Agenda Package - PLANNING COMMITTEE_Feb10_2016
Agenda Package - PLANNING COMMITTEE_Feb10_2016
The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA ____________________________________________________________ PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2016 OPEN SESSION COMMENCING AT 1:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 26 FRANCIS STREET, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, K9V 5R8 MEMBERS Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Andy Letham Isaac Breadner Brian S. Junkin Gord Miller Patrick O'Reilly Heather Stauble Emmett Yeo MEETING # PC2016-02 1 1.0 CALL TO ORDER AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.0 PUBLIC MEETING 3.1 PLAN2016-006 4 - 12 Ian Walker, Planner II An application to amend the Village of Woodville Zoning By-law 1993-9 to rezone a portion of the land from Rural General Exception One (A1-1) Zone to Residential Type One (R1) Zone on a vacant lot described as Registered Plan 119, Blocks D, F, H, Part Block M and Part Lot 9 E Agnes, 57R-5325, Part 2, former Village of Woodville, City of Kawartha Lakes, Vacant Land on Beach Street (MACALPINE - Planning File D06-16007) 3.2 PLAN2016-008 13 - 23 Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator An application to amend the Township of Ops Zoning By-law to prohibit livestock in the barn on the property, permit a reduced lot frontage on a proposed residential lot and reduce a side yard setback for an accessory building on the retained lot on land identified as 36 and 44 Golden Mile Road (REDMOND) 3.3 PLAN2016-009 24 - 32 David Harding, Planner I An application to amend the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07 to rezone a portion of the land from Rural General (A1) Zone to Rural General Exception Thirty (A130) Zone on property described as Part of Lots 2 and 3, Concession B, Geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 41 Stub Road and 150 Sun Valley Road (ROBROOK FARMS LTD., Planning File D06-16-006) 3.4 PLAN2016-011 33 - 43 2 Mark LaHay, Planner II Official Plan Amendment (D01-16-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D06-16-004) Applications to permit a reduced agricultural lot size to facilitate a future consent for a lot addition (boundary adjustment) to support the existing abattoir use with a larger land area for animal husbandry practices and reduce the interior setback for a drive shed to 6 metres on the property described as Part N 1/2 Lot 1, Concession 10, RP 57R-9042 Parts 2 and 3, Geographic Township of Mariposa, and municipally known as 18619 Simcoe Street (2030044 ONTARIO INC. and DEVOS) 4.0 BUSINESS ARISING FROM PUBLIC MEETING 5.0 DEPUTATIONS 6.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.0 CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES REPORTS 7.1 PLAN2016-007 44 - 56 Ian Walker, Planner II An application to amend the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law to rezone a portion of the land from Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to Agricultural Exception Nineteen (A1-19) Zone on a vacant lot described as Part of Lot 21, Concession 7, Geographic Township of Fenelon, City of Kawartha Lakes, 896 Country Lane (MITOV - Planning File D06-15-021) 8.0 ADJOURNMENT 3 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Committee Report Report Number PLAN2016-006 Date: February 10,2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Public Meeting Ward Community Identifier: Subject: Ward 4 • Woodville An application to amend the Village of Woodville Zoning By-law 1993-9 to rezone a portion of the land from Rural General Exception One (A 1-1) Zone to Residential Type One (R1) Zone on a vacant lot described as Registered Plan 119, Blocks D, F, H, Part Block M, and Part Lot 9 E Agnes, 57R-5325, Part 2, former Village of Woodville, City of Kawartha Lakes, Vacant Land on Beech Street (MACALPINE- Planning File 006-16-007). Author/Title: lan Walker, Planner II Signature: Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-006, respecting "MACALPINEApplication 006-16-007", be received; and THAT the application respecting Application 006-16-007 be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time that all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 4 Report PLAN2016-006 006-16-007 (MACALPINE} Page 2 of6 Background: The applicant has submitted an application to rezone a portion of the vacant lot in order to allow a detached dwelling. The entire property is zoned Rural General Exception One (A1-1) Zone, which prohibits residential development. The prohibition on new residential development in Woodville is the result of an insufficient quantity of water available to support new development. There is now allocation available for one residential dwelling on this lot. As such, the owners are seeking to permit the residential use on a portion of the lot. Owner: 674693 Ontario Inc. Applicant: Donna and Bruce MacAlpine Legal Description: Registered Plan 119, Blocks D, F, H, Part Block M, and Part Lot 9 E Agnes, 57R-5325, Part 2, former Village of Woodville Designation: Urban Settlement Area, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone: Rural General Exception One (A1-1) Zone on Schedule 'A', Village of Woodville Zoning By-law No. 1993-9 Lot Area: 2.02 ha. [5.12 ac.- MPAC] Site Servicing: Municipal water supply, Unserviced Existing Uses: Vacant Land Adjacent Uses: North: East: South: West: Residential Vacant Land, Municipal Well Vacant Land, Watercourse Residential Rationale: The lot is located on the east side of Elm Street, on the south side of Beech Street, in the former Village of Woodville. The applicant proposes to rezone a portion of the lot to allow a detached dwelling and accessory uses. Woodville has a constraint on development due to an insufficient quantity of water available on a year round basis. Policies in the Official Plan (OP) recognize that once the servicing issue has been resolved, the predominant use of land shall be single detached dwellings. While the OP permits single detached dwellings, the lot identified for the proposed residential use is zoned Rural General Exception One (A 1-1) Zone, which only allows those uses, buildings and structures existing on the day the By-law was passed. The land is currently vacant. Therefore, a Zoning By-law amendment is necessary to permit the proposed use on this portion of the lot. The applicant has submitted a Conceptual Site Plan Layout in support of the application, which have been circulated to various City Departments and commenting Agencies for review. 5 Report PLAN2016·006 006-16-007 (MACALPINE) Page 3 of6 The Rural General Exeption One (A1-1) Zone must be amended to a Residential Type One (R1) Zone to allow a dwelling as a permitted use. Refer to Appendix '8'. Staff cannot determine the appropriateness of the proposal at this time as responses from other City Departments and commenting Agencies have not been received. Staff recommend that the application be referred back to staff until such time as commenting Agencies and/or City Departments have submitted comments, and any concerns have been addressed, and to permit discussions with the applicant respecting conformity to applicable policies. Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: The Growth Plan (GP) provides that growth should be directed towards settlement areas, and the majority of growth will be accommodated through intensification. The subject lot is located within the development area boundary for the Woodville Secondary Plan Area. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan. Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS): The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. Sections through direct development to settlement areas, and promote opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. Section of the PPS provides individual on-site sewage and water services may be used provided that site conditions are suitable for the long-term provision of such services with no negative impacts. In settlement areas, these services may only be used for infilling and minor rounding out of existing development. Section of the PPS requires confirmation of sufficient treatment capacity for hauled sewage from individual on-site sewage services. The subject lot is not within or adjacent to any natural heritage features or species at risk (SAR), and is not located within any natural hazards, as identified in Section 3.1 of the PPS. Therefore, this application is consistent with the PPS. Official Plan Conformity: The lot is designated Urban Settlement Area in the City's Official Plan (OP) which is currently under appeal, therefore the former Victoria County Official Plan (VCOP) designation of Urban applies to this property. The use of land in the Urban designation includes a broad range of residential uses, although lower density residential uses predominate. The VCOP anticipates the Village of 6 Report PLAN2016-006 006-16-007 (MACALPINE) Page4 of6 Woodville will develop on the basis of a communal water system. Section 6.2.3 of the VCOP states "Within the Urban designation, development should proceed on the basis of the full range of services that is provided or anticipated in the community... Development may proceed in such areas on limited servicing if it has been clearly established that: there is a need for development; full services will not be provided in the future; soil and groundwater conditions are suitable; and the development represents a logical extension to the existing developed area.". The portion of the lot subject to rezoning should not impact any future development potential on the subject lot. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The lot is zoned Rural General Exception One (A 1-1 ) Zone in the Village of Woodville Zoning By-law 1993-9. The exception only allows the property to be used for uses, buildings and structures existing on the day the By-law was passed. Water allocation has now been provided for one dwelling on this property. Approximately 2,225 sq. m. of the lot has been identified for the detached dwelling, and is to be rezoned Residential Type One (R1) Zone. The lot meets the requirements of the R1 Zone, which is the same zone which applies to other properties in this neighbourhood. The remainder of the vacant property will continue to be used only for existing uses. The application will comply with all other relevant provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered. Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with all three (3) priorities: it attracts new residents, enhances accessability, and promotes sustainable resource consumption. 7 Report PLAN2016·006 006-16-007 (MACALPINE) Page 5 of6 Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Comments: The lot is unserviced. The proposed single detached dwelling will be serviced by the municipal water supply and a private sanitary sewage disposal system. In accordance with Section of the PPS, individual services may be used provided that site conditions are suitable for the long-term provision of such services with no negative impact. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to landowners within a 120 metre radius, plan-review agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. To date we have received the following comments: Agency Review Comments: The Building Division provided on January 12, 2016 that it has no concerns with respect to the application. The Community Services Department provided on January 18, 2016 that it has no concerns or comments with respect to the application. The Engineering & Assets Department provided on January 29, 2016 that it requires confirmation that the road allowance for the cul-de-sac at the end of Beech Street has been appropriately conveyed to the City. A lot grading plan will be required as part of future building permit applications, and shall ensure that drainage is directed to a protected outlet and will not impact adjacent properties. The lot grading plan shall identify all existing water service locations to the property. Development Services- Planning Division Comments: The appropriate background studies in support of the application have been submitted and circulated to the appropriate Agencies and City Departments for review and comment. At this time, comments have not been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments. Staff recommend that the application be referred back to staff until such time as comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments, and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. 8 Report PLAN2016·006 006-16-007 (MACALPINE) Page 6 of6 Conclusion: In consideration of the comments and issues contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time as comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments, and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Attachments: Appendix 'A' - Location Map -,: PL.AN2016·006 Appendix A. pdf Appendix 'B'- Sketch for Zoning Amendment- received November 27,2015 -,:· PL.AN2.016·006 Appendix B. pdf Appendix 'C' - Aerial Photo -,.: PL.AN2016-006 Appendb< C. pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1368 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1368 E-Mail: Department Head: Chris Marshall, Director Department File: D06-16-007 9 APPENDIX. A to REPORT Pl-AN2.ot-b 00{ FILE NO. D06-l6- 00]~ '· n King Street r- ......., ......., Q) Q) '......., Q) Q) '......., 0 (/') V') E V'l UJ QJ c bO <! c:: ::J oeech street 'WOODVILLE• . ""C et:: . ....J ~ 10 LEON'S INSULATION INC. to G Li'V\ ST.. • ~ .. . I ' ~ I .... lsl/;,77"' fl '> 15"-.J. ~ . 'l'..., ~ 'L ~ ~ ~ .••/I 11 ~ 1 ~_, . .. 11 ~ 3 c V\ tn ~ ~-\ 116.:;1'>'/ .... J,_. , :--.<')b·O_, ..... - ! :1'-j ~ - i1i . " 0 sr \ X1l \ '-' • ~ ~ \ ... ~ 5300 JOHN LUCAS DRIVE, BURLINGTON, ON L7L 6A6 PHONE OR FAX: (905) 335-5012 TORONTO: (416) 777-2710 1-800-561-3495 11 .!•• -~~~ ~ILE NO. " QCXJ - t~ -007 20 McDONALD STREET, MAPLE, ON LSA 282 KING CITY: (905) 833-5121 TORONTO: (905} 832-1277 FAX: {905) 833-2256 Vacant Land on Beech Street t-•' Onltia • Road Centreline Property ROLL# Citations :!] r- m z 9 ~I ;- ;;;;.- This map is a user generaled static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Oata layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current. or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USEO FOR LEGAL PUPOSES 12 0 m z ~ ( WG5_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere © City Of Kawartha lakes )> JJ ~ 'I 0.20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - •Kilometers JJ m ..... u "U 0 ;:I 0 X " ~ ~ ,..5 ( 0 ' 8: The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN 2016-008 Date: February 10, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Public Meeting Ward Community Identifier: Ward 12 Subject: An application to amend the Town ship of Ops Zoning By-law to prohibit livestock in the barn on the property, permit a reduced lot frontage on a proposed residential lot and reduce a side yard setback for an accessory building on the retained lot on land identified as 36 and 44 Golden Mile Road. (REDMOND). Author/Title: Sherry L. Rea, Planning Coordinator Signature: Lli6J. Recommendation: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-008, respecting Part Lot 15, Concession 6, geographic Township of Ops, and identified as 36 and 44 Golden Mile Road, Application No. 006-16-005, be received; THAT the proposed zoning by-law amendment for Application D06-16-005, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "D" to Report PLAN2016-008, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 13 Report PLAN2016-008 Redmond- 006-16-005 Page 2 of 5 Background: The proposal is to amend the Town ship of Ops Zoning By-law to reduce the minimum lot frontage requirement of a proposed residential lot, reduce a side yard setback requirement for an accessory building on the retained agricultural lot and prohibit the housing of livestock in the barn on the property. See Appendix "A" and "B" attached. Owner: Legal Description: Mike Redmond and Mike Redmond Septic Services Ltd. Part Lot 15, Concession 6, geographic Township of Ops, now City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan: Designated Prime Agricultural, Rural and Environmental Protection on Schedule "A-3" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Zone: Agricultural (A), Rural Residential (RR) and Rural Residential Exception Fifteen (RR-15) on Schedule "A" of the Township of Ops Zoning By-law No. 93-30. Total Area: 33.9 ha. Site Servicing: Private wells and individual septic systems (existing and proposed). Existing Use: Agricultural Adjacent Uses: North & West: South: East: Residential (Single detached dwellings) Residential and Agricultural Halter Road and Undeveloped Land Rationale: The subject land is located in the south west corner of Golden Mile Road and Halter Road and is municipally known as 36 and 44 Golden Mile Road. The owner applied for and received provisional consent to create four (4) rural residential lots fronting Golden Mile Road and retain the agricultural parcel. The proposed residential lots will be serviced by private wells and individual septic systems located at the rear of the proposed lots. The land is currently zoned Rural Residential (RR) which will facilitate the creation of the lots. In 2014, the owner rezoned 2.52 ha. of land located down gradient of the proposed lots as a nitrate attenuation area which would preclude development on the land. See Appendix "A", "B" and "C" attached. As a result of the planning review undertaken for the applications for consent to create the four (4) rural residential lots, two (2) zoning issues were identified. The Rural Residential (RR) Zone has a minimum lot area of 0.2 ha. and a minimum lot frontage of 38 m. All the proposed lots meet the minimum lot area requirement 14 Report PLAN2016-008 Redmond - 006-16-005 Page 3 of5 and three (3) of the four (4) proposed lots meet the minimum lot frontage requirement. The most easterly proposed lot has a proposed lot frontage of 22.4 m. due to the oblique angle of the intersection of Halter Road and Golden Mile Road. Where the lot lines are not parallel, Lot Frontage, as defined in the Zoning By-law is measured parallel to the front lot line at a distance equal to the front yard depth of 9 m. The second issue is a small accessory building located between the barn and the limit of the most westerly proposed lot. It is proposed to reduce the minimum side yard setback from 2 m. to 0.55 m. It is a condition of consent that the existing barn and foundation be removed from the property or demolished. Alternatively, the property could be rezoned to prohibit the barn from housing livestock. Agricultural uses (i.e. hay storage) are still permitted in the barn as the agricultural use occurring on land zoned Rural Residential (RR) is considered legal non-conforming. In support of the application for rezoning, the applicant submitted a Planning Justification Report prepared by Bob Clark of Clark Consulting Services. Staff has reviewed the planning analysis and agrees with the planning opinion. Applicable Provincial Policies: The application for rezoning conforms with policies in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) and the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (2014 PPS). The application serves to maintain conformity with the provincial plans as new land uses, including the creation of lots, shall comply with the minimum distance separation formulae (MDS). Prohibiting the barn from housing livestock negates the regulation. City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan: The land is designated Prime Agricultural, Environmental Protection and Rural in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The consent applications conform to the consent policies in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and prohibiting the barn from housing livestock also ensures compliance with MDS criteria. Zoning By-law Compliance: The land is zoned Agricultural (A), Rural Residential (RR) and Rural Residential Exception Fifteen (RR-15) in the Township of Ops Zoning By-law No. 93-30. The applicant requests a reduction in the minimum lot frontage requirement for the most easterly proposed lot and a reduction in the side yard setback requirement for the retained agricultural lot. Staff supports the requests and recommends two (2) Rural Residential Exception (RR**) Zones be applied to identify those areas. One of the RR Exceptions Zones will also prohibit the barn from housing livestock. 15 Report PLAN2016-008 Redmond - 006-16-005 Page 4 of 5 Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives were considered at this time. Financial Considerations: There are no financial implications for the City, unless the application is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there could be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategic Priorities: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. Approval of the proposed rezoning does not directly impact or align with a specific Strategic Priority. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications as a result of the proposed rezoning. Servicing Comments: The application was circulated to the City's Building Division- Sewage System Program for review and received confirmation that they have no objection to the zoning amendment. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The application for zoning by-law amendment conforms to provincial policy and the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The application ensures that the MDS criteria has been addressed and that the proposed rural residential lots will comply with the Township of Ops Zoning By-law. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be approved and adopted by Council. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act The following comments have been received as of the drafting of this report. Building DivisionSewage System Program- January 15, 2016; no objection. Community Services Department- January 18, 2016; no concerns or objections. 16 Report PLAN2016-008 Redmond - 006-16-005 Page 5 of 5 Ministry of Transportation- January 21, 2016; no concerns. Attachments: Appendix "A" - Location Map Appendix 'A' Location Map. pdf Appendix "B"- Conceptual Lot Layout Appendix 'B' Conceptual Lot Layot Appendix "C" - Draft Reference Plan Appendix 'C' - Draft Reference Plan. pdf Appendix "D" - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Appendix 'D' - Draft Zoning By-law.pdf Phone: 705.324.9411, ext.1331 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1331 E-Mail: Department Head: Chris Marshall, Director Department Files: D06-16-005 17 APPENDIX "_ to REPORT FILE NO. _A_ {)Lft~(XJ((o~(j)~. "' "'- -Ib. -DJ".h" '-<J. .tpe Lot 16 Highway#7 ~II II Golden Mile Rd Lot 11\ \ SUBJECT LAND 15 Lot 14 Concession 6 'Geographic Township of Ops' 18 _ Con. 7 Figure 2- Approved Consents East Y2 Lot 15, Concession 6 Geographic Township of Ops City of Kawartha Lakes 200ft. Oa.~. 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Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to reduce a minimum lot frontage and minimum side yard setback requirement and prohibit the use of the barn from housing livestock. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held . 4. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2016-_ . I Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.01 Property Affected: T he Property affected by this by-law is described as Part Lot 15, Concession 6, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, 36 and 44 Golden Mile Road. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 93-30 of the Township of Ops is further amended to add the following sections to Section 5.3: 5.3.8 Rural Residential Exception Eight (RR-8) Zone a. Notwithstanding the permitted uses in subsection 5.1, on land zoned RR-8, the housing of livestock is prohibited. b. Notwithstanding subsection 5.2, on land zoned RR-8, the minimum side yard setback for an accessory building shall be 0.55 m. 5.3.9 a. 1.03 Rural Residential Exception Nine (RR-9) Zone Notwit hstanding subsection 5.2, on land zoned RR-9 , the minimum lot frontage shall be 22 .4 m. Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 93-30 of the Township of Ops is further amended to change the zone category from the Rural Residential (RR) Zone to the Rural Residential Exception Eight (RR-8) Zone and Rural Residential Exception Nine (RR-9) Zone for the land referred to as 'RR-8' and 'RR-9', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. I Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject 21 to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this Andy letham, Mayor u day of •••, 2016. Judy Currins, City Clerk 22 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW _ _ _ _ PASSED DAY OF THIS MAYOR._ _ __ _ _ 2016. CITY CLERK - - - - - - Lot16 Highway #7 "'0 co 0 Lot 15 Lot 14 0:: Con. 7 Concession 6 'Geographic Township of Ops' 23 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Committee Report Report Number PLAN2016-009 Date: February 10, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ward Community Identifier: Subject: Ward 8 - Mariposa An application to amend the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07 to rezone a portion of the land from Rural General (A 1) Zone to Rural General Exception Thirty (A 1-30) Zone on property described as Part of Lots 2 & 3, Cone. 8, geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 41 Stub Road and 150 Sun Valley Road (Robrook Farms Ltd., -Planning File 006-16-006). Author/Title: David Harding, Planner I Signature: Recommendation(s): RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-009, respecting Part of Lots 2 & 3, Cone. 8, geographic Township of Mariposa, Application 006-16-006, be received; THAT a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application 006-16-006, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "C" to Report PLAN2016-009, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 24 Report #PLAN-2016-009 006-16-006 {ROBROOK FARMS LTD) Page 2 of5 Background: The owner has applied for and received provisional consent (Files 003-15-004 and 003-15-005) from the Committee of Adjustment, as delegated by Council, to sever a two approximately 0.5 ha. residential lots each containing a single detached dwelling and retain the remaining approximately 66 ha. of agricultural and environmental protection land. The retained land will be consolidated with non-abutting agricultural land. The dwelling is considered surplus to the farming operation. There are no agricultural buildings or structures on the retained portion of the property. As a condition of provisional consent, the subject land is to be rezoned to prohibit any residential use on the retained agricultural land. Owner: Robrook Farms Limited Applicant: Robin PARISH Legal Description: Part of Lots 2 & 3, Cone. B, geographic Township of Mariposa Designation: Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone: Agricultural (A 1) Zone and Environmental Protection Exception Four (EP-4) Zone on Schedule 'A' of the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law No. 94-07 Lot Area: Severed Lot 1-6,438 sq. m., Severed Lot 2-4,199 sq. m., Retained- 66 ha. Site Servicing: Residential- Private individual on-site sewage disposals and wells Agricultural - Unserviced Existing Uses: Residential (to be severed), Agricultural/Forest/Wetland (to be retained) Adjacent Uses: North, West: South: East: Agricultural, Rural Residential, Nonquon River Kingsbay (Golf Course, Residential) Lake Scugog Rationale: The property is located bordered to the south by the Kingsbay neighbourhood, the north by Sun Valley Road, west by Stub Road, and east by Lake Scugog (refer to Appendix "A"). The subject property and the majority of the lands to the west and north are prime agricultural land, which is to be protected and preserved from new residential development or any other incompatible land use that may hinder existing or future agricultural operations. Provisional consent was granted on November 6, 2015 to sever the residential lots and retain the approximately 66 ha. farm parcel. 25 Report #PLAN-2016-009 006-16-006 (ROBROOK FARMS LTD) Page 3 of 5 Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: This application conforms to the Growth Plan (GP). Section 4.2.2 indicates that Ministers, in consultation with municipalities, are to develop additional policies for protection of areas identified as prime agricultural land. Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS): This application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Sections 2.3.1 and provide that prime agricultural areas shall be protected for long term use, and all types, sizes and intensities of agricultural uses and normal farm practices shall be promoted and protected in accordance with provincial standards. The application to rezone the proposed retained lands will protect the agricultural use of the property and surrounding agricultural practices from incompatible residential use as required by Section (a) and (c) 2. The proposed retained lot is of sufficient area to operate an assortment of agricultural uses and the PPS encourages the protection of all types and sizes of agricultural use. Therefore, this application is consistent with the PPS. Official Plan Conformity: The subject land is designated Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (Official Plan). The Environmental Protection designation is confined to and the area abutting Lake Scugog. No change is proposed to the area within the Environmental Protection designation. Section 15.1 of the Official Plan provides that agricultural land that is primarily class 1-3 shall be protected from fragmentation, development and land uses unrelated to agriculture. One of the objectives of the Official Plan is to support farming operations as an important component of the economy, a source of employment and a way of life for many rural residents. This application proposes no change to the existing land uses, and the agricultural land will be preserved and protected for future agricultural use. The City, through its Official Plan, recognizes as generally desirable the consolidation of farms wherever possible. The City also recognizes that the acquisition of abutting agricultural lots in order to consolidate an existing farm operation may not be possible, and has established criteria in accordance with provincial policy to recognize this circumstance and protect the long term agricultural use of the land. One of the criteria is that the agricultural land must be rezoned to prohibit any residential use. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The majority of the land is zoned Agricultural (A 1) Zone and a smaller portion is zoned Environmental Proection Exception Four (EP-4) Zone in the Town ship of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07. The A 1 Zone provides that where a lot which does not exceed 1 26 Report #PLAN-2016-009 006-16-006 (ROBROOK FARMS LTD) Page 4 of 5 ha. in area is created by consent, the minimum lot frontage shall be 38 metres; the minimum lot area shall be 2,800 square metres, and the lot must comply with all other provisions of the Rural Residential Type One (RR1) Zone. The lots to be created comply with all requirements of the RR1 Zone. Although not requested by the applicant, staff is recommending that the interior side yard setback be decreased to 1.4 m. to recognize an agricultural building's proximity to a proposed lot line. The lot line will be created once the residential lot fronting on Sun Valley Road is severed. The reduced setback would only apply to the storage building that exists on the date the by-law is passed. Any new agricultural buildings on the retained lot would comply with the A1 Zone setbacks. With the added provision, the lot to be retained and the building upon it will meet the requirements of the A 1 and EP-4 Zones. The purpose of the zoning by-law amendment is to prohibit residential use on the retained property and maintain the agricultural use of the land to comply with provincial and municipal policy. The application complies with all other relevant provisions of the Zoning By-law. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered . Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the prosperity priorities in that it provides opportunity to expand the economic base by maintaining and expanding the agricultural employment base. Servicing Comments: The agricultural land is unserviced. The existing single detached dwelling on the land to be severed is serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and well. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to all land owners of record within a 500 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. The Building Division, Engineering and Assets Department, Community Services Department, and Township of Scugog raised no issues as a result of circulation. 27 Report #PLAN-2016-009 006-16-006 (ROBROOK FARMS LTD) Page 5 of5 Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The application conforms to the Growth Plan and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. The application also conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. The rezoning will ensure the subject land is preserved for agricultural use. All other A 1 Zone provisions will be maintained. The EP-4 Zone category on the retained land will not be affected by the zoning by-law amendment. Conclusion: The application conforms to the provincial policies concerning prime agricultural areas. The application also conforms to the Prime Agricultural designation policies in the City's Official Plan. Staff support the application based on the information contained in this report and the comments received as of January 29, 2016. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: Appendix 'A' - Location Map EJI ~ )..! Appendix A to PLAN2016-009.pdf Appendix 'B' -Applicant Re-Zoning Sketch ---)..1- Appendix B to PLAN2016-009. pdf Appendix 'C'- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment J..i~ Appendix C to PLAN2016-009.pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1206 E-Mail: dehard ing@city.kawartha lakes. on. ca Department Head: Chris Marshall Department Fire: 006-16-006 28 APPENDIX " A to -J "'C 0::: 1 ~ Q) ro > 3 2 Con A c :::J (/) Con B 'Kings bay' Lake Scugog Con C 29 6-0~ CONCESSION LOT LOT I 2 I - VALLEY SUN _j ROAD .. oO'l UJ~ SKETCH FOR RE-ZONING 1 I ON PART OF LOT 2 & PART OF LOT 3, CONCESSION 8, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA, NOW IN THE Cf TY OF KAWARTHA LAKES SCALE I : 5000 METRES I I UJ I I I I I 0 0 <::: ~ DISTANCES SIIOI!rl 011 THIS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY 0/VIDING BY 0. 3048 . l ~CONCE$.$ tON 0:: I '$' I I L()f: <::: . <:t: -..J Q a l.LJ -~ -..J Q . . :.i ., .2 .I I . £X1STiN$ ZONING IS.. f ! .AGR:i CU.CTUR.4L · {ll.f) . l : AREA' TO. 8£ F{£ -ZONED AGRJCULTUR4L I r I . I txc£Ptiofv · I I I I .. : LOT 107 747 (J) Cc: ~ 1-- / (J) ( 2 -~-- ~0 Cc:--' I I J I ~I I' NOVEWER 24, 2015 iij I H. F. GRANDER Co. Lfa. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 1575 HIGHWAY TA !lEST, UN/ T ZA POST OFFICE BOX 616 K11T PERRY. CliTAR/0 I CADOFILE: 1519-lN.I .OPD PROJECT No. 7519·2N L9L IA6 :'!J JJ TEL. (90ft"985·J6ml FAX. /90m985·2J410 9 ~ C\ !.. 30 ~ ~ t> ~ (5'\ ~ ~ ~ Cl\ = ~ ~ .-Jl ~ APPENDIX "___C..;,..__-~~ to THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKESREPORT BY-LAW 2016 • FILENO. r------------------------------------------------------, A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA ZONING BY-LAW NO. 94-07 TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File 006-16-006, Report PLAN2016-009, respecting Part Lots 2 & 3, Cone. B, identified as 150 Sun Valley Road and 41 Stub Road- ROBROOK FARMS LTD.] Recitals: 1. Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to prohibit residential use. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. 4. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2016-_. I Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.01 Property Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as Concession B, Part of Lots 2 and 3, geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes, 150 Sun Valley Road and 41 Stub Road. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to add the following section to Section 8.3: "8.3.30 1.03 AGRICULTURAL EXCEPTION THIRTY (A1-30) ZONE Notwithstanding subsection 8.1.1, on land zoned "A1-30" a dwelling shall not be a permitted use. Notwithstanding subsection 8.2 .1.3 (b), on land zoned "A1-30" an interior side yard setback of 1.4 m. Is permitted for the agricultural storage building which existed at the date of passing of this By-law." Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to change the zone category from Agricultural (A 1) Zone to Agricultural Exception Thirty (A 1-30) Zone for the land referred to as "A1-30", as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. I Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed , subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this ** day of**", 2016. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clerk 31 - RAN 2~-,' :_oo~ Do6-t6~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW _ _ _ _ PASSED THIS DAY OF MAYOR ___________ 1 . 2016. CITY CLERK _ _ _ _ __ 3 2 "'0 a:: >. <D ro Con A > c :::J (/) Sun Valley Rd. A1-30 Con B 'Kingsbay' 32 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Committee Report Report Number PLAN2016-011 Date: February 10, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place; Council Chambers Public Meeting Ward Community Identifier: Ward 8 - Mariposa Subject: Official Plan Amendment (001-16-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (006-16-004) Applications to permit a reduced agricultural lot size to facilitate a future consent for a lot addition (boundary adjustment) to support the existing abattoir use with a larger land area for animal husbandry practices and reduce the interior setback for a drive shed to 6 metres on the property described as Part N 1/2 Lot 1, Concession 10, RP 57R-9042 Parts 2 and 3, geographic Township of Mariposa, and municipally known as 18619 Simcoe Street (2030044 ONTARIO INC., & DEVOS). Author/Title: Mark LaHay, Planner II Signature: Recommendation(s ): RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-011, respecting Part N 1/2 Lot 1, Con. 10, RP 57R-9042 Parts 2 and 3, geographic Township of Mariposa, "2030044 ONTARIO INC., & DEVOS -Applications 001-16-001 & 006-16-004", be received; and THAT the application respecting the proposed Amendments to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law, be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time that all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Department Head; Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 33 Report PLAN2016-0 11 001-16-001 & 006-16-004 (2030044 ONTARIO INC & DEVOS Page 2 of 7 Background: The applicant has submitted an application to amend the "Prime Agricultural" designation lot area policies and the "Agricultural (A 1) Zone" category in order to permit a reduced agricultural lot size to facilitate a future consent for a lot addition (boundary adjustment) to support an existing abattoir use and establish a minimum parcel size for each resultant lot. A new lot is not being created. The proposed interior side yard setback to an existing drive shed will also be reduced to 6 metres. The effect of the applications would permit the existing property containing the abattoir use to be supported by a larger land area for animal husbandry practices. Owners: John, Paul and Fern Devos and 2030044 Ontario Inc. Applicant: Planscape Inc., c/o Dan Stone Legal Description: Part N 1/2 Lot 1, Concession 10, RP 5 ?R-9042 Parts 2 and 3, geographic Township of Mariposa Designation: Prime Agricultural, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone: Agricultural Exception Twenty Three (A1-23) Zone and Rural General Exception Three (A2-3) on Schedule 'A' of the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law No. 94-07 Lot Area: 11.7 ha. (29 ac.) [severed]; 25.3 ha. (62.6 ac.) {retained]; 1.5 ha. (3.8 ac.) [benefitting lands] Site Servicing: Private individual on-site sewage disposal and well on benefitting lands; No servicing on severed or retained lands Existing Uses: Agricultural (retained) I Agricultural (severed) I Abattoir and residential dwelling (benefitting lands) Adjacent Uses: North and East: South and West: Agricultural Agricultural The owner of Manilla Meats (2030044 Ontario Inc.) has operated the provincially inspected abattoir for over 10 years. The abattoir has been part of the business community for over 50 years. To evolve its business practices from being focused on the slaughter and processing of domestic livestock to fulfill the growing demand for locally produced organic, healthy, ethically and responsibly sourced meat products, the owner wishes to expand its operations by offering a new meat product line offering local Ontario veal and lamb raised on the adjacent pastures, which it intends to showcase so that customers will have the opportunity to experience the entire food production cycle. To achieve this goal requires a lot line adjustment, which will result in the addition of approximately 30 acres of agricultural land to the existing commercial/residential lot containing the abattoir use to have the property capacity necessary to pasture livestock. 34 Report PLAN2016-011 001-16-001 & 006-16-004 (2030044 ONTARIO INC & DEVOS Page 3 of7 Rationale: The property is located on the east side of Simcoe Street between Skyline Road and Quaker Road, approximately 2km north of the hamlet of Manilla. The applicant proposes to consolidate approximately 11.7 ha. (29 ac.) of agricultural land with the abutting 1.5 ha. (3.81 ac.) parcel to support the existing abattoir operation with land for pasture. While the Official Plan (OP) designation permits lot line boundary adjustments and the current zoning permits the proposed agricultural use, the proposed severed and retained lots do not comply with the minimum lot area required by the OP designation or the Agricultural (A 1) Zone. An OP amendment and Zoning By-law amendment are necessary for the severed (to be added to the benefitting lands) and retained lots, as they will not comply with the respective OP designation or Zone requirements for minimum lot area. The east interior side setback for the drive shed will also be reduced to 6 m. on the proposed newly configured parcel containing the abattoir. The applicant has submitted the following reports and plans in support of the application, which have been circulated to various City Departments and commenting Agencies for review. 1. Planning Justification and Agricultural Impact Assessment Report prepared by Planscape Inc., dated October, 2015. The report discusses and assesses the proposal in context of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, and the Council adopted City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. 2. Survey Sketch for Severance prepared by Coe, Fisher, Cameron, OLS, dated January 20, 2014. 3. Proposed Agricultural Lot Addition Sketch prepared by Planscape Inc., dated May 26, 2014. A Business Plan proposal prepared by Wahab Zamanifar, Business Development Officer, Manilla Meats (2030044 Ontario Inc.) dated April 2013 was also submitted as background in support of the applications. Staff has reviewed the Planning Justification and Agricultural Impact Assessment Report in support of the official plan and zoning by-law amendments. Staff generally accepts the planning rationale given but cannot fully determine the appropriateness of the proposal at this time as responses from other City Departments and commenting Agencies have not been received. Staff recommends that the applications be referred back to staff until such time as commenting Agencies and/or City Departments have submitted comments, and any concerns have been addressed, and to permit discussions with the applicant respecting conformity to applicable policies. 35 Report PLAN20 16-011 001-16-001 & 006-16-004 {2030044 ONTARIO INC & DEVOS Page 4 of7 Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: The Growth Plan guides land-use planning decisions including resource protection in the interest of promoting economic prosperity. The Growth Plan directs development to settlement areas except development related to the management or use of resources, resource based recreational activities and rural land uses that cannot be located within settlement areas. The proposed use supports resource based uses while the business located on the subject benefitting land provides support to the agricultural sector. Therefore, these applications conform to the policies of the Growth Plan (GP). Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS): The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. Sections 2.3.1 through protect prime agricultural areas for long-term agricultural use and permit agricultural uses, agriculture-related uses and on-farm diversified uses. All types, sizes and intensities of agricultural uses and normal farm practices shall be promoted and protected. Section 2.3.4 of the PPS provides policy on Lot Creation and Lot Adjustments. Lot adjustments are permitted in prime agricultural areas for legal and technical reasons. A new lot is not being created, only a boundary adjustment. The proposed application adds agricultural land to an existing abattoir operation, which is considered an agriculture-related use under the PPS and no land is being taken out of the prime agricultural designation. The additional land will support and enhance the existing abattoir operation through animal husbandry practices. The remaining farm parcel will continue to be used for agricultural purposes and the resulting reduced land parcel size would not be incompatible with the range of farm parcel sizes located in the area. The application to amend the zoning on the proposed severed and retained lands will continue to protect the agricultural use of the property and surrounding agricultural practices from incompatible residential use. Therefore, these applications are consistent with the PPS. Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (2009): The subject lands are located within the watershed of Lake Simcoe. The proposed applications do not appear to conflict with the applicable sections that were reviewed. The proposed lot addition (boundary adjustment) does not create a new lot, and as a result, does not constitute development, and there will be a continuation of existing uses and agricultural activities. A natural buffer has 36 Report PLAN2016-011 001-16-001 & 006-16-004 (2030044 ONTARIO INC & DEVOS Page 5 of7 been established adjacent to a small watercourse at the northeast corner of the remaining farm parcel and will be maintained by the farm operator, while the existing limits of cultivation within the required 30 m buffer would be permitted to continue. Official Plan Conformity: The subject land is designated "Prime Agricultural" in the City's Official Plan {OP). The OP provides that agricultural and agricultural related, including agribusiness uses are permitted within this designation. An abattoir is considered an "agri-business" use by definition in the OP. For new agricultural lots to be created, they shall be sufficiently large to maintain flexibility for future changes in the type of agricultural operation and have a minimum lot size of 40 ha. Section 15.3. 7 of the OP permits a severance for a minor lot line adjustment provided it does not create a separate building lot that would otherwise require an amendment to the Plan. A separate lot is not being created; however, the proposed boundary adjustment supports the goals and objectives of the OP by providing economic opportunities through secondary uses and supporting farming operations as an important component of the economy. Under Section 33.3.7, consents which have the effect of changing boundary lines and which do not create additional lots, should be evaluated on their own merits. The application proposes a Special Policy for the proposed severed and retained lot respectively to recognize the reduced minimum lot area for each lot. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The subject land is zoned "Agricultural Exception Twenty Three (A1-23) Zone" in the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07. The Zoning By-law normally requires a minimum lot area of 38 ha. in the Agricultural (A 1) Zone. The Agricultural Exception Twenty Three (A1-23) Zone permitted a minimum lot area of 37 ha. as a result of a previous severance. The benefitting land containing the existing dwelling and abattoir use is zoned Rural General Exception Three (A23), which permits the existing uses while recognizing reduced lot area and frontage. The applicant has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application for consideration. The application proposes an exception zone category for the proposed severed and retained lot respectively to recognize a reduced minimum lot area for each agricultural lot, to implement the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered. 37 Report PLAN2016-011 001-16-001 & 006-16-004 (2030044 ONTARIO INC & DEVOS Page 6 of7 Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment(s) is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. These applications align with the Prosperity Priorities in that they encourage and support farming operations and related businesses by providing opportunity to maintain and expand the agricultural employment base. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Comments: The vacant land to be severed and retained is not serviced and the existing and proposed zoning does not permit a residential use. The existing single detached dwelling on the benefitting land containing the abattoir use is serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and individual well. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to persons within a 500 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. To date we have received the following comments: Agency Review Comments: The Building Division advised on January 15, 2016 that spatial separation considerations of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) would limit the area of the existing building face at 1Om2 with no construction requirements to upgrade the east building face, given the proposed 6m setback. As no building information is supplied, we would anticipate there will be a permit required to apply a fire resistance rating the existing structure. The Building Division- Sewage System Program advised on January 18,2016 that it has no objection to these applications, as the sewage disposal system 38 Report PLAN2016-011 001-16-001 & 006-16-004 (2030044 ONTARIO INC & DEVOS Page 7 of7 serving the abattoir will be wholly contained within the boundaries proposed and adequate space will be available for a replacement system. In addition, the lot to be retained will be used for agricultural purposes. It is currently farmland with no structures. The Public Works Department advised on January 19, 2016 that it has no concerns with respect to the applications. Development Services- Planning Division Comments: The appropriate background studies have been submitted to support the applications for official plan and zoning by-law amendment. These reports and background studies have been circulated to the appropriate Agencies and City Departments for review and comment. At this time, comments have not been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments. Staff recommends that the applications be referred back to staff until such time as all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Conclusion: In consideration of the comments and issues contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time as all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. Attachments: Appendix 'A'. pdf Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix 'B'.pdf Appendix 'C'.pdf Appendix 'D'.pdf 'A' - Location Map 'B'- Sketch for Proposed Lot Addition (Boundary Adjustment) 'C'- Aerial Photo 'D'- Draft Official Plan Amendment Phone: 705-324-9411 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1324 E-Mail: mlahay@city.kawarthalakes. Department Head: Chris Marshall, Director Department File: 001-16-001 & 006-16-004 39 Geographic Township of Mariposa E APPENDIX" to ro A £ L... :::J Quaker Road 0 DOI- 10- oo l . OOb- 1b-ooy ~ 0 c 0 ·0> Q) (:t:: ~ t) e r.a ~ 0 c.. Concession 10 £ en c ~ 0 I-+J (]) (]) L... +J C/) Q) Lot 1 Lot 2 0 (.) E ·C/) Skyline Road 40 B APPENDIX" to REPORT PLAN.2V\b:o ll FILE NO 8oh0 l-tb-oo.l•• -u, -oo':j QUAKER ROAD ~~~--------l~J.M----------r------------~~2~------------~~ ----~-· "6:... I L l.~ I- I cz:: I I I IVI UJ 0 u ~ I -1I 1- LOT TO BE SEVERED AREA • 11.7 Ha [29 AcJ UJ UJ T LOT fO BE RETAINED AREA • 25.3 Ha [62.6 Acj in ... I ~ I I I ., : I I j lH·~------------------~ I I SEVERANCE SKETCH No.III619 SiMCOf SlRf£T N 1/2 LOT 1. COt«:t.SSION 10 G£0GRAPHIC 'I'OWNS• IP OfMAAII'OSA CIN 0( ~AWAA'I'l<A lAKES 2030044 ON rAlliO INC. 41 18619 Simcoe Street (Mariposa) Onl co • Road Centreline Geographic Townships Upper Municipalities Populated Places Water Labels Woodland LakeSimcoeSourceWaterProte CKL_River_Buff15m Prime_Agricultural Geographic Townships Upper Municipalities Property ROLL# Lots and Concessions LSRCA Regulated Areas !(ttations - :0 r n z o ~ m 9 -o -... o ..~ -o -o m ~ x 001-16-001 & 00&-16..()()4 - - - - - - - - - - - - -Kilometers WGS_1984_Web_Men:ator_ Auxiliaty_Sphere C Cily Of Kawartha Lakes This map is a user generated st atic output from an ln1ernet mapping site ancl is for reference only Data layers that appear on this map may o r may not be accurate, ament, or otherwise reliable. T HIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR LEGAL PUPOSES 42 City of Kawartha l akes Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2015- _of The Corporation of The City of Kawartha Lakes APPENDIX"_-""' 0___ to AMENDMENT NO. XX TO THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES OFFICIAL PLANREPORT PART A- THE PREAMBLE FILE NO. A. PURPOSE The purpose of the official plan amendment is to provide for a lot addition through the consent to sever and convey process. The lot addition will add pasture lands to support the continued operation of a permitted abattoir use and create a reminder agricultural parcel. B. LOCATION The subject lands are situated in the Township of Mariposa north of the Village of Manilla. The property is legally described as Part of Lot 1, Concession 10, geographic Township of Mariposa, now City of Kawartha Lakes. C. BASIS The proposed policy change on the subject lands will facilitate a lot addition to add agricultural pasture land to an existing abattoir operation which has been operating since the 1940's and has been recognized and permitted through a site-specific Zoning By-law and the Official Plan definition for "agri-business". The lot addition will result in the abattoir use operating on a parcel of 13.2 ha and a remnant farm parcel of 25.3 ha which will continue to be zoned and operated for agricultural uses. A site specific exemption to the Lot Area requirement of the Official Plan is necessary to permit the lot addition for agricultural uses. The Official Plan Amendment does not result in the creation of any new lots and no development will be created. PART B - THE AMENDMENT D. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT All of this part of the document entitled Part B - The Amendment. consisting of the following text constitutes Amendment No. XX to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. E. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT The Official Plan of the City of Kawartha Lakes is amended as follows: 1. Section 18 is hereby amended by adding the following policy In subsection 18.XX.YY.ZZ: "18. 10.2 F. Notwithstanding Section 15.3.3 b) of this Plan, for the lands described as Part of the Northeast Half of Lot 1, Concession 10 (former Mariposa), a boundary adjustment may be permitted to provide for the addition of agricultural land to an existing abattoir use provided that no new lot is created, the remnant farm parcel has a minimum parcel size not less than 25 ha, and, uses permitted thereon are limited to agricultural activities permitted in the Zoning By-law" IMPLEMENTATION AND INTERPRETATION The implementation and interpretation of this amendment shall b e in accordance with the relevant policies of the Official Plan and the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. 43 .Pljll[\l~Dl6-D l/ f)o 1- I b·-ool .oat,lb ..OD'f The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Committee Report Report Number PLAN2016-007 Date: February 10, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Ward Community Identifier: Subject: Ward 6 - Fenelon An application to amend the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law to rezone a portion of the land from Environmental Protection {EP) Zone to Agricultural Exception Nineteen (A1-19) Zone on a vacant lot described as Part of Lot 21, Cone. 7, geographic Township of Fenelon, City of Kawartha Lakes, 896 Country Lane (MITOV- File 006-15-021 ). Author/Title: lan Walker, Planner II Signature: Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2016-007, respecting "MITOV- Application 006-15-021 ", be received; THAT a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application 006-15-021, substantially in the form attached as Appendix 'E' to Report PLAN2016-007, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director I Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 44 Report PLAN2016-007 006-15-021 (MITOV) Page 2 of? Background: The statutory public meeting was held by the Planning Committee on December 2, 2015 and the following resolution was passed: Moved by Mayor Letham, seconded by Councillor Yeo, RECOMMEND THAT Report PLAN2015-098, respecting MITOV • Application 006-15-021, be received; and THAT the application respecting Application 006-15-021 be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time that all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. CARRIED PC2015-062 This report addresses that direction. The proposal is to facilitate the construction of a new detached dwelling on an existing lot of record. The applicant proposes to rezone an approximately 0.9 ha. portion of the vacant lot to allow the detached dwelling. Approximately 5 ha. of the southeast corner of the property is zoned Agricultural (A1 ) Zone, but does not have access to an improved public street. As such, the owners are seeking to permit the use at an alternate site on the lot. Owners: Valeri and Roumiana Mitov Applicant: EcoVue Consulting Services Inc., Kent Randall Legal Description: Part of Lot 21, Cone. 7, geographic Township of Fenelon Designation: Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone: Agricultural (A 1 ) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone on Schedule 'A', Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law No. 12-95 Lot Area: 43 ha. [1 00.0 ac.- MPAC] Site Servicing: Unserviced Existing Uses: Vacant Land Adjacent Uses: North, East: South: West: Forest/Wetland, Agricultural Forest/Wetland Country Lane, Forest/Wetland 45 Report PLAN2016-007 006-15-021 (MITOV) Page 3 of7 Rationale: On January 26, 2016, the applicant submitted a revised sketch, prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. The revised sketch proposes to rezone only the portion of the lot for a proposed detached dwelling and accessory uses. The original sketch included two (2) additional portions of the lot to be rezoned. The subject lot is located on the east side of Country Lane, northeast of Cameron. The subject land is approximately 43 ha., and the area of land proposed to be zoned to permit the development is approximately 0.9 ha. The proposed development will be serviced by a private individual well and septic system, see Appendix "B" attached. While the Prime Agricultural designation in the Official Plan (OP) permits single detached dwellings, the portion of the lot identified for the proposed residential use is zoned Environmental Protection (EP) Zone, which does not permit residential uses. A Zoning By-law amendment is necessary to permit the use on this portion of the lot. Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: This application conforms to the Growth Plan (GP). Section allows that development may be permitted in rural areas in accordance with Section, which directs development to settlement areas, except where related to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational activities, and rural land uses that cannot be located in settlement areas. This is an existing lot of record in the rural area, which cannot be located in a settlement area. The proposed use is a detached dwelling, therefore, this application does not conflict with the GP. Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS): Section 1.1 .5.2 provides that in rural areas, permitted uses and activities shall relate to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational uses, limited residential development, and other rural land uses. Section provides that development that is compatible with the rural landscape, and can be sustained by rural service levels should be promoted. Section provides that agricultural and other resource-related uses should be promoted and protected, and non-related development should be directed to areas where it will minimize constraints on these uses. A Scoped Environmental Impact Study (EIS), prepared by Snider's Ecological Services (June 2015) has been submitted. This report has been reviewed by Kawartha Region Conservation Authority (KRCA) in accordance with the PPS and the City's Official Plan. Section 2.1.8 of the PPS prohibits development and site alteration on adjacent lands to the natural heritage features identified in 46 Report PLAN2016-007 006-15-021 {MITOV} Page 4 of7 Sections 2.1.4 through 2.1.6, unless the ecological function of the adjacent lands have been evaluated, and it has been demonstrated there will be no negative impacts on the natural features or their ecological functions. The EIS has confirmed no negative impacts for the proposed 0.9 ha. portion of the lot to be rezoned to permit a detached dwelling. As the EIS did not fully evaluate the other two proposed areas outside of the PSW, the applicant has revised the application to remove two (2) of the three (3) areas from the application. On this basis, the application conforms to the policies of the PPS. Official Plan Conformity: The lot is designated Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection in the City's Official Plan (OP). Section 15.1 of the Official Plan provides that agricultural land that is primarily Class 1-3 shall be protected from fragmentation, development and land uses unrelated to agriculture. The establishment of a residential area outside of the Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) protects the potential for agricultural use on the southeastern portion of the property. Section 17.3.5 of the OP states "Where detailed flood plain or wetland mapping exists or becomes available, the boundaries of the Environmental Protection designation may be interpreted as corresponding to the limits of the flood plain or wetland.". On this basis, the boundary of the Environmental Protection designation mirrors the boundary of the PSW. Section 17.3.4 of the OP provides if it is found through an evaluation that the boundary is in error and the land is not subject to flooding or other physical hazard, then an alternate use permitted in the abutting land use designation may be considered and the land appropriately zoned. This application proposes no change to the existing agricultural land uses or to the area designated Environmental Protection. Therefore, this application conforms to the policies of the OP. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The lot is zoned Agricultural (A 1) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone in the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law. The portion of the lot identified to be rezoned is zoned EP and residential uses are not permitted. The applicant has submitted an EIS, which confirms that the proposed residential use will not negatively impact the natural heritage features and functions which are protected by the EP Zone. The minimum lot area required for the Agricultural (A 1) Zone is 25 ha. The portion of the property to be rezoned is approximately 0.9 ha. Section 3.13 of the By-law provides that when a lot is located within two or more zones, the provisions of the applicable zone apply to each portion of the lot, save and except lot frontage and lot area. The applicant proposes a site specific Agricultural Exception (A1-**) Zone to permit a detached dwelling. 47 Report PLAN2016-007 006-15-021 (MITOV) Page 5 of7 As noted above, the EIS has been submitted and reviewed by KRCA, in accordance with the Natural Heritage and Hazard policies of the PPS. The EIS has delineated the wetland boundaries and other natural heritage features, based on field verification, and recommends that the rezoning of the area from the EP Zone to an A 1 Zone for a detached dwelling will not result in a negative impact to the natural features. The application complies with all other relevant provisions of the Zoning By-law. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered. Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with all three (3) priorities: it attracts new residents, provides recreational opportunities, and provides for balanced and healthy natural systems. Review of Accessibility Implications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. Servicing Comments: The lot is unserviced. The proposed single detached dwelling will be serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and individual well. In accordance with Section of the PPS, individual services may be used provided that site conditions are suitable for the long-term provision of such services with no negative impact. 48 Report PLAN2016-007 006-15-021 (MITOV) Page 6 of 7 Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to landowners within a 500 metre radius, plan~review agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. To date we have received the following comments: Agency Review Comments: The Building Division stated on November 9, 2015 that it has no concerns with respect to the application. The Engineering Division stated on November 23, 2015 that it has no comments or concerns with respect to the application. The Public Works- Water and Wastewater Division stated on November 24, 2015 that it has no comments with respect to the application. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) stated on November 24, 2015 that a site-specific update had been completed to the Cameron Lake No. 6 Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) Complex, and provided a copy of the updated wetland mapping. Hiawatha First Nation stated on November 25, 2015 that it has no concerns with respect to the application, but has requested to be notified if any further developments occur. Kawartha Region Conservation Authority stated on January 18, 2016 that the scoped Environmental Impact Study (EIS) has addressed any concerns relating to the proposed building site, but has not adequately evaluated the natural heritage impacts on the two sites to the north of the proposed building site. The Building Division stated on January 26, 2016 that it has no objection to this application, as the proposed on-site sewage disposal system has been accommodated within the proposed rezoning envelope. Development Services- Planning Division Comments: The appropriate background studies in support of the zoning by-law amendment application have been submitted and support the proposed change of land use. The application conforms to the Growth Plan and is consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. The application also conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. The rezoning will ensure the subject land complies with the Zoning By-law. All other zoning provisions within the Agricultural Zone will be maintained. Conclusion: The application conforms to the provincial policies concerning rural lands. The application also conforms to the Prime Agricultural designation and policies of the City's Official Plan. Staff support the application based on the information 49 Report PLAN2016-007 006-15-021 (MITOV) Page 7 of 7 contained in this report and the comments received as of January 25, 2015. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: Appendix 'A' - Location Map -,: PLAN2016-007 Appendix A. pdf Appendix 'B'- Revised Sketch for Zoning Amendment- dated January 26, 2016 -,: PLAN2016-007 Appendix 6. pdf Appendix 'C' -Aerial Photo -,: PLAN2016-007 Appendix C. pdf Appendix 'D'- MNRF Revised PSW Mapping- dated September 14, 2015 -,.: PLAN2016-007 Appendix D. pdf Appendix 'E'- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment -,: PLAN2016-007 Appendix E.pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1368 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1368 E-Mail: iwalker@city.kawarthalakes.on. ca Department Head: Chris Marshall, Director Department File: D06-15-021 50 Geographic Township of Fenelon APPENDIX n A ~ to REPORT eLAt-J201~- oo7 Lot 22 Q) FILE NO. c co -- DOb- l S - O~ l Bear Rd __J ~ ........., c :J 0 () Lot 21 (unopened road allowance) #837 Lot 20 #796 Con. 6 Concession 7 51 d - / rU(AatY!J- ~ IIUII!ng S!le ol l'lopoH<I ~ / ~ D :5 Lot22 -= 3.!! .. \ 0 ':;: Froml'ropooed Well !r-~ r;roposed nco J5.0 r- 30. - I J / soom" l •109m ~--------~----~------~ ... - -~ , Uplond Amoto 1><>RoZG11od / I .. ,'' -- _ ... , t Con 6 ~~ .. ___......,__ £1ne I -n m m Lot 20 Con 6 / l> :0 r I :5 ~ Lot21 ttl oll20 to Let ProposecS s~ DMII!II ...:: I Sept!. 8od _ (25m>c2llm • ~~ - 8 I =-\ "' J l~ ~en., :r 1 ~ i I 15m Radii.IS ~ Con 6 0 ""0 0 Lot2!E -I ~I '"'0 m z :0 Con ~ ""D '"'0 0 X = I V' I 1 ~~ Scala 1:750 - I' Scale 1:7 500 Detail ValeM Mltov Property Pert Lot 21 Concession 7 FenelOn Township Coneeptuel P1en I Zoning Sketch 52 Country Lane, geographic Township of Fenelon Road Centreline Property ROU# Lots and Concessions Citations 'Tl :0 m r m -u z 9 )> ...... 0 "lJ ""0 0 m --{ 0 X ::IJ ~ r z " l> ~ ~ ,, :r 0.61 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·Kilometers WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxihary_Sphere 0 City Of Kawartha Lal(es This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference onl y Dala layers tt\at lll)pear o n this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR LEGAL PUPOSES 53 c; c;:: ~ -J• ·0 Old Boundary New Boundary- September 14, 2015 -z )> 0 Wetland Significance Cl Provincial (PSW) D Other (Non-PSW) : ·: Unevaluated Wetlands Cameron Lake No. 6 City of Kowartha Lakes - Fenelon Gf!fJgrophic Township .. ~. hocl~ ttylol.tNW)'•Ifrl4otoii.. AKt~t$ Ml" forwc;tf'l,. So\oi\!Mfft ..,.""" o,.,.,... la11 • P•~•ftlor;.UQI'I Oi'-~t't ~P ~I.ITYh.Mll =~:':.r~=~r~"~~~r::• 2013 Air Ph oto - 1-MD I!ol Tl\"'i~·l'ltllliklllotC4"""~· · 111'f<oM N:<.t»t OIIOI.C.a Of iout!OII&. ~0!' • II 911ood• la!JJe ll'l~w.,to•tJ!4ovwet.,,...,_c• ~ t !Wmuat..,.,.,.~tlllti\M t.t,laft'l• ,. ProdoJcf-:1 ~~·aur'>tf)r:..II,~OlS 54 £?ontario D Q.u ttn's. Pnnter for O"catlo, 201 'S 0 ll'l'larlruur Ot I<~ 1\el,.t oout I'O"Uti~;~, :101'$ rn 0 X Watland Change Map Lots & Concessions Wet.. oda -Evaluated "lJ "lJ ~~ ~ fi>IJ~ 1>11 1)111VInDt qua U Itt til 1!- rndrqw, p...cid !ll•l\1 lu voitt ~~ I.e litur. nit s4ol'l ._"''' c~'"""• ~ u t.einltttte d~ RC"'~~S Nllo.ll t•• • t dn ~orOU 44 I'Unlf.,O tMRNf) ~ t ud,. !. ......,.,;•uon j\~·c!1ur:::,t':~~l'rr~r~~,i~~~~::::~,=~~ ou d lf h COI\ft-fl(t QUI nr•r~ 1111$~4111 Celie -a [J: Ma p c 8. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES £_. __ APPENDIX _"_ _ BY-LAW 2016 • to A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF FENELON ZONING BY-LAW NO. 12-95 TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File 006-15-021 . Report PLAN2016-007, respecting Part of Lot 21 , Concession 7, geographic Township of Fenelon, identified as 896 Country Lane- MITOV.] Recitals: 1. Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit the construction of a new detached dwelling on a portion of the subject land. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held . 4. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2016-_ . I Section 1:00 Zoning Details Property Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as Part of Lot 21 , Concession 7, geographic Township of Fenelon. City of Kawartha Lakes. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 12-95 of the Township of Fenelon is further amended to add the following section to Section 8.3: 8.3.19 AGRICULTURAL EXCEPTION NINETEEN (A1-19) ZONE Notwithstanding the permitted uses in Subsection 8.1.1, on land zoned "A1-19", the only permitted use shall be a single detached dwelling and accessory uses. 1.03 Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 12-95 of the Township of Fenelon is furth er amended to change the zone category from the Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Nineteen (A1-19) Zone for the land referred to as 'A1-19', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. I Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed , this"* day of""*, 20 16. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clerk 55 REPOR T PL.AtJ'2ol6 -o~l? FILE NO. Do6 - \S - 0~ \ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW THIS _ PASSED _ DAY OF _ _ _ _ 2016. MAYOR _ _ _ __ CITY CLERK _ _ _ __ I II Geographic Township of Fenelon Lot22 Bear Rd Q) c ro _J ~ +-' c -----;A1-19 ::s 0 () (unopened road allowance) Lot 20 Con. 6 Concession56 7 Lot 21
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