospital’s on
an annual basis for capital projects or purchases, such as renovations,
equipment and technology needs and ongoing continuing education
support - expenses that are not covered by hospital operating budgets.
“An endowment fund is great investment for a Foundation as they provide
a steady stream of revenue to help the hospital with capital support on an
annual basis,” said Lisa Stanley, Director, Development and Finance at the
OSMH Foundation.
The OSMH Foundation Board of Directors has recognized the need to
continue to invest in endowments and build up the principal of the
funds each year. One of the current priorities for the Foundation is the
establishment of a $2 million education endowment fund.
Right now we are half way to our goal of building a fund that would support
the ongoing education needs of staff and physicians in order to ensure our
patients continue to receive exceptional care. To help reach our goal, over
the past two years the Foundation Board contributed over $600,000 from
a few estates, including $500,000 from the Dora Noy estate, to support the
general Education Endowment Fund.
“Continuing education is a priority for our hospital,”explained Mary Catherine
Masciangelo, Director, Human Resources at OSMH. “We are committed to
lifelong learning for our current staff and physicians, but we also want to
continue our role as a campus of learning for the next generation.”
To help support the continuing education needs of our staff and physicians,
please contact the Foundation at 705-325-6464.
Cornerstone | Summer 2014 | 5
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation would like to acknowledge the following donors whose generous support helps to
make a positive difference in health care for our community and region. These gifts, made between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014,
fund a variety of programs and services at OSMH.
Elsie Ball
Orillia Power Corporation
$100,000 - $249,999
J & J Shared Services
Dora E. Noy
OSMH Volunteer Services
$25,000 - $99,999
Baxter Corporation
Eileen Brennan
June Fleischer
Phyllis Hutchinson
Kubota Metal Corporation - Fahramet
Roy McArthur
TD Bank Financial Group
$10,000 - $24,999
Karen & Bill Barnett
Bayer Inc.
Bellco Health Care Inc.
Cambrian College of Applied Arts and
Doreen Countryman
Bernice Davidson
Harry Fell
Douglas Giles
Tony Gulmen
Dr. Nancy Harris & Dr. Anthony Reid
Kiwanis Club of Orillia
Beulah McKay
David Nesbitt
Orillia Shrine Club
Pepsi Bottling Group (Canada) Co.
Tim Porter & Staff of Al Langman
RBC Foundation
John & Joan Rosebush
Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command
Gerry & Sylvia Smith
Michael Stock
The Strow Foundation
Bill & Sue Swinimer
$5,000 - $9,999
Dr. John Adkins
Anytime Fitness
David & Marilyn Bachly
6 | Summer 2014 | Cornerstone
C.E. (Ted) & Muriel Burton
CIBC Orillia
The Community Foundation of Orillia and
David & Nancy Douse
Janet & Douglas Excel
Fresenius Medical
Geneva Lodge No. 320 IOOF
Grant Thornton LLP
Irma Jean Grill
Florence Harrison
William Holdsworth
Mevla Jahic
The Judith Mills Foundation
Leons Orillia
Clare & Bev Long
John & Marg Mayo
The McKenzie Family
OSMH Medical Staff Association
Jan & Beverly Oudshoorn
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 34 Orillia
Josephine & Stan Sajnovic
Shoppers Drug Mart - Tree of Life
$1,000 - $4,999
Bill & Rika Adams
Advantage Intravel Inc.
David Alexander
Amgen Canada Inc.
Linda Arthur
Paul & Laureen Ash
Tony & Annette Katarynych
Dr. Don & Chris Atkinson
Audia Hearing Aid Centre Inc.
Aviva Canada Inc.
Carole J. Ayerst
B & B Climate Care
Horst & Helga Baer
James Baillie
Shirley Bainbridge
Peter & Suzanne Bard
Muriel Bedford
William & Jean Belfour
Marilyn Berger
Berry Plastics
Birchmere Retirement Residence
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Penny Bonner
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
S. Dure Brandon
The Brick
Tony & Betty Bridgens
C. C. Tatham & Associates - Orillia
Nancy & John Cameron
Elizabeth Carlson
Carson Funeral Home
Casino Rama
Champlain Manor
Chippewas of Rama First Nation
Douglas & Barbara Christie
Linda Clipsham
Melanie Colpitts
Comfort Inn Orillia
Counsel Portfolio Services
County of Simcoe
Marci Csumrik
Davenport Subaru of Orillia
James & Darlene Doolittle
Margaret Eberhard
F. T. Elbers
Julia Bailey (Emond) & Ted Emond
Victor England
Ever Win International Corp
Jean A. Gallagher
Gambro Inc.
Gamma Sales Inc.
Greg & Valerie Gee
Georgian College
Ludwig & Regina Germann
Monica & Sandy Grant
Tom & Carol Griffiths
Gunther & Gertrude Grimm
Paul & Marly Grunsten
HGR Lawyers
Cynthia Harrison
Ron & Ann Harrison
Hawk Ridge Golf & Country Club
George & Linda Heller
Heritage Place Apartments
Dr. Grant & Tracy Ho
Ron & Patricia Hoare
Home Hardware Building Centre
James & Lorna Housser
Robert Howard
Ken & Linda Huggins
Mary Hurl
Norma Hurl
Elfriede Huter
William & Nancy Jamieson
John H. Jenkins
K. Knight Contracting Ltd.
Helen Keller
Bill & Lori Koughan
KPMG LLP Chartered Accountants
Tony & Mary La Mantia
Laclie Pharmacy
Isobel Langlois
William & Sue Leslie
Doug Lewis
Dr. John & Brenda MacFadyen
Blanche Manson
Mariposa Market
Marsh Canada
Joe Martin
W. John & Florence Matthews
Nicole McCahon & Dr. Lawrence
Anne McLean
McLean & Dickey Ltd.
McMaster University
Michael McMullen
Robert & Judy Middaugh
Michael Miller
Steve Mirkopoulos
The Mundell Family
Nestle Canada Inc.
Noojmowin Teg Health Centre
Northwest Healthcare Properties
The Orillia Fish & Game Conservation Club
Orillia Lions Club
Orillia Prostate Cancer Awareness Group
Orillia Today
The Orsi Family
Albert Pautsch
Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada Inc.
Point to Point Communications
Tom & Libby Pokoradi
Oscar and Sandra Poloni
Geraldine Poulos
Precise Parklink
Dr. Greg & Laurel Price-Jones
Quota Club of Orillia Inc.
Everett & Marilyn Rayburn
RBC Royal Bank
Elisabeth Riley
RNR Patient Transfer Services
Robert & Kathleen Martin Family Charitable
Giving Fund
David Rose
Peter & Patricia Ross
Roy & Betty Fawcett
Danny and Vivienne Saltzman
Leslie Sargent
Brendon Saxton
ServiceMaster Orillia
Shaw Maple Products
Shire Canada Inc.
Signature Memorials Limited
Simcoe County Law Association
Elma Marie Smith
Florence Smith
Steenhof Building Services Group
Heather & Glen Stewart
Sun Machine & Welding
Sunrise Toyota
Sunshine Carpet & Flooring
Judy & Ian Sutherland
Taylored Gardening
Theo’s Eatery
Bonnie Therrien
Robert & Valerie Thompson
Tim Hortons - Orillia Stores
Adolf & Alice Timm
Paul Tisdall & Mardi Matthews
Danielle Tisi & Michael Holenski
Dr. Rob and Andrea Town
Rosemary Turnbull
Via Rail Canada Inc.
Leslie & Mildred Wade
Aaron Warren
Michael Wayling
Patricia and Clifton Whitfield
David Winnitoy
Corporate Partners
Anytime Fitness
Casino Rama
Dalt’s Honda
Grant Thornton LLP
Hawk Ridge Golf & Country Club
Heritage Place Apartments
K. Knight Contracting Ltd.
KPMG LLP Chartered Accountants
Laclie Pharmacy
Ontario Waterway Cruises
TD Commercial Banking
Pepsi Bottling Group
RNR Patient Transfer Services Inc.
ServiceMaster of Orillia
Yes, I would like to help provide the highest quality of care for the people of our community!
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OSMH Foundation, 146 Mississaga Street West Orillia, ON L3V 3B3 • T 705-325-6464
Expiry Date
Please enclose this form with your gift. All
donations are tax creditable and receipts will be
Charitable Registration BN 88932-1998-RR0001
OSMH achieves Exemplary
Accreditation standing
Barbara Jones, Director, Performance Excellence, explains
the Accreditation process and why it’s important for
hospitals to participate in the voluntary exercise.
Why are hospitals accredited?
Accreditation is a voluntary process that most hospitals in
Canada choose to participate in as a means of independently
assessing the quality and safety of the services it provides.
Typically, a hospital undergoes accreditation every 3 to 4
years which involves a team of surveyors from Accreditation
Canada coming into the hospital for about a week to complete
their assessment on a wide variety of performance standards.
Accreditation Canada is an independent, non-profit
organization that surveys more than 5,700 sites and services
across the country and internationally.
What does it mean to be accredited with Exemplary Standing?
OSMH achieved Exemplary Standing in 2013, it marked
the first time in our hospital’s long history that we achieved
146 Mississaga Street West, Orillia, ON L3V 3B3
the highest possible standing. We met or exceeded the vast
majority of nearly 2,000 standards, including all 31 Required
Organizational Practices (ROPs). It’s an indication of OSMH’s
commitment to quality care and continual improvement,
which has been a big focus here at the hospital for several
When will OSMH be surveyed again?
While our next Accreditation survey isn’t scheduled until
2017, our efforts toward improving quality and safety are
continuous. The standards we must meet are always changing
and we must adapt to ensure we are providing best care
possible to our patients. During our four year Accreditation
cycle, we continually assess our performance and implement
actions to improve.