May - Temple Israel
May - Temple Israel
May 2014 • Iyar/Sivan 5774 Kol Yisra’el The Voice of Temple Israel Shabbat Services Services are conducted by Rabbi Steven Moskowitz, Cantor Marvin Finnley, and Organist David York Friday, May 2 7:00 p.m. Family Shabbat Service Saturday, May 3 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Sabbath Fellowship Service Friday, May 9 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Saturday, May 10 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Friday, May 16 6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Saturday, May 17 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Falach Saturday May 10 - 6:00pm Enjoy an evening of dining, dancing, and Toasting Join us as we toast the Past Presidents of our Board and our Foundation, and our Founding Families. Friday, May 23 6:00 p.m. Ruach Shabbat Saturday, May 24 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Friday, May 30 7:00 p.m. Foundation Shabbat Saturday, May 31 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Bar Mitzvah of Nate Ehrenberg Table of Contents Shabbat Services Cover President’s Message Page 3 Joys of Jewish Learning Page 4 SisterhoodPage 5 Bnai Mitzvah / Cantor Finnley Page 6 Library/ Women’s Book Club Page 7 Oneg Sponsors/ Sustaining Members Page 8 Mazel Tov/ SCIC Page 9 Torah Center/ Earlly Childhood Page 10 CalendarPage 11 YahrzeitsPage 12 TI FundsPage 13 ContributionsPgs 14-16 Get Well /Sponsors Pgs 16-19 Kol Yisra’el is a monthly newsletter published August - June by Temple Israel (a member of the Union for Reform Judaism). The deadline for submission of all material for the newsletter is the 10th of the preceding month prior to publication. Professional Staff Rabbi Steven Moskowitz • Cantor Marvin Finnley • David York, Organist Eric J. Shatzkin, Executive Director • Sharon Amster Brown, Educator Our Mission Statement: To actively engage in a journey of Jewish spiritual, educational and social growth. Our Vision Statement A vibrant, caring Reform congregation of living Judaism that embraces the rich legacy of Jewish thought, practice and spirituality. Temple Israel invites you to join us for our Featuring Rob Klopfenstein pianist and singer Saturday, June 7 ~10:30 a.m. at Temple Israel Next month, Sabbath Fellowship features Rob Klopfenstein a consummate professional who has studied music since he was a child and performed for audiences since he was a teen. His musical background runs the gamut of all styles - classical, pop standards, latin, jazz, rock, the blues. Perfecting the old and keeping up with the fun of what’s happening today. Rob has arranged and recorded piano pieces for the Yamaha’s Disklavier project which is now utilized throughout the world, led and directed choirs, and is known for his energetic and interactive shows. Rob is also an accomplished songwriter having produced six cd’s. This program includes live entertainment, a brief Shabbat Service and lunch ($5). Please RSVP to the Temple Office (562) 434-0996 Board of Directors 2013 - 2014 Jonathan Kass President Dawn Haldane VP Ritual Practices Deborah Lewis VP Ways and Means Gary Roberts VP Education Valerie Condon VP Membership Ed Green VP Programming Seth Goldman Secretary Steven Keiles Treasurer Amy Lipeles Past President Mark Beizer Foundation President Evan Braude, Martha De Young, Joyce Feldman, Joanne Levy, Dove Mayo, Barry Mitnick, Joel Perler, David Philips, David Tillman Torah Study Saturday Mornings 8:45 - 10:00 a.m. Rabbi Moskowitz facilitates this participatory weekly Torah study. Each week, this enthusiastic group examines the parashat hashavuah (weekly Torah portion) and discusses its meaning and relevance through the use of traditional commentaries and personal reflection. This Torah study is for everyone. No previous background or knowledge of Hebrew is required. Come one time or every week! 2 President’s Message Matzah, Free will, & Temple finances By Jonathan Kass, Temple President Recently, a guest leading a Torah Study on the Passover story opened with a controversial premise – what if the story of the exodus is not about freedom, but simply about exchanging one yoke of slavery for another. We dove into some deep conversations about the nature of slavery, servitude, and freedom - not to mention a callout to Bob Dylan, whose song “Gotta Serve Somebody” captures the heart of the question – are we born to serve, and are we unable to be ‘free’ without a king to serve? Ultimately, the group agreed that one of the fundamental differences between the Israelites being enslaved by the Pharaoh, and their later accepting the burden of serving Adonai, was that the latter was an intentional, accountable choice – one that, when ready, they entered into consciously and reverently. This idea resonated strongly with me as I thought about the language Rabbi Jacobs used in his URJ Biennial speech. He spoke about a Chabad leader’s comment that the Reform movement doesn’t care about Shabbat, mitzvot, and kashrut – and Rabbi Jacob’s response was that we care greatly about all of these, we just care differently. For me, those words crystalized the idea that as a modern Reform movement, we are always challenging ourselves to make conscious choices about the context and relevance of our practices. We don’t simply ignore that which we may find irrelevant – we discuss, debate, and struggle to develop a context for the choices we make. So, for example, some of us chose to honor the Passover tradition of not having leavened bread – choosing to remind ourselves, at meals, of our heritage, and the Passover story. Even those who do not follow this tradition are making a conscious choice, and still remembering it’s Passover, even if they don’t find Matzo a relevant way to honor their tradition. they no longer set minimums, they did a good job ensuring the congregation understood its budget, and the operating costs per family. Another key point was that these congregations continue to depend on those who can contributing more than the average operating costs, so that the congregation would be open to all, regardless of ability to pay. Ultimately the goal is to lower the barriers to entry, and attract and retain more congregants, while still maintaining a financially sound platform from which to pay for the services, staff, and programming that create a congregational home. The question this raises for me is whether we can move from a financial support model that is predicated on the Temple telling you as a member what you ‘owe’ – to a model where you, as a congregational partner, tell us what you are willing to commit – consciously, reverently, of your own free will – to sustain our congregation. Temple Israel is somewhere in the middle on this spectrum – we are defined as a “fair share with minimum” congregation, sharing the average cost per family to run the Temple, and asking our families to contribute a percent of their household income (“fair share”), with minimums based on household demographics. In recent years, we’ve tried to be as accommodating as possible to live up to our vision of ensuring that everyone can be a member, regardless of ability to pay. But we still do publish minimums and expectations, and ask many members to ‘apply’ for ‘relief ’ as part of their membership. Our Temple Treasurer, Steve Keiles, has been leading a study group on membership and dues as part of our strategic plan. We will be talking about this more in the coming year, as that group reaches out to the congregation to get your feedback. I’d certainly appreciate hearing from you as well. If your renewal letter was a ‘pledge’, and a ‘commitment’ to your fellow congregants, rather than a statement of ‘dues’ for membership, what would that mean? Email me at with your thoughts. Temple Israel’s Men’s Club Mailing out Yom Ha’Shoah candles Currently, the movement is debating a modern practice that we often treat like ancient wisdom – the meaning of belonging to a congregation, and how the dues one pays for that privilege strengthens, or weakens, that sense of belonging. The cover story in March’s Reform Judaism magazine is about a number of congregations in North America experimenting with alternatives to the traditional ‘fixed’ or ‘fair share’ dues models. They are evaluating something they call “free will” – the idea that a congregation could fund the majority of its operations by asking its members to pay what they feel compelled to contribute, without enforcing an expectation based on the member’s income, family makeup, age, or other demographic information. One thing these congregations had in common was that while 3 Joys of Jewish Learning Movie & Havdallah Screening of “Philip Roth: Unmasked” Saturday, May 3 ~7:00 p.m. As we read the TI Reads One Book selection Patrimony, explore the life of Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winning novelist Philip Roth, often referred to as the greatest living American writer. “Goodbye, Columbus,” his collection of short stories published in 1959, put the 26-yearold Roth on the map, and 10 years later, “Portnoy’s Complaint” propelled him into an international scandalous spotlight. Yet he steadily earned his reputation as a man of letters, commanding ownership of the Jewish-American novel and making Newark, New Jersey, a literary destination. Roth’s career was considered declining by 1990 and then exploded with a dozen bestsellers in the past two decades. “Philip Roth: Unmasked” features candid interviews with Roth, who fulfills his promise to directors William Karel and Livia Manera to unmask himself, freely discussing very intimate aspects of his life and art as he has never done before. Cost: None Please RSVP to Charmaine at Prayer...And All That Jazz Thursdays, May 8, 15, and 29 ~7:00 p.m. How meaningfully can I pray, if the words that I am using were written by someone else a thousand or more years ago? Originally, the Jewish prayer service probably took the form of a creative ensemble, with individuals offering their personal interpretations of some basic themes. Over time these compositions became standardized and edited into a prayer book. In this class, we will explore: the thematic structure of the prayer service; interpretations of some of the prayers; and our own responses to them. Teacher: Rabbi Moskowitz Cost: None Please RSVP to Charmaine at Temple Israel Reads One Book Sunday, June 8 ~ 10:00 a.m. Panel Discussion featuring Rabbi Moskowitz, Joan Leb and Nancy Schindler followed by brunch $12 per person ( JJL Patrons are Complementary) Please RSVP to Charmaine or (562) 434-0996 4 PATRIMONY: POINTS TO PONDER By Nancy Schindler, lcsw, bcd Temple Israel’s Read One Book selection, “Patrimony” by Philip Roth, is a riveting memoir, captivating the indignant challenges of his father’s aging decline amidst the idiosyncratic conflicts within their relationship. Capturing both the intimacy and heartache of his father’s eventual death from a benign brain tumor, Roth touches a universal cord, one of which we must all ultimately confront for ourselves and loved ones. The following excerpt is indicative of his heartfelt narrative: “I was alone and without inhibition, and so, while the pictures of his brain, photographed from every angle lay spread across the hotel bed, I made no effort to fight back anything…God’s will erupted out of a burning bush and, no less miraculously, Herman Roth’s had issued forth all the years from this bulbous organ. I had seen my father’s brain, and everything and nothing was revealed.” The reader is left to experience the paradoxical unraveling of the inevitable, amidst the realities of role reversible, maintaining one’s dignity, redefining quality of life and celebrating the intimacy gained in sharing the challenges inherent in such a journey together. As you read this remarkable and poignant documentary, I encourage each of you to consider some of the following issues for yourself given your own experiences: •How do we feel about the power of technology to assess, inform and predict our life’s journey and that of our loved ones? •How much might we want to know about the path that leads to the road less traveled and when we may reach that inevitable moment? •How do we define quality of life and how flexible are we in respecting our loved ones’ choices to do the same? •How does one juxtapose deathbed reconciliation between loved ones within the confines of feeding tubes, respirators, transfusions, intractable pain, possible fear of death or the unknown ahead and grief in having to say goodbye? •How do we balance our spiritual, emotional and social selves within the limitations that our ailing bodies impose? •Have we taken the risk to share our end of life choices, fears, expectations and concerns with those we love? For Philip Roth, it seems this journey becomes a script over which he is powerless to edit and yet he has managed to provide a manuscript of life’s inevitabilities in which we will likely be drawn to explore throughout this touching memoir. Father and son share intimate moments despite embarrassment, reveal and avoid impending realities for the sake of each other’s self-respect and struggle to maintain both independence and closeness. It is well worth reading and coming together in our Faith Community to share, learn and grow from the collective experience that we each offer in the process. Please plan to join us in a panel discussion and a sharing of thoughts at the Temple Israel Reads One book concluding program on Sunday, June 8. Panel discussion at 10 a.m., followed by a celebratory brunch. Reservations for brunch should be made to Charmaine Weiner at $12/brunch. TI Sisterhood Look Both Ways By Anne Gundry It is that time of year again for Sisterhood members. We begin to contemplate the end of our year and look forward to the wonderful projects and possibilities of our next year in Sisterhood. This year has been full of activities, art, dining, togetherness, learning, and mitzvot. Generations of Sweethearts, our very successful fundraising event this year, raised enough money to enable us to fund several projects around the Temple. We’ve been able to collect shoes, coats and chametz in social action projects. We have learned how Jews are portrayed in Hollywood movies. We have planned and prepared a meal for families of ill children at the Ronald McDonald House.We have worshipped together at the Women’s Service just last month. We have cheered each other on happy occasions and supported each other in times of sadness. On Sunday, May 18th, we will gather together for a wonderful brunch for paid-up members of Sisterhood. Just because you aren’t a current member of Sisterhood, doesn’t mean you can’t come. On the contrary, you may join Sisterhood even on the day of the Brunch! If you would rather just come to the brunch as a non-member, the brunch will be $10. All paid-up members of Sisterhood will enjoy their brunch at no cost. A delightful program has been arranged for the brunch. Dr. Ginny Baxter, a retired historian with a delightful sense of humor, will regale us with stories about America’s First Ladies. Please be sure to send in your reservations now! Women’s Night Out at Mimi’s Restaurant in Lakewood, March 24th TI Sisterhood Paid-up Membership Brunch America’s First Ladies Guest Speaker: Dr. Ginny Baxter Sunday May 18 ~ 10:30 a.m. © Wally McNamee, 1991 Former First Ladies: Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, Rosalyn Carter, Betty Ford, Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush The brunch will be $10.00 for non-members. If you join TIS on May 18, your lunch will be at no cost. RSVP to or (562) 434-0996 x.100 Coming Attraction TI Sisterhood Annual Meeting & Dinner Monday, June 9th Temple Israel Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Wedding & Anniversary Gifts, Israeli made products, Havdallah Sets, Candles & Candle Sticks, Beautiful Jewelry New Merchandise All the Time Gift Shop Hours: Mon-Thurs. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. & an hour before Friday Services Sunday 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 5 May’s B’nai Mitzvah CANTOR FINNLEY IS TRAVELIN’ ON When Jacob transferred his Hebrew and religious school studies to Temple Israel two years ago, he had no idea what a wonderful, warm and welcoming experience he would soon have. The Long Beach community is a special one and all of the staff at the Temple are always going far beyond to dedicate themselves to our children. Jacob would like to express his Picture removed for web appreciation to Sharon Amster Brown, Eric Shatzkin, Shlomit Jacob Falach Jackson, Rabbi Steven Moskowitz , May 17, 2014 Seth Goldman, Nico Turien, Janet Liss, Jay Alhadeff and everyone else in the Temple community. Join Cantor Finnley, and the choir in his last concert and for a special dinner For his Mitzvah Project, Jacob chose to dedicate his time to Temple Israel by working with the Seniors at the Sabbath Fellowship luncheons and services. It is a special Mitzvah to help and honor the senior community. Jacob also enjoyed helping Rabbi Moskowitz and Jay Alhadeff in the fellowship morning services by reading Hebrew blessings and prayers and opening and closing the Ark. Temple Israel has made a special mark in Jacob’s life and he hopes he can do the same for them in return. Jacob is looking forward to celebrating his Bar Mitzvah on May 17 at the Temple. He looks forward to fun with family and friends and having Grandparents from Kentucky and Israel attend. Nate Ehrenberg will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on May 31, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. at Temple Israel. Nate is a seventh grader at Oak Middle School in Los Alamitos and Temple Israel Torah School. He attended elementary school at Newcomb Academy in Long Beach and Lee Elementary is Rossmoor. Nate enjoys surfing and skateboarding. During the summer Nate also enjoys his annual trip to Picture removed for web Camp JCA Shalom. Nate plans to Nate Ehrenberg attend Los Alamitos High School May 31, 2014 after eighth grade and is looking forward to joining their surf team. Nate’s parents are Gayle Ehrenberg and Alice Kuchinskas and his older brother is Asher Ehrenberg. 6 Saturday, June 14th A special invitation to all who had a Bar or Bat Mitzvah with him Come one, come all to the final concert led by Cantor Finnley and to a reception on Saturday, June 14 starting at 5:30 p.m., followed by a special dinner to further honor him at 7 p.m. Cantor Finnley will lead the Choir in some of his favorite musical selections and will reminisce about his 30 years at Temple Israel. We will honor him for his loving and inspirational musical leadership. The newly renovated organ will be played by David York. Immediately following the concert will be a wine and hors d’oeurves reception to allow everyone to greet and honor Cantor Finnley. The concert and reception are free. Everyone is invited to the last event of the day, a special elegant dinner at only $36.00 per person in the Social Hall. A special recognition will be given to every child and adult whom Marvin helped with his or her B’nai Mitzvah in the past 30 years, so a special invitation is extended to them. Reservations are required for the dinner. Please RSVP to Charmaine at (562) 434-0996, ext. 100 by June 6th for the dinner. Join us in this last opportunity to listen to Cantor Finnley’s wonderful voice, enjoy his musical leadership with the Choir and to wish him and Hannah a wonderful retirement as they look forward to traveling all over the world. News from the Library By Joan Leb The Temple Israel Women’s Book Club will begin its 10th year this fall, bringing books highlighting Jewish life in the past and the present. Here are some favorites through the years. Joy Comes in the Morning, by Jonathan Rosen. (2005-2006) F ROS During their courtship, Lev Friedman and Deborah Green, a Reform rabbi on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, confront many crises of faith. Join them on their journey of self-discovery. What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank, by Nathan Englander. (2012-2013) F ENG These eight stories from the celebrated novelist and short-story writer display a gifted young author grappling with the great questions of modern life, with a command of language and imagination that place Englander at the very forefront of contemporary American fiction. The selections for this year, 2013-2014, are listed in the Joys of Jewish Learning catalog. There are two more meetings, May 14 and July 9. Happy Reading. The Autobiography of God, by Julius Lester. Women’s Book Club (2006-2007) F LES Wednesday, May 14 ~ 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Rebecca Naachman is a counselor at a small “Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots” by Jessica Soffer Vermont college. She is on the verge of losing her faith when she discovers a manuscript, written in This is a story about accepting the Hebrew, titled My Life. The author is God. people we love — the people we have to love and the people we choose to love, the families we’re The Bread Givers, by Anzia Yezierska. (2007given and the families we make. 2008) F YEZ It’s the story of two women adrift This is one of the few books about the American Jewish immigrant in New York, a widow and an experience written by a woman. We follow Sara Smolinsky as she almost-orphan, each searching grows from a young child into a strong and independent woman. The for someone she’s lost. It’s the novel was selected as one of the Significant Jewish Books by the Union story of Lorca, who spends her for Reform Judaism. life poring over cookbooks, and Victoria, dreaming of the People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks. (2008-2009) daughter she gave up forty years The actual Sarajevo Haggadah, found in Vienna in 1894 and lost in ago. An Iraqi Jewish immigrant the early 1940s during the Nazi occupation of Bosnia, is the basis for one who used to run a restaurant, she of the most prodigious feats of literary imagination. The author traces starts teaching cooking lessons; Lorca signs up. Together, they the provenance of the little illuminated book back to medieval Spain make cardamom pistachio cookies, baklava, kubba with squash. through the eyes of a contemporary book conservator. This is a pageSoon, though, they must reckon with the past, the future, and turner about Jews throughout the ages, mother-daughter relations, the the truth — whatever it might be. Bukra fil mish mish, the heroism of ordinary people, and oh, yes, book conservation. Arabic saying goes. Tomorrow, apricots may bloom. All Other Nights, by Dara Horn. (2009-2010) F HOR Facilitator: Marilyn Day Jacob Rappaport is a Jewish soldier in the Union army. On Passover 1862, he is ordered to kill his uncle who is plotting to kill Lincoln. This NCJW Scholarships historical novel will challenge your preconceptions about the role of Jews to Benefit Jewish Students during the Civil War. National Council of Jewish Women Long Beach Section is still A Conspiracy of Paper, by David Liss. (2010-2011) F LIS accepting applications from all students who have completed at Benjamin Weaver, a Jewish ex-boxer, lives in 18th century London least 12 undergraduate college units and are in need of funds where he tracks down debtors and felons for aristocratic clients. He to continue their studies to apply for its annual scholarship is estranged from his wealthy stock trader family until he is asked to awards. Open to Jewish students who are permanent residents investigate his father’s sudden death. The more Benjamin uncovers, the in this area, they must be currently enrolled for the 2014darker the truth becomes, until he realizes that following his father’s 2015 academic year in a college, university or vocational footsteps could lead him to his own grave. In this historical thriller, program. More information and/or an application form may readers may find that not much has changed in the stock market in the be had by calling Romola Temkin, (562) 596-6447 or e-mail last three hundred years., or Harriette Ellis at (714) 6122319 or e-mail Applications must The Jew Store, by Stella Suberman. (2011-2012) 799 SUB be postmarked no later than June 15, 2014. Selections will be A memoir of the author’s childhood as a member of the first family of based on financial need, academic standing, motivation and Jews to live in a rural Tennessee town. Her father ran a dry-goods achievements. A statement about her/himself and two letters of store, the “Jew Store”, and was optimistic about the future while her recommendation from a professor, teacher, rabbi, youth advisor, mother was anxious about her ability to provide the children with a or similar professional must accompany the application. Final Jewish education. selections will be announced by June 30. 7 Thank you to our Oneg Shabbat Sponsors Through April 18 Bea Aron Judy & Denny Blumenthal Barry & Kendra Cogert Barbara Crane Cecelia & Danny Danziger In memory of Cecelia’s mother, Evelyn Cameron Marilyn Day In memory of brother-in-law, Nicholas Kelderman Joe & Laurie Dempsey Mark Dressner & Matthew Davis Burton & Judith Dubowy Harriette Ellis & Frank Weinberger Howard & Nancy Epstein Joel & Lyn Epstein In memory of Mildred & Harold Epstein and Jeanne & Sam Weil Lidia Fahlk In memory of her mother, Edith Neumann Hank & Joyce Feldman Jean Feldman Donald & Diane Fike John & Joy Fisher Cliff & Laurie Gerstman Bill Giser & Margaret Locke In honor of their son, Kevin Giser Seth & Amy Goldman Carol Greenberg Judith Gale Hardaker In memory of her brothers, Michael Gale and Richard Gale Brent & Erika Hess Rose Jackman Paddy Kaller Bob & Ronni Kaplan Steve & Pam Keiles Bonnie Lowenthal & Evan Braude Brian & Sara Nisenholtz Temple Israel Recognizes Our Sustaining Members Life Members Reva & Seymour Alban Ray & Barbara Alpert Helen Barrad Binnie & Jack Berro Jean Feldman Sylvia & Ron Hartman Fred Masback Sidney Schulman Nancy & Mark Speizer Karen Zoller & David Tillman Honorary Life Members Merv Lemmerman Shirley Loeb Minyan Circle Arlene Solomon Temple Dome Elaine & Howard Davis Howard & Nancy Epstein Alain & Tari Hirsch Alan & Robin Lilien Richard & Amy Lipeles Martin & Gloria Simon 8 Double Chai Cathe & Mark Beizer Michele Berro Harry Cohn Marc Coleman & Shelly Spiegel-Coleman Gary & Judy Cooper Hank & Joyce Feldman Seth & Amy Goldman Carl & Elise Hartman Jonathan & Lynne Kass Steven & Julie Kinsbursky Seth & Vicki Kogan Alan & Kathy Kreida Michael & Cheryl Laven David & Irene Leib Daryl & Sandy Phillips Jeffrey & Nancy Schwartz Mark & Liz Sharzer Leon & Barbara Shoag Jan & Norma Stein Menorah Circle Beverly August Michelle & Bruce Baral J. Garth Begler & Laura Snyder Michael & Elena Belkin Thomas & Jacqueline Besley John & Marcie Blumberg James & Peggy Brady Michael & Susanne Brodsly Alan & Rosecarrie Brooks John Burkholder & Barbara Pollack Richard & Linda Burney Fernando & Linda CalderÒn Clifford & Deborah Corman Bill & Wynndi Dahlin Mark Dressner & Matthew Davis Brent & Erika Eastep Cary Feibleman & Kim Savage David & Joanne Feldman Gary & Lindsey Fields Donald & Diane Fike John & Joy Fisher Richard & Arlene Freeman Daniel & Felicia Gilboa William Giser & Margaret Locke Steve & Michelle Gordon Jonathan & Cindy Gotz Dawn Haldane & Art Lim Daniel Hart & Sheila Carter-Hart Paul & Arline Hillinger Ruth Padway Kaller Steven & Pamela Keiles Adam & Jodi Leiter Eugene & Ann Lentzner Gordon & Judith Lentzner Mark Levinstein Gerald & Joanne Levy James & Nancy Linden John & Joanne Lopez Carol Masters Marc & Diane Merrick Arthur & Barbara Miller Bob Nakamura David & Susan Philips Alexander & Ellen Polsky Dave & Judy Ross Carl & Janet Schultz Cindy Shilkret Wayne Slavitt & Joanne Ratner Matthew & Sharon Sloan Keith & Leticia Somers Morton & Susan Stuhlbarg Howard & Ava Weiss Libby Wilson Barbara Wolfe SCIC Interfaith Greetings The Dignity of Difference* By Roni Love, Member of the South Coast Interfaith Council Mazel Tov to Rabbi Michal Loving, daughter of Janet Liss, who is a contributor to “The Sacred Encounter, Jewish Perspectives on Sexuality,” a book just published. In Chapter 20 you will find Michal’s essay on how the CCAR decided to ordain gay and lesbian rabbis. 2 Myron Wollin & Cynthia Gordon - 32 years 4 Gary & Regina Roberts - 18 years Kenneth & Lara Treseder - 11 years 9 Bob & Ronni Kaplan - 43 years 17 Kenneth Chesnin & Gwen Shaffer - 6 years 18 Cary Feibelman & Kim Savage - 28 years 19 Glenn & Stacy Levine - 13 years 20 Bert & Alexis Rabenn - 41 years 23 Seth & Amy Goldman - 16 years 24 Bill & Sharon Coleman - 28 years Brian & Laurie Garabedian - 27 years Daniel Hart & Sheila Carter-Hart - 22 years Carl & Elise Hartman - 27 years 25 Lloyd & Nancy Blum - 16 years 26 William Gould & Adelle Drane-Bosch - 1 year Gary & Lisa Marschall - 12 years Harold & Janet Pottebaum - 45 years Bob & Phyllis Wallis - 46 years 27 Ricky & Dana Cherry - 8 years Marvin & Lory Glickman - 58 years Linda Keiles & Leslie Ciletti - 7 years David Tillman & Karen Zoller - 35 years 29 Barry & Kendra Cogert - 26 years Michael & Cheryl Laven - 20 years Alex & Ellen Polsky - 36 years Harold & Gerda Seifer - 59 years 30 Paul & Marian Martin - 21 years Jeffrey & Sheryl Stewart - 21 years 31 Charles & Dorothy Samuel - 70 years Greater Long Beach is an increasingly diverse area. Its landscape has become dotted by the arches and domes of temples, synagogues, gurdwaras, mosques, churches and more. As we meet people from other backgrounds, whether as neighbors, shopkeepers, colleagues, relatives or friends, instead of seeing these encounters as potential sources of conflict, our community is beginning to view them as unique opportunities to engage, work together, learn, share and “serve to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 18) The SCIC and other Southern California interfaith/intercultural groups are heavily involved with seeking ways to bring people together for fun, to learn about each other, to work together, to give back to our community, and to live in peace. This May and June, the SCIC is sponsoring the following events, complementing that objective which you, your family and your friends will enjoy and, at the same time, fulfill a mitzvah or two! BEACH CLEANUP DAYS Saturday, May 17 & June 21, 10-10:30 a.m. This 30-Minute Beach Cleanup seeks to create a clean and safe place for residents, visitors and aquatic wildlife along the Long Beach coast. Volunteers will begin at the Belmont Pier. All volunteers are encouraged to wear shoes and sunscreen. Bags, gloves and free parking are provided. If you are interested in volunteering, please email the SCIC at or call 562/983-1665. JAINISM: HISTORY, BELIEFS & PRACTICES Thursday, May 22, 7-9 p.m. Presenter: Whitny Braun, Director of the Centers for Jain and Sikh Studies, Claremont School of Theology, is an American bioethicist featured on the National Geographic Channel program “Taboo” and is known for her research with regard to the Jain practice of Sallekhana and the Parsi practice of Dakhmanashini. This event will be held at the Long Beach LDS Institute of Religion on the CSULB Campus: 6360 E State University Drive**. To RSVP, email the SCIC at or call 562/983-1665. For both these events, go to the SCIC webpage at www., for more details and further information. **Located on the east side of Lower Campus. At Palo Verde Ave., turn right onto State University Dr. Then turn left into the driveway. Parking is in back of the building. Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Paz, Shanti, Her Ping... *The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilizations by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 9 7 th Torah Center’s Grade Mitzvah Fair Early Childhood programs Friday, May 9 ~10:00 a.m. This program is designed for stay-at-home parents, or parents with flexible work schedules and their little ones. Newborns up to age 3 are invited, as well as older siblings, if they’re not in school. We will sing songs, play games, and enjoy some challah and juice together before Shabbat! This program is a great way to get to know other new parents in the Jewish community and have your kids play in a fun and cozy environment. All are welcome to attend! Free of charge. Friday, May 16 ~ 6:00 p.m. Led by Kelly Cooper Perler Our Tot Shabbat is a fun, informal, child-centered Shabbat Service, designed especially for children, ages newborn to elementary school age and their loved ones. Through songs, prayers, stories, and Torah time, children love this Service. Tot Shabbat Services will be followed by challah and grape juice. Services include a FREE pizza dinner Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 14 by calling Michelle (562) 434-0996, ext. 101 or email Saturday, May 24 ~ 10:00a.m. Come join us for our next Shabbat ShaPARK Shalom! This gathering at Marina Vista Park is designed for families with young children, ages newborn – 4 years old. Come meet other parents and celebrate Shabbat with us at the playground. Kids can play. Parents can chat. Shabbat singing and challah too! See you at the park! All are welcome to attend. Free of charge 10 11 Y ahrzeit O bservance “Zecher Tzadik Livracha” May 7-13 Solomon Allman* Ben Berman Suki Berro Walter Brady Ida Brodsky Alex Chapin Barbara Chasin-Ketterling* Joseph Cohen* Leslie Kay Dobkin* Maria D’Orio Mort Dover James Eisenberg* Freda Entin Rizalina Fackler Karen Fine Agnes Gaines Diana Gubmann Ribakoff Franklin Kampelman George Koppel* Bill Mandi Michale Obodov Ester Pallacios-Bravo Ben Rabenn* Beckey Rosen Manuel Rosen Lillian Rosenberg Sol Rosenthal Nicholas Roth* Saul Savitz* Hulda Schallamach Ben Schwartz* Jack Schweig Belle Shaffer Henrietta Stein Monita Waldo Elaine Weinberger* May 14-20 Jack Justin Bard* Helen Barth Jacob Braude Albert Butler Fred Coleman Lorraine Edwards Barbara Gertz H. Melvin Giges Mervin Glow* Jennie Goldberg* 12 The memory of the righteous are a blessing Miriam Goldberg* Kurt Gutschwager* Lillian Handelsman Anna Hillinger* Aimee Hirsch Kenny Hirschhorn Dorothy Hollander Weil* Evelyn Hooker Hyman Horn Rose Jaffe* Jack Kagia* Morris Lieberman* Gertrude Mizenberg* Marvin Nachlis Nathan Perrin* Arthur Pomper* Lillian Rosenberg* Gertrude Rosenthal Milton Safier Don Saltman Elsie Seligman* Harold Sloan* Jacqueline Slutsky Sarah Tall* Samuel Weil Henry Witherspoon* May 21-27 Belle Axel Scott Baumel Beverly Brawer Harry Brodsky Irving Brukman Shimon Budeshtsky Anita Ehrenberg Mordechai Fleischer Rabbi Harvey B. Franklin* Frieda Freidman* Abraham Goldkind Louis Goldstone Sophie Greenberg Linda Harrison* Max Huttner* Lou Kaplan David Krugman Anna Lubkin Al Marcus Lousi Matthias* Joseph Israel Rabin* Max Rosensweig Arthur Rubenstein Louis Rubin* Miriam Rubin* Sarah Rubin* Miriam Schaefer Esther Schneider* Manya Silverman* Louis Slatoff* Marcus Strauss Sam Sugarman Alex Tropp Daniel Zarowitz* May 28-June 3 Charles Adelson* Sam Becker* Sara Benjamin Theodore Berman Sam Corman Ida Diamond Alexander Duberstein* Ann Dworkin* Mirium Dworkin* Edith Edelstein Henrietta Eisman Max Eisman Laurie Fabricant Samuel Federman* Bernice Feibleman Joseph Freedman Morton Friedenthal Marian Friedman Lloyd Fromm* Richard Fuentes Pauline Gawryn Everett Giles Dave Goodman* Dorothy Gordon Milo Guest Pearl Guest Steven Guest Helene Gurewitz Paul Hallwerck Irving Harris Madeline Heft Yetta Hollander Harry Horowitz Stanely Kaplan Shirlee Kinsbursky Max Kull David Labow Mortimer Lazzar* Ernest Leb* Herbert Lewis Hannabelle Lieberman* Matthew Locks William Madison Edward Miller* Joshua Nakamura Abe Olinsky* Frances Oster Marvin Oster Jeanette Padway* Evelyn Parker* Martha Posalski* Madeline Rabin Katie Roberts Sam Rosen Kurt Rosenfeld* Charles Rosner* Marvin Stern Dorothy Weil* Robert White* Beatrice Wolpow* Stanley Zack* * These names will be permanently inscribed on Memorial plaques and are to be read in perpetuity. Our Condolences To... Karen & Tim Strelitz on the death of her father, Curtis E. Blank Heather Raphael on the death of her friend, Susan Plichta Temple Israel Funds Tzedakah is a central mitzvah of Judaism. It humanizes both the giver and the recipient. It acknowledges an important occasion, honors a person for a job well done, or pays tribute in sympathy. Torah Center Funds Music Funds Temple Israel Fund Rob & Debbie Feldman Family Got Shabbat Funds quarterly Friday Shabbat alternative music service. General Fund For the support of on going congregational activities Discretionary Funds Music Patrons Funds musical programs Rabbi Steven Moskowitz Tzedakah projects at the Rabbi’s discretion Educator For benefit of the Torah Center and its teachers President For special projects at the President’s discretion Community Funds Homeless Assistance Helps those in need pay first and/or last month’s rent Caring Community Funds programs for families in need Nancy Leff and Donald Leff Memorial Purchases Hanukkah gifts for children of needy families Yad B’Yad Purchases kitchen and catering supplies for Yad B’Yad Book Fund Camp Funds Michael Avchen Memorial Campership Camp/trip program for children in financial need Lester Elbert and Corinne Van Boemel Memorial Campership Camperships for those in financial need Miscellaneous Funds Rabbi Wolli Kaelter Sabbath Fellowship For purchase of kitchen items and programming Stan Solomon Building For building repairs A. Estin Comarr Memorial Torah Scholarship Funds scholarships for Torah Center Torah Center Scholarship Assists with Torah Center fees and scholarships Roselle & Herbert Sommer Scholarship Fund Assists with Torah Center fees and camp scholarships Lipeles Family Camp & Adult Shabbaton Fund for Families in need Jewish Campership Camperships for those in need Temple Israel Foundation Endowment Funds Please make checks payable to Temple Israel Foundation Programming Funds Jack Bard Memorial For Jewish programs of interest to the congregation Social Action For social action and programming needs Joys of Jewish Learning Funds adult education programs at the Temple Library Fund Purchase of library books HUM (Horim U’Morim) Funds Torah Center projects Torah Center Funds Torah Center Fund The Speizer Youth Development Funds youth activities Pilger Lectureship Funds annual guest speaker lectures Lapid-Shapiro Funds annual lectureship programs and Torah Center educational programs Syd Lemmerman Jewish Camping and Youth Fund Polly Alevy Memorial Education Funds for Torah Center In support of Jewish camping, Israel experiences, and other informal Jewish educational programs To make a donation, please check off any fund above to which you would like to donate and fill out the form below. Tear out this sheet and mail to: Temple Israel 269 Loma Avenue, Long Beach CA 90803 Donor Name: Amount: Message: Send Card To: Address: Payment: Credit Card # Check Credit Card VISA Mastercard Security Code: Exp. Date: Billing Address: Signature: Phone # 13 Contributions Through April 10 We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Israel by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through generous contributions IN LOVING MEMORY Jeannie & Robert Alban in loving memory of Jeannie’s father, Henry Cohen. Bea Aron in loving memory of her husband, Leo Aron. Mollie Berman in loving memory of her step-mother, Tess Kampelman. Linda & Rich Burney in loving memory of Linda’s great aunt, Gitti Simon. Susanne Cameron & Jackie Fritz in loving memory of their grandfather, Max Schallamach. Dana & Ricky Cherry in loving memory of Dana’s father, Alan Paul Schneider. Judy & Gary Cooper in loving memory of Judy’s mother, Betty Fimberg. Wynndi & Bill Dahlin in loving memory of Wynndi’s mother, Helen Halter. Lidia Fahlk in loving memory of her mother, Edith Neumann. Gary & Lindsey Fields in loving memory of Gary’s father, Paul Fields. Lory & Marvin Glickman in loving memory of Lory’s mother, Rose Brodsky. Marvin & Lory Glickman in loving memory of Marvin’s father, Michael Glickman. Morton Godlas in loving memory of his father, Aaron Godlas. Morton Godlas in loving memory of his wife, Roz Godlas. Morton Godlas in loving memory of his mother, Bessie Porter. Morton Godlas in loving memory of his mother-in-law, Sarah Fishkind. Morton Godlas in loving memory of his brother-in-law, Abraham Fishkind. Morton Godlas in loving memory of his brother-in-law, Gerald Fishkind. Morton Godlas in loving memory of his brother-in-law, Samuel Fishkind. Paul Gurewitz in loving memory of his father, Albert Gurewitz. Jeanne & Dale Halliday in loving memory of Jeanne’s mother, Sadie Berman Nahum. Donna Hallwerck in loving memory of her brother, Lawrence Singer. Donna Hallwerck in loving memory of her stepmother, Gertrude Singer. Donna Hallwerck in loving memory of sister-in-law, Jean Hallwerck. Judith Hardaker in loving memory of her fiancé, Ed Ferraro. Paul & Dorothy Hartstein in loving memory of Paul’s mother, Clara Hartstein Budnick. Bobbi Horowitz in loving memory of her father, Jacob Horowitz. Sandra & Gerald Joffe in loving memory of Sandra’s father, Milton Levey. Gerald & Sandra Joffe in loving memory of Gerald’s mother, Jeannie Joffe. Paddy Kaller in loving memory of her Machetuneste, Bernice Stelling. Dorothy Levin in loving memory of her mother, Anne Roth. Dorothy Levin in loving memory of her sister, Sylvia Beach. Mark Levinstein in loving memory of his father, Abraham Levinstein. Mark Levinstein in loving memory of his mother, Dena Levinstein. Paul & Susanna Levitt in loving memory of Paul’s parents, Ed & Dorothy Levitt. Danny & Sammy Levy in memory of Robert Jonathan Stepner, beloved brother of Danny, beloved uncle of Sammy. Nancy & Steve Levy in loving memory of Nancy’s father, Robert Reitzes. David & Irene Leib in loving memory of David’s mother, Mary Leib. Jim & Nancy Linden in memory of Jim’s beloved stepfather, Bob Baldwin. 14 Roni Love in loving memory of her cousin, Rose Antignas. Roni Love in loving memory of her uncle, Ben Jones. Roni Love in loving memory of her mother, Dorothy Gelzer Lerner. Roni Love in loving memory of her aunt, Edythe Gelzer Jones. Carol Masters in loving memory of her husband, Mike Masters. Marc & Diane Merrick in loving memory of Marc’s father, Marvin Merrick. Barbara & Arthur Miller in loving memory of Barbara’s aunt, Rebecca Willner. Bethlaine Moreno in loving memory of her father, Simpson Singer. Akira Nakamura in loving memory of his wife, Meryl Gladstone. Susy Oster in loving memory of her husband, Harry Oster. Susy Oster in loving memory of her father, Miklos Zimmerman. Susy Oster in loving memory of brother-in-law, Robert Oster. Alexis & Bert Rabenn in memory of Harry Goldberg, beloved father of Alexis. Albert Roller in loving memory of his wife, Tiby Roller. Moises Sanft in loving memory of his father, Moises W. Sanft. Nancy Schindler & Jay Lentzner in loving memory of Nancy’s father, Paul Joseph Schindler. Lara & Kenneth Treseder in loving memory of Lara’s mother, Anita Cherniack. Howard & Ava Weiss in loving memory of Howard’s mother & Ava’s mother-in-law, Harriet Weiss. Doreen Wright Wendell in loving memory of her husband, Michael Dale Wendell. Barry & Rita Zamost in loving memory of Barry’s mother, Regina Zamost. GENERAL FUND Binnie & Jack Berro in honor of the birth of Lila Millie Tillman, granddaughter of Karen Zoller and David Tillman. Linda & Rick Burney in memory of Shirley Schnee, beloved mother of Joanne Levy. Linda & Rick Burney in memory of Marilyn Gale, beloved mother of Elizabeth Sharzer. Thelma Conway in appreciation of the beautiful Purim Bag she received from Temple Israel. Irene Hirschland in honor of Helen Barrad’s 90th Birthday Irene Hirschland in honor of the birth of Bea Aron’s great-grandson. Irene Hirschland in honor of the marriage of Tybie Becker’s granddaughter. Dorothy Levin sends her wishes for a very Happy Birthday to Helen Barrad. Ronnie Levine in honor of the Purim Bag she received. Louise Lakoff made a donation as a friend of Israel. Bethlaine Moreno in honor of receiving her Purim “Goodie Bag”. Eleanor Reicher in appreciation for receiving her Purim Bag even though she lives far away and can’t drive. Norman Slomann & Gail Webster in memory of Ronni Kaplan’s beloved father, Buddy Gasman. RABBI STEVEN MOSKOWITZ DISCRETIONARY FUND Thelma Becker in memory of Bea Bragin, beloved wife of Irving Bragin. Binnie, Jack, Denise, Michele Berro & family sends their wishes for a very Happy Birthday to Jackie Besley. Al & Rita Birch in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz. Judy & Denny Blumenthal in loving memory of Judy’s grandmother, Eva Sreiberg. Denny & Judy Blumenthal in loving memory of Denny’s father, Israel Blumenthal. Judy & Denny Blumenthal in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Judy & Denny Blumenthal in memory of Conner Firstman, beloved nephew of Barbara & Don Kaplan. Judy & Denny Blumenthal in memory of Marilyn Gale, beloved mother of Liz Sharzer. Irving Bragin in appreciation of the kindness of Rabbi Moskowitz. Stuart & Vicky Cahn. William John Cousin in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz. Harriette Ellis in appreciation for Rabbi Moskowitz’s kindness and caring. Linda R. Fox in gratitude to Rabbi Moskowitz. Linda R. Fox in loving memory of her grandfather, Samuel Bass. Arlene C. Finger in loving memory of her brother, Alan Crawford Teff. Donna Hallwerck in fond memory of Margot Benardo. Paul & Dorothy Hartstein in memory of Pauline Sinow, beloved mother of Elisabeth Hutchinson. Paul & Dorothy Hartstein in loving memory of Paul’s cousin, Alvin Waxman. Paddy Kaller in memory of her beloved cousin, Jerry Greenblatt. Paddy Kaller sends her wishes to Bo Hughes for a speedy recovery. Marian Lerner in memory of her beloved husband, William Lerner. Marian Lerner in loving memory of Margot Benardo. Ronnie Levine in memory of Martha & Zoli, beloved parents of Tom Rich and Susie Rich Kritzer. Ronnie Levine in memory of Conner Firstman, beloved nephew of Barbara & Don Kaplan. Fred Masback in loving memory of his wife, Leona K. Masback. Al & Ruth Rudis in honor of the Yahrzeits of Walter Steel and Joseph Rudis, beloved father of Al. Burt Schild in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Cindy Shilkret in loving memory of her husband, Wayne Shilkret. Melanie & Dan Spellens in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz. Karen, Tim, Lauren, Samantha Strelitz and Sabrina & Greg Weiss in memory of Patsy Gilbert, beloved mother of Debbie Gilbert Glassman. Ilsebill Wolfe sent her Get Well Wishes to Edna Statman. POLLY ALEVY MEMORIAL EDUCATION FUND Melanie & Dan Spellens in memory of beloved Great Uncle, Joe Lichter. Melanie & Dan Spellens in memory of Joseph Berro. MICHAEL AVCHEN MEMORIAL CAMPERSHIP FUND Sandy Avchen in memory of Carey Appel’s dear grandmother. Sandy Avchen in memory of Bob Gluckstein, beloved husband of Rochelle Gluckstein. Sandy Avchen in memory of Carol Roth’s dearest Arthur. Sandy Avchen sends her wishes for Happiness and love for all the things they are to Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Epstein. Mimi Feldman in honor of Sandy Avchen’s Birthday. Mimi Feldman in memory of Michael Avchen, beloved son of Sandy Avchen. CARING COMMUNITY FUND Irving Bragin in gratitude for the help they received from the Caring Committee with their recent meal of condolence. Joy & John Fisher in memory of Marilyn Gale, beloved mother of Elizabeth Sharzer. LESTER ELBERT & CORINNE VAN BOEMEL MEMORIAL CAMPERSHIP FUND David & Joanne Feldman in loving memory of David’s grandfather, George Elbert. Cheryl & Allan Waterman in memory of Cheryl’s mother, Corinne Van Boemel. ROB & DEBBIE FELDMAN FAMILY GOT SHABBAT FUND Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of Jack’s brother, Joseph Berro. Rob & Debbie Feldman in memory of Marilyn Gale, beloved mother of Liz Sharzer. Janice Wood & Leon Neumann in loving memory of Brandon Thorpe, son of Sandi Thorpe. HIGH HOLY DAYS FLOWER FUND Bea Aron in honor of Helen Barrad’s very special 90th Birthday. Bea Aron in loving memory of Adele Hirsch. HOMELESS ASSISTANCE FUND Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of their uncle Joe Lichter. Binnie & Jack Berro in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Harriette Ellis & Frank Weinberger in loving memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette. Jean Feldman in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Paddy Kaller in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Robin & Alan Lilien in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Carol Masters in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Mona Panitz & Ed Zwieback in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Norman & Sheila Pokras in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Sadie & David Sacks in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. Barbara Wolfe in honor of Helen Barrad’s very special 90th Birthday. Barbara Wolfe in memory of Estelle Meyerson, beloved sister of Harriette Ellis. JOYS OF JEWISH LEARNING FUND Nancy & Jeff Barrad in honor of Helen Barrad’s 90th Birthday. Tybie Becker in honor of Helen Barrad’s special Birthday. LIBRARY FUND Jean Feldman in loving memory of her mother, Eva Berliner. Jean Feldman in loving memory of her cousin, Audrey Green Frank. Jean Feldman sends her well wishes to Paul Hillinger. Bill Gould purchased a copy of “National Geographic Who’s Who in the Bible: Unforgettable People and Timeless Stories from Genesis to Revelation” as a donation to the Temple Israel Library. MUSIC PATRONS FUND Marcie & John Blumberg in loving memory of Marcie’s grandmother, Sarah Wilkofsky. Joyce Hayes Harn in memory of Libby Cowan, beloved mother of Teri McCasland. Marc & Diane Merrick in support of Cantor Marvin Finnley’s CD project. 15 David York in memory of Libby Cowan, beloved mother of Teri McCasland. ORGAN REFURBISHMENT FUND Harriette Ellis & Frank Weinberger in honor of Leon and Barbara Shoag on their fantastic Birthdays and their Anniversary. Marlene & Burrell Ross in loving memory of Marlene’s mother, Sylvia Berger. Elisa & Nico Turien in support of the 7th grade field trip to Jewish World Watch-Walk to End Genocide. Simona & Richard Wildman in honor of the Wedding Anniversary of David & Marilyn Wildman. RABBI WOLLI KAELTER Sabbath Fellowship Jean Feldman special message to June & Herman Rubin-“Todah rabah, grazie, merci beaucoup, gracias and thank you with love for your kindness”. Dodie Robbins in memory of Harriette Ellis’s beloved sister, Estelle Meyerson. Dodie Robbins in memory of her beloved father-in-law, Charles Rabinowitz. Dodie Robbins in honor of Helen Barrad’s special Birthday. THE SPEIZER YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FUND (FOUNDATION) Nancy & Mark Speizer in honor of Helen Barrad’s 90th Birthday. TORAH CENTER FUND Burrell & Marlene Ross in loving memory of Burrell’s mother, Sylvia Ross. Get Well Wishes To... Thelma Conway Sylvia Coonen Steve Gordon Susanna Levitt Cheryl Eiser Emily Magilnick Amy Goldman Max Turien Linda Fox Elyse Gordon Dan Spellens Rose Ziskrout Please Support our Sponsors Give your child the summer of a lifetime! FEATURING: 11 Acre Campus Arts and Crafts Drama and Judaics Field Trips Onsite Laser Tag Hamster Balls Outdoor Athletic Fields Spacious Swimming Pool Experienced, Spirited Counselors Shabbatons Freeway Close Sun Shielded Toddler Pool And much, much more! 1 week sessions Programs for ages 2-15 Transportation available from most areas The best camp for your child! OVER 4 DECADES OF EXPERIENCE. Camperships Available through a Grant Provided by ALLEN ALEVY & BRIAN CHISICK AND FAMILIES For more information CALL (949) 381-5610 VISIT 16 Please Support our Sponsors Maple Moriji, MA, MFTI IMF 70715 562.400.8075 Therapy for Individuals and Couples Supervised by Kathy Remeika, MFT License No. MFC 40877 295 Redondo Avenue #101 Long Beach, CA 90803 Phone 562-987-4720 ext. 2# Please Support our Sponsors Why We are “locally World famouS” n Family Owned & Operated Since 1972 n Friendly, Qualified Sales Staff n FREE Flat Repairs, Rotation & Rebalance on tires purchased from us n FREE Shuttle Service Available n ASE Certified Service Personnel n Expert Brake & Front End Service n Custom Suspension: Lifting or Lowering n State-of-the-Art Equipment n Family Friendly Waiting Area n Nationwide Warranty on all Automotive Service Work n Nationwide Road Hazard Warranty Available n Huge Inventory – Custom Fitments n 1,000’s of Custom Wheels in Stock n Chrome Plating Service n n n n n n n n n On Site Custom Wheel & Parts Polishing FREE 30 Day Trial Ride on Most Tires We Support the Long Beach Community Easy Credit up to $5,000 upon Credit Approval Lifetime Limited Warranty on Most Brake Service All Tires or Wheels Purchased are Nitrogen Filled at No Extra Charge Complete Tire Service Including Performance, Vintage, Race & Off Road We Sell ALL Brands Our Company Motto is: “If we don’t take care of the customer someone else will! FAMILY LY! FRIEND Like us 100% SatiSfaction Guarantee! INVITATION TO SEE THE DIFFERENCE! 25 $ OFF ANY Product or Service! With this coupon you will receive a $25 savings on your next purchase in our store! *Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per customer per visit. No cash value. Offer subject to change without notice. 3910 Cherry Avenue • Long Beach, CA 90807 562.988.0211 Please Support our Sponsors Malinow & Silverman Mortuary Randy M. Ziegler, President Sandra B. Fine Toll Free (800) 710-7100 Family owned and operated FD487 This Space could be yours Don’t miss the opportunity to reach interested members of our Temple Israel family and the Long Beach Jewish Community. Sponsorship Rates Full Page 1 month $ 200 Annual (11 Issues) $1,100 Half Page 1 month $ 150 Annual (11 Issues) $ 825 Quarter Page 1 month $ 100 $ 550 Annual (11 Issues) Business Card 1 month $ 50 Annual (11 Issues) $ 275 Deadline is the 10th of the month. Please contact Michelle in the Temple Office at This Space could be yours Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid 269 Loma Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90803 Office: 562.434.0996 • Fax: 562.434.0252 Website: Change Service Requested Cantor Marvin Finnley Is Travelin’ On... Come celebrate his 30 years with us and bid him adieu and shalom SATURDAY June 14, 2014 atTempleIsrael 269LomaAvenue,LongBeach 5:30 p.m. Free Farewell Concert & Reception with Cantor Finnley and our Temple Israel Choir A collection of light musical selections 7:00 p.m. Farewell Dinner -$36perperson Please RSVP to Charmaine (562) 434-0996 ext 100 by Friday, June 6 Permit No. 180 Long Beach, CA
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