File - Columbus Baptist Association
File - Columbus Baptist Association
10/1/15-6/13/16 Antioch 1,500.00 10/1/15-6/13/16 Nakina Boardman 0.00 New Beginnings Bolton 0.00 New Hope Brunswick 980.92 Calvary 0.00 Cedar Grove 200.00 Cerro Gordo New Horizon Oak Dale 500.00 1,400.79 900.00 1,834.50 250.00 Welcome new Pastors: Rev. Jimmy Caines Macedonia Baptist/Gapway Baptist Rev. Ryan Clore First Baptist, Whiteville 2,589.69 Piney Forest 3,000.00 Lake Waccamaw Baptist Chadbourn 975.00 Pleasant Hill 1,332.92 Rev. Bradley Tatum Cheerful Hope 350.00 Pleasant Plains 2,114.97 Porter Swamp 5,030.65 Riegelwood 6,987.07 1,233.50 Cherry Grove China Grove 4,500.00 300.00 Clarendon 2,200.00 Smyrna Corinth 1,618.60 South Whiteville Evergreen 500.00 Fair Bluff 2,000.00 Faith 464.68 Forest Lawn Gapway 1,822.08 0.00 Sweet Home 3,045.99 Tabor City 4,500.00 Trinity 7,632.67 Union Chapel 0.00 0.00 Union Valley 3,730.00 Good Shepherd 0.00 West Whiteville 800.00 Hallsboro Hinson's Crossroads 0.00 Western Prong 4,000.00 1,000.00 Westside Iron Hill Lake Waccamaw Lennon's Crossroads 2,296.79 White Marsh 1,000.00 Whiteville First Williamson's Crossroads 2,365.75 Macedonia 1,859.00 Mount Zion 500.00 825.00 1,500.03 Total Missions Giving 0.00 1,530.00 88,633.52 C3 Summer Youth Mission Project Monday, July 25, 6-9pm Tuesday, July 26 - Friday, July 29 10am - 4:30pm Trinity Baptist Church, Whiteville Cost is $25 per person Deadline to register is July 6. More info in September newsletter and local newspapers. Tabor City Baptist 5,462.92 Rev. Ken Hardee, Int. Forest Lawn Baptist Rev. Julian Thompson, Brunswick Baptist Tabor City Baptist Church September 17 Rev. Jeremy Deal Peace Beth Moore Live Simulcast Int. FYI 2016 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering totaled $165.8 million. Highest in the 127 year history of the offering! Annual Church Profile Workshop August 15, 7pm CBA Conference Room Training in completing the ACP Reports and how to enter information online *First 10 churches to get their reports in by Oct 12 will receive a $10 gift card. In This Issue From the DOM’s Desk Birthdays / Anniversaries C3 Information WMU News Pastor’s Conference Schedule July VBS Dates ACP Workshop July / August Calendar Block Party Ministry Trailer Welcome to our new CBA Pastors Lake Ministry Schedule BSCNC Dental Bus Columbus Baptist Association 208 S Thompson St Whiteville, NC 28472 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Permit #23 Whiteville, NC 28472 COLUMBUS BAPTIST NEWS Those not attending will receive your ACP report in the mail. Please complete and return to the CBA office by October 31. Let’s have all 50 churches report this year. We can do it! The Block Party Ministry Trailer has a popcorn machine, a cotton candy machine, a snow cone machine, an inflatable bounce house with a slide, a portable sound system, and a generator. All of this will help our churches to reach out to their communities and attract folks to come to their events, where they can hear the gospel and begin to build relationships with the local church. Call the office to reserve your date! Contact Us Columbus Baptist Association 208 S. Thompson St. Whiteville, NC 28472 (910) 642-2155 The Columbus Baptist Association exists to assist member churches in their God given mission of helping people know Jesus personally, grow to be more like Jesus, and go into a lost world to share the love of Jesus. Email us: Visit us on the web: Hours: M-W 8:30am-4:30pm Thursday by Appointment Visit Our Website: We welcome photos and Director of Missions – Dr. David Heller Moderator – Rev. Ken Baker Vice-Moderator – Rev. Titus Caraway Administrative Assistant – Teresa F. Powell events you would like for us to share on our website. July / August 2016 From the DOM’s Desk Dear Brothers and Sisters, Summer is in full swing and I pray you are all enjoying all that goes with this season. Our churches have either just finished VBS or gearing up to start their VBS. What a great opportunity to share Jesus with so many in our communities. Cindy and I have been trying to get to as many churches for their VBS as we possibly can. C-3 will be starting on July 25. We are very excited to have so many of our churches and their youth involved in this mission outreach ministry. Pray for our young people, as they will be working hard and sharing the love of Jesus on the work sites. Pray for Rev. Ryan Edwards, pastor of Clarendon Baptist Church, who will be our C-3 pastor for the week. Pray that he will bring life-changing messages to our youth and that God will use him in a mighty way. Our Block Party Ministry Trailer has been a big success! Many churches have already reserved the trailer for use at their church outreach events. If your church would like to use this wonderful ministry tool, simply call Teresa at the CBA office and she will be glad to send you the packet of forms and information, so that you may reserve the trailer for the date your church needs. We are in the middle of our annual nomination process for our association. This is an important process, as it recommends those who will work on the different teams and help lead our association ministry work throughout the year. Brother Charlie Martin, from Corinth Baptist Church, is the chair of this team. Pray for him and the other members of the nominating team, that God would direct them to the right people to work in all of the different positions. Our association does not function without men and women, who are dedicated to the work and ministry of the Lord. I will be going on a mission trip to Nicaragua in July. I will travel with a group of men and women from several of our CBA churches. We will minister the love of Jesus to the folks at the Chinandega dump. Our association has had a great impact in the lives of the people that live there for several years. We have now expanded this mission partnership as an association wide partnership. There are several ways you can become involved in helping the men and women, boys and girls in Chinandega. First and foremost, you can pray. Pray that God will watch over these dear people. Pray that the workers will continue to increase. Pray that they will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, more and more each day. Second, you can sponsor a child for $10 a month. This $10 provides a hot meal each day; 2 doctor visits each year; 1 dental visit each year; medications they may need; and a school uniform. If you would like to sponsor a child, simply call Teresa at the CBA office, and she will be glad to set you up. You will receive a photo of your child and the details about where they live, what they do, etc. What a great way to help a child in need and know for certain, that the money you send will go exactly where it is supposed to go. If your church would like to have someone come and share about our partnership, please call us at the CBA office and we can help set it up. May you all have a blessed and happy Independence Day and may you enjoy the rest of your summer. Blessings, Dave Birthday’s & Anniversaries JULY 07) Stephanie Wilson (Western Prong) 10) Donna Barnes (Calvary) 12) Linda Green (Union Chapel / W Whiteville) 12) Danny Russell (Chadbourn) 12) Hannah Edwards (Clarendon) 17) Glenn Stanley (Hinson’s Cross Roads) 20) Deanne Waddell (S Whiteville) 15) Rusty & Beth Davis (Cherry Grove) 17) Jeff & Cathy Cully (Corinth) 18) Matthew & Billie Jean Ward (Pleasant Hill) 19) Randy & Elaine Speight (Trinity) 24) Ray & Carol Yow (White Marsh) 24) Carroll & Dianna Fonvielle (Wmson’s Cross Roads, Int) AUGUST 01) Dale Willoughby (Iron Hill) 01) Beth Davis (Cherry Grove) 02) Chris Hardee (Antioch) 05) Chip Hannah (Peace) 16) Ray Best (Smyrna) 26) Rusty Davis (Cherry Grove) 27) Jennifer Clore (Whiteville First) 28) Tansy Caines (Macedonia) 29) John Porter (Riegelwood, AP) 29) Ashley Porter (Riegelwood) 30) Billie Jean Ward (Pleasant Hill) 30) Connie Stanley (Hinson’s Cross Roads) 02) Danny & Tammy Russell (Chadbourn) 14) Scott & Leah Lewis (Hallsboro) 21) Dale & Sherry Willoughby (Iron Hill) WMU NEWS The CBA WMU Council would like to ask all of our CBA churches to consider donating $50 (per church) to purchase a uniform for a child at the Chinandega Dump in Nicaragua. These children cannot go to school unless they have a uniform. Two mission teams will be going to the dump this year to help these families. Make check payable to CBA marked UNIFORM and mail to the CBA office at 208 S Thompson St. Whiteville, NC 28472. We have received to date -$604.56 CBA WMU Council Meeting – July 7 at 7 in the CBA Conference room WMU Prayer Retreat - September 9-10, Ft. Caswell –cost is $65 per person and is due by July 27. It can be mailed or brought to the CBA Office. Congratulations to Logan Elizabeth Elkins, recipient of the 2016 WMU Scholarship. Lakeside Ministry Lake Waccamaw, NC Every Sunday MAY 29 - SEPTEMBER 4 9:00am - 9:30am located at the Campground Gazebo next to Sailboat Club Special Music & Speakers Come as you are! Invite a friend! Pastor’s Conference Schedule Northside Baptist Church - Bladenboro, NC July 11, 7pm Cheerful Hope Baptist Everyone is invited to worship with Josh McDowell—September 8 & 9, 7pm Charles Billingsley– November 16, 7pm August 1, 10:30 am Nakina Baptist We invite all pastors to attend this monthly gathering for information, encouragement, fellowship and a delicious meal. Pastor’s Prayer Time Every Tuesday Morning at 8am Thanks to all who helped with the NC Baptist Children’s Homes Food Round-Up 2016. We collected 157 boxes of food, $575 in gift cards and $2,096.00 in monetary donations. Way to Go! VBS Dates New Beginnings –Submerged-June 26, 9-2 Pleasant Hill-June 26-July 1, 6:30-9 Porter Swamp-Submerged-June 26-July1 Riegelwood-Submerged-June 26-July 1 Gapway-Noah’s Ark-June 27-July1, 6:30-8:30 Peace-Submerged-June 27-July 1, 5:30-9 Pleasant Plains-Submerged-July14-16,5:30-8:30 Cheerful Hope-July 17-21, 6:30-8:30 Hallsboro-Submerged-July 24-27 Tabor City-Cave Quest-July 24-29,6-9 Union Valley has a submarine you can rent for your VBS! Call Pastor Ken (840-1597) to reserve. 2 Children’s Missions we have that you can consider for your VBS offering: CBA Toy Store or buying uniforms for the children of Nicaragua.