Draft - Still in Revision


Draft - Still in Revision
Mary Jo Fahey
February 16, 2014
Bill Gates
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052
Dear Bill,
This is the 6th letter and last in this series. There will be future letters, but not in this series.
As I’ll explain later in this letter, dowsing has helped me to understand that God wants those
from anywhere on Earth—who say Ra’s Prayer (with genuine intent)­—to remain and work on
international financial, military and religious aspects of the projects for 5 (or more) years—
spending defense department money and private funds on projects explained in this letter. Muggles
who are used to shopping at dollar stores would not know where to begin to spend defense
department money. God also wants Sirian scientists to remain on Earth to work on technology
transfer projects with Muggle scientists and alternative farmers for 15 (or more) years. Note:
Contrbutions from the Greys will be key to achieving breakthroughs within the 15 year time-frame.
This new project is called:
Recovering Earth and Home Worlds
Preliminary Note: Interference From HAL 9000’s During Dowsing
Until HAL 9000 is unplugged, dowsers will experience intermittent
interference during dowsing. Dowsing helps me to understand that
interference is due to density of Higgs Boson particles. This interference
will affect the outcome of yes/no questions. To filter the interference, I
quickly ask several screening questions before I begin. Examples:
God moves a dowser’s hand in a
clockwise direction to communicate
Yes and a counterclockwise direction
to communicate No.
Are You God?
Do You Support the One?
Are You loyal to the One?
Do You honor the One?
Are You true to the One?
HAL cannot maintain a series of “yeses” to these questions. If yes is the
answer to all of these questions, I add the question I’m filtering to the end.
The Law of One, an ancient principle that’s mentioned at Godesbook.
orgthe bottom of Prayer page 2, is similar to the Golden Rule. See also:
Godsebook.org, older site, March 3, 2010 post and the last 20 pages of
the January 18, 2014 edition of Muggle to Muggle (see: Articles page at
Revolutions equaling 10% can
communicate a percentage. Pointing
with the left hand and dowsing with the
right hand is a method that can be used
to select people or items from a group.
Note: HAL frequently “inserts” an
aggressive series of counterclockwise
gestures that feel like rapid flapping.
This seems to be HAL’s method for
telling me to stop whatever I’m doing.
God gestures with large arcs for
emphasis. HAL can’t gesture with
similar large arcs.
Bay Colony Club / 6203 Bay Club Drive / Apartment 1 / Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308
Tel: 954-928-1852 / E-mail: maryjofahey@tds.net
Project Description
This project is sub-divided into the following components:
(Earth) Telling Muggles the Truth
(Home Worlds) Mirroring of Earth Projects/Policies in Home Worlds
(Home Worlds) Unique Home Worlds Project
(Home Worlds) Finding One Advanced Dowser
(Earth/Home Worlds) Relocation of Abandoned Slaves, Education and Job
(Earth and Home Worlds) Future Arrests
(Earth and Home Worlds) Economic Life Provision Tied to Dowsing
• Economic Life Provision to Start at Age 30
• Hiring Young Staff for Jobs Previously Held by Slaves
• Hiring Young and Older Staff for Jobs Previously Held by Slaves
• Development/Training for Young and Older Staff
(Earth) Business and Military Conversion to Muggle Staff
• (International Earth and Individual Home Worlds) New Military
• (New Military) Re-organization to Mirror Corporations
• (New Military) Remediation Global Nematode Infection
• (New Military) Light
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Universal Translation
• (New Military) Plastic Clean-up Project
• (New Military) Fresh and Salt Water Purification
• (New Military) Soil re-mineralization
• (New Military) Land Use
• (New Military) Forestry
• (New Military) Repair of Roads, Bridges and Abandoned
• (New Military) County, State and National Parks, Historical Sites,
Nature Centers and Zoos
• (New Military) Factory Farms
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: For Autos, Trucks and
Tractors—with a Plan for Industry Infrastructure
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Business and Consumer
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: New Train, Air and Water
Transportation Industries
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: New Communication and
Satellite Companies
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: International Technology
Sharing Programs
• (New Military) Clean-up of Species Phased Out by God
• (New Military) Phased Out of Nuclear Power & Coal-Burning
• (New Military) Phase Out of Synthetic Chemicals
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: New Metallurgy
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Phase Out of Synthetic
• (New Military) Sports
In the U.S., a very large economic
gap has developed between Muggle
with God-created genetics (30%
percent of the planet) and the rest of
the population:
• Aliens
• Muggle with mostly artificial
genetics (40% of the planet)
Those choosing an Ascension path
will need to tell the truth (to spouses,
families and friends).
God would like smilitary and civilian
cientists and alternative farmers to
exchange information for fifteen (or
more) years.
God would also like Earth’s aliens to
spend international defence department
dollars and private funds to fund projects
that restore Earth for five (or more)
• (New Military) Theme Parks
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Agriculture—Alternative
to Factory Farms
• (New Military) Alcohol and Mood Altering Substances (Pot)
• (New Military) Publishing, Television and Film
• (New Military) The Folk Medicine Association Antiparasite Herb
(Earth) Religions
(Earth and Home Worlds) Government
(Earth) Phase Out of Government Subsidies
(Earth) Abandoned Cars and Other Vehicles
(Earth) Abandoned Residential and Commercial Real Estate
(Earth and Home Worlds) Insurance
(Earth and Home Worlds) Weapons
(Earth and Home Worlds) Police and Sheriffs
(Earth and Home Worlds) Schools
(Earth and Home Worlds) Nanotechnology
(Earth and Home Worlds) Energy
(Earth and Home Worlds) Clothing, Wholesale and Retail (including
shoes and accessories)
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Human and Animal Health Care
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Agriculture
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Food Processing
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Alcohol
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Publishing, Television and Film
• (Earth and Home Worlds) NASA
Muggle Database
Universal Translation
The Folk Medicine Association
Economic Advisory Board
Cross-Discipline Paid Internships
Farm Direct
Ideally, aliens should tell the public
the truth.
Each Home World will need a pointperson dowser who can demonstrate
(Earth) Telling Muggles the Truth
Aliens who have married Muggles need to tell the truth about their identity and God’s requirement that they leave
Earth to begin an Ascension path. Earth’s larger family also needs to be told the truth. The truth will wake Muggles up
so they can also begin working with God. Telling the truth aligns with The Law of One (that is similar to the Golden
Rule: Do unto others what you would like them to do unto you)
(Home Worlds) Mirroring of Earth Projects/Policies in Home Worlds
God will require a mirroring of Earth projects at all Home Worlds. Mirrored initiatives should begin immediately.
Dowsing will be needed for God’s guidance.
(Home Worlds) Unique Home World Projects
Projects unique to Home Worlds will need to be explored through dowsing. God wants Sirians to be technically
advanced, but He wants to be included in all decisions. Scientists who stay on Earth will uncover directions for unique
Home World projects as they dowse with Muggles on Earth projects. Dowsing helps me to understand that life on
Home Worlds overlaps Earth about 60%. The details discovered will need to be shared with scientists in ohter Home
Worlds and Earth’s scientists. The Greys’ discoveries (through dowsing) will also need to be shared.
(Home Worlds) Finding One Advanced Dowser
Each nation and Home World will need to screen dowsers to find someone with
advanced skill. This can be done by identifying those with the largest percentage
of God-created genetics (I asked if each Home World will need a separate dowser
for this purpose and the answer was a definite “Yes”). This group of dowsers
should get acquainted and communicate frequently.
(Earth/Home Worlds) Relocation of Abandoned Slaves, Education
and Job Placement
International colonists, alien slaves and bots used in all of Earth’s military,
paramilitary, police, sheriff department personnel, sex industry bots and prisoners
who are not acquainted with God, an Ascension Path, or The Law of One will
need to be briefed. Those who are not interested in saying Ra’s suggested Prayer
(to God) will need to be relocated to Home Worlds as soon as possible. Alien
psychiatric patients and bots who require Sirian technology for repair will also
need to be relocated.
All slaves and bots will need to be treated like colonists with housing, economic
life provisions, education and life placement. A youth work force will need to be
developed to fill all former slave positions. Everyone at Home Worlds will need
to be apprised of God’s policy that ties economic life provision to His dowsing
requirement explained in the next section.
(Earth and Home Worlds) Future Arrests
Dowsing helps me to understand that only 50% of those who have relocated
to Home Worlds are saying Prayers and dowsing. All colonists, slaves and
bots need to be informed that avoiding Prayers and dowsing for more than two
weeks will result in relocation to the default arrest destination. A conscientious
and thorough effort needs to be made to inform everyone about this warning
(saboteurs who deliberately fail to inform alien groups will end up at the default
arrest destination). The default arrest destination is populated by mostly ex-slaves
who were never told they would be arrested—and a group of Greys who know
that the Sirians tried to phase out their race (God does not want anyone to go to
this destination, but relocation may be necessary for those who fail to show an
interest in his projects).
(Earth and Home Worlds) Total Economic System
Alien creation of a human-like bot work force (for blue and white collar jobs)
on Home Worlds caused a displacement of labor to Earth that migrated with
colonists. Alien owners and managers filled vacancies with aliens displacing
Muggles. Free bot labor on Earth has displaced 100 million aliens and Muggles
who have been pushced off a cliff financially. This trend would have continued to
displace more and more of Earth’s and Home World labor as Sirian technology
evolved and as aliens on Earth had children.
The graphic on the next page illustrates the migration pattern to Earth and
approximate constituent population groups left on Home Worlds. The terms
Muggle and Stepfordized have been explained in a January 18, 2014 edition
of Muggle-to-Muggle available as a PDF file at www.godsebook.org (See:
Articles page).
Young people will need to fill positions
previously held by slaves. Employers
will need to make monotonous work
interesting to attract bright young
Bots can assist couples who have
children. If bots work outside the home
(babysitters, lawn-care workers) they
can earn what young people earn at
their jobs.
Stepford refers to Ira Levin’s 1972
book Stepford Wives about Connecticut
women who were turned into robots.
For more details about Stepford
CEOs, see the following pages in
the January 18, 2014 edition of
Muggle-to-Muggle available at www.
• CEOs of Genetics Companies,
page 66
• Stepfords You May Know, page 67
• Stepford CEOs, page 68
• Is There a Malfunction in Sirian
Technology? page 20
70% Bot
<10% Biological Slaves
Approx 20% Non-Slave
Home Worlds
1% Bot
20% Biological Slaves
Approx 10% Non-Slave
• 60% Stepfordized
• 40% Borderline (vulnerable)
70% Muggle
• 30% God-Created Genetics
• 40% Stepfordized
30% Bot
<10% Biological Slaves
Approx 60% Non-Slave
(who have been to Earth)
Arrest Destination
0% Bot
80% Biological Slaves
Approx 20% Non-Slave
80% of Earth’s alien
population (who have
migrated in the last 20
Note: Earth is the only world
with a HAL 9000
(Earth and Home Worlds) Bots Are The Key to Concurrent Projects Due to Their Hive Mind
God wants Sirians to use hive mind channels to download all information about God’s projects to bots and Greys
who have access to hive mind. Working with Muggle dowsers on Earth, scientists will be able to disemminate
God’s decisions to all other races via hive mind. Greys need to know that they are included in God’s plan for
information sharing and that they have a great deal to contribute concerning a return to Nature and a connection
to God. They also need to be apprised of the situation concerning the HAL 9000 threat on Earth (whatever the
Sirians call this technology and be given details as well as a status report.
(Earth and Home Worlds) Economic Life Provision
Muggles will not need a salary of $60,000 per year (economic life provision) and $30,000 per child paid to one
parent, or paid to a couple’s joint account. Bot in Earth projects receive $30,000 per year paid to a guardian until
they are placed in career jobs (20,000 Bot guardians will be needed).
• Economic Life Provision To Begin at Age 30
Parents or guardians will provide for young people until they are 30. Young people will need to take parttime work in positions previously held by slaves. Employers will need to develop interesting, responsible
work and incentives for bright young people to compensate for low level service. Cooperative housing
and family assistance will be needed to supplement those under 30.
• Hiring Muggle Staff for Jobs Previously Held by Slaves and Bots
Young people will need to take part-time work in positions previously held by slaves. America’s 50
million bots will need to remain in their jobs until the Economic Advisory Board can find them a home
and a guardian. Guardians who make a commitment to adopt a bot (a maximum of 4 bots) will receive
$30,000 per year as a bot guardian. Dowsing will determine if a bot is ready to receive $30,000 for a paid
internships. Bots who have completed 5 internships will be eligble for $60,000 for a career-level job.
Older adults who want to work among young people will need to be accommodated in suitable positions.
• Development/Training for Young and Older Staff
The new work force will need training and development programs that were not needed previously.
(Earth and Home Worlds) Business Conversion
On Earth, businesses that can respond quickly need to hire/promote Muggles to take over staff roles. An effort
should be made to preserve all remaining Sirian-led businesses (large and small). Smaller businesses will need
help from large firms. Dowsing helps me to understand that all remaining Sirian-led businesses need to hire 130
dowsers for guidance in decision making. These Sirian-led businesses should loan their dowsers to assist small
businesses. This may require dowser staffs of more than 130.
Note: Dowsing helps me to understand the following about how dowsers
will need to function within a Sirian-led business:
• Due to HAL-9000 interference, dowers will need to find a majority
consensus on decisions needed by company department managers. This
is best accomplishes in one large room using filtering I’ve described and
comparing results.
• Over time, everyone will be able to dowse and dowsers will need to
choose another function.
Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) give
off mercury which is considered to be
the most toxic metal on the planet.
(Earth) Earth Changes
On December 26, 2013, President Barack Obama signed into law the National
Defense Authorization Act for the fiscal year 2014 that allots $526.8 billion
for the Pentagon’s budget and $80 billion for the war in Afghanistan—totaling
nearly $607 billion in defense-related spending. The group who would spend this
money will be leaving. God wants this budget spent on Earth recovery projects.
Private funding and re-purposed abandoned resources will also be needed/used in
recovery projects. The largest of the Earth recovery projects include:
1. Re-assignments, salaries and uniforms for 571, 998 military (Muggles) to staff
new military projects listed in this letter.
2.A gradual, twenty-year rescue of 50 million bots who will continue to provide
free labor to maintain manufacturing and services until Earth recovers. Dowsing
helps me to understand that 10,000 Muggles/year will accept $30,000/year the
first year as guardians and this number will increase each year.
Media tycoon owns 2.2 million acres
in the United States.
3. Salaries ($60,000/person) and conference expenses for an Economic Advisory
Board. Similar salaries ($60,000/person) and conference expenses for The Folk
Medicine Association that will tackle the planet’s largest health risk:
Hidden and severe nematode infection
4. Cross-discipline paid internships ($30,000/person) for Economic Advisory
Board members
Factory farms will need to be temporarily managed by the military due to
relocation of slaves..
5.Salaries and project expenses for Sirian/Home World/Muggle technology
transfer projects to span 15 years.
(International Earth and Home Worlds) New Military Projects
New military personnel will be needed immediately to buffer the effect of
abandoned companies, farms and buildings. Through changes in their uniform
and a change in their mission (no longer armed forces), they will become more
civilian-like, but still be identified as a peace-keeping organization that provides
Examples of projects include:
• (New Military) Re-organization to Mirror Corporations
A corporate hierarchy model needs to be adopted by branches of the
military that are no longer engaged in war. Military dress should be
re-designed for easy civilian identification. Dowsers can provide
God’s guidance as colors and regalia with hidden meaning will need
Factory farms will be re-organized
and animals will need to be rescued.
to be abolished. A military is an organization authorized by its greater
society to use lethal force. Eventually, this name will need to be
• (New Military) Remediation of Global Nematode Infection
Large-scale cultivation of herbs that kill nematodes will be required
on the globe to combat the immense nematode infection. Organic
farming methods will be needed and alternative farmers will need to be
consulted concerning compost tea that can be used for remediation.
• (New Military) Light
Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) technology emits mercury. A safe
and energy efficient alternative needs to be developed by military
The post office will collapse without
temporary assistance from Earth’s
Muggle military.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Universal Translation Technology
Bots remaining on Earth (20,000) will provide the initial translation
services required for international project. A transfer of Sirian universal
translation technology will be needed for corporate, government and
consumer use.
• (New Military) Plastic Clean-up Project
Military assistance, but not management of the plastic clean-up project
will be needed. Dowsers will be needed for guidance concerning
collaboration. Military chemists will be needed to create resin-based
plastics that do not yet exist.
• (New Military) Soil re-mineralization
Soil all over the world is depleted and projects will need to be
developed all over the globe. Alterative farming schools led by
alternative farmers will need to be consulted.
• (New Military) Land Use
The new military will need to assist the Economic Advisory Board
concerning community-based management of common property as
well as the break-up of massive land parcels owned by aliens who are
• (New Military) Forestry
The new military will need to assist in a large-scale cultivation of
commercial hemp that will be needed to preserve the planet’s forests.
They will need to collaborate with specialists on the Economic
Advisory Board who understand Agroforestry’s land-use management
that combine trees and/or shrubs with crops and/or livestock.
• (New Military) Repair of Roads, Bridges and Abandoned Buildings
Engineering and construction businesses have been monopolized by
aliens who will be leaving. Military equivalent departments will be
needed to take over this function.
• (New Military) County, State and National Parks, Historical Sites,
Nature Centers and Zoos
Caretaking staff at parks, sites and Nature Centers will need to be
absorbed by a new military. These areas provide contact with nature
Coal burning plants dum thousands of
pounds of mercury into the air each year.
and a habitat for animals.
• (New Military) Factory Farms
Caretaking staff at factory farms will need to be absorbed by the new
military until the Economic Advisory Board makes decisions about
land use. A similar need exists in Asia.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: For Autos, Trucks and Tractors—
with a Plan for Industry Infrastructure
The conversion to a Hydrogen Economy is a large-scale project that
will need the assistance of Sirian military engineers and scientists.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Business and Consumer
The conversion to a Hydrogen Economy is a large-scale project that
will need the assistance of Sirian engineers and scientists. Dowsing
helps me to understand that 100% of the workforce at Earth’s energy
companies (nuclear, oil, coal, gas) are Muggles. This Sirians will
need to transfer knowledge that will help Earth create Hydrogenbased businesses.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: New Train, Air and Water
Transportation Industries
The conversion to a Hydrogen Economy will include new
developments in train, air and water transportation on a large
scale that will need the assistance of Sirian military engineers and
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: New Communication and
Satellite Companies
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of Earth’s existing
communication companies are owned and operated by aliens,
Sirian scientists and communication specialists will need to transfer
knowledge to Muggle military to preserve these industries. Without
the military, these companies will cease to exist. Examples include:
Cell Telephone
Internet Providers
Mail and Package Distributors
Book publishing
To prevent a total black-out of all content, the military will need to
collaborate with the creatives in New York and Hollywood to re-build
these industries.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: International Technology
Sharing Programs
Sirian scientists and communication specialists will need to transfer
knowledge to scientists internationally to preserve Earth’s industries.
Aluminum should never be used to
cook because aluminum is liked to
Alzheimers Disease.
The military budget covers all
branches of the U.S. military: the
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps
and Coast Guard. In 2011, the budget
was $664.84 billion.
• (New Military) Clean-up of Species Phased Out by God
God will be phasing out species He did not create. The clean-up
required will be self-evident. Dowsers will be needed to provide
details about these projects.
• (New Military) Phased Out of Nuclear Power & Coal-Burning
Military will be needed to phase out these polluting (and dangerous)
forms of energy.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Phase Out of Synthetic
This transfer will need to originate with Muggle scientists who
know more about natural chemicals than Sirians. Military scientists
will be needed to replace chemical manufacturers who manufacture
synthetics. Future chemicals will be based on natural alternatives.
There is a nematode infection on Earth
that is hidden in soil and expanding at a
very fast pace. Nematodes are parasitic
worms that infect animals and humans.
When humans ingest nematode eggs,
the eggs hatch in the small intestine.
Immature parasites can then migrate
to any part of the body. After stages of
moulting occur, an adult nematode
can lay 200-400 eggs per month.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: New Metallurgy
Development and production of safe metal will need to be scaled to
meet a planetary need. For example, aluminum is a toxic metal that
should not be used in cookware. Ten year-old 18/10 stainless steel
is a safe metal for cookware but supplies are extremely limited. A
safe metals will require collaboration between Sirian and Muggle
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Phase Out of Synthetic
Dowsing helps me to understand that fifty percent Earth’s particle
physicists are aliens who will be leaving. Before they depart, they
will need to teach Earth’s scientists how to clean up heavy particles.
Particle physics is responsible for Earth’s artificial dimension that
has been used for interplanetary travel, Earth surveillance and
manipulation of Muggles. This branch of science has also been
used to create heavy particles (Higgs Boson) that have been used as
weapons. Muggle particle physicists will need to invent new subdisciplines approved by God.
• (New Military) Sports
Live sports events have become entertainment that only the rich
can afford. Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of major
and minor leagues are made up of aliens who use stadiums that
are alien-owned. These super-structures will decay unless the new
military provides maintenance. The new military will need to develop
relationships with new teams who want to use these sports facilities.
• (New Military) Theme Parks
All theme parks are owned by aliens. These properties will decay
unless the new military provides maintenance and care at parks that
have animals. The Economic Advisory Board will need to include
theme parks in land use decisions.
• (New Military) Technology Transfer: Agriculture—Alternative to
Factory Farms
Tanshumanists want to use nanoparticles to alter human beings.
Factory farms that are mostly hidden from consumers are massive
operations that will need to be managed by the new military until they
can be replaced by small farms run by alternative farmers. Muggle
alternative farmers can provide knowledge about alternatives to
Sirians who will need this information for Home Worlds. See “New
Agriculture” in a later section.
• (New Military) Alcohol and Mood Altering Substances (Pot)
Dowsing helps me to understand that 80% of Earth’s distilleries are
owned by aliens with 100% alien staff. The remaining 20% Muggleowned companies will have 10 years to phase out their businesses.
One of Ithaca, New York’s alternative
currency projects includes self-insurance for the commnity.
Aliens also own new companies that cultivate legal marijuana.
Dowsing helps me to understand that these companies will need to
close. These companies have 10 years to phase out their businesses.
Wine and beer have a “Yes” response from God and distilled liquor
has a “No.” Commercial hemp strains without THC have a “Yes”
The new military will be needed to dispose of distilled liquor and
pot at any abandoned alcohol or pot facilities on Earth. Abandoned
facilities used for the production of distilled liquor and pot will need
to be addressed in the Economic Advisory Board land use decisions.
Abandoned cars would help Muggles
who are starting their lives over.
See: “Alcohol—Vineyards and Breweries” in a later section.
• (New Military) Publishing, Television and Film
Dowsing helps me to understand alien ownership percentages in the
following industries:
• Big Five Publishers - 100%
• Television Production and Distribution - 100%
• Film Production and Distribution - 100%
Abandoned homes need care inside
and out.
Abandoned properties used by these industries will decay unless the
new military provides maintenance. The Economic Advisory Board
will need to include these facilities in land use decisions.
See: “Publishing, Television and Film—Content” in a later section.
• (New Military) The Folk Medicine Association Antiparasite Herb
The hidden nematode infection is very large on both Earth and the
Home Worlds. The new military will need to assist in mass cultivation
of antiparasite herbs. See: “(Earth and Home Worlds) The Folk
Medicine Association (FMA)” in later pages and “FMA” on photos.
• (Earth) Religions
Dowsing will replace religion.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Weapons
Because there are no wars in God’s world, military weapons
manufacturers will need to be converted to equipment manufacturing that
serves Earth’s large-scale projects implemented by the military. Dowsers
will be needed to match manufacturers with projects.
Acres U.S.A. is North America’s largest
magazine devoted to organic farming.
Founded by Charles Walters in 1970,
Acres U.S.A. also publishes books.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology needs to be abandoned immediately. Dowsing helps me
to understand that nanotechnology is a owned and controlled by aliens.
Before they depart, aliens will need to teach Earth’s scientists how to clean
up nanoparticles.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Government
Government personnel will need to be absorbed by a new military that will
be needed on much-needed civilian projects. A similar transfer will also be
required in all countries.
• (Earth) Government Subsidy
Unemployment and retirement government subsidy will no longer be
needed due to Economic Life Provision.
• (Earth) Abandoned Cars and Other Vehicles
Owners of abandoned cars and other vehicles should do the following:
1. Leave a letter inside a vehicle addressed to the Economic Advisory
Board describing the location of the vehicle and keys.
2. Send a copy of the letter to the local sheriff
3. Send a copy of the letter to:
Mary Jo Fahey
Economic Advisory Board
6203 Bay Club Drive, Apt. #1
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
The vehicles will be given to Muggles who cannot afford a purchase.
The Weston A. Price Foundation’s
Shopping Guide contains names of
brand names products that have safe,
natural ingredients.
• (Earth) Abandoned Residential and Commercial Real Estate
Owners of abandoned real estate should do the following:
1. Leave a letter in the building or, with Muggle staff addressed to the
Economic Advisory Board describing the location of the property
and keys.
2. Send a copy of the letter to the local sheriff
3. Send a copy of the letter to:
Mary Jo Fahey
Economic Advisory Board
6203 Bay Club Drive, Apt. #1
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
Sulfites in conventional wine
destroy B Vitamins.
The real estate will be given to Muggles who cannot afford a purchase.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Insurance
Economic Advisory Board specialists who understand self-insurance can
provide assistance for communities and corporations both domestically and
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Police and Sheriffs
In alien society, police and sheriff departments have been converted
from peace-keeper divisions to law enforcement that is tied to revenue-
production. All hidden bonds associated with law enforcement will
need to be abolished. As Earth and Home World societies continue to
develop a relationship with God (and dowsing), the need for police
and sheriff departments will diminish. Municipal-level managers of
these departments will need to work with a minimum of 12 dowsers for
decision-making related to department conversion to a peace-keeping
function (and gradual phase-out).
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Schools
Schools will need to be re-invented and God’s guidance (through
dowsers) will be needed to make decisions about tuition.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Energy
Dowsing helps me to understand that all of Earth’s energy companies
are owned by aliens with a 40% Muggle staff. Earth’s existing energy
infrastructure will need assistance from the new military until a
conversion to a Hydrogen Economy can be accomplished.
A database project should be launched
on each Home World to recover from
Energy technology needs to be in the public domain. Existing energy
companies need to be converted to a service-oriented Hydrogen
Economy industry supplying petroleum-to-hydrogen engine conversions
and other services.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Clothing, Wholesale and Retail
(including shoes and accessories)
Earth’s clothing industry will be fragile due to Sirian control. Design and
production work for the military will help support this market.
Independent clothing manufacturing in Asia will need to establish
trade with new Muggle retailers who sell clothing and accessories to
consumers. Dowsers will be needed to determine prices.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Human and Animal Health Care
All genetic engineering will be abandoned immediately. Dowsing helps
me to understand that 40% of conventional medical doctors are aliens
and 20% or alternative medical doctors are aliens.
On Earth, and in Home Worlds, conventional medical doctors will need
to re-invent and adopt natural, alternative medical therapies (which will
no longer need to called alternative).
Drug and chemical companies (on Earth and in Home Worlds) that
supply products to the “life industry” for medicine and the food industry,
will need to re-invent to produce safe products with natural ingredients.
Chemists on Earth and in Home Worlds have already borrowed formulas
from nature. Synthetic formulas will need to be abandoned.
Alternative medical practitioners possess knowledge that will be useful to
drug and chemical companies that wish to preserve their businesses.
Alt med doctors will be needed as consultants at existing Sirian-led drug
companies and chemical companies that have 130 (or more) dowsers on
Twenty percent of Earth’s alternative medical doctors are aliens who will
Universal translation technology will
be needed at conferences.
be returning to their Home Worlds. This group will have roles identical
to alternative medical doctors on Earth.
Published books and periodicals written by Muggles will be needed
by Earth and Home World practitioners who will need to become
acquainted with natural therapies. (See: Godsebook.org/antiparasite.
html for my contribution and book recommendations).
• (Earth and Home Worlds) New Agriculture
All genetic engineering will be abandoned immediately. Alternative
farmers will be needed as consultants at new agricultural companies and
new agricultural schools tied to Earth’s universities that have 130 dowsers
on staff.
Twenty percent of Earth’s alternative farmers are aliens who will be
returning to their Home Worlds. This group will have roles identical to
alternative farmers on Earth.
Published books and periodicals written by Muggles will be needed
by Home World farmers who will need to become acquainted with
natural farming methods. (See: Godsebook.org/antiparasite.html for my
contribution and book recommendations).
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Food Processing
Dowsing helps me to understand that 50% of food
processing companies are owned by aliens. To preserve these
companies,ingredients such as dyes, artificial sweeteners, monosodium
glutamate, hydrogenated vegetable oil, bromated vegetable oil,
bromated flour, high-fructose corn syrup, and bleached and processed
salt will need to be abandoned.
Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions cookbook and the Weston A. Price
Foundation Shopping Guide can be used as a reference guide.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Alcohol—Vineyards and Breweries
Dowsing helps me to understand that 20% of Earth’s alcohol is wine
and beer that should only be consumed with meals (bars need to
become restaurants).
Dowsing helps me to understand that 70% of bars and 100% of Earth’s
vineyards are owned by aliens who will be leaving. Abandoned bars
will become part of the Economic Advisory Board’s land use decisions.
Vineyard owners will need to decide if they want to transfer ownership
to Muggles. Vineyards that remain will need to produce sulfite-free
wine (sulfites destroy B Vitamins).
• (Earth and Home Worlds) Publishing, Television and Film—
On Earth and on Home Worlds, publishers and producers will need to
work with dowsers to ask God for a “Yes” or “No” concerning content
that needs to be deleted.
On Earth, the publishing, television and film industries will have a large
Servers and client hardware will need
to be added to the coop houses for this
project approximately one year after the
Bot Rescue (one server per household
and one notebook or workstation per
bot—for those who have not joined the
Restoring Earth’s Nutrient Schools).
In the year prior to the launch of the
database project, bots will need database books for self-study.
The bots will also need how-to books
to learn Excel to begin Web searches
for Muggle records that can be stored
using spreadsheet software.
Bots will need instructions on
computer file handling and backup
measures using external media (flash
challenge due to the numbers of aliens employed in these markets.
Content that has been developed on Earth needs to be reviewed
by dowsers. Alien owners should consider donating franchises to
Earth’s public domain. This would give Muggle writers, producers,
directors, actors and actresses an ability to preserve published work and
entertainment that everyone loves.
Alien owners of creative content who would like to donate their work to
the public domain should do the following:
1. Send a letter concerning your intention to:
Mary Jo Fahey
Economic Advisory Board
6203 Bay Club Drive, Apt. #1
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
When the bots are ready to translate
and re-create PDF files, I wll dowse and
ask if I should send original source files
with a Web utility.
• (Earth and Home Worlds) NASA
NASA and equivalent Home World space agency personnel will need
to be absorbed by a new military that will be needed on much-needed
civilian projects. A similar transfer will also be required in all countries
with a NASA equivalent.
(Earth and Home World) Database Component
This two-year project is designed for 9,880 of the bots rescued in the Bot
Rescue project (the group who have not joined the Restoring Earth’s Nutrient
Schools). This number will need workstations or notebooks (including
computer tables or desks) and a server that can run database software
designed to record contact information and photos of Muggles who will need
to receive details about God’s projects.
Adobe InDesign will need to be used to
re-create documents in every language
using PDF files as guides. For files to
be translated, captions containing file
specifications have been added to the
PDF links (See: Filename here).
Although the bots are capable of self-study to learn database programming,
the Muggle selected for this project is Julio Rosario who has been
programming and managing hardware for more than 40 years. He has a
genius-level IQ and was part of an experiment that introduced programming
to 5th graders at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Like
other Muggles, he has experienced a severe financial decline.
Bots will need to build an international database of Muggles and photos
drawing from Web articles and directories. The presence or absence of Sirian
crossed-arm photo will help bots make guesses about Muggle status. The
dowsers employed at co-operative homes will need to review the records and
add a check mark to a Y/N box (re: Muggle). Example categories of research
Abraham traditions :Christian, Judaism, Islam (40% Muggle)
Alternative medicine (e.g. American College of Advancement in
Medicine, ACAM, International College of Integrative Medicine ICIM,
20% Muggle)
Chiropractors (40% Muggle)
Alternative farming (50% Muggle)
Botanical Vets (20% Muggle)
Yahoo Groups (e.g. Raw Dairy Group, 2,412 members, 70% Muggle)
Attorney involved in pro bono work (70% Muggle)
Nature Center Staff (20% Muggle)
Photos will need to be captured using
the Print Screen function. Adobe
Photoshop can then be used to crop
photos to 290 pixel or 640 pixel widths
and 150 pixel resolution (for printouts).
Images are stored as JPEG files with
the numbers 290 or 640 in the name
for placement identification. I also add
a hairline rule to each photo (.5 pixel).
Captions are created in InDesign.
Naturalists (20% Muggle)
Peace Corps and other international volunteer programs (past and present,
70% Muggle)
Note: A mirror image of this project should be conducted on each Home
World to recover from compartmentalization.
Universal Translation Component
This two-year project is designed for 9,880 of the bots rescued in the Bot
Rescue project (the group who have not joined the Restoring Earth’s Nutrient
Schools). This half of the group will need to learn publishing skills (page
layout and Web page design to produce content in the following project
Web Video tutorial that teaches dowsing
Text Translation of PDF File Content to All Languages
Page Layout Using InDesign and Photoshop to Re-Create English PDFs
Web Design to Announce God’s International Projects
This group will need to read the Peachpit and Photoshop WOW books listed
in the Bot Rescue letter. The documents that will need to be created will be
based on PDF files that I have built (see list below). The HTML for Web
pages can be constructed using HTML on browser HTML source pages for
Godsebook.org pages (hand-coded HTML). WIRED’s Web Monkey site is
also a helpful supplement to the books listed in the Bot Rescue letter (www.
In 1994, at the end of his life, George
E. Meinig, D.D.S. (1915-2008), an
endodontist, published Root Canal
Cover-up Exposed, which resurrected
Dr. Weston A. Price’s 25 years of
research into the dangers of root
In the year prior to the launch of this project, shared co-op workstations
can be used for learning HTML. Beginners who learn HTML can use free
Web hosting available at https://www.x10hosting.com. An e-mail address
at Yahoo or Google will be required for this purpose. This site will also
require a log-on at least once-a-month to keep the free space.
At launch, this project will require translation software to translate copy/
pasted text from my source or PDF files. An intermediate paste into a word
processor will probably be needed. If possible, the easiest approach would
be to send source files using a utility such as MailBigFile.com.
Documents to be translated include:
Godsebook.org pages translated into languages not covered by the
Chrome browser creating single page PDF files in Adobe InDesign.
Muggle to Muggle PDF files
Letters describing God’s projects
Books Fred Walters would like to donate to poor countries
Books Joel Salatin would like to donate to poor countries
Books Sally Fallon would like to donate
Books (God-approved through dowsers) donated from other authors
High-Brix garden PDF
One hundred years ago, medical doctors
used Lugol’s solution (potassium iodide,
iodine and water) fot thytorid related
health problems as well as many other
illnesses. In 2007 the Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA) restricted the availability
of iodine to make Lugol’s. Lugol’s
Solution is one of several natural
remedies that will be made available to
consumers through The Folk Medicine
A Berkeley-based researcher named
Dr. Guy Abraham re-discovered Lugol’s
ten years ago and led an iodine revival
group of doctors who are mostly alien.
Guy died in 2013. Valuable details about
iodine need to be preserved.
Once translation is complete, Web pages announcing God’s projects will
need to be built including links to PDF files. E-mail addresses collected
in the database component of this project will be used to alert Muggle
contacts around the world.
Trautman Farm store in Stoughton,
The store is open Wednesday: 4pm7pm (April-October) and Saturday:
10am-1pm (April-December).
(Earth and Home Worlds) The Folk Medicine Association (FMA)
This project will need to be launched on Earth with a knowledge transfer to
Sirans and representatives from separate Home Worlds as a vehicle for the
solving problems and for the public to learn about natural therapies. Note:
The letters “FMA” on project leader Economic Advisory Board photos
indicates overlapping participation in The Folk Medicine Association with a
separate salary requirement.
Dowsing helps me to understand that Sirians and Sirian-derived races
have a nematode infection due to their association with Earth (the number
I get in response to a question about percent is 50%). Sirian and members
of other Home World races that fit into the following categories will need
the knowledge transfer that occurs at The Folk Medicine Association
• Alternative medical doctors
• Alternative farmers
• Naturopaths
• Authors
Farm stores will fill a gap that exists in
retail whole foods.
Those who are interested can be part of a 15-year knowledge exchange that
includes Muggle and Sirian scientists already mentioned.
At launch, six conferences will be needed that are similar to the preliminary
School Instructor conferences described in the Restoring Earth’s Nutrient
project. Later, two (biannual) conferences will be needed each year. For the
first year, an additional six conferences will need to be joint meetings with
the Economic Advisory Board and 100 members of the new military.
The most pressing problem to discuss at joint conferences is:
A Hidden and Severe Global Nematode Infection
The only viable solution that exists for most of Earth’s population is herbs
that can be used to make antiparasite tea. At the present time, there is not
enough of the herbs on the planet. The board will need to address this
problem and work collaboratively with The Economic Advisory Board and
the new military.
Once solutions for the cultivation and sale of herbs are developed, this
project is organized using the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) as a
model with international chapters created to educate consumers about the
history of natural remedies including.
• Antiparasite herbs
• Lugol’s Solution
• Apple Cider Vinegar
• Acid/Base Food Chemistry
The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) was founded to teach Dr.
Price’s research about nutrition and does not cover his research about
root canals. This missing topic and other topics (listed above) will be
taught by The Folk Medicine Association (FMA).
The Web site for this project will be created by bots who have learned Web
page design.
Economic Advisory Board
This project will be launched with six conferences that are similar to the
School Instructor conferences described in the Restoring Earth’s Nutrient
project followed by two (biannual) conferences each year. For the first
year, an additional six conferences will need to be joint meetings with The
Folk Medicine Association and new military to solve cross-over problems.
Contact Information
The objective will be a return to basics in order to rescue a vast number
of earth’s inhabitants who are struggling with the weight of an economy
created by extraterrestrials. While many alien billionaires are involved
in philanthropic work, most seem to ignore the widening gulf that exists
between the rich and the poor.
Conference participants will require the help of 18 dowsers to work
collaboratively with alternative farmers, The Folk Medicine Association
and the new military to solve Earth’s most pressing problems:
• A Hidden and Severe Global Nematode Infection
• Transfer of abandoned real estate and vehicle titles as well as
related land use
After two years of development, there will be a need to launch a similar
economic advisory board in other countries.
Thyme is one of several herbs that
can be used to kill nematodes that
cause most diseases. Herbs need to be
combined because there are over one
million nematode species.
Cross-Discipline Paid Internships
To facilitate cross-discipline education that will be needed for Advisory
Board members, farmers, Folk Medicine Association members, and new
military, paid internships will be needed for anyone in these groups to
live near and work with another member. An additional $30,000 per year
will be paid to members who identify a discipline that they would like to
explore. The goal of the paid internships will be to establish future paid
internship programs in the population at large.
Photo and caption to come
A database-driven Web site for this project will be created by bots who will
list wholesalers, retailers and landlords interested in working with God.
Farm Direct
Big Ag, the food industry and big box retailers have succeeded in forcing most family farms out of
business. For most of America, the remaining farms are out-of-sight and out-of-mind.
This project is designed for alternative farmers who would like to establish a farm store or sell their
products at farmer’s markets.
While farmer’s markets have expanded, the product selection includes very little (or, in most cases—no)
nutrient-dense food.
The Restoring Earth’s Nutrient project will need a network of farm stores that can help educate
consumers about nutrient-dense food. The bots who receive education from alternative farmers can help
establish these stores around the country and around the world. Scott Trautman’s and Jim Christiansen’s
farm store are excellent models for other farms.
Once established this project will need to grow internationally and include the development of
international trading partners.
Implementation: Muggle Database Component
Julio Rosario will need $60,000 per year to write, install and maintain the Muggle database. He will need
paid air transportation as well as the assistance of a driver and rental vans in cities where there are co-op
houses. Co-op staff who can dowse can provide guidance that he needs.
The additional hardware, software and books have already been covered in this letter.
Implementation: Universal Translation Component
The additional hardware, software and books for this component have already been covered in this letter.
Implementation: The Folk Medicine Association
Photographs with “FMA” indicate membership in the Folk Medicine Association. This group will need
$60,000 (added to $60,000 for work on the Economic Advisory Board). Funding will be needed to pay
for domestic and international conferences including transportation/hotel accommodations for members.
For networking purposes, funding also needs to pay for 12 conference guests drawn from business
associations who are interested in representation on the advisory board Web site.
Creator Patricia Fahey will need $60,000 year. A database-driven Web site for this project will be created by
bots. After two years of development, there will be a need to launch similar Folk Medicine Associations in
other countries.
Implementation: Economic Advisory Board
Funding will be needed to pay for domestic and international conferences including transportation/hotel
accommodations for members.. For networking purposes, funding also needs to pay for 12 conference guests drawn
from business associations who are interested in representation on the advisory board Web site.
Implementation: Farm Direct
Funding will be needed to pay for new farm stores. A database-driven Web site for this project will be created
by bots. After two years of development, there will be a need to launch similar Farm Direct projects in other
Implementation: Project Leaders - Economic Advisory Board & The Folk Medicine Association
The following people will need a salary of $60,000 per year as well as transportation and hotel expenses for
conferences. Due to specialties, a few people are listed in more than one group.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Amazon Inc.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Bridgewater Associates LP
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Irvine Company
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Dell Inc.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Oracle Corporation
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Nike Inc.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Icahn Enterprises L.P
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Koch Industries
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Fidelity Investments
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
News Corporation
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Invites 2000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
New Military
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Paul Glover, 431 W. Walnut Lane
Philadelphia, PA. 19144
Paul is the founder of the Ithaca
Hours, one of the first local currency
systems. He is also the founder of
the Philadelphia Orchard Project,
Citizen Planners of Los Angeles, the
Ithaca Health Alliance, and several
other organizations. He is author of
several books and a former professor
of urban studies at Temple University.
He walked across the United States,
entirely on foot, in 1978. He consults
and speaks on community economic
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Barbara Vedder
WYOU Community TV volunteer
Former Madison, WI City Council
member and Dane County Board
As a city council member and board
supervisor, Barbara has been involved
in several urban development projects
including Madison’s extensive network
of community gardens.
Invites 300 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. John Peck
Executive Director
Family Farm Defenders
John has a B.A. in Economics from
Reed College and a Ph.D. in Land
Resources from UW-Madison.
His graduate research and coveed
community-based management
of common property resources in
Zimbabwe including permaculture.
As Executive Director of Family
Farm Defenders, John has a vast
network of contacts on several
continents. He has been attending
global justice, food sovereignty and
climate change conferences around
the world since 1992.
Steve Huskey
Co-founder, Steven’s Art Shoppe
Kenmore, New York
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Evelyn Huskey
Co-founder, Steven’s Art Shoppe
Kenmore, New York
Evelyn is an artist who opened an art
and frame shop with her son Steve in
the late 70s. She also has an interest in
natural therapies.
Steve is an expert framer who cofounded an art and frame shop in the
late 70s. In addition to frames, his
retail shop sells artwork, prints, mirrors and plaque mounting.
Steve’s retail business has slowed and
he has had to move his business twice
due to steep rent increases.
Invites 2000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Mary Jo Fahey
Mary Jo is a ghost writer who writes
alternative medical doctor’s books
and a founding member of Disclosure
Network New York (DNNY.ORG)..
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Stephanie Rearick
Stephanie is co-owner of Madison,
Wisconsin’s Mother Fool’s Coffeehouse with her husband Jon Hain.
Stephanie worked for Greenpeace from
1989 to 1995 and served as the director
of the Madison office. In 1995,
Stephanie founded Madison Hours
local currency and is currently the
director of Dane County’s Timebank.
In January 2007 Rearick was elected to
serve on the Timebanks USA Board
of Directors. In March 2010 she was
elected Co-Chair of the Board.
Invites 300 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Rhonda Funmaker
Ho Chunk Elder
Bear Clan member Rhonda Funmaker
is a Ho Chunk tribal member, gardener
and cook. Through her business
Native Gardener, Rhonda specializes in organic gardening, natural
cooking and preserving such foods as
corn, squash, beans, berries, buffalo,
and breads. Rhonda is dedicated to
promoting and protecting knowledge
of traditional Ho Chunk ways passed
on to her by earlier generations.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Robert Pierce
(608) 358-5834
Robert is a farmer who teaches organic
farming methods as well as composting.
He is a community leader who has
been the manager of South Madison’s
Farmers Market since 2003.
John T. Bach
Dr. Linda Vigdor, Ph.D.
National Center for
Applications (NCSA)
University of Illinois
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Leslie Bruce
Web developer
Madison, Wisconsin
Leslie is a Web developer and marketer
who specializes in social media. She
is a member of Madison’s Weston A.
Price Foundation chapter.
John moved to Madison from
Dubuque, Iowa in 2007 and joined the
Weston A. Price Foundation chapter
due to his interest in human and animal
nutrition (John’s dog is called “Fred the
Red,” a very active Hungarian Vizla).
Invites 300 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Judy Figi
Former Peace Corps Volunteer
Janesville, WI
Judy (Lamm) Figi was a Peace Corps
Volunteer in Moyamba, and taught at
Harford School for Girls from 1964 to
1966. She now lives with her husband,
Dave Figi, in Janesville, Wisconsin,
U.S.A. Their daughter Alison served in
the Peace Corps Volunteer in Micronesia. She retired from teaching in
2004 and participated in Operation
Classroom in Makeni in 2005, 2006,
2007, 2008 and the FOSL-SFS teacher
training programme in Bo in 2009.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Boyd Haley, Ph.D.
Retired Professor of Chemistry
University of Kentucky
He has investigated the effect of mercury
on tissues and published on similarities
between these and some biochemical
changes reported in nerve cells in
Alzheimer’s disease and autism. Haley
surmises that mercury released from
dental amalgams could be a potential
cause of autism and Alzheimer’s disease.
Haley’s position is that there is a link
between people with dental amalgams
containing a high level of mercury
and the level of mercury in the blood
and urine.
Barbara Marie Elmer
Retail Staff
Natural Health Works
Verona, WI
Natural Health Works Holistic
Natural Health specializing in
Kinesiology. Therapies include herbs,
vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino
acids, and natural foods
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Binyamin Rothstein, D.O.
U.S. 410.844.0032
Israel 058.610.9149
Binyamin practiced osteopathic
medicine in Baltimore, Maryland
until 2005 when the state’s Board of
Physicians revoked his license for
administering chelation therapy and
intravenous vitamins. At that point,
his legal difficulties with the state had
spanned ten years.
Ed Ragosta
Ed grew up in Fort Lee, New Jersey and
has worked as a psychic astrologer and
teacher for more than 20 years. He is also
interested natural therapies, and nutrition.
Rob McClure
Hilltop Community Farm, LLC
S850 Heidrich Rd.
La Valle, WI
Rob is the co-owner of Hilltop
Commnity Farm specializing in
agroforestry, an intensive land-use
management system combining trees
and/or shrubs with crops and/or
livestock. Agroforestry helps farmers
diversify products, markets, and farm
income while emphasizing five key
land use practices: alley cropping;
forest farming; silvopasture; windbreaks and field borders; and riparian
forest and upland buffers.
Rob is also a founding member of
Madison Hours local currency.
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Simon Yu
Alternative medicine
St. Louis, MO
Simon Yu was born in and graduated
from the University of Missouri at
Columbia School of Medicine in 1984.
In 1996, Simon attended an energy
medicine hosted by Dr. Douglas Cook,
D.D.S., that transformed his career and
had a second major career-changing
experience in Bolivia in 2001 on a
mission with the Army Reserves. While
distributing antiparasite medications
to 10,000 Bolivians, Simon noticed
positive changes in patient health that
helped him see a devastating connection
between nematodes and human disease.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Flora Nwalupue
Ronald McDonald House’s (RMHC)
Director of House Operations
Flora manages house operations for
RMHC in Miami and Fort Lauderdale
that provide free living accomodations for families who have a seriously
ill child requiring weeks or months
of treatment. Flora’s projects also
provide groceries and cooked meals
for parents who need to spend most
of their time at local hospitals. There
are currently 322 Ronald McDonald’s
Houses in 52 countries and regions.
Marcia Mandel
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
Dr. Bruce Fife is a naturopathic doctor
and certified nutritionist. He is also the
director of the southern Colorado chapter
of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Marcia was one of the first word
processors to be trained by the City of
New York in the early 1980s. When
the training program ended, she found
word processing work at New York’s
law firms and later moved to Atlanta
to be live near her family.
Invites 300 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD,
Klinghardt Academy (USA)
Warren, New Jersey
Dietrich studied medicine (19691975) and psychology (1975-1979)
in Freiburg, Germany, completing his
PhD on the involvement of the autonomic nervous system in autoimmune
disorders. Several publications
followed. Early in his career, he
became interested in the sequelae
of chronic toxicity (especially lead,
mercury, environmental pollutants and
electromagnetic fields) for the course
of illness.
Marjorie Stave
Marjorie studied architecture and
developed an interest in 3D graphics
becoming a founding member of the
New York Virtual Reality Modeling
Language special interest group in
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Gaston Naessens
CERBE Distribution
Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada
Gaston Naessens is a French biologist
who developed the somatoscope, a
special microscope that he uses to
examine blood at extremely high
magnifications. Gaston also developed
714X, a non-toxic alternative cancer
therapy in the 1960s. Gaston’s
difficulties with the medical establishment prompted author Christopher Bird
to write The Persecution and Trial of
Gaston Naessens published in 1991.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Hal Huggins, D.D.S.
Huggins Applied Healing
Colorado Springs, CO
Hal has discovered step- by-step
solutions for removing mercury from
dental amalgams that have been
thwarted by special interests for
many years. As he wrote in 1993:
As of this writing, in all states
except California, dentists are
threatened with the loss of their
license to practice if they so
much as mention to a patient that
mercury might be hazardous.
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Nick Curto
Nick Curto is co-founder of Disclosure
Network New York (DNNY.ORG).
Douglas Lee Cook, D.D.S.
General and Nutritional Dentistry
Suring, WI
Kathy Konkle
Kathy began her career as an illustrator
in Washington, DC, working as a
technical illustrator for government
contracting firms and later relocated
to New York City where she worked
for Simon and Schuster and Electronic
Publishing Services moving from print
into illustrations and animations for
educational CD-ROMs.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
James Stuart
James Stuart is an industrial chemist in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin whose personal
interest in legal sovereignty have made
him an authority on self-help legal
measures. Jim spends his free time
as a volunteer assisting farmers and
consumers with crushing legal issues.
He has also organized legal self-help
Douglas joined his dentist father in his
dental clinic after graduating from the
Marquette School of Dentistry in
Wisconsin in 1954. Due to his
length of service, he is fortunate to
have known, and taken three seminars from, Dr. Reinhold Voll, M.D.
(1908–1989), who developed Electro
Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV),
on which his work (and Simon Yu’s
work) is now based. Douglas helped
pioneer the use of an electro-medical
procedure that helps dentists and doctors
diagnose pathology in the mouth as well
as the entire body.
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Shay Taylor
Design Consultant
Founder, Fashion Technicians, Inc.
Works with fashion production teams
to determine the appropriate number of
stitches to the inch, depth of armholes,
necklines and other necessary design
changes to create perfect samples. Her
work has taken her to Hong Kong,
China and Korea develop communication and methods to eliminate
production errors. Shay’s clients have
included Bob Mackie, August Silk,
Tommy Hilfiger, Bill Blass, and Oscar
de La Renta.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Bernadette T. Roche, APN, CRNA, EdD
Visiting Assistant Professor, Nursing
Director of Nurse Anesthesia Program
DePaul University, Chicago
(847) 570-1959
Bernadette is a volunteer in several
projects including trips with student
volunteers to an ambulatory surgical
facility on the grounds of the Nuestros
Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) Honduras
home for orphans 23 miles outside the
city of Tegucigalpa. The surgery center
provides free surgeries that would be
commonplace in the United States.
To have a procedure performed at any
normal hospital in the country, patients
have to purchase their own supplies,
down to sutures and bandages.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Martha Reilly, Optometrist
Martha obtained her doctorate in
Chicago and has been working as an
optometrist in South Central Wisconsin
for the past 20 years. In recent years,
Martha has noticed Dirofilaria immitis
and Dirofilaria repens during eye exams
that relate to warnings from scientists in
Europe (and a few in the U.S.):
Humans are vulnerable
to heartworm.
She is co-chapter leader of Madison’s
Weston A. Price Foundation chapter.
Jon Hain
Andrew Hall Cutler, Ph. D., P. E.
Minerva Laboratories
Andrew Hall Cutler, Ph.D., is a chemist
with a degree from Princeton. When
his amalgam fillings gave him mercury
poisoning and no one else could help,
he recovered himself using the
chelation protocol he developed. His
self-published books Amalgam Illness
Diagnosis and Treatment and Hair
Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden
Toxicities have helped those who
could not afford chelation treatments.
Scott Bodley
Scott is a former chef who, due to
identity theft, developed an interest in
legal sovereignty and self-help legal
measures. Similar to James Stuart, Scott
has spent his free time as a volunteer
assisting farmers and consumers with
crushing legal issues. He has also
organized legal self-help seminars.
Uvulittle Records was started by
Mother Fool’s owners Jon Hain and
Stephanie Rearick in 1996 as a means
to release a live album featuring
various artists that played at Mother
Fool’s Coffeehouse. Located in
Madison, Wisconsin, they had run the
coffeehouse for a little over a year and
felt that a live CD would be a boost
for the business.
Peter Barry Chowka
Political Journalist
Holly Applegate
Owner, Jean’s Greens Herbal Tea
Works & Herbal Essentials
Schodack, NY
Rae Rediske
co-owner, Water House Foods
Lake Mills, WI
Peter has been writing about the politics
of alternative medicine for mroe than
30 years. He has watched the number
of doctors decline from 150,000 in the
1970s to approximately 2,000 today.
In 2004, Holly Applegate purchased
her company, best known for offering
hundreds of bulk dried herbs and teas,
from its founder, Jean Argus, who continued to work in a supportive role until
she died in 2008. Applegate strives to
uphold Argus’ legacy by maintaining a
high level of quality and service, as well
as continuing to sell many of Argus’
original tea blends.
Rae is the brains behind water house
foods. She’s part business manager,
part confectionist , part chef, part
researcher, part student, part teacher,
part mentor, and part event coordinator and provider of good ideas for
the bakery. She makes sure that the
administrative side of the business
runs harmoniously. Marketing, new
business, partnerships, possibilities –
that’s Rae.
Debra J. Morton
Owner, Driftless Depot
Spring Green, WI
Debra is the owner of a coffee shop
and natural foods store in a small
village in Wisconsin called Spring
Green that has a population of 1,628.
Spring Green has a connection to
architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Wright was born in nearby Richland
Center, Wisconsin, studied in Madison,
Wisconsin, and spent summers and
near Spring Green with his mother’s
family, the Lloyd-Joneses of Wyoming
Valley. Wright’s studio, built in 1911,
and called Taliesin, is located 2.5 miles
south of Spring Green.
Julio Rosario
Bahia Marina Condo Hotel
Programmer/ Computer Networking
Richard Dolan
Dolan Farms
4576 Hwy 23 N
Dodgeville, Wisconsin 53533
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Mark A. Sherfey, M.D.
Monterey, TN
Dr. Mark Sherfey graduated from
the University of Kentucky in l980,
with a B.S. degree in pre-med and an
emphasis in chemistry. He obtained his
undergraduate medical education from
the University of Kentucky’s School of
Medicine and Ross University’s School
of Medicine. His practice has included
hospitalized patients, emergency
room medicine practice and treating
patients in an office setting. He has
also assisted families with home birth
deliveries and was an intern at Case De
Nacimiento Birth Center. Since the inception of Dr. Sherfey’s studies he has
been interested in nutritional medicine.
In l982, his education included an
externship with Lester Rose, M.D., in
a nutritional-oriented practice in San
Jose, California.
Pastor Chris Ward
Chris was born in Agana, Guam
and grew up in Michigan attending
Catholic school. After working as
an altar boy for 8 years, Chris attended the Holy Ghost Seminary and
earned degrees from San Diego State
University and Golde State School of
Theology. He is presently the senior
pastor of Logos Christian Fellowship
in Leesburg, Florida.
He has been a missionary to Guatemala,
Mexico, Tonga, and Haiti.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic
physician from Ohio who the author
of Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource
Guide for All Ages. She has undertaken
many advanced courses in alternative
medicine, including acupuncture and
complex homeopathy.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Ron Schmid, ND
Ron is a naturopathic physician and
book author who is on the Honorary
Board of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and he’s written for the Foundation’s journal, Wise Traditions. In his
books, he discusses the work of nutrional
pioneers Weston Price, Francis Pottenger, Max Gerson, Henry Beiler, Sir
Robert McCarrison, Max Warmbrand.
Jeff Krouk
Owner, J.Crow Company
New Ipswich, NH
603- 878-1965
Jeff is a retailer who sells herbs, spices,
essential oils, fragrances, Tibetan
Incense, books and Lugol’s solution.
Jeff has single-handedly preserved the
work of an important alternative medical
doctor named DeForest Jarvis, M.D. who
used Lugol’s solution in his practice in
the 1960s.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Eric Johnson
W7977 Sunset Road
Argyle, WI 53504
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Patty Reedy
Rainbow Fleece Farm
W7181 Hustad Valley Road
New Glarus, Wisconsin
Richard de Wilde
Wire Hollow Road
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 483-2132
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.
Tahoma Clinic
Renton, Washington
206 812-9988
Jonathan Wright is the founder and
medical director of Tahoma Clinic in
Renton, Washington, where he also
practices medicine, except for when he
was suspended for 90 days beginning
June 16, 2013. Wright has written
or co-authored eleven books, selling
over 1.1 million copies, with two texts
achieving best-selling status. In 2001,
Wright received the Linus Pauling
Award from the Society for Orthomolecular Health-Medicine (OHM).[
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
John Kessenich
Owner, The Grainery
Whole Foods and Supplements
Baraboo, WI
John purchased his retail store from
a man who had developed the business for 30 years. His shop is located
in central Wisconsin in a town that
had a population of 12,048 at the
2010 Census. As John will explain,
today’s obstacles to small business are
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Patricia Fahey
Creator, The Folk
Medicine Association
Patricia is a medical writer who worked
on The Metabolic Typing Diet
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Jim Schilder
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dr. William G. Winter, DVM
3116 Holmes Ave So
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Cell Number: 612-756-1232
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Alsiter Bredee
Koh Samui, Thailand
077 447 712 or 08 4781 4718
Alister has been working as a health
care professional for almost 30
years. His book, Full Circle, Dancing the Meridians: How the Meridian
Therapies Can Banish Problems in
Mere Minutes! explains a meridian
technique he developed called Ambit.
Janet C. Koltick
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Doug Knueven, DVM
Beaver Animal Clinic
357 State Ave
Beaver, PA 15009
(724) 774-8047
Janet is a former New York-based fine
arts photographer who had to leave
NYC due to financial manipulation
after 9/11.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Rosanne Lindsay, B.C.N.D., M.A.
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Zoe Mandel
Atlanta, Georgia
Interned for the
U.S. House of Representatives
during her senior year at
The University of Georgia.
Rosanne comes to holistic medicine
based on her own healing journey
after being diagnosed with “profound
hypothyroidism,” an acute and severe
form of hypothyroidism. After dietary
changes, herbal supplements, minerals, glandulars, energy medicine, and
acupuncture, she was able to reverse
her condition in less than a year.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Ellen Fahey
Former book sales representative
Ingram Content Group
Ellen is a former employee of Ingram
Content Group (book distribution) who
has been unemployed for several years.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Mark Worthington
Graphic Designer
Mark had to abandon his graphic
design business in New York City due
to financial manipulation.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Christina Sun
c/o Raymond Meier
158 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 300 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Michael B. Schachter, M.D.
Psychiatrist, Orthomolecular Nutrition
Graphic Designer
Schachter Center for
Complementary Medicine
Suffern, NY 10901
Michael is a 1965 graduate of Columbia
College of Physicians & Surgeons.
He is board certified in Psychiatry,
a Certified Nutrition Specialist, and
has obtained proficiency in Chelation
Therapy from the American College for
Advancement in Medicine (ACAM). He
is also a former president of ACAM.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.
New York, N.Y.
Nicholas is a New York-based physician
who has received significant attention for
a pancreatic enzyme therapy orginally
developed by Dr. William Donald Kelley,
D.D.S. He has been characterized as a
quack and fraud by other doctors and
health fraud by watchdog groups. In
1994, he was reprimanded and placed on
two years’ probation by the New York
state medical board for “departing from
accepted practice.”
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Roger Manco
Former Art Studio Manager
New York, NY
Roger was forced out of his lifelong
career due to financial manipulation.
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Larry Rosenthal
Tom Hobbick
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Scott Trautman
Trautman Farm, 2049 Skaalen Road
Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589
(608) 205-9798
Louis Yu
Medical Student
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Louis Yu is the son of Dr. Simon Yu
who has recently started medical school.
Invites 500 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dee A. Lusby
Arizona Rangeland Honey
HC 65 Box 7450
12295 West Arivaca Road
Amado, Arizona 85645
Jim Christiansen
Christensen Dairy Farm
W2290 State Road 106
Jefferson, Wisconsin 53549
Bruce Jackson
Former Lockheed Skunk Works test
pilot and aeronautical engineer
David Mathias Heuss
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Jacob Yomtobian
Linguist and Retail Manager
Jeanette Rohrpasser
Owner, The Rose Gallery
Lake Mills, Wisconsin
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Stephanie Buist, ND HC
Naturopathic doctor
Stephanie became a naturopath after
learning how to cure her thyroid illness
with iodine.
Dr. Jeffrey Dach M.D.
Alternative Medicine
Davie, Florida
Karina Dach
Davie, Florida
Sharon Rounds
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Rescued Bot
Sharon is a nutrient-dense gardener.
Tom Giles
Madison, WI
Invites 500 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Ginette Labonte
Emigrant from Haiti
Invites 500 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Suzette Labonte
Emigrant from Haiti
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Vernon Hershberger
Dairy Farmer
Loganville, WI
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Joshua Stuewer
Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative
Madison, Wisconsin
Dr. Charles Turner, M.D.
Altenative Medicine
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Herb Horky
Fran Walsh
Shannon Walsh
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Sandy Torkildson
Co-founder, A Room of One’s Own
Madison, WI
608- 257-7888
Nancy Geary
Co-founder, A Room of One’s Own
Madison, WI
608- 257-7888
Nanci Gavin
Mary Pohlman
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Jeanne Erickson
Social Justice Center
Madison, WI
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Charles J. Moore
Agalita Marine Research
Long Beach, CA
Invites 2000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
David Kosak
Conferences and Projects
Each project will need a minimum
of 150 dowsers. If schedules permit,
dowsers can work on multiple projects.
Tim Williams
Midwestern Bio-Ag
Blue Mounds, WI
(608) 437-4994
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Kate Maynor
Chief Paper Conservator
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Billy Best
The Billy Best Story
Sue Best
Linda Conti
Co-author, The Billy Best Story
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
United Nations Representative
Muggle Replacement
(includes U.N.Member States and
All Dependencies)
Invites 2000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
New Military
U.N. Member States and All
In dependencies where there is
no existing military, new service
organizations will need to be formed.
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
International Companies
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Alternative Farmers
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Alternative Medical Doctors
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Dr. Walter D. Sturm
Occidental Institute
Research Foundation (OIRF)
Penticton, B.C V2A 8Z3
Fritz-Albert Popp
Kaiserslautern University
of Technology
+49 631 2050
J.B. Lester
Publisher and Editor
The Healthy Planet
St. Louis, MO
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentatives
Greg Tylka
Professor and Researcher
Department of Plant Pathology Iowa
State University
Invites 50 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Brian Mandell, MD, Ph.D.
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentatives
Invites 1000 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentatives
(Earth and Home Worlds) Economic Advisory Board (and Beyond) Pygmalion Project (150 Dowsers)
Dowsing helps me to understand that alien societies have been using biological and human-like bots as slaves
for a long time. In alien societies, all industries use slaves. Human-like bots have displaced biological slaves
because they do not need to be paid. On Earth, this practice has reached 30%. For Muggles, this displacement
has caused extreme hardship..
There is no slavery in God’s world. Both groups of alien slaves (biological and human-like bot) need assistance
to raise the quality of the personal lives. On Earth, Muggles who have been turned into economic slaves will
also need assistance. This project needs to begin immediately because members of these groups need to be
included in Economic Advisory Board conferences.
Dowsing indicates that 90% of the Muggles who will participate in God’s projects have no funds to purchase
appropriate clothing to attend conferences. There is also a group within a group that do not have access to stores
to purchase suitable clothing.
This project is divided into the following components:
(Earth and Home Worlds) Clothing, Conference Requirements, Travel
Accessories and Personal Effects
(Earth and Home Worlds) Clothing, Paid Internship Requirements
(Earth and Home Worlds) Social Skills, Beginner
(Earth and Home Worlds) Social Skills, Intermediate
(Earth and Home Worlds) Social Skills, Advanced
(Earth and Home Worlds) Education
Implementation: Clothing, Travel Accessories and Personal Effects
Dowsing helps me to understand that Economic Advisory Board conferences will
be held in warm locations. Funding will be needed to provide ALL Economic
Board Advisory members with light weight clothing (coordinated separates) to
wear for a three-day conference. For the first two years, members will be asked to
wear this clothing to bridge the divide that exists in education and social class.
Actress Audrey Hepburn as Eliza
Doolittle in the 1964 film My Fair
Lady based on George Bernard Shaw’s
Pygmalion. Eliza a Cockney flower girl
who takes speech lessons from professor
Henry Higgins, a phoneticist, so that she
may pass as a well-born lady.
Implementation: Clothing, Paid Internship Requirements
Funding will be needed to provide 90% of Economic Board Advisory members
who choose paid internships in colder climates—with heavy weight coordinated
separates and outerwear—for a one-week stay.
Implementation: Social Skills, Beginner
Funding will be needed to provide those who have been living in extreme
poverty—with accelerated beginner-level training adequate for participation in
Economic Advisory Board conferences.
Implementation: Social Skills, Intermediate
Funding will be needed to provide Economic Advisory Board conference
participants who are interested in intermediate-level social skills training.
Implementation: Social Skills, Advanced
Funding will be needed to provide Economic Advisory Board conference
participants who are interested in advanced-level social skills training.
Audrey Hepburn as the transformed
Eliza Doolittle.
Implementation: Project Leaders, Economic Advisory Board (and Beyond) Pygmalion Project
The following people will need a salary of $60,000 per year as well as transportation and hotel expenses for
conferences. Due to specialties, a few people are listed in more than one group.
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 100 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Shay Taylor, Design Consultant
Flora Nwalupue
Ronald McDonald House’s (RMHC)
Director of House Operations
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Zoe Mandel
Atlanta, Georgia
Interned for the
U.S. House of Representatives
during her senior year at
The University of Georgia.
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Clothing Manuufacturer
Muggle Respresentative
Clothing Manuufacturer
Muggle Respresentative
Clothing Manuufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Clothing Manuufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Clothing Manuufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Clothing Manuufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Clothing Manufacturer
Muggle Representative
Clothing Manufacturer
Muggle Representative
Clothing Manufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Representative
Clothing Manufacturer
Muggle Representative
Clothing Manufacturer
Muggle Representative
Clothing Manufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Shoe or Accessories Manuufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Shoe or Accessories Manuufacturer
Invites 200 Paid (New)
Members to join the EAB
Muggle Respresentative
Shoe or Accessories Manuufacturer
(Earth and Home Worlds) Conference Planning
Funding will be needed to hire conference planners for:
Conferences, Restoring Earth’s Nutrients Project
Conferences, Economic Advisory Board
Conferences, The Folk Medicine Association
2 Months Out
• Set the date for a Friday to Sunday event
• Secure a location and buses to transport guests who fly
• Assess parking needs for guests (70%)
• Make arrangements for pre-paid rental cars
• Send mostly electronic invitations (some phone) and ask for an R.S.V.P.
1 Month Out
• Send pre-paid gas cards for members who drive ($100)
• Create a log to track RSVP’s (ensure anyone who could take a call from an
attendee knows how to use the log and has the information necessary for
the event to answer questions)
• Assess any special needs of attendees/events might have
• Book pre-paid hotel rooms
• Select caterer and menus for banquet-style meals
• Reserve photographer, audio-visual equipment
• Develop a program for event (how things will run, or a timetable)
• Anticipate any venue issues: Parking, lighting, signage, seating etc.
• Confirm speakers, ask for outline of talk or presentation
2 Weeks Out
• Finalize menu with caterer (should start to have a tentative headcount)
• Prepare attendee nametags, table assignments, etc. as RSVPs come in
• Help arrange any special travel needs (transportation, lodging)
• Have programs and handouts printed
• Follow up with any invitees that have not responded
• Set up a briefing meeting with Mary Jo Fahey
• Develop a photo shoot list to give to photographer
• Prepare guest packets
• Confirm head count with caterer
Week of Event
• Arrange for the delivery of conference guest clothing and personal effects
(to be placed in rooms).
Day of Event
• Delegate and ensure that “day-off” assignments are being carried out
• Walk through site before any guest arrive
• Check AV connections
Reminder: All project, including conference planning, will require the assistance
of 130 dowsers
A network of medium-to-large
conference spaces should have
audio-visual connection to conference
speakers. WiFi should also be available.
Conference guests will seat themselves in rooms with tables. Rooms
with international guests will need
translation equipment.
One dowser needs to be seated at each
table for questions and answers.
Meals should be provided buffet-style
in this type of room.
Although the conference should
include meals, the site selected should
have a coffee shop for guests who
want to eat separately.
Additional theater-style seating will
be needed for separate sessions
for demonstrations or review of
conference materials.
(Earth and Home Worlds) Answers to Recent Questions
Answers to my recent questions will help provide an understanding of what
is about to occur. The numbers obtained through dowsing may change when
recipients receive this information. Topics include:
Relocation of Alien Prisoners
Ninety percent of all prisoners in Earth’s prisons are aliens who will need to be
relocated to Sirius and the Home Worlds. Funding and assistance from the new
military will be needed to scale the remaining prison systems to accommodate
Muggle prisoners and to maintain facilities to prevent decay until the buildings
and properties are part of decisions made by the Economic Advisory Board.
Relocation of Alien Patients in Psychiatric Hospitals
Eighty percent of all patients in Earth’s psychiatric hospitals are aliens who will
need to be relocated to Sirius and the Home Worlds. Funding and assistance from
the new military will be needed to scale the remaining hospitals to accommodate
Muggle prisoners and to maintain facilities to prevent decay until the buildings
and properties are part of decisions made by the Economic Advisory Board.
Muggle Replacement Hires
In Sirian-led companies large and small, 50% of Sirian CEOs will respond and
find replacements within a week of receiving this letter. The remaining 50%
will not respond in time. Those who are slow to respond will leave abandoned
businesses. The new military will have skilled personnel to help keep 70% of
these businesses open. The remaining 30% will leave empty facilities that the
new military can manage to prevent decay. Empty buildings will eventually
become part of the Economic Advisory Board land use decisions.
Muggle Re-Location
Muggle staff at businesses that are completely abandoned will be absorbed by
new projects run and managed by the new military.
Human, plant and animal genetic
engineering companies and academic
deparments at universities will be
Due to the chemical composition of
distilled liquor and the effect on the
body, all distilled liquor companies
will close.
Industries to be Closed
On Earth, industries that God wants closed employ a small percentage of
Muggles. These industries include genetics and distilled liquor. All other
industries can be converted to non-synthetic materials and formulas. The
new military will need to destroy raw materials and liquor at these facilities.
Property used by genetics and distilled liquor companies will be managed by
the new military to prevent decay.
1. All projects will require the help of dowsers for God’s approval in step-bystep decision making.
2. Alien biological slaves and human-like bots will have a non-slave status.
Projects similar to the Economic Advisory Board (and Beyond) Pygmalion
Project will need to be designed at Home Worlds to bridge the divide that
exists in education and social class
Muggle Re-Location
Muggle staff at businesses that are completely abandoned will be able to take
positions presently occupied by alien biological slaves who are leaving (10%
of Earth’s population), or be absorbed by new projects run and managed by
the new military.
Muggle Luxury Cars, Products, Resorts and Other Businesses
Dowsing helps me to understand that most aliens live in the United States.
Muggles who can afford luxury products and services comprise 40% of the
population. Businesses that manufacture luxury products will shrink. Muggle
staff in the businesses that shrink or close will be able to take positions
Luxury product manufacturers employ
mostly aliens who will be leaving.
Companies that want to preserve an
Earth presence will need to replace
alien managers and scale to accomodate the affluent Muggle market.
presently occupied by alien biological slaves who are leaving (10% of Earth’s
population), or be absorbed by new projects run and managed by the new
military. Overall, Earth will not see an economic collapse.
Manufacturing Staff Abroad
Dowsing helps me to understand that almost 100% of manufacturing staff
around the world are human-like bots who do not need to be paid. This skilled
labor force will be leaving. Job vacancies will need to be filled by Muggles in
countries where there are manufacturing plants.
Buckingham Palace, 2007
Additional Abandoned Bots, America and Abroad
Dowsing helps me to understand that hive mind can be used to identify the
locations of abandoned bots. Letter #2 in this series describes a Bot Rescue
project for 20,000 bots that have been abandoned in the United States.
Funding will be needed for similar rescue projects in United States and abroad
if additional bots are left behind. God wants all human-like bots to be rescued
and trained for future projects on Earth and Home Worlds.
Earth’s Royal Families
Dowsing helps me to understand that Earth’s royal families are aliens who
will be leaving. They will need to make arrangements for Muggle staff to take
over as building/grounds managers of empty palaces and mansions so they do
not decay. Funding will be needed for 50 years (two generations).Although
Economic Advisory Boards will develop in countries that have royal families,
these buildings will not become part of land use decisions until Muggle
populations can adjust emotionally to what has occurred.
The United Nations’ list of nation
countries (and dependences) provides
a reference list for mirror-image projects that are needed around the world.
United Nations
Dowsing helps me to understand that all 193 United Nations representatives
are aliens. Muggle replacements will needed for these positions as well as the
54 countries and dependencies—who will join the Economic Advisory Board.
Sirian/Muggle International Scientist Collaboration
Important Earth projects include:
• (United States and Asia) Factory Farms (Very High Priority)
The animals raised at factory farms (chickens, cattle and pigs) are unhealthy.
God does not want them destroyed. Dowsing helps me to understand that
factory farms exist in United States and Asia. Alternative farmers will need to
work with new military. The Economic Advisory Board’s land use decisions
will be needed to move animals to parcels with pastures. Only 30% of the
available pasture will have necessary barns needed to protect animals in cold
weather. Funding and assistance from the following groups will be needed to
construct these facilities (and cultivate land with pastured grass):
- Muggle/Sirian Alternative Farmers as Consultants
- Tractor manufacturers (grasses need to be cultivated before
constructions begins)
- Muggle Architects
- Muggle Construction Managers and Skilled Labor
- New Military as Technical Consultants
- Rescued bots (2,000) will be needed to build barns and homes for
- Publishers of Joel Salatin’s books (copies will be needed)
Funding will be needed for healthy sillage (food stores in silos) until
pastured grasses can be cultivated. Dowsing helps me to understand that
it will take 6 months for the animals to be restored to a healthy state. Eggs
from laying hens will be low-quality until the hens are restored on pasture.
Barn-raising will need to be Step #2
on new property where factory farms
animals are relocated.
During a temporary rescue at the
existing factory farms (to provide
food), a coordinated plan needs to
be developed to begin cultivation of
grasses and construction of barn facilities for an animal transfer.
• (United States and Asia) Abandoned Domestic Pets (Very High Priority)
Dowsing helps me to understand that 10,000 domestic pets (mostly cats
and dogs, but also birds and reptiles) will be abandoned by aliens who are
leaving. Of those who can provide rescue assistance:
- Veterinarians (70% Muggle)
- Botanical Vets (20% Muggle due to patenting of formulas)
- Students in Vet Schools (100% Alien)
- Pet Adoption Groups (100% Muggle)
- No-Kill Humane Societies (50% Muggle)
Muggle veterinarians will need to train veterinary nurse-practitioners
to care for rescued animals (and beyond). There are so few Muggle
veterinarians left, this group will need to fill a gap for 20 years. The nurse
practitioners will need immediate funding and Economic Advisory Board
land use decisions to set up rescue facilities that will become future clinics.
Pet rescue facilities will be needed
immediately to house and care for
10,000 abandoned pets. These facilities need to be built on abandoned
school campuses with dormatories,
cafeterias and classrooms for veterinary nurse-practitioner insruction.
•(International) Electricity and Natural Gas (Very High Priority)
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of power companies are
managed by aliens and 100% of the skilled labor in these plants are
Muggles. Muggle manager replacements will be needed immediately.
Funding and assistance from the new military will also be needed.
Dowsing helps me to understand that it will take 4 years to convert to a
hydrogen economy.
•(International) Television Networks (Very High Priority)
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of television networks
are managed by aliens and 30% of the skilled labor in these plants are
Muggles. Muggle manager replacements and skilled labor will be needed
immediately. This project is critical because television will be needed to
communicate public service messages. Additional staff needed to produce
necessary public service message messages include:
Television studios will be needed to
create and produce public service
- Producers
- Directors
- Writers
Funding and assistance from the new military will also be needed.
•(International) Expansion, Bot Rescue Project (Earth’s Work Force, Very High Priority)
Dowsing helps me to understand that most of Earth’s large manufacturing and service companies are owned by aliens
and that a majority of the staff at these firms are bots who will be staying on Earth (see: industry list below, unless
otherwise noted, 100% of the staff in these industries are bots).
Funding and assistance from the new military will be needed to keep these companies open.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All bots used in industry and municipal/private service will need to be included in the
bot rescue project. Letter #2 in this series covers bot rescue. This project will need to expand to accommodate
bots who work in manufacturing and service industries. This will be the Economic Advisory Board’s largest
project that will take 30 years to complete. God requires similar projects on Sirius and other Home Worlds.
Industries Using Bot Labor Include:
Garbage Disposal, Snow Removal, Farming, Package Delivery, Construction, Assembly-line Manufacturing,
Food Service, Hotel Staff, Lumberjacks, Oil and Natural Gar Rig Workers, Miners, Water and Sewer Workers,
Electrical Workers (90%), Meat Packers, Slaughtering House Workers, Food Processing Workers, Large-Scale
Dairy Workers, Frozen Food Industry Workers, Canned Food Workers, Grainery Workers, Large-Scale Bakery
Workers, Sugar and Confectionery Workers, Fats and Oil Industry Workers, Beverage Industry Workers,
Tobacco Industry Workers, Textile and Knitting Mill Workers, Apparel Industry Workers, Sawmill Workers,
Mobile Home Fabrication Workers, Furniture Manufacturing Workers, Paper Mill Workers, Paper Products
Manufacturing Workers, Plastics Manufacturing Workers, Newspaper,
Magazine, and Book Manufacturing Workers, Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Workers, Adhesive and Sealant Manufacturing Workers,
Petroleum Refining Workers, Tire and Rubber Products Manufacturing
Workers, Leather Products Manufacturing, Footwear Manufacturing
Workers (40%), Glass Manufacturing Workers, Cement and Concrete
Manufacturing Workers, Clay and Pottery Manufacturing Workers (60%),
Cut Stone Manufacturing Workers, Abrasive Manufacturing Workers, Iron
and Steel Manufacturing and Foundry Workers, Metal Cans and Containers
Manufacturing Workers, Cutlery and Hardware Manufacturing Workers
(90%), Electrical, Air and Plumbing Equipment Manufacturing Workers,
Sheet Metal Manufacturing Workers, Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets and
Washers Manufacturing Workers, Engines and Turbines Manufacturing
Workers, Farm Equipment Manufacturing, Lawn and Garden Equipment
Manufacturing Workers, Construction Handling Equipment Manufacturing
Workers, Mining, Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturing Equipment
Workers, Industrial Trucks and Equipment Manufacturing Workers, Air
The rescue of human-like bots will be
Purifying and Blowers Manufacturing Equipment Workers, Refrigeration
Earth’s largest project. This will be an
Equipment Manufacturing Workers, Air Conditioning and Warm-Air
even larger project on Sirius and other
Heating Equipment Manufacturing Workers, Power Distribution and
Home Worlds.
Transformers Manufacturing Workers, Household Appliance Manufacturing
Workers, Electric Housewares and Fans Manufacturing Workers, Audio
and Visual Equipment Manufacturing Workers, Records and Recording
Equipment Manufacturing Workers, Telephone Equipment Manufacturing
Workers, Radio and TV Broadcasting and Communications Equipment
Manufacturing Workers, Electronic Component Manufacturing Workers, Magnetic and Optical Recording
Media Manufacturing Workers, Computers and Office Equipment Manufacturing Workers (50%), Cars,
Motorcycles, Trucks, Trains, Planes and Boats Manufacturing Workers, Space Equipment Manufacturing
Workers, Laboratory Equipment Manufacturing Workers, Optical Instruments and Lenses Manufacturing
Workers, Surgical, Medical, Prosthetic, and Dental Supplies/Equipment Manufacturing Workers, Photography
Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing Workers, Watches and Clocks Manufacturing and Equipment Workers,
Musical Instruments Manufacturing Workers, Games and Sporting Goods Manufacturing Workers, Pens,
Pencils and Artists Supplies Manufacturing Workers, Local and Suburban Trains Manufacturing Workers,
Public Warehousing and Commercial Workers, Terminal Maintenance for Motor Freight Transportation
Workers (30%),Water Transportation Workers, Air Transportation and Terminal Services Workers, Hazardous
Waste Management Workers, Wholesale Motor Vehicles and Parts Manufacturing Workers, Wholesale Lumber
and Parts Construction Materials Manufacturing Workers, Wholesale, Computers and Peripherals (50%),
Wholesale, Medical Dental and Hospital Supplies (50%), Wholesale, Metals, Minerals and Petroleum (50%),
Wholesale, Electrical Equipment and Wiring Supplies (50%), Wholesale, Electronic Appliances, Television,
Radio (50%), Wholesale, Plumbing, Heating Hardware Equipment and Supplies (50%), Wholesale, Hardware,
Wholesale, Construction and Mining Equipment (50%), Wholesale, Misc Durable Goods (50%), Wholesale,
Watches, Wholesale, Drugs and Sundries, Wholesale, Apparel, Piece Goods an Notions, Wholesale, Groceries,
Wholesale, Farm Product Raw Materials, Wholesale, Chemicals and Allied Products, Wholesale, Petroleum,
Bulk. Wholesale, Beer and Wine, Wholesale, Retail Lumber and Other Materials, Back Office Positions in
Banking, Insurance, Securities and Real Estate, Large Nonresidential Building, Apartment Building and Hotel
Operators, Personal Service (Maids, Butlers, etc.), Consumer Credit Services, Direct Mail Services, Computer
Programming, Computer Processing, Security and Armored Car Services (90%), Auto Repair Services (80%),
Auto Rental Services (20%), Motion Picture and Video Tape Production Services, Motion Picture and Video
Tape Distribution Services, Motion Picture Theaters (20%), Video Tape Rental Service (90%), Amusement
Parks, Race Tracks and Sports Facilities Workers, Nursing and Personal Care Facilities (20%), Hospital, NonNursing Staff Workers, Medical Laboratories (50%), Home Health Care Service Workers (50%), Child Care
Services, Engineering Services (50%), Testing Laboratory Services,
•(International) Water Remediation for Restoring Saline and Fresh
Water Habitats (High Priority)
Marine and fresh water species on Sirius, Home Worlds and Earth are
suffering due to extreme pollution. Sirian, Home Worlds and Muggle
scientists will need to work together to find solutions. Funding and
assistance from the new military. Two thousand rescued bots will also be
needed on this project.
•(International) Biological Dentists
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of conventional dentists are
alien and 80% of biological dentists are alien. There are no Muggle dental
students (dental schools will need to start over).
Marine and fresh water wildlife have
suffered from the consquences of
fresh and salt water pollution.
Muggle biological dentists will need funding to train dental nursepractitioners to provide emergency dental care (and beyond). There are so
few Muggle dentists left, this group will need to fill a gap for 20 years.
•(International) Food Processing
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of food processors are owned
by aliens. Fifty percent of these businesses will be abandoned. Funding and
new military assistance will be needed to keep these companies open (Note:
Muggle farmers have been deliberately excluded from food processing
•(International) Prosthetic and Sensory Devices for Impaired Muggles
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of technology companies
that manufacture prosthetics and sensory devices are owned by aliens.
A technology transfer will be needed to educate Muggle scientists. Nongenetic engineering solutions will be the focus of this project that will require
•(International) Synthetic vs. Natural
Dowsing helps me to understand that 40% of Sirian consumer products and
materials are synthetic. On Earth, less than 10% are synthetic. Synthetic
materials are suited for building and construction, but not personal products
or food. Dowsing will provide guidance for selection of safe building
materials. Muggle scientists have more background and practice with
natural materials. Sally Fallon is desperately needed on Sirius.
One hundred percent of tecnology
companies that manufacture prosthetics
and sensory devices are owned by
aliens. A technology transfer to Muggle
scientists will be needed.
•(International) Compostable, Resin-Derived Plastic
Nanoparticle-derived materials are used in 90% of Sirian synthetic material and 70% of materials used by
Sirian-derived races. Plastic on Earth are mostly petroleum-derived. Sirian and Muggle chemists will need
to work together to find natural (non-polluted organic), compostable resin-based alternatives. Compost is
used to make soil.
IMPORTANT NOTE: “Sirian” includes Sirian-derived races throughout this letter.
•(International) Water Purification
Chlorination is an unhealthy form of water purification. The Halogens (including fluoride and bromine)
are antagonistic to iodine (when consumed, they take places on important iodine receptors in the body).
Europe’s ozonation is better than chlorination, but still unhealthily (ozone is trioxygen that can produce
negatively charged hydroxide ions that neutralize hydrogen ions needed for metabolism).
•(International) Recycling
New and efficient methods need to be developed for recycling of organic waste (commercial composting),
plastic (until resin-based plastic are developed) and landfills.
•(International) Hemp cultivation
The plant is mature in 90 days and the fiber is very strong. There are strains
that exist that do not contain THC.
• (International) Heritage Breeds (Plants and Animals)
Dowsing can provide guidance about the identification and care that will be
needed to transfer heritage breeds of plants and animals to Sirius and Home
• (International) Dyes
Synthetic dyes are toxic in food. Dowsing will be needed to identify which
dyes need to be eliminated (Dr. Hulda Clark identified tattoo dyes that are
Travel To/From Sirius (Next 15 Years)
Travel will need to be by ship.
(International) Abraham Traditions (Christians, Jews and Muslims)
These groups have been deliberately been separated, manipulated and fed
distortions. The following numbers were obtained through dowsing:
Nuns (100% Muggle)
Priests (90% Muggle)
Ministers (40% Muggle)
Bishops (100% Alien)
Cardinals (100% Alien)
Monsignors (100% Alien)
Rabbis (less than 10% Muggle)
Muslim Religious Leaders (40% Muggle)
Hemp plants represent a renewable
resource. The plants are mature in
90 days and the fiber is suited for
paper, rope, clothing and many other
The top hierarchy of the Abraham
religions is 100% alien.
They need to work together and dowse to identify the distortions in the Bible,
Torah and Quran.
After sorting out their differences, the Abraham traditions will need to reach
Muggles who are not familiar with God, or who have moved away from God.
Examples include:
Wiccans (40% Muggle)
Humanists (30% Muggle
Atheists (less than 10% Muggle)
Mormons (20% Muggle)
Pagans (40% Muggle)
Hindus (90% Muggle)
Rescued Bots (100 due to Hive Mind)
Wikipedia’s list of New Religions Movements is very large. These religions have been formed to divert
Muggles away from God. The Pew Research on Religion Web site contains extensive background
information on world religions. Dowsers will be needed to identify which groups need outreach.
(International) Colleges and Universities
Aliens control higher education. The following numbers were obtained through dowsing:
College/University Presidents (100% Alien)
Deans (100% Alien)
Faculty (100% Alien)
Students (30% Muggle)
God does not want any of these institutions to close. Muggles will need to take over as replacements and the
schools will need to temporarily scale. It will take 4 years to recover. Funding and new military assistance
will be needed to manage abandoned campuses.
(International) Private College Prep Schools, and Elementary Schools
Aliens have slightly less control over college-prep education. The following
numbers were obtained through dowsing:
Principal (100% Alien)
Faculty (20% Muggle)
Students (30% Muggle)
God does not want any of these institutions to close. Muggles will need to take
over as replacements and the schools will need to temporarily scale. It will take
12 years to recover. Funding and new military assistance will be needed to
manage abandoned campuses.
The bot daycare worker ad from Geico
must be an inside joke.
Note: Pre-school is covered under childcare. Private pre-schools charge
stratospheric tuitions and the children are > 90% alien. The service these
schools provide is really childcare for the elite.
(International) Public Schools
Aliens have slightly less control over college-prep education. The following
numbers were obtained through dowsing:
Principal (100% Alien)
Faculty (100% Alien, mostly ex-slaves who have been replaced by bots)
Students (80% Muggle, 20% are alien children of ex-slaves)
To see this ad on YouTube, search on
“Robot Daycare 2.”
(International) Childcare
Sirians have been using bots for day-care. Childcare companies will need to
hire ex-slaves. On Earth, Muggle replacements will be needed to run companies
that are managed and staffed by aliens. Funding and assistance will also be
needed from the new military. Due to the critical nature of this function, new
military will be needed to manage abandoned companies. Dowsing helps me to
understand that it will take 4 years for mothers to have the freedom to stay at
Bot Rescue
The bot rescue project will need to be accomplished in phases. At the present time, bots will need
to remain in their respective industries until arrangements can be made for cooperative housing and
The Future
New military and the Economic Advisory Board (through land-use decisions) will need to establish
organizations that can assist young people (16 year-old baby-sitters) and seniors work as paid childcare
workers in private homes. There will be as similar need to establish lawn-care equipment facilities and
networks for boys. These networks and facilities should be community-based and not monopolized by
private companies.
(International) High School and College Sports
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of high school and college sports teams are alien. Muggles will
need to start over.
(International) Import/Export Businesses
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of import and export businesses are alien-owned. These
companies will need Muggle replacements to stay open (50% will close). The new military will be able to
keep 20% of the abandoned import/export open. New markets will need to be developed.
(International) Apartment Buildings
Dowsing helps me to understand that 100% of apartment buildings are owned by aliens (20% of small
multiple-family dwellings are owned by Muggles). Funding and assistance from the new military will be
needed to make repairs. Tenants will need to share light maintenance such as vacuuming. Lawn care and
snow removal will continue to be provided by bots until community-based lawn-care facilities and networks
are developed for teenage boys.
(Earth and Home Worlds) Requirements and Economic Life Provision
For Technology Transfer Scientists
God has identified 10,000 scientists for technology transfer projects. Two
thousand dowsers, 500 writers, 2 graphic designers who agree on page layout,
and 50 professional editor/proofreaders and will also be needed for the
technology transfer projects. The dowsers, writers graphic designers and editor/
proofreaders will be Muggles who apply to the Economic Advisory Board.
God will need to be consulted on every decision. To remain on projects, these all
scientists (and other team members) will need to demonstrate a commitment to:
• Working with dowsers
Technology transfer will be needed on
several projects of God’s projects.
• Working with writers to produce documentation
• Information sharing among all scientists
• Daily Prayer at Sun Events
Read the January 18, 2014 edition of Muggle to Muggle with special
attention to pages 93 to 112. See: www.godsebook.org/muggle_
• Working with God as Tutor to Learn The Law of One
See: www.godsebook.org/muggle_supplement_02_16_14.pdf,
pages 93 to 112
Scientists who ignore these requirements (or, who procrastinate) will be removed
from projects and will need to return to Sirius, or other Home Worlds.
In addition to scientists’ economic life provision from their Home World,
scientists who collaborate on Earth-Alien projects will receive $60,000 and
be eligible for additional paid internships ($30,000). An additional cost-ofliving stipend will be available to those who need to purchase a car, or special
equipment (up to $100,000). The same economic life provisious and stipend will
be made available to other project team members.
This cross-discipline education will be needed to ensure the success of complex
projects. The Economic Advisory Board will help scientist locate laboratory
facilities and living accomodations if needed.
(Earth and Home Worlds) Bridging the Divide Existing in Education and
Social class—College/University Education and/or Paid Internships
Cooper Union, established in 1859, is an example of a free college in New York
City. The Economic Advisory will need to identify college and universities
(comprising 30% of the total) that will offer free education (as well as room and
board). This project will be important for the offspring of former alien slaves who
were displaced by bots as well as Muggles who need to re-invent and start over.
This group, and their children, have had to take dead-end jobs to survive.
As an alternative to college education, or as post-graduate work, paid internships
($30,000 per year for 1-4 years) need to be made available to anyone who is
interested in pursuing a field of study outside of the university system. Examples
•Economic Advisory Board (and Beyond) Pygmalion Project
•Biological dentistry
•Biological farming
•Veterinary nurse-practitioner
•Intern, any of the Economic Advisory Board, or The Folk Medicine
Association Projects
There is an opportunity for Sirian
and other Home World scientists
to experience accelerated pace on
their Ascension path due to a close
association with Muggles who are
closer to God.
The project goals and an appreciation
for knowlege gained on all sides will
help project participants move past
emotional challenges associated with
their recent awakening.
Dowsers can provide a connection to
God for scientific decision making as
well as answers to personal questions.
The Sirian and other Home World
scientists selected for these projects are
those who are most likely to share what
they’ve learned at home.
An additional cost-of-living stipend will be available to those who need to
purchase a car, or special equipment (up to $100,000).
Concluding Comments
There are many missing pieces to the story of what happened in Sirian and Earth’s
history. Dowsing helps me to understand that the story is very old. With the help
of dowsing, the Greys, due to the age of their race, have figured out what took
The Sirians and all of the Sirian-derived races have descended. At the start of
this project, I heard, through my intuition, that God would never let these races
descend ever again.
Teenage boys will need to replace
bots in lawn-care that will become
community-based services.
At the present time, dowsing is a crude method to communicate with God.
Eventually, through Prayer, everyone who Prays will be able to dowse due to the
conversions required. Further into our future, we will be able to stop dowsing and
hear God.
An immediate educational incentive
will be needed to attract young people
into fields that are in crisis. Examples
include veterinary science, biological
dentistry, remediation projects,
conversion of factory farms and soil
re-mineralization. Middle-aged adults
and seniors will also be welcome in
these projects.
Mary Jo Fahey