- Sainik Samachar


- Sainik Samachar
In This Issue
Since 1909
Major Milestone for Indian Navy 4
(Initially published as FAUJI AKHBAR)
Vol. 62 No 8
26 Chaitra - 10 Vaisakha, 1937 (Saka)
16-30 April 2015
The journal of India’s Armed Forces published every fortnight in thirteen
languages including Hindi & English on behalf of Ministry of Defence. It is not
necessarily an organ for the expression of the Government’s defence policy. The
published items represent the views of respective writers and correspondents.
Defence Minister
Calls on Japanese PM
Hasibur Rahman
New VCNS Takes
Dr Abrar Rahmani
Editor (Features)
Ehsan Khusro
Sekhar Babu Madduri
Business Manager
Dharam Pal Goswami
Our Correspondents
DELHI: Dhananjay Mohanty; Capt DK Sharma; Col Rohan Anand; Wg Cdr
SS Birdi; Ved Pal; Hamid Hussain; Wg Cdr Rochelle D’Silva; Veerendra
Singh; ALLAHABAD: Gp Capt BB Pande; BANGALORE: Dr MS Patil;
Wg Cdr Abhishek Matiman; GUWAHATI: Lt Col Suneet Newton; IMPHAL: Lt
Col Ajay Kumar Sharma; JALANDHAR: Naresh Vijay Vig; JAMMU: Lt Col
Manish Mehta; JODHPUR: Lt Col Manish Ojha; KOCHI: Cdr Sridhar E Warrier
; KOHIMA: Lt Col E Musavi; KOLKATA: Gp Capt TK Singha; LUCKNOW: Ms
Gargi Malik Sinha; MUMBAI: Cdr Rahul Sinha; Narendra Vispute; NAGPUR:
Wg Cdr Samir S Gangakhedkar; PALAM: Gp Capt SK Mehta; PUNE: Mahesh
Iyengar; SECUNDERABAD: MA Khan Shakeel; SHILLONG: Gp Capt Amit
Mahajan; SRINAGAR: Lt Col NN Joshi; TEZPUR: Lt Col Sombith Ghosh;
Goswami; VISAKHAPATNAM: Cdr CG Raju.
Tribute to Manekshaw
AIFD Students Showcase…
Celebrations of Centenary…
Disaster in Zanskar Valley
Defence in Parliament
946 Youth of Kashmir…
Army Foils the Terrorist…
AMC Touching
Great Heights
18 Photo Feature: Concerted Efforts
of Armed Forces
27 Armed Forces Panorama
Published by: Sitanshu Kar Director General (Media & Communication)
Directorate of Public Relations, South Block,
Ministry of Defence, New Delhi-110011
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On front cover: Kalvari, Scorpene class stealth submarine is being ‘undocked’
at the Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) on April 6, 2015 in Mumbai.
Pic: GD Mehra
n keeping with the contemporary
means of communication, Ministry
of Defence is actively disseminating
information through digital means
(Twitter included).
Spokesperson of Ministry of Defence
is @SpokespersonMoD.
Major Milestone for Indian Navy
alvari, first of the Indian
Navy’s Scorpene class stealth
submarines being built under the
Project 75, under collaboration
with M/s DCNS, France, achieved
a major milestone on April 6, 2015
with her ‘undocking’ at the Mazagon
Dock Limited (MDL), Mumbai.
The event was witnessed by
the Defence Minister Mr Manohar
Parrikar, the Chief Minister of
Maharashtra Mr Devendra Fadnavis
and the Chief of the Naval Staff
Admiral RK Dhowan amongst other
dignitaries present at the landmark
Addressing the staff and
workers at a glittering ceremony at
the Eastman yard, Mr Parrikar urged
them “to strive towards making
the yard a globally renowned one
and to play a critical role in Indian
Navy’s goal of becoming a true Blue
water Navy”. The project 75 which
has already seen a delay of almost
40 months has now been brought
on track and the delivery schedule
Sainik Samachar
for the successive submarines have
been reduced. Mr Parrikar asked
the defence public sector yards viz.
Mazagon Docks Limited and Goa
shipyard to double their production
in the coming three years.
Mr Parrikar said as far as P75(I)
Project is concerned, private players
can also be invited for joint venture
which would help early fruition
of the project. He warned that if
the project is not completed in the
stipulated time, the defaulting yard
would have to pay penalty but an
early completion would be rewarded
with a bonus. He also asked MDL to
April 16-30, 2015
take a lead in the skill development
of local unemployed youth.
With a name steeped in the long
and glorious tradition of its illustrious
predecessor, an erstwhile Russian
‘Foxtrot’ class submarine, Kalvari,
upon its scheduled commissioning
in 2016, would lend an enormous
fillip to the Indian Navy’s underwater
capability. The remaining five boats
of the Project 75 would be delivered
by the yard to the Navy by 2020 and
would form the core of the Navy’s
submarine arm for the next two
The Scorpene submarines would
pack a potent punch. She would
submarines in the country, Project
75 marks a critical milestone in the
Yard’s continued relevance as a
defence public sector undertaking
constructing submarines.
are the precursor to the Navy of
tomorrow and their induction into the
Navy justifies the Indian Navy’s credo
of “Glorious wake, Vibrant future.”
- Sitanshu Kar with Capt DK Sharma
and Cdr Rahul Sinha
pix: Vijay Kumar and Fulchand
be equipped with anti-ship missiles
and long range guided torpedoes
alongwith modern sensor suite.
After having delivered two
Shishumar class submarines in
the early nineties, the event further
highlights MDL’s position as the
premier submarine building yard for
the Indian Navy. From a small dry
dock built to service ships of the East
India Company, MDL today is at
the forefront of warship construction
with the P 15 B class destroyers and
P 17 A class stealth frigates being
the latest. As the exclusive public
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
Defence Minister Calls on Japanese PM
he Defence Minister Mr Manohar
Parrikar, who is on a bilateral visit
to Japan, called on Prime Minister of
Japan Shinzo Abe March 30, 2015.
The Defence Minister said that
Japan is the first country he is visiting
after assumption of office, which
clearly conveys the importance India
attaches to strengthening bilateral
defence and security cooperation.
He said that he would like to see
a strong partnership with Japan in
defence equipment and technology.
Prime Minister Abe said that he
wants to build a strong relationship
with India not only in economic field
but also in defence and security
Defence Minister Mr Manohar Parrikar called on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on
March 30, 2015
Delegation level talks between India and Japan in progress in Tokyo on March 31, 2015
Sainik Samachar
April 16-30, 2015
India and Japan hold Defence Dialogue
1. The Defence Minister of India
bilateral Japan-India Maritime
Manohar Parrikar is paying
Exercises and participation of
a bilateral visit to Japan from
Japan Maritime Self Defence
29 March to 1 April, 2015 at
Force in India-US Joint Naval
the invitation of the Minister
Exercises “Malabar 14” in July
of Defence of Japan, Gen
2014, which was held off the
Nakatani. The two Ministers held
coast of Japan.
a Defence Ministerial Meeting on 4. The two Defence Ministers noted
March 30, 2015 in Tokyo.
the progress made in discussion
2. The meeting was held in a
in the Joint Working Group (JWG)
constructive, friendly and forward
on Defence Equipment and
looking atmosphere. The two
Technology Cooperation (JWGMinisters briefed each other on the
DETC). They were of the view that
security environment surrounding
India and Japan have the potential
each country and their respective
in the area of defence equipment
defence policies. They reviewed
and technology cooperation,
strategic developments relating
which can emerge as a key pillar
to international security situation
of bilateral defence relations. They
with emphasis on the interexchanged views on potential
projects for cooperation in this
Indian Ocean regions. They
area and emphasized the need to
were of the view that in the interpursue mutually beneficial future
connected Indo-Pacific region,
cooperation projects.
India-Japan Special Strategic 5. In order to further enhance the
and Global Partnership has a key
cooperative relations in Indiarole in maintaining peace and
Japan Special Strategic and
stability in the region. Minister
Nakatani briefed on Japan’s
the defence authorities, the two
recent efforts related to Japan’s
Ministers shared views to conduct
security policy. Minister Parrikar
cooperation and exchanges,
appreciated the detailed briefing.
3. The two Ministers welcomed
i. Continue
the progress made in bilateral
defence exchanges following
Ministerial meeting on an
the signing of Memorandum of
annual basis;
Cooperation and Exchanges in
a) The Defence Minister of
the Field of Defence during the
Japan will visit India in
visit of Prime Minister Narendra
Modi to Japan in September
b) Hold the 4th Vice-Minister/
2014 and emphasized the need
Defence Secretary level
to further strengthen and elevate
Defence Policy Dialogue
bilateral defence relations. They
and the 3rd Vice-Minister/
appreciated on-going maritime
cooperation as exemplified by
Secretary level“2 plus 2”
April 16-30, 2015
dialogue in Delhi at the
beginning of April, 2015.
c) Visits by Service Chiefs on
reciprocal basis.
ii. Continue
between Centre for UN
Peacekeeping (CUNPK) of
the Indian Army and Japan
Peacekeeping Training and
Research Center (JPC) of
Joint Staff College, Central
Readiness Force (CRF) of
Japan Ground Self Defence
Force (JGSDF);
iii. Continue to conduct bilateral
exercises between Japan
Maritime Force’s and Indian
Navy on a regular basis;
iv. Conduct expert exchanges
in Humanitarian Assistance/
Disaster Relief and Counter
Terrorism between both Indian
Army and Japan Ground Self
Defence Force (JGSDF);
v. Conduct
professional exchanges of
test-pilots between Japan
Air-Self Force and Indian Air
Force and exchanges between
their air transport squadrons;
vi. Enhance
future cooperation in defence
equipment and technology.
Mr Parrikar thanked Minister
Mr Nakatani for the gracious
welcome and hospitality extended
to him and members of the Indian
delegation during his visit to Japan.
Sainik Samachar
Defence Minister Mr Manohar Parrikar called on the Foreign Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida in Tokyo on March 31, 2015
field. He said that a strong IndiaJapan partnership is not only in the
national interest of the two countries
but is also important for peace and
security in the region.
The Defence Minister Mr
Manohar Parrikar met Foreign
Minister of Japan Mr Fumio Kishida
March 31, 2015.
emphasized commonality of strategic
interests between Japan and India
and conveyed Japan’s desire to
enhance bilateral defence and
security cooperation including in the
field of maritime security. Mr. Kishida
said that Japan would like to further
enhance economic cooperation with
India and work jointly to enhance
regional connectivity.
Mr Parrikar welcomed Japan’s
initiative to strengthen bilateral ties
and said that Japan is a privileged
partner of India in ‘Make in India’
including in defence equipment and
technology sector. India considers
Sainik Samachar
The Defence Minister Mr Manohar Parrikar shaking hands with his Japanese counterpart
General Nakatani during a Defence Ministerial Meeting of the two countries on March 30,
2015 in Tokyo
relations with Japan very important,
which is evident from the fact that he
chose Japan as the first country to
visit after assuming office of Defence
- D Mohanty and Hamid Hussain
April 16-30, 2015
New VCNS Takes Over
ice Admiral P Murugesan
assumed charge as Vice Chief
of the Naval Staff on March 31,
2015. In a glittering ceremony held
at the South Block lawns earlier
during the day, Vice Admiral P
Murugesan was received by Vice
Admiral SK Jha, Chief Hydrographer
and Commodore VK Garg, station
commander Delhi area and a
ceremonial Guard of Honour was
accorded to him.
Vice Admiral P Murugesan was
commissioned in the Indian Navy on
January 1, 1979. He is a recipient
of the President’s Gold Medal as
a Cadet in the Naval Academy,
Sea Cadet’s “Telescope” during
Cadet Afloat Training and “Sword
of Honour” as a Midshipman.
After the initial sea appointments,
he specialised in Navigation and
Aircraft Direction by securing first
position in his class and served on
board frontline fleet ships. He has
been the commissioning crew of
the first ship of 1241 RE (Veer class
missile boats) and has undergone
training in Russia. He has held
various prestigious operational and
staff appointments, both afloat and
appointment in the rank of Captain
was as the Commanding Officer of
the Guided Missile Destroyer INS
Ranjit. Under his Command, the
ship was deployed to Mozambique
April 16-30, 2015
DSSC, Wellington and at College
of Naval Warfare, Mumbai. Further,
in the rank of Commander, he held
the Staff appointments as Deputy
Director of Personnel and Naval
Assistant to VCNS.
as the lead ship of a Task Group
comprising two ships to provide
maritime security during the conduct
of 2nd African Union Heads of
Government Summit held at the
capital city of Maputo in June 2003
and accomplished the mission. The
ship, during his tenure, was awarded
the Chief of Naval Staff Unit Citation
for exceptional performance and
was adjudged as the Best Ship of
Eastern Fleet for the year 2003-04. In
other operational appointments, he
commissioned the Anti-Submarine
Warfare Patrol Vessel INS Agray
in Russia and Landing Ship Tank
(Large) INS Gharial built at GRSE
Kolkata, as their first Commanding
Officer in the ranks of Lt Cdr and
Commander, respectively.
His other key staff appointments
in the rank of Commodore include
Principal Director Naval Operations.
During that tenure he coordinated
the Navy’s massive Tsunami Relief
Operations in December 2004. He
was subsequently appointed as the
Naval Attaché, Washington, USA.
Earlier, in the rank of Captain, he
had served as the Directing Staff in
On promotion to the rank of
Rear Admiral, he was appointed
as Assistant Chief of Personnel
(Human Resource Development).
Operational Appointment as the
Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern
Fleet from August 31, 2009 to
January 24, 2011. His other Staff
appointment in the rank of Rear
Admiral also includes Assistant
Chief of the Naval Staff (Foreign
Cooperation & Intelligence). On
promotion to the rank of Vice
Admiral, he was appointed as Chief
of Staff, Western Naval Command
in January 2012 and thereafter took
over as the Chief of Personnel at
IHQMoD (N) in March 2013.
Vice Admiral P Murugesan is
an alumnus of the Naval Command
College, Newport, USA and also
attended the Staff Course in the
United States of America prior to that.
For his distinguished service,
Vice Admiral P Murugesan was
awarded with Vishist Seva Medal
(VSM) and the Ati Vishist Seva
Medal (AVSM) in 2008 and 2011
- Capt DK Sharma
Sainik Samachar
AMC Touching Great Heights
nterview with Lt Gen Ved Chaturvedi, Director General Medical Services (Army) and Colonel Commandant,
Army Medical Corps with Hasibur Rahman, Editor-in-Chief, Sainik Samachar.
Congratulations on being awarded
the highest military award of PVSM
in recognition of your peace time
service of highest order. How does
it feel to be bestowed upon this
Development including augmenting
of skills and competencies among
all ranks, and finally patient safety
and Accreditation of health care
facilities in AMC.
Thank you for your wishes. I
owe this award to all the soldiers
of Army Medical Corps who work
selflessly with loyalty and dedication
day and night to bring relief to the
injured, provide life saving support
in Combat as well as during peace
time while delivering the most
comprehensive and state-of-the-art
medical care to the entire Armed
Forces of India. I feel proud to be a
part of this great organisation.
AMC has the maximum number
of lady officers among all other
services. What is your view on
having lady officers in AMC and
their contribution in comparison
with male officers?
Could you highlight your vision
and road-map you envisage for
the Army Medical Corps?
Army Medical Corps has evolved
to great heights over the years. It is
one of the oldest Corps of the Indian
Army; in fact we celebrated our
251st AMC anniversary on 1st Jan
this year. I envisage AMC to become
an all-specialist Corps through
which we shall be able to provide the
most comprehensive and advanced
medical care to our clientele, be
it an injured soldier in field or to
people with the most difficult and
advanced diseases who turn to us as
their last hope. I aim for integration
among the diverse fields of medical
care, with equal focus on peacetime advancement in research and
medical care in military hospitals as
well as provision of Combat Medical
Support comparable to any army in
the world. I am confident that we are
moving towards such a professional
achievement. I want every officer
and other rank in my Corps to
Sainik Samachar
work towards our common goal of
providing a comprehensive medical
care to one and all.
What would be your focus areas to
fulfil your vision?
My concerted efforts will be to
focus on three core elements that
are Human Resource optimisation,
Infrastructure development and
have embarked on the project of
automating the medical stores, to
begin with. I am sensitive to the
heritage value of these sites, thus
we shall endeavour to preserve
them as far as possible. But you
would understand, we need
to become more efficient and
effective albeit cherishing and
nurturing our glorious past. The
three core elements integrated with
professional training will be able to
deliver excellent health care to the
Indian Army. My key thrust areas
would be transformation into an allspecialist Corps, Human Resource
AMC is proud to have the
maximum number of lady officers
among all services in the Indian Army.
We have lady medical officers who
are as competent, as tough and as
effective as their male counterparts.
In fact, in many cases, far better.
However, this insurmountable force
has somehow been neglected. I
have observed closely the dedication
with which these lady officers train,
and prove their mettle. A prime
case in example is Lt Col N Linyu,
a paratrooper who summitted Mt
Everest in the year 2012. The Indian
Army’s only lady Lieutenant General
has been from AMC. We have two
ladies as Major Generals serving
currently. There are innumerable
lady medical officers who are the
AMC’s unsung heroes, serving in
the most inhospitable conditions of
J&K as well as in North-east. My
goal is to provide impetus to all lady
medical officers of AMC in every
way possible.
You are a Rheumatologist of
International repute and the only
DM (Rheumatology) degree holder
in the Armed Forces till date. From
a super-specialist’s viewpoint,
what are the emerging specialities
relevant to the Armed Forces and
how would they assist the clientele?
April 16-30, 2015
Let me start by saying that
Army Medical Corps has among the
best breed of specialists and super
specialists in the country. They are
capable of providing the best and
most advanced medical care to the
entire spectrum of Armed Forces.
Army Hospital (Research & Referral)
is a premier super-speciality
institution and pride of AMC. We
are focussing now on fledgling
super and sub specialities and
establishing departments dedicated
to organ retrieval and harvesting
through AORTA, In-vitro fertilisation
techniques as part of ART, Liver
and heart transplant centres, bone
marrow transplant centres among
many others. Radiation oncology,
nuclear medicine, radiotherapy,
Onco-surgery etc have found a
niche as regular speciality centres
in all Command hospitals across
the country. We have a highly
specialised haemato-pathology and
onco-pathology departments in most
of the larger military hospitals. All
these specialised branches ensure
that a patient gets comprehensive
medical treatment for all diseases
known to humankind.
Rheumatology and clinical
immunology are the subjects I have
specialised in. I established these
departments in Army Hospital (R&R)
and Command Hospital Kolkata
which are comparable to any such
centre in Europe or America. We
provide the latest diagnostic and
therapeutic options for patients with
Rheumatoid Arthritis, osteoarthritis,
ankylosing spondylitis etc.
How has AMC progressed in terms
of modernisation of infrastructure
and medical equipments for
military hospitals?
AMC has been in the forefront
of modernisation and has always
moved forward in consonance with
evolving requirement of patients
as well as changing operational
scenario. It becomes natural that we
must move along with not only the
nation but with the progress being
made in armies the world over.
Modernisation of 46 military
hospitals among 111 hospitals
which I command is in its final stages
of approval by the Govt of India.
The fructification of the same would
mean re-construction of hospitals in
a modern, sophisticated, efficient
and patient friendly way while
retaining the original buildings as
heritage sites. Further, we have
already processed multiple cases
for provisioning Command and
larger hospitals with state of the
art diagnostic and therapeutic
equipments like PET scanners, MRI
machines, orthopaedic operating
ophthalmic operating microscopes.
In fact, many of these equipments
have already been procured and
installed in many of our hospitals.
A modern cardio-thoracic and
vascular surgery centre has been
established at Army Hospital (R&R)
while we are constructing a modern
Research and Referral Hospital
for the Southern part of India by
upgrading the Command Hospital
at Pune.
So you see AMC is not to be left
behind in any field of modernisation.
Our aim is to provide the best and
most advanced health care to our
What is AMC doing to augment
Combat Medical Support and
supporting the fighting arms of
Indian Army?
AMC provides combat medical
support through its Field hospitals
and Regimental Medical Officers
who are deployed with various
regiments and battalions engaged
in battle. Combat Medical Support
is the primary task of AMC which
the Corps provides with dedication
and commitment. Be it in the highest
reaches of the Glacier or in the
deserts of Rajasthan, AMC works
in harmony with other arms. The
harsh and inhospitable conditions
are a challenge well taken on
by my RMOs who work shoulder
to shoulder with their infantry
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
in 15 missions of UN and otherwise.
Presently AMC has its footprints in 10
countries where the role of AMC has
been to establish hospital facilities
providing speciality care for peace
keeping troops. One full fledged
45 bedded hospital in Republic
of Tajikistan has been established
which I visited last year. The Indian
Military Training Team established in
Bhutan way back in 1960 continues
to provide efficient healthcare to
personnel of the Army.
counterparts. Trained AMC teams
are capable of reaching the highest
and toughest posts to provide first
aid, extract casualties in face of
enemy fire and provide resuscitative
measures saving lives under worst
environmental conditions. Prehospital trauma care is the main
distinguishing factor which takes
AMC way above other health-care
providers in India. We have made
far reaching impact in this area. To
achieve such degree of efficiency, it
is prudent that world-class training
is imparted to first responders who
would be Battle Field Nursing
Assistants and paramedics who are
given such training in our centres as
well as in military hospitals so that in
times of need each and every soldier
is empowered to deliver life saving
first aid measures.
AMC has always lent a helping
hand during natural calamities as
well as during disaster. Could you
shed some light on AMC’s role in
humanitarian assistance?
AMC has always led the way
at the time of disasters and natural
calamities. During the earthquake in
Bhuj, Gujarat in the year 2001, the
AMC was the first to provide immediate
and organised medical relief under
Sainik Samachar
the most difficult circumstances in
the devastated areas. AMC doctors,
nurses and paramedics worked round
the clock providing essential and life
saving medical relief to the victims.
Another shining example of medical
relief provided by AMC was during
serial bomb blasts in Guwahati on
the year 2008. I was commanding
Base Hospital Guwahati then. The
selfless service rendered by my team
of surgeons and support staff was
unparalled. 22 casualties requiring
urgent surgery were operated nonstop for more than 20 hours. The
recent floods in Jammu & Kashmir
last year laid another challenging
platform for AMC to show its
mettle. We established 70 medical
teams at strategic locations and this
included airlift of two field hospitals.
Approximately 5 tonnes of medicines
were dispatched and 7000 victims
were treated. This definitely upholds
the AMC motto of ‘Sarve Santu
I am told that AMC plays a major
role in providing medical teams
for missions abroad. What are
the footprints which you have
engraved in places outside India?
Since Independence, AMC has
been a torch bearer of Indian Army
Ex-servicemen of the Indian Army
are a sizeable population who
require frequent medical care.
ECHS was established as a separate
entity for providing quality care
for them. What are your views on
ECHS vis-a-vis providing similar
care in service hospitals?
Ex-servicemen have served the
nation to the best of their abilities with
utmost dedication and commitment,
at times neglecting their personal
lives, health and families. Their
contribution is best recognised by
looking after them in every way
possible. I am strongly in favour of
providing health care facilities to exservicemen through service hospitals
themselves by augmenting their
resources in terms of manpower,
equipment and infrastructure. I am
aware that apart from bigger cities
where good empanelled hospitals
are available for ECHS facilities,
smaller towns and cities where the
major chunk of our ex-servicemen are
settled do not have good hospitals.
Thus, these retired personnel bank
on the services of nearest military
hospitals. I would gladly take on the
responsibility of providing medical
care to ex-servicemen if the requisite
resources are made available.
Thank you for enlightening the
role and activities of AMC
pix: GD Mehra
April 16-30, 2015
Tribute to Manekshaw
pril 3, 2015 marked the 101st birth anniversary
of Field Marshal SHFJ Manekshaw, MC. Popularly
called ‘Sam Bahadur’, he was the epitome of soldiering
and visionary military leadership. His name would be
forever etched in the annals of Indian Military history.
An year earlier, Manekshaw Centre in New Delhi
acquired the soul and sanctity which would resonate
with the presence of Field Marshal Manekshaw with the
installation of his larger than life statue. Mr Abhijit, a
renowned sculptor was selected and a statue of black
metal alloy with patina finish, 9 feet tall and 600 kgs in
weight was installed on a 4 feet high pedestal, taking the
total height to 13 feet from the floor. Abhijit recalled the
thirteen stage process beginning with a clay model till the
final acid treatment and patina finish, which took more
than a year to fructify. It took me weeks to create the
feeling of a light eyed person (light blue). The detailing
on the shoes was equally challenging, he stated.
Kalam met the ailing Field Marshal in Military Hospital
Wellington and endorsed in the visitors register, ‘Please
take care of our great wealth, our only Field Marshal
I could get to speak to Maj (honorary) Ramamohan
Rao, the Public Relation Officer of Army during and
preceding the 1971 war. The General was a straight
forward man, an outstanding leader and a nationalist
to the core, he told me. He also narrated the incident
wherein the General officer had queried about his own
name to a Gorkha soldier, who replied, ‘Of course I
know, you are Sam Bahadur’. The narration of the event
in a Press Release drew considerable media attention.
Thereafter, Gen Manekshaw was popularly referred to
as ‘Sam Bahadur’.
How then can one describe the persona called Field
Marshal Manekshaw! His critics, though few, called him
haughty, sarcastic and high headed. His razor sharp
wit was perceived as disguised mockery. Or was he
simply, ‘Sam Bahadur’; Apt to think, act and speak with
forthright frankness, typically groomed into the military
officers of yore, he was a soldier with a clean heart and
clear conscience. The General had got it all right, he did
it his way and made every citizen of the country stand
taller, by giving India its finest hour, The Liberation of
The Field Marshal’s achievements have been well
documented. An icon, a larger than life image, who
inspired a generation and continues to do so after his
demise in 2008. The then President of India, APJ Abdul
- Col Rohan Anand
Sam Manekshaw raises his baton after being sworn in as Field Marshal
April 16-30, 2015
Gen Manekshaw with Maj (honorary) Ramamohan Rao
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam at MH Wellington on February 24, 2007
Sainik Samachar
AIFD Students Showcase Creations
he Army Institute of Fashion and Design (AIFD)
held its Graduation Day and Annual fashion show
”Design Dapple 2015” at the Chowdaiah Memorial
Hall in Bengaluru April 1, 2015. Lt Gen SPS Katewa,
Commandant ASC Centre and College was the Chief
Guest and Mr K Venkataramani, COO Heritage
Brands Division, Aravind Ltd, Mr Nageshwar Rao,
General Manager, Net Work 1, SBM Bengaluru, Mr
Balakrishna Shetty, Vice President, Shashi Exports were
the guest of honours. Maj Gen AK Singh, General
Officer Commanding, Karnataka and Kerala Sub Area
presided over the function. On this occasion the Degree
certificates were presented to the PG Diploma students.
The 10th batch of students from Post Graduate
Diploma in Fashion Design and seventh batch of BSC,
Fashion & Apparel Design (FAD) was presented their
design created on a theme for each collection. The
design was judged in two categories i.e. Best Designer
wear and Best Creative wear. Another award was given
Chief guest and guests of honour on the stage
to the best outgoing student. The Best Designer Award
was presented to Ms Bhawana; the Best Creation Award
was given to Ms Rahimmunisa Riaz. The best outgoing
student trophy for the year 2015 was presented to Ms
Nisha Kushwaha. The Chief of the Army Staff rolling
Trophy for the best all round student for the year 20092012 was presented to Ms Pooja Karki.
The B.Sc (FAD) students have bagged three ranks
out of a ten at the 2014 examinations held by the
Bangalore University. Ms Pooja Karki (Gold Medal) (1st
position), Ms Anita Kumari (2nd position), Ms Priyanka
Kumari (3rd position) .
The AIFD was established in 2004 under Army
Welfare Education Society (AWES) and caters primarily
to the children of Army personnel. AIFD offer two posts
Graduate Diploma autonomous Course on Fashion
Designing and Apprel Merchandising and Logistics
management and a BSc, Fashion & Apparel Design
Course, which is affiliated to Bengaluru University.
Lt Gen SPS Katewa handing the COAS award to Pooja Karki
- Dr MS Patil
Collection by Nivedita, Pallavi V and Anu Ghadge
Sainik Samachar
April 16-30, 2015
Celebrations of Centenary Commemoration
Tri Services wreath laying
ceremony was held on March
21, 2015 at Kirkee War Cemetery as
part of Centenary Commemoration
of Word War-I to pay homage to
all martyrs who laid down their
lives during the Great War. Lt Gen
Ashok Singh, General Officer
Command laid a wreath to honour
the brave martyrs of World War-I.
Wreaths were also laid by other
senior serving and retired officers of
all three services. Descendants of
the soldiers who fought in the Great
War were also present during the
Soldiers of the Bombay
Sappers, located in Kirkee, Pune
took part during the Great War and
provided a large number of Indian
Engineer troops required during the
war. The Bombay Sappers fought
in Europe, Palestine, Mesopotamia,
Aden, Persia, East Africa and also
in Afghanistan, Baluchistan and
North West Frontier Province,
winning as many as 29 Battle and
Theatre honours. Notable awards
and honours given to individuals of
The Bombay Sappers are Havaldar
Maruti Jadhav, who was awarded the
Medaille Militaire (French Legions
of Honour) and Sapper Haribhau
Maruti Tingre, who was awarded
Indian Order of Merit Medal and
Mentioned in Despatch.
Kirkee War Cemetery was
created to receive Second World
War graves from the western and
central parts of India where their
permanent maintenance could not
be assured. The cemetery contains
1,668 commonwealth burials of the
Second World War.
stands within the cemetery and
commemorates more than 1,800
servicemen who died in India during
the First World War, who are buried
in civil and cantonment cemeteries
in India and Pakistan where their
graves can no longer be properly
maintained. This total includes the
names of 639 servicemen whose
remains were brought from Bombay
(Sewri) Cemetery for re-interment
here in 1960.
To mark the centenary of
the Great War a Wreath Laying
ceremony was organised by Vajra
Corps, on March 9, 2015 at Vajra
Shaurya Sthal. Maj Gen Deepak
Dhanda, Vajra Corps was the Chief
Guest on the occasion. Maj Gen
Deepak Dhanda paid homage to
the world war-I heroes by laying
wreaths on the war memorial.
- Mahesh Iyengar and Naresh Vig
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
Disaster in Zanskar Valley
joint operation,code named ‘OP
PHUTKAL’ was launched recently
by the Army, Air Force and NDMA in
the Zanskar valley of Ladakh to clear
a landslide that had occurred at an
altitude of 13,000 feet, over a major
distributary of river Zanskar, under
the overall command of Army’s Fire
and Fury Corps from February to
March 21. This landslide had caused
complete blockage of water in the
river, resulting in accumulation of
more than 30 million cubic metres
of water and forming a 15-km
long artificial lake, along the river.
If the landslide had burst, it would
have submerged several villages
downstream and many lives would
have been lost.
The matter was brought to the
notice of the Centre by the J&K
Government. The National Crisis
Sainik Samachar
April 16-30, 2015
Management Committee declared
it a ‘National Crisis’ and constituted
an Expert Committee under the aegis
of NDMA, to carry out technical
assessment and prepare an action
plan to avert the crisis.After a detailed
survey, it was decided to carry
out controlled blasts and create a
breach for the water to flow out. The
Indian Army was called upon and a
Composite Task Force comprising
of specially trained personnel was
formed to execute the task.
The area being completely
cut off during winter months, the
entire buildup was carried out by
air. Helicopters of Air Force and
Army Aviation were the only means
induction and logistics support
under extremely hazardous flying
conditions. Access to the landslide
area was a critical part of the
operation. Approach route of over
1.5 km had to be opened, over
steep slopes, involving roping of the
complete distance and negotiating
vertical rock faces.
Engineers from 8 Mountain
Division, after relentlessly working
in temperatures lower than minus
25 degrees and high velocity winds,
created a 75-metrelong channel
which was also two metres deep and
wide, through controlled blasting,
using 175 kg of explosives over five
days, which facilitated flow of water
downstream. Their sustained effort
and determination finally resulted
in the water gushing across the
landslide from the accumulated lake.
Thus, a major calamity was averted
and several precious lives saved.
Operation Phutkal has once
again highlighted the commitment
of the Indian Army to the nation and
its people.
- Manoj Tuli
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
Concerted Efforts of Armed Forces
ndian Naval Ships Mumbai,
Tarkash and Sumitra deployed
in Gulf of Aden have evacuated
2671 persons including 964
foreign nationals from 30
countries. Evacuation operations
as part of Op Rahat continues
to be progressed by the Indian
Navy Ship deployed off the coast
of Yemen.
Government of India issuing an
advisory for Indian Nationals to
leave Yemen, the Indian Air Force
(IAF) deployed heavy transport
aircraft with alacrity, in support
of evacuation operations. In
a well-coordinated operation
involving multi agencies, IAF
deployed C-17 GlobemasterIII aircraft in 12 shuttles from
Djibouti to Mumbai and Kochi.
concluded on April 10, 2015.
During the entire operation
which commenced on April 1,
2015 and concluded on April
10, 2015, the IAF evacuated
2096 people.
It would be pertinent to
note that transport aircraft are
being utilised extensively for
Human Assistance Disaster Relief
(HADR) operations. The Indian
Air Force, after proving its mettle
in bringing succour to scores of
people after Jammu and Kashmir
in September last year has once
again risen to the occasion and
added a pioneering chapter in
Disaster Relief by bringing home
the Indians evacuated from
Yemen. The Indian Air Force
reaffirms its commitment towards
Humanitarian Assistance and
Disaster Relief Operations in
support of the nation.
- Capt DK Sharma and
Wg Cdr Rochelle D’Silva
Sainik Samachar
April 16-30, 2015
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
Defence in Parliament
Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen
The Directorate General of
Resettlement (DGR), an Attached
Office of the Department of ExServicemen
of Defence, is responsible for
rehabilitation of retired defence
personnel in the country including
in the State of Himachal Pradesh.
DGR implements certain schemes /
resettlement opportunities for retired
defence personnel viz. Security
Agency scheme, management of
CNG stations in NCR, allotment
of Bharat Petroleum Corporation
Ltd., / Indian Oil Corporation
Ltd (Company Owned Company
Operated) outlets, Coal Loading
and Transportation scheme, Mother
Dairy/Gopaljee outlets, etc.
Reservation ranging from 10%
to 24.5% of the available vacancies
in Group C&D posts in Central
Government and Central public
Sector Undertakings/ Banks has
been provided for the willing and
eligible Ex-servicemen (ESM). 10%
vacancies are reserved in the posts up
the level of Assistant Commandants
in Para-military forces. Moreover,
age relaxation is available for the
ESM in services or Posts filled by
direct recruitment. ESM Officers
are sponsored by DG Resettlement
for jobs, based on requisitions
received from Government/PSUs
and Corporates.
In addition to this, Army Welfare
Placement Organization and similar
placement cells in Air Force help
ESM in finding suitable jobs in
Banks, Industries, corporate Houses,
Academic Institutions, Hospitals,
Hotels and Real Estate, etc.
Professional and vocational
training to retiring officers, Junior
Commissioned Officers and Other
Ranks is imparted by DGR through
Sainik Samachar
various training institutes for
rehabilitation and resettlement of
ESM in civil life.
Most State Governments also
provide reservation to ESM in State
Government jobs as per their own
reservation policy which varies from
State to State. Himachal Pradesh
Government has provided 15%
reservation to Ex-servicemen in Class
I to Class IV posts in all services of the
State Government including Public
Sector Undertakings/Corporations
and Autonomous Bodies. Posts like
Sub-Inspector, Constable, Water
Carrier, Dhobi, Cook, Sweeper and
Barber reserved for Ex-servicemen
are being requisitioned by the Police
Department of Himachal Pradesh
and the same are being filled up from
the Ex-servicemen. Instructions to the
for filling up posts reserved for Exservicemen through Ex-servicemen
Employment Cell are already in
The total number of exservicemen rehabilitated in Himachal
Pradesh during the last three years
and current year is 1187.
This information was given by
Minister of State for Defence Rao
Inderjit Singh in a written reply to
Mrs Viplove Thakur in Rajya Sabha
on March 3, 2015.
Recruitment of Women In Armed
Women are inducted as Short
Service Commissioned Officers
(SSCOs) in specified branches in
the Services in terms of Government
policy letter No. 671/2009-D(AG),
dated 11th November, 2011.
Further, Women SSCOs are eligible
for grant of Permanent Commission
in specific branches in the three
Services viz. Judge Advocate General
(JAG) and Army Education Corps
of Army and their corresponding
branches in Navy and Air Force;
Naval constructor in Navy and
Accounts, Technical, Administration,
Logistic and Meteorology branches
in Air Force.
Review of recruitment policies
including greater role for women in
April 16-30, 2015
defence is a continuous and ongoing
This information was given
by Defence Minister Mr Manohar
Parrikar in a written reply to
Mr Avinash Pande in Rajya Sabha
on March 3, 2015.
Weapon System by DRDO
India has been importing
defence equipment and parts from
technologically advanced countries
to meet the operational requirements
of the Armed Forces. Over the years,
country has established Defence
Industrial Base of Defence Public
Ordnance Factories (OFs), Small
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs),
and private sectors, which are
engaged in manufacturing of
defence hardware. The licensing
procedure for defence industries has
been substantially simplified. So far,
251 Letters of Intent (LoI) / Industrial
Licenses (ILs) have been issued to
150 Indian companies till January,
2015 for manufacture of a wide
range of defence items such as major
weapon systems, armoured vehicles,
warships, aircrafts, helicopters,
UAVs, Radars, electronic warfare
surveillance systems, ammunitions,
companies having 75 licenses
have reported commencement of
production. Besides, the cap of FDI
has been raised from 26% to 49%.
Development Organisation (DRDO)
is a Mission Mode Organisation,
which is primarily engaged in design
and development of strategic,
complex and security sensitive
systems for the Armed Forces. DRDO
has developed a number of systems
/ products / technologies, a large
April 16-30, 2015
number of which have already been
productionised. The value of systems
/ products / technologies developed
by DRDO and inducted into Services
or in the process of induction stands
at over Rs.1,78,000 Crore. These
include combat vehicles; missiles;
unmanned aerial vehicles; radars;
electronic warfare systems; sonars;
torpedos; bridging systems; combat
aircraft; sensors; NBC technologies;
parachutes; combat free fall
system; propellants and explosives;
detonators; communication systems;
armaments systems; cyber systems,
This information was given
by Defence Minister Mr Manohar
Parrikar in a written reply to Mr AU
Singh Deo in Rajya Sabha on March
10, 2015.
Under Water Vehicles developed
Development Organisation (DRDO)
has developed an Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle (AUV) as
technology demonstrator. A project
has been taken up to demonstrate
certain enhanced critical parameters
of the AUV.
DRDO has undertaken a
feasibility study for the development
of different types of AUV platforms
that could be used for a variety of
roles, like surveillance and mine
counter measures etc.
This information was given
by Defence Minister Mr Manohar
Parrikar in a written reply to Mr
Aayanur Manjunatha and Mr Mohd
Ali Khan in Rajya Sabha on March
10, 2015.
100 per cent FDI in Defence Sector
The Government vide Press
Note 7 of 2014 Series dated
26.8.2014 has notified revised FDI
Policy in defence sector, according to
which FDI upto 49% is allowed in the
sector through FIPB route and above
49% through approval of Cabinet
Committee on Security (CCS) on
case to case basis, wherever it is
likely to result in access to modern
and state-of-the-art technology in
the country.
After opening up of the defence
industry sector for FDI in 2001, 33
FDI proposals / Joint Ventures have
been approved in defence sector
for manufacture of various defence
equipment to Indian companies.
This information was given
by Defence Minister Mr Manohar
Parrikar in a written reply to Mr P
Bhattacharya in Rajya Sabha on
March 10, 2015.
JV in Defence Sector
After launching of “Make in
India” campaign, the ‘Acceptance
of Necessity (AoN)’ have been
accorded for 40 projects with Indian
as well as Foreign manufacturers,
with an amount of approximately
Rs1,01,264 crore. Further, projectwise details cannot be divulged in
the interest of National Security.
The Government vide Press Note
3 of 2015 Series dated 26.6.2014
has notified defence products list
for the purpose of issuing Industrial
License for manufacturing in the
private sector which includes items
like electronic warfare, radar etc.
apart from other licensable items
designed or modified for military
This information was given by
Minister of State for Defence Rao
Inderjit Singh in a written reply to
Dr T Subbarami Reddy in Rajya
Sabha on March 10, 2015.
- PIB (DW)
Sainik Samachar
Sports Olympiad held for Services
Olympiad, a fun and frolic
physical activities, an event for
Service and Defence personnel
and their families was held at
ENC Command Stadium near
INS Satavahana, Visakhapatnam
on March 28, 2015. The Event
comprised eight different disciplines
juxtaposing the conventional games
like Volleyball, Basketball and
Handball with Navy specific Jal
Tarang, Walkathon, Yachting and
Tug-of-War and with the more exotic
Telegames and Athletics, conducted
concurrently at different venues.
Apart from the usual squads from
the Fleet, Flotilla, Submarines and
Ashore Units, the six participating
teams also included the Defence
Civilians and the Defence Security
Corps (DSC) Teams. Each game
witnessed an amalgamation of over
hundred men, women and children
vying for the honours.
Chief guest, Vice Admiral Satish Soni taking salute during the march past by the
participating teams during the closing ceremony
The Olympiad was held on a
Knock-out basis. Vice Admiral Satish
Soni, Flag Officer Commandingin-Chief, Eastern Naval Command
was the Chief Guest on the Occasion
and gave away Prizes to the Winning
- Cdr CG Raju
Vice Admiral Bimal Verma flagging off the ENC Olympiad Health Run and Walkathon
Sainik Samachar
April 16-30, 2015
Jal Taran – water sports in progress
Local Ashore team receiving a trophy from the chief guest
Tug-of-War for Ladies
Cultural programme – Dance performance by children of Naval Children School during the
Closing Ceremony
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
946 Youth of Kashmir Join Indian Army
he majestic Pir Panjal and
Himalayas stood stirred as the
Bana Singh Parade Ground at the
Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry
Regimental Centre show cased the
latest batch of 179 passing out
recruits from the state of J&K. The
passing out young recruits marching
elegantly in unison and with a
singular aim of devoting their life
in service of the Nation, enthralled
and mesmerised one and all as they
marched singing the Jammu and
Kashmir Light Infantry Regimental
song ‘Balidanam Veer Lakshnam’.
Their voice echoed throughout the
valley. The 42 weeks of strenuous
training of these young men from
Jammu and Kashmir culminated on
March 4, 2015 with an impressive
passing out parade. The parade
depicting graduation of the recruits
and their transformation into Young
Soldiers was reviewed by Lt Gen
Subrata Saha, GOC, Chinar Corps
and was attended by over 2000
Sainik Samachar
proud parents and relatives of the
young soldiers along with civil and
military dignitaries. The daunting
soldiers took the oath of selfless
service for the Nation in unison
under the Tricolour.
congratulated the young soldiers
for their immaculate parade. During
his address, he impressed upon
the young soldiers to uphold the
traditions of selfless service towards
the Nation. He also praised their
contribution towards encouraging
more and more youth from J&K
to come forward to join this great
April 16-30, 2015
aimed at future employment and
higher educations are also creating
awareness of the opportunities
ahead. To facilitate the youngsters
the Battalion headquarters and
Company Operating Bases under
the aegis of Chinar Corps are
enriching training and coaching.
The General Officer also
felicitated two brave young boys
namely Abdul Majjid Bhatt and
Javeed Ahd Bhatt of village Takiya,
Safapura, District Bandipura who
displayed utmost presence of mind
by informing the security forces
about the unfortunate helicopter
accident that occurred on the night
of February 11, 2015. These brave
service. He highlighted the vital role
played by the parents in motivating
their wards to join this noble
A total of 767 youth from
Kashmir have been enrolled into the
Army between July and December
2014. In the recent past, 25389
youth from Kashmir have turned
up for 1305 vacancies. This is an
encouraging trend in Kashmir where
the youth is getting motivated to join
the Army. The efforts of the Army,
during the floods in September 2014,
the numerous sports competitions in
cricket, football and other games
being organised in different parts
of Kashmir valley are certainly
making a positive impact on the
minds of the people. Focused tours
April 16-30, 2015
young boys extricated the bodies of
Lt Col Gulati and Maj Tahir Hussain
Khan from the burning wreckage of
the helicopter.
At the end, proud parents and
relatives piped the soldiers making
them ready to join their battalions
and to tread the immortal path of
glory, living up to the expectations
and the best traditions of the Indian
- Lt Col NN Joshi
Sainik Samachar
Army Foils the Terrorist Strike in Samba
t about 0545 am on March 21,
2015, two terrorists opened
fire onto the sentry posts of an
Army unit in Samba Cantonment.
The alert sentries returned fire
effectively, pinning them down. With
the immediate mobilization of Army
Quick Reaction Teams, the militants
were effectively cordoned off and
localised in a very restricted area,
and were not permitted to enter the
unit compounds. These terrorists
were holed up in a civil building
outside the Cantonment, from where
they were firing intermittently. Special
Forces eliminated the terrorists in the
surgical operation. Huge cache of
war-like stores was recovered. There
were no causalities to any civilian or
Army personnel.
Army Commander Western Command complimenting and rewarding three civilians who
were able to give information on the terrorists
Army Commander, Western
Command, Lt Gen KJ Singh visited
Samba Military Station on March 2223, 2015. The Army Commander
Special Forces in action during the encounter at Samba
said “Sabaash” to the Officers and
Jawans who had professionally
eliminated the terrorists. The Army
Commander in his visit met troops
Army Commander Western Command being briefed on the
recoveries made from the slain terrorists
deployed in the forward area and
applauded their role in ensuring the
peace and security of the area. The
Army Commander also felicitated
three civilians who had assisted the
security forces during the operation.
The alertness and timely action
of the Indian Army not only foiled
the terrorists’ attempts in gaining
entry inside the Military Station but
also prevented any loss of life of any
citizen of our country.
- Lt Col Manish Mehta
Army Commander addressing the troops at Samba Military Station
Sainik Samachar
pix: SN Acharya
April 16-30, 2015
DG’s Maiden Visit to Tamil Nadu
he Director General Indian Coast
Guard, Vice Admiral HCS Bisht,
visited Chennai on his maiden visit
to Tamil Nadu on March 27, 2015.
The Director General was accorded
a traditional welcome with full
military honours at the Coast Guard
Air Station where he inspected the
guard of honour comprising of Coast
Guard personnel drawn from various
units at Chennai. Inspector General
SP Sharma, Regional Commander,
Coast Guard Region East was also
present on this occasion.
Thalkancherry and visited various
Director General Indian Coast Guard, Vice Admiral HCSBisht inaugurating the Married
Accommodation at the premises of Coast Guard Air Station in Chennai on March 27, 2015
Coast Guard establishments at
Chennai. The Director General is
also scheduled to undertake the
forward area reccee on board Coast
Guard hovercraft from Mandapam
on March 28, 2015.
Vice Admiral HCS Bisht took over
as the 21st Director General Indian
Coast Guard on February 1,2015
succeeding Vice Admiral Anurag G
Thapliyal, who superannuated on
January 31,2015.
- N Andavan
Motivational Equipment Display
Display” was organised by the
Indian Army at Amity University,
Sector 125, Noida campus on
March 24-25, 2015. The first
day saw almost 10,000 school
and college students from the
Amity University and other nearby
professional institutions of Noida
and Delhi. The highlights of the
event are the display of sophisticated
equipment and modern weapons of
Infantry, Artillery, Army Air Defence
and Communications being used
currently by the Indian Army.
The students were also provided
an opportunity to closely witness
a Bunker Bursting Drill by Infantry
troops. Infantry soldiers follow this
drill when they are closing in to the
enemy and are destroying them from
entrenched positions. Interactive
sessions on the entry schemes and
detailed procedures to join the
Army were also conducted for the
university students.
- Col Rohan Anand
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
Navy Dornier Ditches During a Night Training Sortie
Dornier aircraft of the Indian
Navy on a routine night training
sortie ditched at sea about 20
nautical miles South West of Goa
on the night of March 24,2015. The
Naval Air Station at Goa lost radar
contact with the aircraft at 10:08
PM on March 24,2015. The aircraft
is feared to have ditched soon
thereafter. The aircrew onboard the
aircraft comprised three officers. One
Survivor, Commander Nikhil Kuldip
Joshi, was picked up by a passing
fishing boat, Niharika, from a fishing
hamlet off Karwarand transferred to
a naval Fast Interceptor Craft. He is
presently in naval hospital ‘Patanjali’
at Karwarand is reported to be
Eight Naval ships and four
aircraft were immediately deployed
to search the area to locate the
remaining two officers. Presently,
there are 12 ships (including two
four aircraft involved in the search
and rescue operations.
ships from Indian Coast Guard) and
- Capt DK Sharma
Lt Gen K Surendranath Visits IML, Kamptee
t Gen (Retd) K Surendra Nath,
former Army Commander, HQ
ARTRAC and presently Administrative
Member AFT, Chennai, visited the
Institute of Military Law (IML), Kamptee
on March 28, 2015. He addressed
the officers attending Middle Level
Commanders and Staff Officers Law
Course, Ser-43 (MLSC-43).
Addressing the officers, the
General Officer(Retd) stressed upon
discipline being the backbone of the
Indian Army and requirement of fair
administration for justice to keep the
faith of soldiers in Military Judicial
system. The General Officer (Retd)
in the capacity of Administrative
Member AFT from his experience
imparted valuable inputs to the
class which would help them in
better discharge of their duties
Commandant, Institute of Military
Law Kamptee apprised the General
Officer (Retd) as to the mode
and curriculum of training at IML.
Lt Gen K Surendra Nath (Retd)
complimented Col Sandeep Kumar
and his team of officers for the high
standard of training at Institute of
Military Law.
Lt Gen (Retd) K Surendra Nath planting a sappling during his visit to IML Kamptee
Sainik Samachar
- Wg Cdr SS Gangakhedkar
April 16-30, 2015
‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ at Naval Base
voluntary mass cleanliness drive
was carried out in the Naval
Base, Kochi on March 27,2015 in
continuation to the Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan of the Prime Minister. All
echelons of the Southern Naval
Command from the senior most
to the junior most as well as their
families participated in the cleaning
and sprucing up activities.
Clearance of drains to prevent water
logging of low lying areas, clearance
of wild growth on buildings,
quarters, pruning of hedges and
maintenance of green spaces and
gardens with an aim to prevent
breeding of mosquitoes and other
disease carriers. Special attention
was given towards eco-friendly
waste management within the Naval
campus and removal plastic waste.
Naval Personnel carrying out cleanliness drive inside the Naval Base
Special impetus was given towards
educating personnel and moving
towards a plastic free Naval base.
The Naval Base has been having
cleanliness drive by all personnel
and families on a periodic basis to
bring about community awareness
towards realising the dream of a
litter free India.
- Cdr Sridhar Warrier
GREF Centre & Records – Trainers of BRO
visit by a media team was
organised to GREF Centre &
Records located at Dighi Camp,
Pune on March 24, 2015 as an
endeavour to highlight the self-
less service to the Nation of Border
Roads Organisation (BRO). Col
NM Chandarana, Commandant,
GREF Centre gave the media an
overview of BRO. He highlighted the
role of BRO and various tasks being
The media personnel were
taken on a tour of GREF Centre
where they were shown the Civil
Engineer Model Room, Civil
Engineer Lab and ‘Darpan’ (GREF
Museum) to highlight the various
works being executed. The team
also visited the War Memorial Veer
Smarak constructed in memory of
GREF personnel who laid down their
lives in service to the nation.
GREF Centre & Records is a
premier Training and Recruitment
establishment of BRO. GREF Centre
is the cradle where all energies are
focused on ‘Making a GREF Jawan’,
which entails training of a recruit
to become a brave and fearless
professional soldier in the BRO.
Snow clearance in progress on Gatiabagarh -Lipulekh Road at Gunji, (P) Hirak
April 16-30, 2015
- Mahesh Iyengar
Sainik Samachar
Pathfinder Expedition to Ombattu Gudda
he pathfinder expedition to
Ombattu Gudda Peak was
undertaken by the Infantry Battalion
located at Banaswadi Garrison
under the aegis of “Southern Star
Command”. The expedition was
flagged-in on March 26, 2015 by
Maj Gen AK Singh, General Officer
Commanding of Karnataka and
Kerala Sub Area.
In addition to charting a
safe and challenging route to
future trekkers, the expedition
aimed at laying to rest the mystery
surrounding this elusive peak. The
team during the 10-day expedition
marked the route with help of cairns
and earmarked safe sites for camp
pitching and scheduled breaks using
resources available in the forest.
The base camp for the trek was set
at Gundya and route chosen by the
pathfinders was Gundya, Kabinale,
Ombattu Gudda, Urubage, Halike,
Kymanahalli, Gundya and back to
Bangalore. Expedition team covered
a total of approximately 160 Kms in
10 days on foot.
in the Shiradi Ghats in the border of
Hassan and Chikmagalur districts.
The virgin forest and dense foliage
play host to a range of wildlife
ranging from the Tiger, Leopard,
Jungle Cat, Barking Deer, Sloth, Bear
and of course, the Wild Elephant.
Ombattu Gudda is a hill range
- Dr MS Patil
13th Mahar Golden Jubilee Celebrations
3th Battalion of the Mahar
Regiment celebrated its Golden
Jubilee from February 13 to 15,
2015 with traditional gusto and
gaiety. The battalion was raised on
January 15, 1966 at The Mahar
Regimental Centre, under the able
command of Lt Col NB Singh. The
battalion proved its mettle within
five years of its raising in the IndoPak war in 1971. The battalion
re-captured the strategic features
of ‘Thanpir’ in Poonch Sector from
the enemy in just one night without
a single casualty and was awarded
‘Battle Honour Thanpir’ and ‘Theatre
Honour J&K’. In last 50 years, the
unit has excelled in the matters of
training, administration, discipline
and carved an indelible niche in
all spheres of military profession
emerging as a force to reckon with.
The battalion has also proved
its valour in various Operations
viz., Orchid, Hifazat (Manipur),
Pawan, Rakshak, Rhino, Parakram,
United Nations Mission in Sudan
and Meghdoot. The battalion was
awarded COAS Unit Citation while
operating in Op Rhino and Force
Commander Unit Citation while
operating as peace keepers in
United Nations Mission in Sudan.
input: Maj Manish Chandel
Sainik Samachar
April 16-30, 2015
Services Win Santosh Trophy
Punjab in the final to win the 69th
National Football Championship
for the Santosh Trophy on March
15,2015. Services team won with a
score of 5-4 via tie-breaker as the
regulation period and then extra time
failed to produce any result. This is
the fourth title victory for Services.
Earlier they had won in 1961,2012
and 2013. Services started on a high
note, dominating the proceedings.
They exhibited great mobility and
depth in their attacks. It was an all
round good show by Services with
the strikers and the defenders giving
their best. In the tie-breaker, Ajay
Singh, Sarbjit Singh, Amarwant
Singh and Ravinder Singh were on
target for Punjab, while Paramjit
Singh’s attempt was well saved by
Services goalkeeper Shibin Raj. For
Services, Antoshy Chettri, Vibin TV
Francis, Arjun Tudu and Rakesh
Singh made no mistake in finding
the back of the net as they steered
their side the coveted title.
The services team enjoyed
the support of large audience of
servicemen and families of the
Vajra Corps. Services supporters
outnumbered the local population
cheering the home team during the
final of this prestigious tournament
and they remained glued to their
seats throughout the entire match
which was stretched to a tie-breaker.
The win by services team led to
lot of jubilation and spectators
started applauding and dancing to
celebrate the victory.
- J Dahiya
Strike Corps Celebrates 50th Raising Day
he Strike 1 Corps celebrated its
50th Raising Day at Mathura
on April 1, 2015. The Strike 1 was
raised at Varanasi on April 1, 1965
under command of Lt Gen PO
Dunn. Since raising over the last
50 years the Strike 1 has excelled
in all spheres, exhibiting the highest
standard of professionalism.
The Raising Day celebrations
commenced with the present
Strike 1, Lt Gen A B Shivane laying
wreath at war memorial as a mark of
respect to martyrs. This was followed
by an address to all officers of the
Strike 1 to complement them for
their extraordinary professionalism,
camaraderie, esprit-de-Corps, self
sacrifice and devotion to duty. As
part of the event an entertainment
program was organized for all ranks
and their families of Strike 1 followed
by a Barakhana in the evening
where interaction with troops and
their families took place.
- Col Rohan Anand
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
Golden Jubilee Celebration of Golden Katar Division
Golden Katar” Division of Indian Army celebrated its
Golden Jubilee April 10, 2015 with the release of
a Special First Day Cover by Lt Gen Bobby Mathews,
GOC Konark Corps in the presence of all ranks of the
Welcoming the chief guest, The General Officer
Commanding (GOC) Maj Gen SK Bhanot, highlighted
the achievements of the “Golden Katar” Division which
was raised at Yol, Himanchal Pradesh on April 1, 1965
by Maj Gen NC Rawlley and moved to Ahmedabad
in July 1965 to take part in 1965 Indo-Pak war. After
releasing the Special Cover, GOC Konark Corps in his
address, acknowledged the contribution of “Golden
Katar” Division for its sterling role in Indo Pak wars with
special reference to 1971 Operations. The Chief Guest
also recognised the efforts of the Division in the state of
Gujarat in providing relief during natural calamities and
assistance in internal security.
The highlights of the celebrations were Bara Khana
with troops which was attended by over 2000 serving
and retired personnel and their families, Wreath Laying
Release of first day cover on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of
Golden Katar Division by Lt Gen Bobby Mathews, General Officer
Commanding 12 Corps. Also in picture were Maj Gen SK Bhanot,
GOC Golden Katar Division and Brig Sanjeev Thapar, Chief
Postmaster General, Gujarat Circle.
ceremony to pay homage to the martyrs of the Division,
Special Sainik Sammelan and Release of First Day Cover.
- Wg Cdr Abhishek Matiman
Yachting Championship Concluded at ENC
astern Naval Command Yachting
Championship 2014-15 was
concluded on April 8, 2015 at
Indian Naval Watermanship Training
Centre (INWTC), Visakhapatnam.
The aim of the championship is to
popularize yachting and generate
greater sportsman spirit amongst
the service personnel. The event was
held from April 6 to April 8, 2015
and conducted by INS Circars. Seven
teams comprising 63 personnel
participated the Championship,
which was held in two categories,
namely, Team Races and Individual
won by the Fleet A team and the
NOIC (Tamil Nadu & Puducherry)
team was declared the Runners
Dutt, Commodore Commanding
Submarine (COMCOS), the Chief
Guest at the closing ceremony,
gave away prizes to the winners. The
winning teams will represent ENC in
the forthcoming Indian Navy Open
Enterprise Championship scheduled
at Visakhapatnam in end April 2015.
Fleet A team is receiving trophy from Cmde Anshuman Dutt
Sainik Samachar
- Cdr CG Raju
April 16-30, 2015
took over charge as the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Southern Naval
VCommand from Vice Admiral
SPS Cheema in an impressive ceremonial parade held at the Naval base on
ice Admiral Sunil Lanba
March 30, 2015. The Parade was followed by the traditional ‘Pulling Out’ Ceremony in which the outgoing
Commander-in-Chief,Vice Admiral SPS Cheema was ceremonially pulled out in a jeep by Flag Officers and
Commanding Officers of Ships and Naval establishments of Kochi, amidst emotional
‘Jai’- ‘Jai’ by the men of Southern Naval Command.
Vice Admiral Lanba laid wreath at the War Memorial, prior to assuming command,
as a tribute to the thousands of martyrs who had fought for the country. The Flag Officer,
a native of Palwal in Haryana, who was the Vice Chief of Naval Staff prior to taking over
as the FOC-in-C (South), had arrived in Kochi on March 28, 2015.
In his farewell address Vice Admiral Cheema praised every member of the Southern
Naval Command for their all round contribution. He expressed sincere gratitude to all for
the unstinted support.
assumed charge as the Flag Officer Sea Training (FOST) on March 28,2015. He
Rwas commissioned into thehasNavy
in July 1984. He is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy and a post
ear Admiral SK Grewal
graduate from Defence Services Staff College, Wellington who has also attended the Naval Higher Command
Course at College of Naval Warfare, Karanja and Naval Command Course at Naval War College, USA.
A Specialist in Navigation and Direction, the Flag Officer has held various challenging
staff and command assignments during his distinguished naval career spanning three
decades. He has served as the Navigating Officer of Indian Naval Ships Hosdurg, Magar,
Udaygiri, Godavari and Ganga. His other sea tenures include Commanding Officer of
Indian Naval Ships Prahar (Commissioning), Vibhuti, and Talwar and as Executive Officer
onboard INS Trishul (Commissioning).His important shore tenures include, besides others,
Officer-in-charge Navigation and Direction School and Directing Staff at College of Naval
Warfare. The Admiral has also held the appointment of Naval Attaché at the Embassy of
India, Moscow. Prior to taking charge in his current appointment as FOST, the Admiral was
the Chief Staff Officer in charge of operations (CSO-ops) of the Eastern Naval Command
at Visakhapatnam.
ice Admiral Surinder Pal Singh Cheema took over the reins of Western Naval Command (WNC) as Flag
Officer Commanding-in-Chief (FOC-in-C) on March 31, 2015 from Vice Admiral Anil Chopra at a ceremonial
parade held at INS Shikra.
Vice Admiral Cheema has a very good grip of the command as he has had the experience and exposure of
serving at Mumbai in various capacities over the last four decades or so. Of the five frontline and prestigious ships
that he has commanded three have been at Mumbai. These have been the Missile Boat INS Nishank, the Guided
Missile Frigate INS Trishul and the only Aircraft Carrier the Indian Navy had at that time, INS Viraat.Vice Admiral
Cheema then went on to command the Sword Arm of the Indian Navy – the Western Fleet which was followed by
his appointment as the Chief of Staff of the Western Naval Command.
Besides extended tenures at sea and operational billets, Vice Admiral Cheema has had a very wide and
diverse exposure to various critical responsibilities in the higher ranks of his service. He
is a seasoned campaigner and has the unique distinction of shouldering responsibilities
as a Commander-in-Chief for the fourth time over which is a record of sorts in the Armed
Besides the Param Vishist Seva Medal and the Ati Vishist Seva Medal, both for
distinguished service, Cheema has earned ‘Mention in Despatches’ for duty in the face of
enemy during operations in Sri Lanka in 1989 and has also been awarded the NauSena
Medal (Gallantry) while commanding the Indian Naval Ship ‘Nishank’
- Cdr Rahul Sinha and Cdr Sridhar Warrier
April 16-30, 2015
Sainik Samachar
Everest Massif Expedition Flagged
Off On the occasion of the Golden
Jubilee year of the first ascent of the
Mount Everest by India, the ‘Indian
Army Everest Massif Expedition
2015’ is embarking on a challenging
journey to scale the highest and the
fourth highest mountain in the world,
i.e. the Mount Everest and Mount
Lhotse. General Dalbir Singh, the
Chief of Army Staff, handed over
the Expedition Flag to the team April
1, 2015 at the Flag Off Ceremony
conducted at Manekshaw Centre.
Homage Lt Gen Amit Sarin, Director General of
Ordnance Services and Senior Colonel Commandant
of the Corps paid homage to martyrs of the Indian Army
at the Amar Jawan Jyoti, India Gate, New Delhi on April
8, 2015 on the occasion of the 240th Army Ordnance
Corps Day.
Basic Life Support (BLS) programme was launched by
Maj Gen AK Das, Commandant recently for the health
care providers. This programme was actively supported
by the Lucknow Academy of Paediatrics. The goal
of the BLS workshop was to train participants to save
lives of victims of cardiac arrest through high quality
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
The Inter-Squadron Hockey Championship for Spring
Term 2015 was held at the Indian Naval Academy (INA),
Ezhimala over the last fortnight. The final was played
between Cheetah and Eagle squadrons, wherein Eagle
squadron emerged victors with a score of six goals to five.
Rear Admiral KS Venugopal, Principal, INA presented
the trophies and individual prizes to the winners.
Source: - Col Rohan Anand, Gargi Malik Sinha and
Lt Commander Rahul T
Sainik Samachar
April 16-30, 2015